Exhibit II - Price - 15247
Exhibit II - Price - 15247
Exhibit II - Price - 15247
Contract No. :
Provision of Structural Underwater Inspection Services for Block PM8(E)
Exhibit II Contract Price Schedule
Table of Contents
1.0 General
2.0 Compensation and Payment
3.0 Lump Sum Prices
4.0 Fixed Unit Rates
3.0 Taxes and Duties
1.1 In consideration of the CONTRACTOR properly executing the WORK in accordance
with the
CONTRACT, the COMPANY shall compensate the CONTRACTOR in accordance with
the CONTRACT at the relevant prices and rates stated in this EXHIBIT II
1.2 Except where it is expressly provided that an obligation shall be performed at the
cost of
COMPANY, all personnel and equipment required to be supplied or performed by
CONTRACTOR under the CONTRACT shall be at the cost to the CONTRACTOR and
deemed to be included in this EXHIBIT II CONTRACT PRICE SCHEDULE.
1.3 No other payment shall be due by COMPANY other than those specifically
mentioned in this
1.4 The Prices and Rates contained in this EXHIBIT II CONTRACT PRICE
SCHEDULE herein shall remain firm for the duration of this CONTRACT shall be
deemed to provide for any and all fluctuations in the rates and costs including but
not limited to rates and costs of salaries, wages, materials, equipment and
consumables fees, rentals, taxes, insurance and such other related items.
1.5 Unless otherwise expressly stated herein, all prices and rates are fully inclusive of
all the
CONTRACTOR's costs including but not limited to management, administration,
personnel, labor and all cost associated therewith including salaries, wages,
holiday pay, sick pay, overtime pay, cost of attending compulsory courses and
other necessary courses, bonus, fringe benefits, taxes, overheads, profit,
insurance, commissions and safety and protective equipment and clothing and all
else necessary, incurred in the execution and completion of the Scope and in
fulfilling all obligations and liabilities of the CONTRACTOR under this including the
required warranties and guarantees.
1.6 All prices in this CONTRACT shall be expressed in Ringgit Malaysia unless
otherwise specified.
2.2 Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, Lump Sum Prices and Fixed Unit
Rates are not subject to recalculation or adjustment.
2.3 Hourly Fixed Rates shall be calculated to the nearest one-half hour.
2.4 Daily Fixed Rates and Unit Rates shall be for 24-hour calendar days.3.0 LUMP SUM
EQ Petroleum Production Malaysia Ltd
Contract No. :
Provision of Structural Underwater Inspection Services for Block PM8(E)
Exhibit II Contract Price Schedule
3.2 The lump sum prices above shall include all the necessary cost to perform the
WORK as specified in the Exhibit I Scope of Work and inclusive of not more than
48 hours cumulatively due to downtime on weather throughout the operation.
4.1.1 CONTRACTOR shall be compensated with Fixed Unit rates as specified in Table 2
Fixed Rates for Changes based on the following conditions:
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EQ Petroleum Production Malaysia Ltd
Contract No. :
Provision of Structural Underwater Inspection Services for Block PM8(E)
Exhibit II Contract Price Schedule
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EQ Petroleum Production Malaysia Ltd
Contract No. :
Provision of Structural Underwater Inspection Services for Block PM8(E)
Exhibit II Contract Price Schedule
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EQ Petroleum Production Malaysia Ltd
Contract No. :
Provision of Structural Underwater Inspection Services for Block PM8(E)
Exhibit II Contract Price Schedule
4.1.2 COMPANY shall have the right to determine the basis of the CONTRACTORs price
for the additional WORK as specified in 4.1.1 above in lump sum or applied the
Fixed Unit Rates directly from Table 2-Fixed Unit Rates for Changes.
4.1.3 If Lump sum Changes, CONTRACTOR shall calculate the lump sum basis based on
the specific work scope provided by COMPANY i.e. equipment, consumables, labor
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EQ Petroleum Production Malaysia Ltd
Contract No. :
Provision of Structural Underwater Inspection Services for Block PM8(E)
Exhibit II Contract Price Schedule
and other costs associated to the additional WORK until completion by utilizing
the rates in Table 2 Fixed Unit Rates for Changes.
4.1.4 CONTRACTOR shall mobilize the equipment and personnel to perform the
additional upon issuance of Work Order from COMPANY.
4.2.2 The Standby Rates shall applicable based on the following conditions :
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EQ Petroleum Production Malaysia Ltd
Contract No. :
Provision of Structural Underwater Inspection Services for Block PM8(E)
Exhibit II Contract Price Schedule
(i) In the event that the CONTRACTOR has mobilized the Equipment and Personnel
for a work program and is unable to proceed with the WORK or demobilize the
Equipment and Personnel as a result of COMPANYs order or lack of order, and
provided that CONTRACTORs Equipment has been ready for at least one (1)
Payment for standby shall cease effective from the date WORK resumes or the
date of demobilization specified by COMPANY (whichever is applicable).
2.8 CONTRACTOR shall comply with all Government Regulations and the COMPANYs
safety requirements including cost for safety trainings of CONTRACTORs
personnel at CONTRACTOR own cost.
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