Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Methods
Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Methods
Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Methods
This paper gives an overview about the development of the field of Knowledge Engineering
over the last 15 years. We discuss the paradigm shift from a transfer view to a modeling view
and describe two approaches which considerably shaped research in Knowledge Engineering:
Role-limiting Methods and Generic Tasks. To illustrate various concepts and methods which
evolved in the last years we describe three modeling frameworks: CommonKADS, MIKE,
and PROTG-II. This description is supplemented by discussing some important
methodological developments in more detail: specification languages for knowledge-based
systems, problem-solving methods, and ontologies. We conclude with outlining the
relationship of Knowledge Engineering to Software Engineering, Information Integration and
Knowledge Management.
Key Words
Knowledge Engineering, Knowledge Acquisition, Problem-Solving Method, Ontology,
Information Integration
1 Introduction
In earlier days research in Artificial Intelligence (AI) was focused on the development of
formalisms, inference mechanisms and tools to operationalize Knowledge-based Systems
(KBS). Typically, the development efforts were restricted to the realization of small KBSs in
order to study the feasibility of the different approaches.
Though these studies offered rather promising results, the transfer of this technology into
commercial use in order to build large KBSs failed in many cases. The situation was directly
comparable to a similar situation in the construction of traditional software systems, called
software crisis in the late sixties: the means to develop small academic prototypes did not
scale up to the design and maintenance of large, long living commercial systems. In the same
way as the software crisis resulted in the establishment of the discipline Software Engineering
the unsatisfactory situation in constructing KBSs made clear the need for more
methodological approaches.
So the goal of the new discipline Knowledge Engineering (KE) is similar to that of Software
Engineering: turning the process of constructing KBSs from an art into an engineering
discipline. This requires the analysis of the building and maintenance process itself and the
development of appropriate methods, languages, and tools specialized for developing KBSs.
Subsequently, we will first give an overview of some important historical developments in
KE: special emphasis will be put on the paradigm shift from the so-called transfer approach
to the so-called modeling approach. This paradigm shift is sometimes also considered as the
transfer from first generation expert systems to second generation expert systems [43]. Based
on this discussion Section 2 will be concluded by describing two prominent developments in
the late eighties: Role-limiting Methods [99] and Generic Tasks [36]. In Section 3 we will
present some modeling frameworks which have been developed in recent years:
CommonKADS [129], MIKE [6], and PROTG-II [123]. Section 4 gives a short overview
of specification languages for KBSs. Problem-solving methods have been a major research
topic in KE for the last decade. Basic characteristics of (libraries of) problem-solving
methods are described in Section 5. Ontologies, which gained a lot of importance during the
last years are discussed in Section 6. The paper concludes with a discussion of current
developments in KE and their relationships to other disciplines.
In KE much effort has also been put in developing methods and supporting tools for
knowledge elicitation (compare [48]). E.g. in the VITAL approach [130] a collection of
elicitation tools, like e.g. repertory grids (see [65], [83]), are offered for supporting the
elicitation of domain knowledge (compare also [49]). However, a discussion of the various
elicitation methods is beyond the scope of this paper.
2 Historical Roots
knowledge into an implemented knowledge base. This transfer was based on the assumption
that the knowledge which is required by the KBS already exists and just has to be collected
and implemented. Most often, the required knowledge was obtained by interviewing experts
on how they solve specific tasks [108]. Typically, this knowledge was implemented in some
kind of production rules which were executed by an associated rule interpreter.
However, a careful analysis of the various rule knowledge bases showed that the rather
simple representation formalism of production rules did not support an adequate
representation of different types of knowledge [38]: e.g. in the MYCIN knowledge base [44]
strategic knowledge about the order in which goals should be achieved (e.g. consider
common causes of a disease first) is mixed up with domain specific knowledge about for
example causes for a specific disease. This mixture of knowledge types, together with the
lack of adequate justifications of the different rules, makes the maintenance of such
knowledge bases very difficult and time consuming. Therefore, this transfer approach was
only feasible for the development of small prototypical systems, but it failed to produce large,
reliable and maintainable knowledge bases.
Furthermore, it was recognized that the assumption of the transfer approach, that is that
knowledge acquisition is the collection of already existing knowledge elements, was wrong
due to the important role of tacit knowledge for an experts problem-solving capabilities.
These deficiencies resulted in a paradigm shift from the transfer approach to the modeling
Knowledge Engineering as a Modeling Process
Nowadays there exists an overall consensus that the process of building a KBS may be seen
as a modeling activity. Building a KBS means building a computer model with the aim of
realizing problem-solving capabilities comparable to a domain expert. It is not intended to
create a cognitive adequate model, i.e. to simulate the cognitive processes of an expert in
general, but to create a model which offers similar results in problem-solving for problems in
the area of concern. While the expert may consciously articulate some parts of his or her
knowledge, he or she will not be aware of a significant part of this knowledge since it is
hidden in his or her skills. This knowledge is not directly accessible, but has to be built up and
structured during the knowledge acquisition phase. Therefore this knowledge acquisition
process is no longer seen as a transfer of knowledge into an appropriate computer
representation, but as a model construction process ([41], [106]).
This modeling view of the building process of a KBS has the following consequences:
Like every model, such a model is only an approximation of the reality. In principle, the
modeling process is infinite, because it is an incessant activity with the aim of
approximating the intended behaviour.
The modeling process is a cyclic process. New observations may lead to a refinement,
modification, or completion of the already built-up model. On the other side, the model
may guide the further acquisition of knowledge.
The modeling process is dependent on the subjective interpretations of the knowledge
engineer. Therefore this process is typically faulty and an evaluation of the model with
respect to reality is indispensable for the creation of an adequate model. According to
this feedback loop, the model must therefore be revisable in every stage of the modeling
Problem Solving Methods
In [39] Clancey reported on the analysis of a set of first generation expert systems developed
to solve different tasks. Though they were realized using different representation formalisms
(e.g. production rules, frames, LISP), he discovered a common problem solving behaviour.
Clancey was able to abstract this common behaviour to a generic inference pattern called
Heuristic Classification, which describes the problem-solving behaviour of these systems on
an abstract level, the so called Knowledge Level [113]. This knowledge level allows to
describe reasoning in terms of goals to be achieved, actions necessary to achieve these goals
and knowledge needed to perform these actions. A knowledge-level description of a problem-
solving process abstracts from details concerned with the implementation of the reasoning
process and results in the notion of a Problem-Solving Method (PSM).
A PSM may be characterized as follows (compare [20]):
A PSM specifies which inference actions have to be carried out for solving a given task.
A PSM determines the sequence in which these actions have to be activated.
In addition, so-called knowledge roles determine which role the domain knowledge
plays in each inference action. These knowledge roles define a domain independent
generic terminology.
When considering the PSM Heuristic Classification in some more detail (Figure 1) we can
identify the three basic inference actions abstract, heuristic match, and refine. Furthermore,
four knowledge roles are defined: observables, abstract observables, solution abstractions,
and solutions. It is important to see that such a description of a PSM is given in a generic way.
Thus the reuse of such a PSM in different domains is made possible. When considering a
medical domain, an observable like 410 C may be abstracted to high temperature by the
inference action abstract. This abstracted observable may be matched to a solution
abstraction, e.g. infection, and finally the solution abstraction may be hierarchically refined
to a solution, e.g. the disease influenca.
abstract refine
observables solutions
In the meantime various PSMs have been identified, like e.g. Cover-and-Differentiate for
solving diagnostic tasks [99] or Propose-and-Revise [100] for parametric design tasks.
PSMs may be exploited in the knowledge engineering process in different ways:
PSMs contain inference actions which need specific knowledge in order to perform
their task. For instance, Heuristic Classification needs a hierarchically structured model
of observables and solutions for the inference actions abstract and refine, respectively.
So a PSM may be used as a guideline to acquire static domain knowledge.
A PSM allows to describe the main rationale of the reasoning process of a KBS which
supports the validation of the KBS, because the expert is able to understand the problem
solving process. In addition, this abstract description may be used during the problem-
solving process itself for explanation facilities.
Since PSMs may be reused for developing different KBSs, a library of PSMs can be
exploited for constructing KBSs from reusable components.
The concept of PSMs has strongly stimulated research in KE and thus has influenced many
approaches in this area. A more detailed discussion of PSMs is given in Section 5.
design-extensions refer to knowledge for proposing a new value for a design
constraints provide knowledge restricting the admissible values for parameters, and
fixes make potential remedies available for specific constraint violations.
From this characterization of the PSM Propose-and-Revise, one can easily see that the PSM
is described in generic, domain-independent terms. Thus the PSM may be used for solving
design tasks in different domains by specifying the required domain knowledge for the
different predefined generic knowledge roles.
E.g. when SALT was used for building the VT-system [101], a KBS for configuring
elevators, the domain expert used the form-oriented user interface of SALT for entering
domain specific design extensions (see Figure 2). That is, the generic terminology of the
knowledge roles, which is defined by object and relation types, is instantiated with VT
specific instances.
2 Precondition: DOOR-OPENING = CENTER
3 Procedure: CALCULATION
4 Formula: [PLATFORM-WIDTH -
(the value of the design parameter CAR-JUMB-RETURN is
calculated according to the formula - in case the precondition
is fulfilled; the justification gives a description why this
parameter value is preferred over other values (example taken
from [100]))
On the one hand, the predefined knowledge roles and thus the predefined structure of the
knowledge base may be used as a guideline for the knowledge acquisition process: it is
clearly specified what kind of knowledge has to be provided by the domain expert. On the
other hand, in most real-life situations the problem arises of how to determine whether a
specific task may be solved by a given RLM. Such task analysis is still a crucial problem,
since up to now there does not exist a well-defined collection of features for characterizing a
domain task in a way which would allow a straightforward mapping to appropriate RLMs.
Moreover, RLMs have a fixed structure and do not provide a good basis when a particular
task can only be solved by a combination of several PSMs.
In order to overcome this inflexibility of RLMs, the concept of configurable RLMs has been
proposed. Configurable Role-Limiting Methods (CRLMs) as discussed in [121] exploit the
idea that a complex PSM may be decomposed into several subtasks where each of these
subtasks may be solved by different methods (see Section 5). In [121], various PSMs for
solving classification tasks, like Heuristic Classification or Set-covering Classification, have
been analysed with respect to common subtasks. This analysis resulted in the identification of
shared subtasks like data abstraction or hypothesis generation and test. Within the CRLM
framework a predefined set of different methods are offered for solving each of these
subtasks. Thus a PSM may be configured by selecting a method for each of the identified
subtasks. In that way the CRLM approach provides means for configuring the shell for
different types of tasks. It should be noted that each method offered for solving a specific
subtask, has to meet the knowledge role specifications that are predetermined for the CRLM
shell, i.e. the CRLM shell comes with a fixed scheme of knowledge types. As a consequence,
the introduction of a new method into the shell typically involves the modification and/or
extension of the current scheme of knowledge types [121]. Having a fixed scheme of
knowledge types and predefined communication paths between the various components is an
important restriction distinguishing the CRLM framework from more flexible configuration
approaches such as CommonKADS (see Section 3).
It should be clear that the introduction of such flexibility into the RLM approach removes one
of its disadvantages while still exploiting the advantage of having a fixed scheme of
knowledge types, which build the basis for generating effective knowledge-acquisition tools.
On the other hand, configuring a CRLM shell increases the burden for the system developer
since he has to have the knowledge and the ability to configure the system in the right way.
Generic Task and Task Structures
In the early eighties the analysis and construction of various KBSs for diagnostic and design
tasks evolved gradually into the notion of a Generic Task (GT) [36]. GTs like Hierarchical
Classification or State Abstraction are building blocks which can be reused for the
construction of different KBSs.
The basic idea of GTs may be characterized as follows (see [36]):
A GT is associated with a generic description of its input and output.
A GT comes with a fixed scheme of knowledge types specifying the structure of
domain knowledge needed to solve a task.
A GT includes a fixed problem-solving strategy specifying the inference steps the
strategy is composed of and the sequence in which these steps have to be carried out.
The GT approach is based on the strong interaction problem hypothesis which states that the
structure and representation of domain knowledge is completely determined by its use [33].
Therefore, a GT comes with both, a fixed problem-solving strategy and a fixed collection of
knowledge structures.
Since a GT fixes the type of knowledge which is needed to solve the associated task, a GT
provides a task specific vocabulary which can be exploited to guide the knowledge
acquisition process. Furthermore, by offering an executable shell for a GT, called a task
specific architecture, the implementation of a specific KBS could be considered as the
instantiation of the predefined knowledge types by domain specific terms (compare [34]). On
a rather pragmatic basis several GTs have been identified including Hierarchical
Classification, Abductive Assembly and Hypothesis Matching. This initial collection of GTs
was considered as a starting point for building up an extended collection covering a wide
range of relevant tasks.
However, when analyzed in more detail two main disadvantages of the GT approach have
been identified (see [37]):
The notion of task is conflated with the notion of the PSM used to solve the task, since
each GT included a predetermined problem-solving strategy.
The complexity of the proposed GTs was very different, i.e. it remained open what the
appropriate level of granularity for the building blocks should be.
Based on this insight into the disadvantages of the notion of a GT, the so-called Task
Structure approach was proposed [37]. The Task Structure approach makes a clear distinction
between a task, which is used to refer to a type of problem, and a method, which is a way to
accomplish a task. In that way a task structure may be defined as follows (see Figure 3): a
task is associated with a set of alternative methods suitable for solving the task. Each method
may be decomposed into several subtasks. The decomposition structure is refined to a level
where elementary subtasks are introduced which can directly be solved by using available
diagnosis Task
Statistical Heuristic Decision Solving
Classification Classification Tree
As we will see in the following sections, the basic notion of task and (problem-solving)
method, and their embedding into a task-method-decomposition structure are concepts which
are nowadays shared among most of the knowledge engineering methodologies.
3 Modeling Frameworks
In this section we will describe three modeling frameworks which address various aspects of
model-based KE approaches: CommonKADS [129] is prominent for having defined the
structure of the Expertise Model, MIKE [6] puts emphasis on a formal and executable
specification of the Expertise Model as the result of the knowledge acquisition phase, and
PROTG-II [51] exploits the notion of ontologies.
It should be clear that there exist further approaches which are well known in the KE
community, like e.g VITAL [130], Commet [136], and EXPECT [72]. However, a discussion
of all these approaches is beyond the scope of this paper.
3.1 The CommonKADS Approach
A prominent knowledge engineering approach is KADS [128] and its further development to
CommonKADS [129]. A basic characteristic of KADS is the construction of a collection of
models, where each model captures specific aspects of the KBS to be developed as well as of
its environment. In CommonKADS the Organization Model, the Task Model, the Agent
Model, the Communication Model, the Expertise Model and the Design Model are
distinguished. Whereas the first four models aim at modeling the organizational environment
the KBS will operate in, as well as the tasks that are performed in the organization, the
expertise and design model describe (non-)functional aspects of the KBS under development.
Subsequently, we will briefly discuss each of these models and then provide a detailed
description of the Expertise Model:
Within the Organization Model the organizational structure is described together with a
specification of the functions which are performed by each organizational unit.
Furthermore, the deficiencies of the current business processes, as well as opportunities
to improve these processes by introducing KBSs, are identified.
The Task Model provides a hierarchical description of the tasks which are performed in
the organizational unit in which the KBS will be installed. This includes a specification
of which agents are assigned to the different tasks.
The Agent Model specifies the capabilities of each agent involved in the execution of the
tasks at hand. In general, an agent can be a human or some kind of software system, e.g.
a KBS.
Within the Communication Model the various interactions between the different agents
are specified. Among others, it specifies which type of information is exchanged
between the agents and which agent is initiating the interaction.
A major contribution of the KADS approach is its proposal for structuring the Expertise
Model, which distinguishes three different types of knowledge required to solve a particular
task. Basically, the three different types correspond to a static view, a functional view and a
dynamic view of the KBS to be built (see in Figure 4 respectively domain layer, inference
layer and task layer):
task: diagnosis
goal: find causes which explain the
observed symptoms;
input: observables: set of observed
output: solutions: set of identified causes
task body:
control: abstract()
match() task
refine() layer
abstract refine
observables solutions
Domain layer: At the domain layer all the domain specific knowledge is modeled which
is needed to solve the task at hand. This includes a conceptualization of the domain in a
domain ontology (see Section 6), and a declarative theory of the required domain
knowledge. One objective for structuring the domain layer is to model it as reusable as
possible for solving different tasks.
Inference layer: At the inference layer the reasoning process of the KBS is specified by
exploiting the notion of a PSM. The inference layer describes the inference actions the
generic PSM is composed of as well as the roles, which are played by the domain
knowledge within the PSM. The dependencies between inference actions and roles are
specified in what is called an inference structure. Furthermore, the notion of roles
provides a domain independent view on the domain knowledge. In Figure 4 (middle
part) we see the inference structure for the PSM Heuristic Classification. Among others
we can see that patient data plays the role of observables within the inference
structure of Heuristic Classification.
Task layer: The task layer provides a decomposition of tasks into subtasks and inference
actions including a goal specification for each task, and a specification of how these
goals are achieved. The task layer also provides means for specifying the control over
the subtasks and inference actions, which are defined at the inference layer.
Two types of languages are offered to describe an Expertise Model: CML (Conceptual
Modeling Language) [127], which is a semi-formal language with a graphical notation, and
(ML)2 [79], which is a formal specification language based on first order predicate logic,
meta-logic and dynamic logic (see Section 4). Whereas CML is oriented towards providing a
communication basis between the knowledge engineer and the domain expert, (ML)2 is
oriented towards formalizing the Expertise Model.
The clear separation of the domain specific knowledge from the generic description of the
PSM at the inference and task layer enables in principle two kinds of reuse: on the one hand,
a domain layer description may be reused for solving different tasks by different PSMs, on
the other hand, a given PSM may be reused in a different domain by defining a new view to
another domain layer. This reuse approach is a weakening of the strong interaction problem
hypothesis [33] which was addressed in the GT approach (see Section 2). In [129] the notion
of a relative interaction hypothesis is defined to indicate that some kind of dependency exists
between the structure of the domain knowledge and the type of task which should be solved.
To achieve a flexible adaptation of the domain layer to a new task environment, the notion of
layered ontologies is proposed: Task and PSM ontologies may be defined as viewpoints on an
underlying domain ontology.
Within CommonKADS a library of reusable and configurable components, which can be
used to build up an Expertise Model, has been defined [29]. A more detailed discussion of
PSM libraries is given in Section 5.
In essence, the Expertise Model and the Communication Model capture the functional
requirements for the target system. Based on these requirements the Design Model is
developed, which specifies among others the system architecture and the computational
mechanisms for realizing the inference actions. KADS aims at achieving a structure-
preserving design, i.e. the structure of the Design Model should reflect the structure of the
Expertise Model as much as possible [129].
All the development activities, which result in a stepwise construction of the different
models, are embedded in a cyclic and risk-driven life cycle model similar to Boehms spiral
model [21].
The basic structure of the expertise model has some similarities with the data, functional, and
control view of a system as known from software engineering. However, a major difference
may be seen between an inference layer and a typical data-flow diagram (compare [155]):
Whereas an inference layer is specified in generic terms and provides - via roles and domain
views - a flexible connection to the data described at the domain layer, a data-flow diagram is
completely specified in domain specific terms. Moreover, the data dictionary does not
correspond to the domain layer, since the domain layer may provide a complete model of the
domain at hand which is only partially used by the inference layer, whereas the data
dictionary is describing exactly those data which are used to specify the data flow within the
data flow diagram (see also [54]).
provides a development method for KBSs covering all steps from the initial elicitation
through specification to design and implementation. MIKE proposes the integration of
semiformal and formal specification techniques and prototyping into an engineering
framework. Integrating prototyping and support for an incremental and reversible system
development process into a model-based framework, is actually the main distinction between
MIKE and CommonKADS [129]:
MIKE takes the Expertise Model of CommonKADS as its general model pattern and
provides a smooth transition from a semiformal representation, the Structure Model, to
a formal representation, the KARL Model, and further to an implementation oriented
representation, the Design Model. The smooth transition between the different
representation levels of the Expertise Model is essential for enabling incremental and
reversible system development in practice.
In MIKE the executability of the KARL Model enables validation of the Expertise
Model by prototyping. This considerably enhances the integration of the expert in the
development process.
The different MIKE development activities and the documents resulting from these activities
are shown in Figure 5. In MIKE, the entire development process is divided into a number of
subactivities: Elicitation, Interpretation, Formalization/Operationalization, Design, and
Implementation. Each of these activities deals with different aspects of the system
The knowledge acquisition process starts with Elicitation. Methods like structured interviews
[48] are used for acquiring informal descriptions of the knowledge about the specific domain
and the problem-solving process itself. The resulting knowledge expressed in natural
language is stored in so-called knowledge protocols.
During the Interpretation phase the knowledge structures which may be identified in the
knowledge protocols are represented in a semi-formal variant of the Expertise Model: the
Structure Model [112]. All structuring information in this model, like the data dependencies
between two inferences, is expressed in a fixed, restricted language while the basic building
blocks, e.g. the description of an inference, are represented by unrestricted texts. This
representation provides an initial structured description of the emerging knowledge structures
and can be used as a communication basis between the knowledge engineer and the expert.
Thus the expert can be integrated in the process of structuring the knowledge.
The Structure Model is the foundation for the Formalization/Operationalization process
which results in the formal Expertise Model: the KARL Model. The KARL Model has the
same conceptual structure as the Structure Model while the basic building blocks which have
been represented as natural language texts are now expressed in the formal specification
language KARL (cf. [53], [55]). This representation avoids the vagueness and ambiguity of
natural language descriptions and thus helps to get a clearer understanding of the entire
problem-solving process. The KARL Model can be directly mapped to an operational
representation because KARL (with some small limitations) is an executable language.
The result of the knowledge acquisition phase, the KARL Model, captures all functional
requirements for the final KBS. During the Design phase additional non-functional
requirements are considered. These non-functional requirements include e.g. efficiency and
maintainability, but also the constraints imposed by target software and hardware
environments. Efficiency is already partially covered in the knowledge acquisition phase, but
only to the extent as it determines the PSM. Consequently, functional decomposition is
already part of the knowledge acquisition phase. Therefore, the design phase in MIKE
constitutes the equivalent of detailed design and unit design in software engineering
approaches. The Design Model which is the result of this phase is expressed in the language
DesignKARL [89]. DesignKARL extends KARL by providing additional primitives for
structuring the KARL Model and for describing algorithms and data types. DesignKARL
additionally allows to describe the design process itself and the interactions between design
decisions [90].
The Design Model captures all functional and non-functional requirements posed to the
KBS. In the Implementation process the Design Model is implemented in the target hardware
and software environment.
expert knowledge
KBS Model
Implemen- Operationalization
Model R KARL Model
The result of all phases is a set of several interrelated refinement states of the Expertise
Model. The knowledge in the Structure Model is related to the corresponding knowledge in
the knowledge protocols via explicit links. Concepts and inference actions are related to
protocol nodes, in which they have been described using natural language. The Design Model
refines the KARL Model by refining inferences into algorithms and by introducing additional
data structures. These parts of the Design Model are linked to the corresponding inferences of
the KARL Model and are thus in turn linked to the knowledge protocols. Combined with the
goal of preserving the structure of the Expertise Model during design, the links between the
different model variants and the final implementation ensure traceability of (non-)functional
The entire development process, i.e. the sequence of knowledge acquisition, design, and
implementation, is performed in a cycle guided by a spiral model [21] as process model.
Every cycle produces a prototype of the KBS which may be evaluated by testing it in the real
target environment. The results of the evaluation are used in the next cycle to correct, modify,
or extend this prototype.
The development process of MIKE inherently integrates different types of prototyping [7]:
The executability of the language KARL allows the Expertise Model to be built by
explorative prototyping. Thus the different steps of knowledge acquisition are performed
cyclically until the desired functionality has been reached. In a similar way, experimental
prototyping can be used in the design phase for evaluating the Design Model since
DesignKARL can be mapped to an executable version. The Design Model is refined by
iterating the subphases of the design phase until all non-functional requirements are met.
Recently, a new version of the specification language KARL has been developed [5] which
integrates the notion of task and thus provides means to formally specify task-to-method
decomposition structures.
The MIKE approach as described above is restricted to modeling the KBS under
development. To capture the embedding of a KBS into a business environment, the MIKE
approach is currently extended by new models which define different views on an enterprise.
Main emphasis is put on a smooth transition from business modeling to the modeling of
problem-solving processes [45].
relations [71]:
Renaming mappings are used for translating domain specific terms into method specific
Filtering mappings provide means for selecting a subset of domain instances as
instances of the corresponding method concept.
Class mappings provide functions to compute instances of method concepts from
application concept definitions rather than from application instances.
Mappings are, on the one hand, similar to the schema translation rules as discussed in the
area of interoperable database systems (see e.g. [126]), and, on the other hand, they
correspond e.g. to the lift operator in (ML)2 [79] or the view definitions in KARL [53]
(compare Section 4). PROTG-II aims at providing a small collection of rather simple
mappings to limit the reuse effort needed to specify these mappings. Thus PROTG-II
recommends to reuse domain knowledge only in situations where the required mappings can
be kept relatively simple [71].
described by
the task which is assigned to the system. On the one hand, these languages should enable a
specification which abstracts from implementation details. On the other hand, they should
enable a detailed and precise specification of a KBS at a level which is beyond the scope of
specifications in natural language. This area of research is quite well documented by a
number of workshops1 and comparison papers that were based on these workshops. Surveys
of these languages can be found in [143] and [61]. A short description of their history and
usefulness is provided by [80], and [54] provides a comparison to similar approaches in
software engineering. In this article, we will focus on the main principles of these languages.
Basically, we will discuss the general need for specification languages for KBSs, we show
their essence, we sketch some approaches, add a comparison to related areas of research and
conclude by outlining lines of current and future research.
4.1 Why did the Need Arise for Specification Languages in the Late 1980s
As mentioned above, we can roughly divide the development of knowledge engineering into
the knowledge transfer and the knowledge modelling period. During the former period,
knowledge was directly encoded using rule-based implementation languages or frame-based
systems. The (implicit) assumption was that these representation formalisms are adequate to
express knowledge, reasoning, and functionality of a KBSs in a way which is understandable
for humans and for computers. However, as mentioned in Section 2, severe difficulties arose
different types of knowledge were represented uniformly,
other types of knowledge were not presented explicitly,
the level of detail was too high to present abstract models of the KBS,
and knowledge level aspects got constantly mixed with aspects of the implementation.
As a consequence, such systems were hard to build and to maintain when they become larger
or used over a longer period. In consequence, many research groups worked on more abstract
description means for KBSs. Some of them were still executable (like the generic tasks [37])
whereas others combined natural language descriptions with semiformal specifications. The
most prominent approach in the latter area is the KADS and CommonKADS approach [129]
that introduced a conceptual model (the Expertise Model) to describe KBSs at an abstract and
implementation independent level. As explained above, the Expertise Model distinguishes
different knowledge types (called layers) and provides for each knowledge type different
primitives (for example, knowledge roles and inference actions at the inference layer) to
express the knowledge in a structured manner. A semiformal specification language CML
[127] arose that incooperates these structuring mechanisms in the knowledge level models of
KBSs. However, the elementary primitives of each model were still defined by using natural
language. Using natural language as a device to specify computer programs has well known
advantages and disadvantages. It provides freedom, richness, easiness in use and
understanding, which makes it a comfortable tool in sketching what one expects from a
program. However, its inherent vagueness and implicitness make it often very hard to answer
questions whether the system really does what is expected, or whether the model is consistent
or correct (cf. [2], [80]). Formal specification techniques arose that overcome these
shortcomings. Usually they were not meant as a replacement of semiformal specifications but
as the possibility to improve the preciseness of a specification when required.
Meanwhile, around twenty different approaches can be found in the literature ([61], [54]).
Some of them aim mainly at formalization. A formal semantics is provided that enables the
unique definition of knowledge, reasoning, or functionality along with manual or automated
proofs. Other approaches aim at operationalization, that is, the specification of a system can
be executed which enables prototyping in the early phase of system development. Here, the
evaluation of the specification is the main interest. They help to answer the question whether
the specification really specifies what the user is expecting or the expert is providing. Some
approaches aim at formalizing and operationalizing, however they have to tackle conflicting
requirements that arise from these two goals.
In the following subsection, we will discuss the main common features of these approaches.
to meet the requirements, is not a question of efficient algorithms and data structures, but
exists as domain-specific and task-specific heuristics as a result of the experience of an
expert. For many problems which are completely specifiable it is not possible to find an
efficient algorithmic solution. Such problems are easy to specify but it is not necessarily
possible to derive an efficient algorithm from these specifications (cf. [32], [110]); domain-
specific heuristics or domain-specific inference knowledge is needed for the efficient
derivation of a solution. In simple terms this means that analysis is not simply interested in
what happens, as in conventional systems, but also with how and why [31]. One must not
only acquire knowledge about what a solution for a given problem is, but also knowledge
about how to derive such a solution in an efficient manner [60]. Already at the knowledge
level there must be a description of the domain knowledge and the problem-solving method
which is required by an agent to solve the problem effectively and efficiently. In addition, the
symbol level has to provide a description of efficient algorithmic solutions and data structures
for implementing an efficient computer program. As in Software Engineering, this type of
knowledge can be added during the design and implementation of the system. Therefore a
specification language for KBSs must combine non-functional and functional specification
techniques: On the one hand, it must be possible to express algorithmic control over the
execution of substeps. On the other hand, it must be possible to characterize the overall
functionality and the functionality of the substeps without making commitments to their
algorithmic realization. The former is necessary to express problem solving at the knowledge
level. The latter is necessary to abstract from aspects that are only of interest during
implementation of the system.
provides a formal and executable specification language for the KADS Expertise Model by
combining two types of logic: L-KARL and P-KARL. L-KARL, a variant of Frame Logic
[84], is provided to specify domain and inference layers. It combines first-order logic with
semantic data modelling primitives (see [30] for an introduction to semantic data models). A
restricted version of dynamic logic is provided by P-KARL to specify a task layer.
Executability is achieved by restricting Frame logic to Horn logic with stratified negation and
by restricting dynamic logic to regular and deterministic programs.
The language DESIRE (DEsign and Specification of Interacting REasoning components
[91],[92]) relies on a different conceptual model for describing a KBS: the notion of a
compositional architecture. A KBS is decomposed into several interacting components. Each
component contains a piece of knowledge at its object-layer and has its own control defined
at its internal meta-layer. The interaction between components is represented by transactions
and the control flow between these modules is defined by a set of control rules. DESIRE
extensively uses object-meta relationships to structure specifications of KBSs. At the object-
level, the system reasons about the world state. Knowledge about how to use this knowledge
to guide the reasoning process is specified at the meta-level. The meta-level reasons about
controlling the use of the knowledge specified at the object-level during the reasoning
process. The meta-level describes the dynamic aspects of the object-level in a declarative
fashion. A module may reason on its object-level about the meta-level of another module.
From a semantic point of view a significant difference between DESIRE on the one hand and
(ML)2 and KARL on the other hand lies in the fact that the former uses temporal logics for
specifying the dynamic reasoning process whereas the latter use dynamic logic. In dynamic
logic, the semantics of the overall program is a binary relation between its input and output
sets. In DESIRE, the entire reasoning trace which leads to the derived output is used as
semantics [142].
Other approaches apply testing as a means to validate KBSs. Most approaches do not rely on
a formal specification in addition to the implemented knowledge. As a consequence,
verification of the functionality of a system with respect to its formal specification is not
possible. Only recently, the need was recognized for formal specifications and conceptual
models that guide and structure the validation and verification process ([103],[78], [59]).
Recently, the knowledge level has been encountered in Software Engineering (cf. [132]).
Work on software architectures establishes a much higher level to describe the functionality
and the structure of software artefacts. The main concern of this new area is the description of
generic architectures that describe the essence of large and complex software systems. Such
architectures specific classes of application problems instead of focusing on the small and
generic components from which a system is built up.
The conceptual models developed in Knowledge Engineering for KBSs fit nicely in this
recent trend. They describe an architecture for a specific class of systems: KBSs. Work on
formalizing software architectures characterizes the functionality of architectures in terms of
assumptions over the functionality of its components [118], [119]. This shows strong
similarities to recent work on problem-solving methods that define the competence of
problem-solving methods in terms of assumptions over domain knowledge (which can be
viewed as one or several components of a KBSs) and the functionality of elementary
inference steps (cf. [59]).
5 Problem-Solving Methods
Originally, KBSs used simple and generic inference mechanisms to infer outputs for provided
cases. The knowledge was assumed to be given declaratively by a set of Horn clauses,
production rules, or frames. Inference engines like unification, forward or backward
resolution, and inheritance captured the dynamic part of deriving new information. However,
human experts have exploit knowledge about the dynamics of the problem-solving process
and such knowledge is required to enable problem-solving in practice and not only in
principle [60]. [38] provided several examples where knowledge engineers implicitly
encoded control knowledge by ordering production rules and premises of these rules that
together with the generic inference engine, delivered the desired dynamic behaviour. Making
this knowledge explicit and regarding it as an important part of the entire knowledge
contained by a KBS, is the rationale that underlies Problem-Solving Methods (PSMs). PSMs
refine generic inference engines mentioned above to allow a more direct control of the
reasoning process. PSMs describe this control knowledge independent from the application
domain enabling reuse of this strategical knowledge for different domains and applications.
Finally, PSMs abstract from a specific representation formalism as opposed to the general
inference engines that rely on a specific representation of the knowledge. Meanwhile, a large
number of such PSMs have been developed and libraries of such methods provide support in
reusing them for building new applications.
In general, software and knowledge engineers agree that reuse is a promising way to reduce
development costs of software systems and knowledge-based systems. The basic idea is that a
KBS can be constructed from ready-made parts instead of being built up from scratch.
Research on PSMs has adopted this philosophy and several PSM libraries have been
In the following, we will discuss several issues involved in developing such libraries.
applying such a PSM in a particular application requires considerable refinement and
adaptation. This phenomenon is known as the reusability-usability trade-off [85]. Recently,
research has been conducted to overcome this dichotomy by introducing adapters that
gradually adapt task-neutral PSMs to task-specific ones [58] and by semi-automatically
constructing the mappings between task-neutral PSMs and domain knowledge [19].
Libraries with informal PSMs provide above all support for the conceptual specification
phase of the KBS, that is, they help significantly in constructing the reasoning part of the
Expertise Model of a KBS [128]. Because such PSMs are informal, they are relatively easy to
understand and malleable to fit a particular application. The disadvantage is - not
surprisingly - that still much work has to be done before arriving at an implemented system.
Libraries with formal PSMs are particularly important if the KBS needs to have some
guaranteed properties, e.g. for use in safety-critical systems such as nuclear power plants.
Their disadvantage is that they are not easy to understand for humans [24] and limit the
expressiveness of the knowledge engineer. Apart from the possibility to prove properties,
formal PSMs have the additional advantage of being a step closer to an implemented system.
Libraries with implemented PSMs allow the construction of fully operational systems. The
other side of the coin is, however, that the probability that operational PSMs exactly match
the requirements of the knowledge engineer, is lower.
Developing a KBS using libraries with coarse-grained PSMs, amounts to selecting the most
suitable PSM and then adapt it to the particular needs of the application [107]. The advantage
is that this process is relatively simple as it involves only one component. The disadvantage
is, however, that it is unlikely that such a library will have broad coverage, since each
application might need a different (coarse-grained) PSM. The alternative approach is to have
a library with fine-grained PSMs, which are then combined together (i.e. configured) into a
reasoner, either manually ([123], [137]) or automatically ([14], [9]).
configured from pre-established parameters and values [139]. An opposite way to organize
PSMs is proposed in [124] where PSMs are indexed according to the algorithms they use.
Another criterion to structure libraries of PSMs is based on solely assumptions, which specify
under what conditions PSMs can be applied. Assumptions can refer to domain knowledge
(e.g. a certain PSM needs a causal domain model) or to task knowledge (a certain PSM
generates locally optimal solutions). To our knowledge, there does not exist a library
organised following this principle, but work is currently being performed to shed more light
on the role of assumptions in libraries for knowledge engineering ([17], [18], [56], [58]).
A last proposal to organise libraries of PSMs is based on a suite of so-called problem types
([27], [28]) (or tasks, for the purpose of this article, tasks and problem types are treated as
synonyms). The suite describes problem types according to the way that problems depend on
each other. The solution to one problem forms the input to another problem. For example, the
output of a prediction task is a certain state, which can form the input to a monitoring task that
tries to detect problems, which on their turn can be the input to a diagnosis task. It turns out
that these problem dependencies recur in many different tasks. According to this principle,
PSMs are indexed under the problem type they can solve. Selection of PSMs in such a library
would first identify the problem type involved (or task), and then look at the respective PSMs
for this task.
6 Ontologies
Since the beginning of the nineties ontologies have become a popular research topic
investigated by several Artificial Intelligence research communities, including knowledge
engineering, natural-language processing and knowledge representation. More recently, the
notion of ontology is also becoming widespread in fields such as intelligent information
integration, information retrieval on the Internet, and knowledge management. The reason for
ontologies being so popular is in large part due to what they promise: a shared and common
understanding of some domain that can be communicated across people and computers.
The main motivation behind ontologies is that they allow for sharing and reuse of knowledge
bodies in computational form. In the Knowledge Sharing Effort (KSE) project [111],
ontologies are put forward as a means to share knowledge bases between various KBSs. The
basic idea was to develop a library of reusable ontologies in a standard formalism, that each
system developer was supposed to adopt.
internal structure and reflect some consensus. The question is then of course, consensus
between whom? In practice, this question does not have one unique answer; it depends on the
context. For example, if a hospital is building up an ontology with knowledge about a
particular disease - say AIDS - that can be consulted by all doctors in a hospital, then the
consensus should be between the doctors involved. If, on the other hand, a government wants
to setup a nation-wide network of bibliographic, ontology-based databases that can be
consulted from nearly every terminal with an Internet connection in the country, then the
consensus should be nation-wide (i.e. everybody should accept this ontology as workable). In
the library example, consensus should be reached about terms such as books, authors,
journals, etc., and about axioms such as: if two articles appear in the same journal, they
should have the same volume and issue number.
Especially because ontologies aim at consensual domain knowledge, their development is
often a cooperative process involving different people, possibly at different locations. People
who agree to accept an ontology are said to commit themselves to that ontology.
6.3 The Role of Ontologies in Knowledge Engineering
Basically, the role of ontologies in the knowledge engineering process is to facilitate the
construction of a domain model. An ontology provides a vocabulary of terms and relations
with which to model the domain. Depending on how close the domain at hand is to the
ontology, the support is different. For instance, if the ontology perfectly suites the domain,
then a domain model can be obtained by only filling the ontology with the instances.
However, this situation rarely occurs because the nature of an ontology prevents it from being
directly applicable to particular domains.
There are several types of ontologies, and each type fulfils a different role in the process of
building a domain model. In the following sections, we will discuss different types of
ontologies, how to build them in the first place, how to organise them and how to assemble
them from smaller ontologies.
6.5 Building an Ontology from Scratch
Part of the research on ontology is concerned with envisioning and building enabling
technology for large-scale reuse of ontologies at a world-wide level. However, before we can
reuse ontologies, they need to be available in the first place. Today, many ontologies are
already available, but even more will have to be built in the future. Basically, building an
ontology for a particular domain requires a profound analysis, revealing the relevant
concepts, attributes, relations, constraints, instances and axioms of that domain. Such
knowledge analysis typically results in a taxonomy (an isa hierarchy) of concepts with their
attributes, values and relations. Additional information about the classes and their relations to
each other, as well as constraints on attribute values for each class, are captured in axioms.
Once a satisfying model of the domain has been built, two things have to be done before it
can be considered an ontology. (1) Different generality levels have to distinguished,
corresponding to different levels of reusability (see ontology types). (2) The domain model
should reflect common understanding or consensus of the domain. Many of the current
ontologies are valuable domain models but do not qualify as ontologies because they do not
fulfil these two criteria.
ontology for integer arithmetic (where + only is applied to integers, since all numbers are
integers in that world). The last way to assemble ontologies that we discuss here is
polymorphic refinement, known from object-oriented approaches. Suppose we want to
include an ontology about numbers - that defines + - in two other ontologies. We can
include this numbers ontology in one ontology - say about vectors - where we want + to
work on vectors, and in another ontology - say about strings - where + does concatenation
of strings.
The KACTUS project [16] was concerned with constructing large ontologies for technical
devices through incremental refinement of general ontologies into technical ontologies.
The clear separation of the notions of task, problem-solving method, and domain
knowledge provides a promising basis for making the reuse-oriented development of
KBSs more feasible.
The integration of a strong conceptual model is a distinctive feature of formal
specification languages in Knowledge Engineering.
Subsequently, we will discuss some relationships between methods in Knowledge
Engineering and other disciplines.
In [68], the Infomaster system is described which is a generic tool for integrating different
types of information sources, like e.g. relational databases or Web pages. Each information
source is associated with a wrapper that hides the source specific information structure of the
information sources. Internally, Infomaster uses the Knowledge Interchange Format for
representing knowledge (compare Section 6). In Infomaster so-called base relations are used
for mediating between the conceptual structure of the information sources and the user
applications. The collection of base relations may be seen as a restricted domain ontology for
integrating the different heterogeneous information sources.
In the meantime ontologies are also used for supporting the semantic retrieval of information
from the World-Wide Web. The SHOE approach [95] proposes to annotate Web pages with
ontological information which can then be exploited for answering queries. Thus, the
syntactic based retrieval of information from the Web as known from the various Web search
engines is replaced by a semantic based retrieval process. A further step is taken in the
Ontobroker project [57] which proposes to use a more expressive ontology combined with a
corresponding inference mechanism. Thus, the search metaphor of SHOE is replaced by an
inference metaphor for retrieving information from the Web since the inference mechanism
can use complex inferences as part of the query answering process.
Thanks are due to Stefan Decker for valuable comments on a draft version of the paper.
Rainer Perkuhn provided valuable editorial support.
Richard Benjamins was partially supported by the Netherlands Computer Science Research
Foundation with financial support from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
(NWO), and by the European Commission through a Marie Curie Research Grant (TMR).
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