A Small Write Up On Working Experience at SLPP (Surat Lignite Power Project), GIPCL
A Small Write Up On Working Experience at SLPP (Surat Lignite Power Project), GIPCL
A Small Write Up On Working Experience at SLPP (Surat Lignite Power Project), GIPCL
The idea went well and GIPCLs Vadodara units are supplying the
quality power to surrounding major industries in a very
satisfactory manner.
After this success, after four years of observations for the plant
performance, the then MD of GIPCL thought for going for another
power projects in Gujarat with some different fuel. The thought
was supported by trail exploration for Lignite (bio Coal) in the
areas of Mangrol Taluka in Surat district. Here Lignite reserves
were found deposited in ample quantity and also it was estimated
that the quantity was sufficient to run total 500 MW capacity
power plants for 30 to 35 years.
The main plant (BTG) was supplied by M/s BHEL with help of
technical knowhow from LLB (Lurgi, Landhoff, Babcock).
Conventional boiler are having coal or lignite firing with this fuel
in pulverized or powdered form whereas the CFBC technology
requires Lignite in -20 mm2 size so mills are not required and
sized Lignite crushed by Primary and secondary crushers is
directly fed.
The team was very small and of only about 35 executives. This
team was looking after the following areas:
1. Main Plant
2. BOP
3. Lignite Mines
4. Intake pump house which was 12 Kms away from plant and
situated at village named Bodhan on the river banks of Tapi
1. LAQ
2. Statutory clearances.
3. Dealing with related government authorities for clearances
and permissions.
4. Resource management study and resource management
5. Review and check the engineering done by Tata Consultancy
Engineers, Bangalore.
6. Preparation of tenders for various packages (The different
areas were awarded with different packages and only BTG
was a single largest package).
7. Floating bids via Limited open or Global tenders as per the
estimated costing.
8. Bid evaluations including checking prequalification criteria of
received bids/vendors quoting the bids, Techno-commercial
meets and bringing all bids technically and commercially at
par. Further, final price negotiations etc..
9. Even maintaining BGs (Bank Guarantees) for EMD, PBG or
10. Execution supervision of contracts.
11. Commissioning activities.
12. Maintenance of the project after commissioning (Plant
13. Codifications of equipments and spares, preparing
maintenance planning (Using SAP and PERT modules),budget
preparation after estimating the annual requirement for
contractual man power, spares and consumables.
14. Finalizing AMCs and ARCs etc..
As almost all the areas were covered, every engineer became a
true project engineer. Also, due to continues interaction between
engineers of all the discipline, every engineer got basic know how
of Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, C&I and water chemistry (DM
Plant) etc.. Over and above these assignments, I got an additional
opportunity to complete the half done work of 200 kV D/c
Zagadia-SLPP (Mangrol) line.
The main consultant i.e. TCE and main vendor i.e. BHEL were also
very cooperative and the project work was going in all in smooth
manner. However, somewhat delay took place due mainly due to
delays in drawing and data approvals by consultants and also due
to delayed material deliveries by vendors. But such things are
common in such big projects and can be overcome to possible
extent by extra efforts and the same was done by our team.
Unit 1 was delayed for only around 4 to 5 months and unit 2 was
subsequently delayed for another four monhts. Being a
considerably new technology for India and that is too with highest
capacity of units with this technology in India, the stabilization
took a bit longer period than conventional technology power