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Date Teacher School Form Lesson Estimated Time Lesson Aims

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Teacher: Dragan Tatiana
School: Scoala Mihai Eminescu Floresti
Lesson: Personal hygiene/ Present Perfect Tense Simple
Estimated time:45 minutes
Lesson aims:
To practice how do we form present perfect tense simple
To put a verb into present perfect tense simple, positive, negative and interrogative forms
To form positive, negative and interrogative statements with present perfect tense simple
Teaching materials:
Type of lesson: lesson of acquisition
Gap filling exercises
Some didactic methods ( turul galeriei, ciorchinele )


Activity 1- Warm-up

The Teacher greets the class and the Students greet back. The Teacher asks for absentees.
The Students on duty name the absentees if necessary.

The interaction: Teacher-Students

Estimated time: 1 minute

Activity 2- Checking up the homework

The Teacher asks for homework. The students answer and say that their homework was exercise 2 on page 18 and
exercise 4 on page 19. The Teacher asks the Students to read the homework and the Students read the homework. The
Teacher asks the Students to write the homework on the blackboard if there are any problems with it. The Teacher
corrects and explains when necessary.

The interaction: Teacher-Students

Estimated time: 5 minutes

Activity 3- Introducing the new lesson. Completing a puzzle

The Teacher divides the class into four groups. Then the Teacher gives each group a piece of paper with a puzzle written
on it. The teacher tells the Students that it is a contest and they will have to complete the puzzle as fast as they can, so
that their group wins. Who finishes first wins. The students will receive a diploma for the fastest group of students. After
finishing the puzzle, one student from the winning group is asked to solve the puzzle at the blackboard.
Then after seeing the result of the puzzle the Teacher asks the Students how the new lesson is called.
The Students respond and the Teacher writes on the blackboard the title of the new lesson: Present Perfect Tense Simple.

The interaction: Teacher-Students

Estimated time: 5 minutes

Activity 4- Presenting the new lesson

The Teacher writes on the blackboard how do we form the Present Perfect Tense Simple at affirmative, negative and
interrogative forms, giving examples. The Students write the notes on their note books.
After that the Teacher writes on the blackboard the types of actions that Present Perfect Tense Simple is used for and
explains them to the Students, illustrating them with examples.
The Students write on their note books what the Teacher writes on the blackboardand listens to the explanations.

The interaction : Teacher- Students

Estimated Time: 15 minutes

Activity 5- Turul Galeriei

The Teacher divides the class into four groups. Then the Teacher gives each group a large piece of paper and a marker.
The Teacher tells each group to conjugate a certain verb into the Present Perfect Tense Simple ( affirmative, negative
and interrogative forms ).
The Teacher asks the students to work together and to help each other. After finishing, the Teacher asks the Students to
put their papers on the classrooms walls so that everybody could see them.
The Teacher tells the Students from each group to rotate and to visit each work and to make notes and to correct if it is
After doing that each group of Students goes to its work and observes the notes made by their colleagues.
This activity ends with conclusions.

The interaction: Teacher-Students

Estimated time: 10 minutes

Activity 6- Solving exercises- worksheet

Each Student is given a worksheet with some exercises in which they have to put the verbs into the Present Perfect
Tense Simple.
This activity is performed individually.
The Teacher tells the Students that they have to finish the activity during a certain period of time. After finishing the
Teacher asks four Students to be the Teachers and to correct their colleagues.
The Students who finish first will give their worksheets to the Teacher to correct them and after that they will correct
their colleagues and give them marks.

The interaction: Teacher-Students

Estimated time:10 minutes

Activity 7- The feed back of the lesson

The Teacher gives the Students a piece of paper, in the middle of which it is written in a circle: Have you ever
The Teacher does the same thing on the blackboard. The Teacher asks the Students about Present Perfect Tense Simple
and the animals they saw in their real life then tells them to write on the paper what comes to their mind. The ideas are
written on the blackboard and on their papers. The Teacher encourages the Students to express their ideas.

The interaction: Teacher-Students

Estimated time: 3 minutes

Activity 8- Assigning homework

The Teacher communicates the Students their homework: ex5,6,pag 79

Then the Teacher writes it on the blackboard and tells the Students to write it on their note books.

The interaction: Teacher-Students

Estimated time: 1 minute

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