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My Place Project 3 Date: March 21 2016 Subject: Arts Education Grade: 6&7 Topic: Importance of Place Essential Question

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My Place Project 3

Date: March 21st 2016

Subject: Arts Education Grade: 6&7
Topic: Importance of Place Essential Question:

Materials: pencils, erasers, cardstock paper, picture of own room, pallets, paint
brushes, tempra paint, water buckets

Stage 1- Desired Results you may use student friendly language

What do they need to understand, know, and/or able to do?
Students will need to understand how to draw their bedrooms in the rough style by using
perspective while drawing. Students will also need to understand mixing colours to
create the colours of their bedrooms by adding white or black. They will need to
understand how to paint in the style or Erika Stearly.

Broad Areas of Learning:

My place project will promote life long learners by connecting curriculum outcomes to the students
own lives. Drawing and painting a representation of their own bedrooms in the school setting
connects school life to home life. This project will build sense of self by reflecting on their own places
and what they find important to them. Thinking about what in their rooms make it special to them.
Importance of community and place are shown through bringing their own homes to school and
connecting as a community. By building this connection to place it will strengthen the notion of being
engaged citizens by focusing in onto what is important to them in their place.

Cross-Curricular Competencies:
Students will develop thinking by learning a new artists style and applying to their own personal place
and develop drawing skills. Students will develop identity by creating their own personal place on
paper and the elements that make it their own. Students will develop literacies by the opportunity to
reflect on themselves and what they value in their everyday lives. By reflection on their own lives and
producing a image that reflects themselves students will develop social responsibility to themselves.




PGP Goals:
2.2 proficiency in the Language of Instruction
2.4 ability to use technologies readily, strategically and appropriately
2.6 ability to strive for/pursue new knowledge

3.1 the ability to utilize meaningful, equitable, and holistic approaches to

assessment and evaluation

Stage 2- Assessment

Assessment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the learning to help
determine next steps.
The formative assesement for this lesson will take place during the students work time,
the students will be assessed on accuracy of their drawings of their bedrooms and
following intrstuction of rough style. They will be assessed on ability to think through
own questions of mixing colours to create the colours of their own bedrooms. While
students are painting I will watch how students follow the Erika Stearly style of painting
what you see and less importance of being perfect.

Assessment OF Learning (summative) Assess the students after learning to evaluate

what they have learned.
At the end of the lesson students will put their paintings onto the white board. Next class
students will work on getting the main colours of their room onto the painting. I will
asses the students progress made to determine what needs to be covered in the next
Stage 3- Learning Plan

Motivational/Anticipatory Set (introducing topic while engaging the students)

Today we will be working on our my place project. I want to finish up the
drawings today and move onto the painting. Remember that we are painting
in Erika Stearlys style and to take one colour at a time. Refer to artists
website for reminder of style.

Main Procedures/Strategies:
1. Plan for the period
2. Review good painting. Not perfect, use one colour at a time, look for highlights and
3. Student work. Walk around and help
4. Clean up and post students work on white board
5. Next day we will keep painting and work on getting all the main colours down.

P- will go the library and work on the computer she will also complete colouring pages
Students who did not bring their pictures will complete social studies or any other

Closing of lesson:
Next class we will keep working on our paintings and get the major colours down and the
work period after that we will work on the details.

Personal Reflection:
This lesson went really well I was happy with how flexible it taught me to be. Some
students did not bring their pictures so they worked on other homework. One student
didn't not want to paint the picture because she did not have the right photo so I was
tested on my classroom management with the student who tried to be on her phone the
whole period. I need to work on how to get students attention when the classroom noise
level is very high.
*Adapted from Understanding by Design (McTighe and Wiggins, 1998)

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