Abdominal Incisions and Sutures in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Abdominal Incisions and Sutures in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Abdominal Incisions and Sutures in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
12063 2014;16:1318
The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
Specialty Trainee, Worcestershire Royal Hospital, Charles Hastings Way, Worcester WR5 1DD, UK
Medical Student, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK
Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Alexandra Hospital, Woodrow Drive, Redditch B98 7UB, UK
Consultant Gynaecologist, Worcestershire Royal Hospital, Charles Hastings Way, Worcester WR5 1DD, UK
*Correspondence: Radhae Raghavan. Email: drradhae@gmail.com
Key content To outline the anatomical and technical aspects that influence the
Selection of any incision must be highly individualised. choice of incisions and sutures.
Numerous options of skin closure have become available and it is To assess the safety aspects, risks and the appropriate use of various
paramount to choose the method tailored to each patient and closure techniques.
surgical procedure.
Ethical issues
The ideal wound closure device should be easy to use, painless,
Is it ethical to allow the selection of an incision dictated by
provide good cosmesis and be cost-effective.
This article reviews the traditional closure materials as well as
patient choice to preserve cosmesis if it may compromise the
surgical approach?
some materials that have recently become available, such as staples Is it ethical to subject high-risk women to laparotomy for
and glue.
Use of electrosurgery on the skin.
diagnostic or therapeutic purposes when laparoscopic
management has demonstrated benefits?
Learning objectives
Keywords: closure / electrosurgery / incision / laparoscopy / suture
To review the medical literature on this subject.
Please cite this paper as: Raghavan R, Arya P, Arya P, China S. Abdominal incisions and sutures in obstetrics and gynaecology. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
more time-consuming
more haemorrhagic
compromised ability to explore upper abdominal cavity
division of multiple layers of fascia and muscle and nerves, may
result in potential spaces with haematoma or seroma
Earlier studies reported that increased incidence of eviscerations with
vertical incisions might be associated with inappropriate closures.
Recent studies have shown no difference in fascial dehiscence between
transverse and vertical incisions.5
Figure 1. Joel-Cohen versus Pfannenstiel incisions.
Paramedian incision A continuous suture leaves less foreign body mass in the
The paramedian incision offers the advantage of extensibility, wound. It derives its strength from tension distributed evenly
especially on the side of the pelvis where the incision has along the full length of suture strand. Interrupted sutures
been made. There is no difference in wound infection, may be used in the presence of infection: if one suture breaks,
dehiscence or respiratory problems with midline and the remaining sutures will hold the wound edges in
paramedian incisions.7 approximation. Evidence shows no difference in continuous
versus interrupted closure, with a similar incidence of wound
Oblique incisions breakdown and hernia formation.12
Oblique incisions can be used for a transperitoneal or Buried sutures are placed so that the knot protrudes to the
extraperitoneal approach to abdominal surgery, and include inside, under the layer to be closed. Subcuticular sutures are
the Gridiron (muscle-splitting) incision of McBurney and the continuous or interrupted sutures placed in the dermis,
RockeyDavis (or Elliot) incisions. beneath the epithelial layer.
The Gridiron incision is a downward and inward incision
from the McBurney point. The incision is carried through the Secondary suture line
skin and subcutaneous fat to the abdominal wall muscles, The secondary suture line, called retention sutures, is done to
which is split along the direction of the fibres. The reinforce the primary suture line, eliminate dead space and
peritoneum may then be reflected away from the prevent fluid accumulation in abdominal wound during
abdominal wall inferiorly. This allows extraperitoneal healing by first intention. Retention sutures are placed about
drainage of abscess, avoiding peritoneal contamination. The 2 inches from each edge of the wound. It is the authors
Gridiron incision can be performed on the left lower opinion that if secondary sutures are used in cases of
quadrant to drain abscess on the left side of the pelvis and non-healing, they should be placed in the opposite fashion
can be varied for appendicectomy in pregnant women. from the primary sutures (i.e. interrupted if the primary
RockeyDavis incision is a transverse incision made at the sutures were continuous, continuous if primary sutures
junction of the middle and lower thirds of the line joining the were interrupted).
anterior superior iliac spine to the umbilicus.
Fascial closure
If transverse incision is extended laterally beyond the edge of
Incisions for caesarean section the rectus muscles and into the substance of the external and
Caesarean section is the most frequent major operation internal oblique muscles, injury to the iliohypogastric and
performed on women worldwide. Operative techniques ilioinguinal nerves can occur, with resulting neuroma.
used for caesarean section vary and some of these Hence, with laterally extended transverse incisions, the
techniques have been evaluated through randomised trials. extensions should have sutures placed only in the external
Traditionally, vertical incisions were used for caesarean oblique fascia.
delivery.8 Many studies have compared the Joel-Cohen with
Pfannenstiel incision and found the former to be superior Layered versus mass closure
for reasons such as less postoperative febrile morbidity, less Evidence is in favour of mass closure technique using looped
analgesia requirements, shorter operating time, less delayedabsorbable suture, with a wound:suture length ratio
intraoperative blood loss and adhesion formation, of at least 1:4 (Figures 2 and 3).13 In general, subcutaneous
reduction in hospital stay and in wound infection.9 For sutures should be avoided because the subcutaneous tissue
very obese women, a transverse incision above the umbilicus does not provide support.
has been suggested, but not shown, to decrease morbidity.10
Closure techniques
In closure of abdominal incisions, it must be remembered D T
that tissues need approximation, not strangulation. B
Catgut Twisted Moderate Poor 80
Polyglycolic acid (DexonTM; Covidien Inc., Manseld, MA, USA) Braided or Low Good 90120
Polyglactin (VicrylTM; Ethicon Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA) Braided Low Good 6090
Polyglactic 910 (VicrylRapideTM; Ethicon Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA) Monolament Low Good 714
Polydioxanone (PDSTM; Ethicon Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA) Monolament Low Greatest 180210
Polyglecaprone (MonocrylTM; Ethicon Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA) Monolament Low Good 90120
Polytrimethylene carbonate (MaxonTM; Ethicon Inc., Menlo Park, Monolament Low Good 180210
Surgical silk Braided or twisted High Low Good
Nylon Monolament Low High Poor
Polypropylene (ProleneTM; Ethicon Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA) Monolament Least Good Poor
Polyester (MersileneTM; Ethicon Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA) Braided Low High Good
Polytetrauoroethylene Monolament Low High Excellent
(Gore-Tex; W.L Gore Associates, Inc., Newark, DE, USA)
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