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Procrastination Work Book

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The document discusses understanding why we procrastinate and provides strategies for changing procrastinating behaviors such as adjusting unhelpful rules and assumptions, dismissing excuses, and carrying out practical plans.

Some strategies discussed include being aware of procrastination without judgment, adjusting unhelpful rules and thinking patterns, practicing tolerating discomfort, dismissing excuses, and carrying out scheduled tasks.

The procrastination action plan involves being aware without blame, adjusting unhelpful rules, tolerating discomfort, dismissing excuses, carrying out strategies, and reflecting on progress made.

Put Off Procrastinating!!


Table of Contents

Lesson: Understanding Procrastination

Page 2. Procrastination Tasks & Goals Table

Page 3. Procrastination Activities Table
Page 4. Procrastination Excuses Checklist
Page 5. Unhelpful Rules & Assumptions Quiz
Page 6. Consequences Table
Page 7. Make Your Own Procrastination Cycle

Lesson: Changing Procrastination

Page 8. Do I Want to Change? Table

Page 9. Roadblocks Table
Page 10. Procrastination Excuses

Page 12. Self-Talk Table

Page 13. Schedule Example
Page 14. Un-Schedule Example
Page 15. Schedule
Page 16. Adjusting Unhelpful Rules & Assumptions Steps

Page 21. Adjusting Unhelpful Rules & Assumptions Worksheet

Page 22. 'Doing' Cycle
Page 23. Example Procrastination Action Plan
Page 24. Procrastination Action Plan
Page 25. Maintaining Your Gains Table

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Put Off Procrastinating!! Workbook

Procrastination Tasks & Goals Table

Work Household
D Meeting deadlines D Daily chores (dishes, tidying, cooking, etc)
D Making phone calls D Bigger chores (vacuuming, washing, ironing, etc)
D Attending meetings D Spring cleaning the house
D Starting or finishing projects D Household projects
D Being assertive with colleagues D Maintenance and fixing things
D Paperwork D Grocery shopping
D Job applications D Gardening
D Research or reading D Running errands

Study Health
D Meeting deadlines D Making medical appointments
D Attending classes D Attending medical appointments
D Homework D Changing diet
D Assignments D Starting an exercise routine
D Studying for exams D Losing weight
D Research or reading D Quitting smoking/alcohol/drugs
D Asking questions or requesting help

Financial Social, Family & Relationships

D Opening mail D Making phone calls
D Paying the bills D Replying to invitations
D Budgeting D Spending time with others
D Book keeping D Arranging get togethers
D Tax return D Attending get togethers
D Paying back debts D Discussing problems

Self-Development Decision Making

D Starting a course you always wanted to do D Making plans
D Starting a hobby D Committing to something new
D Getting involved in something spiritual D Choosing between options
D Relaxation


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Procrastination Activities Table

Pleasurable Tasks Lower Priority Tasks

D Movies, TV, DVDs D Exercising
D Reading Books, Magazines, Newspapers D Paperwork
D Computer games D Sorting things
D Surfing the Net D Tidying
D Music D Other less important projects
D Shopping D Checking emails
D Beach D Researching a topic of interest
D Hobbies (art, craft, etc)

Socialising Daydreaming
D Seeing friends, family, partner D Thinking about the past or future
D Phoning friends, family, partner D Imagining the task/goal is already finished
D Going out D Imagining a better life

Distractions Others
D Sleeping
D Eating
D Smoking
D Drinking
D Drugs

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Procrastination Excuses Checklist

D "I'm too tired, I'll do it tomorrow"

D "I don't have everything I need, I can't start it now"
D "I don't have enough time to do it all, so I will wait until I do"
D "It is too late to start it now"
D "I won't get much done, so I'll just leave it for now"
D "It is better to do it when I am in the mood or feeling inspired"
D "I will miss out on the fun happening now, I can do it another time"
D "It is too nice a day to spend on this"
D "I will do it once this other thing is finished"
D "I've got to organise my desk/kitchen/laundry, etc first"
D "I've got to exercise first"
D "I am too busy to do it now"
D "I have plenty of time, so I can do it later"
D "I work better when I am stressed, so I will leave it to the last minute"
D "It might not be good enough, so why bother doing it"
D "Working on it today won't make any difference"

D Others:

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Unhelpful Rules & Assumptions Quiz

Need To Be In Charge Pleasure Seeking

D I must be in charge at all times D Life is too short to be doing things that are
D Things should be done my way boring or hard
D I shouldn't have to do things that I don't want to D Fun should always come first
D I shouldn't have to do things because someone D Life should be fun at all times
else says so D Pleasure here & now should be all that matters
D If I am not I 00% in charge of what I do, then I D If I forgo fun, then I will become a boring lifeless
am weak drone

Fear Of Failure Or Disapproval Fear Of Uncertainty Or Catastrophe

D I must do things perfectly D I must be certain of what will happen
D I must not fail D I should be prepared for the worst
D I can't have others think poorly of me D I can't stand not knowing the outcome
D If I try, then I will only fail D If I take action, then something bad will happen
D If I put my work out there, then others will D I am better off not doing anything, than risk it
think badly of me going bad

Low Self-Confidence Depleted Energy

D I can't do things because I am incapable D I can't do things when I am stressed/ fatigued/
D I'm too inadequate so I can't get things done unmotivated/ depressed
D If I try things, then my inadequacies will show D I must rest when my energy is low
through D I must be energised to be able to do things
D I shouldn't try things when I know I'm no good D If I do things when I am stressed/ fatigued/
D If I know I won't be able to do something, then I unmotivated/ depressed, I will make things
shouldn't bother worse
D If I do things when I am not energised, then it
won't work out

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Consequences Table

Positive Consequences Negative Consequences

How Do These Keep Me Procrastinating? How Do These Keep Me Procrastinating?

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Make Your Own Procrastination Cycle

Approach Task/Goal

llnhelplul rules/assumptions are activated


Detect Discomfort

Dlscomlortorlven 1...........................................................................................................................................,

Dodge Discomfort

Detest Discomfort


Procrasnnatlon Excuses

Procrastination Activities

Positive consequences Negative consequences

Continue to Procrastinate
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Do I want to Change? Table

Being a procrastinator...
How does it hurt me? How does it help me?

If I change and no longer procrastinate...

What will be good? What will be bad?

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Roadblocks Table

Roadblocks Self-talk Actions

Example: Changing my Example: I can choose what things I Example: Keep going with doing,
procrastination habit will mean want to commit to and what things I rather than putting off. If someone
people will expect more from me, don't. I can build up gradually to puts pressure on me to commit to
there will be more pressure and doing more things. People aren't something I am not ready for yet,
responsibility on me to do things going to change their expectations of talk to them about it.
me overnight.
Example: By following through on Example: Not every bit of feedback I Example: Tell a friend I am working
tasks I will now have to deal with my get will be a criticism. Constructive on overcoming my procrastination so
work being criticised. criticism is important, and is the only they can help me. When I do get
way to improve at something. Other some criticism, talk it over with the
people handle it - so can I. friend to help me put it in

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Put Off Procrastinating!! Workbook

Procrastination Excuse
The Truth Old Unhelpful Conclusion
I cvvw vea1J.:r t'weCl I cvvw be:tt0V off~ Ct afte,v I hcwe,

Answers to Disputation Questions

Lt w"tvLMV I cvvwt'weCl vUjht" vww ~~ wa.L be, move,- of a,yv effort.

13 ut', Ll/VYL0}' befove,- wheV I hcwe,-doruv~ eN0Vli t:'hovujYv I cvvw"twed,, I hcwe,-fclt" be;tte,v
for hcw~g-ott"0V11}t"aY"t"eCl~cu:co-mp~~ ~~I e-vu;;l,up
hew~ move,- 0Vt0VID' vci.the-v tha-vv le#.
If I dclay ~ (;t wa.Lj~ pla.y o-vv my m&vtii, I wa.Lj~ ~ WO-V},f!/ ~fh.e, ~ vu,yv, ~
~ wa.L b0-hankv "to-~~

I ~I eot.ilci wwJGe, CV~ }t"cwt, ~be,j~ 30~eyo-vv Ct.

I dovt:t-lvvt.ow th.arr wa.L~CU'l::Y be;tte,v a{t0V v~~ tt ~ be,-fhe,~}t"ory
"tom.orvow .
If I ww.ke,-cv ~ }t"aY't" I 7vvt.ow I wa.L~ be:tt0V, ~ ~ ~ Li1<h ~move,-.
End Result
The Truth New Helpful Conclusion
I cvvw vea1J.:r t'weCl 13 ut" I ca-vv stCll wwJGe, cv ~ }t"aY't" vUjht:
V\.OW ~the-vv ve1/t

Procrastination Excuse
The Truth Old Unhelpful Conclusion

Answers to Disputation Questions

End Result
The Truth New Helpful Conclusion

Page 10
Put Off Procrastinating!! Workbook

Procrastination Excuse
The Truth Old Unhelpful Conclusion

Answers to Disputation Questions

End Result
The Truth New Helpful Conclusion

Procrastination Excuse
The Truth Old Unhelpful Conclusion

Answers to Disputation Questions

End Result
The Truth New Helpful Conclusion

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Put Off Procrastinating!! Workbook

Self-Talk Table

Self-Critical Self-Talk Motivational Self-Talk

I have to get this done. Suck it up and get going I choose to work on this task. I know I can get it
loser! done if I just focus on one thing at a time.
I should be finished by now. If I can't even do this I I would prefer to be finished by now. But let's focus
must be a real idiot! on what I can do to get closer to the finish line.
I must finish this. Come on stupid ...think! I will finish this. It is just going to take a bit more
time. Let's plan how to get it done.
I can't believe I haven't started yet. I must be so Just focus on getting started. Just because I haven't
lazy! started, doesn't mean anything bad about me.
Common on! Others can get it done faster than this What others do is of no concern. Focusing on what
- I must be a complete moron! I am doing and my task is more helpful.

My Self-Critical Self-Talk My Motivational Self-Talk

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Put Off Procrastinatin2! ! Workbook

Schedule Example


6am Wake/Breakfast Wake/Breakfast Wake/Breakfast Wake/Breakfast Wake/Breakfast

7am Shower/Dress/Bus Shower/Dress/Bus Shower/Dress/Bus Shower/Dress/Bus Shower/Dress/Bus

Sam Work



Paperwork/phone calls

Revise Module I

Format Module I

IOam Appointment Meeting Module 7 outline Revise Module 2 Format Module 2 Yoga Class Relax

llam Appointment Write Module 6 Write Module 7 Revise Module 3 Format Module 3 Ring family member Get ready

12pm Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch BBQ

lpm Paperwork Write Module 6 Write Module 7 Revise Module 4 Format Module 4 Shops

2pm Complete Module 5 Write Module 6 Write Module 7 Revise Module 5 Format Module 5 Shops

lpm Complete Module 5 Write Module 6 Write Module 7 Revise Module 6 Format Module 6 House chores

4pm Module 6 outline

Write Module 6

Write Module 7

Revise Module 7

Format Module 7

House chores

Get ready

6pm Change/ I Smin walk Find gas bill/ring/ pay Change/I Smin walk Haircut Change/ ISmin walk Go out with friends Read

7pm Dinner Dinner Dinner Grocery Shopping Get ready Dinner

8pm TV Movie Tidy Spare Room Dinner Restaurant TV

9pm Read
t Read Read TV

IOpm Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep .,, .,, Sleep

llpm Sllep Slrp

12am ... ... ... . l l .

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Put Off Procrastinating!! Workbook

Un-Schedule Example


6am Wake/Breakfast Wake/Breakfast Wake/Breakfast Wake/Breakfast Wake/Breakfast

7am Shower/Dress/Bus Shower/Dress/Bus Shower/Dress/Bus Shower/Dress/Bus Shower/Dress/Bus

Sam Work Work Work Work Work

9am Appointment Meeting Paperwork/phone calls Wake/Breakfast/Shower Wake/Shower

IOam Appointment Meeting Yoga Class Relax

llam Appointment Get ready

12pm Lunch Lunch Lunch BBQ

lpm Paperwork Shops

2pm Shops

lpm House chores

4pm House chores

Spm Bus/Home Bus/Home Bus/Home Get ready Read

6pm Haircut Go out with friends Read

7pm Dinner Dinner Grocery Shopping Get ready Dinner

8pm TV Movie Dinner Restaurant TV

9pm Read Read Read TV

IOpm Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep



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Adjusting Unhelpful Rules & Assumptions

Below are some examples of how to go through the steps to adjust each unhelpful rule and assumption
identified ... as most common to procrastination.

Needing To Be In Charge
What is the unhelpful rule or assumption I would like to adjust?
It may be something like:
I must be in charge at all times
Things should be done my way
I shouldn't have to do things that I don't want to
I shouldn't have to do things because someone else says so
If I am not 100% in charge of what I do, then I am weak

Where did this rule or assumption come from?

Messages or sayings I received growing up from either family, others around me, or society (e.g., "you
need to be top dog to get any respect in this world" or "it's my way or the highway").
Past experiences of being dominated by others, and vowing never to be in that same position again.
Seeing the benefits that people in positions of power received.

In what ways is this rule or assumption unreasonable? unrealistic? unfair? unhelpful?

To get along in society you are going to need to follow someone else's orders at some point. No matter how
high up you are, there is always going to be someone higher. Give and take is necessary for society to
function. We all have to do things we don't particularly like doing at certain times, it is a part of life. It is simply
not possible to be in control and hold the power at all times.

What are the negative consequences of having this rule or assumption?

I alienate others , it creates conflict with people around me, I get aggressive, I don't get promoted because I
don't get along with others or follow their instructions.

What is an alternative more helpful rule or assumption?

It may be something like:
I can tolerate doing things I don't want to
It is ok to follow other people at times
Doing things that don't suit me doesn't make me weak, but a normal functioning member of society
Things don't have to always be my way

What can I do to put this rule or assumption into practice on a daily basis?
Follow someone else's orders. Do things I don't want to. Give some power and control over to someoneelse for
a change. Don't be independent and in charge all the time, but instead ask for help at times.

Pleasure Seeking
What is the unhelpful rule or assumption I would like to adjust?
It may be something like:
Life is too short to be doing things that are boring or hard
Fun should always come first
Life should be fun at all times
Pleasure here and now should be all that matters
If I forgo fun, then I will become a boring lifeless drone

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Put Off Procrastinating!! Workbook

Where did this rule or assumption come from?

Messages I received growing up that fun was a priority (e.g., "don't be a party pooper").
Past experiences of being deprived of fun and pressured to work hard, and as such vowing never to
live life like that again.
Observing in others the negative consequences of being a workaholic, and rebelling against that
My achievements not being valued by others or not seeing others around me striving to achieve.

In what ways is this rule or assumption unreasonable? unrealistic? unfair? unhelpful?

To get anywhere in life is going to involve some hard work, achievement or sacrifice at certain points. If life is

only about fun, we get stuck and don't get to where we want to be in life. We all have to put up with some

boredom at times, it is a part of life.

What are the negative consequences of having this rule or assumption?

Things don't get done, I don't move forward, I stay stuck whilst watching others around me progress, I feel left

behind and dissatisfied with my life achievements.

What is an alternative more helpful rule or assumption?

It may be something like:

I can tolerate short term boredom for long term gain
Pleasurable times are often more enjoyable after I have achieved something
Fun and achievement are equally important

What can I do to put this rule or assumption into practice on a daily basis?

Plan fun things after I have achieved something. Practice forgoing fun temporarily to get a task achieved.

Practice doing mundane or boring tasks for increasing periods of time to build tolerance and patience. Plan

a balance between the proportion of fun and achievement activities in my week.

Fear Of Failure Or Disapproval

What is the unhelpful rule or assumption I would like to adjust?

It may be something like:

I must do things perfectly

I must not fail

I can't have others think poorly of me

If I try, then I will only fail

If I put my work out there, then others will think badly of me

Where did this rule or assumption come from?

Messages and sayings growing up from the people around me (e.g., "unless you are first, you are last",
"perfection is a virtue", "you have to give 110%").
Being criticised when I didn't do well at something.
Only ever being praised when I did exceptionally well.
Past experiences of not doing well or failing at something.

In what ways is this rule or assumption unreasonable? unrealistic? unfair? unhelpful?

Perfection is unattainable, as imperfection is inevitable. It is more realistic to expect to do well at certain things,

mediocre at others things, and not so well at some things - it all evens out in the end. It isn't so black and white

that things are either a success or failure. People generally aren't out to judge everything we do, they are often

more wrapped up in themselves. Constructive criticism is a part of learning.

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What are the negative consequences of having this rule or assumption?

I feel afraid about doing things, I predict failure and disapproval constantly, I don't get things done or I waste
time trying to get things perfect, I don't try, I don't put myself 'out there'.

What is an alternative more helpful rule or assumption?

It may be something like:
Imperfection is part of being human
Doing things imperfectly doesn't always lead to failure or disapproval
On the whole I do things well and don't fail or get judged poorly
I can tolerate not doing well or receiving some criticism

What can I do to put this rule or assumption into practice on a daily basis?
Plan to do things imperfectly (e.g., purposely make a mistake and see what happens) Aim for a 'good enough'
job, rather than perfection, and see if I can be OK with this. Purposely try to generate some form of criticism
from others, and practice being able to tolerate it.

Fear Of Uncertainty Or Catastrophe

What is the unhelpful rule or assumption I would like to adjust?
It may be something like:
I must be certain of what will happen
I should be prepared for the worst
I can't stand not knowing the outcome
If I take action, then something bad will happen
I am better off not doing anything, than risk it going bad

Where did this rule or assumption come from?

Messages growing up (e.g., "a good scout is always prepared")
Having an unstable and unpredictable life growing up, and vowing that life will never be like that again.
Past experiences of having suffered some catastrophe or trauma in my life.

In what ways is this rule or assumption unreasonable? unrealistic? unfair? unhelpful?

It is impossible to be certain about everything. Some degree of uncertainty is a part of life we all have to
tolerate. Not taking action or worrying about things, doesn't making anything more certain and doesn't prevent
a catastrophe.

What are the negative consequences of having this rule or assumption?

I feel afraid about doing things, I predict catastrophe constantly, I worry, I don't take action, I avoid, I stay within
my 'comfort zone'.

What is an alternative more helpful rule or assumption?

It may be something like:
Uncertainty is a part of life that everyone has to tolerate
Catastrophes are unlikely events
I can take action and cope with any consequences that arise
I can cope if bad things happens, and worrying about it doesn't prevent it

What can I do to put this rule or assumption into practice on a daily basis?
Take action or make decisions, and see what happens. If something doesn't go well, use it as an opportunity to
practice being able to cope with that.
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Put Off Procrastinating!! Workbook

Low Self-Confidence
What is the unhelpful rule or assumption I would like to adjust?
It may be something like:
I can't do things because I am incapable
I'm too inadequate so I can't get things done
If I try things, then my inadequacies will show through
I shouldn't try things when I know I'm no good
If I know I won't be able to do something, then I shouldn't bother

Where did this rule or assumption come from?

Criticism from others growing up or later in life (e.g., "you are no good", "you will never amount to
Lack of praise or recognition from others for my abilities.
Past experiences of attempting things and them not turning out well.

In what ways is this rule or assumption unreasonable? unrealistic? unfair? unhelpful?

I don't take into account both my strengths and weaknesses, but am biased and unfair towards myself by just
focusing on my weaknesses. I just assume I can't do things, rather than finding out for real.
What are the negative consequences of having this rule or assumption?
I don't try or attempt things, I give up easily, I feel down about myself, I criticise myself.

What is an alternative more helpful rule or assumption?

It may be something like:
I can do more than I give myself credit for
I have strengths and weakness just like anyone
I am capable and adequate in most things

What can I do to put this rule or assumption into practice on a daily basis?
Don't back away from challenges. Try new things. Give things a go and see how I do. Pay attention to my
strengths and achievements (e.g., write them down each day).

Depleted Energy
What is the unhelpful rule or assumption I would like to adjust?
It may be something like:
I can't do things when I am stressed/ fatigued/ unmotivated/ depressed
I must rest when my energy is low
I must be energised to be able to do things
If I do things when I am stressed/ fatigued/ unmotivated/ depressed,
I will make things worse
If I do things when I am not energised, then it won't work out

Where did this rule or assumption come from?

Past experiences of people in my life not challenging or pushing me during tough times, but telling me
to "take it easy" and treating me as fragile.
Past experiences of people pushing me too much when my energy was low, and vowing never to do
that to myself again.
Seeing others manage stress, fatigue, poor motivation and depression by taking it easy.
Having overdone things at some point in my life, which led to a negative outcome (e.g., nervous
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In what ways is this rule or assumption unreasonable? unrealistic? unfair? unhelpful?

I never test myself in different situations to see I can manage and get some things done at certain times.

We are often not going to be in the right frame of mind to do things, and if we wait for the right frame of mind it

may never come, and we will never get anything done.

What are the negative consequences of having this rule or assumption?

I don't get things done, I view myself as fragile, I can't live a normal routine, I can't take on a variety of
commitments, I feel restricted in what I can do.

What is an alternative more helpful rule or assumption?

It may be something like:
I can do more than I think when my energy is low
Energy, stress, motivation and mood often improve if I tackle things step by step, rather than rest
Rest often de-energises me
Rest is not always the answer, often taking action is

What can I do to put this rule or assumption into practice on a daily basis?
Try taking action rather than resting when I feel stressed/fatigued/unmotivated/depressed, and see what
happens. Break tasks into steps and start with just one step when my energy is low, and see where it leads.

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Adjusting Unhelpful Rules & Assumptions Worksheet

What is the unhelpful rule or assumption I would like to adjust?

Where did this rule or assumption come from?

In what ways is this rule or assumption unreasonable? unrealistic? unfair? unhelpful?

What are the negative consequences of having this rule or assumption?

What is an alternative more helpful (i.e., balanced, flexible, realistic) rule or assumption?

What can I do to put this rule or assumption into practice on a daily basis?

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Put Off Procrastinating!! Workbook

"Doing" Cycle
Approach Task/Goal

Old llnhelplul Rules/Assumptions Activated
(e.g., Need To Be In Charge, Pleasure Seeking, Fear Of Failure Or
Disapproval, Fear Of Uncertainty Or Catastrophe, Low Self-
Confidence, Depleted Energy)

Adiust llnhelplul Rules/Assumptions:

Where did it come from?

How is it unreasonable? unrealistic? unfair? unhelpful?

What are its negative consequences?

What is a new helpful rule/assumption?

How can I put the helpful rule/assumption into practice?

Tolerate Discomlort
Be Aware of my discomfort about the task/goal

Watch, Observe, No-Judgement of the discomfort

Let Go of the discomfort

Dismiss Procrastination Excuses

Challenge and test more helpful conclusions that get me 'doing' rather than procrastinating

Encourage rather than criticise myself

Ilse Practical strategies to stop Procrastination

E.g., prioritise, grade, tell time, worst-first, using momentum, just 5-minutes, set time limits, prime time,
prime place, remember-then-do, reminders, visualise, focus, plan rewards, schedule, and unschedule

Things get done!!!

Sense of achievement and satisfaction

Increased belief in myself and my abilities

Less discomfort

Less stress


Unhelpful rules/assumptions are challenged, because I see I

can do these things and I can cope with the outcomes

continue to Do Rather than Procrastinate Next Time

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Put Off Procrastinating!! Workbook

Example Procrastination Action Plan

Step I. Being Aware & Non-Blaming

A hlv. .. the,- w-~ t"o-pvOCY~i-vtat"e-- w heve'. .. vto- vteeii'to- bect:t WZ:Y ~up ~it; tha:t wo-nJt" do- CU'l:Y
~ ..I ~ vwt"t"o- la~ $fet"the,- bett"ev of me, bta"t"o-~o-vv whoa" I ccvvv do-~ i%.

Step 2 (Optional). Adjust Unhelpful Rules & Assumptions

U vth.el.pfuJ; vulelCl#f11.Pt'WV1; 1: I caN\Jt"t"o-lerat"e- bor~ I vteeii p~e-at'ldt i+'l.ter~
~ ~fvo-m.; hcwi#tfr CV UYt of fveeilo-m,- ffVOWWtfr up, c:vvtd,, },<)- vto- 01'\.e-' wu;uie,- Wle/ pev~ W it'fv
~tha;t Wevmt" of i-t'tt"ev~t"O- Wle/. ~ W IM'l.Y~ ~t"O-$fet" CVVl:YWheve-- &Y\I ~ yo-w
cu-e-- ~'to- hcwe--t"o-do-~tha:t cu-e-- bori#tfr at"t'~ c:vvtd.-- vwt" evev~ w ~'to- b-e
p~cWie-c:vvtd.-- &t-tt"eveft'tAllff. A vno-ve--helpfultnilel~t"{,o-vv;k_ I ca..wdo-~tha:ta.re
bor~at'ldtp~e-ca.w b-e-cv vewa.rdt. ro-pu:t~ vteW helpfult vulel~t'WVI; &t-tt"o-pvad"ice,;
wo-ul,d, me<iVV\I ~the,- t"Cl41v at" "h.cvvtd,, t"o-pvad"ice,; t"alevat'IAllff bored.o-m:
U vth.el.pfuJ; nilelCl#f11.Pt'WV1; 2: I caN\Jt" do- cv ~jcib-wJi.e.w I am.t un.m.ot""wat"ed,:
~ ~fvo-m.; vwt" ~ welltat"~ I ~t"pu:t effort i-t'tt"O-ffVOWi'.tfr up. ~ W
IM'l.Y~ ~ oftevv i-Yll Ufe,-yo-w cu-mt" ~'to- be- WLO't'wat"eiit"o-do ~ },0-t"o
wetftt"o-do-~ 01'\.fy whewyo-w feel,; mo'tWat"eCl; wai me<iVV\I tha:t ~ evev $fet"~ do-ne-: A
vno-ve-- helpfult nil.el~t'WVI; w. I ca..w m.ake-pv~e.M'O-VV~e>vew wJi.e.w I am.t un.m.ot""wat"ed-.
ro-pu:t ~ vteW helpfult nil.el~t'WVI; &t-tt"o-pvad"ice,; wo-ul,d, me<iVV\I ~cur'ti'.tfr 01'\.e-' ~ pcur't of
the,-t"Cl41v at" havtd,, c:vvtd.-- thew~ho-w wellt I veaU.y do-c:vvtd.-- if WZ:Y WLO't'Wat'WV1;~ov~
Step 3 (Optional). Practice Tolerating Discomfort
V i4cQmfort I vtt"oi.evcu-1,t:" "I hca"e ~ fviMt"vat"eCl; bored,, c:vvtd.-- ~eii!"
V i4cQmfort I oi.evc:vvir: J !Mt" be- cvwcu-e-- ofthe,-fvfMt"vat't.,O-J14 bored,o-m; c:vvtd.-- ~{,o-vv I Ol.#1.I
~ev~ v~ vio-w. J!Mt" wcach,c:vvtd.--oin,e,vve--~~c:vvtd.- ~~ A"hlvtheve-- w
the,-~ of fv1NStvca1,o-vv. .. theve-- wthe,- ~{,o-vv of ~wvv. .. theve-- wthe,-~ of
bored.o-m: fhe,,~"I hca"e--~~, wj!Mt"cv~ I do-n:t"vteeiit"o-~evvt"o-the,
~ j!Mt" vwt"e-- i%. 13v~ &t-tt"o-the,-fvfMt"vat"l-0-vv, bored,o-m; c:vvtd.-- ~WV\; whevevev I feel,; i%
i-Yll WZ:Y ~ ( e'. ff., ~o-mach; ~ JcvwJ... mctJ<.e, Sf:Jetee' for u. .. CLUow ut"o- be- ... thew CLUow ut"o-ff&
wit'fv ect.Cfv ~{,o-vv whew i% w vec;ufy. St"oiy with, it; pvad"ice,;t"alevat'IAllff it; ~ i% cw cv
wcvve, lvno-w~ i% w01'\.fy t"~o-vcu-y c:vvtd.-- wai ~
Step 4. Dismiss Procrastination Excuses & Encourage
CJ '[d, U vth.eJ.#iW Condu#Oy\i "I w altj!Mt" do- WZ:Y otheY pa:pevwo-v"/vftv~ ~ i% d..oet,vt:t" t"or.J<..e,
mdvt"1,tne;c:vvtd.-- w~ t"o-d-0-: Gettitfr~otheY ~o-u:t ofthe,-woiy waltfve,e; Wle/ up t"o
tfUvtk; Cl.ecu-ev c:vvtd.-- wvue-- bett"ev."
New flelp{uJ;Conclu#o-ni "~otheY pa:pevwo-v"/v w~, 7na- i% w vwt" cw i-mpo-vtcvvtt: It" w
~ tha:t ~~ otheY ~ftv~ wai mctJ<.e, wte,; wvue-- CU'l:Y bett"ev. ~y wvU'IAllff
~et.hili%~ wo-nJt" veaU.y Chet,~ betwee-vv vio-w c:vvtd.-- lca"ev. I 7vno-w I ccvvv do- i% vio-w".
Step 5. Carry Out Practical Strategies
Gvet.d,e,-the,- t"Cl41v of wvuitfr the,- 'p u:t Off PvOCY~VY\.C!.t""'~ ~ ~ eft'vtn.Ctt""'IAl\ff the,- t'IM-'Le/ ect.Cfv ~ep
waltt"et.ke,,. Vo-CVV\/ '~, },<)-I ccvvv ,see; WZ:Y CV~ vo-u:t{,ne;c:vvtd,, wheve-- I hcwe--cvv~
t"l,tne;'to- wo-v"/v o-vvthe,- t"etMv. Whew cvv~ t'IM-'Le/ pop~ up, wo-v"/v o-vv the,-ftv~ ~ep c:vvtd.-- WUit.Y"fv off
evevy 3 O ~~I Ol.#1.I cWie-t"o- wo-v"/v o-vv the,-t"etMv. PUivvv ~ vewcu-~ c:vvtd.-- p~e-- e<ftev I hcwe-
co-rnplaeii ect.Cfv ~ep. If I $fet" ~udv, v~ co-rnpla'IAllff the,-t"Cl41v o-v do-cv~ ~~
~WZ:Y br~ IfI Ol.#1.lveaU.y ~v~t"o-$fet"~cur'teCl; t"elltWl:)l~Ij!Mt"hcwe--t"o-wo-v"/vo-vv
i% 5 ~~ c:vvtd.--thew ,see; if I ccvvv do- vno-ve'.

Step 6. Reflect & Revise

It" w wo-v~ pvetty wellt. I Ol.#1.I $fetti#tfr vno-ve-- d.o-vte,-thcvvv before- whidvfee,W f}'Veca-! I hcwe-
Vlfft'vceiitha:t I t"e-vu:it"o-$fet" vno-ve-- wvittevv i-Yll the,- vno-v~ thcvvv lca"ev i-Yll the,-d.ay, },<)- may be- I vteeii
'to-do-up cv ~ wheve-- I CLUoca:te-- spedfl,ot"Une,; Page 23
&Y\lt'he,- vno-v~t"o-the,-t"etMv.
Put Off Procrastinating!! Workbook

Procrastination Action Plan

Task or Goal:

Step I. Being Aware & Non-Blaming

Step 2 (Optional). Adjust Unhelpful Rules & Assumptions

Step 3 (Optional). Practice Tolerating Discomfort

Step 4. Dismiss Procrastination Excuses & Encourage

Step 5. Carry Out Practical Strategies

Step 6. Reflect & Revise

Page 24
Put Off Procrastinating!! Workbook

Maintaining Your Gains Table

What Positive Changes Have I Made? How Is My Life Better?

Page 25

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