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Angular Momentum and Rotations: Classical Mechanics Homework

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Classical Mechanics Homework

February 21, 2008

John Baez

Angular Momentum and Rotations

In this problem we will see that angular momentum generates rotations for a particle in R n . We
begin by recalling a bit about rotations. Let O(n) be the orthogonal group: the group of all linear
transformations of Rn that preserve distances. We can describe an element R O(n) as a real n n
matrix that is orthogonal, meaning
RR = R R = I
where R is the adjoint of the matrix R and I is the identity matrix.

We can define the exponential of any n n real matrix A to be the matrix defined by
exp(A) =

(This series always converges.) Some easy calculations show that

exp((s + t)A) = exp(sA) exp(tA)

for all s, t R. Also, the entries of the matrix exp(tA) are smooth functions of t R.

1. Suppose that A is skew-adjoint, meaning A = A. Show that exp(tA) O(n) for all t R.

The group O(n) includes both rotations and reflections. In particular, O(n) consists of two connected
components the component where det(R) = 1 and the component where det(R) = 1. We define
the rotation group or special orthogonal group SO(n) to be the subgroup consisting of all
R O(n) with det(R) = 1. This subgroup only includes rotations. A continuous curve can never
go from one component to another. So, if A is skew-adjoint, exp(tA) must actually lie in SO(n) for
all t.

We define so(n) to be the set of all skew-adjoint real n n matrices. This set so(n) is actually a Lie
algebra, since it is a vector space closed under the bracket operation [x, y] = xy yx. It is called
the Lie algebra of the rotation group.

Now, let R2n be the phase space for a particle in Rn . A point (q, p) R2n describes the particles
position q Rn and momentum p Rn . The algebra of smooth real-valued functions C (R2n )
becomes a Poisson algebra with
{F, G} = .
pi qi pi qi

2. Given A so(n), let

: R R2n R2n
be given by
(t, q, p) = (exp(tA)q, exp(tA)p).
Using the facts Ive told you, show that is a flow.

(For example, in 3 dimensions, this flow would rotate both the position and the momentum about
some axis.)

3. Given A so(n), define an observable F C (R2n by

F (q, p) = Aij (qi pj qj pi ).

Show that some multiple of F generates the flow defined above.

(I say some multiple because you may need a factor of 2 or a minus sign or something in front of
F to make this calculation work. I leave that to you!)

The moral: The observable that generates the flow is called angular momentum in the A
direction. But beware: A is not a vector in Rn ! Its a matrix in so(n)! For n = 3 we have an
= Rn
so we can talk about angular momentum in some direction v Rn . But, this is not true in any
other dimension (except n = 0)!

4. When n = 3, the observable

F (q, p) = q1 p2 q2 p1
is usually called angular momentum in the z direction and denoted Jz . What flow does this
observable generate?

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