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Macmillan English Teachers Guide Level 5

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The lesson discusses reading comprehension and continuing a mystery story.

The lesson is about teaching children to read a short story and continue writing the story.

The characters Daeng and Lek are fishermen who are trying to pull in their fishing net but it gets caught on something.


Lesson 1:
1: Reading
Reading UNIT

5 Teachers Guide samples


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Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010
Warm-up 6 Point out the first picture. Ask How does Was he usually frightened? no
Daeng look? Hear suggestions. Ask a (section 1, page 9) Who spoke to Daeng
Hold a short discussion about books. yesterday? the fortune-teller
Ask the class what kind of books they child to read the sentences next to the
What did the person tell him to do? be
like. If children are able to name picture. Do the same with the second
careful at sea
particular books, write some titles on picture. Tell the class they will find out
What did Daeng think might happen at
the board. the answers to some of these questions
sea? A storm, the boat might sink.
when they read the story.
(section 2) What did Daeng plan to do
Poster 1 7 Point out the vocabulary box. Explain

when they got the net in? go back Why?
1 Put up the poster. Read the title and the that these words are in the story. Ask He didnt feel well. He was worried.
first sentence. Ask What is a mystery? for meanings. Children use the What went wrong? The net got caught.
Hear some ideas. Children check in the dictionary pages. What did Lek think the problem might be?
dictionary pages (LB pp160165). Write a sea creature
Before reading
the correct definition on the board.
Explain quest: a search for something. Ask about the pictures (LB pp89): Reading practice
Is there any sign of danger in any of the

Teachers Guide samples

2 Read the second sentence and the See detailed notes on page 8.
question. Ask children if they have read
What is Daeng doing? How does he look?
any mystery stories. What were they After reading
What job is Lek doing?
called? 1 Ask the class to count the number of
Does he look worried? How does he look?
3 Read The characters; ask What are times these words appear in the text:
characters? Children should remember Shared reading worry, worried or worrying (6)
from Macmillan English 4: The people fear, frightened (5)
1 Play LC1 track 1. Children listen and
(sometimes animals) in a story or play. wrong (3)
Point out the pictures. Ask volunteers to 2 Ask What do these words make the reader
come forward and read the sentences. 2 Read sections to the class. Ask
4 Read The setting; ask What is the Children should be able to work out that
(page 8) What was the weather like on
setting? Children should remember from these words make the reader think that
the morning when the story begins? fine,
level 4: The place where a story something bad is going to happen. They
blue sky, calm
happens. Children look at their maps to create mystery.
What was it going to be like soon? rainy
find the Gulf of Thailand. 3 Ask Why does the writer use them so
5 Read the next sentence. Ask What part How was Daeng feeling? worried Why? often?
of speech is mysterious? Adjective. Ask He doesnt know. Note ideas on the board. Help children
What is the noun from mysterious? Did Daeng ever sail his boat in bad to understand that the writer wants the
Prompt/Elicit: mystery. weather? yes, often reader to feel that there is a mystery.

Lesson aim Reading a narrative story opening Key language present simple and present continuous tense
Lesson targets Children: Key structures Daeng is a fisherman in Thailand. He goes fishing every
learn about the text type: the beginning of a mystery story day.
follow the text and listen for pronunciation and intonation Materials Poster 1, LB pages 89, LC1 track 1
read aloud with accurate pronunciation and intonation Preparation Listen to LC1 track 1 before the lesson
understand the sense of the text as a whole and answer questions Time division
Key vocabulary engine, monsoon, fortune-teller; worried, bought, Warm Poster Before Shared reading Reading After
caught; perfect, rough, expensive -up reading practice reading

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UNIT 1 Lesson 1: Reading Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010
Lesson 2:
2: Comprehension;
Comprehension; Vocabulary
Vocabulary UNIT
Do Whats the word? with key words from Lesson 1.

Re-read The Quest (LB pp89).

Activity 1
1 Point out the first sentence beginning and answers.

2 Elicit the answer. Check with the class before children circle
the correct answer.
If necessary, children can check back to the text.
Answers: 1 a 2b 3a 4b 5b 6a

Activity 2
Questions 1, 3 and 4 require children to interpret the text. A

Teachers Guide samples

full answer may not be given at first. Ask other questions as
necessary to help the class to think and work out their answer.
Question 1: e.g. ask Does Daeng know why he is worried? As
well as being worried, how does he feel?
Question 3: e.g. ask Did Daeng sail his boat when the weather
was bad? What would the sea be like when the weather was bad?
Question 4: e.g. ask Did Daeng want to stay out in the boat? Why
not? Was he feeling happy? How was he feeling?
Example answers: 1 Daeng doesnt really know why he is
worried. He feels afraid, but he thinks there is no reason for
him to be afraid. 2 Lek thought that Daeng must be worried
about money. He bought the boat a few months ago and it was
expensive. 3 He sailed his boat when the seas were rough.
Daeng was not scared in bad weather. 4 He was feeling so
worried that he didnt want to go on fishing. He wanted to give
Lek a reason for going back. He might have been feeling a bit
Answers: 1 clear, blue 2 calm 3 perfect 4 good,
sick because he was so worried. 5 Childrens own ideas. Note
expensive 5 good, clever
them on the board and leave them for Extension.

Vocabulary Activity 2
Ask different children to read out the adjectives. Children write
Activity 1 opposites. They may use the thesaurus page (LB p166).
Children work in pairs and re-read sections of the text to find Answers: 1 rough 2 imperfect 3 naughty 4 stupid
the words. The first letter of each word is given to assist them. 5 cheap 6 ill
Check answers with the class. 18

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Pairs, groups or whole class: children decide what the net is
caught on. They answer these questions briefly. What is the
object? How did it get in the sea? Hear answers.

Practice Book
Page 2 Exercise 1: Tell children to re-read the passage at least
once before they attempt the task. They must match the

sentences to the events in the story then put them in order.
Answers: 4, 1, 6, 2, 8, 3, 7, 5
Exercise 2: Tell children they must describe what kind of
people the two characters are and what they do every day, not
what happened in the story. Answers can and should vary.
Example answers: 1 Daeng lives in Thailand. He is a fisherman

Teachers Guide samples

and he goes out in his boat every day. A boy called Lek helps
him. Daeng is brave and he often goes out in bad weather.
Recently he bought a new boat. It was expensive and Daeng
sometimes worries about money.
2 Lek helps Daeng a lot. He knows how to mend nets. He is a
good, obedient boy. He is clever and he learns fast. He
sometimes gets nervous and believes stories about dangerous
creatures in the sea.
Page 3 Check children understand the tasks before they start.
Answers: 1 line 1, expensive; line 2, perfect; line 3, calm, clear;
line 4, good; line 5, clever
21a 2b 3b 4b 5b

Lesson aim Comprehension and vocabulary

Lesson targets Children:
choose correct words to complete statements based on the
reading text
discuss and answer inferential questions about the story
find adjectives and opposites
think about the next event in the story
Key vocabulary words from Lesson 1
Materials LB page 10, PB pages 23
Preparation Choose words for Warm-up
Time division
Warm Re-reading Comprehension Vocabulary Extension Practice
-up Book

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UNIT 1 Lesson 2: Comprehension; Vocabulary Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010
Lesson 3:
3: Language
Language building
building UNIT
1 Write headings across the board: noun, collective noun and
proper noun. Along the bottom write, e.g. table, flock, London,
herd, Atlantic, poem.
2 Ask volunteers to write the words under the correct heading.

Language box
1 Ask a child to read the first sentence. Other children read the

2 Read the following sentences to the class. Children should
understand what thoughts and feelings are. Explain quality: a
characteristic of a person or thing. Activity 1 helps children to
understand what qualities are.
Ask a child to read Daengs bubble and another to read the

Teachers Guide samples

Activity 1
Children read out the nouns. They decide if they are nouns or
abstract nouns.
Remind them to ask themselves: Can you see, touch, hear, taste,
smell it? to help them decide if the thing is abstract or not.
Answers: 1 abstract noun 2 noun 3 abstract noun
4 noun 5 abstract noun

Activity 2
1 Ask a child to read the adjectives on the left. Ask another to
read the abstract nouns on the right.
2 Go through the adjectives. If you wish, ask questions to help
elicit answers:
1 What does a frightened person feel?
2 What does a kind person show to other people?
3 What does an angry person feel?
4 On a dangerous mountain, what problem is there?
5 If you are in dark place, what is around you?
Answers: 1 d 2a 3b 4e 5c


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Write sentences on the board. Children volunteer to underline
the abstract noun.
Use these sentences or any of your own:
The beauty of the butterfly surprised him.
The leopard ran with amazing speed.
Johns illness got worse in January.
The king had power over all the people.

He wore a crown to show his importance.
Because of her tiredness she couldnt finish her homework.

Practice Book
Prepare children by checking they understand the tasks. For
Exercise 3, encourage children to write sentences which make
the meaning of the word clear, e.g. I feel sadness. is a correct

Teachers Guide samples

sentence. I feel sadness when something sad happens. or We all
felt great sadness when my grandmother was ill. explains the
meaning of the word.
Answers: 1 1 Danger 2 Fear 3 darkness
2 1 kindness 2 anger 3 fear 4 Darkness 5 danger
3 Childrens own sentences.

Lesson aim Language building: abstract nouns Key vocabulary anger, danger, darkness, fear, goodness, happiness,
Lesson targets Children: kindness, sadness
recognise an abstract noun Materials LB page 11, PB page 4
match adjectives to abstract nouns Time division
categorise nouns and abstract nouns
Warm Language Language building activities Extension Practice
Key language abstract nouns and words from Lesson 1 -up box Book


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UNIT 1 Lesson 3: Language building Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010
Lesson 4:
4: Grammar
Grammar UNIT
Tell the class to close their eyes and listen. Say Listen to the sounds
inside and outside. What is happening? When they hear a sound they
keep their eyes shut and raise their hand. Ask different children
(Name of child) what is happening? Children say, e.g. Someone is
walking. A car is driving along the road, etc.

Grammar box

1 Read Bernies bubble. Ask who Daeng and Lek were.
2 Ask individuals to read the paragraphs.
3 Write headings: paragraph 1 paragraph 2
Ask What tense is mainly used in the first paragraph? present
continuous Write it under paragraph 1.
What tense is used in the second paragraph? present Write it under
paragraph 2.

Teachers Guide samples

Ask Which paragraph tells you what happens every day? the second
paragraph Write happens every day under paragraph 2.
Ask What does the first paragraph tell you? It tells us what is
happening now. Write happening now under paragraph 1.

Activity 1
Ask different children to read out the questions. Elicit answers.
Check with the class. Children write answers in their copy books.
Answers: 1 Daeng is sitting in his boat and he is mending his
nets. 2 Lek is helping Daeng. 3 Daeng and Lek are getting ready
to go fishing. 4 Daeng goes fishing every day. 5 Daeng and Lek
go fishing every morning.

Activity 2
1 Ask a child to read out the prompt words: sun shine, and a pair to
read the question/answer. Do the same with birds sing.
2 Elicit the queston/answer with the following prompt words. Do the same with Lek and Daeng mend the nets?
Answers: 1 Is a warm breeze blowing? Yes, it is. 2 Is Daeng 2 Continue in the same way with the following prompt words.
sitting in his boat? Yes, he is. 3 Is Daeng mending his boat? No, he Elicit the question and answer.
isnt. 4 Is Daeng helping Lek? No, he isnt. 5 Are Daeng and Lek
Answers: 1 Does Lek help Daeng every day? Yes, he does.
fishing? No, they arent. 6 Are they getting ready? Yes, they are.
2 Do they go out every morning? Yes, they do. 3 Do they
come back in the afternoon? Yes, they do. 4 Do they go
Activity 3 fishing at night? No, they dont. 5 Does Daeng work hard? Yes,
1 Ask a child to read out the prompt words: Daeng go fishing every he does. 6 Do Daeng and Lek catch many fish? Yes, they do.
1 day? and a pair to read the question and answer. 22

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Ask different children around the class: What do you do every
day after school? What do you do every weekend?

Practice Book
Prepare children by checking they understand the tasks. For
Exercise 4, explain that the questions help them write about

the two people. The example answer is a guide. Children may
express the same information differently.
Answers: 1 helps, is, catches, are fishing, is blowing, is
falling, are crashing
2 1 Do they work hard? 2 is he doing? 3 are they
sitting? 4 do they go fishing? 5 does he catch? 6 Is it
3 1 I do not like swimming. 2 The sun is not shining. 3 My

Teachers Guide samples

uncle does not live in Canada. 4 We do not always work
hard. 5 The children are not watching TV. 6 I am not reading
a good book.
Example answer: 5 Jenny is a nurse and she works in a
hospital from Tuesday to Saturday. She wears a (white) uniform
and a white cap. Today is Wednesday and Jenny is working. She
is wearing her uniform. She is looking after a little boy.
Toby is a chef and he works in a hotel from Monday to
Saturday. He wears a white uniform (and a white hat). Today is
Sunday and Toby is not working. He is not wearing his uniform.
He is driving a fast car and he looks happy.

Lesson aim Grammar: present continuous and present tenses

Lesson targets Children:
understand the correct use of the key tenses
answer questions about a short text using the key structures
form questions with present and present continuous tenses
practise short answers
Key vocabulary words from Lesson 1
Key language present continuous and present tenses, affirmative
and interrogative
Key structures Daeng is sitting in his boat. He goes fishing every day.
Materials LB page 12, PB pages 56
Time division

Warm Grammar box Grammar activities Extension Practice

-up Book

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UNIT 1 Lesson 4: Grammar Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010
Lesson 5:
5: Fluency
Fluency UNIT
Warm-up Shared listening
1 Give children a 1 Play FC Programme 1 all the way through without stopping.
minute or two to Children listen and follow.
look at pages 2, 2 Ask general questions about the adventure story:
3. Ask if they What are the names of the children? Tom, Lucy
recognise Who are they staying with? their aunt and uncle
anyone: they 3 Play the programme again. Children listen.
should recognise
4 Pause the track for children to answer the reporters questions.
Benni, a
presenter from 5 Stop the track for Squawk box. Children work in pairs/small

Fluency Book 4. groups. Go around listening while they speak.
Explain this is a 6 Continue the track. Pause in the puzzle for children to find
new series of Lets go! words if necessary.
Ask Who is going to present the new series with Benni? Elicit
7 Play the rest of the track without stopping.
Mel. How many Lets go! reporters are there? four
2 Ask one or more children to read out what is in the new series 8 Ask questions about the story.
(the words in shapes).

Teachers Guide samples

After listening
3 Play FC track 1. Ask What are the names of the Lets go!
reporters? 1 Ask the class about the reporters holidays: Which place looks
most fun? interesting? enjoyable? Which place would you/wouldnt
Before you choose? Why?
listening 2 The Brainteaser can be done in class or for homework.
1 (page 4) Ask Children should be able to find simple words, e.g. port, rope,
different children toes, pot, etc. They may also find, e.g. terror, store, etc.
to read out the 3 Word puzzle answers: camera, sandals, aeroplane, beach,
items in the suitcase, sunglasses
programme. Tell 4 The competition may be set for homework. Children find a
children to look photo at home and describe the scene.
for the items on
The photo need not be one taken on holiday. It could be taken
both pages.
on a family day out, or a special family event. If any children do
Ask What is the
not have photos, let them draw a picture of an event during the
adventure story called? Operation Butterfly
holidays and describe it.
Tell children to look at page 4. Ask What do you think the
programme is about this week?

Lesson aim Fluency Materials FB pages 25, FC Programme 1

Lesson targets Children: Preparation Listen to FC Programme 1 and look at the FB pages
listen to a short radio programme and follow the items in the FB before the lesson
talk about their holidays Time division
write about a holiday photo
Warm Before Shared listening Squawk box Puzzles, story, After listening
-up listening questions

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FB Programme 1 tapescript

Benni: Welcome to the first programme in the new Jodi: I went to Spain for my holidays. It was really Tom: I can see the forest.
series of Lets go! nice. You hear lots of music all the time. People love Lucy: Look! Theres the river!
Mel: Its going to be a great programme. dancing, too. I took lots of pictures of dancers. In this Tom: And theres the town!
Benni: The Lets go! reporters are back from their one they are wearing traditional dresses and they are Lucy: Great! Were nearly there.
holidays and theyve brought some brilliant photos to dancing to flamenco music. Voice: They arrive at the little airport and there are
show us. Benni: Wow, they look fantastic, dont they? And weve Uncle Theo and Aunt Jemima. Every year Tom and
Mel: So well be having a look at those and hearing got some flamenco music to play you. Just listen to Lucy come to visit their uncle and aunt.
some music from around the world. this. Uncle Theo: Tom! Lucy!
Benni: And weve got a puzzle, a brainteaser and the (flamenco music) Aunt Jemima: Hello, my darlings!
first Lets go! competition. Squirty person: Ol! Tom/Lucy: Hello!

Mel: Thats right. We want to hear all about your Jodi: Mmm! Those guitars remind me of my holiday. I Tom: Where are you going, Aunt Jemima?
holidays. More about that later on. loved Spain. I want to go back. Lucy: Why have you got a suitcase?
Benni: And dont forget well be starting an exciting Mel: Well, the reporters had great holidays, didnt they? Aunt Jemima: I have to go to the city. My sister is ill.
new story today. Its called Operation Butterfly. Can you remember? Heres a quick quiz. Lucy: Oh, what a shame!
Mel: Wow, that sounds great! Lets get on with the Ollie: Where was the man playing the bagpipes? Aunt Jemima: Yes, Im so sorry, but Uncle Theo can
programme, then. Jodi: Is flamenco music fast or slow? look after you. Now, while Im away, I want you to be
Benni: Here are Kim, Ollie, Zak and Jodi. Theyre going Kim: Where did I stay in Portugal? very good children especially you, Tom. Do you
to tell you about their holidays. What did you do, Kim? Zak: How did I go to Bangkok? promise?
Kim: I went to Portugal. We stayed in a little fishing Benni: Did you get all those? I hope so. Well now, its Tom/Lucy: Yes, we promise.
village. Ive got a photo here of the boats in the Over to you! Voice: So Aunt Jemima is flying off to the city. Lucy and

Teachers Guide samples

harbour. The fishermen go out in them every day. This Parrot 2: Its good to squawk! Tom are in Uncle Theos old 4 x 4. They are driving to
is my favourite photo. The suns shining and the Mel: Where did you go for your holiday? What did you his house on the edge of the rainforest.
colours are so bright. do? Talk to your friends. Voice: They arrive at Uncle Theos old house and go
Mel: Thats lovely. It looks gorgeous. Parrot 2: Squawk! inside. Uncle Theo is a scientist. He studies the
Squirty person: What pretty boats! Benni: Now its time for a puzzle. What are these animals in the rainforest and he is especially
Benni: Thanks, Kim. What about you, Ollie? words? interested in butterflies.
Ollie: I went to Scotland. The sun doesnt shine so Mel: 1 You take photos with this. Uncle Theo: Welcome back, children!
much there and its often wet, but we had a great Benni: 2 You wear these on your feet in the summer. Lucy: I love your house, Uncle Theo!
time. We saw lots of castles. Ive got a picture of one Mel: 3 You can travel a long way quickly in this. Tom: Why are all these things in the hall, Uncle Theo?
here. Benni: 4 A sandy place to sit by the sea. Lucy: Are you planning one of your trips?
Benni: Look at that! Its huge. Did you go inside it? Mel: 5 You put your clothes in this when you go on Uncle Theo: Yes. Im going into the rainforest tomorrow.
Ollie: Yes, we did. I took a photo of a man playing holiday. Its very important. Very important indeed. I must go
Scottish music inside the castle and I recorded this, Benni: 6 When the sun is very bright you wear these. there before the rains come.
too. Listen. Mel: Did you get those words? Clever you! Now try this Lucy: But what about us?
(bagpipes) brainteaser. How many words can you make from Tom: We cant stay here all alone.
Mel: Wow! Whats that? reporters? Have a go at that. Uncle Theo: Of course not. Youre coming with me!
Ollie: Its a Scottish musical instrument called the Benni: OK, now well tell you about our first Tom/Lucy: Really?
bagpipes. competition. Wed like you to choose one of your Lucy: The rainforest is a dangerous place. Im scared.
Benni: Amazing! Zak, what have you got for us? holiday photos and write about it. Who or what is in Tom: Well be fine. Uncle Theo will look after us.
Zak: Well, I was really lucky. I flew all the way to the picture? What is happening? Lucy: What about all those insects and spiders and
Bangkok in Thailand this summer. Mel: Send in your photos and your writing. crocodiles and ?
Mel: Ooh, how exciting. Have you got any pictures? (story music) Tom: Dont worry! Itll be an adventure!
Zak: Yes, Ive brought this picture. It shows a boat on Benni: Whats that music, Mel? Lucy: Yes I suppose youre right
the river. There are masses of boats in Thailand, big Mel: Well, Benni, that means its time for our new (story music)
ones and small ones. And some people live on their story. Its going to be really exciting and its called Mel: I wouldnt like to go into the rainforest with all
boats all the time. Operation Butterfly. Here it comes. those spiders and crocodiles I hope Lucy and Tom
Squirty person: Its a houseboat! (story music) are going to be OK.
Benni: I wonder what it is like to live on a boat all the Voice: A small plane is flying over the rainforest. Two Benni: Well, well find out next time. Till then, bye
time? children are on board: Lucy Blake and her brother, everyone!
Mel: Id like it! No cars and lorries! And Jodi, what Tom. Mel: Goodbye!
have you got to tell us about?


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UNIT 1 Lesson 5: Fluency Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010
Lesson 6:
6: Spelling,
Spelling, Reading
Reading for
for enrichment
enrichment UNIT
List all the abstract nouns from Activity 1 on page 11 on the
board. In pairs or groups, children list them in alphabetical

Spelling box
Play LC1 track 2. Children listen and follow. Say expense/

expensive. Children repeat. Check pronunciation.

Activity 1 Children write the words. Individuals and class

reads them aloud.

Activity 2 Children look up meanings in the dictionary

pages. Ask different children to read them out.

Teachers Guide samples

Activity 3 Children choose the best words from Activity 1 to
complete the sentences. Check answers with the class.
Answers: 1 massive 2 secretive 3 expensive 4 active

1 Do Look, write, check with the four words:
Write a word on the board. Children look.

Cover the word (with a piece of paper). Children write it.

Uncover it. Children check.
2 Ask the class to look at the four nouns in Activity 1 without the
suffix. Ask What kind of nouns are they? Abstract.

Practice Book
Prepare children by checking they understand the tasks.
Answers: 1 1 d 2 c 3 a 4b 21b 2c 3d 4a
3 Childrens own ideas. 26

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Reading for enrichment
1 Play LC1 track 3. Children listen and follow.
2 Ask children to read sections of the text. Encourage good
expression and intonation.
3 Ask questions to check understanding, e.g.
Why did Daeng reverse the boat?
Was the net heavy? Why?
What unusual object was in the net?

Where did Daeng see a picture of a plate?
What was special about it?
What does Daeng think might be in the water below them?

Children describe the wreck and the plate. If you wish, list
questions on the board to give them some ideas, e.g.

Teachers Guide samples

What was the name of the ship that was wrecked?
How many years ago was it wrecked?
What country did it come from? Where was it going to? Why?
How was it wrecked?
Who did the plate belong to?
Why was it on the ship?
Who made it? When? Where?
Children may wish to draw the ship and the plate.
This could also be done in groups with different children
drawing the ship and the plate on a large sheet of paper. Other
children write sentences to stick around the pictures.
Let as many groups or individuals as possible show or read out
their work to the class.

Lesson aim Spelling, Reading extension Target words suffix ive: expensive, massive, secretive, active
Lesson targets Children: Materials LB pages 13, 15; PB page 7; LC1 tracks 23
practise reading, spelling and writing target words in context Preparation Listen to LC1 tracks 23 before the lesson
understand the meanings of target words Time division
read and understand the continuation of a mystery story Warm Spelling Spelling activities Practice Reading for enrichment Project
imagine and describe items in the story -up box Book


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UNIT 1 Lesson 6: Spelling, Reading for enrichment Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010
Lesson 7:
1: Writing
Writing UNIT
Session 1: Class writing
Team word chain on the board: Team 1 says a word. Team 2
says a word beginning with the last letter of Team 1s word, etc.

Before writing
1 Read Penny Pens speech bubble to the class. Explain that the

class is going to continue the story using some different ideas.
2 Activity 1: Ask different children to read sentences 13.
3 Activity 2: Ask children to think what the object could be that
fits the description in sentence 3 of Activity 1. List ideas.
Discuss with the class which object is best. Children write the

Teachers Guide samples

Shared writing
1 Activity 3: Ask children to read out all the questions.
2 Go back to question 1. Ask for suggestions. Agree with the
class the best idea.
Note answers to the questions on one side of the board.
3 Continue with the other questions.
4 Help the class to make the notes into a paragraph. Remind the
class that question 5 asks for direct speech in two places.
5 Write the paragraph. Read it, or ask one or two individuals to
read it.
Ask if there is anything that can be improved.
Point out to the class any obvious improvements they have
missed, e.g. Are there enough adjectives and adverbs? Are the
verbs interesting? I think its something big and black, answered Daeng.
When final changes have been made, read or ask children to Lek began to feel frightened. Perhaps it was something
read the paragraph a final time. dangerous. Perhaps it was a sea creature.
(3) Suddenly, the net came out of the water. Daeng and Lek
Example writing: (The numbers in brackets indicate the
looked in the net. Daeng laughed. Lek saw a large, black shape.
prompt questions from the Language Book. The sentences are
Seaweed and small shells were growing on it.
examples of what could be written in answer to the questions.)
(4) (5) Daeng laughed again. Its an old ! he said.
(1) Daeng and Lek pulled hard together. The net was very Lek was disappointed. I thought it might be treasure, he said.
heavy. It was very difficult to pull but there was no one there to
help them. Slowly the net came out of the water. After writing
(2) (5) Its coming up! Daeng shouted. Pull harder.
Can you see what is in the net? asked Lek excitedly. In pairs, children write down what Daeng decides to do with
the object in the net. Hear all their ideas.

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Session 2: Practice Book writing
Play the Chain game: In the old wreck under the sea I found a

Preparation task (page 8)

1 Read or ask a child to read Penny Pens bubble.
2 Read the question for Exercise 1. Tell children they can write
their idea later.

4 Read the information for Exercise 2. Read out the notes.
Explain these are example ideas.
Tell children to read out the questions that follow. Explain they
must write their own notes for these questions.
4 Children should be able to complete this work independently. If
done in class time, go around helping and monitoring their

Teachers Guide samples

Writing task (page 9)
Children use their notes to help them continue the story. Make
sure they understand they only need to write the three
paragraphs they have notes for. The task is not to complete the
Remind children to re-read their work. They should make
improvements and check their punctuation.

After writing
Hear as many children as possible read different paragraphs.
Children make neat copies and put them in their Writing

Lesson aim Writing: continuing a story

Lesson targets Children:
decide on a key fact in the narrative
make notes from given questions Key writing features: continuing a story
use notes to write three paragraphs continuing the story Look for these features in assessing the task:
Materials LB page 14, PB pages 89
the narrative is written in a logical sequence
Time division
the narrative tells the reader what is in the net
Warm Before writing Shared writing After
-up Preparation task Writing task writing the story tells the reader what the characters do
the story contains direct speech. 29

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UNIT 1 Lesson 7: Writing Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010

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