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Westfield Ma A City For Walking and Biking

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Roads were not built

for cars. Roads were

not built for bicycles
Roads were not built for
horses. Roads were
built for pedestrians.

Westfield MA:
A City for Walking and Biking

June 2015 1|Page

(Intentionally Blank)

This report was prepared for the City of Westfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Advisory Committee by
the students of GARP 219 Land Use and Resource Planning, spring 2015, under the guidance of Associate
Professor Marijoan Bull, PhD, AICP. Student members include: Caleb N. Alvord, Kyle E. Barna, Scott I.
Birmingham, Michele A. Brooks, Patrick J. Burns, Seth A. Carne, Michelle R. Coombs, Troy A . Durr, Jared A.
Genzabella, Jacob P. Kowal, Jacob E. Lehan, Meghan J. Mcnamara, Joshua J. Minardi, Connor R. Murphy,
David R. Nolan Jr., Joshua M. Perry, Brian C. Raymond, Alexa L. Repko, and Daniel R. Sabetti.

Our thanks to Westfield City Planner Jay Vinskey and the other members of the Advisory Committee: Joe
Camilleri, Mark Cressotti (City Engineer), Cheryl Crowe (Planning Board), Ralph Figy (Ward 2 City Councilor),
Peter Fiordalice (Planning Board), Joe Giffune, Sergeant Eric Hall (Police Chief Camerotas designee), George
Hart, Diane Hart, Dave Koerber, Don Podolski, and Alan Sudentas.

Cover Credits: Quote from Roads Were Not Built for Bicycles, Carlton Reid, 2015, Washington: Island Press, p.64. Photos: WSU faculty and students, spring 2015, all photographs in the report are from Westfield, MA.

The Westfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning
Advisory Committee plans for a community in
which the quality of life, and the overall vitality,
is supported with wider mobility choices-
specifically SAFE, CONVENIENT, and HIGHLY
CONNECTED options for biking and walking.

Table of Contents

Walking and Biking Facts & Figures 6
Westfield Residents with Special Needs
9 for Walking and Biking

Hearing from Residents: 21

Pop-Up Booth

26 Walkability Audit

General Conditions & Downtown Focus

32 9

38 Conclusions


Introduction and
Table One: Benefits of Biking and Walking Finally, it is important to realize not everyone can
Walking and Biking use automobiles for traveling. The elderly, young,
Facts & Figures Physical disabled, and low income may find their mobility
Heart Health1 restricted if our communities rely solely on
Healthy Weight Maintenance1,3 automobiles for travel. And while mass transit is

T he many benefits of walkability and General Fitness, Stamina, and Strength1,2,3,7 available in some places, it may not align with the
bikeability are becoming well known and Fewer Accidents5,6,7 needs of users in terms of travel times or particular
more Americans are seeking to integrate Social routes.
these activities into their daily lives. 1 Inclusivity4,5
Interactions/Less Isolation5
As Table One indicates, walking and biking provide General Mental Well-Being1 6
physical, social, environmental, and economic Environmental
benefits to residents and communities. We are all Cleaner Air (Less miles and Reduced
healthier when exercise is integrated into our daily Congestion)2,6,7
livingwalking to school or the post office, biking Fewer Short Trips2
to work or the librarythese daily trips can Less Pavement/More Green6
improve our physical well-being. In addition, such Economic
activity adds to our mental well-being. According Retail Sales6,8
to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, Reduced Health Costs1,2
walking and biking can contribute to weight Property Values7,8
management and less chronic disease, with low
incidence of Injury. They can also provide Sources:
opportunities for social interaction.2 1. Health and Fitness Benefits, American Health Association
ysical-activity-improves-quality-of-life_UCM_307977_Article.jsp .
2 .Increasing Physical Activity Through Community Design A Guide for Public Health
Add to this how these modes of transportation Practitioners and Livable Community Advocates, 2010, National Center for Bicycling
dont add to air pollution or carbon emissions, and & Walking, p.7.
3. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2008,U.S. Department of Health and
designing our communities with the option for safe Human Services , www.health.gov/paguidelines , pp.8, 21, 26.
4. A Residents Guide for Creating Safer Communities for Walking and Biking 2015,
biking and walking makes a lot of sense. Biking US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA-SA-14-
and walking activity can also support retail 5. Lynott, Jana and Sandt, Laura, Libby Thomas, Kristen Langford, and Dan Nabors,
2009, Planning Complete Streets for an Aging America, RP Public Policy Institute,
establishments in our communities, while p.12.
6. Benefits of Complete Streets, National Complete Streets Coalition, Smart
increasing property values. Growth America, www.smartgrowthamerica.org/complete-streets/complete-
7. Complete Streets in Delaware: A Guide for Local Governments, 2011, University
of Delaware Institute for Public Administration (IPA),
Bicycling and Walking in the United States 2014, www.bikede.org/2012/02/28/new-complete-streets-in-delaware-a-guide-for-local-
governments/#sthash.zdtPMDI7.dpuf, pp 19-27.
Alliance for Biking and Walking, Washington D.C., p.12. 8. The Economic Benefits of Walkable Communities, n.d., Local Government
Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2008, U.S. Commission Center for Livable Communities, California, http://www.lgc.org/walk- Ultimately communities improve the quality of life
Department of Health and Human Services ,
to-money, pp 1-2.
for all residents when they develop safe,
www.health.gov/paguidelines, pp.8,21. convenient, and multi-modal options for
accessibility and mobility. There are many ways
the built environment can be shaped and
improved to support non-motorized travel, for all
the types of trips people make commuting,
appointments, errands, visiting, and recreation.

Planning for and implementing improvements to

encourage walking and biking can be data-driven.
Several recent national surveys have gathered
extensive information on Americans behaviors
and attitudes toward these physical activities and
community design.

The 2012 National Survey of Pedestrian and

Bicyclist Attitudes and Behaviors conducted by the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, is a
statistically valid sampling of over 7,500 Americans
through phone interviews. The Bicycling and
Walking in the United States 2014 Benchmarking
Report by the Alliance for Biking and Walking,
combines several sources to provide longitudinal
data on trend lines, and summaries on policy and
education initiatives. And, the 2015, U.S. Bicycling
Participation Benchmarking Study Report by
Breakaway Research Group surveyed over 16,000
American adults.
Source: 2012 National Survey of Pedestrian and Bicyclist (Among Walked within the Past Year; n =6,542 )
Finally, a recent study (2014) of protected bike Attitudes and Behaviors, National Highway Traffic Top Source: 2012 National Survey of Pedestrian and
lanes, Lessons from the Green Lanes: Evaluating Safety Administration. Bicyclist Attitudes and Behaviors, National Highway
Protected Bike Lanes in the U.S., completed by the Traffic Safety Administration. Lower: Source: National
minute walk.3 Of those that walked last year, a full Household Travel Survey quoted in Bicycling and Walking
National institute for Transportation and
in the United States 2014 Benchmarking Report, p.23.
Communities at Portland State University, provides 81% walked at least once a week. The major
up to date data on these relatively new
infrastructure additions. 3
reason for walking outside was for health and
2012 National Survey of Pedestrian and Bicyclist exercise, indicated by 39% of those responding,
Attitudes and Behaviors, National Highway Traffic Safety
From these documents we learn 36% of Americans followed by 17% walking for a personal errand, and
rode a bike in the past year (and 22% in the last http://www.nhtsa.gov/nti/811841, pp. 6, 76, 20, 83, 95,
15% for recreation.
month), while 90% were outside for at least a 5 101.
Of those who felt unsafe walking, 67% reported Protected cycling facilities are relatively new in the
that feeling was related to the behavior of United States, yet hold promise for supporting an
motorists, while for bicyclists, motorists were the increase in bicycling. The in-depth report on five "If, instead of asking, 'What portion of trips involve
reason for feeling unsafe for 81% of respondents. case studies (including surveys of riders, video only walking?' we ask, 'What portion of trips
interpretations, and surveys of neighbors) found a involve some walking?' most trips would be
In the Bicycling Benchmark Study, 46% of adults measured increase in ridership on all facilities. The counted and walking would be recognized as a
indicated they would be more likely to ride a bike protected cycling facilities saw increases in riders
if bicycles are physically separated from ranging from +21% to +171%. This supports the common and important mode."
cars. In this same survey, only 31% are satisfied Benchmark Survey resultsgiven safe alternatives,
-- Todd A. Litman,
with the bike lanes, paths, and trails available to more ride their bikes.
Victoria Transportation Institute
Survey data indicates that 10% of current riders
switched from other modes, and 24% shifted from
other bicycle routes andover a quarter of riders should be considered from parking areas, and from
indicated they are riding more in general because transit stops.
of the protected bike lanes.5
Finally, a general rule of thumb used for
Area residents, including non-riders, expressed transportation planning, is that most Americans
support for the protected lanes. Three in four will walk mile and ride a bicycle up to 3 miles, to
residents (75%) said they would support building conduct business. The Federal Transit Authority
more protected bike lanes at other locations and uses these as standards for planning access to
43% of residents believed the facilities had transit locations.8 Ped-Sheds or Walk Sheds of
enhanced the neighborhood, with another 43% mile and Bike-Sheds of 3 miles are used to assess
seeing no change. 6 likely walking/biking areas around specific uses or
residences. This can also be fine-tuned with on-
The importance of safe walking facilities should the-ground checks looking at obstacles and
also not be underestimated. Todd Litman, a leader mapping walk-sheds and bike-sheds in terms of
transportation planner, notes that every trip time. This report uses the simple mile walking
includes a walking portion.7 Even if one drives to a standard to assess Ped-Sheds in the City of
destination, there will be the need to walk, and Westfield.
n = 7,509 telephone respondents completed the interview.
Schroeder, P. & Wilbur, M. (2013, October). 2012
thus assessing safety and walking accessibility
National survey of bicyclist and pedestrian attitudes and should be a priority. Pedestrian accommodations
behavior, volume 2: Findings report. (Report No. DOT
HS 811 841 B). Washington, DC: National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration. Referenced in First Last Mile Strategic Plan
Lessons from the Green Lanes: Evaluating Protected 2014, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation
Bike Lanes in the U.S., 2014, p.i. Authority, Southern California Association of
4 6
U.S.Bicycling Participation Benchmarking Study Report Ibid, pp.12, 13. Governments, http://www.scag.ca.gov/Documents/
by Breakaway Research Group, 2015, p.13. Quoted at contextsensitivesolutions.org atp031615_MetroFirstLastMileStrategicPlan.pdf, p.18.
The poster What Type of Rider Are You? Needs of Special Populations A decreased ability to focus causes many older
indicates types of riders (and pedestrians), as drivers to struggle with prioritizing signals, signage,
devised by Portland Oregon Bicycling Planning. and pavement markings, a skill that is necessary to
These categories are useful in understanding the The Elderly drive safely. This becomes especially problematic
range of comfort bicyclists, and potential bicyclists, in traffic control zones or unfamiliar areas. Older

have with prevailing conditions. enerally speaking, the elderly population drivers are also typically slower at responding to
moves at a slower pace than the average traffic control devices, and to unexpected changes
young American (under the age of 65) to roadway conditions.11
when traveling by foot, bicycle, or
automobile, due to the physical and cognitive When designing the layout of a community, it is
changes experienced during the natural aging important to consider the specific transportation
process. A study conducted by the AARP Public needs for residents of all ages. However, today
Policy Institute, Planning Complete Streets for an most streets in America are designed primarily for
Aging America, identifies four common physical the motorist, with the goal of enabling vehicles to
limitations on mobility faced by the elderly navigate as efficiently as possible.12 This makes it
population: declining vision, decreased physical difficult for non-drivers of all ages and abilities to
fitness and flexibility, decreased ability to focus travel. A poll conducted for the AARPs study
attention, and increased reaction time.10 found that 40 percent of adults age 50 and older
reported inadequate sidewalks in their
Declining vision makes it challenging for elderly neighborhoods.13 It also found that nearly 50
drivers to see curbs, barriers, pedestrians, even percent reported that they cannot safely cross
other drivers. It is also difficult for them to read main roads by their homes. Of the participants
traffic signs and pavement markings. Decreased who reported these problems, half said they would
physical fitness and flexibility makes it hard for walk, ride a bicycle, or take a bus more if they
them to turn their heads quickly in order to look could.
Portland, OR estimates (for the purpose of both ways at an intersection, or to look over their
transportation not recreation) the following shoulder to change lanes or backup. As The 2010 Census calculated there are 5,589
breakdown between these categories : <1% Strong pedestrians, many older people feel that the residents of Westfield over the age of 65, out of a
and Fearless; 7% Enthused and Confident; 60% Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for total population of 41,094 or 13.6%. Table Two
Interested but Concerned; and 33% No Way, No Streets and Highways (MUTCD) recommendation provides a breakdown of this population by the 8
How.9 It is the very large Interested but of walking 1.2 meters per second at a crosswalk is Census Tracts of the City of Westfield. The map,
Concerned group of riders that can become more not enough time for them to safely cross. Over 65 Population of Westfield per Census Tract,
frequent two-wheelers with safe, strategically indicates the distribution of these elderly by noting
located infrastructure. 10
Lynott, Jana and Sandt, Laura, Libby Thomas, Kristen
Langford, and Dan Nabors, 2009, Planning Complete Lynott et al, 2009, pp. 14-15.
9 12
See: http://www.portlandoregon.gov/transportation/ Streets for an Aging America, AARP Public Policy Lynott, et al 2009, p. 3.
article/158497 Institute, pp.14-15. Lynott et al, 2009, p. 3.
both the percentage of residents in the Census While, not surprisingly, only one elderly citizen the accommodation of more frequent restroom
Tract over 65 years and the actual number. Also reported riding a bicycle, many indicated they do trips. While walking would be good for many of
important to note is the projected increase in the enjoy walking. The senior center has a walking these same conditions, walking without access to
elderly population as the Baby Boomers age in club which meets once a week and its members
restrooms is not possible.
place. According to a UMASS Donahue Institute walk for about an hour. The club gathers at the
population projection, the elderly population for Main Street site, and walks in the downtown
Massachusetts is anticipated to grow from the area. The senior citizens we spoke with stated that
13.8% of the total population to 21.2% by 2030.14 they feel the crosswalks in Westfield do not permit
enough time for them to safely cross. This
The map Senior Meal Sites and Housing in information coincides with the results of the poll
Westfield, provides a view of the geographic conducted by the AARP.
distribution of elderly housing (under the
management of the Westfield Housing Authority15) The seniors also expressed concerns regarding the
and the two existing (and future) senior meal site condition of the sidewalks in Westfield. They feel
locations. The map also provides a mile buffer there is a need for more curb cuts on the sidewalks
zone around these uses indicating the likely because this would allow more access for those
walking radius. This map who are in wheelchairs to travel through the
shows a concentration of city. Although they mentioned no specific
uses in the downtown sidewalks that need curb cuts, this could be
area. something for a specific inventory.

In order to get input from Another issue mentioned was that the sidewalks
the elderly, students are not always plowed/shoveled during the
attended the Main Street winter. Sidewalks covered in slippery snow and ice
Westfield Senior Center are not safe for anyone to use, but are especially
and the South Middle dangerous for the elderly. Many of the senior
School Senior Meal Site, citizens said that if the conditions of the sidewalks,
during lunch to listen to bike lanes, and recreational paths were better they
their transportation would be more inclined to walk and/or bike.
A final thought spoken by the seniors was that
there are not enough signs indicating where the
Renski, Henry et al, 2013, Long-term Population
Projections for Massachusetts Regions and beginning and ending of existing walk/bike paths
Municipalities, UMass Donahue Institute, p.10. are in the city. They also do not like that there are
Elderly households can also be living other subsidized no public restrooms along the Greenway. One
housing. These restricted housing developments,
individual explained that many elderly are on
managed by the Housing Authority, indicate a
concentration of elderly households. medications or have conditions that may require
10 | P a g e
Map of Elderly CT

11 | P a g e
MAP of Elderly Housing and Meal Sites

12 | P a g e
The ability of the elderly to get out is important to city invest in median refuges for wide and/or Statement. The Commission had no major
their maintaining mental well-being and for their multi-lane streets. These refuges provide a safe concerns and stated that three years ago they
ability to socialize. Seniors who can walk (or bike) spot for pedestrians and cyclists to rest at, or wait obtained a list of locations in the city that were in
to places have greater opportunities to interact at while vehicular traffic is in motion. Some need of curb cuts, as well as the addresses of
and improved health. popular destinations for the elderly include the citizens who needed accessible sidewalks and
senior center, library, grocery stores, and doctors crossings in their neighborhoods, or outside their
The Advisory Committees recommendations offices. Therefore, streets along the route to these homes. This spreadsheet was given to the
should address the physical limitations of the places should be prioritized for refuge islands. Department of Public Works, and all of the
elderly, as well as residents of all other ages and necessary construction was completed in the fall of
abilities. Disabled Citizens 2013 (see list in Appendix). The Commission did
suggest that it would be nice if all of the trails in
An important factor to consider in the plan is the Some of the disabled citizens of a community also Stanley Park were handicap accessible, but this is a
assumed walking speed for pedestrian experience physical limitations on mobility, such as private facility.
crosswalks. In their report, the AARP suggests that those who have a visual or cognitive impairment,
regardless of the width of the intersection, or those who require the use of a wheelchair, Table Two includes Census data on the population
designers should set the walk signal time for a walker, or arm crutches. According to a report over 5 years who report having an Ambulatory
crossing speed of 3.5/second plus 7 seconds to produced by the United States Department of Disability defined as answering yes to the
leave the curb.16 In their report, the AARP Transportation the disabled are affected by question, Does this person have serious difficulty
references research conducted by the ITE (Institute irregularities in the pavement of a road, changes in walking or climbing stairs?18 For the City as a
of Transportation Engineers) claiming that in most elevation, a lack of handicap accessible curb whole, 2,605 people are in this category.
cases, this amount of time would not affect traffic. ramps, or sidewalk width restrictions.17 Therefore,
many of the same transportation requirements for Low Income Residents
All crosswalks should include a visual and audible the elderly also apply for the disabled
countdown signal. For those with visual population. This includes an appropriate amount Another population with specific transportation
impairments it is helpful to have the timed of time for crossing at crosswalks, wider sidewalks and mobility needs is households of low income.
crosswalk signal give off audio with each second as for handicap accessibility, curb cuts where Many low-income residents cannot afford to drive
opposed to watching them on the screen which necessary, smoothly paved sidewalks, audible a car and must resort to less expensive means of
might be difficult. Also for those senior citizens signals, and legible traffic signs. transportation. AAA estimates the annual average
who experience diminished hearing it is necessary cost of driving a car for 2015 at $8,698.19 (Forty-
for traffic signs to be bold and clear. It is crucial for The students of Westfield State University two percent of this is in depreciation, so not a
sidewalks and crosswalks to be smoothly paved attended a meeting for the Westfield Commission direct costs and it also assumes financing of the
and free of obstacles as well. for Citizens with Disabilities. We asked for input automobile.)
given the Advisory Commissions Mission
Because the elderly also tend to become tired and
need to stop to rest more frequently than younger 17 18
Sandt et al, 2015, A Residents Guide for Creating www.disabilitystatistics.org/glossary.cfm?
walkers or bikers do, it is recommended that the Safer Communities for Walking and Biking, g_id=272&view=true.
http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/ped_bike/ped_cmnity/ped_ http://exchange.aaa.com/automobiles-
Lynott et al, 2009, p. 45. walkguide/residents_guide2014_final.pdf, p. 84. travel/automobiles/driving-costs/
13 | P a g e
Walking and biking are the most cost effective may be due to the high cost, the physical elementary schools and 2 miles for middle and
ways to travel. A fact sheet published by the Sierra limitations of residents, or represent a choice. high schools22). One map shows the city as a
Club states that the average annual operating cost whole, and the other focuses in on the downtown
of a bicycle is $308, versus the over $8,000 dollars The map, Low Income Housing in Westfield, area.
for the average car.20 It also says that the average indicates the location of subsidized housing in
American household spends 16 percent of their Westfield both that managed by the Housing
budget on transportation. This is more than what Authority and housing managed by the housing
is spent on food or healthcare! For low-income nonprofit, DOMUS. The mile radius indicates a
families, up to 55 percent of their budget can be comfortable walking distance for most people, and
for transportation. an area to assess for walkability.

Riding a bicycle is becoming a more popular Youth

method of transportation among Americans
because it reduces these costs, as does walking. Without safe sidewalks and biking options, those
Equitable transportation requires using public not old enough to drive are dependent on drivers
funds for options other than automobiles, so safe for transportation to school, playgrounds,
bike lanes, sidewalks, and crosswalks are recreation events, the store, and more. The
infrastructure investments that improve the national Safe Routes to School program has
transportation systems ability to meet the championed many ways of improving the mobility
mobility needs of all residents. options of youth, with the intent of gaining the
benefits noted earlier of improved physical and
The PVTA service is an additional mobility choice, mental well-being. Recommended actions include:
but as noted earlier, the routes and schedules do walking school-buses; infrastructure investments
not always align with users needs. in sidewalks, bike lanes, and bike trails; and safety
Table Two indicates the median household income
by Census Tract in Westfield. Three Census Tracts In 2009 Westfield had a Safe Routes to School
have median household incomes below the City Assessment completed for Paper Mill Elementary
median CT 8125, 8127.01 and 8127.02. The map, School. Additional assessments should be
Households with No Vehicle by Census Tract, undertaken in order to prioritize infrastructure
provides additional relevant information. This investments and raise awareness about the role of
Census data reflects a concentration of such physical activity in overall health and the need for
households in the downtown area, specifically CT safe routes. Two maps follow indicating the
8127.01 and 8127.02. The lack of an automobile location of Westfield public schools, and showing
the radius within which students are expected to
Pedaling to Prosperity, get to school without transportation (1.5 miles for 22
http://vault.sierraclub.org/pressroom/downloads/Bike http://www.schoolsofwestfield.org/parents/transportat
Month_Factsheet_0512.pdf . See http://www.saferoutesinfo.org/ ion/distance/
14 | P a g e
Median Household Income

15 | P a g e
Map HH with no vehicle by CT

16 | P a g e
Map Low Income Housing in Westfield

17 | P a g e
School Map Full

18 | P a g e
School Map Downtown Focus

19 | P a g e
Table Two: Westfield, MA Census Figures
of Interest to Biking and Walking

Census Tract 8125 8126 8127.01 8127.02 8128 8129.01 8129.02 8129.0323 City Total
Total Occupied Housing Units24 2,767 2,635 1,699 2,172 2,756 1,250 1,930 28 15,237

# Households/% 180 69 312 516 80 106 79 4 1,346

Without Vehicles25 6.5 % 2.6 % 18.4 % 23.8 % 2.9 % 8.5 % 4.1 % 14.3 % 8.8 %
# Households/% 884 931 641 1,008 1,069 330 549 3 5,415
With one Vehicle26 31.9 % 35.3 % 37.7 % 46.4 % 38.8% 26.4 % 28.4 % 10.7% 35.5 %
Total Population27 7,894 6,464 4,201 5,152 6,954 3,168 5,372 2,004 41,209

# Persons/% 915 943 600 855 1,029 506 671 24 5,543

Over 65 years28 11.6 % 14.6 % 14.3 % 16.6 % 14.8 % 16.0 % 12.5 % 1.2 % 13.5 %
Median Household Income29 $57,092 $82, 196 $46,927 $27,924 $71,417 $77,909 $84,297 $127,625 $59,581

Population over 5 years with 658 313 354 611 350 158 153 8 2,605
Ambulatory Disability/%30 9.0% 5.0% 8.9% 12.5% 5.3% 5.2% 3.0% .4 % 6.6%
of total population over 5
Source: See Notes below.

Note: CT 8129.03 is predominately Westfield State University dormitories.
2008-2012 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, DP04
2008-2012 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, DP04
2008-2012 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, DP04
2009-2013 American Community Survey 5 Year Estimates, S0101: Age and Sex.
2009-2013 American Community Survey 5 Year Estimates, S0101: Age and Sex.
2009-2013 American Community Survey 5 Year Estimates, S1903: Median Income in the Past 12 Months
The definition of Ambulatory Disability: This disability type is based on the question (asked of persons ages 5 or older): Does this person have serious difficulty walking or
climbing stairs? Retrieved from http://www.disabilitystatistics.org/glossary.cfm?g_id=272&view=true.
2009-2013 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, S0101: Age and Sex.
20 | P a g e
Pop-Up Overview
Pop Up Booth Ely Campus Center- Westfield State University

o support the work of the Bicycle and The Pop-Up booth consisted of a few parts. Two
Pedestrian Advisory Committee, a group of maps of Westfield showed people new and future Our first pop-up location, which was conducted in
students developed a Pop-Up booth. The plans of the Columbia Greenway Rail Trail and front of the Ely Campus Center on the Westfield
Pop-Up was designed to provide allowed them to show us areas of concern, in State University campus proved to be the survey
information to, and gather information/opinions terms of safety and conditions. One of the maps that gave us the most feedback. We set-up the
from, Westfield residents on walking and biking in showed Westfield as a whole while the other Pop-Up booth on Thursday, April 16th between
the City of Westfield. focused mainly on the downtown area. We set up 2PM and 4PM. It was a nice sunny day where a
a table at each location that provided additional large amount of students and faculty were out and
We used a simple survey tool to gather about enjoying the weather. Compared to the
information about how people feel about other locations it seemed like there were a higher
conditions in Westfield (see Appendix). The survey percentage of people that were willing to stop and
asked questions such as age and gender, and then take our survey or at least talk to us. We thought
started to get into questions on the safety of that it was important to set up on campus one day
Westfield as a place to ride a bike or walk around. because although the student population is only
The survey was not on safety with regards to here for a small portion of the year, the money
crime, but of how comfortable people feel walking students bring to the City is very important, and all
alongside the citys traffic on either the side of the those traveling to campus add to the traffic.
road or sidewalks, where available, or biking. It
should be noted the survey does not represent a
statistically valid measure of peoples opinions, but materials from the Friends of the Columbia Pop-Up Booth Days, Times, and Locations
rather some anecdotal information. We did not Greenway. In addition to the two maps, a large
seek a randomized, full sample size, but used the board was used for participants to express their
Thursday April 16th 2-4PM
form as a way to structure our interactions with WSU Campus Ely Campus Center
thoughts about Westfield in writing. For example,
those that chose to stop and speak with us. at Westfield State University pop up, participants Friday April 17th 1-3PM
were asked What would you like to see in Stop & Shop Main Street Westfield
Locations downtown Westfield? and they wrote their
Sunday April 26th 11AM-2PM
answers in sharpie marker on the board. A tri- Shaker Farms Parking Area Columbia Greenway
It was decided that to get a better representation board at each location also included Bike-Ped
of Westfields population as a whole, the Pop-Up Facts, a large format statement of the Westfield Friday May 1st 1-3:15PM
booth would be held at four different locations: Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Westfield Athenaeum, Elm Street Westfield
Westfield State University (in front of Ely Campus mission statement, and Types of Rider
Center), Stop and Shop in downtown Westfield, information. Additional flyers, brochures, and
along the Columbia Greenway at the Shaker Farms business cards from the Friends of the Columbia One of the important things that we took from our
stop, and in front of the library in downtown Greenway Rail Trail were also available for those time spent on campus was that although most
Westfield. who wanted more information or to stay informed. students know how to ride a bike, and enjoy riding,
21 | P a g e
they did not want to be that person with a bike on concern was that there were not always sidewalks were interested in what we were doing, and those
campus. Most students expressed their feelings and that downtown was very congested. that engaged fully supported efforts to increase
about how they enjoy riding bikes and that they pedestrian and bicycle safety.
would if they were available without having to On our large piece of paper we asked the question,
bring their own. A bike-sharing program could What would you like to see in Downtown Columbia Greenway Location
potentially be utilized by the student population at
WSU. Our third meeting took place on Sunday April 26th
at the Shaker Farms stop along the Columbia
Another thing that we took note of was that most Greenway between 11 AM and 2 PM. We were
of the students and staff felt riding or biking along very lucky to plan a day for our Pop-Up with
Western Avenue was unsafe. It was a shared belief beautiful weather where a large amount of people
among many that if there was a safer way to walk were out running, walking, and biking along the
or bike into downtown they may do so more often. Greenway. In total at this location, nine (9) people
By providing a safer route into the center of completed the survey and provided us with useful
Westfield, the downtown center and businesses feedback. Many passing the Pop-Up were speeding
could see an increase of bikers and WSU based
residents may connect to the recreational
opportunities of the Columbia Greenway and
Westfield? Common answers included more
Stop and Shop Location stores and coffee shops. Many expressed that the
downtown did not provide many reasons to visit,
For the second date, we set up in front of the but stores and cafes would influence them. All of
Westfield Stop and Shop on Friday April 17th these people agreed that traffic conditions and
between 1PM and 3PM. After reminding a sidewalks were not conducive to walking and
manager that we would be outside holding the definitely biking through the center was
survey, we set up outside the entrance/exit of the dangerous. Bike lanes were a common hope
left side of the store. The store was not extremely among survey participants which they said would
busy, but there was a constant flow of people increase their ridership.
coming in and out. Not every shopper was
interested in communicating with us, as there There were a total of eleven (11) surveys taken
were some who gave little to no eye contact when during this location in addition to vocal feedback
passing by. Nonetheless, there were still people about pedestrian and bike safety. Some were avid
willing to give us attention and speak a little bit to bikers, occasional bikers, and others were solely
us about the conditions and views of bikeability walkers. Most knew about the Columbia Greenway
and pedestrian safety in the City. Of those who and thought that it was a positive addition to the
spoke to us, most expressed an interest in biking, if community; especially its extension to downtown
not definitely walking in the City. However, a major Westfield, right by Stop & Shop. In all, participants
22 | P a g e
by on bikes and may have glanced over, however One of the people that stopped to talk to us lives in for the Westfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory
continued to ride. Others were walking or biking the downtown Westfield area and was deaf. He Committee. The surveys focus was on the safety
casually, and showed great interest in what we enjoyed walking and biking, especially on the of Westfields biking and walking, so only those
were doing. Due to the fact that the Columbia Columbia Greenway and was concerned about the who are familiar or live in the Westfield area were
Greenway connects to the south beyond lack of information users are exposed to about
Westfield, many who stopped by were not from people with his disability. One thing he would
Westfield and were not asked to complete the really like to see is some sort of educational aspect
survey. to the trail to inform people of the possibility of
another user having a disability. To him, he
The many people that took the time to stop at the thought it was very important that deaf riders
Pop-Up this day showed great concern and wear something, such as a shirt that warns other
provided beneficial feedback to the group. Every users coming from behind that they will not hear
person said that the Columbia Greenway was a the approach. He talked about how it can be
great addition to the area, and the only negative dangerous to be passed by another user of the
feedback was the occasional group walking/biking trail, especially while on a bike when they think
across the entire bike lane and leaving no space for that he could hear their warning, but he was
others to pass by. One couple that stopped by on unaware.
their bikes informed us that they frequently spend
time in the downtown Westfield area, and could Another person we talked to was a female citizen
definitely see an increase in presence if the area of Westfield that listed herself as 51+ years of age,
was more bike-friendly. and expressed her concerns about the lack of
sidewalks in her neighborhood. She gave her
Downtown Westfield (Library) Location address as Union Street, and described the area as
a low income neighborhood where a lot of the
On Friday May 1st between 1PM and 3:15PM our people do not have a car. She felt very
group conducted a Pop-Up in front of the disconnected from the center of the City as even
Athenaeum in downtown Westfield. We were when she did use to try to walk or bike into the asked to complete the survey. In total, fifty-seven
lucky enough to get another day that was sunny downtown area, she felt very unsafe doing so. She (57) people completed the survey.
and fair-weathered when a lot of people were out described herself as someone who loves to walk
and about walking around. We are not sure why, and ride her bike whenever she can, but let us We found 67% of those who completed the survey
but the library was closed Friday when we were know that she feels unsafe on a lot of the roads strongly support the Committees Mission and
there. This could potentially be a bad thing as it that she must ride on to get into downtown. overall goal of creating a bicycle/pedestrian
may have stopped some people from heading to network in the city and another 32% support it
the library, but the people that were unaware of Information Collected for a total of 99% in support (one person did not
the library being closed had some extra time to answer). When asked how safe participants found
talk to us. At each of the four locations, the group asked Westfield is to BIKE, 37% said the city was safe and
volunteers to participate in a 17 question survey 47% said the city was unsafe. Seventy-five percent
with an added portion to provide any comments (75%) of participants said that Westfield is safe to
23 | P a g e
WALK around and 9% said the city was unsafe. Connect the campus to the new bike trail. -WSU Great project for the City of Westfield!
Additionally, 84% said they would be more inclined Campus Survey, Male, 19-30 Columbia Greenway Survey, Female, 41-50
to bike places within the city if Westfield had
designated bicycle lanes, and 93% said they would If there was a nice bike path from WSU to Good luck! Great Work. Columbia Greenway
walk more if they had access to safe trails or downtown it would be great! -WSU Campus Survey, Male, 19-30
continuous sidewalks in the city of Westfield. This Survey, Male, 19-30
is consistent with the national statistically
significant findings discussed above. I believe that it would benefit Westfield if there
were paths and trails for bikes and pedestrians. -
Survey Comments Downtown Survey, 31-40

So needed! Western Ave is super unsafe! Have a bike ramp near a place/store that is open
Something needs to be done before more people 24 hours -Downtown Survey, Male, 41-50
are killed. -Stop & Shop Survey, Female, Age 51-
60 Biking and road conditions in downtown Westfield
< ---- > Only issue is people not staying to one side
I was raised in Westfield and am here several days and being in the way. Otherwise enjoy the
a week. I now live in a community with a bike path. Greenway.- Columbia Greenway Survey, N/A
It is a great asset. -Stop & Shop Survey, 61 and
over I would have brought my bike to WSU but none of
my roommates did Make biking cool!- WSU
I dont feel as a pedestrian that I have the right of Campus Survey, N/A, 19-30
way. Even with the new crosswalks, drivers still do
not yield to pedestrians. It would be wonderful to It would be nice to see more bike paths! WSU
encourage more foot traffic downtown! -Stop & Campus Survey, Male, 18 and under
Shop Survey, Female, 51-60
It is good to see activism towards people biking
I enjoy riding my bike and would be interested in and walking in Westfield. WSU Campus Survey,
riding in Westfield if there were safe places for Male, 31-40
bicycles. -Columbia Greenway Survey, Female, 31-
40 Didnt know there was a Greenway WSU
Campus Survey, Male, 19-30
I believe safer walking and biking paths would
benefit all residents by promoting a safer public The potholes are brutal! WSU Campus Survey,
environment as well as the reduction in pollution
Female, 19-30
by using alternate (and healthier) means of
transportation. -WSU Campus Survey, Female, 19-
24 | P a g e
Walkability Audit Our final audit had four general categories with results of the survey. The data were compiled into
five elements to consider within each category: one master audit sheet and transferred into a GIS

map for a visual representation of our findings (see
he city of Westfield has been actively 1. Infrastructure Map XX).
engaged in planning for, and implementing, 2. Aesthetics
improvements in the downtown area. The 3. Traffic and Street Crossing We identified some method limitations that are
new bridge, Elm Street changes, and Park Square 4. Safety and Security important to acknowledge. The survey was
reconstruction, have all addressed access and completed only during the late afternoon (4-6 PM)
mobility issues. The Gaslight District plan will We separated each category into population types on a weekday (Tuesday) during the month of April.
extend improvements (including new sidewalks) to consider how walkable this neighborhood was Therefore, some conditions might change for
and support both the Urban Renewal and according to different types of people. Our different times of the day and during the winter
Riverfront Development plans. populations consisted of General Population (G), months and less desirable weather conditions (i.e.
Children/Elderly (C/E), and Handicapped (H). Then, rain), but these conditions were not assessed
In order to add value to this ongoing work, the we devised a rating system to assess these twenty during this survey. Furthermore, subjectivity was
Advisory Committee asked the class to conduct a neighborhood qualities based on population type. high, for young college students not handicapped
Walkability Audit in an area immediately adjacent Points ranging from 1 to 5, with 1 being very conducted the assessment and the rating
to the Gas Light District, identified here as the poor and 5 being very good were used to rank represented this. The scores varied by student and
Allen Park area (see the map, West of Westfield each element within each category. All the points were influenced by his/her individual opinion,
Center Roads). from each population type of each category were which changed overtime once they observed the
then totaled and averaged to determine a final full range of conditions.
Methodology score of walkability: LOW (5-36 points), MEDIUM
(37-68 points), and HIGH (69-100 points). A blank Findings
The Walkability Audit was conducted over a five- copy of this audit is included in the end of this
week period between March 27, 2015 and May 1, document. Table 1 shows the results of the walkability audit of
2015. We began by reviewing walkability resources the Allen Park neighborhood. It presents the total
and example audits. As a group, we then Once our audit was drafted, groups of two score for each block surveyed and the category
determined which of the audits to model ours students walked each side of each block in that they fall under. Of the 34 blocks surveyed,
after and created a hybrid audit that best different areas of the neighborhood and compiled about 65% were in the MEDIUM WALKABILITY
addressed the needs of our study area. The their results on a walkability audit sheet. One audit category, and the other 35% were in the HIGH
components of our audit were based primarily on was completed for each block, assembling the WALKABILITY category; there were no blocks
the New Jersey Community Walkability Audit results of both students into one form. Some categorized as LOW WALKABILITY. Table 2 displays
nd_Walking/Documents/TPI_2002_NJ_Community_Walkability_Audit. students also photographed sidewalk conditions the rating system used to categorize each block
and The Government of Western Australia for additional evidence. based on its score.
Department of Transport Walkability Audit Tool
(http://www.transport.wa.gov.au/mediaFiles/active- Following the end of the data collection, we One portion of our walkability audit included
gathered back in the classroom and each group Washington Street, Franklin Street, Smith Avenue,
assessed their data for their area of the and King Street. During our walk, we noticed that
neighborhood by summing and averaging the overall, most of the sidewalks were good, but we
25 | P a g e
found several problem spots throughout our walk. Avenue, the sidewalk changed to the opposite side street, so this could pose a problem for the elderly
We started on Washington Street and headed of the street, with a clearly marked crosswalk in and handicapped. If someone were in a
north towards Franklin Street. While on front of the Vocational High School. On the wheelchair, they would have to navigate around
Washington Street we noticed that there were opposite side was a cobblestone sidewalk that the curb and into the street to get up on the
several car bumpers hanging over the sidewalk seemed very unsafe for children, elderly, and sidewalk, particularly on the corner of King Street
from an adjacent parking lot, which made that handicapped. However, there was a very easy way and West School Street. Additionally, the cracks in
area difficult to walk through because there was to cross the street and to stay on the sidewalk. the sidewalks might be difficult for someone with a
little room to get around the vehicles. Additionally, Overall, Smith Street had a HIGH average score of walker or crutches to walk over. Nonetheless, the
some of the lines that were in the road for 84. atmosphere was welcoming; the lack of litter and
crosswalks were very faded and may have been graffiti made for a pleasant walk, as did the low
hard for handicapped and elderly to see. Overall, On King Street, we noticed there was very little traffic volume. This made the neighborhood quiet
we concluded that Washington Street was slightly lighting on the sidewalks, which could make people and welcoming for parents walking with their dogs
above average with an average score of 69, based feel unsafe walking there at night. The sidewalks and children, and bicyclists. Also, the narrow width
on our scoring of each block along the street, but had some bumps and cracks in them but for the of the streets themselves, along with the low
clearly safety could be improved with some most part, they were walkable for most all people. traffic volume, would make it easy to cross the
upgrades. We identified a problem area when trying to cross street for all population types. There seemed to be
High Street, for there was a 6-inch curb separating adequate lighting as well, but since we conducted
Franklin Street had a few problems too. From the street from the sidewalk and it would be hard this audit during the day, we could not determine
Washington to Madison, we saw a lot of room for for a handicapped person to navigate. If someone the effectiveness of the lights present. One
improvement. On the north side of the street the in a wheelchair needed to get across, they would problem area we encountered was walking from
sidewalk occasionally turned into a parking lot in have to go into someones driveway on High Malone to Allen Avenues, along West School Street
front of buildings, making it unsafe for people to Street. Therefore, we categorized King Street as there were no sidewalks on either side of the
walk on. We noticed there was a car even parked MEDIUM, with an average score of 68. street and no streetlights. Although this was a
where the sidewalk would be within the parking short length of street, the street itself was already
lot. The south side in this area was a very cracked Another portion of our walkability audit consisted very narrow, so pedestrians and bicyclists
and bumpy sidewalk, which would be unsafe for of the northwest section of the neighborhood, navigating this part of the street might have
children, elderly, and handicapped. The crosswalks including West School Street, Malone Avenue, difficulty since they would then be walking in the
in this area were also poorly placed and painted. Allen Avenue, and Charles Street. Sidewalks were street. Overall, the score was slightly above
As we moved further down Franklin Street and available on both sides of the street on all streets, average (with an average score of 73) on West
passed Madison Street, the sidewalk became much and the overall quality of the sidewalks and the School Street.
nicer and safer to walk on. For Franklin Street, the environment was adequate for most population
average score was 64, which was categorized as types. Walking along West School Street, we Malone Avenue and Allen Avenue were practically
MEDIUM WALKBILITY. concluded that it was adequately walkable for the identical in street infrastructure and walking
general population, for the few cracks in the environment. Since they are both side streets,
Along Smith Avenue, the sidewalk was in good sidewalks, slightly uneven terrain, and somewhat traffic volume was low and the atmosphere was
quality. It was only on one side of the street but it elevated curbs would be easy to navigate for this quiet, and generally free of litter and graffiti. We
felt like a very safe street and the sidewalk itself population type. However, there were few ramps could hear children playing in their backyards as
was in perfect repair. As we moved down Smith available to step up onto the sidewalk from the we walked, and the abundance of trees for shade
26 | P a g e
and the curb appeal of the houses made for a street corner. Therefore, Charles Street received destinations, and its friendly and welcoming
pleasant walk. Overall, we determined that both an average score of 83, putting it in the HIGH atmosphere provide a safe and secure area for
streets appeared secure, given the large amount of category. families and children.
small family homes. The sidewalks were in better Another section of the neighborhood was
quality than on West School Street, although we assessed, including May Street, Jefferson Avenue, However, there are some ways of improving the
did encounter a few trouble spots with deep cracks Hampden Street, King Avenue, King Place, walkability of the study area and further enhancing
and paving over large tree roots, which could pose Jefferson Street, and Green Avenue. When we its strengths. Thus, we provide here some
a problem for those who have trouble walking and were walking along this area, there were a lot of recommendations for improving the
are in wheelchairs. The curbs here did have ramps people outside and kids playing in their yards. The neighborhood, which are separated by the
onto the sidewalk to make it easy for the elderly atmosphere felt safe and welcoming. Most of the categories addressed in the audit form.
and handicapped to enter the sidewalk from the streets were walkable for everyone especially for
street, as opposed to on West School Street. Both the general population, but the handicap and Infrastructure
ends of both streets had crosswalks painted across elderly might have some problems on some of the
the streets. Furthermore, it might be difficult to sidewalks. Moreover, some of the sidewalks were While most streets within the study area are
cross the street elsewhere, given the fact that not level, which could be dangerous for them. The accompanied with sidewalks, the conditions of
many cars were parked on the road, so a streets also had adequate shading from trees and many of those sidewalks are not fit to serve the
pedestrians line of sight would be obscured in have an attractive section of grass between the elderly or the handicapped. Most of the sidewalks
those areas, and could pose some risks. Thus, sidewalk and street. However, one element that are uneven, have dangerous cracks, and some
Malone and Allen Avenues both had average we noticed was that there was a considerable parts are paved over large tree roots, making them
scores of 83, which put it in the HIGH category. amount of trash and litter along the sidewalks. For not level. Much improvement is needed for
the most part, the area appeared to be a friendly sidewalk conditions, including the repaving and
Along Charles Street, the walking environment and community to walk around. Furthermore, we leveling of many of the sidewalks. The GIS map
street infrastructure changed very little in found that May Street was a dead end with a included in this document can be useful in locating
comparison to West School Street. The sidewalk terrible road and no sidewalks, so that we there areas where improvement is most needed.
infrastructure was in adequate repair for most identified this as a problem area that needs repairs In areas where there are no sidewalks, like May
population types, and the route appeared to make it more walkable. For this reason, May Street and the block between Malone and Allen
pleasant, welcoming, and secure, based on the Street received a score of 45, which in the low Streets along West School Street, the installation
general feel of the neighborhood. One major MEDIUM category. Overall, all of the streets, of sidewalks is crucial to ensure the safety of all
difference we found on Charles Street was that besides the section of May Street, had sidewalks pedestrians.
there were yellow Pedestrian Detection Pads on on both sides.
the corners of many of the crosswalks. We Aesthetics
determined that the reasoning behind this was Recommendations
because Jefferson Street seemed like a very Generally, the atmosphere and walking
difficult street to cross, given the high traffic The Allen Park neighborhood has many elements environment was welcoming and pleasant within
volume there. These pads would be useful for that make it a fine part of Westfield: its proximity the study area, and the proximity to Allen Park
drivers to see the pedestrians waiting to cross, as to the Gas Light District, Allen Park and the offers the opportunity to experience nature and
well as for the visually impaired; they could feel Westfield Vocational Technical High School make the outdoors. However, we did observe areas
the change in terrain and know they are on a busy for a convenient commute to popular Westfield where trash seemed to impact the appearance of
27 | P a g e
the neighborhood. Therefore, more enforcement Safety and Security
of litter control would improve the appearance of
the neighborhood. While we did not survey the area when lighting
would be operational, we recommend that more
Traffic and Street Crossing light posts be installed, for we noticed that the
number of light posts was small for the size of the
Many of the crosswalks in the study area look neighborhood.
faded and not easily visible to those who have
difficulty seeing. Therefore, the crosswalks should Photos of Existing Conditions
be repainted to accommodate the visually
impaired and provide for an overall safer street Included on the following pages are photo-
crossing. Additionally, many of the curbs within documentation of the sidewalk conditions, walking
the study area do not have ramps connecting the environment, and some pedestrians that were
street and the sidewalk, making it difficult for the navigating the area while we were assessing the
handicapped to get up onto the sidewalk. So, the neighborhood.
installation of curb ramps is needed to ensure the
safety of handicapped pedestrians.

Another problem we saw was that there lacked a

buffer zone between some sidewalks and parking
lots, and parked cars were spilling onto the
sidewalk, posing a problem for some pedestrians.
Curbing or bumpers are needed to mark a clear
separation of these areas. Also, the addition of
yellow pedestrian detection pads throughout the
street intersections of the neighborhood would
be useful for an increased level of safety when
crossing streets. Lastly, in areas where the traffic
density it high, like on Franklin Street and Jefferson
Street, we noticed a lack of pedestrian activated
crossing signals. The installation of crossing signals
might make crossing those busy streets easier,
less intimidating and potentially dangerous for

28 | P a g e
MAP of West of Westfield

29 | P a g e
Figure 6: A highly cracked and unleveled Figure 2: An elderly pair, including one Figure 5: Young adults neglecting to use the
sidewalk on Charles Street who is handicapped, walking the sidewalk crosswalk to cross the street on Madison
on King Street and Washington Street Street

Figure 5: An intersection with well- Figure 1: A poorly painted crosswalk with Figure 6: Parked cars spilling onto a
painted crosswalks and pedestrian no buffer separating the parking lot on sidewalk on Washington Street
detection pads on the corner of Charles Washington Street
Street and Jefferson Street

30 | P a g e
Figure 8: An example of a highly walkable
sidewalk on Smith Avenue

Figure 7: A severely torn up sidewalk along

King Street

31 | P a g e
Existing Conditions Finally, the map Current and Proposed Bike Rack
Biking and Walking Safety, Outreach, and
Locations, indicates an April 2015 inventory of bike
Enforcement Programs racks in the Central Business District (CBD) of

o support the work of the Advisory Westfield. Also noted are proposed locations for
Committee, additional data on existing Kiwanis Club
Third Grade Bike Helmet Give Away, 2014 new racks to be installed. These locations are
conditions was gathered. Below indicates a recommended based on the destinations
summary of information on types of bike Westfield School Department identified, and its location in an area with access to
and pedestrian safety education and training that Chris Rogers, Principle of Abner Gibbs Elementary the Columbia Greenway Rail Trail. Also included
have occurred in, and are planned for, Westfield. school, is working closely with the Westfield Police
are some photos of bikes and racks in the CBD.
Department and Community Resource Officers to
bring awareness of bicycle and pedestrian safety, seat
In addition, the Westfield Police Department belt safety, stranger awareness, and other general
provided a listing of accidents involving bicycles emergencies to the Westfield Schools. Assemblies and
and pedestrians during 2014. This data, a total of presentations will first begin at the southern Westfield
seventeen (17) incidents, appears on the following Schools such as Abner Gibbs, Franklin Street, South
map Bicycle and Pedestrian Accident Locations. Middle, and Highland Elementary Schools. They hope
to expand the safety awareness presentations to the
The locations are centered in the downtown area. northern Westfield schools soon as well.

The map, Traffic in Westfield, indicates available Westfield Police Department

data on amounts of traffic on major thoroughfares. Work with the schools and, as funded, Ice Cream
Coupons for Helmet Wearing
The main east/west roadways have heavy traffic
in part due to the fact that there are few options Bicycle Patrol Downtown and along the Greenway
for through travel in these directions. Bicyclists
and pedestrians are using these routes for the Periodic Enforcement in Downtown and at Grade
same reason as those in cars, buses, and trucks Crossings
these thoroughfares provide access to ultimate Friends of the Columbia Greenway
destinations. The Annual Average Daily Traffic Spring Social on the Trail, Safety and Fun
(AADT) counts noted on the map highlight areas
with high amounts of vehiclesplaces likely to City of Westfield
Bike to Work Day Activities
need adapted infrastructure to provide the level of
safety and comfort walkers and bikers need. this is included as a very preliminary concept and is
not a developed proposal at this point. This map
The following map, Existing and Proposed Bike focuses on the downtown area and includes both
Infrastructure, highlights the location of the east-west and north-south routes. The yellow
Columbia Greenway Rail Trail (existing and future buffer indicates all of the area within the City that
portions and access locations), the proposed bike lies within a mile of an access to the Columbia
lane along a reconstructed Western Avenue, and Greenway. Much of the downtown falls within this
connections to the riverfront levees. Also noted is walkable distance.
a potential trail of some type, along Little River
32 | P a g e
Map of Bike/Ped Accidents

33 | P a g e
Map Existing and Proposed Bike

34 | P a g e
Map Current and Potential Bike Rack

35 | P a g e
Bike Rack at Public Library Bikes tied up to pylons in a parking lot
with no bike rack

Bike Rack at Rinnova Building

Bike Rack located at Rockys Ace Hardware

Light Post main st at park square being used
as bike rack

New bike rack at Park Square near gazebo

36 | P a g e
Bench on Main Street. being used as a bike rack
Bike Rack located at Rockys Ace Hardware Bike rack at back entrance to library in full use

Billboard at WSU being used as Bike Rack

Railing at Stop & Shop being used as bike rack

37 | P a g e
Conclusions households. Investments in infrastructure Expanded education and safety
beyond those focused on vehicular travel programming should be supported. The

options, is necessary for providing equity plan for the Westfield School Department
he data, interactions, and evaluations in mobility. to institutionalize such efforts is a good
contained here lead to the following
step forward.
Investments in walking and biking
infrastructure will reap the benefit of
Interest in walking and biking is increasing, additional users. This is borne out by
and Westfield residents indicate support national attitude surveys, national counts,
for the mission of the Advisory and local attitudes.
Most bikers ride for recreation; most
For several reasons, the public right-of- walkers walk for health and fitness.
way of downtown Westfield should be a Meeting the need for safe facilities for
priority focus area for achieving safe, these uses can build confidence for
convenient accommodation of biking and residents to integrate non-motorized
walking. This area has the most accidents travel for other types of trips.
involving walkers and bikers; provides
access to the Columbia Greenway; The use of the Columbia Greenway Rail
overlaps with the high concentration of Trail can be supported by considering
households without vehicles; contains locations of public restrooms (including
major destinations such as the library and port-johns) and bike racks in CBD locations
City Hall; falls within the non- (see map in report). In addition, better
transportation area for many of the public signage and getting the word out will make
schools; and is the location a Senior people aware of this public asset.
Walking Club.
The City of Westfield has been gradually
Extending adequate and safe sidewalks undertaking improvements to make the
from the downtown out is important. The downtown more walkable. The
Walkability audit included here indicates Commission for Citizens with Disabilities
locations for improvements, and such an has a good working relationship with the
evaluation should be undertaken for the DPW, identifying needed improvements
other neighborhoods within the greater and communicating them. This
CBD. relationship is a positive force for
addressing needed upgrades.
Westfield is home to sizeable populations
with special mobility needs including the
elderly, youth, disabled, and low income
38 | P a g e

Pop-Up Survey Results

List of Intersections prepared by the Westfield

Commission for Citizens with Disabilities

Walkability Audit Street Ratings & Assessment


39 | P a g e

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