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Ansys PDF
Ansys PDF
of Masonry Prisms
A thesis submitted
the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
in partial fulfillment of
the requirement for the degree of
Master of Engineering
Carleton University
Ottawa, Ontario
August 18,1999
@ copyright
1999, Felix Ip
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Two important elements in structural engineering are the strength and the
stiffness of the structure. In masonry, the primary components are, first of all, strong
and stiff masonry units, and secondly, the relative weak and "soft" mortar.
over 100 MPa in North America, and the standard compressive strength of the mortar
When these two components are put together to form structural eiements, the
overall strength and modulus are two pieces of important data that are needed by
engineers to design for the strength and deformation of the structure properly.
studies and laboratory testing. The computer simulation was designed to study the
behaviour of the masonry model with respect to the strength and modulus of elasticity
using data obtained from the Phase 1 testing program. Parametric analysis of the
mode1 behaviour was also conducted to examine the effects of different input
combinations of different strengths masonry units and mortar mixes. The testing
program was designed to study high and low strength masonry units in combination
with two strength extremes of mortar mixes. 'his thesis studied the envelope of this
range of high strength unithigh strength mortar, high strength unitllow strength
rnortar? low strength unithigh strength mortar and low strength unit/low strength
mortar combinations.
The test results were compared with other recent published test results and
Canadian Standards.
The findings of this testing program clearly demonstrate the need for a better
for the deformation of mortar joints within a masonry prism assemblage. The
properties of the mortar are changed due to the moisture absorption by the unit, and
this change alone is significant enougn to alter al1 the properties of the mortar when
compared with the non-absorptive specimens prepared for standard mortar testing.
Measuring rnethods using strain gauges across the mortar joints are unreliable due to
the physical size of the strain gauges in comparison to the joint itself.
The author wishes to express his deepest gratitude and appreciation to his
supervisor Professor G. T. Suter for his guidance and teaching throughout the entire
research and reporting program- The author also wishes to extend his gratitude to
Professor S. Kennedy for his guidance and cooperation in reviewing and helping to
The author also wishes to express his sincere appreciation towards Mr. K.
McMartin and his staff for their assistance in the laboratory testing phase of the
The author further expresses his appreciation to the Department of Civil and
for the duration of this Master's Program, and to the National Research Council for
the generous support at the early stage of the laboratory testing program.
The author especially wishes to express his heartfelt appreciation to his loving
wife, and his children for their unconditional love, encouragement, and support
Materials used in final test p r o g m Phase II .......................................................... 143
REFERENCES .................................................................................146
List of tables
Table B 1 Mortar mix proportions for Phase II test program ...................... 143
List of figures
Fig. 9 Principal stress plot to identify the directions of the stresses only ..............37
Fig . 20 Enlarged portion showing the deformation at monar joint interface ...........59
Fig. 2 1 Principal stresses of elements showing the tensile stress of the masonry
unit near the joint interface ......................................................................... 60
Fig. 23 X-axis stress contour with Poisson's ratio of masonry unit being 0.20 .......65
Fig. 24 X-axis stress contour with Poisson's ratio of masonry unit being 0.10 .......66
Fig. 25 X - a i s stress contour with Poisson's ratio of mortar being 0.10 ..................68
Fig. 26 X-axis stress contour with Poisson's ratio of mortar being 0.20 ..................69
Fig. 32 Stress-strain relationship of 11218 mortar for 100 mm cube specimen ........83
Fig. 34 Stress-strain relationship of 110.2513 mortar for 100 mm cube specimen ...82
Fig. 35 Stress-strain curves of Ohio stone on top and bottom fibre of the simply
supported beam specimen ............................................................................ 86
Fig. 37 Stress-strain relationships of Ohio stone pnsm with 110.23/3 mortar .........89
Fig.46 Stress-strain curves for flagstone prisms with strong mortar ..................... 1 17
Fig. 47 Stress-strain curves for flagstone prisrns with weak mortar ...................... 117
Fig. 48 Stress-strain curves of brick prisms with strong mortar ............................ 1 18.
Fig. 49 Stress-strain curves of brick prisms with weak rnortar ....................-......... 118
List of Photographs
Phcto 1 Typical mounting of strain gauge using epoxy glue on the unit ..............27
Photo 5 Typical failure plane on the specimen as expected in split-tensile test ...32
Photo 12 Photograph showing the mortar mix was dry-rnixed thoroughly before
water was added ....................................................................................... 99
Photo 16 Typical arrangement of LVDTs mounted on the special frames ........... 105
Coefficient matrix.
Tangent manix.
MegaPascal (N/mm2).
GigaPascal(1O' ~ / m r n ~ ) .
1 Introduction
Two important pieces of data in any structural element are the strength and the
are the compressive strength, f ,' and modulus of elasticity, E,, of the element. The
Full size testing can be done to obtain these data, however, full size testing
programs are typically too expensive to be conducted, and in some cases, impractical
because of other limitations. Pnsms testing in the p s t has been proven to be cost-
effective and to provide some measure of correlation with full size testing. The
relatively high. They are usually of the order of 60 MPa and up, but the strength of
the mortar, on the other hand, is very low. Typical compressive strengths of Type "S"
or Type "N" mortars are about 12.5 MPa and 9.5 MPa respectively according to
Canadian standards. The modulus of elasticity of masonry units is also relatively high
when compared with the rnodulus of elasticity of typical mortar that is used in the
structure. When a typical masonry element is built, the masons combine the masonry
units with mortar to form that structural element. When these two different materials
with vastly different properties are combined to form the structural element, the
curves of masonry unit, mortar and the pt-isrn assemblage made of these hvo
describe the small element constructed with several masonry units and mortar in stack
strain curve is defined as the initial modulus OP elasticity of that particular material or
prism. When these two materials are combined together, one wvould nomally expect
the stress-strain curve of the pnsm to lie somewhere between the two b o u n d q
Behuviotcr and ~ e s i g din detail. The question is where would the stress-strain curve
of the prism assemblage lie for any given set of masonry unit and mortar combination.
easily measured and tested, the properties of the mortar within the structural element
are quite different from the results obtained by testing the standard mortar cube
compressive strength and the modulus of elasticity of the prism assemblages using
different combinations of high and low strength of masonry units and relatively high
In actual structures, many more aspects are just as important for the durability
cycles in the Canadian climate, bond strength of the mortars, creep and so on are also
critical to the overall performance of the structure. However. they are beyond the
outlines some of the recent published results by other researchers), there are many
variables that need to be pre-deterrnined before actual testing could take place.
Therefore the research program was split into the foflowing tluee different stages:
3. Final laboratory testing to determine the strength and the modulus of elasticity
of masonry prisms.
Unlike ready-mixed concrete which is plant mixed and therefore usually quite
reliable and consistent in terms of its slump, air content, compressive strength, and
other properties throughout a project, mortar for masonry work is usually site rnixed,
and in many smali projects even hand-mixed in a wheelbarrow; its properties are
watedbinder ratio when both Portland cernent and hydrated lime are used as the
binding materiais, is only one of the variables that would affect the strength and
modulus of elasticity of the mortar. The watedbinder ratio is defined as the ratio
between the weight of water to the total weight of cernent and lime. The labourer
hand-mixes the mortar and adds variable amounts of water to the mortar mix based on
his experience and the amount of moisture present in the sand. The mason adds
brands of cernent or lime on the same job, or different batches of bulk sand with
different moisture content; al1 this contributes to the variability of the mortar strength
and its modulus of elasticity. Even storing the bulk sand on site without proper
protection against the weather elements would seriously affect the moisture content of
mortar increases with an increase in cernent content and decreases with an increase of
mortar compressive strength. The amount of the reduction in strength depends on the
amount of water added and the time between mixing and retempering. It is this
variability of mortar that may affect the overall performance of the masonry wall or
structural elements. Although this is widely accepted as the norm, there are very few
Therefore, a first preliminary test program was carried out to prepare different
mortar mixes and test their strengths to determine which mixes would be better suited
specimens? and the subsequent compression testing of those mortar specimens, were
al1 carried out at the Montreal Road campus of the National Research Council in
Ottawa, Ontario.
scenarios or properties of the materials, and examine the changes in strength and
modulus of the prism. With the advance of computer technologies, it is both viable
prograrns available with vastly different capacities and b c t i o n s , that the task of
selecting a suitable program was not easy. Some programs can only handle elastic
analysis; some programs can only handle two-dimensional simulations; some limit the
material properties to metals; others have a tedious user interface; and others are just
discussions with faculty members, the final decision was to use the program designed
The simulation, first of all, consisted of the simple circular area and square
area to confirm the stress flow and displacement pattern of split-tensile testing of a
circular mortar cylinder and a cubic specimen of masonry unit. This was done to
confirm that the simulation inputs are representative for preparation of the final
simulation process.
The final process \vas to simulate the behaviour of the masonry prism
The final test program was to test suitable prism assemblages with different
combinations of masonry units and mortars. The task included the selection of
suitable low and high strength masonry uni& to match with the appropriate sofi and
strong mortars. These different combinations would give good upper and lower
boundaries of the possible spectrum of strengths and moduli of elasticity of the prism
The final testing program itself was further divided into two stages. Stage 1
included testing different prisms using very high and low strength mortars with the
same masonry units, and mounting sufficient strain gauges for strain measurement
during compressive testing. The properties of the masonry units and mortars were
also separately tested. The data recorded were used to determine which mortar and
masoruy units were to be used in the second stage of the final test program.
Stage II of the final test program included building and testing five prisms for
each combination of different masonry units and mortars. These combinations were
high strength mortar with high strength unit, high strength mortar with low strength
unit, low strength mortar with high strength unit, and finally low strength mortar with
low strength unit. Different masonry units were considered to arrive at the final
seiection of hvo units. Over 20 different mortar mixes were tested to finally choose
cornputer simulation is becoming more and more usehl to researchen. J.G. ~ o t s - '
and many others started to use "finite element analysis" prograrns to simulate the
compare the effect on masonry prisms using the modulus of elasticity of mortar and a
very low modulus neoprene material in-between the masonry units. The author
proposed an estimating formula for the relationship between the vertical stress of the
prism to the horizontal stress in the masonry unit. Unfortunately the author appeared
to have used the basic compressive strength of the mortar as obtained from traditional
non-absorptive mould specimens without taking into account the change in properties
of mortar after moisture was absorbed by the masonry units in the prisms. Although
the author concluded "that the edge effecrs md non-hornogeneozts deformation are
important factors that cannot be ignored in rnasonry materials cliaracterization, " the
author did not quantify such edge effect and switched to reporting other aspects of the
masonry structures.
International Brick and h4asonry Association Conference (IBMAC) that the testing
of the same mortar using different testing methods could yield drastically different
results. They utilised a unique steel loading bnish to virtually eliminate the frictional
effect of regular ngid loading platens. They reported that the compressive strength of
mortars obtained from the traditional testing method must be used carefully as the
conditions the strength of the mortar joints could be as much as four times the
strength obtained from typical traditional cube specirnens tested according to the
German testing standards. This result was obtained by testing rnortar joint specimens
cut out from prism assemblages utilizing the steel wire loading platens to eliminate
the frictional effect of the traditional loading platens. They were one of the very few
who actually reported quantitatively the increase in mortar joint strength compared
S. Stockl, K. Beckhaus and TH. FritscheSwere again arnong the first to report
the characteristics of actual bed joints in test prisms. They concluded that the
modulus of elasticity of the same mortar could Vary as much as ten times depending
on the test method used. The type of test specimen, the production method of the test
specimen, the size of test specimen, and the measurement system were just several
factors affecting the measured results of the rnodulus of elasticity of the same mortar.
They further concl uded that ''anyune onolyzing masonry behuviour for example by
means offnite elemenfs" should take the differences into account to avoid "getting
zm-ealisticcnlczrlation resrdts using wrong material laws.
Australian researchers A. W. Page, and D. S. Brooks6 expressed a similar
prism testing results were compared against the Australian code. They revealed that
when using the Australian code method to estimate the masonry structure's strength
based on the correlation between the compressive strength of masonry unit and mortar
type would typically result in a much lower strength than actual field tested results.
Since the code method of estimation does not reflect the workmanship, site conditions
and other factors, it generally tends to be much more conservative. These researchers
recommended the use of prism testing to accurately reflect the actual workmanship
and the actual materials used at a particular project site. They did not propose,
however, any estimating formula that could be used to estimate the strength or
modulus of elasticity in the event that prism testing is not feasible for that particular
between 0.16 to 0.20 between bedding planes. They used computer 3-D modelling
together with reviewing other previous research results in reaching their conclusion.
They concluded the modulus of elasticity parallel to its bed planes was srnaller than
that perpendicular to its bed planes. This anisotropic nature of masonry structures
makes any estimating process much more complex than a simple empirical formula
could cover.
A. W. Hendry8 also confirmed the seemingly straightfonvard compression test
on a masonry unit was not simple at all. Depending on the rate of loading, capping
material used, and aspect ratio of the testing specimen, the test results wouId Vary. He
consistent "a statistically sign~@cantbut not Imge variation in apparent strength. "
The capping material and its thickness also atiected the strength of the masonry units.
Grinding the testing specimen flat was discussed as an option, however not
recommended due to the inherent nature of the workmanship difficulties and machine
Hendry also noted the tensile strength of a rnasonry unit was best based on a
split-tensile test because of its uniform tensile stress distribution throughout the entire
depth of specimen. He went on to suggest other researchers use the split-tensile test
He further pointed out that the worhanship factor was the most important
factor among any others in masonry structures. Incomplete filling of joints would
phases of the final test prograrn of this thesis. A purpose-made timber jig was
empfoyed in the final test program to ensure a uniform joint thickness of prisms was
The testing method could also significantly affect the test results. R. G.
Drysdale & H. E. won$ suggested that the test prisms should be at least four units
high to avoid the frictional influence of loading platen restraint. The final test prisms
of this thesis were al1 eight units high to allow for the Linear Variable Displacement
L. Binda et. al." concluded that "the use of strain gauges for displacement
detecrion in the case of s m d specimens and sofi materids with high porosiy muy
give unreliable results due to the intience of the glue st%fess. " This is particularly
true for mortar joints regardless of the strength of the mortar. She also concurred with
Stock1 that loading platens consisting of steel bnishes would be the most successful
relating the modulus of brick pnsms to the strength of their components, Le. the
mortar and unit. In their proposed formula, they included the water absorption of the
unit as one of the variables, together with the strengths of the mortar and unit. With
that many factors that could influence the modulus of the prisms, they claimed that
with their proposed formula they could predict the modulus with better accuracy.
They reported an error coefficient of about 26% when compared with the British
Standards and the corresponding Euro-Code. This was, according to the authors, a
drastic improvement from any other currently used estimation methods. Appendix B
highlights the fomulae proposed in their report, and presents the corresponding
estimation of the modulus of elasticity for the materials used in Phase II o f the final
testing program.
3 Preliminary Test Program
3.1 General
were prepared and tested in this prelirninary testing phase of the program. This
preliminary test program was critical in selecting suitable mixes for the final test
program; mortars with different proportions of ingredients were made and tested at
The mortars were prepared with assistance from the National Research
Council (NRC); the mixes were prepared in the mechanical mixer at NRC using white
Type 10 Portland cernent, Type 'S' hydrated lime, and aggregate sand from a local
quarry. While proprietary masonry cements are popular among masons in the
construction industry because of their good workability, they contain different filler
materials that are not listed in the manufacturer's published material data. It is
because of their proprietary secrecy that the true composition o f masonry cements
cannot be identified, and hence this type of cernent was judged unsuitable for the
In order to control the variables for the entire testing program, the materials
used were carefully selected and maintained. Throughout the testing program. Type
within the mortar is inevitable during winter months. For the durability of the mortar
it is important to have a minimum of 8 to 10% air content within the hardened mortar
to allow the moisture to have the space to freeze within the mortar without
for reinforced concrete was added to the trial mixes in an attempt to produce the
and sand aggregate with air-entrainment agent were tested for air content, among
other plastic properties. The measurement of the air content of the rnortar was done
using the portable laboratory air content measuring instrument available at NRC. The
instrument is based on the theory that air volume expands with a reduction of pressure;
not reliable, as different readings were recorded for mortars with exactly the same
proportion of ingredients. The inconsistency of air content in the mortar was first
attributed to the fact that the air-entrainment agent was originally developed for
reinforced concrete rnistures, and the dosage needed for a mortar batch was very
small and therefore very difficult to administer accurately. The second factor that led
to the inconsistent measurement was that the equipment was later found to be
After testing different batches of mortar mixes in the laboratory at NRC and at
one of the repointing projects in Ottawa, the final air-entrainment agent chosen for
this research program was Type 'SA' hydrated lime manufactured by Bondcrete.
This product designation was to signify that the hydrated lime satisfies the Canadian
Standards Association's requirement for Type 'S' hydrated lime with air entrainment
aiready pre-mixed during the manufacturing process of the hydrated lime. This type
'SA' hydrated lime was consistently producing an air content of between 10-1 1 %
throughout the repointing project. The field rneasurement was done with the more
reliable air content measuring instrument made of steel construction for checking air
content in concrete.
study on the properties of pointing mortar. In their study, various air entrainment
agents were used. They reported that using different brands of air entrainment agents
in the mortar mixes or Type 'SA' lime were al1 successful in achieving over 10% air
content consistently when the mixes were fluid enough to have a flow table reading of'
145 to 150%. Although this report was only available after the current testing
program for the thesis had been completed, it did confirm that the use of Type 'SA'
lime was an etrective method to ensure proper air content in ail the mortar mixes used
The aggregate sand used throughout the entire testing program was river sand
ihat was wvell graded with a gradation within the Canadian Standards Association's
The initial trial mixes of mortar ranged from a pure cementlsand mix to a
cement/lime/sand mix. Pure cementhand mixes ranged from a ratio of 1:3 to 1 :7.5 to
obtain the high and low limits of compressive strength, whereas the cementllime/sand
mixes ranged frorn 1:0.25:3 to 1:3:10 to obtain high and low limits. Watedbinder
ratios were recorded after the mixes achieved bedding mortar consistency; they
ranged from 0.9 for high cernent content mixes for the 1:3 cementkand mix or
1:0.25:3 cementAimelsand mix, to 1.25 for high sand content mixes on the other end
of the spectrum. Since the air content is important in regular site work in the
Canadian clirnate, the pure cement/sand mixes were elirninated for the final testing
program due to the inconsistency of air content measurement whm using an air-
entrainment agent. Type 'SA' lime was used throughout the final test program in
order to achieve a consistent air content in the rnortar. Therefore, al1 mortar types
used in the final test program were Portland cement/lime/sand (PCIWS) mixes.
Plastic properties of the mortar mixes were also recorded, although they were
just recorded to ensure that the laboratory mixes werc similar to the actual field mixes
by masons. Each workable mix had a 135% to 160% flow table reading. Air contents
were initially measured with the portable air content measuring instrument at M C ,
but were later concluded to be not reliable as the instrument \vas not functioning
properly at the time of testing. An air meter designed for measuring air-content for
concrete was finally used to measure the air content; it consistently recorded 10 to
A Vicat cone penetration test was also performed for each of the preliminary
trial mixes. The test is a measure of workability of the mortar by measuring the
penetration depth of a conically shaped metal head that was released from the top
surface of the wet mortar in a fixed size container. This test gave some indication of
the workability of the mortar; any mortar mixes that had a cone penetration test result
of less than 20 mm were considered as having poor workability and were therefore
rejected. Mortar specimens obtained from these low workability mixes were also
likely to have visible horizontal separation cracks at half height of the specimen
showing the distinct different lifts during the moulding of the specimens. This clearly
suggested that the standard tempering procedure during moulding was not adequate
Six 50 mm cube specimens were prepared for each rnortar rnix using non-
absorptive moulds. Al1 specimens were moist cured for six days using polyethylene
wrapping which effectiveiy achieved 100% humidity inside the wrapping; this was
followed by one day of laboratory curing at about 50% relative humidity and 20" to
22" C before testing. Al1 compressive testing of mortar cube specimens was done
placed on the specimen, and with al1 specimens rotated 990" to ensure the rough top
surface of the specirnens was not in contact with the loading platens.
The compressive strengths of the mortar ranged from 1.8 MPa for the
1/3/10(PC/L/S) mix to 18.0 MPa for the 1/0.25/3(PC/LIS) mix. The mixes selected
for the final test program were a IB/lO(PC/L/S) rnix for the low strength mortar and a
4.1 General
technologies are becoming increasingly more powerful and readily available. Many
of the commercially available finite element programs can simulate the behaviour of
many civil engineering structures so that a better understanding of the structures can
be achieved without physically testing the full size, or even the reduced model, of the
structure despite the well documented fact that both m a s o q units and mortar
mortar and masonry units with clear boundaries and their individual properties.
first approach offers a general behaviour simulation of the structure and is better
suited for studying large size structures. The second approach offers a better accuracy
element of the structure such as a wall with openings to study the concentration of
stress. The last approach studies the detailed interaction between mortar and masonry
units and is rnost suitable for the current study as it provides the most detailed
Fig. 2 shows the typical prism used in the final test program. It consists of
eight masonry units, together with a compressive fibre material on top and bottom of
the prism to reduce the frictional effect of the platen during loading. No strain gauges
were mounted on the prisms during the final Phase II test program as it was clear
a) The strain gauges mounted on the masonry units of the prisms yielded the
was measured with the strain gauges mounted on the individual units during
b) The srnailest practical size of strain gauge used was 5 mm long with a plastic
mortar joints used in the final Phase II test program were just too small for
of the gauges and the masonry units. Smaller gauges of 2 mm length were
available but not suitable for a porous materials like mortar that might have
For cornputer simulation work, it was not necessary to deal with the entire
prism. Due to symmetry, the simulation only needed to model one-quarter of the
masonry unit and one-eighth of the mortar joint. Fig. 3 shows the cornputer model
Location of measuring
point using LVDT's
Location of measuring
point using LVDT's
Reaction Table
Using the ANSYS finite element program, the basic properties of the masomy
unit and the mortar were entered into the program. The basic properties for the
rnasonry unit for the purpose of computer simulation were defined as compressive
strength, modulus of elasticity, modulus of rupture, and Poisson's ratio. Several other
properties might affect the actual site condition, but were not essential in the
cornputer simulation; some of these are the rate of absorption, the moisture content,
and size of pores within the units. Although these factors may affect the properties of
the prism assemblages at actual job sites, they were not critical in the computer
simulation simply because the computer program did not have the capability to
compressive testing of 50 mm cubes in the case of a Stone unit, and half bricks of
different units in the case of brick units. The moduli of elasticity of the units were
and also on some masonry prisms to confirm the results from the compressive testing
in the Phase 1 of the final testing. A third set of strain gauges was mounted on the
small beam specimen for the modulus of rupture test in Phase 1 of the final testing
program to confirm the modulus of the masonry unit. Photo 1 shows a typical strain
gauge mounting with epoxy compound on the surface of the beam specimen. Photo 2
two different methods. The first method was using a two-point loading on simply
was split-tensile testing using a line load across the top of the specimen of a 50 mm
beam specimen and Photo 3 shows the actual testing arrangement of the beam
gauge mounred at the top fibre of the specirnen that lies between the two loading
points. Photo 5 shows the failure plane of the specimen after failure; a clean failure
plane was to be expected for ail t e n d e stress failures of the beam specimen.
masonry unit and Photo 6 shows the actual failed specimen after testing. In order to
verify the computer modeling procedures, a simple model of the spiit-tensile test was
used in the finite element analysis program to check against the known theoretical
concept. Fig. 6 is the finite element computer simulation of the split-tensile test
model. The loading was in the Y-direction with a negative value as indicated by the
downward arrow, and the model was restrained at the centre of the area at the bottom
as indicated by the chevrons. The stress contour was plotted in Fig. 7 as the intensity
of the stress in the X-direction; Fig. 8 plots the principal stresses of each
Fig. 9 Principal stress plot to identify the directions of the stresses only.
element centroid. This plot shows the magnitude of the stresses in proportion to the
intensity of the stress, that is the longer the arrow, the higher the stresses. The
direction of the arrow pain also indicates whether the element is in compression or
tension. The arrows pointing towards the centroid are the compression stresses and
those pointing away from the centroid are the tensile stresses experienced by that
element. This plot demonstrates the tensile stresses experienced in the X-direction
when the downward loading is applied in the middle of the area. For clarity, the same
principal stress is re-plotted in Fig. 9 using the same length of arrows to show the
The property that was not actually obtained by tests was the Poisson's ratio; it
elasticity and Poisson's ratio. The modulus of npture of the mortar was not
considered essential as the failure rnechanism of the prisms was always initiated by
the splitting of the masonry units, whereas the mortar joints were still under a tri-axial
compression state' just prior to the failure of the prism. Fig. 10 shows the schematic
mortar. As the prism was subjected to uni-axial vertical loading, the mortar would
attempt to expand laterally because of the Poisson's effect, however, the masonry unit
did not expand at the same rate due to its much higher modulus of elasticity.
Therefore, if good bonding was achieved at the bed joints between the masonry units
and mortar, the masonry units were restricting the lateral expansion of the mortar.
was applied.
The reverse was true. however, for the masonry units; the lateral expansion of
the mortar acted as the tensile forces on the masonry units, thus the masonry unit was
undergoing a uni-axial compressive and bi-axial tensile stress state. The net result
was the pnsm would fail by the tensile splitting of the masonry units once the units
exceeded their modulus of rupture. This applied loading would then be considered as
- - - . - a - . - . -
0 -
rnoulds as shown in Photo 7. The modulus of elasticity of the mortar was also
determined by strain gauges mounted both on cube specimens and on joints of prisms
The compressive strengths of masonry uni& and mortars are two of the most
tested properties for typical projects simply because the specimens are reiatively easy
and inexpensive to prepare when compared with testing for other properties. Most
research laboratories.
Other properties, however, are seldom tested, because they are either very
espensive to carry out or often very unreliable. The preparation work for testing
using strain gauges is both expensive and, at times, erroneous if the gauges are not
prepared properly. Before the strain gauge can be mounted on the specimen, the
surface of the base material must be sanded, thoroughly cleaned, and treated with
epoxy resin to fifi the voids on the surface. The strain gauge must then be carefully
applied on the surface of the epoxy resin under specific manufacture's instructions.
The data transrnitting wiring is then soldered ont0 the conducting terminals before the
cornputer. The strain gauge will simply give erroneous result if any one, or any
possible area of concern is that the epoxy resin fills the voids of the base material and
Only a quarter of the masoxuy unit and one-eighth of the mortar joint were
CO-ordinatesof the corners for the masonry unit and the mortar were entered into the
computer to form two comecting solid volumes. The volume representing the mortar
was fitted with elements that had the properties of rnortar. The volume representing
the masonry unit was hirther divided into two regions. Al1 these two regions were
fitted with elements that had the same properties of the masonry unit. The volume
closer to the mortar, however, was fitted with smaller elements, and the volume
further away from the mortar was fitted with larger elements. This would provide
better computation accuracy near the mortadunit interface plane. Fig. 11 indicates the
three regions of the computer model represented by the three different volumes. Fig.
Each type of elements was defined with its own properties in terms of its
relationships were al1 multi-linear approximations. Fig. 13 shows one of the multi-
symmetry for the simulation. The appiied Ioading was on the top surface of the
shows the direction of loading pressure indicated by the downward arrows and the
mode1 failed due to non-convergence of differential equations. The final loading was
then funher sub-divided into 0.1 MPa increments to obtain the failure pressure to the
nearest 0.1 MPa. This compressive loading would then be defined as the ultimate
strength of the prism in the computer model. Since the elements defined in the
stress), the matrix equations would fail to converge and this signaled the program to
Fig. 16 shows typical displacement vectors of the elements in the mode1 under
compressive loading from the Y-direction. The results are discussed in later chapters.
In order to study the effect on the failure strength of the model due to changes
in properties of different individual components, the input variables were changed and
the failure pressures recorded. These changes were carried out systematically one
variable at a time.
ANSYS 5 . 3
AUG 12 19:
O9:36: 1 3
S U B =40
MAX=. 0 2 7 1 ~
. ~ b 336
~ - 3 ) -
.G C 0 7 3 i
- v3:='7
set of simultaneous equations to equate the interna1 forces with the extemal applied
This set of equations would be correct if the matrixes are al1 linear. However,
if the simulation were to be non-linear, this simple matrix solution would give rise to
Fig. 17(a) shows the relationship of the assumed true response and the
shortcoming of straight simulation and Fig. 17(b) shows the general schematic of the
iteration process.
true response
-- --.. -
. .- ..-. .- . - . - - ..
- - -,
(b) Newton-Raphson Iterative Solution
then the original matrix equations become non-linear equations. The Newton-
Raphson method is an iterative process of solving the non-linear equations and can be
written as:
and the term IF')- {F,"} represents the residual vector or sornetirnes referred to as the
out-of-balance load vector. This is the amount of out-of-equilibrium from the system.
In this case, [KT]represents the tangent of the stiffness matrix, { is the
restoring force matrix calculated frorn the element matrix, and { u i ) is the
displacement matrix of the system. As seen from the graph, the tangent solution does
not represent the actual response, and therefore an iteration process is necessary for
the solution to converge. The solution obtained at the end o f each iteration process
represents the load level { F U } .The final converged solution would be in equilibrium,
and in such case, the restoring load vector {F;"'}computed frorn the current stress state
would equal the applied load vector {F"} within the acceptable toIerance.
program would go through al1 the intermediate steps until convergence is reached for
each load step. Since rnasonry prisms typically behave in a non-linear manner, this
method is necessary for accurate simulations. The convergence criterion was set at
1o - ~a, relative small value in order to ensure the computation error did not exceed the
simulation errors.
The computer model was to simulate the behaviour of the rnasonry prism
under vertical compressive loading until faiture. Fig. 19 shows the displacement
nodes of the elements in the model as simulated using the ANSYS finite element
analysis program. It shows the displacement of the nodes of the elements is changing
gradually from the vertical negative Y-direction near the top to the lateral direction
n e z the horizontal X-Z plane. Fig. 20 shows the enlarged portion of the deformation
of the mode1 at the joint interface. The negative Y-direction (downward) pressure
causes the vertical dimension to decrease? and this deformation is directly related to
the strain measurernent. At the same time, the Poisson's effect causes the X- and the
modulus of elasticity of the elements; that is, the elements with a lower modulus of
elasticity would expand laterally more than the those with a higher modulus of
Fig. 21 shows the directions of the principal stresses of each element at its
centroid. Each element has three pairs of arrows representing its three principal
stresses. The arrows pointing away from the centroid of the element represent the
tensile stresses, whereas those arrows pointing towards the centroid of the element
would indicate compressive stresses. Fig. 22 shows the same plot of principal
stresses except the magnitude of the stresses are scaled, in other words, the higher the
stresses, the longer the line benveen the arrows, and vice versa.
From these plots it is clear that those elements near the masonry unit/mortar
interface but inside the mortar have al1 three principal stresses pointing to their
principal directions. This matches exactly the theory of the equivalent tri-axial
The elements just above the unit/mortar interface representing the masonry
units al1 show compressive stresses in the Y-direction parallel to the loading.
However, for the ones near the symmetry planes of the masonry unit, arrows are
pointing away from the centroid of the elements indicating tensile stresses are present
in the hvo principal stresses perpendicular to the loading pressure. When the tensile
stress in these elements exceeds the input criterion of the modulus of rupture, the
elements in the simulation would "crack" and the simulation would stop due to non-
convergence of the triangular matrix. This clearly explains the laboratory observation
that the failure mode of prisms is always the splitting of the masonry units and not the
.. - t / s . t;.
ANSYS 5 - 3
SEP 9 1998
SUB =40
u m
D m =,O27165
SLZX =,O27165
following three conditions: it depends on the modulus of rupture of the masonry unit,
the compressive strength of the masonry unit and of the mortar. The computer mode1
would indicate prism failure when the integration points on the elements do not
b) the tensile stress of the elements exceeds the input value for the modulus of
rupture of the masonry unit. This usually occurred just above the
unithortar interface.
absorbent specimens, the simulation result will produce a non-convergent result once
the compressive stress of the mortar reaches the input compressive strength data.
This occurs because the computer program interprets this compressive stress as the
of the nodes. The program will indicate locaI failure of the mortar, and will halt the
simulation. This will occur once the loading pressure exceeds the compressive
strength of the mortar, even though laboratory testing clearly reports that a much
higher strength can be achieved. As previously stated, earlier research work has
observed that, the failure of a prism is initiated by the splitting of masonry units when
they reach their modulus of rupture stress. The crushing strength of the mortar can be
much higher than that recorded by testing the non-absorptive specimens t'ur two
second, the moisture absorption during setting would increase the mortar strength
phenornenon of splitting of masonry unit could be achieved, with no other data being
available for the effective lateral confining pressure of the mortar, the crushing stress
When the monar tries to expand laterally under vertical loading, and with
good bonding behveen mortar and unit, the net effect is a tensile stress being
developed in the masonry unit at or very close to the joint interface. The computer
testing and the previously reported failure mechanism when the crushing strength of
the mortar is omitted. The result is that the simulation will stop only when the tensile
stress of the elements representing the masonry unit exceeds its pre-determined
modulus of rupture.
ultimate strengths of the prisms that are not norrnally tested in laboratory, different
simulations using different constants were conducted and the results were anaiyzed.
The possible parameters that can be changed are Poisson's ratio of masonry unit,
Poisson's ratio of mortar, the modulus of elasticity of masonry unit, and the modulus
of elasticity of mortar.
Poisson's ratio of the masonry unit and the mortar is a piece of data that is not
normally tested for and reported in traditional compressive testing, but is important in
computer simulation as it influences the lateral expansion of the masonry unit and the
mortar under compressive loading. Based on previous research results, the initial
Poisson's ratios were chosen as 0.15'' for both masonry units and mortar.
Fig. 23 shows the maximum tensile stress of the rnasonry elements near the
interface was 1.9 MPa as indicated in the red zones of the plot, with Poisson's ratio of
masonry unit being set at 0.20. Fig. 24 shows the maximum tensile stress of the
masonry elements was 2.7 MPa, with every other parameter being constant but
Poisson's ratio of the masonry unit changed to O. 10. These simulations indicated that
when Poisson's ratio of the masonry unit was reduced, the tensile stress of the
elements in the masonry unit, in the horizontal directions, increased. When the prism
is subjected to vertical loading, the masonry units and the mortar will expand laterally
at different rates due to their different moduli of elasticity even if their Poisson's
ratios are the same. Therefore, if Poisson's ratio of the masonry unit is reduced, the
Fig. 24 X-axis stress contour with Poisson's ratio of masonry unit being 0.10.
This ultimately reduces the compressive strength of the pnsm as the tensile stresses in
the masonry would reach the modulus of rupture at a much faster rate.
Fig. 25 shows the tensile stress near the mortadrnasonry unit interface with
Poisson's ratio of the mortar being 0.10. Fig. 26 shows the same interface with
Poisson's ratio of the rnortar increased to 0.20. The X-mis stress plots fiom the two
different simulations revealed the tensile stress in the masonry unit increased from 1.0
M'Pa to 3.8 MPa just by changing the value in Poisson's ratio of mortar. This is just
the reverse of the previous parameter. As Poisson's ratio of the mortar increases, so
does the difference in the lateral expansions of the mortar and the masonry units.
This increase of the difference causes the increase of the tensile stress in the masonry
It can be concluded that the higher the difference of Poisson's ratios between
the masonry unit and the mortar, the faster the prism would fail. This result is
important as this relationship would explain one aspect that contributes to the
masonry unit or mortar simply does not reflect variations of Poisson's ratio of the unit.
Without the proper material data, the commonly obtained data of the compressive
strengths of masonry unit and rnortar are insufficient to understand the complete
Fig. 26 X-axis stress contour with Poisson's ratio of mortar being 0.20.
6.2.2 Change in Modulus of Elasticity
The effect of changes in Young's modulus of the masonry unit was exarnined
next. The result showed that the higher the Young's modulus of unit, the higher the
tensile stress in the unit along the interface. Fig. 27 shows the plot of the nodal stress
in the X-a.xis for rnodulus of unit being set at 54 500 MPa, and Fig. 28 shows the
corresponding plot when the modulus of unit was set at LOO 000 MPa. With the lower
modulus of elasticity, the tensile stress was only 0.17 MPa, while the higher modulus
elasticity caused the tensile stress to increase to 2.4 MPa. The reverse is tme for
modulus of mortar. The simulation revealed the higher the Young's modulus of
mortar, the lower the tensile stress in the Stone along the interface. It appears that the
relative difference between the masonry unit and the mortar caused the increase or
decrease in the tensile stress in the masonry unit. The higher the relative difference,
interface of the mortar and the unit was the key investigation area. The principal
tension in the masonry just above the joint interface. A test prograrn to investigate the
relationship of the modulus of elasticity of the prism and across the mortar section
Since there was an other research program being canied out with Ohio stone at
the National Research Council W C ) , it was decided to use the same Ohio stone to
compare with their findings. Ohio stone is a type of sandstone used quite frequently
in the Ottawa area. This sandstone exhibits a fairly homogeneous behaviour within
the stone units compared with limestone which is more layered and therefore behalves
quite differently in orthogonal directions. The size of Ohio stone unit was chosen
such that both strain gauges and DEMEC points could be mounted o n the stone
surface to obtain Young's modulus of the stone. The recorded value can then be used
to compare with values obtained from other different measuring methods, as well as
with NRC's value. Fig. 29 shows the arrangement of the prisms for the phase 1 of the
gauge in
transverse direction
The size of the Stone unit was 100 mm x 100 mm x 80 mm; IO-mm length
strain gauges were mounted on opposite faces of the unit. Furthemore, two DEMEC
discs were mounted at 50 mm spacing, also on opposite faces of the same unit, for
direct strain rneasurements using a 50 mm DEMEC gauge. Strain gauge data were
recorded during compressive testing along with its associated loading, with the on-
line data recording computer connected to the compression testing machine. At the
sarne time, the 50 mm DEMEC gauge was used to obtain strains at varies stress levels.
These two sets of strain measurements were compared against each other, as well as
The thickness of mortar joints was chosen as 20 mm to allow for the mounting
of strain gauges across the mortar joints. This relatively thick joint was needed for
the installation of suitable size strain gauges directly on the mortar joints without
interference of the masonry units; 5-mm length gauges with 10 mm base plastic
mounting plates were used throughout. This allowed the strain gauges to have a
minimum 2 to 3 mm spacing between the ends of the strain gauge bases and the
unitlmortar joint interfaces of the prisms. Another pair of strain gauges were mounted
in the transverse direction at the centre of the mortar joint to record the strain in the
Two different strengths of mortar, one with extremely high strength of 25.5
MPa and the other with relatively low strength o f 5.3 MPa, were selected in this
Phase 1 test program. The mortar mix proportions were obtained from earlier test
results: the high strength mortar of 25.5 MPa was achieved with the mix of 1/0.25/3
(PC/L/S), representing 1 part o f white Portland cernent, 0.25 part of Typs 'S' hydrated
lime and 3 parts of sand, while the low strength mortar of 5.3 MPa was achieved with
a 1/2/8 (PC/L/S) mixture. The mortar mixes and the prisms were prepared and
then wrapped with plastic for moist curing for 7 days, and laboratory condition curing
for another 21 days before the fint compressive testing sequence. The laboratory
Instead of loading the prisms to its ultimate strength and failure, these prisms
the preliminary data supplied by NRC. The prisms were unloaded prior to repeating
applied at a rate of 0.05 k N per second but halted at every 1.5 kN interval for the 50
mm DEMEC measurements across the mortar joints and on the Stone to be taken. A
200 mm DEMEC measurement for the overall strain of the prisms was also recorded
vertical and horizontal directions on the prisms to obtain the stress-strain relationships,
and the approximate value of Poisson's ratio of the mortar. Photo L 1 shows the prism
assemblage with al1 the strain gauges connected into the data-recording computer.
The properties of Ohio stone were measured using different testing methods
and specimen types. The first test involved compressive tests on 50 mm cube
specimens with two 10-mm strain gauges mounted o n opposite sides to obtain the
stress-strain relationship and the compressive strength of the stone. The second
points to obtain the modulus of rupture of the stone; 10 mm strain gauges were also
mounted on the top compression fibre and bottom tension fibre to compare the stress-
strain relationship of the stone obtained by other methods. The third test involved
obtained from the beam specimens. The fourth involved the mounting 10 mm strain
gauges on the stone units of the prisms to measure the stress-strain relationship of the
The stress-strain relationships of the mortars are plotted in Figs. 3 1 to 34. The
plots are the average value of the two strain gauges mounted on opposite sides of each
cube specimen and Fig. 32 is the relationship on a 100 mm cube specimen of the
same mortar mix; Fig. 33 shows the stress-strain relationship of the 1/0.25/3 mortar
For the 1/2/8 mortar, the maximum strength of the 50 mm cube specimen was
5.3 MPa and of the 100 mm cube was 4.6 MPa, representing 86% of the 50 mm cube.
This is consistent with previous findings that the size of cube specimens affects the
Strain (x l o J mmlmm)
was 25.5 MPa and of the 100 mm cube specimen 19.7 Mpa, representing 77% of the
50 mm cube strength-
detennined as 58.0 MPa. The modulus of rupture of the Ohio stone was calculated as
2.8 MPa for the two-point simply supported beam testing. This value was in good
agreement with the results from the average value of 2.9 MPa obtained from the split-
tensile tests for three 50 mm cube specimens. Fig. 35 shows the plot of the suess-
Strain (x 10-6mmlmm)
Fig. 35 Stress-strain curves of Ohio stone on top andbottom fibre of the simply
supported bearn specimen.
strain relationship of the stone, recorded by the strain gauges that were mounted on
The initial modulus of elasticity for the Ohio stone was also obtained as 8.0
GPa. The modulus of elasticity was well within other measuring methods used in this
of Ohio stone and rnortars, in addition to the overall relationship for the prisms. Fig.
36 shows the different stress-strain relationships of the prism constructed with the
weak rnortar and Fig. 37 shows the matching stress-strain relationships of the prism
made with strong rnortar. Each figure has three different sets of data representing
The first set, consisting of 50 mm DEMEC data, was used to determine the
modulus of elasticity of the Ohio stone only; six measuring points were averaged to
plot each data point on the curve. The second set, consisting of 50 mm DEMEC data,
was used to determine the modulus of elasticity of the section across the rnortar joints.
Four data points were recorded for the average value used for each point of the plot.
The third set of data was plotted using 200 mm DEMEC data to measure the overall
strain deformation of the prisms; only two measuring points were available for the
-C- MOmm Dcmdc for tbc pnsm
AV for 50mm Drn*r for pnwn
+5 i h m k ~ -
on sconc
- - -
points as shown on the plots in Fig. 36 and Fig. 37, used to compare the modulus of
elasticity of the prisms obtained from the 200 mm DEMEC points. Both curves
confirmed a good match of the initial modulus of elasticity of the prisms between two
different sets of DEMEC data points. It was decided, therefore, in the phase II of the
final test program, only the measurement across the 200 mm length would be needed
These two plots also showed the initial modulus of elasticity of both prisms
were approximately the same regardless of the mortar strengths. Both test results
showed the initial moduli of elasticity of the prisms were in the range of 7 800 MPa.
When compared with the basic modulus of elasticity of the Ohio stone, the initial
modulus of elasticity of the prisms did not appear to be affected by the strength, nor .
Six strain gauges were mounted on each of the prisms to record the modulus of
elasticity of Ohio stone. The average modulus of the stone of these six sets of data
was 8.0 GPa. This was in good agreement with the 2-point load simply supported
beam test, and was also in good agreement with the separate testing carried out by the
National Research Council of Canadal2. This good agreement of results led to the
conclusion that strain gauges could be omitted in phase II of the test program.
Therefore, in phase II of the final test program, the measurement of the modulus of
elasticity for the masonry units would be done with the strain gauges rnounted on the
compressive testing specimens only and no strain gauges would be used on the
Ohio stone as well as the vertical and the transverse directions of rnortar, using the
strain gauge data recorded during the compression testing of the pnsm made with
1/2/8 mortar. The modulus of elasticity of the mortar is interpreted as about 5.5 GPa,
and together with the transverse direction strain data, the value of Poisson's ratio is
calculated as about 0.14; this value is also in good agreement with the value of O. 15
Fig. 39 shows similar plots of the strain gauge data of the Ohio stone prism
made with the U0.2513 mortar. The rnodulus of elasticity of Ohio stone was again
consistent with other tests conducted. However, the modulus of elasticity of the
mortar for this strong mortar was interpreted as 14.0 GPa with Poisson ratio recorded
as approximately 0.14.
The moduli of elasticity of these two different mortars are very different.
Furtherrnore, the values also differ quite significantly from the values obtained from
-- - - - - - - - - -
Vertical strain gauges on Ohio Stone
- - - Vertical ~traingauges on rnortar
--- Horizontal ~traingauges on mortar
- - - - . --
Strain (x 1o - m
~ rnhm)
absorptive specirnens, and in the joints, are always higher than those of the non-
published papers authored by Stockl, Biewirth, and Kupfer4, and Stockl, Beckhaus
and ~ritsche'. They reported that not only the compressive strength measured in the
actual mortar joints can be four times that of the strength obtained from regular non-
absorptive specimens, the modulus of elasticity of the same mortar can differ up to
strength of the mortar joint; in this they have accounted for the effect of the water
absorption process of' the brick unit, and of the friction on the ngid loading platen.
However, they still have not proposed any formula for estirnating the effective lateral
After the results of the phase 1 test data had been reviewed, it was decided that
the range of the mortar strengths should be 2.0 MPa for the fow-end, and about 15
MPa for the high-end strength. These values are closely related to the Type "O"
rnortar for the low strength and Type "MWmonar for the high strength mortar. Type
"K" mortar was not being considered as it would be a purely "lime/sand" mortar mix
and not likely to be representative for modem masoruy work.
Since the low-strength of the masonry unit was to have a low compressive
strength and most sandstones have compressive strengths of 65 MPa and higher, the
decision was made to select a solid restoration style clay brick. Afier searching '
average compressive strength of about 30 MPa. This type of brick was newly
manufactured to the sizes and shapes of older bricks for the restoration of heritage
buildings, hence the name of restoration brick. As a high strength masonry unit of
about 100 MPa, a sandstone flagstone from a nearby quarry from the Province of
Quebec was selected. These two strength levels provided good lower and upper
Further trial mixes of mortar with different compositions were prepared and
tested prior to the final composition being decided. The final mix for the low strength
mortar was 1/3/10 (PC/L/S), with a waterhinder ratio of 1.2. This mix produced an
average of 2.1 MPa compressive strength at 28 days and would be referred as the low
strength mortar. The high strength mix was 1/0.5/4 (PC/L/S), with a waterhinder
ratio of 0.9. This rnix produced an average of 14.4 MPa compressive strength at 28
days and would be referred to as the high strength mortar. As it was not the
controlling factor of failure for the prisms, the modulus of rupture for the mortar was
no longer tested in the phase II program. The mortars were mixed in a wheelbarrow
by a professional mason, who measured the portions of each component into the
wheelbarrow, dry mixed the mixture, and then added the pre-determined amount of
For compati bi lity reasons, the dimensions of the flagstone units were chosen
ensure good quality of cutting, both flagstone and restoration bricks were cut by a
local commercial cutting facility in Ottawa. The final dimensions of the restoration
The mason mixed one batch of mortar at a tirne, using the wheelbarrow
available at the laboratory as shown in Photo 12. Both the fiagstone prisms and the
restoration brick prisms were constnicted using the same batch of mortar. The
procedure was then repeiited for the other mortar. Six prisms for each combination
The prisms were eight units high, with standard 10 mm joint thickness. In
order to ensure good quality of workmanship, the same professional mason who
prepared the mortar was retained to constmct these prisms. A jig marked with the
height of each unit was used throughout the construction of prisms to ensure
uniformity of the joints. Fig. 40 shows the typical arrangement of prisrns while
Photos 13 and 14 show typical prism construction of flagstone and restoration bricks.
Photo 15 is a close-up view of several joints of the flagstone prism to show the
moisture being drawn fiom the mortar into the flagstone. This moisture absorption
process enhances bonding benveen the mortar and the masonry units. However, this
same process also alters the properties of the mortar in the prism assemblages.
The prisms were then stored in the laboratory wrapped in plastic for 7 days of
moist curing, and then under laboratory conditions of about 20" C and 30 to 50
One prism from each combination was trial tested on the Wh day after
information was used to predict the final failure load of each combination of prisms.
The final testing of prisms was carried out on the 28" or 29'hday afier construction.
Since the properties o f the masonry units do not change, but the mortar strength will
increase over time, the prisms with the same mortar mix were tested on the same day.
That is, al1 ive stone prisms with weak mortar and al1 five brick prisms with the same
mortar were tested on the 28" day, and al1 ten prisms with strong monar were tested
on the 2gthday.
The prisms were tested in the 400-kip universal testing machine at the
frames. These metal frames were custom-made by a local tool and die Company to
Fig. 41 shows the schematic arrangement of prisms and the location of LVDTs for the
recording of the stress-strain relationship of the prism, and Photo 16 shows the
mounting frame with the LVDT already in place. The mounting frames were spaced
frames for each prism as shown in Photo 17. Each pnsm was then tested with 12 mm
fibreboard behveen end platens of the testing machine as shown in Photo 18. Each
prism was subjected to the same loading rate of 0.05 kN per second to ensure a
consistent loading rate for each prism. The loading and LVDT displacements were
recorded at every second interval during the testing period of each prism, with the
Location of measuring
point using LVDT's
Location of measuring ,
point using LVDT's
Reaction Table
-Fibre board
Reaction Table
Fig. 41 Schematic arrangement of LVDTs on the test prism for strain measurement.
Photo 16 Typical arrangement of LVDTs mounted on the special frames.
Photo 17 Fixed length timber spacers are used to ensure constant LVDT spacing.
Photo 18 Prism arrangement in loading machine.
10 Phase II Test Results
The primary properties of the masonry units used in the final testing program
The compression tests were carried out with the Tinius-Olsen 400-kip
compressive strength of the restoration brick was 33.0 MPa obtained by averaging the
compressive test results of three 5Omm cube specirnens. The modulus of elasticity of
the brick was 14.0 GPa calculated from the stress-strain data recorded with the strain
gauges mounted on the brick specimens during compressive stren-g$h testing. Fig. 42
shows a typical plot of the stress-strain relationship of the brick. The tensile strength
of the brick was 4.0 MPa calculated from split-tensile tests on two 57 mm x 90 mm x
103.0 MPa from compressive testing of three 50 mm cube specimens. The modulus
of elasticity was interpreted as 36.3 GPa obtained from strain gauge data on one
the final testing program. The modulus of rupture, on the other hmd, was calculated
from split tensile testing of three other 50 mm cube specimens, and the average result
2000 3000
The 28-day compression test result of the strong mortar (U0.94)revealed that
the average compressive strength of six 50 mm cube specimens was 14.4 Mpa; this
cylinders. The stress-strain relationship of the cylinder testing is shown in Fig. 44 and
the ultimate strength was 13.7 MPa. The modulus of elasticity of the mortar was
interpreted using this stress-strain relationship recorded with the LVDT mounted on
the cylinder specimen during the compression test. Photo 19 shows the testing set up
mm diameter by 150 mm high cylinders, the compressive strength of this mortar was
1.9 MPa while its Young's modulus was interpreted as 8.0 GPa. The average
Stress-strain curve for 1 /OS14 mortar
4000 6000
Strain (x 1 0" m m h m )
The final test resutts of the prisms are plotted in Figs. 46 to 49. The computer
prograrn used in the collection of data had fixed increment steps for the LVDT
displacements. The accuracy of the LVDT recording by the cornputer was limited to
200 divisions per inch, Le. a continuous interpretation of the displacement of the
LVDT was not possible. This resulted in data points which were tmncated down to
the lower increment or rounded up to the next higher increment, and caused slight
Fig. 46 shows the plots o f the stress-strain relationships of the prisms for the
flagstone with strong mortar. The average compressive strength of the prisms was
4 1.O MPa and the average modulus of elasticity was 11.3 GPa. Al1 five stress-strain
curves were extremely similar and so were their ultimate strengths, indicating very
Fig. 47 shows the stress-strain relationships of the prisms for the flagstone and
weak mortar. The compressive strength of the prisms \vas averaged as 34.0 MPa, and
the associated initial moduli of elasticity were interpreted as between 4.8 GPa and
10.2 GPa with a mean value of about 7.4 GPa. Although al1 five stress-strain curves
were also very similar with very low variability among these prisms, the
individual engineer. The stress-strain curves of these prisms did not exhibit a typical
ascending and slow descending before failure; they followed a fairly consistent
smaller modulus of elasticity once the stresses passed beyond 6.0 MPa. FinalIy,
The average ultimate strength of the brick prisms with strong rnortar was 13.8
MPao and the moduli of elasticity could be interpreted between 4.3 and 7.1 GPa with
an average of 5.7 GPa as shown in Fig. 48. Prism 1 was discarded in the averaging
due to a pre-cracked condition in one of the bed joints. The bottom sections of the
The average compressive strength of the brick prisms with weak mortar was
1 1.O MPa, and the moduli of elasticity were between 2.8 GPa and 5.7 GPa depending
on the interpretation of the initial tangent of the curves as shown in Fig. 49. This set
of data was the least consistent in terms of their ultimate strengths and their moduli o f
summarizes the average moduli of elasticity of prisms, and Table 3 presents the range
0.004 0.006
Strain (mrnhm)
- - --
0.004 0.006
Strain (mm/mm)
show some typical failed stone prisms. In al1 cases, the splitting of the masonry units
is very clear, agreeing with the reported failure mechanism of masonry prisms. Photo
23 frther captured the instant of the failure of a prism. The sudden release of energy
11.lPhase I Testing
Since the phase 1 test program was only designed to help arrive at the
parameters for the phase II test program, there were an insufficient number of prisms
built to have any statistical reliability. However, the knowledge gained was still
First of all, the modulus of elasticity o f the masonry units was consistent
behveen different test methods. Therefore, it was not necessary to use strain gauges
on the masonry units on the prisms in phase II testing to obtain the modulus of
determined from simple compressive testing of units, with strain gauges mounted on
be much more complicated than this testing program could measure. Therefore, the
attempt to measure the modulus of elasticity of the mortar in the prisms was omitted
due to lack of suitable instrumentation and equipment available at the time of testing.
testing program for the thesis was completed. Stock1 et al. concluded that there
appear to be three different zones across the vertical plane of the mortar joint in a
prism. The top zone, the middle zone and the bottom zone each had its own distinct
compared the results by testing the bed joint mortar taken from the actual prism and
loaded with steel brush platen to eliminate the frictional effect of the platens and
It was due to unique "clipsn utilised in their testing program they were able to
obtain the modulus of elasticity of the mortar across the bed joints in the prisms.
They concluded that the modulus of elasticity of the sample taken out from bed joint
mortar was 5 to 15 times higher than the results obtained from specimens prepared
using regular non-absorptive moulds for the sarne mortar mix. This explains the
unexpected result of the phase 1 test prism with high strength mortar which actually
had a higher modulus of elasticity in the mortar joint than that of the overall prism.
The test prism with low strength mortar was so low in compressive strength, the
modulus of elasticity of the mortar in the bed joint actually exceeded the overall value
of the prism.
Thirdly, the use of 200 mm DEMEC gauges for the measurement of the
DEMEC gauges. The results obtained using these two different DEMEC gauges were
exactly the same; i.e., the 200 mm DEMEC gauges proved to be just as effective as
Fourthly, the modulus of rupture value of the masonry units was essential for
the computer simulation, but neither the compressive strength nor the modulus of
rupture of the mortar played a role. The modulus of rupture of masonry units was a
piece of important data needed in the computer simulation to detennine the failure
load of the prisms, but the ultimate compressive strength of mortar derived from the
entered to simulate different situations. Unfortunately, however, there are just not
enough research data available to fully utilize the finite element analysis program to
understand the behaviour of the mortar and unit interface in the prisms. In their
separate respective tests, Beckhaus and Fritsche2' measured the modulus of elasticity
with the same mortar type in the bed joints of prisms and found startling results when
compared with the current German code. Beckhaus found the rnodulus was averaging
4500 MPa while Fritsche found the rnodulus was between 700 to 1200 MPa
depending on whether the voids in the bricks were taken into account or not.
Compared to the estimated value of 11 000 MPa that the German code allowed for
that combination of brick and mortar, Beckhaus and Fritsche's results were extremely
low. They representing only approximately 35% to 10% of the code provision, thus
making the computer simulation in this thesis very difficult as there are simply too
the actual bed joint is achieved in ternis of its strength and modulus, simulating the
crushing failure of the elements, and the program checks the stress of every element
to find if any reaches the crushing stress that was input. When the element reaches the
crushing stress, the program would interpret that element has cracked. Since the
computer program does not have the capability to account for the effective lateral
compressive pressure provided by the masonry units, the increase in crushing strength
of the mortar is not being accounted for in the simulation. Thus when the elements in
the mortar reach the specified crushing stress, the program would interpret that the
mortar has failed, thus prematurely halting the simulation process. The crushing
strength of the mortar \ a s eventually deleted altogether from the input data in order
The moduli of elasticity for masonry units and mortars were needed to
simulate the deformation of the model. The modulus of rupture of the rnasonry unit
was needed to simulate the splitting (cracking) failure of the model. Since the
elements did not have any reinforcing steel, any "cracking" of an element would
However, it was clear from the simulation results that it was the combination
of the properties of masonry unit and mortar that determines the strength and the
the pnsm simply did not yield rneaningful results. This emphasizes the need to devise
testing prograrns to give proper input data for the cornputer simulation process to
1f .3 Phase Il Testing
The compressive strength o f the prisms in the phase 11 test program depended
mainly on the tensile strength of the masonry unit, but not so much on the strength of
the mortar. The prism always failed by tensile splitting of the masonry units in
laboratory testing; however, the tensile strength of the masonry unit can be correlated
with the compressive strength of the units. The flagstone prisms had average
compressive strengths between 34.0 to 41.0 MPa with the associated low and high
mortar strengths of 2.1 M'Pa and 14.4 MPa. The ratio of the high strength to low
strength mortar is 685%, but the increase of the strength of the prisms is only 20.6%.
The low strength restoration brick prisms exhibited a similar relationship. The
average compressive strengths o f the brick prisms were avenging 1 1.5 MPa with the
low strength mortar and 13.5 MPa with the high strength mortar. An increase of only
14.7% in prism compressive strength was obtained while the mortar strength
The strengths of the prisms represent 33.0% of the flagstone unit strength
when low strength mortar was used and 39.8% when high strength mortar kvas used;
similarly, the strengths of the prisms represent 35.5% of the strength of the restoration
bricks with the low strength mortar and 40.9% with the high strength mortar.
agreement with the statement made by S. I. Lawrence, and G. T. caoI6 that "there is
will reszrit in higher strength. " There is the same general misconception that a
stronger mortar will result in a stronger structure. In order to increase the strength of
the mortar, more cement is usually added to the mortar. This will not only reduce the
workability of the mortar, it will also increase the shrinkage of the mortar thus
increasing the risk of separation cracking behveen the mortar and the units at both bed
joints and head joints. This separation cracking, if developed, would be harmfl to
the structure as water may penetrate into the joints. Freeze-thaw problems and other
water related problems could occur. Therefore, the compatibility between mortar and
masonry unit is much more important than mortar compressive strength alone.
mortar to ensure good bonding is much more important than the increase of the
MPa and Type S rnortar, provides for a strength of 25 MPa as specified in Table 3 of
CSA S304.1-M94, the prisms built with flagstone and the strong mortar achieved 41
MPa which is well in excess of the CSA standard's 25 MPa requirement. Even with
the low strength mortar, the stone prism strength was averaging at 34 MPa. Note
however, that CSA requirernent is intended for solid bricks. The Standard recognizes
that stone units may not behave exactly the same as solid bricks and requires the
designer to carry out prism testing to find the appropriate compressive streagth. The
same holds true for the prisms built with restoration brick; the interpolation of Table 3
MPa for 33 MPa bricks and Type S rnortar. The test results of the brick prisms made
with low strength mortar, which had a compressive strength of less than 2.0 MPa,
aIready achieved this strength. This shows the current Canadian Standard is
consemative assessment of the ultimate strength of the structure is necessary for the
safety of the structure when no prism testing program is conducted for a particular
project. Table 4 summarizes the measured results in this thesis and the CSA
P r i m Combination
1 CSA estimates / results
test 1 Difference 1
(MW (MPa) (%)
Strong mortar 25.0 4 1.O -39.0
F1agstone ~ e a rnortar
k NIA 34.0 NIA
1 I 1
Restoration Brick
Strong mortar 11.3 13.5 - 16.3
rnortar N/A 11.5 N/A
deformational behaviour of prisms can be studied, but this information still does not
yield a proper understanding of the behaviour of the mortar at the interface. In the
phase 1 testing, the modulus of elasticity recorded by the strain gauges mounted in the
mortar joints of the 1/0.25/3 mortar actually showed a higher modulus than the Ohio
stone, and therefore, the prisms. This phenornenon can only be understood with the
aid of Stockl's recently published paper. Further detailed studies of the bed joint
rnortar must be developed in order to gain a better understanding of the mortar joint
Unlike the strength of the prisms, which were between 30-40%of the strength
of the masonry unit, the interpretation of the moduli of elasticity of the prisms was
much more subjective. In many cases, the interpretation could be made within a wide
range and a single value of modulus for that particular combination of masonry unit
and mortar could not be assigned without knowledge of the variability. The
strength unitktrong mortar combination, and the greatest variable set was found in the
low strength unitheak mortar combination. However, the average initial modulus of
elasticity appears to be the in the same range for a given masonry unit regardless of
in the prisms compared with the traditional cube strengths from non-absorptive
Stock1 et. al. concluded that different specimen types or testing methods would
produce different moduli of elasticity for the sarne mortar. The rneasured values of
the modulus of elasticity of mortar made with non-absorptive moulds were very much
different from the results obtained from testing the actual mortar joints. The -
difference was attributed to the moisture absorption process of the monar in the joints
of the prism, and it was this difference which caused the basic properties of the mortar
different factors. Firstly, it depends on the water content of the mortar. Obviously if
the mortar is too dry, there is an insufficient amount of water that c m be absorbed by
the units. On the other hand, if the mortar is too wet, the mortar wiii be too sofi even
after some of the water is absorbed by the units. Water absorption also depends on
the rate of absorption of the masonry units, the environmental conditions such as
temperature and relative humidity at the job site, and moisture lost by evaporation. C.
~ e a l l "explains these factors in detail in her book "Masonry Design and Deraifing".
The extra strength gained by adding too much Portland cernent to the rnortar
may even have an adverse affect on the overall performance of the prism. An
excessive amount of cement usually reduces the workability of the mortar and thereby
increases the chance of poor workmanship in both head and bed joints. Furthemore,
even if the joints were forrned properly, the shrinkage due to an excessive cernent
content might cause separation cracking in the joints. A11 these would contribute to a
worse overall performance of the structure than with relative low strength mortar but
Binda et al." also stated that the measurement of the mortar modulus was difficult
using conventional testing methods and hence developed a totally different method to
measure the modulus of elasticity of masonry prisms. Their use of electronic speckle
pattern interferometry (ESPI) offered good agreement with the strain gauge
measurement on mortar specimens, therefore this technique may become a useful tool
in measuring the modulus of elasticity of mortar in view of the fact that direct
the modulus of elasticity for clay brick prisms. Using their formula, the estimated
modulus of elasticity for the brick/strong mortar prisms would have been 1 1.9 GPa
assuming 10% water absorption by the bricks. The measured range for this
combination in this thesis was between 4.0 to 6.0 GPa; this represents close to a 295%
and 198% over-estimation of the actual measured values. When compared with the
bricWweak mortar prisms, the estimating formula would have given the modulus of
the prisms as 5.2 GPa, which lies within the measured range of between 3.8 GPa to
6.4 GPa. Appendix B shows the calculation of the moduli of elasticity of different
bricWmortar combinations. Stone prisms were not compared as the proposed formula
was developed for brick prisms. However, the large error percentage for the
bricldstrong mortar combination further confirms the need for more systematic
by multiplying the compressive strength of prisms by 850 for clay bricks. Using this
estimating method, the modulus of elasticity of the prisms with the restoration
the test result of 5.7 GPa, and 9.8 GPa for the bricldweak mortar combination with the
measured result of 4.3 GPa. The CSA does require prism testing be done for
estimating the modulus of elasticity for Stone masonry structures. Table 5 shows the
cornparison of the average moduli of elasticity of prisms from the phase II test results
and the CSA estimations. The Canadian Standard's estimating method is clearly not
very valid as it does not take into account the modulus of elasticity of either the
Ohio sandstone, and in their findings the average strength of the pnsms was 26.5 MPa,
approximately 40% of the Ohio's average compressive strength of 60.0 MPa. The
averaged modulus of elasticity of the prisms was 5.5 GPa from over 15 different
modulus of elasticity would have been 22.5 GPa (850 x 26.5 MPa), almost four times
Thus, more innovative testing methods for the measurement of the modulus of
elasticity of mortars and prisms are needed to improve the estimation accuracy of the
modulus of elasticity.
The effect of the joint thickness has not been studied in this thesis as it has
extent recognizes this effect as the standard joint thickness is specified as 10 mm.
12 Conclusions
for designers to '3ump" to the conclusion that a higher monar compressive strength
With the results of this research, however, it is clear that this may not necessarily be
true. Based on the results of this research, the following conclusions c m be drawn:
1. The compressive strength of prisms is influenced very little by the strength of the
mortar. When the compressive strength of the mortar was increased 685%, the
increase of prism strengths were only 20.7% and 14.7% for stone prisms and brick
prisms respectively. Therefore, the structural engineer should specify the proper
mortar for good compatibility with the masonry units, good workability, suitable
water retention, and suitable air content, without umecessarily over-designing the
again very small. The brick prisms had virtually the same initial tangent modulus
of elasticity for both high and low strength mortars. Furtherrnore, the initial
tangent modulus of elasticity for the stone prisms were also very similar
regardless of mortar strengths, although modulus for the prisrns with low strength
mortar started to fa11 off quite rapidly at a relatively low stress level. This thesis
shows that the modulus of elasticity of prisrns is mainly controlled by the
3. The interpretation of the moduli o f elasticity for the prisms is very subjective.
Until there is a reliable method of measuring the properties of the mortar in the
4. The process of water absorption during laying and curing reduced the
waterhinder ratio of the mortar and significantly changed the properties of the
strength and the similarity of the moduli of elasticity of the prisms suggests that
the properties of the hardened mortars may be very similar despite their difference
in properties when tested using non-absorptive moulds. The true properties of the
5 . The computer simulation confirmed the flow of forces and stresses within the
prism and the cracking mechanism of the pnsm in agreement with laboratory
the masonry unit is the most important piece of information required in initiating
6. The computer simulations confirmed that the critical properties of the mortar are
Poisson's ratio and modulus of elasticity, and not the compressive strength of the
mortar. As observed from laboratory testing, the failure mechanism of the prisms
is always initiated by the splitting of the masonry units. This observation led to
the omission of the mortar's compressive strength in order to simulate the proper
7. Other important factors for the computer simulation are the relative differences of
the Poisson's ratio between masonry units and rnortar, and the relative difference
of the moduli of elasticity between masonry units and mortar. The Iarger the
difference of their relative Poisson's ratios, the lower the compressive strength of
the prism. The same holds m e for modulus of elasticity, i.e. the larger the
8. The lack of measuring techniques of the mortar properties in the bed joints makes
assign a simple value to the mortar would be wrong. Although the mortar is
9. Finally, the current CSA Standard, similar to other countries' standards and the
of elasticity of the prisms. While the CSA Standard restricts the use of the simple
estimating formula for the modulus of elasticity of masonry to clay bricks and
concrete unit, the Standard's formula does not take into account either the
modulus of elasticity of the unit or the mortar. The current work has shown that a
1. Since the properties of mortar in the prisrns are changed significantly by the
measure the properties of mortar properly. This includes the measurement of the
laboratory testing.
3. Poisson's ratio of both the masonry units and mortars are also important to
variability of Poisson's ratio especially within a hardened mortar joint close to and
4. The recording of strain using LVDT's was carried out with an accuracy of 200
divisions; this resulted in al1 the stress-strain curves not being smooth but rather
"toothed". The cornputer program used for data recording should be refined to
Manufacturer:Federal Cernent Ltd.
Type: Type 10
Colour: White
Type : Type SA (Type S with Air entrainment)
Masonry Unit:
FIagstone sandstone
Table A2 Mortar mix proportions for Phase II test program
Mortar Type 1 Cernent Lime 1 Sand 1 Waterlbinder ratio
Strong mortar I 0.5 4 0.96
Weak mortar 1 3 10 1.17
Appendix B
J.J. Brooks and B.H. Abu Baker" proposed an estimating formula for the
rnodulus of elasticity in their paper published in Novernber 1998. Their formula is as
E, = Modulus of elasticity of prism.
f, = Compressive svength of brick.
The following table summarizes the measured test results of the brick prisms
and the estimated value using the proposed formula. The stone pnsms were not
compared as the water absorption percentage was too low when compared with the
brick, and was considered outside the proposed formula's proposed parameters.
Within range
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