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Deathwatch Overkill-Rule Book

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tere eer een Seer areca Seen ens ene eee ee oe ere eer et it eee ee Potente ett racers er ee ees Ue aL er enc eT ferro tin ee Ree eee eee ne tren ee eee Romie Oct erence eee es ec tata tne eee er ete See ere ees Cee ee eee ene ea eee en es ees Cee ee ee ee eee (en ee ee ree need : Economie ees Ce eee ee ec ee Ce eee ee eee aed een ty ame : ace een ecg pees SACO TOLUCA ga Co LeeLee Coe MET eB By ey AO EVE oe) See ele A Mesa ieo amas eee oa Ce ge eR Sere s ia el ee rn By the Blood! Lost contac again, they keep disappearing Dre eet fecce Lurkers, there!Behind the ribbed stanchions Nene a cn oa Ss teas Were trapped, Omid. There's no way out but down ‘Smite them all! Rend them with sword and bolt! Die, de, die! VCE ees ee ‘Just kill the damned things! Weapons up, take as many down as. Holy Emperor, Cancel that, regroup on my position! Regroup! SOHPFOOOCOR OS LOO TS Brother, getup, you have to. Thalassi! Attend us! aan Aggressive defence, Justus pattern! Omid, get on point! Omid! Psat ee on oa ‘Whatin Guilliman’s name was that? Sree enn Sea en OL coe ED Kinie ‘Twelve more underneath the reactor gantry! Just shoot them! one et cd He's gone! They‘ right on top of us, brother! Combat knives! C2) ed end Brae BSN ENS OM crexue ented Sam Crores D Preemie een OULU CL TUEL ortad Journal 680.M41, 0.X. Peete oes oy LISI: There is something deeply wrong with Ghosar Quintus. Fee eee Peay see it, the planetoid’s local turns of Fe of some kind. Though the Emperor Ce ee ae eee ee ee es ee ee een od the people ofthis far-flung mine. ad to investigate Ghosar Quintus in person, for these missives have the vile stink of perverted truths. Thave requisitioned a unit of Mititarum ‘Tempestus from the Kappic Eagles to.scort me, effective immediately. 1398: Ihave made planetfall upon Ghosar. It isa barren orb indeed. Sa Ce aed and found more scrawled tests De ae a daubed upon the walls. The more ers ed evidence of heathen xenos worship ee Mad myself as an Imperial Inquisitor to ee ea Ce a Raed) Se ee Pea aa lapsed into a mantra. He then Ce eta the appropriate lethal measures. Br eee Cae well. The mines of Ghosar Quintus Ce eee ed Trecommend all investigation is ee eae to the Ordo fortress forthwith. Sete ees GHOSAR QUINTUS creer) Pane) erst eee CELL Ceara Rotsceetar ea Petes tmact esc Aggregate: Perr) SsCru oe) cree yes PES etsy eect Prurarutd estas sees Cs Nascar Suerte Careers cE esCr eae) ea eee ee Peace eure nna! PoCer mo raecinsy reece ere arnrre eee eter oer eee Cena Secret) class melta ship ets Cas ec Pare Ore Cue ec Seu ert SUC e oes plunder the veins at its core- The delv PSC eer Eamon estes cL ISOM Taltoss INTRODUCTION Deathwatch Overkill is a fast-paced board game for two players that pits a Deathwatch Kill Team against an insidious Genestealer Cult. One player ‘commands the elite Deathwatch, and the other marshals the diverse forces of the Genestealer Cult, Although the Kill Team numbers but a few warriors, each is a veritable one-man army. The Genestealer Cult, on the other hand, has dozens of malformed Cultists in its ranks, and an intimate knowledge of the lair the Deathwatch must negotiate, mission to investigate an adamantium mine upon the delverworld of Ghosar Quintus. In each mission, the Deathwatch have an objective to a while the Genestealer Cultists have a horde of monstrous aliens with which {0 try to stop them! The missions take place on a map made up of board sections that can be put together in a variety of configurations so that no two missions are the same, Each board section is split into a number of smaller zones, used to regulate movement, and a Range Ruler is used to measure the range of any attacks that are made. The players take turns to move and fight with the warriors under their ‘command, The Genestealer Cultist can use Broodmind Cards each turn to represent their powerful brood intelligence, allowing them to spring ‘ambushes or unleash deadly ploys. In the face of these devious tactics, each Deathwatch Space Marine has a set of unique skills that they can bring to bear to defeat their deadly foes. The players keep on taking tums until the Deathwatch win by achieving their objective or are defeated by the Genestealer Cultists. Deathwatch Overkill games can usually be completed in less than an hour, which allows plenty of time for the players to swap sides or play several missions in a:row You can also play the missions one after the other as a campaign, whi provides the ultimate test of your skill as a Deathwatch Commander or Genestealer Cultist. This book takes you through the game rules first and then introduces the missions. Once you've had a look through the rules, pick one of the missions and decide which player will take each side ~ Mission 4, Killstorm, is ideal for your first game. Set up the board and pieces as described in the mission, and you're ready to play. ‘The Ghosar Quintus anomaly has been brought to light once more. me ary eee ees way Pees ac at tnt aetna ee rule and not to be questioned, However, afull Imperial year has passed and still Chaegryn has not returned, nor has he responded ome reece Inquisitor Chaegryn’s last received missive has been reviewed er eerie enh og meee Cet eect Cee ent aerate ary to changing his mind. Some believe the latter text carries the overtones of outside influence. However, our soothsayers maintain it does not bear a spiritual residue consistent with any psychic discipline practised within the Imperium. Inquisitor Chaegryn is well known for his mental fortitude, as are the operatives of the Militarum Tempestus he requisitioned as his escort. After long, consideration, the Ordos suspect a new force at play, and likely one Sectors ‘Those races of the hated alien that evince psychic potential are the Pere rine er meine chet erties cites the matter has been passed to the Deathwatch. Watch Commander Quovis Vaerion has sanctioned the despatch of a Kill Team, Pere cen Stet tec eet rs Peeters ore eet tects Fortresses of Negation - or to recover his remains for dissection and posthumous atonement if he is no longer of vital status. Bt ee Renee er neers those under Chaplain Ortan Cassius. They have each sworn the Cree ae ton erent co ed to include this mission as part of their wider duties. Chaplain Cassius has already split his assigned Kill Team into two combat PC tts ec OC eran Pree ete reece acd Pree eto nts ces Cs a aeenepaeieied Seer e ck eke ns Po Ln Serer Chae acrid DONS Co Peete omens cee eter Sonia ett} Seconded from the Crimson Fists Reta TN Serer ect iC rant ‘The Kill Team is to make all haste to Ghosar Quintus and pry the Inquisitor from the clutches of whatever force holds him captive. COMPONENTS DATACARDS & DATASHEET There are fourteen datacards included in Deathwat and a datasheet printec back page of this rulebook. These ibe the skills, equipment and abilities of the miniatu detailing their speed and armou yeapons they wield, and any special tactics they can use it pattle to defeat their foes. The datacards are used to desoribe the pace Marines and the alien leaders of the Genestealer uit. The datasheet covers all of the other models used in the BROODMIND CARDS Death kill includes a deck of thirty Broodmind Cards. The the Genestealer deadly amo fiendish the game, nd trap: BOARD SECTIONS Each board section is divided into a used to determine how far models an move and how many mod can fit in them RANGE RULER The Range Ruler the distance between models. It is also used when a model t leap over a gap. Itis di three ranges Maximum. The range I rtest distance betw and et. Assault, Com fed in at and always the number of dice you roll is indicate y the number of @ toe On, each @. The number on the you the minimum you need to roll in order to hit your target with $ FH H Hy H a Peer e- seer eve UTC: Re eRe ey Pre ee UCN PO eRe eA originally penned this script ie eae esata Pyne design and should you deny me ‘that request, to take my leave fro Peer exile would bringa great measure ‘of shame upon me and|ead me to be censured by the Chapter that Seeman ead in, I would willingly pay that Pear ety disappearance of Kill Team Excis. paeees or eernee rs ‘within their Chapters and without. ‘Toaccept their disappearance isto ne edema Cee eee Peseta ee eee ees rs Se challenge the supremacy of the Imperium, who would challenge the Adeptus Astartes, and in ener Persea er pete, Il Preece ees rr eed Teena errs a starship that carried a clutch of the organism known as the Y Genestealer (X823.1). Thisis why do not request your permission to eee eer etc Ghosar. Instead I demand it. Ihave pee ee smn with which Iintend to expunge thealien canker I believe claimed Se Cte ( ee ee or not, I will each Ghosar Cofmtenr ect vengeance ofthe Emperor to that ern ete BUSSE U NCES Sr TURN SEQUENCE EY In Deathwatch Overkill, each mission is resolved over a number of turns, during which players move their models and fight the enemy. Each turn is divided into the following six phases: 1. BROODMIND PHASE The Genestealer Cultist draws upon the gestalt consciousness of the Broodmind to summon reinforcements and devise insidious, ploys and gambits to thwart the Deathwatch. 2. DEATHWATCH COMMANDER MOVEMENT PHASE The Deathwatch Commander explores his force's surroundings, ordering his Space Marines to proceed to their objective or advance into position to eliminate any hostile threats. 3, GENESTEALER CULTIST MOVEMENT PHASE The Genestealer Cultists navigate their lair, surrounding and ambushing the Deathwatch interlopers before closing for the kill, 4, DEATHWATCH COMMANDER ATTACK PHASE The Deathwatch Space Marines unleash death upon their xenos foes using their formidable arsenal of weaponry. 5. GENESTEALER CULTIST ATTACK PHASE The Genestealer Cultists fight back against the Space Marine invaders, shooting them with salvaged weapons and tearing them apart with alien claws. 6. DEATHWATCH COMMANDER SECOND ATTACK PHASE Such is the skill and training of the Deathwatch, they can attack for a second time, reaping a harvest of dead aliens in the Emperor's name. Potty ‘ Om Peete Cy (oN UNIS E i ere ween eee nr cd Ortan Cassius is a man ofimpressive presence, even for 1a Warrior of Ultramar. His gaze is cold asthe void, and ‘amongst the ranks it is said be could stare down a pack Oa ee ee contempt. Cassius was put forward as an exemplar of Imperial values by Lord Macragge himself, and rightly 0, Since bis oath, his inspirational batred ofthe xenos bas | ase - ‘galvanised every operative be bas spoken to. Ultimately, eee, Po ; a a ’ aa ; Fae Lae Great trust has been placed in Cassius. He carries the ame cere eae ee iG ‘force field of bs former office, and also bears the Tome Cee ea eae ee ieee entre crete eternity parameters, so much so that their laser beam can blast a hole through a metres-thick bulkhead with a single pull of the i trigger. This specimen features three hand-grips, indicating its Sik om eke eee Sone Soe nny Wwallé,andscrawledontoholy | tychs across the upper acre eeeeere cre ETA yetory. | f EOD most hard-won secrets. These artefacts are in safe hands — f " r Meare an ec ' en ‘without so much as an elevated heartheat. These qualities ‘make bim ideally suited t further our pursuance ofthe emery ett as Broodlord strain, an extracategorical threat that may Justus Incarna pattern. Includes disruption field include sinister pseudo-psyehic capabilites. The will ofthe eran eee To a ee ear aa x destructive force upon impact. Fee | | | | } ; | | Rina etg (oor reinIn Coat Doarlack patter, artefact record 112/P/1 ¢ eer me ae rec Aa ee eee eee eer een ee ee es | preteen Ecce ninn erence tine E roar ian ayers Perret eerste) Tat fester Crea ects iisone ear ee rir) eerie eee Ghosar Quintus! mining Pres Conc ecru eosehey Pree Cremrd Berar eor ty Ereetricrett) ane reere Cece) Sreerieicnetiy) TareeCO RT Lott fasta Peirce tre Prac) eee eerie stay ereeeeeceiere rr) ee vers c et Sree eC rity Sec rracecre ts erties poreerurerr stn) Perea eens) Sree Ceea oer Poe Crea) Pros Coa etree) eee eee ees Sere eer eeecey Serta pees Soeur earn eer ed meee ntsc iictg Peers! Peereci nsches irae ee oar? Poreeer es eestset acecrett ier ry) ree errs cne Pies cette) Peers peers tatty Pere see erred THE BROODMIND PHASE In the opening phase of each tum, the Genestealer Cultist can bolster his. forces, set traps or use cunning ploys. DRAW BROODMIND CARDS At the start of the first tun, the Genestealer Cultist shuffles all of the Broodmind Cards and draws a hand of them - the instructions for the mission will say how many. At the start of each consecutive Broodmind phase, the Genestealer Cultist draws as many cards as are needed to replenish his hand. If there are no Broodmind Cards left in the deck, shuffle the discard pile to create a new deck Hi zg H = Fy Fs : AMBUSHES After drawing cards, the Genestealer Cultist must use some of them to lay Ambushes, which will give him more models to use in the fight against the Deathwatch - the mission rules will state how many cards must be used this way. Any remaining Broodmind Cards must either be saved for use in future turns or played as Gambits, which are explained later. To lay an Ambush, place the Broodmind Card face down next to the board onan Ambush Point. The map included with each mission will show which Ambush Points are available. No more than one card can be laid at an Ambush Point at the same time. Note that you can place a Broodmind Card as an Ambush even if the models listed for the Ambush are not currently available - the Deathwatch Commander will not know this until the card is revealed, so you can use the card to make them think they will come under attack when in reality there is no one there. GAMBITS ‘A Broodmind Card can instead be used as a Gambit - these represent the insidious tricks, traps and strategies avaliable to the gestalt will of the Broodmind. Gambits can be played during the phase specified on the card, ‘The card is then discarded. Any number of Gambits can be used in a turn The situation nthe Broodmind phase ofthe fist tun of Mission 1: Kiso ) The Deathwatch have deployed as shown, ang the Genesteler Cultist nas placed an Ambush by he ower Ambush Point. #) Two other Ambushes dre placed elsewhere, leaving wo cards tobe used as Gambit. rn eRYTT eee eee Antara open acy ee era oer _ Anexpert but unsubtle heavy weapons operative, Rodricus Gryttis never ‘more content than when wreaking indiscriminate destruction upon his enemies. Over a hundred pict-feeds of Grytt exist, archived by bis servo- Oe ae ee ae eee eee through hordes of alien assailants with his frag cannon. Each explasion is aimed to tear apart a knot of foes whilst showering those nearby with ‘their bloody remains. Panic and confusion soon follow; itis a matter of ST eA Ce A a ee gs Cee ae ee a Pa iran et ty nny 6h ahd In recognition of bis extreme cull-ratio, Grytt was offered Captaincy ofthe Imperial Fists 9h Company, but instead took active heavy weapon service ec eae Cy , aie oaae ren Ne TIO oS ee ean ATL} Brother-Sergeant Gydrael is the oldest and most experienced of the operatives on the Deathwateh’s current roster of souls. Uncannily observant, be bas excelled in the role of battlefield tactician in every ‘Segmentum. By finding the chinks in the armour of the alien be has secured victory time and time again. Gydrael’s sill with a powered blade is well known amongst the Deathwatch, and bis sheer determination bas seen sim fight on after suffering grievous wounds, Yet Gydrael is a man of few swords, preferring to observe and then to act rather than debate. He has little respec for those that are boastful or wasteful of bis time. In the past, Ce ‘constant and often intrusive vigilance, but the Watch Captains turn a blind re ee aad pies Corre mee es oa taeda ke aa VAEL DONATUS m Peeters ® n (ope eee eta Vael Donatus is an expert shot, arguably the most skilled wielder ofthe sacred boltgun in the Deathwatch Chapter. He is unrivalled in theuse of — specialist ammunition, invariably selecting the right bolt to slay the enemy before bim. Additionally, quartermaster reports detail is expenditure of ammunition is extremely economical, indicating a propensity for one-shot Kills. Donatus won the Laurel Imperialis, te Tax Skull and the Marksman's on ee ee eee Be rca eee ec nc 4 ‘be was quick to change the subject. Chaplain Cassius requests Donatus’ F attendance on every mission he undertakes, and will usually bestow the Den ee earn tone eae Ye se far, Donatus has turned down offers for a permanent pasition of leadership, ‘implying an unscemly lack of ambition. i Ren aay ee rd ee eae Cassius’ data echo. It bears the Pee ee oot eae ae ee rea ‘that Chosar Quintus be left alone, eer ee one Pree Bee one ea ad Battle-brother, a great task Reece ires of the Deathwatch, as do we al. You bear the heraldic colours of pee eat te pauldron; upon the other, you irany Xenomortis. Yet Se keer ee Popes bearthe pee erty oes Iris the calling of our kin to Pear emer tatty eee ers alien. We are recruited from Peeters of the galaxy, and as such count thousand warrior traditions amongst our ranks. Itis the tradition of my world, Macragge, ee snes be putto rest, and avenge those brothers lost to the xenos foe. Thave requested you by name ecenoe el aety ‘operating outside the sanction ofthe Ordo Xenos. A matter of Pee ead pe ey eee ‘upon the mining world of Ghosar ‘Quintus. I intend to investigate their disappearance, and mete out vengeance upon those that have Peete Ene eee Emperor we must obey. Meditate Pee eer eet Pests eget THE MOVEMENT PHASES There are two phases in each tum during which the players can manoeuvre their forces. The Deathwatch Commander takes the first Movement phase, and the Genestealer Cultist the second. MOVING YOUR MODELS Models are make a number of moves up ir Speed, which is lis e's datacard or datasheet. Each makes a move it is placed into an adjacent zone. A player's phase ends when he he models he wants to. ero ZONE OCCUPANCY & ENEMY MODELS en itis moved, a model can t d anywner thin the 2 der. During your M els to enter, but or it fever, a model cannot n ne that is tupied by enemy models - until slain, these models are barring the path preventing rete JUMPING Instead of moving into an adjacent zone a model can jump. To do so, use 0 measure the shortest distance between the model and ne it is going to jump to. If the distance is within Itrange, move the model to that zone (a model cannot jump further than Assault range) then roll a dice. On a roll of 1 the model lands badly or suffers some mishap unded, with no armour sav ed (see the rules for Wound s in the Attack Phases sectic any other roll the jump is made without incident. Once a model has jumped, it cannot move any further in that pt atwatch advance. Gt tan havea Speed of2, nd move 2 zones each jus also has a Speed of2. He moves 1 zone and ten jumps aross the gap with nis aw remaining mov. The die ral forthe jump is a5, so he lands safely Suierel has a Speed of 4, Dut only advances 3 zones to ke Peg Role upon Advancement: BLOOD CLAW . meen P Coe mena cari cunt t $ batt Pn Cea aU his ‘Chapter: RAVEN GUARD eee nae Senn Ua S In terms of sheer lethality; there are few in his Chapter that can match Pipa os are tip te yahpiels par tas clipe oma Ba ee a ee a ofthe clouds to spear his victims with his Talon pattern lightning Like many in bis Chapter, Setorax is a withdrawn and insular character, Ce eS) [ean ee CURRAN ts erty Cosine ey W Ces en Om EOS In the last hours of 101.M40 Sener! into realspace between the Peeetr ceternnty Sereeee eee erry Pee eta as ess eee eter ee erent Riera Perinat ts Cone ct ae pee Pee eterno report detailing her eaptain’s reactive bombardment and the resultant cluster of debris Prise ats Curseand tumbled towards ee eens Sere eC eran believes she saw the hull of Bree eer ee See ey ck tornin it, and that no mortal creature could have survived the bombardment, let alone Peers ee tenn protocols of Ghosar or its moons. The Curse of Unreason Pee aortas eeereneeta oat Creare trent eee eet the matter has been closed. Ave Dominus Imperator, Inquisitor Dethred, Comers LAUNCHING AMBUSHES The Genestealer Cultist can launch Ambushes before finishing his. done after all models hat émind Cards he laid a mode's shown on them anywhere in the zone adjacent to that Ambush Point I-a-card allows you to take more than one type of model, you ci them in any combinat if there is not enough e cn the car or there are not enough models, then the Genestealer Cultist just places many a n, Ambushing models can be placed in a by enemy models, provided the n. Once allt fels have been placed, discard all the revealed Ambush cards. ing models cannot move any further in the phase when you plat them on the b¢ The Genestate rot have any models onthe board yet, so starts to reveal the Amb he place eater (se the Brocdming Phase). The Ambush near to Cassius i fipped over to sho thatitrepresents 5 Hybrids wit Autoguns. They are place in the zone adjacent tothe Ambush Cr asshown cannot move any further 35 Ambushes are revealed afterall moves are made LURKING The warriors of the B inning and can hide in the shad waiting until overwhelming numbers are on their side. To the Genestealer Cultist can choose to lurk with one of his Ambush turn. The card is not revealed, anid remains on the Ambush Point into the next turn, eer Be ear Ce nee ores erreur see neck tae ‘The xenos lfestrain codified X232. US/823.1, known colloquially as the ‘Genestealer, is an anomalous Cen Sey Penn ee er acre metre ceteany pea ome ed strains have been encountered (cf. Broodlord). Genestealers are fearsome foes atclose quarters. Their super Pee ead far faster and stronger than a man, and their claws can cut like diamond. Cee eer eg eae See eng Pete eee is ‘thankfully isolated to the void wastes iret ‘Because oftheir habit of abducting Cees ‘thought incapable of reproducing amongst themselves. Their epithet stems from the concept they are parasites that force their genetic ‘material into the body ofa captured host. The initial implantation does Serr ete eet ta survivors of Genestealer abductions een nn Poe ee ee cay Gelder Specimen report, an implanted Poe hhost until itwas yielded in a grotesque ee oe Coe ee nent ener ens Comargenenene nay Ultramarines,a member of the Peters a ee ee fighting this xenos species, has of late Se ee it—some would say too much, Herein liesan opportunity to turn this near obsession into a virtue. We believe Presa ont ‘of possible Genestealer presence upon Ghosar Quintus, and hereby grant his request to Investigatum in Extremis. Rea OPE a a ecmat aT nen Oe aa reed BeTpeoNCors (etree THE ATTACK PHASES ‘The second half of each tum has three consecutive Attack phases. The Deathwatch Commander has the first, and the Genestealer Cultist the ‘second. The Deathwatch then gets the third and final Attack phase. MAKING ATTACKS In each attack pha: s ons to shoot, ang In order t de' aut ding s equipped with multiple ammunition I target and determined its range from the attacker, declare which w profile it note that you can only time a model mak for it at that range and roll that many dice; one hit is sco beats the score shown at that ranj 1) Cassius attacks fst. Te closest Hybrids within Assaut range, s his deadly but short range Bol Pista (loaded with Kraken rounds) and Cx ) Tee dice ar ol the Crozus is used, anda hit willbe scored foreach rl of nore. The die ols afe 4, Sand 6 all tree doe scare hts. The Hybrid does not have armour iskifled bya singe hit. As Cassis’ weapon has the Rend ably (which is explained la ocated tone targets Inthe a the fret target - mmander allocates one each to two ater Hyrids, meaning that ino SCY = Cone Cea el Ua) eee Ey OR aM al cn DO ee eRe eo ee a pices peaches poe al Poaceae got ‘is mind, a logic engine as cold and indomitable as titanium. is capable of comprehending the horrors ofthe galaxy in afasbion that ‘would drive lesser warriors raving mad. Much of bis flesh was lost to ‘the acidic spray of a Dark Eldar Haemonculus, but this fat isof purely ‘academic interest to Sorrlock, for his emiotions are as Care De a te ee SAT Lse ar irat MAE op pa toc ate aa Se ee ee ei ase por a primera tp iep pe tye ore ee ef = within seconds Sorrlock will devise the optimum course, with every Deere Pais ea] Peet oer Lo ee tiy Cope ned nee neat Though ecentricin manner, Brother Suberei is force of unbridled destruction who takes great joy in wreaking utter bavoc upon the ‘enemies of the Imperium. He speaks more often to bis cyber-eagle, ppb oo apple narrate ema tatty Ss Fak fae esl Oe SOA clon tt Bd ee a er a a te eee Eee hrelays down with cach charge all the more deadly. Suberci considers it ‘a matter of bonour to akways beat the forefront ofthe fray, and claims to take offence if any wet their blades before he does. However, he puts aside his tribal sensibilities when duty ts at stake. Though be isa loner Cg te a Woe betide those foes standing against the hurricane of bis wrath. PL eck oer Cerne re CLL On ULALa) ae ee ee ee Reliable, stoic and beavy-set, be makes for an obvious target, but is all ES nee ere eee ee ee Pe oy se eran eer eres ed smouldering xenos corpses stretches out bebind him. Branatar carries a Pe eee et ae oc ane el ee brother Athondar to die in order to fulfil the mission's kill criteria. The Chaplaincy believes he is still haunted by his comrade’ death, but thus far, Rk the guilt be carries lke an anvil upon bis back bas not impacted bis efficacy. () A His mastery of the heavy flamer is unmatched, and be wields its fire with | y ‘the skill ofa master artisan, teleporting right in the midst ofthe enemy before burning their squads away from the inside ont. aN N Boltgun Artifex pattern. The bolter i revered as the tool of the rightéous warrior. Those bolters Perr er ea) still bigher levels of lethality. TBe | Bo eae allowing the owner to deploy bolt shells tailored to bis target's Pea cer ee ae Hellfire, Dragonfire bolts) Pray ne ee tool of those Space Marines who ea a aaa een a ee ea oN ee ed | ammunition of the bolter, yet from afar more compact device. Sa aa ed esas reread rey reer Set eed plasma gun (of. Ryza, aa R cy ‘an incandescent fury comparable Pee en as een can wound or even kill the Pee pee eee ed ere a ARMOUR SAVES Ifa model is hit by an attack, there is a chance that its armour will deflect the blow and prevent any damage. To see if this is the case, roll a dice; if the roll is equal to or higher than the Armour characteristic on the model's datacard or datasheet, the hit has no effect. If the armour save is failed, or @ model has an Armour characteristic of “, the model suffers a wound. WOUNDED MODELS if'a Deathwatch Space Marine, a Genestealer Primus, a Genestealer Magus, or the Genestealer Patriarch suffers a single wound, they are Wounded. To mark a model as Wounded, flip its datacard over. The model is otherwise unaffected, but if it suffers a second wound, it succumbs to its injuries and is removed from the board. If any of the Genestealer Cultist’s other models suffers a single wound itis. slain immediately and removed from the board. When one of the Genestealer Cultist’s models is siain, it can be used again when another Ambush is launched. This represents the endless horde of Genestealer Cultists at the Broodmind's disposal or, in the case of the Cult leaders, a lucky escape from death at the last second and subsequent healing and return to the fray. The Deathwatch Space Marines are deep in enemy territory without the services of an Apothecary; they cannot be returned to the board during a mission once they have been slain. GENESTEALER CULT PROFILES 1) The Hybrid’ profiles are found onthe datasheet atthe back ofthis book. Th is equipped with an Autogun, which can shoot targets upto Maximum ran i) The Hybrid attacks Cassius. He i at Combat ange. A tis range two dice ae rolled forhis ‘Atogun, and they hit only on a ol of 6. The ace ae rolled, but only one scores 26. rst Hybrid to shoot lu) Cassius wears thick power armour and is protected by a shimmering energy fl, so he has a Save of 2+. The hit willbe stopped by 2 fll oF 2 oF mare, bu the Deathwatch Commande ols 8 11 This means thatthe hit jure Cassius, and bis cardi flipped tothe Wounded side. A Second wound wl kil hin, a os ey cae a aa invariably | | | | ae a Chainsword cg _Adamantium teeth give this pattern Sea CT et gi ‘Note runic honour marking upon blade casing. Pe Shi a ee 3 aN ' i crs Talon pattern. Fitted toa powered gauntlet calibrated —Vigorian-class melta core. The meltagun super-heats a Popsicle see = ptrrept nr teeswraat a AOE its pp espe Pere is fb; Cola) Sampo pe acta" ohyn apes A Sie gaat Be ee eee es ee ee an en at Nerney ye Pores Soci es fee bie ly sever flesh but also destroy the mind “true strike can not only sever oe «af te foe, leaving them as ttle more than a corporeal shell. ayy Tn) Role upon Advancement: CODICIER LIBRARIAN eee eo aa Cee enone Ne Biren Tan ‘Natorian's potent psychic powers enhance bis innate ro to unstoppable levels, He first manifested this ability after the violent Ey et els a te a Percyecro eri ac, Semen pee ed \! ‘bands, Natorian was on the verge ofbeing taken by the Black > Peter bap toy hr7 are benelard Sanka eorirae fl Ordo Xenos. Belicor saw the potential within Natorian, and personally delivered the young warrior to the Blood Ravens. He oversaw Natorian’s . Peer n and later in bis career instigated bis induction into the Deathwatch (note ~ Belicor bas since been reported missing in action). “S \Natorian fights at lightning speed whenever bis ire is raised, : seeking fo woash away his tormented past in a sea ofxenos blood. Serbo og a reer ee ed ae | Imperium can provide. extends to a panoply of lethal De a a) devised tobe the bane ofthe een ‘The Justice Inescapable. Pe propellant. Able to punch eer Cae Vengeance Rounds be ere gs Re ec pais irr sagt ee ere molten sludge. Cee ae ae cel ea or The Devourer ofthe oes Sareea eer a exoskeleton and/or bone with eee ‘The Inescapable Fire. Filled with superbeated gas. ee ee ATTACK ABILITIES ‘Some weapons have oné or more special abilities ~ Blast, Rend or Cleave listed on the bearer's datacard or datasheet. The effect that each of these abilities has is described below. A blast weapon creates a massive explosion or projects a burning sheet of flame over a wide area. Instead of targeting a model, pick fa target zone that is in range, measuring the shortest distance between the attacking model and the zone with the Range Ruler. Roll a dice, one at a time, for each other model (Including friendly models) in that zone to see if they are hit, Rend: A rending weapon can cut through several opponents with a single attack. If the target model is siain by a rending weapon, any remaining hits can be allocated to a new target in the same zone. If the new target is also slain and there are remaining hits, then they can be allocated to another target in the zone, and so on. Cleave: A cleaving weapon's attacks cut through any armour with ease. No armour saves can be taken against hits inflicted by a cleaving weapon, RUNNING ‘Any model can run in its Attack phase instead of attacking. If it does so, it ccan either move into an adjacent zone or make a jump. COMBAT RECOVERY Space Marines have enhanced metabolisms that can minimise the effects Of injury. If a Deathwatch model has been Wounded, it can make a Combat. Recovery in its Attack phase instead of attacking. If it does so, flip the model's datacard back to the unwounded side, 1) Such ithe i ofthe Deathwatch that they get to attack twice, once befoe and once after the Genestealer Cultist, Cassis has been wounded and therfore has a choice -he ean recover from the wound (fipping his card back tothe unwounded side) or carr on with his attack. He bravely attacks, shooting Hellfire rund from his Bot isto. 1). The Helifie round has the ‘as ul so targets all models inthe zone. Two Hybrids remain, so 'wo die ae rll, each needing to score Sor more to hit at Assault range. The ace are rolled (or the closest Hyd then a2- the closest Hybrid slain | ene at atime, ang Cassius Scores a | but the other lucy escapes the blast! Vea 7 "apc ¥ > tae iy pence ta Rodricus Gryrt, Devastator Edrye Setorax, Vanguard Veteran “EAVY METAL Garran Branatar, Terminator ‘Teleport Homer for =o D | ee Aecten Jetek Suberei, Biker Sergeant Servo-skull “EAVY METAL Pee Mee “EAVY METAL 3rd Generation Hybrid with | 3rd Generation Hybrid grenade launcher with autogun 2nd Generation Hybrid with claw, st Generation Hybrid with autopistol utopistol and combat knife ‘and two combat knives 3rd Generation Hybrid with ‘mining laser Genestealer Aberrants with powered mining picks and hammers aes es Listen well, my brothers. Thisis the world of Ghosar Qu about you, be alert as ever. But know that upon its surface, you will find See se world, the taint of alien malignancy, lies beneath, Thelieve the corruption that gnaws at this ‘This planetoid has been cored by the honest industry ofthe Imperium, Its bounty of adamantium provides potent shield to the war engines of our own Chapters. What seattered evidence I have been able to compile hints ata dread truth lurking behind this facade. Like maggots chewing their way into a nutrient sphere, xenos bioforms have burrowed deep within it, claiming its mineral bounty for their own. cone Inquisitor Chaegryn took the scalpel of his blessed mind to this ‘world. He peeled ofits outer skin of wholesome servitude, and found something repugnant beneath. Then he disappeared. The noble brothers of Kill Team Excis investigated his loss, and they suffered the same fate. [tis our duty’to find them, or at the least consecrate their corpses. We will excise the evil that plagues the planetoid not with scalpel, but with sword and flame. To kill is our holy birthright. Be not sparing with the death you wield. Pee ee eee cae ests of this world. There we will begin our work, descending layer by layer into the darkness until we bring to light its hidden truths, No ee eee throughout. The first to find evidence of the Inquisicor’s presence shall summon the others. Donatus, you are tolead Grytt and Branatar to the main entrance of this repugnant warren. Be generous with your slaughter, and make as much of a spectacle as you can ~even you, friend Vacl. In doing so, you will draw the gaze of the beast that dwells here. Sorrlock, Delassio, Setorax, you are with me. Brothers Redblade and Gydeael will form ous vanguard. I sense your displeasure at this pairing, Gydrael, but if your blessed Primarchs can learn to fight together then you can learn to follow their lead. Suberei, Natorian ~ I cextend to you the role of hunter. Of our number, chance of locating our lost brothers. Regroup as you see ft. ened Ifmy conclusions prove true, the foe we face this day is powerful indeed. Ihave fought the Genestealer before, and know wel ofits voracity. Engage itat range if possible, fori is swift as unseen death. To lecit clamp its teeth into you is to court a dire demise. That said, selected you because I trust your judgement and your skill, and believe u to be capable of victory no matter the evils ranged against you. well, brothers, in the name vengeance and the Emperor. Purge the alien! Hate the alien! Burn the alien to ash! THE MISSIONS MISSION MAP The mission map ich board sections are used for the n, and ho! t up in relation to ea nmap luster Zones in which the watch can set up, and the Cultist's Ambush ts are shown along its borders. MISSION OBJECTIVES This section describes what player has to do in order to mission. The player that lr objective first is the winner MUSTER KILL TEAM This section of the mission tells you how many Deathwatch Space Marines have been sent to perform the mission, and wh they are set up. The Death >mmander can pick which Deathwatch models to use, s as he does not exceed the limit for the m BROODMIND DECK form Broodmind deck, how many cards the Genestealer Cultist can numb he will lay each turn MISSION SPECIAL RULES sme missions require the u of one or more special rules that override the normal game rul You will find any special rule apply to the mission in th {As the Deathwatch battle their way through the mining complex on Ghosar Quintus, they launch a series of raids and assaults in order to excise the Cult of the Four-armed Emperor. ees Deathwatch Overkill includes nine different missions, each of which is a game in Its own right. You can use any of the missions when you play, though we recommend that you start with Mission 4: Killstorm. i ‘Agree who will take command of each side ~ if you can't, rola dice to see which player decides ~ and then set up the board and miniatures as described in the instructions for the mission you wish to play. MISSION 2 VOX NOCTIS Ca MUSTER KILL TEAM [BRooDMND DECK ES ha © Maximum kill ratio, then. The louder and more overt our approach, the more covert that of our brothers will be. Sow as Ste eet (CR eee coe) ata eae nT erie ee ee eee eer es Ce Peters ee eee tat Kono > Ce eee eee ern er cen ava o) TUNG es tao a Pee PAB eC (ses Serene an CeCe em ee ene ced bullets. They are attempting to surround us. © _ Attempting, perhaps. <> Chi Cassius ~ I note a single hellfire bolt suffices for the larger of ee er civilian will do the ob no matter the erie. These are not mere mutants, brothers. Cassius believes they have been somehow infected by xenospawn. <> e Her eee erent ene Ct een Senn Eos a od a MISSION 1 Under instructions to engage the Cult’s forces directly to enable the rest of the Deathwatch to gain ‘access into the interior of the mining complex, a determined Ki ‘Team must bring the wrath of the Emperor to all who oppose them. MISSION OBJECTIVES oth sides must attempt to slay 's many foes as possible, while minimising their own casualties. Keep a kill tally by recording the num edels belonging the Genesteal been slain. As soon as this kill tally re n ends athwatch Commander Genestealer Cultist can slay two Deathwatch Space Marines before this happens, t jon ends and the Genestealer Cultist wins MUSTER KILL TEAM The Deathwatch Commander a Kill Team that rines. After the board has been t up, the Deathwatch Commander ‘and shuffling them thoroughly. Any remaining Broodmind Card: din Killstorm. The ler Cultist, draws a hand of fv Cards, and mus Ambushes each turn KILLSTORM MISSION SPECIAL RULE First Contact: In this mission the Deathwatch Space Marines are willing expend vast reserves of ammunition in their opening vos to divert the enemy's attention from their battle- brothers. To represent this, the Deathwatch Commander can, when making attacks with his ‘models, re-roll any dice that falls to score a hit during the first turn, = Deathwatch Muster Zone 4} Genestealer Ambush - Point MISSION 2 Dey 3 This level of resistance... it's too mucl under some central command. Sorslock, I presume you have ‘As the Deathwatch advance further cares eee ene into the mining, complox, Ortan Cassius orders all Kill Teams to f Affirmative. Disable al relay voxbases. Controlled detonation regroup in order to lead an assault toisolate each nest. Three-stage cull. Burn the bodies. on a heavily defended comms array and deny the Cult the ability to Good enough for now. Suberei detected a comms nexusat the ‘summon reinforcements. heart ofthe pit. Redblade, Gydrael, Delassio — you're with me. Setorax, wherever you are... just do what you do. MISSION OBJECTIVES h Commander's cers objective is to shut down the Master Vor Unit before reinforcements can net ee er ee ete ummoned. The Genestealer this night. My battle howl will esound from the moon, and my Cultist must preve tally of heads shall eclipse the rest of yours put together! means necessary. The Deathwat. Commander can shut the Master Sen es Unit down if al o LOR Cee eee reece eet ae 3 so, the mission ends Been ao ata immediately and the Deathwatch mmander wins. If the LOM Eonar es} Genestealer Cultist can slay three Deathwatch Space Marines before oO this happens, the mission ends and the Genestealer Cultist wins. — Truexenos, Chaplain, under the core. Genestealers. MUSTER KILL TEAM Pre og een ee eae The Deathw chooses a Kill T For Sanguinius and the Emperor! any six Deathwatch Space M After the board has been en ee eee ce oct F the Deathwatch Commander pla his models in any of the three Die! Die, void-wyrm scum! Your bane is here! Deathwatch Muster Zon the mission map. BROODMIND DECK The Genestealer Cultist prepares his Broodmind deck by putting aside the cards that have the Gen Patriarch as an Ambusher, and shuffling all of the remain cards thoroughly. The Genestealer Patriarch cards are not used in Vox ler Cult jen Broodmind Cards, and must lay five as Amba ch turn, Valesitio patter rag cannon, Augmented to employ sl or rag. round. eo S VOX NOCTIS MISSION SPECIAL RULE Vox Patrol: After the Death Commander i ut b Cards from the Broodmind deck and places all of the models "ed under the Ambush ds anywhere d (due to lack of appropriate models or space) are lost. The three cards are then discarded. Deathwatch Muster Zone Genestealer Ambush Point. Energy Cell Zone CEE a C+ eo Re ke eee ad corpse. The Inquisitor’sservo-skll is till respon COMME a ae er ee Le aed Pere er SRO ae eee ings. Dark words. Senet Cee erat Alllthe more meat for my chainsword! ‘e__ Silence, boy! Suberei, continue. Have you contact? Contact? They are everywhere, spat from e duct and archway! Had you not noticed, observant one

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