Pres UNGA - Letter To Missions - Climate SDG Agenda Concept Note - 23 March 2017
Pres UNGA - Letter To Missions - Climate SDG Agenda Concept Note - 23 March 2017
Pres UNGA - Letter To Missions - Climate SDG Agenda Concept Note - 23 March 2017
17 March 2017
Peter Thomson
(1) Invigorate political momentum on climate change, highlighting its deep linkage to the Sustainable Development Agenda. Emphasis
will be placed on concrete solutions on climate and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that yield cross-cutting dividends,
especially regarding land-use, energy and the ocean;
(2) Increase common understanding among key actors including Member States, the UN system and non-state stakeholders regarding the
urgent need to ramp up ambition and implementation, especially given upcoming 2020 targets and milestones for both climate and
Opening Remarks:
9:30am - H.E. Mr. Peter Thomson, President of the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly
10:00am - H.E. Mr. Antnio Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations
- Ms. Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
This stock-taking panel and ensuing dialogue will discuss the status of climate science and of efforts to address it, including ratification and
implication of the Paris Agreement as well as climate actions by all stakeholders.
Format: Moderated dialogue with multi-stakeholder panellists, followed by and remarks from the floor by additional Governments and
Moderator: Mr. Andrew Steer, President and Chief Executive Officer, World Resource Institute
10:00am Presentation: Dr. Hoesung Lee, Chair, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
11:15am Film: Mission 2020: necessary, desirable, achievable (2.45mins). Produced by the Stockholm Resilience Centre and Mission 2020
- H.E. Inia Seruiratu, Minister for Rural and Maritime Development, Agriculture and National Disaster Management, Government of Fiji /
Climate Change Champion
- H.E. Ms. Sgolne Royal, Minister of the Environment, Energy and Marine Affairs, France
- Ambassador Howard Bamsey, Executive Director, Green Climate Fund Secretariat
- Governor Jay Inslee, Washington State, United States
- Ms. H.R.H. Princess Abze Djigma, CEO, AbzeSolar S.A.
Trusteeship Council Chamber
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Followed by Respondents and open dialogue Followed by Respondents and open dialogue.
- Mr. Elliot Harris, Assistant Secretary-General, - Ms. Alina Saba, Asia Pacific Forum on Women,
UN Environment (UNEP) Law and Development (APWLD)
- Mr. Robert Kirkpatrick, Director, UN Global - Mr. Paul Holthus, Founding President and CEO
Pulse of World Ocean Council on behalf of the
International Chamber of Shipping
- Mr. Brian Helmuth, Professor Environmental
Science and Public Policy, Northeastern University
5:30pm Format: Moderated panel discussion. Moderator of morning Panel will discuss outcomes of the days sessions with the respective afternoon Session
5:45pm Facilitators.
Trusteeship Council Chamber
Closing Remarks:
- H.E. Mr. Peter Thomson, President of the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly
- Ms. Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
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High Level SDG Action Event
"Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Agenda
New York, 23 March 2017
Trusteeship Council
Concept Note
The ambitious 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has set the objectives to achieve
sustainable development, eradicate poverty and foster shared prosperity, combat climate change
and environmental degradation, and make the world safer. Its implementation requires scaled up,
urgent and meaningful engagement by Member States as well as other development actors and
The early entry into force of the Paris Agreement is sending a strong signal regarding
Governments commitment to urgently address climate change, which continues to pose serious
challenges to all countries, including in terms of persistent drought and extreme weather events,
rising sea levels, coastal erosion and ocean acidification, further threatening efforts to eradicate
poverty and achieve sustainable development worldwide.
For both the climate change and SDGs, 2020 is a particularly critical year. Numerous scientific
studies place 2020, or near it, as a threshold for when sufficient actions must be taken so to not
cross dangerous thresholds. Many countries domestic existing greenhouse gas reduction
strategies and national determined contributions (NDCs) include 2020 year as a benchmark year.
Moreover, the year 2020 is also significant for achieving many Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) targets, as set out in the 2030 Agenda, and in particular for land-use, the ocean and other
climate-relevant SDGs.
Achieving these objectives, some as soon as 2020, and achieving a just transformation to a low
greenhouse gas emission and climate resilient global economy will require drawing on the
contributions of all parts of society Member States, the private sector, civil society, cities and
local authorities, Indigenous Peoples, academia, and others. Already these actors, independently
and in partnerships, are innovating and leading on climate and sustainable development solutions.
However more is required on all fronts, by all.
Recognizing the particularly critical importance of sustainable finance for the achievement of the
Sustainable Development Goals, including climate action, the following SDG Action Event
SDG Financing Lab to be held on 18 April will focus on how to drive the transformation to
align financial markets with sustainable development, as well as showcase concrete ways in
which Member States can approach the financing of different SDGs.
The President of the 71st UN General Assembly, Mr. Peter Thomson, is convening his second
SDG Action Events entitled "Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Agenda" in
collaboration with the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change, Ms. Patricia Espinosa. It will convene Member States, the UN System, and
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stakeholders, on 23 March 2017 in order to (i) invigorate political momentum on climate change;
(ii) showcase concrete initiatives and multi-stakeholder approaches to address climate change and
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that yield cross-cutting dividends, especially in terms of
land-use, energy and the ocean; and (iii) draw attention to the need for urgent action before 2020.
The High Level Event will consist of an Opening and Stocktaking Session to discuss the status of
climate science and efforts to address it, including ratification and implementation of the Paris
Agreement as well as climate actions by all stakeholders. This will be followed by a plenary
where Member States, UN Observers and UN entities are welcome to make interventions. The
afternoon will consist of a continued plenary as well as two parallel moderated and interactive
multi-stakeholder Sessions dedicated to the respective themes:
- 2020 as an Opportunity; Achieving the 2020 Targets of SDGs and NDCs: Panelists and
participants, in a moderated discussion, will explore means to enhance global attention to
and support of climate action and the SDGs, in particular as it relates to land-use, energy
and the ocean, and the human dimensions given the pressing 2020 targets. (Conf. Room
Guiding Questions:
I) What ambitious policies and measures are being undertaken by Member States and other
stakeholders to implement the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement, in order to meet the
objective of limiting the increase in global average temperature to below 2 C?
II) What actions are be taken or can be scaled up to enhance enabling frameworks, incentives,
and means of implementation at international, national and local levels that yield cross-cutting
dividends for climate action and SDGs, especially given the need to deliver results by 2020?
Member States are invited to engage in the Plenary and interactive Sessions at the highest level
and are highly encouraged to keep their interventions to three minutes per speaker and within five
minutes if speaking on behalf of a group.
The Outcome Document of this entire event, including inputs from the Opening and afternoon
Sessions is a Presidential Summary to be circulated to Member States and other relevant
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