and z
Husbandry, health
and production
Rabbits reared with techniques adapted
to specific environments can do much to
improve the family diet of many of the
neediest rural families, at the same time
supplying a regular source of income.
Husbandry, health
and production
(new revised version)
F. Lebas
Agricultural Engineer
P. Coudert
Veterinary Surgeon
H. de Rochambeau
Agricultural Engineer
R.G. Thbault
Engineer (INRA)
Lebas, F.
The rabbit: husbandry, health and production
(new revised version)
ISBN 92-5-103441-9
0 FAO 1997
Despite considerable progress in food production in the last 30 years, 800 million
people in the world are still undernourished. This is not only because of food
deficits and inadequate distribution: the incomes of the poorest are too small to
allow them to procure wholesome food in sufficient quantities.
Livestock production is a major component of farm economies in developing
countries, contributing not only food but also hides, fibres, fertilizer and fuel, as
well as a modest, interest-producing capital which can easily be mobilized when
unforeseen needs arise. In addition, livestock, whether large or small, are part of the
social and cultural reality of several million srnall farmers, for whom husbandry
represents an element of economic stability and sustainability. Both human and
livestock populations have grown considerably in the last 30 years, but the rates in
developed and developing countries are not comparable. Whereas the global human
population has risen by 75 percent since 1960, in the developing countries the rate
of increase was 97 percent and in the industrialized countries 28 percent. All species
of livestock populations increased, but monogastrics (pigs and poultry) much more
than ruminants.
Small-animal husbandry can be a very lucrative operation for both landed and
landless small farmers; providing work for women, children and the handicapped
(the least privileged social strata), producing substantial income and helping to
upgrade the family diet. Many small domesticated species (guinea-pigs, capybara,
cane rats, etc.) meet these objectives, but rabbit husbandry is far more prevalent,
particularly in the Mediterranean area. Certain traditional rabbit production systems
particularly adapted to hot, dry, semi-arid countries have been successfully
Backyard rabbitries are particularly well suited to small farmers, whether they
own land or not. The advantages are closely related to the reproductive and feeding
behaviour of rabbits and the fact that the species is both profitable and easy to
as a small monogastric herbivore, the rabbit easily accommodates a fairly
wide range of cellulose-rich foods;
it is adaptable to the family diet and food preservation techniques available
on small rural and peri-urban farms;
it is highly prod.uctive in terms of offspring (kg /year dam) thanks Lo
mating-induced ovulation, short gestation and lactation periods and great
it produces highly nutritious, low-fat, low-cholesterol meat;
it is easy to transport and market and the recurrent costs for maintaining
animals beyond the optimum marketing age are low;
labour costs are low and the work can be done by family members: women
and children, or perhaps aged or handicapped people, usually the most
vulnerable and least privileged social strata, for whom rabbit husbandry,
long been out of print. An update thus became imperative in light of the major new
developments and progress in rabbit husbandry in the last ten years. Publication of
the handbook, delayed for many months, coincided with the Sixth World Rabbit
Congress held in Toulouse from 8 to 12 July 1996. This meeting reported on the latest
and best rabbit technologies, as well as those which can contribute effectively to
food self-sufficiency in low-income food-deficit countries through sustainable pro-
duction models.
FAO is indebted to the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA)
team under the leadership of Franqois Lebas for their contribution to this edition,
their fine work and the many concrete instances of fruitful, joint collaboration
over the last few years.
R.D. Branckaert
Livestock Production Specialist
Animal Production Service
Animal Production and Health Division
Chapter 1
Historical background 1
World production 5
International trade 10
Rabbit meat quality 13
Chapter 2
Anatomy and physiology 19
Feeding behaviour 22
Nutritional needs 28
Feeding systems 36
Chapter 3
Anatomy of the genitals 45
Reproduction physiology 45
Reproduction and environment 54
Rates of reproduction 55
Chapter 4
Introduction 61
Genetics of rabbit breeds and populations 61
Genetics of breeding characters 71
Genetic improvement: selection and crossing 81
Conclusions 92
Chapter 5
Introduction 95
Appearance and development of diseases 95
Intestinal diseases 97
Respiratory diseases 111
Other disorders of the rabbit 114
Zoonoses 118
Trypanosomiasis 119
Chapter 6
Biological considerations 125
Rabbitry equipment 130
Buildings 141
Unconventional housing 144
Uses for waste 146
Chapter 7
The production cycle 149
Handling rabbits 153
Organizing and managing a rabbitry 154
Some production targets 161
Chapter 8
Rabbit skins: a by-product of meat 165
Production of quality furs 167
Collection, preservation and storage of pelts 169
Curing and glossing 170
Conclusions on fur production 171
Angora 172
Angora: characteristics 172
Raising Angora rabbits 174
Sources of variation in angora hair production 177
Prospects for angora wool production 178
Chapter 9
The Mexican "family packages" programme 181
The situation in 1993 194
A development programme using rabbits 195
Table 1
Average performance of different animal species and energy cost of
proteins they produce 2
Table 2
Production trends in France from 1950 to 1990 in the most
productive rabbitries 4
Table 3
Major rabbit-producing countries in 1990 5
Table 4
Estimated annual consumption of rabbit meat by country 8
Table 5
Major rabbbit meat importing and exporting countries 11
Table 6
Slaughter yields of different rabbit breeds and crosses at 10 to 12 weeks,
in Belgium 13
Table 7
Slaughter yield of New Zealand Whites, by age 14
Table 8
Effect of feed type on slaughter yield: role of supplementary bulk feed 14
Table 9
Impact of balanced feed on slaughter yield of Fauve de Bourgogne rabbits 14
Table 10
Meat composition of different animal species 15
Table 1 1
Proportion of the principal fatty acids in fat deposits of different
animal species 15
Table 12
Changes in hindleg rnuscle tissue composition in New Zealand VVhites,
according to age 16
Table 13
Water losses from grilling rabbit meat, according to age and fat content 16
Table 14
Composition of hard and soft faeces: averages and range for ten
different feeds 22
Table 15
Intake and excretion of dry matter by growing rabbits eating isonitrogenous
feeds containing two levels of straw in place of maize starch 22
Table 16
Chemical composition of different raw materials suitable for feeding rabbits 23
Table 17
Changing feed habits of nine New Zealand White male rabbits aged
from 6 to 18 weeks, given water and balanced feed ad lib in a room
kept at 20+1C 24
Table 18
Changing feed and water intakes of growing rabbits in
changing temperatures 27
Table 19
Impact of ambient temperature on intake and excretion ratios in
adult rabbits 27
Table 20
Impact of drinking-water salinity on rabbit growth performance 27
Table 21
Feed intake and growth of New Zealand White rabbits aged between
five and nine weeks, receiving ad lib a concentrated feed rich or poor in
fibre, with and without wheat-straw pellets 5 mm in diameter 28
Table 22
Recommended chemical composition of feeds for intensively reared
rabbits of different categories 30
Table 23
Decline in performance at levels of protein or selected essential amino acids
in the feed below recommended values, and minimum acceptable levels 33
Table 24
Recommended limits for the incorporation of various minerals, vitamins
and selected amino acids in rabbit feed 35
Table 25
Influence of pellet diameter on growth of Californian rabbits aged from
5 to 12 weeks 36
Table 26
Effect of presentation of feed on growth of young rabbits, according
to various authors 36
Table 27
Average composition of cow's and rabbit's milk 55
Table 28
Characteristics of selected INRA experimental strains 67
Table 29
Performance of females of three genetic types in Guadeloupe rabbitries 68
Table 30
Average breeding parameters of four breeds raised at the Irapuato
National Rabbit Breeding Centre, Mexico 68
Table 31
Litter size observations in Cuba for four rabbit breeds 68
Table 32
Summary of selected breed comparisons for individual weight at weaning,
individual weight at x weeks, litter size at birth and at weaning 70
Table 33
Litter size components in three experimental INRA strains 71
Table 34
Litter size components in a sample of 233 V-strain females at the
University of Valencia 71
Table 35
Variability in weights of young rabbits from 28 to 78 days, and carcass
weights, for two breeds 72
Table 36
Average live weight at 84 days, carcass weight, muscle weight/bone
weight ratio, weight of fatty tissue in carcass, for three breeds 72
Table 37
Birth-weaning viability of young rabbits by litter size at birth 74
x i
Table 38
Comparison of three reproduction rates 75
Table 39
Allometric coefficients of the main organs and tissues and indication of
critical body weights (less digestive content) observed in male rabbits 76
Table 40
Average female performances in nine genotypes: litter size components
measured at different stages 80
Table 41
Genetic parameters of litter size measured at different stages between
ovulation and weaning 80
Table 42
Adult live weight of four breeds in a Cuban cross-breeding
experiment, 1969 to 1971 82
Table 43
Distribution of the effects of direct and maternal heterosis in a series
of cross-breeding experiments in Egypt 82
Table 44
Four selection techniques compared for effectiveness 86
Table 45
Findings of specific selection experiments on rabbits 87
Table 46
Formation of reproduction groups based on family origin 88
Table 47
A four-strain cross-breeding experiment 90
Table 48
Comparative pathogenic strengths of different intestinal coccidia of
the rabbit 101
Table 49
Exportation of heat, rectal temperature and ear temperature in adult
New Zealand White rabbits, according to ambient temperature 128
Table 50
Ventilation standards in France for enclosed rabbitries 130
Table 51
Brightness of various types of lighting 132
Table 52
Cage sizes for breeding animals in France 134
Table 53
Influence of animal density on fattening rabbits 134
Table 54
Average composition of excrement collected under wire-mesh cages
of rabbits receiving balanced concentrates 147
Table 55
Quantities and composition of excrement produced by different categories
of rabbit 147
Table 56
Example of weekly work plan 161
Table 57
Annual production performance in France from 1983 to 1992 in rabbitries
monitored under technico-economic management 162
Table 58
Cost schedules in French production units as a percentage of
annual turnover: averages and values for the upper and lower thirds of
rabbitries classified by doe productivity 163
Table 59
Influence of various factors on income of a French production unit 163
Figure 1
Estimate of annual production of rabbit carcasses in different countries 6
Figure 2
The digestive system of the rabbit 20
Figure 3
Hourly distribution of daily intake of water and balanced pelleted feed
of a 12-week-old rabbit over a period of 24 hours 25
Figure 4
Changing intake of balanced concentrate feed in a doe during gestation
and lactation 26
Figure 5
Role of fibre intake in the health of fattening rabbits 34
Figure 6
Weight-gain trends in New Zealand White rabbits aged from 6 to
14 weeks in relation to intake of balanced feed 41
Figure 7
Genital apparatus of male rabbit 46
Figure 8
Genital apparatus of female rabbit 47
Figure 9
Sexual behaviour and duration of oestrus in five pubescent nulliparous does 49
Figure 10
Mating acceptance trends in gestating does 50
Figure 11
Onset of ovulation following coitus 51
Figure 12
Changing weights of foetus and embryonic membranes during gestation 52
Figure 13
Pattern of milk production in does 56
Figure 14
Changing live weights of young does aged fro 37 to 112 days reared in
different temperatures 57
Figure 15
Seasonal variation in percentage of gestating and or lactating wild does
in the United Kingdom 58
Figure 16
Distribution of gestation, lactation and resting periods in does used at
different rates of reproduction 60
Figure 17
Respective genetic roles of male and female rabbits in determining litter
size at weaning 73
Figure 18
Heritability and genetic correlation of production characters in rabbits 77
Figure 19
Constitution of generation n + 1 groups, the progeny of n generation
breeding groups 89
Figure 20
Pyramidal scheme for creating and disseminating genetic progress in rabbits 92
Figure 21
Use of different strains in a pyramidal scheme 93
Figure 22
The clinical evolution of coccidiosis 103
Figure 23
Development of coccidiosis 105
Figure 24
Effect of air speed and temperature on health of rabbits 131
Figure 25
Estimating air flow with a candle flarne 131
Figure 26
Examples of correct and incorrect cage assembly, fostering good
hygiene and resistance 135
Figure 27
Swinging rear wall in concrete hutch for waste removal 136
Figure 28
Four systems for using wire cages 137
Figure 29
Inverted water-bottle drinker 138
Figure 30
Automatic drinkers 139
Figure 31
Drinker made from a nipple in plastic bottle and clay drinker used
as inverted water bottle 139
Figure 32
Feed hopper 140
Figure 33
Design for a nest box 141
Figure 34
Outdoor wooden cage 143
Figure 35
Wire-mesh cages under a common roof 143
Figure 36
Rational enclosure for rabbitries 145
Figure 37
Two-zone cage: wire-mesh and underground 146
Figure 38
Production cycle of the domestic rabbit 150
Figure 39
Castration of young male rabbit 154
Figure 40
Correct way to pick up a rabbit 155
Figure 41
Holding a young rabbit head down 155
Figure 42
Carrying a large rabbit, supporting its hindquarters 156
Figure 43
Technique of carrying a rabbit on the forearm 156
Figure 44
Using a clipper with movable numbers to tattoo the identification
number on a rabbit's ear 157
Figure 45
Example of a doe card 158
Figure 46
Example of a buck card 159
Figure 47
Diagram of planning pigeonholes 160
Figure 48
Skinning a rabbit 170
Figure 49
Correct way to dry rabbit pelts 171
Figure 50
Comparative growth of hair types in Angora and common rabbits 175
Figure 51
Example of leaflet circulated in Mexico for the promotion of rabbit
production 187
Figure 52
Example of worksheet used for selecting does according to numerical
productivity 191
Figure 53
Example of cross-breeding based on three genetic types at Irapuato 192
Figure 54
Global analysis of a development programme using rabbits 197
Colour plates
(inserted after page 124)
Bouscat Giant White rabbit
French Belier rabbit
Californian rabbit
Dutch Belted rabbit
French Giant Papillon rabbit
Vienna Blue rabbit
Flemish Giant rabbit
Creole (Guadeloupe) rabbits
A "family package" of bucks and breeding does supplied by a Mexican programme
Wooden hutches with mesh floors arranged in a two-storey system (Guadeloupe)
Open drinkers supplied semi-automatically from a fitted bucket (Guadeloupe)
Fattening cages built entirely in wire mesh, placed outside in superimposed rows
Cages arranged in a plastic greenhouse, protected with a reed lattice (France)
Exterior of the same greenhouse, photographed in winter
Fattening cages for rabbits in a greenhouse with a makeshift floor
Italian system for arrangement of fattening cages
Mesh cages arranged by the Californian system (France)
Breeding cages with forward nest box in a modern French rabbitry
Cages for the collection and transport of rabbits to the abattoir (Hungary)
Plastic cages for trucking rabbits from the rabbitry to the abattoir
Rabbitry in Cameroon. Recycling cages for laying hens in a semi-Californian
Health-care room at the Solamb Demonstration Centre, Yaounde, Cameroon
Rabbitry with semi-underground cages: overall view
Rabbitry with semi-underground cages: unit
Faeces from rabbits receiving feed with a normal proportion of roughage, slightly
deficient and deficient in roughage but without diarrhoea
Chapter 1
in oducfion and background
Average performance of different animal species and energy cost of proteins they produce
No. of young Live weight Live Slaughter Daily weight Fat content Food kcal
per breeding of breeding weight at yield increase of carcass per g of
female per female slaughter (%) (%) usable
year (kg) (kg) (g) glkhW a75 protein
Note: Performance levels noted by Dickerson for each species are not peaks, but fall within the easy range of most breeders.
* Theoretical calculation for beef production of a dairy cattle breed, arbitrarily assigning total reproduction and maintenance
costs of adult animals to milk production, retaining only feed portion consumed by slaughter animal, i.e. 43.6 percent of total
energy expenditure.
Source: Dickerson, 1978.
During the sixteenth century breeding with hay, beetroots and even grains, often
seems to have spread across France, Italy, from stocks intended for large livestock.
Flanders and England. In 1595, Agricola Rabbits were kept in the backyard, with the
mentioned the existence of grey-brown poultry. Reproduction was extensive (two
(wild), white, black, piebald (black and or three litters a year).
white) and ash-grey rabbits. In 1606, From that time on there is frequent men-
Olivier de Serres classified three types of tion of the fur as a by-product (the breed
rabbit: the wild rabbit, the semi-wild or now called Argent de Champagne was
"warren" rabbit raised inside walls or described as "rich"), and the already long-
ditches, and the domesticated or hutch- existing Angora mutant was recorded.
bred rabbit. The meat of the last is de-
scribed as insipid and that of the wild or From backyard to rational production
semi-wild type as delicate. Beginning in the late nineteenth century
At the beginning of the nineteenth cen- and picking up speed in the twentieth,
tury, after the abolition of seigneurial privi- hutch rearing led to a rabbit population
leges, rabbit rearing in hutches sprang up all explosion made possible by the selection,
over rural western Europe and also in city protection and multiplication of breeds and
suburbs. European colonial expansion saw mutants unadapted to the wild. Breeders
the introduction of the rabbit in many coun- formed associations. Breeding techniques
tries where it was unknown, such as Austra- were rationalized and hutch hygiene im-
lia and New Zealand. proved.
In Europe, breeders usually had a few Breeding standards were laid down: each
does and a stock of fattening animals, from adult breeding animal was raised in a sepa-
which they took according to their needs, rate hutch because rabbits kept in a con-
as from a larder. The animals were fed fined space became aggressive. Young rab-
mainly on green forage picked daily. In bits for fattening were left together, but in
winter the breeders supplemented forage this case the males were castrated. Feeding
The rabbit
was the sarne as in the previous century, proved as to obviate the danger of abortion
green fodder and grains, but the first feed- in lactating pregnant does through malnu-
ing trials produced certain guidelines. The trition.
Second World War saw the extensive de- At the same time carne the explosion of
velopment of rabbit production through- the New Zealand White rabbit and its off-
out Europe and Japan to cope with meat shoot, the Californian rabbit. The tradi-
shortages. Under these demandin.g con.di- tional European breeds (Fauve de
lions, rabbits demonstrated their highly Bourgogne, Argent de Champagne,
efficient feed-conversion capacity. French Belier) underwent a regression. As
In the 1950s, production slumped in adults it is difficult for these breeds to live
Japan and the northern European coun- on the mesh floors of the cages the pads of
tries as other meats with more flavour be- their paws not being adapted like those of
came available, such as frozen beef from the New Zealand White and Californian
the Southern Hemisphere. But in the Latin rabbits.
countries of Europe where people know French and Italian breeders worked to
how to cook rabbit, particularly in France, improve substantially the first New Zealand
rabbits were still produced. In the late 1950s, White and Californian rabbits imported from
New Zealand rabbits, wire-mesh cages and the United States. In France, the two breeds
balanced pelleted feeds were all introduced were combined to produce specialized hy-
into France and Italy from the United States. brid strains according to the design con-
At the same time, diseases hitherto un- ceived by the French National Institute for
known and apparently linked with the new Agricultural Research (INRA). In the
production techniques (mucoid enteritis late 1970s, these strains crossed the French
and respiratory ailments) appeared and border to Italy, Spain, Belgium and the
others disappeared (cenuriasis) or tapered Federal Republic of Germany where, in
off (cocci diosis). large commercial production units, they
These new techniques, originally better tended to supplant the traditional breeds.
adapted to the climate of California than to Other hybrid strains were produced at the
that of northern Italy or France, demanded same time, especially in Hungary and the
many modifications in production which United Kingdom, but in almost every case
were often discovered by trial and error. the new strains were bred from these original
The hutches especially, which had always two breeds.
been kept outside, were put in closed build- Traditional varicoloured rabbits have
ings. Ventilation and lighting problems had been gradually replaced by white rabbits.
to be solved. This is having a considerable impact on the
The time spent on cleaning cages and col- market for skins. Before the 1970s, furriers
lecting food was reduced abruptly. This freed tended to favour the easy-to-dye white
breeders to spend:more time on the animals skins. Today the reverse is true white
themselves. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, skins are too common. At the same time,
the work of authors such as Prud'hon et al. improved production techniques have low-
(1969) led to a sharp drop in weaning age, ered the slaughter age of rabbits in Europe
from eight to four weeks. Postkindling which has reduced the value of the fur. The
matings 'replaced postweaning matings. hair of the skins is "loose" because the
Breeders were able to put into practice animals are too young.
Hammon.d and Marshall's early observa- Production trends in France since the
tions (1925) about postkindling fertilization 1950s are given in Table 2. Industrial rabbit
of does because feeds were so much im- production (specialists prefer the word
4 Introduction and background
Production trends in France from 1950 to 1990 in the most productive rabbitries
Concentrate feed
necessary to produce
1 kg live rabbit (kg) 6 4.5 3.6 3.3
Percentage of investment
in retail price of rabbit (%) <3 5-8 12-15 18-20 18-20
Indonesia 50 Romania 16
Nigeria 50 Mexico 15
Germany 30 Brazil 12
Czechoslovakia (former) 30
20 to 99
5 to 19
1 to 4.9
Less than 1
Countries producing 100 000 tonnes or more Countries producing 1 000 to 4 900 tonnes
China Albania
CIS (former USSR) Angola
France Argentina
Italy Bangladesh
Spain Bolivia
Countries producing 20 000 to 99 000 tonnes Burundi
Belgium Callada
Czech Republic Chile
Germany C6te d'Ivoire
Hungary Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Indonesia Democratic Republic of the Congo
Morocco (former Zaire)
Nigeria Ecuador
Poland Estonia
Portugal Ireland
United States of America Japan
Countries producing 5 000 to 19 000 tonnes Kenya
Algeria Latvia
Brazil Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Colombia Lithuania
Denmark Malta
Egypt Mozambique
Ghana Myanmar
Greece Nepal
India Pakistan
Malaysia Peru
Mexico Puerto Rico
Netherlands Republic of Korea
Philippines Rwanda
Romania South Africa
Slovakia Sudan
Sri Lanka Switzerland
Thailand Syrian Arab Republic
United Kingdom Tunisi a
Venezuela Turkey
Viet Nam Uruguay
Yugoslavia (former) Zambia
Estimated annual consumption of rabbit meat by country
(in kg per inhabitant)
Country Weight Country Weight
Thailand 0.31
Global production rose from roughly them, supplied an appreciable share of the
120 000 tonnes in about 1975 to nearly rabbits marketed. During the same period
300 000 tonnes in 1990. many newly established rational units of 50
The situation in France is somewhat dif- to 500 did not only close the small-scale
ferent. Output stabilized at about 275 000 producer gap, but also managed to increase
tonnes a year from 1965 to 1972, then slumped slightly the ton_nage of rabbits marketed,
abruptly and now stands at roughly 150 000 which rose from 80000 to 90000 tonnes in the
tonnes. This situation is in line with the rapid years 1960 to 1965 to 100 000-110 000 tonnes
drop in the number of veiy small producers at present. A considerable research effort
who consumed much of their own produc- aimed at improving production techniques
tion but who, because there were so many of was responsible for this increase.
The rabbit 9
The rabbits are often small local breeds to be spread throughout China, but rather
descended from animals imported some concentrated in certain villages. This en-
tens or hundreds of years ago. However, ables better support facilities and facili-
notable efforts have been made in Cuba to tates the marketing of a product which
develop improved breeds and use more remains, in principle, traditional. In other
intensive production methods. In Chinese provinces, such as Szechuan, there
Guadeloupe and Martinique in the French is substantial production of meat rabbits
Antilles, intensive commercial production intended primarily for local consumption.
in small units of 25 to 100 does has grown Part is, in any case, collected for export to
side by side with traditional production in hard-currency countries.
the last decade. This development is based
on animals and concentrate feeds imported Africa
from France or produced locally. Perform- There is a tradition of rabbit production in
ance is good: does produce 30 to 40 young the five Mediterranean countries of Africa.
a year and these are sold at 2.2 to 2.4 kg at Per caput production varies from Egypt's
about 80 days. 0.27 kg to Morocco's nearly 0.78 kg. The
In South America the biggest producers traditional produclion systems in the south-
are Brazil and Uruguay, in large commer- ern parts of these regions feature an origi-
cial units with thousands of breeding nal habitat where rabbits are group-reared
females. The animals, generally raised ex- in burrows dug into the earth.
tensively, are fed locally manufactured In sub-Saharan Africa, the two main pro-
balanced concentrate feeds. ducers are Nigeria and Ghana and to a
lesser extent the Democratic Republic of
Asia the Congo, Cameroon, COste d'Ivoire and
Rabbit production does not seem to have Benin.
truly developed in Asia except in Indone- There is commercial production in these
sia and, particularly, China. The Philip- countries, but most rabbitries are family-
pines, Malaysia, Thailand, Viet Nam and owned, with part of the output for market
the Republic of Korea also produce a small The national rabbit production develop-
amount of rabbits. No official statistics are ment programme in Ghana, for example,
published in China on the production and proposes a system where smallfamily units
consumption of rabbit meat and it is diffi- keep only three to six breeding animals, so
cult to approach the question of production they can be fed on local products - forage,
in a country of a thousand milli.on inhabit- cassava, etc. - and produce surplus ani-
ants without official statistics. However, it mals for sale.
does appear that rabbits for export (mainly
to Europe) come from the nearly 20 million INTERNATIONAL TRADE
Angora rabbits produced. They are usually The rabbit meat market
slaughtered very young, after the second Few countries are involved in the interna-
or third clipping at most. Production is tional trade: the annual trade figure is over
mixed: angora wool plus meat. Thus, 1 000 tonnes of carcass equivalent. Only
financially, meat appears to be the by- nine countries are exporters, only six are
product and angora wool the main importers and eight are both.
product, fetching 55 to 70 percent of the The actual volume of international trade
return for each animal. The animals are is quite small: 6 or 7 percent of world out-
fed forage and a little grain and grain by- put according to the data source in Table 5.
products. Production units do not appear A total of 23 countries account for 95 per-
The rabbit 11
Major rabbit meat importing and exporting countries
(in millions of tonnes of carcass equivalent per year)
cent of the international trade (imports and tonnes). It is difficult to get a clear idea of
exports alike), implying that rabbit meat Chinese exports for two reasons. First of all,
production is generally for domestic con- interannual fluctuations in the volume of
sumption. trade are great: Chinese exports to France in
The two biggest exporting countries are 1989 were 9 400 tonnes, but only 2 500 in
China (40 000 tonnes) and Hungary (23 700 1991. This is partly because of true produc-
12 Introduction and background
tion fluctuations in China, e.g. resulting from Kingdom import from China and the East-
the VHD epidemic, and partly because of ern European countries, while exporting
storage potential and carryover, as Chinese part of their own output to France. In a
rabbit meat is almost exclusively sold fro- similar vein, the United States imports from
zen. The second reason is that China some- China and exports to Canada. China ex-
times exports directly to developing coun- ports all rabbit meat in frozen form, whereas
tries, making it very difficult to gather data. the Eastern European countries export
In Hungary, all output is aimed at the mainly fresh meat. Some live rabbits are
export market: less than 5 percent is for also exported from the Netherlands to
domestic consumption. Hungary is an ex- France or from the former Yugoslavian
ception here: only Croatia is near with 50 countries of Slovenia and Croatia to Italy.
percent of the national output exported.
The main buyers in order of importance The market for rabbit skins
are Italy, Belgium, France and a few other Data on skin marketing are much scantier
Western European countries: the United than for rabbit meat. France appears to be
Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands and the main producer of raw skins, but the
Switzerland. Other Eastern European coun- practice of reimportation after partial treat-
tries also supply the above: the Czech Re- ment rather complicates the figures. France
public and Slovakia with 3 000 tonnes, uses 56 percent of the skins it produces,
Poland with 6 000 tonnes, Romania with about 70 million.
1 000 tonnes, and the former Yugoslavian About 60 percent of these are poor-qual-
countries of Croatia and Serbia. ity skins from which only the hair is recov-
The biggest importer in absolute terms is ered (12 to 20 percent of dry pelt weight).
Italy, also apparently the prime consumer. The best-quality skins are used after tan-
The major Italian suppliers are Hungary, ning for garments (5 to 8 percent) and lin-
China, former Yugoslavia and sometimes ings, gloves and so on.
Romania and Poland. Belgium is second, Most other producers also market rabbit
but with very strong export flows. France is skins but the CIS and Poland, for example,
the third importer in terms of quantity, im- apparently make domestic use of all the
porting from 4 000 to 12 000 tonnes depend- skins they produce. Australia must be con-
ing on the year, mainly from the same sup- sidered a producer, as it exports the skins of
pliers as Italy, but with China in first place. wild rabbits killed in extermination cam-
Imports for national consumption are paigns (small skins).
largest in Switzerland with about 60 per- The main importers of raw skins are de-
cent, which is partially explained by the veloping countries such as the Republic of
very strict legislation on the conditions for Korea and the Philippines, with the low-
production, resulting from the influence of cost labour to do the dressing. After fairly
the "eco-lobby". France is Switzerland's complete processing, these skins are re-
main supplier, followed by Hungary and exported to developed countries such as
China. the United States, Japan, Germany and Italy.
Some countries such as Belgium and
France are both importers and exporters, Angora wool
with export prices generally topping im- Used mainly in textiles, the wool of the
port costs. France thus buys rabbits cheaply Angora rabbit forms a special sector of the
from China and sells rabbits at a much international wool trade. World production
higher price to Switzerland. Likewise, Bel- is modest but the value per unit of weight is
gium, the Netherlands and even the United high: 40 to 50 times that of greasy wool.
The rabbit 13
Europe's share of t_he ever-growing world 1985, however, world prices have remained
output, now estimated at 8 000 to 10 000 at rock-bottom levels.
tonnes, is at present about 250 to 300 tonnes
a year. Production is mainly concentrated RABBIT MEAT QUALITY
in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (80 to Carcass composition
120 tonnes a year), France (100 tonnes), Carcasses are presented in different ways
Hungary (50 to 80 tonnes) and, to a lesser in different countries. Traditionally in cer-
extent, Germany (30 to 40 tonnes). But ton- tain African countries rabbits for the mar-
nages have again fallen in recent years as a ket are simply bled and gutted (only ab-
result of marketing problems. A small dominal white offals). This was also true of
amount is also produced in the United Italy only a few years ago.
Kingdom, Spain, Switzerland, Poland and In France until recently the carcasses were
Belgium. Elsewhere in the world, Chinese sold skinned, with the thoracic viscera, liver
production is by far the highest in the world and kidneys, and the head and paws still
at 8 000 to 9 000 tonnes a year. Japan also covered with fur. This changed in 1980 and
has a small output of 50 to 60 tonnes. Small now the paws must be removed.
quantities are also produced in Argentina, In Cartada and the United Kingdom the
the Democratic People's Republic of Ko- carcasses are dressed much as beef carcasses:
rea, the Republic of Korea and India. no head, no viscera and, of course, no paws.
There is brisk trading in both raw angora So slaughter yields can vary greatly from
wool and the spun yam. The main end-users one country to another. Yields also vary
are Japan, the United States, Germany and, among breeds (Table 6) and according to age
particularly, Italy. The trade is characterized (Table 7) and diet (Tables 8 and 9). Slaughter
by regular four-year cycles due not to pro- yield improves with age: for a given carcass
duction, which is in fact regular, but to fluc- weight, animals with a high growth rate,
tuations in demand dictated by fashion. Since receiving more balanced feed, generally have
Slaughter yields of different rabbit breeds and crosses
at 10 to 12 weeks, in Belgium
Slaughter yield of New Zealand Whites, by age'
Age in weeks
9 11 13 15
Effect of feed type on slaughter yield: role of supplementary bulk feed
Low-bulk feed High-bulk feed
Impact of balanced feed on slaughter yield of Fauve de Bourgogne rabbits'
Meat composition of different animal species
Values given per 100 g of meat
Energy Water Crude Crude Crude Cal- Phos- Potas- So- Iron Vitamins
(kcal) (g) pro- fats ash cium phorus sium dium (mg) Nico- Cal-
teins (g) (g) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) A B1 B2 B5 tinic cium
(g) (UT) (mg) (mg) (mg) acid panto-
(mg) thenate
meat 195 66.5 20 12 1 12 195 350 65 3 40 0.10 0.20 1.5 5 0.45
meat 380 49 15.5 35 0.7 8 140 350 65 2.5 90 0.05 0.15 1.5 4 0,45
meat 210 66 18 14.5 1.4 10 165 350 75 1.5 40 0.15 0.20 0.3 5 0.55
meat 345 53 15 31 1 10 130 350 75 1 80 0.15 0.20 0.3 4.5 0.55
meat 260 61 17 21 0.8 10 195 350 70 2.5 traces 0.85 0.20 0.3 4.5 0.50
meat 330 54.5 15 29,5 0.6 9 170 350 70 2.2 traces 0.70 0.15 0.3 4 0.50
Chicken 200 67 19.5 12 1 10 240 300 70 1.5 200 0.05 0.10 0.45 8 0.90
Proportion of the principal fatty acids in fat deposits of different animal species
Rabbit fat contains less stearic and oleic muscle mass to body weight remains con-
acids than other species and higher pro- stant: over 2 kg live weight for a strain
portions of the essential polyunsaturated weighing 4 kg (adult animal). But the pro-
linolenic and linoleic fatty acids (Table 11). portion of fatty tissue tends to increase.
The anatomical composition of the rabbit This ratio shows up in meat composition,
carcass varies with age. The proportion of as Table 12 shows.
16 Introduction and background
Changes in hindleg muscle tissue composition in New Zealand Whites, according to age
Water losses from grilling rabbit meat, according to age and fat content
Age of rabbits
Fat content
The proportion of oleic acid in the fat also has been done on this, it is known that
increases with age and palmitic acid decreases. flavour improves with the qu.antity of in-
ternal fat in the muscle. In the same way,
Organoleptic properties juiciness depends largely on the fat content
The organoleptic properties of rabbit meat, of the carcaSs. The fatter the carcass the
like those of other species, are tenderness, lower its water content, but the better it
juiciness and flavour. Rabbit meat does not retains what juice it does have (Table 13).
have a very strong flavour. It is comparable Slaughter conditions, especially the on-
to, but not identical to, chicken. set of rigor mortis, can modify the tender-
Tenderness varies with muscle age and ness and juiciness of rabbit carcasses.
depends on changes in the proportion and Selection for growth rate combined with
type of conjunctive tissue supporting the confined rearing favour the anaerobic me-
muscle fibres. The younger the rabbits are tabolism of rabbit muscle tissue. Animals
slaughtered, the more tender the meat will raised in rational rabbitries therefore have
be. On the other hand, flavour tends to a higher portion of white muscle fibre,
develop with age. Although little research which gives the meat a lighter colour.
The rabbit 17
Chapter 2
Nutrition and feeding
The digestive system of the rabbit
Weight: 20 g
Contents: 90 to 100 g
DM content: 17%
pH content: 1.5 to 2.0
Weight: 10 g
Length: 13 cm
Weight: 60 g
Length: 330 cm
Contents: 20 to 40 g
DM content: 7%
Weight: 25 g
pH content: 7.2
Length: 40 cm
Contents: 100 to 120 g
DM content 20%
pH content. 6.0 PROXIMAL COLON
Length: 50 cm
DM content: 20 to 25%
pH content: 6.5
Length: 90 cm
DM content: 20 to 40%
Rectum Anus
Note: Numerical values are those observed in the New Zealand White breed, aged 12 weeks, fed a omplete balanced
pelleted feed,
a half hours in the small intestine enter the of other monogastric animals. Its unique-
caecum. There they have to stay for a cer- ness lies in the dual function of the proxi-
tain time, from two to 12 hours, while they mal colon. If the caecum contents enter the
are attacked by bacterial enzymes. Elements colon in the early part of the morning they
which can be broken down by this new undergo few biochemical changes. The co-
attack (mainly volatile fatty acids) are freed lon wall secretes a mucus which gradually
and in turn pass through the wall of the envelops the pellets formed by the wall
digestive tract and into the bloodstream. contractions. These pellets gather in elon-
The contents of the caecum are then gated clusters and are called soft or night
evacuated into the colon. Approximately pellets (more scientifically, caecotrophes).
half consists of both large and small food If the caecal contents enter the colon at
particles not already broken down, while another time of day the reaction of the
the other half consists of bacteria that have proximal colon is entirely different.
developed in the caecum, fed on matter Successive waves of contractions in al-
from the small intestine. ternating directions begin to act; the first to
So far, the functioning of the rabbit's evacuate the contents normally and the
digestive tract is virtually the same as that second to push them back into the caecum.
The rabbit 21
Under the varying pressure and rhythm of and/or the coarser the particles, the sooner
these contractions the contents are squeezed it passes through the digestive tract.
like a sponge. Most of the liquid part, con- On the other hand, this particular func-
taining soluble products and small par- tion requires roughage. If the feed contains
tices of less than 0.1 mm, is forced back into few large particles and / or it is highly di-
the caecum. The solid part, containing gestible, most of the caecal contents are
mainly large particles over 0.3 mm long, pushed back to the caecum and lose ele-
forms hard pellets which are then expelled. ments which nourish the "normal" bacte-
In fact, as a result of this dual action, the ria living in the caecum. This would appear
colon produces two types of excrement: to increase the risk of undesirable bacteria
hard and soft. Table 14 shows the chemical developing in this impoverished environ-
composition of these pellets. ment, some of which might be harmful.
The hard pellets are expelled, but the soft It is thus advisable to include a minimum
pellets are recovered by the rabbit directly of roughage in the feed, enabling the rabbit's
upon being expelled from the anus. To do digestive process to be completed fairly
this the rabbit twists itself round, sucks in the rapidly. In theory, roughage is provided by
soft faeces as they emerge from the anus, the crude-fibre content of the feed, as this is
then swallows without chewing them. The normally rather hard to digest. However,
rabbit can retrieve the soft pellets easily, certain fibre sources (beetroot pulp, fruit
even from a mesh floor. By the end of the pulp in general) are highly digestible (di-
morning there are large numbers of these gestibility of crude fibre varies from 60 to
pellets inside the stomach, where they may 80 percent). Recomrnen.dations now rnade
comprise three quarters of the total contents. on quantities of indigestible crude fibre to
From then on the soft pellets follow the be fed are therefore given below. Table 16
same digestive process as normal feed. gives the chemical composition of various
Considering the fact that some parts of the raw materials which can be fed to rabbits.
intake may be recycled once, twice and Caecotrophy regulation depends on the
even three or four times, and depending on integrity of the digestive flora and is gov-
the type of feed, the rabbit's digestive pro- erned by intake rate. Experiments have
cess lasts from 18 to 30 hours in all, averag- shown that caecotrophy starts eight to 12
ing 20 hours. hours after the feeding of rationed animals,
The soft pellets consist half of imper- or after the intake peak of animals fed ad
fectly broken-down food residues and what lib. In the latter case, the intake rate and
is left of the gastric secretions and half of hence the function of caecotrophy are gov-
bacteria. The latter contain an appreciable erned by the light regime to which the
amount of high-value proteins and water- animals are subjected.
soluble vitamins. The practice of Caecotrophy also depends on internal
caecotrophy therefore has a certain nutri- regulatory processes as yet not understood.
tional value. In particular, the removal of the adrenals
The con-iposition of the soft pellets an.d halts caecotrophy. Cortisone injections of
the quantity expelled daily are relatively animals without adrenals causes the re-
indepen.dent of the type of feed ingested, surnption of normal behaviour. The diges-
since the bacteria remain con.stant. In par- tive process of the rabbit appears to be
ticular, the amount of dry matter recycled highly dependent on adrenalin secretions.
daily through caecotrophy is independent Hypersecretion associated with stress slows
of the fibre content of the feed (Table 715). down digestive activity and entails a high
The higher the crude content of the feed risk of digestive ailments.
22 Nutrition and feeding
Composition of hard and soft faeces: averages and range for ten different feeds
Moisture 41.7 34-52 72.9 63-82
Intake and excretion of dry matter by growing rabbits eating isonitrogenous feeds containing
two levels of straw in place of maize starch
Experimental feeds
Caecotrophy first starts to funaion in young The feeding pattern of newborn rabbits
rabbits (domesticated or wild) at the age of is imposed by the dam. A doe feeds her
about three weeks, when they start eating young only once every 24 hours (although
solid feed in addition to mother's milk. some does will nurse their young twice).
Suckling lasts only two or three minutes. If
FEEDING BEHAVIOUR there is not enough milk the young try to
Feeding behaviour studies have basically feed every time the doe enters the nestbox,
involved rabbits receiving balanced con- but she will hold back her milk. This
centrates or fed ad lib on dry feed (cereals, behaviour signals insufficient milk pro-
straw, dry forage). duction in the doe.
The rabbit 23
Chemical composition of different raw materials suitable for feeding rabbits
Oats 86 5.3 10.2 9.8 10.0 0.40 0.50 2.70 0.08 0.34 2 800
Wheat 86 1.9 2.3 1.0 11.3 0.32 0.47 1.65 0.06 0.33 3 100
Maize 86 4.2 2.2 0.6 9.0 0.25 0.39 1.35 0.01 0.27 3 200
Barley 86 2.0 4.0 3.8 10.0 0.37 0.42 2.30 0.05 0.35 3 000
Sorghum 86 3.0 2.5 1.0 10.0 0.23 0.33 1.45 0.03 0.30 3 150
Paddy rice 87 2.1 8.6 6.5 8.0 0.28 0.35 4.53 0.05 0.26 2 850
Fine wheat bran 87 4.0 9.6 6.8 15.0 0.56 0.50 5.60 0.13 1.20 2 300
Second-quality wheat flour 88 2.7 1.4 0.1 14.9 0.50 0.46 2.00 0.07 0.45 3 200
Brewery draft 91 7.6 15.3 3.5 25.2 0.70 0.61 4.07 0.28 0.50 2 800
Maize bran 89 6.3 9.0 3.8 10.1 0.27 0.36 2.69 0.03 0.23 2 750
Soya cake 44 88 1.8 7.4 6.8 42.5 2.70 1.27 6.00 0.30 0.62 3 260
Soya cake 48 88 2.0 5.6 4.8 45.8 2.91 1.37 6.30 0.30 0.69 3 310
Sunflower cake 90 1.8 26.5 18.6 29.5 1,07 1.26 6.22 0.35 0.90 2 770
Rapeseed cake 89 1.8 11.7 7.4 35.2 1.93 1.73 7.00 0.75 1.10 2 800
Cottonseed cake 91 1.4 13.0 9.0 41.0 1.72 0.59 6.46 0.20 1.00 2 790
Horse bean 87 1.3 7.5 5.0 26.4 1.66 0.53 3.38 0.11 0.61 2 800
Field pea 86 1.6 5.5 4.0 22.0 1.60 0.59 3.40 0.08 0.45 2 800
Extruded soya 89 18.0 6.0 4.2 37.0 2.35 1.15 4.45 0.25 0.57 4 400
Grass meal 91 3.7 21.0 14.3 17.1 0.75 0.44 12.7 0.70 0.42 1 730
Dehydrated alfalfa A 90 3.0 27.0 22.0 15.5 0.68 0.42 9.00 1.40 0.25 1 800
Dehydrated alfalfa B 90 2.9 25.0 20.5 16.6 0.73 0.45 9.45 1.50 0.25 1 850
Soybean husks 92 2.0 34.0 32.0 12.7 0.70 0.35 5.69 0.40 0.17 1 800
Cocoa husks 90 4.5 18.6 14.0 16.5 0.90 0.38 7.62 0.30 0.35 2 190
Wheat straw 88 1.3 42.0 39.0 4.0 0.20 0.12 8.30 0.47 0.09 700
Sugar-beet pulp 90 1.0 18.0 5.0 8.8 0.54 0.13 5.42 0.90 0.11 2 700
Citrus pulp 90 3.0 12.0 5.1 6.0 0.25 0.06 5.45 2.10 0.12 3 000
Gluten feed 90 3.0 8.3 4.6 21.0 0.69 0.97 7.10 0.28 0.70 2 770
Cassava 85 0.17 4.6 2.0 2,6 0.09 0.06 5.22 0.30 0.19 2 850
Carob bean 86 2.4 7.8 7.0 5.0 0.18 0.16 3.43 0.65 0.10 2 390
Sugar-beet molasses 77 0.3 0.0 0.0 7.7 0.04 0.10 8.93 0.25 0.02 2 600
Animal fat 99.5 99.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8 000
Soybean oil 99.5 99.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8 500
Meatmeal A 92 7.5 0.0 0.0 59.0 3.46 1.39 22.7 7.05 3.35 3 180
Meatmeal B 95 14.5 0.0 0.0 58.2 3.40 1.34 19.3 6.55 3.10 3 680
Fishmeal 91 8.3 0.0 0.0 67.8 5.00 2.50 15.0 3.90 2.55 4 160
Note: Dry matter (DM); fat (F); crude fibre (CF), indigestible crude fibre (ICF); total nitrogen (TN); Lysine (Lys); Sulphurous
amino acids (SAA); total minerals (Mx); Calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) as percentage of feed. Digestible energy (DE) in
kcal /kg of feed.
Sources: INRA, 1989; Maertens et al., 1990.
24 Nutrition and feeding
From the third week of life the young Intake in experimental hutches is very
rabbits begin to move about, taking a few high just before the lights are switched off.
grams of mother's milk and a little drink- As the rabbit grows older the nocturnal
ing water if available. In a few days the nature of its feeding habits becomes more
intake of solid feed and water will exceed pronounced. The number of feeds during
the milk intake. During this period the light periods drops and the morning "feed-
changes in feeding behaviour are remark- ing rest" tends to lengthen. The feeding
able: the young rabbit goes from a single habits of wild rabbits are even more noc-
milk feed a day to a large number of alter- turnal than those of domesticated rabbits.
nating solid and liquid feeds distributed The intake of feed and water depends on
irregularly throughout the day: 25 to 30 the kind of feed and also on the type of
solid or liquid meals every 24 hours. rabbit and its age and stage of production.
Table 17 gives an example of changing Taking as a reference animal an adult fed
feeding behaviour in New Zealand White ad lib (140 to 150 g of dry matter per day, for
rabbits, aged from six to 18 weeks. example, for a 4 kg New Zealand White): at
The number of solid meals, stable up to four weeks a young rabbit eats a quarter of
12 weeks, tends to decrease slightly there- the amount an adult eats but its live weight
after. The total feeding time in a 24-hour is only 14 percent of the adult's. At eight
period exceeds three hours at age six weeks. weeks the relative proportions are 62 and
It then drops off rapidly, to less than two 42 percent; at 16 weeks they are 100 to 110
hours. At any age, feed containing over 70 and 87 percent.
percent water, such as green forage, will A doe's ad lib feeding during the repro-
provide rabbits with ample water at tem- duction cycle varies greatly (see Figure 4).
peratures below 20C. The intake during the final days of preg-
The consumption of solid and liquid in- nancy drops off markedly. Some does refuse
take fluctuates over a 24-hour period, as solid food just before kindling. Water in-
shown in Figure 3. Much more liquid and take, however, never stops completely.
solid feed is consumed in the dark than in After kindling, the feed intake increases
the light. very rapidly and can exceed 100 g dry
Changing feed habits of nine New Zealand White male rabbits aged from 6 to 18 weeks,
given water and balanced feed ad lib in a room kept at 2012C
Age in weeks
6 12 18
Drinking water
Total quantity (g/day) 153 320 297
No. of drinks per day 31 28.5 36
Average weight of one drink (g) 5.1 11.5 9.1
1-1(3111:1.: 3
Hourly dil4riblition of Ail& intakc u balanced pelleted feed of a 12-wrek-ohi over a period
of .?-1- 11,9E41.5
7 9 13 15 17 19 21 23 3 5 7 9
limo (hours)
matter / kg live weight a day. Water intake hours drops. From 37 solid feeds at 10C
is also high at that time: from 200 to 250 g a the number drops to only 27 at 30C (youn.g
day per kg of live weight. A doe that is both New Zealand White rabbits). The amount
pregnant and lactating will eat the same eaten at each meal drops with high tem-
amount as a doe that is lactating only. peratures (5.7 g from 10C to 20C down to
4.4 g at 30C) but the water intake goes up,
Feeding and environment from 11.4 to 16.2 g between 10C and 30C.
The rabbit's energy expenditure depends A recent study by Finzi, Valentini and
on ambient temperature. Feed intake to Fillipi Balestra (1992) shows a marked in-
cope with energy needs is therefore linked crease in the water / food intake rate at
to ternperature. higher temperatures (20C, 26C and 32C),
Laboratory tests on growing rabbits have which was already known, but the various
shown that at temperatures between 5C ingestion and excretion ratios are also modi-
and 30C intake of pelleted feed dropped fied (Table 19). The authors propose that
from. 180 to 120 g a day and water intake these ratios, the easiest to measure locally,
rose from 330 to 390 g (Table 18). be used to identify thermal stress in rabbits.
A closer analysis of feeding behaviour If drinking water is not provided a.nd the
shows that as temperature rises the num- only feed available is dry with a moisture
ber of solid and liquid meals eaten in 24 content of less than 14 percent, dry matter
26 Nutrition and feeding
Changing zntake of balatzced concentrate feed (89 percent DM) in a doe during gestatzon and lactatton
Kindling Weaning at 30 days
Weaning at
/ 42 days
:Z 300
200 X
100 _
210 30 ib 20 3b 40
Maig Kindling Days
intake drops to nil within 24 hours. With no significantly reduced if they are given salted
water at all, depending on temperature drinking water with a sodium content
and humidity, an adult rabbit can survive higher than 1 percent.
from four to eight days without any irre- Work in Egypt by Ayyat, Habeeb and
versible damage, although its weight may Bassuny (1991) showed a 12 to 16 percent
drop 20 to 30 percent in less than a week. slowing of growth speed at sodium con-
Rabbits with access to drinking water tents of over 1.5 percent (Table 20). Solid
but no solid feed can survive for three or granulated feed ingestion remained un-
four weeks. Within a few days they will changed by water salinity whereas water
drink four to six times as much water as intake increased slightly with salinity: 14 to
normal. Sodium chloride in the water (0.45 16 percent in the trial by Ayyat and col-
percent) reduces this high intake, but po- leagues. However, even at sodium contents
tassium chloride has no effect (sodium loss exceeding 2 to 4 g (6 g of Rashid salt), no
through urination). The rabbit is therefore mortality was reported from this eight-
very resistant to hunger and relatively re- week trial, and the rabbits still grew at a
sistant to thirst; but any reduction in the rate of 23 g / day: 77 percent compared with
water supply, in terms of water require- the control.
ments, causes a proportional reduction in
dry matter intake, with a consequent drop Feeding preferences
in performance. Given a choice of several feeds rabbits are
The growth performance, of rabbits is often unpredictable. When dehydrated al-
The rabbit 27
Changing feed and water intakes of growing rabbits in changing temperatures
Relative humidity 80 70 60
* Balanced pelleted feed containing 20 percent crude protein and 11 percent crude fibre, rich in protein and energy.
Source: Eberhart, 1980.
Impact of ambient temperature on intake and excretion ratios in adult rabbits
Impact of drinking-water salinity on rabbit growth performance
Ca 11 99 187 275
Mg 11 21 31 41
8 143 278 413
Na 399 901 1 403 1 905
Cl 107 753 1 399 2 045
Bicarbonates 320 395 470 545
Total minerals 906 2 409 3 912 5 415
falfa and dry grain maize are offered the moist, say with a 14 to 15 percent moisture
ratio chosen is 6511percent alfalfa to 35 per- content which could cause storage prob-
cent. maize. With alfalfa and oats the ratio is lems, the proportion of maize rises to 45 to
60 to 40. But if the maize grains are rather 50 percent. When rabbits are offered ra-
28 Nutrition and,feeding
Feed intake and growth of New Zealand White rabbits aged between five and nine weeks,
receiving ad lib a concentrated feed rich or poor in fibre, with and without wheat-straw
pellets 5 mm in diameter
Intake (g/day)
Feed (F) 94,7 88.3 63.4 63.3
Wheat straw (S) 7,4 12.2
Total F and S 94.7 95,7 63.4 75.5
or not), young rabbits of weaning age (post- of the body. Minerals and vitamins are
weaning or peri-weaning feeds, the latter building blocks for certain parts of the ani-
also consumed by the mother) and rabbits mal (skeleton, etc.) and for the enzymes
for fattening. Also included in the range which use energy to build and rebuild the
supplied by livestock feed manufacturers body proteins continually. Table 22 also
is a mixed feed that can acceptably cover includes a column showing the chemical
the nutritional needs of all rabbit cate- composition of a mixed feed suitable for all
gories providing the breeder's objective is animals in a production unit. Its composi-
not maximum productivity. tion represents a compromise between the
These standards have been established requirements of growing rabbits and those
for environmental conditions in Europe of lactating does. The other categories can,
and are also based on the relative costs of in fact, eat a richer feed without suffering
nutrients in European countries. They are any major drawbacks. Further on in the
reference standards, but can be varied text it will be explained under what cir-
slightly for better economic performance cumstances it is desirable to use mixed or
according to locally available cheap feed more specialized feeds. But, first, the vari-
resources. The upper and lower limits ous feed requirements are explored in
(which should not be exceeded) are listed greater depth.
at the end of this chapter.
Lactating does need the richest, most con- Nitrogen. The rabbit's response to the qual-
centrated feed. They produce a milk three ity of the proteins in its diet, long a contro-
times richer than cow's milk, at the rate of versial issue, has now been established
100 to 300 g per day, and have few reserves beyond doubt. Researchers have found that
in relation to the demand made on them. growing rabbits need feed that contains
The next category is growing rabbits (far certain amounts of ten of the 21 amino acids
more research work has been done on this that made up the proteins. These are called
than any other category). Young rabbits are the basic or essential amino acids. With two
followed by pregnant non-lactating does. additional amino acids which can partially
Their feed can be slightly less rich than that replace two of the essential amino acids,
of young growing rabbits. The last cate- this is the full list for rabbits: arginine, his-
gory is bucks, which do not need a rich diet. tidine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, phenyla-
Table 22 details the chemical composi- lanine plus tyrosine, methionine plus cys-
tion of theoretically ideal feeds for each tine, threonine, tryptophane and valine.
rabbit category. There are four broad classes Studies on the quantities needed have
of standards. First, standards on proteins been virtually confined to arginine, lysine
and protein composition (distribution of and the sulphur amino acids (methionine
amino acids). Proteins must supply the and cystine). Expressed as a percentage of
elements to build or rebuild rabbit bodies. the ration, the lysine requirements for grow-
The proportion of indigestible fibre serves ing rabbits are 0.6 and, for sulphur amino
to provide the slight congestion essential acids, 0.7 percent. The lysine intake of breed-
for the proper functioning of the digestive ing does should be considerably higher
tract. The corresponding proportion of under intensive milk production to feed
fibre can also be estimated by the acid nine to 12 young. The arginine intake should
detergent fibre (ADF) content as per Van be at least 0.8 percent, and a little more for
Soest or, preferably, indigestible ADF. En- growing rabbits. The toxicity thresholds of
ergy is needed to regulate body tempera- lysine and arginine are well above the rec-
ture as well as for the general functioning ommended intake levels. For the sulphur
30 Nutrition and feeding
Recommended chemical composition of feeds for intensively reared rabbits of
different categories
Amino acids
Methionine + cystine (%) 0.60 0.60 0.55 0.60
Lysine (%) 0.70 0.90 0.65 0.70
Arginine (%) 0.90 0.80 0.80 0.90
Threonine (%) 0.55 0.70 0.55 0.60
Tryptophane (%) 0.13 0.20 0.12 0.13
Histidine (5) 0.35 0.43 0.35 0.40
lsoleucine (%) 0.60 0.70 0.67 0.65
Phenylalanine + tyrosine (%) 1.20 1.40 1.10 1.25
Valine (%) 0.70 0.85 0.68 0.80
Leucine (%) 1.05 1.25 1.00 1.20
Calcium (%) 0.40 1.20 1.00 1.10
Phosphorus (%) 0.30 0.50 0.50 0.60
Potassium (%) 0.60 0.90 0.60 0.90
Sodium (%) 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
Chlorine (%) 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
Magnesium (%) 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Vitamin A (lU/kg) 6 000 10 000 10 000 10 000
Vitamin D (IU/kg) 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000
Vitamin E (ppm) 50 50 50 50
Vitamin K (ppm) 0 2 2 2
Vitamin C (ppm) 0 0 0 0
Vitamin B1 (ppm) 2 2 2
Vitamin B, (ppm) 6 6 4
Vitamin 136 (ppm) 2 2 2
Vitamin 812 (ppm) 0.01 0 0.01 0.01
Folic acid (ppm) 5 5 5
Pantothenic acid (ppm) 20 20 20
Niacin (ppm) 50 50 50
Biotin (ppm) 0.2 0.2 0.2
amino acids, however, there is a slender diets. Where these essential amino acids
margin between the amount the rabbit are supplied by protein in the diet, 15 to 16
needs and an excess dose that would di- percent crude proteins should be enough
minish its performance. for fattening rabbits. Rabbits will always
The recommended amounts of other es- eat more of a balanced feed containing
sential amino acids have been estimated essential amino acids than the same feed
simply on the basis of regular satisfactory without amino acids.
The rabbit 31
Amino acid balance can easily be So it is hard to set a strict energy require-
achieved with plant protein alone as in ment, but it has been shown that intake is
almost all balanced European feeds. Pro- only correctly regulated between 2 200 and
teins of animal origin can be used by rab- 3 200 kcal DE/kg of feed.
bits but are absolutely unnecessary: all that Because of this, concentrated energy feed
counts is the amino acid intake, not the must also contain all the other required
substratum. nutrients in concentrated form so that a
The optimum dose of crude protein for smaller volume of feed will supply the
the breeding doe seems to be roughly 17 to rabbit's needs.
18 percent. An increase of protein content Energy intake regulation functions well
to 21 percent leads to higher milk produc- in temperate climates so long as variati.ons
tion but slightly reduces the number of in energy content are linked to the presence
young rabbits weaned in a given period. of fairly digestible carbohydrates (e.g.
Lastly, various attempts to replace true starch / fibre substitution). At high tempera-
proteins by non-protein nitrogen (urea and tures (28 to 32C), however, and / or where
ammonium salts) have almost all been eco- more than 10 percent of the digestible en-
nomic failures, because these sources of ergy is provided by fat, regulation may
nitrogen either degrade or are absorbed suffer and the animals may easily consume
too early for the micro-organisms in the more of the fattier feed owing to the ab-
caecum to take them up. For a highly nitro- sence of extra heat from the consumption
gen-deficient ration (30-50 percent below of lipids.
requirements), however, or for a non-pro- The rabbit is known to have a specific
tein source which breaks down at average need for essential fatty acids (linoleic acid),
speeds in the intestine (such as biuret), but a conventional diet containing 3 to 4
there is a certain amount of uptake. In any percent fats generally supplies this. The
case, it is highly recommended that rabbits only reason for including more fat in the
receive their nitrogen ration in the form of diet would be to raise the energy concen-
true proteins with balanced amino acids. tration, as fats provide approximately twice
as much energy as carbohydra tes for the
Energy and crude fibre. The energy needed same weight. Depending on the kind of
for organic synthesizing is usually sup- basic diet (basic energy level, protein con-
plied by carbohydrates and to a lesser ex- tent and quality), su.ch an input of fats
tent by fats. Where there is an excess of might or might not be nutritionally useful.
proteins these also help to supply energy The feed energy for breeding does or grow-
after deamination. ing / fattening rabbits can be supplied in
The growing rabbit, like the breeding the form of starch. A young rabbit less than
doe, adjusts its feed intake according to the 40 days old, however, digests starch poorly
energy concentration of the feeds offered to as the digestive apparatus has not yet at-
it wh.ere the proteins and other dietary tained functional. maturity. For this reason,
components are balanced. For a growing post- and particularly peri-weanin.g feeds
New Zealand White or Californian rabbit used for 20- to 40-day rabbits should not
the daily intake is around 220 to 240 kcal of contain over 12 to 13 percent starch to avoid
digestible energy (DE) per kg of metabolic digestive problems.
weight (W15). For the lactating doe the In European feed rations, the poor di-
average amount is 300 kcal DE /kg W15 gestibility of the fibrous parts of raw mate-
and tops 360 kcal during maximum milk rials such as alfalfa and straw (digestibility
production (15th to 20th day of lactation). 10 to 30 percent) makes them secondary to
32 Nutrition and feeding
Decline in performance at levels of protein or selected essential amino acids in the feed
below recommended values, and minimum acceptable levels
tematic and may affect experimental lots in DE), and protein intake is excessive, there
random fashion. is a very high risk of blockage from consti-
A crude-fibre content of 13 to 14 percent pation in growing rabbits. Similarly, min-
appears sufficient for growing rabbits. It is eral bulk can reduce energy concentration.
not possible to establish a reliable relation- As for minerals, where calcium and phos-
ship between the intake of fibrous parts phorus in the diet are insufficient, lactating
and mortality in fattening rabbits at rates of does draw on their bodily reserves, princi-
12 to 16 percent of crude fibre. pally those stored in the bones, but the total
Finally, as indicated above, excessive store is small compared with the amount
fibre intake usually alters the digestible exported. Under these conditions, inten-
energy content of the feed below the in- sive production of does is not feasible. As
take regulation threshold. an indication, the minimum and maximum
If this is accompanied by a higher digest- thresholds are given in Table 24 for various
ible protein / digestible energy ratio, rab- minerals, some vitamins and essential
bits will suffer energy deficit and protein amino acids. It should be stressed that the
surplus at the same time, favouring the optimum feed rate for some animals is
excessive production of proteolytic diges- close to the maximum tolerable rate. This is
tive flora which produces ammonia and true of vitamin D and phosphorus inbreed-
leads to increased digestive problems (Fig- ing does and for sulphur amino acids in
ure 5, curve A). growing rabbits. Where too much is sup-
While an intake of more than 16 percent plied performance may drop, to the
of fibrous parts is linked to a reduction in breeder's surprise, and the risk is particu-
digestible proteins, entailing a static or re- larly high if he or she uses supplements
duced ratio of digestible protein to digest- that are added to the feed or drinking-
ible energy, no harmful effect on the viabil- water. Toxicity symptoms can closely re-
ity of fattening rabbits is observed (Figure semble the symptoms of deficit, as is true of
5, curve B). The only alteration is in growth vitamin A.
performance due to the energy deficit. In the case of multiple deficiencies, it is
Where a high intake of fibrous parts places difficult to predict the animals' reaction,
the feed exactly at the minimum threshold Direct experiment for on-site measurement
for energy regulation (2 250 to 2 300 kcal of the actual consequences of the propose'd
34 Nutrition and feeding
Role of fibre intake in the health of fattening rabbits
MORTALITY DURING =- Speed of growth
of growth
Na connection between e
ft\ Speed of
cellulose and health risk 44 growth
NO e YES NO If the DF/DE ratio is
causes e
e maintained or
e DANGER decreases
feed are recommended in this case. The The ideal diameter for ordinary feeds is 3
norms proposed in Table D22 can be used as to 4 mm, 5 mm being the maximum diam-
a reference method of using comple- eter to avoid waste (Table 25). The pellets
mentarities meeting the animals' needs. should be no longer than 8 to 10 mm. The
pelleting operation heats the product
Feed manufacture and storage through friction, which improves nutri-
In Europe, rabbits are fed dry raw materi- tional value by some 5 to 7 percent com-
als which complement one another to make pared with the meal mixture.
a balanced feed. Once the best proportions Using certain recipes rabbits can actually
have been established, the raw materials be fed feed in meal form (Table 26). What
are weighed and put in a blender. They are must be avoided at all costs is a very fine
usually first crushed into meal for a uni- meal which would disturb the normal func-
form feed mixture. If the mixture were tioning of the rabbit's upper respiratory
intended for feeding chickens or pigs it tract which, although a good filter for dust,
could be given to the animals at this stage, clogs quickly. Meal must not be given as
but the rabbit has a very low tolerance for feed where rabbits drink from receptacles
the dust inevitably present in meal. This containing water. The water will soon get
problem is solved by compacting the mix- dirty and the rabbits will immediately stop
ture in a pelleting machine. drinking and eating. A valve-type auto-
The rabbit 35
Recommended limits for the incorporation of various minerals, vitamins and selected amino
acids in rabbit feed
Minerals (ppm)
Zinc 2 7 50 85 Growth
Vitamins (/kg)
matic watering system is recommended tions and the size of the production unit,
where meal is fed. Feeding tests on mash feed is usually delivered in 25 to 50 kg bags
(60 percent meal, 40 percent water) show it or in bulk. Bags are stored in a shed provid-
is feasible provided the feeding racks are ing shelter from high temperatures and
kept scrupulously clean (Table 26). rain, and located near the rabbits but out of
In Europe, depending on local condi- their reach. They are stored in piles away
36 Nutrition and feeding
Influence of pellet diameter on growth' of Californian rabbits aged from 5 to 12 weeks
2.5 mm 5 mm 7 mm
' On the same line, two values having the same index letter do not differ from one another at the threshold P = 0.05.
Note: The apparent overconsumption of 7 mm diameter pellets is due to inevitable partial waste.
Source: Lebas, 1971b.
Effect of presentation of feed on growth of young rabbits, according to various authors
' Ration composed of 58.8 percent maize, 25 percent soycake, 15 percent barley straw, 0.2 percent dl-methionine, 4 percent
minerals and vitamins.
2 Ration composed of 10 percent fishmeal, 20 percent grass meal, 40 percent wheat bran, 12.5 percent oats, 17.5 percent
middlings; in addition, 1.5 percent molasses was mixed with the pellets.
Ration composed of 62 percent barley, 17.5 percent soycake, 12.8 percent barley straw, 5 percent molasses, 0.25 percent
lysine, 0.05 percent methionine, 0.3 percent minerals. The test was run at 25C.
from damp ground or walls. The usual units with more than 300 does it is prefer-
solution is a false wooden floor. able to use two or three types of feed: one
The room or shed is designed to hold one suitable for lactating and breeding does,
and a half to two months' supply. Deliver- one for the weaning period and the last for
ies should actually be made monthly, so growing rabbits in all other categories (e.g.
feed can be used within one and a half young growing rabbits).
months of manufacture. At delivery, about
10 to 15 days' supply should be left over FEEDING SYSTEMS
from the previous month. Balanced pelleted feeds
For bulk delivery, feed is stored in silos The traditional European diet for rabbits used
that are filled from the top and emptied to be cereals, bran and forage (green in sum-
from the bottom. They should be completely mer and dried in winter). In winter, breeders
emptied and disinfected for bacteria, fungi, also fed the aruimals fodder beets or carrots.
etc. at least once a year. This style of feeding is definitely on the way
Transport costs and, especially, a desir- out, especially in the big producer countries
ably fast turnover of feed stocks make mixed such as France, Italy and Spain.
feed (see Table 22) appropriate for rabbit- In modern production systems, which
ries with fewer than 200 breeding does. In account for most of the output, the animals
The rabbit 37
are given balanced pelleted feeds conform- that growing rabbits enclosed or penned in
ing to the standards already described. A a natural meadow receiving no fertilizer
single feed type is generally used for all can produce 240 kg of protein per hectare
categories, corresponding to the mixed feed (1.2 tonnes of meat) annually in the form of
listed in Table 22. In intensive-reproduc- carcasses. This gives some idea of the for-
tion rabbitries, all rabbits except bucks are age utilization potential of rabbits, although
fed ad lib. Under less intensive regimes, in the trials the rabbits exhibited a modest
does receive the same feed ration from the growth rate (20 to 25 g a day compared
weaning of one litter to the birth of the next. with the 30 to 40 g of cage- or hutch-raised
The ration is normally 3 to 35 g DM per kg rabbits) and a relatively high feed intake.
of live weight per day. Climate and soils in most developing
Growing rabbits raised in a group are countries, however, are very different from
always fed ad lib. One watering point is those found in Germany. Direct grazing
sufficient for 10 to 15 animals. The water- also poses problems of fencing and risks
ing system must be checked regularly to from predators to the point where this tech-
ensure the animals do not suffer from lack nique cannot be recommended. For this
of water because of defective apparatus. reason the authors have reviewed the vari-
One feeding rack is enough for six to ten ous wild or cultivable plants used in both
rabbits, but at least two are needed as a tropical and non-tropical regions to feed
safety measure in case the pellet flow should rabbits reared in confinement. Cereals are
get blocked. Each feeding place along the intentionally left out as they are needed for
rack should be 7 to 8 cm long. human nutrition in most developing coun-
Breeders calculate the quantities of feed tries.
for total daily consumption for all animals Before reviewing the various plants
as follows: which rabbits can use, a reminder is needed
young fattening rabbits (four to 11 of rabbits' extreme sensitivity to mould,
weeks): 110 to 130 g; particularly aflatoxin. The hygiene of the
lactating does with litters (weaning at fodder and by-products used must be be-
four weeks): 350 to 380 g; yond reproach and it is particularly impor-
adult (maintenance) rabbits: 120 g; tant to avoid uncontrolled fermentation.
for the rabbitry as a whole: 1 to 1.4 kg of
feed per mother cage per day. Wild and cultivated fodders suitable for
Well-run rabbitries, as in France or Italy, rabbit feed. The following information only
calculate 3.8 kg of pelleted feed consumed for concerns plants that have been positively
each kg of live weight marketed. This calcu- tested in station and other trials for use as
lation includes breeding rabbits. The best rabbit feed. They are listed under their
rabbitries use only 3.4 kg of feed to produce Latin names in alphabetical order. The
1 kg live rabbit. This represents a feed expen- countries where they are used are indi-
diture of 5.9 to 6.7 kg per kg of carcass. cated where possible.
Keeping in mind the protein content of the A "high" nutrient value means the feed
feed and the carcasses, this means a yield of has a higher dry matter content than is
190 to 220 g of high-grade animal protein required for rabbits. Unless otherwise indi-
from 1 kg of plant protein, a return of 19 to 22 cated, nutrient content, where shown, is
percent for the best production units. expressed as a percentage of dry matter.
For detailed chemical compositions, read-
Forage utilization in developing countries ers should refer to the general documents
Pilot trials in Germany have demonstrated in the bibliography, particularly Ghl's
38 Nutrition and feeding
work on tropical forages published by FAO have shown that Azolla caroliniana can be
(1982). Digestibility of the nutrients has not incorporated into rabbit feed despite the
usually been determined for the rabbit spe- poor digestibility of the proteins. Other Ital-
cifically. Lacking these data, reference should ian trials on A. filiculoides produced similar
be made to forage digestibility for rumi- conclusions in a trial where this sun-dried
nants, but absolute values cannot be trans- fern fully replaced soycake in the ration at
posed, especially for the fibrous fraction. 23 percent. However, the protein content of
Alysicarpus vaginalis. A one-leaf clover azolla (30 to 32 percent) is less lysine-rich
distributed ad lib to growing rabbits as a than soy (4.5 as compared to 5.9 percent
supplement to concentrates gave perfor- protein) and the lignin content is high, re-
mances not significantly different from the ducing digestibility. A. microphylla is com-
control. This plant, grown in South America, parable to A. caroliniana but A. pinnata,
is a good source of protein. with a lower protein content of 9 percent, is
Amaran thus spp. This forage has a 20 per- not as palatable.
cent protein content. It has been tried out in Bauhiniavariegata. Angora rabbits are suc-
Malawi to supplement a concentrate con- cessfully fed the leaves of this tree as a
taining 39.5 percent grain maize, 26 per- supplement to concentrates in India. The
cent maize bran, 34 percent groundnut protein content is 16 percent.
oilcake and 0.5 percent table salt. Repro- Beta vulgaris. Fodder and fodder sugar
duction and growth were satisfactory: 20 beets supply much of the winter feed in
rabbits per doe per year; growth of 15 g per traditional European rabbit production.
day from four to 16 weeks. Amaranthus is Where they can be grown, beets can supply
routinely fed to rabbits at the Bunda Agri- a good percentage of the energy demand.
cultural College in Lilongwe, Malawi. Mod- The fibrous fraction is highly digestible (80
ern hybrid varieties conventionally grown percent). Beet leaves are also good for rab-
for human food can also be used for feeding bits. They contain 17 to 18 percent protein,
rabbits. but are very rich in minerals, especially
Arachis hypogaea. Groundnut oilcake is a potassium, which can cause digestive prob-
high protein feed (50 percent). It can be used lems.
for feed when not overpolluted by aflatox- Brachiaria mutica. Fed to breeding does in
ins. The whole groundnut can also be fed, the Philippines, para grass has proved far
but this puts the rabbit into direct competi- more satisfactory than elephant grass
tion with people for food so this solution (Pennisetum purpureum) or guinea grass
should only be considered under excep- (Panicum maximum). However, its low pro-
tional circumstances. Groundnut tops pro- tein content (10 to 13 percent) requires a
vide green fodder and hay with a high pro- nitrogen supplement (legumes, supple-
tein content. This is the conventional use at mentary feed).
the Bobo-Dioulasso centre in Burkina Faso. Brachiaria ruziziensis. In Burkina Faso this
The tops can also be used after harvest, but forage plant is part of the basic ration pro-
their protein content is less: about 15 per- duced at the Bobo-Dioulasso centre for its
cent before the groundnuts are rabbitry. Like all grasses, however, it has a
removed and less than 10 percent after low protein content (8 to 13 percent). For
threshing. The proteins in both the tops and proper utilization it should be supplemented
the groundnut cake lack the essential by high-protein feeds. The forage could be
sulphur amino acids. grown together with S tylosanthes, for ex-
Azolla spp. This family of aquatic ferns ample, for a more balanced feed than either
can fix atmospheric nitrogen. Trials in Italy plant can provide alone.
The rabbit 39
Cajanus cajan. Hay from this tree legume in Zambia, in particular, to feed rabbits.
(called "guandu" in Brazil) can successfully Both leaves and roots have a comparable
be incorporated into balanced feed for grow- protein content of 12 to 13 percent, but the
ing rabbits as a substitute for alfalfa hay. leaves like beet leaves are very rich in
Pigeon pea hay thus constitutes an interest- minerals.
ing source of protein (15 to 25 percent de- Dendrocalamus hamiltonii. The leaves of
pending on when it is harvested) and fibre this tree have been successfully used to
(30 to 35 percent crude fibre). feed Angora rabbits in India as a supple-
Celtis australis. The leaves of this tree are ment to commercial concentrates. The pro-
used to feed Angora rabbits in India. Com- tein and crude-fibre contents of 15.6 and
pared with the dry-matter content, the pro- 23.2 as a percentage of dry matter are fairly
tein content is low at 12.4 percent as is low, but the 18.4 percent ash content is
crude fibre at 14.6 percent, but the fat con- particularly high.
tent is fairly high at 5.7 percent and the 17.7 Eichhornia crassipes. Rabbits will eat the
percent ash content is quite high. leaves and bulbs of water hyacinth, but
Chamaecrista aeschynomene. This tropical only 24 percent of the energy provided by
legume is commonly used to feed Creole the green plant is digestible. Incorporating
rabbits in Guadeloupe and Martinique. 25 percent water hyacinth meal in a bal-
Cocos nucifera. Rabbits like the green co- anced feed gives good results. Amounts of
conut meat left after the milk has been drunk. 50 percent or more are less satisfactory. The
In Guadeloupe and Martinique they are fed arsenic content of the rabbit meat (espe-
to rabbits as a bulk dietary supplement. A cially the liver and kidneys) in water hya-
trial on growing rabbits in Sri Lanka showed cinth trials raised grave doubts about the
that coconut could form 20 or even 30 per- plant's potential for feeding rabbits where
cent of the diet. it grows in polluted water.
Cucurbita foetidissima. Growing naturally In rabbitries located near the Congo River
in the semi-desert area of northern Mexico, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
this member of the gourd family has an breeders use a local water hyacinth of which
enormous root that is 65 percent starch. the rabbits are very fond. In New Caledonia,
The crushed root is sun-dried in two or a local hyacinth called water lily is also a
three days and as much as 30 percent can be traditional feed. The whole of the plant
added to balanced concentrate in place of stem, bulb and roots is eaten.
grain sorghum for breeding and fattening Erythrina glauca. Rabbits find the leaves of
rabbits. Trials at the University of Chihua- this tree very palatable. A trial in Colombia
hua in Mexico demonstrated no toxic ef- showed that this (30 percent) protein source
fect. produced daily growth rates of 11.5 g as a
The tops and especially the fruit are rich simple supplement to sugar-cane juice. The
in protein (12 to 30 percent), but utilization proportion of Erythrina leaves actually rose
trials have not yet been run on rabbits. from 50 percent of the daily DM consump-
Their very bitter taste, which is unattrac- tion at the onset of the trial to 65 percent
tive to other animals, is not necessarily an eight weeks later.
obstacle for rabbits. More tests are needed Grewia optiva. The leaves of this tree con-
on the possibilities of this interesting semi- tain about 17 percent protein. An Indian ad
desert plant. lib feeding trial to supplement a concen-
Daucus carota. A traditional feed for Eu- trate produced an Angora wool output
ropean farm rabbits, carrots can be grown equivalent to that of the control fed the
in many tropical countries. They are used concentrate alone.
40 Nutrition and feeding
Gynura cusimba. The leaves of this forage is used as green fodder for livestock and
plant, abundant in Nepal in the dry season, rabbits like it very much. In ad lib feeding
contain 27 percent protein. Rabbits like it with concentrated feed, it produced ac-
but cattle, sheep and goats will not touch it. ceptable growth or reproduction rates.
This difference in feed preferences is a re- Much of the food value is lost when the
minder that observations valid for one spe- product is stored, however, and rabbits
cies do not necessarily apply to another. tend not to like it.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. The branches of Les pedeza spp. These legumes, which pro-
these shrubs, which are used as living fences vide a protein-rich green forage for rabbits,
in the Caribbean, can be fed to rabbits, as is could also be dried and fed as hay.
now the practice in Haiti. The young shoots Leucaena leucocephala. This is probably the
contain some 15 percent protein and 16 legume most studied in station rabbit trials.
percent crude fibre. However, a trial on ad Its attraction is its high protein content (28
lib distribution of hibiscus leaves and a percent) and the fact that it can be grown
balanced pelleted feed demonstrated very during the dry season. Sowing and tillage
poor nutritional uptake of this fodder. are no problem in soils where Leucaena
Indigofera arrecta. This legume grows wild grows naturally (e.g. Mauritius). In the ab-
in Mozambique, even during the dry sea- sence of symbiotic bacteria, bacterial seeding
son without irrigation. It is easy to grow can be used (Guadeloupe and Martinique).
from the seeds of the wild plant picked in The presence of the amino acid mimosine,
season. Its high (25 percent) protein con- which competes with tyrosine and pheny-
tent makes it a valuable source of nitrogen lalanine, is to some authors a limiting fac-
for rabbits in Mozambique, especially dur- tor for Leucaena leucocephala. They suggest
ing the dry season. that a prudent top ration of this acacia for
Ipomoea batatas. Sweet potatoes are a good rabbits would be 25 percent (Mozambique).
source of energy (70 percent starch content) But growth trials on the island of Mauritius
for human consumption and can easily be show that Leucaena can replace 40 and even
grown in a family garden. Surplus or spe- 60 percent of balanced feeds without ad-
cially grown crops could be used as an en- versely affecting animal growth or health
ergy feed for rabbits. The tops when well (Figure 6). In these trials, even where this
developed are also a valuable feed because of acacia was used alone, the authors noted
their high protein content 16 to 20 percent. no incidence of diarrhoea or symptoms
Sweet potato is used as forage for rabbits in attributable to mimosine.
Mauritius, Guadeloupe and Martinique, Other trials in Malawi used Leucaena as a
mainly in backyard rabbitries. A trial in supplementary fodder for a concentrate
Mozambique produced good performance feed (described in the paragraph on
with sweet potato leaves as a dietary supple- Amaranthus) with good results for both
ment. They are highly digestible, and trials growth and reproduction. Also tested in
in many tropical countries have confirmed Malawi as a maize bran supplement,
the nutritional value of sweet potato tops. Leucaena proved satisfactory for growth
Ipomoea tiliacea. This convolvulacea grows (60 g a week) and better than Tridax
wild in Guadeloupe and Martinique and is procumbens and, especially, Pennisetum
the traditional basic feed for creole rabbits. purpureum. Used as a supplement to a
It is not planted but simply picked from the broiler chicken feed, growth rates of 100 to
hedges where it grows wild. 110 g a week were recorded.
Lathyrus sativus. Vetch is often grown Despite these encouraging results the
with oat in North Africa; the vetch / oat duo problem of mimosine remains. Mimosine
The rabbit 41
Weight-gam trends in New Zealand VVhite rabbits aged from 6 to 14 zoeeks in relation to intake of balanced
30 o OP UM U. 'lab awn
Om, taw
Pelleted feed + Leucaena leucocephala
o V
100 80 60 40 20
Quantity of balanced feed administered, as percentage of control batch
" Limited quantities of control diet, supplemented by ad lib teeding ot Lettcaelia letwocephala ( 0 oi Sacchanim
offional ion (40-0).
-ource Ramschurn, 1978
toxicity is cumulative and perhaps did not percent cassava meal (87 percent starch and
show up in the growth trials, even though 2.5 to 3 percent protein) in balanced feeds,
these covered the entire fattening period. supplemented by 200 g green forage daily,
Several continuous trials in Mauritius, Togo has given growth and reproduction results
and Malawi, using Leucaena at levels of 10 comparable to those obtained with the bal-
and 20 percent, have not had any ill effects anced control feed without cassava. But cas-
on growth or reproduction. As mimosine is sava should not be used to feed rabbits
an amino acid, drying the forage does not except where the human population already
reduce its toxicity to animals, although no has plenty of energy foods, as in Egypt, for
special rabbit trials have been run on this example. Additionally, cassava meal re-
aspect. The addition of iron sulphate che- quires a protein and crude-fibre supplement.
lates mimosine and considerably reduces However, cassava peels contain 6 percent
toxicity for rabbits as intestinal absorption protein and 10 percent crude fibre, and the
of the chelated form of mimosine is signifi- leaves contain 24 to 28 percent protein, so the
cantly diminished. The iron sulphate potential of these two cassava products for
supplement should exceed the mimosine rabbit feed should be tested in comparative
content by a factor of four, comprising 2 to trials. Cassava does have a slight tendency to
3 percent of the diet. produce goitre, which has no practical im-
Manihot utilissima. Ghana's rabbit devel- pact on growing rabbits but is a potential
opment programme includes growing cas- concern for breeders if it comprises over 30
sava for feed. The inclusion of from 15 to 45 percent of the diet.
42 Nutrition and feeding
Marremia tuberosa. This protein-rich (24 a marked improvement in the growth rate
percent) forage, used in Mozambique to (41.5 g / day compared with 37.1 g/ day
feed rabbits, grows during the dry season. with control rabbits fed alfalfa). This le-
Medicago sativa. Alfalfa is unquestion- gume can be an attractive source of protein
ably the standard rabbit forage, wherever and fibre for rabbits.
it can be grown. lt is grown under irrigation Opuntia ficus. The aerial part of prickly
in Mexico, Mozambique and Pakistan. It pear cact-u.s can be fed to rabbits. At levels
does not grow in hot tropical areas s-uch as higher than 40 percent of the feed ration,
the Caribbean. Breeding and growing rab- however, the risk of diarrhoea arises because
bits can be fed solely on green alfalfa. The the fibrous portion is highly digestible.
hay is harder for them to ingest. Alfalfa's Oryza sativa. Carefully preserved rice
rather high saponin content makes it espe- straw or bran can be fed to rabbits. A study
cially palatable to rabbits. in China showed that controlled fermenta-
Mimosa pigra. No negative effects were tion of rice straw with bacterial strains of
noted in tests run on this thorny plant in Trichoderma and Azotobacter can boost the
Thailand. It was used to replace Brachiaria food value and serve as a replacement for
mutica in rabbit feed. Its 22 percent protein wheat bran. Uncontrolled fermentation
content is comparable to that of Leucaena could, however, produce mycotoxins.
leueocephala. Panic= illaXill1U711. in various compari-
Morus alba. Mulberry leaves not needed son trials with other forages guinea grass
to feed silkworms can be successfully fed to made a poor showing, mainly because of
rabbits. Tri.als in India have even shown its low protein content 5 to 10 percent of
that a maintenance diet for adult rabbits the dry matter according to ripeness. De-
can consist exclusively of mulberry leaves. spite this, guinea grass is part of the basic
They are used in India to su.pplement con- feed ration for rabbits in Ghana, Guadeloupe
centrates for Angora rabbits. and Martinique. Its function is mainly to
Musa spp. Rabbits can be fed on commer- provide crude fibre and a small amount of
cial banana rejects. Bananas are rich in en- energy. There is another use for guinea
ergy and poor in protein (5 or 6 percent) grass: dried, the plant is sometimes used as
and must be supplemented. Rabbit breed- straw litter for the n.est box when breeding
ers use banana rejects in various African does are raised on a mesh floor.
countries and in Guadeloupe and Pennisetum purpureum. Feed trials with
Martinique. The leaves can also be used as breeding and growing rabbits using ele-
green forage (Cameroon, Zambia, phant grass gave even poorer results than
Guadeloupe and Martinique). Their pro- guinea grass, again because of low protein
tein content is 10 to 11 percent of the dry content (6 to 8 percent). A Malawi trial
matter. Data are available on the leaves as using elephant grass as a supplement for
rabbit feed, but not on the stems. Th.ey maize bran produced growth rates of only
contain only 1.5 to 2 percent protein and 15 g a week compared with 60 g with
with a 70 percent nitrogen-free extract could Leucaena leucocephala; but it can be used as
make a useful energy feed. Banana peels a source of crude fibre for rabbits, as is done
can also be used to replace up to 35 percent in Guadeloupe and Martinique. A mixed
of the concentrate for growing rabbits. crop where elephant grass supports a climb-
Neo tonia wightii. A trial in Brazil showed ing legume such as Pueraria is planned in
that perennial soybean hay can fully re- the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The
place alfalfa in a balanced ration contain- combination gives a much more balanced
ing 38 percent of this forage. There is even forage. The dried stems of Pennisetum can
The rabbit 43
be used as straw litter or bedding for the place on.e half the balanced concentrate
nest box. feed ration with no consequent drop in
Pistia stratiotes. Comprising 30 percent of performance. In a complementary trial, the
the diet of growing rabbits, sun-dried water- same authors found that, fed ad lib, rabbits
lettuce meal was used in Nigeria to produce chose to replace up to 40 percent of their
growth rates equal to those of the control. balanced concentrate feed with chopped
Populus spp. Green poplar leaves can be sugar cane. In a similar ad lib feeding test,
used to replace sun-dried alfalfa leaves as a Leucaena leucocephala replaced up to 60 per-
fodder resource for rabbits. The leaves of cent of the same balanced concentrate feed
the older trees are less protein rich (15 (see Figure 6). In a New Caledonia trial it
percent of the DM) than the leaves of was shown that rabbits prefer to eat first
coppiced poplars (20 to 22 percent of the the dry leaves, then the green leaves and
DM). Trials in the United States used up to then the cane itself, chopped small.
40 percent poplar leaves in the diet. Setaria spp. These species of forage are
Proso pis chiliensis. The fruits of this used in Mauritius to supplement concen-
drought-resistant South American native trated feeds for rabbits. Like all grasses,
have been introduced in Chile as a supple- Setaria are poor in proteins.
ment to balanced rabbit feed, replacing up Solanum tuberosum. Cooked potatoes can
to 60 percent of the protein in the basic diet. very well be used to feed rabbits, but this
Growth remained unchanged even when puts the animals into competition with hu-
the feed contained up to 29.4 percent of the mans for food. Potato peelings are part of
dried Prosopis fruits. the kitchen waste in many countries and can
Psilotricum boivinianum. This forage be used in feed. However, apart from the
grows without irrigation in the dry season fact that the peelings should be fed cooked,
in Mozambique and has a high (20 to 21 not raw, great care must be taken not to use
percent) protein content, m.aking it an at- the parings of potatoes which have turned
tractive forage feed for rabbits. green with exposure to light. Laboratory
Pueraria spp. The legumes of this genus, animals stopped growing when they were
such as P. phaseoloides and P. javanica, are given 20 g of green potato peelings a day in
recommended as rabbit feed in different addition to their normal feed ration.
countries of Africa, especially Ghana. P. Sorghum vulgare. Sorghum tops and grain
javanica is the basic feed of many farm are a good rabbit feed. They are used in
rabbitries in the Democra.tic Republic of Ghana and Mexico.
the Congo. Rabbits are very fond of it. Like Stylosanthes spp. Legumes of this genus
Stylosanthes, Pueraria remain green even in can be grown in all wet and dry tropical
the dry season. climates. In dry areas they virtually stop
Robinia pseudoaccacia. Various trials in growing during the dry season, but remain
the United States and India on growing or green. Different species have been used for
on Angora rabbits showed that Robinia rabbits, including S. gracilis (Ghana, the
leaves can easily replace alfalfa in the diet Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burkina
with only a slight drop in performance. Faso) and S. hamata (Martinique).
Saccharum officinarum. Sugar cane can be Taraxacurn officinale. The dandelion is
grown in countries with wet tropical cli- among the wild plants conventionally fed
mates and is a good rabbit feed, despite its to rabbits in traditional European rabbit
low protein content (1 or 2 percent). In an production. The use of this composite plant
early trial in Mauritius, coarsely chopped as rabbit feed has also been reported in
sugar cane was successfully used to re- Togo.
44 Nutrition and feeding
Chapter 3
ANATOMY OF THE GENITALS 40 and 50. The testicular tubes become ac-
In the male, the oval-shaped testes within tive at about 84 days. The first spermatozoa
the scrotum remain in communication with are present in the ejaculate at about 110
the abdominal cavity, where they were at days.
birth. The rabbit is actually able to with- Sexual maturity, defined as the moment
draw its testes when frightened or fighting when daily sperm production ceases to
with other mal.es. The testicles descend at increase, is reached at 32 weeks by New
about two months. The short, back-slant- Zealand White rabbits in temperate cli-
ing penis points forward when erect. Fig- mates. However, a young buck in these
ure 7 shows the relative position of the same conditions can be used for reproduc-
various organs. tion from the age of 20 weeks. Indeed the
In the female, ovaries are oval-shaped first manifestations of sexual behaviour
and do not exceed 1 to 1.5 cm. Beneath the appear at days 60 to 70 when the rabbit
ovaries is the oviduct, made up of the duct, makes it first attempts at riding. Coitus
the ampulla and the isthmus. Although may occur for the first time at about 100
outwardly the uterine horns are joined at days, but the viability of the sperm cells is
the back into a single organ, there are actu- very weak or nil in the first ejaculates. So
ally two independent uteri of about 7 cm, first mating should be timed for age 135 to
opening separately through two cervical 140 days.
ducts into the 6 to 10 cm vagina. The ure- All these figures are to be considered
thra opens midway along the vagina a.t the approximate. The onset of puberty varies
vaginal vestibule. The glands of Bartholin from breed to breed, but conditions in the
and the preputial glands can be identified. rabbitry also play an essential role, particu-
The whole is supported by the broad liga- larly feeding, which is even more impor-
ment attached at four main points under tant than climate.
the vertebral column.
Figure 8 shows the relative position of Sperm production. The volume of semen
the various organs. ejaculated is about 0.3 to 0.6 ml. Concentra-
tion is evaluated at 150 to 500 x 106 sperma-
REPRODUCTION PHYSIOLOGY tozoa per ml, but both volume and concen-
The male tration are liable to vary. False mountings,
Gonad development and puberty. The go- one or two minutes before copulation, in-
nads begin to differentiate on the 16th day crease the concentration of the ejaculate. In
after fertilization. After birth the testes two successive servicings the first acts as a
develop less quickly than the rest of the preparation for the second, which is less
body. From the age of five weeks they voluminous but more concentrated. Dur-
begin to grow very rapidly. Accessory ing subsequent matings the volume of the
glands undergo a similar development, but ejaculate decreases, while concentration
at a more even rate and are less precocious. increases between the first and the second
Spermatogenesis begins between days ejaculate and then diminishes. The total
46 Reproduction
Genital apparatus of male iabbit
Scrotal sac
Scrotal sac ligament Superior
, I
Seminal vesicle
- Vesicular gland
Vas deferens (2)
Urinary bladder
Ejaculatory duct
Seminal vesicle o
(reverse) Cowper's gland
Roots of erectile tissue (2)
----- Urethra
/- 4
Preputial glands
Glans penis
number of spermatozoa per ejaculate fol- zoa, only partially mobilizable for repeated
lows the same trend. ejaculations.
Maximum spermatozoa production is
obtained by using the buck regularly once The female
a day. If the buck is used regularly twice a Gonad development, puberty and sexual
day, each ejaculate has only one half the maturity. As in the male foetus, sexual
concentration of spermatozoa. On the other differentiation takes place on the 16th day
hand, if bucks service several times a day, after fertilization. Ovogonial division be-
one day a week, the three or four ejaculates gins on the 21st day of foetal life and con-
may be concentrated enough to effect fer- tinues until birth.
tilization. Further ejaculates contain very The first follicles appear on the 13th day
few spermatozoa and carmot effect fertili- after birth, and the first antrum follicles at
zation often enough to be worth while. about 65 to 70 days. Does are able to mate
Daily spermatozoa production is roughly first at 10 to 12 weeks, but as a rule this will
150 to 300 million, independent of the rate not produce ovulation. The onset of pu-
of ejaculation. The maximum epididymis berty varies greatly with:
reserve is only one to two billion spermato- o the breed: sexual precocity is more de-
The rabbit 47
veloped in small or medium breeds sidered absolute thresholds for all rabbits,
(four to six months) than in large breeds but rather limits applicable to the popula-
(five to eight months). In Europe does tion as a whole. Sexual behaviour (accep-
are now mated at 120 to 130 days and tance of mating) appears long before the
fertility performance is good; ability to ovulate and bear a litter. Such
body development: precocity goes behaviour should not be regarded by the
hand in hand with rapid growth. Does breeder as a sign of puberty, but as pre-
fed ad lib reach puberty three weeks puberty play.
earlier than other does of the same
strain receiving only 75 percent of the The oestrus cycle. In most domestic mam-
same daily feed. The body develop- mals ovulation takes place at regular inter-
ment of the latter is also delayed by vals when the female is in heat or oestrus.
three weeks. The interval between two periods of oestrus
Does generally reach puberty when they represents the length of the oestrus cycle
have grown to 70 to 75 percent of their (four days for rats, 17 for ewes, 21 for sows
mature weight. However, it is usually pref- and cows).
erable to wait until they reach 80 percent of The female rabbit, however, does not
their mature weight before breeding them. have an oestrus cycle with regular periods
These relative weights should not be con- of heat during which ovulation will occur
Genital apparatus of female rabbit
Leff ovary
Leff uterine
Right uterine horn horn
(= right uterus) (= leff uterus)
Uterus bipartitus
Cervix (double) --
Urinary bladder
r- Urinary duct
Vagina (open)
Vaginal vestibule Gland of Bartholin
(open) Preputial gland
48 Reproduction
spontaneously. Does are considered to be has no dire consequences for the embryos.
in oestrus more or less permanently. Ovu- Unlike the phenomenon observed in the
lation occurs only after mating. A female female hare, superfoetation (two simulta-
rabbit is therefore considered to be in heat neous pregnancies at two different stages
when she accepts service and in dioestrus of development) never occurs in rabbits.
when she refuses.
There are many observations which de- Ovulation. Ovulation is normally induced
note the alternating periods of oestrus dur- by the stimuli associated with coitus and
ing which the doe accepts mating and occurs ten to 12 hours after mating, as out-
dioestrus in which she refuses (Figure 9). lined in Figure 11.
But the present state of knowledge does not Given this sort of pattern, ovulation can
make it possible to predict either the re- be induced artificially by various tech-
spective lengths of oestrus and dioestrus or niques. Mechanical stimulation of the va-
the environmental or hormonal factors de- gina can cause ovulation, but the outcome
termining them. is quite random. Injections of luteinizing
It has been noted, however, that 90 per- hormones (LH) or LH releasing hormones
cent of the time when a doe has a red vulva (LHRH) can produce results, although re-
she will accept mating and ovulate, whereas peated injections of the LH hormone lead
when the vulva is not red the doe will to immunization and loss of effect beyond
accept service and become fertilized only the fifth or sixth injection. Injections of
10 percent of the time. A red vulva is there- LHRH repeated at 35 days for two years,
fore a strong indication, though not a proof, however, have involved no loss of effect: 65
of oestrus. A doe in heat assumes a charac- to 80 percent of the does became pregnant
teristic pose, called lordosis, with the back from this injection followed by artificial
arched downwards and hindquarters insemination.
raised. A doe in dioestrus tends to crouch
in a corner of the cage or exhibit aggression Fertilization and gestation. At the moment
towards the buck. the ovary follicles are ruptured the oviduct
The sexual behaviour of a female rabbit pavilion or infundibulum covers the ovary.
is thus very special. She has no cycle and When liberated the ovocytes are sucked in
can stay in heat for several days running. by the pavilion. The ovocytes are in fact
On the ovary, follicles not having evolved fertilizable from the moment they are liber-
to the ovulation stage through lack of stimu- ated, but they are not actually fertilized until
lation undergo regression and are replaced about an hour and a half after release. The
by new follicles, which remain for a few sperm is deposited by the male in the upper
days in the pre-ovulating state and may part of the vagina. The spermatozoa make
then in turn regress. their way upwards rapidly. They can reach
In most mammals the progesterone se- the fertilization area (in the distal ampulla,
creted during gestation inhibits oestrus and near the isthmus) 30 minutes after coitus.
the pregnant female refuses to mate, but a During their journey the spermatozoa
pregnant doe may accept mating through- undergo a maturing process which enables
out the gestation period. Indeed, in the them to fertilize the ovocytes. Of the 150 to
second half of pregnancy this is the most 200 million spermatozoa ejaculated, only
common behaviour (Figure 10). two million (1 percent) will reach the uterus.
A breeder cannot therefore use the sexual The rest are defeated by obstacles at the
behaviour of does as an indication of preg- cervix and uterotubal junction.
nancy. Mating occurring during gestation The egg reaches the uterus 72 hours after
The rabbit 49
Sexual behaviour and duration of oestrus in five pubescent nulliparous does
U) Wi Z JwArrdIwA
(DE V)
23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
22 1=21_
a 17777 [777I I7771
() L I
II 11111
4 5
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
6 7 8
0 1
VA F77
17777772 FZ
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
- Periods of presentation Days of presentation
- Periods of oestrus
Note: For five does tested in three seasons sexual behaviour was checked daily for about a month by piesentation to a
buck If the doe accepted mating she was said to be in heat that day (thick line on diagram), but fertilization was prevented
to enable the test to be repeated the next day If she iefused, she was said to be not in heat (thin line on diagram) and the
test was repeated the next day It will be noted that the days of oestrus and of dioestrus vai y greatly from one doe to
an o ther
.50117 a. Moret, 1980
ovulation. On its way through the oviduct with the foetus, reaching its maximum
the egg divides. The uterine wall differen- weight towards the 16th day of pregnancy.
tiates, but the uterine dentellus appears The foetal placenta is visible about the
only five to eight days after coitus. It is the tenth day and becomes larger until birth
synchronization of these phenomena that (Figure 12).
makes possible the implantation of the egg. Embryo losses, measured by comparing
Implantation proper takes place seven days the numbers of corpus luteum and living
after mating, at the blastocyst stage. Distri- embryos, are -usually very extensive. Gen-
bution of the blastocysts is roughly equi- erally speaking only 60 to 70 percent of the
distant in each horn, but the blastocysts eggs become live rabbits. Most embryo
never move from one uterine horn to the mortalities occur in the 15 days before birth.
other. From the third to the 15th day after Mortality is partly due to the viability of the
mating the progesterone rate continues embryos and partly to their situation in the
to increase, then remains stationary and uterine horns. External factors also play a
finally drops rapidly before parturition. part: the season and the physiological con-
The maternal placenta develops along dition of the doe (especially her age). For a
50 Reproduction
Mating acceptance trends in gestating does
Note: Each column shows the total of acceptances foi the five-day period Does were not re-presented to the buck if they
had accepted him
Soul cc Moret, 1980.
Onset of ozntlation following coitus
for the litter with her own fur and materials according to the size of the litter. Litter size
she has available such as straw and shav- varies as much as from one to 20 young.
ings. This behaviour is linked with an in- Most litters range between three and 12. In
crease in the oestrogen / progesterone ratio rabbit production units the average is seven
and with the secretion of prolactin. The doe to nine, but there are great variations.
does not always make a nest, or she may After parturition the uterus retracts very
kindle outside the nesting box. quickly, losing more than half its weight in
Kindling lasts from 15 to 30 minutes, less than 48 hours.
52 Reproduction
Changing weights of foetus and embryonic membranes during gestation
I Foetus
--6 10
00c, 40000"
2 ,
.0. ' '
1 IN
... .0'
I 1 1 I i I
4 12 16 20 24 28 32
Days of gestation
and concentration, etc. The semen is then To ensure adherence, insemination centres
diluted five to ten times, perhaps in physi- are now springing up in Italy and France
ological salt solution, within 30 minutes where male rabbits are maintained and their
after semen collection, or, always the pref- semen collected, controlled and packed by
erable choice, with a special diluent if it is to expert staff possessing the necessary tech-
be applied within 12 hours. It is possible to niques and resources. Like the bucks, these
freeze the semen, but the poor performance resources give full value for money as such
of frozen semen relegates this technique to centres can work every day of the week. The
research laboratory use where there is some semen packaged ready for use is then shipped
interest in maintaining the semen of a spe- to specially equipped rabbit production units
cific buck for a long period. from the insemination centre. Once appren-
The fact that a high percentage of the ticed, rabbit breeders can practise insemina-
ejaculates has to be eliminated on the tion themselves, which requires one or two
grounds of poor biological quality means operators, depending on the insemination
that only a few males need to be retained technique chosen.
for every 100 productive females, compared A number of breeders owning more than
with natural mating. 30 to 40 breeding does do carry out all
It is clearly preferable to raise males on operations in their own establishment with
wire netting or grating than straw litter good technical results. There have, how-
which considerably increases bateriological ever, been too many failures to suggest that
contamination in the semen collected. a breeder should begin by practising every
operation, from the preparation of artifi-
Insemination. The semen can be packaged cial vaginas to insemination in the rabbit's
in 0.5 ml pellets or presented in 20,50 or 100 genital tract, including the essential quality
0.5 ml flacons for insertion with a glass controls and disinfestation.
cann-ula. Two techniques co-exist: an in- From the purely technical standpoint,
semination gun covered with a single-use does found not to be pregnant when pal-
sheath, and the glass (or throwaway plas- pated have ovulated after artificial insemi-
tic) cannula. Both techniques have their nation, thus developing a pseudopreg-
partisans and their detractors and for both nancy that made them temporarily infertile.
the diluted semen must be delicately in- It is therefore futile to reinseminate an
serted deep into the rabbit vagina. empty doe less than 21 days after the pre-
As ovulation is not spontaneous in rab- ceding insemination, when the pseudo-
bits, intramuscular injection of an artificial pregnancy is over. In natural mating, how-
analogue of GnRH (gonadoreline 20 ever, a doe can successfully be represen-
busereline 0.8n) is used to provoke ovu- ted to the male once it is realized she is not
lation at the moment of insemination. AI in pregnant (10 to 12 days after mating). In
rabbits involves a dual intervention: in- this case the absence of pregnancy is almost
semination and the injection of an ovula- always linked to an absence of ovulation,
tion-producing hormone. whereas after artificial insemination the
absence of pregnancy is linked to early
Successful artificial insemination. Assum- embryo mortality or the fact that the rabbit
ing that every operation involved in AI is has not been fertilized. Treating
strictly adhered to, practical success in this pseudopregnant rabbits with prostaglan-
reproduction method is equivalent to that in din may reduce the length of the infertile
natural mating for the same reproductive period and the rabbit can successfully be
rate (percentage of gestation, litter size, etc.). reinseminated after an unsuccessful AI, but
54 Reproduction
not enough is yet Icnown about the specific pecially with regard to duration. Measur-
modalities involved. ing the young rabbits' weight at 21 days
Overall, the highest fertilization rates gives a fairly good estimate of total lacta-
with AI are obtained with receptive does, tion, as milk production between days zero
i.e. those which would have accepted natu- and 21 is closely correlated with total milk
ral mating. This is particularly true for production (r + 0.92).
lactating does and is why all (light, hor- An important point is that the doe's milk
monal, etc.) treatments that increase doe output increases with litter size but the
receptivity also improve the performance baby rabbits get less milk each than they
of artificial insemination. would in a smaller litter. Depending on
genetic type, milk production will not in-
Lactation crease above eight to 12 baby rabbits.
Milk synthesis depends on prolactin, a lac-
togenic hormone. During pregnancy pro- REPRODUCTION AND ENVIRONMENT
lactin is inhibited by the oestrogens and by Lighting
progesterone. At parturition there is a rapid In males exposed to artificial lighting for
drop in the progesterone level. As oxytocin only eight out of 24 hours significantly
is freed the action of the prolactin is stimu- more spermatozoa are present in the go-
lated and permits the milk to mount in a nads than in those exposed to light for 16
predeveloped gland . hours, although a slightly larger amount is
Milk is let down as follows: the doe usually collected in ejaculates from the lat-
comes into the nest box to nurse her litter. ter.
The stimulus of nursing provokes the se- Does, however, are far more opposed to
cretion of oxytocin, inframammary pres- mating with only eight hours of light than
sure mounts, the milk is let down and the they are with 16. For both males and fe-
young suckle. The amount of oxytocin se- males 12 hours of light a day produce aver-
creted is proportional to the number of age results. The practice in rational Euro-
young feeding. But the doe sets the number pean rabbit production units is to light
of feeds: just once in 24 hours. Suckling breeding areas artificially for 15 to 16 hours
alone will not provoke the secretion of oxy- a day. The males and females are together
tocin; the mother must want to nurse. in the same room.
Average composition of cow's and rabbit's milk
Fats 9.20-9.70 4
Lactose 0.86-0.87 5
However, these findings should not ob- light cannot be excluded. The reproduction
scure the fact that rabbits do reproduce cycles of the European wild rabbit are
effectively in hot tropical or equatorial cli- strongly influenced by the season. Does breed
mates. Breeders should take the precaution from the end of winter until early summer
of protecting their rabbits against extreme (Figure 15). The reproduction period can be
heat; they should avoid direct sunshine longer or shorter, at either end, according to
and protect the cages with an insulated both temperature and availability of feed.
roof, not just a corrugated metal sheet Exposing domestic does to light for 16
(which in fact transmits too much heat). out of 24 hours in Europe considerably
It should be noted that humidity does not attenuates this seasonal variation; indeed it
seem to have been recorded in the various nearly suppresses it. Even so, reproduction
laboratory tests on the effects of tempera- problems sometimes appear at the end of
ture on spermatogenesis. summer with no direct relation to the tem-
High temperatures also seem to affect perature. In tropical climates a drop in the
female rabbits negatively. The lower pro- rate of reproduction is noted during the
lificacy attributed to does reared in hot same period, the wet season, when tem-
climates (30 to 31C) would appear to be peratures are high and so is humidity.
the result not so much of the temperature
itself as a reduction in body weight caused RATES OF REPRODUCTION
by a lower feed intake in the heat (Figure The physiological features of the male and
14). It would seem, however, that embryo especially the female are such that the
mortality increases when the temperature breeder has great latitude in choosing a
exceeds 30 to 33C, although here again reproduction method. But for successful
decreased feed intake needs to be consid- rabbit production the choice of method
ered as a possible cause. must be preceded by careful study and
planning. The goal is to increase doe pro-
Season ductivity and reduce inputs.
In Europe the season is usually analysed in Productivity, defined as the number of
terms of the combined effects of light and young per doe per unit of time, depends
temperature. In tropical climates the tem- on: the interval between successive kin-
perature effect seems to be dominant but an dlings; litter size at birth; and the survival
effect due to variations in the length of day- rate of the young.
56 Reproduction
Pattern of milk production in does
% Lactating does
// Gestating, lactating does
1 7 14 21 28 35 42
Days postpartum
Changing live weights of young does aged from 37 to 112 days reared in different temperatures
1 I
37 49 63 77 91 105 112
Age (days)
two successive litters. In fact, the true rate by allowing them to nurse their young for
of reproduction is always slower than the five to six weeks, rebreeding them soon
theoretical rate because not all does imme- after weaning. Does are therefore serviced
diately accept the buck and not all are fer- once every two and a half months.
tilized when rebred. There are three basic Later weaning is in no way advanta-
rates of reproduction: extensive, semi- geous except for fryer production - very
intensive and intensive, but all intervening young animals which can be sold at eight
stages are or have been used; the distinc- weeks and have not undergone weaning
tion is retained here for illustrative pur- shock. In the United States and the United
poses. Kingdom fryers with a live weight of 1.7 to
1.8 kg are produced this way, using breeds
Extensive reproduction rate. The breeder such as the New Zealand White. The mother
fully utilizes the does' maternal instincts can be serviced before weaning, about five
58 Reproduction
Seasonal variation in peicentage of gestating and/or lactating wild does in the United Kingdom
Lactating does
4E- o'
a. Gestating does
Note: Figures are based on wild does shot for each month of the year
Source Stephen, 1952
or six weeks after kindling, which allows tion may even have ceased), so there is no
two and a half months between litters. real competition between the demands of
Where the quality or quantity of the feed gestation and lactation. As these does never
is not up to standard, it is preferable to have a resting period they need sufficient
wean rabbits at about 40 days. At the same and well-balanced concentrate feed.
time the breeder should slightly lengthen In rational European rabbit production
the resting period between weaning and units, a semi-intensive reproduction rate
rebreeding so the doe can build up her has basically been the rule since the late
reserves again. In any case, weaning later 1980s: rebreeding 10 to 11 days after kin-
than six weeks offers no particular nutri- dling; weaning at about 34 to 38 days. At
tional advantage. The milk produced by this rate, the work can be programmed by
the doe after this period provides at most 3 the days of the week, as the plan involves
to 5 percent of the young rabbits' daily feed an interval of 42 days (exactly six weeks)
intake. between matings: 30 to 31 days of preg-
nancy + 10 to 11 days following kindling.
Semi-intensive rate. The breeder has does
serviced 10 to 20 days after kindling and Intensive rate. The breeder has the does
the young are weaned at four to five weeks. reserviced just after kindling, taking ad-
There is no real contrast between preg- vantage of the fact that they are then on
nancy and lactation for does. For 10 to 20 heat. Weaning should take place at four
days the doe is newly pregnant while still weeks at the latest, usually at 26 to 28 days.
nursing. The most important phase of em- There are three main techniques:
bryo development takes place during the servicing the same day or the day after
slump in milk production (milk produc- kindling: the true postpartum rate;
The rabbit 59
servicing scheduled for a specific day, tensive reproduction the doe has no oppor-
generally three or four days after kin- tunity to build up reserves.
dling. This corresponds to a constant Numerous comparisons of intensive,
interval of 35 days (five weeks) between semi-intensive and extensive reproduction
litters; the results of this 35-day rate are have been made, principally in France.
economically disappointing because Twenty years ago the litters of does mated
the rate of female acceptance of servic- postpartum numbered one less than those
ing three or four days after kindling is of does remated ten or more days after
very low in most rabbit production kindling. This is virtually no longer true,
units, although not all; mainly because of improved feeding and
ad lib mating. A buck left together with the selection of strains and lines suitable for
postpartum does will serve them sev- intensive reproduction. The systematic use
eral times during the 48 hours follow- of the most intensive reproduction method,
ing kindling. This is the natural rhythm however, makes it difficult to keep female
of wild rabbits. brood stock in good condition, particularly
To arrange ad lib mating, breeders have primiparous females. This means a more
worked out two types of rabbit housing. The rapid turnover of stock and the risk of an
first is the corridor-collar type: the does live unfavourable subclinical disease situation,
in individual cages. They have a broad col- making does more sensitive to any agent of
lar around their necks to prevent them from disease or environmental perturbation.
leaving the cage through the calibrated open- After extensive experimentation from 1970
ing leading into a communicating corridor. to 1985, European breeders have in fact
The buck, however, has free access (at least almost all abandoned the systematic use of
temporarily) to the does' cages and can mate postpartum servicing.
whenever the doe is ready. In many cases, breeders adopt a vari-
The second is the group system: a buck able rate of reproduction, depending on
and perhaps ten does live together in the the condition of the does. For instance, a
same cage. They can mate at the optimum good healthy doe which produces a litter
times. However, special arrangements must of fewer than seven or eight is immedi-
be made to curb the natural tendency of ately remated. If she has given birth to ten
females to kill the offspring of other does or so young the breeder waits about 12
when they themselves are lactating or ready days before having her serviced. In au-
to kindle. tumn, when it is harder to get the rabbits
to mate, breeders systematically take the
Choosing the reproduction rate does for servicing after parturition. This is
Considering the greater nutritional needs to take advantage of the strong postpar-
of the pregnant doe, especially one which tum oestrus during which 95 to 99 percent
is also lactating, semi-intensive and, espe- accept servicing. Even so, breeders avoid
cially, intensive reproduction systems are postpartum remating of primiparous does.
only suitable where does get the right quan- As has already been mentioned, breeders
tity and quality of feed. If these conditions are increasingly adopting a semi-inten-
are not met, the does will usually accept the sive 42-day rate organized on a weekly
male but later abort. basis, as will be discussed in the chapter
Abortion extends the interval between on rabbit management.
litters to match the extensive breeding in- With careful use of a semi-intensive rate,
terval. Figure 16 shows the main periods in a good breed and balanced feed, European
the reproduction cycle and how under in- breeders are obtaining 55 to 65 weaned
60 Reproduction
Distribution (as percentage of productive life) of gestation, lactation and resting periods in does used at
different rates of reproduction
Gestation + lactation
Gestation + lactation
Gestation only
young annually per doe. In the tropics un- ers obtain 30 to 35 weaned young per doe
der identical production conditions of rate, per year. In a tropical climate, depending
breed and feeding, the number of young on the region and especially on feeding,
produced per doe is about 30 to 40. 15 to 30 weaned young can be produced
Using the extensive rate the best breed- under extensive reproduction.
The rabbit 61
Chapter 4
Genetics and selection
This is possible with genes identifiable increase among the stock (Rochambeau,
through their visible or major effects on 1990).
progeny. Coloration and hair structure are Breeds created by selectors, particularly
classified as visible effects. Thanks to ad- amateurs in the United States and Europe,
vanced observation techniques the genes now conform to official standards. The book
governing blood groups, biochemical and of the Fdration frawaise de cuniculture
protein polymorphism and hereditary (FFC) on standards for rabbits describes
anomalies are now also known. (See more than 40 breeds. Each has been bred
Zaragoza et al., 1990.) from animals of local and regional popula-
For quantitative characters, such as litter tions, or by crossing existing breeds, or by
size or weight at weaning, which are con- using mutants for changes in coat colour or
trolled by a great many non-identifiable structure. Mass selection for size and body
genes, rabbit populations can also be de- morphology has separated these breeds into
fined by their performance. These genes giant, medium, small and very small. It is
are also assumed to have little effect on interesting to study the origin of the breeds
overall variability and to function indepen- to learn whether they may correspond to
dently, according to the standard assump- original genetic ensembles and to attempt
tions of quantitative genetics. Such to determine their characteristics.
characters are also influenced by the envi- The characters by which an animal con-
ronment. The environmental characteris- forms to a breeding standard, such as body
tics must be carefully described (number of size, whether or not it is compact, coat
breeders, the direction of selection, the ori- colour and density and ear size, may be
gin of the population and its range) when related to its resistance to variations in cli-
describing a population. mate. In fact, such factors as coat, skin,
The genes are carried by chromosomes body area and weight affect the animals'
organized into 22 pairs (2n=44). About 60 body temperature.
markers have been described. These are The currently known genetic determi-
genes of visible effect such as colour or coat nants of variations in colour and structure
or morphological anomalies, or genes cod- are listed below. Coat colour has always
ing for molecules of which the biological been of great interest to breeders.
impact is being studied. These two ap-
proaches are hard to reconcile, for teams Coat colour and hair structure
often use only one type of marker. Among In The genetics of domestic rabbits, published
the markers described, 37 have been placed in 1930, Castle described six mutations in
on eight autosomes and on chromosome X; coat colour and two mutations in patterns;
23 markers constitute six linkage groups, three mutations in hair structure; one mu-
and the locus of six markers has still not tation in the yellow colouring of the ab-
been found. All these markers are spread dominal fat and two linkage groups. A
over a majority of 22 pairs of rabbit chromo- convenient way to detect the effects of vari-
somes. The links between the biological ous mutations is to describe the rabbit's
markers and the genes for colour or hair "wild" colouring. The coat consists of three
have rarely been tested, however. types of hair: the longer, rectrix guard hairs,
Experience has shown that the rabbit stiff at the base; the more numerous tectrix
can support a slow and gradual increase in barbed hairs forming the major part of the
inbreeding, but research suggests that mat- coat, which share a hair follicle with the
ing programmes for small populations third type the shorter hairs making up the
should minimize its extent and rate of undercoat.
The rabbit 63
The coat colour of the wild or "agouti" c: albinism. The albinism locus is epi-
rabbit consists of grey dorsal fur with a static over the colour loci. The cc genotype
much lighter or white ventral area. The covers the expression of colour genes situ-
long guard hairs are black but appear deeper ated at other loci.
black at the tips and bluer at the base. The Dilution, D, d: the recessive mutant d
barbed hairs have zones of colour: black at allele affects the intensity of the pig-
the tips, with a yellow band in the middle mentation, causing a dilution of the
and bluish at the base. The fibres of the pigment granules. The dominant D al-
underfur are bluish at the base and fringed lele produces normal pigmentation
with yellow at the tips. Colouring is thus density. The recessive dd homozygote
basically due to the distribution of black is found in the genotypes of blue (black
and yellow pigments (eumelanin and diluted to blue) or beige (yellow diluted
phaeomelanin) in the hair, especially in the to beige) rabbits.
barbed hairs, and over the whole coat (sides Normal extension of black E or yellow
and back in relation to belly fur). Mutations e: the e gene mutation causes increased
in different loci modify this colouring. yellow pigment in the hair, tending to
replace the black (or brown) pigment.
Colouring. There follows a list of the inter- Grey, black or brown breeds have the E
national notation of alleles. Arnold (1984) gene. Yellow and red breeds are reces-
shows the correspondence with the Ger- sive ee homozygotes.
man system. Vienna White locus: Vienna White rab-
Locus A, agouti: the non-agouti muta- bits have completely unpigmented fur
tion a produces animals without a yel- but coloured eyes (blue). The original
low band in the hair and a lighter belly. gene is called V and its mutated form v.
Their colouring is uniform. A is domi- Rabbits of the Vienna White breed are
nant over a. A third allele has been therefore recessive vv homozygotes.
described at this locus, at (tan pattern), Crosses of this breed with albino rab-
which is recessive to A and dominant bits produce coloured progeny.
over a. Mutations producing a mottled coat:
Locus B, black pigment: a recessive b these mutations involve the loci for
allele produces a chocolate brown pig- English (En, en) and Dutch (Du, du). The
ment instead of black in agouti hair. Papillon rabbit is of the En en heterozy-
Locus C: the C gene is required for the gous genotype. The En gene is incom-
development of pigments in the fur, pletely dominant. The En En homozy-
skin and eyes and hence for the expres- gotes are whiter than theheterozygotes,
sion of colouring. The recessive c gene while recessive homozygotes are
inhibits the expression of colouring, blacker. The colour genotype of the
causing albinism in recessive cc homo- Papillon rabbit (Giant Checker in En-
zygotes. There are several alleles at this glish, Mariposa in Spanish) cannot be
locus, quoted below in dominant-to- pinpointed. At the other locus the du du
recessive order: genotype produces the white belt char-
C: full expression of colouring. acteristic of the Dutch rabbit.
cch: chinchilla, suppression of colour in
the intermediate band of the coat. Hair structure mutations. The three main
ch: Himalayan. Only the hairs at the body ones are:
extremities are black. The expression of this 'Angora. This is a recessive autosomal
gene depends on the ambient temperature. mutation expressed as a lengthening of
64 Genetics and selection
the duration of hair growth at the same characteristics such as precocity, prolifi-
speed of growth which produces longer cacy, growth rate and age at maturity. A
hair. The wild (L dominant) gene has major determinant of adult size is the ori-
mutated into a recessive i allele to pro- gin of the breed.
duce the Angora. The mating of two
Angora rabbits always produces An- Heavy breeds. Adult weight exceeds 5 kg.
gora offspring. Two rabbits with nor- Fertility is generally low. The growth po-
mal hair can sometimes produce a frac- tential of the heavy breeds can be exploited,
tion of Angora progeny if they are Ll especially in cross-breeding. The Bouscat
heterozygotes. Giant White, (French) Belier, Flemish
Rex. This is a recessive auto somal mu- Giant and French Giant Papillon are ex-
tation that causes almost all of the guard amples. The fur of the (French) Belier varies
hair to disappear. The coat looks differ- greatly in colour and can be white, agouti,
ent with shorter hair. The symbol for iron grey or black. Its body build would
the Rex gene is r, and for the dominant make it a good meat rabbit. However, it is
wild allele R. bred for show and therefore found only in
*Hairlessness. This is caused by several small units, at least in France. The breed is
recessive mutations and is usually le- more important in other European countries
thal. such as Germany and Denmark.
The genotype of the coat colour and struc- The Bouscat Giant White is a synthetic
ture in rabbit breeds can be predicted when albino breed. It is a large rabbit known for
these loci are known. So far not much gene its prolificacy and fast growth rate in tradi-
interaction visibly affecting body colour tional French rabbitries. The Flemish Giant
and breeding characters has been found, from Belgium comes in several colours. It is
but there has been very little research in one of the largest rabbits (potential adult
this area. The Angora and Rex genes are of weight 7 kg) and is still farm-raised. This
course exploited to produce angora wool breed could furnish a gene pool for im-
and Rex fur. proving growth in other breeds; Flemish
Giants could be pure-bred for this purpose.
Groups of breeds by adult size and origin
There are different kinds of breeds: Average breeds. Adult weight varies from
*primitive or primary, and geographic, 3.5 to 4.5 kg. These are the basic stock of
from which all other breeds have come; breeds used for intensive rabbit produc-
*breeds obtained through artificial se- tion for meat in western Europe and are the
lection from the above, such as Fauve most numerous. Only a few examples are
de Bourgogne, New Zealand White and described here.
Red and Argent de Champagne; Silver rabbits are found in several coun-
*synthetic breeds obtained by planned tries (English Silver, German Silver). These
crosses of several breeds, such as Blanc varieties differ from the Argent de Cham-
du Bouscat and Californian; pagne in adult size (English Silver is lighter)
o Mendelian breeds, obtained by the fixa- and colour. Like Fauve de Bourgogne,
tion of a new character of simple ge- Argent de Champagne is an example of a
netic determination, appear by muta- breed that has developed with selection
tion, such as Castorrex, Satin and over many years from a regional popula-
Japanese. tion (Champagne). The breed is known for
Breeds are conveniently grouped by adult both its fur, once much sought after, and its
size, which is also related to production productivity: high fertility, quick growth,
The rabbit 65
good muscle development and good meat Lightweight breeds. These breeds have an
quality. Its adult weight is 4 to 4.5 kg. It is adult weight of 2.5 to 3 kg. They include the
farm-bred in France, usually on straw lit- Small Himalayan, the Small Chinchilla, the
ter. Research has begun on intensive breed- Dutch and the French Havana.
ing of Argent de Champagne. The Russian or Himalayan rabbit is white
The Fauve de Bourgogne is also of re- with black extremities. It is thought to have
gional origin. It has spread throughout originated in China and spread from there
France and elsewhere in Europe (Italy, to Russia and Poland. It carries the Hima-
Belgium, Switzerland). The Fauve de layan Ch gene mutation.
Bourgogne Rabbit Breeders' Association The lightweight breeds usually develop
has established a stud book for this breed, very quickly and make excellent mothers.
ensuring pure-bred selection. They eat less than the medium and large
The New Zealand Red was first exploited breeds and could be crossed or used pure in
in California with a selection system sim- developing countries to produce a light,
ilar to that used in France on the Fauve de meaty carcass of 1 to 1.2 kg.
Bourgogne, with the difference that the
New Zealand breed was raised on wire- Small breeds. These breeds weigh about 1
mesh floors which were introduced much kg at maturity. They are represented chiefly
earlier in the United States than in France. by the Polish rabbit, with its many varia-
The Californian is a synthetic American tions of coat colour. Selection for small size
breed. It was presented for the first time in has led to very low fertility and a marked
1928 in California by its breeder, whose decrease in growth rate. These breeds can-
objective was a meat animal with very good not be used for meat production. They are
fur. The adult weight of the Californian is bred for show, for the laboratory and as
3.6 to 4 kg. pets.
The New Zealand White originated as a
breed in the United States. It is the albino Local populations and strains
offspring of coloured rabbits. From the Pure-bred animals are usually raised in
outset it was bred selectively in large meat- small groups and their selection for breed-
production units, especially in southern ing characters is in its infancy. These breeds
California (San Diego area), for its breed- could therefore constitute interesting po-
ing qualities: prolificacy, maternal perfor- tential gene pools for improving local popu-
mance, fast growth rate and precocious lations.
body development which makes it ready Most rabbits raised for commercial meat
for slaughter at 56 days, the objective being production belong to populations which
a light carcass. The New Zealand White may resemble one breed or another (a ques-
adult weight (4 kg) slightly exceeds that of tion of appearance only, as they do not
the Californian. The New Zealand White meet the criteria for that particular breed in
was used in the first studies on the rabbit terms of origin and standards) and some-
at the Fontana Station in California. Since times resemble no breed at all. These are
1960 this breed has spread through West- "common" rabbits, grey, spotted or white,
ern Europe and other regions with the the outcome of various unplanned crosses.
growing use of mesh floors for rabbit cages. They may belong to local populations. Some
The Large Chinchilla rabbit raised in examples of local populations in develop-
Europe is of German origin. Its adult ing countries are the Baladi rabbit of the
weight averages 4.5 kg. It can be bred for Sudan (baladi means native or local in Ara-
meat and fur. bic), the Maltese rabbit of Tunisia and the
66 Genetics and selection
Creole rabbit of Guadeloupe. Developing tions. Slowly, the population evolves. Bar-
countries planning to develop rabbit pro- ring specific instances, the population is
duction should first identify existing local open to bordering populations. This slows
populations and establish their biological the trend towards uniformity and offers
and breeding traits and adaptability before new genetic variability for natural and / or
designing selection programmes and im- artificial selection.
proved production systems. The next sta.ge of evolution is the breed.
Many countries where rabbit production Here the breeder is more important and
is recent, dating back only a few decades, defines a standard and looks for animals
have no clearly defined local populations. which conform to it. The ecology of the
The populations are highly polymorphic region and the characteristic production
and come from a great many unplanned system is less influential than for popula-
crosses with imported pure-bred animals. tions and breeds are usually more homog-
Often these populations are of limited po- enous. Selection for confirmation to a stan-
tential and not locally adapted. Even so, dard can lead to excesses. Breeders m.ay be
they should be studied before deciding to looking only for external characters, ne-
eliminate them. glecting production characters. They may
Finally, there are rabbit strains. The strain breed close relatives to increase the visual
is a genetically closed group, small in num- impression of homogeneity. The last evolu-
ber, with no outbreeding for several gen- tionary stage is the strain. There are fewer
erations. Characteristics of a strain are the founders (a few dozen for each sex) and
number of breeding animals, the year and few genes are exchanged with neigh-
way the group was constituted, and possi- bouring populations. A strain is usually
bly the mating programme (selection or no artificially selected for a few traits. Strains
selection). These strains can be found in are often more genetically homogenous
research laboratories which keep them to than breeds.
study their biological and breeding charac-
teristics in order to make the best use of Breeding characters
them in selection. The INRA centre in The expression of breeding characters de-
Toulouse conducts selection experiments pends on environment and the 'breeder. A
on strains (Table 28). comparison of results from several differ-
Private breeders have fairly recently be- ent environments and geographical loca-
gun selecting rabbit strains, along the lines tions can reveal general characteristics of
of the poultry selection that has been prac- the breeds or species. Fecundity, growth
tised since 1930. Bu t some breeders or small rate and tissue development in young rab-
groups of breeders, at village level for in- bits are three sets of basic breeding charac-
stance, may also have created strains with- ters.
out realizing it.
Some research laboratories, such as the Fecundity. Fecundity is defined as the prod-
Jackson Laboratory at Bar Harbor, Maine, uct of fertility (number of kindlings per doe
United States, keep inbred rabbit strains or per unit of time) and prolificacy (number of
lines for use solely as laboratory animals. young per kindling).
Breeders in traditional rabbit-breeding Prolificacy varies significantly accord-
regions use local populations. The genetic ing to several factors which may be inher-
patrimony of the population is shaped by ent in the animal. Litter size increases by 10
the ecology of the region, the characteristic to 20 percent from the first to the second
production system and breeders' interven- litter and then again, but by less, from the
The rabbit 67
Characteristics of selected INRA experimental strains
second to the third, with no change from Matheron and Dolet (1986) analyse the
the third to the fourth. After the fourth the results from 682 females in ten rabbitries in
size may decrease. Inbreeding may reduce Guadeloupe. Their first category is small-
prolificacy. size Creole females. These are hard to find
Prolificacy also depends on the season and and so breeders buy them in France and
the reproductive rate imposed on the doe. In cross-breed them many times. They then
healthy does receiving normal feed and 12 to distinguish between New Zealand White
14 hours of light, prolificacy seems to be and "other" females on which more spe-
linked to adult size. cific data are lacking. In these complex
Ovulation potential increases, on average, crosses, breeders have used Argent de
with size. The first factor affecting prolifi- Champagne, Fauve de Bourgogne, Bouscat
cacy is the ovulation rate (number of eggs) White, Papillon, etc. in addition to the above
followed by the viability of blastocysts and two strains. Table 29 shows that New
embryos before birth. Zealand females are more fertile and more
In 1932, Gregory showed that litter size prolific. This is a confirmation of the high
depends on the number of eggs produced adaptability of this breed to local condi-
after mating and this number depends on tions of high temperatures and humidity.
the body size of the breed: 3.97 for Polish Birth-to-weaning mortality is still high, in-
does and 12.88 for Flemish Giant. The cor- dicating a need for further progress. Creole
responding litter sizes at birth are 3.24 and females are less prolific but more viable
10.17. Small light breeds are generally less than the "other" females. The difference of
prolific than medium and large breeds. -0.78 at birth is only -0.12 at weaning. The
Elamin (1978) gives the following average poor birth-to-weaning viability of young
figures from the Sudan for the Baladi, from "other" females is surprising. The
Californian and New Zealand White literature indicates that these half-breed
breeds: females often benefit from the effect of het-
erosis and complementarity, but the per-
formance here shows that this is not always
the case. It is also possible that the choice of
Baladi Califor-
nian Zealand breeds and crosses was poor.
White Paez Campos et al. (1980) give the breed-
Total lifter size 4.7 7.10 7.49
ing parameters of New Zealand White,
Californian, Chinchilla and Rex breeds
Live births per litter 3.5 6.67 6.94 raised at the National Rabbit Breeding
68 Genetics and selection
Performance of females of three genetic types in Guadeloupe rabbitries
Significance of
the breed effect NS NS NS
Average breeding parameters of four breeds raised at the Irapuato National Rabbit Breeding
Centre, Mexico
Litter size observations in Cuba for four rabbit breeds
Centre at Irapuato in Mexico, a tropical zone ters of these breeds and this rabbitry are
tempered by the 1 800 m altitude (Table 30). defined in greater detail further on in the
Ponce de Lon (1977) obtained the results chapter. The high rate of stillbirths (11.6
in Table 31 from four breeds researched in percent) is explained by rearing conditions
Cuba, in a wet tropical climate. The charac- in the rabbitry.
The rabbit 69
The development of technical and eco- 15th day of pregnancy), both the rate of
nomic management systems in France and ovulation and embryo viability can be esti-
Spain provides series of results describing mated. The simplest method is laparotomy,
performance trends in rabbit production to observe the ovaries and uterus. As this
units. For the sample regularly followed in usually requires slaughter of the doe, the
France by the Institut technique del' aviculture, technique of choice today is the laparoscopy.
litter size (number of live births) rose from The effect on the doe is considerably reduced
7.2 in 1974 to 7.8 in 1986, reaching 8.6 in 1992. by the use of an endoscope which allows a
Table 32 summarizes other findings com- normal productive life after the operation,
paring breeds reared under rural or southern and several observations on the same female.
country conditions. The numerous European Tables 33 and 34 show that strains differ.
and United States comparisons of medium- The way the strains are classified varies
sized breeds such as New Zealand White and between ovulation and birth, i.e. strain 2066
Californian rabbits, for which Rochambeau's is penalized by poor pre-implantation
(1988) summary might be consulted, have viability (Table 33).
been deliberately omitted. The table stresses
the importance of studies in India and Egypt. Weight gain and anatomical composition.
Regrettably, there are few studies on local The growth rates of young rabbits are strongly
populations. The New Zealand White and correlated with adult size and weight where
Californian rabbits are used by many authors, there has been no marked dietary deficiency.
but they are very different strains. Since most Table 35 gives average weights of young
authors rarely specify the origin of their rabbits at successive ages, from 28 to 78 days,
animals, it is difficult to compare them and as well as carcass weights at 78 days, for the
these various populations of white rabbits Small Himalayan and New Zealand White.
may well have only the phenotype of The table clearly shows the growth rate of
colouring in common. This table also shows young Small Himalayan rabbits (adult weight
the importance of specific "giant" populations 2.5 kg) to be slower than that of the New
found in India and Egypt, but without Zealand White breed (adult weight 4 kg).
knowing the adult size of these populations it Moreover, at 78 days the New Zealand White
is impossible to know whether they really is more mature than the Small Himalayan,
belong to giant breeds. Other populations when its live weight is 63 percent of adult
such as the Russian Chinchilla or the Sandy weight against 59 percent for the Small Hi-
also deserve attention. malayan. The variation coefficients, the ratio
of the standard phenotype deviation from
Biological components of pro lificacy. The the mean, are typical of the intrabreed vari-
description of biological traits in local popu- ability of these characters for a given feeding
lations and breeds provides useful pointers system. Variability is greater in young New
for better utilization strategies. The proce- Zealand White rabbits than in Small Hima-
dure is to count the numbers of corpus layan. Medium breeds slaughtered at the
luteum to estimate the rate of ovulation. same age also vary in growth performance
The number of implantation sites and the and carcass composition. Table 36 gives data
number of living and dead embryos are for young Fauve de Bourgogne, Argent de
then counted to determine embryo viabil- Champagne and Large Himalayan rabbits
ity. Litter size at birth completes the estima- slaughtered at 84 days. Argent de Cham-
tion of foetal viability. Observing the fe- pagne has excellent growth, muscle tissue
male tractus after embryo implantation and fat development for meat production.
(seven days after kindling and before the Fauve de Bourgogne is a close second.
,Summary of selected breed comparisons for individual weight at weaning, individual weight at x weeks, litter size at birth and at weaning
Authors Charac- Giant Grey Red Yellow Califor- Chin- White Giant Grey White White Norfolk New Sandy Russian
ters Bouscat Baladi Baladi Baladi nian chilla Flemish Chin- Giant Giant Giza Zealand Chin-
Giant chilla White chilla
Damodar and
Jatkar, 1985, India 10 IW 115 1,9*
1981, USSR BLS 83 95 8.0* 100
Note: An asterisk after the figure indicates the reference value in numbers or kg; the other values are expressed in percentage with respect to reference value.
WIN = individual weight at weaning; .rIW = individual weight at x weeks; BLS litter size at birth; WLS = litter size at weaning.
Source: Rochambeau, 1988.
The rabbit 71
Litter size components in three experimental INRA strains
Litter size components in a sample of 233 V-strain females at the University of Valencia
Weight gain and the growth rate of the ability expressed in that environment. This
main tissues depend on the breed's biological variability is expressed in animals of the
characteristics and on production factors such same breed or local population as well as in
as feeding. So the criterion for describing a different breeds and populations and in
breed in a particular production environment interpopulation crosses. Variability is an
should probably be maturity in terms of expression of genetic differences which se-
weight, defined as weight at a given age lection and crossing try to exploit.
divided by adult weight. The question here is how genetic variabil-
The most interesting breeds from the pro- ity can be exploited in small-scale produc-
duction point of view are those with the best tion, preferably using local resources. Up-
ratio of weight gain to adult weight, which grading the potential of a species depends on
arrive early at the proper live weight for mar- its biological characteristics, mastery of its
ket. Lightweight breeds could be utilized as reproduction and calculating the genetic pa-
pure-breds or, better, crossed with medium- rameters for selection.
weight breeds for a light carcass with good
muscle development and quality meat (suffi- Biological characters
cient fat) where there is consumer demand. Controlled breeding. One breeding opera-
tion requiring much care and time on the
GENETICS OF BREEDING CHARACTERS breeder's part is to get the first and succes-
The genetic improvement of breeding char- sive litters from the doe. In cage breeding the
acters relevant to the production environ- doe should be serviced in the buck's cage.
ment depends on the specific genetic vari- Once sexually mature the doe can theoreti-
72 Genetics and selection
Variability in weights of young rabbits from 28 to 78 days, and carcass weights,
for two breeds
v (%) v (%)
28 428 8 599 26
31 485 12 761 16
38 582 8 1 013 14
45 770 9 1 248 13
52 933 9 1 568 15
59 1 105 10 1 860 14
66 1 245 10 2 066 11
73 1 387 10 2 300 10
78 1 476 10 2 503 10
78 911 9 1 364 7
Note: Animals bred at INRA (Toulouse Centre). Rational production; weaning at 28 days. Carcasses with head and paws.
x= average; v= variation coefficient.
Average live weight at 84 days, carcass weight, muscle weight/bone weight ratio, weight of
fatty tissue in carcass, for three breeds
cally be presented to the buck at any time The breeder is dependent on the sexual
except during gestation, but in practice she urges of the buck and doe for the first essen-
does not always accept the male. Acceptance tial step, mating. Little is known about the
of the male and subsequent mating produce biological basis of rabbit sexuality. The urge
litters only 70 percent of the time. This figure drops with high temperatures (28 to 30C).
varies with physiological conditions, sea- In the hot season the doe must be presented
son, breed and environment. Figure 17 sum- to the buck early in the morning, from 0600
marizes the respective genetic roles of the onwards, when the sexual urge is greatest.
buck and the doe in litter size at weaning. Fertility is affected by ovulation, which
The rabbit 73
Respective genetic roles of male and female rabbits in determining litter size at ztieaning
0 10h Ovulation
Postnatal maternal
environment (milk
production, quality of
60 WEANING maternal care, etc.)
depends on the doe and takes place ten hours weaning by protecting the young and by
after mating, and by fecundation of the egg, the feed provided for the nursing doe. The
which depends on the buck and occurs 16 viability of the baby rabbits, maternal
hours after mating. The genes of both the behaviour and milk production are also
buck and the doe equally affect prenatal important. Kindling-weaning viability in
growth and the viability of the egg. Crossing the litter depends on the number of live
can improve the viability of the egg, blasto- births, which varies from breed to breed, as
cyst and embryo. The doe has more influ- shown in Table 37.
ence in the uterine environment, notably on This viability remains fairly constant for
embryo nourishment. The buck therefore the number of live births in litters of three to
has an influence on litter size. nine. Small litters (one or two live births) do
Doe prolificacy is a breed characteristic, not offer a favourable environment for the
but with substantial individual variations survival of the young. Live young at wean-
(one to 18 young per litter). Once the doe ing peak at 8.60 for litters of 12 or more. This
has kindled, the litter must be safely raised suggests practical rules for fostering to in-
to weaning. The breeder affects litter size at crease the total production of young rabbits
74 Genetics and selection
Birth-weaning viability of young rabbits by litter size at birth
171 1 0.35 35
321 2 1.37 68
487 3 2.43 81
634 4 3.23 81
1 035 5 4.06 81
1 784 6 5.05 84
2 741 7 5.80 83
3 837 8 6.68 83
3 753 9 7.34 82
2 857 10 7.82 78
1 343 11 8.21 75
676 12 8.57 71
221 13 8.59 66
63 14 8.60 61
Note: Data from a rational rabbit production unit in the Midi-Pyrnes region of France.
Source: Roustan, Matheron and Duzert, 1980.
weaned. The fostered rabbits may come Both does and bucks have a very high
from small (one or two), or more commonly reproduction potential, as confirmed by
from large (over ten) litters. However, the latest research. Potential reproduction
fostering implies both a sufficient number per doe per year can be evaluated at 150
of does in the rabbitry and the breeder's young. Achieving this, however, will re-
familiarity with their maternal behaviour. quire many more years of research as well
After birth and once the young rabbit has as the mastery of environmental factors.
suckled, it can be separated from the mother For breeding in developing countries it is
for 24 hours, allowing for easy travel and best at present to aim at using local popula-
transfer to a foster mother. tions and longer reproductive periods. The
The biological characteristics of the female best technique is to start by upgrading
rabbit ovulation induced by mating, accep- traditional production techniques and
tance of the male from the day of kindling, no (where they exist) local populations.
lactation anoestrus, no marked seasonal
anoestrus are such as to afford a wide range Tissue growth. As demonstrated by Cantier
of theoretical reproduction rates. As an ex- et al. (1969), bone tissue in rabbits develops
ample, Table 38 compares three different first, followed by muscle and then fat. In a
rates of reproduction at a commercial rabbit population of common rabbits of average
breeding centre in Mexico. adult weight (4 kg) the skeleton develops
The rabbit 75
Comparison of three reproduction rates
1 2 3
Breeding does 75 75 75
rapidly up to a live weight of 900 g. Growth market demand, the production system and
then continues more slowly up to 4 kg. Muscle the type of feed used.
tissue gains very quickly in weight up to a
live weight of 2.3 to 2.6 kg, when the curve Genes and the environmen
falls abruptly. Adipose tissue develops at a Most quantitative breeding characters
fast rate after 2.1 kg. To allow for the differ- fertility, viability, growth, etc. are poly-
ences in the speed of overall weight gain due genetically determined, but they are also sub-
to breed or feeding, rabbits should be slaugh- ject to the effects of the environment. Pheno-
tered at 50 to 60 percent of the normal adult type is the outcome of the impact of genotype
weight for their breed or population. This is and environment on a character. The geno-
the right stage for the best anatomical com- type is the outcome of the effects of genes at
position of the carcass and the most efficient several loci. The environment is made up of a
utilization of feed. number of components: climate, habitat, the
Poor feed slows down overall weight gain animals' microclimate, temperature, humid-
and lowers conversion efficiency the ]. , air speed, rabbitry equipment, breeding
amount of feed necessary to produce a 1 kg techniques and feeding practices, and the hu-
weight gain. This might not be a drawback in man factor the breeder. The genetic determi-
a breeding system using local resources for nation of character variations is of dual inter-
feeding the growing rabbits, but the fastest est to the selector and breeder: first, to exploit
growing animals in a population have the the genetic variability of animals of the same
best carcass composition (muscle /bone ra- breed or population; and second, by crossing,
tio, fat percentage) at slaughter age or weight. to exploit the genetic variability between
Young rabbit meat is naturally lean; there is breeds and populations.
no excess fat. The best slaughter age and Individual genotypic values are not directly
weight must be worked out in terms of observable, only performance (phenotypes)
76 Genetics and selection
Allometric coefficients of the main organs and tissues and indication of critical body weights
(less digestive content) observed in male rabbits
650 0.44
850 0.91
950 1.25
1 000 1.20
0.46 1.87
1 700
2 100
3.21 0.47
2 450
can be measured. The conventional model tive genetic origin. This coefficient is called
of quantitative genetics assumes pheno- heritability and it is calculated as the ratio of
typic value to be the sum of genetic value additive genetic variance to total variance.
and environmental factors. This model as- Heritability therefore varies from zero to one.
sumes genotype and environment to be Heritability is also the regression coefficient
independent. According to this model, ge- of an individual's additive genetic value over
netic value is partly the result of additive his /her own performance. Heritability var-
genetic value and partly of gene interaction ies with the character, the population studied
on the same locus (dominance) or different and environment. It particularly varies with
loci (epistasis). Using a regression coeffi- gene frequencies and thus changes in a se-
cient, the additive genetic value of an indi- lected population.
vidual is estimated for the performance of Figure 18 shows the heritability of the prin-
this individual and its relatives. A selection cipal characters of interest to breeders. Heri-
programme tries to create genetic progress, tability is read clockwise from the left. Female
i.e. to increase the average additive genetic fertility is near zero in terms of heritability.
value of the population. Then, moving clockwise, heritability in-
creases. The heritability of litter size is about
Heritability and genetic correlations. The 0.10. The highest heritability is for weight at a
amount of genetic progress depends prima- standard age (0.2 to 0.3) and this increases as
rily on how much of the variance is of addi- the animal grows and maternal influence
The rabbit 77
Heritability and genetic correlation of production characters in rabbits
Individual weight
at weaning ++
0.10 030
Litter size at Individual weight
weaning at 70 days
Litter size
at birth growth rate
Feed efficiency
in group cages
Slaughter ++ ++
Intake in group
070 0.50
wanes. Postweaning growth rate and feed this: heritability for the number of live-born
efficiency in collective cages are between 0.3 young varies from 0.0 to 0.4 when the upper
and 0.4. Above 0.4 lie characters such as quarter and lower quarter estimates are re-
carcass weight, muscle /bone ratio, intake in moved. The variation for individual weight
a group cage and slaughter yield. at 14 weeks is 0.2 and 0.8 under the same
These estimates are relative: the problem of conditions.
estimating a variance ratio with the available
data is compounded by variations of Genetic variability among breeds andpopu-
heritability in place and time. Rochambeau's lations. Local breeds or populations could
1988 review is an instructive illustration of be compared with improved breeds in other
78 Genetics and selection
countries and under different production In the first instance, bucks of a breed with
systems. Breed differences are primarily high growth potential are crossed with does
exploited through cross-breeding. Inter- of another breed or population that exhibit
breed comparisons in rabbitries are there- good prolificacy, maternal performance and
fore very useful. Local breeds and popula- tolerance of the production environment.
tions can be compared with improved The second instance concerns traits making
breeds in other countries and breeds pro- up an overall character. Thus, ovulation
duced in different conditions. Interbreed rate and egg and embryo viability are com-
differences are basically exploited through ponents of litter size at birth (prolificacy).
crosses. Not all crosses are advantageous, Prolificacy and birth-weaning
however; they must be tested. The main viability are components of litter size at
advantages of cross-breeding are heterosis weaning. Crosses can therefore be sought
and interbreed nicking ability. which combine a high ovulation rate and
Heterosis may be defined as better breed- strong embryo viability in the crossed doe.
ing performances of crossed animals than These characters may well be antagonistic
that obtainable with the average of the two on an intrapopulation basis.
pure parent breeds. Heterosis may apply to The effects of heterosis and nicking abil-
the young rabbit (its viability, for example), ity are not systematic. Crossing pro-
the crossed doe (fertility, milk production) grammes are needed to bring out these
or the crossed buck (vigour, sexual urge, effects clearly. Let us consider population
fertility). Characters subject to dominance, A and population B. It is recommended
such as reproduction characters, are those that two pure-bred (A x A) and (B x B) be
most likely to benefit from heterosis. compared with two reciprocal crosses (A x
Heterosis may occur where the popula- B) and (B x A), to highlight the effects of the
tions crossed differ genetically, which is not maternal and grandmaternal generations.
always revealed by a phenotypic study of the As an intuitive illustration of the mater-
pure breeds or populations. The crossed ani- nal effect, let us assume that breed A has an
mals are always more heterotic than the ani- adult weight of 6 kg and breed B an adult
mals of the two parent populations and this weight of 3 kg. We cross an A male with a B
implies greater adaptability to variable and female and a B male with an A female, and
difficult environmental conditions. Crossing compare the weight of the young at
can therefore be useful in improving rabbit weaning. The young AB rabbits have the
breeding in developing countries, but crossing same genetic heritage on average as the
trials must be planned. Where local young BA rabbits, as they share half of the
populations exist their use is recommended. paternal and half of the maternal genes.
Cross-breeding makes possible the opti- The young have a different maternal envi-
mum use of the nicking ability of the breeds ronment, however: A females have a larger
or populations crossed. Nicking ability con- uterus and produce more milk so the young
cerns the two groups of characters from the weigh more at weaning. Thus, even with
mother and her young which contribute to the same genetic heritage, BA rabbits are
the quantity of rabbit meat produced by the heavier at weaning than AB rabbits be-
doe. In cross-breeding this ability is aimed cause of the favourable maternal effect. A
at bringing together either the overall char- more precise definition is given in Matheron
acters relative to the mother and the off- and Maulon (1979). It is recommended
spring, or a favourable combination of ad- that two successive generations of crosses
ditive effects on the components of an be studied to bring out the direct effect of
overall character. heterosis on rabbit characters and on the
The rabbit 79
maternal effects, as expressed in the female genotypes 2066 x 1077 and 1077 x 2066
characters. The first generation includes confirm their superiority. Litter size is con-
crosses (A x A), (B x B), (A x B) and (B x A); siderably increased by the use of cross-
the second consists of mating pure AA and bred females.
BB females and half-breed AB and BA fe- Table 41 analyses the same findings in
males with, for example, males of a third C terms of genetic effect. For direct genetic
strain. If more than two populations are effect, 2066 has a negative effect on the
studied, the number of genotypes to com- number of implantation sites and 9077 has
pare at the second generation increases a positive impact on litter size at birth. The
with the square of the number of popula- maternal effect of 9077 on the number of
tions. implantation sites contrasts with the posi-
One example is provided by an INRA tive effect of 1077 on litter size at weaning.
experiment at the Toulouse Centre in 1987 While the effect of direct heterosis is weak,
to 1989. This three-stage experiment used maternal heterosis has a major effect on the
strains 1077, 9077 and 2066, as shown in number of implantation sites and is main-
Table 28, p. 67. The first stage involves a tained until weaning, achieving 16 percent
factorial mating between males and females for 1077 and 2066.
of three strains: males of each genotype The results of crossing experiments, of
(1077, 9077 and 2066) are crossed with fe- particular interest in selecting an optimum
males of each genotype (1077, 9077 and animal utilization strategy, are specific to the
2066) to obtain litters with nine genotypes animal population studied and cannot be
(three pure and six cross-bred). At stage generalized for all animals in a breed. How-
two, females from these nine genotypes ever, they can describe local populations or
were mated with males of three pure geno- strains, thus selecting the best way to use
types. At the last stage, the same females them in cross-breeding or pure-breeding.
were mated with males belonging to two
strains of terminal crossing of different ori- Cross-breeding in tropical countries. The
gin. The first three litters of the female were biological bases for superior crosses should
checked at each stage. The females were be sought among the available animal popu-
then slaughtered during their fourth preg- lations bred in various environments. Sev-
nancy and litter size components studied. eral large-scale studies of interbreed crosses
Table 40 compares the performances of in tropical countries have been made: there
pure and cross-bred females. Cross-bred follows one from Cuba, and then a synthe-
females were superior on the whole, the sis of experimental work in Egypt.
number rising from ovulation to weaning These studies were made on animals from
at a rate of one to 13 percent. There are also imported acclimatized breeds, not on local
differences between the pure strains and rabbit populations. Meat production was
cross-bred females. The following analyses improved by using the best crosses. In 1969
attempt to explain these differences for to 1971 the Cuban Instituto de Ciencia Ani-
further use. 2066 females have a better ovu- mal crossed four breeds on a rotational
lation rate but this advantage disappears at basis: Semi-giant White, Californian, New
the next stage. The performances of 2066 Zealand White and Chinchilla. The charac-
and 1077 are fairly close. The 9077 strain ters analysed were litter size at birth and
performs less well. weaning, and litter weight at weaning. The
Cross-bred genotypes with 2066 genes experiment was conducted during the dry
also have a higher ovulation rate: an advan- season (November to April, mean tempera-
tage maintained up to weaning, where the ture 22.2C, humidity 75.2 percent) and the
80 Genetics and selection
Average female performance in nine genotypes: litter size components measured
at different stages
Genetic parameters of litter size measured at different stages between ovulation
and weaning
rainy season (mean tempera ture 26.1C, hu- The animals were raised in hutches iden-
midity 77.7 percent). Some of the experi- tical to those used for rabbit breeding in
mental animals from these four breeds had southern California. These are wire cages
recently been imported from Canada, oth- with wooden nesting boxes arranged in
ers had been in Cuba for some time. Adult single decks in two rows, in a roofed build-
weights are given in Table 42. ing open on all four sides. This habitat pro-
The rabbit 81
tects the rabbits from direct sun but in a wet ter for postnatal characters. The review in-
tropical climate carmot protect against rain cludes a great many estimations of the ef-
and wind, which explains the high mortality fects of direct heterosis, here summarized
rate of the rabbits before weaning. in Table 43. In these experimental environ-
An extensive system of reproduction was ments, the direct effects of heterosis proved
used, with weaning at 45 days, followed by weak for the characters studied. Apart from
mating. The average figures on litter size an average value of 15 percent for litter
show a normal prolificacy for breeds of this weight at birth and 7 percent for litter size
adult size (7.45 total births per litter); slightly at weaning, all other values were below 5
higher than normal stillbirth rate (over 10 percent. They are close to zero for indi-
percent); and, above all, a high birth-to- vidual weight at four and 12 weeks and for
weaning mortality (2.5 rabbits weaned per postweaning viability. The effects of ma-
litter). This was caused by inadequate pro- ternal heterosis are stronger, even though
tection of the nests from wind and rain and the low number of experimental results
inadequate feeding of the lactating does. It does preclude a categorical statement.
is interesting to know the positive contri-
bution of cross-breeding in such difficult GENETIC IMPROVEMENT: SELECTION AND
production conditions. CROSSING
A comparison among the pure breeds France, Italy and Spain in southwestern
revealed that the Semi-giant White loses Europe are developing genetic improve-
fewer young between kindling and wean- ment programmes to meet the needs of
ing than the others, and the weaning weight intensive production in a temperate cli-
is better. For simple crosses the highest mate. Animals selected in Western Europe
averages for number of young weaned and are not necessarily the best for small unit
lowest total rabbit mortality figures were production (five to 60 does) in different
recorded by New Zealand White x Semi- production conditions. Local rabbit breeds
giant White. Numerical productivity can and stock bred locally using various im-
also be increased by crossing the female ported populations should be used for ge-
progeny of this cross with Californian males. netic improvement.
The most productive cross is Semi-giant Efficient genetic improvement should be
White does x Chinchilla bucks. a group effort with scientific and technical
Afifi and Khalil (1992) summarized the support from the country's research and
findings of nine Egyptian experiments pub- development organizations. The improve-
lished between 1971 and 1990. They com- ment programme could focus on a village
pared pure and cross-bred animals from (or preferably a group of villages), on all the
local or imported populations. There is a rabbitries in a province, or on the whole
long list of breeds used: Bouscat, Chin- country. Genetic improvement is a costly
chilla, Giza White, Baladi White, Red and operation: the group needs to be big enough
Yellow, Grey Flemish Giant, White Flem- to bear the cost and to mobilize the neces-
ish Giant, New Zealand White and Califor- sary skills.
nian. The trial designs include many simple Genetic improvement demands techni-
crosses but, unfortunately, few cross-bred cal specialization. There should therefore
females. The authors of the summary con- be breeder-selectors and breeder-users,
clude that local breeds (Giza White, Baladi) perhaps with breeder-multipliers between
are superior for characters expressed be- the two. While the pyramidal schemes used
fore birth and the imported breeds (New in Western Europe are efficient in their
Zealand White, Californian, Bouscat) bet- special context, they are not universally
82 Genetics and selection
Adult live weight of four breeds in a Cuban cross-breeding experiment, 1969 to 1971
(kg) (kg)
Distribution of the effects of direct and maternal heterosis in a series of cross-breeding
experiments in Egypt
Litter size at 43 1 8 5 11 6 4 3 5 4
birth 6 2 2 1 1 5
Litter size at 43 4 3 7 6 11 5 2 7 7
weaning 6 1 1 1 1 1 14
Litter weight at 32 5 6 6 7 7 15
Litter weight 34 4 4 2 7 6 4 4 3 5
at weaning 4 1 2 1 13
Individual weight 36 4 5 6 11 5 5 1
at five weeks 5 1 2 1 1 1
Individual weight 32 2 3 7 7 10 3 2
at 12 weeks 5 1 1 1 1 1 0
Four to 12 week 17 3 6 1 2 1 3 1
viability 2 1 1 12
* N = number of estimates. For each character, the direct effects of heterosis are noted on the first line and the effects of
maternal heterosis on the second line.
Source: Afifi and Khalil, 1992.
*divide this index by the number of Performance control and technical data
days between the first kindling and the nth management. With stock being used for
kindling (for index for n litters). This gives selection it is necessary to:
an index of numerical productivity; identify each breeding animal individu-
compare does with the same numbers ally;
of litters against this index. measure the breeding characters
As weaning age is variable, the number needed for genetic and breeding man-
of rabbits weaned can be calculated on agement of the stock;
litter size at 28 days so the doe's genetic record these characters for later exploi-
value can be estimated more rapidly. tation.
Chapter 9 describes an even simpler sys- All rabbits are identified at weaning when
tem of choosing breeding stock, which can separated from the dam by a numbered ear
be done directly in the rabbitry. tag or a number tattooed in the ear. This
The other group of characters for selec- might be the date of birth plus a day-of-
tion has to do with weight gain. One selec- year identity number. Depending on the
tion criterion is average daily weight gain size of the group an individual number
from weaning to slaughter age, say at day might have four or five digits (up to 999 or
70. The difference between individual 9 999 births a year) or even six if necessary.
weight at day 70 and individual weight at Another number indicating genetic type
weaning is divided by the number of days (breed or cross) could be added to the
elapsed between these two dates. The idea animal's cage card.
is to speed up postweaning growth. There Troop management involves three types
is no need to measure the quantity of feed of record card: doe, buck and litter. The
consumed, except for experimental pur- buck and doe cards identify the breeding
poses or to compare genetic types for selec- animal, its number, date of birth and the
tion for feed utilization. number of its sire and dam; next, the
It is not easy to measure the quantity of animal's cage, for easier identification
feed or dry matter eaten by the animals, within the production system; then the date
and when they are given different feeds and cull rate.
and local forage feed conversion efficiency On doe cards (see Figure 45, p. 158) record:
is difficult to calculate. Speeding up servicing dates (day, month and year);
postweaning growth indirectly reduces the identification number of servicing
amount of dry matter needed for every buck;
kilogram of live-weight gain. result of pregnancy test by abdominal
Slaughter yield, carcass quality (meat / palpation;
bone ratio, fat) and organoleptic quali- kindling date and litter: parity of doe,
ties of meat are complex characters to number of live and stillborn young
select for because they can only be mea- (found living or dead at first examina-
sured in carefully controlled slaughter tion of nest after kindling) and number
conditions. Direct intrapopulation selec- added or subtracted from litter 36 hours
tion for these characters would be unre- after kindling;
alistic. Breeders can check sample fig- weaning dates, number weaned per lit-
ures for these characters for the ter and weaned litter weight;
population they are using and if im- On buck cards (see Figure 46, p. 159)
provement is necessary crosses can be record:
made with bucks from good meat breeds date of servicing;
(described earlier in this chapter). number of does serviced;
The rabbit 85
Four selection techniques compared for effectiveness
selection is an effective way of increasing these females which weigh the most at
litter size and postwearuing growth rate, al- slaughter time. In any case, unhealthy
though there is usually almost no progress in young rabbits are culled prior to selection.
litter size. Successful selection depends on
full control of rabbit breeding, the collection Renewal of pure-bred stock and mating
and management of geneological data and programmes. Here there are different cases
performance, and the selection cycle. to consider: first, a rabbitry practising com-
In practice, a synthesis of various theo- bined selection based on litter size; second,
retical studies suggests the following rec- mass selection based on the same character
ommendations. for a sizeable number of breeding does in
To improve litter size, the selection crite- the strain (200); and third, smaller groups.
rion is litter size at birth or weaning, mea-
sured on the first three litters. For greater Case 1. Selection of a strain on the basis flitter
precision without increasing the genera- size at weaning (INRA, Toulouse). Combined
tion interval, the performances of the selection, separate generations. The theoreti-
candidate's full sisters and half-sisters are cal plan calls for raising the stock in sepa-
taken into account. Renewal with the prog- rate breeding groups, each group consti-
eny of the female's second or third litter is tuting a generation. In each generation 196
the next step. Rearing the rabbits in sepa- does are bred with a batch of 42 males.
rate generations, as described below, in- Twenty-five percent of these does are se-
creases selection efficiency but the rabbitry lected according to the results of the first
has to be much bigger. It is pointless to three litters, the theoretical reproduction rate
attempt selection without the necessary permitting a generation interval of ten
resources. months. Each doe selected produces an av-
For a better postweaning growth rate, the erage of four replacement female offspring,
selection criterion should be the speed of so the group is made up of families of full
growth after weaning. This criterion can be sisters and paternal half-sisters.
measured on both sexes and heritability is The mating programme is implemented in
average. Simple mass selection is therefore accordance with the composition of the breed-
the technique of choice. In order not to ing groups. Table 46 shows that the females
reduce the strain's aptitude for reproduc- of each of the 14 families are distributed
tion, breeding animals are chosen in litters among 14 breeding groups with three males
with at least one shared character and at (one and two alternates) and 14 females. One
least four or five births. breeding female is chosen at random per
A breeder who renews the herd on the family from among the 196 does.
basis of the best does for litter size will This mating programme means the
choose the young rabbits from the litters of genetic value of each doe can be figured
The rabbit 87
Findings of specific selection experiments on rabbits
Formation of reproduction groups based on family origin
Family3 9 3.1 9 3.2 9 3.3 9 3.14 c3' 3.1 d' 3.2 c3' 3.3
Family 14 9 14.1 9 14.2 9 14.3 9 14.14 d' 14.1 d' 14.2 d" 14.3
ers are chosen from the progeny of the does Once the breeding animals for herd re-
selected earlier. The final selection is for newal have been chosen, a mating programme
animals with the greatest daily weight gain is the next step. Selection may be random, but
between weaning and sale. Twenty-five mating between close relatives such as full
percent of the does and 15 percent of the brothers-sisters, half-brothers-half-sisters,
bucks of the weaned population of each lot mother-son or father-daughter must be
are kept as replacements as needed. avoided. A practical way to organize a servic-
This set of rules governing the selection ing calendar is to assign breeding animals to
and culling of breeding animals is designed cages by breeding groups, taking family ori-
to maintain a population in demographic gin into account (the family is the original
eqiiilibrium and increase selection efficiency. breeding group). A breeding group consists
of two or three cages of sires and 10 to 14 cages
Case 3. Conservation of a numerically small of dams, or proportionately fewer if the colony
strain. It may be useful to conserve strains or is numerically small.
populations that are few in number.
Matheron and Chevalet (1977) proposed an Cross-breeding strategies
appropriate management method (used to Three cross-breeding systems are:
manage control strain 9077 at INRA).
The strain is composed of 11 breeding Simple or two-breed crossing. Females of a
groups with one male and four females. local population, or breed A, will be crossed
From one generation to the next, each male with males of breed C to improve the growth
leaves one male progeny and each doe one and muscular development of young meat
female progeny. rabbits and for a heterotic effect on the
The male of group i is the offspring of the numerical productivity of does. Using this
i male of the preceding generation. His dam system the breeder can cross the pure breed
is chosen at random from females in the A with part of his/her stock (perhaps 20
breeding group. The four females making up percent) for self-renewal of the female stock.
group i in generation n+1 are the daughters The other females will be terminally crossed
of four females who were, respectively, in with C males, which can be obtained from
groups i-1, i-2, i-3 and i-4 in generation n. another breeder. All the progeny of this
This method is illustrated in Figure 19. cross are destined for the butchet.
The rabbit 89
Constitution of generation n + 1 groups, the progeny of n generation !needing groups
G 4 Gn5 Gen E Gn7
A four-strain cross-breeding experiment
Male Female Litter Pregnancy Annual Number of Individual Individual Fecundity Numerical
sire dam size rate litters weaned weight weight index pro-
of of at (7.9) per rabbits per at weaning at 77 days ductivity
litter litter weaning female female per year (g) (g) index
Synthetic strains. Many countries have ductive strain adapted to local conditions.
few or no local rabbit populations. Where In theory, to ensure that these recombina-
they do exist, they are often the descendants tions appear fully, one would have to ab-
of random imports dating back a few de- stain from breeding for 2n generations,
cades and crossed with no overall strategy. where n is the number of strains used. In
This population may have adapted some- these examples 2n =8. The number of strains
what to local conditions, but its initial ge- will obviously rarely exceed three or four.
netic potential will be rather limited. For Parent animals from French, Italian or
such countries, the creation of synthetic Spanish selection programmes can be cho-
strains is an attractive alternative. sen as the founder strains of these synthetic
To create a synthetic strain, a male from populations. This gives initial strains with
strain C is mated with a cross-bred AB good potential productivity and, through
female to produce an F, generation which natural selection, the animals best adapted
is crossed F1 x F1 to produce F2, followed to local conditions. Two or three synthetic
by F3 and so on. A synthetic strain can strains of this type can be created in a given
thus be constituted which enjoys the country, in addition to any existing local
nicking ability of the two A and B strains. Cross-breeding experiments can
populations and half the initial heterosis. then follow to compare these strains and
A synthetic strain can also be established choose a cross-breeding strategy for pro-
from a variable number of strains or duction.
breeds: here three but also two or four.
The members of the F1 generation are Organizing genetic improvement:
homogeneous but numerous genetic selection plans
recombinations appear in F2, F3, etc. These This section uses an example to explain the
recombinations reveal a new genetic vari- organization of the technical components
ability which can be used to create a pro- described throughout this chapter for a
The rabbit 91
genetic improvement plan. France will be fined to the principal objective, but there
used as a case-study for the questions that are secondary objectives for market diver-
need to be asked. sification.
What is the initial situation? France has a What kind of organization? France has
long tradition of rabbit meat production chosen a pyramidal plan (Figure 20) to
and consumption. The breeders are orga- create, accumulate and disseminate ge-
nized into producers' groups and again netic progress, much as in poultry pro-
into a national federation, the FENALAP. duction. Private companies select strains
Producers constitute one link in the chain that are cross-bred to produce meat rab-
with other groups working in the field, bits. The "female" strains are selected for
particularly feed and equipment manufac- fecundity; the "male" strains are selected
turers, breeders and slaughterhouses. This for postweaning growth and carcass qual-
is an organized market with standard na- ity.
tional rabbit meat grades. INRA has col- These private companies supervise
laborated for 30 years with the Institut tech- multiplication networks which cross pure
nique de l' aviculture et des animaux de strains to produce the cross-bred female
basse-cour (ITAVI) building expertise and and the terminal-cross male, the parents
furthering rational rabbit production. Tech- of the meat rabbit.
nical, economic and individual manage- Meat producers buy these improved
ment systems can supply data on produc- breeding animals. Today, the "female"
tion performance. France also has more strain multiplication stage is often done
than 40 pure rabbit breeds, the product of in the production rabbitry. The breeder
the breeders' art. purchases the B grandparent male and
VVhat kind of rabbit farming? French rabbit the C grandparent female (Figure 21).
production is a rational system with bree d- Increasingly, one-day-old breeding
ers producing meat for sale to slaughter- animals are being purchased to be fostered
houses. The "model" rabbitry has 200 or by does with good maternal performance.
more does, one or more specialized rabbit These two techniques reduce the risk of
houses with wire-mesh cages and an auto- transmitting health problems.
matic drinking system. Balanced pelleted The main drawbacks are the health risk
feed is used. The breeder also buys im- and the cumbersome organization. To ob-
proved breeding animals and follows a viate this risk, FENALAP and the breeders
hygiene and preventive health-care plan. voluntarily adhere to a charter defining
The rate of reproduction is intensive with the rights and obligations of each partner.
mating in the first 12 days after kindling The main provisions of this charter include
and weaning at four to five weeks. The visits by a commission of experts every
rabbits are slaughtered at a weight of 2.2 to two years to selection and multiplication
2.4 kg and mostly sold as whole carcasses. establishments and the utilization of tech-
VVhat objectives? The objectives are the nical and economic management by these
rational outcome of the foregoing. The ideal enterprises, with FENALAP available to
rabbits are those adapted to rational pro- hear breeder complaints.
duction systems, i.e. a female weaning a Within this pyramidal scheme, breeders
large number of fairly heavy young which create and build up genetic progress, which
reach commercial weight quite quickly and is then disseminated to and used by pro-
a male rabbit that transmits good growth ducers. A plan of this sort will not work
potential and carcass quality to his prog- unless the technical, economic and scien-
eny. This simplified presentation is con- tific organization described is in place.
92 Genetics and selection
Pyramidal scheme for creating and disseminating genetic progress in rabbits
/ Selection production
Creation and accumulation of
genetic progress
Pure strains
Great-grandparents (GGP)
Production rabbitries
Utilization of genetic progress Parental (P)
A country or regional review of the problenn rabbitry? What type of housing, equipment,
An initial hypothesis is that no approach feed, breeding animals, health care? Which
can be transposed without prior reflection. rate of reproduction? Weight and age at
The failures chalked up in recent years in slaughter? Organization and training for
various countries, not just for rabbits, are breeders?
an illustration of this hypothesis. This re- Which selection objectives? The answer is
view asks the following four questions: simple: a rabbit adapted to the above con-
What is the initial situation? Is there a straints.
rabbit production and / or consumption tra- VVhich organization? Group organization is
dition? Are there rabbitries, local rabbit preferable because it is more efficient. The
populations, imported populations? What pyramidal scheme with private breeders is
are the techniques, rabbit housing and just one solution among many, e.g. collec-
equipment and materials used by rabbit tively managed production units. There are
producers? What is the potential of existing other strategies that are less hierarchical, less
populations? How should marketing be rigid and better adapted to local constraints.
organized? Are there feed manufacturers, This question raises a whole list of further
buildings and equipment, slaughterhouses, questions: who creates genetic progress? Is
breeders and veterinarians with a back- there a buildup of genetic progress? Who
ground in rabbit production? Are there disseminates it? What about cross-breeding?
research, development and teaching organi- Who finances the cost of selection and dis-
zations with an equal background? What is semination? Who is responsible for checking
the government position on rabbit produc- the health, adaptability and production level
tion? What role does it assign the rabbit in of the animals produced?
animal production?
VVhat type of rabbit breeding? What is the CONCLUSIONS
breeder's objective: home consumption, Domestic rabbits are not as widespread as
export, sale to the local market? How big a the other species of domestic mammals
The rabbit 93
Use of different strains in a pyramidal scheme
Selection Strain A
cr Strain C
Growth and meat Fertility
quality of carcass
Meat abbits
that are traditionally used to provide meat, possible the rapid emergence of breeds
milk, wool and skins. But rabbits are ge- varying greatly in adult size and muscle
netically very flexible, which makes them development (adult weight varies at a ratio
adaptable and productive in a wide range of 1:8). Doe prolificacy depends basically
of production systems. on the breed. In breeds of comparable ma-
Research on rabbit breeding behaviour ture size, average prolificacy is relatively
and production development started only independent of the environment. This char-
recently less than 40 years ago although acter can be turned to good account in
formal genetic research has a longer his- deciding how to use local populations.
tory. For production and selection this can Various breeds and populations are avail-
be both an advantage and a drawback. The able for developing or modernizing pro-
advantage is that there is less temptation duction. A minimum of environmental fac-
for countries to import ready-made solu- tors must be mastered first; for the rest the
tions without examining their own specific rabbit will simply adjust to the physical
problems. A relative drawback is that the and human constraints of its habitat.
newness of this field of research calls for a In most developing countries, highly in-
new and appropriate genetic improvement tensive production with complete control
pattern for each region or country. The over technical and environmental detail is
major constraint here is dependence on the precisely the opposite of what is needed.
environment and a careful study of the What is needed are careful country profiles
production environment is essential. of the production environment (technical
The great genetic flexibility of the species studies of local feed resources and genetic
and its short life cycle are definite assets. and sociological studies) and training for
This flexibility is a function of a genetic rabbit breeders. For genetic improvement,
variability which can be traced to the recent the first step could be a study of the breed-
domestication of the rabbit and the lack of ing performance of pure and crossed local
intensive artificial selection. This has made populations. Local populations are usually
94 Genetics and selection
smaller in size and less prolific and appro- should always be conserved and selected
priate crosses with local and imported on an intrapopulation basis so they can be
breeds for better productivity could be used to improve production in their own
worked out. Existing local populations environment.
The rabbit 95
Chapter 5
A point that agricultural officials have A small, properly run rabbitry is more pro-
all too often ignored is that this basic notion ductive in the long term than a large one
is as true at the production-unit level as it is that is poorly run. It is also less of a menace
at the village, region or country level. In to neighbouring rabbitries.
traditional French rabbitries, for example, Farmers everywhere know how impor-
pasteurellosis was once a lethal respiratory tant and beneficial fallow periods and crop
disease that could decimate the rabbit popu- rotation are for the soil they till. One reason
lation of a whole village within a few weeks. these methods are so beneficial is that they
Today, the drop in the numbers of these reduce local microbial infections specific to
traditional units has led to a marked reduc- each crop. Plant species, like animal spe-
tion in the epizootic and lethal properties cies, are each surrounded by their own
of this disease. microbial environment. No matter how
Myxomatosis decimated the rabbit popu- capable a breeder is, the day will come
lation in Western Europe in a few months, when the rabbitry will have to be cleared,
not only because the virus had been intro- thoroughly cleaned and disinfected in or-
duced but mainly because the environ- der to lower ambient microbial contamina-
ment as a whole was favourable; the main tion to a safe level.
factor was the overpopulation of wild and
domestic rabbits in France at that time. Rabbitry management
An increase in the number of large rabbit- Management (husbandry) is also part of
ries, combined with expanded trading in the production-unit environment, but the
France, Spain and Italy, fostered the ap- impact of management on disease is often
pear anc e and simultaneous spread forgotten. The way breeding and husbandry
throughout these three countries of three methods have evolved in different coun-
hitherto sporadic diseases: dermatomy- tries shows that any method can have both
cosis, staphylococcis and colibacilli 0103. positive and negative consequences. Age
at weaning is undoubtedly the most im-
Microbial contamination portant variable. Weaning at 28 days does
Microflora is also a component of the envi- limit or even eliminate the transmission of
ronment. This chapter devotes special at- certain disease agents, such as Pasteurella
tention to microbial contaminations be- and Escherichia colt, but stopping the
cause they are a major, inevitable form of mother's milk somewhat curtails the pas-
attack in all rabbitries. sive immunity of young rabbits and un-
Microbial contamination refers to the questionably favours E. colt. Weaning much
polluting of air, objects and soil by bacteria, later wears out the dams. Intensified pro-
parasites, viruses or fungi. Most often, these duction has led some breeders to opt for a
microscopic organisms are not intrinsically highly accelerated mating calendar (mat-
pathogenic. They become pathogenic when ing following kindling the same day) or for
pollution reaches a high, continuous thresh- moving the females very often. These
old. Ambient microflora is present from choices mean a shorter life for breeding
the start of production in a unit and inevi- females. Raising rabbits in groups, as is
tably expands as time goes by. One of the done in the big European producer coun-
breeder's basic tasks is to slow this inevi- tries, considerably modifies rabbit pathol-
table increase as much as possible. This is ogy.
done by respecting the rules of hygiene and by Breeders need to remind themselves, in
limiting stock to the number of animals that deciding how to manage their stock, that
can be maintained and nourished properly. the theoretical advantages they see may be
The rabbit 97
the symptoms appear most often within a uid, sometimes discoloured. The caecum
few hours (ulcer, colic, diarrhoea). In the often fills with gas and contains little food
rabbit, an ordinary change of habitat, a matter.
scare or a journey have no immediate con- The intestine is sometimes congested or
sequences. Diarrhoea appears only some bruised. The walls of the caecum are most
five to seven days afterwards. striking, congested and streaked with red,
like brush strokes. The colon may be filled
General symptoms of digestive problems with a translucent jelly. There will usually
The symptomatology of rabbit enteritis is be no fibrin in the abdominal cavity, an
relatively simple and constant and rarely indication of the acute stage of this disease.
permits an aetiological diagnosis of the dis-
ease. The first signs, scarcely noticed by the Causes
breeder, last one to three days, and take the Non-specific causes. It has been seen that
form of a decrease in feed intake (especially very different factors can cause outbreaks
solid feed) and in growth. Next, diarrhoea of diarrhoea. Rabbits seem to react nega-
appears, sometimes preceded by complete tively to: transport, especially during the
constipation or production of soft pellets postweaning period; being put in a new
which are not eaten. hutch or cage; the presence of unusual visi-
Diarrhoea is moderate, consisting of a tors (people or animals); and sounds not
small quantity of fairly liquid faeces which identifiable by the animal and lasting for
soil the animal's hindquarters. Death can hours or days, such as work in progress
occur at this stage, sometimes even before near the rabbitry.
the appearance of diarrhoea. Skin dehy- Feeding is unquestionably a prime factor
dration also appears at this time. in the occurrence of diarrhoea. Not
Two or three days later the acute phase of enough crude fibre, too much protein
the illness starts. It involves an almost total and meal which has been too finely
stop in both solid and liquid intake, exten- ground are all unfavourable. Also to be
sive diarrhoea and high mortality; grind- remembered is the fact that the rabbit
ing of the teeth is a symptom of severe regulates its intake according to the en-
intestinal pain. Death follows after several ergy in the feed. Too much energy in the
hours of agitated coma with spasmodic feed can lower the intake too far and vice
twitching. If the animal survives a full day versa. These are all factors which can
in coma it may recover fully within a few favour the onset of intestinal problems.
days. Feed changes are all too often blamed
Recovery is in fact remarkably swift. Di- for diarrhoea. Even when feed is the
arrhoea often gives way to constipation. obvious cause, more often the problem
The pellets are small, hard and malformed. is the composition of the feed rather
In a rabbit two or three months old, the than the change itself. On the other hand,
constipation phase is often the only symp- when the animals do not always have
tom. Physiologically, however, diarrhoea good feed available, at least the daily
will have occurred and can be perceived by timetable of feeding should be respected.
palpating the abdomen: during the acute There have been many instances of diar-
phase the breeder can feel that the caecum rhoea "epidemics" in rabbitries where a
contents are liquid. change in timetable was the suspected
A post-mortem examination shows le- culprit. This is easily explained by the
sions, usually atypical. During the acute rabbit's complex intestinal physiology
phase the intestinal contents are very liq- (caecotrophy).
The rabbit 99
coccidia of other animal species, nor can oocyst is the agent to be destroyed. In prac-
they be infested by rabbit coccidia. Eimeria tice, oocyst resistance is hard to overcome,
develop in the epithelial cells of the diges- particularly in disinfecting rabbitries. Chemi-
tive apparatus (intestine, liver). Eggs (oo- cal disinfection is pointless as oocysts can
cysts) are found in the intestine and faeces. only be destroyed by heating and drying.
After maturing (sporulation), the oocysts Species. At least 11 coccidia species are
contain eight "embryos" (sporozoites). rabbit parasites. One infests the liver, the
The Eimeria cycle includes two distinct other ten the intestine.
phases: Eimeria stiedai, the liver coccidiosis,
an internal phase (schizogony + causes no economic losses in Europe
gamogony) in which the parasite mul- except at the slaughterhouse. It is rela-
tiplies and the oocysts are eliminated in tively easy to eliminate this parasitosis
the faeces; by a few weeks of very strict health and
an external phase (sporogony) during hygiene measures and preventive
which the oocyst becomes able to infest medicine. A four- to six-week treat-
if it finds favourable conditions of hu- ment with conventional anticoccidia
midity, heat and oxygenation. products (Decox, Pancoxin,
The internal part of the cycle begins with forittosulfathia-zole) in the feed at pre-
ingestion of the sporulated oocyst and the ventive doses virtually eliminates the
excretion of the sporozoites. The parasite disease. In climates less clement than
then multiplies. This may entail one, two or Europe's and in countries where it is
more schizogonies (asexual reproduction) not so easy to get the right medicines,
according to the species (E. media, two liver coccidiosis can have more serious
schizogonies; E. irresidua, three or four consequences. As the liver is an organ
schizogonies). It can take place in different basic to every process involving ho-
parts of the digestive system (E. stiedai in meostasis, chronic liver attacks cannot
the liver; E. magna in the small intestine; E. fail to diminish the animal's resistance
flavescens in the caecum). The final capacity.
schizogony leads to the formation of ga- Intestinal coccidia can be classified in
metes. four categories (Table 48):
The next step, gamogony (sexual repro- Eimeria coecicola and E. exigua are
duction), ends in the formation of oocysts apathogenic. No clinical sign is detect-
that are excreted with the faeces; the total able even with an inoculum containing
duration of the internal phase of the cycle several million oocysts.
also varies with the species (e.g. E. stiedai, E. perforans is very slightly pathogenic.
14 days; E. perforans, four days). Alone, it never causes diarrhoea or mor-
The external part of the cycle (sporogony) tality. Massive infestations (106 oocysts)
is typified by the extraordinary resistance are needed before there is a slight and
of the oocysts to the outside environment. very brief decrease in growth.
Their resistance to chemical agents is par- E. irresidua, E. magna, E. media and E.
ticularly striking. In the right conditions of piriformis are pathogenic species that
humidity, heat and oxygenation the oo- cause diarrhoea and growth retardation
cysts become able to infest. They sporulate. of as much as 15 to 20 percent of live
Hatching time varies: at 26C, E. stiedai weight for infestations with between 0.5
takes three days and E. perforans one day. and 1 x 105 oocysts. When they occur
Coudert (1981) in France and many others alone these coccidia are not usually lethal,
have studied this part of the cycle, as the even in a relatively heavy infestation.
The rabbit 101
Comparative pathogenic strengths of different intestinal coccidia of the rabbit
o E. intestinalis and E. flavescens are the terial species. The duodenum and the
most pathogenic coccidia. They cause jejunum are parasitized by E. perforans,
diarrhoea arld mortality, even at very E. media and E. irresidua. The latter spe-
low dose rates (upwards of 103 oocysts). cies is the only one which, at high con-
centrations, causes macroscopic lesions
Observations visible at autopsy. E. magna, E. vejdovskyi
Pathogenic effect has been judged here and E. intestinalis multiply in the ileum.
solely on the basis of retarded growth and E. intestinalis causes the most spectacular
mortality. But it must not be forgotten that macroscopic lesions. The ileum becomes
coccidiosis, like all diseases, can have cer- bruised and whitens; segmentation ap-
tain after-effects on the kidneys or liver in pears very clearly, especially in the part
particular, which in turn have repercus- nearest the caecum. The appearance of
sions on fattening status at slaughter or on the lesions is the same with high concen-
the animal's future if it is to be kept as a trations of E. magna. The caecum is the
breeding animal. domain of E. flavescens, which at me-
Often one disease is also complicated by dium dose levels produces lesions on the
other diseases. In fact, the above results colon. The caecum wall thickens and
were obtained with rabbits reared under changes appearance according to
especially favourable conditions, which whether there is microbial infection or
means there were practically no bacterial not. It may look whitish in heavy infesta-
side-infections. It is not known, for example, tions with no complications, but very
whether in an unfavourable environment frequently reddish striations, necrotic
coccidia of the second group (E. media, etc.) plaques or generalized congestion ap-
might not have a more severe impact. pear. The most constant factor is the
emptiness of the caecum. Lesions can be
Lesions. There are two kinds of lesions: caused in the colon by E. flavescens and
macroscopic and histological. above all by E. piriformis, the only rabbit
Macroscopic. Every coccidium has a pref- coccidium capable of causing
erential place to develop where it causes enterorrhagia in the Fusus coli at me-
a reaction of the intestinal epithelium dium dose levels (30 000 to 50 000 oo-
varying in visibility according to the bac- cysts).
1 02 Pathology
o Histological. There are two points to inoculation the animals may resume their
stress here: lesions, both macroscopic initial growth.
and histological, are relatively short- Mortality occurs during a relatively short
lived. They appear towards the eighth period (three or four days), starting abruptly
or ninth day and disappear by the 12th on the ninth day after infestation.
or 13th day, despite their sometimes The intensity of these general symptoms
spectacular appearance (E. intestinalis, naturally varies according to the Eimeria
E. flavescens and E. piriformis). Histo- species involved (see above), the degree of
logically, hypertrophy can only be ob- infestation and the animal's general condi-
served in the epithelial cells of the intes- tion. Identical effects can be obtained by
tine. Cell structure remains intact. using different dose levels of different spe-
Moreover, the number of cells parasit- cies of Eimeria.
ized is extremely low in proportion to Few data are available on simultaneous
the number of cells of the epithelium, infestations, but there appears to be no
but all the cells, whether parasitized or synergistic action among the various spe-
not, look the same. Only a few cell clus- cies except with E. piriformis, which seems
ters deep in the crypts of Lieberkiihn to augment considerably the pathogenicity
will be destroyed. of other species. This is rather easily ex-
plained by its locus of implantation and the
Coccidiosis. Coccidia are specific patho- fundamental role of the colon (see physio-
genic agents. When inoculated into rabbits pathology, below).
pathogenic coccidia cause the same lesions It is common for bacterial flora to de-
and the same symptoms (diarrhoea, loss of velop at the same time as coccidiosis, com-
weight, death) in all the animals tested. plicating and aggravating the symptoms of
Clinical signs. Most of these are not spe- the disease.
cific to intestinal coccidiosis. The main If there has been no contact with coccidia
symptoms are: diarrhoea, weight loss, low (non-immune rabbits), then age is not a
intake of feed and water, contagion and major factor in susceptibility in rabbits.
death. The disease is briefer in animals 10 to 11
The clinical evolution of an intestinal weeks old and diarrhoea less severe, but
coccidiosis is illustrated in Figure 22. weight loss and mortality are often more
Depending on the coccidia species, diar- pronounced than in younger rabbits. How-
rhoea appears between the fourth and the ever, the early contact does confer relative
sixth day after infestation. The peak is from immunity.
the eighth to the tenth day. It then declines Physiopathology of diarrhoea of coccidian
in three or four days. Diarrhoea is the first origin. The main symptom of intestinal dis-
visible symptom, together with cutaneous ease in young rabbits is diarrhoea. Rabbit
dehydration, clinically demonstrated by enteritis following cocciodiosis has been
the persistence of skin folds. studied with reference to calves and hu-
Weight gain and feed intake evolve in a man infants, in whom episodes of diar-
sequence that faithfully follows the evolu- rhoea are essentially linked with
tion of the diarrhoea. For two or three days hydromineral perturbations. In calves and
growth and feed intake are low. Between infants diarrhoea seems to be dominated
the seventh and tenth day after infestation by three main phenomena. There is, of
there is weight loss, perhaps as much as 20 course, considerable loss of faecal matter.
percent of live weight in two or three days. The usual impact on the metabolism is
Recovery is equally rapid. Two weeks after extracellular dehydration and metabolic
The rabbit 103
The clinical evolution of coccidiosis
[Control animals
Inoculated animals
1.0 14 1.6
I Mortality
acidosis. Rabbits suffering from diarrhoea, diarrhoea of calves due to E. coli, for ex-
like calves and infants, certainly have more ample, the small intestine secretes water
watery faeces, but sick animals produce a and minerals, especially sodium, which
smaller quantity of faeces than healthy ones. will be lost by the animals.
Calves and infants urinate little or not In the young rabbit there is also a lack of
at all with diarrhoea and there is reabsorption indeed an actual secretion
haemoconcentration associated with ex- of sodium and water in the loci where the
tracellular dehydration. In young rabbits, parasites multiply. Unlike calves, however,
diuresis is not altered during diarrhoea rabbits can compensate for these distur-
and there is haemodilution. The distribu- bances in the distal colon and, most im-
tion of water in the organism is unmodified portant, they can initiate an Na-K ex-
except that the skin is heavily dehydrated. change which limits sodium losses to a
Blood pH is normal. The most marked minimum. Potassium losses are replaced
modification of the blood plasma is severe from body reserves. These parameters
hypokalemia. evolve at the same time as the symptoms
The pathogenesis of diarrhoea in the described earlier. Peak intensity of symp-
young rabbit thus appears to differ from toms occurs at about the tenth day after
the more conventional diarrhoea of the calf infestation. Certain elements are generally
or infant, but the prime mover at the intes- described as constants in rabbit enteritis:
tinal level seems to be common to all. In lengthening of the retention time of the
1 04 Patho/ogy
ingesta in the intestine, high levels of which have been in contact with the para-
colibacilli and intestinal pH tending to- sites for several weeks. Naturally acquired
wards basicity. specific immunity is always very weak.
This suggests that the basic phenomena The outbreak of coccidiosis, the progress
of the pathogenesis of diarrhoea are inde- of which is summarized in Figure 23, can
pendent of the aetiology (infectious agents therefore be attributed mostly to stress.
or non-specific causes) and that the diar- Non-specific stress occurring singly can-
rhoea syndrome is a complex process. It not cause diarrhoea in a rabbitry where
may lead to a single response but several sanitary standards and physiological com-
elements are involved digestion, flora, fort are good. In such an environment the
motility, absorption and secretion. animal is able to marshal fully its non-
It could, likewise, be tempting to attribute specific defence potential. On the other
the sometimes spectacular lesions to the hand, a simple change of feed in a rabbitry
pathogenicity of the coccidia. But this would with a poor environment is enough to set
overlook the fact that these modifications off diarrhoea. The mere fact of raising five
in hydromineral metabolism and pH are or six rabbits together in a cage one-third of
delayed manifestations of an attack that a square metre in a room with 100 or 1 000
took place days before. other cages acts as a sort of sounding board
Coccidiosis and field conditions. All pro- to amplify all these phenomena.
duction units are parasitized, usually by Finally, non-specific factors cannot be
several species of coccidia. Investigations discussed without mentioning their inten-
show that the least pathogenic species are sity five minutes of transport does not
the most numerous (Eimeria perforans, E. constitute the same amount of stress as
media). E. magna is also very common and does four hours. These upsets are the root
often found in great numbers. E. intestinalis, cause of outbreaks and it is only later, in
E. flavescens and E.Dirresiducare less com- most cases, that specific disease agents in-
mon. This is a good thing, because their tervene (viruses, bacteria, coccidia). Each
mere presence is a real menace to the rab- agent, merely by its permanent presence at
bitry. E. piriformis is rare in Europe and E. low or average level, can also help under-
intestinalis has not been identified in Benin. mine the rabbit's defence mechanisms with-
It must not be forgotten that a single out there necessarily being any permanent
pellet from a healthy rabbit raised in a clinical disease.
sound, clean rabbitry usually contains The same is true of the other specific
enough coccidia to cause diarrhoea if the chronic diseases such as respiratory ail-
same number were inoculated into the ani- ments and myxomatosis which by the very
mal. Yet not all rabbits contract clinical process of sapping the organism's defence
coccidiosis. It almost always depends on capacities will become the indirect agents
conditions in the rabbitry. If conditions are of outbreaks of coccidiosis and diarrhoea.
good only a few animals will die of diar- Cases of primary coccidiosis are therefore
rhoea. If conditions are bad there will be a probably rare. They can nevertheless oc-
chronic mortality rate of 10 to 15 percent. cur, in particular when animals which are
Indeed, this is the usual situation. carriers of pathogenic species are intro-
Whether the environment is good or bad, duced to the rabbitry.
any stress can set off coccidiosis, whatever Diagnosis. Coccidiosis is often extremely
the animal's age. It is curious to note that difficult to diagnose. It can only be done in
diarrhoea strikes not only young, newly the laboratory, by counting coccidia per
weaned rabbits, but also older animals gram of excrement and examining the
The rabbit 105
Develo pment of coccidiosis
viscera. Counts must be made on several of the animal) there may be:
animals for several days running to diag- e no trace of coccidia and coccidiosis: this
nose coccidiosis properly. The specific coc- is the not uncommon case in animals
cidia species and their pathogenic poten- that die before the completion of the
tial also need to be identified. coccidial cycle;
For coproscopic investigations, exami- e few coccidia and little coccidiosis: as
nation of excreta several days old taken above, with mortality occurring a little
from under a cage where there are several later. This happens mainly with very
animals is preferable to and far more reli- pathogenic coccidia which kill rapidly
able than a caecum contents examination. (E. intestinalis, E. flavescens) even at low
At any given moment (death or slaughter concentrations;
1 06 Pathology
0 many coccidia and no clinical known. In the rabbit, the disease most
coccidiosis in the case of infestations often begins through a combination of
with not very pathogenic coccidia (E. several non-specific factors. The envi-
coecicola, E. perforans, E. media). The ronment thus needs to be dealt with
multiplication of the parasite will none first;
the less be a negative factor. o anticoccidiosis treatment is feasible for
Despite these difficulties it can be stated animals that have been infected for only
categorically that the presence of E. a few days (five or six), but it is not
intestinalis,E.flavescens and even E. irresidua effective otherwise. Even after success-
or E. piriformis is a serious circumstance ful treatment it should be realized that
and, for the first two, a definite menace. A mortality and diarrhoea will continue
post-mortem examination is often disap- in the rabbitry for a few more days. The
pointing. The typical coccidiosis lesions most disappointing thing is that an im-
appear only with massive infestations and provement lasting one or two weeks is
persist for only two or three days. The often followed by a relapse. It must be
presence of whitish spots on the intestine is understood that a few days of diar-
an indication, but not a proof, of coccidiosis. rhoea in a rabbitry breeds thousands of
In any case, it is recommended that an millions of coccidia, only a few hun-
autopsy be carried out on all dead animals. dred of the most pathogenic of which
A combination of observed factors, even if are enough to kill an individual rabbit.
observed hastily, is far preferable to an Sulpha drug treatment. The most common
isolated finding. drugs are nitrofurans and sulpha drugs.
Liver coccidiosis, on the contrary, is very The former have been used non-stop for
easy to diagnose. The presence of small nearly 30 years in feed. This may be one
whitish-yellow patches or small nodules reason why present-day coccidia control is
on the surface or inside the liver is typical of so ineffective. Nonetheless, the bacterio-
this disease. But only massive coccidiosis, static activity of these drugs probably
which sometimes provokes spectacular favours recovery or avoids problems.
liver hypertrophy and considerable weight Bifuran (50 percent furazolidane, 50 per-
loss, can account for mortality. cent furoxone) at rates of 200 mg / kg of feed
Prognosis. A coccidiosis prognosis will is now used only as a preventive measure.
not be of much use unless the expert also Sulpha drugs are most effective in treat-
diagnoses why there has been an outbreak. ment, not in prevention. Sulfadimethoxine
All rabbits are coccidia carriers so it carmot is the most effective sulpha drug and the
be attributed to the parasites alone (they one best tolerated by nursing or pregnant
were already present). Conditions in the does:
rabbitry and the animals' resistance being curative dose: 0.5 to 0.7 g / litre drink-
such as to produce a multiplication of ing-water;
Eimeria, the environment must also be ex- e preventive dose: 0.25 g / litre drinking-
amined and treated. This is why the prog- water.
nosis is often quite bleak. The bacteriostatic activity of this drug,
especially on pasteurellosis, makes it one
Control. Treatment is often disappointing of the best rabbit medicines. It should not
and always expensive. There are basically be overused.
two reasons for this: Sulfaquinoxaline is commonly used, but
e medical treatment is not really appro- at higher doses:
priate unless the cause of the disease is e curative dose: 1 g /litre drinking-water;
The rabbit 107
highly effective (Salinomycin, Diclazuril, and nursing does: very soft pellets are mixed
Toltrazuril-hydrosoluble), but had not been with a translucent, gelatinous substance
used for rabbits as of 1993. Anticoccidial called mucus. Autopsy shows the colon and
products of the ionophore family used in rectum filled with considerable amounts of
poultry husbandry are usually very toxic to this mucus, which somewhat resembles egg
rabbits: Narasin, Monensin, Maduramycin. white. All sorts of hypotheses have been put
Some are well tolerated (Salinomycin 20 forward to explain this type of diarrhoea. It
ppm; Lasalocid 50 ppm), but overdosage is now universally considered a particular
must be avoided. Anticoccidial products expression of enteritis which can have many
much in use in poultry husbandry, such as varied causes: bacterial (E. coli, etc.) or nutri-
Amprolium and Coyden (methylchlor- tional (not enough water and / or not enough
pindol), have little, if any, effect on rabbits. roughage).
Coudert (1981) has made an exhaustive bib-
liographic review of these products. The Enterotoxaemia, colibacillosis, typhlitis.
disadvantage of such drugs is that they are These various names, like mucoid enteritis,
not water-soluble, which means they can refer in fact to types of enteritis which may
only be administered in balanced pelleted have different causes but are very similar
feeds. Antibiotics added to feed in constant clinically and necroscopically. The diseases
low doses are strongly warned against as often develop rapidly (three or four days).
ineffective and dangerous. Death can intervene before diarrhoea ap-
Preventive hygiene is the keystone of pears. When developing enzootically in a
coccidiosis control and successful rabbit rabbitry there are phases of mucoid diar-
production. It is far more important than rhoea or constipation.
any other anticoccidiosis measures and for The autopsy shows lesions not dissimi-
this reason the last section of this chapter lar to those described for coccidiosis. There
deals solely with preventive hygiene. is more gas in the caecum, which is fre-
Acquired immunity to coccidia is spe- quently mottled with red striations. The
cies-specific. Coccidia cannot develop in liver and kidneys sometimes look abnor-
young rabbits before 21 to 25 days, i.e. mal (crumbly liver, discoloured kidneys).
while lactation is the principal source of The bacteria most often blamed are
nourishment. The presence of coccidia be- Clostridium spp.and Escherichia coli.
fore the age of 28 days is a sign of insuffi- Clostridia (C. perfringens, C. welchii, C.
cient milk or poor hygiene. After weaning, septicum) are hardly ever isolated in grow-
in the presence of contamination, immu- ing rabbits after weaning. Perhaps this is
nity is acquired in 10 to 12 days and lasts to partly because these are anaerobic germs
adulthood. Acquired resistance is weak- which require a battery of special tech-
ened, however, by the immunodepressive niques for isolation and identification.
effect of major stress. Clostridium spiroforme has often been de-
scribed in rabbits in recent years. This type
Bacterial enteritis of enteritis is common, mostly in well-fed
Apart from coccidiosis there are two other animals (perhaps due to excess protein?).
classic types of rabbit diarrhoea. Renault Both young and breeding animals may be
(1975) has published a detailed description affected. The diarrhoea is often very liquid
of the mechanism of these diseases. and characteristically quick to putrefy. The
corpses are blown up and the autopsy re-
Mucoid enteritis. A special kind of diar- veals greenish viscera. Treatment aimed
rhoea sometimes affects growing rabbits specifically at anaerobic bacteria can be
The rabbit 109
have many other parasites. The main rea- Tapeworms are seldom found in domes-
son for this has to do with the various tic rabbits. Treatments applicable to other
parasite cycles. Many are heteroxenous animal species may be used.
(multihost): to multiply and develop they Fasciola spp. and Dicrocoelium spp. (trema-
must live successively on several hosts. For todes). Liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) and
example, the little liver fluke shifts from little fluke (Dicrocoelium lanceolatum) are
mammal to snail to ant to mammal. Others also very rare in rabbits. The conditions of
are monoxenous (single host) but the larval infestation are the same as for ruminants.
or adult form develops only in the outside The intermediate hosts are certain snails
environment under certain conditions (wet found in grass from marshy areas (Fasciola
grassland, stagnant water, etc.). This ex- spp.) or other types of snails and ants
plains why rational production, by break- (Dicrocoelium spp.). Usually the only symp-
ing the life cycle of these parasites, has tom is slowed growth. Treatment is point-
eliminated the parasitic diseases they cause. less.
Trichostrongylus (nematodes). These are
Intestinal parasites found in farm rabbit- also small round worms (called round-
ries. worms), measuring 4 to 16 mm in length.
Cysticercosis (tapeworm). This common The Graphidium (stomach worm) is rare in
parasite produces fine, white streaks on the Europe but Trichostrongylus is very com-
liver and translucent cysts, alone or in mon in farm rabbitries. Rabbits become in-
bunches, on the peritoneum and viscera. The fested by eating green forage contaminated
cysts are produced by the larvae of dog and by larvae. The intrinsic pathogenic strength
cat tapeworms. Rabbits are contaminated by of these parasites is relatively weak, but
eating feed that has been in contact with they do greatly aggravate other rabbit ail-
excrement. The terminal hosts (dog, cat, fox) ments, particularly diarrhoea. Massive in-
become carriers by eating rabbit viscera. festations can cause extreme inflammation
Symptoms are few sometimes diarrhoea of various parts of the intestinal tract (stom-
except with heavy infestations (not uncom- ach, small intestine, caecum). The conven-
mon) when growth rate slows. There is no tional anthelmintics (thiabendazole, phe-
curative treatment. The other domestic ani- nothiazine, tetramisole) can be used for
mals have to be treated. Tapeworm larvae of rabbits. It is recommended that regular treat-
other species of animals (pig, rat, etc.) can ments be applied every month or two in
also infest rabbits. It is worth mentioning contaminated farm rabbitries.
here that the larvae of some dog and cat Two other small roundworms are fre-
tapeworms can infest not only rabbits but quently found in rabbit caeca and colons:
people as well (echinococcosis, coenurosis). Passalurus (oxyuris) and Trichuris. These do
The lesions are cyst clusters forming translu- not appear to be pathogenic except with
cent "tumours" on the viscera or in the brain. massive infestations.
Taeniasis (tapeworm). Half a dozen tape- Strongyloides (nematodes). These are
worm varieties can infest rabbits which be- small roundworms, a few millimetres long,
come contaminated by eating mites in wet that are able to migrate throughout all
grass. Clinical symptoms are slight: mild organs and reach the intestine. The
diarrhoea, sometimes weight loss, very aetiology and epizootiology are identical
rarely mortality from intestinal perfora- to those in ruminants and pigs. Some
tion. A necropsy reveals flat worms, a few massive infestations have been described
millimetres wide, varying in length by in rabbits living in dark, damp, poorly
species from 1 cm to 1 m. kept hutches.
The rabbit 111
Preventivehygiene and intestinal parasites. farm rabbitry young rabbits can also be
Intestinal parasitism is very common in affected. Where such ailments are endemic,
wild rabbits. It is frequent and not of great losses are especially to be feared among the
economic importance in farm-bred domes- females, in which the disease becomes
tic rabbits if overall sanitary and health chronic, leading to production stoppages
conditions are satisfactory. In poorly kept and mortality among the nursing young.
hutches, or where infestation is massive, Respiratory diseases usually remain en-
these parasites enhance all other ailments, demic, but abrupt epidemics, which can
both intestinal and other, making them decimate the stock in a few weeks, some-
acute, enzootic and lethal. times break out in farm rabbitries.
Rational rabbit production has done away
with all these intestinal worms. Control is Clinical features
easy; it is only necessary to break the parasite's The first symptoms are a clear, fluid nasal
life cycle. Essentially this means taking the discharge and frequent sneezing. The rab-
following measures regarding forage: bit often rubs its nose with its forepaws, the
it should not be gathered in areas where fur of which becomes matted and dirty.
there are large numbers of dogs, cats or This is the first stage, or common coryza,
wild rabbits; which affects the upper respiratory tract.
it should be stored out of reach of these Later the discharge turns yellowish, thick
animals; and purulent. Sneezing is less frequent but
it should be gathered at midday when coughing may begin. Purulent coryza can
the dew is gone (avoiding marshy ar- remain stationary or develop into pneumo-
eas) and not be cut too near the ground, nia, either spontaneously or from other spe-
because many of these parasites avoid cific or non-specific causes (enteritis, lacta-
dry surroundings and strong light; tion, malnutrition, etc.). With pneumonia,
it should be sun-dried before it is given coryza, sneezing, even coughing and snuf-
to rabbits drying kills most of the fling may disappear. The only symptoms
worms and their larvae; will be slower respiratory movements,
it should be distributed on feed racks clearly visible in the nostrils, and difficulty
where animals are unable to soil it with in breathing in. In young rabbits, growth
their faeces or urine. slows or stops. Complications are frequent:
Parasitism can be considerably cut back diarrhoea, ophthalmia, sinusitis, torticollis
by frequent changing of the straw litter, (wryneck) and abscesses. Females can die
which should always be dry. Late slaugh- suddenly during lactation or gestation.
ter of fattening rabbits (three months or At autopsy, coryza is manifested by the
more) is a negative factor, as some para- presence of pus in the nasal cavities and
sites (oxyuris) have a rather long life cycle. atrophy of the mucous membranes. The
This is interrupted by earlier slaughter. lungs may be congested and parts may
Regular treatment can also include broad- have a liver-like appearance. Very often
spectrum anthelmintics or copper sulphate- there are lung abscesses with abundant
based preparations in drinking-water (1 yellowish-white caseous pus filling most
percent) for one or two days. of the chest cavity.
Many of the non-specific attacks men- the fact that they are interchangeable. In
tioned in the previous sections are decisive other words, only some alteration in the
for the development of respiratory ailments. mucous membranes of the upper respira-
Control of chronic enteritis in fattening units, tory tract will allow the germs present to
in particular, will reduce the incidence of develop to their specific pathogenic
coryza. Other contributing causes are di- strength.
rectly linked with rabbit respiratory physi- Bacteria. Pasteurellosis is the disease most
ology. The lungs are protected by the rabbit's often cited, because rodents and lagomor-
very developed, very complex nasal cavi- phs are particularly susceptible to this germ.
ties. These cavities are covered by the pitu- Pasteurellosis may take many forms in the
itary membrane which acts as a filter to stop rabbit: abscesses, mastitis, diarrhoea,
dust and airborne microbes. It is therefore metritis, vv-ryneck or septicaemia. The rab-
essential to protect this mucous membrane bitry can easily become thoroughly infested,
and keep it intact. The pituitary membrane to the point where pasteurellosis can be-
is particularly sensitive, which may explain come endemic. Some pasteurella strains are
many of the following observations: more pathogenic than others. Pathogenic-
abrupt cooling of the air can be the sole ity can be acquired during the endemic
cause of common coryza, which may stage, provoking an epizootic outbreak in
clear up spontaneously and quickly in the rabbitry or even in the entire region
a healthy environment; (Ri deau et al., 1992). While pa steurella is the
dust (crumbly granulated feed, pollen, worst and most common of the germs iso-
dust in the air from dry sweeping or a lated from the respiratory apparatus of a
nearby dirt road) can cause common sick rabbit, there are others: e.g. klebsiella,
coryza through the reflex action of the staphylococci, streptococci, bordetella, E.
pituitary membrane, but may also clear coli, salmonella and listeria. These are usu-
up quickly; ally secondary infections or associations
air flow, humidity and temperature are such as streptococci and bordetella.
three very closely linked environmen- All production units are contaminated
tal factors that are instrumental in trig- with pasteurella and, while there may not
gering respiratory ailments. At lower be respiratory pasteurellosis, the constant
temperatures the air must be corre- threat is there, and varies with the patho-
spondingly drier and move more genic strength of the strain.
slowly. Rabbits seem to be very sensi- Viruses. Apart from myxomatosis, which
tive to draughts. Air flow should not now seems more and more likely to cause
exceed 0.30 m / second unless the hu- pneumonia, no respiratory virus has been
midity is more than 75 percent. Ventila- described in the literature. Viruses certainly
tion errors in closed buildings are the do exist, however, and in rabbits as in other
chief cause of chronic pneumonia; animal species, the problem is the bacterial
ammonia and gases forming from de- complications which follow viral infections.
composing, urine-soaked straw litters Parasites. There are several species which
may quickly break down the pituitary can develop in the lungs (Protostrongylus
membrane and gain direct access to the spp., linguatulids, etc.). They are relatively
lungs. uncommon in domestic rabbits because, as
with intestinal worms, an intermediate host
Infectious agents. Three constants of dis- such as a snail or dog is required. Only a
ease agents are the randomness of their laboratory analysis can reveal the presence
pathogenic strength, their numbers and of respiratory parasites.
The rabbit 113
The first symptoms are inflammation of the few months.) One or two years later these
mucous membranes (eyelids, genital area) epizootic forms appear less frequently and
which thicken and form small tumours. These are less widespread, but the disease re-
tumorous nodules are found first on the tips of mains endemic.
the ears and then all over the body. The tumours However, when VHD hits a previously
adhere closely to the skin and grow until they unaffected country, as in Cuba in 1993, the
finally deform the whole head. Nurnerous extent and evolution of the disease are dra-
nodules can be felt under the skin on the back. matic. In general, animals over eight weeks
Respiratory forms of the disease with no old, particularly adults, are the most sus-
other symptoms also seem to be common. ceptible to VHD.
Clinical diagnosis is then impossible. Recov- Frozen Chinese rabbit meat was the origi-
ery is rare but not unheard of when the animal nal source of contamination in Western
can eat and there is no secondary infection; Europe and Mexico. All producer coun-
however, the rabbit then becomes a healthy tries of meat, by-products, breeding ani-
carrier of the virus. mals, etc. are now contaminated. Even
There is no treatment, nor should there be. though rabbit VHD spreads very quickly,
Vaccination is effective and can be done with few industrial production units in Europe
a heterologous virus such as the Shope virus, except Spain were affected since they use
which causes a small benign nodule in rabbits, only granulated feed. The forage collected
or with a weakened form of the myxomatosis by breeders is often suspected of being the
virus. In Western Europe the first is more principal vector of the virus.
popular, in Hungary the second. Prevention
requires good hygiene and insect control, es- Symptoms and lesions. When the disease
pecially of lice and fleas in farm rabbiixies. appears in a rabbit production unit, it
Breeders or countries buying rabbits should spreads immediately. Death occurs within
ensure that the animals have been vaccinated three days after exposure and, in the chronic
for more than three weeks but less than two form, survivors recover in one week. The
months before purchase, and that they come clinical symptoms are straightforward:
from a healthy rabbitry where regular vac- fever, sudden death, sometimes preceded
cination is the rule. by convulsions and cries. Ante-mortem
epistaxis is spectacular but not frequent.
Viral haemorrhagic disease (VHD) The disease is fairly easy to diagnose thanks
There are many synonyms: RVHD (rabbit to the dramatic mortality throughout the
VHD), viral hepatitis, haemorrhagic hepa- rabbitry (20 to 40 percent per day), particu-
titis, X disease, etc. larly in adult rabbits.
The characteristic post-mortem lesions
Epidemiology. The epizootic form of this are:
disease appeared in China in 1984 and haemorrhagic syndrome throughout
spread rapidly throughout the world. By the respiratory apparatus, liver and in-
1988, it had reached all of Europe and the testine;
American continent (Mexico, Venezuela, congestion of the kidneys, spleen and
etc.). thymus;
The epizootic disease is most spectacular frequently major enlargement of thy-
where farm rabbitries or wild rabbits are mus and liver, the liver showing the
heavily concentrated. (In Italy, for instance, most constant lesions, discoloration, a
an estimated 80 percent or more of the farm "cooked" appearance, very marked
rabbitries were entirely decimated within a lobular patterns;
116 Pathology
clear failure of coagulation revealed by mals, but formal confirmation of this point
incision of the organs in fresh cadavers; is still pending.
necrotic hepatitis and general intravas- Finally, despite the numerous similari-
cular clotting in all organs, the most ties (virus, symptom, epidemiology), the
typical lesions revealed by histo- disease European brown hare syndrome
pathology. (EBHS) is not transmissible to rabbits and
vice versa.
Causes. Although the RNA virus which
causes VHD has never been cultivated, most Foot pad abscesses
authors now agree that it should be classi- Foot pad abscesses are a very common
fied in the family of the Caliciviridae. It is complaint, familiar to all breeders. Chronic
very resistant to freezing, ether, chloro- abscesses are far more frequent under the
form and proleolitic enzymes. It can be hind paws. They start as a barely visible
inactivated by formol or beta- swelling which can be felt by palpation.
propiolactone. It is destroyed by bleach, They may be limited to the cutaneous and
soda and the phenols. conjunctive tissues. The skin becomes thick
The first target cells in the organism are (parakeratosis) and scabby. Infection is la-
those in the reticulo-endothelial system. tent and the sores may bleed. Poor cage
The virus can subsequently be found in all floor hygiene can cause heavy secondary
cells, particularly the hepatocytes. indeed, infection. The abscess then covers the whole
the purified virus used to produce inacti- metatarsus and becomes purulent.
vated-virus vaccines is taken from the liver. These abscesses are found in farm rabbit-
ries and in intensive production where
Prevention and treatment. There is no treat- mesh floors are used. Breeding animals are
ment. Preventive hygiene measures have especially prone to this disorder. In farm
proved inefficient except in industrial-scale rabbitries the main cause is poor upkeep of
rabbitries. Several vaccines have been made the straw litter, which becomes damp and
from the inactivated viruses. They act very rots. Various infections can follow (staphy-
swiftly (two to five days) and confer six lococci, fungi) but the worst is a Corynebac-
months of protection. In areas where the terium (Schmorl bacillus) which gives rise
disease is endemic, vaccination is essential to an evil-smelling necrotic gangrene which
and effective. When an epidemic breaks can spread to the head and the whole body
out in a rabbitry in a region, immediate and then to other animals (necrobacillosis).
vaccination following the first fatality can This disease is rare where rabbits are raised
save a production unit. The major problem on wire-mesh floors, but sore hocks (caused
in contaminated countries is having enough by staphylococcus) are much more common
vaccine on hand to intervene immediately. than in rabbitries where straw litter is used.
Two different policies are recommended Poor quality, rough or twisted wires, wrong
for imported or new breeding animals (in mesh size (too wide) and rust are the main
addition to the standard measures such as culprits, all fostering the development of
quarantine): they are prior negative sero- foot pad abscesses. It is difficult to raise
logical test or vaccination. Neither is en- heavy rabbit breeds on wire mesh.
tirely reliable because the specificity of the The control of foot and hock diseases is
test is low, and the disease has a very short primarily preventive and consists of the
incubation period. Vaccination would be following:
the method of choice as the virus appar- choice of medium-weight breeds and
ently does not multiply in vaccinated ani- animals whose foot pads are well furred
The rabbit 117
to protect the skin, such as the New plicated by bacterial infection. The symp-
Zealand White and the Californian; toms are external otitis and yellow or brown
e use of thick, galvanized, welded wire scabs in the ear canal. The course of the
mesh (mesh size 13 to 15 mm); it should disease can be very long. The scabs become
not irritate the palm of the hand when waxy and invade the whole ear. The inside
rubbed; of the ear becomes scaly. The middle ear
e straw litter always kept dry and clean; may then be affected, causing wryneck (the
e frequent washing and disinfecting of rabbit's head is held constantly to one side).
cages. Treatment can be effective if the disease
Treatment is difficult. When there is no is caught in the very early stages, that is, as
obvious suppuration the sores maybe treated soon as small yellow-brown deposits are
every day and then every two days with strong noticed in the ear. Insecticides are applied
disinfectants such as iodine, Fehling liquor, locally in the ear. Organophosphates such
paraffin oil and permanganate. The as malathion are preferable to organochlo-
antifungoid action of iodine and permangan- rines (DDT, lindane) which, although very
ate is useful too in units using the litter system, active, are dangerous to humans. Glycerine,
which fosters complications with fungi. Anti- iodized oil or cresyl oil are also effective
biotic ointments are not recommended be- when applied frequently.
cause the treatment is long and expensive and Prevention involves c-ulling rabbits whose
the ointments soften the skin. When the ab- external ears are severely affected, and treating
scesses become purulent or the forepaws are all other rabbits for several days running and
affected the infection is then incurable and the then every fortnight. Throughout the treat-
animals should be culled. If other abscesses ment the straw litter must be changed fre-
are noted, especially on the head quently as the parasites can stay alive in the
(necrobacillosis), the bodies should be burned litter for a long time.
or buried deep. Foot pad abscesses make it Ivermectine is unquestionably the drug of
practically impossible for males to mate. choice; two 200 mg injections per kilogram of
live weight every eight hours provides a
Buck-teeth spectacular cure. The product is very persis-
Buck-teeth prevent the upper and lower inci- tent and if the stock is carefully treated at the
sors from touching and so they do not wear same time and the rabbitry cleaned out, it
down. The incisors keep growing and eventu- will be effective for several months. This is a
ally prevent the rabbit from eating. Buck-teeth very strong medicine and should be re-
may be hereditary (jaw malformation), or the served for breeders, for animals treated with
result of injury (teeth broken against wire it cannot be eaten for several months.
mesh). There is no connection with the type of Skin mange is much less common. Today
feed forage, hard granulated feeds and so on. it is only found in poorly managed rabbit-
The only prevention is breeding. Teeth should ries. Lesions start at the edge of the lips,
be carefully examined when buying or choos- nostrils and eyes, spreading to the head and
irtg a breeding animal. Treatment consists of forepaws as rabbits frequently rub their
cutting the teeth with sharp pliers right down heads. The skin dries, the hair falls out
to the gums every 15 to 21 days. and the skin becomes scaly and finally
scabby. The skin mange mites, Sarcoptes
Ear and skin mange and Notoedres, are not of the same family as
Ear canker or mange is very common. It is ear canker mites. Treatment is the same, but
a parasitic disease caused by a mite prevention measures (culling diseased
(Psoroptes or Chorioptes) and frequently com- rabbits, cleaning cages) must be stricter.
118 Pathology
This disease is less rare than tularaemia, There are few data on this disease. Various
and still appears sporadically in farm rab- findings from Africa on the subject, while
bitries. A septicaemic disease caused by not contradictory, are not uniform. It has
Listeria rnonocytogenes, it is very difficult to been demonstrated that rabbits can con-
diagnose clinically. Listeriosis should be tract trypanosomiasis experimentally or in
suspected when the following symptoms special circumstances. They are particu-
appear on the farm: larly susceptible to Trypanosoma brucei.
nervous upsets: photophobia, spasms, There are reportedly some rabbitries in
wryneck; tsetse fly areas, for instance in Cte d'Ivoire,
abortions in does or ewes; with no recorded cases of spontaneous
miliary necrosis of the liver and spleen outbreaks of trypanosomiasis in rabbits.
(without enlargement). Trypanosomiasis has caused some prob-
lems in Mozambique, however. It has been
Toxoplasmosis reported that its symptoms are oddly like
This disease is unquestionably more com- those of myxomatosis.
mon in farm rabbitries than is generally
believed. It is caused by the intermediary Note: Other diseases that are transmissible
stage of an internal cat and dog parasite, from rabbits to humans, or common to both,
Isospora. The course of the disease does not have already been mentioned.By contrast,
120 Pathology
neither rabbit variola (pox virus) nor rabbit strongylosis) will be latent or chronic, fos-
syphilis (Treponema cuniculi) can be trans- tering the appearance of other diseases.
mitted to humans. Enterotoxaemia is more common, espe-
cially in farm rabbitries. It can develop
REPRODUCTIVE DISEASES AND DISORDERS very rapidly (one to seven days) with or
A doe can produce over 60 young in one without mucoid enteritis. Most often it oc-
year, but few breeders are in a position or curs in late pregnancy or mid-lactation,
context to exploit this potential fully. Rab- sometimes in association with symptoms
bit maternities are the source of many dis- of acute pneumonia. In traditional rabbit-
ease problems. The breeder should focus ries, complications of paresis or paraplegia
efforts on the nursery and on maternal are common, especially in fat, overfed does
health, the prime guarantee of obtaining working at low-intensity breeding rates.
healthy young rabbits at weaning. Pro duc- Control in this case involves adapting the
tivity factors in the rabbitry (frequency of reproduction rate to the feeding capacities
mating, litter size, age at weaning) depend of the production unit. There is no treat-
at least as much on the breeder, equipment, ment.
feed quality and quantity as on the female
rabbit's potential. Metabolic disorders
Some 25 to 30 percent of does in intensive
Maternal health determines the survival of production die, usually with no warning
the offspring symptoms. Mortality occurs in mid-lacta-
tion in young first- and second-litter fe-
All the diseases mentioned above can males and in the latter stages of pregnancy
affect breeding females. Only a few points in older does. Often called enterotoxaemia,
peculiar to reproduction will be mentioned this illness is certainly not of infectious
in the following paragraphs and the rela- origin, although bacterial complications are
tive importance of the major diseases of common. It is rather more like a metabolic
females will be discussed in order of im- disorder, such as milk fever in ruminants
portance. or eclampsia in women. Its aetiology is still
not clear. There is no curative treatment.
Respiratory infections Mortality can sometimes be reduced by
Respiratory ailments are the main disor- preventive doses of calcium in drinking-
ders affecting pregnant rabbits in closed water or parenteral injections (Ca glucon-
rearing. In intensive production, apart from ate) just before kindling.
the environmental causes described ear-
lier, lactation must be added as a contribut- Abscesses and mastitis
ing cause. In young nursing does, hard-to- Abscesses are very common in rabbits. They
diagnose ailments can be complicated by sometimes grow to enormous size, and
acute or subacute pneumonia. The doe may develop very quickly without any appar-
die before weaning her litter or she may ent change in the animal's health. There are
have to be culled shortly afterwards. two preferential sites in does: the sub-max-
illary area and the teats. These and foot
Digestive disorders and enterotoxaemia abscesses are the main reasons for culling
Digestive diseases are far less serious in breeding does.
adult animals than in growing rabbits. The Most often the cause is Staphylococcus
classic coccidiosis-type diarrhoea is rare in aureus, but other germs may be present.
adults. Intestinal parasitism (coccidiosis, The worst are pasteurella, which can make
The rabbit 121
the disease epizootic and lead to numerous rabbit disease. One symptom of metritis is
complications (pneumonia, septicaemia, an abnormal frequency of sterile does and
abortion). Mastitis is common in units with mastitis in the rabbitry. Abortion, which is
mesh floors and is probably fostered by usually rare, may become more common.
congestion caused by chilling. When Metritis shows up at post mortem: the
mastitis is in the congestive stage (hard, uterus is thickened and poorly retracted
reddened mammary gland but no pus) the and there may be abscesses at the last
disease may be staved off by a three-day embryo implantation site, sometimes cov-
antibiotic treatment and the local applica- ering the whole uterus (pyometra).
tion of astringents (vinegar) twice daily to Aetiology is complex. Gestation and kin-
aid decongestion. It is uneconomical to treat dling are obviously contributing causes,
abscesses or purulent mastitis. but hygiene is a determining factor, and a
chronic pasteurellosis in the rabbitry could
Chlamydiosis be the culprit. The most common germs are
Clamydia psittaci is found in rabbits. The non-specific: staphylococci, pasteurella.
clinical symptoms are many: refusal of the The specific germs such as toxoplasm,
male, early miscarriage, peri-partum Listeria and Salmonella are much less com-
haemorrhage, hydrocephalus and poor vi- mon. Specific infections are likely if there is
ability of newborn rabbits. Tetracycline as widespread abortion.
a preventive measure for the entire rab- Antibiotics can be given, especially at
bitry is efficient but there may be relapses. the onset of the disease. But they will not
be effective unless the most advanced
Genital infections cases, such as very thin does, or does with
External genital organs. The external geni- purulent mastitis or symptoms of pneu-
tal organs (vulva, penis, scrotum) can be monia or purulent coryza, are culled. Pre-
the site of specific venereal diseases. The ventive medicine, in this case vaccination,
best known is rabbit syphilis or vent dis- is only valid for pasteurellosis (see section
ease, caused by a spirochete (Treponema on respiratory diseases). Preventive hygiene
cuniculi). It has never been reported in is decisive in controlling internal genital
intensive rabbit production, but vent dis- diseases.
ease is not exceptional in rural rabbitries.
Inflamed lesions become ulcerated. Bucks Non-infectious reproduction problems
are often affected (orchitis, balanitis) and Sterility. Absolute sterility is relatively
transmit the disease, which can turn en- rare. "Sterility epidemics" are usually sea-
zootic. This is a benign disease which im- sonal and can often be traced to insuffi-
pedes mating; it can easily be treated with cient light (less than 14 to 16 hours). Steril-
antibiotics (penicillin, tetracycline). ity otherwise occurs after one or several
This disease can be confused with the kindlings (see previous chapter). Does
onset of myxomatosis! serviced three times with no results should
be culled for both hygiene and economy.
Internal genital organs. The internal geni-
tal organs can also become infected. These, Twisted uterus. Cases of twisted uterus are
far more serious, far more common infec- not uncommon. This is discovered during
tions make reproduction impossible. post mortems on does that died during
Metritis or white discharge, a uterine gestation. The causes are not clear. Over-
infection, is often associated with mastitis crowding of the uterus and disturbance of
and respiratory complaints. It is a major does are frequent explanations.
122 Pathology
Delayed birth. Delayed birth often occurs nest, but she does not care directly for the
with small litters (one to three). Foetal re- young. If the nest box is poorly designed
tention is common in this case, invalidating and the young are able to get out after the
the doe economically. In modern produc- first few days, the doe will not put them
tion, birth is systematically induced by in- back.
jections of oxytocin on day 33 of pregnancy If nest hygiene is poor (droppings, damp-
(servicing on day zero). ness) or if the mother is sick (mastitis,
coryza) the young will develop a nostril-block-
Parturition outside the nest box. Young ing rhinitis which will impair their sense of
first-litter females are the usual offenders. smell within a few hours. Their sense of smell is
Disturbances, or mice in the nesting box, crucial as it guides them to the mother's teats.
are possible causes. Small staphylococcic abscesses can quicldy
develop on the young rabbits' bodies (belly,
Prolapsus of the vagina. There is no treat- groin, tarsus) under these conditions.
ment for prolapsus of the vagina. In modem French rabbitries with highly pro-
lific does, an intensive reproduction system
Cannibalism. Real cannibalism caused by and adequate environmental conditions, an
abnormal behaviour in the doe is excep- esti_mated 5 to 7 percent of the young are still-
tional. The female usually eats only those born and another 16 to 20 percent normally die
young which are already virtually dead before weaning. About a third of this mortality
but still warm. This may happen a few is accounted for by precocious dam mortality.
hours or days after parturition. Insufficient Some of the young can be saved by fostering
drinking-water after parturition is consid- two or three to another nursing doe with
ered a cause in farm rabbitries, and this young of the same age. The remainder of the
could well be the true reason. losses take place during the first two weeks of
lactation. Occasionally an entire litter is lost
Abandonment of the litter. This is most during the first four or five days.
often done by young females whose milk The aetiology of these mortalities is not
has not let down, or has let down too late. A known, but it seems to have more to do
doe that abandons two litters should be with the doe's state (lactation?) than with
culled. any particular disease of the newborn rab-
bits. The above figures indicate that a mortal-
The nest and young rabbit mortality ity rate of less than 15 to 20 percent should not
Compared with other domestic animals, be considered catastrophic. On the other hand,
rabbits are still virtually in the foetal stage after the first 15 to 20 days of lactation young
at birth. The survival of newborn rabbits, rabbit mortality should be very low. If it is not,
and hence the success of the rabbitry, is the dam should be examined for mastitis or
closely related to the quality and hygiene of coryza. Cage and nest-box hygiene should be
the litter's immediate environment. checked. Pre-weaning diarrhoea (30 to 35 days)
If the amount and type of materials used is a sign of inadequate hygiene. Coccidiosis
for the nest (straw, wood shavings, hay, indicates very poor hygiene.
etc.) are inadequate during the first few
days, the newborn rabbits will get cold and PREVENTIVE HYGIENE
death is then inevitable. The doe does little The word prevention has been constantly
to intervene. She pulls fur to help make the repeated throughout this chapter as essen-
nest; she nurses her young once a day and tial for successful rabbit production. Care-
sometimes she will defend access to the ful hygiene is usually enough to prevent
The rabbit 123
major disease crises. Preventive medicines a tin roof. Where possible, metal should be
(vaccinations, anticoccidiosis treatments, used for the wire-mesh hutch and accesso-
etc.) have been described. They are not ries as it is the easiest material to clean and
widely used in rabbit production. The basic disinfect.
rules of preventive hygiene are now set
down in detail. Constant hygiene
Preventive hygiene. The rabbit's excitabil-
Location and design of the rabbitry ity is a contributing factor in illness. Casual
It has been emphasized from the outset that visitors such as feed suppliers, rabbit buy-
rabbits must have an environment in which ers and other breeders (who are vectors of
they do not constantly have to withstand diseases from other rabbitries) should be
external disturbances and aggression. The barred. Rabbits should be protected against
rabbitry should be located whenever pos- dogs, cats and small wild carnivores.
sible far from such nuisances as noise and Feed and water hygiene is basic as both can
dust (dust carries microbes), sheltered from carry numerous agents of rabbit diseases
the prevailing winds and, in hot countries, (e.g. coccidiosis and worms). Feed should
shaded from the sun. Rat and mice exter- be stored out of the reach of domestic ani-
mination should be considered, as both are mals. It should be distributed in troughs or
formidable healthy carriers of diseases to racks, but never on the ground. Drinkers
which rabbits are susceptible. should never be set on the ground. Rabbits
Cleaning should be constantly kept in drink a lot of water, but they will not drink
mind in the designing and building of a dirty water. Water is the ideal medium for
rabbitry. Nothing that cannot easily be coccidia sporulation. Accordingly it should
cleaned and disinfected should be allowed. be changed and drinkers cleaned often.
The rabbit's immediate surroundings (cage, Cage and nest hygiene is particularly im-
feeding racks and drinkers in particular) portant while the does are nursing. In wire-
should be portable, so they can be regularly mesh hutches the cage must be removed
removed, cleaned, dried and disinfected. and cleaned after each kindling. In farm
In completely closed buildings the ventila- rabbitries the straw litter must be renewed
tion system should be carefully designed often. After kindling, any stillborn young
for flow without draught. Where ventila- should be removed from the nest and the
tion is used, forced-air ventilation is prefer- nest remade if necessary. Contrary to wide-
able, as it keeps insects out and makes it spread belief, a doe will not abandon her
possible to control the air flow by adding or young if they have been touched. It is only
removing vents. necessary to keep the doe out of the nest
Some authors insist that in tropical coun- during the cleaning operation.
tries the interior of the building should be After weaning, if straw litter is used, it
sufficiently protected to act as a buffer should be kept clean and dry. The more
against extremes in temperature and hu- animals per cage, the more difficult this is.
midity, especially during the rainy season, In every type of production system wean-
to cut down the incidence of pulmonary ing demands scrupulously clean, disin-
diseases. As an example, a rabbitry in fected, dry cages. Weaning is one of the
Burkina Faso built with local materials (lat- crucial moments in rabbit production.
ente bricks, palm framework, straw roof- Transporting the animals, mixing up litters
ing) recorded a much lower range in tem- and using questionable cages should be
perature variations than did a "strong" avoided. Successful production depends on
building made of construction blocks with these details.
124 Pathology
Microbial infection. It is also necessary to tain dose, are poisons and must be used
work constantly against any buildup of with caution.
microbial infection. Chronically sick ani-
mals (with coryza, pneumonia, mastitis, Disinfecting. The literature covers this topic
abscesses), especially breeding animals, extensively, so the following will be brief.
must be culled. One sick breeding animal Disinfecting the rabbitry should be a routine
in a rabbitry is of small value in relation to matter, following some simple rules regard-
the danger it represents for the rest of the ing cleanliness, dryness and disinfection.
stock, the cost and uncertain outcome of Dirty equipment cannot be disinfected. It
treatment and the possibility of its quick must be washed first or, if water is short,
replacement (sexual maturity at four carefully scraped and brushed. It must then
months). be thoroughly dried as a first step towards
In completely closed buildings the con- disinfecting equipment. It should not be for-
trol of microbial contamination should in- gotten in this context that sun-drying well-
clude the maintenance of walls, ceilings cleaned equipment for several days is a
and especially floors. Damp or dusty floors simple, cost-free and very efficient means of
are a permanent source of air pollution. disinfecting. The only preconditions are a
Early slaughter. Early slaughter (10 to 12 storage area off limits to domestic animals
weeks) of animals for market is also a form of and a reserve supply of extra equipment so
preventive hygiene. Many diseases take sev- that cleaning and disinfecting time will not
eral months to develop before becoming cut into production time. In industrial pro-
contagious, especially in small or farm rab- duction, pressurized steam-cleaning equip-
bitries. ment is indispensable.
Human factor. People are the most dan-
gerous permanent vector of disease. They Occasional measure: sanitary isolation
can bring in contaminants from the outside No matter what precautions are taken, af-
and so should wash their hands before ter one, two or three years health problems
entering and don footgear and a smock will become less and less easy to control.
which always remain inside the rabbitry. Imperceptibly, productivity will decrease
Only a human being can palpate a doe despite an increase in hygiene and care and
suffering from mastitis and then systemati- in the experience of the breeder. This has to
cally go on to infect all the mammary glands do with the buildup of bacterial contami-
of the females to be palpated that day. nation in the rabbitry, coupled with the
Clean hands are extremely important, es- irreversible presence of harmful micro-
pecially when handling animals and dis- flora and microfauna in the animals.
tributing feed and forage. Sanitary isolation becomes essential at
Preventive medicines to control parasitic this point. All rabbits in the affected section
diseases also help to maintain a healthy of the rabbitry must be culled. All equip-
environment. Many parasites undermine ment must be cleaned, repaired and disin-
the animals' state of health without caus- fected. After this is done the area must be
ing directly perceptible losses and pave the left vacant for some time (one or two weeks)
way for a great variety of infections. How- before introducing new rabbits. Some small
ever, the systematic use of antibiotics as a farm rabbitries have two premises which
preventive measure is definitely not rec- they alternate every year. This is a kind of
ommended. The abuse of antiparasitic one-year sanitary isolation which has
drugs, especially of sulpha drugs, does far proved very effective.
more harm than good. All drugs, at a cer-
Colour plates
Nezv Zealand VVhite rabbit
Bouscat Giant White rabbit
Foto Salet] PFoto Saleil
Dutch Belted rabbit
French Giant Papillon rabbit
Foto Webet
Foto Sated Foto Lebas
A 'family package" of bucks and breeding does supplied by a Mexican
Wooden hutches with mesh floors arranged in a two-storey system (Guadeloupe)
Open drinkers supplied semi-
automatically from a fitted
bucket (Guadeloupe)
Fattening cages built entirely in wire
mesh, placed outside in superimposed
rows (France)
Cages arranged in a plastic greenhouse, protected with a reed lattice (France)
Exterior of the same greenhouse, photographed in winter
Foto Saleil 1NRA
Itahan system for arrangement of fattening cages
Mesh cages arranged by the Caltfor man system (France)
amiirolunD olod
'41 *firs-
- 1 11P31
Cages for the collection
and transport of rabbits
to the abattoir (Hungary)
Plastic cages for trucking rabbits -
from the rabbitry to the abattoir
Rabbitry in Cameroon Recyclmg cages for laying hens in a semi-Califorman
Health-care room at the Solamb Demonstration Centre, Yaound, Cameroon
-i'.* ' '',..s
T - I
24 25
Rabbitry with semi-underground cages overall view Rabbitry zvith semi-underground cages
Faeces fi-oin rabbits
recezvmg feed with a
normal proportion of
roughage, slightly
deficient and
deficient in
roughage but
without diarrhoea
The rabbit 125
Chapter 6
Housing and equipment
Exportation of heat, rectal temperature and ear temperature in adult New Zealand White
rabbits, according to ambient temperature
animal. At the same time the animal pants At birth, young rabbits cannot modify
to increase heat loss through evaporation of their body shape by curling up. The only
water (latent heat). The sweat glands are not way they can limit heat loss thrugh con-
functional in rabbits and the only controlled vection and radiation is to huddle together
means of latent heat evacuation is by alter- with the other young in the litter. In fact, if
ing the breathing rate. Perspiration (the ambient temperature varies during the day
evacuation of water through skin) is never the young rabbits will move apart when
great because of the fur. the temperature is high and huddle back
These systems work between 00 and 30C together when it goes down. But a sudden
but when ambient temperatures reach (and temperature drop may well exhaust their
mainly when they exceed) 35C rabbits can thermoregulation potential before they can
no longer regulate their internal tempera- get back in the huddle and they can die of
ture and hyperthermia sets in. cold 10 cm away from the group. The new-
The regulation methods described above, born rabbit is blind and the incomplete
based on observations of adult animals, are myelinization of the nervous system that
applicable to young rabbits from the age of governs motor control hampers coordi-
about one month, when they can move about nated movement. The producer must make
and feed themselves and the juvenile coat sure the temperature in the nest remains
has grown. Heat regulation of newborn rab- constant to prevent this sort of accident.
bits is somewhat different: they have no fur
and cannot correctly adjust their food intake Humidity. Rabbits are sensitive to very low
as the doe's milk output is the result of an humidity (below 55 percent) but not to
involuntary reaction. At birth they have very high humidity. This may be explained
rather good fat reserves which help them by the fact that wild rabbits spend much of
maintain body temperature if two condi- their lives in underground burrows with a
tions are met. The surrounding temperature humidity level near saturation point (100
mustbe at least 28C (30 to 32C if possible), percent).
and they must have other young to huddle The rabbit has more to fear from abrupt
against to reduce heat loss. changes in humidity. Constant humidity is
The rabbit 129
therefore the best solution, and this will depending especially on climate, cage type
depend on the housing design. French and population density. Ventilation stan-
breeders find 60 to 65 percent humidity dards for temperate climates based on sev-
levels successful, using only auxiliary heat- eral French studies are given in Table 50.
ing in winter. This table combines the various param-
While the humidity level does not seem eters (temperature, air flow, humidity) to
to trouble the rabbit in moderate tempera- determine optimum air flow per kg of rab-
tures, this is not so with temperature ex- bit live weight. If there is an imbalance,
tremes. especially between air flow and tempera-
When the temperature is too high (close ture, accidents like those illustrated in Fig-
to the rabbit's body temperature) and hu- ure 24 occur.
midity is also high, not much latent heat It is relatively easy and cheap to measure
can be exported as water vapour through temperature and humidity, but exact air
evaporation. The result is discomfort which flow measurement requires sophisticated,
can be followed by prostration. Very hot expensive, hard-to-get equipment such as
spells with near 100 percent humidity can a hot-wire anemometer (a revolving-cup
cause serious problems. Unfortunately this anemometer is not sensitive enough). How-
is common in tropical climates during the ever, the producer can estimate the rate of
rainy season. air flow near rabbits by using a candle
When the temperature is too low and flame, as shown in Figure 25.
humidity close to saturation point, water High ammonia air levels, 20 to 30 parts
condenses on poorly insulated walls, espe- per million (ppm), greatly weaken the rab-
cially at so-called "heat bridges". Water is bits' upper respiratory tract and open the
a good heat conductor and so the cold door to bacteria such as pasteurella and
becomes more penetrating, causing heat bordetella. To keep NH3 levels down, ven-
loss in the animals through convection and tilation can be increased. The risk is then
conduction. Digestive and respiratory dis- overventilation, with all the negative con-
orders often follow. When the surrounding sequences illustrated in Figure 24. A more
air is cold, excess humidity modifies the effective solution is to limit NH3 produc-
secretion and viscosity of the mucus pro- tion from fermenting floor litter (droppings
tecting the upper respiratory apparatus. and urine) by removing the litter quickly or
Air which is too dry (below 60 percent keeping it dry. The maximum permissible
relative humidity) and too hot is even more NH3 content in the air rabbits breathe is
dangerous. Not only does it upset the se- 5 ppm.
cretion of mucus but the ensuing evapora-
tion shrinks the size of the droplets carry- Lighting
ing infection agents, enabling them to Few studies have been made on the influ-
penetrate more easily the respiratory ap- ence of light on rabbits, and these are al-
paratus. most exclusively concerned with the dura-
tion of lighting and seldom with light
Ventilation. The rabbitry must have a cer- intensity. Furthermore, practical recom-
tain minimum of ventilation to evacuate mendations on lighting are based more on
the harmful gases given off by the rabbits observations in rabbitries than on experi-
(CO2), to renew the oxygen and get rid of mental findings.
excess humidity (evaporation, exhalation) Exposure to light for eight out of 24 hours
and excess heat given off by the rabbits. favours spermatogenesis and sexual activ-
Ventilation needs can vary enormously, ity in bucks. Conversely, exposure for 14 to
130 Housing and equipment
Ventilation standards in France for enclosed rabbitries
16 hours a day favours female sexual activ- Twenty-four-hour lighting, however, can
ity and fertilization. In rational European cause disturbances which are hard to ex-
production all breeding animals of both plain, such as diarrhoea unrelated to changes
sexes get 16 hours of light. The slight drop in the rate of caecotrophy. So breeders use
in male sexual activity is amply compen- either sunlight (in rabbitries with windows)
sated by good female reproduction rates or artificial lighting for one or two hours a
(acceptance of the male and fertilization). day to satisfy the young rabbits' needs, at a
Performance is more constant in win- set time so as not to disturb caecotrophic
dowless rabbitries with artificial lighting behaviour. A much weaker light (5 to 10 lux)
than in rabbitries which supplement sun- can be used for young rabbits.
light by artificial lighting. Twenty-four-
hour light trials caused reproduction dis- RABBITRY EQUIPMENT
turbances in rabbits. It therefore seems best Equipment in direct contact with the rab-
to limit the duration to 16 hours. bits or their excrement becomes contami-
Observations from different rabbitries nated by the bacteria, viruses and fungi
indicate that breeding does need consider- that accompany the animals. Cages, fit-
able luminosity, at least 30 to 40 lux. In fact, tings and building walls must be designed
many breeders who light their premises for so they can be easily cleaned, disinfected or
16 hours a day but not uniformly find that replaced and not in turn become sources of
the does receiving the least light have the contamination.
worst reproduction performance. When Portable components which can be
light distribution is made uniform, repro- cleaned outside the rabbitry building are
duction performance picks up. especially recommended. Away from the
In European rabbitries lighting is pro- rabbits stronger cleaning agents and more
vided by incandescent lamps or fluores- effective methods can be used powerful
cent tubes (neon daylight type). The latter disinfectants, lengthy soaking, prolonged
provide the necessary lux at a lower energy exposure to the sun's rays.
cost than incandescent lamps, but their in- Some materials are easier to disinfect than
stallation cost is much higher. For flat-deck others. Wood is very hard to clean, but it can
units the power consumption is 3 to 5 watts be periodically replaced in countries where it
per square metre with light sources located is plentiful. Plywood can be disinfected by
no more than three metres from the ani- steeping it in disinfectant solutions. Galva-
mals. nized iron is easy to clean and disinfect but,
Very young rabbits do not really need light, unlike wood, is a poor insulator. Concrete,
but 15 to 16 hours per day do no harm. provided it is smooth, can be cleaned and
The rabbit 131
Effect of mr speed (V) and temperature (r) on health of iahbits
V 0
T Cold draught (intestinal
Estimating ai a candle flame
Brightness of various types of lighting
Incandescent 25 250
40 490
60 829
disinfected, but portable concrete installa- or wooden planking). The hygienic condi-
tions are virtually ruled out by their weight. tions are nearly always deplorable (uncon-
Glazed earthenware can be used for some trolled local humidity favouring parasit-
accessories (troughs, or even nest boxes). ism), despite daily cleaning. This system is
not recommended because of the health
Caging risks lvolved. The only exception is desert
Cages (hutches) with straw litter. Tradi- or subdesert regions, such as southern
tional European rabbitries use straw litter. Tunisia, where humidity is not a problem.
This material can be replaced by any other The solution to the problem of changing
dry fibrous product which is not rough to litter has been to separate the animal from
the touch (soft shavings, hay, industrial its excrement as soon as this is dropped.
cotton waste and so on). The cages are The rabbits are raised above the ground on
either of concrete (lasting 15 to 30 years) or a wire-mesh or slatted floor. Wire-mesh
wood (lasting not more than two years). floors should be thick enough not to injure
Cages for breeding animals usually have at the pads of the rabbits' feet (diameter 2.4
least a 60 to 70 cm x 80 to 100 cm floor space mm, minimum 2 mm); the mesh should be
and are 50 to 60 cm high. Identical cages are wide enough to let the droppings fall
often used for fattening five or six young through (diameter 1 to 1.3 cm, according to
rabbits (to 2.5 to 2.8 kg). The litter should be feed) but narrow enough to prevent the
replaced weekly to control parasitism. feet getting caught in the mesh.
A variation called "deep litter" is used in There are good commercial meshes avail-
slightly taller cages. The floor is covered with able in Europe. These measure, for example,
a bed (minimum thickness 15 to 20 cm) of 25 x 13 mm, 76 x 13 mm or 19 x 19 IL mm. To
absorbent material (turf, wood shavings) avoid injury to the rabbits' feet the wire is
evenly covered with straw. Every six or seven welded and then galvanized. Plastic mesh
weeks the whole lot, absorbing layer plus is impractical because no plastic material
accumulated straw, has to be replaced. This can withstand the animals' gnawing.
system saves labour in cleaning and has the Various kinds of slats have been tried:
advantage of the comfort provided by the wood, bamboo, plastic and metal, but the
straw, but it does use a great deal of absorbent individual slats of the structure have to be
material so it is ordy applicable where this spaced about 1.3 to 1.5 cm apart so drop-
material is both readily available and cheap. pings can fall through. Problems of com-
fort (slippery slats) and hygiene (materials
Cages without litter. In some regions rab- which cannot be disinfected) are unfortu-
bits are raised on litterless floors (hard earth nately very common. Wherever possible,
The rabbit 133
wire mesh is preferable to slats. If slats are have no openings. They must be built in
used instead of mesh, bamboo should be such a way that the rabbits cannot gnaw
preferred to wood if possible. For heavy them. A rabbit cannot chew on a flat wall
breeding animals, metal or inflexible plas- but will slowly but surely gnaw away any
tic slats have been developed by French protruding part of the cage. Some examples
rabbit equipment manufacturers. While the of proper wood construction are given in
results are satisfactory, the cost is unhap- Figure 26. Obviously, softwoods can be
pily much higher than that of wire mesh. gnawed more easily than hardwoods.
Only lightweight, calm animals or spe- Litter removal can be made more efficient
cially selected breeds (New Zealand White, if the rear walls of the cages are designed to
Califorian) can be raised entirely on wire- swing out, as shown in Figure 27. The cages
mesh floors. Producers often compromise in the illustrations were built for a colony of
by raising the male and female breeding French Angora rabbits (which have to be
animals on litter and the fattening stock on reared on litter), but can be used by any
mesh floors. The breeding animals of heavy rabbitry using litter, whether the cages are
breeds can be reared on slatted floors and of concrete, as in Figure 27, or wood.
the young on wire mesh; but slatted floors For cages without litter, mainly cages
must be cleaned more frequently. with wire-mesh floors, the structure is usu-
The dimensions of breeding cages with- ally in metal or wood (the latter out of
out litter used in France are shown in Table reach of the rabbits' teeth). Walls are usu-
52 (floor generally of wire mesh but some- ally entirely in wire mesh, but this is not
times of metal or plastic slats). As may be obligatory. There are four main systems:
seen by comparing these figures with the flat-deck, Californian, inclined-slope bat-
dimensions given earlier for cages using tery and compact battery. Figure 28 illus-
litter, the mesh floor makes it possible to trates the four systems. All have been used
reduce the area of the breeding cages. At in European rational production, which
the same time the animal density per square means that none is perfect. However, pro-
metre (fattening animals) can be increased ducers prefer the flat-deck system because
to 16 to 18 on a mesh floor compared with it has the lowest rabbit density, thus allevi-
ten on litter. This is because excrement is ating the problems which arise when many
immediately eliminated, cutting the risk of animals are reared in the same building.
parasite contamination. Densities exceeding The main characteristics of each system are
16 rabbits per square metre can reduce growth described below.
in 2.3 to 2.4 kg fattening rabbits (Table 53). Flat-deck. In this system the cages are all
on one level. They usually open at the top.
Cage systems. Cage systems vary in acces- They can be suspended by chains or set on
sibility, supervision and comfort for the feet or low walls. Floor litter drops into pits
animals, as well as in convenience of waste (ranging in depth from 20 cm to 1.5 m).
removal. Straw-litter cages will be exam- Shallow pits are cleared daily or every two
ined first. These are either single level (cages or three days and deep pits every one to
with wooden or plywood framework) or three years. The advantages of the flat-deck
built on several levels (concrete cages, with system are:
watertight floor beneath straw litter). The e convenient supervision and handling of
principle is generally the same. Access is by animals;
a door in the front of the cage, usually made e long life for the material used;
of mesh, or hardwood latticework that must animal and producer comfort;
be replaced fairly often. The other walls no elaborate ventilation system required.
134 Housing and equipment
Cage sizes for breeding animals in France (in centimetres)
Buck's cage 40 50 30
Influence of animal density on fattening rabbits
Note: a,b: on the same line, two values not having the same index letter differ significantly, to the threshold P 0.05.
Source: Martin, 1982.
The main drawback is the low animal frame more expensive than flat-deck.
concentration per square metre of building, Inclined-slope battery.. The cages are placed
which increases the investment per animal one above the other. Waste slides down
housed despite the low-cost cages. However, ferrocement or metal panels into troughs
flat-dedcs are recom_mended for nurseries. They from which it is removed manually with
could also be used for fattening, but ata higher scrapers or with rurming water. Cages ob-
investment cost per cage. This is usually the viously open at the front. Advantages of
only type of housing in European production the inclined slope are:
units now being established or enlarged. higher animal density;
California cage. In this system the cages are reasonable cost, although more expen-
staggered, one deck higher than the other sive than flat-deck.
but not above it. The cages on the lower Drawbacks:
level open at the top and those on the upper o no matter what material is used for the
level at the front (poorer access). Floor litter panels or how steeply they slant, waste
drops beneath the cages and is collected as does not drop properly and must be
in the flat-deck system. Advantages of the periodically raked down;
California system are: high animal density demands careful
o same advantages as the flat-deck with ventilation;
regard to ventilation; o access to the cages, supervision and han-
slight increase in animal density per dling of the animals is more difficult.
square metre of building. Compact batteries. Waste can be removed
Drawbacks: by conveyor belt or vats can be installed
o access to upper cages and supervision beneath the cages and emptied by cable-
difficult; operated scrapers (manual or electric).
The rabbit 135
Examples of correct and incorrect cage assembly, fosteiing good hygiene and iesistance
Exterior cross-
Gnawed wood
As with the inclined-slope battery, the cages breakdown and harmful gases from the
must open from the front. The advantage of scrapers;
this system is that the maximum density of poor distribution of light for breeding does.
animals reduces costs per animal housed. Compactbatteries have virtuallybeen aban-
Drawbacks: doned for nurseries in rational European rab-
e as for the inclined-slope battery regarding bitries.
ventilation, access to cages, supervision
and handling of animals; Watering
0 quicker wear and tear on materials; A permanent dispenser of clean water is an
0 with automatic scraping there is the risk of essential item in each cage, wherever rabbits
136 Housing and equipment
Swingmg rear wall in concrete hutch for waste removal
1 RI r..
t .N
Note: a = front view (note forage rack, here shared by t-wo cages), b rear view.
Source Thbault, Rougeot and Bonnet, 1981
The rabbit 137
Four systems fa, uszng unre cages
scraper or
moving belt
40';',WY. '
, ,
are not fed green forage alone. Using old is big so that it needs to be refilled less often
cans or glass or earthenware pots as drink- and the breeder can see at a glance whether
ers can create a hygiene problem. Rabbits the animals' water intake is normal.
tend to soil their water, especially if they are The best solution is an automatic drinker
reared on straw litter. The drinkers should in every cage (Figure 30). The open drinker
be fastened so that the rabbits cannot over- guarantees that the rabbits will be watered
turn them and so that the breeder can easily but it is expensive and there is a high risk of
clean and refill them once or twice a day. water pollution. A nipple drinker requires
One possible improvement is an inverted some learning on the part of the rabbits and
water-bottle drinker. A bottle is inverted wastes water. Even if there is no leak, the
over a small trough (Figure 29), which is rabbits do not drink all the water that
small enough to restrict pollution. The bottle drips out. This can then wet litter or waste.
138 Housing and equipment
Drinker made from a nipple in plastic bottle (a) and clay drinker used as inverted water bottle (b)
140 Housing and equipment
keep the young from leaving the nest To comply with the habits of the doe and
too early and make it easy for them to her young, and to make the breeder's work
get back if they do get out; easier, the box should have the following
allow the producer to monitor the litter, features:
remove any dead animals, introduce e the bottom should be hollowed so that
baby rabbits to be fostered and change the young can huddle together when
bedding material easily, without dis- the temperature drops, but it should
turbing the doe and the young. also favour their dispersion when the
The nest box is strongly advised for rabbit- temperature rises;
ries using straw litter; it is essential in mod- e the bottom should be non-skid, to pre-
ern production. The box most recommended vent dislocation of the young bones
to meet these requirements, especially the ("swimming" );
doe's comfort when kindling and nursing, access for the doe should be opposite
is a rectangular paralleled pipe at least the section holding the young so that
50 x 25 x 25 cm. If there is a dividing panel to she will not crush them when entering
keep the young together, at least 30 x 30 cm the nest box suddenly;
must be left on that side so that the mother can 0 the access hole for the dam should be
nurse them in comfort (Figure 33). fairly narrow, square or round, and
The nest box should be made from mate- about 15 cm across;
rials that are impossible to gnaw, easy to e the bottom of the box should be de-
disinfect, insulating and resistant to mois- signed to allow urine to run off. It can be
ture. In a well-heated rabbitry or a warm perforated or a space 1 to 1.5 cm wide
climate, galvanized iron can be used if some can be left between the floor and the
other material such as plywood, wood or sides of the box. Another alternative is
plastic is used for the bottom. Untreated straw sandwiched between two layers
wood, fibreboard, plywood or plastic are of mesh;
frequently used in Europe. They insulate 0 the bottom should be detachable so that
better than metals, but except for plastic are the whole interior of the box can be
not always easy to disinfect. cleaned;
The rabbit 141
Design for a nest box
Trap opening
for inspection
Note: In hot climates the top of the box can be made of wire mesh.
the top should have a trapdoor so that in Europe and North America used to be
the breeder can easily observe and check outdoors in hutches and the animals stopped
the rabbits; breeding from the end of summer until early
there should be a sufficiently high spring. More regular or even nonstop pro-
ledge, level with the doe's access hole, duction has been made possible by putting
to keep the young from leaving the box the cages indoors.
too early (before day 15). An even bet- Temperature and lighting can be con-
ter solution is to install the box below trolled to suit the animals. Now the use of
the level of the cage floors so that the wire-mesh cages makes the rabbits more
babies can get back easily. susceptible to the temperature and air flow
The doe needs materials in addition to in their environment and these carmot be
her own fur to make a good nest. Clean controlled fully except inside a building.
straw or soft, untreated wood chips are Even so, if the rabbits are reared in semi-
suitable and dried grasses can be used. open, fairly unprotected environments, as
Cellulose cottonwool must never be used. is increasingly the case for fattening rabbits
The nest box can be placed inside or out- in Europe, the temperature and ventilation
side the cage. If it is outside it can be fas- standards in Table 50 are no longer appli-
tened to the side of the cage or preferably to cable. Animals raised outside are more tol-
the front, to make inspection easier. erant of weather variations than indoor rab-
BUILDINGS In Europe, breeding rabbits are usually
In temperate climates reared in floor-level wire-mesh cages, and
In countries with temperate or cool climates, European rabbits are thus increasingly
rabbits are reared in buildings that are more reared inside closed buildings, with con-
or less closed in order to ensure year-round trolled ventilation, artificial lighting, win-
production. Traditional rabbit production ter heating and possibly summer cooling.
142 Housing and equipment
Such solutions are costly and the producer Wire-mesh cages can be grouped under a
needs substantial initial capital to house all common insulating roof. This system, illus-
his or her animals. trated in Figure 35, was first tried in Califor-
In France, for example, the total outlay nia. It is satisfactory provided the roofs
(building, caging, other equipment) is fig- overhang far enough at the sides to protect
ured in terms of the "mother-cage". This the animals properly. A hedge or fence
reference unit corresponds to the total in- around the roof structure is useful in pro-
vestment necessary for housing does, bucks, tecting the rabbits from strong winds, and
fattening young and future breeders, di- from predators.
vided by the number of does. In France the
outlay per mother-cage corresponds to the In variable hot climates
value of the young rabbits produced by the In such climates the rabbits must be reared
mother-cage in about 12 to 18 months. either on litter in hutches out in the open, or
Technically speaking, the buildings are in cages placed inside a building which
like those used for battery chickens, with will serve as a buffer against the heat. Very
similar insulation, heating, ventilation and satisfactory results have been obtained in
lighting. The standards for rabbit produc- Burkina Faso with buildings constructed
tion, described at the beginning of this chap- with local palmyra (Borassus aethiopium),
ter, are, of course, different, but for the rest and a straw roof. The temperature in a
the rabbit breeder can make convenient building like this is more constant than in a
use of descriptions of buildings designed more costly one made with concrete
for chickens. The many instances of old perpend.
stables, barns and similar buildings being At the Irapuato National Rabbit Centre
converted for rabbitries is worth mention- in Mexico, solid buildings are generally left
ing. Some work is usually needed: some- open in the front during the day and at
times insulation, nearly always ventilation, night the shutters are closed to offset the
even for flat-deck systems. Unlike compact drop in outside temperature. A daily tem-
batteries, the flat-deck system does not need perature range of 20C is common in the
a very long building, and can therefore region. These shutters also make it possible
usually be installed in any existing con- to ventilate the interior during the daytime;
struction. they can be opened to suit the wind direc-
tion and regulated to respect the air-flow
In constant hot climates standards mentioned at the start of this
In countries where the climate is hot but chapter.
fairly constant (mean minima and maxima In some dry tropical regions of Africa
between 200 and 30C) closed buildings are where wood is scarce, producers have made
not really necessary. All that is needed is to satisfactory housing by building small
protect the rabbits against the weather. If round huts of unbaked earth bricks covered
the cages are of wood or concrete (solid with straw, used for both cage and housing.
walls) it may be enough to roof each hutch, Litter changing is often quite a problem
as shown in Figure 34. A roof should keep with this sort of construction, however. The
off rain and also heat from direct sunlight. floor should slope slightly and be off the
The hutches can also be placed under trees ground. Parasitism can be partially con-
big enough to shade them all day long. A trolled by demolishing the hut every year
roof should overhang enough to keep wa- and rebuilding it a few metres away. Such
ter out on rainy, windy days. The hutches housing is thus only suitable for backyard
should face away from the prevailing winds. rabbitries in which labour is not a problem.
The rabbit 143
Outdoor wooden cage
ti 111111112111111111
121711111111 1111RtatITUICil
rESIMIEFIg JI lifill51144111
1#16192%i II 1 Willi
434LIMMII \ rigifIllkiMin
F IMIIIPP EliiillairitIC
i rriasiris2
Note: Observe insulated roof to protect the rabbits fro e heat, feed hopper (1) and forage rack (2) on the side of the hutch.
Wire-mesh cages under a co
144 Housing and equipment
Rational enclosure for rabbitries
t '
1 1111
t ,
. ;
t. I
Note. a = tops of drums to protect the font of the palisade, b = top of the palisade built to keep predators out of pen; c = trees
to piuvide shade and peihaps foddei leaves; d = tabbiti.atilling died, e = nest box diLessible to bieedei, f = feed Lack,
g = haystack used as shelter
146 Housing and equipment
lower cost. No information is available on the In fact, farm manure contains only 0.4 to 0.6
labour required to build the system. percent of each of the main fertilizer compo-
nents: N, P205 and K20.
USES FOR WASTE The composition of the waste varies with
In every type of rabbit production unit the the type of rabbit (Table 55). A comparison
producer has to remove the excrement and of the figures in Tables 54 and 55 shows
waste from the rabbitry (straw litter and drop- a greater risk for nitrogen and phosphorus
pings which pile up under cages). These can losses during storage than for other
be put to good use on the farm. The amounts elements.
and composition of waste vary according to The average composition of the manure of
housing and feeding conditions. rabbits reared on litter depends partly on the
Rabbits eating balanced concentrate feeds kind of feed but mostly on the kind and amount
and raised on mesh floors produce about 25 to of litter used. If well preserved, the waste col-
400 g of faeces and 0.5 to 0.8 litre of urine per lected weekly will contain the nutrients in the
mother-cage a day, depending on production faeces, part of those in the urine and those in the
intensivity. This waste is much richer in nutri- litter. Fertilizer "production" is therefore at
ents than ordinary farm manure (Table 54). least equal to that in a rabbitry not using litter.
Two-zone cage: wire-mesh (at left) and underground (at right). The breeder has access through the corrugated
top laid over the underground area
-c, 0
te _..- ...
Q. ID .Z..-5- :21 .6
, 4,:tcr4.1.
, 1.4 f,.. A. ,... eri..-
7 j;:-,TIN0.t.;
s' vc... 4-.Q,.. 4,
-1), isr,
,,,,- . ,-
' ----
3. -,.
,.k :-.'..... -
.1.4 ..-;":; /.2: '
..;.,,.... ",::::,.-..".........., 1
:- ' :: f
- .1
,...... ' ...,... .,,,
- .e..1
----z Z. - I ,
1 '''' "4\ --..."-".-- 1'4
..,-?Alilt. 7NC-.,---7,
St % , A" ' 't *-1,,
.' , " vIN/_
. , r.k.......':
. .
1 ,t
1,1 / 1
1.1-11.#. 4
ji a e
,k(f 4
1_41% 4s.
Average composition of excrement collected under wire-mesh cages of rabbits receiving
balanced concentrates (percentage)
pH 7.2-9.7 8.1-8.8
Quantities and composition of excrement produced by different categories of rabbit
Chapter 7
Rabbitry management
Questions of management are discussed in tise the intensive system: mating does
various parts of this book. This chapter within 48 hours of kindling and weaning
brings these different aspects together. The the young at 26 to 28 days. This, however,
technical and economic criteria presented requires very good feeding and a producer
apply primarily to rational rabbitries of a with a fairly high level of expertise and was
certain size (at least 50 does). The rules of gradually abandoned during the 1980s.
technical management are the same for Extensive systems are characterized by a
smaller units, but the economic variables long delay between kindling and mating,
are different. The objective of small-scale and perhaps even until weaning. For ex-
units is not to make the greatest possible ample, the young may be weaned at 56
profit, but to achieve satisfactory produc- days and the doe mated after weaning. This
tivity with a low-input system using local system is still practised in France in farm
resources and family labour. rabbitries, where breeding does are fed fod-
der and grain.
THE PRODUCTION CYCLE At weaning the young are separated from
As ovulation in does is induced by mating the doe. The duration of fattening varies,
and the females are generally kept in dif- depending on the carcass weight required
ferent cages from the males, it is the breeder and the growth rate possible in the feeding
who determines the reproduction rate of and production conditions of the rabbitry.
the unit. These rates vary from one or two In intensive European production, where
litters a year under the most extensive man- weaning takes place at one month, the fat-
agement to eight to ten litters in an intensive tening period is seven weeks. The rabbits
management system. In rational European weigh 2.3 to 2.4 kg (live weight) when they
rabbitries does are remated either immedi- are ready for the market. Some African
ately after kindling (intensive system) or breeding units where weaning takes place
about ten days later (semi-intensive). Euro- at two months are reported to need a four-
pean backyard rabbitries use a more exten- month fattening period, because balanced
sive system, presenting the doe to the buck feeds are not available. European and North
one or two months after kindling. Young American countries which market rabbits
does are first presented for mating at four at live weights of 1.7 to 1.8 kg use a different
to seven months, depending on the breed system. The young are not weaned. They
(lighter breeds are usually more precocious) are left with their doe up to the age of two
and, especially, on the diet. months, when they are sold. The mother is
In the semi-intensive system illustrated remated three weeks before that. This sys-
in Figure 38, the does are first presented to tem can produce five or six litters a year. In
the buck at four and a half months. They are Spain, however, at a highly comparable
then mated 10 to 12 days after the birth of sales weight of 1.8 to 2 kg live weight,
each litter. Weaning takes place at 30 to 35, rabbits are weaned at about one month,
or even 37 to 38 days. Many European then fattened for only one month more.
breeders (France, Italy, Spain) used to prac- These breeders are actually using the
150 Rabbitry management
Production cycle of the doniestic rabbit
semi-intensive reproduction rate to obtain same male or by two different males. A simi-
a great many kindlings and hence more lar technique is to leave the female in the
rabbits per doe each year. male's cage for 15 to 20 minutes after mating
has first taken place. These techniques allow
Reproduction a slight increase in the percentage of preg-
Mating. Servicing is always done in the nant does (4 to 6 percent, roughly). The draw-
buck's cage. The breeder checks the doe's back, however, is that it considerably in-
health at this time to make sure she has no creases the number of matings per male and
respiratory disorder, sore hocks, etc., or in this system no male can be mated to
that she is not too thin. A red vulva is a more than two females each week without
promising but not infallible sign (80 to 90 jeopardizing the outcome through over
percent chance of mating success). A buck exploitation of the buck.
can fertilize a doe with a white vulva, but In intensive breeding one buck can serve
the success rate is only 10 to 20 percent. seven or eight does. In the extensive system
When the doe has accepted mounting and one buck can serve 10 to 15 does. The buck,
the buck has serviced her the breeder re- however, should not be used more than
moves the doe and puts her back in her own three or four days a week, and not more
cage. Altogether this should not take more than two or three times a day, which means
than five minutes. no more than six ejaculations per week. So
While the doe is being handled the pro- even if there are only, say, ten does in the
ducer can carry out any treatment neces- unit, there should be at least two bucks so
sary anti-mange, for example. If the doe that successful mating is not dependent on
refuses to mate, the breeder can try to one buck alone. When the size of the unit
present her to another buck, as a last resort permits (at least 50 does), one or two reserve
leaving her for 24 hours in the buck's cage bucks are kept. If a balanced pelleted feed is
but then cannot be sure that mating has used the bucks should be fed from 120 to
taken place. It is better to mate the animals 180 g per day, depending on their weight.
in the morning or evening, to avoid the The first mating of medium-size, prop-
hottest hours of the day. Some breeders in erly fed does takes place around four
France practise double mating. This means months. Bucks are first mated at about five
that the doe is mated twice in succession at months. If production conditions are not
intervals of 10 to 15 minutes, either by the optimum the first mating will be delayed
The rabbit 151
until the animals reach 80 percent of their have not been palpated, but where palpa-
adult weight. There is no advantage in tion has been practised regularly the prepa-
delaying it further. The breeder should care- rations are restricted to does found to be
fully supervise the first mating. For the first pregnant.
month the young buck should not be mated A pregnant doe that is not nursing a litter
as often as an adult. will be rationed if the breeder uses pelleted
feed. The daily ration for medium-size does
Determining pregnancy. The only effective will be about 150 g (35 to 40 g /kg live
way of determining pregnancy is to detect weight). If the doe is nursing a litter at the
the embryos in the doe's uterus by palpat- same time she will be fed ad lib.
ing the abdomen. This operation should be
carried out between 10 and 14 days after Kindling. Kindling should take place in
mating. It is not effective if performed ear- quiet, hygienic surroundings. The breeder's
lier (before the ninth day), while after the presence is not required, but the nests should
14th day the operation is more delicate and be checked as soon as possible after kin-
there is a risk of provoking abortion. The dling. This operation is easy and there is no
breeder must palpate the doe gently and risk to the young. It can be performed right
expertly in order not to cause an abortion. after kindling, provided the mother is re-
If palpation shows the doe to be empty moved. The breeder should remove any
she is presented to the buck again as soon dead animals and any foetal sacs the doe has
as possible, if the breeder mates the ani- not eaten.
mals every day in the week. But if the A nursing doe needs considerable nutri-
breeder practises group rearing or cycling tion and from the time of parturition she
(paced by the week), he or she will re- should be fed ad lib. Drinking-water is very
present the doe to the buck (or use artificial important in the days leading up to and
insemination) two to three weeks after the following parturition. The doe will nurse
non-productive mating. If the rabbits are her young once a day, usually in the early
merely raised as a group, however, with all morning.
does in the production unit at the exact The mortality rate between birth and
same stage of reproduction (in this case weaning is still high (15 to 20 percent today
only artificial insemination is used), an in European rabbitries). A mortality figure
empty doe will simply be marked for the of less than 10 percent is very difficult to
appropriate feeding (and perhaps hous- achieve. Therefore the nests have to be in-
ing ) for her situation. She will be spected daily and any dead animals re-
reinseminated only with the other does in moved. Strict preventive hygiene is more
the production unit. Presentation of the important than ever at this period.
doe to the buck as a test of pregnancy is
pointless, though not dangerous. Indeed, a Fostering. The breeder may decide it is
large proportion of pregnant does accept necessary to eliminate excess newborn rab-
mating and some empty does refuse. Nor bits in a large litter, or they may be fostered
is doe live weight an indication of preg- to a smaller litter, if certain rules are re-
nancy, because weight fluctuations depend spected:
on too many factors. no more than three or four young rab-
Preparations for kindling (supervision, bits should be given to a foster mother;
nest box, changing bedding material, etc.) the maximum age difference between
should be made for all the mated does from the foster doe's litter and the fostered
the 27th to the 28th day after mating if they young should be 48 hours;
152 Rabbitry management
*fostering should take place within three cent of the daily dry-matter intake. Practi-
days of kindling. cally speaking, young rabbits benefit from
Where a production unit is big enough, late weaning until the age of six weeks.
and particularly where the breeder prac- Depending on the rate of reproduction cho-
tises group rearing, systematic fostering is sen, weaning should take place no later
recommended to achieve equal litter size. than two or three days before the doe's
The ideal size for withdrawal / fostering is next kindling: e.g. 28 days for postpartum
average litter size at kindling (or some- fecundation to 38 to 39 days for fecunda-
what smaller if there is a feeding problem). tion taking place 11 days after kindling (42-
Where there are too many young rabbits day rate).
the chances of survival are poor and, if
young rabbits are to be culled, the lighter Stock reduction and renewal of breeding
ones should be chosen. does. One of the apparent drawbacks of
intensive reproduction is the rapid turn-
Weaning. During the weaning period the over of breeding stock. Monthly culling
young gradually give up milk for solid rates of 8 to 10 percent are not uncommon.
feed. Weaning is also the time when the In fact, where reproduction is intensive the
breeder separates the young from the doe. breeder soon learns the value of each doe
The breeder may opt for one of the two and can thus keep the best. The total num-
following weaning methods: all rabbits in ber of rabbits produced by each doe during
the litter are withdrawn at the same time her working life is fairly independent of the
and placed six to eight per cage in the area rate of reproduction imposed by the breeder.
set aside for fattening. Alternatively, the Whatever the reproduction and the monthly
doe may be removed from the cage and the stock renewal rates, to avoid having empty
young rabbits left, a method which reduces cages in the nursery there should be a con-
postweaning stress for the young rabbits stant reserve of does available that are ready
but does necessitate the right production for mating.
equipment. Management must be geared The breeder has several means of renew-
to group rearing. If the young rabbits are ing breeding does. The most practical solu-
moved (still the more common system), the tion, applicable to both pure breeds and
cages must be very clean and the litters "ordinary" strains, is to select the best young
should be kept together, if possible, for from the best does. To avoid inbreeding, the
uniformity. The alternative is same-age bucks and even the does should be obtained
cages (maximum age difference one week) from another breeder (selector). If produc-
with all rabbits put in the cage the same tion is intensive, the producer can buy breed-
day. Rabbits soon establish a social hierar- ing animals from a selection programme of
chy in the cage and any new introduction is specialized strains for cross-breeding - the
a source of conflict. During the transfer system of stock renewal to follow will be
operation the breeder checks the health of advised by the supplier.
the young rabbits, culling any that are un- Renewal mainly takes the following two
dersized or sick. forms:
Weaning can take place when the rabbit's The introduction of male or female
live weight tops 500 g (after approximately breeding animals for direct replace-
26 to 30 days in rational European produc- ment of does or bucks which have been
tion). The young rabbits begin to eat solid culled or died. These are called "paren-
feed at 18 to 20 days and at 30 days the tal renewal stock" (the direct parents of
doe's milk provides no more than 20 per- rabbits intended for sale).
The rabbit 153
Castration of young male rabbit
The rabbit is held on its back on the lap of an assistant (2) who holds both legs on the same side in each hand. The operator
(1) presses the rabbit's belly trom front to back to make the testicle appear. Using a razor, he makes a deep incision, cutting
the skin of the pouch and also the testicle At this moment, by a ieflex movement, the testicle comes out It now remains
only to cut the "threads" fixing it to the abdomen. Next disinfect with iodine There is no need to stitch the wound as it
heals in five or six days Bleeding to any extent is very rare However, for rabbits of four months and over it is best to crush
the thieads rather than cut them There are castiatmg pincers which crush the threads, eliminating the need for an incision
Sour ce Lissot, 1974
A rabbit can always be picked up by the skin If an animal struggles and the producer
of the back (Figure 40). For animals weighing feels he cannot control it, it is best just to
under one kilogram, one method is to pick drop it so it will fall on all fours and then pick
them up and carry them by the saddle just it up again correctly within two or three
above the hindquarters, using thumb and in- seconds. If the breeder keeps his hold on a
dex finger (Figure 41). If the animals are heavier struggling rabbit he risks some nasty scratches
it is best to take them by the skin of the back, and can even break the rabbit's backbone.
but if they have to be transported or shifted for
more than five or ten seconds they must either ORGANIZING AND MANAGING A RABBITRY
be supported with the other hand (Figure 42) First operation: identification
or be carried on the forearm with the head in Identification can be made in two ways: by
the bend of the elbow (Figure 43). individuals and by cages. The first method
The rabbit 155
Carrying a large rabbit, supporting its hindquarters
Technique of can ying a rabbit on the 'bream
Using a clipper with movable numbei s to tattoo the identification number on a rabbit's ear
units, most of this information is now com- hooked to each cage, for calculating indi-
puterized. The producer notes the chief vidual doe productivity. The example
operations simply and clearly: shown in Figure 45 summarizes the items of
e mating days for each doe, indicating information just listed. Another useful ad-
sire (used to check buck fertility); dition is a buck card (Figure 46).
outcome of palpation, where per- The next step is to put the data together to
formed; get an overview of the unit for efficient
e numerical size of each litter at birth; organization of the work. This is essential
enumerical size of each litter at weaning. in any rabbitry with more than a few dozen
The young does selected for replacement does.
are identified at weaning. Planning pigeonholes (Figure 47) offer a
This list is far from complete. Litter weight virtually foolproof way of monitoring all
at weaning could be added, for instance. If events in the nursery. Assuming that does
the producer uses balanced feeds the are remated and litters are weaned no later
amounts fed in the nursery will be entered than one month after kindling, the system
to compute the average feeding cost per involves a large box with four horizontal
weaned rabbit. This is an important item in rows of 31 compartments. Each corresponds
calculating net profit. A similar entry would to a day of the month. The first row is for
be equally helpful for other types of feed- matings, the second for pregnancy checks
ing, but these are far more difficult to esti- (palpation), the third for births and the last
mate. for weanings. If weaning takes place be-
The record book system is often inad- tween one and two months, which is com-
equate. One improvement is a doe card mon in extensive production, there will be
158 Rabbitly management
Example of a doe card
1st mating 2nd mating 3rd mating kindling weaning breed ongin
date number Cr. date number 5' date number 5'date t5,5 .110,4 101,19
palpation palpation palpation
entry date LspJOiS
41+ C.) 9 51iC-,1 0101j 9 9
comments age at
1st mating
A 1 IA 1 30
withdrawn g511- comments DOE CARD
01 Po o3
comments VI iOii i1
comments culled'? cause. emp
two rows for weaning, for even months and the same time, a card with the doe's indi-
odd months. vidual and cage numbers will be placed in
Every morning the producer sees in the the weaning row, in space 7 of the second,
work book what operations are to be car- odd month (+35 days).
ried out. As each is completed, the card of There are other planning systems. The
the doe concerned is moved into the pi- important thing is to use one system con-
geonhole corresponding to the next opera- sistently. Computerized individual perfor-
tion and the day for which it is scheduled. mance records can combine these param-
In a rabbitry where mating takes place ten eters and list the daily operations to follow
days after kindling and rabbits are weaned in line with the management model adopted
at 35 days, the doe record could be as fol- by each breeder, listing the history of each
lows: suppose the doe is mated on the third breeding animal.
day of an odd month. Her card is then Scheduling several matings, a few palpa-
placed in the palpation row. This operation tions and the weaning of several litters all
is performed on the 16th of the same month for the same day adds up to a lot of wasted
(+13 days). If the result is positive, the doe time. Using a weekly work plan one person
card is placed in the kindling row under the working eight hours a day can manage 250
second day of the following month (+15 to 300 does. Table 56 is an example of such
days). If it is negative, her card will go back a work plan. Scheduled matings (Thurs-
to the mating row. After kindling the doe days and especially Fridays) mean other
card returns to the mating row under the activities can be grouped (weaning on
12th day of the same month (+10 days). At Tuesdays, palpation on Wednesdays).
The rabbit 159
Exainple of a buck card
No. of male
111111111111111111111IllieMOININ No of cage
111111111111110111IIIIINION11111111 Date of birth
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Weight
at 1st
Some activities such as nest supervision Age-group rearing quickly led to rabbit
and feeding have to be carried out every production units organized into just three age
day. groups at intervals of two weeks or two age
With this method batches of litters at groups at intervals of three weeks, with a
weaning are close to the same age. It also semi-intensive "42-day" rate of reproduction
sets the time for activities the producer in both instances, and fecundation by natural
always tends to postpone, such as record- mating or artificial insemination. In the last
ing data and carrying out preventive hy- two or three years, some Italian and French
giene measures. breeders have been working with a single age
This weekly management plan, used for group: all does in the establishment are fecun-
nearly 30 years, has expanded into age- dated on the same day by artificial insemina-
group rearing or cycling as described tion only once every 42 days.
above. At first all rabbits of the same age These different management techniques
were grouped in the same part of the rab- have basically evolved to reduce the
bitry (hence the term age group). Next, amount of labour per rabbit, even though
breeders kept same-age rabbits only in the productivity per female is not as high as is
same rearing unit. Each unit was cleaned theoretically possible.
and disinfected after the rabbits were sold
or put in a newly cleaned unit. This means Fattening records. Here again the daily
breeding does move regularly from one record book is essential. It will list the first
unit to another at each weaning (hence the and last fattening days (sale or slaughter)
term cycling). of the animals in each cage, any mortality
160 Rabbitry management
Diagram of planning pigeonholes
Day of month
/1 12 13 14 15 110 1 112 113114 115 16 17 18 1
16 t7 18 19
Mating s3,
Palpation P
Kindling _
Weaning s,
and the apparent causes. Live weight when ditions, some 12 to 20 working hours per
sold and the number of animals marketed week per 100 does that are actually produc-
weekly could also be added. In large-scale ing is the rule. Same-age rearing in a well-
operations, production checks will be done organized establishment can even reduce
by batches (a batch is a group of rabbits this to under ten hours. Indicatively, listed
weaned the same week). The batch will be below are average working times per week
the core reference point of all technical data. in 1991 in a group of 18 rabbitries in south-
If the breeder uses balanced concentrates eastern France, each for 100 producing does
he or she will record the amount of feed and their progeny (GELRA, 1991).
eaten by fattening rabbits. Feed conversion Mating + palpation 2 h 28 min
efficiency (the amount of feed needed to Checking nests +
produce a weight gain of 1 kg) is a sound fostering + weaning 2 h 40 min
economic criterion. If the producer wants to Feeding 2 h 20 min
breed stock for selection purposes a litter Cleaning 4h
card is used listing the weaning weight and Monitoring +
date, the weight and date at sale or slaugh- treatments 1 h 40 min
ter and the individual identification num- Clean-out 40 min
ber of each rabbit. Sales 50 min
Management 40 min
Working hours. In a rational production Other 35 min
structure under European production con- Weekly total 16 hours
The rabbit 161
Example of weekly work plan
kindlings and
first check
Weaning young
and initial selection
of future breeding animals
Filling in doe
Second selection
of future breeding
animals at 70 days
Cleaning equipment
and building
Health inspection
of animals and
nest boxes
Routine activities
(supervision, feeding) xx xx XX
SOME PRODUCTION TARGETS output was 58.7 young rabbits sold per doe.
Table 57 shows the performance records The yearly renewal rate of does of 131 percent
since 1983 of selected French rabbitries moni- means that in order to maintain 100 breeding
tored under technico / economic manage- females year-round, 131 new does must be
ment. It covers more than 1 100 production introduced each year, i.e. the average produc-
units for the last year. The parameters change tive life of a doe is just over nine months (365
little from one year to the next. days 1.31 = 279 days) between the first
The main productivi ty criterion is the num- mating and withdrawal (culled or dead).
ber of progeny per breeding doe per year. Basically, the average production per doe
The average here is 46 young rabbits for the depends on the theoretical breeding rate set
year 1992. Strikingly, the range of perfor- by the breeder (in France the doe is presented
mance around this mean is great: in the 275 to the male eight to ten days after kindling),
most productive units (the top quarter), the the ratio of kindlings to mating (73.3 percent
162 Rabbitry management
Annual production performance in France from 1983 to 1992 in rabbitries monitored under
technico-economic management
Number of does per production unit 148 174 196 216 241 256
Kindlings/mating 68 69 70 72 72 73
Kindlings per doe per year 7.4 7.4 7.5 7.4 7.2 7.2
Number weaned per doe per year 484 48.0 50.1 52.2 52.1 52.9
Number sold per doe per year 41.1 42.1 43.8 45.0 45.5 46.0
Average live weight at sale (kg) 2.33 2.34 2.30 2.34 2.34 2.36
in 1992), litter size at birth, and the survival purpose of helping breeders collect and
rate of newborn rabbits. analyse these technical criteria, keeping the
A further 25 percent of these rabbits are breeder abreast of performance at all times.
lost before sale. Technically, the range is Computer programs can provide the same
also great here, with the best breeders sell- information at the production-unit level, but
ing a little over 90 percent of their liveborn regular comparisons with other rabbitries
rabbits. will highlight weak points for the breeder.
Economically, the consumption index is
a major item. Under French conditions, Economic management
feed accounts for over 50 percent of all As with keeping technical records, not all
production costs, including labour. In 1991 producers have the same needs in economic
for the first time, breeders spent a little over management, which mainly concerns those
4 kg feed to produce 1 kg of rabbit for sale, whose purpose is to make the maximum
including the feed consumed by rabbits profit.
sold, breeding does, bucks and replacement There is a great deal of variation in this
breeding animals. In different economic area. Results depend on the expertise of the
conditions the portion of feed cost price breeder and his or her economic situation,
may vary, but it is always the major expense so there is not much point in giving absolute
item. figures.
Various external agencies (research or Table 58 shows the relative importance of
development agencies, private firms) may the various cost items for a group of 18
collect weekly data on production perfor- French breeders followed in 1991. Figures
mance and evaluate the parameters for the are given in percentage of turnover.
The rabbit 163
Cost schedules in French production units as a percentage of annual turnover: averages and
values for the upper and lower thirds of rabbitries classified by doe productivity
Influence of various factors on income of a French production unit
Note: These results reflect French conditions. The various factors are interlinked and cannot, therefore, be added. Figures are
Sources: GELRA, 1992; Koehl, 1992.
To indicate variability, figures are also ing on productivity, the share of turnover
given for the six least-productive rabbitries used to pay wages ranges from 19 to 29
(37 progeny per doe per year) and the six percent, even though the rabbitries in the
most productive rabbitries (over 54 prog- study lie in the same French region and are
eny per doe per year). A major expense thus economically comparable in terms of
item, as stated, is feed purchases. Depend- feed purchase price and rabbit sale price.
164 Rabbitry management
As always, the higher the level of investment Among the financial factors, sensitivity to
the greater the unit productivity needed to sale prices for rabbit meat is very high. In
write off these debts. Productivity should be these circumstances it is easy to see the ad-
expressed either as unit of investment or as vantage of direct sales.
working time, depending on which is the main Improvement in overall production has a
local constraint. substantial impact on producer income. Care-
Table 59 looks at the influence of various ful selection of genetic type will increase
production factors onincome. The findings are profits by increasing litter size under specific
indicative and valid in French conditions for breeding conditions.
produc-tion levels close to those in Table 57.
The rabbit 165
Chapter 8
Production of rabbit skins and hair for textiles
Meat is definitely the main goal of rabbit In fact, the raw skin represents only a small
production. Two by-products are usually percentage of the value of the living animal.
also recovered from the skin: the pelt and Thus more and more frequently rabbits are
the shorn hair, with no particular produc- slaughtered at an age or time of year when
tion constraint. their coats have not fully developed. This is
Angora rabbits, however, are produced usually at 10 to 12 weeks when they still
solely for the hair. The only way the pro- have an infant coat or are beginning the
ducer can be sure of quality hair is to apply subadult moult. These thin, unstable coats
a very specific methodology quite different are not suitable for furs.
from that used in meat-rabbit production. The only season when the adult coat is
The same can be said for the production stable and homogeneous is winter. This is
of quality pelts from special strains such as true of any animal over six months of age.
the Rex. The appropriate techniques, in- The rest of the year there are always moult
tended primarily to obtain a good pelt, areas of greater or lesser size, so the coat is
make meat a by-product of the skin. Bear- uneven and the hair is not firmly attached
ing in mind the special vocabulary used in to the skin. Some summer coats can be
the fur industry, this chapter includes a homogeneous, especially those of rabbits
small glossary to help the reader with the that have completed the subadult moult,
definition of some specialized terms. but the rabbits must be at least five months
old. The summer coat is also thinner than
Rabbit fur production is not comparable This rather inflexible growth cycle and
with the production of other fur species. seasonal changes in the coat make simulta-
Mink, which tops the list of species bred neous fur and meat production a problem
essentially for its fur, supplies a world total and so fur can only constitute a by-product,
of about 25 million to 35 million pelts a year especially in intensive production. How-
whereas rabbit pelts are estimated at one ever, no research has been done on moult-
billion. In France alone annual rabbit skin ing patterns in subtropical countries; the
production tops 70 million. figures given here only really apply to tem-
Few skins are now retrieved from slaugh- perate regions.
terhouses: they are simply thrown away. The only quality skins are from adult
Those that are used fall into three catego- rabbits, but the trend in modern rabbit pro-
ries: fur pelts for dressing, pelts for shorn duction is to slaughter young, reducing the
hair (hair removed from skin) and skins for proportion of adult skins. In extensive pro-
use as fertilizer. duction, rabbits are slaughtered at four to
six months and this is the situation in many
Origin of the by-product tropical countries. Therefore, quality skins
Intensive meat-rabbit production techniques could be produced in the tropics assuming
in Europe are usually incompatible with the proper skinning and preserving
production standards for quality fur pelts. techniques were used.
166 Production of rabbit skins and hair for textiles
seconds: some hair defects and a certain bit fur a downmarket product are the fragile
lack of thickness, short subhair. For in- guard hairs (long coarse hairs in the coat)
ferior fur and cutting; which break off very easily and the unequal
*thirds: for cutting (felt) or toys; growth of the hair during adult seasonal
*hatters: rejects, the best of which are moulting (zones with shorter or looser
used for cutting. hairs).
Firsts and seconds include five colours: The Rex rabbit is free of the first defect
white (price sometimes double that of because the coat contains no guard hairs,
colours as pelts can be dyed); red; blue; an advantage that places Rex furs in a select
chinchilla; mixed. category of fur classification.
Sorting and grading clearly show that it The second defect can be ironed out by
is in the interest of the breeder and the production techniques that synchronize
general economy of the country to produce moulting in all parts of the body. The com-
the highest possible proportion of quality bination of this technique with Rex pro-
pelts or at least reduce the proportion of duction has made it possible for some rab-
those which are unusable. It is also impor- bit fur to attain formerly unthinkable
tant to be able to constitute homogeneous pinnacles of quality.
commercial lots. This means that if pro duc-
tion is low in a region the range of colours Moulting
should be limited. The choice is not simple, Seasonal moults in adults. Seasonal moults
given the ups and downs of fashion. The in adults, which are ruled by seasonal
wisest choice would normally be white, as photoperiodicity, occur in spring and au-
it generally commands a good price and tumn. The spring moults are spectacular,
once dyed can easily follow colour fashion with visible loss of winter hair, but they are
trends. However, this is not the best advice slow and irregular and rarely give an en-
at present, with long-haired fur in vogue tirely stable coat in summer. This summer
and dyeing virtually in disuse. coat, thin and short, is not among the most
White (not Angora) rabbit hair from shorn prized it weighs only 50 g. The autumn
skins should not be considered a negligible moult, on the other hand, reactivates all the
item: it accounts for several thousand tonnes hair follicles in a relatively short time. It
on the world market. France usually ex- gives longer hairs and above all multiplies
ports 100 to 200 tonnes of rabbit hair every the secondary hair follicles which produce
year, and imports slightly less. Prices can part of the undercoat. The winter coat,
be quite high: in 1984 to 1985 they held which remains stable for several months,
steady at 250 to 300 FF / kg, whereas the weighs approximately 80 g. This coat is the
usual price is about 100 FF / kg as in 1992. most highly prized of all and often the only
one used by furriers. In addition, the net-
PRODUCTION OF QUALITY FURS work of collagen fibres of the derma is
The main barrier to quality pelt production contracted and produces a finer and stron-
is slaughter age: the pelt must be big enough ger skin.
and the whole coat mature: i.e. a winter It is obviously preferable in a temperate
coat. The crucial times are moulting climate to slaughter the animal at the onset
juvenile moults for growing rabbits and of winter, as soon as the coat is mature, to
seasonal moults for adults. ensure the least possible deterioration of
Quite apart from rabbits slaughtered too the hair. Unfortunately no detailed study
young and those raised under poor condi- has been made in tropical or equatorial
tions, the two major defects that make rab- climates.
168 Production of rabbit skins and hair for textiles
Juvenile coats. There are three types of ju- dicity. They can be induced earlier by artifi-
venile coat: that of the newborn rabbit, in- cial lighting, but this calls for sophisticated
fant coats and subadult coats. The first two installations (windowless housing) and the
are unusable because they are too small. technique is complex (two different fatten-
The coat of the newborn rabbit stops grow- ing periods with separate light regimes).
ing when the animal reaches 0.4 kg (for an
average size breed); it weighs only 8 to 10 g. Temperature does not govern moults, but if
The infant coat is mature at around nine it is too hot the discomfort will make the
weeks and its weight depends on the rabbit eat less, and the coat will suffer ac-
rabbit's weight, since the number of hair cordingly.
follicles in development depends on the
size of the skin area of the growing animal. Hygiene. Any physiological imbalance or
If a rabbit weighs 0.5 kg at nine weeks it pathological disorder has immediate reper-
carries 15 g of hair, against 30 g for a rabbit cussions on the coat, even if it has reached
weighing 1.1 kg. The coat is thus still light maturity. It becomes dull and unkempt, the
in weight and the hair is fine. secretion of the sebaceous glands is disturbed
The subadult coat becomes more interest- and the rabbit neglects its grooming. A skin
ing but the lengthy (four or five weeks) collected in this condition will never make a
moult which produces it does not start until good fur. Normal hygienic procedures, valid
the rabbit reaches 1.7 to 1.9 kg. It matures, at whatever the production system, also favour
the earliest, at four to five months (usually the production of a quality pelt and help to
five). The weight of the coat, and hence hair avoid diseases which specifically affect the
length and density, also depends on the skin. This will be one of the most difficult
season in which the hair develops: 40 g in problems for developing countries.
summer, 60 g in autumn or in winter, which
is acceptable given the skin area. The sub- Choice of breed and selection
adult coat is therefore the first coat that could In making this choice there are two factors
provide a fur. above all to be considered with relation to
As a consequence, it is very difficult to grading pelts: colour and size.
obtain pelts for fur in intensive meat-pro- Colour is a question of fashion but, as
duction systems (slaughter at 11 weeks). mentioned earlier, white is the most suit-
However, a breeder might attempt to pro- able as it is impervious to fashion changes
duce acceptable pelts for shorn hair by because it can be dyed. It must be remem-
using simple measures. bered that the trader is interested only in
It is howeYer quite possible to produce lots of four or five tonnes. Large pelts are the
fur pelts under extensive production sys- most prized; without going so far as to
tems, by not pushing the animals' growth, produce giant rabbits this means that midget
feeding them a cheap but balanced diet and breeds should be rejected.
slaughtering them at the age of five or six Finally, there is the structure of the coat: it
months during the winter. It is also pos- should be homogeneous, with long hair
sible to produce fur pelts in intensive sys- and a thick undercoat well covered with
tems, provided that the rules detailed be- silky guard hair.
low are obeyed. As has already been mentioned, the Rex
breed produces an interesting and original
Conditions for quality fur production pelt which is softer to the touch but tougher,
Light. Newborn and subad-ult moults are recalling prestige furs such as chinchilla,
not really ruled by seasonal photoperio- moleskin or otter.
The rabbit 169
COLLECTION, PRESERVATION AND STORAGE sun or to hot air; above 50C the collagen of
OF PELTS the derma is altered irreversibly and the
Skinning skin cannot be processed. They should be
Skinning should be carried out in a manner dried in the shade or in the dark in a well-
that ensures the largest possible skin sur- aired dry place (optimum temperature 18
face, which is an important part of its value. to 22C).
The first cut is usually an incision at the Twenty-four hours later it is best to re-
hind feet, passing from one thigh to the move fatty deposits on the shoulders and
other. The skin is then pulled off. The skin belly to avoid local hotspots.
on the head is of no commercial value but
it is preferable to keep it because it allows Packaging and storage
better stretching. The pelts are arranged in piles when they
This operation should be done with care are perfectly dry in a cool airy room, with
to avoid mutilation, knife marks, grease insecticide (naphthaline) between each
(which oxidizes and burns the skin) or layer of skin. It is best to grade the pelts
bloodstains. All these defects reduce the without delay, the grading being more or
value of the pelt, especially when the coat is less elaborate according to the size of the
originally of good quality. The sequence of stock in question. At least the different
skinning operations is illustrated in Figure qualities should be separated immediately
48. and the white pelts from the coloured.
Whether the destination of the pelt is fur
Preservation or hair production, all operations from skin-
Rabbit pelts are preserved by drying. This ning to storage must be carried out with
is a simple operation which can be done care and attention. The slightest fault in
anywhere and costs little (the salt used to handling results in a lowering of grade,
preserve the skins of other species can be which is all the more serious when a high-
expensive). Drying should start immedi- quality skin is involved and all the work
ately after the skin has been removed. It carried out previously is lost. The greater
must cool off quickly and dry out to pre- the homogeneity and quality of the pelts
vent the action of enzymes in the derma the more attractive they will be to the trader,
which attack the hair root and cause the which is particularly important at times of
hair to fall. If fresh pelts are left in a pile for market depression.
even a short time (more than 15 minutes) a If it is intended to extend rabbit produc-
rapid bacterial fermentation will set in and tion in a country for the profitable sale of
cause the hair to fall out in patches. Many the pelts, training should not be underesti-
pelts are lost this way through lack of el- mated. Training will be needed not only in
ementary care. production, particularly in teaching pro-
The skins are shaped on a frame. They ducers how to recognize the state of matu-
should not be excessively stretched, nor rity, but also in the care needed in skinning
should there be any creases. The frame can the animal and in preserving and storing
be a board or a steel wire frame (Figure 49). the pelt. Experience with hides and skins of
Straw should not be used as padding as it other species shows the extent of losses due
can deform the pelt in places. to negligence (in some countries only one
During drying, air should circulate freely pelt remains from every three animals
and the skins should not come into contact slaughtered). Perhaps bad habits can more
with one another. It is unacceptable to accel- easily be avoided when a new animal-pro-
erate drying by exposing the skins to the duction sector is introduced.
170 Production of rabbit skins and hair for textiles
Skinning a rabbit
1 2 3 4 5
Skin cut between Skin pulled Skin pulled to Carcass skinned Carcass opened,
the thighs off the hind legs bare the trunk but not eviscerated white viscera
and then the forelegs (intestinal tract
and lungs) removed
Correct way to dry rabbit pelts
Note: a = frame of thick steel wire (6 mm) if possible covered with plastic or sticking-paper; b = skin stretched over frame to
dry, turned inside out with trame on inside, held down by clamps or clothes pins
washing: it is imperative that the producer produces more hair than the male an
keep constant control over the cleanliness average of 1 kg against 700 to 800 g for the
of the animals. male. Therefore the hair-producing stock is
made up of adult females that are main-
Commercial qualities tained as long as possible, with reproduc-
There are several grades of hair, identified tion kept at a minimum. Gestation and es-
by length, type of animal and cleanliness. pecially lactation reduce hair production
First-quality hair which represents 70 per- by one-third.
cent of the coat must be over 6 E cm in length The number of breeding bucks is kept to
(down) and clean. This grade was worth a minimum. The proportion is only 2 or 3
950 FF a kg in 1984, but only 300 FF in 1981 percent in hair-production units. In France
to 1982. Since 1988, the price has ranged the males not destined for breeding are
from 300 to 380 FF. culled at birth, which hastens the develop-
Second-quality hair is clean but too short ment of the female young.
(down less than 6 cm) or too woolly. It is
grown on the belly and extremities and is Harvesting schedule. The hair is collected
worth about 20 percent less than the first- every 90 to 100 days, when the follicles
quality wool. The hair of the young Angora reach the resting stage and before hair starts
rabbit is shorter and softer. It is the product falling, which would cause felting and re-
of the first and sometimes the second collec- duce the value. The hair is cut with scissors
tion. The clean but felted hairs collected on or electric or manual shears, or collected by
the necks of females or breeding animals are depilation. Depilation has long been the
worth only 15 percent of the value of first- technique of choice in France, synchroniz-
quality hair. ing the reactivation of hair follicles with a
Dirty hair of any length is virtually worth- well-structured coat with good guide hairs.
less. At best, it is worth less than shorn hair Since the 1980s French breeders have been
from ordinary rabbit breeds. Its value using a depilatory fodder sold under the
would be no more than 5 or 6 percent of the name LagodendronR (Socit Proval, 27 rue
first quality. Clean hair is therefore abso- de la gare de Reuilly, 75012 Paris). With
lutely essential in angora wool production. careful use of this product, rabbits can be
shaved more quickly and easily and less
RAISING ANGORA RABBITS stressfully. Scissors is the more common
Angora rabbits are reared primarily for technique in China, with shearing more com-
their hair. The production of this hair calls mon in Central Europe and South America.
for an entirely different set of techniques French-type Angora rabbit hair is better
from those used in meat-rabbit production. collected by depilation, whereas shearing
These techniques have historically reached or scissors are better for Chinese or Ger-
the pinnacle of specialization in France, man-type Angoras. The differences between
where the sole target has long been wool their genotypes include, inter alia, the si-
production, but some countries, headed by multaneous resumption of hair follicle
China, are now also developing this spe- growth in accordance with the collection
cialization. method.
Angora hair must be sorted into the dif-
Sexual balance. The adult female produces ferent grades at collection, which is the best
the hair: adult, because top-quality angora time. A skilled operator takes about half an
is only produced from the third collection at hour: less than 20 minutes and more than 45
nine months, and female because the female minutes are both very rare.
The rabbit 175
Comparative giowth of hair types in Angora and common rabbits
1110 -0
. .
, - .. .- ik
-.... -,,,,. _. -.- -
-.0 4,
E :1
4 i
012 6 8 10 12 14 012 4 6
Angora New Zealand
.-_____,, guide
-- - down
full-grown guide hairs
growth is complete and reproduction is fed one day a week so the stomach can
limited to a few animals. It must, however, empty, preventing or at least diminishing
produce over 2 kg of dry proteins a year the risk of the hair balls that can form from
more than 1 kg of keratin (hair) and the self-grooming (very hard balls called
same amount from the internal sheath of trichobezoars that obstruct the pylorus and
the hair follicle. This is the equivalent of 7 usually end in death).
or 8 kg of muscle. Most losses of adult Angoras occur dur-
This explains the need for a high-protein ing the days following hair collection as
diet 17 percent. The keratin in the hair is the animals then have problems main-
rich in sulphur amino acids, exporting 35 g taining thermal balance. They become par-
of sulphur a year, so the proper intake of ticularly sensitive to respiratory germs
these amino acids (0.8 percent in the ration) (pasteurella, coryza, etc.). The breeder
must be ensured. The high productivity of must therefore be constantly on the alert
modern Angora strains (up to 1 400 g per regarding their general hygiene (frequent
year), make full productivity difficult un- litter renewal, cleaning, disinfecting).
der traditional feeds such as hay, alfalfa, Having to replace working females with
oats, barley, etc. The amounts would be young does lowers average production
excessive and deficits in sulphur amino ac- levels because first-year Angora output is
ids ine ,itable. For cost considerations (ex- appreciably lower: 650 g compared with
cluding labour costs) some French breeders 1 kg. The usual yearly rate of renewal is 25
still combine these feeds with balanced con- to 35 percent.
centrates containing methionine, vitamin
and mineral supplements. Almost all breed- Labour
ers use only pelleted feeds for Angoras which Labour in Angora rabbit production may
are easy to administer. In this case an aver- be subdivided into five categories:
age 170 to 180 g should be fed to each rabbit o feeding;
daily. 0 hair collection;
The Angora rabbit's feed requirements o cleaning and disinfection of the build-
follow the cycle of collection (every three ings;
months) and hair regrowth. Requirements e curative or preventive health care (vac-
increase after depilation as the animal is cinations);
then hairless and energy losses by radia- 0 reproduction.
tion are very great. By the second month Feeding is not labour-intensive provided
the animal is again well covered, but this is the breeder distributes only balanced
when the hair grows fastest so the ration pelleted feeds in easily accessible feeders. In
must of course remain adequate. In the this case 40 minutes per day and 210 hours
third month, requirements decrease be- per year would be needed for a production
cause the hair grows more slowly and, as unit of 400 Angora rabbits. The time is
collection time approaches, starts to fall. doubled for coarse feed such as hay and
Daily rations need to be adjusted carefully cereals. A daily distribution of straw or
to these variable requirements. roughage, including fasting days, transport
It is now the practice to give 190 to 210 g and sifting of feed must be reckoned in,
per day of dry matter during the first month, raising the time spent on feeding to 400
170 to 180 g during the second month and hours per year.
140 to 150 g during the third month. This is Hair collection is the most time-consum-
less imperative when the wool is sheared. It ing operation. The calculation needs to in-
is also recommended that the rabbits not be clude not only the actual hair removal by
The rabbit 177
shearing, cutting or depilation but also from 885 g / year in 1980 to 1 086 g / year in
moving the rabbit from its hutch to the 1986, a phenotypical gain of 31 g / year. Ani-
collecting table, the grooming phase to re- mals tested at the Neu-Ulrichstein Hesse Cen-
move filth or plant matter from the coat, tre in Germany gained in productivity from
weighing different grades of hair, keeping 400 g / year in 1945 to 1 350 g /year in 1986:
records, returning the rabbit to the hutch, a phenotypical gain of 32 g / year. Produc-
plus postharvest thermal stress reduction tion in the French and German commercial
measures. All in all, some 10000 hours per sectors lagged slightly behind these figures
year are required for a 400-rabbit produc- with an estimated annual production per
tion unit. doe of 1 000 g / year under French and 1 200
Complete litter removal (cleaning) for g / year under German production condi-
hutches or cleaning out wire-mesh cages, tions.
disinfection procedures and sweeping takes There are major gaps in China by prov-
at least 250 hours per year. ince and by production systems. The fig-
Veterinary care is basically preventive: ures range from 261 g / year (unspecified
vaccinations and general disease preven- Chinese strain, 1985) to 815,7g / year (Wan
tion can take up to 175 hours per year. strain, 1992) for does. Production condi-
Reproduction-related work (handling tions, particularly feeding, are highly influ-
breeding animals, checking gestation and ential because German rabbits under Chi-
kindling, sexing newborn rabbits, wean- nese conditions are, according to the
ing) also requires 175 hours per year. literature, producing from 422 to 820 g/
In all, a production unit of 400 Angora year.
rabbits requires 2 000 working hours per
year under rational production conditions. Non-genetic factors in quantitative hair
SOURCES OF VARIATION IN ANGORA HAIR Most of these factors are known today. The
PRODUCTION most important, judging by weight at each
Genetic estimates of different strains collection, is of course the interval between
Although there are several strains of An- two collections. This effect is attenuated
gora rabbit, only the German, French and when considering annual output.
Chinese (Tanghang, Wan, etc.) strains are of The collection technique (shearing or
economic interest at this time. The Chinese depilation) is an important factor, particu-
strains (including the German strain reared larly for the (depilated) French strain, as
in China and South America) supply over shearing reduces adult doe productivity
95 percent of the angora hair sold in the by about 30 percent.
world. The European, French and German The number of the hair collection is im-
strains deserve mention for their specific portant up to the fifth collection for French
features and because they have been se- strains: the first four collections succes-
lected for over 50 years. sively represent 11 percent, 60 percent, 81
percent and 93 percent of adult production.
Weight production. Hair-weight production The German strain is apparently more pre-
has long been the sole focus in Angora rabbit cocious, with several references citing the
selection. These genetic improvement efforts fourth and even the third collection as rep-
in France and Germany have produced highly resenting full potential productivity.
similar acceleration of hair growth. The sex factor is very marked in the French
The annual ouput of does at the INRA strain: male rabbits produce 20 percent less
experimental production unit in France rose hair. ThiSis not so true of the German strain,
178 Production of rabbit skins and hair for textiles
where the literature reports a difference of tions in French strains, where the young
zero to 15 percent, with most citing a figure rabbits still produce woolly fur, even after
of 10 percent less for male rabbits. Live depilation.
weight is fairly irrelevant, except during the The sex factor is less of a distinction and
growth period, but should be correlated is weaker in the German than in the French
with the collection number (first, second, strain but males do show a more marked
etc.). tendency towards felting.
The seasonal factor should also be taken Live weight and season have less effect
into account: winter collection is always in adults; at most there is a structural differ-
heavier than summer collection, varying ence: the length ratio of underfur to guard
by 4 to 30 percent depending on the author. hair is less in summer than winter: 55 per-
It does seem that the higher the productiv- cent in summer as opposed to 65 percent in
ity of the strain, the weaker the seasonal winter.
Other variation factors such as the sea- PROSPECTS FOR ANGORA WOOL
son of birth have been studied, but new PRODUCTION
data are needed to confirm these findings. A point to be considered very carefully is
Undeniably, other factors such as diet (de- that Angora rabbit production is labour-
ficiencies), temperature and comfort do intensive and also requires great expertise.
have a direct influence on quantitative pro- The slightest mistake can mean the loss of
ductivity of hair. productive adults: the animals have to be
over a year old to return a profit. Hair
Non-genetic variation factors in qualitative collection is always a delicate operation
hair production and careless sorting irredeemably down-
Angora hair quality parameters are length, grades the product. Above all, not all cli-
the fineness of the down, guard-hair diam- mates are suitable: excessive heat and in-
eter and fur structure and composition. tense light (albinos) are very bad elements.
Concerning this last point, the basic dis- In cold countries, or in countries with cold
tinction is between woolly fur and fur thick winters, the solution is to use buildings that
in guard hairs. The latter, in accordance shelter the animals against the rigours of
with the proposed classification presented the winter. Recently denuded animals re-
to the 1992 Corvallis Convention, include quire special care, however. The feed re-
those in which over 70 percent of the guard quirements of Angora rabbits are impor-
hairs are full (i.e. with pointed ends) and tant: a poor, deficient diet will always mean
where less than 1 percent of the fibre is qualitatively and quantitatively poor hair
shorter than 15 mm. The other furs are production.
considered woolly. Felting or dirty fur is Last and probably most important, the
also considered a quality parameter. price of angora wool fluctuates: first, ac-
The interval between hair collections is a cording to fashion, with a cycle of three to
decisive factor in hair length. five years, but also and more abruptly, in
In the distinction between guard hair classical supply and demand terms, when
obtained by depilation and woolly hair ob- world production is structurally either ex-
tained by shearing, the collection proce- cessive or insufficient compared with aver-
dure is fundamental. age utilization of the fibre. The price of
The number of the 'collection is important angora (sheared wool) suddenly doubled
(at least at the first harvest) for all rabbit between 1976 and 1978 (from US$13 to $28
strains and for the second and third collec- per kilogram) because world production,
The rabbit 179
estimated at 900 tonnes in 1977, was clearly immense to foreign buyers (the difference
insufficient. The price remained at this high between world prices and the price for
level for about ten years, following the dol- French angora conventionally being 40 to
lar; up to US$45 to S50 / kg, and then in 1988, 50 percent). Quality French angora hair has
when world production had increased by a remained virtually unexported since 1988,
factor of ten to 9 000 tonnes, the market therefore, and is very difficult to market
collapsed and the price had fallen to internally, either in the unprocessed form
US$20 /kg by the summer of 1991. There for manufacture or in manufactured form
was a recent reversal of this slump in Chile, (e.g. sweaters).
Argentina, Hungary and France (and China Clearly this is a highly speculative pro-
to a lesser extent), bringing the price up to duction and should be approached with
USS30 in 1992. The volumes traded, and great caution. The utilization of the noble
hence angora utilization, continue to rise: textile fibre, angora, continues to grow de-
the production figure is likely to reach spite competition from other natural fibres
10 000 tonnes per year again. and particularly from synthetic fibres. This is
As for France, the only developed coun- partly due to the new sectors that have
try to have maintained an angora output of opened, particularly for fabric, in combina-
original quality (the guard hair), the situa- tion with cashmere and silk. The price slump
tion is one of unprecedented crisis. Produc- from 1987 to 1991 did indeed follow ten very
tion costs no longer permit the sale of French favourable years, after decades of good an-
angora wool at less than US$75 / kg and the gora prices. Better times could return again.
gap be tween that and the world price appears
The rabbit 181
Chapter 9
Rabr)it br dincind rural cThvelopment
developed in these centres are then intro- found on some weekdays in some super-
duced into the target rural communities. markets. Consumption is therefore limited
to a small fringe of the urban population,
Historical background. The wild rabbit especially in the Mexico City area (often
found in Mexico belongs to the genus people of European origin). Most Mexican
Silvilagus Gray. There are several species people have never tasted rabbit meat. This
Silvilagus andubonii, found throughout most unfamiliarity can make them suspicious or
of Mexico; Silvilagus brasilensis, in the even hostile towards it.
southeastern part of the country; Silvilagus
floridanus, in central Mexico; Silvilagus The environment. Oryctolagus cuniculus is
bachmani, in Baja California; and, last, the well adapted to the agroclimatic complex
Zacatuche, in the volcanic zone. of its area of origin (the entire western
The wealth of names reveals how impor- Mediterranean). In the natural environment
tant this animal was in the past. Among the encountered in Mexico some areas are more
Aztecs, Tochtli (rabbit) is the eighth of the favourable than others. Mexico is a tropical
20 signs central to the Aztec calendar. This country lying north and south of the Tropic
monumental stone is far more than a simple of Cancer. Its relatively large size (1 970 000
calendar: it is a compendium of their cos- km2), impressive relief and mountain pla-
mological view of the world. Tochtli had teaus and the distance from north to south
relations with Xipetote, the goddess of ag- (about 2 000 km) explain the variety of
riculture and good harvests. He was also climates and landscapes. The different com-
the symbol of fertility. In the cosmogony he binations of latitude and altitude allow one
descends from Mextli, who represented to pass from a cool, temperate climate to a
the moon. The peoples of Central America wet tropical one within a distance of a few
saw a rabbit in the dark parts of the sky hundred kilometres.
around the moon. Ometochtli (two rabbits) There are several large systems. In the
is the god of "pulque", the god of intoxicat- centre a plateau area, the Altiplano, stands
ing drinks. 1 000 to 2 500 m above sea level. The climate
Despite this sometimes alarming sym- is pleasant and healthy. Temperatures
bolism, Fray Bartolome de las Casas in his range from 15 to 25C, and the difference
book Los Indios de Mxico y Nueva Espaa between day and night temperatures is
reports that pre-Colombian peoples used considerable. A dry season alternates with
rabbit skins for clothing and appreciated a wet one of the same length. Northwards,
how well they kept out the cold. Rabbit the dry season lengthens. The plateaus
meat was also eaten. Cortez's soldiers saw change, sometimes into true desert (the
rabbit meat in the great markets (the famous Great Sonora, Baja California) and some-
ticmguis), especially in the Aztec capital. The times into great, closed depressions dotted
Spaniards later imported domestic rabbits by oases. Further south the humid season is
of the species Oryctolagus cuniculus longer. The two mountain chains (the
(Linnaeus, 1758) for the backyards of their Sierra Madre) surrounding the plateaus
haciendas. converge to form a complex, low mountain
Eating habits have regressed. Nowadays system.
rabbit meat is unknown to most Mexicans. To the east the plateau slopes down to the
The individual intake is less than 100 g per Atlantic in a series of steps well watered by
person per year. In 1975, of the 127 people's the humid winds, especially in the south. The
markets in the Federal District only three further one goes the wetter it gets. The plains
had stands offering rabbit for sale. It is become semi-aquatic in the state of Tabasco.
The rabbit 183
The next region is Yucatn, a calcareous animals into production systems should be
peninsula with shrubby vegetation. discouraged. These animals probably do
The Pacific side to the west is a much not possess the necessary adaptability and
steeper formation of crystalline rock. Well also the strains almost all derive from just
watered to the south, it is semi-desert in the two breeds: the New Zealand White and
north. the Californian. When imports are unavoid-
In this mosaic of agroclimatic zones that able, the rabbits should not be introduced
make up Mexico the rabbit prefers the tem- directly into the rural environment, but
perate or cool zones of medium rainfall rather studied for one or two generations in
the high plateau and the Atlantic or Pacific experimental stations where their reactions
slopes. As rabbits need a certain amount of to their new environment can be observed.
water and forage their adaptation to the
desert and semi-desert zones would pose The human component. The extraordinary
some problems. Rabbits also dislike heat population explosion in Mexico over the
more than cold. So the lowest, hottest areas last few decades is both an advantage for
have to be avoided. the future and a serious problem. The popu-
However, trials in Colima, which has a lation was 13 million in 1900. It doubled in
hot, wet climate, show that the species has 50 years and stood at 26 million in 1950.
considerable potential for adaptation. Stud- Twenty-two years later it had again
ies now under way should enable potential doubled. Today the 80 million mark has
production areas to be better specified in been passed and a figure of 111 million will
the future and, possibly, the selection of doubtless be reached by 2010.
genetic types adapted to these tropical Demographic pressure is stronger in the
zones. These factors emphasize the impor- rural areas. The outcome is a general rural
tance of local genetic types, where found. exodus, amplified by a large emigration
While not every agroclimatic zone in flow to the United States. Between 1960
Mexico is favourable for rabbits, some can and 1970 the active farm population shrank
be exploited in creative fashion. The "fam- by 15 percent in relative terms. At the same
ily packages" used by the DGAEM time it also increased in absolute terms.
programme usually contain the species or The problem of undernourishment in these
combination of species that will achieve areas therefore continues to grow more
the target objective. These associations (tur- acute.
key-rabbit, chicken-duck or turkey-bee, etc.)
would be even more effective if reinforced Socio-economic background. A look at
with small ruminants such as goats or sheep Mexican agriculture is necessary to see the
or a monogastric species such as the pig. programme in its proper context. A histori-
There are one or more combinations of do- cal footnote on agrarian reform is followed
mestic animals for each agroclimatic zone, by a brief description of industrial rabbit
the goal being to make the rural community production.
self-sufficient in animal proteins by maxi- Agrarian reform. Agrarian reform began
mizing the local natural resources. about 1910 during the Mexican Revolution,
with the establishment of the ejidos (collec-
The animal component. Worldwide, rabbit tive farms). Ejidos were either old rural com-
production is fairly extensive. Rabbits are munities whose former lands were restored
found in almost every climate. The use of to them, or haciendas (large estates dating
local breeds, where found, should be pro- from colonial times) confiscated and turned
moted. The direct introduction of selected over to the farm labourers and tenant farmers
184 Rabbit breeding and rural development
working them and run as cooperatives. The The Mexican peasant works an average of
process is not complete even today as there four months a year and the rest of the time
are still landless farmers in many areas. Of cartnot find any employment. Some try to
the arable lands 25 percent are still in the improve their lot by doing several seasonal
hands of landowners with more than 1 000 jobs.
hectares. Despite the existence of laws pro- Industrial rabbit production. Industrial rab-
tecting productive properties, the risk of bit production differs from the rural vari-
expropriation holds investments to a very ety mainly in its objectives, which are to
low level on these estates. reap a profit by producing animal proteins
Each ejido member also received a collec- for urban markets.
tion of plots, but these proved to be too In the early 1970s some thought rabbits
small. The farmer can grow enough maize had a great role to play as suppliers of
and beans to feed his family, but that is all. animal proteins for the steadily growing
Only one of his sons can succeed him; the urban population swelled by the drift from
others have to go elsewhere. Numerous the land. Entrepreneurs with capital to spare
efforts have been made by the government invested in rabbit production. They started
to finance the ejidos with non-agricultural by importing breeding animals and then
capital but most of these have failed. marketed them. The market developed rap-
Mexican agriculture. The traditional Mexi- idly and many rabbitries sprang up.
can diet consists of tortillas (thin, flat, un- At this point a number of negative fac-
leavened maize cakes), red beans and pi- tors began to emerge. The extremes of the
mientos. Long a grain exporter, Mexico has climate had a depressing effect on inten-
become an importer in recent years. sive production. For better environmental
The growing consumption of animal control, costly buildings had to be con-
products, especially in the cities, conceals structed. Breeder expertise was scanty.
the stagnation or even regression in meat There were serious problems with the feed
consumption in rural areas. Agricultural because of the poor quality of the raw ma-
output lags behind population growth. This terials and the small amounts manufac-
is in part a result of the existence of a vast tured. Growing production costs were
sector that is underproductive: 3.5 percent masked by the profits from the market for
of the land supplies 54 percent of all agri- breeding animals. However, this market
cultural production, while at the other ex- dried up in the end, so advertising cam-
treme 50 percent of the cultivated land paigns were then mounted to stimulate the
supplies only 4 percent of total output. De- demand for rabbit meat.
spite this Mexico still has great reserves: 3.3 Unfortunately there were no marketing
million hectares could be added to the 24 structures. Supply and demand were never
million hectares of agricultural land. able to balance. The resulting instant over-
The government seems determined to production caused a price slump. As pro-
develop this potential by the reasonable duction costs were high, many units closed
exploitation of its oil profits. It is aiming at down. Production dropped and demand
national food self-sufficiency before the end was never met. The crisis dealt a lethal
of this decade, and the Sistema Alimentario blow to the recently formed producers'
Mexicano was launched for this purpose. organizations. They disappeared before
This is an ambitious goal. The unemploy- they had had a chance to organize the mar-
ment figure resulting from this and the popu- ket or reduce the number of negative fac-
lation growth should be noted here. Under- tors. Neither of the two objectives was met,
employment is chronic in the countryside. but industrial rabbit production did not
The rabbit 185
disappear and continued throughout the Rabbit marketing also needs to be orga-
1980s. Colin (1993) believes there are sev- nized: the people it is planned to supply
eral dozen rabbitries with 200 to 3 000 does, must actually buy the product through ex-
and many more with about 30 does. The isting channels. At the national level, there
sector is thought to produce about 2 500 may be other justifications, such as foreign
tonnes of carcasses every year. Marketing exchange from rabbit exports, as in Roma-
systems favour home consumption and nia, Hungary and China.
local markets. Mexicans sometimes eat rab-
bit in restaurants. Promotional efforts are Rabbit production in rural Mexico. The
frequent. first advantages of raising rabbits in sm all
rural units are the intrinsic qualities of the
Advantages and drawbacks of rabbit species: its prolificacy, the quality of its
production in rural Mexico meat and its faculty of adapting to varied
The objective. Rabbit protein production environments. This last trait should be fully
corresponds to different needs. In the ear- exploited in small units where mistakes
lier example, the object was to increase will not entail the same drastic conse-
producer income and it led to the develop- quences as in large units with several hun-
ment of techniques to maximize output dred does.
while trying to hold down costs. These two The rabbit is a small animal. It requires
goals are hard to reconcile. Some produc- few inputs (purchase of initial stock, build-
ers choose to hold down costs, especially ings, etc.) and it is the right size for home
investments, and try to maximize output consumption. It can be reared by workers
regardless. Rabbit production thus fulfilled lacking great physical strength: women,
a luxury market: the eating habits of the children and old people. It therefore allows
tourists swarming through parts of Mexico these categories to be part of the family
every year encouraged restaurants to labour force.
broaden the menu. Fibrous feed is an important part of the
But the need in the countryside is a vital rabbit's diet, so it does not compete directly
one: the diet is heavily deficient in animal with humans for its food. This feature makes
protein. it highly complementary to other backyard
The level of need and what attempts are animals (chickens, ducks, turkeys) or small
being made to satisfy it is the next question. ruminants (sheep, goats). It will make use
There are four levels: the farm family, the of forages not otherwise used, kitchen and
village, the city and the nation. Needs at other wastes and so on. In addition to its
individual and village community levels meat it supplies certain useful by-products
are easy to meet. Home consumption by such as skins and excrement. Processing
farm families offers all the advantages of the skins could provide a little employ-
short producer / consumer marketing cir- ment for rural labour. Tourism should pro-
cuits: bottlenecks in processing and mar- vide an outlet for these products. In the
keting disappear. Mexican climate, earthworms can be used
At the urban level, one feasible solution to convert manure into fertilizer. This is a
would be industrial production on the out- fairly important resource in areas where
skirts of towns. Several problems arise: tech- chemical fertilizers are virtually unknown.
nical management of large-scale units must However, there are disadvantages.
be mastered. Obviously, since technical Despite their adaptability, rabbits need a mini-
problems easily outstrip the size of produc- mum of water and green or preserved forage
tion units, the size barrier is soon reached. and do not withstand humid heat very well.
186 Rabbit breeding and rural development
Where rabbits are reared in cages their for- It issues brochures, reviews and other
age must be gathered and distributed. Rab- publications as well as audiovisual aids
bits cannot seek their own food like other and any other appropriate teaching mate-
domestic animals. rial to inform and interest farmers. It also
Rabbit is not a customary item in the assists other national and regional develop-
Mexican diet. With some exceptions Mexi- ment agencies using the livestock species in
cans are not acquainted with this meat and which DGAEM specializes. It participates
are often reluctant to try it. in agricultural and livestock fairs and keeps
Technical personnel trained in rabbit in contact with agencies abroad involved in
production are lacking. Even if the owner the same work. A leaflet designed and drawn
of a small unit can manage with labour that up by this department is published here to
is not skilled, a certain minimum number illustrate the work it does (Figure 51).
of technical operations need to be mas- Promotion at the rural community level
tered. A rabbit is not reared like a chicken, is the responsibility of a technician who
so rural producers have to be trained. They usually works for another organization but
also need to be assisted with the technical has been trained in one of the DGAEM
problems that can crop up periodically: centres. This promoter is the key element in
health and reproduction problems and so the field progamme. The first step is to
on. present the programme to municipal or,
Making good use of the advantages of- ejido authorities, explaining clearly the
fered by the rabbit implies knowing more origin, development and aims of the
about the animal: its requirements vis-'a-vis programme and the benefits it offers the
the environment, rearing techniques and population. The promoter then organizes
the products it supplies. Another prerequi- public meetings, visits families in the com-
site is the availability of motivated labour. munity and hands out the information
documents provided by DGAEM, trying to
The DGAEM: an action agency enlist the cooperation of local primary or
This agency has been working with rabbits vocational school teachers. Experience has
since 1969, but also works with many other shown that children are very good at per-
species: chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, suading their parents to accept a family
bees and pigs. The family packages package.
programme was developed in cooperation The promoter makes a list of interested
with other development organizations. The families and with them examines how the
rabbit component of the programme cov- family packages can be paid for. There are
ers information, training in technical ex- two ways of paying, in cash or in kind, with
pertise and extension, the production of deferment for one year. For a package of one
breeding animals and technical assistance male and five does the farmer can pay back
to breeders. DGAEM has its headquarters the same number of animals or seven dried
in Mexico City and numerous production skins. A community representative collabo-
centres throughout the country. The rates with the promoter and acts as guide on
Irapuato National Rabbit Breeding Centre visits to the production units.
(State of Guanajuato) was set up in 1972. In addition to their technical training these
This is the only centre specializing in rabbit agents have been taught communication
breeding; the other centres breed other ani- techniques. A few simple ideas help them in
mals as well as rabbits. their work. Every message seeks to produce
At the national level, information is pre- a change so its purpose must appear clearly.
paredby a special department of the DGAEM. The manner in which the person receiving
The rabbit 187
Example of leaflet circulated in Mexico for the promotion of rabbit production
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the message interprets it depends on their lies in a community who have asked for
skill in commuruicating, their level of knowl- family packages is a good yardstick of suc-
edge and sociocultural environment. So the cess. The evaluation process continues
information should be as accessible as pos- throughout the programme.
sible to the person for whom it is intended. Training and extension in the family pack-
The one issuing the message should make ages programme works on two levels: train-
its purpose stand out clearly, choosing the ing the promoters who in turn train the
most appropriate medium, from the leaf- producers. This is essential as DGAEM can-
lets, tapes, slides, films, posters, cinema and not afford direct training for all breeders
television available, each of which has its receiving family packages.
own advantages and should be carefully Promoters are trained at the DGAEM
combined. centres in all livestock species handled
Feedback is not overlooked. Public reac- by the programme. There are over 25 of
tion is important as it enables some details these centres in the country. Courses are
to be corrected and shows whether the ob- about 60 percent practice and 40 percent
jectives are being met. The number of fami- theory. The Irapuato course, for instance,
188 Rabbit breeding and rural development
lasts three weeks. This centre can take up if difficulties arise, such as a serious health
to 50 students, including 30 boarders. problem. During the first year of operations
The general course alternates with more an expert from the centre visits family pack-
specialized courses on production tech- age recipients once a month.
niques and the use and tanning of skins. The production of breeding animals in-
Similar courses are also offered at other tended for the family packages programme
DGAEM centres. DGAEM also organizes is only one of the many functions of the
regular seminars on rabbit production DGAEM centres. DGAEM has set up a
techniques for the public. For action to multilevel network. The Irapuato National
be as effective as possible, the following Rabbit Centre has 1 500 breeding rabbits of
rules are followed: various genetic types. It provides a certain
standardization of the content of the number of lines to other DGAEM centres
various courses taking place through- which breed them to supply the rabbits in
out the country; their family packages. Irapuato also looks
ono direct training of schoolchildren and after the distribution of family packages in
farmers but focus of efforts on the its own area.
teacher or development agent acting in This scheme has the merit of being simple
the community, making use of the and effective. The distribution centres can
snowball effect; get by with small stocks of each genetic type.
the teachers taking these courses are They can obtain fresh stud stock periodically
kept informed on rabbit production from Irapuato. One day, artificial insemina-
progress in Mexico and abroad; tion may make it possible to avoid transport-
the establishment of a documentation ing breeding animals over long distances.
centre; It might seem strange to breed all the
the periodical updating of technical basic stock in the same place, given the
booklets so that new knowledge can diversity of climate areas. DGAEM is aware
spread as quickly as possible. of this risk. However, the danger, if it ex-
Farmers receiving the family packages ists, is serious only in the medium or long
are trained by the promoter who is helped term. The various multiplication centres
by the DGAEM, which supplies the neces- can test the reactions of the animals in their
sary teaching materials. The promoter also climatic environment and these animals
offers direct assistance to families when- could, if the need arose, constitute a core
ever the need arises. Particular attention stock to begin setting up regional lines.
must be given to the crucial stages of the A centre the size of Irapuato has techni-
programme: cal problems which are hard to overcome.
construction of cages and shelters; Any country wishing to establish such a
arrival of animals; network should first acquire experience
feeding; with medium-sized units before designing
mating; the central unit. Original solutions have
birth and weaning of young rabbits; enabled such problems to be very largely
fattening and slaughter; overcome in Mexico.
consumption of meat by producer's The Irapuato centre is first of all a produc-
family; tion centre for breeding animals. It supplies
e utilization of by-products. pure-bred animals for other centres for
Every month the promoter sends com- multiplication and pure- or cross-bred ani-
ments to the DGAEM centre which sup- mals, as needed, for the family packages.
plied the animals. The centre can then help Irapuato is also an experimental centre.
The rabbit 189
One of its tasks is to constitute Mexican are considerable, from 16 to 30C in sum-
rabbit lines. To do this it has had to identify mer and from 8 to 25C in winter. The dry
the animals (tattoo breeding animals, tag season, October to May, is about the same
animals temporarily at weaning), organize length as the wet season. Rainfall often takes
performance checks (record litter size at the form of storms that cause major swings
birth, at weaning and at 70 days, as well as in humidity, which can shoot up from 40 to
individual weight at weaning, at 70 days 95 percent. The buildings have been de-
and at first mating) and process and utilize signed and improved to offset these cli-
all these data. Production quality is a con- matic swings as much as possible.
stant concern of the people in charge of the A conventional pelleted feed is given to
centre. This requires a meticulous review breeding and fattening animals. Its use has
of all technical constraints and skilful orga- led to a better understanding of some of the
nization of centre operations. shortcomings mentioned in the section on
Staff activities are programmed on a industrial rabbit production. This feed is
weekly basis: weaning on Mondays, selec- brittle and tends to crumble. Its fibre and
tion of future breeding animals on Tues- nitrogen contents are far too variable.
days, palpating on Wednesdays, etc. Cer- The causes of these defects are many: un-
tain operations are done every day (feeding, even quality of raw materials, small quantities
inspection of nests). Such specialization is produced, which stops the feedstuffs manu-
more efficient. facturers from making needed inveslments
To facilitate the organization of the work, and so on. The problem of pelleted feed qual-
each doe is assigned a card. A system of ity is one of the major barriers to technical
colour-coded clips and pigeonholes in success in large units such as the Irapuato
which to place these cards makes possible centre. The animals could be fed green forage,
the simultaneous management of all fe- but this solution has not been considered be-
males at the same physiological stage. Each cause it is labour-intensive. There is also no
buck and each litter have cards listing their guarantee of the quality and reliable supply of
productivity in weight and numbers. These forage.
cards are not only useful for the immediate In units the size of Irapuato poor control of
management of the animals, they also help animal health would soon lead to catastro-
to choose the breeding animals to be culled phe. With some exceptions, individual treat-
and the stock to be used for replacement. ment is seldom satisfactory in large-scale
Production evaluations are made monthly production and is very costly. The answer is
in each building in the centre. These data are prevention, with the focus on the group, not
processed in the centre and sent to DGAEM the individual animal. Constant attention is
headquarters in Mexico City. Each centre therefore given to preventive hygiene:
around the country sends in a monthly pro- o regular cleaning and disinfecting of
duction balance sheet. The analysis of these equipment and buildings;
monthly reports is extremely important for o daily removal of dead animals, quaran-
dealing with the technical problems arising tine of sick animals, rapid examination
in units of this size. Problems can be pin- of breeding animals at each mating;
pointed rapidly, the causes analysed and e avoiding stress and contamination by
attempts made to remedy them. personnel or inopportune visitors;
Irapuato is located on the Altiplano at o control of other live vectors of contami-
1 700 m above sea level. The altitude tempers nation;
the effects of the tropical climate. Tempera- regular analyses of feed composition
tures are relatively high. Diurnal variations and bacteriological quality of the water.
190 Rabbit breeding and rural development
There are several types of rabbit in is included, say a Chinchilla x New Zealand
Irapuato. Three are crossed to make up the White genotype. She will be supplied to the
family packages. These rabbits were im- producer with a Californian male (Figure
ported during the 1970s and their perfor- 53). This cross offers the advantage of het-
mances are highly satisfactory. They have erosis. With several genetic types, numer-
adapted well to local production condi- ous combinations are possible. Some are
tions. Mass selection is practised. The least- now being evaluated at Irapuato and in the
productive animals are culled and future family packages programme. The multipli-
breeding animals chosen from the litters of cation centres do not keep much stock of
the best females. each genetic type. They receive Chinchilla
In the New Zealand White and Chin- and Californian males regularly from
chilla strains the standard criterion is the Irapuato. Basically these centres multiply
number of weaned rabbits per month of New Zealand White females.
production. All the does in a building are
entered on a double-entry worksheet (Fig- Liaison with other development organiza-
ure 52). After each weaning the keeper tions is necessary because DGAEM cannot
changes the position of the doe on the card. provide technical support for each family
Does on the left-hand side of the sheet are package distributed. The promoters and
to be culled as soon as possible; those on the extension agents who are indispensable in
right-hand side will produce the young linking DGAEM to the rural communities
replacement females and on the far right belong to other organizations for this rea-
the replacement males. Culling and selec- son.
tion will be determined on the average A programme such as family packages is
level of production, to keep a constant total just one component of an overall rural de-
in the herd. The offspring of does in the velopment strategy, itself a component of
central section will be for distribution to the national development plan. A global
other centres and for family packages. The programme has to consider all the rural
Californian strain is selected in the same social questions of housing, health and hy-
way. The main criterion is growth rate be- giene, cultural activities and education. The
tween weaning and 70 days. promoter needs to integrate these compo-
Reproduction is not intensive (mating 17 nents. To be effective, action must focus not
days after kindling; weaning at 42 days). at the family level but at the village commu-
Various experiments at Irapuato have nity level. The fact that there are so many
shown that this system best reconciled activities demands close coordination
quantity and quality under variable envi- among the various bodies. While a simple
ronmental conditions and where factors of administrative body may be inconceivable,
production were not fully under control. a flexible support and coordination unit
The organization of matings under one within an overall programme including fam-
roof makes some selection possible while ily packages seems essential.
avoiding a too rapid increase in the aver- Promoters thus require multiple training.
age coefficient of inbreeding. To achieve In addition to strictly technical matters they
these two conflicting goals each building is must be conversant with other, non-agri-
divided into breeding groups and matings cultural fields such as hygiene and pollu-
are scheduled between these groups. This tion control. Moreover, if they are to get
frees the keeper from having to check to see their message across, they must have some
if the animals to be mated are related. rudiments of the social sciences.
In the family packages a cross-bred female DGAEM officials are well aware of these
The rabbit 191
Example of worksheet used for selecting does according to numerical productzzlzhj
46 ''-''
4- c
o 2
eas -pro uc ive or ing temales ese remales
females to be are kept but none of their Females whose
culled as soon as offspring are) sons will be kept to
possible renew bucks
Note: This sheet is used in a unit producing a yearly average of six htters of five young each per doe At each weaning after
the second, the doe's tag numbei is repositioned in the area corresponding to her average output, taking the date of her
first lundling as the base time zero
two essentials coordination with other Now it is time to start making the cages to
development organizations and technical house the rabbits. Each adult breeding
training for promoters but there are many animal must have its own. During the
problems that have not yet been solved in postweaning fattening stage, however, sev-
practice. The failure of the family packages eral animals can occupy the same cage. So
programme in some communities has been a group of one male and five females needs
the result of inadequate training for promo- about ten cages. The materials and tech-
tion and poor coordination with the DGAEM niques used vary according to what is avail-
centre supplying the animals. able. The community's own resources will
When the promoter has finished the pub- be utilized to the utmost.
licity campaign he or she visits each inter- Each cage has a drinker and feeder or feed
ested family, noting their resources and the rack. The nest box is not always used when
time they have available. The final list of the floor of the cage is covered with straw
applicants is then drawn up and sent to the litter, but is always recommended. In cold
director of the nearest DGAEM centre. regions it is completely closed; in warmer
192 Rabbit breeding and rural development
Example of cross-breeding based on three genetic types at Irapnato
CENTRES Chinchilla X New Zealand
male female
PACKAGES Californian X Crossed female
malo Chinchilla X
New Zealand
Young rabbits
eaten or sold
areas it is left half open. In the hottest re- attention to the rabbits' behaviour. Three
gions a simple wooden crate will suffice. It hours after their arrival they are given fresh
is lined with straw or wood shavings. To water. For the following three days they
prevent the urine from collecting at the are given only dry feed. After that they may
bottom several small holes are drilled in the be given green forage.
floor of the nesting box. For their feed, maximum use is made of
Cages are always placed under some local forage resources and kitchen waste,
partial shelter from rain, wind, cold, direct or feed wastes of other animals, minimiz-
sunshine and other extremes. Shelter de- ing the competition with people for food.
sign and placement must consider the total As part of the integrated rural develop-
microclimate, especially the direction of ment programme, families may be encour-
the prevailing winds. Where predators are aged to plant kitchen gardens before the
a threat, adequate protection will be needed animals arrive. In some areas the promoter
to keep them away from the cages. gives families kale seeds to plant. The aim is
When the cages are ready the promoter to find the cheapest feed while maintaining
agrees on an arrival date for the animals the animals at a certain production level.
with the DGAEM centre director. The ani- After a few weeks of adaptation, animals
mals are transported in a closed vehicle over the age of four and a half months are
which protects them from sun and rain, in gradually bred, presenting one female to
well-ventilated cages. They are given wa- the male each week.
ter every eight hours. Palpating is a delicate technical operation
The first few days are the tricky period of so it is seldom performed. Nest boxes are
adaptation. The promoter pays careful systematically set up 25 days after mating.
The rabbit 193
Ten days later, if the female has not kindled to kill a rabbit cleanly, bleed it, cut it up and
she is mated again. The rate of reproduction gut it. There is no better way than to give a
should be in keeping with available forage demonstration right in the rabbitry. The
supplies. In some areas the females are not promoter shows them how to clean the car-
mated during the dry season. cass and set the skin out to dry so that it can
Weaning takes place between 35 and 60 be used later.
days. The aim is to obtain four litters per To induce the family and especially the
female a year, or 24 young, at an average children to eat the rabbit, just a little imagi-
rate of six per litter. The animals are slaugh- nation and the slightest persuasion are usu-
tered when they exceed a live weight of 2 to ally all that is necessary: imagination to
2.5 kg. However, the producer does not prepare the rabbit according to a local recipe;
slaughter an animal until it is needed. Fat- persuasion to get one member of the family
tening animals constitute a live larder from to agree to take the first bite. At the commu-
which the producer takes now and then, nity level, a rabbit-tasting session could be
according to the family needs. arranged when the first young rabbits have
Regarding health care, almost all treat- reached slaughter age. DGAEM has pub-
ments are discouraged. A few simple rules lished several booklets offering Mexican-
of preventive hygiene are usually enough: style rabbit recipes.
give varied feed daily; There are many ways to use the by-prod-
0 ensure the structure adequately pro- ucts depending on the community context
tects the rabbits from environmental and the promoter will try to get the commu-
stresses and predators; nity to make the best and fullest use of them.
e provide clean water; Rabbit skins can provide the raw material
prevent the proliferation of flies and for a small handcraft industry. Tarming will
insects; be done in a community workshop. DGAEM
regularly clean the installations; centres are equipped to teach these tech-
examine the animals every day so as to niques. Many articles can be produced from
detect quickly abnormal behaviour; the slcins. The tarming workshop in the
quarantine sick animals; Irapuato centre, for example, makes bags,
keep recently acquired animals in quar- children's clothes and bed covers. Other parts
antine; of the rabbit can also be used, for example
keep visits to a minimum. the paws and tails for keyrings.
The promoter uses commercial products The promoter ensures in advance that
to treat benign infections such as ear mange there are marketing outlets for these prod-
or injuries to the foot pads. In more serious ucts, perhaps in one of the many tourist
cases the animals are let out into a closed centres dotted about Mexico. Surplus meat
pen measuring a few square metres and can be sold to local restaurants. Earthworms
provided with a rough shelter. This is the can convert excrement into fertilizer where
best and least costly way of looking after the climate is suitable, and this can be spread
them. If this does not produce results the on the family's kitchen garden.
sick animals must be culled. When a seri- The promoter must carefully follow up
ous health problem affects the community the development of the programme in the
as a whole, the promoter calls in a DGAEM community. After the various preparatory
expert. stages have been completed it is the pro-
When it is time to slaughter and eat the duction stage that convinces the producer
first rabbits, the promoter's teaching role of the programme's benefits. The number
becomes critical. The families have to learn of lcilograms of meat produced per family is
194 Rabbit breeding and rural development
an important standard. This is the point that at the size of rabbit production in urban
will attract the interest of other families and areas, particularly Mexico City (Finzi, 1991).
nearby communities. This original strategy is thought to have
The next phase is home consumption cost US$22 million (Colin, 1994), but it seems
the number of kilograms of carcass eaten by to have worked. The information campaign
the family, especially the children, should did have a depressive effect on rabbit meat
be the basic standard of evaluation. Income consumption, however.
generated by by-products and the sale of This exemplary mobilization is an indi-
any surplus meat is another important item. cation of Mexican interest in rabbits. The
In supervising the programme the pro- 1991 mission of Professor J. Galvez Morros
moter notes the dates of visits to each fam- culminated in a decision by Mexico to
ily, progress made in the unit and the advice mount a new rabbit project with two com-
given. The information is summed up on an ponents: to renovate the regional rabbit
evaluation form and sent monthly to the development centres and to reactivate train-
DGAEM centre. On it the output of the ing and development activities. The plan is
family packages, the side benefits and also to renew four centres: Irapuato with 1 500
the problems are noted. This feedback is an does, Ixtacuixtla with 300, Aguascalientes
essential part of the family packages with 200 and Xochimilco with 100. While
programme, but in practice it is often diffi- the buildings can still be used, all equip-
cult to obtain. ment needs to be replaced.
The National Rabbit Centre has a triple
THE SITUATION IN 1993 mission: genetic improvement for supply
The programme just described has devel- to other centres; experimentation; and docu-
oped since the 1970s and productivity has mentation. It is under the authority of the
shot up. Interest in rabbits declined in the National Confederation of Livestock Pro-
early 1980s, output dropped and many ducers.
problems appeared, primarily feed. Train- State and private training and develop-
ing and development activities were halted ment efforts will be pooled. A survey will
and the resources earmarked for the identify areas where the family packages
programme severely curtailed. The programme is still functioning. Not enough
DGAEM disappeared and the Irapuato competent technicians are available for
Centre staff were slashed by 75 percent. training, and the rabbit development cen-
Centres such as Irapuato became state and tres will therefore need to go into operation
not federal responsibilities. at the earliest possible date. The survey
The crowning touch in this decade of will also pinpoint what training is needed
crisis for rabbit production was the appear- by rabbit breeders. For the development
ance of viral haemorrhagic disease in late component, each state will run its own
1988. An exceptional control mechanism programme based on the DGAEM family
was soon in place. Vaccination was forbid- packages programme. The feeding prob-
den. Major information campaigns were lem is as acute today as ever.
broadcast on radio and television. The Colin (1994), in a recent summary of the
sources of infection were identified and all state of rabbit production in Mexico, esti-
animals in contaminated production units mates a yearly output of 15 000 tonnes,
culled. A figure of over 120 000 rabbits has 12 500 of which from family rabbitries.
been quoted. The rabbit breeders received Mexico is a good illustration of the rabbit's
damages and the units were restocked a great potential adaptability and also of the
few months later. The experts were amazed need for training. It is possible to develop
The rabbit 195
family-scale rabbit breeding in a country One final aspect that deserves emphasis is
where there is no firm tradition of rabbit CECURI's 1992 organization of the First
meat consumption. Mexico is thus a model Regional Rabbit Congress, an indication of
for many countries in the south that would the need for cooperation between countries
like to see sustainable development of rab- in resolving rabbit production development
bit production. problems in tropical and equatorial Africa.
Unfortunately, as in Mexico, most rabbit-
A DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME USING ries in Benin were decimated in late 1995 by
RABBITS viral haemorrhagic disease. A new rabbit
A brief review of other rabbit development development programme is currently un-
programmes in the southern countries con- der evaluation.
cludes this chapter. Lukefahr and Cheeke (1992) summarized
Benin is of particular interest (Kpodekon, their review of various development
1988; Kpodekon, 1992; Kpodekon and programmes in southern countries, par-
Coudert, 1993). There is a lively tradition of ticularly in Africa. In addition to the as-
rabbit husbandry in this West African coun- pects of the Mexican programme already
try, the northern part of which has a tropi- mentioned, they come up with a number of
cal climate with a dry season running from original ideas. In their view, the initial de-
November to April and a rainy season from mand for rabbit development should come
May to October. Southern Benin has a sub- from the breeders themselves. They next
equatorial climate with two alternating dry suggest setting up a network of leading
and rainy seasons. Small family rabbitries breeders, representing different villages,
averaging four does based on local re- to follow programme developments and
sources are the usual pattern. Benin has set identify problems more quickly. Training
up a rabbit research and information centre is a major item and to be successful all
(CECURI) to vitalize the sector. This centre, trainers should also be breeders. They also
located on a university campus, has an agree with Kpodekon and Coudert that
experimental rabbit production unit. Its research and development programmes are
twin objectives are to promote expertise crucial in solving local problems and they
through research and development and stress the need for reliable technical infor-
extend rational rural rabbit production. The mation.
promoters of this centre insist on the need
for local solutions to feeding, genetic and Summary
material problems. As in Mexico, the em- Analysing a small rural rabbitry depends
phasis is on training for breeders and the on a number of interacting factors. Not all
need to listen carefully to their questions. operate on the same level: Figure 54 gives
This resource centre does need finance to an idea of how they interconnect. The reader
operate, however, a problem requiring a can either start from the centre and read
clear political will favouring rabbit produc- outwards, or start from the outside and read
tion. CECURI made spectacular technical inwards. The objectives are in the centre.
progress between 1988 and 1991: fertility Here the major goal is to produce proteins
virtually doubled, litter size at birth rose by to feed the breeder's family. A secondary
30 percent and mortality was cut by a factor goal is to generate family income through
of between two and six. There again, the sales and employment.
time factor is important: a centre of this type The first circle around the centre shows
needs several years to reach cruising speed factors that directly affect achievement of
and iron out the main production problems. the objectives. Double arrows show how
196 Rabbit breeding and rural development
several factors interact at the same level. The sphere of action is the village com-
The second circle contains a second series of munity. To get these programmes off the
factors. The plain arrows represent the ac- ground at least ten families have to join.
tion of one factor on another. The system This number makes the agent's work more
considered here is only a subsystem, one effective, promotes interest in the commu-
component of a global system of rural de- nity and makes mutual assistance more
velopment and links with the outside are effective. It also makes it unnecessary to
barely indicated in the diagram. include one male in each batch of five fe-
The programme is executed by a na- males. The promoter can distribute a num-
tional organization. This structure is re- ber of males among the units and organize
sponsible for developing the work. Its task their use.
is to inform, create awareness and provide The promoter must be in constant con-
training and evaluation. Local backup is tact with the local branches of each organi-
provided by regional units which do the zation involved in the programme. Peri-
same job. The regional units do not train odic reports will enable him to evaluate his
the producers directly; they train the tech- work. Regional experts can rapidly detect
nical people who are in touch with the problems that come up and help the pro-
field. This decentralization is essential to moter solve them. Feedback is essential for
the effectiveness of the whole and to avoid the system to run smoothly.
the excessive growth of the organization The human factor is a very basic compo-
that is technically responsible for the nent of this environment. The promoter
programme. The regional units produce and has a primary role. It is he who arouses
multiply the breeding animals. They may interest and enthusiasm, who provides in-
also act as centres for demonstration and formation and who guides the rabbit breed-
experiment, where the animals' reactions to ers. He is both instructor and observer; he
the production techniques and the must not give up easily, but he must also be
agroclimatic conditions they will meet out- patient. He is largely responsible for the
side the centre can be tested. level of technical ability reached by the
This programme is one section of an inte- farmers.
grated development programme. Accord- It is hard to modify agroclimatic factors,
ing to circumstances it might embody, such so they must be exploited as much as pos-
features as production of other animal spe- sible. An inventory of regional forage re-
cies, agronomy, horticulture, or perhaps sources often requires the intervention of an
home economics, hygiene or home renova- agrobotanist. Medicinal plants could be
tions. Such integration requires good coor- useful, for example. Water resources will be
dination between the executing agency and the subject of a separate study.
the other development agencies: some tech- There is a great deal of interaction at this
nical, others more concerned with socio- level. The reproduction rate adopted must be
economic work. decided on the basis of alternating seasons
In practice, liaison is through the pro- and thus according to forage resources. Where
moter responsible for keeping the pro- fodder is abundant the production potential
gramme going. He will have been given of the species can be fully exploited. During
basic training in rabbit production at one of harder times, most of the animals will be
the regional production centres. Preferably, eaten by the producer's family. He will keep
he should have two years' experience in only the future breeding animals. This ex-
rearing rabbits. His training will also enable treme pattern is adapted to regions where
him to lead other programmes. the dry season lasts less than six months.
The rabbit 197
Global analysts of a development programme using rabbits
P'coduction centre
SPebjes, 0 o(o
Rearing rabbits jointly with other ani- light of local constraints. There is probably
mals such as domestic poultry (chicken, no need to reiterate the importance of the
duck, turkey), small ruminants, bees or fish work of this person and the need to reach an
is often the best way to exploit the re- understanding with the community. Devel-
sources available. opment programme success hinges on how
Large-scale production of quality breed- well the promoter has understood their
ing animals is a difficult problem. One needs, expectations and motivations.
effective solution is to establish a network Programme evaluation should not be lim-
of multiplication centres based around one ited to a simple quantitative analysis. The
or more selection centres. Other solutions standard "amount of rabbit meat eaten
could be devised. But anything less than monthly by each family member" is impor-
full control of such technical parameters as tant, but far too restrictive. An attempt
feed quality, or climatic parameters such as should be made to evaluate the social
temperature, will lead to productivity prob- impact and deep-seated transformations
lems. It is therefore wise to limit the size of from a programme such as this. Evalua-
these regional units to a few hundred fe- tion, like programme design and follow-
males at the start. up, requires a multidisciplinary team. This
At the rural community level the pro- should include an agronomist, a livestock
moter is responsible for finding the best expert, a sociologist and an economist, at
combination of existing possibilities in the the very least.
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Further reading
R.D. Branckaert
Animal Production Service (AGAP)
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
Fax (396)50914149
E-mail: Rene.Branckaert@fao.org
ISBN 92-5-103441-9 ISSN 1010-902
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