Rules of Court) .: (Comendador v. Villa, G.R. No. 93177, August 2, 1991)
Rules of Court) .: (Comendador v. Villa, G.R. No. 93177, August 2, 1991)
Rules of Court) .: (Comendador v. Villa, G.R. No. 93177, August 2, 1991)
The Court may, upon good cause, 2. Explain why the accused did not
either increase or reduce the amount appear before the court when first
of the bail. required to do so.
If they fail to comply with these
The guidelines provided for in Sec. 9, requisites, the court shall render
Rule 114, in fixing the amount of bail judgment against the bondsmen
are also applicable in reducing or jointly or severally, for the amount
increasing the bail previously fixed. of the bail.
When the amount of bail is increased, If the bondsmen move for the
the accused may be committed to mitigation of their liability, the
custody if he does not give the court is not required to reduce or
increased amount within the otherwise mitigate the liability of
reasonable period. the bondsmen unless the accused
has been surrendered or is
Where the offense is bailable as a acquitted.
matter of right, the mere probability
that the accused will escaped, or even Judgment against the
if he had previously escaped under bondsmen cannot be entered
detention, does not deprive him of his unless such:
right to bail. The remedy is to increase 1) Preceded by an order of
the amount of the bail, provided such forfeiture.
amount would not be excessive. (Sy 2) An opportunity given to the
Guan vs Amparo,79 Phil. 670) bondsmen to produce the
Sec 21 Forfeiture of bail 3) To adduce satisfactory
reason for their inability to
When the presence of the do so.
accused is required by the Mendoza vs Alarma,
court or these rules, his 554 SCRA 42
bondsmen shall be notified to
produce him before the court After forfeiture, the court may
on a given date and time. issue a bench warrant for the
If he fails to appear in person arrest of the accused if he
as required, his bail shall be failed to appear in court
declared forfeited and the despite of notice.
bondsmen are given 30 days
within which to produce the
defined as a writ
accused and to show cause
issued directly by a
why no judgment should be
judge to a law
rendered against them for the
enforcement, for the
amount of the bail.
arrest of a person
who has been held in
2 Requirements the bondsmen must
contempt, has
within the period:
disobeyed a
subpoena, or has to
appear at a trial or delivering it to such officer
hearing. ( sec. 9 rule or person.
71 of the rules of
court). Magleo vs De Sec 24 No bail after final
Juan Quinagoran judgment
A.M No. RTJ- 12-2336,
No bail shall be allowed after the
Sec 22 Cancellation of Bail; judgment has become final, as what is
Remedy left is for him to serve the sentence.
1) Upon application of the
bondsmen with due notice to EXCEPTION:
the prosecutor. When he has applied for
a) Upon surrender of the probation before
accused. commencing to serve
b) Proof of his death. sentence, the penalty and
the offense being with the
2) Automatic cancellation purview of the probation law.
a) Acquittal of the accused,
b) Dismissal of the case Sec 25 Court supervision of
c) Execution of the judgment detainees
of conviction.
Sec 23 Arrest of the accused out The court shall exercise
of bail supervision over all persons
in custody for the purpose of
The bondsmen who put the bail eliminating unnecessary
bond for the accused become detention.
the jailers and they or the The executive judges of RTCs
police officer to whom authority shall conduct monthly
is endorsed may arrest the personal inspections of
accused for the purpose of provincial, city or municipal
surrendering him to the court. jails and prisoners within
The accused cannot leave the their respective jurisdictions.
country without the permission
of the bondsmen and the court.
The bondsmen may be relieved Sec 26 Bail Is not a bar to
from the responsibility over the objection to objections on illegal
accused: arrest, lack or irregular
1) Arrest the principal and preliminary investigation.
deliver him to the proper
2) They may cause the arrest TO BAIL SHALL NOT BAR THE
of the accused to be made ACCUSED FROM:
by any police officer or 1) Challenging the validity of the
other person of suitable age arrest.
or discretion. 2) The legality of the warrant
3) By endorsing the authority issued therefore; or
to arrest upon a certified 3) From assailing the regularity or
copy of the undertaking and questioning the absence of a
preliminary investigation pf the The court shall observe the
charge against him. matter as early as practicable,
but not later than the start of
Provided that the accused the trial of the case.
raises them before entering his