program Files/UGS/NX 7.5/MACH/resource/library/machine/ascii/machine - Database - Dat
program Files/UGS/NX 7.5/MACH/resource/library/machine/ascii/machine - Database - Dat
program Files/UGS/NX 7.5/MACH/resource/library/machine/ascii/machine - Database - Dat
the file content will be explained later when we create the example.
Figure: Find the file machine_database.dat to enter the new machine tool into the ASCII library
Up to NX 4 and older versions the additional files which belong to a machine had been placed at different locations in
the NX subdirectories. From NX 5 this policy was changed so that all files which belong to specific machines should be
placed in one subdirectory nearby the main machine prt file.
A sample structure is shown below:
main machine prt file including kinematics
additional geometry files
optional main raw machine file without kinematics
Note: This subdirectory can include several subfolders for several controllers as done for the sample machine tool, but
this is normally not the case for a customer machine tool
Subprograms and cycle in NC code format(e.g. for the tool mount process)
prg files for the fanuc control
user_defined_event (optional if needed)
vnck (optional if needed)
The file CSE_demo_machine.dat is the post configuration file and has to be created by the user. An example is given
Lets make a complete setup for the current machine:
If not already done create empty subdirectories for postprocessor and cse_driver.
Copy the postprocessor related files into that directory.
Identify the machine configuration of your machine tool. In our case it is a BC axis type. Locate the appropriate
machine type in the table of installed machines which are coming with the OOTB NX installation. Here we are
selecting sim06_mill_5ax (Wich has BC configuration too). Copy the fanuc subdirectory (assume we are targeting
a fanuc post and driver) of this machine from the path \installed_machines\sim06_mill_5ax\cse_driver to your local
machine path.
You have to rename the following files to be in sync with the machine definition file. Rename:
sim06_mill_5ax_fanuc_in.MCF CSE_Demo_Machine_tool.MCF
sim06_mill_5ax_fanuc-Main.ini CSE_Demo_Machine_tool-Main.ini
(Make sure not to have other hyphens than before the keyword Main otherwise the ini file will be misinterpreted and
you get an error message.)
The string Main indicates the name of the channel of this INI file. All single channel machine tools installed with NX
use the name Main for this one channel. The name of the channel is stored inside the MCF file.
FanucFamily.ccf and the subprog files remain unchanged.
Create the file CSE_demo_machine_tool.dat using an editor. This file looks as follows:
Figure: Content of the CSE_demo_inch.dat file pointing to the postprocessor and the cse fodler
the machine name as it appears in NX. Any name can be given here
In a new line - The path where to find the driver for the common simulation engine.
Figure: Content of the machine_database.dat file after adding the new machine tool
unique record identifier. It is a common practice to add the controller type and the units to the name.
Short description
CSE Demo|
Path to the configuration file name (it must exactly match the location and name)
Rigidity factor