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1 Complete the text with one word in each gap. 4 Choose the correct answers.

Are cities good places to live? 0 One disadvantage is that 0 Last year I d to Scotland to see my cousins.
the traffic and air pollution can be bad. For people 1 a was going b
have been
are used to clean air, this can be difficult. Additionally, in c would go d went
many cities there are 2 green spaces, which doesnt
help. Parks have 3 made in some cities, but there are 1 People that Sam and I are brothers.
never enough. The parks are always crowded and the city a bound to assume b tend to assume
council cant afford to provide more. 4 you like green c supposed to assume d
likely to assume
spaces, then cities are not for you. 5 disadvantage
2 My brother threatened my parents about it.
is that accommodation in cities is 6 to be more
expensive than in other places. It cant be 7 that a to tell b
tell c
telling d have told
cities have many negative aspects. 3 Ive got my notes to remind me I want to say.

/7 a that b
whose c
which d what
4 By the end of the week I over twenty hours
doing my project.
2 Complete the sentences using the words in brackets so
a spend b will spend
the meaning is the same.
c will have spent d
will be spending
0 The company is building a new hotel at the moment. (IS) 5 I dont like this jacket, but I like one over
A new hotel is being built at the moment.
a other b
the other c others d another
1 Animals often help each other. (COMMON)
6 Im not good at maths. I wish I better at it.
help each other.
a was b had been
2 Im happy that Im living in this house. (LIVING)
c would be d
would have been
Its good in this
house. /6
3 I have to help at home. (OBLIGED)
I at home. 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
4 I met Pete in February. Now it is August. (KNOWN) words in brackets.

I seven months.
0 Hardly anyone goes to that sports centre, its really
5 I went to Spain. I learned Spanish. (IF) underused . Its a pity as the facilities are great.
learned Spanish. (USE)
1 Jane always looks good. Her clothes are .
/5 (STYLE)
2 Their service was terrible. It was so . Use
3 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. another company, dont use them. (RELY)
3 The of that business has been very quick.
0 We like the same things, so we have a lot in common/ They started with two people and now there are
similar/share. over a hundred. (GROW)
1 I always watch the weather prediction/forecast/ 4 Maria is . I think shell be successful.
estimation on television. (AMBITION)
2 Do you often buy electric/electricity/electronic goods such 5 She is always very when shes tired. She
as computers? has to make sure she gets plenty of sleep. (IRRITATE)
3 John is depressed/strained/stressed out at the moment. 6 Child is a big problem in some parts of
4 Sarah is very relaxed/reclusive/arrogant. She doesnt the world. Some children have almost no money at all.
often go out with friends. (POOR)

5 Mark lives on the sixtieth floor of a very high palace/ /6

6 When I forget to buy something in the supermarket, TOTAL SCORE /30
Iusually go to the discount/department/corner shop.





Reading Listening
1 Read the article. Are the statements true (T), false (F) or 2 13 Listen to the news programme. Choose the
is there no information (NI)? correct answers.

1 Leonardo was not good at drawing when he was 1 Professor Mayhews research showed that
younger. a women are leading healthier lives than men.
2 Verrocchio was the most popular artist in Venice at that b the rate at which mens life expectancy is
time. increasing is higher than for women.
c by 2030, most men will live longer than women.
3 After Leonardo qualified as a master artist he left
Verrocchios workshop and set up on his own. 2 The new augmented vision glasses allow skiers
4 Leonardo was commissioned to paint a home for the a to monitor their health.
French king, Francis I. b to see how fast they are going.
c to make calls on their mobile phones.
5 Some of Leonardos experiments with paint meant that
not all his pictures have survived. 3 Families that eat together regularly

6 Leonardo designed a helicopter that the Wright brothers a do not argue as often as other families.
developed and flew four hundred years later. b argue more frequently than other families.
c argue as often as other families.
7 Leonardos drawings of the human body were some of
the first ones ever to be done. 4 Claire Squires the marathon when she died.
a was about to start b
had just finished
c hadnt yet finished
5 Claire Squires
Leonardo da Vinci a raised money for the Samaritans by climbing
Leonardo da Vinci is considered to have been one of b campaigned for a number of charities.
the greatest painters in the history of art and probably
c was planning to climb a mountain for charity.
the most multi-talented person who ever lived. He
was a painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, 6 According to the report, its a good idea to drink
mathematician, engineer, inventor and writer. chamomile tea before
Born in 1542 in Venice, Italy, Leonardo showed an early a a job interview. b an exam. c a first date.
talent for drawing and he began an apprenticeship
with the artist Verrocchio at the age of fourteen. Under 7 Around 36% of the goods bought online are
Verrocchio he learned a wide range of skills, including a books. b
clothes. c airline tickets.
metalworking, working with leather and wood, as well as
drawing and sculpting. Within six years, he had qualified /7
as a master artist and then he set up his own workshop.
Leonardo later worked in Rome and then finally in France
at the home given to him by the French King, Francis Communication
I. His most famous paintings include The Last Supper
and probably the most famous picture in the world, the 3 Complete the mini dialogues with the correct words.
Mona Lisa. Relatively few of his paintings still exist today The first letter of each word has been given.
because Leonardo experimented with new techniques
and as a result some of the paintings did not survive. A: What do you want to do at the weekend?
Leonardo wanted to discover all he could about nature, B: I 1s we go to the mountains for a picnic.
the working of the human body and the world around A: What would you recommend doing in Paris?
him. His observations and inventions were recorded in
B: Its really 2w visiting the Eiffel Tower.
his notebooks, including over 13,000 pages of notes,
drawings, scientific diagrams and thoughts about A: Tell me about your new mobile phone.
everything from art to zoology. Leonardos inventions B: Its easy to use and 3e better is the camera.
included designs for an early version of a helicopter (four I think the 4t will be for more people to use
hundred years before the Wright brothers first flew a camera phones.
plane), concentrated solar power and a calculator. He also
made important discoveries in anatomy and engineering B: My group plays Funky house.
and his drawings of the heart, as well as blood circulation A: Could you 5e what you mean exactly?
systems and other bone and muscle structures are among A: Whats the matter?
the earliest on human record. B: 6W I try to send an email, the screen freezes.
Leonardo was creative, enthusiastic and determined to
understand everything. Many of his inventions and ideas /6
are striking because they seem so modern and his art is


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