Unit 51
Unit 51
Unit 51
Human Resource Management: Human resource management is the
process of managing the human resources of an organization in tune with the
vision of the top management.
Personnel Management: Defines personnel management as the planning,
organizing, and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation,
integration and maintenance of people for the purpose of contributing to the
organizational goals.
Personal management versus Human resource management:
1. Personnel management function is often viewed as a function of the
specialized staff.
Human resource management function is the responsibility of all the
line managers in the organization.
2. Personnel management goal is employee orientation
Human resource management goal is organization orientation
3. Personnel management managerial function
Human resource management operative function
4. Personnel management cooperative level manager concern
Human resource management top level manager concern.
Personnel Management and Industrial Relations:
The word personnel management is popular with different names, such
as staff management, labour management, manpower management,
industrial relations and modern times as human resources management.
Industrial relations refer to the relation between the employees and
Features in Personnel Management:
1. Personnel management is concerned with managing people at all level
in the organization
2. It is concerned with employees both as individuals and as a group
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Operative Functions:
Procurement of personnel: It deal with determination of man power
requirement, their recruitment, selection, placement and orientation
Development of personnel: After personnel have been obtained, they must to
some degree be developed before going to work. Development has to do
with the increase of skill, through training that is necessary for proper job
Compensation of personnel: Compensation means, determination of
adequate and equitable remuneration of personnel for their contribution to
organization objectives.
Record keeping: In this system personnel manager collets and maintain
information which is concerned with the staff of the organization
Personnel planning and evaluation: Under this system different types of
activities are evaluated such as evaluation of performances personnel policy
of an organization and its practices, personnel audit, moral survey and
performance appraisal etc.
Personnel research and audit: This function is concerned with the research in
motivational techniques and auditing.
Job Analysis: Job analysis can be defined as the process of identifying the
tasks comprising a particular job to assess whether they could be organized
in a productive manner. This will identify the main features of the job, the
major tasks undertaken, the results to be achieved, and how one job is
related to the other jobs in the organizational hierarchy. The product of job
analysis is job description.
Job Description: Job description is an accurate and concise description of
(a) the overall purposes of the job (b) the principal duties of the person doing
this job. The job description emphasizes the job requirements. Clear job
description constitutes the basis for advertising the vacancy positions and for
drawing up job specifications. Once individuals are selected to the posts, job
description allows them to know exactly what their roles are and what is
expected of them.
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Job Specification
Job specification identifies the requirements on the part of the person to
perform the given job. It provides the interviewer an understanding of the job
and helps him to assess the qualities necessary for its performance to an
acceptable standard, at the time of interview. This helps him to compare the
performance of candidates objectively and to eliminate unsuitable candidates.
Manpower Planning: It is the scientific process of evolving the right quantity
of right men to be required in future at right time on the right job.
Definition: Manpower planning may be defined as a rational method of
assessing the requirements of human resources at different levels in the
organization. It ends with proposals for recruitment, retention, or even
dismissal, where necessary.
Objectives of Manpower Planning:
1. Making correct estimate of manpower requirement
2. Managing the manpower according to the need of enterprises
3. Helps in recruitment and selection
4. Maintaining production level
5. Making employees development programme effecting
6. Establishing industrial peace
7. Reduction in labour costs
8. Minimization of labour costs.
Recruitment: Applications are invited at this stage for further scrutiny and
short listing. Before advertising for the position, it common to check up of the
position could be filled in internally.
Selection: The process of identifying the most suitable persons for the
organization is called selection. Selection is also called a negative function
because at a stage the applications are screened and short-listed based on
the selection criteria. The main purpose of selection is to choose the right
person for the right job. The job analysis, job description, and job
specifications are carried out before the position is advertised. These provide
adequate insight about nature of the job, its description, and its specifications,
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and further focus on what type of person is to be selected for a given position.
These simplify the process of selection.
Selection process involves the following stages:
1. Initial screening/Short listing
2. Comprehensive application/bio data screening
3. Aptitude or written rests
4. Group discussion
5. Personal interviews
6. Group discussion
7. Personal interviews
8. Medical examination
9. Employment offer letter
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4) Apprentice training: Those who are selected to work in the shop floor are
trained as apprentices in the factory for a brief period ranging from three
months to one year, depending upon the complexity of the training. Those
who show good progress in this training are likely to be absorbed in the same
organization. Those who complete apprentice training are likely to get good
jobs outside also.
B) Off-the-job training methods: provide a relatively broad idea relating to a
given job or task. These are meant for developing an understanding of
general principles, providing background knowledge, or generating an
awareness of comparative ideas and practice. These methods include:
1) Lectures/talks and class room instructions: These techniques are designed
to communicate specific interpersonal, technical, or problem-solving skills.
Here, the trainer can maintain a tight control over learning. However, this
method restricts the trainee's freedom to develop his/her own approaches to
2) Conferences: Conferences refer to get-together of the experts from
different areas of a given topic. These experts present their views based on
their work experience and research results. When employees participate in
such events they get a feel of the real world. They may also get motivated to
perform better.
3) Seminars: Seminars are held periodically by the professional organisations
for the benefit of all the practicing managers by taking into consideration the
recent advances in a specialized area. Participation in such seminars enables
the executives to get exposed to the recent developments in the area of their
4) Team discussions: This technique develops team spirit among the
executives from different departments. It also enables them to understand
and appreciate each other's problems. It reinforces a feeling of unity among
those who work towards common goals.
5) Case study: This is a predominant technique followed even in premier
management institutes. This technique helps to provide an understanding of
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what has gone wrong in a particular case, such as Delhi Cloth Mills (DCM).
Similarly, what are the factors responsible for the success of organizations
such as Reliance or Hindustan Lever. Case study technique is a very good
method of learning the principles and concepts. However, this method has
one weakness. The circumstances you are likely to face in your life may be
very different from the cases you have analyzed earlier! Case studies help to
enhance the analytical & decision making skills.
6) Role-playing: The participants are assigned roles and are asked to react to
one another, as they would do in their managerial jobs. These roles are
eventually exchanged. In other words, each participant will get a turn to play
all the roles. For instance, the role-playing in a grievance-handling situation
involves two players: In the first step, the worker presents his grievance to the
personnel manager. In the second step, the worker plays the role of the
personnel manager while the personnel manager plays the role of the worker.
Role-playing allows participants to understand problems of each other. It
enhances the interpersonal-handling skills.
7) Programmed instruction: It is a system of instruction within which pre-
established subject matter is broken into small, discrete steps and carefully
organized into logical sequence in which, it can be learned by the trainee.
Each step is built upon the previous one. The programmed instruction
techniques can be in the form of programmed tests and manuals, or video
displays. For instance, withdrawal of money through automatic teller
machines (ATMs) involves responding to programmed instructions; working
on a personal computer or internet involves responding to a series of
programmed instructions.
8) Simulation exercises: These include interactive exercises in which trainees
practice their skills on working models or in mock situations based on real-life
9) Group decision-making: Group decision-making refers to the process of
making decisions based on the opinions expressed by all the concerned
may be subordinates, peers, or outside consultants. The manager thus
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ensures that more people are involved in taking decisions. Each member of
the group will accept the responsibility for the decisions made as he is a party
to it. This method facilitates to generate more alternative solutions to a given
problem because more people are involved in the thinking exercise. This
facilitates coordination among the groups also.
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