International Journal of Advances in Case Reports
International Journal of Advances in Case Reports
International Journal of Advances in Case Reports
The incidence of late manifestations of syphilis after the primary infection, and in 10% of these patients,
has declined almost to a rare entity since the era of significant cardiovascular complications will occur, such
antibiotics. Before the discovery of penicillin, tertiary as aortic aneurysm, aortic regurgitation and coronary ostia
syphilis infection was the most common cause of thoracic stenosis. The ascending aorta is the segment most
aortic aneurysm, resulting in 510% of cardiovascular commonly affected (50%), followed by the arch (35%) and
deaths. The primary lesion of cardiovascular syphilis is the descending aorta (15%). The rich lymphatic
aortitis, an inflammatory response to the invasion of the arrangement in the ascending aorta that may predispose
aortic wall by the Treponema pallidum that evolves to greater mesoaortitis is believed to be the cause for larger
obliterative endarteritis of the vasa vasorum and results in involvement of this segment [4]. Cardiovascular syphilis is
necrosis of the elastic fibres and connective tissue in the a late form of syphilis, which usually manifests in the 4th
aortic media [1]. Syphlitic aortitis takes place during the 5th decade of life, typically 540 years after the primary
stage of tertiary syphilis between 5 to 30 years after infection [5,6]. It may become symptomatic with thoracic
appearance of primary syphilis. This is normally due to pain or symptoms of compression of the surrounding
infection of aorta secondary to endarteritis obliterans of structures, but can enlarge asymptomatically until
vasa-vasorum. Aortic wall becomes progressively incidental finding in chest X-ray or a catastrophic and
weakened due to chronic inflammation. This will often fatal aneurysmal rupture. Without surgical treatment,
subsequently lead to aneurysm (10%), coronary artery the mortality rate at 1 year can reach 80% due to the high
narrowing at ostium (30%) and aortic valve insufficiency rate of rupture of these aneurysms [5,6].
secondary to the involvement of aortic valve [2,3]. In the natural course of cardiovascular syphilis,
The resulting weakening of the aortic wall will the primary infection is followed by T. pallidum invasion
progress into the late vascular manifestations of syphilis. of the aortic wall, initially within the adventitia and soon
Syphilitic aortitis is reported in 7080% of untreated cases thereafter in the lymphatic vessels. The rich
Deivam S et al. / International Journal Of Advances In Case Reports, 2015;2(2):64-67.
lymphatic system of the ascending aorta is one of the main normal examination, except for dilated neck veins and the
reasons for the tropism of spirochetes there. The vasa history of alcoholism, he was provisionally diagnosed as
vasorum then undergoes a process of endarteritis acid peptic disease and treated accordingly. During the
obliterans, necrosis of medial layer (mesoarteritis) and evaluation of dyspnea, a chest x-ray was taken and it
infiltration of plasma cells [7]. Consequently, the elastic showed anterior mediastinal mass.
tissue of the vessel is destroyed and replaced by scar tissue. On further work-up, CECT study of thorax
The inflammatory process may continue for as long as 25 showed large focally dilated contrast opacified ascending
years after the initial infection. The initial clinical aorta with peripherally unenhancing hypodense thrombus
presentation may then be of angina when there is and calcification involving ascending aorta extending to
obstruction of the coronary ostia or dyspnea when there is right side of anterior mediastinum. SVC was compressed
aortic valve incompetence or compression of the suggestive of ascending aorta aneurysm. The non contrast
respiratory organs. However, the most common clinical axial image shows abnormal aneurysmal dilatation of arch
symptom is chest pain secondary to rapid expansion of the of aorta with peripheral calcification and CECT axial
luetic aneurysm [8]. A case report previous reported image showed aneurysmal dilatation of arch of aorta are
describes an abnormally advanced syphilitic aortic depicted in Figure 1 and 2 respectively. Entire lumen size
aneurysm for such a young patient, a condition likely was 11 cms, thrombus thickness is 4 cm, lumen size 6 cms.
exacerbated by his HIV infection [9]. The rupture of this Figure 3 suggested the CECT sagittal image shows
aneurysm resulted in hypovolemic shock and sudden death, aneurysmal dilatation of the aortic root, ascending aorta,
a tragedy, which could have been prevented with existing arch of aorta and descending thoracic aorta where the
treatment, adequate screening, and additional resources. peripherally non-enhancing hypodense thrombus seen.
The authors report a currently rare case of syphilitic Figure 4 suggested CECT axial image shows aneurysmal
ascending aorta aneurysm at tertiary care teaching hospital dilatation of arch and descending aorta with peripherally
in Tiruchirapalli, India. located thrombus.
ECHO suggested Mediastinal mass lymphoma.
Case report The scout image shows left side radio-opacification
A 52 year old male patient admitted with the (Figure 5). Cardiothoracic surgeon opinion was obtained
complaints of vomiting, dyspnea and loss of appetite for 6 and suggested angiogram, fasting lipid profile, renal
months duration. There was no co morbid association. He function test and blood VDRL for further evaluation of
was an alcoholic for about 29 years with almost daily mediastinal compression syndrome. RPR was reactive in
intake of alcohol. On examination, he was conscious and 128 dilutions. TPHA was also found to be reactive. He was
general examinations including vital signs were all normal. diagnosed as a case of syphilitic aortic aneurysm and
Cardiovascular and Respiratory systems were normal. treated with procaine penicillin 8 lakh units for 20 days.
Abdomen was soft on palpation with few dilated veins. The patient was referred to higher centre for further
Tremors of hands were present. With the apparently management.
Fig 1. Non-contrast axial image shows abnormal Fig 2. CECT axial image shows aneurysmal dilatation of
aneurysmal dilatation of arch of aorta with peripheral arch of aorta
Deivam S et al. / International Journal Of Advances In Case Reports, 2015;2(2):64-67.
Fig 3. CECT sagittal image shows aneurysmal dilatation Fig 4. CECT axial image shows aneurysmal dilatation of
of the aortic root, ascending aorta, arch of aorta and arch and descending aorta with peripherally located
descending thoracic aorta thrombus
Deivam S et al. / International Journal Of Advances In Case Reports, 2015;2(2):64-67.
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