Notes On Theology
Notes On Theology
Notes On Theology
Ernest A. Ross
1 February 2017
Notes on Chapter 1 of
The College Student's Introduction to Theology
Theology and Its Methods
Jesus asked His disciples a question: Who do people say that I am? (Mark 8:27), Peter
Responded, You are the Messiah. In answering Jesus this way, Peter was expressing his personal
faith, but at the same time making a Theological Statement.
Jesus is teaching us in this passage the importance of what God says over what man says or
thinks, especially when it comes to Theology (personal note).
I. What is Theology?
A. What is Theology? To many, theology can seem abstract and complex because it
encompasses many different voices and concerns. Therefore we must consider the nature
of theology.
B. Definition In order to understand what we mean by theology we have to
understanding of the word in general. The Etymology of the Greek root words theos
(God) and logia (utterances, sayings or oracles) related to logos (word, discourse,
account , reasoning, study or reflection upon), tell us that theology is basically the Study
of God.
Theology concerns itself with our experience of God as a community of faith.
Theology, in the words of St. Anselm (d.1109) is... fides quaerens intellectum,
faith seeking understanding.
It is an effort to understand, interpret the faith experience and express it
linguistically and symbolically.
Theology requires faith which mediates an awareness of God.
Ross 2
Theology according to Catholic Theologian Karl Rahner is... the scientific and
systematic reflection of the Church upon it's faith.
Theology is a science as well as a work of the Church.