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Afolabi Aggarwal

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European Scientific Journal March 2013 edition vol.9, No.

9 ISSN: 1857 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431



Dr. Afolabi Samson Sunday

Dept. of Curriculum & Instructions, Emmanuel Alayande College of Education,
Lanlate Campus, Lanlate, Oyo State, Nigeria
Animasahun Isaac Adebowale
Dept. of Mathematics, Osun State College of Education, Ila-Orangun, Osun State, Nigeria

The textbook is a pivotal learning material the students cannot do without and it
serves as an instructional guide for the teachers. The features of the textbook can affect the
interest of the learners positively or negatively and consequently, his attitude. This study is a
descriptive survey which considered the correlation of four textbook features (independent
variables) with the attitude of students to mathematics (dependent variable). Two validated
instruments (Students Attitude to Mathematics, r = .72 and Mathematics Textbook Rating
Scale, r = .76) were used to collect data from 2,490 students and 117 mathematics teachers
respectively. Multistage sampling was used to collect data from the respondents. The findings
revealed that there is a positive multiple correlation of the textbook features and students
attitude to mathematics. The textbook features accounted for 2.8% of variation of students
attitude to mathematics. The variables do not have composite or any relative significant
contributions to students attitude to mathematics. The relationship between features of
mathematics textbooks and students attitude to mathematics is indicative of the need for
stakeholders in mathematics textbooks to rethink the type of textbook that can impact
positive attitude of students to mathematics.

Keywords: Textbook Psychological Attributes, Gender balance, Attitude, Predictor,


European Scientific Journal March 2013 edition vol.9, No.9 ISSN: 1857 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

Attitude is a non-cognitive factor that influences learning. Attitude is considered as a
silent predisposition of people to concepts, ideas and beliefs (Mukherjee, 1980; Falaye,
2006). Attitude as a construct can either be positive or negative. Many researchers posited
that positive attitude to learning correlates positively with achievement (Adesoji, 2000;
Alausa, 2000) and that the more positive the attitude, the more likely the students perform in
any subject (Falaye, 2006).
A number of factors that can inform the attitude a learner would have been identified
by Halladyna and Shanghnessy (1982), Falaye (2006) to be any of the following; teaching
method, parents influence, gender, students' cognitive styles, career interests, societal view,
teachers attitude, subject matter (Afolabi, 2010), peer influence.
Attitude therefore can be summarized as the disposition towards a course, which may
be a favorable or unfavorable disposition it may be good or poor (commonly referred to as
negative or positive). It is an expression of the level of like or dislike, interest or disinterest.
When there is like or interest which is caused due to intrinsic or extrinsic value or due to
cause and effect, then there may tend to be good attitude towards a certain course. On the
other hand, if there is dislike or disinterest this tends to engender a poor attitude. The
like or otherwise the interest or otherwise, themselves could be as a result of individual
makeup, innate characteristics or experience.
The classroom and home environment of the learners are full of objects, events,
situations, activities which may affect the like or dislike, interest or disinterest which may
then manifest in the type of attitude the learner may have. Those factors which may affect the
learning outcomes (achievement on and attitude to mathematics have been identified by many
researchers and educators like Adeniran (2003), Afolabi (2001), Georgewill (1990), Ilori
(2003). Such factors have been categorized into four by Afolabi (2010).
(1) Teachers factors which include the attitude, experience, knowledge of teaching
methods, instructional strategies.
(2) Environmental factors- such as instructional materials, physical structures,
infrastructures textbooks, the societal perception, parental attitude, peer influence and class
(3) Subject matter factors- nature of the subject, scope/coverage of the subject.
(4) Student related factors which include age, emotional maturity, intellectual
capacity, learners need and interest.

European Scientific Journal March 2013 edition vol.9, No.9 ISSN: 1857 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

Essentially, the students cannot do without textbook. Kajander (2007) considered

textbook as a primary source of documents for the students' personal studies and homework
(Kajander and Lovric, 2009). Li (2000) asserted that textbook is considered as a very
important and major instructional material worldwide.
Psychological Attributes of a Textbook
There are many attributes of a textbook that can affect the attitude and achievement of
a learner. The structure, the organization, the presentation format which includes the color,
the font type, the font size, the illustrations, the content, the examples, the task range and
order etc.. These are the attributes that can contribute to like or dislike, interest or disinterest,
attraction or repulsion and ultimately increases positive or negative attitude of learners and
Afolabi (2010) cited the ideals and suggestions made on textbook by Kochhar (1985)
and Aggarwal (2001). Kochhar (1985) made a comprehensive list of attributes a textbook
should possess if it should be used for school work. He opined that:
(1) the textbook should be interesting to keep the learners interested in learning it,
well written and beautifully compiled so that it might win and retain users goodwill by virtue
of more solid qualities.
(2) It should be well illustrated with attractive colors, inspiring drawings and
photographs, it should be attractive, inviting, a pleasure to look at and read, with well-chosen
illustrations, well-connected and carrying through a sequence;
(3) The textbook should be up-to-date in content, frequently revised and reprinted
when necessary;
(4) The textbook must be complete with its table of contents, illustrations, charts or
other references.
(5) The textbook must be well-graded i.e. suitable for the capability of the children for
which it is intended;
(6) The facts must be simple, clear and logically set outfit into child-centered
education (Kochhar, 1985; 101).
All these attributes are not precisely the contents of the subject matter rather they are
psychological attributes that can arouse interest and consequently the attitude of the learners.
Aggarwal (2001) also emphasized the psychological attributes of textbook which may
tend to affect the attitude of the learner. He suggested that (1) it must possess a motivating
presentation, creative and interesting content. (2) It must possess visual illustration, that
should be; (i) suitable for the mental level of students, (ii) easily portable and up to date, (iii)

European Scientific Journal March 2013 edition vol.9, No.9 ISSN: 1857 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

motivate learners, (iv) relevant and purposeful (v) accurate (vi) simple and cheap (vii) large
enough for sight.
Gender representation and presentation in favor of males which is common with most
textbooks often boost the morale and favors positive attitude among boys (Halai, 2010;
Akalonu, 2006). Douville and Pugalee (2003) admitted that reading textbook is associated
with difficulties and it becomes a more complex task when computing a successful solution.
Pepin and Haggarty (2001) also emphasized that studies on mathematics texts include that
which examine the sociological contexts of the textbooks and the cultural traditions
represented in the textbooks (Afolabi, 2010; Johansson, 2003).
All these concerns on presentation have to do with what can enhance or elicit a
positive attitude on the part of the learners.
This study is concerned with an examination of these attributes found in the literatures
and research report as earlier discussed, to see their degree (level) of availability, their
relevance, suitability and adequacy when compared with requirements of senior secondary
school mathematics curriculum. This is similar to the study of Chandler and Brosnan (1995)
which compared the correspondence that exists between frequently used mathematics
textbooks series in some school districts of Ohio with Ohio 9th Proficiency Test.
This study also considered the correlation of these variables to establish the degree of
relationship among them and with the dependent variable (i.e. attitude of students towards
mathematics) in order to determine the variable that can predict students attitude towards
Theoretical Framework
Two theories of learning have been found germane to this study. Brunner (1966)
theory of presentation of knowledge and Ausubels (1968) theory of organization of
Bruner (1966) says virtually any topic can be organized in certain structural ways to
suit learners at various levels of education. He identified 3 modes of structural presentation of
knowledge-the enactive, iconic and symbolic. He believes that learner goes through these 3
successive cognitive developmental stages. The inactive concept is explained as learner doing
an activity repeatedly will enhance the learning of the concept. In his iconic structural
presentation of knowledge, he explained that learners acquire knowledge through seeing an
image or picture of it and symbolic is one in which learner acquire knowledge through the
use of language. Mathematics has its own language and symbols. Symbols should be well
annotated and adequate. Authors and publishers should present their information in most

European Scientific Journal March 2013 edition vol.9, No.9 ISSN: 1857 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

appropriate and fascinating way to enhance learning. There should be well structured
exercises which are sequentially ordered that can enhance repeated practice for all levels of
Ausubel (1968) theory of organization of knowledge: Ausubel regarded organization
of knowledge as organized verbal learning. He considered knowledge to be what learners
know or should know. Such knowledge should be systematically arranged in hierarchical
order from simple to complex (Afolabi 2010). His concept of knowledge refers to super
ordinate concepts which serve as the main building block of ideas while the subordinate ideas
are those that are closely linked around the subordinate ideas. Where knowledge is properly
arranged and linked, learning becomes easier. Mathematics as one of the most hierarchical
structured disciplines an unorganized presented in a textbook can lead students to frustration
and loss of interest and consequently a bad attitude to mathematics.
Textbook is a supplementary instructional source, which stays longer with the learner
than the teacher could do, if properly presented can motivate the learner and promote a
positive attitude. Textbook is no doubt a useful learning material, yet it has been understudied
in most part of the world (Morgan, 1998: Pugalee, 2001; Johansson, 2003), Nigeria inclusive.
There should be a concern about how it motivates or de-motivates students in their studies.
These have necessitated the need for this study. This study thus examined some attributes or
features of mathematics textbooks in school use as suggested by research literatures and
authors. The mathematics curriculum of senior secondary school in Nigeria has provided
some attributes which can be gleaned from the content presentation of the curriculum
document. It is with the expectations of the mathematics curriculum that the teachers rated or
measured the availability, relevance, suitability and adequacy of these attributes. The
availability, relevance, suitability and the adequacy of these attributes were intercorrelated
and jointly correlated to determine their contributions to students attitude to mathematics.
Research Questions

1. What is the joint contribution of the textbook attributes (variables) to student attitudes
toward mathematics?
2. What are the relative contributions of the independent variables-
i. availability of the textbook features,
ii. relevance of the textbook features,
iii Suitability of textbook features,
iv adequacy of textbook features towards students attitude to mathematics ?

European Scientific Journal March 2013 edition vol.9, No.9 ISSN: 1857 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

3. Which of the textual material variables will predict students attitude to mathematics?

Sample and procedure
The population (N) consisted of all teachers, students and their recommended
mathematics textbooks. Two (2) schools were randomly selected from each of the 3
senatorial districts in south-west Nigeria (Oyo, Ondo, Ogun, Osun, Ekiti and Lagos states).
117 mathematics teachers were purposively selected from the schools while a total of 2,490
students were randomly selected in the same schools. The mathematics teachers were those
who have been using the textbooks for at least three (3) years so that they can be effective
assessors of the books.
Students Attitude Towards Mathematics (SATM) comprised 12 items on a 4- point
Likert rating scale of strongly agreed (SA), agreed (A), disagreed (D), strongly disagreed
(SD). There were 6 positively worded items and 6 negatively worded items. SATM was
designed for students. The Mathematics Textbook Rating Scale (MATBOOKRS) has
textbook features aggregated into 4 variables- availability of textbook features relevance of
the textbook features suitability of the textbook features and adequacy of textbook features.
The same attributes/features (topical objectives, content, learners activities, evaluation,
presentation format, language, progressive hierarchy of tasks and that of examples, exercises,
worked examples, solutions/keys to exercises, teachers guide, and the student workbook)
were differently structured and worded as appropriate under these 4 variables. These
attributes also have different numbers of items under each variable as appropriate.
The attributes are said to be relevant if there exists a proper correspondence of these
features /attributes with the senior secondary mathematics curriculum. It is suitable if the
standard is appropriate to the target audience not below or above the standard. An attribute
is adequate if it appropriately covers the scope stipulated by the curriculum.
MATBOOKRS was validated and the availability section gave a reliability index of
0.79 while the remaining 3 parts on relevance, suitability and adequacy was found to be 0.76.
Findings and Discussions.
Table 1: Correlation Matrix among the Variables.
Avail. Relev. Suitab. Adeq. Att.
Avail. 1
Relev. .400** 1
Suitab. .070 .605** 1
Adeq. .212* .580** .699** 1
Att. -.074 .152 .213* .176 1
* Correlation is sig. at 0.05 level (2_tailed) ** Correlation is sig. at 0.01 level (2_tailed)

European Scientific Journal March 2013 edition vol.9, No.9 ISSN: 1857 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

Table 1 shows the correlation matrix among the variables. The table revealed the
correlation between each pair of variables. It also revealed the strength of correlation
(correlation coefficient, r) between each pair. Those pairs of variables that are significant at
0.01 (2-tailed) are indicated (**) and those that are further significant at 0.05 (2-tailed) are
indicated (*). However the concern of this study is limited to those that are significant at 0.05
levels. All the pairs of independent variables are positively intercorrelated, suitability and
adequacy of the features being the highest (r = 0.699), followed by the suitability and
relevance of the textbook features (r = 0.605), However, both of them are not significant.
There is significant correlation between adequacy of textbook features and availability
of textbook features, r = 0.212. There is significant correlation between suitability of
textbook features and attitude, r = 0.213. This implies that there is significant relationship
between suitability of textbook features and student attitude to mathematics.
Research Question One
What is the joint contribution of the textbook attributes (variables) to students
attitudes toward mathematics?
Table 2: Summary of Composite Contributions of Textual Material Variables on Students Attitude to
Multiple R R square Adjusted R square Std. Error
.248 .062 .028 1.8240

Table 2 is a result of multiple regression with coefficient R= 0.248, which indicates a

positive linear correlation between the textbook features and students attitude to
Mathematics. The R square is 0.062 while the adjusted R square is 0.028. This shows that the
four textual material variables accounted for a 2.8% contribution to the total variance in
students attitude to Mathematics.
Table 3: Regression ANOVA of Textual Material Variables on Students Attitude to Mathematics
Source of Sum of square Df Mean F Sig. F
Regression 24.422 4 6.105 1.835 .127
Residual 372.622 112 3.327
Total 397.044 116

Table 3 reveals further investigation on the linear relationship between textual

material variables and students attitude to Mathematics. From the table, F(4,116) = 1.835
(p>0.05). This means that there is no significant composite contribution of textual material
variables on students attitude to Mathematics.
Research Question Two
What are the relative contributions of the independent variables-

European Scientific Journal March 2013 edition vol.9, No.9 ISSN: 1857 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

i availability of the textbook features,

ii relevance of the textbook features,
iii Suitability of textbook features,
iv adequacy of textbook features towards students attitude to mathematics ?
Table 4: Relative Contributions of each of the Textual Material Variables on Students Attitude to
Independent Unstandardized Standardized Rank
variables (Predictors) coefficients coefficients T Sig. t

B Std Error Beta

(Constant) 34.011 .952 35.734 .000
Availability of -. 065 .050 - .135 1st -1.300 .196
textbook features
Relevance of textbook .022 .031 .095 3rd .726 .469
Suitability of textbook .027 .032 .119 2nd .842 .401
Adequacy of textbook .010 .021 .066 4th .493 .623

The Beta weights in table 4 indicate the relative contributions of each of the textual
material variables on students attitude to Mathematics. The order of contribution of these
variables to the criterion variable is availability, suitability, relevance and adequacy of
textbook features with values -.135, .119, .095, .066 respectively. None of these four
variables have significant contribution on students attitude to Mathematics.
Research Question Three
Which of the textual material variables will predict students attitude to mathematics?
None of the four textbook features made a significant contribution to students
attitude to mathematics. The variables impacted positively but none of them have significant
contribution. Therefore none of them could predict students attitude to mathematics.
The four textbook variables have a positive correlation with students attitude to
Mathematics explained to the tune of 2.8%. These variables do not have significant
composite or relative contributions to students attitude to Mathematics. The implications of
these findings is that the students attitude to Mathematics may tend to appear indifferent
irrespective of the effort made to make their textbooks available in full and wide coverage of
the curriculum or not, with or without activities, colors, diagrams, comprehensive exercise or
not. It therefore implies further that more effort is needed to come up with a type of textbook
that can arouse positive attitude on the part of the students. In extension, this type of attitude
may have the tendency to make the four variables impact no significant relative contribution
to Mathematics achievement.

European Scientific Journal March 2013 edition vol.9, No.9 ISSN: 1857 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

A textbook with appropriate standard examples and exercises have the tendency to
impact positive attitude on learners. To possess an appropriate standard, a textbook must have
task for every learner. Three types of achievement categories have been a common construct
in research. These are high achievers, medium or moderate achievers and the low achievers.
The moderate achievers refer to the average learners. All these categories should have
appropriate tasks and activities. Using a textbook, no group should be left out. By the law of
cause and effect the low level or medium level achievers can move to the next higher level of
achievement once he is motivated by the level of exercises and tasks he is doing. If the
standard is inappropriate or if the task is not set in the appropriate hierarchy of task, the
morale of the learner may be dappled. In this case, a lukewarm attitude may develop.
Gender presentations and illustrations in favour of males have been reported in
textbooks by Akalonu (2006), Halai (2010). The already existing gap between male and
female learners in mathematics and the physical sciences should be bridged. There is a need
for a textbook which will give adequate gender balance without bias in illustrations and
representations. Learning with such textbooks, female learners can see learning mathematics
to be a course in the female domain. A negative attitude to mathematics can be traced to be
higher on the part of female than male learners and their mathematics achievement is
positively correlated with their attitude. Therefore, efforts must be made in these areas to use
textbook to improve the attitude of all. All the four variables are germane to the consideration
of students attitude to mathematics and all the textbook features and attributes are essential
to effective learning through mathematics textbook. To encourage positive attitude, the
language of presentation should be simple and familiar. The importance and application of
studying each concept or topic should be outlined at the beginning of the chapter or section.
Good and attractive font type and size should be used. Attractive layout should be embedded
and pervade the mathematics textbooks for school use. To enhance positive attitude, these
psychological attributes of textbook should be given serious attention in writing, publishing
and recommending textbooks for school use.
Conclusions and Recommendations
There is a significant relationship between the suitability of textbook features and
students attitude to mathematics. The appropriate standard of examples, illustrations and
tasks should me ensured in students textbooks. A moderate standard of exercise properly
presented can elicit a positive attitude of the students. The exercises should be well graded to
meet the standard of task for all levels of achievement- low medium or high achievers.

European Scientific Journal March 2013 edition vol.9, No.9 ISSN: 1857 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

A negative linear correlation however not significant exists between the availability of
textbook features and students attitude to mathematics. This is a reflection of indifference
attitude irrespective of the existence or otherwise of some features in the textbooks. If the
presence of some features cannot culminate to a positive attitude, then what can? There is
therefore a need for stakeholders (teachers, authors, publishers, government and parents) in
school mathematics textbooks to rethink on what type of textbook can impact a positive
attitude on the learners.

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