How Do I Tell If It's A Damas Tree?: Who To Contact?
How Do I Tell If It's A Damas Tree?: Who To Contact?
How Do I Tell If It's A Damas Tree?: Who To Contact?
Who to contact?
While many landscaping companies provide this
Estimated cost
It might cost you up to AED 750 per tree for its complete
removal and disposal but just look at the costs you could
incur you dont get rid of them now!
Cost to repair drainage pipes
From AED 750 to AED 3,500 (approx)
*All costs are approximate, based on market rates from local service providers During this campaign, our registered landscaping
companies are pleased to provide a highly discounted
The Say No to Damas trees campaign will run from 15 rate for the cutting, removal, disposal and free
January until 15 February 2014 and is an initiative replacement of Damas (Conocarpus) trees planted on
from ECM to encourage residents to remove these your property.
trees. Join the campaign and share your experience
We encourage you to take advantage of these discounts
with us by email, with before and after images, at
and rid yourself of the potential risk to your villa.
Sponsored by E t sponso
Conocarpus! screening purposes, they have created havoc in our community as their far ranging roots seek water, preventing anything
else from growing nearby. Tales of broken pipes, enormous utility bills, damaged walls, root-clogged drains and
leaf-lled pools abound. The culprit? Most often: Damas trees.
Clogged drain Roots in the shower drain Roots causing wall damage Roots and more roots!