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AS400 Security Manual

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Security Reference
Version 5
Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the information in
“Appendix H. Notices” on page 583.

Sixth Edition (May 2001)

| This edition replaces SC41–5302–04. This edition applies only to reduced instruction set computer (RISC) systems.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1996, 2001. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix General Security System Values. . . . . . . . 23
Allow Restoring of Security-Sensitive Objects
Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi (QALWOBJRST) . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Allow User Domain Objects (QALWUSRDMN) 25
Authority for New Objects (QCRTAUT) . . . . 26
About Security - Reference (SC41-5302) xv Display Sign-On Information (QDSPSGNINF) . . 26
Who should read this book . . . . . . . . . xv Inactive Job Time-Out Interval (QINACTITV) . . 27
Conventions and terminology used in this book . . xvi Inactive Job Time-Out Message Queue
| Prerequisite and related information . . . . . . xvi (QINACTMSGQ) . . . . . . . . . . . 28
| Operations Navigator . . . . . . . . . xvii Limit Device Sessions (QLMTDEVSSN) . . . . 28
How to send your comments . . . . . . . . xvii Limit Security Officer (QLMTSECOFR) . . . . 29
Maximum Sign-On Attempts (QMAXSIGN) . . 29
Summary of Changes . . . . . . . . xix Action When Sign-On Attempts Reached
(QMAXSGNACN) . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Chapter 1. Introduction to iSeries Retain Server Security (QRETSVRSEC) . . . . 30
Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Remote Sign-On Control (QRMTSIGN) . . . . 31
Physical Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
| Share Memory Control (QSHRMEMCTL) . . . 32
Use Adopted Authority (QUSEADPAUT) . . . 32
Keylock Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Security-Related System Values . . . . . . . . 33
Security Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Automatic Device Configuration (QAUTOCFG) 34
System Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Automatic Configuration of Virtual Devices
| Signing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
(QAUTOVRT) . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
User Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Device Recovery Action (QDEVRCYACN) . . . 35
Group Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Disconnected Job Time-Out Interval
Resource Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
(QDSCJOBITV) . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Security Audit Journal . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Remote Service Attribute (QRMTSRVATR) . . . 36
C2 Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
| Verify Object on Restore (QVFYOBJRST). . . . 36
System Values That Apply to Passwords. . . . . 37
Chapter 2. Using System Security Password Expiration Interval (QPWDEXPITV). . 39
(QSecurity) System Values. . . . . . . 7 | Password Level (QPWDLVL) . . . . . . . 39
Security Level 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Minimum Length of Passwords
Security Level 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 (QPWDMINLEN) . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Changing to Level 20 from Level 10 . . . . . 10 Maximum Length of Passwords
Changing to Level 20 from a Higher Level . . . 10 (QPWDMAXLEN) . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Security Level 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Required Difference in Passwords
Changing to Level 30 from a Lower Level . . . 11 (QPWDRQDDIF) . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Security Level 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Restricted Characters for Passwords
Preventing the Use of Unsupported Interfaces . . 13 (QPWDLMTCHR) . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Protecting Job Descriptions . . . . . . . . 13 Restriction of Consecutive Digits for Passwords
Signing On without a User ID and Password . . 14 (QPWDLMTAJC) . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Enhanced Hardware Storage Protection . . . . 14 Restriction of Repeated Characters for Passwords
Protecting a Program’s Associated Space . . . 14 (QPWDLMTREP) . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Protecting a Job’s Address Space . . . . . . 14 Character Position Difference for Passwords
Validation of Programs Being Restored . . . . 15 (QPWDPOSDIF) . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Changing to Security Level 40 . . . . . . . 17 Requirement for Numeric Character in
Disabling Security Level 40 . . . . . . . . 18 Passwords (QPWDRQDDGT) . . . . . . . 44
Security Level 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Password Approval Program (QPWDVLDPGM) 44
Restricting User Domain Objects . . . . . . 19 System Values That Control Auditing. . . . . . 49
Validating Parameters . . . . . . . . . . 20 Auditing Control (QAUDCTL) . . . . . . . 50
Restricting Message Handling . . . . . . . 20 Auditing End Action (QAUDENDACN) . . . . 50
Preventing Modification of Internal Control Auditing Force Level (QAUDFRCLVL) . . . . 51
Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Auditing Level (QAUDLVL) . . . . . . . . 51
Changing to Security Level 50 . . . . . . . 20 Auditing for New Objects (QCRTOBJAUD) . . . 52
Disabling Security Level 50 . . . . . . . . 21
Chapter 4. User Profiles . . . . . . . 53
Chapter 3. Security System Values. . . 23
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 iii
Roles of the User Profile . . . . . . . . . . 53 Enabling a User Profile . . . . . . . . . 101
Group Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Listing User Profiles . . . . . . . . . . 102
User-Profile Parameter Fields . . . . . . . . 54 Renaming a User Profile. . . . . . . . . 103
User Profile Name . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Working with User Auditing . . . . . . . 104
Password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Working with Profiles in CL Programs . . . . 105
Set Password to Expired . . . . . . . . . 58 User Profile Exit Points . . . . . . . . . 105
Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 IBM-Supplied User Profiles and Dedicated
User Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Service Tool (DST) Users . . . . . . . . 106
Assistance Level . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Current Library . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Chapter 5. Resource Security . . . . 111
Initial Program . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Defining Who Can Access Information . . . . . 111
Initial Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Defining How Information Can Be Accessed . . . 112
Limit Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Commonly Used Authorities . . . . . . . 113
Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Defining What Information Can Be Accessed . . . 115
Special Authority . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Library Security . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Special Environment . . . . . . . . . . 70 Field Authorities . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Display Sign-On Information . . . . . . . 71 Security and the System/38 Environment . . . 118
Password Expiration Interval . . . . . . . 72 Directory Security . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Limit Device Sessions . . . . . . . . . . 73 Authorization List Security . . . . . . . . 118
Keyboard Buffering. . . . . . . . . . . 73 Authority for New Objects in a Library. . . . . 120
Maximum Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Create Authority (CRTAUT) Risks . . . . . 121
Priority Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Authority for New Objects in a Directory . . . . 121
Job Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Object Ownership . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Group Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Group Ownership of Objects . . . . . . . 122
Owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Primary Group for an Object . . . . . . . 123
Group Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Default Owner (QDFTOWN) User Profile . . . 123
Group Authority Type . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Assigning Authority and Ownership to New
Supplemental Groups . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Accounting Code . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Objects That Adopt the Owner’s Authority . . . 128
Document Password . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Adopted Authority Risks and Recommendations 131
Message Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Programs That Ignore Adopted Authority . . . . 132
Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Authority Holders . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Severity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Authority Holders and System/36 Migration 133
Print Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Authority Holder Risks . . . . . . . . . 133
Output Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Working with Authority . . . . . . . . . . 134
Attention-Key-Handling Program . . . . . . . 84 Authority Displays . . . . . . . . . . 134
Sort Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Authority Reports . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Language Identifier. . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Working with Libraries . . . . . . . . . 137
Country Identifier . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Creating Objects . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Coded Character Set Identifier . . . . . . . . 86 Working with Individual Object Authority. . . 139
Character Identifier Control . . . . . . . . . 86 Working with Authority for Multiple Objects 142
Job Attributes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Working with Object Ownership . . . . . . 144
Locale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Working with Primary Group Authority . . . 145
User Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Using a Referenced Object . . . . . . . . 145
User Identification Number . . . . . . . . . 89 Copying Authority from a User . . . . . . 145
Group Identification Number . . . . . . . . 89 Working with Authorization Lists . . . . . 146
Home Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 How the System Checks Authority . . . . . . 148
Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Authority Checking Flowcharts . . . . . . 149
Object Auditing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Authority Checking Examples . . . . . . . 162
Action Auditing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Authority Cache . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Additional Information Associated with a User
Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Chapter 6. Work Management Security 175
Private Authorities . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Job Initiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Primary Group Authorities . . . . . . . . 93
Starting an Interactive Job . . . . . . . . 175
Owned Object Information . . . . . . . . 93
Starting a Batch Job . . . . . . . . . . 176
Digital ID Authentication . . . . . . . . . . 93
Adopted Authority and Batch Jobs . . . . . 177
Working with User Profiles . . . . . . . . . 93
Workstations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Creating User Profiles . . . . . . . . . . 93
Ownership of Device Descriptions . . . . . 179
Copying User Profiles . . . . . . . . . . 97
| Signon screen display file . . . . . . . . . 179
Changing User Profiles . . . . . . . . . 99
Deleting User Profiles . . . . . . . . . . 99
| Changing the signon screen display . . . . . 180

iv OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Subsystem Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . 181 Planning Security for Programmers . . . . . . 218
Controlling How Jobs Enter the System . . . 181 Managing Source Files . . . . . . . . . 219
Job Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 Planning Security for System Programmers or
System Operator Message Queue . . . . . . . 183 Managers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Library Lists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Planning the Use of Validation List Objects . . . 220
Security Risks of Library Lists . . . . . . . 183 Limit Access to Program Function . . . . . . 220
Recommendations for System Portion of Library
List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Chapter 8. Backup and Recovery of
Recommendations for Product Library . . . . 185 Security Information . . . . . . . . 223
Recommendations for the Current Library. . . 185
How Security Information Is Stored . . . . . . 224
Recommendations for the User Portion of the
Saving Security Information . . . . . . . . 224
Library List . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Recovering Security Information . . . . . . . 225
Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Restoring User Profiles . . . . . . . . . 225
Securing Spooled Files . . . . . . . . . 187
Restoring Objects . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Output Queue and Parameter Authorities
Restoring Authority . . . . . . . . . . 229
Required for Printing . . . . . . . . . . 188
Restoring Programs . . . . . . . . . . 229
Examples: Output Queue . . . . . . . . 189
Restoring Licensed Programs . . . . . . . 230
Network Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Restoring Authorization Lists . . . . . . . 231
Job Action (JOBACN) Network Attribute . . . 190
Restoring the Operating System . . . . . . 232
Client Request Access (PCSACC) Network
*SAVSYS Special Authority . . . . . . . . . 233
Attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Auditing Save and Restore Operations . . . . . 233
DDM Request Access (DDMACC) Network
Attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Save and Restore Operations . . . . . . . . 192 Chapter 9. Auditing Security on the
Restricting Save and Restore Operations . . . 193 iSeries System . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Example: Restricting Save and Restore Checklist for Security Officers and Auditors . . . 235
Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Physical Security . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Performance Tuning . . . . . . . . . . . 194 System Values . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Restricting Jobs to Batch . . . . . . . . . 194 IBM-Supplied User Profiles . . . . . . . . 236
Password Control . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Chapter 7. Designing Security . . . . 195 User and Group Profiles. . . . . . . . . 238
Overall Recommendations . . . . . . . . . 196 Authorization Control . . . . . . . . . 238
Planning Password Level Changes . . . . . . 197 Unauthorized Access . . . . . . . . . . 239
| Considerations for changing QPWDLVL from 0 Unauthorized Programs . . . . . . . . . 240
| to 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 Communications . . . . . . . . . . . 240
| Considerations for changing QPWDLVL from 0 Using the Security Audit Journal . . . . . . . 240
| or 1 to 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Planning Security Auditing . . . . . . . . 241
| Considerations for changing QPWDLVL from 2 Using CHGSECAUD to Set up Security
| to 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Auditing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
| Changing to a lower password level. . . . . 199 Setting up Security Auditing . . . . . . . 256
Planning Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Managing the Audit Journal and Journal
Planning Applications to Prevent Large Profiles 202 Receivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
Library Lists. . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Stopping the Audit Function . . . . . . . 260
Describing Library Security. . . . . . . . 204 Analyzing Audit Journal Entries . . . . . . 261
Planning Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 Other Techniques for Monitoring Security . . . . 264
Using Adopted Authority in Menu Design . . 205 Monitoring Security Messages . . . . . . . 264
Describing Menu Security . . . . . . . . 209 Using the History Log . . . . . . . . . 265
System Request Menu . . . . . . . . . 209 | Using Journals to Monitor Object Activity . . . 265
Planning Command Security . . . . . . . . 211 Analyzing User Profiles . . . . . . . . . 266
Planning File Security . . . . . . . . . . 211 Analyzing Object Authorities . . . . . . . 267
Securing Logical Files . . . . . . . . . 212 Analyzing Programs That Adopt Authority . . 268
Overriding Files . . . . . . . . . . . 214 Checking for Objects That Have Been Altered 268
File Security and SQL . . . . . . . . . 214 Auditing the Security Officer’s Actions . . . . 269
Planning Authorization Lists . . . . . . . . 215
Advantages of Using an Authorization List . . 215 Appendix A. Security Commands . . . 271
Planning Group Profiles . . . . . . . . . . 216
Planning Primary Groups for Objects . . . . 216 Appendix B. IBM-Supplied User
Planning Multiple Group Profiles. . . . . . 217 Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Using an Individual Profile as a Group Profile 217
Comparison of Group Profiles and Authorization
Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218

Contents v
Appendix C. Commands Shipped with Journal Receiver Commands . . . . . . . 364
Public Authority *Exclude . . . . . . 287 Language Commands . . . . . . . . . 365
Library Commands . . . . . . . . . . 371
License Key Commands . . . . . . . . . 375
Appendix D. Authority Required for Licensed Program Commands . . . . . . . 375
Objects Used by Commands . . . . . 297 Line Description Commands . . . . . . . 376
Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 Local Area Network (LAN) Commands . . . 378
General Rules for Object Authorities on Commands 299 Locale Commands. . . . . . . . . . . 378
Commands Common for Most Objects . . . . . 301 Mail Server Framework Commands . . . . . 378
Authorities Needed . . . . . . . . . . . 306 Media Commands . . . . . . . . . . . 379
Access Path Recovery Commands . . . . . 306 Menu and Panel Group Commands . . . . . 380
Advanced Function Printing™ Commands. . . 307 Message Commands . . . . . . . . . . 381
AF_INET Sockets Over SNA Commands . . . 308 Message Description Commands . . . . . . 381
Alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 Message File Commands . . . . . . . . 382
Application Development Commands . . . . 309 Message Queue Commands . . . . . . . 382
Authority Holder Commands . . . . . . . 310 Migration Commands . . . . . . . . . 382
Authorization List Commands. . . . . . . 310 Mode Description Commands . . . . . . . 383
Binding Directory Commands . . . . . . . 311 Module Commands . . . . . . . . . . 383
Change Request Description Commands . . . 312 NetBIOS Description Commands . . . . . . 384
Chart Commands . . . . . . . . . . . 312 Network Commands . . . . . . . . . . 384
Class Commands . . . . . . . . . . . 313 Network File System Commands . . . . . . 385
Class-of-Service Commands . . . . . . . 313 Network Interface Description Commands . . 386
Command (*CMD) Commands . . . . . . 313 Network Server Commands . . . . . . . 387
Commitment Control Commands . . . . . 314 Network Server Description Commands . . . 388
Communications Side Information Commands 314 Node List Commands . . . . . . . . . 388
Configuration Commands . . . . . . . . 315 Office Services Commands . . . . . . . . 388
Configuration List Commands. . . . . . . 316 Online Education Commands . . . . . . . 389
Connection List Commands . . . . . . . 316 Operational Assistant Commands . . . . . 389
Controller Description Commands . . . . . 316 Optical Commands . . . . . . . . . . 390
Cryptography Commands . . . . . . . . 318 Output Queue Commands . . . . . . . . 392
Data Area Commands . . . . . . . . . 319 Package Commands . . . . . . . . . . 393
Data Queue Commands . . . . . . . . . 320 Performance Commands . . . . . . . . 393
Device Description Commands . . . . . . 320 Print Descriptor Group Commands . . . . . 398
Device Emulation Commands . . . . . . . 322 Print Services Facility™ Configuration
Directory and Directory Shadowing Commands 323 Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
Disk Commands . . . . . . . . . . . 323 Problem Commands . . . . . . . . . . 399
Display Station Pass-Through Commands . . . 323 Program Commands . . . . . . . . . . 400
Distribution Commands . . . . . . . . . 324 Query Commands . . . . . . . . . . . 403
Distribution List Commands . . . . . . . 325 QSH Shell Interpreter Commands . . . . . 404
Document Library Object Commands . . . . 325 Question and Answer Commands . . . . . 405
Double-Byte Character Set Commands . . . . 328 Reader Commands . . . . . . . . . . 405
Edit Description Commands . . . . . . . 329 Registration Facility Commands . . . . . . 406
Environment Variable Commands . . . . . 329 Relational Database Commands . . . . . . 406
Extended Wireless LAN Configuration Resource Commands . . . . . . . . . . 406
Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 RJE (Remote Job Entry) Commands . . . . . 407
File Commands . . . . . . . . . . . 330 Security Attributes Commands . . . . . . 411
Filter Commands . . . . . . . . . . . 337 Server Authentication Entry Commands . . . 411
Finance Commands . . . . . . . . . . 338 Service Commands . . . . . . . . . . 411
OS/400 Graphical Operations . . . . . . . 338 Spelling Aid Dictionary Commands . . . . . 414
Graphics Symbol Set Commands . . . . . . 339 Sphere of Control Commands . . . . . . . 415
Host Server Commands . . . . . . . . . 339 Spooled File Commands. . . . . . . . . 415
Integrated File System Commands . . . . . 339 Subsystem Description Commands . . . . . 416
Interactive Data Definition Commands . . . . 354 System Commands . . . . . . . . . . 418
Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) Commands 355 System Reply List Commands . . . . . . . 419
Information Search Index Commands . . . . 356 System Value Commands . . . . . . . . 419
IPL Attribute Commands . . . . . . . . 356 System/36 Environment Commands . . . . 419
Job Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 Table Commands . . . . . . . . . . . 421
Job Description Commands. . . . . . . . 359 TCP/IP Commands . . . . . . . . . . 422
Job Queue Commands . . . . . . . . . 360 Upgrade Order Information Data Commands 423
Job Schedule Commands . . . . . . . . 361 User Index, User Queue, User Space Commands 424
Journal Commands . . . . . . . . . . 361 User Profile Commands . . . . . . . . . 424

vi OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

User-Defined File System . . . . . . . . 426 Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585
Validation List Commands . . . . . . . . 427
Workstation Customizing Commands . . . . 427 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
Writer Commands . . . . . . . . . . . 428 Advanced Security . . . . . . . . . . . 587
Backup and Recovery . . . . . . . . . . 587
Appendix E. Object Operations and Basic Security Information and Physical Security 587
Auditing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431 Client Access Licensed Program . . . . . . . 587
Communications and Networking . . . . . . 587
Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Cryptography . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
C2 Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489 General System Operations . . . . . . . . . 588
IBM-Supplied Program Installation and System
Appendix G. Commands and Menus Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
for Security Commands . . . . . . . 571 Integrated File System . . . . . . . . . . 588
Options on the Security Tools Menu . . . . . . 571 The Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
How to Use the Security Batch Menu . . . . . 573 Lotus Domino . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
Options on the Security Batch Menu . . . . 575 Migration and System/36 Environment. . . . . 588
Commands for Customizing Security . . . . . 579 Optical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
Values That Are Set by the Configure System Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
Security Command . . . . . . . . . . . 579 Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
Changing the Program . . . . . . . . . 581 Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
What the Revoke Public Authority Command Does 581
Changing the Program . . . . . . . . . 582 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591

Appendix H. Notices . . . . . . . . 583

Contents vii
viii OS/400 Security Reference V5R1
1. Types of iSeries Displays . . . . . . . . xvi 19. Flowchart 2: Fast Path for Object Authority 152
2. Validation Checking and System Action When 20. Flowchart 3: Check User Authority . . . . 153
Restoring a Program . . . . . . . . . 17 21. Flowchart 4: Owner Authority Checking 154
3. How User Profiles Are Created . . . . . . 54 22. Flowchart 5: Fast Path for User Authority 155
4. Password Expiration Message . . . . . . 59 23. Flowchart 6: Group Authority Checking 158
5. Determining the Special Environment . . . . 71 24. Flowchart 7: Check Public Authority 159
6. Sign-On Information Display. . . . . . . 72 25. Flowchart 8A: Checking Adopted Authority
7. Assistance Level for User Profile Displays 94 User *ALLOBJ and Owner . . . . . . . 160
8. Display Object Authority display showing 26. Flowchart 8B: Checking Adopted Authority
F16=Display field authorities. This function Using Private Authorities . . . . . . . 161
key will be displayed when a database file 27. Authority for the PRICES File . . . . . . 162
has field authorities. . . . . . . . . . 117 28. Authority for the CREDIT File . . . . . . 163
9. Display Field Authority display. When 29. Display Object Authority. . . . . . . . 167
F17=Position to, is pressed the Position the 30. Authority for the ARWRK01 File . . . . . 168
List prompt will be displayed. If F16 is 31. Authority for the ARLST1 Authorization List 168
pressed, the previous position to operation 32. Authority for the CRLIM File . . . . . . 169
will be repeated . . . . . . . . . . . 117 33. Authority for CRLIMWRK File. . . . . . 170
10. Example of an Authorization List (Conceptual 34. Authority for the CRLST1 Authorization List 170
Representation) . . . . . . . . . . . 119 35. Authority Checking for Workstations 178
11. New Object Example: Public Authority from 36. Library List–Expected Environment . . . . 184
Library, Group Given Private Authority . . . 125 37. Library List–Actual Environment . . . . . 184
12. New Object Example: Public Authority from 38. Example Applications . . . . . . . . . 196
System Value, Group Given Private Authority 126 | 39. Program to Replace and Restore Library List 203
13. New Object Example: Public Authority from 40. Format for Describing Library Security 204
Library, Group Given Primary Group 41. Sample Inquiry Menu. . . . . . . . . 205
Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 42. Sample Initial Menu . . . . . . . . . 206
14. New Object Example: Public Authority 43. Sample Initial Application Program . . . . 206
Specified, Group Owns Object . . . . . . 128 44. Sample Program for Query with Adopted
15. Adopted Authority and the CALL Command 129 Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
16. Adopted Authority and the TFRCTL 45. Sample Application Menu with Query 208
Command . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 46. Format for Menu Security Requirements 209
17. Display Object Authority Display . . . . . 134 47. Using a Logical File for Security . . . . . 212
18. Flowchart 1: Main Authority Checking 48. Viewing QAUDJRN Information . . . . . 241
Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 ix

x OS/400 Security Reference V5R1
1. Security Levels: Function Comparison . . . . 7 30. Possible Values for the QPWDLMTCHR
2. Default Special Authorities for User Classes by System Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Security Level . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 31. Possible Values for the QPWDLMTAJC System
3. Comparison of Security Levels 30, 40, and 50 12 Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4. Domain and State Access . . . . . . . . 13 32. Possible Values for the QPWDLMTREP System
5. Possible Values for the QALWOBJRST System Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 33. Passwords with Repeating Characters with
6. Possible Values for the QALWUSRDMN QPWDLVL 0 or 1 . . . . . . . . . . 43
System Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 | 34. Passwords with Repeating Characters with
7. Possible Values for the QCRTAUT System | QPWDLVL 2 or 3 . . . . . . . . . . 44
Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 35. Possible Values for the QPWDPOSDIF System
8. Possible Values for the QDSPSGNINF System Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 36. Possible Values for the QPWDRQDDGT
9. Possible Values for the QINACTITV System System Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 | 37. Possible Values for the QPWDVLDPGM
10. Possible Values for QINACTMSGQ System | System Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 38. Parameters for Password Approval Program 45
11. Possible Values for the QLMTDEVSSN System 39. Possible Values for the QAUDCTL System
Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
12. Possible Values for the QLMTSECOFR System 40. Possible Values for the QAUDENDACN
Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 System Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
13. Possible Values for the QMAXSIGN System 41. Possible Values for the QAUDFRCLVL System
Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
14. Possible Values for the QMAXSGNACN 42. Possible Values for the QAUDLVL System
System Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
15. Possible Values for the QRETSVRSEC System 43. Possible Values for the QCRTOBJAUD System
Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
16. Possible Values for the QRMTSIGN System | 44. Possible Values for PASSWORD: . . . . . 58
Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 45. Possible Values for PWDEXP: . . . . . . 59
| 17. Possible Values for the QSHRMEMCTL System 46. Possible Values for STATUS: . . . . . . . 60
| Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 47. Default Special Authorities by User Class 60
18. Possible Values for the QUSEADPAUT System 48. How Assistance Levels Are Stored and
Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Changed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
19. Possible Values for the QAUTOCFG System 49. Possible Values for ASTLVL: . . . . . . . 62
Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 50. Possible Values for CURLIB: . . . . . . . 62
20. Possible Values for the QAUTOVRT System 51. Possible Values for INLPGM: . . . . . . 63
Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 52. Possible Values for INLPGM Library: . . . . 63
21. Possible Values for the QDEVRCYACN System 53. Possible Values for MENU: . . . . . . . 64
Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 54. Possible Values for MENU Library: . . . . 64
22. Possible Values for the QDSCJOBITV System 55. Functions Allowed for Limit Capabilities
Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
23. Possible Values for the QRMTSRVATR System 56. Possible Values for text: . . . . . . . . 65
Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 57. Possible Values for SPCAUT: . . . . . . . 66
| 24. Possible Values for the QVFYOBJRST System | 58. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
| Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 59. Possible Values for SPCENV: . . . . . . . 70
25. Possible Values for the QPWDEXPITV System 60. Possible Values for DSPSGNINF: . . . . . 72
Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 61. Possible Values for PWDEXPITV: . . . . . 72
| 26. Possible Values for the QPWDLVL System 62. Possible Values for LMTDEVSSN: . . . . . 73
| Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 63. Possible Values for KBDBUF:. . . . . . . 74
27. Possible Values for the QPWDMINLEN System 64. Possible Values for MAXSTG: . . . . . . 74
Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 65. Possible Values for PTYLMT:. . . . . . . 75
28. Possible Values for the QPWDMAXLEN 66. Possible Values for JOBD: . . . . . . . . 76
System Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 67. Possible Values for JOBD Library: . . . . . 76
29. Possible Values for the QPWDRQDDIF System 68. Possible Values for GRPPRF: . . . . . . . 77
Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 69. Possible Values for OWNER: . . . . . . . 77
70. Possible Values for GRPAUT:1 . . . . . . 78

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 xi

71. Possible Values for GRPAUTTYP: 1 . . . . .79 124. Commands for Working with Document
72. Possible Values for SUPGRPPRF . . . . .80 Library Objects . . . . . . . . . . . 274
73. Possible Values for ACGCDE: . . . . . .80 125. Commands for Working with Server
74. Possible Values for DOCPWD: . . . . . .80 Authentication Entries . . . . . . . . 275
75. Possible Values for MSGQ: . . . . . . .81 126. Commands for Working with the System
76. Possible Values for MSGQ Library:. . . . .81 Distribution Directory. . . . . . . . . 275
77. Possible Values for DLVRY: . . . . . . .82 127. Commands for Working with User ID
78. Possible Values for SEV: . . . . . . . .82 Numbers or Group ID Numbers . . . . . 276
79. Possible Values for PRTDEV: . . . . . . .83 128. Commands for Working with Validation Lists 276
80. Possible Values for OUTQ: . . . . . . .84 129. Security Tools for Working with Auditing 276
81. Possible Values for OUTQ library: . . . . .84 130. Security Tools for Working with Authorities 276
82. Possible Values for ATNPGM: . . . . . .84 131. Security Tools for Working with System
83. Possible Values for ATNPGM Library:. . . .85 Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
84. Possible Values for SRTSEQ: . . . . . . .85 132. Default Values for User Profiles . . . . . 279
85. Possible Values for SRTSEQ Library: . . . .85 | 133. IBM-Supplied User Profiles . . . . . . . 280
86. Possible Values for LANGID: . . . . . .86 134. Authorities of IBM-Supplied User Profiles to
87. Possible Values for CNTRYID: . . . . . .86 Restricted Commands. . . . . . . . . 287
88. Possible Values for CCSID: . . . . . . .86 135. Description of Authority Types . . . . . 297
89. Possible Values for CHRIDCTL: . . . . . .87 136. System-Defined Authority . . . . . . . 298
90. Possible Values for SETJOBATR: . . . . .87 137. System-Defined Authority . . . . . . . 298
91. Possible Values for LOCALE: . . . . . .88 138. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
92. Possible Values for USROPT: . . . . . . .88 139. Standard Heading Fields for Audit Journal
93. Possible Values for UID: . . . . . . . .89 Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
94. Possible Values for GID: . . . . . . . .89 140. Standard Heading Fields for Audit Journal
95. Possible Values for HOMEDIR: . . . . . .90 Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
96. Possible Values for AUT: . . . . . . . .90 141. Audit Journal (QAUDJRN) Entry Types. 491
97. Possible Values for OBJAUD:. . . . . . .91 142. AD (Auditing Change) Journal Entries 492
98. Auditing Performed for Object Access . . .91 143. AF (Authority Failure) Journal Entries 494
99. Possible Values for AUDLVL: . . . . . .92 144. AP (Adopted Authority) Journal Entries 498
100. Description of Authority Types. . . . . . 112 145. CA (Authority Changes) Journal Entries 498
101. System-Defined Authority . . . . . . . 114 146. CD (Command String) Journal Entries 501
102. System-Defined Authority . . . . . . . 114 147. CO (Create Object) Journal Entries . . . . 501
103. LAN Server Permissions . . . . . . . . 114 148. CP (User Profile Changes) Journal Entries 502
104. Public versus Private Authority . . . . . 155 149. CQ (*CRQD Changes) Journal Entries 504
105. Accumulated Group Authority. . . . . . 156 150. CU (Cluster Operations) Journal Entries 504
106. Parts of the Library List . . . . . . . . 183 151. CV (Connection Verification) Journal Entries 505
107. Authority Required to Perform Printing | 152. CY (Cryptographic Configuration) Journal
Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 | Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
108. User Profiles for Menu System . . . . . . 206 | 153. DI (Directory Services) Journal Entries 508
109. Objects Used by Menu System . . . . . . 207 154. DO (Delete Operation) Journal Entries 512
110. Options and Commands for the System 155. DS (DST Password Reset) Journal Entries 513
Request Menu . . . . . . . . . . . 210 156. EV (Environment Variable) Journal Entries 513
111. Physical File Example: CUSTMAST File 213 157. GR (Generic Record) Journal Entries . . . . 514
112. Authorization List and Group Profile 158. GS (Give Descriptor) Journal Entries . . . . 516
Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 159. IP (Interprocess Communication) Journal
113. How Security Information Is Saved and Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
Restored . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 160. IR (IP Rules Actions) Journal Entries . . . . 518
| 114. Action Auditing Values . . . . . . . . 242 161. IS (Internet Security Management) Journal
115. Security Auditing Journal Entries . . . . . 244 Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
116. How Object and User Auditing Work 162. JD (Job Description Change) Journal Entries 520
Together . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 163. JS (Job Change) Journal Entries . . . . . 521
117. Commands for Working with Authority 164. KF (Key Ring File) Journal Entries . . . . 524
Holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 165. LD (Link, Unlink, Search Directory) Journal
118. Commands for Working with Authorization Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 166. ML (Mail Actions) Journal Entries. . . . . 527
119. Commands for Working with Object 167. NA (Network Attribute Change) Journal
Authority and Auditing . . . . . . . . 272 Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
120. Commands for Working with Passwords 272 168. ND (APPN Directory Search Filter) Journal
121. Commands for Working with User Profiles 273 Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
122. Related User Profile Commands . . . . . 274 169. NE (APPN End Point Filter) Journal Entries 528
123. Commands for Working with Auditing 274

xii OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

170. OM (Object Management Change) Journal 194. SO (Server Security User Information Actions)
Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529 Journal Entries . . . . . . . . . . . 553
171. OR (Object Restore) Journal Entries . . . . 531 195. ST (Service Tools Action) Journal Entries 553
172. OW (Ownership Change) Journal Entries 533 196. SV (Action to System Value) Journal Entries 555
173. O1 (Optical Access) Journal Entries . . . . 534 197. VA (Change of Access Control List) Journal
174. O2 (Optical Access) Journal Entries . . . . 535 Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
175. O3 (Optical Access) Journal Entries . . . . 536 198. VC (Connection Start and End) Journal
176. PA (Program Adopt) Journal Entries . . . . 536 Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
177. PG (Primary Group Change) Journal Entries 538 199. VF (Close of Server Files) Journal Entries 557
178. PO (Printer Output) Journal Entries . . . . 540 200. VL (Account Limit Exceeded) Journal Entries 557
179. PS (Profile Swap) Journal Entries . . . . . 541 201. VN (Network Log On and Off) Journal
180. PW (Password) Journal Entries. . . . . . 541 Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
181. RA (Authority Change for Restored Object) 202. VO (Validation List) Journal Entries . . . . 558
Journal Entries . . . . . . . . . . . 542 203. VP (Network Password Error) Journal Entries 559
182. RJ (Restoring Job Description) Journal Entries 543 204. VR (Network Resource Access) Journal
183. RO (Ownership Change for Restored Object) Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
Journal Entries . . . . . . . . . . . 544 205. VS (Server Session) Journal Entries . . . . 560
184. RP (Restoring Programs that Adopt 206. VU (Network Profile Change) Journal Entries 561
Authority) Journal Entries . . . . . . . 545 207. VV (Service Status Change) Journal Entries 561
185. RQ (Restoring Change Request Descriptor | 208. X0 (Network Authentication) Journal Entries 562
Object) Journal Entries . . . . . . . . 546 209. YC (Change to DLO Object) Journal Entries 565
186. RU (Restore Authority for User Profile) 210. YR (Read of DLO Object) Journal Entries 566
Journal Entries . . . . . . . . . . . 546 211. ZC (Change to Object) Journal Entries 566
187. RZ (Primary Group Change for Restored 212. ZM (SOM Method Access) Journal Entries 567
Object) Journal Entries . . . . . . . . 547 213. ZR (Read of Object) Journal Entries . . . . 568
188. SD (Change System Distribution Directory) 214. Numeric Codes for Access Types . . . . . 569
Journal Entries . . . . . . . . . . . 548 215. Tool Commands for User Profiles . . . . . 571
189. SE (Change of Subsystem Routing Entry) 216. Tool Commands for Security Auditing 573
Journal Entries . . . . . . . . . . . 549 217. Commands for Security Reports . . . . . 575
190. SF (Action to Spooled File) Journal Entries 549 218. Commands for Customizing Your System 579
191. SG (Asychronous Signals) Journal Entries 551 219. Values Set by the CFGSYSSEC Command 580
192. SK (Secure Sockets Connections) Journal 220. Commands Whose Public Authority Is Set by
Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552 the RVKPUBAUT Command . . . . . . 582
193. SM (System Management Change) Journal 221. Programs Whose Public Authority Is Set by
Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552 the RVKPUBAUT Command . . . . . . 582

Tables xiii
xiv OS/400 Security Reference V5R1
About Security - Reference (SC41-5302)
This book provides information about planning, setting up, managing, and
auditing security on your iSeries 400 system. It describes all the features of security
on the system and discusses how security features relate to other aspects of the
system, such as work management, backup and recovery, and application design.

| This book does not provide complete operational instructions for setting up
| security on your system. For a step-by-step example of setting up security, consult
| the iSeries Information Center (see “Prerequisite and related information” on
| page xvi) and the Tips and Tools for Securing Your iSeries, SC41-5300-07 book.
| Information on planning and setting up Basic System Security and Planning can
| also be found in the Information Center (see “Prerequisite and related information”
| on page xvi).

| This book does not provide complete information about planning for Lotus®
| Domino™ users. For Lotus Domino users, see the URL
| http://notes.net/notesua.nsf. This Web site provides information on Lotus Notes™,
| Domino, and Domino for AS/400®. From this web site, you can download
| information in Domino database (.NSF) and Adobe Acrobat (.PDF) format, search
| databases, and find out how to obtain printed manuals.

| This book does not contain complete information about the application
| programming interfaces (APIs) that are available to access security information.
| APIs are described in System API Programming, SC41-5800-00. This book does not
| contain information about the Internet. For information about considerations when
| you connect your system to the Internet see these books: IBM® SecureWay®: iSeries
| and the Internet, G325-6321-00 or Tips and Tools for Securing Your iSeries.

For a list of related publications, see the “Bibliography” on page 587.

Who should read this book

The primary audience for this book is the security administrator.

“Chapter 9. Auditing Security on the iSeries System” on page 235 is intended for
anyone who wants to perform a security audit of the system.

This book assumes you are familiar with entering commands on the system. To use
some of the examples in this book, you need to know how to:
v Edit and create a control language (CL) program.
v Use a query tool, such as the Query/400 licensed program.

The information in the following chapters can help the application programmer
and systems programmers understand the relationship between security and
application and system design:
“Chapter 5. Resource Security” on page 111
“Chapter 6. Work Management Security” on page 175
“Chapter 7. Designing Security” on page 195
“Chapter 8. Backup and Recovery of Security Information” on page 223

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 xv

Conventions and terminology used in this book
| The iSeries displays in this book could be shown as they are presented through
| Operations Navigator, which is part of Client Access™ on the personal computer.
| The example displays in this book could also be shown without Operations
| Navigator available. Figure 1 shows both types of displays.

| Figure 1. Types of iSeries Displays
For more information on using Operations Navigator, refer to the iSeries
Information Center (see“Prerequisite and related information”).

| Prerequisite and related information

| Use the iSeries Information Center as a starting point for your iSeries information
| needs. It is available in either of the following ways:
| v The Internet at this uniform resource locator (URL) address:
| http://www.ibm.com/eserver/iseries/infocenter
| v On CD-ROM: SK3T–4090–00, iSeries Information Center. This package also
| includes the PDF versions of iSeries manuals (SK3T–4092–00, iSeries Information
| Center: Supplemental Manuals), which replaces the Softcopy Library CD-ROM.

| The iSeries Information Center contains advisors and important topics such as CL
| commands, system application programming interfaces (APIs), logical partitions,
| clustering, Java™, TCP/IP, Web serving, and secured networks. It also includes

xvi OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

| links to related IBM Redbooks and Internet links to other IBM Web sites such as
| the Technical Studio and the IBM home page.

| With every new hardware order, you receive the following CD-ROM information:
| v iSeries 400 Installation and Service Library, SK3T-4096-00. This CD-ROM contains
| PDF manuals needed for installation and system maintenance of an IBM ~
| iSeries server.
| v iSeries 400 Setup and Operations CD-ROM, SK3T-4098-00. This CD-ROM contains
| IBM iSeries Client Access Express for Windows and the EZ-Setup wizard. Client
| Access Express offers a powerful set of client and server capabilities for
| connecting PCs to iSeries servers. The EZ-Setup wizard automates many of the
| iSeries setup tasks.

| For a list of related publications, see the “Bibliography” on page 587.

| Operations Navigator
| IBM iSeries 400 Operations Navigator is a powerful graphical interface for
| managing your iSeries and AS/400e™ servers. Operations Navigator functionality
| includes system navigation, configuration, planning capabilities, and online help to
| guide you through your tasks. Operations Navigator makes operation and
| administration of the server easier and more productive and is the only user
| interface to the new, advanced features of the OS/400 operating system. It also
| includes Management Central for managing multiple servers from a central server.

| For more information on Operations Navigator, see the iSeries Information Center.

How to send your comments

Your feedback is important in helping to provide the most accurate and
high-quality information. If you have any comments about this book or any other
iSeries documentation, fill out the readers’ comment form at the back of this book.
v If you prefer to send comments by mail, use the readers’ comment form with the
address that is printed on the back. If you are mailing a readers’ comment form
from a country other than the United States, you can give the form to the local
IBM branch office or IBM representative for postage-paid mailing.
v If you prefer to send comments by FAX, use either of the following numbers:
– United States and Canada: 1-800-937-3430
– Other countries: 1-507-253-5192
v If you prefer to send comments electronically, use this network ID:
– RCHCLERK@us.ibm.com
Be sure to include the following:
v The name of the book.
v The publication number of the book.
v The page number or topic to which your comment applies.

About Security - Reference (SC41-5302) xvii

xviii OS/400 Security Reference V5R1
Summary of Changes
| New:
| v Password Level (QPWDLVL)
| The new Password Level (QPWDLVL) system value allows longer, case
| sensitive, passwords to be used. See “Password Level (QPWDLVL)” on page 39,
| and “Password” on page 57.
| v Planning Password Level Changes
| Changing your system password levels takes careful planning and consideration.
| These tips will guide you as you consider moving from level to level. See
| “Planning Password Level Changes” on page 197.
| v Object signing
| Protect software integrity by signing it. V5R1 operating system integrity, and the
| integrity of OS/400® options and licensed programs, are protected by digital
| signature. See “Signing” on page 3.
| v V5R1 provides alternatives to using *SERVICE Special Authorities to minimize
| access to confidential data. See “*SERVICE Special Authority” on page 68.

| Changed:
| v Verify Object on Restore (QVFYOBJRST) system value. This system value
| determines whether software-related objects are required to have digital
| signatures in order to be restored to your system. See “Verify Object on Restore
| (QVFYOBJRST)” on page 36.
| v Share Memory Control (QSHRMEMCTL) system value. This system value
| defines which users are allowed to use shared memory or mapped memory that
| has write capability. See “Share Memory Control (QSHRMEMCTL)” on page 32.

Important reminders:
| v Remember to change Dedicated Service Tools (DST) default passwords
| immediately to prevent security exposure on your system. See “Changing User
| IDs and Passwords for Dedicated Service Tools (DST) Users” on page 107 for
| details.
v Do not assign all (or nearly all) objects to only one owner profile.
Profiles that own many objects with many private authorities can become very
large. To prevent impacts to either performance or system operations, distribute
ownership of objects to multiple profiles.
v Avoid having applications owned by IBM-supplied user profiles, such as
These profiles can become difficult to manage because they own a large number
of IBM-supplied objects.

Finding ″commonly-used″ topics:

v Default Special Authorities for User Classes by Security Level, Table 2 on page 9
v “Defining How Information Can Be Accessed” on page 112
v “How the System Checks Authority” on page 148
v “Output Queue and Parameter Authorities Required for Printing” on page 188
v “Planning the Auditing of Object Access” on page 252
v “Resetting the QSECOFR User Profile Password” on page 109

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 xix

v “Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands” on page 297

xx OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Chapter 1. Introduction to iSeries Security
The ~ family of systems covers a wide range of users. A small system might
have three to five users, and a large system might have several thousand users.
Some installations have all their workstations in a single, relatively secure, area.
Others have widely distributed users, including users who connect by dialing in
and indirect users connected through personal computers or system networks.

Security on the iSeries system is flexible enough to meet the requirements of this
wide range of users and situations. You need to understand the features and
options available so that you can adapt them to your own security requirements.
This chapter provides an overview of the security features on the system.

System security has three important objectives:

v Protecting against disclosing information to unauthorized people.
v Restricting access to confidential information.
v Protecting against curious system users and outsiders.

v Protecting against unauthorized changes to data.
v Restricting manipulation of data to authorized programs.
v Providing assurance that data is trustworthy.

v Preventing accidental changes or destruction of data.
v Protecting against attempts by outsiders to abuse or destroy system resources.

System security is often associated with external threats, such as hackers or

business rivals. However, protection against system accidents by authorized system
users is often the greatest benefit of a well-designed security system. In a system
without good security features, pressing the wrong key might result in deleting
important information. System security can prevent this type of accident.

The best security system functions cannot produce good results without good
planning. Security that is set up in small pieces, without planning, can be
confusing. It is difficult to maintain and to audit. Planning does not imply
designing the security for every file, program, and device in advance. It does
imply establishing an overall approach to security on the system and
communicating that approach to application designers, programmers, and system

As you plan security on your system and decide how much security you need,
consider these questions:
v Is there a company policy or standard that requires a certain level of security?
v Do the company auditors require some level of security?
v How important is your system and the data on it to your business?
v How important is the error protection provided by the security features?
v What are your company security requirements for the future?

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 1

To facilitate installation, many of the security capabilities on your system are not
activated when your system is shipped. Recommendations are provided in this
book to bring your system to a reasonable level of security. Consider the security
requirements of your own installation as you evaluate the recommendations.

Physical Security
Physical security includes protecting the system unit, system devices, and backup
media from accidental or deliberate damage. Most measures you take to ensure the
physical security of your system are external to the system. However, the system is
equipped with a keylock that prevents unauthorized functions at the system unit.

Note: You must order the keylock feature on some models.

| Physical security is described in the Information Center (see “Prerequisite and

| related information” on page xvi for details).

Keylock Security
The keylock on the 940x control panel controls access to various system control
panel functions. The keylock position can be retrieved and changed under program
control by using either of the following:
v Retrieve IPL Attributes (QWCRIPLA) API
v Change IPL Attributes (CHGIPLA) command
This allows the remote user access to additional functions available at the control
panel. For example, it controls where the machine will IPL from and to what
environment, either OS/400 or Dedicated Service Tools (DST).

The OS/400 System Value, QRMTSRVATR, controls the remote access. This value is
shipped defaulted to off which will not allow the keylock to be overridden. The
system value can be changed to allow remote access, but does require *SECADM
and *ALLOBJ special authorities to change.

Security Level
You can choose how much security you want the system to enforce by setting the
security level (QSECURITY) system value. The system offers five levels of security:
Level 10:
Level 10 is no longer supported. See “Chapter 2. Using System Security
(QSecurity) System Values” on page 7 for information about security levels
(10, 20, 30, 40, and 50).
Level 20:
The system requires a user ID and password for sign-on. All users are
given access to all objects.
Level 30:
The system requires a user ID and password for sign-on. The security of
resources is enforced.
Level 40:
The system requires a user ID and password for sign-on. The security of
resources is enforced. Additional integrity protection features are also

2 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Level 50:
The system requires a user ID and password for sign-on. The security of
resources is enforced. Level 40 integrity protection and enhanced integrity
protection are enforced. Security level 50 is intended for iSeries systems
with high security requirements, and it is designed to meet C2 security

The system security levels are described in “Chapter 2. Using System Security
(QSecurity) System Values” on page 7.

System Values
System values allow you to customize many characteristics of your system. A
group of system values are used to define system-wide security settings. For
example, you can specify:
v How many sign-on attempts you allow at a device.
v Whether the system automatically signs off an inactive workstation.
v How often passwords need to be changed.
v The length and composition of passwords.

The system values that relate to security are described in “Chapter 3. Security
System Values” on page 23.

| Signing
| A key component of security is integrity: being able to trust that objects on the
| system have not been tampered with or altered. Your operating system software is
| protected by digital signatures, and now you can reinforce integrity by signing
| software objects which you rely on (for more information on using signing to
| protect your system, see Tips and Tools for Securing Your iSeries). This is particularly
| important if the object has been transmitted across the internet or stored on media
| which you feel might have been modified. The digital signature can be used to
| detect if the object has been altered.

| Digital signatures, and their use for verification of software integrity, can be
| managed according to your security policies using the Verify Object Restore
| (QVFYOBJRST) system value, the Check Object Integrity (CHKOBJITG) command,
| and the Digital Certificate Manager tool. Additionally, you can choose to sign your
| own programs (all licensed programs shipped with the iSeries are signed). DCM is
| described in the Information Center (see “Prerequisite and related information” on
| page xvi for details).

User Profiles
Every system user has a user profile. At security level 10, the system automatically
creates a profile when a user first signs on. At higher security levels, you must
create a user profile before a user can sign on.

The user profile is a powerful and flexible tool. It controls what the user can do
and customizes the way the system appears to the user. Following are descriptions
of a few important security features of the user profile:

Chapter 1. Introduction to iSeries Security 3

Special authority
Special authorities determine whether the user is allowed to perform
system functions, such as creating user profiles or changing the jobs of
other users.
Initial menu and initial program
The initial menu and program determine what the user sees after signing
on the system. You can limit a user to a specific set of tasks by restricting
the user to an initial menu.
Limit capabilities
The limit capabilities field in the user profile determines whether the user
can enter commands and change the initial menu or initial program when
signing on.

User profiles are discussed in “Chapter 4. User Profiles” on page 53.

Group Profiles
A group profile is a special type of user profile. You can use a group profile to
define authority for a group of users, rather than giving authority to each user
individually. A group profile can own objects on the system. You can also use a
group profile as a pattern when creating individual user profiles by using the copy
profile function.

“Planning Group Profiles” on page 216 discusses using group authority. “Group
Ownership of Objects” on page 122 discusses what objects should be owned by
group profiles. “Primary Group for an Object” on page 123 discusses using primary
group and primary group authority for an object. “Copying User Profiles” on
page 97 describes how to copy a group profile to create an individual user profile.

Resource Security
Resource security on the system allows you to define who can use objects and how
those objects can be used. The ability to access an object is called authority. You
can specify detailed authorities, such as adding records or changing records. Or
you can use the system-defined subsets of authorities: *ALL, *CHANGE, *USE, and

Files, programs, and libraries are the most common objects requiring security
protection, but you can specify authority for any object on the system. Following
are descriptions of the features of resource security:
Group profiles
A group of similar users can share the same authority to use objects.
Authorization lists
Objects with similar security needs can be grouped on one list; authority
can be granted to the list rather than to the individual objects.
Object ownership
Every object on the system has an owner. Objects can be owned by an
individual user profile or by a group profile. Proper assignment of object
ownership helps you manage applications and delegate responsibility for
the security of your information.
Primary group
You can specify a primary group for an object. The primary group’s

4 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

authority is stored with the object. Using primary groups may simplify
your authority management and improve authority checking performance.
Library authority
You can put files and programs that have similar protection requirements
into a library and restrict access to that library. This is often easier than
restricting access to each individual object.
Directory authority
You can use directory authority in the same way that you use library
authority. You can group objects in a directory and secure the directory
rather than the individual objects.
Object authority
In cases where restricting access to a library or directory is not specific
enough, you can restrict authority to access individual objects.
Public authority
For each object, you can define what kind of access is available for any
system user who does not have any other authority to the object. Public
authority is an effective means for securing information and provides good
Adopted authority
Adopted authority adds the authority of a program owner to the authority
of the user running the program. Adopted authority is a useful tool when
a user needs different authority for an object, depending on the situation.
Authority holder
An authority holder stores the authority information for a
program-described database file. The authority information remains, even
when the file is deleted. Authority holders are commonly used when
converting from the System/36™, because System/36 applications often
delete files and create them again.
Field level authority
Field level authorities are given to individual fields in a database file. This
authority is managed through SQL.

Resource security is described in “Chapter 5. Resource Security” on page 111

Security Audit Journal

Several functions exist on the system to help you audit the effectiveness of security.
In particular, the system provides the ability to log selected security-related events
in a security audit journal. Several system values, user profile values, and object
values control which events are logged.

“Chapter 9. Auditing Security on the iSeries System” on page 235 provides

information about auditing security.

C2 Security
By using security level 50 and following the instructions in the Security - Enabling
for C2, SC41-5303-00, you can bring a Version 4 Release 4 AS/400 system to a C2
level of security. C2 is a security standard defined by the U.S. government in the
Department of Defense Trusted System Evaluation Criteria (DoD 5200.28.STD).

Chapter 1. Introduction to iSeries Security 5

In October, 1995, AS/400 formally received a C2 security rating from the United
States Department of Defense. The C2 rating is for V2R3 of OS/400, SEU,
Query/400, SQL, and Common Cryptographic Architecture Services/400. The C2
rating was awarded after a rigorous, multi-year period of evaluation. AS/400 is the
first system to achieve a C2 rating for a system (hardware and operating system)
with an integrated, full-function database.

| In 1999, AS/400 received a C2 rating for Version 4 Release 4 of OS/400 (with

| feature code 1920), SEU, Query/400, SQL, TCP/IP Utilities, Cryptographic Access
| Provider, and Advanced Series Hardware. A limited set of TCP/IP communication
| functions between AS/400 systems, attached to a local area network, were included
| in the evaluation.

To achieve a C2 rating, a system must meet strict criteria in the following areas:
v Discretionary access control
v User accountability
v Security auditing
v Resource isolation

6 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Chapter 2. Using System Security (QSecurity) System Values
This chapter discusses the security level (QSECURITY) system value and the issues
associated with it.

Specify level of security to be enforced on the system.
How To:
WRKSYSVAL *SEC (Work with System Values command) or Menu
SETUP, option 1 (Change System Options)
Journal Entry:
Notes: Before changing on a production system, read appropriate
section on migrating from one level to another.

The system offers five levels of security:

10 No system-enforced security
20 Sign-on security
30 Sign-on and resource security
40 Sign-on and resource security; integrity protection
50 Sign-on and resource security; enhanced integrity protection.

Attention: Beginning in Version 4 Release 3, you cannot set the system value
QSECURITY to security level 10.
Your system is shipped at level 40, which provides sign-on and resource security
and provides integrity protection. For more information, see “Security Level 40” on
page 11.

If you want to change the security level, use the Work with System Values
(WRKSYSVAL) command. The minimum security level you should use is 30.
However, level 40 or higher is recommended. The change takes effect the next time
you perform an initial program load (IPL). Table 1 compares the levels of security
on the system:
Table 1. Security Levels: Function Comparison
Function Level 20 Level 30 Level 40 Level 50

User name required to sign on. Yes Yes Yes Yes

Password required to sign on. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Password security active. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Menu and initial program security active. Yes1 Yes1 Yes1 Yes1
Limit capabilities support active. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Resource security active. No Yes Yes Yes
Access to all objects. Yes No No No
User profile created automatically. No No No No

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 7

Table 1. Security Levels: Function Comparison (continued)
Function Level 20 Level 30 Level 40 Level 50

Security auditing capabilities available. Yes Yes Yes Yes

Programs that contain restricted instructions cannot be created Yes Yes Yes Yes
or recompiled.
Programs that use unsupported interfaces fail at run time. No No Yes Yes
Enhanced hardware storage protection supported. No No Yes Yes
Library QTEMP is a temporary object. No No No Yes
*USRSPC, *USRIDX, and *USRQ objects can be created only in Yes Yes Yes Yes
libraries specified in the QALWUSRDMN system value.
Pointers used in parameters are validated for user domain No No No Yes
programs running in system state.
Message handling rules are enforced between system and user No No No Yes
state programs.
A program’s associated space cannot be directly modified. No No Yes Yes
Internal control blocks are protected. No No Yes Yes
When LMTCPB(*YES) is specified in the user profile.
At level 50, more protection of internal control blocks is enforced than at level 40. See “Preventing
Modification of Internal Control Blocks” on page 20.

The system security level determines what the default special authorities are for
each user class. When you create a user profile, you can select special authorities
based on the user class. Special authorities are also added and removed from user
profiles when you change security levels.

These special authorities can be specified for a user:

All-object special authority gives a user authority to perform all operations
on objects.
Audit special authority allows a user to define the auditing characteristics
of the system, objects, and system users.
System configuration special authority allows a user to configure input and
output devices on the system.
Job control special authority allows a user to control batch jobs and
printing on the system.
Save system special authority allows a user to save and restore objects.
Security administrator special authority allows a user to work with user
profiles on the system.
Service special authority allows a user to perform software service
functions on the system.
Spool control special authority allows unrestricted control of batch jobs and
output queues on the system.

8 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 2 shows the default special authorities for each user class. The entries
indicate that the authority is given at security levels 10 and 20 only, at all security
levels, or not at all.
Table 2. Default Special Authorities for User Classes by Security Level
User Classes

*ALLOBJ All 10 or 20 10 or 20 10 or 20 10 or 20
*JOBCTL All 10 or 20 10 or 20 All
*SAVSYS All 10 or 20 10 or 20 All 10 or 20

Note: The topics “User Class” on page 60 and “Special Authority” on page 65
provide more information about user classes and special authorities.


Security level 30 or higher is recommended because the system does not

automatically give users access to all resources. At lower security levels, all users
are given *ALLOBJ special authority.

Also, at security level 30 (or below), users are able to call system interfaces that
swap to QSECOFR user profile or allow users access to resources that they would
not normally be allowed to access. At security level 40, users are not allowed to
directly call these interfaces; therefore, security level 40 or higher is strongly

Security level 40 provides additional integrity protection without affecting system

performance. Applications that do not run at security level 40 have a negative
affect on performance at security level 30. They cause the system to respond to
domain violations.

Security level 50 is intended for systems with very high security requirements. If
you run your system at security level 50, you may notice some performance
impact because of the additional checking the system performs.

Even if you want to give all users access to all information, consider running your
system at security level 30. You can use the public authority capability to give
users access to information. Using security level 30 from the beginning gives you
the flexibility of securing a few critical resources when you need to without having
to test all your applications again.

Security Level 10
At security level 10, you have no security protection; therefore, security level 10 is
not recommended by IBM. Beginning in Version 4 Release 3, you cannot set your
security level to 10. If your system is currently at level 10, your system will remain
at level 10 when you install Version 4 Release 3. If you change the system level to
some other value, you cannot change it back to level 10.

Chapter 2. Using System Security (QSecurity) System Values 9

When a new user signs on, the system creates a user profile with the profile name
equal to the user ID specified on the sign-on display. If the same user signs on
later with a different user ID, a new user profile is created. Appendix B shows the
default values that are used when the system automatically creates a user profile.

The system performs authority checking at all levels of security. Because all user
profiles created at security level 10 are given *ALLOBJ special authority, users
successfully pass every authority check and have access to all resources. If you
want to test the effect of moving to a higher security level, you can remove
*ALLOBJ special authority from user profiles and grant those profiles the authority
to use specific resources. However, this does not give you any security protection.
Anyone can sign on with a new user ID, and a new profile is created with
*ALLOBJ special authority. You cannot prevent this at security level 10.

Security Level 20
Level 20 provides the following security functions:
v Both user ID and password are required to sign on.
v Only a security officer or someone with *SECADM special authority can create
user profiles.
v The limit capabilities value specified in the user profile is enforced.

All profiles are created with *ALLOBJ special authority at security level 20 by
default. Therefore, security level 20 is not recommended by IBM.

Changing to Level 20 from Level 10

When you change from level 10 to level 20, any user profiles that were
automatically created at level 10 are preserved. The password for each user profile
that was created at level 10 is the same as the user profile name. No changes are
made to the special authorities in the user profiles.

Following is a recommended list of activities if you plan to change from level 10 to

level 20 after your system has been in production:
v List all the user profiles on the system using the Display Authorized User
(DSPAUTUSR) command.
v Either create new user profiles with standardized names or copy the existing
profiles and give them new, standardized names.
v Set the password to expired in each existing profile, forcing each user to assign a
new password.
v Set password composition system values to prevent users from assigning trivial
v Review the default values in Table 132 in Appendix B for any changes you want
to make to the profiles automatically created at security level 10.

Changing to Level 20 from a Higher Level

When you change from a higher security level to level 20, special authorities are
added to the user profiles. By doing this, the user has, at least, the default special
authority for the user class. Refer to Table 2 on page 9 to see how special
authorities differ between level 20 and higher security levels.

Attention: When you change to level 20 from a higher security level, the system
adds *ALLOBJ special authority to every user profile. This allows users to view,
change, or delete any object on the system.

10 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Security Level 30
Level 30 provides the following security functions, in addition to what is provided
at level 20:
v Users must be specifically given authority to use resources on the system.
v Only user profiles created with the *SECOFR security class are given *ALLOBJ
special authority automatically.

Changing to Level 30 from a Lower Level

When you change to security level 30 from a lower security level, the system
changes all user profiles the next time you perform an IPL. Special authorities that
the user was given at 10 or 20, but would not have at 30 or above, are removed.
Special authorities that the user was given that are not associated with their user
class are not changed. For example, *ALLOBJ special authority is removed from all
user profiles except those with a user class of *SECOFR. See Table 2 on page 9 for a
list of the default special authorities and the differences between level 10 or 20 and
the higher security levels.

If your system has been running applications at a lower security level, you should
set up and test resource security before changing to security level 30. Following is
a recommended list of activities:
v For each application, set the appropriate authorities for application objects.
v Test each application using either actual user profiles or special test user profiles:
– Remove *ALLOBJ special authority from the user profiles used for testing.
– Grant appropriate application authorities to the user profiles.
– Run the application using the user profiles.
– Check for authority failures either by looking for error messages or by using
the security audit journal.
v When all applications run successfully with test profiles, grant the appropriate
authorities for application objects to all production user profiles.
v If the QLMTSECOFR (limit security officer) system value is 1 (Yes), users with
*ALLOBJ or *SERVICE special authority must be specifically authorized to
devices at security level 30 or higher. Give these users *CHANGE authority to
selected devices, give QSECOFR *CHANGE authority to the devices, or change
the QLMTSECOFR system value to 0.
v Change the security level on your system and perform an initial program load

If you want to change to level 30 without defining individual object authorities,

make the public authority for application objects high enough to run the
application. Run application tests to make sure no authority failures occur.

Note: See the topic “Defining How Information Can Be Accessed” on page 112 for
more information about object authorities.

Security Level 40
Security level 40 prevents potential integrity or security risks from programs that
could circumvent security in special cases. Security level 50 provides enhanced
integrity protection for installations with strict security requirements. Table 3 on
page 12 compares how security functions are supported at levels 30, 40, and 50.
These functions are explained in more detail in the sections that follow.

Chapter 2. Using System Security (QSecurity) System Values 11

Table 3. Comparison of Security Levels 30, 40, and 50
Scenario Description Level 30 Level 40 Level 50
1 1
A program attempts to access objects using AF journal entry AF journal entry ; AF journal entry 1;
interfaces that are not supported. operation fails. operation fails.
A program attempts to use a restricted AF journal entry AF journal entry 1; AF journal entry 1;
instruction. operation fails. operation fails.
The user submitting a job does not have AF journal entry AF journal entry 1; job AF journal entry 1; job
*USE authority to the user profile specified does not run. does not run.
in the job description.
A user attempts default sign-on without a AF journal entry AF journal entry 1; AF journal entry 1;
user ID and a password. sign-on is not sign-on is not
successful. successful.
A *USER state program attempts to write to Attempt is successful. AF journal entry; 1,2 AF journal entry; 1,2
system area of disk defined as read only or operation fails. 2 operation fails. 2
no access.
An attempt is made to restore a program No validation is Program validation is Program validation is
that does not have a validation value. 3 performed. Program is performed. performed.
restored with no
ownership changes.
An attempt is made to restore a program Program validation is Program validation is Program validation is
that has a validation value. performed. performed. performed.
An attempt is made to modify a program’s Attempt is successful. AF journal entry;1,2 AF journal entry;1,2
associated space. operation fails.2 operation fails.2
An attempt is made to modify a job’s Attempt is successful. AF journal entry;1,2 AF journal entry;1,2
address space. operation fails.2 operation fails.2
A user state program attempts to call or Attempt is successful. AF journal entry;1,2 AF journal entry;1,2
transfer control to a system domain program. operation fails.2 operation fails.2
An attempt is made to create a user domain Operation fails. Operation fails. Operation fails.
object of type *USRSPC, *USRIDX, or *USRQ
in a library not included in the
QALWUSRDMN system value.
A user state program sends an exception Attempt is successful. Attempt is successful. Operation fails.
message to a system state program that is
not immediately above it in the program
A parameter is passed to a user domain Attempt is successful. Attempt is successful. Parameter validation
program running in the system state. is performed.
An IBM*-supplied command is changed to Attempt is successful. AF journal entry;1,2,4 AF journal entry;1,2,4
run a different program using the CHGCMD operation fails.2,4 operation fails.2,4
command. The command is changed again
to run the original IBM-supplied program,
which is a system domain program. A user
attempts to run the command.
An authority failure (AF) type entry is written to the audit (QAUDJRN) journal, if the auditing function is
active. See Chapter 9 for more information about the audit function.
If the processor supports enhanced hardware storage protection.
Programs created prior to Version 1 Release 3 do not have a validation value.
When you change an IBM-supplied command, it can no longer call a system domain program.

If you use the auditing function at lower security levels, the system logs journal
entries for most of the actions shown in Table 3, except those detected by the
enhanced hardware protection function. You receive warnings in the form of
journal entries for potential integrity violations. At level 40 and higher, integrity
violations cause the system to fail the attempted operation.

12 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Preventing the Use of Unsupported Interfaces
| At security level 40 and higher, the system prevents attempts to directly call
| system programs not documented as call-level interfaces. For example, directly
| calling the command processing program for the SIGNOFF command fails.

The system uses the domain attribute of an object and the state attribute of a
program to enforce this protection:
v Domain:
Every object belongs to either the *SYSTEM domain or the *USER domain.
*SYSTEM domain objects can be accessed only by *SYSTEM state programs or
by *INHERIT state programs that are called by *SYSTEM state programs.
You can display the domain of an object by using the Display Object Description
(DSPOBJD) command and specifying DETAIL(*FULL). You can also use the
following commands:
– Display Program (DSPPGM) to display the domain of a program
– Display Service Porgram (DSPSRVPGM) to display the domain of a service
v State:
Program are either *SYSTEM state, *INHERIT state, or *USER state. The *USER
state programs can directly access only *USER domain objects. Objects that are
*SYSTEM domain can be accessed using the appropriate command or
application programming interface (API). The *SYSTEM and *INHERIT states are
reserved for IBM-supplied programs.
You can display the state of a program using the Display Program (DSPPGM)
command. You can display the state of a service program using the Display
Service Program (DSPSRVPGM) command.

Table 4 shows the domain and state access rules:

Table 4. Domain and State Access
Object Domain
Program State *USER *SYSTEM

A domain or state violation causes the operation to fail at security level 40 and
higher. At all security levels, an AF type entry is written to the audit journal if the
auditing function is active.

Journal Entry:

If the auditing function is active and the QAUDLVL system value includes
*PGMFAIL, an authority failure (AF) entry, violation type D, is written to the
QAUDJRN journal when an attempt is made to use an unsupported interface.

Protecting Job Descriptions

If a user profile name is used as the value for the User field in a job description,
any jobs submitted with the job description can be run with attributes taken from
that user profile. An unauthorized user might use a job description to violate
security by submitting a job to run under the user profile specified in the job

Chapter 2. Using System Security (QSecurity) System Values 13

At security level 40 and higher, the user submitting the job must have *USE
authority to both the job description and the user profile specified in the job
description, or the job fails. At security level 30, the job runs if the submitter has
*USE authority to the job description.

Journal Entry:

If the auditing function is active and the QAUDLVL system value includes
*AUTFAIL, an AF entry, violation type J, is written to the QAUDJRN journal when
a user submits a job and is not authorized to the user profile in a job description.

Signing On without a User ID and Password

At security level 30 and below, signing on by pressing the Enter key without a user
ID and password is possible with certain subsystem descriptions. At security level
40 and higher, the system stops any attempt to sign on without a user ID and
password. See the topic “Subsystem Descriptions” on page 181 for more
information about security issues associated with subsystem descriptions.

Journal Entry:

An AF entry, violation type S, is written to the QAUDJRN journal when a user

attempts to sign on without entering a user ID and password and the subsystem
description allows it. (The attempt fails at security level 40 and higher.)

Enhanced Hardware Storage Protection

Enhanced hardware storage protection allows blocks of system information located
on disk to be defined as read-write, read only, or no access. At security level 40
and higher, the system controls how *USER state programs access these protected
blocks. This support is not available at security levels less than 40.

Enhanced hardware storage protection is supported on all iSeries models, except

the following:
v All B models
v All C models
v D models: 9402 D04, 9402 D06, 9404 D10, and 9404 D20.

Journal Entry:

If the auditing function is active and the QAUDLVL system value includes
*PGMFAIL, an AF entry, violation type R, is written to the QAUDJRN journal
when a program attempts to write to an area of disk protected by the enhanced
hardware storage protection feature. This support is available only at security level
40 and higher.

Protecting a Program’s Associated Space

At security level 40 and higher, a user state program cannot directly change the
associated space of a program object.

Protecting a Job’s Address Space

At security level 50, a user state program cannot obtain the address for another job
on the system. Therefore, a user state program cannot directly manipulate objects
associated with another job.

14 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Validation of Programs Being Restored
Beginning with Version 1 Release 3 of the OS/400* licensed program, a program
containing restricted instructions cannot be compiled or created on an iSeries
system. The system uses a technique called program validation to determine
whether a program being restored to your system may contain restricted
instructions, either because the program was created on an earlier release or
because the object code has been changed.

When a program is created at Version 1 Release 3 or later, the iSeries system

calculates a validation value, which is stored with the program. When the program
is restored, the validation value is calculated again and compared to the validation
value that is stored with the program. If the validation values match, the program
is restored.

If the validation values do not match, the actions taken by the system are
determined by the security level and by the ALWOBJDIF parameter on the Restore
Object (RSTOBJ) command. The system actions may be:
v Try to create the program again.
v Log an entry in the audit journal.
v Send a message to the job log.
v Change ownership of the restored program to QDFTOWN.
v Revoke authority to the restored program.

| Note: Programs that are created for iSeries Version 5 Release 1 or later contain
| information that allows the program to be re-created at restore time if
| necessary. The information needed to re-create the program remains with the
| program even when the observability of the program is removed. If a
| program validation error is determined to exist at the time the program is
| restored, the program will be re-created in order to correct the program
| validation error. The action of re-creating the program at restore time is not
| new to iSeries Version 5 Release 1. In previous releases, any program
| validation error that was encountered at restore time resulted in the
| program being re-created if possible (if observability existsed in the program
| being restored). The difference with iSeries Version 5 Release 1 or later
| programs is that the information needed to re-create the program remains
| even when observability was removed from the program. Thus, any Version
| 5 release 1 or later program, for which a validation failure is detected, is
| re-created during restore and the alteration that caused the validation failure
| is removed.

Figure 2 on page 17 shows the procedure used by the system to determine what
action to take when a CISC program is restored to a CISC system or a RISC
program is restored to a RISC system. On the figure, the process of re-creating the
program is called translation, which means creating the object code again from the
observable information that is stored with the object code. The program source is
not required for translation. On the figure, Version 1 Release 3 is abbreviated as

For programs created prior to Version 1 Release 3, you can use the Change
Program (CHGPGM) command with the Force Create (FRCCRT) parameter to have
the system create a validation value. This improves restore performance after
migrating to security level 40 or higher.

Chapter 2. Using System Security (QSecurity) System Values 15

| If programs, created prior to iSeries Version 5 Release 1, have the observable
| information deleted, the CHGPGM command cannot calculate a validation value.
| In this case, the validation value can only be created by using the CRTxxxPGM
| command. When a CISC program is restored to a RISC system, the program must
| be translated before it can be run.

You can use the Force Object Conversion (FRCOBJCVN) parameter on the Restore
Object (RSTOBJ) command to force translation during the restore. If the observable
information of the program is available, the program is translated and restored.
There are no messages, no audit entries in QAUDJRN, and no changes in
ownership or authorities when the program is translated and restored.

16 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Figure 2. Validation Checking and System Action When Restoring a Program

Changing to Security Level 40

Make sure that all your applications run successfully at security level 30 before
migrating to level 40. Security level 30 gives you the opportunity to test resource
security for all your applications. Use the following procedure to migrate to
security level 40:

Chapter 2. Using System Security (QSecurity) System Values 17

1. Activate the security auditing function, if you have not already done so. The
topic “Setting up Security Auditing” on page 256 gives complete instructions
for setting up the auditing function.
2. Make sure the QAUDLVL system value includes *AUTFAIL and *PGMFAIL.
*PGMFAIL logs journal entries for any access attempts that violate the integrity
protection at security level 40.
3. Monitor the audit journal for *AUTFAIL and *PGMFAIL entries while running
all your applications at security level 30. Pay particular attention to the
following reason codes in AF type entries:
B Restriction (blocked) instruction violation
C Object validation failure
D Unsupported interface (domain) violation
J Job-description and user-profile authorization failure
R Attempt to access protected area of disk (enhanced hardware storage
S Default sign-on attempt

These codes indicate the presence of integrity exposures in your applications.

At security level 40, these programs fail.
4. If you have any programs that were created prior to Version 1 Release 3, use
the CHGPGM command with the FRCCRT parameter to create validation
values for those programs. At security level 40, the system translates any
program that is restored without a validation value. This can add considerable
time to the restore process. See the topic “Validation of Programs Being
Restored” on page 15 for more information about program validation.

Note: Restore program libraries as part of your application test. Check the
audit journal for validation failures.
5. Based on the entries in the audit journal, take steps to correct your applications
and prevent program failures.
6. Change the QSECURITY system value to 40 and perform an IPL.

Disabling Security Level 40

After changing to security level 40, you may find you need to move back to level
30 temporarily. For example, you may need to test new applications for integrity
errors. Or, you may discover you did not test well enough before changing to
security level 40.

You can change from security level 40 to level 30 without jeopardizing your
resource security. No changes are made to special authorities in user profiles when
you move from level 40 to level 30. After you have tested your applications and
resolved any errors in the audit journal, you can move back to level 40.

Attention: If you move from level 40 to level 20, some special authorities are
added to all user profiles. (See Table 2 on page 9.) This removes resource security

18 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Security Level 50
Security level 50 is designed to meet the requirements defined by the U.S.
Department of Defense for C2 security. It provides enhanced integrity protection in
addition to what is provided by security level 40. Running your system at security
level 50 is required for C2 security. Other requirements for C2 security are
described in the book Security - Enabling for C2.

These security functions are included for security level 50. They are described in
the topics that follow:
v Restricting user domain object types (*USRSPC, *USRIDX, and *USRQ)
v Validating parameters
v Restricting message handling between user and system state programs
v Preventing modification of internal control blocks
v Making the QTEMP library a temporary object

Restricting User Domain Objects

Most objects are created in the system domain. When you run your system at
security level 40 or 50, system domain objects can be accessed only by using the
commands and APIs provided.

These object types can be either system or user domain:

v User space (*USRSPC)
v User index (*USRIDX)
v User queue (*USRQ)

Objects of type *USRSPC, *USRIDX, and *USRQ in user domain can be

manipulated directly without using system-provided APIs and commands. This
allows a user to access an object without creating an audit record.

Note: Objects of type *PGM, *SRVPGM and *SQLPKG can also be in the user
domain. Their contents cannot be manipulated directly, and they are not
affected by the restrictions.

At security level 50, a user must not be permitted to pass security-relevant

information to another user without the ability to send an audit record. To enforce
v At security level 50, no job can get addressability to the QTEMP library for
another job. Therefore, if user domain objects are stored in the QTEMP library,
they cannot be used to pass information to another user.
Because of the difference in handling the QTEMP library at security level 50,
objects in the QTEMP library may not be deleted when you IPL after the system
ends abnormally. You may need to run the Reclaim Storage (RCLSTG) command
more often at security level 50. Objects that are in a user’s QTEMP library when
the system ends abnormally appear in the QRCL library and need to be deleted
after running the RCLSTG command.
v To provide compatibility with existing applications that use user domain objects,
you can specify additional libraries in the QALWUSRDMN system value. The
QALWUSRDMN system value is enforced at all security levels. See “Allow User
Domain Objects (QALWUSRDMN)” on page 25 for more information.

Chapter 2. Using System Security (QSecurity) System Values 19

Validating Parameters
Interfaces to the operating system are system state programs in user domain. In
other words, they are programs that can be called directly by a user. When
parameters are passed between user state and system state programs, those
parameters must be checked to prevent any unexpected values from jeopardizing
the integrity of the operating system.

When you run your system at security level 50, the system specifically checks
every parameter passed between a user state program and a system state program
in the user domain. This is required for your system to separate the system and
user domain and to meet the requirements of a C2 level of security. You may
notice some performance impact because of this additional checking.

Restricting Message Handling

Messages sent between programs provide the potential for integrity exposures. The
following applies to message handling at security level 50:
v Any user state program can send a message of any type to any other user state
v Any system state program can send a message of any type to any user or system
state program.
v A user state program can send a non-exception message to any system state
v A user state program can send an exception type message (status, notify, or
escape) to a system state program if one of the following is true:
– The system state program is a request processor.
– The system state program called a user state program.

Note: The user state program sending the exception message does not have
to be the program called by the system state program. For example, in
this program stack, an exception message can be sent to Program A by
Program B, C, or D:

Program A System state

Program B User state
Program C User state
Program D User state

v When a user state program receives a message from an external source (*EXT),
any pointers in the message replacement text are removed.

Preventing Modification of Internal Control Blocks

At security level 40 and higher, some internal control blocks, such as the work
control block, cannot be modified by a user state program.

At security level 50, no system internal control blocks can be modified. This
includes the open data path (ODP), the spaces for CL commands and programs,
and the S/36 environment job control block.

Changing to Security Level 50

Most of the additional security measures that are enforced at security level 50 do
not cause audit journal entries at lower security levels. Therefore, an application
cannot be tested for all possible integrity error conditions prior to changing to
security level 50.

20 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

The actions that cause errors at security level 50 are uncommon in normal
application software. Most software that runs successfully at security level 40 also
runs at security level 50.

If you are currently running your system at security level 30, complete the steps
described in “Changing to Security Level 40” on page 17 to prepare for changing to
security level 50.

If you are currently running your system at security level 30 or 40, do the
following to prepare for security level 50:
v Evaluate setting the QALWUSRDMN system value. Controlling user domain
objects is important to system integrity. See “Restricting User Domain Objects”
on page 19.
v Recompile any COBOL programs that assign the device in the SELECT clause to
WORKSTATION if the COBOL programs were compiled using a pre-V2R3
v Recompile any S/36 environment COBOL programs that were compiled using a
pre-V2R3 compiler.
v Recompile any RPG/400* or System/38™ environment RPG* programs that use
display files if they were compiled using a pre-V2R2 compiler.

You can go directly from security level 30 to security level 50. Running at security
level 40 as an intermediate step does not provide significant benefits for testing.

If you are currently running at security level 40, you can change to security level
50 without extra testing. Security level 50 cannot be tested in advance. The
additional integrity protection that is enforced at security level 50 does not produce
error messages or journal entries at lower security levels.

Disabling Security Level 50

After changing to security level 50, you may find you need to move back to
security level 30 or 40 temporarily. For example, you may need to test new
applications for integrity errors. Or, you may discover integrity problems that did
not appear at lower security levels.

You can change from security level 50 to level 30 or 40 without jeopardizing your
resource security. No changes are made to special authorities in user profiles when
you move from level 50 to level 30 or 40. After you have tested your applications
and resolved any errors in the audit journal, you can move back to level 50.

Attention: If you move from level 50 to level 20, some special authorities are
added to all user profiles. This removes resource security protection. (See Table 2
on page 9.)

Chapter 2. Using System Security (QSecurity) System Values 21

22 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1
Chapter 3. Security System Values
This chapter describes the system values that control security on your system. The
system values are broken into four groups:
v General security system values
v Other system values related to security
v System values that control passwords
v System values that control auditing

General Security System Values

Specify system values that control security on the system.
How To:
WRKSYSVAL *SEC (Work with System Values command)
Journal Entry:
| Notes: Changes take effect immediately. IPL is required only when
| changing the security level (QSECURITY system value) or
| password level (QPWDLVL system value).

Following are the general system values that control security on your system:
Allow object restore option
Allow user domain objects in the libraries
Create default public authority
Display sign-on information
Inactive job time-out interval
Inactive job message queue
Limit device sessions
Limit security officer
Maximum sign-on attempts

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 23

Action when maximum sign-on attempts exceeded
Retain Server Security
Remote sign-on requests
Security level
| Shared memory control
Use Adopted Authority
| Verify object on restore

Descriptions of these system values follow. The possible choices are shown. The
choices that are underlined are the system-supplied defaults. For most system
values, a recommended choice is listed.

Allow Restoring of Security-Sensitive Objects (QALWOBJRST)

The QALWOBJRST system value determines whether objects that are
security-sensitive may be restored to your system. You can use it to prevent
anyone from restoring a system state object or an object that adopts authority.

When your system is shipped, the QALWOBJRST system value is set to *ALL. This
value is necessary to install your system successfully.

ATTENTION: It is important to set the QALWOBJRST value to *ALL before

performing some system activities, such as:
v Installing a new release of the OS/400 licensed program.
v Installing new licensed programs.
v Recovering your system.

These activities may fail if the QALWOBJRST value is not *ALL. To

ensure system security, return the QALWOBJRST value to your
normal setting after completing the system activity.

You may specify multiple values for the QALWOBJRST system value, unless you
specify *ALL or *NONE.
Table 5. Possible Values for the QALWOBJRST System Value:.
*ALL Any object may be restored to your system by a user with the
proper authority.
*NONE Security-sensitive objects, such as system state programs or
programs that adopt authority, may not be restored to the
*ALWSYSSTT System state objects may be restored to the system.
*ALWPGMADP Objects that adopt authority may be restored to the system.
| *ALWPTF System state objects, objects that adopt authority, objects that
| have the S_ISUID(set-user-ID) attribute enabled, and objects
| that have S_ISGID (set-group-ID) attribute enabled can be
| restored to the system during PTF install.

24 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 5. Possible Values for the QALWOBJRST System Value: (continued).
| *ALWSETUID Allow restore of files that have the S_ISUID (set-user-ID)
| attribute enabled.
| *ALWSETGID Allow restore of files that have the S_ISGID (set-group-ID)
| attribute enabled.
| *ALWVLDERR Allow restore of objects that do not pass the object validation
| tests.

Recommended Value: The QALWOBJRST system value provides a method to

protect your system from programs that may cause serious problems. For normal
operations, consider setting this value to *NONE. Remember to change it to *ALL
before performing the activities listed previously. If you regularly restore programs
and applications to your system, you may need to set the QALWOBJRST system
value to *ALWPGMADP.

Allow User Domain Objects (QALWUSRDMN)

The QALWUSRDMN system value specifies which libraries are allowed to contain
user domain objects of type *USRSPC, *USRIDX, and *USRQ. The restriction does
not apply to user domain objects of type *PGM, *SRVPGM, and *SQLPKG. Systems
with high security requirements require the restriction of user *USRSPC, *USRIDX,
*USRQ objects. The system cannot audit the movement of information to and from
user domain objects.
Table 6. Possible Values for the QALWUSRDMN System Value:
*ALL User domain objects are allowed in all libraries and directories
on the system.
*DIR User domain objects are allowed in all directories on the
library- name The names of up to 50 libraries that can contain user domain
objects of type *USRSPC, *USRIDX, and *USRQ. If individual
libraries are listed, the library QTEMP must be included in the

Recommended Value: For most systems, the recommended value is *ALL. If your
system has a high security requirement, you should allow user domain objects
only in the QTEMP library. At security level 50, the QTEMP library is a temporary
object and cannot be used to pass confidential data between users.

| Some systems have application software that relies on object types *USRSPC,
| *USRIDX, or *USRQ. For those systems, the list of libraries for the
| QALWUSRDMN system value should include the libraries that are used by the
| application software. The public authority of any library placed in
| QALWUSRDMN, except QTEMP, should be set to *EXCLUDE. This limits the
| number of users that may use MI interface, that cannot be audited, to read or
| change the dat in user domain objects in these libraries.

Note: If you run the Reclaim Storage (RCLSTG) command, user domain objects
may need to be moved in and out of the QRCL (reclaim storage) library. To
run the RCLSTG command successfully, you may need to add the QRCL
library to the QALWUSRDMN system value. To protect system security, set
the public authority to the QRCL library to *EXCLUDE. Remove the QRCL
library from the QALWUSRDMN system value when you have finished
running the RCLSTG command.

Chapter 3. Security System Values 25

Authority for New Objects (QCRTAUT)
The QCRTAUT system value is used to determine the public authority for a newly
created object if the following conditions are met:
v The create authority (CRTAUT) for the library of the new object is set to
v The new object is created with public authority (AUT) of *LIBCRTAUT.
Table 7. Possible Values for the QCRTAUT System Value:
*CHANGE The public can change newly created objects.
*USE The public may view, but not change, newly created objects.
*ALL The public may perform any function on new objects.
*EXCLUDE The public is not allowed to use new objects.

Recommended Value:

The QCRTAUT system value is not used for objects created in directories in the
enhanced file system.

Attention: Several IBM-supplied libraries, including QSYS, have a CRTAUT value

of *SYSVAL. If you change the QCRTAUT system value to something other than
*CHANGE, you may encounter problems with signing on at new or automatically
created devices. To avoid these problems when you change QCRTAUT to
something other than *CHANGE, you should ensure that all device descriptions
and their associated message queues have a PUBLIC authority of *CHANGE. One
way to accomplish this is to change the CRTAUT value for library QSYS to

Display Sign-On Information (QDSPSGNINF)

The QDSPSGNINF system value determines whether the Sign-on Information
display is shown after signing on. The Sign-on Information display shows:
v Date of last sign-on
v Any sign-on attempts that were not valid
v The number of days until the password expires (if the password is due to expire
in 7 days or less)

Sign-on Information
Previous sign-on . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 10/30/91 14:15:00

Sign-on attempts not valid . . . . . . . . : 3

Days until password expires . . . . . . . : 5

Table 8. Possible Values for the QDSPSGNINF System Value:

0 Display is not shown.
1 Display is shown.

Recommended Value: 1 (Display is shown) is recommended so users can monitor

attempted use of their profiles and know when a new password is needed.

26 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Note: Display sign-on information can also be specified in individual user profiles.

Inactive Job Time-Out Interval (QINACTITV)

The QINACTITV system value specifies in minutes how long the system allows a
job to be inactive before taking action. A workstation is considered inactive if it is
waiting at a menu or display, or if it is waiting for message input with no user
interaction. Some examples of user interaction are:
v Using the Enter key
v Using the paging function
v Using function keys
v Using the Help key

Emulation sessions through Client Access are included. Local jobs that are signed
on to a remote system are excluded. Jobs that are connected by file transfer
protocol (FTP) are excluded. Prior to Version 4, Release 2, telnet jobs were also
excluded. To control the time-out of FTP connections, change the INACTTIMO
parameter on the Change FTP Attribute (CHGFTPA) command. To control the
time-out of telnet sessions prior to V4R2, use the Change Telnet Attribute
(CHGTELNA) command.

Following are examples of how the system determines which jobs are inactive:
v A user uses the system request function to start a second interactive job. A
system interaction, such as the Enter key, on either job causes both jobs to be
marked as active.
v A Client Access job may appear inactive to the system if the user is performing
PC functions such as editing a document without interacting with the iSeries

The QINACTMSGQ system value determines what action the system takes when
an inactive job exceeds the specified interval.

When the system is started, it checks for inactive jobs at the interval specified by
the QINACTITV system value. For example, if the system is started at 9:46 in the
morning and the QINACTITV system value is 30 minutes, it checks for inactive
jobs at 10:16, 10:46, 11:16, and so on. If it discovers a job that has been inactive for
30 minutes or more, it takes the action specified by the QINACTMSGQ system
value. In this example, if a job becomes inactive at 10:17, it will not be acted upon
until 11:16. At the 10:46 check, it has been inactive for only 29 minutes.

The QINACTITV and QINACTMSGQ system values provide security by

preventing users from leaving inactive workstations signed on. An inactive
workstation might allow an unauthorized person access to the system.
Table 9. Possible Values for the QINACTITV System Value:
*NONE: The system does not check for inactive jobs.
interval-in-minutes Specify a value of 5 through 300. When a job has been inactive
for that number of minutes, the system takes the action
specified in QINACTMSGQ.

Recommended Value: 60 minutes.

Chapter 3. Security System Values 27

Inactive Job Time-Out Message Queue (QINACTMSGQ)
The QINACTMSGQ system value specifies what action the system takes when the
inactive job time-out interval for a job has been reached.
Table 10. Possible Values for QINACTMSGQ System Value:
*ENDJOB Inactive jobs are ended. If the inactive job is a group job,1 all
jobs associated with the group are also ended. If the job is part
of a secondary job,1 both jobs are ended. The action taken by
*ENDJOB is equal to running the command ENDJOB JOB(name)
OPTION (*IMMED) ADLINTJOBS(*ALL) against the inactive job.
*DSCJOB The inactive job is disconnected, as are any secondary or group
jobs1 associated with it. The disconnected job time-out interval
(QDSCJOBITV) system value controls whether the system
eventually ends disconnected jobs. See “Disconnected Job
Time-Out Interval (QDSCJOBITV)” on page 36 for more

Attention: The system cannot disconnect some jobs, such as PC

Organizer and PC text-assist function (PCTA). If the system
cannot disconnect an inactive job, it ends the job instead.
message-queue-name Message CPI1126 is sent to the specified message queue when
the inactive job time-out interval is reached. This message
states: Job &3/&2/&1; has not been active.

The message queue must exist before it can be specified for the
QINACTMSGQ system value. This message queue is
automatically cleared during an IPL. If you assign
QINACTMSGQ as the user’s message queue, all messages in
the user’s message queue are lost during each IPL.
The Work Management book describes group jobs and secondary jobs.

Recommended Value: *DSCJOB unless your users run Client Access jobs. Using
*DSCJOB when some Client Access jobs are running is the equivalent of ending the
jobs. It can cause significant loss of information. Use the message-queue option if
you have the Client Access licensed program. The CL Programming book shows an
example of writing a program to handle messages.

Using a Message Queue: A user or a program can monitor the message queue and
take action as needed, such as ending the job or sending a warning message to the
user. Using a message queue allows you to make decisions about particular
devices and user profiles, rather than treating all inactive devices in the same way.
This method is recommended when you use the Client Access licensed program.

If a workstation with two secondary jobs is inactive, two messages are sent to the
message queue (one for each secondary job). A user or program can use the End
Job (ENDJOB) command to end one or both secondary jobs. If an inactive job has
one or more group jobs, a single message is sent to the message queue. Messages
continue to be sent to the message queue for each interval that the job is inactive.

Limit Device Sessions (QLMTDEVSSN)

The QLMTDEVSSN system value specifies whether a user is allowed to be signed
on to more than one device at a time. This value does not restrict the System
Request menu or a second sign-on from the same device. If a user has a
disconnected job, the user is allowed to sign on to the system with a new device

28 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 11. Possible Values for the QLMTDEVSSN System Value:
0 The system allows an unlimited number of sign-on sessions.
1 Users are limited to one device session.

Recommended Value: 1 (Yes) because limiting users to a single device reduces the
likelihood of sharing passwords and leaving devices unattended.

Note: Limiting device sessions can also be specified in individual user profiles.

Limit Security Officer (QLMTSECOFR)

The QLMTSECOFR system value controls whether a user with all-object (*ALLOBJ)
or service (*SERVICE) special authority can sign on to any workstation. Limiting
powerful user profiles to certain well-controlled workstations provides security

The QLMTSECOFR system value is only enforced at security level 30 and higher.
“Workstations” on page 177 provides more information about the authority
required to sign on at a workstation.

You can always sign on at the system console with the QSECOFR, QSRV, and
QSRVBAS profiles, no matter how the QLMTSECOFR value is set.
Table 12. Possible Values for the QLMTSECOFR System Value:
1 A user with *ALLOBJ or *SERVICE special authority can sign
on at a display station only if that user is specifically
authorized (that is, given *CHANGE authority) to the display
station or if user profile QSECOFR is authorized (given
*CHANGE authority) to the display station. This authority
cannot come from public authority.
0 Users with *ALLOBJ or *SERVICE special authority can sign on
at any display station for which they have *CHANGE
authority. They can receive *CHANGE authority through
private or public authority or because they have *ALLOBJ
special authority.

Recommended Value: 1 (Yes).

Maximum Sign-On Attempts (QMAXSIGN)

The QMAXSIGN system value controls the number of consecutive sign-on
attempts that are not correct by local and remote users. Incorrect sign-on attempts
can be caused by a user ID that is not correct, a password that is not correct, or
inadequate authority to use the workstation.

When the maximum number of sign-on attempts is reached, the QMAXSGNACN

system value is used to determine the action to be taken. A message is sent to the
QSYSOPR message queue (and QSYSMSG message queue if it exists in library
QSYS) to notify the security officer of a possible intrusion.

If you create the QSYSMSG message queue in the QSYS library, messages about
critical system events are sent to that message queue as well as to QSYSOPR. The
QSYSMSG message queue can be monitored separately by a program or a system
operator. This provides additional protection of your system resources. Critical
system messages in QSYSOPR are sometimes missed because of the volume of
messages sent to that message queue.

Chapter 3. Security System Values 29

Table 13. Possible Values for the QMAXSIGN System Value:
3 A user can try to sign on a maximum of 3 times.
*NOMAX The system allows an unlimited number of incorrect sign-on
attempts. This gives a potential intruder unlimited
opportunities to guess a valid user ID and password
limit Specify a value from 1 through 25. The recommended number
of sign-on attempts is three. Usually three attempts are enough
to correct typing errors but low enough to help prevent
unauthorized access.

Recommended Value: 3.

Action When Sign-On Attempts Reached (QMAXSGNACN)

The QMAXSGNACN system value determines what the system does when the
maximum number of sign-on attempts is reached at a workstation.
Table 14. Possible Values for the QMAXSGNACN System Value:
3 Disable both the user profile and device.
1 Disable the device only.
2 Disable the user profile only.

The system disables a device by varying it off. The device is disabled only if the
sign-on attempts that are not valid are consecutive on the same device. One valid
sign-on resets the count of incorrect sign-on attempts for the device.

The system disables a user profile by changing the Status parameter to

*DISABLED. The user profile is disabled when the number of incorrect sign-on
attempts for the user reaches the value in the QMAXSIGN system value, regardless
of whether the incorrect sign-on attempts were from the same or different devices.
One valid sign-on resets the count of incorrect sign-on attempts in the user profile.

If you create the QSYSMSG message queue in QSYS, the message sent (CPF1397)
contains the user and device name. Therefore, it is possible to control the disabling
of the device based on the device being used.

“Maximum Sign-On Attempts (QMAXSIGN)” on page 29 provides more

information about the QSYSMSG message queue.

If the QSECOFR profile is disabled, you may sign on as QSECOFR at the console
and enable the profile. If the console is varied off and no other user can vary it on,
you must IPL the system to make the console available.

Recommended Value: 3.

Retain Server Security (QRETSVRSEC)

QRETSVRSEC system value determines whether decryptable authentication
information associated with user profiles or validation list (*VLDL) entries can be
retained on the host system. This does not include the iSeries user profile

If you change the value from 1 to 0, the system removes the decryptable
authentication information from the system.

30 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

The encrypted data field of a validation list entry is typically used to store
authentication information. Applications specify whether to store the encrypted
data in a decryptable or non-decryptable form. If the applications choose a
decryptable form and the QRETSVRSEC value is changed from 1 to 0, the
encrypted data field information is removed from the entry. If the encrypted data
field of a validation list entry is stored in a non-decryptable from, it is not affected
by the QRETSVRSEC system value.

If you have a large number of user profiles or validation lists on your system
when you make this change, the CHGSYSVAL command may run for an extensive
period of time.
Table 15. Possible Values for the QRETSVRSEC System Value:
0 Server security data is not retained.
1 Server security data is retained.

Recommended Value: 0.

Remote Sign-On Control (QRMTSIGN)

The QRMTSIGN system value specifies how the system handles remote sign-on
requests. Examples of remote sign-on are display station pass-through from
another system, the workstation function of the Client Access licensed program,
and TELNET access.
Table 16. Possible Values for the QRMTSIGN System Value:
*FRCSIGNON Remote sign-on requests must go through the normal sign-on
*SAMEPRF When the source and target user profile names are the same,
the sign-on display may be bypassed if automatic sign-on is
requested. Password verification occurs before the target
pass-through program is used. If a password that is not valid is
sent on an automatic sign-on attempt, the pass-through session
always ends and an error message is sent to the user. However,
if the profile names are different, *SAMEPRF indicates that the
session ends with a security failure even if the user entered a
valid password for the remote user profile.

The sign-on display appears for pass-through attempts not

requesting automatic sign-on.
*VERIFY The *VERIFY value allows you to bypass the sign-on display of
the target system if valid security information is sent with the
automatic sign-on request. If the password is not valid for the
specified target user profile, the pass-through session ends with
a security failure.

If the target system has a QSECURITY value of 10, any

automatic sign-on request is allowed.

The sign-on display appears for pass-through attempts not

requesting automatic sign-on.
*REJECT No remote sign-on is permitted.
For TELNET access, there is no action for *REJECT.
program-name library-name The program specified runs at the start and end of every
pass-through session.

Chapter 3. Security System Values 31

Recommended Value: *REJECT if you do not want to allow any pass-through or
Client Access access. If you do allow pass-through or Client Access access, use

The Remote Work Station Support book contains detailed information about the
QRMTSIGN system value. It also contains the requirements for a remote sign-on
program and an example.

| Share Memory Control (QSHRMEMCTL)

| The QSHRMEMCTL system value defines which users are allowed to use shared
| memory or mapped memory that has write capability. To change this system value,
| users must have *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special authorities. A change to this
| system value takes effect immediately.
| Table 17. Possible Values for the QSHRMEMCTL System Value:.
| 0 Users cannot use shared memory, or use mapped memory that
| has write capability.

| This value means that users cannot use shared-memory APIs

| (for example, shmat() — Shared Memory Attach API), and
| cannot use mapped memory objects that have write capability
| (for example, mmap() — Memory Map a File API provides this
| function).

| Use this value in environments with higher security

| requirements.

| 1 Users can use shared memory or mapped memory that has
| write capability.

| This value means that users can use shared-memory APIs (for
| example, shmat() — Shared Memory Attach API), and can use
| mapped memory objects that have write capability (for
| example, mmap() — Memory Map a File API provides this
| function).

| Recommended Value: 1.

Use Adopted Authority (QUSEADPAUT)

The QUSEADPAUT system value defines which users can create programs with
the use adopted authority (*USEADPAUT(*YES)) attribute. All users authorized by
the QUSEADPAUT system value can create or change programs and service
programs to use adopted authority if the user has the necessary authority to the
program or service program.

The system value can contain the name of an authorization list. The user’s
authority is checked against this list. If the user has at least *USE authority to the
named authorization list, the user can create, change, or update programs or
service programs with the USEADPAUT(*YES) attribute. The authority to the
authorization list cannot come from adopted authority.

If an authorization list is named in the system value and the authorization list is
missing, the function being attempted will not complete. A message is sent
indicating this.

32 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

However, if the program is created with the QPRCRTPG API, and the
*NOADPAUT value is specified in the option template, the program creates
successfully even if the authorization list does not exist.

If more than one function is requested on the command or API, and the
authorization list is missing, the function is not performed. If the command being
attempted when the authorization list cannot be found is Create Pascal Program
(CRTPASPGM) or Create Basic Program (CRTBASPGM), the result is a function
Table 18. Possible Values for the QUSEADPAUT System Value:
authorization list name A diagnostic message is signaled to indicate that the program is
created with USEADPAUT(*NO) if all of the following are true:
v An authorization list is specified for the QUSEADPAUT
system value.
v The user does not have authority to the authorization list
mentioned above.
v There are no other errors when the program or service
program is created.
*NONE All users can create or change programs and service programs
to use adopted authority if the users have the necessary
authority to the program or service program.

Recommended Value: For production machines, create an authorization list with

authority of *PUBLIC(*EXCLUDE). Specify this authorization list for the
QUSEADPAUT system value. This prevents anyone from creating programs that
use adopted authority.

You should carefully consider the security design of your application before
creating the authorization list for QUSEADPAUT system value. This is especially
important for application development environments.

Security-Related System Values

Specify system values that relate to security on the system.
How To:
WRKSYSVAL (Work with System Values command)
Journal Entry:
Notes: Changes take effect immediately. IPL is not required.

Following are descriptions of additional system values that relate to security on

your system. These system values are not included in the *SEC group on the Work
with System Values display.
Automatic device configuration

Chapter 3. Security System Values 33

Automatic configuration of virtual devices
Device recovery action
Disconnected job time-out interval
Remote service attribute

Descriptions of these system values follow. For each value, the possible choices are
shown. The choices that are underlined are the system-supplied defaults.

Automatic Device Configuration (QAUTOCFG)

QAUTOCFG system value automatically configures locally attached devices. The
value specifies whether devices that are added to the system are configured
Table 19. Possible Values for the QAUTOCFG System Value:
0 Automatic configuration is off. You must configure manually
any new local controllers or devices that you add to your
1 Automatic configuration is on. The system automatically
configures any new local controllers or devices that you add to
your system. The operator receives a message that indicates the
changes to the system’s configuration.

Recommended Value: When initiating system setup or when adding many new
devices, the system value should be set to 1. At all other times the system value
should be set at 0.

Automatic Configuration of Virtual Devices (QAUTOVRT)

The QAUTOVRT system value specifies whether pass-through virtual devices and
TELNET full screen virtual devices (as opposed to the workstation function virtual
device) are automatically configured.

A virtual device is a device description that does not have hardware associated
with it. It is used to form a connection between a user and a physical workstation
attached to a remote system.

Allowing the system to automatically configure virtual devices makes it easier for
users to break into your system using pass-through or telnet. Without automatic
configuration, a user attempting to break in has a limited number of attempts at
each virtual device. The limit is defined by the security officer using the
QMAXSIGN system value. With automatic configuration active, the actual limit is
higher. The system sign-on limit is multiplied by the number of virtual devices that
can be created by the automatic configuration support. This support is defined by
the QAUTOVRT system value.

1. This system value is also discussed in the Information Center (see “Prerequisite and related information” on page xvi for details).

34 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 20. Possible Values for the QAUTOVRT System Value:
0 No virtual devices are created automatically.
number-of- virtual- devices Specify a value 1 through 9999. If fewer than the specified
number of devices are attached to a virtual controller and no
device is available when a user attempts pass-through or full
screen TELNET, the system configures a new device.

Recommended Value: 0

The Remote Work Station Support book has more information about using display
station pass-through. The TCP/IP Configuration and Reference book as more
information about using TELNET.

Device Recovery Action (QDEVRCYACN)

QDEVRCYACN specifies what action to take when an I/O error occurs for an
interactive job’s workstation.
Table 21. Possible Values for the QDEVRCYACN System Value:
*DSCMSG Disconnects the job. When signing-on again, an error message
is sent to the user’s application program.
*MSG Signals the I/O error message to the user’s application
program. The application program performs error recovery.
*DSCENDRQS Disconnects the job. When signing-on again, a cancel request
function is performed to return control of the job back to the
last request level.
*ENDJOB Ends the job. A job log is produced for the job. A message
indicating that the job ended because of the device error is sent
to the job log and the QHST log. To minimize the performance
impact of the ending job, the job’s priority is lowered by 10, the
time slice is set to 100 milliseconds and the purge attribute is
set to yes.
*ENDJOBNOLIST Ends the job. A job log is not produced for the job. A message
is sent to the QHST log indicating that the job ended because
of the device error.

When a value of *MSG or *DSCMSG is specified, the device recovery action is not
performed until the next I/O operation is performed by the job. In a LAN/WAN
environment, this may allow one device to disconnect and another to connect,
using the same address, before the next I/O operation for the job occurs. The job
may recover from the I/O error message and continue running to the second
device. To avoid this, a device recovery action of *DSCENDRQS, *ENDJOB, or
*ENDJOBNOLIST should be specified. These device recovery actions are performed
immediately when an I/O error, such as a power-off operation, occurs.
Recommended Value:

Note: *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special authorities are not required to change this

Before Version 3, Release 6, the default value was *MSG. To leave as *MSG
presents a potential security exposure.

Chapter 3. Security System Values 35

Disconnected Job Time-Out Interval (QDSCJOBITV)
The QDSCJOBITV system value determines if and when the system ends a
disconnected job. The interval is specified in minutes.

If you set the QINACTMSGQ system value to disconnect inactive jobs (*DSCJOB),
you should set the QDSCJOBITV to end the disconnected jobs eventually. A
disconnected job uses up system resources, as well as retaining any locks on
Table 22. Possible Values for the QDSCJOBITV System Value:
240 The system ends a disconnected job after 240 minutes.
*NONE The system does not automatically end a disconnected job.
time-in-minutes Specify a value between 5 and 1440.

Recommended Value: 120

Remote Service Attribute (QRMTSRVATR)

QRMTSRVATR controls the remote system service problem analysis ability. The
value allows the system to be analyzed remotely. The values allowed are:
Table 23. Possible Values for the QRMTSRVATR System Value:
0 Remote service attribute is off.
1 Remote service attribute is on.

Recommended Value: 0

For information about remote access and the QRMTSRVATR system value, see
“Keylock Security” on page 2.

| Verify Object on Restore (QVFYOBJRST)

| The QVFYOBJRST system value determines whether software-related objects are
| required to have digital signatures in order to be restored to your system. You can
| prevent anyone from restoring a software-related object, unless that object has a
| proper digital signature from a trusted software provider. This value applies to
| objects of types: *PGM, *SRVPGM, *SQLPKG, and *MODULE. It also applies to
| *STMF objects which contain Java programs.

| If Digital Certificate Manager (OS/400 option 34) is not installed on the system, all
| objects except those signed by OS/400 are treated as unsigned when determining
| the effects of this system value during a restore operation.

| A change to this system value takes effect immediately.

| Table 24. Possible Values for the QVFYOBJRST System Value:.
| 1 Do not verify signatures on restore. Restore all objects
| regardless of their signature.

| This value should not be used unless you have signed objects
| to restore which will fail their signature verification for some
| acceptable reason.

36 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

| Table 24. Possible Values for the QVFYOBJRST System Value: (continued).
| 2 Verify objects on restore. Restore unsigned user-state objects.
| Restore signed user-state objects, even if the signatures are not
| valid.

| This value should be used only if there are specific objects with
| signatures that are not valid which you want to restore. In
| general, it is dangerous to restore objects with signatures that
| are not valid on your system.

| 3 Verify signatures on restore. Restore unsigned user-state objects.
| Restore signed user-state objects only if the signatures are valid.

| This value may be used for normal operations, when you

| expect some of the objects you restore to be unsigned, but you
| want to ensure that all signed objects have signatures that are
| valid. Programs you have written or purchased before digital
| signatures were available will be unsigned. This value allows
| those program to be restored. This is the default value.

| 4 Verify signatures on restore. Do not restore unsigned user-state
| objects. Restore signed user-state objects, even if the signatures
| are not valid.

| This value should be used only if there are specific objects with
| signatures that are not valid which you want to restore, but
| you do not want the possibility of unsigned objects being
| restored. In general, it is dangerous to restore objects with
| signatures that are not valid on your system.

| 5 Verify signatures on restore. Do not restore unsigned user-state
| objects. Restore signed user-state objects only if the signatures
| are valid.

| This value is the most restrictive value and should be used

| when the only objects you want to be restored are those which
| have been signed by trusted sources


| Objects which have the system-state attribute and objects which have the
| inherit-state attribute are required to have valid signatures. The only value which
| will allow a system-state or inherit-state object to restore without a valid signature
| is 1. Allowing such a program represents an integrity risk to your system. If you
| change the QVFYOBJRST system value to 1 to allow such an object to restore on
| your system, be sure to change the QVFYOBJRST system value back to its previous
| value after the object has been restored.

| Recommended Value: 3.

System Values That Apply to Passwords


Chapter 3. Security System Values 37

Specify system values to set requirements for the passwords
users assign.
How To:
WRKSYSVAL *SEC (Work with System Values command)
Journal Entry:
Notes: Changes take effect immediately. IPL is not required.

Following are the system values that control passwords. These system values
require users to change passwords regularly and help prevent users from assigning
trivial, easily guessed passwords. They can also make sure passwords meet the
requirements of your communications network:
Expiration interval
| Password level
Minimum length
Maximum length
Required difference
Restricted characters
Restrict adjacent characters
Restrict repeating characters
Character position difference
Require numeric character
Password validation program

The password-composition system values are enforced only when the password is
changed using the CHGPWD command, the ASSIST menu option to change a
password, or the QSYCHGPW application programming interface (API). They are
not enforced when the password is set using the CRTUSRPRF or CHGUSRPRF

2. These system values are also discussed in the Information Center (see“Prerequisite and related information” on page xvi for

38 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

| If the Password Minimum Length (QPWDMINLEN) system value has a value
| other than 1 or the Password Maximum Length (QPWDMAXLEN) system value
| has a value other than 10 or you change any of the other password-control system
| values from the defaults, the system prevents a user from setting the password
| equal to the user profile name using the CHGPWD command, the ASSIST menu,
| or the QSYCHGPW API.

If a password is forgotten, the security officer can use the Change User Profile
(CHGUSRPRF) command to set the password equal to the profile name or to any
other value. The Set password to expired field in the user profile can be used to
require that a password be changed the next time the user signs on.

Password Expiration Interval (QPWDEXPITV)

The QPWDEXPITV system value controls the number of days allowed before a
password must be changed. If a user attempts to sign on after the password has
expired, the system shows a display requiring that the password be changed before
the user is allowed to sign on.

| Sign-on Information
| System:
| Password has expired. Password must be changed to continue sign-on
| request.
| Previous sign-on . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 10/30/91 14:15:00
| Sign-on attempts not valid . . . . . . . . : 3
Table 25. Possible Values for the QPWDEXPITV System Value:
*NOMAX Users are not required to change their passwords.
limit-in-days Specify a value from 1 through 366.

Recommended Value: 30 to 90.

Note: A password expiration interval can also be specified in individual user


| Password Level (QPWDLVL)

| The password level of the system can be set to allow for user profile passwords
| from 1-10 characters or to allow for user profile passwords from 1-128 characters.

| The password level can be set to allow a ’passphrase’ as the password value. The
| term ’passphrase’ is sometimes used in the computer industry to describe a
| password value which can be very long and has few, if any, restrictions on the
| characters used in the password value. Blanks can be used between letters in a
| passphrase, which allows you to have a password value that is a sentence or
| sentence fragment. The only restrictions on a passphrase are that it cannot start
| with an asterisk (’*’) and trailing blanks will be removed. Before changing the
| password level of your system, please review the section “Planning Password
| Level Changes” on page 197.

Chapter 3. Security System Values 39

| Table 26. Possible Values for the QPWDLVL System Value:.
| 0 The system supports user profile passwords with a length of
| 1-10 characters. The allowable characters are A-Z, 0-9 and
| characters $, @, # and underscore. QPWDLVL 0 should be used
| if your system communicates with other iSeries systems in a
| network and those systems are running with either a
| QPWDLVL value of 0 or an operating system release less than
| V5R1M0. QPWDLVL 0 should be used if your system
| communicates with any other system that limits the length of
| passwords from 1-10 characters. QPWDLVL 0 must be used if
| your system communicates with the Windows® 95/98/ME
| AS/400 Client Support for Windows Network Neighborhood
| (AS/400 NetServer) product and your system communicates
| with other systems using passwords from 1-10 characters.
| When the QPWDLVL value of the system is set to 0, the
| operating system will create the encrypted password for use at
| QPWDLVL 2 and 3. The password value that can be used at
| QPWDLVL 2 and 3 will be the same password as is being used
| at QPWDLVL 0 or 1.
| 1 QPWDLVL 1 is the equivalent support of QPWDLVL 0 with the
| following exception: AS/400 NetServer passwords for Windows
| 95/98/ME clients will be removed from the system. If you use
| the client support for the AS/400 NetServer product you
| cannot use QPWDLVL value 1. QPWDLVL 1 improves the
| security of the AS/400 system by removing all AS/400
| NetServer passwords from the system.
| 2 The system supports user profile passwords from 1-128
| characters. Upper and lower case characters are allowed.
| Passwords can consist of any character and the password will
| be case sensitive. QPWDLVL 2 is viewed as a compatibility
| level. This level allows for a move back to QPWDLVL 0 or 1 as
| long as the password created on QPWDLVL 2 or 3 meets the
| length and syntax requirements of a password valid on
| QPWDLVL 0 or 1. QPWDLVL 2 can be used if your system
| communicates with the Windows 95/98/ME AS/400 Client
| Support for Windows Network Neighborhood (AS/400
| NetServer) product as long as your password is 1-14 characters
| in length. QPWDLVL 2 cannot be used if your system
| communicates with other iSeries systems in a network and
| those systems are running with either a QPWDLVL value of 0
| or 1 or an operating system release less than V5R1M0.
| QPWDLVL 2 cannot be used if your system communicates with
| any other system that limits the length of passwords from 1-10
| characters. No encrypted passwords are removed from the
| system when QPWDLVL is changed to 2.

40 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

| Table 26. Possible Values for the QPWDLVL System Value: (continued).
| 3 The system supports user profile passwords from 1-128
| characters. Upper and lower case characters are allowed.
| Passwords can consist of any character and the password will
| be case sensitive. QPWDLVL 3 cannot be used if your system
| communicates with other iSeries systems in a network and
| those systems are running with either a QPWDLVL value of 0
| or 1 or an operating system release less than V5R1M0.
| QPWDLVL 3 cannot be used if your system communicates with
| any other system that limits the length of passwords from 1-10
| characters. QPWDLVL 3 cannot be used if your system
| communicates with the Windows 95/98/ME AS/400 Client
| Support for Windows Network Neighborhood (AS/400
| NetServer) product. All user profile passwords that are used at
| QPWDLVL 0 and 1 are removed from the system when
| QPWDLVL is 3. Changing from QPWDLVL 3 back to
| QPWDLVL 0 or 1 requires a change to QPWDLVL 2 before
| going to 0 or 1. QPWDLVL 2 allows for the creation of user
| profile passwords that can be used at QPWDLVL 0 or 1 as long
| as the length and syntax requirements for the password meet
| the QPWDLVL 0 or 1 rules.

| Changing the password level of the system from 1-10 character passwords to 1-128
| character passwords requires careful consideration. If your system communicates
| with other systems in a network, then all systems must be able to handle the
| longer passwords.

| A change to this system value takes effect at the next IPL. To see the current and
| pending password level values, use the CL command DSPSECA (Display Security
| Attributes).

Minimum Length of Passwords (QPWDMINLEN)

The QPWDMINLEN system value controls the minimum number of characters in a
Table 27. Possible Values for the QPWDMINLEN System Value:
6 A minimum of six characters are required for passwords.
| minimum-number-of- Specify a value of 1 through 10 when the password level
| characters (QPWDLVL) system value is 0 or 1. Specify a value of 1 through
| 128 when the password level (QPWDLVL) system value is 2 or 3.

Recommended Value: 6, to prevent users from assigning passwords that are easily
guessed, such as initials or a single character.

Maximum Length of Passwords (QPWDMAXLEN)

The QPWDMAXLEN system value controls the maximum number of characters in
a password. This provides additional security by preventing users from specifying
passwords that are too long and have to be recorded somewhere because they
cannot be easily remembered.

Some communications networks require a password that is 8 characters or less.

Use this system value to ensure that passwords meet the requirements of your

Chapter 3. Security System Values 41

Table 28. Possible Values for the QPWDMAXLEN System Value:
8 A maximum of eight characters for a password are allowed.
| maximum-number-of- Specify a value of 1 through 10 when the password level
| characters (QPWDLVL) system value is 0 or 1. Specify a value of 1
| through 128 when the password level (QPWDLVL) system
| value is 2 or 3.

Recommended Value: 8.

Required Difference in Passwords (QPWDRQDDIF)

The QPWDRQDDIF system value controls whether the password must be different
from previous passwords. This value provides additional security by preventing
users from specifying passwords used previously. It also prevents a user whose
password has expired from changing it and then immediately changing it back to
the old password.

Note: The value of the QPWDRQDDIF system value determines how many of
these previous passwords are checked for a duplicate password.
Table 29. Possible Values for the QPWDRQDDIF System Value:
Value Number of Previous Passwords Checked for Duplicates
0 0 Duplicate passwords are allowed.
1 32
2 24
3 18
4 12
5 10
6 8
7 6
8 4

Recommended Value: Select a value of 5 or less to prevent the use of repeated

passwords. Use a combination of the QPWDRQDDIF system value and the
QPWDEXPITV (password expiration interval) system value to prevent a password
from being reused for at least 6 months. For example, set the QPWDEXPITV
system value to 30 (days) and the QPWDRQDDIF system value to 5 (10 unique
passwords). This means a typical user, who changes passwords when warned by
the system, will not repeat a password for approximately 9 months.

Restricted Characters for Passwords (QPWDLMTCHR)

The QPWDLMTCHR system value limits the use of certain characters in a
password. This value provides additional security by preventing users from using
specific characters, such as vowels, in a password. Restricting vowels prevents
users from forming actual words for their passwords.

| The QPWDLMTCHR system value is not enforced when the password level
| (QPWDLVL) system value has a value of 2 or 3. The QPWDLMTCHR system value
| can be changed at QPWDLVL 2 or 3, but will not be enforced until QPWDLVL is
| changed to a value of 0 or 1.

42 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 30. Possible Values for the QPWDLMTCHR System Value:
*NONE There are no restricted characters for passwords.
restricted-characters Specify up to 10 restricted characters. The valid characters are
A through Z, 0 through 9, and special characters pound (#),
dollar ($), at (@), and underscore (_).

Recommended Value: A, E, I, O, and U. You may also want to prevent special

characters (#, $, and @) for compatibility with other systems.

Restriction of Consecutive Digits for Passwords

The QPWDLMTAJC system value limits the use of numeric characters next to each
other (adjacent) in a password. This value provides additional security by
preventing users from using birthdays, telephone numbers, or a sequence of
numbers as passwords.
Table 31. Possible Values for the QPWDLMTAJC System Value:
0 Numeric characters are allowed next to each other in
1 Numeric characters are not allowed next to each other in

Restriction of Repeated Characters for Passwords

The QPWDLMTREP system value limits the use of repeating characters in a
password. This value provides additional security by preventing users from
specifying passwords that are easy to guess, such as the same character repeated
several times.

| When the password level (QPWDLVL) system value has a value of 2 or 3, the test
| for repeated characters is case sensitive. This means that a lowercase ’a’ is not the
| same as an uppercase ’A’.
Table 32. Possible Values for the QPWDLMTREP System Value:
0 The same characters can be used more than once in a
1 The same character cannot be used more than once in a
2 The same character cannot be used consecutively in a

Table 33 shows examples of what passwords are allowed based on the

QPWDLMTREP system value.
Table 33. Passwords with Repeating Characters with QPWDLVL 0 or 1
Password Example Value of 0 Value of 1 Value of 2

A11111 Allowed Not allowed Not allowed

BOBBY Allowed Not allowed Not allowed
AIRPLANE Allowed Not allowed Allowed
N707UK Allowed Not allowed Allowed

Chapter 3. Security System Values 43

| Table 34. Passwords with Repeating Characters with QPWDLVL 2 or 3
| Password Example Value of 0 Value of 1 Value of 2

| j222222 Allowed Not allowed Not allowed

| ReallyFast Allowed Not allowed Not allowed
| Mom’sApPlePie Allowed Not allowed Allowed
| AaBbCcDdEe Allowed Allowed Allowed

Character Position Difference for Passwords (QPWDPOSDIF)

The QPWDPOSDIF system value controls each position in a new password. This
provides additional security by preventing users from using the same character
(alphabetic or numeric) in a position corresponding to the same position in the
previous password.

| When the password level (QPWDLVL) system value has a value of 2 or 3, the test
| for the same character is case sensitive. This means that a lowercase ’a’ is not the
| same as an uppercase ’A’.
Table 35. Possible Values for the QPWDPOSDIF System Value:
0 The same characters can be used in a position corresponding to
the same position in the previous password.
1 The same character cannot be used in a position corresponding
to the same position in the previous password.

Requirement for Numeric Character in Passwords

The QPWDRQDDGT system value controls whether a numeric character is
required in a new password. This value provides additional security by preventing
users from using all alphabetic characters.
Table 36. Possible Values for the QPWDRQDDGT System Value:
0 Numeric characters are not required in new passwords.
1 One or more numeric characters are required in new passwords

Recommended Value: 1.

Password Approval Program (QPWDVLDPGM)

| If *REGFAC or a program name is specified in the QPWDVLDPGM system value,
| the system runs one or more programs after the new password has passed any
| validation tests you specify in the password-control system values. You can use the
| programs to do additional checking of user-assigned passwords before they are
| accepted by the system.

The topic “Using a Password Approval Program” on page 45 discusses the

requirements of the password approval program and shows an example.

44 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

| Table 37. Possible Values for the QPWDVLDPGM System Value:
| *NONE No user-written program is used. This includes any password
| approval programs registered in the exit registration facility.
| *REGFAC The validation program is retrieved from the registration
| facility, exit point QIBM_QSY_VLD_PASSWRD. More than one
| validation program can be specified in the registration facility.
| Each program will be called until one of them indicates that the
| password should be rejected or all of them have indicated the
| password is valid.
| program-name Specify the name of the user-written validation program, from
| 1 through 10 characters. A program name cannot be specified
| when the current or pending value of the password level
| (QPWDLVL) system value is 2 or 3.
| library-name Specify the name of the library where the user-written program
| is located. If the library name is not specified, the library list
| (*LIBL) of the user changing the system value is used to search
| for the program. QSYS is the recommended library.

Using a Password Approval Program

| If *REGFAC or a program name is specified in the QPWDVLDPGM system value,
| one or more programs are called by the Change Password (CHGPWD) command
| or Change Password (QSYCHGPW) API. The programs are called only if the new
| password entered by the user has passed all the other tests you specified in the
| password-control system values.

In case it is necessary to recover your system from a disk failure, place the
password approval program in library QSYS. This way the password approval
program is loaded when you restore library QSYS.

| If a program name is specified in the QPWDVLDPGM system value, the system

| passes the following parameters to the password approval program:
Table 38. Parameters for Password Approval Program
Position Type Length Description

1 *CHAR 10 The new password entered by the

2 *CHAR 10 The user’s old password.
3 *CHAR 1 Return code: 0 for valid password;
not 0 for incorrect password.
4 *CHAR 10 The name of the user.
1 Position 4 is optional.

| If *REGFAC is specified in the QPWDVLDPGM system value, refer to the Security

| Exit Program information in the System API manual for information on the
| parameters passed to the validation program.

If your program determines that the new password is not valid, you can either
send your own exception message (using the SNDPGMMSG command ) or set the
return code to a value other than 0 and let the system display an error message.
Exception messages that are signaled by your program must be created with the
DMPLST(*NONE) option of the Add Message Description (ADDMSGD) command.

The new password is accepted only if the user-written program ends with no
escape message and a return code of 0. Because the return code is initially set for

Chapter 3. Security System Values 45

passwords that are not valid (not zero), the approval program must set the return
code to 0 for the password to be changed.

Attention: The current and new password are passed to the validation program
without encryption. The validation program could store passwords in a database
file and compromise security on the system. Make sure the functions of the
validation program are reviewed by the security officer and that changes to the
program are strictly controlled.

| The following control language (CL) program is an example of a password

| approval program when a program name is specified for QPWDVLDLVL. This
| example checks to make sure the password is not changed more than once in the
| same day. Additional calculations can be added to the program to check other
| criteria for passwords:
/* NAME: PWDVALID - Password Validation */
/* */
/* FUNCTION: Limit password change to one per */
/* day unless the password is expired */
/* Get the current date and convert to YMD format */
/* Get date password last changed and whether */
/* password is expired from user profile */
/* Compare two dates */
/* if equal and password not expired */
/* then send *ESCAPE message to prevent change */
/* else set return code to allow change */
MSGDTA('Password can be changed only +
once per day') +

| The following control language (CL) program is an example of a password

| approval program when *REGFAC is specified for QPWDVLDLVL.

| This example checks to make sure the new password is in CCSID 37 (or if it is in
| CCSID 13488 it converts the new password to CCSID 37), that the new password
| does not end in a numeric character, and that the new password does not contain
| the user profile name. The example assumes that a message file (PWDERRORS)
| has been created and message descriptions (PWD0001 and PWD0002) have been
| added to the message file. Additional calculations can be added to the program to
| check other criteria for passwords:
| /**********************************************************/
| /* */
| /* NAME: PWDEXITPGM1 - Password validation exit 1 */

46 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

| /* */
| /* Validates passwords when *REGFAC is specified for */
| /* QPWDVLDPGM. Program is registered using the ADDEXITPGM*/
| /* CL command for the QIBM_QSY_VLD_PASSWRD exit point. */
| /* */
| /* */
| /* ASSUMPTIONS: If CHGPWD command was used, password */
| /* CCSID will be job default (assumed to be CCSID 37). */
| /* If QSYCHGPW API was used, password CCSID will be */
| /* UNICODE CCSID 13488. */
| /**********************************************************/
| DCL &INDX *DEC 5 0
| DCL &INDX *DEC 5 0
| DCL &INDX *DEC 5 0
| DCL &INDX *DEC 5 0
| DCL &XLATEU *CHAR 255 VALUE('............................... +
| !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?+
| ................................+
| ................................+
| ................................+
| ...............................')
| DCL &XLATEC *CHAR 255 VALUE('...............................+
| ................................+
| ................................+
| ................................+
| ..STUVWXYZ......................+
| ................................+
| ................................')
| /*********************************************************************/
| /* 001 - 020 EXIT POINT NAME */
| /* 021 - 028 EXIT POINT FORMAT NAME */
| /* 029 - 032 PASSWORD LEVEL (binary) */
| /* 033 - 042 USER PROFILE NAME */
| /* 043 - 044 RESERVED */
| /* 045 - 048 OFFSET TO OLD PASSWORD (binary) */
| /* 049 - 052 LENGTH OF OLD PASSWORD (binary) */
| /* 053 - 056 CCSID OF OLD PASSWORD (binary) */
| /* 057 - 060 OFFSET TO NEW PASSWORD (binary) */
| /* 061 - 064 LENGTH OF NEW PASSWORD (binary) */
| /* 065 - 068 CCSID OF NEW PASSWORD (binary) */
| /* ??? - ??? OLD PASSWORD */
| /* ??? - ??? NEW PASSWORD */
| /* */
| /*********************************************************************/
| /*********************************************************************/
| /* Establish a generic monitor for the program. */

Chapter 3. Security System Values 47

| /*********************************************************************/
| /* Assume new password is valid */
| CHGVAR &RTN VALUE('0') /* accept */
| /* Get new password length, offset and value. Also get user name */
| /* If CCSID is 13488, probably used the QSYCHGPW API which converts */
| /* the passwords to UNICODE CCSID 13488. So convert to CCSID 37, if */
| /* possible, else give an error */
| IF COND(%BIN(&EXINPUT 65 4) = 13488) THEN(DO)
| CVT1:
| CHGVAR &RTN VALUE('3') /* reject */
| ECVT1:
| CHGVAR %SST(&EXINPUT 65 4) VALUE(X'00000025')
| /* Check the CCSID of the new password value - must be 37 */
| CHGVAR &RTN VALUE('3') /* reject */
| CVT4:
| CHGVAR &RTN VALUE('3') /* reject */
| ECVT4:

48 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

| LOOP3:
| IF COND((&INDX + &UNLEN + 1) *LT 128) THEN(DO)
| /* New Password is valid */
| CHGVAR &RTN VALUE('3') /* reject */
| CHGVAR &RTN VALUE('3') /* reject */
System Values That Control Auditing
Specify system values to control security auditing on the
How To:
WRKSYSVAL *SEC (Work with System Values command)
Journal Entry:
Notes: Changes take effect immediately. IPL is not required.

Chapter 3. Security System Values 49

These system values control auditing on the system:
Auditing control
Auditing end action
Auditing force level
Auditing level
Create default auditing

Descriptions of these system values follow. The possible choices are shown. The
choices that are underlined are the system-supplied defaults. For most system
values, a recommended choice is listed.

Auditing Control (QAUDCTL)

The QAUDCTL system value determines whether auditing is performed. It
functions like an on and off switch for the following:
v The QAUDLVL system value
v The auditing defined for objects using the Change Object Auditing
(CHGOBJAUD) and Change DLO Auditing (CHGDLOAUD) commands
v The auditing defined for users using the Change User Audit (CHGUSRAUD)

You can specify more than one value for the QAUDCTL system value, unless you
specify *NONE.
Table 39. Possible Values for the QAUDCTL System Value:
*NONE No auditing of user actions and no auditing of objects is
*OBJAUD Auditing is performed for objects that have been selected using
*AUDLVL Auditing is performed for any functions selected on the
QAUDLVL system value and on the AUDLVL parameter of
individual user profiles. The audit level for a user is specified
using the Change User Audit (CHGUSRAUD) command.
*NOQTEMP Auditing is not performed for most actions if the object is in
QTEMP library. See “Chapter 9. Auditing Security on the iSeries
System” on page 235 for more details. You must specify this
value with either *OBJAUD or *AUDLVL.
See “Planning Security Auditing” on page 241 for a complete
description of the process for controlling auditing on your

Auditing End Action (QAUDENDACN)

The QAUDENDACN system value determines what action the system takes if
auditing is active and the system is unable to write entries to the audit journal.

50 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 40. Possible Values for the QAUDENDACN System Value:
*NOTIFY Message CPI2283 is sent to the QSYSOPR message queue and
the QSYSMSG message queue (if it exists) every hour until
auditing is successfully restarted. The system value QAUDCTL
is set to *NONE to prevent the system from attempting to write
additional audit journal entries. Processing on the system

If an IPL is performed before auditing is restarted, message

CPI2284 is sent to the QSYSOPR and QSYSMSG message
queues during the IPL.
*PWRDWNSYS If the system is unable to write an audit journal entry, the
system powers down immediately. The system unit displays
system reference code (SRC) B900 3D10. When the system is
powered on again, it is in a restricted state. This means the
controlling subsystem is in a restricted state, no other
subsystems are active, and sign-on is allowed only at the
console. The QAUDCTL system value is set to *NONE. The
user who signs on the console to complete the IPL must have
*ALLOBJ and *AUDIT special authority.

Recommended Value: For most installations, *NOTIFY is the recommended value.

If your security policy requires that no processing be performed on the system
without auditing, then you must select *PWRDWNSYS.

Only very unusual circumstances cause the system to be unable to write audit
journal entries. However, if this does happen and the QAUDENDACN system
value is *PWRDWNSYS, your system ends abnormally. This could cause a lengthy
initial program load (IPL) when your system is powered on again.

Auditing Force Level (QAUDFRCLVL)

The QAUDFRCLVL system value determines how often new audit journal entries
are forced from memory to auxiliary storage. This system value controls the
amount of auditing data that may be lost if the system ends abnormally.
Table 41. Possible Values for the QAUDFRCLVL System Value:
*SYS The system determines when journal entries are written to
auxiliary storage based on internal system performance.
number-of- records Specify a number between 1 and 100 to determine how many
audit entries can accumulate in memory before they are written
to auxiliary storage. The smaller the number, the greater the
impact on system performance.

Recommended Value: *SYS provides the best auditing performance. However, if

your installation requires that no audit entries be lost when your system ends
abnormally, you must specify 1. Specifying 1 may impair performance.

Auditing Level (QAUDLVL)

The QAUDLVL system value determines which security-related events are logged
to the security audit journal (QAUDJRN) for all system users. You can specify
more than one value for the QAUDLVL system value, unless you specify *NONE.

For the QAUDLVL system value to take effect, the QAUDCTL system value must
include *AUDLVL.

Chapter 3. Security System Values 51

Table 42. Possible Values for the QAUDLVL System Value:
*NONE No events controlled by the QAUDLVL system value are
logged. Events are logged for individual users based on the
AUDLVL values of user profiles.
*AUTFAIL Authority failure events are logged.
*CREATE Object create operations are logged.
*DELETE Object delete operations are logged.
*JOBDTA Actions that affect a job are logged.
*NETCMN Violation detected by APPN® Filter support is logged.
*OBJMGT Object move and rename operations are logged.
*OFCSRV Changes to the system distribution directory and office mail
actions are logged.
*OPTICAL Use of Optical Volumes is logged.
*PGMADP Obtaining authority from a program that adopts authority is
*PGMFAIL System integrity violations are logged.
*PRTDTA Printing a spooled file, sending output directly to a printer, and
sending output to a remote printer are logged.
*SAVRST Restore operations are logged.
*SECURITY Security-related functions are logged.
*SERVICE Using service tools is logged.
*SPLFDTA Actions performed on spooled files are logged.
*SYSMGT Use of system management functions is logged.

See “Planning the Auditing of Actions” on page 241 for a complete description of
the journal entry types and the possible values for QAUDLVL.

Auditing for New Objects (QCRTOBJAUD)

The QCRTOBJAUD system value is used to determine the auditing value for a new
object, if the auditing default for the library of the new object is set to *SYSVAL.
The QCRTOBJAUD system value is also the default object auditing value for new
folderless documents.

For example, the CRTOBJAUD value for the CUSTLIB library is *SYSVAL. The
QCRTOBJAUD value is *CHANGE. If you create a new object in the CUSTLIB
library, its object auditing value is automatically set to *CHANGE. You can change
the object auditing value using the CHGOBJAUD command.
Table 43. Possible Values for the QCRTOBJAUD System Value:
*NONE No auditing is done for the object.
*USRPRF Auditing of the object is based on the value in the profile of the
user accessing the object.
*CHANGE An audit record is written whenever the object is changed.
*ALL An audit record is written for any action that affects the
contents of the object. An audit record is also written if an
object’s contents change.

Recommended Value: The value you select depends upon the auditing
requirements of your installation. The section “Planning the Auditing of Object
Access” on page 252 provides more information about methods for setting up
object auditing on your system. You may also control the auditing value at the
library level with the CRTOBJAUD parameter with the CRTLIB command and the
CHGLIB command.

52 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Chapter 4. User Profiles
This chapter describes user profiles: their purpose, their features, and how to
design them. User profiles are a powerful and flexible tool. Designing them well
can help you protect your system and customize it for your users.

Create and maintain user profiles and group profiles on the
How To:
Work with User Profiles (WRKUSRPRF) command
Change User Audit (CHGUSRAUD) command
*SECADM special authority
*AUDIT special authority to change user auditing
Journal Entry:
CP for changes to users profiles
AD for changes to user auditing
ZC for changes to a user profile that are not relevant to security

Roles of the User Profile

The user profile has several roles on the system:
v It contains security-related information that controls how the user signs on the
system, what the user is allowed to do after signing on, and how the user’s
actions are audited.
v It contains information that is designed to customize the system and adapt it to
the user.
v It is a management and recovery tool for the operating system. The user profile
contains information about the objects owned by the user and all the private
authorities to objects.
v The user profile name identifies the user’s jobs and printer output.

If the security level (QSECURITY) system value on your system is 10, the system
automatically creates a user profile when someone signs on with a user ID that
does not already exist on the system. Table 132 in Appendix B shows the values
assigned when the system creates a user profile.

If the QSECURITY system value on your system is 20 or higher, a user profile

must exist before a user can sign on.

Group Profiles
A group profile is a special type of user profile. It serves two purposes on the

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 53

Security tool
A group profile provides a method for organizing authorities on your
system and sharing them among users. You can define object authorities or
special authorities for group profiles rather than for each individual user
profile. A user may be a member of up to 16 group profiles.
Customizing tool
A group profile can be used as a pattern for creating individual user
profiles. Most people who are part of the same group have the same
customizing needs, such as the initial menu and the default printer. You
can define these things in the group profile and then copy the group
profile to create individual user profiles.

You create group profiles in the same way that you create individual profiles. The
system recognizes a group profile when you add the first member to it. At that
point, the system sets information in the profile indicating that it is a group profile.
The system also generates a group identification number (gid) for the profile. You
can also designate a profile as a group profile at the time that you create it by
specifying a value in the GID parameter. “Planning Group Profiles” on page 216
shows an example of setting up a group profile.

User-Profile Parameter Fields

User profiles can be created in several ways:

┌──────────┐ ┌─────────┐
│ Work │ │ Work │
│ with │ │ with │
│ User │ │ User │
│ Profiles │ │ Enroll- │
│ Display │ │ ment │
│ │ │ Display │
└────┬─────┘ └────┬────┘
│ │
Option 1 Option 1
(create) (add)
│ │
b b
┌─────────┐ ┌─────────┐ ┌─────────┐
│ Create │ Prompt │ Create │ │ │
│ User │ (F4) │ User │ │ Add │
│ Profile │ ─────c │ Profile │ │ User │
│ Command │ │ Command │ │ Display │
│ │ │ Prompt │ │ │
└─────────┘ └─────────┘ └─────────┘
│ │ │
│ │ │

│ User │
│ Profile │

Figure 3. How User Profiles Are Created

54 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

When you create a user profile, the profile is given these authorities to itself:
*OBJMGT, *CHANGE. These authorities are necessary for system functions and
should not be removed.

Following are explanations of each field in the user profile. The fields are described
in the order they appear on the Create User Profile command prompt.

Many system displays have different versions, called assistance levels, to meet the
needs of different users:
v Basic assistance level, which contains less information and does not use technical
v Intermediate assistance level, which shows more information and uses technical
v Advanced assistance level, which uses technical terms and shows the maximum
amount of data by not always displaying function key and option information.

The sections that follow show what the user profile fields are called on both the
basic assistance level and the intermediate assistance level displays. This is the
format used:
Field Title
The title of the section shows how the field name appears on the Create
User Profile command prompt, which is shown when you create a user
profile with intermediate assistance level or the Create User Profile
(CRTUSRPRF) command.
Add User prompt:
This shows how the field name appears on the Add User display and other
user-profile displays that use basic assistance level. The basic assistance
level displays show a subset of the fields in the user profile. Not shown
means the field does not appear on the basic assistance level display. When
you use the Add User display to create a user profile, default values are
used for all fields that are not shown.
CL parameter:
You use the CL parameter name for a field in a CL program or when you
enter a user profile command without prompting.
If you use the Retrieve User Profile (RTVUSRPRF) command in a CL
program, this is the length you should use to define the parameter
associated with the field.
If a field refers to a separate object, such as a library or a program, you are
told the authority requirements for the object. To specify the object when
you create or change a user profile, you need the authority listed. To sign
on using the profile, the user needs the authority listed. For example, if
you create user profile USERA with job description JOBD1, you must have
*USE authority to JOBD1. USERA must have *USE authority to JOBD1 to
successfully sign on with the profile.

In addition, each section describes the possible values for the field and a
recommended value.

Chapter 4. User Profiles 55

User Profile Name
Add User prompt:
CL parameter:

The user profile name identifies the user to the system. This user profile name is
also known as the user ID. It is the name the user types in the User prompt on the
Sign On display.

The user profile name can be a maximum of 10 characters. The characters can be:
v Any letter (A through Z)
v Any number (0 through 9)
v These special characters: pound (#), dollar ($), underscore (_), at (@).

Note: The Add User display allows only an eight-character user name.

The user profile name cannot begin with a number.

Note: It is possible to create a user profile so that when a user signs on, the user
ID is only numerals. To create a profile like this, specify a Q as the first
character, such as Q12345. A user can then sign on by entering 12345 or
Q12345 for the User prompt on the Sign On display.

For more information about specifying names on the system, see the CL
Programming book.

Recommendations for Naming User Profiles: Consider these things when

deciding how to name user profiles:
| v A user profile name can be up to 10 characters long. Some communications
| methods limit the user ID to eight characters. The Add User display also limits
| the user profile name to eight characters.
| v Use a naming scheme that makes user IDs easy to remember.
| v The system does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters in a
| user profile name. If you enter lowercase alphabetic characters at your
| workstation, the system translates them to uppercase characters.
| v The displays and lists you use to manage user profiles show them in
| alphabetical order by user profile name.
| v Avoid using special characters in user profile names. Special characters may
| cause problems with keyboard mapping for certain workstations or with
| national language versions of the OS/400 licensed program.

| One technique for assigning user profile names is to use the first seven characters
| of the last name followed by the first character of the first name. For example:

User Name User Profile Name

Anderson, George ANDERSOG

Anderson, Roger ANDERSOR
Harrisburg, Keith HARRISBK

56 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

User Name User Profile Name

Jones, Sharon JONESS

Jones, Keith JONESK

Recommendations for Naming Group Profiles: If you want to be able to easily

identify group profiles on lists and displays, use a naming convention. Begin all
group profile names with the same characters, such as GRP (for group) or DPT (for

Add User prompt:
CL parameter:
| 128

The password is used to verify a user’s authority to sign on the system. A user ID
and a password must be specified to sign on when password security is active
(QSECURITY system value is 20 or higher).

| Passwords can be a maximum of 10 characters when the QPWDLVL system value

| is set to 0 or 1. Passwords can be a maximum of 128 characters when the
| QPWDLVL system value is set to 2 or 3.

| When the password level (QPWDLVL) system value is 0 or 1, the rules for
| specifying passwords are the same as those used for user profile names. When the
| first character of the password is a Q and the second character is a numeric
| character, the Q can be omitted on the Sign On display. If a user specifies Q12345
| as the password on the Change Password display, the user can specify either 12345
| or Q12345 as the password on the Sign On display. When QPWDLVL is 2 or 3, the
| user must specify the password as Q12345 on the signon display if the user profile
| was created with a password of Q12345. An all numeric password is allowed when
| QPWDLVL is 2 or 3, but the user profile password must be created as all numeric.

| When the password level (QPWDLVL) system value is 2 or 3, the password is case
| sensitive and can contain any character including blank characters. However, the
| password may not begin with an asterisk character (’*’) and trailing blank
| characters are removed.

| One-way encryption is used to store the password on the system. If a password is

| forgotten, the security officer can use the Change User Profile (CHGUSRPRF)
| command to assign a temporary password and set that password to expired,
| requiring the user to assign a new password at the next sign-on.

| You can set system values to control the passwords that users assign. The
| password composition system values apply only when a user changes a password
| using the Change Password(CHGPWD) command, the Change password option
| from the ASSIST menu, or the QSYCHGPW API. If the password minimum length
| (QPWDMINLEN) system value is not 1 or the password maximum length
| (QPWDMAXLEN) system value is not 10 or any of the other password
| composition system values have been changed from the default values, a user

Chapter 4. User Profiles 57

| cannot set the password equal to the user profile name using the CHGPWD
| command, the ASSIST menu, or the QSYCHGPW API.

See the topic “System Values That Apply to Passwords” on page 37 for information
about setting the password composition system values.
| Table 44. Possible Values for PASSWORD:
| *USRPRF The password for this user is the same as the user profile
| name. When the password level (QPWDLVL) system value is 2
| or 3, the password is the uppercased value of the user profile
| name. For profile JOHNDOE, the password would be
| JOHNDOE, not johndoe.
| *NONE No password is assigned to this user profile. Sign-on is not
| allowed with this user profile. You can submit a batch job
| using a user profile with password *NONE if you have proper
| authority to the user profile.
| user- password A character string (128 characters or less).
Recommendations for Passwords:
v Set the password for a group profile to *NONE. This prevents anyone from
signing on with the group profile.
v When creating an individual user profile, set the password to an initial value
and require a new password to be assigned when the user signs on (set
password expired to *YES). The default password when creating a user profile is
the same as the user profile name.
v If you use a trivial or default password when creating a new user profile, make
sure the user intends to sign on immediately. If you expect a delay before the
user signs on, set the status of the user profile to *DISABLED. Change the status
to *ENABLED when the user is ready to sign on. This protects a new user
profile from being used by someone who is not authorized.
v Use the password composition system values to prevent users from assigning
trivial passwords.
| v Some communications methods send passwords between systems and limit the
| length of password and the characters that passwords can contain. If your
| system communicates with other systems, use the QPWDMAXLEN system value
| to limit the passwords length. At password levels 0 and 1, the QPWDLMTCHR
| system value can be used to specify characters that cannot be used in
| passwords.

Set Password to Expired

Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

The Set password to expired field allows a security administrator to indicate in the
user profile that the user’s password is expired and must be changed the next time
the user signs on. This value is reset to *NO when the password is changed. You
can change the password by using either the CHGPWD or CHGUSRPRF
command, or the QSYCHGPW API, or as part of the next sign-on process.

58 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

This field can be used when a user cannot remember the password and a security
administrator must assign a new one. Requiring the user to change the password
assigned by the security administrator prevents the security administrator from
knowing the new password and signing on as the user.

When a user’s password has expired, the user receives a message at sign-on (see
Figure 4). The user can either press the Enter key to assign a new password or
press F3 (Exit) to cancel the sign-on attempt without assigning a new password. If
the user chooses to change the password, the Change Password display is shown
and password validation is run for the new password.

Sign-on Information
Password has expired. Password must be changed to continue sign-on

Previous sign-on . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 10/30/91 14:15:00

Figure 4. Password Expiration Message

Table 45. Possible Values for PWDEXP:

*NO: The password is not set to expired.
*YES: The password is set to expired.

Recommendations: Set the password to expired whenever you create a new user
profile or assign a temporary password to a user.

Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

The value of the Status field indicates if the profile is valid for sign-on. If the
profile status is enabled, the profile is valid for sign-on. If the profile status is
disabled, an authorized user has to enable the profile again to make it valid for

You can use the CHGUSRPRF command to enable a profile that has been disabled.
You must have *SECADM special authority and *OBJMGT and *USE authority to
the profile to change its status. The topic “Enabling a User Profile” on page 101
shows an example of an adopted authority program to allow a system operator to
enable a profile.

The system may disable a profile after a certain number of incorrect sign-on
attempts with that profile, depending on the settings of the QMAXSIGN and
QMAXSGNACN system values.

Chapter 4. User Profiles 59

You can always sign on with the QSECOFR (security officer) profile at the console,
even if the status of QSECOFR is *DISABLED. If the QSECOFR user profile
becomes disabled, sign on as QSECOFR at the console and type CHGUSRPRF QSECOFR
Table 46. Possible Values for STATUS:
*ENABLED The profile is valid for sign-on.
*DISABLED The profile is not valid for sign-on until an authorized user
enables it again.

Recommendations: Set the status to *DISABLED if you want to prevent sign-on

with a user profile. For example, you can disable the profile of a user who will be
away from the business for an extended period.

User Class
Add User prompt:
Type of User
CL parameter:

User class is used to control what menu options are shown to the user on OS/400
menus. This does not necessarily limit the use of commands. The Limit capabilities
field controls whether the user can enter commands. User class may not affect
what options are shown on menus provided by other licensed programs.

If no special authorities are specified when a user profile is created, the user class
and the security level (QSECURITY) system value are used to determine the
special authorities for the user.

Possible Values for USRCLS: Table 47 shows the possible user classes and what
the default special authorities are for each user class. The entries indicate that the
authority is given at security levels 10 and 20 only, at all security levels, or not at

The default value for user class is *USER.

Table 47. Default Special Authorities by User Class
User Classes

*ALLOBJ All 10 or 20 10 or 20 10 or 20 10 or 20
*JOBCTL All 10 or 20 10 or 20 All
*SAVSYS All 10 or 20 10 or 20 All 10 or 20

Recommendations: Most users do not need to perform system functions. Set the
user class to *USER, unless a user specifically needs to use system functions.

60 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Assistance Level
Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

For each user, the system keeps track of the last assistance level used for every
system display that has more than one assistance level. That level is used the next
time the user requests that display. During an active job, a user can change the
assistance level for a display or group of related displays by pressing F21 (Select
assistance level). The new assistance level for that display is stored with the user

Specifying the assistance level (ASTLVL) parameter on a command does not

change the assistance level that is stored for the user for the associated display.

The Assistance level field in the user profile is used to specify the default assistance
level for the user when the profile is created. If the assistance level in the user
profile is changed using the CHGUSRPRF or the Change Profile (CHGPRF)
command, the assistance levels stored for all displays for that user are reset to the
new value.

For example, assume the user profile for USERA is created with the default
assistance level (basic). Table 48 shows whether USERA sees the Work with User
Profiles display or the Work with User Enrollment display when using different
options. The table also shows whether the system changes the version for the
display that is stored with USERA’s profile.
Table 48. How Assistance Levels Are Stored and Changed
Action Taken Version of Display Shown Version of Display Stored
Use WRKUSRPRF command Work with User Enrollment No change (basic assistance
display level)
From Work with User Work with User Profiles Changed to intermediate
Enrollment display, press F21 display assistance level
and select intermediate
assistance level.
Use WRKUSRPRF command Work with User Profiles No change (intermediate)
Select the work with user Work with User Profiles No change (intermediate)
enrollment option from the display
SETUP menu.
Type CHGUSRPRF USERA Changed to basic assistance
Use WRKUSRPRF command Work with User Enrollment No change (basic)
Type WRKUSRPRF Work with User Profiles No change (basic)

Note: The User option field in the user profile also affects how system displays are
shown. This field is described on page 88.

Chapter 4. User Profiles 61

Table 49. Possible Values for ASTLVL:
*SYSVAL The assistance level specified in the QASTLVL system value is
*BASIC The Operational Assistant user interface is used.
*INTERMED The system interface is used.
*ADVANCED The expert system interface is used. To allow for more list
entries, the option numbers and the function keys are not
always displayed. If a command does not have an advanced
(*ADVANCED) level, the intermediate (*INTERMED) level is

Current Library
Add User prompt:
Default library
CL parameter:

The current library is searched before the libraries in the user portion of the library
list for any objects specified as *LIBL. If the user creates objects and specifies
*CURLIB, the objects are put in the current library.

The current library is automatically added to the user’s library list when the user
signs on. It does not need to be included in the initial library list in the user’s job

The user cannot change the current library if the Limit capabilities field in the user
profile is *YES or *PARTIAL.

The topic “Library Lists” on page 183 provides more information about using
library lists and the current library.
Table 50. Possible Values for CURLIB:
*CRTDFT This user has no current library. If objects are created using
*CURLIB on a create command, the library QGPL is used as
the default current library.
current-library-name The name of a library.

Recommendations: Use the Current library field to control where users are allowed
to put new objects, such as Query programs. Use the Limit capabilities field to
prevent users from changing the current library.

Initial Program
Add User prompt:
Sign on program
CL parameter:

62 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

10 (program name) 10 (library name)
*USE for program *EXECUTE for library

You can specify the name of a program to call when a user signs on. This program
runs before the initial menu, if any, is displayed. If the Limit capabilities field in the
user’s profile is *YES or *PARTIAL, the user cannot specify an initial program on
the Sign On display.

The initial program is called only if the user’s routing program is QCMD or QCL.
See “Starting an Interactive Job” on page 175 for more information about the
processing sequence when a user signs on.

Initial programs are used for two main purposes:

v To restrict a user to a specific set of functions.
v To perform some initial processing, such as opening files or establishing the
library list, when the user first signs on.

Parameters cannot be passed to an initial program. If the initial program fails, the
user is not able to sign on.
Table 51. Possible Values for INLPGM:
*NONE No program is called when the user signs on. If a menu name
is specified on the initial menu (INLMNU) parameter, that
menu is displayed.
program-name The name of the program that is called when the user signs on.

Table 52. Possible Values for INLPGM Library:

*LIBL The library list is used to locate the program. If the job
description for the user profile has an initial library list, that list
is used. If the job description specifies *SYSVAL for the initial
library list, the QUSRLIBL system value is used.
*CURLIB The current library specified in the user profile is used to locate
the program. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used.
library-name The library where the program is located.

Initial Menu
Add User prompt:
First menu
CL parameter:
10 (menu name) 10 (library name)
*USE for menu *EXECUTE for library

You can specify the name of a menu to be shown when the user signs on. The
initial menu is displayed after the user’s initial program runs. The initial menu is
called only if the user’s routing program is QCMD or QCL.

Chapter 4. User Profiles 63

If you want the user to run only the initial program, you can specify *SIGNOFF for
the initial menu.

If the Limit capabilities field in the user’s profile is *YES, the user cannot specify a
different initial menu on the Sign On display. If a user is allowed to specify an
initial menu on the Sign On display, the menu specified overrides the menu in the
user profile.
Table 53. Possible Values for MENU:
MAIN The iSeries system Main Menu is shown.
*SIGNOFF The system signs off the user when the initial program
completes. Use this to limit users to running a single program.
menu-name The name of the menu that is called when the user signs on.

Table 54. Possible Values for MENU Library:

*LIBL The library list is used to locate the menu. If the initial
program adds entries to the library list, those entries are
included in the search, because the menu is called after the
initial program has completed.
*CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the menu. If no
current library entry exists in the library list, QGPL is used.
library-name The library where the menu is located.

Limit Capabilities
Add User prompt:
Restrict command line use
CL parameter:

You can use the Limit capabilities field to limit the user’s ability to enter commands
and to override the initial program, initial menu, current library, and
attention-key-handling program specified in the user profile. This field is one tool
for preventing users from experimenting on the system.

A user with LMTCPB(*YES) can only run commands that are defined as allow
limited user (ALWLMTUSR) *YES. These commands are shipped by IBM with
Sign off (SIGNOFF)
Send message (SNDMSG)
Display messages (DSPMSG)
Display job (DSPJOB)
Display job log (DSPJOBLOG)
Start PC Organizer (STRPCO)
Work with Messages (WRKMSG)

The Limit capabilities field in the user profile and the ALWLMTUSR parameter on
commands apply only to commands that are run from the command line, the
Command Entry display or an option from a command grouping menu. Users are
not restricted from doing the following:

64 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

v Running commands in CL programs that are running a command as a result of
taking an option from a menu
v Running remote commands through applications, such as FTP.

You can allow the limited capability user to run additional commands, or remove
some of these commands from the list, by changing the ALWLMTUSR parameter
for a command. Use the Change Command (CHGCMD)command. If you create
your own commands, you can specify the ALWLMTUSR parameter on the Create
Command (CRTCMD) command.

Possible Values: Table 55 shows the possible values for Limit capabilities and what
functions are allowed for each value.
Table 55. Functions Allowed for Limit Capabilities Values
Function *YES *PARTIAL *NO

Change Initial Program No No Yes

Change Initial Menu No Yes Yes
Change Current Library No No Yes
Change Attention Program No No Yes
Enter Commands A few1 Yes Yes
These commands are allowed: SIGNOFF, SNDMSG, DSPMSG, DSPJOB,
DSPJOBLOG, STRPCO, WRKMSG. The user cannot use F9 to display a command
line from any menu or display.

Recommendations: Using an initial menu, restricting command line use, and

providing access to the menu allow you to set up an environment for a user who
does not need or want to access system functions. See the topic “Planning Menus”
on page 204 for more information about this type of environment.

Add User prompt:
User description
CL parameter:

The text in the user profile is used to describe the user profile or what it is used
for. For user profiles, the text should have identifying information, such as the
user’s name and department. For group profiles, the text should identify the
group, such as what departments the group includes.
Table 56. Possible Values for text:
*BLANK: No text is specified.
description Specify no more than 50 characters.

Recommendations: The Text field is truncated on many system displays. Put the
most important identifying information at the beginning of the field.

Special Authority
Add User prompt:
Not shown

Chapter 4. User Profiles 65

CL parameter:
100 (10 characters per special authority)
To give a special authority to a user profile, you must have that special

Special authority is used to specify the types of actions a user can perform on
system resources. A user can be given one or more special authorities.
Table 57. Possible Values for SPCAUT:
*USRCLS Special authorities are granted to this user based on the user
class (USRCLS) field in the user profile and the security level
(QSECURITY) system value. If *USRCLS is specified, no
additional special authorities can be specified for this user.

If you specify *USRCLS when you create or change a user

profile, the system puts the correct special authorities in the
profile as if you had entered them. When you display profiles,
you cannot tell whether special authorities were entered
individually or entered by the system based on the user class.

Table 47 on page 60 shows the default special authorities for

each user class.
*NONE No special authority is granted to this user.
special-authority-name Specify one or more special authorities for the user. The special
authorities are described in the sections that follow.

*ALLOBJ Special Authority

All-object (*ALLOBJ) special authority allows the user to access any resource on
the system whether or not private authority exists for the user. Even if the user has
*EXCLUDE authority to an object, *ALLOBJ special authority still allows the user
to access the object.

Risks: *ALLOBJ special authority gives the user extensive authority over all
resources on the system. The user can view, change, or delete any object. The user
can also grant to other users the authority to use objects.

A user with *ALLOBJ authority cannot directly perform operations that require
another special authority. For example, *ALLOBJ special authority does not allow a
user to create another user profile, because creating user profiles requires
*SECADM special authority. However, a user with *ALLOBJ special authority can
submit a batch job to run using a profile that has the needed special authority.
Giving *ALLOBJ special authority essentially gives a user access to all functions on
the system.

*SECADM Special Authority

| Security administrator (*SECADM) special authority allows a user to create,
| change, and delete user profiles. A user with *SECADM special authority can:
| v Add users to the system distribution directory.
| v Display authority for documents or folders.
| v Add and remove access codes to the system.
| v Give and remove a user’s access code authority
| v Give and remove permission for users to work on another user’s behalf

66 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

| v Delete documents and folders.
| v Delete document lists.
| v Change distribution lists created by other users.

Only a user with *SECADM and *ALLOBJ special authority can give *SECADM
special authority to another user.

*JOBCTL Special Authority

Job control (*JOBCTL) special authority allows the user to:
v Change, delete, hold, and release all files on any output queues specified as
v Display, send, and copy all files on any output queues specified as
v Hold, release, and clear job queues specified as OPRCTL(*YES).
v Hold, release, and clear output queues specified as OPRCTL(*YES).
v Hold, release, change, and cancel other users’ jobs.
v Start, change, end, hold, and release writers, if the output queue is specified as
v Change the running attributes of a job, such as the printer for a job.
v Stop subsystems.
v Perform an initial program load (IPL).

Securing printer output and output queues is discussed in “Printing” on page 186.

You can change the job priority (JOBPTY) and the output priority (OUTPTY) of
your own job without job control special authority. You must have *JOBCTL special
authority to change the run priority (RUNPTY) of your own job.

Changes to the output priority and job priority of a job are limited by the priority
limit (PTYLMT) in the profile of the user making the change.

Risks: A user with *JOBCTL special authority can change the priority of jobs and
of printing, end a job before it has finished, or delete output before it has printed.
*JOBCTL special authority can also give a user access to confidential spooled
output, if output queues are specified OPRCTL(*YES). A user who abuses *JOBCTL
special authority can cause negative impacts on individual jobs and on overall
system performance.

*SPLCTL Special Authority

Spool control (*SPLCTL) special authority allows the user to perform all spool
control functions, such as changing, deleting, displaying, holding and releasing
spooled files. The user can perform these functions on all output queues,
regardless of any authorities for the output queue or the OPRCTL parameter for
the output queue.

*SPLCTL special authority also allows the user to manage job queues, including
holding, releasing, and clearing the job queue. The user can perform these
functions on all job queues, regardless of any authorities for the job queue or the
OPRCTL parameter for the job queue.

Risks: The user with *SPLCTL special authority can perform any operation on any
spooled file in the system. Confidential spooled files cannot be protected from a
user with *SPLCTL special authority.

Chapter 4. User Profiles 67

*SAVSYS Special Authority
Save system (*SAVSYS) special authority gives the user the authority to save,
restore, and free storage for all objects on the system, whether or not the user has
object existence authority to the objects.

Risks: The user with *SAVSYS special authority can:

v Save an object and take it to another iSeries system to be restored.
v Save an object and display the tape to view the data.
v Save an object and free storage, thus deleting the data portion of the object.
v Save a document and delete it.

*SERVICE Special Authority

| Service (*SERVICE) special authority allows the user to start system service tools
| using the STRSST command. It also allows the user to debug a program with only
| *USE authority to the program and perform the display and alter service functions.
| The dump function can be performed without *SERVICE authority. It also allows
| the user to perform various trace functions.

| Risks: A user with *SERVICE special authority can display and change confidential
information using service functions. The user must have *ALLOBJ special authority
to change the information using service functions.

| To minimize the risk for trace commands, users can be given authorization to
| perform service tracing without needing to give the user *SERVICE special
| authority. In this way, only specific users will have the ability to perform a trace
| command, which would grant them access to sensitive data. The user must be
| authorized to the command and have either *SERVICE special authority, or be
| authorized to the Service Trace function of the operating system through Operation
| Navigator’s Application Administration support. The Change Function Usage
| Information (QSYSCHFUI) API, with the function ID of QIBM_SERVICE_TRACE,
| can also be used to change the list of users that are allowed to perform trace
| operations.

| The commands to which access can be granted in this way include:

| Table 58.
| STRCMNTRC Start Communications Trace
| ENDCMNTRC End Communications Trace
| PRTCMNTRC Print Communications Trace
| DLTCMNTRC Delete Communications Trace
| CHKCMNTRC Check Communications Trace
| TRCCNN Trace Connection (see“Granting Access to Traces”)
| TRCINT Trace Internal
| STRTRC Start Job Trace
| ENDTRC End Job Trace
| PRTTRC Print Job Trace
| DLTTRC Delete Job Trace

| Granting Access to Traces: Trace commands, such as TRCCNN (Trace

| Connection) are powerful commands that should not be granted to all users who

68 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

| need access to other service and debug tools. Following the steps below will let
| you limit who can access these trace commands without having *SERVICE
| authority:
| 1. In Operations Navigator, open Users and Groups.
| 2. Select All Users to view a list of user profiles.
| 3. Right-click the user profile to be altered.
| 4. Select Properties.
| 5. Click Capabilities.
| 6. Open the Applications tab.
| 7. Select Access for.
| 8. Select Host Applications.
| 9. Select Operating System.
| 10. Select Service.
| 11. Use the checkbox to grant or revoke access to trace command.

| *AUDIT Special Authority

Audit (*AUDIT) special authority gives the user the ability to change auditing
characteristics. The user can:
v Change the system values that control auditing.
v Use the CHGOBJAUT, CHGDLOAUD, and CHGAUD commands to change
auditing for objects.
v Use the CHGUSRAUD command to change auditing for a user.

Risks: A user with *AUDIT special authority can stop and start auditing on the
system or prevent auditing of particular actions. If having an audit record of
security-relevant events is important for your system, carefully control and monitor
the use of *AUDIT special authority.

Note: Only a user with *ALLOBJ, *SECADM, and *AUDIT special authorities can
give another user *AUDIT special authority.

*IOSYSCFG Special Authority

System configuration (*IOSYSCFG) special authority gives the user the ability to
change how the system is configured. For example, adding or removing
communications configuration information, working with TCP/IP servers, and
configuring the internet connection server (ICS). Most commands for configuring
communications require *IOSYSCFG special authority. Appendix D shows what
special authorities are required for specific commands.

Note: You need *ALLOBJ to be able to change data using service functions.

Recommendations for Special Authorities: Giving special authorities to users

represents a security exposure. For each user, carefully evaluate the need for any
special authorities. Keep track of which users have special authorities and
periodically review their requirement for the authority.

In addition, you should control the following situations for user profiles and
v Whether user profiles with special authorities can be used to submit jobs
v Whether programs created by these users can run using the authority of the
program owner.

Chapter 4. User Profiles 69

Programs adopt the *ALLOBJ special authority of the owner if:
v The programs are created by users who have *ALLOBJ special authority
v The user specifies USRPRF(*OWNER) parameter on the command that creates
the program.

How LAN Server Uses Special Authorities

The LAN Server licensed program uses the special authorities in a user’s profile to
determine what operator capabilities the user should have in a LAN server
environment. Following are the operator capabilities the system gives to LAN
server users:
System administrator
Server resource operator privilege
Communication device operator privilege
Accounts operator privilege
Print operator privilege
v *SAVSYS special authority applies when you save information using the
/QFPNWSSTG directory. *SAVSYS special authority does apply when saving
objects using the /QLANSrv directory, you must have the necessary permission
(authority) to the object or LAN administrator authority.
v *ALLOBJ special authority gives enough authority to save /QLANSrv objects
and their authority information if both of the following are true:
– You are a defined user in the LAN domain.
– The domain controller is a File Server I/O Processor on the local iSeries

Special Environment
Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

Special environment determines the environment the user operates in after signing
on. The user can operate in the iSeries, the System/36, or the System/38
environment. When the user signs on, the system uses the routing program and
the special environment in the user’s profile to determine the user’s environment.
See Figure 5 on page 71.
Table 59. Possible Values for SPCENV:
*SYSVAL The QSPCENV system value is used to determine the
environment when the user signs on, if the user’s routing
program is QCMD.
*NONE The user operates in the iSeries environment.
*S36 The user operates in the System/36 environment if the user’s
routing program is QCMD.

70 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Recommendations: If the user runs a combination of iSeries and System/36
applications, use the Start System/36 (STRS36) command before running
System/36 applications rather than specifying the System/36 environment in the
user profile. This provides better performance for the iSeries applications.

┌────────────┐ ┌────────────┐ ┌────────────┐

│ Is the │ │ Is the │ │ Use the │
│ routing │ No │ routing │ No │ program │
│ program ├────c│ program ├────c│ specified │
│ QCMD? │ │ QCL? │ │ in the │
└────────────┘ └────────────┘ │ routing │
│ Yes │ Yes │ entry. │
│ b │ │
│ ┌────────────┐ └────────────┘
│ │ Use the │
│ │ System/38 │
│ │ environment│
│ │ │
b └────────────┘
│ Is the │ ┌────────────┐
│ SPCENV │ Yes │ Get the │
│ value ├────c│ value of │
└────────────┘ │ system │
│ No │ value │
│ └────────────┘
│ │
┌────────────┐ ┌────────────┐
│ Test the │ │ Run in │
│ special │ *S36 │ System/36 │
│ environment├──────────c│ environment│
│ value │ │ │
└────────────┘ └────────────┘
│ Run using │
│ native │
│ (AS/400) │
│ environment│
│ │

Figure 5. Determining the Special Environment

Display Sign-On Information

Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

Chapter 4. User Profiles 71

The Display sign-on information field specifies whether the Sign-on Information
display is shown when the user signs on. Figure 6 shows the display. Password
expiration information is only shown if the password expires within seven days.

Sign-on Information
Previous sign-on . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 10/30/91 14:15:00

Sign-on attempts not valid . . . . . . . . : 3

Days until password expires . . . . . . . : 5

Figure 6. Sign-On Information Display

Table 60. Possible Values for DSPSGNINF:

*SYSVAL The QDSPSGNINF system value is used.
*NO The Sign-on Information display is not shown when the user
signs on.
*YES The Sign-on Information display is shown when the user signs

Recommendations: The Sign-on Information display is a tool for users to monitor

their profiles and to detect attempted misuse. Having all users see this display is
recommended. Users with special authority or authority to critical objects should
be encouraged to use the display to make sure no one attempts to use their

Password Expiration Interval

Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

Requiring users to change their passwords after a specified length of time reduces
the risk of an unauthorized person accessing the system. The password expiration
interval controls the number of days that a valid password can be used before it
must be changed.

When a user’s password has expired, the user receives a message at sign-on. The
user can either press the Enter key to assign a new password or press F3 (Exit) to
cancel the sign-on attempt without assigning a new password. If the user chooses
to change the password, the Change Password display is shown and full password
validation is run for the new password. Figure 4 on page 59 shows an example of
the password expiration message.

Recommendations: Use the user profile password interval to require profiles with
*SERVICE, *SAVSYS, or *ALLOBJ special authorities to change passwords more
frequently than other users.

72 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 61. Possible Values for PWDEXPITV:
*SYSVAL The QPWDEXPITV system value is used.
*NOMAX The system does not require the user to change the password.
password- expiration- interval Specify a number from 1 through 366.

Recommendations: Set the QPWDEXPITV system value for an appropriate

interval, such as 60 to 90 days. Use the Password expiration interval field in the user
profile for individual users who should change their passwords more frequently,
such as security administrators.

Limit Device Sessions

Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

The Limit device sessions field controls whether a user can be signed on at more
than one workstation at a time. The value does not restrict the use of the System
Request menu or a second sign-on from the same device.
Table 62. Possible Values for LMTDEVSSN:
*SYSVAL The QLMTDEVSSN system value is used.
*NO The user may be signed on to more than one device at the
same time.
*YES The user may not be signed on to more than one device at the
same time.

Recommendations: Limiting users to one workstation at a time is one way to

discourage sharing user profiles. Set the QLMTDEVSSN system value to 1 (YES). If
some users have a requirement to sign on at multiple workstations, use the Limit
device sessions field in the user profile for those users.

Keyboard Buffering
Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

This parameter specifies the keyboard buffering value used when a job is
initialized for this user profile. The new value takes effect the next time the user
signs on.

The keyboard buffering field controls two functions:

Lets the user type data faster than it can be sent to the system.
Attention key buffering:
If attention key buffering is on, the Attention key is treated like any other

Chapter 4. User Profiles 73

key. If attention key buffering is not on, pressing the Attention key results
in sending the information to the system even when other workstation
input is inhibited.
Table 63. Possible Values for KBDBUF:
*SYSVAL The QKBDBUF system value is used.
*NO The type-ahead feature and Attention-key buffering option are
not active for this user profile.
*TYPEAHEAD The type-ahead feature is active for this user profile.
*YES The type-ahead feature and Attention-key buffering option are
active for this user profile.

Maximum Storage
Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

You can specify the maximum amount of auxiliary storage that is used to store
permanent objects that are owned by a user profile, including objects placed in the
temporary library (QTEMP) during a job. Maximum storage is specified in
kilobytes (1024 bytes).

If the storage needed is greater than the maximum amount specified when the user
attempts to create an object, the object is not created.

When planning maximum storage for user profiles, consider the following system
functions, which can affect the maximum storage needed by a user:
v A restore operation first assigns the storage to the user doing the restore
operation, and then transfers the objects to the OWNER. Users who do large
restore operations should have MAXSTG(*NOMAX) in their user profiles.
v The user profile that owns a journal receiver is assigned the storage as the
receiver size grows. If new receivers are created, the storage continues to be
assigned to the user profile that owns the active journal receiver. Users who own
active journal receivers should have MAXSTG(*NOMAX) in their user profiles.
v If a user profile specifies OWNER(*GRPPRF), ownership of any object created by
the user is transferred to the group profile after the object is created. However,
the user creating the object must have adequate storage to contain any created
object before the object ownership is transferred to the group profile.
v The owner of a library is assigned the storage for the descriptions of the objects
that are placed in a library, even when the objects are owned by another user
profile. Examples of such descriptions are text and program references.
v Storage is assigned to the user profile for temporary objects that are used during
the processing of a job. Examples of such objects are commitment control blocks,
file editing spaces, and documents.
Table 64. Possible Values for MAXSTG:
*NOMAX As much storage as required can be assigned to this profile.
maximum- KB Specify the maximum amount of storage in kilobytes (1
kilobyte equals 1024 bytes) that can be assigned to this user

74 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Priority Limit
Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

A batch job has three different priority values:

Run priority:
Determines how the job competes for machine resources when the job is
running. Run priority is determined by the job’s class.
Job priority:
Determines the scheduling priority for a batch job when the job is on the
job queue. Job priority can be set by the job description or on the submit
Output priority:
Determines the scheduling priority for any output created by the job on
the output queue. Output priority can be set by the job description or on
the submit command.

The priority limit in the user profile determines the maximum scheduling priorities
(job priority and output priority) allowed for any jobs the user submits. It controls
priority when the job is submitted, as well as any changes made to priority while
the job is running or waiting in a queue.

The priority limit also limits changes that a user with *JOBCTL special authority
can make to another user’s job. You cannot give someone else’s job a higher
priority than the limit specified in your own user profile.

If a batch job runs under a different user profile than the user submitting the job,
the priority limits for the batch job are determined by the profile the job runs
under. If a requested scheduling priority on a submitted job is higher than the
priority limit in the user profile, the priority of the job is reduced to the level
permitted by the user profile.
Table 65. Possible Values for PTYLMT:
3 The default priority limit for user profiles is 3. The default
priority for both job priority and output priority on job
descriptions is 5. Setting the priority limit for the user profile at
3 gives the user the ability to move some jobs ahead of others
on the queues.
priority- limit Specify a value, 1 through 9. The highest priority is 1; the
lowest priority is 9.

Recommendations: Using the priority values in job descriptions and on the submit
job commands is usually a better way to manage the use of system resources than
changing the priority limit in user profiles.

Use the priority limit in the user profile to control changes that users can make to
submitted jobs. For example, system operators may need a higher priority limit so
that they can move jobs in the queues.

Chapter 4. User Profiles 75

Job Description
Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:
10 (job description name) 10 (library name)
*USE for job description, *READ and *EXECUTE for library

When a user signs on, the system looks at the workstation entry in the subsystem
description to determine what job description to use for the interactive job. If the
workstation entry specifies *USRPRF for the job description, the job description in
the user profile is used.

The job description for a batch job is specified when the job is started. It can be
specified by name, or it can be the job description from the user profile under
which the job runs.

A job description contains a specific set of job-related attributes, such as which job
queue to use, scheduling priority, routing data, message queue severity, library list
and output information. The attributes determine how each job is run on the

See the Work Management book for more information about job descriptions and
their uses.
Table 66. Possible Values for JOBD:
QDFTJOBD The system-supplied job description found in library QGPL is
used. You can use the Display Job Description (DSPJOBD)
command to see the attributes contained in this job description.
job- description- name Specify the name of the job description, 10 characters or less.

Table 67. Possible Values for JOBD Library:

*LIBL The library list is used to locate the job description.
*CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the job
description. If no current library entry exists in the library list,
QGPL is used.
library- name Specify the library where the job description is located, 10
characters or less.

Recommendations: For interactive jobs, the job description is a good method of

controlling library access. You can use a job description for an individual to specify
a unique library list, rather than using the QUSRLIBL system value.

Group Profile
Add User prompt:
User Group
CL parameter:

76 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

To specify a group when creating or changing a user profile, you must
have *OBJMGT, *OBJOPR, *READ, *ADD, *UPD, and *DLT authority to the
group profile.
Notes: Adopted authority is not used to check for *OBJMGT authority to the
group profile. For more information about adopted authority, see “Objects
That Adopt the Owner’s Authority” on page 128.

Specifying a group profile name makes the user a member of the group profile.
The group profile can provide the user with authority to use objects for which the
user does not have specific authority. You may specify up to 15 additional groups
for the user in the Supplemental group profile (SUPGRPPRF) parameter.

When a group profile is specified in a user profile, the user is automatically

granted *OBJMGT, *OBJOPR, *READ, *ADD, *UPD, and *DLT authorities to the
group profile, if the group profile is not already one of the user’s group profiles.
These authorities are necessary for system functions and should not be removed.

If a profile specified in the GRPPRF parameter is not already a group profile, the
system sets information in the profile marking it as a group profile. The system
also generates a gid for the group profile, if it does not already have one.

See “Planning Group Profiles” on page 216 for more information about using group
Table 68. Possible Values for GRPPRF:
*NONE No group profile is used with this user profile.
user- profile- name Specify the name of a group profile of which this user profile is
a member.

Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

If the user is a member of a group, you use the owner parameter in the user profile
to specify who owns any new objects created by the user. Objects can be owned
either by the user or by the user’s first group (the value of the GRPPRF
parameter). You can specify the OWNER field only if you have specified the Group
profile field.

Chapter 4. User Profiles 77

Table 69. Possible Values for OWNER:
*USRPRF This user profile is the OWNER of any new objects it creates.
*GRPPRF The group profile is made the OWNER of any objects created
by the user and is given all (*ALL) authority to the objects. The
user profile is not given any specific authority to new objects it
creates. If *GRPPRF is specified, you must specify a group
profile name in the GRPPRF parameter, and the GRPAUT
parameter must be *NONE.
1. If you give ownership to the group, all members of the
group can change, replace, and delete the object.
2. The *GRPPRF parameter is ignored for all file systems
except QSYS.LIB. In cases where the parameter is ignored,
the user retains ownership of the object.

Group Authority
Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

If the user profile is a member of a group and OWNER(*USRPRF) is specified, the

Group authority field controls what authority is given to the group profile for any
objects created by this user.

Group authority can be specified only when GRPPRF is not *NONE and OWNER
is *USRPRF. Group authority applies to the profile specified in the GRPPRF
parameter. It does not apply to supplemental group profiles specified in the
SUPGRPPRF parameter.
Table 70. Possible Values for GRPAUT:1
*NONE No specific authority is given to the group profile when this
user creates objects.
*ALL The group profile is given all management and data authorities
to any new objects the user creates.
*CHANGE The group profile is given the authority to change any objects
the user creates.
*USE The group profile is given authority to view any objects the
user creates.
*EXCLUDE The group profile is specifically denied access to any new
objects created by the user.
See “Defining How Information Can Be Accessed” on page 112 for a complete
explanation of the authorities that can be granted.

Group Authority Type

Add User prompt:
Not shown

78 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

CL parameter:

When a user creates a new object, the Group authority type parameter in the user’s
profile determines what type of authority the user’s group receives to the new
object. The GRPAUTTYP parameter works with the OWNER, GRPPRF, and
GRPAUT parameters to determine the group’s authority to a new object.
Table 71. Possible Values for GRPAUTTYP: 1
*PRIVATE The authority defined in the GRPAUT parameter is assigned to
the group profile as a private authority.
*PGP The group profile defined in the GRPPRF parameter is the
primary group for the newly created object. The primary group
authority for the object is the authority specified in the
GRPAUT parameter.
Private authority and primary group authority provide the same access to the
object, but they may have different performance characteristics. “Primary Group for
an Object” on page 123 explains how primary group authority works.

Recommendations: Specifying *PGP is a method for beginning to use primary

group authority. Consider using GRPAUTTYP(*PGP) for users who frequently
create new objects.

Supplemental Groups
Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:
To specify supplemental groups when creating or changing a user profile,
you must have *OBJMGT, *OBJOPR, *READ, *ADD, *UPD, and *DLT
authority to each group profile.
Note: *OBJMGT authority cannot come from adopted authority. For more
information, see “Objects That Adopt the Owner’s Authority” on page 128.

You may specify the names of up to 15 profiles from which this user is to receive
authority. The user becomes a member of each supplemental group profile. The
user cannot have supplemental group profiles if the GRPPRF parameter is *NONE.

When supplemental group profiles are specified in a user profile, the user is
automatically granted *OBJMGT, *OBJOPR, *READ, *ADD, *UPD, and *DLT
authorities to each group profile, if the group profile is not already one of the
user’s group profiles. These authorities are necessary for system functions and
should not be removed. If a profile specified in the SUPGRPPRF parameter is not
already a group profile, the system sets information in the profile marking it as a
group profile. The system also generates a gid for the group profile, if it does not
already have one.

Chapter 4. User Profiles 79

See “Planning Group Profiles” on page 216 for more information about using group
Table 72. Possible Values for SUPGRPPRF
*NONE No supplemental groups are used with this user profile.
group- profile- name Specify up to 15 names of group profiles to be used with this
user profile. These profiles, in addition to the profile specified
in the GRPPRF parameter, are used to give the user access to

Accounting Code
Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

Job accounting is an optional function used to gather information about the use of
system resources. The accounting level (QACGLVL) system value determines
whether job accounting is active. The accounting code for a job comes from either
the job description or the user profile. The accounting code can also be specified
when a job is running using the Change Accounting Code (CHGACGCDE)

See the Work Management book for more information about job accounting.
Table 73. Possible Values for ACGCDE:
*BLANK An accounting code of 15 blanks is assigned to this user profile.
accounting- code Specify a 15-character accounting code. If less than 15
characters are specified, the string is padded with blanks on the

Document Password
Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

You can specify a document password for the user to protect the distribution of
personal mail from being viewed by people working on behalf of the user. The
document password is supported by some Document Interchange Architecture
(DIA) products, such as the Displaywriter.

80 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 74. Possible Values for DOCPWD:
*NONE No document password is used by this user.
document- password Specify a document password for this user. The password must
consist of from 1 through 8 characters (letters A through Z and
numbers 0 through 9). The first character of the document
password must be alphabetic; the remaining characters can be
alphanumeric. Embedded blanks, leading blanks, and special
characters are not allowed.

Message Queue
Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:
10 (message queue name) 10 (library name)
*USE for message queue, if it exists. *EXECUTE for the message queue

You can specify the name of a message queue for a user. A message queue is an
object on which messages are placed when they are sent to a person or a program.
A message queue is used when a user sends or receives messages. If the message
queue does not exist, it is created when the profile is created or changed. The
message queue is owned by the profile being created or changed. The user creating
the profile is given *ALL authority to the message queue.

If the message queue for a user profile is changed using the Change User Profile
(CHGUSRPRF) command, the previous message queue is not automatically deleted
by the system.

For more information about message queues, see the System Operation book.
Table 75. Possible Values for MSGQ:
*USRPRF A message queue with the same name as the user profile name
is used as the message queue for this user. If the message
queue does not exist, it is created in library QUSRSYS.
message- queue-name Specify the message queue name that is used for this user. If
you specify a message queue name, you must specify the
library parameter.

Table 76. Possible Values for MSGQ Library:

*LIBL The library list is used to locate the message queue. If the
message queue does not exist, you cannot specify *LIBL.
*CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the message
queue. If no current library entry exists in the library list,
QGPL is used. If the message queue does not exist, it is created
in the current library or QGPL.
library- name Specify the library where the message queue is located. If the
message queue does not exist, it is created in this library.

Recommendations: When a user signs on, the message queue in the user profile is
allocated to that user’s job. If the message queue is already allocated to another

Chapter 4. User Profiles 81

job, the user receives a warning message during sign-on. To avoid this, give each
user profile a unique message queue, preferably with the same name as the user

Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

The delivery mode of a message queue determines whether the user is interrupted
when a new message arrives on the queue. The delivery mode specified in the user
profile applies to the user’s personal message queue. If you change the message
queue delivery in the user profile and the user is signed on, the change takes affect
the next time the user signs on. You can also change the delivery of a message
queue with the Change Message Queue (CHGMSGQ) command.
Table 77. Possible Values for DLVRY:
*NOTIFY The job that the message queue is assigned to is notified when
a message arrives at the message queue. For interactive jobs at
a workstation, the audible alarm is sounded and the
message-waiting light is turned on. The type of delivery cannot
be changed to *NOTIFY if the message queue is also being
used by another user.
*BREAK The job that the message queue is assigned to is interrupted
when a message arrives at the message queue. If the job is an
interactive job, the audible alarm is sounded (if the alarm is
installed). The type of delivery cannot be changed to *BREAK if
the message queue is also being used by another user.
*HOLD The messages are held in the message queue until they are
requested by the user or program.
*DFT Messages requiring replies are answered with their default
reply; information-only messages are ignored.

Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

If a message queue is in *BREAK or *NOTIFY mode, the severity code determines

the lowest-level messages that are delivered to the user. Messages whose severity
is lower than the specified severity code are held in the message queue without the
user being notified.

If you change the message queue severity in the user profile and the user is signed
on, the change takes effect the next time the user signs on. You can also change the
severity of a message queue with the CHGMSGQ command.

82 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 78. Possible Values for SEV:
00: If a severity code is not specified, 00 is used. The user is
notified of all messages, if the message queue is in *NOTIFY or
*BREAK mode.
severity- code Specify a value, 00 through 99, for the lowest severity code that
causes the user to be notified. Any 2-digit value can be
specified, even if no severity code has been defined for it
(either defined by the system or by the user).

Print Device
Add User prompt:
Default printer
CL parameter:

You can specify the printer used to print the output for this user. Spooled files are
placed on an output queue with the same name as the printer when the output
queue (OUTQ) is specified as the print device (*DEV).

The print device and output queue information from the user profile are used only
if the printer file specifies *JOB and the job description specifies *USRPRF. For
more information about directing printer output, see the Printer Device Programming
Table 79. Possible Values for PRTDEV:
*WRKSTN The printer assigned to the user’s workstation (in the device
description) is used.
*SYSVAL The default system printer specified in the QPRTDEV system
value is used.
print- device- name Specify the name of the printer that is used to print the output
for this user.

Output Queue
Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:
10 (output queue name) 10 (library name)
*USE for output queue *EXECUTE for library

Both interactive and batch processing may result in spooled files that are to be sent
to a printer. Spooled files are placed on an output queue. The system can have
many different output queues. An output queue does not have to be attached to a
printer to receive new spooled files.

Chapter 4. User Profiles 83

The print device and output queue information from the user profile are used only
if the printer file specifies *JOB and the job description specifies *USRPRF. For
more information about directing printer output, see the Printer Device Programming
Table 80. Possible Values for OUTQ:
*WRKSTN The output queue assigned to the user’s workstation (in the
device description) is used.
*DEV An output queue with the same name as the print device
specified on the PRTDEV parameter is used.
output- queue- name Specify the name of the output queue that is to be used. The
output queue must already exist. If an output queue is
specified, the library must be specified also.

Table 81. Possible Values for OUTQ library:

*LIBL The library list is used to locate the output queue.
*CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the output
queue. If no current library entry exists in the library list,
QGPL is used.
library- name Specify the library where the output queue is located.

Attention-Key-Handling Program
Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:
10 (program name) 10 (library name)
*USE for program
*EXECUTE for library

The Attention-key-handling program (ATNPGM) is the program that is called

when the user presses the Attention (ATTN) key during an interactive job.

The ATNPGM is activated only if the user’s routing program is QCMD. The
ATNPGM is activated before the initial program is called. If the initial program
changes the ATNPGM, the new ATNPGM remains active only until the initial
program ends. If the Set Attention-Key-Handling Program (SETATNPGM)
command is run from a command line or an application, the new ATNPGM
specified overrides the ATNPGM from the user profile.

Note: See “Starting an Interactive Job” on page 175 for more information about the
processing sequence when a user signs on.
The Limit capabilities field determines if a different Attention-key-handling program
can be specified by the user with the Change Profile (CHGPRF) command.
Table 82. Possible Values for ATNPGM:
*SYSVAL The QATNPGM system value is used.
*NONE No Attention-key-handling program is used by this user.
*ASSIST Operational Assistant Attention Program (QEZMAIN) is used.
program- name Specify the name of the Attention-key-handling program. If a
program name is specified, a library must be specified.

84 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 83. Possible Values for ATNPGM Library:
*LIBL The library list is used to locate the Attention-key-handling
*CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the
Attention-key-handling program. If no current library entry
exists in the library list, QGPL is used.
library- name: Specify the library where the Attention-key-handling program
is located.

Sort Sequence
Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:
10 (value or table name) 10 (library name)
*USE for table *EXECUTE for library

| You can specify what sort sequence is used for this user’s output. You can use
| system-provided sort tables or create your own. A sort table may be associated
| with a particular language identifier on the system.
Table 84. Possible Values for SRTSEQ:
*SYSVAL The QSRTSEQ system value is used.
*HEX The standard hexadecimal sort sequence is used for this user.
*LANGIDSHR The sort sequence table associated with the user’s language
identifier is used. The table can contain the same weight for
multiple characters.
*LANGIDUNQ The sort sequence table associated with the user’s language
identifier is used. The table must contain a unique weight for
each character in the code page.
table-name Specify the name of the sort sequence table for this user.

Table 85. Possible Values for SRTSEQ Library:

*LIBL The library list is used to locate the table specified for the
SRTSEQ value.
*CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the table
specified for the SRTSEQ value. If no current library entry
exists in the library list, QGPL is used.
library- name Specify the library where the sort sequence table is located.

Language Identifier
Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

Chapter 4. User Profiles 85

You can specify the language identifier to be used by the system for the user. To
see a list of language identifiers, press F4 (prompt) on the language identifier
parameter from the Create User Profile display or the Change User Profile display.
Table 86. Possible Values for LANGID:
*SYSVAL: The system value QLANGID is used to determine the language
language- identifier Specify the language identifier for this user.

Country Identifier
Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

You can specify the country identifier to be used by the system for the user. To see
a list of country identifiers, press F4 (prompt) on the country identifier parameter
from the Create User Profile display or the Change User Profile display.
Table 87. Possible Values for CNTRYID:
*SYSVAL The system value QCNTRYID is used to determine the country
country- identifier Specify the country identifier for this user.

Coded Character Set Identifier

Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

You can specify the coded character set identifier to be used by the system for the
user. To see a list of coded character set identifiers, press F4 (prompt) on the coded
character set identifier parameter from the Create User Profile display or the
Change User Profile display.
Table 88. Possible Values for CCSID:
*SYSVAL The QCCSID system value is used to determine the coded
character set identifier.
coded-character- set-identifier Specify the coded character set identifier for this user.

Character Identifier Control

Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

86 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1


The CHRIDCTL attribute controls the type of coded character set conversion that
occurs for display files, printer files and panel groups. The character identifier
control information from the user profile is used only if the *CHRIDCTL special
value is specified on the CHRID command parameter on the create, change, or
override commands for display files, printer files, and panel groups.
Table 89. Possible Values for CHRIDCTL:
*SYSVAL The system value QCHRIDCTL is used to determine the
character identifier control.
*DEVD The CHRID of the device is used to represent the CCSID of the
data. No conversions occur, since the CCSID of the data is
always the same as the CHRID of the device.
*JOBCCSID Character conversion occurs when a difference exists between
the device CHRID, job CCSID, or data CCSID values. On input,
character data is converted from the device CHRID to the job
CCSID when it isnecessary. On output, character data is
converted from the job CCSID to the device CHRID when it is
necessary. On output, character data is converted from the file
or panel group CCSID to the device CHRID when it is

Job Attributes
Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

The SETJOBATR field specifies which job attributes are to be taken at job initiation
from the locale specified in the LOCALE parameter.
Table 90. Possible Values for SETJOBATR:
*SYSVAL The system value QSETJOBATR is used to determine which job
attributes are to be taken from the locale.
*NONE No job attributes are to be taken from the locale.

Any combination of the following values may be specified:

*CCSID The coded character set identifier from the locale is used. The
CCSID value from the locale will override the user profile
*DATFMT The date format from the locale is used.
*DATSEP The date separator from the locale is used.
*DECFMT The decimal format from the locale is used.
*SRTSEQ The sort sequence from the locale is used. The sort sequence
from the locale will override the user profile sort sequence.
*TIMSEP The time separator from the locale is used.

Chapter 4. User Profiles 87

Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

The LOCALE field specifies the path name of the locale that is assigned to the
LANG environment variable for this user.
Table 91. Possible Values for LOCALE:
*SYSVAL The system value QLOCALE is used to determine the locale
path name to be assigned for this user.
*NONE No locale is assigned for this user.
*C The C locale is assigned for this user.
*POSIX The POSIX locale is assigned for this user.
locale path name The path name of the locale to be assigned to this user.

User Options
Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:
240 (10 characters each)

The User options field allows you to customize certain system displays and
functions for the user. You can specify multiple values for the user option
Table 92. Possible Values for USROPT:
*NONE No special options are used for this user. The standard system
interface is used.
*CLKWD Keywords are shown instead of the possible parameter values
when a control language (CL) command is prompted. This is
equivalent to pressing F11 from the normal control language
(CL) command prompting display.
*EXPERT When the user views displays that show object authority, such
as the Edit Object Authority display or the Edit Authorization
List Display, detailed authority information is shown without
the user having to press F11 (Display detail). “Authority
Displays” on page 134 shows an example of the expert version
of the display.
*HLPFULL The user sees full display help information instead of a
*PRTMSG A message is sent to the user’s message queue when a spooled
file is printed for this user.
*ROLLKEY The actions of the Page Up and Page Down keys are reversed.
*NOSTSMSG Status messages usually shown at the bottom of the display are
not shown to the user.
*STSMSG Status messages are displayed when sent to the user.

88 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

User Identification Number
Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

The integrated file system uses the user identification number (uid) to identify a
user and verify the user’s authority. Every user on the system must have a unique
Table 93. Possible Values for UID:
*GEN The system generates a unique uid for this user. The generated
uid will be greater than 100.
uid A value from 1 to 4294967294 to be assigned as the uid for this
user. The uid must not be already assigned to another user.

Recommendations: For most installations, let the system generate a uid for new
users by specifying UID(*GEN). However, if your system is part of a network, you
may need to assign uids to match those assigned on other systems in the network.
Consult your network administrator.

Group Identification Number

Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

The integrated file system uses the group identification number (gid) to identify
this profile as a group profile. A profile that is used as a group profile by the
integrated file system must have a gid.
Table 94. Possible Values for GID:
*NONE This profile does not have a gid.
*GEN The system generates a unique gid for this profile. The
generated gid will be greater than 100.
gid A value from 1 to 4294967294 to be assigned as the gid for this
profile. The gid must not be already assigned to another

Recommendations: For most installations, let the system generate a gid for new
group profiles by specifying GID(*GEN). However, if your system is part of a
network, you may need to assign gids to match those assigned on other systems in
the network. Consult your network administrator.

Do not assign a gid to a user profile that you do not plan to use as a group profile.
In some environments, a user who is signed on and has a gid is restricted from
performing certain functions.

Chapter 4. User Profiles 89

Home Directory
Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

The home directory is the user’s initial working directory for the integrated file
system. The home directory is the user’s current directory if a different current
directory has not been specified. If the home directory specified in the profile does
not exist when the user signs on, the user’s home directory is the root (/)
Table 95. Possible Values for HOMEDIR:
*USRPRF The home directory assigned to the user is /home/xxxxx, where
xxxxx is the user’s profile name.
home-directory The name of the home directory to assign to this user.

Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

The Authority field specifies the public authority to the user profile. The authority
to a profile controls many functions associated with the profile, such as:
Changing it
Displaying it
Deleting it
Submitting a job using it
Specifying it in a job description
Transferring object ownership to it
Adding members, if it is a group profile
Table 96. Possible Values for AUT:
*EXCLUDE The public is specifically denied access to the user profile.
*ALL The public is given all management and data authorities to the
user profile.
*CHANGE The public is given the authority to change the user profile.
*USE The public is given authority to view the user profile.

See “Defining How Information Can Be Accessed” on page 112 for a complete
explanation of the authorities that can be granted.

Recommendations: To prevent misuse of user profiles that have authority to

critical objects, make sure the public authority to the profiles is *EXCLUDE.

90 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Possible misuses of a profile include submitting a job that runs under that user
profile or changing a program to adopt the authority of that user profile.

Object Auditing
Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

The object auditing value for a user profile works with the object auditing value
for an object to determine whether the user’s access of an object is audited. Object
auditing for a user profile cannot be specified on any user profile displays. Use the
CHGUSRAUD command to specify object auditing for a user. Only a user with
*AUDIT special authority can use the CHGUSRAUD command.
Table 97. Possible Values for OBJAUD:
*NONE The OBJAUD value for objects determines whether object
auditing is done for this user.
*CHANGE If the OBJAUD value for an object specifies *USRPRF, an audit
record is written when this user changes the object.
*ALL If the OBJAUD value for an object specifies *USRPRF, an audit
record is written when this user changes or reads the object.

Table 98 shows how the OBJAUD values for the user and the object work together:
Table 98. Auditing Performed for Object Access
OBJAUD Value for User
OBJAUD Value for

*NONE None None None

*USRPRF None Change Change and Use
*CHANGE Change Change Change
*ALL Change and Use Change and Use Change and Use

“Planning the Auditing of Object Access” on page 252 provides information about
how to use system values and the object auditing values for users and objects to
meet your security auditing needs.

Action Auditing
Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

For an individual user, you can specify which security-relevant actions should be
recorded in the audit journal. The actions specified for an individual user apply in
addition to the actions specified for all users by the QAUDLVL system value.

Chapter 4. User Profiles 91

Action auditing for a user profile cannot be specified on any user profile displays.
It is defined using the CHGUSRAUD command. Only a user with *AUDIT special
authority can use the CHGUSRAUD command.
Table 99. Possible Values for AUDLVL:
*NONE The QAUDLVL system value controls action auditing for this
user. No additional auditing is done.
*CMD Command strings are logged. *CMD can be specified only for
individual users. Command string auditing is not available as a
system-wide option using the QAUDLVL system value.
*CREATE Object create operations are logged.
*DELETE Object delete operations are logged.
*JOBDTA Job changes are logged.
*OBJMGT Object move and rename operations are logged.
*OFCSRV Changes to the system distribution directory and office mail
actions are logged.
*PGMADP Obtaining authority to an object through a program that adopts
authority is logged.
*SAVRST Save and restore operations are logged.
*SECURITY Security-related functions are logged.
*SERVICE Using service tools is logged.
*SPLFDTA Actions performed on spooled files are logged.
*SYSMGT Use of system management functions is logged.

“Planning the Auditing of Actions” on page 241 provides information about how to
use system values and the action auditing for users to meet your security auditing

Additional Information Associated with a User Profile

The previous sections described the fields you specify when you create and change
user profiles. Other information is associated with a user profile on the system and
saved with it:
v Private authorities
v Owned object information
v Primary group object information

The amount of this information affects the time it takes to save and restore profiles
and to build authority displays. “How Security Information Is Stored” on page 224
provides more information about how user profiles are stored and saved.

Private Authorities
All the private authorities a user has to objects are stored with the user profile.
When a user needs authority to an object, the user’s private authorities may be
searched. “Flowchart 3: How User Authority to an Object Is Checked” on page 153
provides more information about authority checking.

You can display a user’s private authorities using the Display User Profile
command: DSPUSRPRF user-profile-name TYPE(*OBJAUT). To change a user’s
private authorities, you use the commands that work with object authorities, such
as Edit Object Authority (EDTOBJAUT).

You can copy all the private authorities from one user profile to another using the
Grant User Authority (GRTUSRAUT) command. See “Copying Authority from a
User” on page 145 for more information.

92 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Primary Group Authorities
The names of all the objects for which the profile is the primary group are stored
with the group profile. You can display the objects for which the profile is the
primary group using the DSPUSRPRF command: DSPUSRPRF group-profile-name
TYPE(*OBJPGP). You can also use the Work with Objects by Primary Group
(WRKOBJPGP) command.

Owned Object Information

Private authority information for an object is also stored with the user profile that
owns the object. This information is used to build system displays that work with
object authority. If a profile owns a large number of objects that have many private
authorities, the performance of building object authority displays for these objects
can be affected.

Digital ID Authentication
The iSeries 400 security infrastructure allows x.509 digital certificates to be used for
identification. The digital certificates allow users to secure communications and
ensure message integrity.

| The digital ID APIs create, distribute, and manage digital certificates associated
| with user profiles. See the API topic in the Information Center (see “Prerequisite
| and related information” on page xvi) for details about the following APIs:
| v Add User Certificate (QSYADDUC)
| v Remove User Certificate (QSYRMVUC)
| v List User Certificate (QSYLSTUC)
| v Find Certificate User (QSYFNDUC)
| v Add Validation List Certificate (QSYADDVC)
| v Remove Validation List Certificate (QSYRMVVC)
| v List Validation List Certificate (QSYLSTVC)
| v Check Validation List Certificate (QSYCHKVC)
| v Parse Certificate (QSYPARSC)

Working with User Profiles

This part of the chapter describes the commands and displays you use to create,
change, and delete user profiles. All the fields, options, and function keys are not
described. Use online information for details.

You must have *SECADM special authority to create, change, or delete user

Creating User Profiles

You can create user profiles in several ways:
v Using the Work with User Profiles (WRKUSRPRF) list display.
v Using the Create User Profile (CRTUSRPRF) command.
v Using the Work with User Enrollment option from the SETUP menu.
v Using the Operations Navigator display from the Client Access folder.
Figure 3 on page 54 illustrates these methods.

Chapter 4. User Profiles 93

The user who creates the user profile owns it and is given *ALL authority to it.
The user profile is given *OBJMGT and *CHANGE authority to itself. These
authorities are necessary for normal operations and should not be removed.

A user profile cannot be created with more authorities or capabilities than those of
the user who creates the profile.

Using the Work with User Profiles Command

You can enter a specific profile name, a generic profile set, or *ALL on the
WRKUSRPRF command. The assistance level determines which list display you

│ Command │

*BASIC │ Test for │ *INTERMED
┌────────┤ Assistance ├───────┐
│ │ Level │ │
│ └────────────────┘ │
│ │
b b
┌────────────────┐ ┌────────────────┐
│ Work with │ │ Work with │
│ User │ │ User │
│ Enrollment │ │ Profiles │
│ Display │ │ Display │
└────────────────┘ └────────────────┘

Figure 7. Assistance Level for User Profile Displays

You can specify the ASTLVL (assistance level) parameter on the command. If you
do not specify ASTLVL, the system uses the assistance level stored with your user

On the Work with User Profiles display, type 1 and the name of the profile you
want to create:

Work with User Profiles

Type options, press Enter.

1=Create 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Display
12=Work with objects by owner

Opt Profile Text
__ DPTSM Sales and Marketing Departme
__ DPTWH Warehouse Department

You see the Create User Profile display:

94 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Create User Profile (CRTUSRPRF)

Type choices, press Enter.

User profile . . . . . . . . . . > NEWUSER

User password . . . . . . . . . NEWUSER1
Set password to expired . . . . *YES
Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . *ENABLED
User class . . . . . . . . . . . *USER
Assistance level . . . . . . . . *SYSVAL
Current library . . . . . . . . *CRTDFT
Initial program to call . . . . *NONE
Library . . . . . . . . . . .
Initial menu . . . . . . . . . . MAIN
Library . . . . . . . . . . . QSYS
Limit capabilities . . . . . . . *NO
Text 'description' . . . . . . .

The Create User Profile display shows all the fields in the user profile. Use F10
(Additional parameters) and page down to enter more information. Use F11
(Display keywords) to see the parameter names.

| The Create User Profile display does not add the user to the system directory.

Using the Create User Profile Command

You can use the CRTUSRPRF command to create a user profile. You can enter
parameters with the command, or you can request prompting (F4) and see the
Create User Profile display.

Using the Work with User Enrollment Option

Select the Work with User Enrollment option from the SETUP menu. The assistance
level stored with your user profile determines whether you see the Work with User
Profiles display or the Work with User Enrollment display. See Figure 7 on page 94.
You can use F21 (Select assistance level) to change levels.

On the Work with User Enrollment display, use option 1 (Add) to add a new user
to the system.

Work with User Enrollment

Type options below, then press Enter.

1=Add 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Remove 5=Display

Opt User Description

_ DPTSM Sales and Marketing Departme
_ DPTWH Warehouse Department

You see the Add User display:

Chapter 4. User Profiles 95

Add User

Type choices below, then press Enter.

User . . . . . . . . . . NEWUSER
User description . . . .
Password . . . . . . . . NEWUSER
Type of user . . . . . . *USER
User group . . . . . . . *NONE

Restrict command line use N

Uses OfficeVision/400 . . Y

Default library . . . . .
Default printer . . . . . *WRKSTN
Sign on program . . . . . *NONE
Library . . . . . . . .

First menu . . . . . . .
Library . . . . . . . .

F1=Help F3=Exit F5=Refresh F12=Cancel

The Add User display is designed for a security administrator without a technical
background. It does not show all of the fields in the user profile. Default values are
used for all fields that are not shown.

Note: If you use the Add User display, you are limited to eight-character user
profile names.

Page down to see the second display:

Add User

Type choices below, then press Enter.

Attention key program . . *SYSVAL

Library . . . . . . . .

Option 50 on OfficeVision/400 menu:

Text for menu option Operational Assistant Menu
User program . . . . . QEZAST
Library . . . . . . . QSYS

The Add user display automatically adds an entry in the system directory with the
same user ID as the user profile name (the first eight characters) and an address of
the system name.

The main menu also includes user Options 51—59. These additional options
(Options 51--59) are processed similar to Option 50, except the default values for
the following fields are blank:
v Text for menu options
v User program
v Library

96 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Copying User Profiles
You can create a user profile by copying another user profile or a group profile.
You may want to set up one profile in a group as a pattern. Copy the first profile
in the group to create additional profiles.

You can copy a profile interactively from either the Work with User Enrollment
display or the Work with User Profiles display. No command exists to copy a user

Copying from the Work with User Profiles Display

On the Work with User Profiles display, type 3 in front of the profile you want to
copy. You see the Create User Profile display:

Create User Profile (CRTUSRPRF)

Type choices, press Enter.

User profile . . . . . . . . . . Name

User password . . . . . . . . . > *USRPRF Name
Set password to expired . . . . > *NO *NO, *YES
Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . > *ENABLED *ENABLED,
User class . . . . . . . . . . . > *USER *USER,
Assistance level . . . . . . . . > *SYSVAL *SYSVAL,
Current library . . . . . . . . > DPTWH Name,
Initial program to call . . . . > *NONE Name,
Library . . . . . . . . . . . Name,
Initial menu . . . . . . . . . . > ICMAIN Name,
Library . . . . . . . . . . . > ICPGMLIB Name,
Limit capabilities . . . . . . . > *NO *NO,
Text 'description' . . . . . . . > 'Warehouse Department'

All the values from the copy-from user profile are shown on the Create User
Profile display, except these fields:
| Home directory
| Locale job attributes
| Locale job attributes
| Locale Locale
| User profile
| Blank. Must be filled in.
| Password
| Message queue
| Document password
| User Identification Number
| *GEN
| Group Identification Number
| Authority

Chapter 4. User Profiles 97

You can change any fields on the Create User Profile display. Private authorities of
the copy-from profile are not copied. In addition, internal objects containing user
preferences and other information about the user will not be copied.

Copying from the Work with User Enrollment Display

On the Work with User Enrollment display, type 3 in front of the profile you want
to copy. You see the Copy User display:

Copy User

Copy from user . . . . : DPTWH

Type choices below, then press Enter.

User . . . . . . . . . .
User description . . . . Warehouse Department
Password . . . . . . . .
Type of user . . . . . . USER
User group . . . . . . .

Restrict command line use N

Uses OfficeVision/400 . . Y

Default library . . . . . DPTWH

Default printer . . . . . PRT04
Sign on program . . . . . *NONE
Library . . . . . . . .

All values from the copy-from profile appear on the Add User display, except the
User Blank. Must be filled in. Limited to 8 characters.
Blank. If you do not enter a value, the profile is created with the password
equal to the default value specified for the PASSWORD parameter of the
CRTUSRPRF command.

You can change any fields on the Copy User display. User profile fields that do not
appear on the basic assistance level version are still copied from the copy-from
profile, with the following exceptions:
Message queue
Document password
User Identification Number
Group Identification Number

Private authorities of the copy-from profile are not copied.

98 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Copying Private Authorities
You can copy the private authorities from one user profile to another using the
Grant User Authority (GRTUSRAUT) command. This can be useful in some
situations, but should not be used in place of group profiles or authorization lists.
Copying authorities does not help you manage similar authorities in the future,
and it can cause performance problems on your system.

The topic “Copying Authority from a User” on page 145 has more information
about using this command.

Changing User Profiles

You can change a user profile using option 2 (Change) from either the Work with
User Profiles display or the Work with User Enrollment display. You can also use
the Change User Profile (CHGUSRPRF) command.

Users who are allowed to enter commands can change some parameters of their
own profiles using the Change Profile (CHGPRF) command.

A user cannot change a user profile to have more special authorities or capabilities
than the user who changes the profile.

Deleting User Profiles

You cannot delete a user profile that owns objects. You must delete any objects
owned by the profile or transfer ownership of those objects to another profile. Both
basic assistance level and intermediate assistance level allow you to handle owned
objects when you delete a profile.

You cannot delete a user profile if it is the primary group for any objects. When
you use the intermediate assistance level to delete a user profile, you can change
or remove the primary group for objects. You can use the DSPUSRPRF command
with the *OBJPGP (object primary group) option to list any objects for which a
profile is the primary group.

When you delete a user profile, the user is removed from all distribution lists and
from the system directory.

You do not need to change ownership of or delete the user’s message queue. The
system automatically deletes the message queue when the profile is deleted.

You cannot delete a group profile that has members. To list the members of a
group profile, type DSPUSRPRF group-profile-name *GRPMBR. Change the GRPPRF
field in each member profile before deleting the group profile.

Using the Delete User Profile Command

You can enter the Delete User Profile (DLTUSRPRF) command directly, or you can
use option 4 (Delete) from the Work with User Profiles display. The DLTUSRPRF
command has parameters allowing you to handle:
v All objects owned by the profile
v All objects for which the profile is the primary group.

Chapter 4. User Profiles 99

Delete User Profile (DLTUSRPRF)

Type choices, press Enter.

User profile . . . . . . . . . . > HOGANR Name

Owned object option:
Owned object value . . . . . . *CHGOWN *NODLT, *DLT, *CHGOWN
User profile name if *CHGOWN WILLISR Name
Primary group option:
Primary group value . . . . . *NOCHG *NOCHG, *PGP
New primary group . . . . . .
New primary group authority .

You can delete all the owned objects or transfer them to a new owner. If you want
to handle owned objects individually, you can use the Work with Objects by
Owner (WRKOBJOWN) command. You can change the primary group for all
objects for which the group profile is the primary group. If you want to handle
objects individually, you can use the Work with Objects by Primary Group
(WRKOBJPGP) command. The displays for both commands are similar:

Work with Objects by Owner

User profile . . . . . . . : HOGANR

Type options, press Enter.

2=Edit authority 4=Delete 5=Display author
8=Display description 9=Change owner

Opt Object Library Type Attribute


Using the Remove User Option

From the Work with User Enrollment display, type 4 (Remove) in front of the
profile you want to delete. You see the Remove User display:

Remove User

User . . . . . . . . . . . : HOGANR
User description . . . . . : Sales and Marketing Department

To remove this user type a choice below, then press Enter.

1. Give all objects owned by this user to a new owner

2. Delete or change owner of specific objects owned by this user.

To change the ownership of all objects before deleting the profile, select option 1.
You see a display prompting you for the new owner.

To handle the objects individually, select option 2. You see a detailed Remove User

100 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Remove User

User . . . . . . . . . . . : HOGANR
User description . . . . . : Hogan, Richard - Warehouse DPT

New owner . . . . . . . . . Name, F4 for list

To remove this user, delete or change owner of all objects.

Type options below and press Enter.
2=Change to new owner 4=Delete 5=Display details

Opt Object Library Description

2 QUERY1 DPTWH Inventory Query, on-hand report
2 QUERY2 DPTWH Inventory Query, on-order report

Use the options on the display to delete objects or transfer them to a new owner.
When all objects have been removed from the display, you can delete the profile.
1. You can use F13 to delete all the objects owned by the user profile.
2. Spooled files do not appear on the Work with Objects by Owner display. You
can delete a user profile even though that profile still owns spooled files. After
you have deleted a user profile, use the Work with Spooled Files (WRKSPLF)
command to locate and delete any spooled files owned by the user profile, if
they are no longer needed.
3. Any objects for which the deleted user profile was the primary group will have
a primary group of *NONE.

Working with Objects by Primary Group: You can use the Work with Objects by
Primary Group (WRKOBJPGP) command to display and work with objects for
which a profile is the primary group. You can use this display to change an
object’s primary group to another profile or to set it’s primary group to *NONE.

Work with Objects by Primary Group

Primary group . . . . . . : DPTAR

Type options, press Enter.

2=Edit authority 4=Delete 5=Display authority
8=Display description 9=Change primary group

Opt Object Library Type Attribute


Enabling a User Profile

If the QMAXSIGN and QMAXSGNACN system values on your system are set up
to disable a user profile after too many sign-on attempts, you may want someone
like a system operator to enable the profile by changing the status to *ENABLE.
However, to enable a user profile, you must have *SECADM special authority and
*OBJMGT and *USE authority to the user profile. Normally, a system operator does
not have *SECADM special authority.

Chapter 4. User Profiles 101

A solution is to use a simple program which adopts authority:
1. Create a CL program owned by a user who has *SECADM special authority
and *OBJMGT and *USE authority to the user profiles on the system. Adopt the
authority of the owner when the program is created by specifying
2. Use the EDTOBJAUT command to make the public authority to the program
*EXCLUDE and give the system operators *USE authority.
3. The operator enables the profile by entering:
CALL ENABLEPGM profile-name
4. The main part of the ENABLEPGM program looks like this:

Listing User Profiles

You can display and print information about user profiles in a variety of formats.

Displaying an Individual Profile

To display the values for an individual user profile, use option 5 (Display) from
either the Work with User Enrollment display or the Work with User Profiles
display. Or, you can use the Display User Profile (DSPUSRPRF) command.

Listing All Profiles

Use the Display Authorized Users (DSPAUTUSR) command to either print or
display all the user profiles on the system. The sequence (SEQ) parameter on the
command allows you to sort the list either by profile name or by group profile.

Display Authorized Users

Group User Last No
Profile Profile Changed Password Text
ANDERSR 08/04/9x Anders, Roger
VINCENT 09/15/9x Vincent, Mark
ANDERSR 08/04/9x Anders, Roger
HOGANR 09/06/9x Hogan, Richard
QUINN 09/06/9x Quinn, Rose
JONESS 09/20/9x Jones, Sharon
HARRISON 08/29/9x Harrison, Ken
DPTSM 09/05/9x X Sales and Marketing
DPTWH 09/18/9x X Warehouse

| By pressing F11, you are able to see which user profiles have passwords defined
| for use at the various password levels.

102 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

| Display Authorized Users
| Password Password Password Password
| User Group Last for level for level for
| Profile Profile Changed 0 or 1 2 or 3 NetServer
| ANGELA 04/21/00 *YES *NO *YES
| ARTHUR 07/07/00 *YES *YES *YES
| CAROL1 05/15/00 *YES *YES *YES
| CAROL2 05/15/00 *NO *NO *NO
| CHUCKE 05/18/00 *YES *NO *YES
| DENNISS 04/20/00 *YES *NO *YES
| DPORTER 03/30/00 *YES *NO *YES
| GARRY 08/04/00 *YES *YES *YES
| JANNY 03/16/99 *YES *NO *YES

Types of User Profile Displays

The Display User Profile (DSPUSRPRF) command provides several types of
displays and listings:
v Some displays and listings are available only for individual profiles. Others can
be printed for all profiles or a generic set of profiles. Consult online information
for details about the available types.
v You can create an output file from some displays by specifying
output(*OUTFILE). Use a query tool or program to produce customized reports
from the output file. The topic “Analyzing User Profiles” on page 266 gives
suggestions for reports.

Types of User Profile Reports

The following commands provide user profile reports.
v Print User Profile (PRTUSRPRF)
This command allows you to print a report containing information for the user
profiles on the system. Four different reports can be printed. One contains
authority type information, one contains environment type information, one
contains password type information, and one contains password level type
v Analyze Default Password (ANZDFTPWD)
This command allows you to print a report of all the user profiles on the system
that have a default password and to take an action against the profiles. A profile
has a default password when the user profile name matches the profile’s
User profiles on the system that have a default password can be disabled and
their passwords can be set to expired.

Renaming a User Profile

The system does not provide a direct method for renaming a user profile.

A new profile can be created with the same authorities for a user with a new
name. Some information, however, cannot be transferred to the new profile. The
following are examples of information that cannot be transferred:
v Spool files.
v Internal objects containing user preferences and other information about the user
will be lost.
v Digital certificates that contain the user name will be invalidated.

Chapter 4. User Profiles 103

v The uid and gid information retained by the IFS cannot be changed.
v You may not be able to change the information that is stored by applications
that contain the user name.

Applications that are run by the user can have ″application profiles″. Creating a
new iSeries user profile to rename a user does not rename any application profiles
the user may have. A Lotus Notes profile is one example of an application profile.

The following example shows how to create a new profile for a user with a new
name and the same authorities. The old profile name is SMITHM. The new user
profile name is JONESM:
| 1. Copy the old profile (SMITHM) to a new profile (JONESM) using the copy
| option from the Work with User Enrollment display.
| 2. Give JONESM all the private authorities of SMITHM using the Grant User
| Authority (GRTUSRAUT) command:
| 3. Change the primary group of all objects that SMITHM is the primary group of
| using the Work with Objects by Primary Group (WRKOBJPGP) command:

| Enter option 9 on all objects that need their primary group changed and enter
| NEWPGP (JONESM) on the command line.

| Note: JONESM must have a gid assigned using the GID parameter on the
| Create or Change User Profile (CRTUSRPRF or CHGUSRPRF) command.
| 4. Display the SMITHM user profile using the Display User Profile (DSPUSRPRF)
| command:

| Write down the uid and gid for SMITHM.

| 5. Transfer ownership of all other owned objects to JONESM and remove the
| SMITHM user profile, using option 4 (Remove) from the Work with User
| Enrollment display.
| 6. Change the uid and the gid of JONESM to the uid and gid that belonged to
| SMITHM by using the Change User Profile (CHGUSRPRF) command:
| GID(gid from SMITHM)

| If JONESM owns objects in a directory, the CHGUSRPRF command cannot be

| used to change the uid and gid. Use the QSYCHGID API to change the uid and
| gid of user profile JONESM.

Working with User Auditing

Use the Change User Auditing (CHGUSRAUD) command to set the audit
characteristics for users. To use this command, you must have *AUDIT authority.

104 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Change User Audit (CHGUSRAUD)

Type choices, press Enter.

User profile . . . . . . . . . . HOGANR

Object auditing value . . . . . *SAME
User action auditing . . . . . . *CMD

You can specify the auditing characteristics for more than one user at a time by
listing user profile names.

The AUDLVL (user action auditing) parameter can have more than one value. The
values you specify on this command replace the current AUDLVL values for the
users. The values you specify are not added to the current AUDLVL values for the

You can use the Display User Profile (DSPUSRPRF) command to see audit
characteristics for a user.

Working with Profiles in CL Programs

You may want to retrieve information about the user profile from within a CL
program. You can use the Retrieve User Profile (RTVUSRPRF) command in your
CL program. The command returns the requested attributes of the profile to
variables you associate with the user profile field names. The descriptions of user
profile fields in this chapter show the field lengths expected by the RTVUSRPRF
command. In some cases, a decimal field can also have a value that is not numeric.
For example, the maximum storage field (MAXSTG) is defined as a decimal field,
but it can have a value of *NOMAX. Online information for the RVTUSRPRF
command describes the values that are returned in a decimal field for values that
are not numeric.

The sample program in “Using a Password Approval Program” on page 45 shows

an example of using the RTVUSRPRF command.

You may also want to use the CRTUSRPRF or CHGUSRPRF command within a CL
program. If you use variables for the parameters of these commands, define the
variables as character fields to match the Create User Profile prompt display. The
variable sizes do not have to match the field sizes.

You cannot retrieve a user’s password, because the password is stored with
one-way encryption. If you want the user to enter the password again before
accessing critical information, you can use the Check Password (CHKPWD)
command in your program. The system compares the password entered to the
user’s password and sends an escape message to your program if the password is
not correct.

User Profile Exit Points

Exit points are provided to create, change, delete, or restore user profiles. You can
write your own exit programs to perform specific user profile functions. When you
register your exit programs with any of the user profile exit points, you are
notified when a user profile is created, changed, deleted, or restored. At the time of
notification, your exit program can perform any of the following:

Chapter 4. User Profiles 105

v Retrieve information about the user profile
v Enroll the user profile that was just created in the system directory.
v Create necessary objects for the user profile.

| For more information about the Security exit programs, see the API topic in the
| Information Center (see “Prerequisite and related information” on page xvi for
| details).

IBM-Supplied User Profiles and Dedicated Service Tool (DST)

A number of user profiles are shipped with your system software. These
IBM-supplied user profiles are used as object owners for various system functions.
Some system functions also run under specific IBM-supplied user profiles.

IBM-supplied user profiles, except QSECOFR, are shipped with a password of

*NONE and are not intended for sign-on. To allow you to install your system the
first time, the password for the security officer (QSECOFR) profile is the same for
every system that is shipped. However, the password for QSECOFR is shipped as
expired. For new systems, you are required to change the password the first time
you sign-on as QSECOFR.

When you install a new release of the operating system, passwords for
IBM-supplied profiles are not changed. If profiles such as QPGMR and QSYSOPR
have passwords, those passwords are not set to *NONE automatically.

Appendix B contains a complete list of all the IBM-supplied user profiles and the
field values for each profile.

Note: IBM-supplied profiles are provided, but they are used by the Operating
System/400. Therefore, signing on with these profiles or using the profiles to
own user (non-IBM supplied ) objects is not recommended.

Changing Passwords for IBM-Supplied User Profiles

If you need to sign on with one of the IBM-supplied profiles, you can change the
password using the CHGUSRPRF command. You can also change these passwords
using an option from the SETUP menu. To protect your system, you should leave
the password set to *NONE for all IBM-supplied profiles except QSECOFR. Do not
allow trivial passwords for the QSECOFR profile.

106 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Change Passwords for IBM-Supplied

Type new password below for IBM-supplied user, type password again to verify
change, then press Enter.

New security officer (QSECOFR) password . . . . . .

New password (to verify) . . . . . . . . . . . . .

New system operator (QSYSOPR) password . . . . . . .

New password (to verify) . . . . . . . . . . . . .

New programmer (QPGMR) password . . . . . . . . . .

New password (to verify) . . . . . . . . . . . . .

New user (QUSER) password . . . . . . . . . . . . .

New password (to verify) . . . . . . . . . . . . .

New service (QSRV) password . . . . . . . . . . . .

New password (to verify) . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Page down to change additional passwords:

Change Passwords for IBM-Supplied

Type new password below for IBM-supplied user, type

change, then press Enter.

New basic service (QSRVBAS) password . . . . . . . .

New password (to verify) . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Changing User IDs and Passwords for Dedicated Service Tools

(DST) Users
| DST is a set of tools for performing tests and service on your system outside the
| normal operating system. IBM supplies the following DST profiles on every iSeries
| that is shipped:
| v QSRV
| v 22222222
| v 11111111

| Note: To protect the security of your system, the default passwords for these
| profiles should be changed.

| Because DST profiles are not related to user profile objects, you cannot change DST
| user IDs and passwords with the CHGUSRPRF command. They can be changed by
| using the Change Dedicated Service Tools (QSYCHGDS) API or through the DST
| function.

You can use either the “Manual Mode Procedure” on page 108 or the “Manual IPL
Procedure” on page 108 to change the DST passwords.

| Additional information on using DST can be found in Tips and Tools for Securing
| Your iSeries.

Chapter 4. User Profiles 107

Manual Mode Procedure: The following procedure does not require you to IPL
the iSeries to change the password. Therefore, it can be used in production
1. Put the system in manual mode.
2. Enter 21 in the indicator lights and press enter.
3. Sign-on to the DST sign-on screen at the system console.
This can be done while the system is operational.

Manual IPL Procedure:

1. With the keylock switch in the Manual position, start an attended Initial
Program Load (IPL). When the system displays the IPL or Install the System
menu, select option 3 (Use Dedicated Service Tools):

| IPL or Install the System
| Select one of the following:
| 1. Perform an IPL
| 2. Install the operating system
| 3. Use Dedicated Service Tools (DST)
| 4. Perform automatic install of the operating system
| 5. Save Licensed Internal Code
| 2. Type the DST security capability user ID and password on the Dedicated
| Service Tools (DST) Sign On display. When your system is shipped, this
| password is QSECOFR (upper case).
| 3. Select menu options in the documented sequence.
|| Menu or display name Select this option:

| Use Dedicated Service Tools (DST) menu Option 5 (Work with DST environment)
| Work with DST Environment menu Option 3 (Service tools user profiles)
| Work with Service tools user profiles menu Option 2 (Change password) to change the
| password for the SECOFR, QSRV, 11111111,
| and 22222222 DST profiles.
| 4. To leave DST, press F3 (Exit) until you return to the IPL or Install the System
menu. Continue with a normal IPL. Return the key to the secure position and
remove it.

v Write down the user IDs and passwords you assign and keep them in a safe
place. If you lose or forget both the QSECOFR and the DST security capability
user ID and password, you may need to install your operating system again to
recover them. Contact your service provider for assistance. The topic
“Recovering a Lost DST or QSECOFR Password” on page 109 tells how to
recover one of these passwords if you know the other password.
v You must provide the DST basic capability user ID and password whenever
your system needs service. Your system cannot be serviced without this
v Change the DST passwords on your system after service personnel have finished
using them.

108 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Recovering a Lost DST or QSECOFR Password
| If you know either the QSECOFR password or the DST security capability
| password, you can reset the other one.

Resetting the QSECOFR User Profile Password: You can use the DST security
capability password to reset the QSECOFR user profile password to its initial value
| 1. The topic “Changing User IDs and Passwords for Dedicated Service Tools
| (DST) Users” on page 107 describes how to reach the Use Dedicated Service
| Tools (DST) menu. You must follow the Manual IPL procedure to reach the
| Use Dedicated Service Tools (DST) menu because an IPL is required to change
| the QSECOFR user profile password to the default value.
| 2. Select option 5 (Work with DST environment).
| 3. Select option 6 (Service tools security data).
| 4. Select option 1 (Reset operating system default password).
| 5. You receive a message confirming that the Operating system password
| override is set.
| 6. Press F12 to return to the Work with Service Tools Security Data menu.
| 7. Continue the IPL of the system
| 8. Continue pressing F3 (Exit) to return to the Use Dedicated Service Tools (DST)
| menu.
| 9. When the IPL has completed, return the keylock to the Auto position.
| 10. Sign on as QSECOFR using the upper case password QSECOFR. Use the
| CHGPWD command to change the QSECOFR password to a new value. Write
| down the new value and store it in a safe place.
| Attention: Do not leave the QSECOFR password set to the default. This poses
| a security exposure, because this is the value shipped with every system and
| is commonly known.

Resetting the DST Security Capability Password: If you know the password for
the QSECOFR profile, you can reset the DST security capability password to the
initial setting (QSECOFR):
1. The system should be in normal operating mode (not DST). Sign on at any
workstation using the QSECOFR profile.
2. On a command line, type CHGDSTPWD (Change DST Password). You see the
Change DST Password (CHGDSTPWD) display:

Change DST Password (CHGDSTPWD)

Type choices, press Enter.

DST security officer password . *DEFAULT *SAME, *DEFAULT

3. Type *DEFAULT and press the Enter key. The DST security capability password is
set to QSECOFR.
4. Change the DST security capability password to a value that is different than
the default value. This can be done by using the Change Dedicated Service
Tools Profiles (QSYCHGDS) API or by performing an attended IPL and using
DST to change the password.

Chapter 4. User Profiles 109

See “Changing User IDs and Passwords for Dedicated Service Tools (DST)
Users” on page 107 for detailed instructions about using DST. Be aware that in
step three, you must select menu options in the order given.
5. Write down the new value and store it in a safe place.
Attention: Do not leave the DST security capability user ID and password set
to the default. This poses a security exposure because this is the value shipped
with every system and is commonly known.

System Password
The system password is used to authorize system model changes, certain service
conditions, and ownership changes. If these changes have occurred on your
system, you may be prompted for the system password when you perform an IPL.
The System Operation book provides more information about the system password.

110 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Chapter 5. Resource Security
Resource security defines which users are allowed to use objects on the system and
what operations they are allowed to perform on those objects.

This chapter describes each of the components of resource security and how they
all work together to protect information on your system. It also explains how to
use CL commands and displays to set up resource security on your system.

Chapter 7 discusses techniques for designing resource security, including how it

affects both application design and system performance.

The topic “How the System Checks Authority” on page 148 provides detailed
flowcharts and notes about how the system checks authority. You may find it
useful to consult this information as you read the explanations that follow.

Defining Who Can Access Information

You can give authority to individual users, groups of users, and the public.

Note: In some environments, a user’s authority is referred to as a privilege.

You define who can use an object in several ways:

┌──────────────┐ ┌──────────────┐ ┌──────────────┐

Who │ The Public │ │ Group of │ │ Individual │
│ │ │ Users │ │ User │
│ │ │ │ │ │
└─────┬────────┘ └──────┬───────┘ └───────┬──────┘
│ │ │
│ │ │

Public Authority:

The public consists of anyone who is authorized to sign on to your system. Public
authority is defined for every object on the system, although the public authority
for an object may be *EXCLUDE. Public authority to an object is used if no other
specific authority is found for the object.

Private Authority:

You can define specific authority to use (or not use) an object. You can grant
authority to an individual user profile or to a group profile. An object has private
authority if any authority other than public authority, object ownership, or primary
group authority is defined for the object.

User Authority:

Individual user profiles may be given authority to use objects on the system. This
is one type of private authority.

Group Authority:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 111

Group profiles may be given authority to use objects on the system. A member of
the group gets the group’s authority unless an authority is specifically defined for
that user. Group authority is also considered private authority.

Object Ownership:

Every object on the system has an owner. The owner has *ALL authority to the
object by default. However, the owner’s authority to the object can be changed or
removed. The owner’s authority to the object is not considered private authority.

Primary Group Authority:

You can specify a primary group for an object and the authority the primary group
has to the object. Primary group authority is stored with the object and may
provide better performance than private authority granted to a group profile. Only
a user profile with a group identification number (gid) may be the primary group
for an object. Primary group authority is not considered private authority.

Defining How Information Can Be Accessed

Authority means the type of access allowed to an object. Different operations
require different types of authority.

Note: In some environments, the authority associated with an object is called the
object’s mode of access.
Authority to an object is divided into three categories: 1) Object Authority defines

┌──────────────┐ ┌──────────────┐ ┌──────────────┐

Who │ The Public │ │ Group of │ │ Individual │
│ │ │ Users │ │ User │
│ │ │ │ │ │
└──────┬───────┘ └──────┬───────┘ └───────┬──────┘
How │ Authority │
│ │

what operations can be performed on the object as a whole. 2) Data Authority

defines what operations can be performed on the contents of the object.Field
Authority defines what operations can be performed on the data fields.

Table 100 describes the types of authority available and lists some examples of how
the authorities are used. In most cases, accessing an object requires a combination
of object, data, field authorities. Appendix D provides information about the
authority that is required to perform a specific function.
Table 100. Description of Authority Types
Authority Name Functions Allowed

Object Authorities:
*OBJOPR Object Operational Look at the description of an object. Use the
object as determined by the user’s data

112 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 100. Description of Authority Types (continued)
Authority Name Functions Allowed

*OBJMGT Object Management Specify the security for the object. Move or
rename the object. All functions defined for
*OBJEXIST Object Existence Delete the object. Free storage of the object.
Perform save and restore operations for the
object 1. Transfer ownership of the object.
*OBJALTER Object Alter Add, clear, initialize and reorganize
members of the database files. Alter and add
attributes of database files: add and remove
triggers. Change the attributes of SQL
*OBJREF Object Reference Specify a database file as the parent in a
referential constraint. For example, you want
to define a rule that a customer record must
exist in the CUSMAS file before an order for
the customer can be added to the CUSORD
file. You need *OBJREF authority to the
CUSMAS file to define this rule.
*AUTLMGT Authorization List Add and remove users and their authorities
Management from the authorization list 2.
Data Authorities:
*READ Read Display the contents of the object, such as
viewing records in a file.
*ADD Add Add entries to an object, such as adding
messages to a message queue or adding
records to a file.
*UPD Update Change the entries in an object, such as
changing records in a file.
*DLT Delete Remove entries from an object, such as
removing messages from a message queue
or deleting records from a file.
*EXECUTE Execute Run a program, service program, or SQL
package. Locate an object in a library or a
Field Authorities:
*Mgt Management Specify the security for the field.
*Alter Alter Change the attributes of the field.
*Ref Reference Specify the field as part of the parent key in
a referential constraint.
*Read Read Access the contents of the field. For
example, display the contents of the field.
*Add Add Add entries to data, such as adding
information to a specific field.
*Update Update Change the content of existing entries in the
If a user has save system (*SAVSYS) special authority, object existence authority is
not required to perform save and restore operations on the object.
See the topic “Authorization List Management” on page 120 for more information.

Commonly Used Authorities

Certain sets of object and data authorities are commonly required to perform
operations on objects. You can specify these system-defined sets of authority

Chapter 5. Resource Security 113

(*ALL, *CHANGE, *USE) instead of individually defining the authorities needed
for an object. *EXCLUDE authority is different than having no authority.
*EXCLUDE authority specifically denies access to the object. Having no authority
means you use the public authority defined for the object. Table 101 shows the
system-defined authorities available using the object authority commands and
Table 101. System-Defined Authority

Object Authorities
Data Authorities

Table 102 shows additional system-defined authorities that are available using the
WRKAUT and CHGAUT commands:
Table 102. System-Defined Authority
Authority *RWX *RW *RX *R *WX *W *X

Object Authorities
Data Authorities

The LAN Server licensed program uses access control lists to manage authority. A
user’s authorities are called permissions. Table 103 shows how the LAN Server
permissions map to object and data authorities:
Table 103. LAN Server Permissions
Authority LAN Server Permissions

Object Authorities
*OBJOPR See note 1
*OBJMGT Permission
*OBJEXIST Create, Delete
*OBJALTER Attribute
*OBJREF No equivalent
Data Authorities

114 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 103. LAN Server Permissions (continued)
Authority LAN Server Permissions

*READ Read
*ADD Create
*UPD Write
*DLT Delete
*EXECUTE Execute

Unless NONE is specified for a user in the access control list, the user is
implicitly given *OBJOPR.

Defining What Information Can Be Accessed

You can define resource security for individual objects on the system. You can also
define security for groups of objects using either library security or an
authorization list:

┌──────────────┐ ┌──────────────┐ ┌──────────────┐

│ │ │ Group of │ │ Individual │
Who │ The Public │ │ Users │ │ User │
│ │ │ │ │ │
└──────┬───────┘ └──────┬───────┘ └───────┬──────┘
How │ Authority │
│ │
b b b b
┌────────────┐ ┌────────────┐ ┌────────────┐ ┌────────────┐
What │ Specific │ │ Library │ │ Directory │ │ Authori- │
│ Object │ │ │ │ │ │ zation │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ List │
└────────────┘ └────────────┘ └────────────┘ └────────────┘

Library Security
Most objects on the system reside in libraries. To access an object, you need
authority both to the object itself and the library in which the object resides. For
most operations, including deleting an object, *USE authority to the object library
is sufficient (in addition to the authority required for the object). Creating a new
object requires *ADD authority to the object library. Appendix D shows what
authority is required by CL commands for objects and the object libraries.

Using library security is one technique for protecting information while

maintaining a simple security scheme. For example, to secure confidential
information for a set of applications, you could do the following:
v Use a library to store all confidential files for a particular group of applications.
v Ensure that public authority is sufficient for all objects (in the library) that are
used by applications (*USE or *CHANGE).
v Restrict public authority to the library itself (*EXCLUDE).
v Give selected groups or individuals authority to the library (*USE, or *ADD if
the applications require it).

Chapter 5. Resource Security 115

Although library security is a simple, effective method for protecting information,
it may not be adequate for data with high security requirements. Highly sensitive
objects should be secured individually or with an authorization list, rather than
relying on library security.

Library Security and Library Lists

When a library is added to a user’s library list, the authority the user has to the
library is stored with the library list information. The user’s authority to the library
remains for the entire job, even if the user’s authority to the library is revoked
while the job is active.

When access is requested to an object and *LIBL is specified for the object, the
library list information is used to check authority for the library. If a qualified
name is specified, the authority for the library is specifically checked, even if the
library is included in the user’s library list.

Attention: If a user is running under adopted authority when a library is added to

the library list, the user remains authorized to the library even when the user is no
longer running under adopted authority. This represents a potential security
exposure. Any entries added to a user’s library list by a program running under
adopted authority should be removed before the adopted authority program ends.

In addition, applications that use library lists rather than qualified library names
have a potential security exposure. A user who is authorized to the commands to
work with library lists could potentially run a different version of a program. See
“Library Lists” on page 183 for more information.

Field Authorities
Field authorities are now supported for database files. Authorities supported are
Reference and Update. You can only administer these authorities through the SQL
statements, GRANT and REVOKE. You can display these authorities through the
Display Object Authority (DSPOBJAUT) and the Edit Object Authority
(EDTOBJAUT) commands. You can only display the field authorities with the
EDTOBJAUT command; you cannot edit them.

116 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Display Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : PLMITXT Owner . . . . . . . : PGMR1

Library . . . . . : RLN Primary group . . . : DPTAR
Object type . . . . : *FILE

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . : *NONE

Object ---------------Data---------------
User Group Authority Read Add Update Delete Execute

Press Enter to continue

F3=Exit F11=Nondisplay detail F12=Cancel F16=Display field authorities

Figure 8. Display Object Authority display showing F16=Display field authorities. This function
key will be displayed when a database file has field authorities.

Display Field Authority

Object . . . . . . . : PLMITXT Owner . . . . . . . : PGMR1

Library . . . . . : RLN Primary group . . . : *NONE
Object type . . . . : *FILE

Object -----Field Authorities-----------

Field User Authority Mgt Alter Ref Read Add Update
Field3 PGMR1 *ALL X X X X X X
USER1 *Use X
Field4 PGMR1 *ALL X X X X X
USER1 *Use X
Press Enter to continue.

F3=Exit F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F16=Repeat position to F17=Position to

Figure 9. Display Field Authority display. When F17=Position to, is pressed the Position the
List prompt will be displayed. If F16 is pressed, the previous position to operation will be

Changes for field authorities include the following:

v The Print Private Authority (PRTPVTAUT) command has a new field that
indicates when a file has field authorities.

Chapter 5. Resource Security 117

v The Display Object Authority (DSPOBJAUT) command now has a new
Authority Type parameter to allow display of object authorities, field authorities,
or all authorities. If the object type is not *FILE, you can display only object
v Information provided by List Users Authorized to Object (QSYLUSRA) API now
indicates if a file has field authorities.
v The Grant User Authority (GRTUSRAUT) command will not grant a user’s field
v When a grant with reference object is performed using the GRTOBJAUT
command and both objects (the one being granted to and the referenced one) are
database files, all field authorities will be granted where the field names match.
v If a user’s authority to a database file is removed, any field authorities for the
user are also removed.

Security and the System/38 Environment

The System/38 Environment and CL programs of type CLP38 represent a potential
security exposure. When a non-library qualified command is entered from the
System/38 Command Entry screen, or invoked by any CLP38 CL program, library
QUSER38 (if it exists) is the first library searched for that command. Library
QSYS38 is the second library searched. A programmer or other knowledgeable user
could place another CL command in either of these libraries and cause that
command to be used instead of one from a library in the library list.

Library QUSER38 is not shipped with the operating system. However, it can be
created by anyone with enough authority to create a library.

See the System/38 Environment Programming manual for more information about the
System/38 Environment.

Recommendation for System/38 Environment

Use these measures to protect your system for the System/38 Environment and CL
programs of type CLP38:
v Check the public authority of the QSYS38 library and if it is *ALL or *CHANGE
then change it to *USE.
v Check the public authority of the QUSER38 library and if it is *ALL or
*CHANGE then change it to *USE.
v If the QUSER38 and QSYS38 do not exist then create them and set them to
public *USE authority. This will prevent anyone else from creating it at a later
time and giving themselves or the public too much authority to it.

Directory Security
When accessing an object in a directory, you must have authority to all the
directories in the path containing the object. You must also have the necessary
authority to the object to perform the operation you requested.

You may want to use directory security in the same way that you use library
security. Limit access to directories and use public authority to the objects within
the directory. Limiting the number of private authorities defined for objects
improves the performance of the authority checking process.

Authorization List Security

You can group objects with similar security requirements using an authorization
list. An authorization list, conceptually, contains a list of users and the authority

118 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

that the users have to the objects secured by the list. Each user can have a different
authority to the set of objects the list secures. When you give a user authority to
the authorization list, the operating system actually grants a private authority for
that user to the authorization list.

Authority to the Authorization List

│ Authorization list name: AUTL1 │
│ Owner: KARENS │
│ Public authority: *EXCLUDE │
│ │
│ User Authority │

│ Objects secured by
│ authorization list
│ ┌───────────────┐
│ ┌────│ File A │
│ │ └───────────────┘
│ │ ┌───────────────┐
│ ├────│ Program B │
└─────┤ └───────────────┘
│ ┌───────────────┐
├────│ File C │
│ └───────────────┘
│ ┌───────────────┐
└────│ Library D │

Figure 10. Example of an Authorization List (Conceptual Representation)

You can also use an authorization list to define public authority for the objects on
the list. If the public authority for an object is set to *AUTL, the object gets its
public authority from its authorization list.

The authorization list object is used as a management tool by the system. It

actually contains a list of all objects which are secured by the authorization list.
This information is used to build displays for viewing or editing the authorization
list objects.

You cannot use an authorization list to secure a user profile or another

authorization list. Only one authorization list can be specified for an object.

Only the owner of the object, a user with all object (*ALLOBJ) special authority, or
a user with all (*ALL) authority to the object, can add or remove the authorization
list for an object.

Objects in the system library (QSYS) can be secured with an authorization list.
However, the name of the authorization list that secures an object is stored with
the object. In some cases, when you install a new release of the operating system,
all the objects in the QSYS library are replaced. The association between the objects
and your authorization list would be lost.

Chapter 5. Resource Security 119

See the topic “Planning Authorization Lists” on page 215 for examples of how to
use authorization lists.

Authorization List Management

You can grant a special operational authority called Authorization List
Management (*AUTLMGT) for authorization lists. Users with *AUTLMGT
authority are allowed to add and remove the users’ authority to the authorization
list and change the authorities for those users. *AUTLMGT authority, by itself,
does not give authority to secure new objects with the list or to remove objects
from the list.

A user with *AUTLMGT authority can give only the same or less authority to
others. For example, assume USERA has *CHANGE and *AUTLMGT authority to
authorization list CPLIST1. USERA can add USERB to CPLIST1 and give USERB
*CHANGE authority or less. USERA cannot give USERB *ALL authority to
CPLIST1, because USERA does not have *ALL authority.

A user with *AUTLMGT authority can remove the authority for a user if the
*AUTLMGT user has equal or greater authority to the list than the user profile
name being removed. If USERC has *ALL authority to CPLIST1, then USERA
cannot remove USERC from the list, because USERA has only *CHANGE and

Using Authorization Lists to Secure IBM-Supplied Objects

You may choose to use an authorization list to secure IBM-supplied objects. For
example, you may want to restrict the use of a group of commands to a few users.

Objects in IBM-supplied libraries, other than the QUSRSYS and QGPL libraries, are
replaced whenever you install a new release of the operating system. Therefore, the
link between objects in IBM-supplied libraries and authorization lists is lost. Also,
if an authorization list secures an object in QSYS and a complete system restore is
required, the link between the objects in QSYS and the authorization list is lost.
After you install a new release or restore your system, use the EDTOBJAUT or
GRTOBJAUT command to re-establish the link between the IBM-supplied object
and the authorization list.

The Implementation Guide for AS/400 Security and Auditing redbook contains sample
programs, such as ALLAUTL and FIXAUTL, that can be used to attach
authorization lists to the objects after the authorization lists are restored.

Authority for New Objects in a Library

Every library has a parameter called CRTAUT (create authority). This parameter
determines the default public authority for any new object that is created in that
library. When you create an object, the AUT parameter on the create command
determines the public authority for the object. If the AUT value on the create
command is *LIBCRTAUT, which is the default, the public authority for the object
is set to the CRTAUT value for the library.

For example, assume library CUSTLIB has a CRTAUT value of *USE. Both of the
commands below create a data area called DTA1 with public authority *USE:
v Specifying the AUT parameter:
v Allowing the AUT parameter to default. *LIBCRTAUT is the default:

120 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1


The default CRTAUT value for a library is *SYSVAL. Any new objects created in
the library using AUT(*LIBCRTAUT) have public authority set to the value of the
QCRTAUT system value. The QCRTAUT system value is shipped as *CHANGE.
For example, assume the ITEMLIB library has a CRTAUT value of *SYSVAL. This
command creates the DTA2 data area with public authority of change:

“Assigning Authority and Ownership to New Objects” on page 124 shows more
examples of how the system assigns ownership and authority to new objects.

Attention: Several IBM-supplied libraries, including QSYS, have a CRTAUT value

of *SYSVAL. If you change QCRTAUT to something other than *CHANGE, you
may encounter problems. For example, devices are created in the QSYS library. The
default when creating devices is AUT(*LIBCRTAUT). The CRTAUT value for the
QSYS library is *SYSVAL. If QCRTAUT is set to *USE or *EXCLUDE, public
authority is not sufficient to allow sign-on at new devices.

The CRTAUT value for a library can also be set to an authorization list name. Any
new object created in the library with AUT(*LIBCRTAUT) is secured by the
authorization list. The public authority for the object is set to *AUTL.

The CRTAUT value of the library is not used during a move (MOVOBJ), create
duplicate (CRTDUPOBJ), or restore of an object into the library. The public
authority of the existing object is used.

If the REPLACE (*YES) parameter is used on the create command, then the
authority of the existing object is used instead of the CRTAUT value of the library.

Create Authority (CRTAUT) Risks

If your applications use default authority for new objects created during
application processing, you should control who has authority to change the library
descriptions. Changing the CRTAUT authority for an application library could
allow unauthorized access to new objects created in the library.

Authority for New Objects in a Directory

When you create a new object in a directory, you specify the data authority and
object authority that the public receives for the object. You use the *INDIR option
to have the public authority set the same as that of the last directory in the path

Object Ownership
Each object is assigned an owner when it is created. The owner is either the user
who creates the object or the group profile if the member user profile has specified
that the group profile should be the owner of the object. When the object is
created, the owner is given all the object and data authorities to the object.
“Assigning Authority and Ownership to New Objects” on page 124 shows
examples of how the system assigns ownership to new objects.

The owner of an object always has all the authority for the object unless any or all
authority is removed specifically. As an object owner, you may choose to remove

Chapter 5. Resource Security 121

some specific authority as a precautionary measure. For example, if a file exists
that contains critical information, you may remove your object existence authority
to prevent yourself from accidentally deleting the file. However, as object owner,
you can grant any object authority to yourself at any time.

Ownership of an object can be transferred from one user to another. Ownership

can be transferred to an individual user profile or a group profile. A group profile
can own objects whether or not the group has members.

When changing an object’s owner, you have the option to keep or revoke the
former owner’s authority. A user with *ALLOBJ authority can transfer ownership,
as can any user who has the following:
v Object existence authority for the object (except for an authorization list)
v Ownership of the object, if the object is an authorization list
v Add authority for the new owner’s user profile
v Delete authority for the present owner’s user profile

You cannot delete a profile that owns objects. Ownership of objects must be
transferred to a new owner or the objects must be deleted before the profile can be
deleted. The Delete User Profile (DLTUSRPRF) command allows you to handle
owned objects when you delete the profile.

Object ownership is used as a management tool by the system. The owner profile
for an object contains a list of all users who have private authority to the object.
This information is used to build displays for editing or viewing object authority.

Profiles that own many objects with many private authorities can become very
large. The size of a profile that owns many objects affects performance when
displaying and working with the authority to objects it owns, and when saving or
restoring profiles. System operations can also be impacted. To prevent impacts to
either performance or system operations, do not assign objects to only one owner
profile for your entire iSeries system. Each application and the application objects
should be owned by a separate profile. Also, IBM-supplied user profiles should not
own user data or objects.

The owner of an object also needs sufficient storage for the object. See “Maximum
Storage” on page 74 for more information.

Group Ownership of Objects

When an object is created, the system looks at the profile of the user creating the
object to determine object ownership. If the user is a member of a group profile,
the OWNER field in the user profile specifies whether the user or the group
should own the new object.

If the group owns the object (OWNER is *GRPPRF), the user creating the object is
not automatically given any specific authority to the object. The user gets authority
to the object through the group. If the user owns the object (OWNER is *USRPRF),
the group’s authority to the object is determined by the GRPAUT field in the user

The group authority type (GRPAUTTYP) field in the user profile determines whether
the group 1) becomes the primary group for the object or 2) is given private
authority to the object. “Assigning Authority and Ownership to New Objects” on
page 124 shows several examples.

122 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

If the user who owns the object changes to a different user group, the original
group profile still retains authority to any objects created.

Even if the Owner field in a user profile is *GRPPRF, the user must still have
sufficient storage to hold a new object while it is being created. After it is created,
ownership is transferred to the group profile. The MAXSTG parameter in the user
profile determines how much auxiliary storage a user is allowed.

Evaluate the objects a user might create, such as query programs, when choosing
between group and individual user ownership:
v If the user moves to a different department and a different user group, should
the user still own the objects?
v Is it important to know who creates objects? The object authority displays show
the object owner, not the user who created the object.

Note: The Display Object Description display shows the object creator.

If the audit journal function is active, a Create Object (CO) entry is written to the
QAUDJRN audit journal at the time an object is created. This entry identifies the
creating user profile. The entry is written only if the QAUDLVL system value
specifies *CREATE and the QAUDCTL system value includes *AUDLVL.

Primary Group for an Object

You can specify a primary group for an object. The name of the primary group
profile and the primary group’s authority to the object are stored with the object.
Using primary group authority may provide better performance than private
group authority when checking authority to an object.

A profile must be a group profile (have a gid) to be assigned as the primary group
for an object. The same profile cannot be the owner of the object and its primary

When a user creates a new object, parameters in the user profile control whether
the user’s group is given authority to the object and the type of authority given.
The Group authority type (GRPAUTTYP) parameter in a user profile can be used to
make the user’s group the primary group for the object. “Assigning Authority and
Ownership to New Objects” on page 124 shows examples of how authority is
assigned when new objects are created.

Use the Change Object Primary Group (CHGOBJPGP) command or the Work with
Objects by Primary Group (WRKOBJPGP) command to specify the primary group
for an object. You can change the authority the primary group has using the Edit
Object Authority display or the grant and revoke authority commands.

Default Owner (QDFTOWN) User Profile

The Default Owner (QDFTOWN) user profile is an IBM-supplied user profile that
is used when an object has no owner or when object ownership might pose a
security exposure. Following are situations that cause ownership of an object to be
assigned to the QDFTOWN profile:
v If an owning profile becomes damaged and is deleted, its objects no longer have
an owner. Using the Reclaim Storage (RCLSTG) command assigns ownership of
these objects to the default owner (QDFTOWN) user profile.
v If an object is restored and the owner profile does not exist.

Chapter 5. Resource Security 123

v If a program that needs to be created again is restored, but the program creation
is not successful. See the topic “Validation of Programs Being Restored” on
page 15 for more information about which conditions cause ownership to be
assigned to QDFTOWN.
v If the maximum storage limit is exceeded for the user profile that owns an
authority holder that has the same name as a file being moved, renamed, or
whose library is being renamed.

The system supplies the QDFTOWN user profile because all objects must have an
owner. When the system is shipped, only a user with *ALLOBJ special authority
can display and access this user profile and transfer ownership of objects
associated with the QDFTOWN user profile. You can grant other users authority to
the QDFTOWN profile. QDFTOWN user profile is intended for system use only.
You should not design your security such that QDFTOWN normally owns object.

Assigning Authority and Ownership to New Objects

The system uses several values to assign authority and ownership when a new
object is created on the system:
Parameters on the CRTxxx command
The QCRTAUT system value
The CRTAUT value of the library
Values in the user profile of the creator
Figure 11 through Figure 14 show several examples of how these values are used:

124 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

QCRTAUT system value:
CRTAUT library parameter:

Values in USERA (Creator) Profile:


Command Used to Create Object:



Values for New Object:

Public authority:
Owner authority:
Primary group authority:
Private authority:


*LIBCRTAUT is the default value for the AUT

parameter on most CRTxxx commands.

Figure 11. New Object Example: Public Authority from Library, Group Given Private Authority

Chapter 5. Resource Security 125

QCRTAUT system value:
CRTAUT library parameter:

Values in USERA (Creator) Profile:


Command Used to Create Object:


Values for New Object:

Public authority:
Owner authority:
Primary group authority:
Private authority:

Figure 12. New Object Example: Public Authority from System Value, Group Given Private

126 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

QCRTAUT system value:
CRTAUT library parameter:

Values in USERA (Creator) Profile:


Command Used to Create Object:


Values for New Object:

Public authority:
Owner authority:
Primary group authority:
Private authority:

Figure 13. New Object Example: Public Authority from Library, Group Given Primary Group

Chapter 5. Resource Security 127

QCRTAUT system value:
CRTAUT library parameter:

Values in USERA (Creator) Profile:


Command Used to Create Object:


Values for New Object:

Public authority:
Owner authority:
Primary group authority:
Private authority:

Figure 14. New Object Example: Public Authority Specified, Group Owns Object

Objects That Adopt the Owner’s Authority

Sometimes a user needs different authorities to an object or an application,
depending on the situation. For example, a user may be allowed to change the
information in a customer file when using application programs providing that
function. However, the same user should be allowed to view, but not change,
customer information when using a decision support tool, such as SQL.

A solution to this situation is 1) give the user *USE authority to customer

information to allow querying the files and 2) use adopted authority in the
customer maintenance programs to allow the user to change the files.

When an object uses the owner’s authority, this is called adopted authority.
Objects of type *PGM, *SRVPGM, *SQLPKG and Java programs can adopt

When you create a program, you specify a user profile (USRPRF) parameter on the
CRTxxxPGM command. This parameter determines whether the program uses the
authority of the owner of the program in addition to the authority of the user
running the program.

128 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

| Consult the Information Center concerning security considerations and adopted
| authority when using SQL packages (see “Prerequisite and related information” on
| page xvi for details).

The following applies to adopted authority:

v Adopted authority is added to any other authority found for the user.
v Adopted authority is checked only if the authority that the user, the user’s
group, or the public has to an object is not adequate for the requested operation.
v The special authorities (such as *ALLOBJ) in the owner’s profile are used.
v If the owner profile is a member of a group profile, the group’s authority is not
used for adopted authority.
v Public authority is not used for adopted authority. For example, USER1 runs the
program LSTCUST, which requires *USE authority to the CUSTMST file:
– Public authority to the CUSTMST file is *USE.
– USER1’s authority is *EXCLUDE.
– USER2 owns the LSTCUST program, which adopts owner authority.
– USER2 does not own the CUSTMST file and has no private authority to it.
– Although public authority is sufficient to give USER2 access to the CUSTMST
file, USER1 does not get access. Owner authority, primary group authority,
and private authority are used for adopted authority.
– Only the authority is adopted. No other user profile attributes are adopted.
For example, the limited capabilities attributes are not adopted.
v Adopted authority is active as long as the program using adopted authority
remains in the program stack. For example, assume PGMA uses adopted
– If PGMA starts PGMB using the CALL command, these are the program
stacks before and after the CALL command:

Program Stack before CALL Command: Program Stack after CALL Command:
. .
. .
. .

Figure 15. Adopted Authority and the CALL Command

Because PGMA remains in the program stack after PGMB is called, PGMB
uses the adopted authority of PGMA. (The use adopted authority
(USEADPAUT) parameter can override this. See “Programs That Ignore
Adopted Authority” on page 132 for more information about the
USEADPAUT parameter.)
– If PGMA starts PGMB using the Transfer Control (TFRCTL) command, the
program stacks look like this:

Chapter 5. Resource Security 129

Program Stack before TFRCTL Command: Program Stack after TFRCTL Command:
. .
. .
. .

Figure 16. Adopted Authority and the TFRCTL Command

PGMB does not use the adopted authority of PGMA, because PGMA is no
longer in the program stack.
v If the program running under adopted authority is interrupted, the use of
adopted authority is suspended. The following functions do not use adopted
– System request
– Attention key (If a Transfer to Group Job (TFRGRPJOB) command is running,
adopted authority is not passed to the group job.)
– Break-message-handling program
– Debug functions

Note: Adopted authority is immediately interrupted by the attention key or a

group job request. The user must have authority to the
attention-key-handling program or the group job initial program, or the
attempt fails.

For example, USERA runs the program PGM1, which adopts the authority of
USERB. PGM1 uses the SETATNPGM command and specifies PGM2. USERB has
*USE authority to PGM2. USERA has *EXCLUDE authority to PGM2. The
SETATNPGM function is successful because it is run using adopted authority.
USERA receives an authority error when attempting to use the attention key
because USERB’s authority is no longer active.
v If a program that uses adopted authority submits a job, that submitted job does
not have the adopted authority of the submitting program.
| v When a trigger program or exit point program is called, adopted authority from
| previous programs in the call stack will not be used as a source of authority for
| the trigger program or exit point program.
v The program adopt function is not used when you use the Change Job
(CHGJOB) command to change the output queue for a job. The user profile
making the change must have authority to the new output queue.
v Any objects created, including spooled files that may contain confidential data,
are owned by the user of the program or by the user’s group profile, not by the
owner of the program.
v Adopted authority can be specified on either the command that creates the
program (CRTxxxPGM) or on the Change Program (CHGPGM) command.
v If a program is created using REPLACE(*YES) on the CRTxxxPGM command,
the new copy of the program has the same USRPRF, USEADPAUT, and AUT
values as the replaced program. The USRPRF and AUT parameters specified on
the CRTxxxPGM parameter are ignored.
v Only the owner of the program can specify REPLACE(*YES) on the CRTxxxPGM
command when USRPRF(*OWNER) is specified on the original program.
v Only a user who owns the program or has *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special
authorities can change the value of the USRPRF parameter.

130 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

v You must be signed on as a user with *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special
authorities to transfer ownership of an object that adopts authority.
v If someone other than the program’s owner or a user with *ALLOBJ and
*SECADM special authorities restores a program that adopts authority, all
private and public authorities to the program are revoked to prevent a possible
security exposure.

The Display Program (DSPPGM) and Display Service Program (DSPSRVPGM)

commands show whether a program adopts authority (User profile prompt) and
whether it uses adopted authority from previous programs in the program stack
(Use adopted authority prompt). The Display Program Adopt (DSPPGMADP)
command shows all the objects that adopt the authority of a specific user profile.
The Print Adopting Objects (PRTADPOBJ) command provides a report with more
information about objects that adopt authority. This command also provides an
option to print a report for objects that changed since the last time the command
was run.

“Flowchart 8: How Adopted Authority Is Checked” on page 159 provides more

information about adopted authority. The topic “Using Adopted Authority in
Menu Design” on page 205 shows an example of how to use adopted authority in
an application.

Adopted Authority and Bound Programs:

An ILE* program (*PGM) is an object that contains one or more modules. It is

created by an ILE* compiler. An ILE program can be bound to one or more service
programs (*SRVPGM).

To activate an ILE program successfully, the user must have *EXECUTE authority
to the ILE program and to all service programs to which it is bound. If an ILE
program uses adopted authority from a program higher in the program call stack,
that adopted authority is used to check authority to all service programs to which
the ILE program is bound. If the ILE program adopts authority, the adopted
authority will not be checked when the system checks the user’s authority to the
service programs at program activation time.

Adopted Authority Risks and Recommendations

Allowing a program to run using adopted authority is an intentional release of
control. You permit the user to have authority to objects, and possibly special
authority, which the user would not normally have. Adopted authority provides an
important tool for meeting diverse authority requirements, but it should be used
with care:
v Adopt the minimum authority required to meet the application requirements.
Adopting the authority of an application owner is preferable to adopting the
authority of QSECOFR or a user with *ALLOBJ special authority.
v Carefully monitor the function provided by programs that adopt authority. Make
sure these programs do not provide a means for the user to access objects
outside the control of the program, such as command entry capability.
v Programs that adopt authority and call other programs must perform a library
qualified call. Do not use the library list (*LIBL) on the call.
v Control which users are permitted to call programs that adopt authority. Use
menu interfaces and library security to prevent these programs from being called
without sufficient control.

Chapter 5. Resource Security 131

Programs That Ignore Adopted Authority
You may not want some programs to use the adopted authority of previous
programs in the program stack. For example, if you use an initial menu program
that adopts owner authority, you may not want some of the programs called from
the menu program to use that authority.

The use adopted authority (USEADPAUT) parameter of a program determines

whether the system uses the adopted authority of previous programs in the stack
when checking authority for objects.

When you create a program, the default is to use adopted authority from previous
programs in the stack. If you do not want the program to use adopted authority,
you can change the program with the Change Program (CHGPGM) command or
Change Service Program (CHGSRVPGM) command to set the USEADPAUT
parameter to *NO. If a program is created using REPLACE(*YES) on the
CRTxxxPGM command, the new copy of the program has the same USRPRF,
USEADPAUT, and AUT values as the replaced program.

The topic “Ignoring Adopted Authority” on page 208 shows an example of how to
use this parameter in menu design. See “Use Adopted Authority (QUSEADPAUT)”
on page 32 for information on the QUSEADPAUT system value.

Attention: In some situations, you can use the MODINVAU MI instruction to

prevent passing adopted authority to called functions. The MODINVAU instruction
can be used to prevent passing any adopted authority from C and C++ programs
to called functions in another program or service program. This may be useful
when you do not know the USEADPAUT setting of the function that is called.

Authority Holders
An authority holder is a tool for keeping the authorities for a program-described
database file that does not currently exist on the system. Its primary use is for
System/36 environment applications, which often delete program-described files
and create them again.

An authority holder can be created for a file that already exists or for a file that
does not exist, using the Create Authority Holder (CRTAUTHLR) command. The
following applies to authority holders:
v The authority holder is associated with a specific file and library. It has the same
name as the file.
v Authority holders can be used only for program-described database files and
logical files created in the S/36 environment.
v Once the authority holder is created, you add private authorities for it like a file.
Use the commands to grant, revoke, and display object authorities, and specify
object type *FILE. On the object authority displays, the authority holder is
indistinguishable from the file itself. The displays do not indicate whether the
file exists nor do they show that the file has an authority holder.
v If a file is associated with an authority holder, the authorities defined for the
authority holder are used during authority checking. Any private authorities
defined for the file are ignored.
v Use the Display Authority Holder (DSPAUTHLR) command to display or print
all the authority holders on the system. You can also use it to create an output
file (Outfile) for processing.

132 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

v If you create an authority holder for a file that exists:
– The user creating the authority holder must have *ALL authority to the file.
– The owner of the file becomes the owner of the authority holder regardless of
the user creating the authority holder.
– The public authority for the authority holder comes from the file. The public
authority (AUT) parameter on the CRTAUTHLR command is ignored.
– The existing file’s authority is copied to the authority holder.
v If you create a file and an authority holder for that file already exists:
– The user creating the file must have *ALL authority to the authority holder.
– The owner of the authority holder becomes the owner of the file regardless of
the user creating the file.
– The public authority for the file comes from the authority holder. The public
authority (AUT) parameter on the CRTPF or CRTLF command is ignored.
– The authority holder is linked to the file. The authority specified for the
authority holder is used to secure the file.
v If an authority holder is deleted, the authority information is transferred to the
file itself.
v If a file is renamed and the new file name matches an existing authority holder,
the authority and ownership of the file are changed to match the authority
holder. The user renaming the file needs *ALL authority to the authority holder.
v If a file is moved to a different library and an authority holder exists for that file
name and the target library, the authority and ownership of the file are changed
to match the authority holder. The user moving the file must have *ALL
authority to the authority holder.
v Ownership of the authority holder and the file always match. If you change the
ownership of the file, ownership of the authority holder also changes.
v When a file is restored, if an authority holder exists for that file name and the
library to which it is being restored, it is linked to the authority holder.
v Authority holders cannot be created for files in these libraries: QSYS, QRCL,

Authority Holders and System/36 Migration

The System/36 Migration Aid creates an authority holder for every file that is
migrated. It also creates an authority holder for entries in the System/36 resource
security file if no corresponding file exists on the System/36.

You need authority holders only for files that are deleted and re-created by your
applications. Use the Delete Authority Holder (DLTAUTHLR) command to delete
any authority holders that you do not need.

Authority Holder Risks

An authority holder provides the capability of defining authority for a file before
that file exists. Under certain circumstances, this could allow an unauthorized user
to gain access to information. If a user knew that an application would create,
move, or rename a file, the user could create an authority holder for the new file.
The user would thus gain access to the file.

To limit this exposure, the CRTAUTHLR command is shipped with public

authority *EXCLUDE. Only users with *ALLOBJ authority can use the command,
unless you grant authority to others.

Chapter 5. Resource Security 133

Working with Authority
This part of the chapter describes commonly-used methods for setting up,
maintaining, and displaying authority information on your system. Appendix A
provides a complete list of the commands available for working with authority.
The descriptions that follow do not discuss all the parameters for commands or all
the fields on the displays. Consult online information for complete details.

Authority Displays
Four displays show object authorities:
Display Object Authority display
Edit Object Authority display
Display Authority display
Work with Authority display

This section describes some characteristics of these displays. Figure 17 shows the
basic version of the Display Object Authority display:

Display Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : CUSTNO Owner . . . . . . . : PGMR1

Library . . . . . : CUSTLIB Primary group . . . : DPTAR
Object type . . . . : *DTAARA

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . : *NONE

User Group Authority
F3=Exit F11=Display detail object authorities F12=Cancel F17=Top

Figure 17. Display Object Authority Display

The system-defined names of the authorities are shown on this display. F11 acts as
a toggle between this and two other versions of the display. One shows detailed
object authorities:

134 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Display Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : CUSTNO Owner . . . . . . . : PGMR1

Library . . . . . : CUSTLIB Primary group . . . : DPTAR
Object type . . . . : *DTAARA

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . : *NONE

Object ----------Object-----------
User Group Authority Opr Mgt Exist Alter Ref
F3=Exit F11=Display data authorities F12=Cancel F17=Top F18=Bottom

The other shows data authorities:

Display Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : CUSTNO Owner . . . . . . . : PGMR1

Library . . . . . : CUSTLIB Primary group . . . : DPTAR
Object type . . . . : *DTAARA

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . : *NONE

Object ---------------Data---------------
User Group Authority Read Add Update Delete Execute

If you have *OBJMGT authority to an object, you see all private authorities for that
object. If you do not have *OBJMGT authority, you see only your own sources of
authority for the object.

For example, if USERA displays authority for the CUSTNO data area, only public
authority is shown.

If USERB, who is a member of the DPTAR group profile, displays the authority for
the CUSTNO data area, it looks like this:

Display Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : CUSTNO Owner . . . . . . . : PGMR1

Library . . . . . : CUSTLIB Primary group . . . : DPTAR
Object type . . . . : *DTAARA

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . : *NONE

User Group Authority

Chapter 5. Resource Security 135

If USERB runs a program that adopts the authority of PGMR1 and displays the
authority for the CUSTNO data area, it looks like this:

Display Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : CUSTNO Owner . . . . . . . : PGMR1

Library . . . . . : CUSTLIB Primary group . . . : DPTAR
Object type . . . . : *DTAARA

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . : *NONE

User Group Authority

The *ADOPTED authority indicates only the additional authority received from the
program owner. USERB receives from PGMR1 all the authorities that are not
included in *CHANGE. The display shows all private authorities because USERB
has adopted *OBJMGT. The detailed display looks like this:

Display Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : CUSTNO Owner . . . . . . . : PGMR1

Library . . . . . : CUSTLIB Primary group . . . : DPTAR
Object type . . . . : *DTAARA

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . : *NONE

Object -----------Object-----------
User Group Authority Opr Mgt Exist Alter Ref
F3=Exit F11=Display data authorities F12=Cancel F17=Top F18=Bottom

If the user option (USROPT) field in USERB’s user profile includes *EXPERT, this is
how the display looks:

136 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Display Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : CUSTNO Owner . . . . . . . : PGMR1

Library . . . . . : CUSTLIB Primary group . . . : DPTAR
Object type . . . . : *DTAARA

Type changes to current authorities, press Enter.

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . *NONE

OBJECT -----Object------ ------Data-------

User Group Authority O M E A R R A U D E

Authority Reports
Several reports are available to help you monitor your security implementation.
For example, you can monitor objects with *PUBLIC authority other than
*EXCLUDE and objects with private authorities with the following commands:
v Print Public Authority (PRTPUBAUT)
v Print Private Authority (PRTPVTAUT)

For more information about security tools, see the Tips and Tools for Securing Your
iSeries, SC41-5300-07.

Working with Libraries

Two parameters on the Create Library (CRTLIB) command affect authority:

Authority (AUT): The AUT parameter can be used to specify either of the
v The public authority for the library
v The authorization list that secures the library.

The AUT parameter applies to the library itself, not to the objects in the library. If
you specify an authorization list name, the public authority for the library is set to

If you do not specify AUT when you create a library, *LIBCRTAUT is the default.
The system uses the CRTAUT value from the QSYS library, which is shipped as

Create Authority (CRTAUT): The CRTAUT parameter determines the default

authority for any new objects that are created in the library. CRTAUT can be set to
one of the system-defined authorities (*ALL, *CHANGE, *USE, or *EXCLUDE), to
*SYSVAL (the QCRTAUT system value), or to the name of an authorization list.

Note: You can change the CRTAUT value for a library using the Change Library
(CHGLIB) command.
If user PGMR1 enters this command:

Chapter 5. Resource Security 137

the authority for the library looks like this:

Display Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : TESTLIB Owner . . . . . . . : PGMR1

Library . . . . . : QSYS Primary group . . . : *NONE
Object type . . . . : *LIB

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . : LIBLST

User Group Authority

v Because an authorization list was specified for the AUT parameter, public
authority is set to *AUTL.
v The user entering the CRTLIB command owns the library, unless the user’s
profile specifies OWNER(GRPPRF). The owner is automatically given *ALL
v The CRTAUT value is not shown on the object authority displays. Use the
Display Library Description (DSPLIBD) command to see the CRTAUT value for
a library.

Display Library Description

Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : CUSTLIB

Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : PROD
ASP of library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1
Create authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . : *OBJLST
Text description . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Customer Rec

Creating Objects
When you create a new object, you can either specify the authority (AUT) or use
the default, *LIBCRTAUT. If PGMR1 enters this command:

the authority for the data area looks like this:

138 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Display Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : DTA1 Owner . . . . . . . : PGRM1

Library . . . . . : TESTLIB Primary group . . . : *NONE
Object type . . . . : *DTAARA

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . : OBJLST

User Group Authority

The authorization list (OBJLST) comes from the CRTAUT parameter that was
specified when TESTLIB was created.

If PGMR1 enters this command:


the authority for the data area looks like this:

Display Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : DTA2 Owner . . . . . . . : PGRM1

Library . . . . . : TESTLIB Primary group . . . : *NONE
Object type . . . . : *DTAARA

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . : *NONE

User Group Authority

Working with Individual Object Authority

To change the authority for an object you must have one of the following:
v *ALLOBJ authority or membership in a group profile that has *ALLOBJ special

Note: The group’s authority is not used if you have private authority to the
v Ownership of the object. If a group profile owns the object, any member of the
group can act as the object owner, unless the member has been given specific
authority that does not meet the requirements for changing the object’s
v *OBJMGT authority to the object and any authorities being granted or revoked
(except *EXCLUDE). Any user who is allowed to work with the object’s
authority can grant or revoke *EXCLUDE authority.

The easiest way to change authority for an individual object is with the Edit Object
Authority display. This display can be called directly by using the Edit Object

Chapter 5. Resource Security 139

Authority (EDTOBJAUT) command or selected as an option from the Work with
Objects by Owner (WRKOBJOWN) or WRKOBJ (Work with Objects) display.
You can also use these commands to change object authority:

Edit Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : DTA1 Owner . . . . . . . : PGMR1

Library . . . . . : TESTLIB Primary group . . . : *NONE
Object type . . . . : *DTAARA

Type changes to current authorities, press Enter.

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . OBJLST

User Group Authority

Change Authority (CHGAUT)

Work with Authority (WRKAUT)
Grant Object Authority (GRTOBJAUT)
Revoke Object Authority (RVKOBJAUT)

To specify the generic authority subsets, such as Read/Write (*RX) or

Write/Execute (*WX), you must use the CHGAUT or WRKAUT commands.

Specifying User-Defined Authority

The Object Authority column on the Edit Object Authority display allows you to
specify any of the system-defined sets of authorities (*ALL, *CHANGE, *USE,
*EXCLUDE). If you want to specify authority that is not a system-defined set, use
F11 (Display detail).

Note: If the User options (USROPT) field in your user profile is set to *EXPERT,
you always see this detailed version of the display without having to press

For example, PGMR1 removes *OBJEXIST authority to the CONTRACTS file, to

prevent accidentally deleting the file. Because PGMR1 has a combination of
authorities that is not one of the system-defined sets, the system puts USER DEF
(user-defined) in the Object Authority column:

Edit Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : CONTRACTS Owner . . . . . . . : PGMR1

Library . . . . . : TESTLIB Primary group . . . : *NONE
Object type . . . . : *FILE

Type changes to current authorities, press Enter.

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . LIST2

OBJECT ----------Object-----------
User Group Authority Opr Mgt Exist Alter Ref

140 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

You can press F11 (Display data authorities) to view or change the data authorities:

Edit Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : CONTRACTS Owner . . . . . . . : PGMR1

Library . . . . . : TESTLIB Primary group . . . : *NONE
Object type . . . . : *FILE

Type changes to current authorities, press Enter.

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . LIST2

OBJECT ---------------Data---------------
User Group Authority Read Add Update Delete Execute

Giving Authority to New Users

To give authority to additional users, press F6 (Add new users) from the Edit
Object Authority display. You see the Add New Users display, which allows you to
define authority for multiple users:

Add New Users

Object . . . . . . . : DTA1
Library . . . . . : TESTLIB

Type new users, press Enter.

User Authority

Removing a User’s Authority

Removing a user’s authority for an object is different from giving the user
*EXCLUDE authority. *EXCLUDE authority means the user is specifically not
allowed to use the object. Only *ALLOBJ special authority and adopted authority
override *EXCLUDE authority. Removing a user’s authority means the user has no
specific authority to the object. The user can gain access through a group profile,
an authorization list, public authority, *ALLOBJ special authority, or adopted

You can remove a user’s authority using the Edit Object Authority display. Type
blanks in the Object Authority field for the user and press the Enter key. The user
is removed from the display. You can also use the Revoke Object Authority
(RVKOBJAUT) command. Either revoke the specific authority the user has or
revoke *ALL authority for the user.

Note: The RVKOBJAUT command revokes only the authority you specify. For
example, USERB has *ALL authority to FILEB in library LIBB. You revoke
*CHANGE authority:

Chapter 5. Resource Security 141

After the command, USERB’s authority to FILEB looks like this:

Display Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : FILEB Owner . . . . . . . : PGMR1

Library . . . . . : LIBB Primary group . . . : *NONE
Object type . . . . : *FILE

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . *NONE

Object --------Object------------
ser Group Authority Opr Mgt Exist Alter Ref

Display Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : FILEB Owner . . . . . . . : PGMR1

Library . . . . . : LIBB Primary group . . . : *NONE
Object type . . . . : *FILE

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . *NONE

Object ---------------Data---------------
User Group Authority Read Add Update Delete Execute

Working with Authority for Multiple Objects

The Edit Object Authority display allows you to interactively work with the
authority for one object at a time. The Grant Object Authority (GRTOBJAUT)
command allows you to make authority changes to more than one object at a time.
You can use the GRTOBJAUT authority command interactively or in batch. You
can also call it from a program.

Following are examples of using the GRTOBJAUT command, showing the prompt
display. When the command runs, you receive a message for each object indicating
whether the change was made. Authority changes require an exclusive lock on the
object and cannot be made when an object is in use. Print your job log for a record
of changes attempted and made.
v To give all the objects in the TESTLIB library a public authority of *USE:

Grant Object Authority (GRTOBJAUT)

Type choices, press Enter.

Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . *ALL
Library . . . . . . . . . . . TESTLIB
Object type . . . . . . . . . . *ALL
Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . *PUBLIC
+ for more values
Authority . . . . . . . . . . . *USE

This example for the GRTOBJAUT command gives the authority you specify, but
it does not remove any authority that is greater than you specified. If some
objects in the TESTLIB library have public authority *CHANGE, the command
just shown would not reduce their public authority to *USE. To make sure that

142 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

all objects in TESTLIB have a public authority of *USE, use the GRTOBJAUT
command with the REPLACE parameter.

The REPLACE parameter indicates whether the authorities you specify replaces
the existing authority for the user. The default value of REPLACE(*NO) gives
the authority that you specify, but it does not remove any authority that is
greater than the authority you specify, unless you are granting *EXCLUDE

These commands set public authority only for objects that currently exist in the
library. To set the public authority for any new objects that are created later, use
the CRTAUT parameter on the library description.
v To give *ALL authority to the work files in the TESTLIB library to users AMES
and SMITHR. In this example, work files all start with the characters WRK:

Grant Object Authority (GRTOBJAUT)

Type choices, press Enter.

Object . . . .. . . . . . . . . WRK*
Library . .. . . . . . . . . TESTLIB
Object type .. . . . . . . . . *FILE
Users . . . .. . . . . . . . . AMES
+ for more values SMITHR
Authority . . . . . . . . . . . *ALL

This command uses a generic name to specify the files. You specify a generic
name by typing a character string followed by an asterisk (*). Online information
tells which parameters of a command allow a generic name.
v To secure all the files starting with the characters AR* using an authorization list
called ARLST1 and have the files get their public authority from the list, use the
following two commands:
1. Secure the files with the authorization list using the GRTOBJAUT command:

Grant Object Authority

Type choices, press Enter.

Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . AR*
Library . . . . . . . . . . . TESTLIB
.. type . . . . . . . . . . *FILE
Authorization list . . . . . . . ARLST1

2. Set public authority for the files to *AUTL, using the GRTOBJAUT command:

Chapter 5. Resource Security 143

Grant Object Authority

Type choices, press Enter.

Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . AR*
Library . . . . . . . . . . . TESTLIB
Object type . . . . . . . . . . *FILE
Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . *PUBLIC
+ for more values
Authority . . . . . . . . . . . *AUTL

Working with Object Ownership

To change ownership of an object, use one of the following:
The Change Object Owner (CHGOBJOWN) command
The Work with Objects by Owner (WRKOBJOWN) command
The Change Owner (CHGOWN) command

The Work with Objects by Owner display shows all the objects owned by a profile.
You can assign individual objects to a new owner. You can also change ownership
for more than one object at a time by using the NEWOWN (new owner) parameter
at the bottom of the display:

Work with Objects by Owner

User profile . . . . . . . : OLDOWNER

Type options, press Enter.

2=Edit authority 4=Delete 5=Display author
8=Display description 9=Change owner

Opt Object Library Type Attribute


Parameters or command
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F9=Retrieve

When you change ownership using either method, you can choose to remove the
previous owner’s authority to the object. The default for the CUROWNAUT
(current owner authority) parameter is *REVOKE.

To transfer ownership of an object, you must have:

v Object existence authority for the object
v *ALL authority or ownership, if the object is an authorization list
v Add authority for the new owner’s user profile
v Delete authority for the present owner’s user profile

You cannot delete a user profile that owns objects. The topic “Deleting User
Profiles” on page 99 shows methods for handling owned objects when deleting a

144 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

The Work with Objects by Owner display includes integrated file system objects.
For these objects, the Object column on the display shows the first 18 characters of
the path name. If the path name is longer than 18 characters, a greater than symbol
(>) appears at the end of the path name. To see the absolute path name, place your
cursor anywhere on the path name and press the F22 key.

Working with Primary Group Authority

To change the primary group or primary group’s authority to an object, use one of
the following commands:
Change Object Primary Group (CHGOBJPGP)
Work with Objects by Primary Group (WRKOBJPGP)
Change Primary Group (CHGPGP)

When you change an object’s primary group, you specify what authority the new
primary group has. You can also revoke the old primary group’s authority. If you
do not revoke the old primary group’s authority, it becomes a private authority.

The new primary group cannot be the owner of the object.

To change an object’s primary group, you must have all of the following:
v *OBJEXIST authority for the object.
v If the object is a file, library, or subsystem description, *OBJOPR and *OBJEXIST
v If the object is an authorization list, *ALLOBJ special authority or be the owner
of the authorization list.
v If revoking authority for the old primary group, *OBJMGT authority.
v If a value other than *PRIVATE is specified, *OBJMGT authority and all the
authorities being given.

Using a Referenced Object

Both the Edit Object Authority display and the GRTOBJAUT command allow you
to give authority to an object (or group of objects) based on the authority of a
referenced object. This is a useful tool in some situations, but you should also
evaluate the use of an authorization list to meet your requirements. See “Planning
Authorization Lists” on page 215 for information about the advantages of using
authorization lists.

Copying Authority from a User

You can copy all the private authorities from one user profile to another using the
Grant User Authority (GRTUSRAUT) command. This method can be useful in
certain situations. For example, the system does not allow you to rename a user
profile. To create an identical profile with a different name involves several steps,
including copying the original profile’s authorities. “Renaming a User Profile” on
page 103 shows an example of how to do this.

The GRTUSRAUT command copies private authorities only. It does not copy
special authorities, nor does it transfer object ownership.

The GRTUSRAUT command should not be used in place of creating group

profiles. GRTUSRAUT creates a duplicate set of private authorities, which increases
the time it takes to save the system and makes authority management more
difficult. GRTUSRAUT copies authorities as they exist at a particular moment. If

Chapter 5. Resource Security 145

authority is required to new objects in the future, each profile must be granted
authority individually. The group profile provides this function automatically.

To use the GRTUSRAUT command, you must have all the authorities being copied.
If you do not have an authority, that authority is not granted to the target profile.
The system issues a message for each authority that is granted or not granted to
the target user profile. Print the job log for a complete record. To avoid having a
partial set of authorities copied, the GRTUSRAUT command should be run by a
user with *ALLOBJ special authority.

Working with Authorization Lists

Setting up an authorization list requires three steps:
1. Creating the authorization list.
2. Adding users to the authorization list.
3. Securing objects with the authorization list.

Steps 2 and 3 can be done in any order.

Creating an Authorization List

| You do not need any authority to the QSYS library to create an authorization list
| into that library. Use the Create Authorization List (CRTAUTL) command:
The AUT parameter sets the public authority for any objects secured by the list.

Create Authorization List (CRTAUTL)

Type choices, press Enter.

Authorization list . . . . . . . custlst1

Text 'description' . . . . . . . Files cleared at month-end

Additional Parameters

Authority . . . . . . . . . . . *use

The public authority from the authorization list is used only when the public
authority for an object secured by the list is *AUTL.

Giving Users Authority to an Authorization List

To work with the authority that user’s have to the authorization list, you must
have *AUTLMGT (authorization list management) authority, as well as the specific
authorities you are granting. See the topic “Authorization List Management” on
page 120 for a complete description.

You can use the Edit Authorization List (EDTAUTL) display to change user
authority to the authorization list or to add new users to the list:

146 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Edit Authorization List

Object . . . . . . . : CUSTLST1 Owner . . . . . . . : PGMR1

Library . . . . . : QSYS Primary group . . . : *NONE

Type changes to current authorities, press Enter.

Object List
User Authority Mgt

To give new users authority to the authorization list, press F6 (Add new users):
Each user’s authority to the list is actually stored as a private authority in that

Add New Users

Object . . . . . . . : CUSTLST1 Owner . . . PGMR1

Library . . . . . : QSYS

Type new users, press Enter.

Object List
User Authority Mgt

user’s profile. You can also use commands to work with authorization list users,
either interactively or in batch:
v Add Authorization List Entry (ADDAUTLE) to define authority for additional
v Change Authorization List Entry (CHGAUTLE) to change authority for users
who are already authorized to the list
v Remove Authorization List Entry (RMVAUTLE) to remove a user’s authority to
the list.

Securing Objects with an Authorization List

To secure an object with an authorization list, you must own the object, have *ALL
authority to it, or have *ALLOBJ special authority. You must not have *EXCLUDE
authority to the authorization list.

Use the Edit Object Authority display or the GRTOBJAUT command to secure an
object with an authorization list:

Chapter 5. Resource Security 147

Edit Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : ARWRK1 Object type . . . . : *FILE

Library . . . . . : TESTLIB Owner . . . . . . . : PGMR1

Type changes to current authorities, press Enter.

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . ARLST1

User Authority

Set the public authority for the object to *AUTL if you want public authority to
come from the authorization list.

On the Edit Authorization List display, you can use F15 (Display authorization list
objects) to list all the objects secured by the list:
This is an information list only. You cannot add or remove objects from the list.

Display Authorization List Objects

Authorization list . . . . . . . . : CUSTLST1

Library . . . . . . . . . . . . : CUSTLIB
Owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : OWNAR
Primary group . . . . . . . . . . : DPTAR

Object Library Type Owner group Text

You can also use the Display Authorization List Objects (DSPAUTLOBJ) command
to view or print a list of all objects secured by the list.

Deleting an Authorization List

You cannot delete an authorization list if it is used to secure any objects. Use the
DSPAUTLOBJ command to list all the objects secured by the list. Use either the
Edit Object Authority display or the Revoke Object Authority (RVKOBJAUT)
command to change the authority for each object. When the authorization list no
longer secures any objects, use the Delete Authorization List (DLTAUTL) command
to delete it.

How the System Checks Authority

| When a user attempts to perform an operation on an object, the system verifies
| that the user has adequate authority for the operation. The system first checks
| authority to the library or directory path that contains the object. If the authority to
| the library or directory path is adequate, the system checks authority to the object
| itself. In the case of database files, authority checking is done at the time the file is
| opened, not when each individual operation to the file is performed.

During the authority-checking process, when any authority is found (even if it is

not adequate for the requested operation) authority checking stops and access is
granted or denied. The adopted authority function is the exception to this rule.

148 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Adopted authority can override any specific (and inadequate) authority found. See
the topic “Objects That Adopt the Owner’s Authority” on page 128 for more
information about adopted authority.

The system verifies a user’s authority to an object in the following order:

| 1. Object’s authority - fast path
2. User’s *ALLOBJ special authority
3. User’s specific authority to the object
4. User’s authority on the authorization list securing the object
5. Groups’ *ALLOBJ special authority
6. Groups’ authority to the object
7. Groups’ authority on the authorization list securing the object
8. Public authority specified for the object or for the authorization list securing the
9. Program owner’s authority, if adopted authority is used

Note: Authority from one or more of the user’s groups may be accumulated to
find sufficient authority for the object being accessed.

Authority Checking Flowcharts

Following are charts, descriptions, and examples of how authority is checked. Use
them to answer specific questions about whether a particular authority scheme will
work or diagnose problems with your authority definitions. The charts also
highlight the types of authority that cause the greatest performance impact.

The process of checking authority is divided into a primary flowchart and several
smaller flowcharts showing specific parts of the process. Depending on the
combination of authorities for an object, the steps in some flowcharts may be
repeated several times.

The numbers at the upper left of figures on the flowcharts are used in the
examples following the flowcharts.

The steps representing the search of a profile’s private authorities are highlighted:
Step 6 in Flowchart 3 on page 153
Step 6 in Flowchart 6 on page 158
Step 2 in Flowchart 8B on page 161

Repeating these steps is likely to cause performance problems in the authority

checking process.

Flowchart 1: Main Authority Checking Process

The steps in Flowchart 1 show the main process the system follows in checking
authority for an object.

Chapter 5. Resource Security 149

Figure 18. Flowchart 1: Main Authority Checking Process

150 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Flowchart 2: Fast Path for Object Authority Checking
The steps in Flowchart 2 are performed using information stored with the object.
This is the fastest method for authorizing a user to an object.

Chapter 5. Resource Security 151

Figure 19. Flowchart 2: Fast Path for Object Authority

152 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Flowchart 3: How User Authority to an Object Is Checked
The steps in Flowchart 3 are performed for the individual user profile.

│ Does the profile have │
│ *ALLOBJ special authority? ├────────────────c Authorized
│ No
2 b
│ Set object to test equal to │
│ original object. │

│ 3 b
│ ┌──────────────────────────────┐ Authority is
│ │ Check owner authority. │ insufficient
│ │ (See flowchart 4.) │──────────────────────────┐
│ └──────────────────────────────┘ │
│ │ No authority │
│ │ is found │
│ 4 b │
│ ┌──────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │ Do fast path check if │ │
│ │ original object. │ │
│ │ (See flowchart 5.) │ │
│ └──────────────────────────────┘ │
│ │ Authority is │
│ │ insufficient │
│ 5 b │
│ No ┌──────────────────────────────┐ │
│ ┌──┤ Does object have private │ │
│ │ │ authorities? │ │
│ │ └──────────────────────────────┘ │
│ │ │ Yes │
│ │ 6 b │
│ │ ┌──────────────────────────────┐ Authority │
│ │ │ Look up private authorities │ is │
│ │ │ in the user profile. │ sufficient │
│ │ │ │────────────cAuthorized │
│ │ └──────────────────────────────┘ │
│ │ │ No authority │ Authority is │
│ │ │ is found │ not sufficient │
│ └───────────c│ └───────────────────────────c│
│ 7 b 8 b
│ ┌──────────────────────────────┐ ┌──────────────────────┐
│ │ Is the object secured by │ No │ Set object to test │
│ │ an authorization list? │───────c│ equal to the │
│ │ │ │ original object. │
│ └──────────────────────────────┘ └──────────┬───────────┘
│ │ Yes │
│ 9 b b
│ ┌──────────────────────────────┐ Return to the calling
│ │ Set object to test equal to │ flowchart with
└──────│ the authorization list. │ insufficient authority
│ │ or no authority found.

Figure 20. Flowchart 3: Check User Authority

Chapter 5. Resource Security 153

Flowchart 4: How Owner Authority Is Checked
Figure 21 shows the process for checking owner authority. The name of the owner
profile and the owner’s authority to an object are stored with the object.

Several possibilities exist for using the owner’s authority to access an object:
v The user profile owns the object.
v The user profile owns the authorization list.
v The user’s group profile owns the object.
v The user’s group profile owns the authorization list.
v Adopted authority is used, and the program owner owns the object.
v Adopted authority is used, and the program owner owns the authorization list.

Figure 21. Flowchart 4: Owner Authority Checking

Flowchart 5: Fast Path for User Authority Checking

Figure 22 on page 155 shows the fast path for testing user authority without
searching private authorities.

154 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

│ Are there any │ No
│ private authorities ├─────────────────────────┐
│ to the object being │ │
│ checked? │ │
└──────────┬────────────┘ │
b Yes │
2 │
┌───────────────────────┐ │
│ Does the object │ No (See note 2.) │
│ have any private ├────────────────────────c│
│ authorities less │ │
│ than its public │ │
│ authority? │ │
│ (See note 1 under │ │
│ Notes for Flowchart 5)│ │
└──────────┬────────────┘ 3 b
│ Yes ┌──────────────────┐
│ No │ Is public │
├f─────────────────────────────┤ authority │
│ │ sufficient? │
│ └───────┬──────────┘
│ │ Yes
│ 4 b
│ ┌──────────────────┐
│ │ Is the object │
│ No │ owner's │
├f─────────────────────────────┤ authority │
│ │ sufficient? │
│ └──────┬───────────┘
│ │ Yes
│ 5 b
│ ┌──────────────────┐
│ No │ Is the object's │
├f─────────────────────────────┤ primary group │
│ │ authority │
│ │ sufficient? │
│ └───────┬──────────┘
│ │ Yes
│ │
│ 6 b
│ ┌──────────────────┐
│ Yes │ Is the object │ No
├f─────────────────────────────┤ secured by an ├──────────┐
│ │ authorization │ │
│ │ list? │ │
│ └──────────────────┘ │
b │
Return to calling flowchart b
with no authority or Authorized
insufficent authority found.

Figure 22. Flowchart 5: Fast Path for User Authority

Notes for Flowchart 5:

1. Authority is considered less than public if any authority that is present for
*PUBLIC is not present for another user. In the example shown in Table 104, the
public has *OBJOPR, *READ, and *EXECUTE authority to the object. WILSONJ
has *EXCLUDE authority and does not have any of the authorities the public
has. Therefore, this object does have private authority less than its public
authority. (OWNAR also has less authority than the public, but owner authority
is not considered private authority.)

Chapter 5. Resource Security 155

Table 104. Public versus Private Authority


Object Authorities:
Data Authorities

2. This path provides a method for using public authority, if possible, even
though private authority exists for an object. The system tests to make sure that
nothing later in the authority checking process might deny access to the object.
If the result of these tests is Sufficient, searching private authorities can be

Flowchart 6: How Group Authority Is Checked

A user may be a member of up to 16 groups. A group may have private authority
to an object, or it may be the primary group for an object.

Authority from one or more of the user’s groups may be accumulated to find
sufficient authority for the object being accessed. For example, WAGNERB needs
*CHANGE authority to the CRLIM file. *CHANGE authority includes *OBJOPR,
*READ, *ADD, *UPD, *DLT, and *EXECUTE. Table 105 shows the authorities for
the CRLIM file:
Table 105. Accumulated Group Authority

Authority OWNAR DPT506 DPT702 *PUBLIC

Object Authorities:
Data Authorities

156 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

WAGNERB needs both DPT506 and DPT702 to get sufficient authority to the
CRLIM file. DPT506 is missing *DLT authority, and DPT702 is missing *ADD

Flowchart 6 on page 158 shows the steps in checking group authority.

Chapter 5. Resource Security 157

Figure 23. Flowchart 6: Group Authority Checking

Note: If the user is signed on as the profile that is the primary group for an object,
the user cannot receive authority to the object through the primary group.

158 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Flowchart 7: How Public Authority Is Checked
When checking public authority, the system must determine whether to use the
public authority for the object or the authorization list. Flowchart 7 shows the

1 2
┌───────────────────────┐ ┌───────────────────────┐
│ Is public authority │ Yes │ Set object to check │
│ for the original │───────────c│ equal to the │
│ object *AUTL? │ │ authorization list. │
│ │ │ │
└──────────┬────────────┘ └──────────┬────────────┘
│ No │
│ │
3 b │
┌───────────────────────┐ │
│ Set object to check │ │
│ equal to the │ │
│ original object. │ │
│ │ │
└──────────┬────────────┘ │
│ │
4 b
│ Is public authority │ Yes
│ sufficient? ├────────────────c Authorized
│ │
│ No. Return to the
│ calling flowchart
│ with insufficient
│ authority.

Figure 24. Flowchart 7: Check Public Authority

Flowchart 8: How Adopted Authority Is Checked

If insufficient authority is found by checking user authority, the system checks
adopted authority. The system may use adopted authority from the original
program the user called or from earlier programs in the program stack. To provide
the best performance and minimize the number of times private authorities are
searched, the process for checking adopted authority checks to see if the program
owner has *ALLOBJ special authority or owns the object being tested. This is
repeated for every program in the stack that uses adopted authority.

If sufficient authority is not found, the system checks to see if the program owner
has private authority for the object being checked. This is repeated for every
program in the stack that uses adopted authority.

Figure 25 on page 160 and Figure 26 on page 161 show the process for checking
adopted authority.

Chapter 5. Resource Security 159

┌────c│ Set object to test equal to original object │
│ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
│ │
│ 2 b
│ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ No
│ │ Does the program adopt authority ? │──────────┐
│ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ │ Yes │
│ 3 b │
│ ┌─────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │ Does the program owner │ Yes │
│ │ have *ALLOBJ? │─────────────c Authorized │
│ └─────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ │ No │
│ │ │
│ 4 b │
│ ┌─────────────────────────────────┐ Authority │
│ │ Check owner authority │ is │
│ │ using program owner. │ sufficient │
│ │ (See Flowchart 4.) │─────────────c Authorized │
│ │ Accumulate and test. │ │
│ └─────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ │ Authority is insufficient │
│ │ f────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
│ 5 b
│ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ │ Check USEADPAUT value for program │ *NO
│ │ currently being tested │──────────┐
│ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ │ *YES │
│ 6 b │
│ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │ Are there more programs in stack? │ │
│ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ │ Yes │ No │
│ │ │ f──────────────────┘
│ 7 b 8 b
│ ┌────────────────────┐ ┌──────────────────┐
└─────│ Test using next │ │ Set object and │
│ program in │ │ program to │
│ stack. │ │ original values. │
│ │ │ │
└────────────────────┘ └──────────────────┘

9 b
│ Check private authority. (See Flowchart 8b.) │

Figure 25. Flowchart 8A: Checking Adopted Authority User *ALLOBJ and Owner

160 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ No
┌──────────c│ Does the program adopt authority? │────────┐
│ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ │ Yes │
│ ┌─────────────────c│ │
│ │ 2 b │
│ │ No ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │ ┌───│ Does object have private authorities? │ │
│ │ │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ │ │ │ Yes │
│ │ │ 3 b │
│ │ │ ┌──────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │ │ │ Look up private and primary group│ Sufficient │
│ │ │ │ authorities for program owner. │───────────c Authorized │
│ │ │ │ Add and test. │ │
│ │ │ └──────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ │ │ │ No authority │ Insufficient │
│ │ └──────c│ found │ authority │
│ │ 4 b │ │
│ │ ┌─────────────────────────┐ │ │
│ │ │ Is object secured by │ No b │
│ │ │ an authorization list? │───────────────────────────────c │
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ └─────────────────────────┘ │
│ │ │ Yes │
│ │ 5 b │
│ │ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │ │ Set object to equal to authorization list │ │
│ │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ 6 b │
│ │ ┌──────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ └────────│ Check owner authority to │ Sufficient │
│ No │ authorization list. (See │ ──────────c Authorized │
│ Authority│ flowchart 4.) │ │
│ Found └──────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ │ Insufficient authority │
│ │ f─────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
│ 7 b
│ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐ *NO
│ │ Test USEADPAUT authority value for │─────────┐
│ │ program currently being checked │ │
│ └──────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ │ *YES │
│ 8 b │
│ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐ No b
│ │ More programs in stack? │─────c Access
│ └──────────────────────────────────────────┘ Denied
│ │ Yes
│ 9 b
│ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ │ Set object equal to original object │
│ └────────────────┬─────────────────────────┘
│ │
│ 10 b
│ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐
└───────────│ Test using next program in stack │

Figure 26. Flowchart 8B: Checking Adopted Authority Using Private Authorities

Chapter 5. Resource Security 161

Authority Checking Examples
Following are several examples of authority checking. These examples demonstrate
the steps the system uses to determine whether a user is allowed a requested
access to an object. These examples are intended to show how authority checking
works and where potential performance problems may occur.

Figure 27 shows the authorities for the PRICES file. Following the figure are
several examples of requested access to this file and the authority checking process.
In the examples, searching private authorities (Flowchart 4, step 6) is highlighted
because this is the part of the authority checking process that can cause
performance problems if it is repeated several times.

Display Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : PRICES Owner . . . . . . . : OWNCP
Library . . . . . : CONTRACTS Primary group . . . : *NONE
Object type . . . . : *FILE
Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . : *NONE
User Group Authority

Figure 27. Authority for the PRICES File

Case 1: Using Private Group Authority

User ROSSM wants to access the PRICES file using the program CPPGM01.
CPPGM01 requires *CHANGE authority to the file. ROSSM is a member of group
profile DPTSM. Neither ROSSM nor DPTSM has *ALLOBJ special authority. The
system performs these steps in determining whether to allow ROSSM access to the
PRICES file:
1. Flowchart 1, step 1.
a. Flowchart 2, step 1.
2. Flowchart 1, step 2.
a. Flowchart 3, steps 1 and 2. Object to check = CONTRACTS/PRICES *FILE.
b. Flowchart 3, step 3.
1) Flowchart 4, step 1. Return to Flowchart 3 with no authority found.
ROSSM does not own the PRICES file.
c. Flowchart 3, step 4.
1) Flowchart 5, steps 1, 2, and 3. Public is not sufficient.
d. Flowchart 3, step 5.
e. Flowchart 3, step 6. ROSSM does not have private authority to the PRICES
f. Flowchart 3, steps 7 and 8. The PRICES file is not secured by an
authorization list. Return to Flowchart 1 with no authority found.
3. Flowchart 1, steps 3 and 4. DPTSM is the group profile for ROSSM.
a. Flowchart 6, steps 1, 2, and 3.
1) Flowchart 4, step 1. DPTSM does not own the PRICES file.
b. Flowchart 6, step 4. DPTSM is not the primary group for the PRICES file.

162 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

c. Flowchart 6, step 6. Authorized. (DPTSM has *CHANGE authority.)

Result: ROSSM is authorized because the group profile DPTSM has *CHANGE

Analysis: Using group authority in this example is a good method for managing
authorities. It reduces the number of private authorities on the system and is easy
to understand and audit. However, using private group authority usually causes
two searches of private authorities (for the user and the group), when public
authority is not adequate. One search of the private authority could have been
avoided by making DPTSM the primary group for the PRICES file.

Case 2: Using Primary Group Authority

ANDERSJ needs *CHANGE authority to the CREDIT file. ANDERSJ is a member
of the DPTAR group. Neither ANDERSJ nor DPTAR has *ALLOBJ special
authority. Figure 28 shows the authorities for the CREDIT file.

Display Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : CREDIT Owner . . . . . . . : OWNAR
Library . . . . . : ACCTSRCV Primary group . . . : DPTAR
Object type . . . . : *FILE
Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . : *NONE
User Group Authority

Figure 28. Authority for the CREDIT File

The system performs these steps to determine whether to allow ANDERSJ to have
*CHANGE access to the CREDIT file:
1. Flowchart 1, step 1.
a. Flowchart 2, step 1. DPTAR’s authority is primary group authority, not
private authority.
b. Flowchart 2, steps 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Public authority is not sufficient.
2. Flowchart 1, step 2.
a. Flowchart 3, steps 1 and 2. Object to check = ACCTSRCV/CREDIT *FILE.
b. Flowchart 3, step 3.
1) Flowchart 4, step 1. ANDERSJ does not own the CREDIT file. Return to
Flowchart 3 with no authority found.
c. Flowchart 3, step 4.
1) Flowchart 5, step 1. The CREDIT file has no private authorities.
2) Flowchart 5, step 3. Public authority is not sufficient. Return to
Flowchart 3 with no authority found.
d. Flowchart 3, steps 5, 7, and 8. The CREDIT file is not secured by an
authorization list. Return to Flowchart 1 with no authority found.
3. Flowchart 1, steps 3 and 4. ANDERSJ is a member of the DPTAR group profile.
a. Flowchart 6, steps 1 and 2. Object to check = ACCTSRCV/CREDIT *FILE.
b. Flowchart 6, step 3.
1) Flowchart 4, step 1. DPTAR does not own the CREDIT file. Return to
Flowchart 6 with no authority found.

Chapter 5. Resource Security 163

c. Flowchart 6, steps 4 and 5. Authorized. DPTAR is the primary group for the
CREDIT file and has *CHANGE authority.

Result: ANDERSJ is authorized because DPTAR is the primary group for the
CREDIT file and has *CHANGE authority.

Analysis: If you use primary group authority, the authority checking performance
is better than if you specify private authority for the group. This example does not
require any search of private authorities.

Case 3: Using Public Authority

User JONESP wants to access the CREDIT file using the program CPPGM06.
CPPGM06 requires *USE authority to the file. JONESP is a member of group
profile DPTSM and does not have *ALLOBJ special authority. The system performs
these steps in determining whether to allow JONESP access to the CREDIT file:
1. Flowchart 1, step 1.
a. Flowchart 2, step 1. The CREDIT file has no private authorities. DPTAR’s
authority is primary group authority, not private authority.
b. Flowchart 2, steps 2 and 3. Owner’s authority (OWNAR) is sufficient.
c. Flowchart 2, steps 4 and 5. Primary group authority (DPTAR) is sufficient.
d. Flowchart 2, step 6. Authorized. Public authority is sufficient.

Analysis: This example shows the performance benefit gained when you avoid
defining any private authorities for an object.

Case 4: Using Public Authority Without Searching Private

User JONESP wants to access the PRICES file using the program CPPGM06.
CPPGM06 requires *USE authority to the file. JONESP is a member of group
profile DPTSM and does not have *ALLOBJ special authority. The system performs
these steps in determining whether to allow JONESP access to the PRICES file:
1. Flowchart 1, step 1.
a. Flowchart 2, step 1. The PRICES file has private authorities.
2. Flowchart 1, step 2.
a. Flowchart 3, steps 1 and 2. Object to check = CONTRACTS/PRICES *FILE.
b. Flowchart 3, step 3.
1) Flowchart 4, step 1. JONESP does not own the PRICES file. Return to
Flowchart 3 with no authority found.
c. Flowchart 3, step 4.
1) Flowchart 5, steps 1, 2, and 3. Public authority is sufficient.
2) Flowchart 5, step 4. Owner authority is sufficient. (OWNCP has *ALL.)
3) Flowchart 5, step 5. The PRICES file does not have a primary group.
4) Flowchart 5, step 6. Authorized. (The PRICES file is not secured by an
authorization list.)

Analysis: This example shows the performance benefit gained when you avoid
defining any private authorities for an object that are less than public authority.
Although private authority exists for the PRICES file, the public authority is
sufficient for this request and can be used without searching private authorities.

Case 5: Using Adopted Authority

User SMITHG wants to access the PRICES file using program CPPGM08. SMITHG
is not a member of a group and does not have *ALLOBJ special authority. Program

164 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

CPPGM08 requires *CHANGE authority to the file. CPPGM08 is owned by the
profile OWNCP and adopts owner authority (USRPRF is *OWNER).
1. Flowchart 1, step 1.
a. Flowchart 2, step 1.
2. Flowchart 1, step 2.
a. Flowchart 3, steps 1 and 2. Object to check = CONTRACTS/PRICES *FILE.
b. Flowchart 3, step 3.
1) Flowchart 4, step 1. SMITHG does not own the PRICES file. Return to
Flowchart 3 with no authority found.
c. Flowchart 3, step 4.
1) Flowchart 5, steps 1, 2, and 3. Public is not sufficient.
d. Flowchart 3, step 5.
e. Flowchart 3, step 6. SMITHG does not have private authority.
f. Flowchart 3, steps 7 and 8. The PRICES file is not secured by an
authorization list. Return to Flowchart 1 with no authority found.
3. Flowchart 1, step 3. SMITHG does not have a group.
4. Flowchart 1, step 5.
a. Flowchart 7, step 1. Public authority is not *AUTL.
b. Flowchart 7, step 3. Object to check = CONTRACTS/PRICES *FILE.
c. Flowchart 7, step 4. Public authority is not sufficient.
5. Flowchart 1, step 6.
a. Flowchart 8A, step 1. Object to check = CONTRACTS/PRICES *FILE.
b. Flowchart 8A, steps 2 and 3. OWNCP does not have *ALLOBJ authority.
c. Flowchart 8A, step 4.
1) Flowchart 4, steps 1, 2, and 3. Authorized. OWNCP owns the PRICES
files and has sufficient authority.

Analysis: This example demonstrates the performance advantage in using

adopted authority when the program owner also owns the application objects.

The number of steps required to perform authority checking has almost no impact
on performance, because most of the steps do not require retrieving new
information. In this example, although many steps are performed, private
authorities are searched only once (for user SMITHG).

Compare this with Case 1 on page 162.

v If you were to change Case 1 so that the group profile DPTSM owns the PRICES
file and has *ALL authority to it, the performance characteristics of the two
examples would be the same. However, having a group profile own application
objects may represent a security exposure. The members of the group always
have the group’s (owner) authority, unless you specifically give group members
less authority. When you use adopted authority, you can control the situations in
which owner authority is used.
v You could also change Case 1 so that DPTSM is the primary group for the
PRICES file and has *CHANGE authority to it. If DPTSM is the first group for
SMITHG (specified in the GRPPRF parameter of SMITHG’s user profile), the
performance characteristics would be the same as Case 5.

Case 6: User and Group Authority

User WILSONJ wants to access file PRICES using program CPPGM01, which
requires *CHANGE authority. WILSONJ is a member of group profile DPTSM and

Chapter 5. Resource Security 165

does not have *ALLOBJ special authority. Program CPPGM01 does not use
adopted authority, and it ignores any previous adopted authority (USEADPAUT is
1. Flowchart 1, step 1.
a. Flowchart 2, step 1. PRICES has private authorities.
2. Flowchart 1, step 2.
a. Flowchart 3, steps 1 and 2. Object to check = CONTRACTS/PRICES *FILE.
b. Flowchart 3, step 3.
1) Flowchart 4, step 1. WILSONJ does not own the PRICES file. Return to
Flowchart 3 with no authority found.
c. Flowchart 3, step 4.
1) Flowchart 5, steps 1, 2, and 3. Public is not sufficient.
d. Flowchart 3, step 5.
e. Flowchart 3, step 6. WILSONJ has *USE authority, which is not sufficient.
f. Flowchart 3, step 8. Object to test = CONTRACTS/PRICES *FILE. Return to
Flowchart 1 with insufficient authority.
3. Flowchart 1, step 6.
a. Flowchart 8A, step 1. Object to check = CONTRACTS/PRICES *FILE.
b. Flowchart 8A, step 2. Program CPPGM01 does not adopt authority.
c. Flowchart 8A, step 5. The *USEADPAUT parameter for the CPPGM01
program is *NO.
d. Flowchart 8A, steps 8 and 9.
1) Flowchart 8B, step 1. Program CPPGM01 does not adopt authority.
2) Flowchart 8B, step 7. The *USEADPAUT parameter for the CPPGM01
program is *NO. Access is denied.

Analysis: This example demonstrates that a user can be denied access to an object
even though the user’s group has sufficient authority.

Giving a user the same authority as the public but less than the user’s group does
not affect the performance of authority checking for other users. However, if
WILSONJ had *EXCLUDE authority (less than public), you would lose the
performance benefits shown in Case 4.

Although this example has many steps, private authorities are searched only once.
This should provide acceptable performance.

Case 7: Public Authority without Private Authority

The authority information for the ITEM file looks like this:

166 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Display Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : ITEM Owner . . . . . . . : OWNIC

Library . . . . . : ITEMLIB Primary group . . . : *NONE
Object type . . . . : *FILE

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . : *NONE

User Group Authority

Figure 29. Display Object Authority

ROSSM needs *USE authority to the ITEM file. ROSSM is a member of the DPTSM
group profile. These are the authority-checking steps:
1. Flowchart 1, step 1.
a. Flowchart 2, steps 1, 2, and 3. OWNIC’s authority is sufficient.
b. Flowchart 2, step 4. The ITEM file does not have a primary group.
c. Flowchart 2, step 6. Authorized. Public authority is sufficient.

Analysis: Public authority provides the best performance when it is used without
any private authorities. In this example, private authorities are never searched.

Case 8: Adopted Authority without Private Authority

For this example, all programs in the application are owned by the OWNIC profile.
Any program in the application requiring more than *USE authority adopts owner
authority. These are the steps for user WILSONJ to obtain *CHANGE authority to
the ITEM file using program ICPGM10, which adopts authority:
1. Flowchart 1, step 1.
a. Flowchart 2, steps 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. Public authority is not sufficient.
2. Flowchart 1, step 2.
a. Flowchart 3, steps 1 and 2. Object to check = ITEMLIB/ITEM *FILE.
b. Flowchart 3, step 3.
1) Flowchart 4, step 1. WILSONJ does not own the ITEM file. Return to
Flowchart 3 with no authority found.
c. Flowchart 3, step 4.
1) Flowchart 5, steps 1 and 3. Public authority is not sufficient. Return to
Flowchart 3 with no authority found.
d. Flowchart 3, steps 5, 7, and 8. The ITEM file is not secured by an
authorization list. Return to Flowchart 1 with no authority found.
3. Flowchart 1, steps 3 and 5. (WILSONJ does not have a group profile.)
a. Flowchart 7, steps 1, 3, and 4. The public has *USE authority, which is not
4. Flowchart 1, step 6.
a. Flowchart 8A, step 1. Object to check = ITEMLIB/ITEM *FILE.
b. Flowchart 8A, steps 2, 3, and 4. The OWNIC profile does not have *ALLOBJ
1) Flowchart 4, steps 1, 2, and 3. Authorized. OWNIC has sufficient
authority to the ITEM file.

Chapter 5. Resource Security 167

Analysis: This example shows the benefits of using adopted authority without
private authority, particularly if the owner of the programs also owns application
objects. This example did not require searching private authorities.

Case 9: Using an Authorization List

The ARWKR01 file in library CUSTLIB is secured by the ARLST1 authorization list.
Figure 30 and Figure 31 show the authorities:

Display Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : ARWRK01 Owner . . . . . . . : OWNAR

Library . . . . . : CUSTLIB Primary group . . . : *NONE
Object type . . . . : *FILE

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . : ARLST1

User Group Authority

Figure 30. Authority for the ARWRK01 File

Display Authorization List

Object . . . . . . . : ARLST1 Owner . . . . . . . : OWNAR

Library . . . . . : QSYS Primary group . . . : *NONE

Object List
User Group Authority Mgt

Figure 31. Authority for the ARLST1 Authorization List

User AMESJ, who is not a member of a group profile, needs *CHANGE authority
to the ARWRK01 file. These are the authority-checking steps:
1. Flowchart 1, step 1.
a. Flowchart 2, steps 1 and 2. The ARWRK01 file is secured by an
authorization list.
2. Flowchart 1, step 2.
a. Flowchart 3, steps 1 and 2. Object to check = CUSTLIB/ARWRK01 *FILE.
b. Flowchart 3, step 3.
1) Flowchart 4, step 1. AMESJ does not own the ARWRK01 file. Return to
Flowchart 2 with no authority found.
c. Flowchart 3, step 4.
1) Flowchart 5, steps 1 and 3. Public authority is not sufficient. Return to
Flowchart 3 with no authority found.
d. Flowchart 3, steps 5, 7, and 9. Object to check = ARLST1 *AUTL.
e. Flowchart 3, step 3.

168 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

1) Flowchart 4, step 1. AMESJ does not own the ARLST1 authorization list.
Return to Flowchart 3 with no authority found.
f. Flowchart 3, steps 4 and 5.
g. Flowchart 3, step 6. Authorized. AMESJ has *CHANGE authority to the
ARLST1 authorization list.

Analysis: This example demonstrates that authorization lists can make authorities
easy to manage and provide good performance. This is particularly true if objects
secured by the authorization list do not have any private authorities.

If AMESJ were a member of a group profile, it would add additional steps to this
example, but it would not add an additional search of private authorities, as long
as no private authorities are defined for the ARWRK01 file. Performance problems
are most likely to occur when private authorities, authorization lists, and group
profiles are combined, as in “Case 11: Combining Authorization Methods” on
page 170.

Case 10: Using Multiple Groups

WOODBC needs *CHANGE authority to the CRLIM file. WOODBC is a member
of three groups: DPTAR, DPTSM, and DPTMG. DPTAR is the first group profile
(GRPPRF). DPTSM and DPTMG are supplemental group profiles (SUPGRPPRF).
Figure 32 shows the authorities for the CRLIM file:

Display Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : CRLIM Owner . . . . . . . : OWNAR

Library . . . . . : CUSTLIB Primary group . . . : DPTAR
Object type . . . . : *FILE

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . : *NONE

User Group Authority

Figure 32. Authority for the CRLIM File

These are the authority checking steps:

1. Flowchart 1, step 1.
a. Flowchart 2, step 1. Return to calling flowchart with insufficient authority.
2. Flowchart 1, step 2.
a. Flowchart 3, steps 1 and 2. Object to check = CUSTLIB/CRLIM *FILE.
b. Flowchart 3, step 3.
1) Flowchart 4, step 1. WOODBC does not own the CRLIM file. Return to
Flowchart 3 with no authority found.
c. Flowchart 3, step 4.
1) Flowchart 5, steps 1, 2 and 3. Public authority is not sufficient.
d. Flowchart 3, step 5.
e. Flowchart 3, step 6. WOODBC does not have any authority to the CRLIM

Chapter 5. Resource Security 169

f. Flowchart 3, steps 7 and 8. The CRLIM file is not secured by an
authorization list. Return to Flowchart 1 with no authority found.
3. Flowchart 1, steps 3 and 4. The first group for WOODBC is DPTAR.
a. Flowchart 6, steps 1 and 2. Object to check = CUSTLIB/CRLIM *FILE.
b. Flowchart 6, step 3.
1) Flowchart 4, step 1. DPTAR does not own the CRLIM file. Return to
Flowchart 6 with no authority found.
c. Flowchart 6, steps 4 and 5. Authorized. DPTAR is the primary group and
has sufficient authority.

Case 11: Combining Authorization Methods

WAGNERB needs *ALL authority to the CRLIMWRK file. WAGNERB is a member
of these groups: DPTSM, DPT702, and DPTAR. WAGNERB’s first group (GRPPRF)
is DPTSM. Figure 33 shows the authority for the CRLIMWRK file.

Display Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : CRLIMWRK Owner . . . . . . . : OWNAR

Library . . . . . : CUSTLIB Primary group . . . : *NONE
Object type . . . . : *FILE

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . : CRLST1

User Group Authority

Figure 33. Authority for CRLIMWRK File

The CRLIMWRK file is secured by the CRLST1 authorization list. Figure 34 shows
the authority for the CRLST1 authorization list.

Display Authorization List

Object . . . . . . . : CRLST1 Owner . . . . . . . : OWNAR

Library . . . . . : QSYS Primary Group . . . : DPTAR

Object List
User Group Authority Mgt

Figure 34. Authority for the CRLST1 Authorization List

This example shows many of the possibilities for authority checking. It also
demonstrates how using too many authority options for an object can result in
poor performance.

170 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Following are the steps required to check WAGNERB’s authority to the
1. Flowchart 1, step 1.
a. Flowchart 2, step 1.
2. Flowchart 1, step 2.
a. Flowchart 3, steps 1 and 2. Object to check = CUSTLIB/CRLIMWRK
b. Flowchart 3, step 3.
1) Flowchart 4, step 1. WAGNERB does not own the CRLIMWRK file.
Return to Flowchart 3 with no authority found.
c. Flowchart 3, step 4.
1) Flowchart 5, steps 1 and 2. WILSONJ has *EXCLUDE authority, which
is less than the public authority of *USE.
d. Flowchart 3, steps 5 and 6 (first search of private authorities). WAGNERB
does not have private authority.
e. Flowchart 3, steps 7 and 9. Object to check = CRLST1 *AUTL.
f. Flowchart 3, step 3.
1) Flowchart 4, step 1. WILSONJ does not own CRLST1. Return to
Flowchart 3 with no authority found.
g. Flowchart 3, steps 4 and 5.
h. Flowchart 3, step 6 (second search of private authorities). WAGNERB
does not have private authority to CRLST1.
i. Flowchart 3, steps 7 and 8. Object to check = CUSTLIB/CRLIMWRK *FILE.
3. Flowchart 1, steps 3 and 4. WAGNERB’s first group profile is DPTSM.
a. Flowchart 6, steps 1 and 2. Object to check = CUSTLIB/CRLIMWRK
b. Flowchart 6, step 3.
1) Flowchart 4, step 1. DPTSM does not own the CRLIMWRK file. Return
to Flowchart 6 with no authority found.
c. Flowchart 6, step 4. DPTSM is not the primary group for the CRLIMWRK
d. Flowchart 6, step 6 (third search of private authorities). DPTSM has *USE
authority to the CRLIMWRK file, which is not sufficient.
e. Flowchart 6, step 6 continued. *USE authority is added to any authorities
already found for WAGNERB’s groups (none). Sufficient authority has not
yet been found.
f. Flowchart 6, steps 9 and 10. WAGNERB’s next group is DPT702.
g. Flowchart 6, steps 1 and 2. Object to check = CUSTLIB/CRLIMWRK
h. Flowchart 6, step 3.
1) Flowchart 4, step 1. DPT702 does not own the CRLIMWRK file. Return
to Flowchart 6 with no authority found.
i. Flowchart 6, step 4. DPT702 is not the primary group for the CRLIMWRK
j. Flowchart 6, step 6 (fourth search of private authorities). DPT702 has no
authority to the CRLIMWRK file.
k. Flowchart 6, steps 7 and 8. Object to check = CRLST1 *AUTL
l. Flowchart 6, step 3.

Chapter 5. Resource Security 171

1) Flowchart 5, step 1. DPT702 does not own the CRLST1 authorization
list. Return to Flowchart 6 with no authority found.
m. Flowchart 6, steps 4 and 6. (fifth search of private authorities). DPT702
has no authority to the CRLST1 authorization list.
n. Flowchart 6, steps 7, 9, and 10. DPTAR is WAGNERB’s next group profile.
o. Flowchart 6, steps 1 and 2. Object to check = CUSTLIB/CRLIMWRK
p. Flowchart 6, step 3.
1) Flowchart 4, step 1. DPTAR does not own the CRLIMWRK file. Return
to Flowchart 6 with no authority found.
q. Flowchart 6, steps 4 and 6. (sixth search of private authorities). DPTAR
has no authority to the CRLIMWRK file.
r. Flowchart 6, steps 7 and 8. Object to check = CRLST1 *AUTL
s. Flowchart 6, step 3.
1) Flowchart 4, step 1. DPTAR does not own the CRLST1 authorization
list. Return to Flowchart 6 with no authority found.
t. Flowchart 6, steps 4 and 5. Authorized. DPTAR is the primary group for
the CRLST1 authorization list and has *ALL authority.

Result: WAGNERB is authorized to perform the requested operation using

DPTAR’s primary group authority to the CRLIST1 authorization list.

Analysis: This example demonstrates poor authority design, both from a

management and performance standpoint. Too many options are used, making it
difficult to understand, change, and audit. Private authorities are searched 6
separate times, which may cause noticeable performance problems:

Profile Object Type Result

WAGNERB CRLIMWRK *FILE No authority found

WAGNERB CRLST1 *AUTL No authority found
DPT702 CRLIMWRK *FILE No authority found
DPT702 CRLST1 *AUTL No authority found
DPTAR CRLIMWRK *FILE No authority found

Changing the sequence of WAGNERB’s group profiles would change the

performance characteristics of this example. Assume DPTAR is WAGNERB’s first
group profile (GRPPRF). The system would search private authorities 3 times
before finding DPTAR’s primary group authority to the CRLST1 authorization list.
v WAGNERB authority for CRLIMWRK file
v WAGNERB authority for CRLST1 authorization list
v DPTAR authority for CRLIMWRK file

Careful planning of group profiles and authorization lists is essential to good

system performance.

172 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Authority Cache
In Version 3, Release 7, the system creates an authority cache for a user the first
time the user accesses an object. Each time the object is accessed, the system looks
for authority in the user’s cache before looking at the users’s profile. This results in
a faster check for private authority.

The authority cache contains up to 32 private authorities to objects and up to 32

private authorities to authorization lists. The cache is updated when a user
authority is granted or revoked. All user caches are cleared when the system IPL is

While limited use of private authorities is recommended, the cache offers

flexibility. For example, you can choose how to secure objects with less concern
about the impact on system performance. This is especially true if users access the
same objects repeatedly.

Chapter 5. Resource Security 173

174 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1
Chapter 6. Work Management Security
This chapter discusses security issues associated with work management on the
Job initiation
Subsystem descriptions
Job descriptions
Library lists
Network attributes
Performance tuning
For complete information about work management topics, see the Work
Management book.

Job Initiation
When you start a job on the system, objects are associated with the job, such as an
output queue, a job description, and the libraries on the library list. Authority for
some of these objects is checked before the job is allowed to start and for other
objects after the job starts. Inadequate authority may cause errors or may cause the
job to end.

Objects that are part of the job structure for a job may be specified in the job
description, the user profile, and on the Submit Job (SBMJOB) command for a
batch job.

Starting an Interactive Job

Following is a description of the security activity performed when an interactive
job is started. Because many possibilities exist for specifying the objects used by a
job, this is only an example.

When an authority failure occurs during the sign-on process, a message appears at
the bottom of the Sign On display describing the error. Some authority failures also
cause a job log to be written. If a user is unable to sign on because of an authority
failure, either change the users profile to specify a different object or grant the user
authority to the object.

After the user enters a user ID and password, these steps are performed before a
job is actually started on the system:
1. The user profile and password are verified. The status of the user profile must
be *ENABLED. The user profile that is specified on the sign-on display must
have *OBJOPR, and *CHANGE authority to itself.
2. The user’s authority to use the workstation is checked. See “Workstations” on
page 177 for details.
3. The system verifies authority for the values in the user profile and in the user’s
job description that are used to build the job structure, such as:
Job description

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 175

Output queue
Current library
Libraries in library list

If any of these objects does not exist or the user does not have adequate
authority, a message is displayed at the bottom of the Sign On display, and the
user is unable to sign on. If authority is successfully verified for these objects,
the job is started on the system.

Note: Authority to the print device and job queue is not verified until the user
attempts to use them.

After the job is started, these steps are performed before the user sees the first
display or menu:
1. If the routing entry for the job specifies a user program, normal authority
checking is done for the program, the program library, and any objects used by
the program. If authority is not adequate, a message is sent to the user on the
Sign On display and the job ends.
2. If the routing entry specifies the command processor (QCMD):
a. Authority checking is done for the QCMD processor program, the program
library, and any objects used, as described in step 1.
b. The user’s authority to the Attention-key-handling program and library is
checked. If authority is not adequate, a message is sent to the user and
written to the job log. Processing continues.
If authority is adequate, the Attention-key-handling program is activated.
The program is not started until the first time the user presses the Attention
key. At that time, normal authority checking is done for the objects used by
the program.
c. Normal authority checking is done for the initial program (and its
associated objects) specified in the user profile. If authority is adequate, the
program is started. If authority is not adequate, a message is sent to the
user and written to the job log. The job ends.
d. Normal authority checking is done for the initial menu (and its associated
objects) specified in the user profile. If authority is adequate, the menu is
displayed. If authority is not adequate, a message is sent to the user and
written to the job log. The job ends.

Starting a Batch Job

Following is a description of the security activity performed when a batch job is
started. Because several methods exist for submitting batch jobs and for specifying
the objects used by the job, this is only a guideline. This example uses a job
submitted from an interactive job using the submit job (SBMJOB) command.

When you enter the SBMJOB command, this checking is performed before the job
is added to the job queue:
1. If you specify a user profile on the SBMJOB command, you must have *USE
authority to the user profile.
2. Authority is checked for objects specified as parameters on the SBMJOB
command and in the job description. Authority is checked for the user profile
the job will run under.

176 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

3. If the security level is 40 and the SBMJOB command specifies USER(*JOBD),
the user submitting the job must have *USE authority to the user profile in the
job description.
4. If an object does not exist or if authority is not adequate, a message is sent to
the user and the job is not submitted.

When the system selects the job from the job queue and attempts to start the job,
the authority checking sequence is similar to the sequence for starting an
interactive job.

Adopted Authority and Batch Jobs

When a new job is started, a new program stack is created for the job. Adopted
authority cannot take effect until the first program is added to the program stack.
Adopted authority cannot be used to gain access to any objects, such as an output
queue or a job description, that are added to the job structure before the job is
routed. Therefore, even if your interactive job is running under adopted authority
when you submit a job, that adopted authority is not used when authority is
checked for the objects on your SBMJOB request.

You can change characteristics of a batch job when it is waiting to run, using the
Change Job (CHGJOB) command. See 357 for the authority that is required to
change parameters for a job.

A device description contains information about a particular device or logical unit
that is attached to the system. When you sign on the system, your workstation is
attached to either a physical or virtual device description. To successfully sign on,
you must have *CHANGE authority to the device description.

The QLMTSECOFR (limit security officer) system value controls whether users
with *ALLOBJ or *SERVICE special authority must be specifically authorized to
device descriptions.

Figure 35 on page 178 shows the logic for determining whether a user is allowed to
sign on at a device:

Chapter 6. Work Management Security 177

┌──────────────────┐ *CHANGE ┌─────────────────┐
│ Determine user's │ or │ Is QSECURITY │ No
│ authority to │ greater │ system value 30 ├─────────┐
│ workstation. ├──────────c│ or greater? │ │
│ (See note.) │ │ │ │
│ │ └─────────────────┘ │
│ │ │ Yes │
└──────────────────┘ b │
│ Less than ┌─────────────────┐ │
│ *CHANGE │ Does user have │ No │
│ │ *ALLOBJ or ├────────c│
│ │ *SERVICE? │ │
│ └─────────────────┘ │
│ │ Yes │
│ b │
│ ┌─────────────────┐ │
│ │ Is QLMTSECOFR │ No │
│ │ system value 1? ├────────c│
│ │ │ │
│ └─────────────────┘ │
│ │ Yes │
│ b │
│ Less than ┌─────────────────┐ *CHANGE │
│ *CHANGE │ Test user's │ or │
│f────────────────────│ authority to ├────────c│
│ │ workstation. │ greater │
│ └─────────────────┘ │
│ │ No authority │
│ b │
│ Less than ┌─────────────────┐ *CHANGE │
│ *CHANGE │ Test groups' │ or │
│f────────────────────│ authority to ├────────c│
│ │ workstation. │ greater │
│ └─────────────────┘ │
│ │ No authority │
│ b │
│ ┌─────────────────┐ │
│ Yes │ Does user have │ │
│f────────────────────│ *SERVICE but │ │
│ │ not *ALLOBJ? │ │
│ └─────────────────┘ │
│ │ No │
│ b │
│ ┌─────────────────┐ │
│ No │ Does QSECOFR │ │
│f────────────────────│ have *CHANGE │ │
│ │ or greater? │ │
│ └─────────────────┘ │
│ │ Yes │
b b │
┌─────────────────────┐ ┌─────────────────┐ │
│ Sign-on fails │ │ Allow sign-on │f────────┘
└─────────────────────┘ └─────────────────┘

Figure 35. Authority Checking for Workstations

Note: Normal authority checking is performed to determine whether the user has
at least *CHANGE authority to the device description. *CHANGE authority
may be found by using the following:
v *ALLOBJ special authority from the user profile, group profile, or
supplemental group profiles.
v Private authority to the device description in the user profile, the group
profile, or supplemental group profiles.

178 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

v Authority to an authorization list used to secure the device description.
v Authority to an authorization list used to secure the public authority.

Authority checking for the device description is done before any programs
are in the program stack for the job; therefore, adopted authority does not
The security officer (QSECOFR), service (QSRV), and basic service (QSRVBAS) user
profiles are always allowed to sign on at the console. The QCONSOLE (console)
system value is used to determine which device is the console. If the QSRV or
QSRVBAS profile attempts to sign on at the console and does not have *CHANGE
authority, the system grants *CHANGE authority to the profile and allows sign-on.

Ownership of Device Descriptions

The default public authority on the CRTDEVxxx commands is *LIBCRTAUT.
Devices are created in library QSYS, which is shipped with a CRTAUT value of
*SYSVAL. The shipped value for the QCRTAUT system value is *CHANGE.

To limit the users who can sign on at a workstation, set the public authority for the
workstation to *EXCLUDE and give *CHANGE authority to specific users or

The security officer (QSECOFR) is not specifically given authority to any devices. If
the QLMTSECOFR system value is set to 1 (YES), you must give the security
officer *CHANGE authority to devices. Anyone with *OBJMGT and *CHANGE
authority to a device can give *CHANGE authority to another user.

If a device description is created by the security officer, the security officer owns
that device and is specifically given *ALL authority to it. When the system
automatically configures devices, most devices are owned by the QPGMR profile.
Devices created by the QLUS program (*APPC type devices) are owned by the
QSYS profile.

If you plan to use the QLMTSECOFR system value to limit where the security
officer can sign on, any devices you create should be owned by a profile other than

To change ownership of a display device description, the device must be powered

on and varied on. Sign on at the device and change the ownership using the
CHGOBJOWN command. If you are not signed on at the device, you must allocate
the device before changing ownership, using the Allocate Object (ALCOBJ)
command. You can allocate the device only if no one is using it. After you have
changed ownership, deallocate the device using the Deallocate Object (DLCOBJ)
| command.
| Signon screen display file
| The system administrator can change the system signon display to add text or
| company logo to the display. Care must be taken to make sure the field names or
| buffer lengths of the display file are not changed when adding text to the display
| file. Changing the field names or buffer lengths may cause signon to fail.

Chapter 6. Work Management Security 179

| Changing the signon screen display
| The source code for the signon display file is shipped with the operating system.
| The source is shipped in file QSYS/QAWTSSRC. This source code can be changed
| to add text to the signon screen display. Field names and buffer lengths should not
| be changed.

| Display file source for the Signon screen

| The source for the signon display file is shipped as a member (QDSIGNON or
| QDSIGNON2) in the QSYS/QAWTSSRC physical file. QDSIGNON contains the
| source for the signon screen source used when system value QPWDLVL is set to 0
| or 1. Member QDSIGNON2 contains the signon screen source used when the
| system value QPWDLVL is set to 2 or 3.

| The file QSYS/QAWTSSRC is deleted and restored each time the OS/400
| operating system is installed. If you plan to create your own version of the signon
| screen, then you should first copy the appropriate source file member, either
| QDSIGNON or QDSIGNON2, to your own source file and make changes to the
| copy in your source file.

| Changing the signon display file

| To change the format of the Signon display:
| 1. Create a changed signon display file.
| A hidden field in the display file named UBUFFER can be changed to manage
| smaller fields. UBUFFER is 128 bytes long and is stated as the last field in the
| display file. This field can be changed to function as an input/output buffer so
| the data specified in this field of the display will be available to application
| programs when the interactive job is started. You can change the UBUFFER
| field to contain as many smaller fields as you need if the following
| requirements are met:
| v The new fields must follow all other fields in the display file. The location of
| the fields on the display does not matter as long as the order in which they
| are put in the data description specifications (DDS) meets this requirement.
| v The length must total 128. If the length of the fields is more than 128, some
| of the data will not be passed.
| v All fields must be input/output fields (type B in DDS source) or hidden
| fields (type H in DDS source).
| 2. The order in which the fields in the signon display file are declared must not
| be changed. The position in which they are shown on the display can be
| changed. Do not change the existing field names in the source for the signon
| screen display file.
| 3. Do not change the total size of the input or output buffers. Serious problems
| can occur if the order or size of the buffers are changed.
| 4. Do not use the data descriptions specifications (DDS) help function in the
| signon display file.
| 5. Change a subsystem description to use the changed display file instead of the
| system default of QSYS/QDSIGNON. You can change the subsystem
| descriptions for subsystems that you want to use the new display. To change
| the subsystem description:
| a. Use the Change Subsystem Description (CHGSBSD) command.
| b. Specify the new display file on the SGNDSPF parameter.
| c. Use a test version of a subsystem to verify that the display is valid before
| attempting to change the controlling subsystem.
| 6. Test the change.

180 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

| 7. Change the other subsystem descriptions.
| Notes:
| 1. The buffer length for the display file must be 318. If it is less than 318, the
| subsystem uses the default sign-on display, QDSIGNON in library QSYS when
| system value QPWDLVL is 0 or 1 and QDSIGNON2 in library QSYS when
| QPWDLVL is 2 or 3.
| 2. The copyright line cannot be deleted.
Subsystem Descriptions
Subsystem descriptions control:
How jobs enter your system
How jobs are started
Performance characteristics of jobs

Only a few users should be authorized to change subsystem descriptions, and

changes should be carefully monitored.

Controlling How Jobs Enter the System

Several subsystem descriptions are shipped with your system. After you have
changed your security level (QSECURITY system value) to level 20 or higher,
signing on without entering a user ID and password is not allowed with the
subsystems shipped by IBM.

However, defining a subsystem description and job description combination that

allows default sign-on (no user ID and password) is possible and represents a
security exposure. When the system routes an interactive job, it looks at the
workstation entry in the subsystem description for a job description. If the job
description specifies USER(*RQD), the user must enter a valid user ID (and
password) on the Sign On display. If the job description specifies a user profile in
the User field, anyone can press the Enter key to sign on as that user.

At security levels 30 and higher, the system logs an entry (type AF, sub-type S) in
the audit journal, if default sign-on is attempted and the auditing function is
active. At security level 40 and higher, the system does not permit default sign-on,
even if a combination of workstation entry and job description exists that would
allow it. See “Signing On without a User ID and Password” on page 14 for more

Make sure all workstation entries for interactive subsystems refer to job
descriptions with USER(*RQD). Control the authority to change job descriptions
and monitor any changes that are made to job descriptions. If the auditing function
is active, the system writes a JD type journal entry every time the USER parameter
in a job description is changed.

Communications entries in a subsystem description control how communications

jobs enter your system. A communications entry points to a default user profile,
which allows a job to be started without a user ID and password. This represents a
potential security exposure. Evaluate the communications entries on your system
and use network attributes to control how communications jobs enter your system.
“Network Attributes” on page 190 discusses the network attributes that are
important for security.

Chapter 6. Work Management Security 181

Job Descriptions
A job description is a valuable tool for security and work management. You can
also set up a job description for a group of users who need the same initial library
list, output queue, and job queue. You can set up a job description for a group of
batch jobs that have similar requirements.

A job description also represents a potential security exposure. In some cases, a job
description that specifies a profile name for the USER parameter can allow a job to
enter the system without appropriate security checking. “Controlling How Jobs
Enter the System” on page 181 discusses how this can be prevented for interactive
and communications jobs.

When a batch job is submitted, the job might run using a different profile other
than the user who submitted the job. The profile can be specified on the SBMJOB
command, or it can come from the USER parameter of the job description. If your
system is at security level (QSECURITY system value) 30 or lower, the user
submitting a job needs authority to the job description but not to the user profile
specified on the job description. This represents a security exposure. At security
level 40 and higher, the submitter needs authority to both the job description and
the user profile.

For example:
v USERA is not authorized to file PAYROLL.
v USERB has *USE authority to the PAYROLL file and to program PRLIST, which
lists the PAYROLL file.
v Job description PRJOBD specifies USER(USERB). Public authority for PRJOBD is

At security level 30 or lower, USERA can list the payroll file by submitting a batch

You can prevent this by using security level 40 and higher or by controlling the
authority to job descriptions that specify a user profile.

Sometimes, a specific user profile name in a job description is required for certain
types of batch work to function properly. For example, the QBATCH job
description is shipped with USER(QPGMR). This job description is shipped with
the public authority of *CHANGE.

If your system is at security level 30 or lower, any user on the system who has
authority to the Submit Job (SBMJOB) command or the start reader commands can
submit work under the programmer (QPGMR) user profile, whether or not the
user has authority to the QPGMR profile. At security level 40 and higher, *USE
authority to the QPGMR profile is required. Depending on your security needs,
you may want to change the public authority of the QBATCH job description to

182 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

System Operator Message Queue
The iSeries Operational Assistant (ASSIST) menu provides an option to manage
your system, users, and devices. The Manage Your System, Users, and Devices
menu provides an option to work with system operator messages. You may want
to prevent users from responding to messages in the QSYSOPR (system operator)
message queue. Incorrect responses to system operator messages can cause
problems on your system.

Responding to messages requires *USE and *ADD authorities to the message

queue. Removing messages requires *USE and *DLT authorities. (See 381.) Give the
authority to respond to and remove messages in QSYSOPR only to users with
system operator responsibility. Public authority to QSYSOPR should be *OBJOPR
and *ADD, which allows adding new messages to QSYSOPR.

Attention: All jobs need the ability to add new messages to the QSYSOPR message
queue. Do not make the public authority to QSYSOPR *EXCLUDE.

Library Lists
The library list for a job indicates which libraries are to be searched and the order
in which they are to be searched. When a program specifies an object, the object
can be specified with a qualified name, which includes both the object name and
the library name. Or, the library for the object can be specified as *LIBL (library
list). The libraries on the library list are searched, in order, until the object is found.

Table 106 summarizes the parts of the library list and how they are built during a
job. The sections that follow discuss the risks and protection measures for library
Table 106. Parts of the Library List. The library list is searched in this sequence:
Part How It Is Built
System Portion 15 Initially built using the QSYSLIBL system value. Can be changed during
entries a job with the CHGSYSLIBL command.
Product Library Initially blank. A library is added to the product library portion of the
Portion 2 entries library list when a command or menu runs that was created with a
library in the PRDLIB parameter. The library remains in the product
library portion of the library list until the command or menu ends.
Current Library 1 Specified in the user profile or on the Sign On display. Can be changed
entry when a command or menu runs that specifies a library for the CURLIB
parameter. Can be changed during the job with the CHGCURLIB
| User Portion 250 Initially built using the initial library list from the user’s job description.
| entries If the job description specifies *SYSVAL, the QUSRLIBL system value is
| used. During a job, the user portion of the library list can be changed
| with the ADDLIBLE, RMVLIBLE, CHGLIBL, and EDTLIBL commands.

Security Risks of Library Lists

Library lists represent a potential security exposure. If a user is able to change the
sequence of libraries on the library list, or add additional libraries to the list, the
user may be able to perform functions that break your security requirements.

Chapter 6. Work Management Security 183

“Library Security and Library Lists” on page 116 provides some general
information about the issues associated with library lists. This topic gives more
specific examples of the possible exposures and how to avoid them.

Following are two examples of how changes to a library list might break security

Change in Function
Figure 36 shows an application library. Program A calls Program B, which is
expected to be in LIBA. Program B performs updates to File A. Program B is called
without a qualified name, so the library list is searched until Program B is found.

Library List

┌─────────┐ ┌─────────────────────────────┐
│ QSYS │ │ ┌─────────────┐ ┌──────┐ │
├─────────┤ │ │ Program A │ │ File │ │
│ LIBA │─────────c│ └─────────────┘ │ A │ │
└─────────┘ │ └──────┘ │
│ ┌─────────────┐ │
│ │ Program B │ │
│ └─────────────┘ │

Figure 36. Library List–Expected Environment

A programmer or another knowledgeable user could place another Program B in

the library LIBB. The substitute program might perform different functions, such as
making a copy of confidential information or updating files incorrectly. If LIBB is
placed ahead of LIBA in the library list, the substitute Program B is run instead of
the original Program B, because the program is called without a qualified name:

Library List

┌─────────┐ ┌─────────────────────────────┐
│ QSYS │ │ ┌─────────────┐ │
├─────────┤ │ │ Program B │ │
│ LIBB │─────────c│ └─────────────┘ │
├─────────┤ └─────────────────────────────┘
│ LIBA │
└─────────┘ ┌─────────────────────────────┐
│ │ ┌─────────────┐ ┌──────┐ │
│ │ │ Program A │ │ File │ │
└──────────────c│ └─────────────┘ │ A │ │
│ └──────┘ │
│ ┌─────────────┐ │
│ │ Program B │ │
│ └─────────────┘ │

Figure 37. Library List–Actual Environment

Unauthorized Access to Information

Assume Program A in Figure 36 adopts the authority of USER1, who has *ALL
authority to File A. Assume Program B is called by Program A (adopted authority

184 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

remains in effect). A knowledgeable user could create a substitute Program B
which simply calls the command processor. The user would have a command line
and complete access to File A.

Recommendations for System Portion of Library List

The system portion of the library list is intended for IBM-supplied libraries.
Application libraries that are carefully controlled can also be placed in the system
portion of the library list. The system portion of the library list represents the
greatest security exposure, because the libraries in this part of the list are searched

Only a user with *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special authority can change the
QSYSLIBL system value. Control and monitor any changes to the system portion of
the library list. Follow these guidelines when adding libraries:
v Only libraries that are specifically controlled should be placed on this list.
v The public should not have *ADD authority to these libraries.
v A few IBM-supplied libraries, such as QGPL are shipped with public authority
*ADD for production reasons. Regularly monitor what objects (particularly
programs, source files, and commands) are added to these libraries.

The CHGSYSLIBL command is shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE. Only

users with *ALLOBJ authority are authorized to the command, unless you grant
authority to other users. If the system library list needs to be changed temporarily
during a job, you can use the technique described in the topic “Changing the
System Library List” on page 203.

Recommendations for Product Library

The product library portion of the library list is searched before the user portion. A
knowledgeable user could create a command or menu that inserts a product
library into the library list. For example, this statement creates CMDX, which runs
program PGMA:

As long as CMDX is running, LIBB is in the product portion of the library list.

Use these measures to protect the product portion of the library list:
v Control authority to the Create Command (CRTCMD), Change Command
(CHGCMD), Create Menu (CRTMNU), and Change Menu (CHGMNU)
v When you create commands and menus, specify PRDLIB(*NONE), which
removes any entries currently in the product portion of the library list. This
protects you from having unknown libraries searched ahead of the library you
expect when your command or menu runs.

Note: The default when you create a command or menu is PRDLIB(*NOCHG).

*NOCHG means that when the command or menu is run, the product
library portion of the library list is not changed.

Recommendations for the Current Library

The current library can be used by decision-support tools, such as Query/400. Any
query programs created by a user are, by default, placed in the user’s current
library. When you create a menu or command, you can specify a current library to
be used while the menu is active.

Chapter 6. Work Management Security 185

The current library provides an easy method for the user and the programmer to
create new objects, such as query programs, without worrying about where they
should be located. However, the current library poses a security risk, because it is
searched before the user portion of the library list. You can take several precautions
to protect the security of your system while still making use of the current library
v Specify *YES for the Limit capabilities field in the user profile. This prevents a
user from changing the current library on the Sign On display or using the
CHGPRF command.
v Restrict authority to the Change Current Library (CHGCURLIB), Create Menu
(CRTMNU), Change Menu (CHGMNU), Create Command (CRTCMD), and
Change Command (CHGCMD) commands.
v Use the technique described in “Controlling the User Library List” on page 203
to set the current library during application processing.

Recommendations for the User Portion of the Library List

The user portion of the library list usually changes more than the other portions
and is more difficult to control. Many application programs change the library list.
Job descriptions also affect the library list for a job.

Following are some suggested alternatives for controlling the user portion of the
library list to make sure unauthorized libraries with substitute programs and files
are not used during processing:
v Restrict users of production applications to a menu environment. Set the Limit
capabilities field in user profiles to *YES to restrict their ability to enter
commands. “Planning Menus” on page 204 provides an example of this
v Use qualified names (object and library) in your applications. This prevents the
system from searching the library list to find an object.
v Control the ability to change job descriptions, because the job description sets
the initial library list for a job.
v Use the Add Library List Entry (ADDLIBLE) command at the beginning of the
program to ensure the desired objects are at the beginning of the user portion of
the library list. At the end of the program, the library can be removed.
If the library is already on the library list, but you are not sure if it is at the
beginning of the list, you must remove the library and add it. If the sequence of
the library list is important to other applications on the system, use the next
method instead.
v Use a program that retrieves and saves the library list for a job. Replace the
library list with the list desired for the application. When the application ends,
return the library list to its original setting. See “Controlling the User Library
List” on page 203 for an example of this technique.

Most information that is printed on your system is stored as a spooled file on an
output queue while it is waiting to print. Unless you control the security of output
queues on your system, unauthorized users can display, print, and even copy
confidential information that is waiting to print.

One method for protecting confidential output is to create a special output queue.
Send confidential output to the output queue and control who can view and
manipulate the spooled files on the output queue.

186 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

To determine where output goes, the system looks at the printer file, job attributes,
user profile, workstation device description, and the print device (QPRTDEV)
system value in sequence. If defaults are used, the output queue associated with
the QPRTDEV printer is used. The Printer Device Programming book provides
examples of how to direct output to a particular output queue.

Securing Spooled Files

A spooled file is a special type of object on the system. You cannot directly grant
and revoke authority to view and manipulate a spooled file. The authority to a
spooled file is controlled by several parameters on the output queue that holds the
spooled file.

When you create a spooled file, you are the owner of that file. You can always
view and manipulate any spooled files you own, regardless of how the authority
for the output queue is defined. You must have *READ authority to add new
entries to an output queue. If your authority to an output queue is removed, you
can still access any entries you own on that queue using the Work with Spooled
Files (WRKSPLF) command.

The security parameters for an output queue are specified using the Create Output
Queue (CRTOUTQ) command or the Change Output Queue (CHGOUTQ)
command. You can display the security parameters for an output queue using the
Work with Output Queue Description (WRKOUTQD) command.

Attention: A user with *SPLCTL special authority can perform all functions on all
entries, regardless of how the output queue is defined. Some parameters on the
output queue allow a user with *JOBCTL special authority to view the contents of
entries on the output queue.

Display Data (DSPDTA) Parameter of Output Queue

The DSPDTA parameter is designed to protect the contents of a spooled file. It
determines what authority is required to perform the following functions on
spooled files owned by other users:
v View the contents of a spooled file (DSPSPLF command)
v Copy a spooled file (CPYSPLF command)
v Send a spooled file (SNDNETSPLF command)
v Move a spooled file to another output queue (CHGSPLFA command)

Possible Values for DSPDTA

*NO A user cannot display, send, or copy spooled files owned by

other users, unless the user has one of the following:
v *JOBCTL special authority if the OPRCTL parameter is *YES.
v *CHANGE authority to the output queue if the *AUTCHK
parameter is *DTAAUT.
v Ownership of the output queue if the *AUTCHK parameter
is *OWNER.
*YES Any user with *READ authority to the output queue can
display, copy, or send the data of spooled files owned by

Chapter 6. Work Management Security 187

Possible Values for DSPDTA

*OWNER Only the owner of a spooled file or a user with *SPLCTL (spool
control) can display, copy, send, or move the file. If the
OPRCTL value is *YES, users with *JOBCTL special authority
can hold, change, delete, and release spooled files on the
output queue, but they cannot display, copy, send, or move the
spooled files. This is intended to allow operators to manage
entries on an output queue without being able to view the

Authority to Check (AUTCHK) Parameter of Output Queue

The AUTCHK parameter determines whether *CHANGE authority to the output
queue allows a user to change and delete spooled files owned by other users.

Possible Values for AUTCHK

*OWNER Only the user who owns the output queue can change or delete
spooled files owned by others.
*DTAAUT Specifies that any user with *READ, *ADD, and *DLT authority
to the output queue can change or delete spooled files owned
by others.

Operator Control (OPRCTL) Parameter of Output Queue

The OPRCTL parameter determines whether a user with *JOBCTL special authority
can control the output queue.

Possible Values for OPRCTL

*YES A user with *JOBCTL special authority can perform all
functions on the spooled files, unless the DSPDTA value is
*OWNER. If the DSPDTA value is *OWNER, *JOBCTL special
authority does not allow the user to display, copy, send, or
move spooled files.
*NO *JOBCTL special authority does not give the user any authority
to perform operations on the output queue. Normal authority
rules apply to the user.

Output Queue and Parameter Authorities Required for Printing

Table 107 on page 189 shows what combination of output queue parameters and
authority to the output queue is required to perform print management functions
on the system. For some functions, more than one combination is listed. The owner
of a spooled file can always perform all functions on that file. For more
information see “Writer Commands” on page 428.

The authority and output queue parameters for all commands associated with
spooled files are listed on “Spooled File Commands” on page 415. Output queue
commands are listed on “Output Queue Commands” on page 392.

Attention: A user with *SPLCTL (spool control) special authority is not subject to
any authority restrictions associated with output queues. *SPLCTL special
authority allows the user to perform all operations on all output queues. Carefully
evaluate giving *SPLCTL special authority to any user.

188 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 107. Authority Required to Perform Printing Functions
Output Queue Parameters Output
Queue Special
Printing Function DSPDTA AUTCHK OPRCTL Authority Authority
Add spooled files to queue *READ None
View list of spooled files *READ None
(WRKOUTQ command 2) *YES *JOBCTL
Display, copy, or send spooled files *YES *READ None
*NO *OWNER Owner 3 None
Change, delete, hold, and release spooled file *DTAAUT *READ, None
*OWNER Owner 3 None
Change, clear, hold, and release output queue *DTAAUT *READ, None
*OWNER Owner 3 None
Start a writer for the queue *DTAAUT *CHANGE None
This is the authority required to direct your output to an output queue.
Using these commands or equivalent options from a display.
You must be the owner of the output queue.
Also requires *USE authority to the printer device description.
*CHGOUTQ requires *OBJMGT authority to the output queue, in addition to *READ, *ADD, and *DLT

Examples: Output Queue

Following are several examples of setting security parameters for output queues to
meet different requirements:
v Create a general-purpose output queue. All users are allowed to display all
spooled files. The system operators are allowed to manage the queue and
change spooled files:
v Create an output queue for an application. Only members of the group profile
GRPA are allowed to use the output queue. All authorized users of the output
queue are allowed to display all spooled files. System operators are not allowed
to work with the output queue:

Chapter 6. Work Management Security 189

v Create a confidential output queue for the security officers to use when printing
information about user profiles and authorities. The output queue is created and
owned by the QSECOFR profile.

Even if the security officers on a system have *ALLOBJ special authority, they
are not able to access spooled files owned by others on the SECOUTQ output
v Create an output queue that is shared by users printing confidential files and
documents. Users can work with only their own spooled files. System operators
can work with the spooled files, but they cannot display the contents of the files.

Network Attributes
Network attributes control how your system communicates with other systems.
Some network attributes control how remote requests to process jobs and access
information are handled. These network attributes directly affect security on your
system and are discussed in the topics that follow:
Job action (JOBACN)
Client request access (PCSACC)
DDM request access (DDMACC)

Possible values for each network attribute are shown. The default value is
underlined. To set the value of a network attribute, use the Change Network
Attribute (CHGNETA) command.

Job Action (JOBACN) Network Attribute

The JOBACN network attribute determines how the system processes incoming
requests to run jobs.

Possible Values for JOBACN:

*REJECT The input stream is rejected. A message stating the input

stream was rejected is sent to both the sender and the intended
*FILE The input stream is filed on the queue of network files for the
receiving user. This user can display, cancel, or receive the
input stream into a database file or submit it to a job queue. A
message stating that the input stream was filed is sent to both
the sender and the receiver.
*SEARCH The network job table controls the actions by using the values
in the table.

If you do not expect to receive remote job requests on your system, set the
JOBACN network attribute to *REJECT.

For more information about the JOBACN attribute, refer to the SNA Distribution
Services book.

190 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Client Request Access (PCSACC) Network Attribute
The PCSACC network attribute determines how the Client Access licensed
program processes requests from attached personal computers to access objects.
The PCSACC network attribute controls whether personal computer jobs can
access objects on the iSeries system, not whether the personal computer can use
workstation emulation.

Note: PCSACC network attribute controls only the DOS and OS/2® clients. This
attribute has no effect on any other Client Access clients.

Possible Values for PCSACC:

*REJECT Client Access rejects every request from the personal computer
to access objects on the iSeries system. An error message is sent
to the PC application.
*OBJAUT The Client Access programs on the system verify normal object
authorities for any object requested by a PC program. For
example, if file transfer is requested, authority to copy data
from the database file is checked.
*REGFAC The system uses the system’s registration facility to determine
which exit program (if any) to run. If no exit program is
defined for an exit point and this value is specified, *OBJAUT
is used.
qualified- program- name The Client Access program calls this user-written exit program
to determine if the PC request should be rejected. The exit
program is called only if normal authority checking for the
object is successful. The Client Access program passes
information about the user and the requested function to the
exit program. The program returns a code indicating whether
the request should be allowed or rejected. If the return code
indicates the request should be rejected or if an error occurs, an
error message is sent to the personal computer.

Risks and Recommendations

Normal security measures on your system may not be sufficient protections if the
Client Access program is installed on your system. For example, if a user has *USE
authority to a file and the PCSACC network attribute is *OBJAUT, the user can use
the Client Access program and a program on the personal computer to transfer
that entire file to the personal computer. The user can then copy the data to a PC
diskette or tape and remove it from the premises.

Several methods are available to prevent an iSeries workstation user with *USE
authority to a file from copying the file:
v Setting LMTCPB(*YES) in the user profile.
v Restricting authority to commands that copy files.
v Restricting authority to commands used by Client Access.
v Not giving the user *ADD authority to any library. *ADD authority is required
to create a new file in a library.
v Not giving the user access to any *SAVRST device.

None of these methods work for the PC user of the Client Access licensed
program. Using an exit program to verify all requests is the only adequate
protection measure.

The Client Access program passes information for the following types of access to
the user exit program called by the PCSACC network attribute:

Chapter 6. Work Management Security 191

File transfer
Virtual print
Shared folder

| For additional information on Client Access, refer to the Information Center (see
| “Prerequisite and related information” on page xvi for details).

DDM Request Access (DDMACC) Network Attribute

The DDMACC network attribute determines how the system processes requests
from other systems to access data using the distributed data management (DDM)
or the distributed relational database function.

Possible Values for


*REJECT The system does not allow any DDM or DRDA® requests from
remote systems. *REJECT does not prevent this system from
functioning as the requester system and sending requests to
other server systems.
*OBJAUT Remote requests are controlled by the object authority on the
qualified- program- name This user-written exit program is called after normal object
authority has been verified. The exit program is called only for
DDM files, not for distributed relational database functions.
The exit program is passed a parameter list, built by the remote
system, that identifies the local system user and the request.
The program evaluates the request and sends a return code,
granting or denying the requested access.

| For more information about the DDMACC network attribute and the security
| issues associated with DDM, see the Information Center (see “Prerequisite and
| related information” on page xvi for details).

Save and Restore Operations

The ability to save objects from your system or restore objects to your system
represents an exposure to your organization.

For example, programmers often have *OBJEXIST authority to programs because

this authority is required to recompile a program (and delete the old copy).
*OBJEXIST authority is also required to save an object. Therefore, the typical
programmer can make a tape copy of your programs, which may represent a
substantial financial investment.

A user with *OBJEXIST authority to an object can also restore a new copy of an
object over an existing object. In the case of a program, the restored program might
have been created on a different system. It might perform different functions. For
example, assume the original program worked with confidential data. The new
version might perform the same functions, but it might also write a copy of
confidential information to a secret file in the programmer’s own library. The
programmer does not need authority to the confidential data because the regular
users of the program will be accessing the data.

192 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Restricting Save and Restore Operations
You can control the ability to save and restore objects in several ways:
| v Restrict physical access to save and restore devices, such as tape units, optical
| units, and diskette units.
v Restrict authority to the device descriptions objects for the save and restore
devices. To save an object to a tape unit, you must have *USE authority to the
device description for the tape unit.
| v Restrict the save and restore commands. This allows you to control what is
| saved from your system and restored to your system through all interfaces -
| including save files. See “Example: Restricting Save and Restore Commands” for
| an example of how to do this. The system sets the restore commands to
| PUBLIC(*EXCLUDE) when you install your system.
v Only give *SAVSYS special authority to trusted users.

Example: Restricting Save and Restore Commands

Following is an example of the steps that you can use to restrict the save and
restore commands on your system:
1. To create an authorization list that you can use to give authority to the
commands to system operators, type the following:
CRTAUTL AUTL(SRLIST) TEXT('Save and Restore List')
2. To use the authorization list to secure the save commands, type the following:
3. To ensure *PUBLIC authority comes from the authorization list, type the
4. To use the authorization list to secure the restore commands, type the
5. To ensure *PUBLIC authority comes from the authorization list, type the
6. Although system operators who are responsible for saving the system have
*SAVSYS special authority, they must now be given explicit authority to the
SAVxxx commands. You do this by adding the system operators to the
authorization list:

Note: You may want your system operators to have authority only to the save
commands. In that case, secure the save commands and the restore
commands with two separate authorization lists.
7. To restrict the save and restore APIs and secure it with the authorization list,
type the following commands:

Chapter 6. Work Management Security 193

Performance Tuning
Monitoring and tuning performance is not the responsibility of a security officer.
However, the security officer should ensure that users are not altering the
performance characteristics of the system to speed up their own jobs at the
expense of others.

Several work management objects affect the performance of jobs in the system:
v The class sets the run priority and time slice for a job.
v The routing entry in the subsystem description determines the class and the
storage pool the job uses.
v The job description can determine the output queue, output priority, job queue,
and job priority.

Knowledgeable users with appropriate authority can create their own environment
on the system and give themselves better performance than other users. Control
this by limiting the authority to create and change work management objects. Set
the public authority to work management commands to *EXCLUDE and grant
authority to a few trusted users.

Performance characteristics of the system can also be changed interactively. For

example, the Work with System Status (WRKSYSSTS) display can be used to
change the size of storage pools and the activity levels. Also, a user with *JOBCTL
(job control) special authority can change the scheduling priority of any job on the
system, subject to the priority limit (PTYLMT) in the user’s profile. Assign
*JOBCTL special authority and PTYLMT in user profiles carefully.

To allow users to view performance information using the WRKSYSSTS command

but not change it, do the following:

Authorize users responsible for system tuning to change performance


Restricting Jobs to Batch

You can create or change commands to restrict certain jobs to be run only in a
batch environment. For example, you may want to run certain reports or program
compiles in batch. A job running in batch usually affects system performance less
than the same job running interactively.

For example, to restrict the command that runs program RPTA to batch, do the
v Create a command to run RPTA and specify that the command can be run only
in batch:

To restrict compiles to batch, do the following for the create command for each
program type:

194 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Chapter 7. Designing Security
Protecting information is an important part of most applications. Security should
be considered, along with other requirements, at the time the application is
designed. For example, when deciding how to organize application information
into libraries, try to balance security requirements with other considerations, such
as application performance and backup and recovery.

This chapter contains guidelines to help application developers and systems

managers include security as part of the overall design. It also contains examples
of techniques you can use to accomplish security objectives on your system. Some
of the examples in this chapter contain sample programs. These programs are
included for illustrative purposes only. Many of them will not compile or run
successfully as is, nor do they include message handling and error recovery.

| The Basic System Security and Planning topic in the Information Center is
| intended for the security administrator. It contains forms, examples, and guidelines
| for planning security for applications that have already been developed. If you
| have responsibility for designing an application, you may find it useful to review
| the forms and examples in the Information Center (see “Prerequisite and related
| information” on page xvi for details). They can help you view your application
| from the perspective of a security administrator and understand what information
| you need to provide.

| The Basic System Security and Planning topic in the Information Center also uses a
| set of example applications for a fictional company called the JKL Toy Company.
| This chapter discusses design considerations for the same set of example
| applications. Figure 38 on page 196 shows the relationships between user groups,
| applications, and libraries for the JKL Toy Company:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 195

User Warehouse Manufacturing Sales and Order Accounting
Groups WH MF Marketing SM Processing OP AC

Inventory Contracts Customer Accounts

Applications Control and Orders Receivable
(IC) Pricing (CO) (AR)





Figure 38. Example Applications

Overall Recommendations
The recommendations in this chapter and in theBasic System Security and
Planning topic in the Information Center rely on one important principle:
simplicity. Keeping your security design as simple as possible makes it easier to
manage and audit security. It also improves application performance and backup

Following is a list of general recommendations for security design:

v Use resource security along with the methods available, such as limited
capabilities in the user profile and restricting users to a set of menus, to protect

Attention: It is not sufficient to use only limited capabilities in the user profile
and menu access control to secure your system if you use a product
such as Client Access/400 or have communication lines attached to
your system. You must use resource security to secure those objects
you do not want accessible through these interfaces.
v Secure only those objects that really require security. Analyze a library to
determine which objects, such as data files, are confidential and secure those
objects. Use public authority for other objects, such as data areas and message
v Move from the general to the specific:
– Plan security for libraries. Deal with individual objects only when necessary.
– Plan public authority first, followed by group authority and individual

196 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

v Make the public authority for new objects in a library (CRTAUT parameter) the
same as the public authority for the majority of existing objects in the library.
v To make auditing easier and improve authority-checking performance, avoid
defining private authority that is less than the public authority for an object.
v Use authorization lists to group objects with the same security requirements.
Authorization lists are simpler to manage than individual authorities and help to
recover security information.

Planning Password Level Changes

| Changing password levels should be planned carefully. Operations with other
| systems may fail or users may not be able to sign on to the system if you haven’t
| planned for the password level change adequately. Prior to changing the
| QPWDLVL system value, make sure you have saved your security data using the
| SAVSECDTA or SAVSYS command. If you have a current backup, you will be able
| to reset the passwords for all users’ profiles if you need to return to a lower
| password level.

| Products that you use on the system, and on clients with which the system
| interfaces, may have problems when the password level (QPWDLVL) system value
| is set to 2 or 3. Any product or client that sends passwords to the system in an
| encrypted form, rather than in the clear text a user enters on a sign-on screen,
| must be upgraded to work with the new password encryption rules for QPWDLVL
| 2 or 3. Sending the encrypted password is known as password substitution.
| Password substitution is used to prevent a password from being captured during
| transmission over a network. Password substitutes generated by older clients that
| do not support the new algorithm for QPWDLVL 2 or 3, even if the specific
| characters typed in are correct, will not be accepted. This also applies to any iSeries
| to iSeries peer access which utilizes the encrypted values to authenticate from one
| system to another.

| The problem is compounded by the fact that some affected products (i.e. Java
| Toolbox) are provided as middleware. A third party product that incorporates a
| prior version of one of these products will not work correctly until rebuilt using an
| updated version of the middleware.

| Given this and other scenarios, it is easy to see why careful planning is necessary
| before changing the QPWDLVL system value.

| Considerations for changing QPWDLVL from 0 to 1

| Password level 1 allows a system, which does not have a need to communicate
| with the Windows 95/98/ME AS/400 Client Support for Windows Network
| Neighborhood (AS/400 NetServer) product, to have the NetServer passwords
| eliminated from the system. Eliminating unnecessary encrypted passwords from
| the system increases the overall security of the system.

| At QPWDLVL 1, all current, pre-V5R1 password substitution and password

| authentication mechanisms will continue to work. There is very little potential for
| breakage except for functions/services that require the NetServer password.

| The functions/services that require the NetServer password include:

| v AS/400 Support for Windows Network Neighborhood, Windows 95/98/ME
| edition, (AS/400 NetServer)

Chapter 7. Designing Security 197

| Considerations for changing QPWDLVL from 0 or 1 to 2
| Password level 2 introduces the use of case sensitive passwords up to 128
| characters in length (also called passphrases) and provides the maximum ability to
| revert back to QPWDLVL 0 or 1.

| Regardless of the password level of the system, password level 2 and 3 passwords
| are created whenever a password is changed or a user signs on to the system.
| Having a level 2 and 3 password created while the system is still at password level
| 0 or 1 helps prepare for the change to password level 2 or 3.

| Prior to changing QPWDLVL to 2, the system administrator should use the

| DSPAUTUSR or PRTUSRPRF TYPE(*PWDINFO) commands to locate all user
| profiles which do not have a password that is usable at password level 2.
| Depending on the profiles located, the administrator may wish to use one of the
| following mechanisms to have a password level 2 and 3 password added to the
| profiles.
| v Change the password for the user profile using the CHGUSRPRF or CHGPWD
| CL command or the QSYCHGPW API. This will cause the system to change the
| password that is usable at password levels 0 and 1; and the system also creates
| two equivalent case sensitive passwords that are usable at password levels 2 and
| 3. An all uppercase and all lowercase version of the password is created for use
| at password level 2 or 3.
| For example, changing the password to C4D2RB4Y results in the system
| generating C4D2RB4Y and c4d2rb4y password level 2 passwords.
| v Sign on to the system through a mechanism that presents the password in clear
| text (does not use password substitution). If the password is valid and the user
| profile does not have a password that is usable at password levels 2 and 3, the
| system creates two equivalent case sensitive passwords that are usable at
| password levels 2 and 3. An all uppercase and all lowercase version of the
| password is created for use at password level 2 or 3.

| The absence of a password that is usable at password level 2 or 3 can be a problem

| whenever the user profile also does not have a password that is usable at
| password levels 0 and 1 or when the user tries to sign on through a product that
| uses password substitution. In these cases, the user will not be able to sign on
| when the password level is changed to 2.

| If a user profile does not have a password that is usable at password levels 2 and
| 3, the user profile does have a password that is usable at password levels 0 and 1,
| and the user signs on through a product that sends clear text passwords, then the
| system validates the user against the password level 0 password and creates two
| password level 2 passwords (as described above) for the user profile. Subsequent
| sign ons will be validated against the password level 2 passwords.

| Any client/service which uses password substitution will not work correctly at
| QPWDLVL 2 if the client/service hasn’t been updated to use the new password
| (passphrase) substitution scheme. The administrator should check whether a
| client/service which hasn’t been updated to the new password substitution scheme
| is required.

| The clients/services that use password substitution include:

| v Client Access
| v iSeries Host Servers

198 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

| v QFileSrv.400
| v AS/400 NetServer Print support
| v DDM
| v DRDA
| v SNA LU6.2

| It is highly recommended that the security data be saved prior to changing to

| QPWDLVL 2. This can help make the transition back to QPWDLVL 0 or 1 easier if
| that becomes necessary.

| It is recommended that the other password system values, such as QPWDMINLEN

| and QPWDMAXLEN not be changed until after some testing at QPWDLVL 2 has
| occurred. This will make it easier to transition back to QPWDLVL 1 or 0 if
| necessary. However, the QPWDVLDPGM system value must specify either
| *REGFAC or *NONE before the system will allow QPWDLVL to be changed to 2.
| Therefore, if you use a password validation program, you may wish to write a new
| one that can be registered for the QIBM_QSY_VLD_PASSWRD exit point by using
| the ADDEXITPGM command.

| NetServer passwords are still supported at QPWDLVL 2, so any function/service

| that requires a NetServer password should still function correctly.

| Once the administrator is comfortable with running the system at QPWDLVL 2,

| they can begin to change the password system values to exploit longer passwords.
| However, the administrator needs to be aware that longer passwords will have
| these effects:
| v If passwords greater than 10 characters are specified, the password level 0 and 1
| password is cleared. This user profile would not be able to signon if the system
| is returned to password level 0 or 1.
| v If passwords contain special characters or do not follow the composition rules
| for simple object names (excluding case sensitivity), the password level 0 and 1
| password is cleared.
| v If passwords greater than 14 characters are specified, the NetServer password for
| the user profile is cleared.
| v The password system values only apply to the new password level 2 value and
| do not apply to the system generated password level 0 and 1 password or
| NetServer password values (if generated).

| Considerations for changing QPWDLVL from 2 to 3

| After running the system at QPWDLVL 2 for some period of time, the
| administrator can consider moving to QPWDLVL 3 to maximize his password
| security protection.

| At QPWDLVL 3, all NetServer passwords are cleared so a system should not be

| moved to QPWDLVL 3 until there is no need to use NetServer passwords.

| At QPWDLVL 3, all password level 0 and 1 passwords are cleared. The

| administrator can use the DSPAUTUSR or PRTUSRPRF commands to locate user
| profiles which don’t have password level 2 or 3 passwords associated with them.

| Changing to a lower password level

| Returning to a lower QPWDLVL value, while possible, is not expected to be a
| completely painless operation. In general, the mind set should be that this is a

Chapter 7. Designing Security 199

| one-way trip from lower QPWDLVL values to higher QPWDLVL values. However,
| there may be cases where a lower QPWDLVL value must be reinstated.

| The following sections each discuss the work required to move back to a lower
| password level.

| Considerations for changing from QPWDLVL 3 to 2

| This change is relatively easy. Once the QPWDLVL is set to 2, the administrator
| needs to determine if any user profile is required to contain NetServer passwords
| or password level 0 or 1 passwords and, if so, change the password of the user
| profile to an allowable value.

| Additionally, the password system values may have to be changed back to values
| compatible with NetServer and password level 0 or 1 passwords, if those
| passwords are needed.

| Considerations for changing from QPWDLVL 3 to 1 or 0

| Because of the very high potential for causing problems for the system (like no one
| can sign on because all of the password level 0 and 1 passwords have been
| cleared), this change is not supported directly. To change from QPWDLVL 3 to
| QPWDLVL 1 or 0, the system must first make the intermediary change to

| Considerations for changing from QPWDLVL 2 to 1

| Prior to changing QPWDLVL to 1, the administrator should use the DSPAUTUSR
| or PRTUSRPRF TYPE(*PWDINFO) commands to locate any user profiles that do
| not have a password level 0 or 1 password. If the user profile will require a
| password after the QPWDLVL is changed, the administrator should ensure that a
| password level 0 and 1 password is created for the profile using one of the
| following mechanisms:
| v Change the password for the user profile using the CHGUSRPRF or CHGPWD
| CL command or the QSYCHGPW API. This will cause the system to change the
| password that is usable at password levels 2 and 3; and the system also creates
| an equivalent uppercase password that is usable at password levels 0 and 1. The
| system is only able to create the password level 0 and 1 password if the
| following conditions are met:
| – The password is 10 characters or less in length.
| – The password can be converted to uppercase EBCDIC characters A-Z, 0-9, @,
| #, $, and underscore.
| – The password does not begin with a numeric or underscore character.

| For example, changing the password to a value of RainyDay would result in the
| system generating a password level 0 and 1 password of RAINYDAY. But
| changing the the password value to Rainy Days In April would cause the system
| to clear the password level 0 and 1 password (because the password is too long
| and it contains blanks).

| No message or indication is produced if the password level 0 or 1 password

| could not be created.
| v Sign on to the system through a mechanism that presents the password in clear
| text (does not use password substitution). If the password is valid and the user
| profile does not have a password that is usable at password levels 0 and 1, the
| system creates an equivalent uppercase password that is usable at password
| levels 0 and 1. The system is only able to create the password level 0 and 1
| password if the conditions listed above are met.

200 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

| The administrator can then change QPWDLVL to 1. All NetServer passwords are
| cleared when the change to QPWDLVL 1 takes effect (next IPL).

| Considerations for changing from QPWDLVL 2 to 0

| The considerations are the same as for changing from QPWDLVL 2 to 1 except that
| all NetServer passwords are retained when the change takes effect.

| Considerations for changing from QPWDLVL 1 to 0

| After changing QPWDLVL to 0, the administrator should use the DSPAUTUSR or
| PRTUSRPRF commands to locate any user profiles that do not have a NetServer
| password. If the user profile requires a NetServer password, it can be created by
| changing the user’s password or signing on through a mechanism that presents the
| password in clear text.

| The administrator can then change QPWDLVL to 0.

Planning Libraries
Many factors affect how you choose to group your application information into
libraries and manage libraries. This topic addresses some of the security issues
associated with library design.

To access an object, you need authority to the object itself and to the library
containing the object. You can restrict access to an object by restricting the object
itself, the library containing the object, or both.

A library is like a directory used to locate the objects in the library. *USE authority
to a library allows you to use the directory to find objects in the library. The
authority for the object itself determines how you can use the object. *USE
authority to a library is sufficient to perform most operations on the objects in the
library. See “Library Security” on page 115 for more information about the
relationship between library and object authority.

Using public authority for objects and restricting access to libraries can be a
simple, effective security technique. Putting programs in a separate library from
other application objects can also simplify security planning. This is particularly
true if files are shared by more than one application. You can use authority to the
libraries containing application programs to control who can perform application

Following are two examples of using library security for the JKL Toy Company
applications. (See Figure 38 on page 196 for a diagram of the applications.)
v The information in the CONTRACTS library is considered confidential. The
public authority for all the objects in the library is sufficient to perform the
functions of the Pricing and Contracts application (usually *CHANGE). The
public authority to the CONTRACTS library itself is *EXCLUDE. Only users or
groups authorized to the Contracts and Pricing application are granted *USE
authority to the library.
v The JKL Toy Company is a small company with a nonrestrictive approach to
security, except for the contract and pricing information. All system users are
allowed to view customer and inventory information, although only authorized
users can change it. The CUSTLIB and the ITEMLIB libraries, and the objects in
the libraries, have public authority of *USE. Users can view information in these
libraries through their primary application or by using Query. The program
libraries have public authority *EXCLUDE. Only users who are allowed to
change inventory information have access to the ICPGMLIB. Programs that

Chapter 7. Designing Security 201

change inventory information adopt the authority of the application owner
(OWNIC) and thus have *ALL authority to the files in the ITEMLIB library.

Library security is effective only if these rules are followed:

v Libraries contain objects with similar security requirements.
v Users are not allowed to add new objects to restricted libraries. Changes to
programs in the libraries are controlled. That is, application libraries should have
public authority of *USE or *EXCLUDE unless users need to create objects
directly into the library.
v Library lists are controlled.

Planning Applications to Prevent Large Profiles

Because of the potential impacts to performance and security, IBM strongly
recommends the following to avoid profiles from becoming too full:
v Do not have one profile own everything on your system.
Create special user profiles to own applications. Owner profiles that are specific
to an application make it easier to recover applications and to move applications
between systems. Also, information about private authorities is spread among
several profiles, which improves performance. By using several owner profiles,
you can prevent a profile from becoming too large because of too many objects.
Owner profiles also allow you to adopt the authority of the owner profile rather
than a more powerful profile that provides unnecessary authority.
v Avoid having applications owned by IBM-supplied user profiles, such as
These profiles own a large number of IBM-supplied objects and can become
difficult to manage. Having applications owned by IBM-supplied user profiles
can also cause security problems when moving applications from one system to
another. Applications owned by IBM-supplied user profiles can also impact
performance for commands, such as, CHKOBJITG and WRKOBJOWN.
v Use authorization lists to secure objects.
If you are granting private authorities to many objects for several users, you
should consider using an authorization list to secure the objects. Authorization
lists will cause one private authority entry for the authorization list in the user’s
profile rather than one private authority entry for each object. In the object
owner’s profile, authorization lists cause an authorized object entry for every
user granted authority to the authorization list rather than an authorized object
entry for every object multiplied by the number of users that are granted the
private authority.

Library Lists
The library list for a job provides flexibility. It also represents a security exposure.
This exposure is particularly important if you use public authority for objects and
rely on library security as your primary means of protecting information. In this
case, a user who gains access to a library has uncontrolled access to the
information in the library. The topic “Library Lists” on page 183 provides a
discussion of security issues associated with library lists.

To avoid the security risks of library lists, your applications can specify qualified
names. When both the object name and the library are specified, the system does
not search the library list. This prevents a potential intruder from using the library
list to circumvent security.

202 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

However, other application design requirements may prevent you from using
qualified names. If your applications rely on library lists, the technique described
in the next section can reduce the security exposure.

Controlling the User Library List

As a security precaution, you may want to make sure the user portion of the
library list has the correct entries in the expected sequence before a job runs. One
method for doing this is to use a CL program to save the user’s library list, replace
it with the desired list, and restore it at the end of the application. Following is a
sample program to do this:

| DCL &CMD *CHAR LEN(2800)
| /*********************************/
| /* */
| /* Normal processing */
| /* */
| /*********************************/
| (' *CAT &USRLIBL *CAT') +
| MSGDTA('The xxxx error occurred')

| Figure 39. Program to Replace and Restore Library List

1. Regardless of how the program ends (normally or abnormally), the library list
is returned to the version it held when the program was called, because error
handling includes restoring the library list.
2. Because the CHGLIBL command requires a list of library names, it cannot be
run directly. The RTVJOBA command, therefore, retrieves the libraries used to
build the CHGLIBL command as a variable. The variable is passed as a
parameter to the QCMDEXC function.
3. If you exit to an uncontrolled function (for example, a user program, a menu
that allows commands to be entered, or the Command Entry display) in the
middle of a program, your program should replace the library list on return, to
ensure adequate control.

Changing the System Library List

If your application needs to add entries to the system portion of the library list,
you can use a CL program similar to the one shown in Figure 39, with the
following changes:

Chapter 7. Designing Security 203

v Instead of using the RTVJOBA command, use the Retrieve System Values
(RTVSYSVAL) command to get the value of the QSYSLIBL system value.
v Use the Change System Library List (CHGSYSLIBL) command to change the
system portion of the library list to the desired value.
v At the end of your program, use the CHGSYSLIBL command again to restore
the system portion of the library list to its original value.
v The CHGSYSLIBL command is shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE. To
use this command in your program, do one of the following:
– Grant the program owner *USE authority to the CHGSYSLIBL command and
use adopted authority.
– Grant users running the program *USE authority to the CHGSYSLIBL

Describing Library Security

As an application designer, you need to provide information about a library for the
security administrator. The security administrator uses this information to decide
how to secure the library and its objects. Typical information needed is:
v Any application functions which add objects to the library.
v Whether any objects in the library are deleted during application processing.
v What profile owns the library and its objects.
v Whether the library should be included on library lists.

Figure 40 provides a sample format for providing this information:

Library name: ITEMLIB

Public authority to the library: *EXCLUDE

Public authority to objects in the library: *CHANGE

Public authority for new objects (CRTAUT): *CHANGE

Library owner: OWNIC

Include on library lists? No. Library is added to library list by initial application program or initial
query program.

List any functions that require *ADD authority to the library:

No objects are added to the library during normal application processing. List any objects requiring *OBJMGT
or *OBJEXIST authority and what functions need that authority:

All work files, whose names begin with the characters ICWRK, are cleared at month-end. This requires
*OBJMGT authority.
Figure 40. Format for Describing Library Security

Planning Menus
Menus are a good method for providing controlled access on your system. You can
use menus to restrict a user to a set of strictly controlled functions by specifying
limited capabilities and an initial menu in the user profile.

To use menus as an access control tool, follow these guidelines when designing
v Do not provide a command line on menus designed for restricted users.

204 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

v Avoid having functions with different security requirements on the same menu.
For example, if some application users are allowed to only view information, not
change it, provide a menu that has only display and print options for those
v Make sure the set of menus provides all the necessary links between menus so
the user does not need a command line to request one.
v Provide access to a few system functions, such as viewing printer output. The
ASSIST system menu gives this capability and can be defined in the user profile
as the Attention-key-handling program. If the user profile has a class of *USER
and has limited capabilities, the user cannot view the output or jobs of other
| v Provide access to decision-support tools from menus. The topic Using Adopted
| Authority in Menu Design gives an example of how to do this.
v Consider controlling access to the System Request Menu or some of the options
on this menu. See “System Request Menu” on page 209 for more information.
v For users who are allowed to run only a single function, avoid menus entirely
and specify an initial program in the user profile. Specify *SIGNOFF as the
initial menu.

At the JKL Toy Company, all users see an inquiry menu allowing access to most
files. For users who are not allowed to change information, this is the initial menu.
The return option on the menu signs the user off. For other users, this menu is
called by an inquiry option from application menus. By pressing F12 (Return), the
user returns to the calling menu. Because library security is used for program
libraries, this menu and the programs it calls are kept in the QGPL library:

INQMENU Inquiry Menu

1. Item Descriptions
2. Item Balances
3. Customer Information
4. Query
5. Office

Enter option ==>

F1=Help F12=Return

Figure 41. Sample Inquiry Menu

Using Adopted Authority in Menu Design

The availability of decision-support tools, such as Query/400, poses challenges for
security design. You may want users to be able to view information in files using a
query tool, but you probably want to make sure that the files are changed only by
tested application programs.

No method exists in the resource security definitions for a user to have different
authority to a file in different circumstances. However, using adopted authority
allows you to define authority to meet different requirements.

Note: “Objects That Adopt the Owner’s Authority” on page 128 describes how
adopted authority works. “Flowchart 8: How Adopted Authority Is
Checked” on page 159 describes how the system checks for adopted

Chapter 7. Designing Security 205

Figure 42 shows a sample initial menu that uses adopted authority to provide
controlled access to files using query tools:

MENU1 Initial Menu

1. Inventory Control (ICSTART)

2. Customer Orders (COSTART)
3. Query (QRYSTART)
4. Office (OFCSTART)

(no command line)

Figure 42. Sample Initial Menu

The programs that start applications (ICSTART and COSTART) adopt the authority
of a profile that owns the application objects. The programs add application
libraries to the library list and display the initial application menu. Following is an
example of the Inventory Control program (ICSTART).


Figure 43. Sample Initial Application Program

The program that starts Query (QRYSTART) adopts the authority of a profile
(QRYUSR) provided to allow access to files for queries. Figure 44 shows the
QRYSTART program:


Figure 44. Sample Program for Query with Adopted Authority

The menu system uses three types of user profiles, shown in Table 108. Table 109
on page 207 describes the objects used by the menu system.
Table 108. User Profiles for Menu System
Limit Special Initial
Profile Type Description Password Capabilities Authorities Menu

Application owner Owns all application objects and has *NONE N/A As needed by N/A
*ALL authority. OWNIC owns application
Inventory Control application.
Application user 1 Example profile for anyone who uses Yes *YES None MENU1
the menu system
Query Profile Used to provide access to libraries for *NONE N/A None N/A

206 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 108. User Profiles for Menu System (continued)
Limit Special Initial
Profile Type Description Password Capabilities Authorities Menu

The current library specified in the application user profile is used to store any queries created. The
Attention-key-handling program is *ASSIST, giving the user access to basic system functions.

Table 109. Objects Used by Menu System

Object Name Owner Authority Private Authorities Additional Information

MENU1 in QGPL library See Note *EXCLUDE *USE authority for any In QGPL library because
users who are allowed to users do not have authority
use the menu to application libraries
ICSTART program in QGPL OWNIC *EXCLUDE *USE authority for users Created with
authorized to Inventory USRPRF(*OWNER) to
Control application adopt OWNIC authority
QRYSTART program in QRYUSR *EXCLUDE *USE authority for users Created with
QGPL authorized to create or run USRPRF(*OWNER) to
queries adopt QRYUSR authority
Files available for Query in OWNIC *USE
Files not available for OWNIC *EXCLUDE
Query in ITEMLIB
Note: A special owner profile can be created for objects used by multiple applications.

When USERA selects option 1 (Inventory Control) from MENU1, program

ICSTART runs. The program adopts the authority of OWNIC, giving *ALL
authority to the inventory control objects in ITEMLIB and the programs in
ICPGMLIB. USERA is thus authorized to make changes to the inventory control
files while using options from the ICMENU.

When USERA exits ICMENU and returns to MENU1, the ITEMLIB and ICPGMLIB
libraries are removed from the USERA library list, and program ICSTART is
removed from the program stack. USERA is no longer running under adopted

When USERA selects option 3 (Query) from MENU1, program QRYSTART runs.
The program adopts the authority of QRYUSR, giving *USE authority to the
ITEMLIB library. The public authority to the files in ITEMLIB determines which
files USERA is allowed to query.

This technique has the advantage of minimizing the number of private authorities
and providing good performance when checking authority:
v The objects in the application libraries do not have private authorities. For some
application functions, public authority is adequate. If public authority is not
adequate, owner authority is used. “Case 8: Adopted Authority without Private
Authority” on page 167 shows the authority checking steps.
v Access to the files for query uses public authority to the files. The QRYUSR
profile is only specifically authorized to the ITEMLIB library.

Chapter 7. Designing Security 207

v By default, any query programs created are placed in the user’s current library.
The current library should be owned by the user, and the user should have
*ALL authority.
v Individual users only need to be authorized to MENU1, ICSTART, and

Consider these risks and precautions when using this technique:

v USERA has *ALL authority to all entire inventory control objects from ICMENU.
Make sure the menu does not allow access to a command line or allow
unwanted delete and update functions.
v Many decision-support tools allow access to a command line. The QRYUSR
profile should be a limited capability user without special authorities to prevent
unauthorized functions.

Ignoring Adopted Authority

Using Adopted Authority in Menu Design shows a technique for providing query
capability without allowing uncontrolled changes to application files. This
technique requires the user to return to the initial menu before running queries. If
you want to provide the convenience of starting query from application menus as
well as from the initial menu, you can set up the QRYSTART program to ignore
adopted authority.

Note: “Programs That Ignore Adopted Authority” on page 132 provides more
information about ignoring adopted authority. “Flowchart 8: How Adopted
Authority Is Checked” on page 159 describes how the system checks for
adopted authority.

Figure 45 shows an application menu that includes the QRYSTART program:

ICMENU Inventory Control Menu

1. Issues (ICPGM1)
2. Receipts (ICPGM2)
3. Purchases (ICPGM3)
4. Query (QRYSTART)

(no command line)

Figure 45. Sample Application Menu with Query

The authority information for the QRYSTART program is the same as shown in
Table 109 on page 207. The program is created with the use adopted authority
(USEADPAUT) parameter set to *NO, to ignore the adopted authority of previous
programs in the stack.

Following are comparisons of the program stacks when USERA selects query from
MENU1 (see Figure 42 on page 206) and from ICMENU:
Program stack when query selected from MENU1
MENU1 (no adopted authority)
QRYSTART (adopted authority QRYUSR)
Program stack when query selected from ICMENU
MENU1 (no adopted authority)
ICMENU (adopted authority OWNIC)

208 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

QRYSTART (adopted authority QRYUSR)

By specifying the QRYSTART program with USEADPAUT(*NO), the authority of

any previous programs in the stack is not used. This allows USERA to run query
from ICMENU without having the ability to change and delete files, because the
authority of OWNIC is not used by the QRYSTART program.

When USERA ends query and returns to ICMENU, adopted authority is once
again active. Adopted authority is ignored only as long as the QRYSTART program
is active.

If public authority to the QRYSTART program is *USE, specify USEADPAUT(*NO)

as a security precaution. This prevents anyone running under adopted authority
from calling the QRYSTART program and performing unauthorized functions.

The inquiry menu (Figure 41 on page 205) at the JKL Toy Company also uses this
technique, because it can be called from menus in different application libraries. It
adopts the authority of QRYUSR and ignores any other adopted authority in the
program stack.

Describing Menu Security

As an application designer, you need to provide information about a menu for the
security administrator. The security administrator uses this information to decide
who should have access to the menu and what authorities are required. Typical
information needed is:
v Whether any menu options require special authorities, such as *SAVSYS or
v Whether menu options call programs that adopt authority.
v What authority to objects is required for each menu option. You should only
need to identify those authorities that are greater than normal public authority.

Figure 46 shows a sample format for providing this information.

Menu name: MENU1 Library: QGPLOption number: 3 Description: Query

Program called: QRYSTART Library: QGPL

Authority adopted: QRYUSR

Special authority required: None

Object authorities required: User must have *USE authority to QRYSTART

program. QRYUSR must have *USE authority to libraries containing
files to be queried. User, QRYUSR, or public must have *USE
authority to files being queried.

Figure 46. Format for Menu Security Requirements

System Request Menu

| A user can use the system request function to suspend the current job and display
| the System Request Menu. The System Request Menu allows the user to send and
| display messages, transfer to a second job, or end the current job.

Chapter 7. Designing Security 209

When your system is shipped, public authority to the System Request Menu is
*USE. The simplest way to prevent users from accessing this menu is by restricting
authority to the panel group QGMNSYSR:
v To prevent specific users from seeing the System Request Menu, specify
*EXCLUDE authority for those users:
v To prevent most users from seeing the System Request Menu, revoke public
authority and grant *USE authority to specific users:

You can prevent users from selecting specific options from the System Request
Menu by restricting the authority to the associated commands. Table 110 shows the
commands associated with the menu options:
Table 110. Options and Commands for the System Request Menu
Option Command
1 Transfer Secondary Job (TFRSECJOB)
2 End Request (ENDRQS)
3 Display Job (DSPJOB)
4 Display Message (DSPMSG)
5 Send Message (SNDMSG)
6 Display Message (DSPMSG)
7 Display Work Station User (DSPWSUSR)
10 Start System Request at Previous System (TFRPASTHR). (See note
11 Transfer to previous system (TFRPASTHR). (See note below.)
12 Display 3270 emulation options (See note below.)
13 Start System Request at Home System (TFRPASTHR). (See note
14 Transfer to Home System (TFRPASTHR). (See note below.)
15 Transfer to End System (TFRPASTHR). (See note below.)
50 End Request on Remote System (ENDRDBRQS). (See note below.)
80 Disconnect Job (DSCJOB)
90 Sign-Off (SIGNOFF)
1. Options 10, 11, 13, 14, and 15 are displayed only if display station pass-through has been
started with the Start Pass-Through (STRPASTHR) command. Option 10, 13, and 14 are
only displayed on the target system.
2. Option 12 is only displayed when 3270 emulation is active.
3. Option 50 is displayed only if a remote jobs is active.
| 4. Some of the options have restrictions for the System/36 environment.

For example, to prevent users from transferring to an alternative interactive job,

revoke public authority to the Transfer to Secondary Job (TFRSECJOB) command
and grant authority only to specific users:

210 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1


If a user selects an option for which the user does not have authority, a message is

If you want to prevent users from general use of the commands from the System
Request menu but still want them to be able to run a command at a specific time
(such as sign-off), you can create a CL program that adopts the authority of an
authorized user and runs the command.

Planning Command Security

Menu security is a good technique for users who need applications and limited
system functions. Some users need a more flexible environment and the capability
to run commands. When your system arrives, the ability to use commands is set
up to meet the security needs of most installations. Some commands can be run
only by a security officer. Others require a special authority, such as *SAVSYS.
Most commands can be used by anyone on the system.

You can change the authority to commands to meet your security requirements.
For example, you may want to prevent most users on your system from working
with communications. You can set the public authority to *EXCLUDE for all
commands that work with communications objects, such the CHGCTLxxx,
CHGLINxxx, and CHGDEVxxx commands.

If you need to control which commands can be run by users, you can use object
authority to the commands themselves. Every command on the system has object
type *CMD and can be authorized to the public or only to specific users. To run a
command, the user needs *USE authority to it. Appendix C lists all the commands
that are shipped with the public authority set to *EXCLUDE.

If you use the System/38 library, you need to restrict security-relevant commands
in that library also. Or, you could restrict access to the entire library. If you use one
or more national language versions of the OS/400 licensed program on your
system, you need to restrict commands in the additional QSYSxxx libraries on your
system as well.

Another useful security measure is to change the default values for some
commands. The Change Command Default (CHGCMDDFT) command allows you
to do this.

Planning File Security

The information contained in database files is usually the most important asset on
your system. Resource security allows you to control who can view, change, and
delete information in a file. If users require different authority to files depending
on the situation, you can use adopted authority. “Using Adopted Authority in
Menu Design” on page 205 gives an example of this method.

For critical files on your system, keep a record of what users have authority to the
file. If you use group authority and authorization lists, you need to keep track of
users who have authority through those methods, as well as users who are directly

Chapter 7. Designing Security 211

authorized. If you use adopted authority, you can list programs that adopt the
authority of a particular user using the Display Program Adopt (DSPPGMADP)

You can also use the journaling function on the system to monitor activity against
a critical file. Although the primary intent of a journal is to recover information, it
can be used as a security tool. It contains a record of who has accessed a file and
in what way. You can use the Display Journal (DSPJRN) command to view a
sampling of journal entries periodically.

Securing Logical Files

| Resource security on the system supports field-level security of a file. You can also
| use logical files to protect specific fields or records in a file. See the DB2 Universal
| Database® for iSeries topic in the Information Center for more information. See
| “Prerequisite and related information” on page xvi for details.

A logical file can be used to specify a subset of records that a user can access (by
using select and omit logic). Therefore, specific users can be prevented from
accessing certain record types. A logical file can be used to specify a subset of fields
in a record that a user can access. Therefore, specific users can be prevented from
accessing certain fields in a record.

A logical file does not contain any data. It is a particular view of one or more
physical files that contain the data. Providing access to the information defined by
a logical file requires data authority to both the logical file and the associated
physical files.

Figure 47 shows an example of a physical file and three different logical files
associated with it.

│ L O G I C A L F I L E S │

┌──────────────┐ ┌──────────────┐ ┌─────────────┐

├──────────────┤ ├──────────────┤ ├─────────────┤
│ Name │ │ Name │ │ Name │
│ Address │ │ Address │ │ Address │
│ Credit Limit │ │ Credit Limit │ │ Sales │
│ Sales │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
└──────────────┘ └──────────────┘ └─────────────┘
│ │ │
b b b
│ Physical File--CUSTMAST │
│ Name │ Address │ Credit │ Sales │
│ │ │ Limit │ To Date │

Figure 47. Using a Logical File for Security

Members of the sales department (group profile DPTSM) are allowed to view all
fields, but they cannot change the credit limit. Members of the accounts receivable
department (group profile DPTAR) are allowed to view all fields, but they cannot

212 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

change the sales field. The authority to the physical file looks like this:
Table 111. Physical File Example: CUSTMAST File

Authority *PUBLIC

Object Authorities
Data Authorities


The public should have all data rights but no operational rights to the CUSTMAST
physical file. The public cannot access the CUSTMAST file directly because
*OBJOPR authority is required to open a file. The public’s authority makes all the
data rights potentially available to users of the logical file.

Authority to the logical files looks like this:

Display Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : CUSTINFO Owner . . . . . . . : OWNAR

Library . . . . . : CUSTLIB Primary group . . . : *NONE
Object type . . . . : *FILE

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . : *NONE

User Group Authority

Display Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : CUSTCRDT Owner . . . . . . . : OWNAR

Library . . . . . : CUSTLIB Primary group . . . : DPTAR
Object type . . . . : *FILE

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . : *NONE

User Group Authority

Chapter 7. Designing Security 213

Display Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : CUSTSLS Owner . . . . . . . : OWNSM

Library . . . . . : CUSTLIB Primary group . . . : DPTSM
Object type . . . . : *FILE

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . . : *NONE

User Group Authority

Making the group profile, such as DPTSM, the primary group for the logical file is
not necessary for this authority scheme to work. However, using primary group
authority eliminates searching private authorities for both the user attempting to
access the file and the user’s group. “Case 2: Using Primary Group Authority” on
page 163 shows how using primary group authority affects the authority checking

You can specify data authorities for logical files beginning with V3R1 of the
OS/400 licensed program. When you move to V3R1 from an earlier version, the
system converts your logical files when the system is installed. The first time a
logical file is accessed, the system gives it all data authorities.

To use logical files as a security tool, do this:

v Grant all data authorities to the underlying physical files.
v Revoke *OBJOPR from the physical files. This prevents users from accessing the
physical files directly.
v Grant the appropriate data authorities to logical files. Revoke any authorities
you do not want.
v Grant *OBJOPR to the logical files.

Overriding Files
Override commands can be used to have a program use a different file with the
same format. For example, assume that a program in the contracts and pricing
application at the JKL Toy Company writes pricing information to a work file
before making price changes. A user with access to a command line who wanted to
capture confidential information could use an override command to cause the
program to write data to a different file in a library controlled by the user. You can
make sure a program processes the correct files by using override commands with
SECURE(*YES) before the program runs.

File Security and SQL

Structured Query Language (SQL) uses cross-reference files to keep track of
database files and their relationships. These files are collectively referred to as the
SQL catalog. Public authority to the SQL catalog is *READ. This means that any
user who has access to the SQL interface can display the names and text
descriptions for all files on your system. The SQL catalog does not affect the
normal authority required to access the contents of database files.

214 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Care should be taken when using a CL program that adopts authority to start SQL
or Query Manager. Both of these query programs allow users to specify a file
name. The user can, therefore, access any file that the adopted profile has authority

Planning Authorization Lists

An authorization list has these advantages:
v Authorization lists simplify managing authorities. User authority is defined for
the authorization list, not for the individual objects on the list. If a new object is
secured by the authorization list, the users on the list gain authority to the
v One operation can be used to give a user authority to all the objects on the list.
v Authorization lists reduce the number of private authorities on the system. Each
user has a private authority to one object, the authorization list. This gives the
user authority to all the objects on the list. Reducing the number of private
authorities in the system has the following advantages:
– Reduces the size of user profiles.
– Improves the performance when saving the system (SAVSYS) or saving the
security data (SAVSECDTA).
v Authorization lists provide a good way to secure files. If you use private
authorities, each user will have a private authority for each file member. If you
use an authorization list, each user will have only one authority. Also, files that
are open cannot have authority granted to the file or revoked from the file. If
you secure the file with an authorization list, you can change the authorities,
even when the file is open.
v Authorization lists provide a way to remember authorities when an object is
saved. When an object is saved that is secured by an authorization list, the name
of the authorization list is saved with the object. If the object is deleted and
restored to the same system, it is automatically linked to the authorization list
again. If the object is restored on a different system, the authorization list is not
linked, unless ALWOBJDIF(*ALL) is specified on the restore command.

Advantages of Using an Authorization List

From a security management view, an authorization list is the preferred method to
manage objects that have the same security requirements. Even when there are
only a few objects that would be secured by the list, there is still an advantage to
using an authorization list instead of using private authorities on the object.
Because the authorities are in one place (the authorization list), it is easier to
change who is authorized to the objects. It is also easier to secure any new objects
with the same authorities as the existing objects.

If you use authorization lists, then you should not have private authorities on the
object. Two searches of the user’s private authorities are required during the
authority checking if the object has private authorities and the object is also
secured by an authorization list. The first search is for the private authorities on
the object; the second search is for the private authorities on the authorization list.
Two searches require use of system resources; therefore, the performance can be
impacted. If you use only the authorization list, only one search is performed.
Also, because of the use of authority caching with the authorization list, the
performance for the authority check will be the same as it is for checking only
private authorities on the object.

Chapter 7. Designing Security 215

At the JKL Toy Company, an authorization list is used to secure all the work files
used in month-end inventory processing. These work files are cleared, which
requires *OBJMGT authority. As application requirements change, more work files
may be added to the application. Also, as job responsibilities change, different
users run month-end processing. An authorization list makes it simpler to manage
these changes.

Following are the steps to set up the authorization list:

1. Create the authorization list:
2. Secure all the work files with the authorization list:
3. Add users to the list who perform month-end processing:

Planning Group Profiles

A group profile is a useful tool when several users have similar security
requirements. They are particularly useful when job requirements and group
membership change. For example, if members of a department have responsibility
for an application, a group profile can be set up for the department. As users join
or leave the department, the group profile field in their user profiles can be
changed. This is easier to manage than removing individual authorities from user

You can create profiles specifically to be group profiles, or you can make an
existing profile into a group profile. A group profile is simply a special type of user
profile. It becomes a group profile when one of the following occurs:
v Another profile designates it as a group profile
v You assign a group identification number (gid) to it.

For example:
1. Create a profile called GRPIC:
2. When the profile is created, it is an ordinary profile, not a group profile.
3. Designate GRPIC as the group profile for another group profile:
4. The system now treats GRPIC as a group profile and assigns a gid to it.

Planning Primary Groups for Objects

Any object on the system can have a primary group. Primary group authority can
provide a performance advantage if the primary group is the first group for most
users of an object.

Often, one group of users is responsible for some information on the system, such
as customer information. That group needs more authority to the information than
other system users. By using primary group authority, you can set up this type of
authority scheme without affecting the performance of authority checking. “Case 2:
Using Primary Group Authority” on page 163 shows an example of this.

216 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Planning Multiple Group Profiles
A user can be a member of up to 16 groups: the first group (GRPPRF parameter in
the user profile) and 15 supplemental groups (SUPGRPPRF parameter in the user
profile). By using group profiles, you can manage authority more efficiently and
reduce the number of individual private authorities for objects. However, the
misuse of group profiles can have a negative impact on the performance of
authority checking.

Follow these suggestions when using multiple group profiles:

v Try to use multiple groups in combination with primary group authority and
eliminate private authority to objects.
| v Carefully plan the sequence in which group profiles are assigned to a user. The
| user’s first group should relate to the user’s primary assignment and the objects
| used most often. For example, assume a user called WAGNERB does inventory
| work regularly and does order entry work occasionally. The profile needed for
| inventory authority (DPTIC) should be WAGNERB’s first group. The profile
| needed for order entry work (DPTOE) should be WAGNERB’s first
| supplemental group.

| Note: The sequence in which private authorities are specified for an object has
| no effect on authority checking performance.
| v If you plan to use multiple groups, study the authority checking process
described in “How the System Checks Authority” on page 148. Be sure you
understand how using multiple groups in combination with other authority
techniques, such as authorization lists, may affect your system performance.

Accumulating Special Authorities for Group Profile Members

Special authorities of group profiles are available to the members of that group.
User profiles that are members of one or more groups have their own special
authorities, plus the special authorities of any group profiles for which the user is
a member. Special authorities are cumulative for users who are members of
multiple groups. For example, assume that profile GROUP1 has *JOBCTL, profile
GROUP3 has *AUDIT, and profile GROUP16 has *IOSYSCFG special authorities. A
user profile that has all three profiles as its group profiles has *JOBCTL, *AUDIT,
and *IOSYSCFG special authorities.


If a group member owns a program, the program adopts only the authority
of the owner. The authorities of the group are not adopted.

Using an Individual Profile as a Group Profile

Creating profiles specifically to be group profiles is preferable to making existing
profiles into group profiles. You may find that a specific user has all the authorities
needed by a group of users and be tempted to make that user profile into a group
profile. However, using an individual’s profile as a group profile may cause
problems in the future:
v If the user whose profile is used as the group profile changes responsibilities, a
new profile needs to be designated as the group profile, authorities need to be
changed, and object ownership needs to be transferred.
v All members of the group automatically have authority to any objects created by
the group profile. The user whose profile is the group profile loses the ability to
have private objects, unless that user specifically excludes other users.

Chapter 7. Designing Security 217

Try to plan group profiles in advance. Create specific group profiles with password
*NONE. If you discover after an application has been running that a user has
authorities that should belong to a group of users, do the following:
1. Create a group profile.
2. Use the GRTUSRAUT command to give the user’s authorities to the group
3. Remove the private authorities from the user, because they are no longer
needed. Use the RVKOBJAUT or EDTOBJAUT command.

Comparison of Group Profiles and Authorization Lists

Group profiles are used to simplify managing user profiles that have similar
security requirements. Authorization lists are used to secure objects with similar
security requirements. Table 112 shows the characteristics of the two methods:
Table 112. Authorization List and Group Profile Comparison
Item Being Compared List Group Profile
Used to secure multiple objects Yes Yes
User can belong to more than one Yes Yes
Private authority overrides other authority Yes Yes
User must be assigned authority independently Yes No
Authorities specified are the same for all objects Yes No
Object can be secured by more than one No Yes
Authority can be specified when the object is created Yes Yes 1
Can secure all object types No Yes
Association with object is deleted when the object is Yes Yes
Association with object is saved when the object is Yes No
The group profile can be given authority when an object is created by using the
GRPAUT parameter in the profile of the user creating an object.
Primary group authority is saved with the object.

Planning Security for Programmers

Programmers pose a problem for the security officer. Their knowledge makes it
possible for them to bypass security procedures that are not carefully designed.
They can bypass security to access data they need for testing. They can also
circumvent the normal procedures that allocate system resources in order to
achieve better performance for their own jobs. Security is often seen by them as a
hindrance to doing the tasks required by their job, such as testing applications.
However, giving programmers too much authority on the system breaks the
security principle of separating duties. It also allows a programmer to install
unauthorized programs.

Follow these guidelines when setting up an environment for application

v Do not grant all special authorities to programmers. However, if you must give
programmers special authorities, give them only the special authority required
to perform the jobs or tasks assigned to the programmer.
v Do not use the QPGMR user profile as a group profile for programmers.

218 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

v Use test libraries and prevent access to production libraries.
v Create programmer libraries and use a program that adopts authority to copy
selected production data to programmer libraries for testing.
v If interactive performance is an issue, consider changing the commands for
creating programs to run only in batch:
v Perform security auditing of application function before moving applications or
program changes from test to production libraries.
v Use the group profile technique when an application is being developed. Have
all application programs owned by a group profile. Make programmers who
work on the application members of the group and define the programmer user
profiles to have the group own any new objects created (OWNER(*GRPPRF)).
When a programmer moves from one project to another, you can change the
group information in the programmer’s profile. See “Group Ownership of
Objects” on page 122 for more information.
v Develop a plan for assigning ownership of applications when they are moved
into production. To control changes to a production application, all application
objects, including programs, should be owned by the user profile designated for
the application.
Application objects should not be owned by a programmer because the
programmer would have uncontrolled access to them in a production
environment. The profile that owns the application may be the profile of the
individual responsible for the application, or it may be a profile specifically
created as the application owner.

Managing Source Files

Source files are important to the integrity of your system. They may also be a
valuable company asset, if you have developed or acquired custom applications.
Source files should be protected like any other important file on the system.
Consider placing source files in separate libraries and controlling who can update
them and move them to production.

When a source file is created on the system, the default public authority is
*CHANGE, which allows any user to update any source member. By default, only
the owner of the source file or a user with *ALLOBJ special authority can add or
remove members. In most cases, this default authority for source physical files
should be changed. Programmers working on an application need *OBJMGT
authority to the source files to add new members. The public authority should
probably be reduced to *USE or *EXCLUDE, unless the source files are in a
controlled library.

Planning Security for System Programmers or Managers

Most systems have someone responsible for housekeeping functions. This person
monitors the use of system resources, particularly disk storage, to make sure that
users regularly remove unused objects to free space. System programmers need
broad authority to observe all the objects on the system. However, they do not
need to view the contents of those objects.

You can use adopted authority to provide a set of display commands for system
programmers, rather than giving special authorities in their user profiles.

Chapter 7. Designing Security 219

Planning the Use of Validation List Objects
Validation list objects are a new object type in Version 4, Release 1 that provide a
method for applications to securely store user authentication information.

For example, the Internet Connection Server (ICS) uses validation lists to
implement the concept of an Internet user. For Version 4, Release 1, the ICS can
perform basic authentication before a web page is served. Basic authentication
requires users to provide some type of authentication information, such as a
password, PIN, or account number. The name of the user and the authentication
information can be stored securely in a validation list. The ICS can use the
information from the validation list rather than require all users of the ICS to have
an iSeries user id and password.

An internet user can be permitted or denied access to the iSeries from the web
server. The user, however, has no authority to any iSeries resources or authority to
sign-on or run jobs. An iSeries user profile is never created for the internet users.

| To create and delete validation lists, you can use the CL commands Create
| Validation List (CRTVLDL) and the Delete Validation List (DLTVLDL). Application
| Programming Interfaces (APIs) are also provided to allow applications to add,
| change, remove, verify (authenticate), and find entries in a validation list. For more
| information and examples, see the API topic in the Information Center
| (see“Prerequisite and related information” on page xvi for details).

Validation list objects are available for all applications to use. For example, if an
application requires a password, the application passwords can be stored in a
validation list object rather than a database file. The application can use the
validation list APIs to verify a user’s password, which is encrypted, rather than the
application performing the verification itself.

In Version 4, Release 1, the authentication information (password, PIN, account

number) that is associated with a validation list is always stored in a
non–decryptable form, which cannot be returned to the user.

In Version 4, Release 2, you can choose to store the authentication information in a

decryptable form. If a user has the appropriate security, the authentication
information can be decrypted and returned to the user. For information about
controlling the storage of decryptable data in validation lists, see “Retain Server
Security (QRETSVRSEC)” on page 30.

Limit Access to Program Function

The limit access to program function allows you to define who can use an
application, the parts of an application, or the functions within a program. This
support is not a replacement for resource security. Limit access to program
function does not prevent a user from accessing a resource (such as a file or
program) from another interface.

The limit access to program function support provides APIs to:

v Register a function
v Retrieve information about the function
v Define who can or cannot use the function
v Check to see if the user is allowed to use the function

220 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

To use this support within an application, the application provider must register
the functions when the application is installed. The registered function corresponds
to a code block for specific functions in the application. When the user runs the
application, the application calls the check usage API to see if the user is allowed
to use the function that is associated with the code block, before invoking the code
block. If the user is allowed to use the registered function, the code block is run. If
the user is not allowed to use the function, the user is prevented from running the
code block.

| The system administrator specifies who is allowed or denied access to a function.

| The administrator can either use the API to manage the access to program function
| or use the Operations Navigator Application Administration GUI. The OS/400 API
| section in the Information Center provides information about the limit access to
| program function APIs.

Chapter 7. Designing Security 221

222 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1
Chapter 8. Backup and Recovery of Security Information
This chapter discusses how security relates to backup and recovery on your
v How security information is saved and restored
v How security affects saving and restoring objects
v Security issues associated with *SAVSYS special authority

| The Backup and Recovery book provides more information about backup and
| recovery. You may also refer to the Backup and Recovery topics in the iSeries
| Information Center (see“Prerequisite and related information” on page xvi for
| details).

Saving your security information is just as important as saving your data. In some
situations, you may need to recover user profiles, object authorities, and the data
on your system. If you do not have your security information saved, you may
need to manually rebuild user profiles and object authorities. This can be
time-consuming and can lead to errors and security exposures.

Planning adequate backup and recovery procedures for security information

requires understanding how the information is stored, saved, and restored.

| Table 113 shows the commands used to save and restore security information. The
| sections that follow discuss saving and restoring security information in more
| detail.
Table 113. How Security Information Is Saved and Restored
Save and Restore Commands Used

Security Information Saved or Restored SAVSYS SAVCFGRSTUSRPRF RSTCFG RSTAUT

User profiles X X
Object ownership 1 X X
Primary group 1 X X
Public authorities 1 X X
Private authorities X X
Authorization lists X X
Authority holders X X
Link with the authorization list and authority holders X X
Object auditing value X X
Function registration information 2 X X
Function usage information X X X
| The SAVSECDTA, SAVSYS, and RSTUSRPRF commands save and restore ownership, primary group,
| primary group authority, and public authority for these object types : User profile (*USRPRF), Authorization
| list (*AUTL), and Authority holder (*AUTHLR).
The object to save/restore is QUSEXRGOBJ, type *EXITRG in QUSRSYS library.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 223

How Security Information Is Stored
Security information is stored with objects, user profiles, and authorization lists:

Authority Information Stored with Object:

Public authority
Owner name
Owner’s authority to object
Primary group name
Primary group’s authority to object
Authorization list name
Object auditing value
Whether any private authority exists
Whether any private authority is less than public

Authority Information Stored with User Profile:

Heading Information:
The user profile attributes shown on the Create User Profile display.
The uid and gid.
Private Authority Information:
Private authority to objects. This includes private authority to authorization
Ownership Information:
List of owned objects
For each owned object, a list of users with private authority to the object.
Primary Group Information:
List of objects for which the profile is the primary group.
Auditing Information:
Action auditing value
Object auditing value
Function Usage Information:
Usage settings for registered functions.

Authority Information Stored with Authorization Lists:

Normal authority information stored with any object, such as the public
authority and owner.
List of all objects secured by the authorization list.

Saving Security Information

Security information is stored differently on the save media than it is on your
system. When you save user profiles, the private authority information stored with
the user profile is formatted into an authority table. An authority table is built and
saved for each user profile that has private authorities. This reformatting and
saving of security information can be lengthy if you have many private authorities
on your system.

This is how security information is stored on the save media:

224 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Authority Information Saved with Object:
Public authority
Owner name
Owner’s authority to object
Primary group name
Primary group’s authority to object
Authorization list name
Field level authorities
Object auditing value
Whether any private authority exists
Whether any private authority is less than public

Authority Information Saved with Authorization List:

Normal authority information stored with any object, such as the public
authority, owner, and primary group.

Authority Information Saved with User Profile:

The user profile attributes shown on the Create User Profile display.

Authority Table Saved Associated with User Profile:

One record for each private authority of the user profile, including usage
settings for registered functions.

Function Registration Information Saved with QUSEXRGOBJ object:

The function registration information can be saved by saving the QUSEXRGOBJ
*EXITRG object in QUSRSYS.

Recovering Security Information

Recovering your system often requires restoring data and associated security
information. The usual sequence for recovery is:
1. Restore user profiles and authorization lists (RSTUSRPRF USRPRF(*ALL)).
2. Restore objects (RSTLIB, RSTOBJ, or RSTCFG).
3. Restore the private authorities to objects (RSTAUT).

The Backup and Recovery book provides more information about planning recovery.

Restoring User Profiles

Some changes may be made to a user profile when it is restored. The following
| v If profiles are being restored individually (RSTUSRPRF USRPRF(*ALL) is not
| specified), SECDTA(*PWDGRP) is not requested, and the profile being restored
| does not exist on the system, these fields are changed to *NONE:
| – Group profile name (GRPPRF)
| – Password (PASSWORD)
| – Document password (DOCPWD)
| – Supplemental group profiles (SUPGRPPRF)

| Product passwords are changed to *NONE, so they will be incorrect after

| restoring an individual user profile that did not exist on the system.

Chapter 8. Backup and Recovery of Security Information 225

| v If profiles are being restored individually (RSTUSRPRF USRPRF(*ALL) is not
| specified) SECDTA(*PWDGRP) is not requested, and the profile exists on the
| system, the password, document password, and group profile are not changed.
| User profiles can be restored individually with the password and group
| information restored from the save media by specifying the SECDTA(*PWDGRP)
| parameter on the RSTUSRPRF command. *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special
| authorities are required to restore the password and group information when
| restoring individual profiles. Product passwords restored with the user profile
| will be incorrect after restoring an individual user profile that existed on the
| system, unless the SECDTA(*PWDGRP) parameter is specified on the
| RSTUSRPRF command.
v If all user profiles are being restored to your system, all the fields in any profiles
that already exist on the system are restored from the save media, including the
| Attention: User Profiles saved from a system with a different password level
| (QPWDLVL system value) than the system that is being restored may result in
| having a password that is not valid on the restored system. For example, if the
| saved user profile came from a system that was running password level 2, the
| user could have a password of ″This is my password″. This password would not
| be valid on a system running password level 0 or 1.
Attention: Keep a record of the security officer (QSECOFR) password associated
with each version of your security information that is saved to make sure you
can sign on to your system if you need to do a complete restore operation.
You can use DST (Dedicated Service Tools) to reset the password for the
QSECOFR profile. See “Resetting the QSECOFR User Profile Password” on
page 109 for instructions.
v If a profile exists on the system, the restore operation does not change the uid or
v If a profile does not exist on the system, the uid and gid for a profile are
restored from the save media. If either the uid or the gid already exists on the
system, the system generates a new value and issues a message (CPI3810).
v *ALLOBJ special authority is removed from user profiles being restored to a
system at security level 30 or higher in either of these situations:
– The profile was saved from a different system and the user performing the
RSTUSRPRF does not have *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special authorities.
– The profile was saved from the same system at security level 10 or 20.

ATTENTION: The system uses the machine serial number on the system and
on the save media to determine whether objects are being
restored to the same system or a different system.

*ALLOBJ special authority is not removed from these IBM-supplied profiles:

QSYS (system) user profile
QSECOFR (security officer) user profile
QLPAUTO (licensed program automatic install) user profile
QLPINSTALL (licensed program install) user profile

Restoring Objects
When you restore an object to the system, the system uses the authority
information stored with the object. The following applies to security of the restored

226 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object ownership:
v If the profile that owns the object is on the system, ownership is restored to that
v If the owner profile does not exist on the system, ownership of the object is
given to the QDFTOWN (default owner) user profile.
v If the object exists on the system and the owner on the system is different from
the owner on the save media, the object is not restored unless
ALWOBJDIF(*ALL) is specified. In that case, the object is restored and the owner
on the system is used.
v See “Restoring Programs” on page 229 for additional considerations when
restoring programs.

Primary group:

For an object that does not exist on the system:

v If the profile that is the primary group for the object is on the system, the
primary group value and authority are restored for the object.
v If the profile that is the primary group does not exist on the system:
– The primary group for the object is set to none.
– The primary group authority is set to no authority.

When an existing object is restored, the primary group for the object is not
changed by the restore operation.

Public authority:
v If the object being restored does not exist on the system, public authority is set
to the public authority of the saved object.
v If the object being restored does exist and is being replaced, public authority is
not changed. The public authority from the saved version of the object is not
v The CRTAUT for the library is not used when restoring objects to the library.

Authorization list:
v If an object, other than a document or folder, already exists on the system and is
linked to an authorization list, the ALWOBJDIF parameter determines the result:
– If ALWOBJDIF(*NONE) is specified, the existing object must have the same
authorization list as the saved object. If not, the object is not restored.
– If ALWOBJDIF(*ALL) is specified, the object is restored. The object is linked
to the authorization list associated with the existing object.
v If a document or folder that already exists on the system is restored, the
authorization list associated with the object on the system is used. The
authorization list from the saved document or folder is not used.
v If the authorization list does not exist on the system, the object is restored
without being linked to an authorization list and the public authority is changed
v If the object is being restored on the same system from which it was saved, the
object is linked to the authorization list again.
v If the object is being restored on a different system, the ALWOBJDIF parameter
on the restore command is used to determine whether the object is linked to the
authorization list:
– If ALWOBJDIF(*ALL) is specified, the object is linked to the authorization list.

Chapter 8. Backup and Recovery of Security Information 227

– If ALWOBJDIF(*NONE) is specified, then the object is not linked to the
authorization list and the public authority of the object is changed to

Private authorities:
v Private authority is saved with user profiles, not with objects.
v If user profiles have private authority to an object being restored, those private
authorities are usually not affected. Restoring certain types of programs may
result in private authorities being revoked. See “Restoring Programs” on
page 229 for more information.
v If an object is deleted from the system and then restored from a saved version,
private authority for the object no longer exists on the system. When an object is
deleted, all private authority to the object is removed from user profiles.
v If private authorities need to be recovered, the Restore Authority (RSTAUT)
command must be used. The normal sequence is:
1. Restore user profiles
2. Restore objects
3. Restore authority

Object Auditing:
v If the object being restored does not exist on the system, the object auditing
(OBJAUD) value of the saved object is restored.
v If the object being restored does exist and is being replaced, the object auditing
value is not changed. The OBJAUD value of the saved version of the object is
not restored.
v If a library being restored does not exist on the system, the create object auditing
(CRTOBJAUD) value for the library is restored.
v If a library being restored exists and is being replaced, the CRTOBJAUD value
for the library is not restored. The CRTOBJAUD value for the existing library is

Authority Holder:
v If a file is restored and an authority holder exists for that file name and the
library to which it is being restored, the file is linked to the authority holder.
v The authority information associated with the authority holder replaces the
public authority and owner information saved with the file.

User Domain Objects:

v For systems running Version 2 Release 3 or later of the OS/400 licensed
program, the system restricts user domain objects (*USRSPC, *USRIDX, and
*USRQ) to the libraries specified in the QALWUSRDMN system value. If a
library is removed from the QALWUSRDMN system value after a user domain
object of type *USRSPC, *USRIDX, or *USRQ is saved, the system changes the
object to system domain when it is restored.

Function Registration Information:

v The function registration information can be restored by restoring the
QUSEXRGOBJ *EXITRG object into QUSRSYS. This restores all of the registered
functions. The usage information associated with the functions is restored when
user profiles and authorities are restored.

Applications that Use Certificates Registration

228 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

v The applications that use certificates registration information can be restored by
restoring the QUSEXRGOBJ *EXITRG object into QUSRSYS. This restores all of
the registered applications. The association of the application to its certificate
information can be restored by restoring the QYCDCERTI *USRIDX object into

Restoring Authority
When security information is restored, private authorities must be rebuilt. When
you restore a user profile that has an authority table, the authority table for the
profile is also restored.

The Restore Authority (RSTAUT) command rebuilds the private authority in the
user profile using the information from the authority table. The grant authority
operation is run for each private authority in the authority table. If authority is
being restored for many profiles and many private authorities exist in the authority
tables, this can be a lengthy process.

| The RSTUSRPRF and RSTAUT commands can be run for a single profile, a list of
| profiles, a generic profile name, or all profiles. The system searches the save media
| or save file created by the SAVSECDTA or SAVSYS command or the QSRSAVO
| API to find the profiles you want to restore.

Restoring Field Authority:

The following steps are required to restore private field authorities for database
files that do not already exist on the system:
v Restore or create the necessary user profiles.
v Restore the files.
v Run the Restore Authority (RSTAUT) command.

The private field authorities are not fully restored until the private object
authorities that they restrict are also established again.

Restoring Programs
| Restoring programs to your system that are obtained from an unknown source
| poses a security exposure. Programs might perform operations that break your
| security requirements. Of particular concern are programs that contain restricted
| instructions and programs that adopt owner authority. This includes object types
| *PGM, *SRVPGM, *MODULE, and *CRQD. You can use the QALWOBJRST system
| value to prevent these object types from being restored to your system. See “Allow
| Restoring of Security-Sensitive Objects (QALWOBJRST)” on page 24 for more
| information about this system value.

If you do allow these types of programs to be restored to your system, the system
performs special checking.

To protect against programs that contain restricted instructions, the system uses a
validation value. This value is stored with a program and recalculated when the
program is restored. The system’s actions are determined by the ALWOBJDIF
parameter on the restore command and by the security level (QSECURITY) system
value. “Validation of Programs Being Restored” on page 15 provides a detailed
chart and description of the alternatives.

Chapter 8. Backup and Recovery of Security Information 229

| Note: Programs that are created for iSeries Version 5 Release 1 or later contain
| information that allows the program to be re-created at restore time if
| necessary. The information needed to re-create the program remains with the
| program even when the observability of the program is removed. If a
| program validation error is determined to exist at the time the program is
| restored, the program will be re-created in order ot correct the program
| validation error. The action of re-creating the program at restore time is not
| new to iseries Version 5 Release 1. In previous releases, any program
| validation error that was encountered at restore time resulted in the
| program being re-created if possible (if observability existed in the program
| being restored). The difference with iSeries Version 5 Release 1 or later
| programs is that the information needed to re-create the program remains
| even when observability was removed from the program. Thus, any Version
| 5 Release 1 or later program, for which a validation failure is detected, is
| re-created during restore and the alteration that caused the validation failure
| is removed.

Restoring Programs That Adopt the Owner’s Authority:

When a program is restored that adopts owner authority, the ownership and
authority to the program may be changed. The following applies:
v The user profile doing the restore operation must either own the program or
have *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special authorities.
v The user profile doing the restore operation can receive the authority to restore
the program by
– Being the program owner.
– Being a member of the group profile that owns the program (unless you have
private authority to the program).
– Having *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special authority.
– Being a member of a group profile that has *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special
– Running under adopted authority that meets one of the tests just listed.
v If the restoring profile does not have adequate authority, all public and private
authorities to the program are revoked, and the public authority is changed to
v If the owner of the program does not exist on the system, ownership is given to
the QDFTOWN user profile. Public authority is changed to *EXCLUDE and the
authorization list is removed.

Restoring Licensed Programs

The Restore Licensed Programs (RSTLICPGM) command is used to install
IBM-supplied programs on your system. It can also be used to install non-IBM
programs created using the SystemView* System Manager/400* licensed program.

When your system is shipped, only users with *ALLOBJ special authority can use
the RSTLICPGM command. The RSTLICPGM procedure calls an exit program to
install programs that are not supplied by IBM.

To protect security on your system, the exit program should not run using a profile
with *ALLOBJ special authority. Use a program that adopts *ALLOBJ special
authority to run the RSTLICPGM command, instead of having a user with
*ALLOBJ authority run the command directly.

230 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Following is an example of this technique. The program to be installed using the
RSTLICPGM command is called CPAPP (Contracts and Pricing).
1. Create a user profile with sufficient authority to successfully install the
application. Do not give this profile *ALLOBJ special authority. For the
example, the user profile is called OWNCP.
2. Write a program to install the application. For the example, the program is
called CPINST:
3. Create the CPINST program to adopt the authority of a user with *ALLOBJ
special authority, such as QSECOFR, and authorize OWNCP to the program:
4. Sign on as OWNCP and call the CPINST program. When the CPINST program
runs the RSTLICPGM command, you are running under QSECOFR authority.
When the exit program runs to install the CPAPP programs, it drops adopted
authority. The programs called by the exit program run under the authority of

Restoring Authorization Lists

Authorization lists are saved by either the SAVSECDTA command or the SAVSYS
command. Authorization lists are restored by the command:

No method exists for restoring an individual authorization list.

When you restore an authorization list, authority and ownership are established
just as they are for any other object that is restored. The link between authorization
lists and objects is established if the objects are restored after the authorization list.
See “Restoring Objects” on page 226 for more information. Users’ private
authorities to the list are restored using the RSTAUT command.

Recovering from a Damaged Authorization List

When an object is secured by an authorization list and the authorization list
becomes damaged, access to the object is limited to users that have all object
(*ALLOBJ) special authority.

To recover from a damaged authorization list, two steps are required:

1. Recover users and their authorities on the authorization list.
2. Recover the association of the authorization list with the objects.

These steps must be done by a user with *ALLOBJ special authority.

Recovering the Authorization List: If users’ authorities to the authorization list

are known, simply delete the authorization list, create the authorization list again,
and then add users to it.

If it is not possible to create the authorization list again because you do not know
all the user authorities, the authorization list can be restored and the users restored
to the authorization list using your last SAVSYS or SAVSECDTA tapes. To restore
the authorization list, do the following:

Chapter 8. Backup and Recovery of Security Information 231

1. Delete the damaged authorization list using the Delete Authorization List
(DLTAUTL) command.
2. Restore the authorization list by restoring user profiles:
3. Restore users’ private authorities to the list using the RSTAUT command.

Attention: This procedure restores user profile values from the save media. See
“Restoring User Profiles” on page 225 for more information.

Recovering the Association of Objects to the Authorization List: When the

damaged authorization list is deleted, the objects secured by the authorization list
need to be added to the new authorization list. Do the following:
1. Find the objects that were associated with the damaged authorization list using
the Reclaim Storage (RCLSTG) command. Reclaim storage assigns the objects
that were associated with the authorization list to the QRCLAUTL
authorization list.
2. Use the Display Authorization List Objects (DSPAUTLOBJ) command to list the
objects associated with the QRCLAUTL authorization list.
3. Use the Grant Object Authority (GRTOBJAUT) command to secure each object
with the correct authorization list:
GRTOBJAUT OBJ(library-name/object-name) +
OBJTYPE(object-type) +

Note: If a large number of objects are associated with the QRCLAUTL

authorization list, create a database file by specifying OUTPUT(*OUTFILE)
on the DSPAUTLOBJ command. You can write a CL program to run the
GRTOBJAUT command for each object in the file.

Restoring the Operating System

When you perform a manual IPL on your system, the IPL or Install the System
menu provides an option to install the operating system. The dedicated service
tools (DST) function provides the ability to require anyone using this menu option
to enter the DST security password. You can use this to prevent someone from
restoring an unauthorized copy of the operating system.

To secure the installation of your operating system, do the following:

1. Perform a manual IPL.
2. From the IPL or Install the System menu, select DST.
3. From the Use DST menu, select the option to work with the DST environment.
4. Select the option to change DST passwords.
5. Select the option to change the operating system install security.
6. Specify 1 (secure).
7. Press F3 (exit) until you return to the IPL or Install the System menu.
8. Complete the manual IPL and return the keylock to its normal position.
1. If you no longer want to secure the installation of the operating system, follow
the same steps and specify 2 (not secure).
2. You can also prevent installation of the operating system by keeping your
keylock switch in the normal position and removing the key.

232 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

*SAVSYS Special Authority
To save or restore an object, you must have *OBJEXIST authority to the object or
*SAVSYS special authority. A user with *SAVSYS special authority does not need
any additional authority to an object to save or restore it.

*SAVSYS special authority gives a user the capability to save an object and take it
to a different system to be restored or to display (dump) the media to view the
data. It also gives a user the capability to save an object and free storage thus
deleting the data in the object. When saving documents, a user with *SAVSYS
special authority has the option to delete those documents. *SAVSYS special
authority should be given carefully.

Auditing Save and Restore Operations

A security audit record is written for each restore operation if the action auditing
value (QAUDLVL system value or AUDLVL in the user profile) includes *SAVRST.
When you use a command that restores a large number of objects, such as RSTLIB,
an audit record is written for each object restored. This may cause problems with
the size of the audit journal receiver, particularly if you are restoring more than
one library.

The RSTCFG command does not create an audit record for each object restored. If
you want to have an audit record of this command, set object auditing for the
command itself. One audit record will be written whenever the command is run.

Commands that save a very large number of objects, such as SAVSYS,

SAVSECDTA, and SAVCFG, do not create individual audit records for the objects
saved, even if the saved objects have object auditing active. To monitor these
commands, set up object auditing for the commands themselves.

Chapter 8. Backup and Recovery of Security Information 233

234 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1
Chapter 9. Auditing Security on the iSeries System
This chapter describes techniques for auditing the effectiveness of security on your
system. People audit their system security for several reasons:
v To evaluate whether the security plan is complete.
v To make sure that the planned security controls are in place and working. This
type of auditing is usually performed by the security officer as part of daily
security administration. It is also performed, sometimes in greater detail, as part
of a periodic security review by internal or external auditors.
v To make sure that system security is keeping pace with changes to the system
environment. Some examples of changes that affect security are:
– New objects created by system users
– New users admitted to the system
– Change of object ownership (authorization not adjusted)
– Change of responsibilities (user group changed)
– Temporary authority (not timely revoked)
– New products installed
v To prepare for a future event, such as installing a new application, moving to a
higher security level, or setting up a communications network.

The techniques described in this chapter are appropriate for all these situations.
Which things you audit and how often depends on the size and security needs of
your organization. The purpose of this chapter is to discuss what information is
available, how to obtain it, and why it is needed, rather than to give guidelines for
the frequency of audits.

This chapter has three parts:

v A checklist of security items that can be planned and audited.
v Information about setting up and using the audit journal provided by the
v Other techniques that are available to gather security information on the system.

Security auditing involves using commands on the iSeries system and accessing
log and journal information on the system. You may want to create a special
profile to be used by someone doing a security audit of your system. The auditor
profile will need *AUDIT special authority to be able to change the audit
characteristics of your system. Some of the auditing tasks suggested in this chapter
require a user profile with *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special authority. Be sure that
you set the password for the auditor profile to *NONE when the audit period has

Checklist for Security Officers and Auditors

This checklist can be used both to plan and to audit system security. As you plan
security, choose the items from the list that meet your security requirements. When
you audit the security of your system, use the list to evaluate the controls you
have in place and to determine if additional controls are needed.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 235

This list serves as a review of the information in this book. The list contains brief
descriptions of how to do each item and how to monitor that it has been done,
including what entries in the QAUDJRN journal to look for. Details about the
items are found throughout the book.

Physical Security
| Note: The Basic System Security and Planning topic in the Information Center
| contains a complete discussion of physical security on the iSeries system.
| See “Prerequisite and related information” on page xvi for details.
The system unit and system console are in a secure location.
Backup media is protected from damage and theft.
The keylock switch setting on the processor unit is in the Secure or Auto
position. The key is removed. The keys are kept separately, both under tight
physical security. See the Information Center for more information about the
keylock switch (see “Prerequisite and related information” on page xvi for
Access to publicly located workstations and the console is restricted. Use the
DSPOBJAUT command to see who has *CHANGE authority to the
workstations. Look for AF entries in the audit journal with the object type field
equal to *DEVD to find attempts to sign on at restricted workstations.
Sign-on for users with *ALLOBJ or *SERVICE special authority is limited to a
few workstations. Check to see that the QLMTSECOFR system value is 1. Use
the DSPOBJAUT command for devices to see if the QSECOFR profile has
*CHANGE authority.

System Values
Security system values follow recommended guidelines. To print the security
system values, type: WRKSYSVAL *SEC OUTPUT(*PRINT). Two important system
values to audit are:
– QSECURITY, which should be set to 40 or higher.
– QMAXSIGN, which should not be greater than 5.

Note: If the auditing function is active, an SV entry is written to the QAUDJRN

journal whenever a system value is changed.
Decisions about system values are reviewed periodically, particularly when the
system environment changes, such as the installation of new applications or a
communications network.

IBM-Supplied User Profiles

The password has been changed for the QSECOFR user profile. This profile is
shipped with the password set to QSECOFR so you can sign on to install your
system. The password must be changed the first time you sign-on your system
and changed periodically after the installation.
Verify that it has been changed by checking a DSPAUTUSR list for the date the
QSECOFR password was changed and by attempting to sign on with the
default password.

Note: See “IBM-Supplied User Profiles and Dedicated Service Tool (DST)
Users” on page 106 and Appendix B for more information about
IBM-supplied user profiles.

236 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

The IBM passwords for dedicated service tools (DST) are changed. DST profiles
do not appear on a DSPAUTUSR list. To verify that the userids and passwords
are changed, start DST and attempt to use the default values. See the topic
“Changing User IDs and Passwords for Dedicated Service Tools (DST) Users”
on page 107 for more information.
Signing on with IBM-supplied user profiles, except QSECOFR, is not
recommended. These IBM-supplied profiles are designed to own objects or to
run system functions. Use a DSPAUTUSR list to verify that the following
IBM-supplied user profiles have a password of *NONE:



Password Control
Users can change their own passwords. Allowing users to define their own
passwords reduces the need for users to write down their passwords. Users
should have access to the CHGPWD command or to the Change Password
function from the Security (GO SECURITY) menu.
A password change is required according to the organization’s security
guidelines, usually every 30 to 90 days. The QPWDEXPITV system value is set
to meet the security guidelines.
If a user profile has a password expiration interval that is different from the
system value, it meets the security guidelines. Review user profiles for a
PWDEXPITV value other than *SYSVAL.
Trivial passwords are prevented by using the system values to set the password
rules and by using a password approval program. Use the WRKSYSVAL *SEC
command and look at the settings for the values beginning with QPWD.
Group profiles have a password of *NONE. Use the DSPAUTUSR command to
check for any group profiles that have passwords.

| Whenever the system is not operating at password level 3 and users change their
| password, the system will attempt to create an equivalent password that is usable
| at the other password levels, if possible. You can use the DSPAUTUSR or
| PRTUSRPRF TYPE(*PWDINFO) commands to see which user profiles have
| passwords that are usable at the various password levels.

| Note: The equivalent password is a best effort attempt to create a usable password
| for the other password levels but it may not have passed all of the password
| rules if the other password level was in effect. For example, if password
| BbAaA3x is specified at password level 2, the system will create an
| equivalent password of BBAAA3X for use at password levels 0 and 1. This
| would be true even if the QPWDLMTCHR system value includes ’A’ as one
| of the limited characters (QPWDLMTCHR is not enforced at password level

Chapter 9. Auditing Security on the iSeries System 237

| 2) or QPWDLMTREP system value specified that consecutive characters
| cannot be the same (because the check is case sensitive at password level 2
| but case insensitive at password levels 0 and 1).

User and Group Profiles

Each user is assigned a unique user profile. The QLMTDEVSSN system value
should be set to 1. Although limiting each user to one device session at a time
does not prevent sharing user profiles, it discourages it.
User profiles with *ALLOBJ special authority are limited, and are not used as
group profiles. The DSPUSRPRF command can be used to check the special
authorities for user profiles and to determine which profiles are group profiles.
The topic “Printing Selected User Profiles” on page 266 shows how to use an
output file and query to determine this.
The Limit capabilities field is *YES in the profiles of users who should be
restricted to a set of menus. The topic “Printing Selected User Profiles” on
page 266 gives an example of how to determine this.
Programmers are restricted from production libraries. Use the DSPOBJAUT
command to determine the public and private authorities for production
libraries and critical objects in the libraries.
“Planning Security for Programmers” on page 218 has more information about
security and the programming environment.
Membership in a group profile is changed when job responsibilities change. To
verify group membership, use one of these commands:
DSPUSRPRF profile-name *GRPMBR
You should use a naming convention for group profiles. When authorities are
displayed, you can then easily recognize the group profile.
The administration of user profiles is adequately organized. No user profiles
have large numbers of private authorities. The topic “Examining Large User
Profiles” on page 267 discusses how to find and examine large user profiles on
your system.
Employees are removed from the system immediately when they are
transferred or released. Regularly review the DSPAUTUSR list to make sure
only active employees have access to the system. The DO (Delete Object) entries
in the audit journal can be reviewed to make sure user profiles are deleted
immediately after employees leave.
Management regularly verifies the users authorized to the system. You can use
the DSPAUTUSR command for this information.
The password for an inactive employee is set to *NONE. Use the DSPAUTUSR
command to verify that the inactive user profiles do not have passwords.
Management regularly verifies the users with special authorities, particularly
*ALLOBJ *SAVSYS, and *AUDIT special authorities. The topic “Printing
Selected User Profiles” on page 266 gives an example of how to determine this.

Authorization Control
Owners of data understand their obligation to authorize users on a
need-to-know basis.
Owners of objects regularly verify the authority to use the objects, including
public authority. The WRKOBJOWN command provides a display for working
with the authorities to all objects owned by a user profile.
Sensitive data is not public. Check the authority for user *PUBLIC for critical
objects using the DSPOBJAUT command.

238 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Authority to user profiles is controlled. The public authority to user profiles
should be *EXCLUDE. This prevents users from submitting jobs that run under
another user’s profile.
Job descriptions are controlled:
– Job descriptions with public authority of *USE or greater are specified as
USER(*RQD). This means jobs submitted using the job description must run
using the submitter’s profile.
– Job descriptions that specify a user have public authority *EXCLUDE.
Authorization to use these job descriptions is controlled. This prevents
unauthorized users from submitting jobs that run using another profile’s

To find out what job descriptions are on the system, type:


To check the User parameter of a job description, use the Display Job
Description (DSPJOBD) command. To check the authority to a job description,
use the DSPOBJAUT command.

Note: At security level 40 or 50, a user submitting a job using a job description
that specifies a user profile name must have *USE authority to both the
job description and the user profile. At all security levels, an attempt to
submit or schedule a job without *USE authority to the user specified in
the job description causes an AF entry with violation type J in the audit
Users are not allowed to sign on by pressing the Enter key on the Sign On
display. Make sure no workstation entries in subsystem descriptions specify a
job description that has a user profile name specified for the USER parameter.
Default sign-on is prevented at security level 40 or 50, even if a subsystem
description allows it. At all security levels, an AF entry with violation type S is
written to the audit journal if default sign-on is attempted and a subsystem
description is defined to allow it.
The library list in application programs is controlled to prevent a library that
contains a similar program from being added before the production libraries.
The topic “Library Lists” on page 183 discusses methods for controlling the
library list.
Programs that adopt authority are used only when required and are carefully
controlled. See the topic “Analyzing Programs That Adopt Authority” on
page 268 for an explanation of how to evaluate the use of the program adopt
Application program interfaces (APIs) are secured.
Good object security techniques are used to avoid performance problems.

Unauthorized Access
Security-related events are logged to the security auditing journal (QAUDJRN)
when the auditing function is active. To audit authority failures, use the
following system values and settings:
– QAUDCTL must be set to *AUDLVL
– QAUDLVL must include the values of *PGMFAIL and *AUTFAIL.
The best method to detect unauthorized attempts to access information is to
review entries in the audit journal on a regular basis.

Chapter 9. Auditing Security on the iSeries System 239

The QMAXSIGN system value limits the number of consecutive incorrect access
attempts to five or less. The QMAXSGNACN system value is set at 2 or 3.
The QSYSMSG message queue is created and monitored.
The audit journal is audited for repeated attempts by a user. (Authorization
failures cause AF type entries in the audit journal.)
Programs fail that attempt to access objects using interfaces that are not
supported. (QSECURITY system value is set to 40 or 50.)
User ID and password are required to sign on. Security levels 40 and 50 enforce
this. At level 20 or 30, you must ensure that no subsystem descriptions have a
workstation entry which uses a job description that has a user profile name.

Unauthorized Programs
The QALWOBJRST system value is set to *NONE to prevent anyone from
restoring security-sensitive programs to the system.
The Check Object Integrity (CHKOBJITG) command is run periodically to
detect unauthorized changes to program objects. This command is described in
“Checking for Objects That Have Been Altered” on page 268.

Telephone communications is protected by call-back procedures.
Encryption is used on sensitive data.
Remote sign-on is controlled. The QRMTSIGN system value is set to
*FRCSIGNON or a pass-through validation program is used.
Access to data from other systems, including personal computers, is controlled
using the JOBACN, PCSACC, and DDMACC network attributes. The JOBACN
network attribute should be *FILE.

Using the Security Audit Journal

The security audit journal is the primary source of auditing information on the
system. A security auditor inside or outside your organization can use the auditing
function provided by the system to gather information about security-related
events that occur on the system.

You can define auditing on your system at three different levels:

v System-wide auditing that occurs for all users.
v Auditing that occurs for specific objects.
v Auditing that occurs for specific users.

You use system values, user profile parameters, and object parameters to define
auditing. “Planning Security Auditing” on page 241 describes how to do this.

When a security-related event that may be audited occurs, the system checks
whether you have selected that event for audit. If you have, the system writes a
journal entry in the current receiver for the security auditing journal (QAUDJRN in
library QSYS).

When you want to analyze the audit information you have collected in the
QAUDJRN journal, you can use the Display Journal (DSPJRN) command. With this
command, information from the QAUDJRN journal can be written to a database
file. An application program or a query tool can be used to analyze the data.

240 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

│ │
┌─────────────┐ ┌─────────────┐ │
│ Current │ │ Previous │ │
│ receiver │ │ receiver │
└─────────────┘ └─────────────┘
│ │
│ │
b b
┌──────────────────────┐ ┌───────────────────────┐
│ Use DSPJRN command │ │Use DSPAUDJRNE command │
│ to select entries │ │to create reports │
│ │ │ │
└──────────────────────┘ └───────────┬───────────┘
│ │
b b
│ │
b b
┌─────────────┐ ┌─────────────┐
│ View entries│ │ Outfile │
│ │ │ │
└─────────────┘ └─────────────┘
│ │
b b
┌────────────┐ ┌────────────┐
│ Process │ │ Process │
│ data │ │ data │
│ using │ │ with a │
│ Query │ │ program │
│ │ │ │
└────────────┘ └────────────┘

Figure 48. Viewing QAUDJRN Information

The security auditing function is optional. You must take specific steps to set up
security auditing.

The following sections describe how to plan, set up, and manage security auditing,
what information is recorded, and how to view that information. Appendix F
shows record layouts for the audit journal entries. Appendix E describes what
operations are audited for each type of object.

Planning Security Auditing

To plan the use of security auditing on your system:
v Determine which security-relevant events you want to record for all system
users. The auditing of security-relevant events is called action auditing.
v Check whether you need additional auditing for specific users.
v Decide whether you want to audit the use of specific objects on the system.
v Determine whether object auditing should be used for all users or specific users.

Planning the Auditing of Actions

The QAUDCTL (audit control) system value, the QAUDLVL (audit level) system
value, and the AUDLVL (action auditing) parameter in user profiles work together
to control action auditing:

Chapter 9. Auditing Security on the iSeries System 241

v The QAUDLVL system value specifies which actions are audited for all users of
the system
v The AUDLVL parameter in the user profile determines which actions are audited
for a specific user. The values for the AUDLVL parameter apply in addition to the
values for the QAUDLVL system value.
v The QAUDCTL system value starts and stops action auditing.

Which events you choose to log depends on both your security objectives and your
potential exposures. Table 114 describes the possible audit level values and how
you might use them. It shows whether they are available as a system value, a user
profile parameter, or both.

Table 115 on page 244 provides more information about the journal entries that are
written for the action auditing values specified on the QAUDLVL system value
and in the user profile. It shows:
v The type of entry written to the QAUDJRN journal.
v The model database outfile that can be used to define the record when you
create an output file with the DSPJRN command. Complete layouts for the
model database outfiles are found in Appendix F.
v The detailed entry type. Some journal entry types are used to log more than one
type of event. The detailed entry type field in the journal entry identifies the
type of event.
v The ID of the message that can be used to define the entry-specific information
in the journal entry.
| Table 114. Action Auditing Values
| Available on Available on
| Possible Value Value Command Description
| *NONE Yes Yes If the QAUDLVL system value is *NONE, no
| actions are logged on a system-wide basis.
| Actions are logged for individual users based on
| the AUDLVL value in their user profiles.

| If the AUDLVL value in a user profile is *NONE,

| no additional action auditing is done for this
| user. Any actions specified for the QAUDLVL
| system value are logged for this user.
| *AUTFAIL Yes No Authorization failures: Unsuccessful attempts to
| sign on the system and to access objects are
| logged. *AUTFAIL can be used regularly to
| monitor users trying to perform unauthorized
| functions on the system. *AUTFAIL can also be
| used to assist with migration to a higher security
| level and to test resource security for a new
| application.
| *CMD No Yes Commands: The system logs command strings
| run by a user. If a command is run from a CL
| program that is created with LOG(*NO) and
| ALWRTVSRC(*NO), only the command name
| and library name are logged. *CMD may be used
| to record the actions of a particular user, such as
| the security officer.
| *CREATE Yes Yes Creating objects: The system writes a journal
| entry when a new or replacement object is
| created. *CREATE may be used to monitor when
| programs are created or recompiled.

242 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

| Table 114. Action Auditing Values (continued)
| Available on Available on
| Possible Value Value Command Description
| *DELETE Yes Yes Deleting objects: The system writes a journal
| entry when an object is deleted.
| *JOBDTA Yes Yes Job tasks: Actions that affect a job are logged,
| such as starting or stopping the job, holding,
| releasing, canceling, or changing it. *JOBDTA
| may be used to monitor who is running batch
| jobs.
| *OBJMGT Yes Yes Object management tasks: Moving an object to
| a different library or renaming it is logged.
| *OBJMGT may be used to detect copying
| confidential information by moving the object to
| a different library.
| *OPTICAL Yes Yes Optical functions: All optical functions are
| audited, including functions related to optical
| files, optical directories, optical volumes, and
| optical cartridges. *OPTICAL may be used to
| detect attempts to create or delete an optical
| directory.
| *NETCMN Yes No Network Communications Auditing: The
| violations detected by the APPN Filter support
| are logged to the security auditing journal when
| the Directory search filter and the End point
| filter are audited.
| *PGMADP Yes Yes Adopting authority: The system writes a journal
| entry when adopted authority is used to gain
| access to an object. *PGMADP may be used to
| test where and how a new application uses
| adopted authority.
| *PGMFAIL Yes No Program failures: The system writes a journal
| entry when a program causes an integrity error.
| *PGMFAIL may be used to assist with migration
| to a higher security level or to test a new
| application.
| *PRTDTA Yes No Printing functions: Printing a spooled file,
| printing directly from a program, or sending a
| spooled file to a remote printer is logged.
| *PRTDTA may be used to detect printing
| confidential information.
| *SAVRST Yes Yes Restore operations: *SAVRST may be used to
| detect attempts to restore unauthorized objects.
| *SECURITY Yes Yes Security tasks: Security-relevant events, such as
| changing a user profile or system value, are
| logged. *SECURITY may be used to keep a
| record of all security activity.
| *SERVICE Yes Yes Service tasks: The use of service tools, such as
| DMPOBJ (Dump Object) and STRCPYSCN (Start
| Copy Screen), is logged. *SERVICE may be used
| to detect attempts to circumvent security by
| using service tools.
| *SPLFDTA Yes Yes Operations on spooled files: Actions performed
| on spooled files are logged, including creating,
| copying, and sending. *SPLFDTA may be used to
| detect attempts to print or send confidential
| data.

Chapter 9. Auditing Security on the iSeries System 243

| Table 114. Action Auditing Values (continued)
| Available on Available on
| Possible Value Value Command Description
| *SYSMGT Yes Yes System management tasks: The system writes a
| journal entry for system management activities,
| such as changing a reply list or the power on/off
| schedule. *SYSMGT may be used to detect
| attempts to use system management functions to
| circumvent security controls.
Table 115. Security Auditing Journal Entries
Action or Journal
Object Auditing Entry Model Database
Value Type Outfile Detailed Entry Description
Action Auditing:
*AUTFAIL 1 AF QASYAFJE/J4 A Attempt made to access an object or
perform an operation to which the
user was not authorized.
F ICAPI authorization error
G ICAPI authentication error
J Attempt made to submit or schedule
a job under a job description which
has a user profile specified. The
submitter did not have *USE
authority to the user profile.
N Profile token not a regenerable profile
P Attempt made to use a profile handle
that is not valid on the QWTSETP
S Attempt made to sign on without
entering a user ID or a password.
T Not authorized to TCP/IP port
U A user permission request was not
V Profile token not valid for generating
new profile token
W Profile token not valid for swap
X Operation violation
Y Not authorized to the current JUID
field during a clear JUID operation
Z Not authorized to the current JUID
field during a set JUID operation
CV QASYCVJ4 E Connection ended abnormally
DI QASYDIJ4 AF Authority failures
PW Password failures
R Connection rejected
GR QASYGRJ4 F Function registration operations.
KF QASYKFJ4 P An incorrect password was entered.
IP QASYIPJE/J4 F Authority failure for an IPC request.
PW QASYPWJE/J4 A APPC bind failure.
D An incorrect DST user name was
E An incorrect DST password was
P An incorrect password was entered.

244 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 115. Security Auditing Journal Entries (continued)
Action or Journal
Object Auditing Entry Model Database
Value Type Outfile Detailed Entry Description
U User name not valid
X Service tools user is disabled
Y Service tools user not valid
Z Service tools password not valid
VO QASYVOJ4 U Unsuccessful verify of a validation
list entry.
VC QASYVCJE/J4 R A connection was rejected because of
incorrect password.
VN QASYVNJE/J4 R A network logon was rejected
because of expired account, incorrect
hours, incorrect user id, or incorrect
VP QASYVPJE/J4 P An incorrect network password was
*CMD CD QASYCDJE/J4 C A command was run.
L An S/36E control language statement
was run.
O An S/36E operator control command
was run.
P An S/36E procedure was run.
S Command run after command
substitution took place.
U An S/36E utility control statement
was run.
*CREATE CO QASYCOJE/J4 N Creation of a new object, except
creation of objects in QTEMP library.
R Replacement of existing object.
DI QASYDIJ4 CO Object create
*DELETE DO QASYDOJE/J4 A Object deleted
C Pending delete committed
D Pending create rolled back
P Delete pending
R Pending delete rolled back
| DI QASYDIJ4 DO Object delete
B A job was submitted.
C A job was changed.
E A job was ended.
H A job was held.
I A job was disconnected.
M Modify profile or group profile.
N The ENDJOB command was used.
P A program start request was attached
to a prestart job.
Q Query attributes changed.
R A held job was released.
S A job was started.
T Modify profile or group profile using
a profile token.
U CHGUSRTRC command.
SG QASYSGJE/J4 A Asynchronous AS/400 signal process.

Chapter 9. Auditing Security on the iSeries System 245

Table 115. Security Auditing Journal Entries (continued)
Action or Journal
Object Auditing Entry Model Database
Value Type Outfile Detailed Entry Description
P Asynchronous Private Address Space
Environment (PASE) signal processed.
VC QASYVCJE/J4 S A connection was started.
E A connection was ended.
VN QASYVNJE/J4 F Logoff requested.
O Logon requested.
VS QASYVSJE/J4 S A server session was started.
E A server session was ended.
*NETCMN CU QASYCUJE/J4 M Creation of an object by the cluster
control operation.
R Creation of an object by the Cluster
Resource Group (*GRP) management
| CV QASYCVJ4 C Connection established.
E Connection ended normally.
IR QASYIRJ4 L IP rules have been loaded from from
a file.
N IP rule have been unloaded for an IP
Security connection.
P IP rules have been loaded for and IP
Security connection.
R IP rules have been read and copied to
a file.
U IP rules have been unloaded
IS QASYISJ4 1 Phase 1 negotiation.
2 Phase 2 negotiation.
ND QASYNDJE/J4 A A violation was detected by the
APPN Filter support when the
Directory search filter was audited.
NE QASYNEJE/J4 A A violation is detected by the APPN
Filter support when the End point
filter is audited.
C Connect
F Filtered mail
R Reject mail
*OBJMGT DI QASYDIJ4 OM Object rename
OM QASYOMJE/J4 M An object was moved to a different
R An object was renamed.
*OFCSRV ML QASYMLJE/J4 O A mail log was opened.
SD QASYSDJE/J4 S A change was made to the system
distribution directory.
*OPTICAL O1 QASY01JE/J4 R Open file or directory
U Change or retrieve attributes
D Delete file directory
C Create directory
X Release held optical file
O2 QASY02JE/J4 C Copy file or directory
R Rename file
B Backup file or directory
S Save held optical file

246 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 115. Security Auditing Journal Entries (continued)
Action or Journal
Object Auditing Entry Model Database
Value Type Outfile Detailed Entry Description
M Move file
O3 QASY03JE/J4 I Initialize volume
B Backup volume.
N Rename volume
C Convert backup volume to primary
M Import
E Export
L Change authorization list
A Change volume attributes
R Absolute read
*PGMADP AP QASYAPJE/J4 S A program started that adopts owner
authority. The start entry is written
the first time adopted authority is
used to gain access to an object, not
when the program enters the
program stack.
E A program ended that adopts owner
authority. The end entry is written
when the program leaves the
program stack. If the same program
occurs more than once in the
program stack, the end entry is
written when the highest (last)
occurrence of the program leaves the
A Adopted authority was used during
program activation.
*PGMFAIL 1 AF QASYAFJE/J4 B A program ran a restricted machine
interface instruction.
C A program which failed the
restore-time program validation
checks was restored. Information
about the failure is in the Validation
Value Violation Type field of the
D A program accessed an object
through an unsupported interface or
callable program not listed as a
callable API.
E Hardware storage protection
R Attempt made to update an object
that is defined as read-only.
(Enhanced hardware storage
protection is logged only at security
level 40 and higher)
*PRTDTA 1 PO QASYPOJE/J4 D Printer output was printed directly to
a printer.
R Output sent to remote system to
S Printer output was spooled and
*SAVRST OR QASYORJE/J4 N A new object was restored to the

Chapter 9. Auditing Security on the iSeries System 247

Table 115. Security Auditing Journal Entries (continued)
Action or Journal
Object Auditing Entry Model Database
Value Type Outfile Detailed Entry Description
E An object was restored that replaces
an existing object.
RA QASYRAJE/J4 A The system changed the authority to
an object being restored. 4
RJ QASYRJJE/J4 A A job description that contains a user
profile name was restored.
RO QASYROJE/J4 A The object owner was changed to
QDFTOWN during restore
RP QASYRPJE/J4 A A program that adopts owner
authority was restored.
RQ QASYRQJE/J4 A A *CRQD object with
PROFILE(*OWNER) was restored.
RU QASYRUJE/J4 A Authority was restored for a user
profile using the RSTAUT command.
RZ QASYRZJE/J4 A The primary group for an object was
changed during a restore operation.
*SECURITY AD QASYADJE/J4 D Auditing of a DLO was changed with
CHGDLOAUD command.
O Auditing of an object was changed
with CHGOBJAUD command.
U Auditing for a user was changed
with CHGUSRAUD command.
CA QASYCAJE/J4 A Changes to authorization list or object
CP QASYCPJE/J4 A Create, change, or restore operation
of user profile.
CQ QASYCQJE/J4 A A *CRQD object was changed.
CV QASYCVJ4 C Connection established.
E Connection ended normally.
R Connection rejected.
CY QASYCYJ4 A Access Control function
F Facility Control function
M Master Key function
DI QASYDIJ4 AD Audit change
BN Successful bind
CA Authority change
CP Password change
OW Ownership change
UB Successful unbind
password to system-supplied default.
C DST profile changed.
C Change.
D Delete.
GR QASYGRJ4 A Exit program added
D Edit program removed
| F Function registration operation
R Exit program replaced

248 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 115. Security Auditing Journal Entries (continued)
Action or Journal
Object Auditing Entry Model Database
Value Type Outfile Detailed Entry Description
GS QASYGSJE/J4 G A socket descriptor was given to
another job. (The GS audit record is
created if it is not created for the
current job.)
R Receive descriptor.
U Unable to use descriptor.
IP QASYIPJE/J4 A The ownership or authority of an IPC
object was changed.
C Create an IPC object.
D Delete an IPC object.
G Get an IPC object.
JD QASYJDJE/J4 A The USER parameter of a job
description was changed.
KF QASYKFJ4 C Certificate operation.
K Key ring file operation.
T Trusted root operation.
NA QASYNAJE/J4 A A network attribute was changed.
OW QASYOWJE/J4 A object ownership was changed.
PA QASYPAJE/J4 A A program was changed to adopt
owner authority.
PG QASYPGJE/J4 A The primary group for an object was
PS QASYPSJE/J4 A A target user profile was changed
during a pass-through session.
E An office user ended work on behalf
of another user.
H A profile handle was generated
through the QSYGETPH API.
I All profile tokens were invalidated.
M Maximum number of profile tokens
have been generated.
P Profile token generated for user.
R All profile tokens for a user have
been removed.
S An office user started work on behalf
of another user.
V User profile authenticated.
SE QASYSEJE/J4 A A subsystem routing entry was
SO QASYSOJ4 A Add entry.
C Change entry.
R Remove entry.
SV QASYSVJE/J4 A A system value was changed.
B Service attributes were changed.
C Change to system clock.
VA QASYVAJE/J4 S The access control list was changed
F The change of the access control list
V Successful verify of a validation list
VU QASYVUJE/J4 G A group record was changed.

Chapter 9. Auditing Security on the iSeries System 249

Table 115. Security Auditing Journal Entries (continued)
Action or Journal
Object Auditing Entry Model Database
Value Type Outfile Detailed Entry Description
M User profile global information
U A user record was changed.
X0 QASYX0J4 1 Service ticket valid.
2 Service principals do not match
3 Client principals do not match
4 Ticket IP address mismatch
5 Decryption of the ticket failed
6 Decryption of the authenticator failed
7 Realm is not within client and local
8 Ticket is a replay attempt
9 Ticket not yet valid
A Deecrypt of KRB_AP_PRIV or
KRB_AP_SAFE checksum error
B Remote IP address mismatch
C Local IP address mismatch
timestamp error
replay error
sequence order error
K GSS accept - expired credential
L GSS accept - checksum error
M GSS accept - channel bindings
N GSS unwrap or GSS verify expired
O GSS unwrap or GSS verify
P GSS unwrap or GSS verify checksum
Q GSS unwrap or GSS verify sequence
*SERVICE ST QASYSTJE/J4 A A service tool was used.
VV QASYVVJE/J4 C The service status was changed.
E The server was stopped.
P The server paused.
R The server was restarted.
S The server was started.
*SPLFDTA SF QASYSFJE/J4 A A spooled file was read by someone
other than the owner.
C A spooled file was created.
D A spooled file was deleted.
H A spooled file was held.
I An inline file was created.
R A spooled file was released.
U A spooled file was changed.
*SYSMGT DI QASYDIJ4 CF Configuration changes
SM QASYSMJE/J4 B Backup options were changed using
C Automatic cleanup options were
changed using xxxxxxxxxx.

250 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 115. Security Auditing Journal Entries (continued)
Action or Journal
Object Auditing Entry Model Database
Value Type Outfile Detailed Entry Description
D A DRDA* change was made.
F An HFS file system was changed.
N A network file operation was
O A backup list was changed using
P The power on/off schedule was
changed using xxxxxxxxxx.
S The system reply list was changed.
T The access path recovery times were
VL QASYVLJE/J4 A The account is expired.
D The account is disabled.
L Logon hours were exceeded.
U Unknown or unavailable.
W Workstation not valid.
Object Auditing:
*CHANGE DI QASYDIJ4 IM LDAP directory import
ZC Object changes
| GR QASYGRJ4 F Function registration operations7
LD QASYLDJE/J4 L Link a directory.
U Unlink a directory.
K Search a directory.
VF QASYVFJE/J4 A The file was closed because of
administrative disconnection.
N The file was closed because of normal
client disconnection.
S The file was closed because of session
VO QASYVOJ4 A Add validation list entry.
C Change validation list entry.
F Find validation list entry.
R Remove validation list entry.
VR QASYVRJE/J4 F Resource access failed.
S Resource access was successful.
YC QASYYCJE/J4 C A document library object was
ZC QASYZCJE/J4 C An object was changed.
*ALL 5 DI QASYDIJ4 EX LDAP directory export
ZR Object read
| GR QASYGRJ4 F Function registration operations7
YR QASYYRJE/J4 R A document library object was read.
ZR QASYZRJE/J4 R An object was read.

Chapter 9. Auditing Security on the iSeries System 251

Table 115. Security Auditing Journal Entries (continued)
Action or Journal
Object Auditing Entry Model Database
Value Type Outfile Detailed Entry Description
This value can only be specified for the QAUDLVL system value. It is not a value for the AUDLVL
parameter of a user profile.
This value can only be specified for the AUDLVL parameter of a user profile. It is not a value for the
QAUDLVL system value.
If object auditing is active for an object, an audit record is written for a create, delete, object management, or
restore operation even if these actions are not included in the audit level.
See the topic “Restoring Objects” on page 226 for information about authority changes which may occur
when an object is restored.
When *ALL is specified, the entries for both *CHANGE and *ALL (DI, YC, YR, ZC, ZR) are written.
Specify OUTFILFMT(*TYPE4) on the DSPJRN command. *TYPE4 output includes all of the *TYPE 2
information, plus information about journal identifiers, triggers, and referential constraints.
When the QUSRSYS/QUSEXRGOBJ *EXITRG object is being audited.

Planning the Auditing of Object Access

The system provides the ability to log accesses to an object in the security audit
journal. This is called object auditing. The QAUDCTL system value, the OBJAUD
value for an object, and the OBJAUD value for a user profile work together to
control object auditing. The OBJAUD value for the object and the OBJAUD value
for the user who is using the object determine whether a specific access should be
logged. The QAUDCTL system value starts and stops the object auditing function.

Table 116 shows how the OBJAUD values for the object and the user profile work
Table 116. How Object and User Auditing Work Together
OBJAUD Value for User
OBJAUD Value for

*NONE None None None

*USRPRF None Change Change and Use
*CHANGE Change Change Change
*ALL Change and Use Change and Use Change and Use

You can use object auditing to keep track of all users accessing a critical object on
the system. You can also use object auditing to keep track of all the object accesses
by a particular user. Object auditing is a flexible tool that allows you to monitor
those object accesses that are important to your organization.

Taking advantage of the capabilities of object auditing requires careful planning.

Poorly designed auditing may generate many more audit records than you can
analyze, and can have a severe impact on system performance. For example,
setting the OBJAUD value to *ALL for a library results in an audit entry being
written every time the system searches for an object in that library. For a heavily
used library on a busy system, this would generate a very large number of audit
journal entries.

The following are some examples of how to use object auditing.

252 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

v If certain critical files are used throughout your organization, you may
periodically review who is accessing them using a sampling technique:
1. Set the OBJAUD value for each critical file to *USRPRF using the Change
Object Auditing command:

Change Object Auditing (CHGOBJAUD)

Type choices, press Enter.

Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . file-name
Library . . . . . . . . . . . library-name
Object type . . . . . . . . . . *FILE
Object auditing value . . . . . *USRPRF

2. Set the OBJAUD value for each user in your sample to *CHANGE or *ALL
using the CHGUSRAUD command.
3. Make sure the QAUDCTL system value includes *OBJAUD.
4. When sufficient time has elapsed to collect a representative sample, set the
OBJAUD value in the user profiles to *NONE or remove *OBJAUD from the
QAUDCTL system value.
5. Analyze the audit journal entries using the techniques described in
“Analyzing Audit Journal Entries with Query or a Program” on page 262.
v If you are concerned about who is using a particular file, you can collect
information about all accesses of that file for a period of time:
1. Set object auditing for the file independent of user profile values:
CHGOBJAUD OBJECT(library-name/file-name)
2. Make sure the QAUDCTL system value includes *OBJAUD.
3. When sufficient time has elapsed to collect a representative sample, set the
OBJAUD value in the object to *NONE.
4. Analyze the audit journal entries using the techniques described in
“Analyzing Audit Journal Entries with Query or a Program” on page 262.
v To audit all object accesses for a specific user, do the following:
1. Set the OBJAUD value for all objects to *USRPRF using the CHGOBJAUD

Change Object Auditing (CHGOBJAUD)

Type choices, press Enter.

Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . *ALL
Library . . . . . . . . . . . *ALL
Object type . . . . . . . . . . *ALL
Object auditing value . . . . . *USRPRF

Attention: Depending on how many objects are on your system, this

command may take many hours to run. Setting up object auditing for all
objects on the system is usually not necessary and will severely degrade
performance. Selecting a subset of object types and libraries for auditing is

Chapter 9. Auditing Security on the iSeries System 253

2. Set the OBJAUD value for the specific user profile to *CHANGE or *ALL
using the CHGUSRAUD command.
3. Make sure the QAUDCTL system value includes *OBJAUD.
4. When you have collected a specific sample, set the OBJAUD value for the
user profile to *NONE.

Displaying Object Auditing: Use the DSPOBJD command to display the current
object auditing level for an object. Use the DSPDLOAUD command to display the
current object auditing level for a document library object.

Setting Default Auditing for Objects: You can use the QCRTOBJAUD system
value and the CRTOBJAUD value for libraries and directories to set object auditing
for new objects that are created. For example, if you want all new objects in the
INVLIB library to have an audit value of *USRPRF, use the following command:

This command affects the auditing value of new objects only. It does not change
the auditing value of objects that already exist in the library.

Use the default auditing values carefully. Improper use could result in many
unwanted entries in the security audit journal. Effective use of the object auditing
capabilities of the system requires careful planning.

Preventing Loss of Auditing Information

Two system values control what the system does when error conditions may cause
the loss of audit journal entries.

Audit Force Level: The QAUDFRCLVL system value determines how often the
system writes audit journal entries from memory to auxiliary storage. The
QAUDFRCLVL system value works like the force level for database files. You
should follow similar guidelines in determining the correct force level for your

If you allow the system to determine when to write entries to auxiliary storage, it
balances the performance impact against the potential loss of information in a
power outage. *SYS is the default and the recommended choice.

If you set the force level to a low number, you minimize the possibility of losing
audit records, but you may notice a negative performance impact. If your
installation requires that no audit records be lost in a power failure, you must set
the QAUDFRCLVL to 1.

Audit End Action: The QAUDENDACN system value determines what the
system does if it is unable to write an entry to the audit journal. The default value
is *NOTIFY. The system does the following if it is unable to write audit journal
entries and QAUDENDACN is *NOTIFY:
1. The QAUDCTL system value is set to *NONE to prevent additional attempts to
write entries.
2. Message CPI2283 is sent to the QSYSOPR message queue and the QSYSMSG
message queue (if it exists) every hour until auditing is successfully restarted.
3. Normal processing continues.
4. If an IPL is performed on the system, message CPI2284 is sent to the QSYSOPR
and QSYSMSG message queues during the IPL.

254 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Note: In most cases, performing an IPL resolves the problem that caused
auditing to fail. After you have restarted your system, set the QAUDCTL
system value to the correct value. The system attempts to write an audit
journal record whenever this system value is changed.

You can set the QAUDENDACN to power down your system if auditing fails
(*PWRDWNSYS). Use this value only if your installation requires that auditing be
active for the system to run. If the system is unable to write an audit journal entry
and the QAUDENDACN system value is *PWRDWNSYS, the following happens:
1. The system powers down immediately (the equivalent of issuing the
2. SRC code B900 3D10 is displayed.

Next, you must do the following:

1. Start an IPL from the system unit. Make sure that the device specified in the
system console (QCONSOLE) system value is powered on.
2. To complete the IPL, a user with *ALLOBJ and *AUDIT special authority must
sign on at the console.
3. The system starts in a restricted state with a message indicating that an
auditing error caused the system to stop.
4. The QAUDCTL system value is set to *NONE.
5. To restore the system to normal, set the QAUDCTL system value to a value
other than none. When you change the QAUDCTL system value, the system
attempts to write an audit journal entry. If it is successful, the system returns to
a normal state.
If the system does not successfully return to a normal state, use the job log to
determine why auditing has failed. Correct the problem and attempt to reset
the QAUDCTL value again.

Choosing to not audit QTEMP objects

The value, *NOQTEMP, can be specified as a value for system value QAUDCTL. If
specified, you must also specify either *OBJAUD or *AUDLVL. When auditing is
active and *NOQTEMP is specified the following actions on objects in the QTEMP
library will NOT be audited.
| Changing or reading objects in QTEMP (journal entry types ZC, ZR).
| Changing the authority, owner, or primary group of objects in QTEMP (journal
| entry types CA, OW, PG).

Using CHGSECAUD to Set up Security Auditing

Set up the system to collect security events in the QAUDJRN
How To:



The user must have *ALLOBJ and *AUDIT special authority.

Chapter 9. Auditing Security on the iSeries System 255

Journal Entry:

CO (create object)
SV (system value change)
AD (object and user audit changes)
Notes: The CHGSECAUD command creates the journal and journal
receiver if it does not exist. The CHGSECAUD then sets the
QAUDCTL and QAUDLVL system values.

Setting up Security Auditing

Set up the system to collect security events in the QAUDJRN
How To:


*ADD authority to QSYS and to journal

receiver library
*AUDIT special authority
Journal Entry:

CO (create object)
SV (system value change)
AD (object and user audit changes)
Notes: QSYS/QAUDJRN must exist before QAUDCTL can be

To set up security auditing, do the following steps. Setting up auditing requires

*AUDIT special authority.
1. Create a journal receiver in a library of your choice by using the Create Journal
Receiver (CRTJRNRCV) command. This example uses a library called JRNLIB
for journal receivers.
TEXT('Auditing Journal Receiver')
| v Place the journal receiver in a library that is saved regularly. Do not place the
| journal receiver in library QSYS, even though that is where the journal will
| be.
v Choose a journal receiver name that can be used to create a naming
convention for future journal receivers, such as AUDRCV0001. You can use
the *GEN option when you change journal receivers to continue the naming
convention. Using this type of naming convention is also useful if you
choose to have the system manage changing your journal receivers.

256 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

v Specify a receiver threshold appropriate to your system size and activity. The
size you choose should be based on the number of transactions on your
system and the number of actions you choose to audit. If you use system
change-journal management support, the journal receiver threshold must be
at least 5,000KB. For more information on journal receiver threshold refer to
the Backup and Recovery book.
v Specify *EXCLUDE on the AUT parameter to limit access to the information
stored in the journal.
2. Create the QSYS/QAUDJRN journal by using the Create Journal (CRTJRN)
AUT(*EXCLUDE) TEXT('Auditing Journal')
v The name QSYS/QAUDJRN must be used.
v Specify the name of the journal receiver you created in the previous step.
v Specify *EXCLUDE on the AUT parameter to limit access to the information
stored in the journal. You must have authority to add objects to QSYS to
create the journal.
v Use the Manage receiver (MNGRCV) parameter to have the system change the
journal receiver and attach a new one when the attached receiver exceeds the
threshold specified when the journal receiver was created. If you choose this
option, you do not have to use the CHGJRN command to detach receivers
and create and attach new receivers manually.
v Do not have the system delete detached receivers. Specify DLTRCV(*NO),
which is the default. The QAUDJRN receivers are your security audit trail.
Ensure that they are adequately saved before deleting them from the system.

The Backup and Recovery book provides more information about working with
journals and journal receivers.
3. Set the audit level (QAUDLVL) system value using the WRKSYSVAL
command. The QAUDLVL system value determines which actions are logged
to the audit journal for all users on the system. See “Planning the Auditing of
Actions” on page 241.
4. Set action auditing for individual users if necessary using the CHGUSRAUD
command. See “Planning the Auditing of Actions” on page 241.
5. Set object auditing for specific objects if necessary using the CHGOBJAUD and
CHGDLOAUD commands. See “Planning the Auditing of Object Access” on
page 252.
6. Set object auditing for specific users if necessary using the CHGUSRAUD
7. Set the QAUDENDACN system value to control what happens if the system
cannot access the audit journal. See “Audit End Action” on page 254.
8. Set the QAUDFRCLVL system value to control how often audit records are
written to auxiliary storage. See “Preventing Loss of Auditing Information” on
page 254.
9. Start auditing by setting the QAUDCTL system value to a value other than

The QSYS/QAUDJRN journal must exist before you can change the QAUDCTL
system value to a value other than *NONE. When you start auditing, the system
attempts to write a record to the audit journal. If the attempt is not successful, you
receive a message and auditing does not start.

Chapter 9. Auditing Security on the iSeries System 257

Managing the Audit Journal and Journal Receivers
| The auditing journal, QSYS/QAUDJRN, is intended solely for security auditing.
| Objects should not be journaled to the audit journal. Commitment control should
| not use the audit journal. User entries should not be sent to this journal using the
| Send Journal Entry (SNDJRNE) command or the Send Journal Entry (QJOSJRNE)
| API.

Special locking protection is used to ensure that the system can write audit entries
to the audit journal. When auditing is active (the QAUDCTL system value is not
*NONE), the system arbitrator job (QSYSARB) holds a lock on the
QSYS/QAUDJRN journal. You cannot perform certain operations on the audit
journal when auditing is active, such as:
v DLTJRN command
| v ENDJRNxxx (End Journaling) commands
v APYJRNCHG command
v RMVJRNCHG command
v Moving the journal
v Restoring the journal
v Operations that work with authority, such as the GRTOBJAUT command
v WRKJRN command

The information recorded in the security journal entries is described in Appendix F.

All security entries in the audit journal have a journal code of T. In addition to
security entries, system entries also appear in the journal QAUDJRN. These are
entries with a journal code of J, which relate to initial program load (IPL) and
general operations performed on journal receivers (for example, saving the

If damage occurs to the journal or to its current receiver so that the auditing
entries cannot be journaled, the QAUDENDACN system value determines what
action the system takes. Recovery from a damaged journal or journal receiver is the
same as for other journals.

You may want to have the system manage the changing of journal receivers.
Specify MNGRCV(*SYSTEM) when you create the QAUDJRN journal, or change
the journal to that value. If you specify MNGRCV(*SYSTEM), the system
automatically detaches the receiver when it reaches its threshold size and creates
and attaches a new journal receiver. This is called system change-journal

If you specify MNGRCV(*USER) for the QAUDJRN, a message is sent to the

threshold message queue specified for the journal when the journal receiver
reaches a storage threshold. The message indicates that the receiver has reached its
threshold. Use the CHGJRN command to detach the receiver and attach a new
journal receiver. This prevents Entry not journaled error conditions. If you do
receive a message, you must use the CHGJRN command for security auditing to

The default message queue for a journal is QSYSOPR. If your installation has a
large volume of messages in the QSYSOPR message queue, you may want to
associate a different message queue, such as AUDMSG, with the QAUDJRN
journal. You can use a message handling program to monitor the AUDMSG

258 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

message queue. When a journal threshold warning is received (CPF7099), you can
automatically attach a new receiver. If you use system change-journal management,
then message CPF7020 is sent to the journal message queue when a system change
journal is completed. You can monitor for this message to know when to do a save
of the detached journal receivers.

Attention: The automatic cleanup function provided using Operational Assistant

menus does not clean up the QAUDJRN receivers. You should regularly detach,
save, and delete QAUDJRN receivers to avoid problems with disk space.

See the Backup and Recovery book for complete information about managing
journals and journal receivers.

Note: The QAUDJRN journal is created during an IPL if it does not exist and the
QAUDCTL system value is set to a value other than *NONE. This occurs
only after an unusual situation, such as replacing a disk device or clearing
an auxiliary storage pool.

Saving and Deleting Audit Journal Receivers

| To attach a new audit journal receiver; to save and delete the
| old receiver
How To:
save old receiver) DLTJRNRCV (to delete old receiver)
*ALL authority to journal receiver *USE authority to journal
Journal Entry:
J (system entry to QAUDJRN)
Notes: Select a time when the system is not busy.

You should regularly detach the current audit journal receiver and attach a new
one for two reasons:
v Analyzing journal entries is easier if each journal receiver contains the entries for
a specific, manageable time period.
v Large journal receivers can affect system performance, in addition to taking
valuable space on auxiliary storage.

Having the system manage receivers automatically is the recommended approach.

You can specify this by using the Manage receiver parameter when you create the

If you have set up action auditing and object auditing to log many different events,
you may need to specify a large threshold value for the journal receiver. If you are
managing receivers manually, you may need to change journal receivers daily. If
you log only a few events, you may want to change receivers to correspond with
the backup schedule for the library containing the journal receiver.

| You use the CHGJRN command to detach a receiver and attach a new receiver.

Chapter 9. Auditing Security on the iSeries System 259

System-Managed Journal Receivers: If you have the system manage the
receivers, use the following procedure to save all detached QAUDJRN receivers
and to delete them:
1. Type WRKJRNA QAUDJRN. The display shows you the currently attached receiver.
Do not save or delete this receiver.
2. Use F15 to work with the receiver directory. This shows all receivers that have
been associated with the journal and their status.
3. Use the SAVOBJ command to save each receiver, except the currently attached
receiver, which has not already been saved.
4. Use the DLTJRNRCV command to delete each receiver after it is saved.

Note: An alternative to the above procedure could be done using the journal
message queue and monitoring for the CPF7020 message which indicates
that the system change journal has completed successfully. See the Backup
and Recovery for more information on this support.

User-Managed Journal Receivers: If you choose to manage journal receivers

manually, use the following procedure to detach, save and delete a journal
1. Type CHGJRN JRN(QAUDJRN) JRNRCV(*GEN). This command:
a. Detaches the currently attached receiver.
b. Creates a new receiver with the next sequential number.
c. Attaches the new receiver to the journal.

For example, if the current receiver is AUDRCV0003, the system creates and
attaches a new receiver called AUDRCV0004.

The Work with Journal Attributes (WRKJRNA) command tells you which
receiver is currently attached: WRKJRNA QAUDJRN.
2. Use the Save Object (SAVOBJ) command to save the detached journal receiver.
Specify object type *JRNRCV.
3. Use the Delete Journal Receiver (DLTJRNRCV) command to delete the receiver.
If you try to delete the receiver without saving it, you receive a warning

Stopping the Audit Function

You may want to use the audit function periodically, rather than all the time. For
example, you might want to use it when testing a new application. Or you might
use it to perform a quarterly security audit.

To stop the auditing function, do the following:

1. Use the WRKSYSVAL command to change the QAUDCTL system value to
*NONE. This stops the system from logging any more security events.
2. Detach the current journal receiver using the CHGJRN command.
3. Save and delete the detached receiver, using the SAVOBJ and DLTJRNRCV
4. You can delete the QAUDJRN journal once you change QAUDCTL to *NONE.
If you plan to resume security auditing in the future, you may want to leave
the QAUDJRN journal on the system. However, if the QAUDJRN journal is set
up with MNGRCV(*SYSTEM), the system detaches the receiver and attaches a
new one whenever you perform an IPL, whether or not security auditing is

260 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

active. You need to delete these journal receivers. Saving them before deleting
them should not be necessary, because they do not contain any audit entries.

Analyzing Audit Journal Entries

Once you have set up the security auditing function, you can use several different
methods to analyze the events that are logged:
v Viewing selected entries at your workstation
v Using a query tool or program to analyze entries
v Using the Display Audit Journal Entries (DSPAUDJRNE) command

You can also use the Receive Journal Entry (RCVJRNE) command on the
QAUDJRN journal to receive the entries as they are written to the QAUDJRN

Viewing Audit Journal Entries

View QAUDJRN entries
How To:
DSPJRN (Display Journal command)
*USE authority to QSYS/QAUDJRN *USE authority to journal

The Display Journal (DSPJRN) command allows you to view selected journal
entries at your workstation. To view journal entries, do the following:
1. Type DSPJRN QAUDJRN and press F4. On the prompt display, you can enter
information to select the range of entries that is shown. For example, you can
select all entries in a specific range of dates, or you can select only a certain
type of entry, such as an incorrect sign-on attempt (journal entry type PW).
The default is to display entries from only the attached receiver. You can use
RCVRNG(*CURCHAIN) to see entries from all receivers that are in the receiver
chain for the QAUDJRN journal, up to and including the receiver that is
currently attached.
2. When you press the Enter key, you see the Display Journal Entries display:

Chapter 9. Auditing Security on the iSeries System 261

Display Journal Entries

Journal . . . . . . : QAUDJRN Library . . . . . . : QSYS

Type options, press Enter.

5=Display entire entry

Opt Sequence Code Type Object Library Job Time

28018 J PR UEHLINGS1 11:02:05
28020 T AF QSYSARB 11:07:33
28021 T PW QINTER 11:08:18
28022 T AF QSYSARB 11:09:29
28023 T AF QSYSARB 11:10:07
28024 T AF QSYSARB 11:10:32
28025 T AF QSYSARB 11:32:57
5 28026 T PW QINTER 11:58:05
28027 T PW BEUCH 11:58:43
28028 T PW QINTER 12:37:34
28029 T PW QINTER 12:37:36
28030 T PW QINTER 12:49:04 +

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

3. Use option 5 (Display entire entry) to see information about a specific entry:

Display Journal Entry

Object . . . . . . . : QAUDJRN Library . . . . . . : QSYS

Member . . . . . . . : Sequence . . . . . . : 28026
Code . . . . . . . . : T - Audit trail entry
Type . . . . . . . . : PW - Invalid password or user ID

Entry specific data

Column *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5
00001 'PBECHER DSP03 '
00051 ' '

Press Enter to continue.

F3=Exit F6=Display only entry specific data

F10=Display only entry details F12=Cancel F24=More keys

4. You can use F6 (Display only entry specific data) for entries with a large
amount of entry-specific data. You can also select a hexadecimal version of that
display. You can use F10 to display details about the journal entry without any
entry-specific information.
Appendix F contains the layout for each type of QAUDJRN journal entry.

Analyzing Audit Journal Entries with Query or a Program

Display or print selected information from journal entries.
How To:
DSPJRN OUTPUT(*OUTFILE) Create query or program Run
query or program

262 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

*USE authority to QSYS/QAUDJRN *USE authority to journal
receiver *ADD authority to library for output file

You can use the Display Journal (DSPJRN) command to write selected entries from
the audit journal receivers to an output file. You can use a program or a query to
view the information in the output file.

For the output parameter of the DSPJRN command, specify *OUTFILE. You see
additional parameters prompting you for information about the output file:

Display Journal (DSPJRN)

Type. choices, press Enter.

Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . > *OUTFILE
Outfile format . . . . . . . . . *TYPE4
File to receive output . . . . . dspjrnout
Library . . . . . . . . . . . mylib
Output member options:
Member to receive output . . . *FIRST
Replace or add records . . . . *REPLACE
Entry data length:
Field data format . . . . . . *OUTFILFMT
Variable length field length
Allocated length . . . . . . .

All security-related entries in the audit journal contain the same heading
information, such as the entry type, the date of the entry, and the job that caused
the entry. The QJORDJE4 record format is provided to define these fields when
you specify *TYPE4 as the outfile format parameter. See Table 139 on page 489 for
more information.

For more information on other records and their outfile formats see Appendix F.

If you want to perform a detailed analysis of a particular entry type, use one of the
model database outfiles provided. For example, to create an output file called
AUDJRNAF in QGPL that includes only authority failure entries:
1. Create an empty output file with the format defined for AF journal entries:
2. Use the DSPJRN command to write selected journal entries to the output file:
3. Use Query or a program to analyze the information in the AUDJRNAF file.

Table 115 on page 244 shows the name of the model database outfile for each entry
type. Appendix F shows the file layouts for each model database outfile.

Following are a few examples of how you might use QAUDJRN information:
v If you suspect someone is trying to break into your system:
1. Make sure the QAUDLVL system value includes *AUTFAIL.
2. Use the CRTDUPOBJ object command to create an empty output file with
the QASYPWJ4 format.

Chapter 9. Auditing Security on the iSeries System 263

3. A PW type journal entry is logged when someone enters an incorrect user ID
or password on the Sign On display. Use the DSPJRN command to write PW
type journal entries to the output file.
4. Create a query program that displays or prints the date, time, and
workstation for each journal entry. This information should help you
determine where and when the attempts are occurring.
v If you want to test the resource security you have defined for a new application:
1. Make sure the QAUDLVL system value includes *AUTFAIL.
2. Run application tests with different user IDs.
3. Use the CRTDUPOBJ object command to create an empty output file with
the QASYAFJ4 format.
4. Use the DSPJRN command to write AF type journal entries to the output file.
5. Create a query program that displays or prints information about the object,
job and user. This information should help you to determine what users and
application functions are causing authority failures.
v If you are planning a migration to security level 40:
1. Make sure the QAUDLVL system value includes *PGMFAIL and *AUTFAIL.
2. Use the CRTDUPOBJ object command to create an empty output file with
the QASYAFJ4 format.
3. Use the DSPJRN command to write AF type journal entries to the output file.
4. Create a query program that selects the type of violations you are
experiencing during your test and prints information about the job and
program that causes each entry.

Note: Table 115 on page 244 shows which journal entry is written for each
authority violation message.

Other Techniques for Monitoring Security

The security audit journal (QAUDJRN) is the primary source of information about
security-related events on your system. The following sections discuss other ways
to observe security-related events and the security values on your system.

You will find additional information in “Appendix G. Commands and Menus for
Security Commands” on page 571. This appendix includes examples to use the
commands and information about the menus for the security tools.

Monitoring Security Messages

Some security-relevant events, such as incorrect sign-on attempts, cause a message
in the QSYSOPR message queue. You can also create a separate message queue
called QSYSMSG in the QSYS library.

If you create the QSYSMSG message queue in the QSYS library, messages about
critical system events are sent to that message queue as well as to QSYSOPR. The
QSYSMSG message queue can be monitored separately by a program or a system
operator. This provides additional protection of your system resources. Critical
system messages in QSYSOPR are sometimes missed because of the volume of
messages sent to that message queue.

264 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Using the History Log
Some security-related events, such as exceeding the incorrect sign-on attempts
specified in the QMAXSIGN system value, cause a message to be sent to the QHST
(history) log. Security messages are in the range 2200 to 22FF. They have the
prefixes CPI, CPF, CPC, CPD, and CPA.

Beginning with Version 2 Release 3 of the OS/400 licensed program, some

authority failure and integrity violation messages are no longer sent to the QHST
(history) log. All information that was available in the QHST log can be obtained
from the security audit journal. Logging information to the audit journal provides
better system performance and more complete information about these
security-related events than the QHST log. The QHST log should not be considered
a complete source of security violations. Use the security audit functions instead.

These messages are no longer written to the QHST log:

v CPF2218. These events can be captured in the audit journal by specifying
*AUTFAIL for the QAUDLVL system value.
v CPF2240. These events can be captured in the audit journal by specifying
*AUTFAIL for the QAUDLVL system value.

| Using Journals to Monitor Object Activity

| If you include the *AUTFAIL value for system action auditing (the QAUDLVL
| system value), the system writes an audit journal entry for every unsuccessful
| attempt to access a resource. For critical objects, you can also set up object auditing
| so the system writes an audit journal entry for each successful access.

| The audit journal records only that the object was accessed. It does not log every
| transaction to the object. For critical objects on your system, you may want more
| detailed information about the specific data that was accessed and changed. Object
| journaling is used primarily for object integrity and recovery. Refer to the Backup
| and Recovery book for a list of object types which can be journaled, and what is
| journaled for each object type. A security officer or auditor can also use these
| journal entries to review object changes. Do not journal any objects to the
| QAUDJRN journal.

| Journal entries can include:

| v Identification of the job and user and the time of access
| v Before- and after-images of all object changes
| v Records of when the object was opened, closed, changed, saved, etc.

| A journal entry cannot be altered by any user, even the security officer. A complete
| journal or journal receiver can be deleted, but this is easily detected.

| If you are journaling files and want to print all information about a particular file,
| type the following:
| DSPJRN JRN(library/journal) +
| FILE(library/file) OUTPUT(*PRINT)

| For example, if journal JRNCUST in library CUSTLIB is used to record information

| about file CUSTFILE (also in library CUSTLIB), the command would be:

Chapter 9. Auditing Security on the iSeries System 265

| If you are journaling other object types and want to see the information for a
| particular object, type the following:
| DSPJRN JRN(library/journal)
| OUTFILE(library/outfile)

| You can then do a query or use SQL to select all of the records from this outfile for
| a specific object name.

| If you want to find out which journals are on the system, use the Work with
| Journals (WRKJRN) command. If you want to find out which objects are being
| journaled by a particular journal, use the Work with Journal Attributes
| (WRKJRNA) command.

| The Backup and Recovery book provides complete information about journaling.

Analyzing User Profiles

You can display or print a complete list of all the users on your system with the
Display Authorized Users (DSPAUTUSR) command. The list can be sequenced by
profile name or group profile name. Following is an example of the group profile

Display Authorized Users

Group User Last No
Profile Profile Changed Password Text
ANDERSOR 08/04/9x Roger Anders
VINCENTM 09/15/9x Mark Vincent
ANDERSOR 08/04/9x Roger Anders
WAGNERR 09/06/9x Rose Wagner
JONESS 09/20/9x Sharon Jones
HARRISOK 08/29/9x Ken Harrison
DPTSM 09/05/9x X Sales and Marketing
DPTWH 08/13/9x X Warehouse
RICHARDS 09/05/9x Janet Richards
SMITHJ 09/18/9x John Smith

Printing Selected User Profiles

You can use the Display User Profile (DSPUSRPRF) command to create an output
file, which you can process using a query tool.

You can use a query tool to create a variety of analysis reports of your output file,
such as:
v A list of all users who have both *ALLOBJ and *SPLCTL special authority.
v A list of all users sequenced by a user profile field, such as initial program or
user class.

266 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

You can create query programs to produce different reports from your output file.
For example:
v List all user profiles that have any special authorities by selecting records where
the field UPSPAU is not equal to *NONE.
v List all users who are allowed to enter commands by selecting records where the
Limit capabilities field (called UPLTCP in the model database outfile) is equal to
v List all users who have a particular initial menu or initial program.
v List inactive users by looking at the date last sign-on field.
| v List all users who do not have a password for use at password levels 0 and 1 by
| selecting records where the Password present for level 0 or 1 field (called
| UPENPW in the model outfile) is equal to N.
| v List all users who have a password for use at password levels 2 and 3 by
| selecting records where the Password present for level 2 or 3 field (called
| UPENPH in the model outfile) is equal to Y.

Examining Large User Profiles

User profiles with large numbers of authorities, appearing to be randomly spread
over most of the system, can reflect a lack of security planning. Following is one
method for locating large user profiles and evaluating them:
1. Use the Display Object Description (DSPOBJD) command to create an output
file containing information about all the user profiles on the system:
2. Create a query program to list the name and size of each user profile, in
descending sequence by size.
3. Print detailed information about the largest user profiles and evaluate the
authorities and owned objects to see if they are appropriate:
DSPUSRPRF USRPRF(user-profile-name) +
DSPUSRPRF USRPRF(user-profile-name) +

Some IBM-supplied user profiles are very large because of the number of
objects they own. Listing and analyzing them is usually not necessary.
However, you should check for programs adopting the authority of the
IBM-supplied user profiles that have *ALLOBJ special authority, such as
QSECOFR and QSYS. See “Analyzing Programs That Adopt Authority” on
page 268.

Appendix B provides information about all the IBM-supplied user profiles and
their functions.

Analyzing Object Authorities

You can use the following method to determine who has authority to libraries on
the system:
1. Use the DSPOBJD command to list all the libraries on the system:
2. Use the Display Object Authority (DSPOBJAUT) command to list the
authorities to a specific library:
3. Use the Display Library (DSPLIB) command to list the objects in the library:

Chapter 9. Auditing Security on the iSeries System 267


Using these reports, you can determine what is in a library and who has access to
the library. If necessary, you can use the DSPOBJAUT command to view the
authority for selected objects in the library also.

Analyzing Programs That Adopt Authority

Programs that adopt the authority of a user with *ALLOBJ special authority
represent a security exposure. The following method can be used to find and
inspect those programs:
1. For each user with *ALLOBJ special authority, use the Display Programs That
Adopt (DSPPGMADP) command to list the programs that adopt that user’s
DSPPGMADP USRPRF(user-profile-name) +

Note: The topic “Printing Selected User Profiles” on page 266 shows how to list
users with *ALLOBJ authority.
2. Use the DSPOBJAUT command to determine who is authorized to use each
adopting program and what the public authority is to the program:
DSPOBJAUT OBJ(library-name/program-name) +
3. Inspect the source code and program description to evaluate:
v Whether the user of the program is prevented from excess function, such as
using a command line, while running under the adopted profile.
v Whether the program adopts the minimum authority level needed for the
intended function. Applications that use program failure can be designed
using the same owner profile for objects and programs. When the authority
of the program owner is adopted, the user has *ALL authority to application
objects. In many cases, the owner profile does not need any special
4. Verify when the program was last changed, using the DSPOBJD command:
DSPOBJD OBJ(library-name/program-name) +

Checking for Objects That Have Been Altered

You can use the Check Object Integrity (CHKOBJITG) command to look for objects
that have been altered. An altered object is usually an indication that someone is
attempting to tamper with your system. You may want to run this command after
someone has:
v Restored programs to your system
v Used dedicated service tools (DST)

| When you run the command, the system creates a database file containing
| information about any potential integrity problems. You can check objects owned
| by one or more profiles, objects that match a path name, or all objects on the
| system. You can look for objects whose domain has been altered and objects that
| have been tampered with. You can recalculate program validation values to look
| for objects of type *PGM, *SRVPGM, *MODULE, and *SQLPKG that have been
| altered. You can also check the signature of objects that can be digitally signed.

268 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Running the CHKOBJITG program requires *AUDIT special authority. The
command may take a long time to run because of the scans and calculations it
performs. You should run it at a time when your system is not busy.

Note: Profiles that own many objects with many private authorities can become
very large. The size of an owner profile affects performance when displaying
and working with the authority to owned objects, and when saving or
restoring profiles. System operations can also be impacted. To prevent
impacts to either performance or system operations, distribute ownership of
objects to multiple profiles. Do not assign all (or nearly all) objects to only
one owner profile.

Auditing the Security Officer’s Actions

You may want to keep a record of all actions performed by users with *ALLOBJ
and *SECADM special authority. You can use the action auditing value in the user
profile to do this:
1. For each user with *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special authority, use the
CHGUSRAUD command to set the AUDLVL to have all values that are not
included in the QAUDLVL system value on your system. For example, if the
QAUDLVL system value is set to *AUTFAIL, *PGMFAIL, *PRTDTA, and
*SECURITY, use this command to set the AUDLVL for a security officer user

Note: Table 114 on page 242 shows all the possible values for action auditing.
2. Remove the *AUDIT special authority from user profiles with *ALLOBJ and
*SECADM special authority. This prevents these users from changing the
auditing characteristics of their own profiles.

Note: You cannot remove special authorities from the QSECOFR profile.
Therefore, you cannot prevent a user signed on as QSECOFR from
changing the auditing characteristics of that profile. However, if a user
signed on as QSECOFR uses the CHGUSRAUD command to change
auditing characteristics, an AD entry type is written to the audit journal.

It is recommended that security officers (users with *ALLOBJ or *SECADM

special authority) use their own profiles for better auditing. The password for
the QSECOFR profile should not be distributed.
3. Make sure the QAUDCTL system value includes *AUDLVL.
4. Use the DSPJRN command to review the entries in the audit journal using the
techniques described in “Analyzing Audit Journal Entries with Query or a
Program” on page 262.

Chapter 9. Auditing Security on the iSeries System 269

270 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1
Appendix A. Security Commands
This appendix contains the system commands related to security. You can use these
commands in place of the system menus, if you prefer, by typing these commands
on a command line. The commands are divided into task-oriented groups.

| The CL topic in the Information Center contains more detailed information about
| these commands. See “Prerequisite and related information” on page xvi for details.
| The tables in Appendix D show what object authorities are required to use these
| commands.
Table 117. Commands for Working with Authority Holders
Command Name Descriptive Name Function

CRTAUTHLR Create Authority Holder Allows you to secure a file before the file exists.
Authority holders are valid only for program-described
database files.
DLTAUTHLR Delete Authority Holder Allows you to delete an authority holder. If the
associated file exists, the authority holder information is
copied to the file.
DSPAUTHLR Display Authority Holder Allows you to display all the authority holders on the

Table 118. Commands for Working with Authorization Lists

Command Name Descriptive Name Function

ADDAUTLE Add Authorization List Entry Allows you to add a user to an authorization list. You
specify what authority the user has to all the objects on
the list.
CHGAUTLE Change Authorization List Entry Allows you to change users’ authorities to the objects on
the authorization list.
CRTAUTL Create Authorization List Allows you to create an authorization list.
DLTAUTL Delete Authorization List Allows you to delete an entire authorization list.
DSPAUTL Display Authorization List Allows you to display a list of users and their authorities
to an authorization list.
DSPAUTLOBJ Display Authorization List Objects Allows you to display a list of objects secured by an
authorization list.
EDTAUTL Edit Authorization List Allows you to add, change, and remove users and their
authorities on an authorization list.
RMVAUTLE Remove Authorization List Entry Allows you to remove a user from an authorization list.
RTVAUTLE Retrieve Authorization List Entry Used in a control language (CL) program to get one or
more values associated with a user on the authorization
list. The command can be used with the CHGAUTLE
command to give a user new authorities in addition to
the existing authorities that the user already has.
WRKAUTL Work with Authorization Lists Allows you to work with authorization lists from a list

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 271

Table 119. Commands for Working with Object Authority and Auditing
Command Name Descriptive Name Function

CHGAUD Change Auditing Allows you to change the auditing value for an object.
CHGAUT Change Authority Allows you to change the authority of users to objects.
CHGOBJAUD Change Object Auditing Allows you to specify whether access to an object is
CHGOBJOWN Change Object Owner Allows you to change the ownership of an object from
one user to another.
CHGOBJPGP Change Object Primary Group Allows you to change the primary group for an object to
another user or to no primary group.
CHGOWN Change Owner Allows you to change the ownership of an object from
one user to another.
CHGPGP Change Primary Group Allows you to change the primary group for an object to
another user or to no primary group.
DSPAUT Display Authority Allows you to display users’ authority to an object.
DSPOBJAUT Display Object Authority Displays the object owner, public authority to the object,
any private authorities to the object, and the name of the
authorization list used to secure the object.
DSPOBJD Display Object Description Displays the object auditing level for the object.
EDTOBJAUT Edit Object Authority Allows you to add, change, or remove a user’s authority
for an object.
GRTOBJAUT Grant Object Authority Allows you to specifically give authority to named users,
all users (*PUBLIC), or users of the referenced object for
the objects named in this command.
RVKOBJAUT Revoke Object Authority Allows you to remove one or more (or all) of the
authorities given specifically to a user for the named
WRKAUT Work with Authority Allows you to work with object authority by selecting
options on a list display.
WRKOBJ Work with Objects Allows you to work with object authority by selecting
options on a list display.
WRKOBJOWN Work with Objects by Owner Allows you to work with the objects owned by a user
WRKOBJPGP Work with Objects by Primary Group Allows you to work with the objects for which a profile
is the primary group using options from a list display.

Table 120. Commands for Working with Passwords

Command Name Descriptive Name Function

| CHGDSTPWD Change Dedicated Service Tools Allows you to reset the DST security capabilites profile
| Password to the default password shipped with the system.
CHGPWD Change Password Allows a user to change the user’s own password.
CHGUSRPRF Change User Profile Allows you to change the values specified in a user’s
profile, including the user’s password.
CHKPWD Check Password Allows verification of a user’s password. For example, if
you want the user to enter the password again to run a
particular application, you can use CHKPWD in your CL
program to verify the password.
CRTUSRPRF Create User Profile When you add a user to the system, you assign a
password to the user.

272 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 121. Commands for Working with User Profiles
Command Name Descriptive Name Function

CHGPRF Change Profile Allows a user to change some of the attributes of the
user’s own profile.
CHGUSRAUD Change User Audit Allows you to specify the action and object auditing for
a user profile.
CHGUSRPRF Change User Profile Allows you to change the values specified in a user’s
profile such as the user’s password, special authorities,
initial menu, initial program, current library, and priority
| CHKOBJITG Check Object Integrity Check the objects owned by one or more user profiles or
| check the objects that match the pathname to ensure the
| objects have not been tampered with.
CRTUSRPRF Create User Profile Allows you to add a user to the system and to specify
values such as the user’s password, special authorities,
initial menu, initial program, current library, and priority
DLTUSRPRF Delete User Profile Allows you to delete a user profile from the system. This
command provides an option to delete or change
ownership of objects owned by the user profile.
| DSPAUTUSR Display Authorized Users Displays or prints the following for all user profiles on
| the system: associated group profile (if any), whether the
| user profile has a password usable at any password
| level, whether the user profile has a password usable at
| the various password levels, whether the user profile has
| a password usable with NetServer, the date the
| password was last changed, and the user profile text.
DSPUSRPRF Display User Profile command Allows you to display a user profile in several different
GRTUSRAUT Grant User Authority Allows you to copy private authorities from one user
profile to another user profile.
PRTPRFINT Print Pofile Internals Allows you to print a report of internal information on
the number of entries.
PRTUSRPRF Print User Profile Allows you to analyze user profiles that meet specified
RTVUSRPRF Retrieve User Profile Used in a control language (CL) program to get and use
one or more values that are stored and associated with a
user profile.
WRKUSRPRF Work with User Profiles Allows you to work with user profiles by entering
options on a list display.

Appendix A. Security Commands 273

Table 122. Related User Profile Commands
Command Name Descriptive Name Function

DSPPGMADP Display Programs That Adopt Allows you to display a list of programs and SQL
packages that adopt a specified user profile.
RSTAUT Restore Authority Allows you to restore authorities for objects held by a
user profile when the user profile was saved. These
authorities can only be restored after a user profile is
restored with the Restore User Profile (RSTUSRPRF)
RSTUSRPRF Restore User Profile Allows you to restore a user profile and its attributes.
Restoring specific authority to objects is done with the
RSTAUT command after the user profile is restored. The
RSTUSRPRF command also restores all authorization
lists and authority holders if RSTUSRPRF(*ALL) is
SAVSECDTA Save Security Data Saves all user profiles, authorization lists, and authority
holders without using a system that is in a restricted
SAVSYS Save System Saves all user profiles, authorization lists, and authority
holders on the system. A dedicated system is required to
use this function.

Table 123. Commands for Working with Auditing

Command Name Descriptive Name Function

CHGAUD Change Auditing Allows you to specify the auditing for an object.
CHGDLOAUD Change Document Library Object Allows you to specify whether access is audited for a
Auditing document library object.
CHGOBJAUD Change Object Auditing Allows you to specify the auditing for an object.
CHGUSRAUD Change User Audit Allows you to specify the action and object auditing for
a user profile.

Table 124. Commands for Working with Document Library Objects.

Command Name Descriptive Name Function

ADDDLOAUT Add Document Library Object Allows you to give a user access to a document or folder
Authority or to secure a document or folder with an authorization
list or an access code.
CHGDLOAUD Change Document Library Object Allows you to specify the object auditing level for a
Auditing document library object.
CHGDLOAUT Change Document Library Object Allows you to change the authority for a document or
Authority folder.
CHGDLOOWN Change Document Library Object Transfers document or folder ownership from one user
Owner to another user.
CHGDLOPGP Change Document Library Object Allows you to change the primary group for a document
Primary Group library object.
DSPAUTLDLO Display Authorization List Document Allows you to display the documents and folders that
Library Objects are secured by the specified authorization list.
DSPDLOAUD Display Document Library Object Displays the object auditing level for a document library
Auditing object.
DSPDLOAUT Display Document Library Object Allows you to display authority information for a
Authority document or a folder.
EDTDLOAUT Edit Document Library Object Used to add, change, or remove users’ authorities to a
Authority document or folder.
GRTUSRPMN Grant User Permission Gives permission to a user to handle documents and
folders or to do office-related tasks on behalf of another

274 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 124. Commands for Working with Document Library Objects (continued).
Command Name Descriptive Name Function

RMVDLOAUT Remove Document Library Object Used to remove a user’s authority to documents or
Authority folders.
RVKUSRPMN Revoke User Permission Takes away document authority from one user (or all
users) to access documents on behalf of another user.

Table 125. Commands for Working with Server Authentication Entries

Command Name Descriptive Name Function

| ADDSVRAUTE Add Server Authentication Entry Allows you to add server authentication information for
| a user profile.
CHGSVRAUTE Change Server Authentication Entry Allows you to change existing server authentication
entries for a user profile.
RMVSVRAUTE Remove Server Authentication Entry Allows you to remove server authentication entries from
the specified user profile.

These commands allow a user to specify a user name, the associated password, and the name of a remote
server machine. Distributed Relational Database Access (DRDA) uses these entries to run database access
requests as the specified user on the remote server.

Table 126. Commands for Working with the System Distribution Directory
Command Name Descriptive Name Function

ADDDIRE Add Directory Entry Adds new entries to the system distribution directory.
The directory contains information about a user, such as
the user ID and address, system name, user profile
name, mailing address, and telephone number.
CHGDIRE Change Directory Entry Changes the data for a specific entry in the system
distribution directory. The system administrator has
authority to update any of the data contained in a
directory entry, except the user ID, address, and the user
description. Users can update their own directory entries,
but they are limited to updating certain fields.
RMVDIRE Remove Directory Entry Removes a specific entry from the system distribution
directory. When a user ID and address is removed from
the directory, it is also removed from any distribution
WRKDIRE Work with Directory Provides a set of displays that allow a user to view, add,
change, and remove entries in the system distribution

Appendix A. Security Commands 275

Table 127. Commands for Working with User ID Numbers or Group ID Numbers
Command Name Descriptive Name Function

CHGSECA 1 Change Security Attributes Allows you to set new starting values for generating
user ID numbers or group ID numbers. Users can specify
a starting user ID number and a starting group ID
| DSPSECA Display Security Attributes Allows you to display the user ID number that is used
| the next time a user ID number is generated, the group
| ID number that is used the next time a group ID number
| is generated, the current and pending security level of
| the system, and the current and pending password level
| of the system.
To use this command, you must have *SECADM special authority

Table 128. Commands for Working with Validation Lists

Command Name Descriptive Name Function
CRTVLDL Create Validation List Allows you to create a validation list object that contains
entries consisting of an identifier, data that will be
encrypted by the system when it is stored, and free-form
DLTVLDL Delete Validation List Allows you to delete the specified validation list from a

The following tables describe several different kinds of security tools. For more
information on the security tools, see Appendix G. Commands and Menus for
Security Commands.
Table 129. Security Tools for Working with Auditing
Command Name Descriptive Name Function

CHGSECAUD Change Security Auditing Allows you to set up security auditing and to change the
system values that control security auditing.
DSPAUDJRNE Display Audit Journal Entries Allows you to display or print information about entries
in the security audit journal. You can select specific entry
types, specific users, and a time period.
DSPSECAUD Display Security Auditing Values Allows you to display information about the security
audit journal and the system values that control security

Table 130. Security Tools for Working with Authorities

Command Name Descriptive Name Function

PRTJOBDAUT Print Job Description Authority Allows you to print a list of job descriptions whose
public authority is not *EXCLUDE. You can use this
command to print information about job descriptions
that specify a user profile that every user on the system
can access.
PRTPUBAUT Print Publicly Authorized Objects Allows you to print a list of objects of the specified type
whose public authority is not *EXCLUDE.
PRTPVTAUT Print Private Authorities Allows you to print a list of private authorities for
objects of the specified type.
PRTQAUT Print Queue Authority Allows you to print the security settings for output
queues and job queues on your system. These settings
control who can view and change entries in the output
queue or job queue.

276 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 130. Security Tools for Working with Authorities (continued)
Command Name Descriptive Name Function

PRTSBSDAUT Print Subsystem Description Allows you to print a list of subsystem descriptions in a
Authority library that contains a default user in a subsystem entry.

PRTTRGPGM Print Trigger Programs Allows you to print a list of trigger programs that are
associated with database files on your system.
PRTUSROBJ Print User Objects Allows you to print a list of the user objects (objects not
supplied by IBM) that are in a library.

Table 131. Security Tools for Working with System Security

Command Name Descriptive Name Function

CFGSYSSEC Configure System Security Allows you to set security-relevant system values to their
recommended settings. The command also sets up
security auditing on your system.
PRTCMNSEC Print Communications Security Allows you to print the security attributes of the *DEVD,
*CTL, and *LIND objects on the system.
PRTSYSSECA Print System Security Attributes Allows you to print a list of security-relevant system
values and network attributes. The report shows the
current value and the recommended value.
RVKPUBAUT Revoke Public Authority Allows you to set the public authority to *EXCLUDE for
a set of security-sensitive commands on your system.

For more information on tools and suggestions about how to use the security tools,
see the Tips for Making Your iSeries 400 Secure book, GC41-0615.

Appendix A. Security Commands 277

278 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1
Appendix B. IBM-Supplied User Profiles
This appendix contains information about the user profiles that are shipped with
the system. These profiles are used as object owners for various system functions.
Some system functions also run under specific IBM-supplied user profiles.

Table 132 shows the default values that are used for all IBM-supplied user profiles
and on the Create User Profile (CRTUSRPRF) command. The parameters are
sequenced in the order they appear on the Create User Profile display.

Table 133 lists each IBM-supplied profile, its purpose, and any values for the
profile that are different from the defaults for IBM-supplied user profiles.


Table 133 now includes additional user profiles that are shipped with the
licensed program products. The table includes only some, but not all user
profiles for licensed program products; therefore, the list is not inclusive.

v Password for the QSECOFR profile
You must change the password for the QSECOFR profile after you install your
system. This password is the same for every iSeries system and poses a security
exposure until it is changed. However, do not change any other values for
IBM-supplied user profiles. Changing these profiles may cause system functions
to fail.
v Authorities for IBM-supplied profies
Use caution when removing authorities that IBM-supplied profiles have to
objects that are shipped with the operating system. Some IBM-supplied profiles
are granted private authorities to objects that are shipped with the operating
system. Removing any of these authorities may cause system functions to fail.
Table 132. Default Values for User Profiles
Default Values

IBM-Supplied User Create User Profile

User Profile Parameter Profiles Display


Set password to expired (PWDEXP) *NO *NO
User class (USRCLS) *USER *USER
Assistance level (ASTLVL) *SYSVAL *SYSVAL
Current library (CURLIB) *CRTDFT *CRTDFT
Initial program (INLPGM) *NONE *NONE
Initial menu (INLMNU) MAIN MAIN
Initial menu library *LIBL *LIBL
Limited capabilities (LMTCPB) *NO *NO
Special authority (SPCAUT) *ALLOBJ1 *SAVSYS1 *USRCLS2
Special environment (SPCENV) *NONE *SYSVAL
Display sign-on information (DSPSGNINF) *SYSVAL *SYSVAL
Password expiration interval (PWDEXPITV) *SYSVAL *SYSVAL

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 279

Table 132. Default Values for User Profiles (continued)
Default Values

IBM-Supplied User Create User Profile

User Profile Parameter Profiles Display

Limit device sessions (LMTDEVSSN) *SYSVAL *SYSVAL

Keyboard buffering (KBDBUF) *SYSVAL *SYSVAL
Maximum storage (MAXSTG) *NOMAX *NOMAX
Priority limit (PTYLMT) 0 3
Job description library *LIBL *LIBL
Group profile (GRPPRF) *NONE *NONE
Group authority (GRPAUT) *NONE *NONE
Group authority type (GRPAUTTYP) *PRIVATE *PRIVATE
Supplemental groups (SUPGRPPRF) *NONE *NONE
Accounting code (ACGCDE) *SYS *BLANK
Document password (DOCPWD) *NONE *NONE
Message queue (MSGQ) *USRPRF *USRPRF
Severity (SEV) 00 00
Printer device (PRTDEV) *WRKSTN *WRKSTN
Output queue (OUTQ) *WRKSTN *WRKSTN
Attention program (ATNPGM) *SYSVAL *SYSVAL
Sort sequence (SRTSEQ) *SYSVAL *SYSVAL
Language identifier (LANGID) *SYSVAL *SYSVAL
Country Identifier (CNTRYID) *SYSVAL *SYSVAL
Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID) *SYSVAL *SYSVAL
User Option (USROPT) *NONE *NONE
User Identification Number (UID) *GEN *GEN
Group Identification Number (GID) *NONE *NONE
Action auditing (AUDLVL) 3 *NONE *NONE
Object auditing (OBJAUD) 3 *NONE *NONE
When the system security level is changed from level 10 or 20 to level 30 or above,
this value is removed.
When a user profile is automatically created at security level 10, the *USER user
class gives *ALLOBJ and *SAVSYS special authority.
Action and object auditing are specified using the CHGUSRAUD command.

| Table 133. IBM-Supplied User Profiles

| Profile Name Descriptive Name Parameters Different from Default Values
|| QADSM ADSM user profile v USERCLS: *SYSOPR
| v TEXT: ADSM profile used by ADSM server

280 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

| Table 133. IBM-Supplied User Profiles (continued)
| Profile Name Descriptive Name Parameters Different from Default Values
|| QAFOWN APD user profile v USRCLS: *PGMR
| v TEXT: Internal APD User Profile
|| QAFUSR APD user profile v TEXT: Internal APD User Profile
| v TEXT: Internal APD User Profile
| QAUTPROF IBM authority user
| profile
| QBRMS BRM user profile
|| QCLUMGT Cluster management v STATUS: *DISABLED
| profile
|| QCLUSTER High availability v SPCAUT: *IOSYSCFG
| cluster profile
| QCOLSRV Management central
| collection services user
| profile
|| QDBSHR Database share profile v AUT: *ADD, *DELETE
|| QDBSHRDO Database share profile v AUT: *ADD, *DELETE
|| QDFTOWN Default owner profile v PTYLMT: 3
|| QDIRSRV OS/400 Directory v LMTCPB: *YES
| services server user
|| QDLFM DataLink File Manager v SRTSEQ: *HEX
| profile
|| QDOC Document profile v ACGCDE: *BLANK

Appendix B. IBM-Supplied User Profiles 281

| Table 133. IBM-Supplied User Profiles (continued)
| Profile Name Descriptive Name Parameters Different from Default Values

|| QDSNX Distributed systems v PTYLMT: 3

| node executive profile
| QEJB Enterprise Java user
| profile
|| QFIREWALL Firewall user profile v STATUS: *DISABLED
| v TEXT: IBM Firewall for AS/400
|| QFNC Finance profile v PTYLMT: 3
|| QGATE VM/MVS* bridge v CCSID: *HEX
| profile
|| QIPP Internet printing v MSGQ: QUSRSYS/QIPP
| profile
|| QLPAUTO Licensed program v USRCLS: *SYSOPR
| automatic install
| v Library: QSYS
| v SEV: 99
|| QLPINSTALL Licensed program v USRCLS: *SYSOPR
| install profile
|| QMSF Mail server framework v CCSID: *HEX
| profile
|| QMQM MQSeries® user profile v USRCLS: *SECADM
| v TEXT: MQM user which owns the QMQM library
| QNFSANON NFS user profile
| QNETSPLF Network spooling
| profile
|| QNTP Network time profile v JOBD: QTOTNTP

282 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

| Table 133. IBM-Supplied User Profiles (continued)
| Profile Name Descriptive Name Parameters Different from Default Values

|| QOIUSER OSI Communication v USRCLS: *SYSOPR

| Subsystem
| v OUTQ: *DEV
| v TEXT: Internal OSI Communication Subsystem User Profile
|| QOSIFS OSI File Server User v USRCLS: *SYSOPR
| Profile
| v OUTQ: *DEV
| v TEXT: Internal OSI File Services User Profile
|| QPGMR Programmer profile v USRCLS: *PGMR
| v PTYLMT: 3
|| QPM400 Performance v SPCAUT: *IOSYSCFG, *JOBCTL
| Management/400
| (PM/400)
|| QPRJOWN Parts and projects v STATUS: *DISABLED
| owner user profile
| v TEXT: User profile of parts and projects owner
| v TEXT: R/DARS Administration Profile


| profile
| v OUTQ: *DEV
| v TEXT: R/DARS-400 owning profile
| profile 1
| v OUTQ: *DEV
| v TEXT: R/DARS-400 owning profile 1
| profile 2
| v OUTQ: *DEV
| v TEXT: R/DARS-400 owning profile 2

Appendix B. IBM-Supplied User Profiles 283

| Table 133. IBM-Supplied User Profiles (continued)
| Profile Name Descriptive Name Parameters Different from Default Values


| profile 3
| v OUTQ: *DEV
| v TEXT: R/DARS-400 owning profile 3
| profile 4
| v OUTQ: *DEV
| v TEXT: R/DARS-400 owning profile 4
| profile 5
| v OUTQ: *DEV
| v TEXT: R/DARS-400 owning profile 5
|| QRMTCAL Remote Calendar user v TEXT: OfficeVision® Remote Calendar User
| profile
|| QRJE Remote job entry v USRCLS: *PGMR
| profile
|| QSECOFR Security officer profile v PWDEXP: *YES
| v UID: 0
|| QSNADS SNA distribution v CCSID: *HEX
| services profile
|| QSOC OptiConnect user v USRCLS: *SYSOPR
| profile
| QSPL Spool profile
|| QSPLJOB Spool job profile v AUT: *USE
|| QSRV Service profile v USRCLS: *PGMR
| v Library: QSYS
|| QSRVBAS Service basic profile v USRCLS: *PGMR
| v Library: QSYS

284 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

| Table 133. IBM-Supplied User Profiles (continued)
| Profile Name Descriptive Name Parameters Different from Default Values
|| QSVCCS CC Server user profile v USRCLS: *SYSOPR
| v TEXT: CC Server User Profile
|| QSVCM Client Management v TEXT: Client Management Server User Profile
| Server user profile
|| QSVSM ECS user profile v USRCLS: *SYSOPR
| v TEXT: SystemView® System Manager User Profile
| Service user profile
| v TEXT: Managed System Service User Profile
|| QSYS System profile v USRCLS: *SECOFR
|| QSYSOPR System operator v USRCLS: *SYSOPR
| profile
| v SEV: 40
|| QTCM Triggered cache v STATUS: *DISABLED
| manager profile
|| QTCP Transmission control v USRCLS: *SYSOPR
| protocol (TCP) profile
| QTFTP Trivial File Transfer
| Protocol
|| QTMPLPD Transmission control v PTYLMT: 3
| protocol/Internet
|| v AUT: *USE
protocol (TCP/IP)
| printing support
| profile
| profile

Appendix B. IBM-Supplied User Profiles 285

| Table 133. IBM-Supplied User Profiles (continued)
| Profile Name Descriptive Name Parameters Different from Default Values


| Gateway Profile user
|| v TEXT: HTML Workstation Gateway Profile
| Gateway Profile user
|| v TEXT: HTTP Server Profile


| Gateway Profile user
|| v TEXT: HTTP Server CGI Profile
| QTSTRQS Test request profile
| QUMB Ultimedia System
| Facilities user profile
| QUMVUSER Ultimedia Business
| Conferencing user
| profile
|| QUSER Workstation user v PTYLMT: 3
| profile
|| QX400 user profile OSI Messages Services v CURLIB: *QX400
| File Services User
| v MSGQ: QX400/QX400
| v OUTQ: *DEV
| v TEXT: Internal OSI Messages Services User Profile
| QYPSJSVR Management Central
| Java Server profile
|| QYPUOWN Internal APU user v TEXT: Internal APU — User profile
| profile

| When the system security level is changed from level 10 or 20 to level 30 or above, this value is removed.

286 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Appendix C. Commands Shipped with Public Authority
Table 134 identifies which commands have restricted authorization (public
authority is *EXCLUDE) when your system is shipped. It shows what
IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to use these restricted commands. For
more information about IBM-supplied user profiles, see the topic “IBM-Supplied
User Profiles and Dedicated Service Tool (DST) Users” on page 106.

In Table 134, commands that are restricted to the security officer, and any user
profile with *ALLOBJ authority, have an R in the QSECOFR profile. Commands
that are specifically authorized to one or more IBM-supplied user profiles, in
addition to the security officer, have an S under the profile names for which they
are authorized).

Any commands not listed here are public, which means they can be used by all
users. However, some commands require special authority, such as *SERVICE or
*JOBCTL. The special authorities required for a command are listed in
“Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands” on page 297

If you choose to grant other users or the public *USE authority to these commands,
update this table to indicate that commands are no longer restricted on your
system. Using some commands may require the authority to certain objects on the
system as well as to the commands themselves. See “Appendix D. Authority
Required for Objects Used by Commands” on page 297 for the object authorities
required for commands.
Table 134. Authorities of IBM-Supplied User Profiles to Restricted Commands

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 287

Table 134. Authorities of IBM-Supplied User Profiles to Restricted Commands (continued)

288 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 134. Authorities of IBM-Supplied User Profiles to Restricted Commands (continued)

Appendix C. Commands Shipped with Public Authority *Exclude 289

Table 134. Authorities of IBM-Supplied User Profiles to Restricted Commands (continued)

290 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 134. Authorities of IBM-Supplied User Profiles to Restricted Commands (continued)

Appendix C. Commands Shipped with Public Authority *Exclude 291

Table 134. Authorities of IBM-Supplied User Profiles to Restricted Commands (continued)

292 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 134. Authorities of IBM-Supplied User Profiles to Restricted Commands (continued)

Appendix C. Commands Shipped with Public Authority *Exclude 293

Table 134. Authorities of IBM-Supplied User Profiles to Restricted Commands (continued)

294 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 134. Authorities of IBM-Supplied User Profiles to Restricted Commands (continued)

Appendix C. Commands Shipped with Public Authority *Exclude 295

Table 134. Authorities of IBM-Supplied User Profiles to Restricted Commands (continued)

The CHGDSTPWD command is shipped with public authority *USE, but you must be signed on as
QSECOFR to use this command.
The QMSF user profile is also authorized to this command.
QSRV can only run this command if an IPL is not being done.

296 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by
The tables in this appendix show what authority is needed for objects referenced
by commands. For example, in the entry for the Change User Profile
(CHGUSRPRF) command in “User Profile Commands” on page 424, the table lists
all the objects you need authority to, such as the user’s message queue, job
description, and initial program.

The tables are organized in alphabetical order according to object type. In addition,
tables are included for items that are not OS/400 objects (jobs, spooled files,
network attributes, and system values) and for some functions (device emulation
and finance). Additional considerations (if any) for the commands are included as
footnotes to the table.

Following are descriptions of the columns in the tables:

Referenced Object: The objects listed in the Referenced Object column are objects to
which the user needs authority when using the command. See “Assumptions” on
page 299 for information about objects which are not listed for each command.

Authority Needed for Object: The authorities specified in the tables show the
object authorities and the data authorities required for the object when using the
command. Table 135 describes the authorities that are specified in the Authority
Needed column. The description includes examples of how the authority is used. In
most cases, accessing an object requires a combination of object and data

Authority Needed for Library: This column shows what authority is needed for
the library containing the object. For most operations, *EXECUTE authority is
needed to locate the object in the library. Adding an object to a library usually
requires *READ and *ADD authority. Table 135 describes the authorities that are
specified in the Authority Needed column.
Table 135. Description of Authority Types
Authority Name Functions Allowed

Object Authorities:
*OBJOPR Object Operational Look at the description of an object. Use the
object as determined by the user’s data
*OBJMGT Object Management Specify the security for the object. Move or
rename the object. All functions defined for
*OBJEXIST Object Existence Delete the object. Free storage of the object.
Perform save and restore operations for the
object 1. Transfer ownership of the object.
*OBJALTER Object Alter Add, clear, initialize and reorganize
members of the database files. Alter and add
attributes of database files: add and remove
triggers. Change the attributes of SQL
packages. Move a library or folder to a
different ASP.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 297

Table 135. Description of Authority Types (continued)
Authority Name Functions Allowed

*OBJREF Object Reference Specify a database file as the parent in a

referential constraint. For example, you want
to define a rule that a customer record must
exist in the CUSMAS file before an order for
the customer can be added to the CUSORD
file. You need *OBJREF authority to the
CUSMAS file to define this rule.
*AUTLMGT Authorization List Add and remove users and their authorities
Management from the authorization list 2.
Data Authorities:
*READ Read Display the contents of the object, such as
viewing records in a file.
*ADD Add Add entries to an object, such as adding
messages to a message queue or adding
records to a file.
*UPD Update Change the entries in an object, such as
changing records in a file.
*DLT Delete Remove entries from an object, such as
removing messages from a message queue
or deleting records from a file.
*EXECUTE Execute Run a program, service program, or SQL
package. Locate an object in a library or a
If a user has save system (*SAVSYS) special authority, object existence authority is
not required to perform save and restore operations on the object.
See the topic “Authorization List Management” on page 120 for more information.

In addition to these values, the Authority Needed columns of the table may show
system-defined subsets of these authorities. Table 136 shows the subsets of object
authorities and data authorities.
Table 136. System-Defined Authority

Object Authorities
Data Authorities

Table 137 on page 299 shows additional authority subsets that are supported by the
CHGAUT and WRKAUT commands.

298 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 137. System-Defined Authority
Authority *RWX *RW *RX *R *WX *W *X


For more information on these authorities and their descriptions, see “Defining
How Information Can Be Accessed” on page 112.

1. To use any command, *USE authority is required to the command. This
authority is not specifically listed in the tables.
2. To enter any display command, you need operational authority to the
IBM-supplied display file, printer output file, or panel group used by the
command. These files and panel groups are shipped with public authority

General Rules for Object Authorities on Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Change (CHG) with Current values The current values are *EXECUTE
F4 (Prompt)7 displayed if the user
has authority to those
Command accessing Directories in path prefix for QLANSrv file *R
object in directory system
Directories in path prefix for all other file *X
Directory when pattern is specified (* or ?) None
for QLANSrv file system
Directory when pattern is specified (* or ?) *R
for all other file system

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 299

General Rules for Object Authorities on Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Copy (CPY) where Object to be copied *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
to-file is a database
To-file, if CRTFILE (*YES) is specified1 *ADD, *EXECUTE
To-file, if it exists and new member is added *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *ADD, *EXECUTE
To-file, if file and member exist and *ADD *OBJOPR, *ADD *EXECUTE
option is specified
To-file, if file and member exist and *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
*REPLACE option is specified *ADD, *DLT
To-file, if it exists, a new member is added, *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
and *UPDADD option is specified.8 *ADD, *UPD
To-file, if file and member exist and *OBJOPR, *ADD, *EXECUTE
*UPDADD option is specified.8 *UPD
| Create (CRT) Object to be created2 *READ, *ADD
| User profile that will own created object *ADD
| (either the user profile running the job or
| the user’s group profile)
| Create (CRT) if Object to be created (and replaced)2 *OBJMGT, *OBJEXIST, *READ, *ADD
| specified 6, 9
| User profile that will own created object *ADD
| (either the user profile running the job or
| the user’s group profile)
Display (DSP) or Object to be displayed *USE *EXECUTE
other operation using 3
Output file, if file does not exist *ADD, *EXECUTE
output file
(OUTPUT(*OUTFILE)) Output file, if file exists and new member is *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *ADD, *EXECUTE
added, or if *REPLACE option specified and *ADD, *DLT
member did not previously exist
Output file, if file and member exist and *OBJOPR, *ADD *EXECUTE
*ADD option is specified
Output file, if file and member exist and *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
*REPLACE option is specified *ADD, *DLT
Format file (QAxxxxx file in QSYS), if *OBJOPR, *READ
output file does not exist
Display (DSP) using Object to be displayed *USE *EXECUTE
*PRINT or Work 4
Output queue *READ *EXECUTE
(WRK) using *PRINT
Printer file (QPxxxxx in QSYS) *USE *EXECUTE
Save (SAV) or other Device description *USE *EXECUTE
operation using
Device file associated with device *USE *EXECUTE
device description
description, such as QSYSTAP for the TAP01
device description

300 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

General Rules for Object Authorities on Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

The user profile running the copy command becomes the owner of the to-file, unless the user is a member
of a group profile and has OWNER(*GRPPRF). If the user’s profile specifies OWNER(*GRPPRF), the group
profile becomes the owner of the to-file. In that case, the user running the command must have *ADD
authority to the group profile and the authority to add a member and write data to the new file. The to-file
is given the same public authority, primary group authority, private authorities, and authorization list as
the from-file.
The user profile running the create command becomes the owner of the newly created object, unless the
user is a member of a group profile and has OWNER(*GRPPRF). If the user’s profile specifies
OWNER(*GRPPRF), the group profile becomes the owner of the newly created object. Public authority to
the object is controlled by the AUT parameter.
The user profile running the display command becomes the owner of the newly created output file, unless
the user is a member of a group profile and has OWNER(*GRPPRF). If the user’s profile specifies
OWNER(*GRPPRF), the group profile becomes the owner of the output file. Public authority to the output
file is controlled by the CRTAUT parameter of the output file library.
If the output queue is defined as OPRCTL (*YES), a user with *JOBCTL special authority does not need any
authority to the output queue. A user with *SPLCTL special authority does not need any authority to the
output queue.
For device files, *OBJOPR authority is also required.

The REPLACE parameter is not available in the S/38 environment. REPLACE(*YES) is equivalent to using
a function key from the programmer menu to delete the current object.
Authority to the corresponding (DSP) command is also required.
The *UPDADD option in only available on the MBROPT parameter of the CPYF command.
This does not apply to the REPLACE parameter on the CRTJVAPGM command.

Commands Common for Most Objects

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CHGOBJD Object, if it is a file *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
Object, if it is not a file *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
Object (if file, library, subsystem description) *OBJOPR, *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
Object (if authorization list) Ownership or *EXECUTE
Old user profile *DLT *EXECUTE
New user profile *ADD *EXECUTE

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 301

Commands Common for Most Objects
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
| Object (if file, library, subsystem description) *OBJOPR, *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
| Object (if authorization list) Ownership and *EXECUTE
| Old user profile *DLT
| New user profile *ADD
CHKOBJ Object Authority specified by *EXECUTE
AUT parameter 14
Object being copied, if it is an authorization *AUTLMGT *USE, *ADD
Object being copied, all other types *OBJMGT, *USE *USE
CRTSAVF command (if the object is a save *OBJOPR
DSPOBJAUT Object (to see all authority information) *OBJMGT or *EXECUTE
*ALLOBJ special
authority or
Output file See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
DSPOBJD Output file See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 281 page 281
Object (if file) *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
Authorization list, if used to secure object Not *EXCLUDE
Object (if file) *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
Authorization list, if used to secure object Not *EXCLUDE
Object (if *File) *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT
From-library *CHANGE
To-library *READ, *ADD

302 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Commands Common for Most Objects
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Object, if authorization list *AUTLMGT *EXECUTE
3,13 8
| RSTOBJ (Q) Object, if it already exists in the library *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE, *ADD
| Media definition *USE *EXECUTE
| Message queues being restored to library *OBJOPR, *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE, *ADD
| where they already exist
| User profile owning objects being created *ADD
| Program that adopts authority Owner or *SECADM *EXECUTE
| and *ALLOBJ special
| authority
| To-library *EXECUTE, *ADD
| Library for saved object if VOL(*SAVVOL) is *USE
| specified
| Save file *USE *EXECUTE
| RSTOBJ (Q) Tape unit, diskette unit or optical unit *USE *EXECUTE
(continued) 8
| Tape (QSYSTAP) file or diskette (QSYSDKT) *USE *EXECUTE
| file
| Optical File (OPTFILE)22 *R N/A
| Parent Directory of optical file (OPTFILE) *X N/A
| Path prefix of OPTFILE *X N/A
| Optical volume *USE N/A
| QSYS/QPSRLDSP print file, if *USE *EXECUTE
| OUTPUT(*PRINT) specified
| Output file, if specified See General Rules on See General Rules on
| page 299 page 299
| QSYS/QASRRSTO field reference file for *USE *EXECUTE
| output file, if an output file is specified and
| does not exist
20 8
| file
| RTVOBJD Optical File (OPTFILE)22 *R N/A
| Parent Directory of optical file (OPTFILE) *X N/A
3,5,15 22
| RVKOBJAUT Path prefix of OPTFILE *X N/A
| Optical volume *USE N/A
| QSYS/QPSRLDSP print file, if *USE *EXECUTE
| OUTPUT(*PRINT) specified

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 303

Commands Common for Most Objects
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
| SAVCHGOBJ Output file, if specified See General Rules on See General Rules on
| page 299 page 299
| QSYS/QASRRSTO field reference file for *USE *EXECUTE
| output file, if an output file is specified and
| does not exist
Tape unit, diskette unit, optical unit *USE *EXECUTE
Save file, if empty *USE, *ADD *EXECUTE
Save file, if records exist in it *OBJMGT, *USE, *EXECUTE
Save active message queue *OBJOPR, *ADD *EXECUTE
3 22
(continued) 22
| Parent Directory of optical file (OPTFILE) *WX N/A
| Path prefix of optical file (OPTFILE) *X N/A
22, 23
| Root Directory (/) of optical volume *RWX N/A
| Optical volume *CHANGE
| Output file, if specified See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
| QSYS/QASAVOBJ field reference file for *USE *EXECUTE
| output file, if an output file is specified and
| does not exist
3 8
| Media definition *USE *EXECUTE
| Tape unit, diskette unit, optical unit *USE *EXECUTE
Save file, if empty *USE, *ADD *EXECUTE
Save file, if records exist in it *OBJMGT, *USE, *EXECUTE
Save active message queue *OBJOPR, *ADD *EXECUTE
3 22
| SAVOBJ (continued) Optical File (OPTFILE) *RW N/A
| Parent Directory of optical file (OPTFILE) *WX N/A
| Path prefix of OPTFILE *X N/A
22, 23
| Root directory (/) of optical volume *RWX N/A
| Optical volume *CHANGE
Output file, if specified See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
QSYS/QASAVOBJ field reference file for *USE *EXECUTE
output file, if an output file is specified and
does not exist
| SAVSYS Tape unit, optical unit *USE *EXECUTE
| Root directory (/) of optical volume *RWX N/A
| Optical volume *CHANGE N/A

304 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Commands Common for Most Objects
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
SAVRSTCHG On the source system, same authority as
required by SAVCHGOBJ command.
On the target system, same authority as
required by RSTOBJ command.
SAVRSTLIB On the source system, same authority as
required by SAVLIB command.
On the target system, same authority as
required by RSTLIB command.
SAVRSTOBJ On the source system, same authority as
required by SAVOBJ command.
On the target system, same authority as
required by RSTOBJ command.
WRKOBJ Object Any authority *USE

See the OBJTYPE keyword of the ALCOBJ command for the list of object types that can be allocated and
Some authority to the object (other than *EXCLUDE) is required.
This command cannot be used for documents or folders. Use the equivalent Document Library Object
(DLO) command.
You must have *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special authority to change the object owner of a program, service
program, or SQL package that adopts authority.
You must be the owner or have *OBJMGT authority and the authorities being granted or revoked.

You must be the owner or have *ALLOBJ special authority to grant *OBJMGT or *AUTLMGT authority.
This command cannot be used for user profiles, controller descriptions, device descriptions, line
descriptions, documents, document libraries, and folders.
If you have *SAVSYS special authority, you do not need the authority specified.
If the user running the CRTDUPOBJ command has OWNER(*GRPPRF) in his user profile, the owner of the
new object is the group profile. To successfully copy authorities to a new object owned by the group
profile, the following applies:
v The user running the command must have some private authority to the from-object.
v If the user has some private authority to the object, additional authorities can be obtained from adopted
v If an error occurs while copying authorities to the new object, the newly created object is deleted.
v *OBJMGT authority is only copied if the user running the CRTDUPOBJ command is the object owner or
has *ALLOBJ special authority. Adopted authority can be used to obtain ownership or *ALLOBJ special
You must have *SAVSYS special authority.

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 305

Commands Common for Most Objects
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

This command cannot be used for journals and journal receivers.
This command cannot be used for journals and journal receivers, unless the from-library is QRCL and the
to-library is the original library for the journal or journal receiver.
You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to specify ALWOBJDIF(*ALL).
To check a user’s authority to an object, you must have the authority you are checking. For example, to
check whether a user has *OBJEXIST authority for FILEB, you must have *OBJEXIST authority to FILEB.
To secure an object with an authorization list or remove the authorization list from the object, you must
(one of the following):
v Own the object.
v Have *ALL authority to the object.
v Have *ALLOBJ special authority.

If either the original file or the renamed file has an associated authority holder, *ALL authority to the
authority holder is required.
This command does not support the QOPT file system.
You must have *AUDIT special authority.
To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the individual operation.
You must have *ALLOBJ special authority.

All authorities on the from-object are duplicated to the new object. The primary group of the new object is
determined by the group authority type (GRPAUTTYP) field in the user profile that is running the
command. If the from-object has a primary group, the new object may not have the same primary group,
but the authority that the primary group has on the from-object will be duplicated to the new object.
This authority check is only made when the Optical media format is Universal Disk Format.
| This authority check is only made if you are clearing the optical volume
| Optical volumes are not actual system objects. The link between the optical volume and the authorization
| list used to secure the volume is maintained by the optical support function.

Authorities Needed

Access Path Recovery Commands

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

These commands do not require object authorities.

1 1 2 1

You must have *JOBCTL special authority to use this command.
You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to use this command.

306 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Printing Commands
Advanced Function Printing™ Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Font resource: REPLACE(*NO) *READ, *ADD
Font resource: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Form definition: REPLACE(*NO) *READ, *ADD
Form definition: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Overlay: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Page definition: REPLACE(*NO) *READ, *ADD
Page definition: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Page segment: REPLACE(*NO) *READ, *ADD
Page segment: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
WRKFNTRSC Font resource *USE *USE
WRKFORMDF Form definition *USE *USE
WRKPAGDFN Page definition Any authority *USE
WRKPAGSEG Page segment *USE Any authority

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 307

Printing Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

To use individual operations, you must have the authority required by the individual operation.

AF_INET Sockets Over SNA Commands

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

These commands do not require any authority to objects:


You must have *IOSYSCFG special authority to use this command.

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE to others.

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CRTALRTBL (Q) Alert table *READ, *ADD

To use individual operations, you must have the authority required by the individual operation.

308 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Application Development Commands
Application Development Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
| EXPPART Object to be created by export, if it does not *USE, *ADD
| already exist
| Object to be created by export, if it is being *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *USE, *ADD, *DLT
| replaced *OBJEXIST
| Source file to which part is being exported, *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *USE, *ADD
| if the member does not exist *ADD
| Source file to which part is being exported, *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *USE, *ADD
| if the member is being replaced *OBJEXIST, *ADD,
| *DLT
| User profile to which ownership of exported *ADD
| part is assigned
IMPPART Any importable objects *OBJMGT, *USE *USE
Source file, when importing a source *USE *USE
MRGFORMD Form description *READ *EXECUTE
STRDFU Program (if create program option) *READ, *ADD
Program (if change or delete program *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
Program (if change or display data option) *USE *EXECUTE
Database file (if change data option) *OBJOPR, *ADD, *EXECUTE
Database file (if display data option) *USE *EXECUTE
Display file (if display or change data *USE *EXECUTE
Display file (if change program option) *USE *EXECUTE
Display file (if delete program option) *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
Edit, add, or change a member *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT *READ, *ADD
Browse a member *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Print a prototype report *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Change type or text of member *OBJOPR *EXECUTE

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 309

Application Development Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Update and add new member *CHANGE, *OBJMGT *READ, *ADD
Delete member *ALL *EXECUTE
Edit or change a member *CHANGE, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
Add a member *USE, *OBJMGT *READ, *ADD
Browse a member *USE *EXECUTE
Print a member *USE *EXECUTE
Remove a member *USE, *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
Change type or text of a member *USE, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
1,4 2
WRKPARTPDM Part (object or source member) *READ *EXECUTE
1,4 3

To use the individual operations, you must have the authority required by the individual operation.
A group corresponds to a library.
A project consists of one or more groups (libraries).
For more information, see the ADTS/400: Application Development Manager User’s Guide book.

Authority Holder Commands

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CRTAUTHLR (Q) Associated object if it exists *ALL *EXECUTE
DLTAUTHLR Authority holder *ALL *EXECUTE
DSPAUTHLR Output file See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299

Authorization List Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For QSYS Library
ADDAUTLE Authorization list *AUTLMGT or *EXECUTE

310 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Authorization List Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For QSYS Library
CHGAUTLE Authorization list *AUTLMGT or *EXECUTE
DLTAUTL Authorization list Owner or *ALLOBJ *EXECUTE
DSPAUTL Authorization list *EXECUTE
Output file See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
DSPAUTLDLO Authorization list *USE *EXECUTE
DSPAUTLOBJ Authorization list *READ *EXECUTE
Output file See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
EDTAUTL 1 Authorization list *AUTLMGT or *EXECUTE
RMVAUTLE Authorization list *AUTLMGT or *EXECUTE
RTVAUTLE Authorization list *AUTLMGT or *EXECUTE
WRKAUTL 3,4,5 Authorization list

You must be the owner or have authorization list management authority and have the authorities being
given or taken away.
If do not have *OBJMGT or *AUTLMGT, you can retrieve *PUBLIC authority and your own authority. You
must have *READ authority to your own profile to retrieve your own authority.
To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation
You must not be excluded (*EXCLUDE) from the authorization list.
Some authority to the authorization list is required.

Binding Directory Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
ADDBNDDIRE Binding directory *OBJOPR, *ADD *USE
CRTBNDDIR Binding directory *READ, *ADD
DSPBNDDIR Binding directory *READ, *OBJOPR *USE
WRKBNDDIR Binding directory Any authority *USE
WRKBNDDIRE Binding directory *READ, *OBJOPR *USE

To use individual operations, you must have the authority required by the operation.

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 311

Change Request Description Commands
Change Request Description Commands
Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
ADDCMDCRQA (Q) Change request description *CHANGE *EXECUTE
ADDOBJCRQA (Q) Change request description *CHANGE *EXECUTE
ADDPRDCRQA (Q) Change request description *CHANGE *EXECUTE
ADDPTFCRQA (Q) Change request description *CHANGE *EXECUTE
ADDRSCCRQA (Q) Change request description *CHANGE *EXECUTE
CHGCMDCRQA (Q) Change request description *CHANGE *EXECUTE
CHGOBJCRQA (Q) Change request description *CHANGE *EXECUTE
CHGPRDCRQA (Q) Change request description *CHANGE *EXECUTE
CHGPTFCRQA (Q) Change request description *CHANGE *EXECUTE
CHGCRQD Change request description *CHANGE *EXECUTE
CHGRSCCRQA (Q) Change request description *CHANGE *EXECUTE
CRTCRQD Change request description *READ, *ADD
DLTCRQD Change request description *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
RMVCRQDA Change request description *CHANGE *EXECUTE
WRKCRQD Change request description *EXECUTE

To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation

Chart Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
DSPCHT Chart format *USE *USE
Database file *USE *USE
DSPGDF Database file *USE *USE
STRBGU (Option 3) Chart format *CHANGE, *EXECUTE
WRKCHTFMT Chart format Any authority *USE

To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation .
Option 3 on the BGU menu (shown when STRGBU is run) is the Change chart format option.

312 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Class Commands
Class Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation .

Class-of-Service Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CHGCOSD Class-of-service description *CHANGE, OBJMGT *EXECUTE
CRTCOSD Class-of-service description
DLTCOSD Class-of-service description *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
DSPCOSD Class-of-service description *USE *EXECUTE
WRKCOSD Class-of-service description *OBJOPR *EXECUTE

To use individual operations, you must have the authority required by the individual operation.
Some authority to the object is required.
To use this command, you must have *IOSYSCFG special authority.

Command (*CMD) Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Command: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
SLTCMD Command Any authority *USE
WRKCMD Command Any authority *USE

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 313

Command (*CMD) Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

Ownership or some authority to the object is required.
To use individual operations, you must have the authority required by the individual operation.

Commitment Control Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
ENDCMTCTL Message queue, as specified on NFYOBJ *OBJOPR, *ADD *EXECUTE
keyword for the associated STRCMTCTL
STRCMTCTL Message queue, when specified on NFYOBJ *OBJOPR, *ADD *EXECUTE
Data area, as specified on NFYOBJ keyword *CHANGE *EXECUTE
for the associateed STRCMTCTL command.
Files, as specified on NFYOBJ keyword for *OBJOPR *READ *EXECUTE
the associated STRCMTCTL command.

Any user can run this command for commitment definitions that belong to a job that is running under the
user profile of the user. A user who has job control (*JOBCTL) special authority can run this command for
any commitment definition.

Communications Side Information Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CHGCSI Communications side information object *USE, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
Device description *CHANGE
CRTCSI Communications side information object *READ, *ADD
Device description *CHANGE
DLTCSI Communications side information object *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
DSPCSI Communications side information object *READ *EXECUTE
WRKCSI Communications side information objects *USE *EXECUTE

Authority is verified when the communications side information object is used.

314 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Configuration Commands
Configuration Commands
Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
PRTDEVADR Controller description (CTL) *USE *EXECUTE
Device description *USE *EXECUTE
5 1
| RSTCFG (Q) Every object being restored over by a saved *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
| version
| To-library *ADD, *EXECUTE
| User profile owning objects being created *ADD
| Tape unit *USE *EXECUTE
| Save file, if specified *USE *EXECUTE
| Print file (QPSRLDSP), if output(*print) is *USE *EXECUTE
| specified
| Output file, if specified See General Rules on See General Rules on
| page 299 page 299
| QSYS/QASRRSTO field reference file, if *USE *EXECUTE
| output file is specified and it does not exist
SAVCFG Save file, if empty *USE, *ADD *EXECUTE
Save file, if records exist in it *USE, *ADD, *EXECUTE
SAVRSTCFG On the source system, same authority as
required by SAVCFG command.
On the target system, same authority as
required by RSTCFG command.

If you have *SAVSYS special authority, you do not need the authority specified.
You must have *SAVSYS special authority.
If a user has *JOBCTL special authority, authority to the device is not needed.
To use the individual operations, you must have the authority required by the individual operation.
You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to specify ALWOBJDIF(*ALL).
You must have *IOSYSCFG special authority for media library when status is *ALLOCATE or

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 315

Configuration List Commands
Configuration List Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CPYCFGL Configuration list *USE, *OBJMGT *ADD
CRTCFGL Configuration list
DSPCFGL Configuration list *USE, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
1, 2
WRKCFGL Configuration list *OBJOPR *EXECUTE

To use the individual operations, you must have the authority required by the individual operation.
To use this command, you must have *IOSYSCFG special authority.

Connection List Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
DSPCNNL Connection list *USE *EXECUTE
WRKCNNLE Connection list *USE *EXECUTE

To use the individual operations, you must have the authority required by the individual operation.
To use this command, you must have *IOSYSCFG special authority.

Controller Description Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Line description (SWTLINLST) *USE *EXECUTE
Connection list (CNNLSTOUT) *USE *EXECUTE

316 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Controller Description Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CHGCTLASC Controller description *CHANGE, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
Line description (SWTLINLST) *USE *EXECUTE
CHGCTLBSC Controller description *CHANGE, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
Line description (SWTLINLST) *USE *EXECUTE
CHGCTLFNC Controller description *CHANGE, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
Line description (SWTLINLST) *USE *EXECUTE
Line description (SWTLINLST) *USE *EXECUTE
Connection list (CNNLSTOUT) *USE *EXECUTE
CHGCTLLWS Controller description *CHANGE, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
CHGCTLNET Controller description *CHANGE, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
CHGCTLRTL Controller description *CHANGE, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
Line description (SWTLINLST) *USE *EXECUTE
CHGCTLRWS Controller description *CHANGE, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
Line description (SWTLINLST) *USE *EXECUTE
Connection list (CNNLSTOUT) *USE *EXECUTE
CHGCTLTAP Controller description *CHANGE, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
Device description (DEV) *USE *EXECUTE
Connection list (CNNLSTOUT) *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description
Device description (DEV) *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description
Device description (DEV) *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description
Device description (DEV) *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description
Device description (DEV) *USE *EXECUTE
Connection list (CNNLSTOUT) *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description
CRTCTLLWS Device description (DEV) *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 317

Controller Description Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Device description (DEV) *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description
Device description (DEV) *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description
Device description (DEV) *USE *EXECUTE
Connection list (CNNLSTOUT) *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description
CRTCTLTAP Device description (DEV) *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description
CRTCTLVWS Device description (DEV) *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description
DLTCTLD Controller description *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
DSPCTLD Controller description *USE *EXECUTE
ENDCTLRCY Controller description *USE *EXECUTE
2, 3
RSMCTLRCY Controller description *USE *EXECUTE
WRKCTLD Controller description *OBJOPR *EXECUTE

To use the individual operations, you must have the authority required by the individual operation.
To use this command, you must have *IOSYSCFG special authority.
To use this command, you must have *ALLOBJ special authority.

Cryptography Commands
Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
QHST message queue *OBJOPR, *ADD *EXECUTE
QHST message queue *OBJOPR, *ADD *EXECUTE
QHST message queue *OBJOPR, *ADD *EXECUTE

318 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Cryptography Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
QHST message queue *OBJOPR, *ADD *EXECUTE
QHST message queue *OBJOPR, *ADD *EXECUTE
QHST message queue *OBJOPR, *ADD *EXECUTE

Data Area Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
| APPC device description *CHANGE
WRKDTAARA Data area Any authority *USE

If the create and change data area commands are run using high-level language functions, these authorities
are still required although authority to the command is not.
Authority is verified at run time, but not at compilation time.
To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation.
Authority is verified when the data area is used.

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 319

Data Queue Command
Data Queue Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CRTDTAQ Data queue *READ, *ADD
Target data queue for the QSNDDTAQ *OBJOPR, *ADD *EXECUTE
Source data queue for the QRCVDTAQ *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
| APPC device description2 *CHANGE

To use individual operations, you must have the authority required by the individual operation.
| Authority is verified when the data area is used.

Device Description Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Mode description (MODE) *USE *EXECUTE
CRTDEVAPPC Controller description (CTL) *USE *EXECUTE
Device description
Mode description (MODE) *USE *EXECUTE

320 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Device Description Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CRTDEVASC Controller description (CTL) *USE *EXECUTE
Device description
| CRTDEVASP Device description *EXECUTE
CRTDEVBSC Controller description (CTL) *USE *EXECUTE
Device description
CRTDEVDKT Device description
Controller description (CTL) *USE *EXECUTE
Device description
CRTDEVFNC Controller description (CTL) *USE *EXECUTE
Device description
CRTDEVHOST Controller description (CTL) *USE *EXECUTE
Device description
CRTDEVINTR Device description
CRTDEVMLB Device description *EXECUTE
CRTDEVNET Controller description (CTL) *USE *EXECUTE
Device description
CRTDEVOPT Device description *EXECUTE
CRTDEVPRT Controller description (CTL) *USE *EXECUTE
Device description
CRTDEVRTL Controller description (CTL) *USE *EXECUTE
Device description
CRTDEVSNPT Controller description (CTL) *USE *EXECUTE
Device description
CRTDEVSNUF Controller description (CTL) *USE *EXECUTE
Device description
CRTDEVTAP Controller description (CTL) *USE *EXECUTE
Device description
DSPDEVD Device description *USE *EXECUTE
ENDDEVRCY Device description *USE *EXECUTE
4, 5
RSMDEVRCY Device description *USE *EXECUTE
WRKDEVD Device description *OBJOPR *EXECUTE

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 321

Device Description Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

To remove an associated output queue, object existence (*OBJEXIST) authority to the output queue and
read authority to the QUSRSYS library are required.
You must have job control (*JOBCTL) special authority and object operational authority to the device
To use individual operations, you must have the authority required by the individual operation.
You must have *IOSYSCFG special authority to run this command.
You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to run this command.

Device Emulation Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
ADDEMLCFGE Emulation configuration file *CHANGE *EXECUTE
CHGEMLCFGE Emulation configuration file *CHANGE *EXECUTE
EJTEMLOUT Emulation device description when specified *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Emulation device description when location *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
ENDPRTEML Emulation device description when specified *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Emulation device description when location *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
EMLPRTKEY Emulation device description when specified *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Emulation device description when location *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
EML3270 Emulation device description *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Emulation controller description *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
RMVEMLCFGE Emulation configuration file *CHANGE *EXECUTE
STREML3270 Emulation configuration file *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Emulation device, emulation controller *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
description, display station device, and
display station controller description
Printer device description, user exit *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
program, and translation tables when
STRPRTEML Emulation configuration file *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Emulation device description and emulation *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
controller description
Printer device description, print file, *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
message queue, job description, job queue,
and translation tables when specified
TRMPRTEML Emulation device description *OBJOPR *EXECUTE

322 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Directory and Directory Shadowing Commands
Directory and Directory Shadowing Commands
These commands do not require any object authorities:

You must have *SECADM special authority.
You must have *SECADM or *ALLOBJ special authority.
A user with *SECADM special authority can work with all directory entries. Users without *SECADM
special authority can work only with their own entries.
You must have *JOBCTL special authority.
To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation.

Disk Commands
Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

These commands to not require authority to any objects:

1 1

To use this command, you must have *ALLOBJ special authority.

Display Station Pass-Through Commands

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
STRPASTHR APPC device on source system *CHANGE *EXECUTE
APPC device on target system *CHANGE *EXECUTE
Virtual controller on target system *USE *EXECUTE
1 2
Virtual device on target system , *CHANGE *EXECUTE
Program specified in the QRMTSIGN system *USE *USE
value on target system, if any1

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 323

Display Station Pass-Through Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

The user profile that requires this authority is the profile that runs the pass-through batch job. For
pass-through that bypasses the sign-on display, the user profile is the one specified in the remote user
(RMTUSER) parameter. For pass-through that uses the normal sign-on procedure (RMTUSER(* NONE)),
the user is the default user profile specified in the communications entry of the subsystem that handles the
pass-through request. Generally, this is QUSER.
If the pass-through is one that uses the normal sign-on procedure, the user profile specified on the sign-on
display on the target system must have authority to this object.

Distribution Commands
Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
1 2
Journal receiver *USE *EXECUTE
SNDDST Requested file or document *USE *EXECUTE

324 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Distribution Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

If the user is asking for distribution for another user, the user must have the authority to work on behalf of
the other user.
When the Distribution is filed.

Distribution List Commands

These commands do not require any object authorities:
1 1

You must have *SECADM special authority or own the distribution list.
To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation.

Document Library Object Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
ADDDLOAUT Document library object *ALL or owner *EXECUTE
CHGDLOAUT Document library object *ALL or owner *EXECUTE
CHGDLOOWN Document library object Owner or *ALLOBJ *EXECUTE
special authority
Old user profile *DLT *EXECUTE
New user profile *ADD *EXECUTE
CHGDLOPGP Document library object Owner or *ALLOBJ *EXECUTE
special authority
Old primary group profile *DLT *EXECUTE
New primary group profile *ADD *EXECUTE
CHGDOCD Document description *CHANGE *EXECUTE
CHKDLO Document library object As required by the *EXECUTE
AUT keyword
Spelling aid dictionary *CHANGE *EXECUTE
CPYDOC From-document *USE *EXECUTE
To-document, if replacing existing document *CHANGE *EXECUTE
To-folder if to-document is new *CHANGE *EXECUTE
DLTDLO Document library object *ALL *EXECUTE
DLTDOCL Document list *ALL 4 *EXECUTE

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 325

Document Library Object Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
DSPAUTLDLO Authorization list *USE *EXECUTE
Document library object *USE *EXECUTE
DSPDLOAUD Output file, if specified See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
DSPDLOAUT Document library object *USE or owner *EXECUTE
DSPDLONAM Document library object *USE *EXECUTE
EDTDLOAUT Document library object *ALL or owner *EXECUTE
FILDOC Requested file *USE *EXECUTE
MOVDOC From-folder, if source document is in a *CHANGE *EXECUTE
From-document *ALL *EXECUTE
From-folder *USE *EXECUTE
To-document if document is replaced See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
To-folder if to-document is new See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
Document *USE *EXECUTE
DLTPF, DLTF, and DLTOVR commands, if *USE *EXECUTE
an INDEX instruction is specified
commands, if a RUN instruction is specified
Save document, if SAVOUTPUT (*YES) is *USE *EXECUTE
Save folder, if SAVOUTPUT (*YES) is *USE *EXECUTE
Document list, if it exists *CHANGE *EXECUTE
RCLDLO Document library object
Internal documents or all documents and
RGZDLO Document library object *CHANGE or owner *EXECUTE
RMVDLOAUT Document library object *ALL or owner *EXECUTE

326 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Document Library Object Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
RNMDLO Document library object *ALL *EXECUTE
RPLDOC Requested file *READ *EXECUTE
| RSTDLO Document library object, if replacing *ALL *EXECUTE
| Parent folder, if new DLO *CHANGE *EXECUTE
| Owning user profile, if new DLO *ADD *EXECUTE
| Output file, if specified See General Rules on See General Rules on
| page 299 page 299
| Save file *USE *EXECUTE
| Optical file (OPTFILE) *R N/A
| Path prefix of optical file (OPTFILE) *X N/A
| Optical volume *USE N/A
| Tape, diskette, and optical unit *USE *EXECUTE
Device file or device description *USE *EXECUTE
RTVDLONAM Document library object *USE *EXECUTE
RTVDOC Document if checking out *CHANGE *EXECUTE
Document if not checking out *USE *EXECUTE
Requested file *CHANGE *EXECUTE
7,13 10
| SAVDLO Document library object *ALL *EXECUTE
| Tape unit, diskette unit, and optical unit *USE *EXECUTE
Save file, if empty *USE, *ADD *EXECUTE
Save file, if records exist in it *USE, *ADD, *EXECUTE
Output file, if specified See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
| Optical File (OPTFILE)17 *RW N/A
| Parent directory of optical file (OPTFILE) *WX N/A
| Path Prefix of optical file (OPTFILE) *X N/A
17, 18
| Root Directory (/) of volume *RWX N/A
| Optical Volume *CHANGE N/A
SAVRSTDLO On the source system, same authority as
required by SAVDLO command.
On the target system, same authority as
required by RSTDLO command.

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 327

Document Library Object Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

You must have *AUDIT special authority.
If the user is working on behalf of another user, the other user’s authority to the object is checked.
The user must have *ALL authority to all the objects in the folder in order to delete the folder and all the
objects in the folder.
If you have *ALLOBJ or *SECADM special authority, you do not need all *ALL authority to the document
library list.
The user must have authority to the object being used as the merge source. For example, if
MRGTYPE(*QRY) is specified, the user must have use authority to the query specified for the QRYDFN

Only objects that meet the criteria of the query and to which the user has at least *USE authority are
returned in the document list or output file.
*SAVSYS, *ALLOBJ, or enrollment in the system distribution directory is required.
*SAVSYS or *ALLOBJ special authority is required to use the following parameter combination: RSTDLO
*ALLOBJ is required to specify ALWOBJDIF(*ALL).
If you have *SAVSYS or *ALLOBJ special authority, you do not need the authority specified.

You need *ALL authority to the document if replacing it. You need operational and all the data authorities
to the folder if restoring new information into the folders, or you need *ALLOBJ special authority.
If used for a data dictionary, only the authority to the command is required.
*SAVSYS or *ALLOBJ special authority is required to use the following parameter combinations:
You must be enrolled in the system distribution directory if the source folder is a document folder.
You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to dump internal document library objects.

You must have *ALLOBJ or *SECADM special authority.
This authority check is only made when the Optical Media Format is Universal Disk Format (UDF).
| This authority check is only made when you are clearing the optical volume.
| Optical volumes are not actual system objects. The link between the optical volume and the authorization
| list used to secure the volume is maintained by the optical support function.

Double-Byte Character Set Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
DBCS sort table (*OUT) *USE *EXECUTE

328 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Double-Byte Character Set Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CRTIGCDCT DBCS conversion dictionary *READ, *ADD
DSPIGCDCT DBCS conversion dictionary *USE *EXECUTE
EDTIGCDCT DBCS conversion dictionary *USE, *UPD *EXECUTE
User dictionary *ADD, *DLT *EXECUTE
STRFMA DBCS font table, if copy-to option specified *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
DBCS font table, if copy-from option *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
Font management aid work file *CHANGE *EXECUTE

Edit Description Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
| CRTEDTD Edit description *EXECUTE, *ADD
WRKEDTD Edit description Any authority *USE

To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation .

Environment Variable Commands

These commands do not require any object authorities.

To update system-level environment variables, you need *JOBCTL special authority.

Extended Wireless LAN Configuration Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 329

Extended Wireless LAN Configuration Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

File Commands
Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
File referenced in DTAMBRS parameter, *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
when logical file is keyed or *OBJALTER
File referenced in DTAMBRS parameter, *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
when logical file is not keyed
ADDPFCST Dependent file, if TYPE(*REFCST) is *OBJMGT or *EXECUTE
specified *OBJALTER
Parent file, if TYPE(*REFCST) is specified *OBJMGT or *OBJREF *EXECUTE
is specified
| ADDPFTRG Physical file, to insert trigger *OBJALTER, *EXECUTE
| Physical file, to delete trigger *OBJALTER, *EXECUTE
| Physical file, to update trigger *OBJALTER, *EXECUTE
| Trigger program *EXECUTE *EXECUTE

330 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

File Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Device description *CHANGE
Device if device name specified in the *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Device if device name specified *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Display file *USE *EXECUTE
CHGLF Logical file *OBJMGT or *EXECUTE
CHGPF Physical file *OBJMGT or *EXECUTE
CHGPFM Physical file *OBJMGT or *EXECUTE
| CHGPFTRG Physical file *OBJMGT or *EXECUTE
Device if device name specified *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
CHGSRCPF Source physical file *OBJMGT or *EXECUTE
Device if device name specified *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
To-file (device file) *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
To-file (physical file) See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
Based-on file if from-file is logical file *READ *EXECUTE

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 331

File Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
To-file (device file) *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
To-file (physical file) See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
To-file (device file) *OBJOPR, *READ *USE
To-file (physical file) See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
Based-on file if from-file is logical file *READ *USE
To-file (device file) *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
To-file (physical file) See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
| CPYFRMSTMF Stream file *R
| Directories in stream file path name prefix *X
| Target database file, if MBROPT(*ADD) *X, *ADD *X
| specified
| Target database file, if MBROPT(*REPLACE) *X, *ADD, *DLT, *X
| specified *OBJMGT
| Target database file, if new member created *X, *OBJMGT, or *X, *ADD
| Conversion table *TBL used to translate data *OBJOPR *X
To-file (device file) *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
To-file (physical file) See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
To-file (device file) *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
To-file (physical file) See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
CPYTODKT To-file and from-file *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
Device if device name specified on the *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
Based-on physical file if from-file is logical *READ *EXECUTE
To-file (device file) *OBJOPR, *READ *USE
To-file (physical file) See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
Based-on file if from-file is logical file *READ *USE

332 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

File Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
| CPYTOSTMF Database file *RX *X
| Stream file, if it already exists *W
| Stream file parent directory, if the stream file *WX,
| does not exist
| Document parent folder, if the document *RWX
| parent folder does not exist
| Stream file path name prefix *X
| Conversion table *TBL used to translate data *OBJOPR *X
CPYTOTAP To-file and from file *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
Device if device name is specified *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
Based-on physical file if from-file is logical *READ *EXECUTE
DDM file: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Device description *CHANGE
CRTDKTF Device if device name is specified *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Diskette file: REPLACE(*NO) *READ, *ADD,
Diskette file: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD,
page 299 *EXECUTE
Device if device name is specified *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
File specified in REF and REFFLD keywords *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Display file: REPLACE(*NO) *READ, *ADD,
Display file: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD,
page 299 *EXECUTE
File specified in REF and REFFLD keywords *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
ICF file: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 333

File Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
File specified on PFILE or JFILE keyword, *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
when logical file is keyed or *OBJALTER
File specified on PFILE or JFILE keyword, *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
when logical file is not keyed
Files specified on FORMAT and *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
REFACCPTH keywords
Tables specified in the ALTSEQ keyword *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Logical file *EXECUTE, *ADD
File referenced in DTAMBRS parameter, *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
when logical file is keyed or *OBJALTER
File referenced in DTAMBRS parameter, *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
when logical file is not keyed
Files specified in FORMAT and REFFLD *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
keywords and tables specified in the
ALTSEQ keyword
Physical file *EXECUTE, *ADD
Device if device name is specified *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Files specified in the REF and REFFLD *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Print file: Replace(*NO) *READ, *ADD,
Print file: Replace(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD,
page 299 *EXECUTE
CRTSAVF Save file *READ, *ADD,
CRTSRCPF Source physical file *READ, *ADD,
CRTS36DSPF To-file source file when TOMBR is not *ALL *CHANGE
Source file QS36SRC *USE *EXECUTE
Display file: REPLACE(*NO) *READ, *ADD
Display file: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Create Display File (CRTDSPF) command *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Tape file: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Device if device name is specified *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
DSPCPCST Database file that has constraint pending *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE

334 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

File Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Output file, if specified See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
Display file *USE *EXECUTE
Output file See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
File is a physical file and TYPE(*ALL, *MBR, A data authority other *EXECUTE
OR *MBRLST) is specified than *EXECUTE
Output file See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
DSPPFM Physical file *USE *EXECUTE
EDTCPCST Data area, as specified on NFYOBJ keyword *CHANGE *EXECUTE
for the associated STRCMTCTL command.
Files, as specified on NFYOBJ keyword for *OBJOPR, *ADD *EXECUTE
the associated STRCMTCTL command.
GENCAT Database file *OBJOPR and a data *EXECUTE
authority other than
specified or *OBJALTER, *ADD
Physical file, when RECORD(*DLT) is *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
specified or *OBJALTER, *ADD,
Maintenance file *USE *EXECUTE
Root file *USE *EXECUTE
OPNDBF Database file *OBJOPR and a data *EXECUTE
authority other than
OPNQRYF Database file *OBJOPR and a data *EXECUTE
authority other than
RGZPFM File containing member *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
RMVM File containing member *OBJEXIST, *OBJOPR *EXECUTE

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 335

File Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
RNMM File containing member *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE, *UPD
RSTS36F (Q) To-file *ALL See General Rules on
page 299
From-file *USE *EXECUTE
Based on physical file, if file being restored *CHANGE *EXECUTE
is a logical (alternative) file
Device description for diskette or tape *USE *EXECUTE
| SAVSAVFDTA Tape, diskette, or optical device description *USE *EXECUTE
Save file *USE *EXECUTE
| Optical Save/Restore File (if previously *RW N/A
| exists)
| Parent Directory of OPTFILE8 *WX N/A
| Path Prefix of OPTFILE *X N/A
| Root Directory (/) of Optical Volume *RWX N/A
| Optical Volume *CHANGE N/A
To-file, when it is a physical file *ALL See General Rules on
page 299
Device file or device description *USE *EXECUTE
SAVS36LIBM To-file, when it is a physical file *ALL See General Rules on
page 299
From-file *USE *EXECUTE
Device file or device description *USE *EXECUTE
Data area, when specified on NFYOBJ *CHANGE *EXECUTE
Files, when specified on NFYOBJ keyword *OBJOPR, *ADD *EXECUTE
Journal, when specified on DFTJRN *OBJOPR, *ADD *EXECUTE
STRDFU Program (if create program option) *READ, *ADD
Program (if change or delete program *OBJEXIST *READ, *ADD
File (if change or display data option) *OBJOPR, *ADD, *EXECUTE
File (if display data option) *READ *EXECUTE

336 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

File Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

The CPYFRMQRYF command uses a FROMOPNID parameter rather than a FROMFILE parameter. A user
must have sufficient authority to perform the OPNQRYF command prior to running the CPYFRMQRYF
command. If CRTFILE(*YES) is specified on the CPYFRMQRYF command, the first file specified on the
corresponding OPNQRYF FILE parameter is considered to be the from-file when determining the
authorities for the new to-file. (See note 1 of General Rules on page 299.)
Ownership or operational authority to the file is required.
To use individual operations, you must have the authority required by the individual operation.
If a new file is created and an authority holder exists for the file, then the user must have all (*ALL)
authority to the authority holder or be the owner of the authority holder. If there is no authority holder, the
owner of the file is the user who entered the RSTS36F command and the public authority is *ALL.
Some authority to the object is required.

You must have *ALLOBJ special authority.
Authority is verified when the DDM file is used.
| This authority check is only made when the Optical media format is Universal Disk Format (UDF).
| This authority check is only made if you are clearing the optical volume.
| Optical volumes are not actual system objects. The link between the optical volume and the authorization
| list used to secure the volume is maintained by the optical support function.

Filter Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 337

Filter Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
WRKFTR Filter Any authority *EXECUTE

To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation.

Finance Commands
Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
SBMFNCJOB (Q) Job description and message queue *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
SNDFNCIMG (Q) Job description and message queue *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
WRKDEVTBL (Q) Device description At least one data *EXECUTE

The QFNC user profile must have this authority.

OS/400 Graphical Operations

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
1 2,3,4
1 2,3,4
1 2,3,4
SETCSTDTA Copy-from user profile *CHANGE *EXECUTE
Copy-to user profile *CHANGE *EXECUTE

The workstation object is an internal object that is created when you install the OS/400 Graphical
Operations feature. It is shipped with public authority of *USE.
You must be the owner or have *OBJMGT authority and the authorities being granted or revoked.
You must be the owner of have *ALLOBJ authority to grant *OBJMGT or *AUTLMGT authority.
To secure the workstation object with an authorization list or remove the authorization list, you must have
one of the following:
Own the workstation object.
Have *ALL authority to the workstation object.
Have *ALLOBJ special authority.

338 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Graphics Symbol Set Commands
Graphics Symbol Set Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Graphics symbol set *READ, *ADD
DLTGSS Graphics symbol set *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
WRKGSS Graphics symbol set *OBJOPR *USE

Ownership or some authority to the object is required.

Host Server Commands

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

These commands do not require object authorities.


Integrated File System Commands

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Needed for
Command Referenced Object Object Type File System Object1
"root" ,
Parent of new link *DIR QOpenSys, *WX
"root", UDFS
Path prefix See General Rules on page 299

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 339

Integrated File System Commands
Needed for
Command Referenced Object Object Type File System Object1
| CHGATR Object when setting an attribute other than Any All except *W
| Object when setting *USECOUNT Any All except *OBJMGT
| *FILE QSYS.LIB *R, *W, or *X
| plus
| (authority
| inherited
| from parent
| *FILE)
| Object when setting *ALWCKPWRT Any All *OBJMGT
| Directory that contains objects when Any All *RX
| SUBTREE(*ALL) is specified directory
CHGAUT Object All QOpenSys, Ownership18
’root’, UDFS
QSYS.LIB, Ownership
QDLS Ownership,
*ALL, or
| Optical volume *DDIR QOPT *CHANGE
CHGCURDIR Object specified by DIR parameter Any QLANSvr *R
| Optical volume *DDIR QOPT10 *X
All QOpenSys, Ownership
’root’ UDFS and
All QDLS Ownership
| QOPT13 Ownership
| or *ALLOBJ
CHGOWN 5 User profile of old owner—all except QOPT *USRPRF All *DLT
User profile of new owner—all except QOPT *USRPRF All *ADD
| Optical volume *DDIR QOPT *CHANGE

340 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Integrated File System Commands
Needed for
Command Referenced Object Object Type File System Object1
All QOpenSys, Ownership6,
’root’ UDFS 18

All QDLS Ownership

QOPT13 Ownership
CHGPGP 5 User profile of old primary group—all except *USRPRF All *DLT
(continued) QOPT
User profile of new primary group—all except *USRPRF All *ADD
| Optical volume *DDIR QOPT10 *CHANGE
CHKIN Object, if the user who checked it out. *STMF QOpenSys, *W
’root’ UDFS
Object, if not the user who checked it out. *STMF QOpenSys, *All or
’root’ UDFS *ALLOBJ or
*DOC QDLS *All or
CHKIN9 (continued) Path, if not the user who checked out *DIR QOpenSys, *X
’root’ UDFS
Path prefix See General Rules on page 299
CHKOUT Object *STMF QOpenSys, *W
’root’ UDFS
Path prefix See General Rules on page 299

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 341

Integrated File System Commands
Needed for
Command Referenced Object Object Type File System Object1
| CPY Object being copied, origin object Any QOpenSys, *R, and
| ’root’ UDFS *OBJMGT or
| ownership
| *DOC QDLS *RWX and
| *ALL or
| ownership
| others QSYS.LIB *RX,
| Destination object when REPLACE(*YES) Any All12 *W,
| specified (if destination object already exists) *OBJEXIST,
| Directory being copied that contains objects *DIR QOpenSys, *RX,
| when SUBTREE(*ALL) is specified, so that its ’root’, UDFS *OBJMGT
| contents are copied
| CPY (continued) Path (target), parent directory of destination *FILE QSYS.LIB *RX,
| object *OBJMGT
| *DIR QOpenSys, *WX
| ’root’ UDFS
| Source Optical volume *DDIR QOPT *USE
| Target Optical volume *DDIR QOPT *CHANGE
| CPY (continued) Parent directory of origin object *DIR QOpenSys, *X
| ’root’ UDFS
| Others QSYS.LIB *RX
| Path prefix (target destination) *LIB QSYS.LIB *WX
| *DIR QOpenSys, *X
| ’root’ UDFS
| Path prefix (origin object) *DDIR QOPT *X
CRTDIR Parent directory *DIR QOpenSys, *WX
’root’ UDFS

342 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Integrated File System Commands
Needed for
Command Referenced Object Object Type File System Object1
CRTDIR (continued) Path prefix See General Rules on page 299
| Optical volume *DDIR QOPT10 *CHANGE
All All others *OBJMGT or
| Optical volume *DDIR QOPT *USE
Path prefix See General Rules on page 299
DSPCURDIR Path prefix *DIR QOpenSys, *RX
’root’ UDFS
DSPCURDIR Current directory *DIR QOpenSys, *X
(continued) ’root’ UDFS
| Optical volume *DDIR* QOPT *USE
DSPLNK Any Any ’root’, None
File, Option 12 (Display Links) *STMF, ’root’, *R
*SYMLNK, QOpenSys,
DSPLNK (continued) Symbolic link object *SYMLNK ’root’, None
| Optical volume *DDIR QOPT10 *USE
Parent directory of referenced object - No *DIR ’root’, *X
Pattern 15 QOpenSys,

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 343

Integrated File System Commands
Needed for
Command Referenced Object Object Type File System Object1
DSPLNK (continued) Parent directory of referenced object - Pattern *DIR ’root’, *R
specified15 QOpenSys,
Parent directory of referenced object- Option 8 *DIR ’root’, *X
(Display Attributes) QOpenSys,
DSPLNK (continued) Parent directory of referenced object - Option 12 *DIR ’root’, *RX
(Display Links) QOpenSys,
*SYMLNK ’root’, *X
DSPLNK (continued) Prefix of parent referenced object - No Pattern *DIR ’root’, *X
DSPLNK (continued) Prefix of parent referenced object - Pattern *DIR ’root’, *X
specified15 QOpenSys,

344 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Integrated File System Commands
Needed for
Command Referenced Object Object Type File System Object1
DSPLNK (continued) Prefix of parent referenced object - Option 8 *DIR ’root’, *RX
(Display Attributes) QOpenSys,
DSPLNK (continued) Prefix of parent referenced object - Option 12 *DIR ’root’, *RX
(Display Links) QOpenSys,
*SYMLNK ’root’, *X
16, 17
DSPLNK (continued) Relative Path Name : Current working *DIR ’root’, *RX
directory containing object -No Pattern15 QOpenSys,
16, 17
Relative Path Name : Current working *DIR ’root’, *RX
directory containing object -Pattern Specified15 QOpenSys,
16, 17
DSPLNK (continued) Relative Path Name : Prefix of current *DIR ’root’, *RX
working directory containing object -No Pattern QOpenSys,

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 345

Integrated File System Commands
Needed for
Command Referenced Object Object Type File System Object1
16, 17
DSPLNK (continued) Relative Path Name : Prefix of current *DIR ’root’, *RX
working directory containing object -Pattern QOpenSys,
specified15 UDFS
| ENDJRN Object *DIR if QOpenSys, *R, *X,
| Subtree(*ALL) ’root’, UDFS *OBJMGT
| *DIR if QOpenSys, *R,
| ’root’. UDFS
Subtree(*NONE), *OBJMGT
| Parent Directory *DIR QOpenSys, *X
| ’root’, UDFS
| Path Prefix See General Rules on page 299
| MOV Object moved within same file system *DIR QOpenSys, *OBJMGT,
| ’root’ *W
| not *DIR QOpenSys, *OBJMGT
| ’root’
| other QSYS.LIB None
| MOV (continued) Path (source), parent directory *DIR QOpenSys, *WX
| ’root’
| ’root’ *OBJEXIST
| others QOpenSys, *RWX
| ’root’
| Path (target), parent directory *DIR QSYS.LIB *WX
| (*RWX)
| *DLT,

346 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Integrated File System Commands
Needed for
Command Referenced Object Object Type File System Object1
| MOV (continued) Path prefix (target) *LIB QSYS.LIB *X, *ADD
| *DIR others *X
| Object moved across file systems into *STMF QOpenSys, *R,
| QOpenSys, root or QDLS (stream file *STMF ’root’ UDFS *OBJEXIST,
| and *DOC, *MBR only) . *OBJMGT
| MOV (continued) Moved into QSYS *MBR *STMF QOpenSys, *R,
| ’root’ UDFS *OBJMGT,
| MOV (continued) Path (source) moved across file systems, parent *DIR QOpenSys, *WX
| directory ’root’ UDFS
| *FILE QSYS. LIB ownership,
| *RX,
| Path Prefix See General Rules on page 299
| Optical volume (Source and Target) *DDIR QOPT10 *CHANGE
’root’ UDFS
RMVDIR (continued) Parent directory *DIR QOpenSys, *WX
’root’ UDFS
Path Prefix See General Rules on page 299
| Optical volume *DDIR QOPT10 *CHANGE

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 347

Integrated File System Commands
Needed for
Command Referenced Object Object Type File System Object1
| *R
| any QOpenSys, *OBJEXIST
| ’root’ UDFS
| RMVLNK (continued) Parent Directory *FLR QDLS *X
| *DIR QOpenSys, *WX
| ’root’ UDFS
| Path prefix (See General Rules on page 299)
| Optical volume *DDIR QOPT10 *CHANGE
RNM Object *DIR QOpenSys, *OBJMGT,
’root’ UDFS *W
Not *DIR QOpenSys, *OBJMGT
’root’ UDFS
| Optical Volume (Source and Target) *DDIR QOPT *CHANGE
RNM (continued) Parent directory *DIR QOpenSys, *WX
’root’ UDFS
Path prefix *LIB QSYS.LIB *X, *UPD
any QOpenSys, *X
’root’ user
defined file

348 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Integrated File System Commands
Needed for
Command Referenced Object Object Type File System Object1
9 2
RST (Q) Object, if it exists Any QOpenSys, *W,
Path prefix See General Rules on page 299
9 2
RST (Q) (continued) Parent directory of object being restored *DIR QOpenSys, *WX
’root’ UDFS
Parent directory of object being restored, if the *FLR QDLS *CHANGE
object does not exist2
User profile owning new object being restored2 *USRPRF QSYS.LIB *ADD
Tape unit, diskette unit, optical unit, or save file *DEVD, QSYS.LIB *RX
RST9 (Q) (continued) Library for device description or save file *LIB QSYS.LIB *EXECUTE
Output file, if specified *STMF QOpenSys, *W
’root’ UDFS
Path prefix of output file *DIR QOpenSys, *X
’root’ UDFS
9 10
| RST (Q) (continued) Optical volume if restoring from optical device *DDIR QOPT *USE
Optical path prefix and parent if restoring from *DDIR QOPT *X
optical device
Optical file if restoring from optical device *DSTMF QOPT13 *R
RTVCURDIR Path prefix *DIR QOpenSys, *RX
Any QLANSvr *R
RTVCURDIR Current directory *DIR QOpenSys, *X
(continued) ’root’,
Any QLANSvr *R

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 349

Integrated File System Commands
Needed for
Command Referenced Object Object Type File System Object1
9 2
SAV Object Any QOpenSys, *R,
Path prefix See General Rules on page 299
Tape unit, diskette unit, or optical unit *DEVD QSYS.LIB *RX
SAV (continued) Save file, if empty *FILE QSYS.LIB *USE, *ADD
Save file, if not empty *FILE QSYS.LIB *OBJMGT,
Save-while-active message queue *MSGQ QSYS.LIB *OBJOPR,
Libraries for device description, save file, *LIB QSYS.LIB *EXECUTE
save-while-active message queue
SAV9 (continued) Output file, if specified *STMF QOpenSys, *W
’root’ UDFS
Path prefix of output file *DIR QOpenSys, *X
’root’ UDFS
9 10
| SAV (continued) Optical volume, if saving to optical device *DDIR QOPT *CHANGE
Optical path prefix if saving to optical device *DDIR QOPT *X
Optical parent directory if saving to optical *DDIR QOPT *WX
Optical file (If it previously exists) *DSTMF QOPT13 *RW
SAVRST On the source system, same authority as
required by SAV command.
On the target system, same authority as
required by RST command.
| STRJRN Object *DIR if QOpenSys, *R, *X,
| Subtree(*ALL) ’root’, UDFS *OBJMGT
| *DIR if QOpenSys, *R,
| subtree(*NONE),
’root’, UDFS *OBJMGT
| Parent Directory *DIR QOpenSys, *X
’root’, UDFS
| Path Prefix See General Rules on page 299

350 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Integrated File System Commands
Needed for
Command Referenced Object Object Type File System Object1
7, 8
All not QDLS *OBJMGT or
Path prefix See General Rules on page 299
| Optical volume *DDIR QOPT10 *USE
WRKLNK Any Any ’root’, None
File, Option 12 (Display Links) *STMF, ’root’, *R
*SYMLNK, QOpenSys,
Symbolic link object *SYMLNK ’root’, None
| Optical volume *DDIR QOPT10 *USE
WRKLNK Parent directory of referenced object - No *DIR ’root’, *X
(continued) Pattern 15 QOpenSys,
WRKLNK Parent directory of referenced object - Pattern *DIR ’root’, *R
(continued) Specified QOpenSys,
WRKLNK Parent directory of referenced object- Option 8 *DIR ’root’, *X
(continued) (Display Attributes) QOpenSys,

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 351

Integrated File System Commands
Needed for
Command Referenced Object Object Type File System Object1
WRKLNK Parent directory of referenced object - Option 12 *DIR ’root’, *RX
(continued) (Display Links) QOpenSys,
*SYMLNK ’root’, *X
WRKLNK Prefix of parent referenced object - No Pattern *DIR ’root’, *X
(continued) QOpenSys,
WRKLNK Prefix of parent referenced object - Pattern *DIR ’root’, *X
(continued) specified15 QOpenSys,
WRKLNK Prefix of parent referenced object - Option 8 *DIR ’root’, *RX
(continued) (Display Attributes) QOpenSys,
WRKLNK Prefix of parent referenced object - Option 12 *DIR ’root’, *RX
(continued) (Display Links) QOpenSys,
*SYMLNK ’root’, *X

352 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Integrated File System Commands
Needed for
Command Referenced Object Object Type File System Object1
16, 17
WRKLNK Relative Path Name : Current working *DIR ’root’, *RX
(continued) directory containing object -No Pattern15 QOpenSys,
16, 17
Relative Path Name : Current working *DIR ’root’, *RX
directory containing object -Pattern Specified15 QOpenSys,
16, 17
WRKLNK Relative Path Name : Prefix of current *DIR ’root’, *RX
(continued) working directory containing object -No Pattern QOpenSys,
16, 17
Relative Path Name : Prefix of current *DIR ’root’, *RX
working directory containing object -Pattern QOpenSys,
specified15 UDFS

Adopted authority is not used for Integrated File system commands.
If you have *SAVSYS special authority, you do not need the authority specified for the QSYS.LIB, QDLS,
QOpenSys, and "root" file systems. For the QLANSvr file system, you do not need the specified authority if
you are a LAN Server administrator.
| The authority required varies by object type. See the description of the QLIRNMO API in the Information
| Center (see “Prerequisite and related information” on page xvi for details). If the object is a database
| member, see the authorities for the Rename Member (RNMM) command.
You must have *AUDIT special authority to change an auditing value.
This command is not supported for the QLANSvr file system.

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 353

Integrated File System Commands
Needed for
Command Referenced Object Object Type File System Object1

If the user issuing the command does not have *ALLOBJ authority, the user must be a member of the new
primary group.
To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation
These commands require the authority shown plus the authorities required for the DSPCURDIR command.
This command is not supported for the QOPT file system.
Optical volumes are not actual system objects. The link between the optical volume and the authorization
list used to secure the volume is maintained by the optical support function.

See the Optical File System restrictions for this command in the manual.
Authority required varies by the native command used. See the respective SAVOBJ or RSTOBJ command
for the required authority.
Authority required by QOPT against media formatted in ″Universal Disk Format″ (UDF).
*ADD is needed only when object being moved to is a *MRB.
Pattern: In some commands, an asterick (*) or a question mark (?) can be used in the last component of the
path name to search for names matching a pattern.

Relative path name: If a path name does not begin with a slash, the predecessor of the first component of
the path name is taken to be the current working directory of the process. For example, if a path name of
’a/b’ is specified, and the current working directory is ’/home/john’, then the object being accessed is
When using relative path names in the QLANSvr file system, the user must have read data authority (*R)
to the NWS storage being accessed, ie: If a user wants to change his current directory to
’/QLANSvr/NWS/SERVER/DSK/K’ (or even another path below K), then the user must have *R
authority to K directory.
Note: For the QLANSvr file system, you do not need the specified authority of you are a LAN Server
If you have *ALLOBJ special authority, you do not need the listed authority.

Interactive Data Definition Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CRTDTADCT Data dictionary *READ, *ADD

354 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Interactive Data Definition Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
2 4
Database file *OBJOPR *EXECUTE

Authority to the data dictionary is not required to unlink a file.
To use individual operations, you must have the authority required by the individual operation.
Before the dictionary is deleted, all linked files are unlinked. Refer to the LNKDTADFN command for
authority required to unlink a file.
You need use authority to the data dictionary to create a new file. No authority to the data dictionary is
needed to enter data in an existing file.

Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) Commands

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Line description *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description *USE *EXECUTE
Device description *USE *EXECUTE
Line description *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description *USE *EXECUTE
Device description *USE *EXECUTE
Line description *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description *USE *EXECUTE
Device description *USE *EXECUTE
STRIPX (Q) File objects *USE *EXECUTE
Line description *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description *USE *EXECUTE
Device description *USE *EXECUTE

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 355

Interactive Data Definition Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Line description *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description *USE *EXECUTE
Device description *USE *EXECUTE
Line description *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description *USE *EXECUTE
Device description *USE *EXECUTE
These commands do not require any object authorities:

You must have *IOSYSCFG special authority to use this command.
If you have *JOBCTL special authority, you do not need the specified authority to the object.

Information Search Index Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Panel group *USE *EXECUTE
WRKSCHIDX Search index *ANY *USE

To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation .

IPL Attribute Commands

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

356 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Information Search Index Commands
These commands do not require authorities to objects:

To use this command, you must have *SECADM and *ALLOBJ special authorities.

Job Commands
Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
BCHJOB Job description *USE *EXECUTE
User profile in job description *USE *EXECUTE
Sort sequence table *USE *EXECUTE
Message queue *USE, *ADD *EXECUTE
Job queue *READ *EXECUTE
Output queue *USE *EXECUTE
CHGGRPA 4 Message queue if associating a message *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
queue with a group
CHGJOB New job queue, if changing the job *READ *EXECUTE
New output queue, if changing the output *READ *EXECUTE
Sort sequence table7 *USE *EXECUTE
CHGPJ User profile for the program start request to *USE *EXECUTE
specify *PGMSTRRQS
User profile and job description *USE *EXECUTE
CHGUSRTRC14 User trace buffer when CLEAR (*YES) is *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
User trace buffer when MAXSTG is used15 *CHANGE, *OBJMGT *USE
User trace buffer when TRCFULL is used. *OBJOPR *EXECUTE

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 357

Job Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
DSPJOBLOG Outfile and member exist *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
Member does not exist *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE, *ADD
Outfile does not exist *OBJOPR *EXECUTE, *ADD
Job queue *READ *EXECUTE
Job queue and device description *READ *EXECUTE
2, 12 9,11
SBMJOB Job description *USE *EXECUTE
Message queue *USE, *ADD *EXECUTE
User profile *USE *EXECUTE
User profile in job description *USE (at level 40) *EXECUTE
Job queue *READ *EXECUTE
Output queue *READ *EXECUTE
Sort sequence table *USE *EXECUTE
STRPJ Subsystem description *USE *EXECUTE
TFRGRPJOB Initial group program *USE *EXECUTE
Subsystem description to which the job *USE *EXECUTE
queue is allocated

358 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Job Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

Any user can run these commands for jobs running under his own user profile. A user with job control
(*JOBCTL) special authority can run these commands for any job. If you have *SPLCTL special authority,
you do not need any authority to the job queue. However, you need authority to the library that contains
the job queue.
You must have the authority (specified in your user profile) for the scheduling priority and output priority
To change certain job attributes, even in the user’s own job, requires job control (*JOBCTL) special
authority. These attributes are RUNPTY, TIMESLICE, PURGE, DFTWAIT, and TSEPOOL.
This command only affects the job in which it was specified.
To display the log for a job which was run with *ALLOBJ special authority, you must also have *JOBCTL
and *ALLOBJ special authority.

To use this command, job control *JOBCTL special authority is required.
The user profile under which the submitted job runs is checked for authority to the referenced object. The
adopted authority of the user submitting or changing the job is not used.
If the job being transferred is an interactive job, the following restrictions apply:
v The job queue where the job is placed must be associated with an active subsystem.
v The work station associated with the job must have a corresponding work station entry in the subsystem
description associated with the new subsystem.
v The work station associated with the job must not have another job associated with it that has been
suspended by means of the Sys Req (System Request) key. The suspended job must be canceled before
the Transfer Job command can run.
v The job must not be a group job.
Both the user submitting the job and the user profile under which the job will run are checked for
authority to the referenced object.
The user submitting the job is checked for authority to the referenced object.

The adopted authority of the user issuing the CHGJOB or SBMJOB command is used.
You must be authorized to the user profile and the job description; the user profile must also be authorized
to the job description.
To change certain job attributes, even in the user’s own job, requires job control (*JOBCTL) and all object
(*ALLOBJ) special authorities.
Any user can run these commands for jobs running under his own user profile. A user with job control
(*JOBCTL) special authority can run these commands for any job.
A user trace buffer is a user space (*USRSPC) object in library QUSRSYS by the name QPOZnnnnnn, where
’nnnnnn’ is the job number of the job using the user trace facility.

Job Description Commands

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 359

Job Description Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
User profile (USER) *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Job description *READ, *ADD
WRKJOBD Job description Any *USE

You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to use this command.

Job Queue Commands

Authority Needed Job Queue Parameters
Referenced Special
Command Object For Object For Library AUTCHK OPRCTL Authority

If you have *SPLCTL special authority, you do not need any authority to the job queue but you need
authority to the library containing the job queue.
You must be the owner of the job queue.
If you request to work with all job queues, your list display includes all the job queues in libraries to
which you have *EXECUTE authority.
To display the job queue parameters, use the QSPRJOBQ API.
You must have *ALLOBJ special authority.

360 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Job Queue Commands

Job Schedule Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Job description *USE *EXECUTE
Job queue *READ *EXECUTE
User profile *USE *EXECUTE
Message queue *USE, *ADD *EXECUTE
Job description *USE *EXECUTE
Job queue *READ *EXECUTE
User profile *USE *EXECUTE
Message queue *USE, *ADD *EXECUTE

Both the user profile adding the entry and the user profile under which the job will run are checked for
authority to the referenced object.
Authority to the job queue cannot come from adopted authority.
You must have *JOBCTL special authority or have added the entry.
To display the details of an entry (option 5 or print format *FULL), you must have *JOBCTL special
authority or have added the entry.

Journal Commands
Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Authority Needed
For Object For Library or
| Command Referenced Object Directory
Target journal *EXEC,*ADD
| Journal receiver *USE *EXECUTE
| Non-IFS objects whose journaled changes *OBJMGT, *CHANGE *EXECUTE
| are being applied
| IFS objects whose journal changes are being *RW, *OBJMGT *RX (if subtree *ALL)
| applied

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 361

Journal Commands
Authority Needed
For Object For Library or
| Command Referenced Object Directory
CHGJRN (Q) Journal receiver, if specified *OBJMGT, *USE *EXECUTE
Attached journal receiver *OBJMGT, *USE *EXECUTE
specified. *UPD, *OBJALTER
Source journal *USE, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
Journal receiver *USE *EXECUTE
Journal receiver *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
Journal if FILE(*ALLFILE) is specified, the *OBJEXIST, *USE *EXECUTE
specified file has been deleted from the
system or *IGNFILSLT is specified for any
selected journal codes or the journal is a
remote journal.
Journal receiver *USE *EXECUTE
File if specified *USE *EXECUTE
Output file See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
| ENDJRN See “Integrated File System Commands” on page 339

362 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Journal Commands
Authority Needed
For Object For Library or
| Command Referenced Object Directory
Journal if FILE(*ALLFILE) is specified, the *OBJEXIST, *USE *EXECUTE
specified file has been deleted from the
system or *IGNFILSLT is specified for any
selected journal codes or the journal is a
remote journal.
Journal receiver *USE *EXECUTE
Exit program *EXECUTE *EXECUTE
| Journal receiver *USE *EXECUTE
| Non-IFS objects whose journaled changes *OBJMGT, *CHANGE *EXECUTE
| are being removed
Journal if FILE(*ALLFILE) is specified, the *OBJEXIST, *USE *EXECUTE
specified file has been deleted from the
system or *IGNFILSLT is specified for any
selected journal codes or the journal is a
remote journal.
Journal receiver *USE *EXECUTE
| Non-IFS object if specified *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
| IFS object if specified *R *X
| STRJRN See “Integrated File System Commands” on page 339
WRKJRN (Q) Journal *USE *READ7
Journal receiver if receiver information is *USE *EXECUTE
File if forward or backout recovery is *OBJMGT, *CHANGE *EXECUTE
Objects that are deleted during recovery *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
WRKJRNA Journal *OBJOPR and a data *EXECUTE
authority other than
Journal receiver *OBJOPR and a data *EXECUTE
authority other than

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 363

Journal Commands
Authority Needed
For Object For Library or
| Command Referenced Object Directory

See the WRKJRN command (this command has the same function)
See the STRJRNAP command.
See the STRJRNPF command.
Additional authority is required for specific functions called during the operation selected. For example, to
restore an object you must have the authority required for the RSTOBJ command.
*OBJOPR and *OBJEXIST authority is required for journal receivers if the option is chosen to delete

To specify JRN(*INTSYSJRN), you must have *ALLOBJ special authority.
*READ authority to the journal’s library is required to display the WRKJRN menu. *EXECUTE authority to
the library is required to use an option on the menu.
You must have *ALLOBJ and *AUDIT special authorities to use this command.

Journal Receiver Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CRTJRNRCV Journal receiver *READ, *ADD
and a data authority
other than *EXECUTE
DSPJRNRCVA Journal receiver *OBJOPR and a data *EXECUTE
authority other than
Journal, if attached *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
1 2 3
WRKJRNRCV , , Journal receiver Any authority *USE

To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation .
*OBJOPR and *OBJEXIST authority is required for journal receivers if the option is chosen to delete
*OBJOPR and a data authroity other than *EXECUTE is required for journal receivers if the option is
chosen to display the description.

364 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Language Commands
Language Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
| Externally described device files and *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
| database files referred to in source program
| Program: REPLACE(*NO) *READ, *ADD
| Program: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
| Directory specified in OUTPUT, *USE *EXECUTE
| PPSRCSTMF or MAKEDEP parameter
| File specified in OUTPUT, PPSRCSTMF or See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
| MAKEDEP parameter page 299
Externally described device files and *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
database files referred to in source program
Program: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ,*ADD
page 299
Binding directory *USE *EXECUTE
Table specified in SRTSEQ parameter *USE *EXECUTE
Externally described device files and *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
database files referred to in source program
Program: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
Table specified in SRTSEQ parameter *USE *EXECUTE
| Externally described device files and *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
| database files referred to in source program
| Program: REPLACE(*NO) *READ, *ADD
| Program: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
| page 299
| Directory specified in OUTPUT, *USE *EXECUTE
| parameter
| File specified in OUTPUT, PPSRCSTMF, See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
| TEMPLATE or MAKEDEP parameter page 299
| Headers generated by TEMPLATE *USE *EXECUTE
| parameter

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 365

Language Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Externally described device files and *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
database files referred to in source program
Program: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ,*ADD
page 299
Binding directory *USE *EXECUTE
Table specified in SRTSEQ parameter *USE *EXECUTE
Externally described device files and *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
database files referred to in source program
Module: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Table specified in SRTSEQ parameter *USE *EXECUTE
Locale object - REPLACE(*NO) *READ, *ADD
Locale object - REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Externally described device files and *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
database files referred to in source program
Program: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
Table specified in SRTSEQ parameter *USE *EXECUTE
Externally described device files and *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
database files referred to in source program
Program: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
Table specified in SRTSEQ parameter *USE *EXECUTE
Externally described device files and *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
licensed program or
database files referred to in source program
S/38 environment)
Program: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Table specified in SRTSEQ parameter *USE *EXECUTE

366 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Language Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
| Externally described device files and *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
| database files referred to in source program
| Module: REPLACE(*NO) *READ, *ADD
| Module: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
| page 299
| File specified in OUTPUT, PPSRCSTMF or *USE *EXECUTE
| MAKEDEP parameter
| File specified in OUTPUT, PPSRCSTMF or See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
| MAKEDEP parameter page 299
| Externally described device files and *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
| database files referred to in source program
| Module: REPLACE(*NO) *READ, *ADD
| Module: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
| page 299
| Directory specified in OUTPUT, *USE *EXECUTE
| parameter
| File specified in OUTPUT, PPSRCSTMF, See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
| TEMPLATE or MAKEDEP parameter page 299
| Headers generated by TEMPLATE *USE *EXECUTE
| parameter
Externally described device files and *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
database files referred to in source program
Module: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ,*ADD
page 299
Table specified in SRTSEQ parameter *USE *EXECUTE
(RPG/400* licensed
Externally described device files and *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
program and S/38
database files referred to in source program
Program: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Table specified in SRTSEQ parameter *USE *EXECUTE

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 367

Language Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
(RPG/400 licensed
Program - REPLACE(*NO) *READ, *ADD
program and S/38
environment) Program - REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Source file for generated RPG program See General Rules for See General Rules for
replacing and adding replacing and adding
members on page 299 members on page 299
Externally described device files and *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
database files referred to in source program
Table specified in SRTSEQ parameter *USE *EXECUTE
CRTS36CBL (S/36 Source file *USE *EXECUTE
Program: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
CRTS36RPG Source file *USE *READ, *ADD
Program - REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
CRTS36RPGR Source file *USE *READ, *ADD
Display file: REPLACE(*NO) *READ, *ADD
Display file: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Source file for generated RPG program See General Rules for See General Rules for
replacing and adding replacing and adding
members on page 299 members on page 299
Program: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
(DB2 Query Manager
and SQL
Development for
OS/400 licensed
program) 1,2
Data description specifications *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Program: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Table specified in SRTSEQ parameter *USE *EXECUTE

368 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Language Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Query Manager and
SQL Development for
OS/400 licensed
program) 1,2
Data description specifications *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Object: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Table specified in SRTSEQ parameter *USE *EXECUTE
Query Manager and
SQL Development for
OS/400 licensed
program) 1,2
Data description specifications *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Program: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Table specified in SRTSEQ parameter *USE *EXECUTE
Query Manager and
SQL Development for
OS/400 licensed
program) 1,2
Data description specifications *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Object: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Table specified in SRTSEQ parameter *USE *EXECUTE
Query Manager and
SQL Development for
OS/400 licensed
program) 1,2
Data description specifications *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Program: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Table specified in SRTSEQ parameter *USE *EXECUTE

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 369

Language Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Query Manager and
SQL Development for
OS/400 licensed
program) 1,2
Data description specifications *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Program: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Table specified in SRTSEQ parameter *USE *EXECUTE
Query Manager and
SQL Development for
OS/400 licensed
program) 1,2
Data description specifications *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Program: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Table specified in SRTSEQ parameter *USE *EXECUTE
Query Manager and
SQL Development for
OS/400 licensed
program) 1,2
Data description specifications *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Program: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Table specified in SRTSEQ parameter *USE *EXECUTE
Query Manager and
SQL Development for
OS/400 licensed
program) 1,2
Data description specifications *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Object: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Table specified in SRTSEQ parameter *USE *EXECUTE

370 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Language Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Data description specifications *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Program: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Table specified in SRTSEQ parameter *USE *EXECUTE
(COBOL/400 licensed
program or S/38
To-file See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
(SQL/400 licensed
program) 1
Exit program *USE *EXECUTE
STRSQL (DB2 Query Sort sequence table *USE *EXECUTE
Manager and SQL
Printer device description *USE *EXECUTE
Development for
OS/400 licensed Printer output queue *USE *EXECUTE
program) 1 Printer file *USE *EXECUTE

| The DB2 Universal Database for iSeries topic in the Information Center contains more information about
| security requirements for structured query language (SQL) statements. See “Prerequisite and related
| information” on page xvi for details.

Library Commands
Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

|| Authority Needed
| For Library Being Acted
| Command Referenced Object For Object On
| CHGCURLIB New current library *USE

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 371

Library Commands
| Authority Needed
| For Library Being Acted
| Command Referenced Object For Object On
| CHGLIBL Every library being placed *USE
| in the library list
| CHGSYSLIBL (Q) Libraries in new list *USE
| CLRLIB Every object being deleted *OBJEXIST *USE
| from library
| Object types *DTADCT, See the authority required
| *JRN,*JRNRCV, *MSGQ, by the DLTxxx command
| *SBSD for the object type
| CPYLIB From-Library *USE
| To-library, if it exists *USE, *ADD
| commands
| CRTLIB command, if the *USE
| target library is being
| created
| Object being copied The authority that is
| required when you use the
| CRTDUPOBJ command to
| copy the object type.
| CRTLIB Library
| DLTLIB Every object being deleted *OBJEXIST *USE, *OBJEXIST
| from library
| Object types *DTADCT, See the authority required
| *JRN,*JRNRCV, *MSGQ, by the DLTxxx command
| *SBSD for the object type
| DSPLIB Library *READ
| Objects in the library Any authority other than
| DSPLIBD Library Some authority other than
| EDTLIBL Library to add to list *USE

372 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Library Commands
| Authority Needed
| For Library Being Acted
| Command Referenced Object For Object On
| RSTLIB (Q) Media definition *USE *EXECUTE
| Library, if it does not exist
| Message queues being *OBJOPR, *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE. *READ, *ADD
| restored to library where
| they already exist
| Programs that adopt Owner or *ALLOBJ and *EXECUTE
| authority *SECADM
| Library saved if *USE
| VOL(*SAVVOL) is specified
| Every object being restored *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE, *READ, *ADD
| over in the library
| User profile owning objects *ADD
| being created
| Tape unit, diskette unit, *USE *EXECUTE
| optical unit
7 6
| RSTLIB (Q) (continued) Tape (QSYSTAP) or diskette *USE *EXECUTE
| (QSYSDKT) file
| specified
| Save file *USE *EXECUTE
| Optical File (OPTFILE) *R N/A
| Path prefix of optical file *X N/A
| Optical volume11 *USE
| To-library *CHANGE *EXECUTE
| Device file or device *USE *EXECUTE
| description
| RTVLIBD Library Some authority other than

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 373

Library Commands
| Authority Needed
| For Library Being Acted
| Command Referenced Object For Object On
| SAVLIB Every object in the library *OBJEXIST *READ, *EXECUTE
| Media definition *USE *EXECUTE
| Save file, if empty *USE, *ADD *EXECUTE
| Save file, if records exist in *USE, *ADD, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
| it
| Save active message queue *OBJOPR, *ADD *EXECUTE
| Tape unit, diskette unit, *USE *EXECUTE
| optical unit
| Output file, if specified See General Rules on page See General Rules on page
| 299 299
| reference file, if output file
| is specified and does not
| exist
| SAVLIB (continued) Optical File12 *RW N/A
| Parent Directory of optical *WX N/A
| file (OPTFILE)12
| Path Prefix of optical file *X N/A
| Root Directory (/) of *RWX N/A
| Optical Volume12, 13
| Optical volume11 *CHANGE
| SAVS36LIBM Save to a physical file *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
| diskette or QSYSTAP for
| tape, and all commands
| need authority to the
| device
| Save to a physical file if *ADD *READ, *ADD
| specified
| Save to a physical file if *ADD, *DLT *EXECUTE
| specified
| From-library *USE
| WRKLIB Library *USE

374 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Library Commands
| Authority Needed
| For Library Being Acted
| Command Referenced Object For Object On

| The authority needed for the library being acted upon is indicated in this column. For example, to add the
| library CUSTLIB to a library list using the ADDLIBLE command requires Use authority to the CUSTLIB
| library.
| The authority needed for the QSYS library is indicated in this column, because all libraries are in QSYS
| library.
| If object existence is not found for some objects in the library, those objects are not deleted, and the library
| is not completely cleared and deleted. Only authorized objects are deleted.
| All restrictions that apply to the CRTDUPOBJ command, also apply to this command.
| If you do not have authority to an object in the library, the text for the object says *NOT AUTHORIZED.
| If you have *SAVSYS special authority, you do not need the authority specified.
| You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to specify ALWOBJDIF(*ALL).
| You must have *AUDIT special authority to change the CRTOBJAUD value for a library. *OBJMGT is not
| required if you change only the CRTOBJAUD value. *OBJMGT is required if you change the CRTOBJAUD
| value and other values.
| You must have *AUDIT special authority to specify a CRTOBJAUD value other than *SYSVAL.
| You must have the authority required by th operation to use an individual operation.
| Optical volumes are not actual system objects. The link between the optical volume and the authorization
| list used to secure the volume is maintained by the optical support function.
| This authority check is only made when the Optical media format is Universal Disk Format.
| This authority check is only made when you are clearing the optical volume.

License Key Commands

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
DSPLICKEY (Q) Output file See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299

Licensed Program Commands

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 375

Licensed Program Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

Some licensed programs can be deleted, saved, or restored only if you are enrolled in the system
distribution directory.
If deleting, restoring, or saving a licensed program that contains folders, all restrictions that apply to the
DLTDLO command also apply to this command.
To use individual operations, you must have the authority required by the individual operation.

Line Description Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Controller description (SWTCTLLST) *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description (SWTCTLLST) *USE *EXECUTE
Network interface description *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description (CTL) *USE *EXECUTE
Line description *CHANGE, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
Controller description (SWTCTLLST) *USE *EXECUTE
Connection list (CNNLSTIN or *USE *EXECUTE
Network interface description *USE *EXECUTE

376 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Line Description Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CRTLINASC Controller description (CTL and *USE *EXECUTE
Line description *READ, *ADD
CRTLINBSC Controller description (SWTCTLLST and *USE *EXECUTE
Line description *READ, *ADD
CRTLINDDI Line description *READ, *ADD
Network interface description (NWI) *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description (NETCTL) *USE *EXECUTE
CRTLINETH Controller description (NETCTL) *USE *EXECUTE
Line description *READ, *ADD
Network interface description (NWI) *USE *EXECUTE
Network server description (NWS) *USE *EXECUTE
CRTLINFAX Line description *READ, *ADD
Controller description *USE *EXECUTE
CRTLINFR Line description *READ, *ADD
Network interface description (NWI) *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description (NETCTL) *USE *EXECUTE
Network interface description (NWI or *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description (CTL) *USE *EXECUTE
Line description *READ, *ADD
CRTLINNET Network interface description (NWI) *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description (CTL) *USE *EXECUTE
Line description *READ, *ADD
CRTLINSDLC Controller description (CTL) *USE *EXECUTE
Line description *READ, *ADD
CRTLINTDLC Controller description (WSC and CTL) *USE *EXECUTE
Line description *READ, *ADD
CRTLINTRN Controller description (NETCTL) *USE *EXECUTE
Line description *READ, *ADD
Network interface description (NWI) *USE *EXECUTE
Network server description (NWS) *USE *EXECUTE

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 377

Line Description Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CRTLINX25 Controller description (SWTCTLLST) *USE *EXECUTE
Permanent virtual circuit (PVC) controller *USE *EXECUTE
description (LGLCHLE)
Line description *READ, *ADD
Connection list (CNNLSTIN or *USE *EXECUTE
Network interface description (NWI or *USE *EXECUTE
CRTLINWLS Line description *READ, *ADD
Controller description (NETCTL) *USE *EXECUTE
DSPLIND Line description *USE *EXECUTE

To use individual operations, you must have the authority required by the individual operation.
To use this command, you must have *IOSYSCFG special authority.
To use this command, you must have *ALLOBJ special authority.

Local Area Network (LAN) Commands

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

These commands do not require any object authorities:


Locale Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

Mail Server Framework Commands

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

378 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Mail Server Framework Commands
These commands do not require any object authorities:

Media Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
ADDTAPCTG Tape Library description *USE *EXECUTE
CFGDEVMLB (Q) Tape Library description *USE *EXECUTE
CHGDEVMLB (Q) Tape Library description *USE *EXECUTE
CHGJOBMLBA Tape Library description *CHANGE *EXECUTE
CHGTAPCTG Tape Library description *USE *EXECUTE
CHKDKT Diskette device description *USE *EXECUTE
CHKTAP Tape device description *USE *EXECUTE
CLRDKT Diskette device description *USE *EXECUTE
CRTTAPCGY Tape Library description *USE *EXECUTE
DLTDKTLBL Diskette device description *USE *EXECUTE
DLTTAPCGY Tape Library description *USE *EXECUTE
DMPTAP Tape device description *USE *EXECUTE
DSPDKT Diskette device description *USE *EXECUTE
DSPTAP Tape device description *USE *EXECUTE
DSPTAPCGY Tape Library description *USE *EXECUTE
DSPTAPCTG Tape Library description *USE *EXECUTE
DSPTAPSTS Tape Library description *USE *EXECUTE
DUPDKT Diskette device description *USE *EXECUTE
DUPTAP Tape device description *USE *EXECUTE
INZDKT Diskette device description *USE *EXECUTE
INZTAP Tape device description *USE *EXECUTE
RMVTAPCTG Tape Library description *USE *EXECUTE
RNMDKT Diskette device description *USE *EXECUTE
SETTAPCGY Tape Library description *USE *EXECUTE
WRKMLBRSCQ Tape Library description *USE *EXECUTE
WRKMLBSTS (Q) Tape Library description *USE *EXECUTE
WRKTAPCTG Tape Library description *USE *EXECUTE

To use this command, you must have *IOSYSCFG special authority.
To use individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation.
To change the session media library attributes, you must have *CHANGE authority to the Tape Library

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 379

Menu and Panel Group Commands
Menu and Panel Group Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Menu: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
CRTPNLGRP Panel group: Replace(*NO) *READ, *ADD
Panel group: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Source file *USE *EXECUTE
Include file *USE *EXECUTE
Menu: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Source file *USE *EXECUTE
Message files named in source *OBJOPR, *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
To-file source file when TOMBR is not *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *READ, *ADD
Menu display file when REPLACE(*YES) is *OBJOPR, *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
Command text message file *OBJOPR, *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
Create Message File (CRTMSGF) command *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Add Message Description (ADDMSGD) *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Create Display File (CRTDSPF) command *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Display file and message files with *DSPF *USE *EXECUTE
Program with *PGM specified *USE *EXECUTE

To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation .

380 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Message Commands
Message Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
DSPMSG Message queue *USE *USE
| Message queue that receives the reply to an *USE, *ADD *USE
| inquiry message
Remove messages from message queue *USE, *DLT *USE
RCVMSG Message queue *USE *EXECUTE
Remove messages from queue *USE, *DLT *EXECUTE
| RTVMSG Message file *USE *EXECUTE
SNDBRKMSG Message queue that receives the reply to *OBJOPR, *ADD *EXECUTE
inquiry messages
Message queue that receives the reply to *OBJOPR, *ADD *EXECUTE
inquiry message
Message file, when sending predefined *USE *EXECUTE
Message queue that receives the reply to *OBJOPR, *ADD *EXECUTE
inquiry message
SNDRPY Message queue *USE, *ADD *EXECUTE
Remove messages from queue *USE, *ADD, *DLT *EXECUTE
Message file, when sending predefined *USE *EXECUTE
WRKMSG Message queue *USE *USE
Message queue that receives the reply to *USE, *ADD *USE
inquiry message
Remove messages from message queue *USE, *DLT *USE

Message Description Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

To use individual operations, you must have the authority required by the individual operation.

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 381

Message File Commands
Message File Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CRTMSGF Message file *READ, *ADD
MRGMSGF From-message file *USE *EXECUTE
To-message file *USE, *ADD, *DLT *EXECUTE
Replace-message file *USE, *ADD *EXECUTE
WRKMSGF Message file Any authority *USE

To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation .

Message Queue Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CRTMSGQ Message queue *READ, *ADD
WRKMSGQ Message queue Any authority *USE

To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation .

Migration Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
The following commands do not require any object authorities.
They are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE. You must have
*ALLOBJ special authority to use these commands.

382 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Migration Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

You must have *ALLOBJ special authority and have OS/400 option 4 installed.

Mode Description Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CRTMODD Mode description *READ, *ADD
DSPMODD Mode description *USE *EXECUTE
Mode description *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
ENDMOD Device description *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
STRMOD Device description *OBJOPR *EXECUTE

To use individual operations, you must have the authority required by the individual operation.
To use this command, you must have *IOSYSCFG special authority.

Module Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Module, if OPTIMIZE specified *OBJMGT, *USE *USE, *ADD, *DLT
Module, if FRCCRT(*YES) specified *OBJMGT, *USE *USE, *ADD, *DLT
Module, if ENBPRFCOL specified *OBJMGT, *USE *USE, *ADD,

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 383

Module Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Database source file if file and member *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
exists and MBROPT(*REPLACE) is specified. *ADD, *DLT
Database source file if file and member *OBJOPR, *ADD *EXECUTE
exists and MBROPT(*ADD) is specified
Database source file if file exists and *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE, *READ,
member needs to be created. *ADD *ADD
Database source file if file and member *EXECUTE, *READ,
needs to be created. *ADD
CRTSCRPF command if file does not exist *EXECUTE
ADDPFM command if member does not *EXECUTE
RGZPFM command to reorganize source file *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
WRKMOD Module Any authority *USE

You need *USE authority to the:
v CRTSRCPF command if the file does not exist.
v ADDPFM command if the member does not exist.
v RGZPFM command so the source file member is reorganized. Either *CHANGE and *OBJALTER
authorities or *OBJMGT authority is required to reorganize the source file member. The RTVBNDSRC
command function then completes with the source file member reorganized with sequence numbers of
To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation

NetBIOS Description Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation
To use this command, you must have *IOSYSCFG special authority.

Network Commands
Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

384 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Network Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
| ADDNETJOBE (Q) User profile in the network job entry *USE
APING Device description *CHANGE
AREXEC Device description *CHANGE
| CHGNETJOBE (Q) User profile in the network job entry *USE
DLTNETF Output file See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
RCVNETF To-file member does not exist, *OBJMGT, *USE *EXECUTE, *ADD
MBROPT(*ADD) specified
To-file member does not exist, *OBJMGT, *CHANGE *EXECUTE, *ADD
MBROPT(*REPLACE) specified
To-file member exists, MBROPT(*ADD) *USE *EXECUTE
| RMVNETJOBE (Q) User profile in the network job entry *USE
RUNRMTCMD Device description *CHANGE
SNDNETF Physical file or save file *USE *EXECUTE
local user
VFYAPPCCNN Device description *CHANGE

You must have *ALLOBJ special authority.
A user can run these commands on the user’s own network files or on network files owned by the user’s
group profile. *ALLOBJ special authority is required to process network files for another user.
To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by that operation.
To change some network attributes, you must have *ALLOBJ and *IOSYSCFG special authorities.

Network File System Commands

Needed for
Command Referenced Object Object Type File System Object
ADDMFS /dev/QASPxx *DIR "root" *RWX
/dev/QASPxx/yyy *BLKSF "root" *R
dir_to_be_ mounted_over *DIR "root" *RWX

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 385

Network File System Commands
Needed for
Command Referenced Object Object Type File System Object
CHGNFSEXP some_dirs *DIR "root" *RX
/etc *DIR "root" *RWX
/etc/exports *STMF "root" *RWX
/etc/netgroup *STMF "root" *RWX
DSPMFSINF some_dirs *DIR "root" *RX
EXPORTFS some_dirs *DIR "root" *RX
/etc *DIR "root" *RWX
/etc/exports *STMF "root" *RWX
/etc/netgroup *STMF "root" *RWX
MOUNT /dev/QASPxx *DIR "root" *RWX
/dev/QASPxx/yyy *BLKSF "root" *R
dir_to_be_ mounted_over *DIR "root" *RWX
RLSIFSLCK some_dirs *DIR "root" *RX
some_stmf *STMF "root" *RWX
RMVMFS some_dirs *DIR "root" *RX
STATFS some_dirs *DIR "root" *RX
UNMOUNT some_dirs *DIR "root" *RX

To use this command, you must have *IOSYSCFG special authority.
QASPxx is either 01 (system asp) or 02-16 based on which user asp is needed. This is the directory that
contains the *BLKSF that is being mounted.
The directory that is mounted over (dir_to_be_mounted_over) is any IFS directory that can be mounted
You must provide a path to some object. You must have *RX authority for all directories in that path.
You must have *RX authority to the /etc/exports stream file and the directories in the /etc/exports path.

You must provide a path to some *STMF. You must have *RX authority for all directories in that path.
You must have update (*RWX) authority to the stream file for which you are releasing locks.

Network Interface Description Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CHGNWIFR Network interface description *CHANGE, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
CHGNWIISDN Network interface description *CHANGE, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
Line description (CHLENTRY) *USE *EXECUTE
CRTNWIFR Network interface description *READ, *ADD
Line description (DLCI) *USE *EXECUTE

386 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Network Interface Description Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CRTNWIISDN Network interface description *USE *EXECUTE
Line description (CHLENTRY) *USE *EXECUTE
DLTNWID Network interface description *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
DSPNWID Network interface description *USE *EXECUTE
WRKNWID Network interface description *OBJOPR *EXECUTE

To use the individual operations, you must have the authority required by the individual operation.
To use this command, you must have *IOSYSCFG special authority.

Network Server Commands

Needed for
Command Referenced Object Object Type File System Object
Parent directory (name of the storage *DIR "root" *WX
Files that make up the storage space *FILE "root" *RW
Network server description *NWSD QSYS.LIB *CHANGE,
CRTNWSSTG Path (root and /QFPNWSSTG) *DIR "root" *WX
Parent directory (name of the storage *DIR "root" *RWX,
space) *OBJEXIST
Files that make up the storage space *FILE "root" *OBJEXIST
DSPNWSSTG Path to the storage space *DIR "root" *X
Files that make up the storage space *FILE "root" *R
Parent directory (name of the storage *DIR "root" *WX
Files that make up the storage space *FILE "root" *RW
Network server description *NWSD QSYS.LIB *CHANGE,
WRKNWSSTG Path to the storage space *DIR "root" *X
Files that make up the storage space *FILE "root" *R
These commands do not require any object authorities:

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 387

Network Server Commands
Needed for
Command Referenced Object Object Type File System Object

Adopted authority is not used for Network Server commands.
To use this command, you must have *IOSYSCFG special authority.
To use this command, you must have *JOBCTL special authority.
You must have *SECADM special authority to specify a value other than *NONE for the NDSTREELST and
the NTW3SVRLST paramaters.

Network Server Description Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For QSYS Library
CHGNWSD Network server description *CHANGE, *OBJMGT *EXECUTE
NetBIOS description (NTB) *USE *EXECUTE
Line description (PORTS) *USE *EXECUTE
DLTNWSD Network server description *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
DSPNWSD Network server description *USE *EXECUTE
WRKNWSD Network server description *OBJOPR *EXECUTE

To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation
To use this command, you must have *IOSYSCFG special authority.

Node List Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
WRKNODL 1 Node list *USE *USE

To use the individual operations, you must have the authority required by the individual operation.

Office Services Commands

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

388 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Office Services Commands
|| These commands do not require object authorities.


| You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to grant or revoke access code authority or document authority
| for other users.
| Access is restricted to documents, folders, and mail that are not personal.
| The access code must be defined to the system (using the Add Access Code (ADDACC) command) before
| you can grant access code authority. The user being granted access code authority must be enrolled in the
| system distribution directory.
| You must have *SECADM special authority.
| Additional authorities are required for specific functions called by the operations selected. The user also
| needs additional authorities for any commands called during a specific function.

Online Education Commands

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

Operational Assistant Commands

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 389

Operational Assistant Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
| STRCLNUP4 QPGMR User profile *USE
| Job queue *USE *EXECUTE

You must have *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS special authority.
You must have *ALLOBJ, *SECADM, and *JOBCTL special authorities.
You must have *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special authorities.
You must have *JOBCTL special authority.
You must have *ALLOBJ special authority.

Optical Commands
Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object Object Library Optical Volume
CHGOPTVOL Root directory (/) of *W N/A N/A
volume when
changing the Text
Optical Device *USE *EXECUTE *CHANGE
CPYOPT Optical Device *USE *EXECUTE *USE - Source Volume
*ALL - Target Volume
CRTDEVOPT Optical Device *EXECUTE *ALL - Target Volume

390 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Optical Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object Object Library Optical Volume
DSPOPT Path Prefix when *X N/A N/A
File Prefix when *R N/A N/A
Optical Device *EXECUTE *USE
DUPOPT Optical Device *USE *EXECUTE *USE - Source Volume
*ALL - Target Volume
INZOPT Root directory (/) of *RWX N/A N/A
Optical Device *USE *EXECUTE *ALL
RCLOPT (Q) Optical Device *USE *EXECUTE

Optical volumes are not actual system objects. The link between the optical volume and the authorization
list used to secure the volume is maintained by the optical support function.
There are seven options that can be invoked from the optical utilities that are not commands themselves.
These options and their required authorities to the optical volume are shown below.
Delete File: *CHANGE
Rename File: *CHANGE
Delete Directory: *CHANGE
Create Directory: *CHANGE
Rename Volume: *ALL
Release Held Optical File: *CHANGE
Save Held Optical File: *USE - Source Volume, *Change - Target Volume
Authorization list management authority to the authorization list currently securing the optical volume is
needed to change the authorization list used to secure the volume.
To use this command, you must have *IOSYSCFG special authority.
This authority check is only made when the Optical media format is Universal Disk Format (UDF).

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 391

Optical Commands
Output Queue Commands
Authority Needed Output Queue Parameters
Referenced Special
Command Object For Object For Library AUTCHK OPRCTL Authority
Output queue *READ, *ADD

If you have *SPLCTL special authority, you do not need authority to the output queue. You do need
*EXECUTE authority, however, to the library for the outqueue.
You must be the owner of the output queue.
If you request to work with all output queues, your list display includes all the output queues in libraries
to which you have *EXECUTE authority.
You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to use this command.

392 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Package Commands
Package Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Service program *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE

Performance Commands
Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-Supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE to others.
|| Authority Needed
| Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
| ANZACCGRP (Q) Job description *USE *EXECUTE
| ANZBESTMDL (Q) Model library *EXECUTE, *ADD
| Job description *USE *EXECUTE
| ANZDBF (Q) Application libraries that contain the *EXECUTE
| database files to be analyzed
| Job description *USE *EXECUTE
| ANZDBFKEY (Q) Job description *USE *EXECUTE
| ANZPGM (Q) Application libraries that contain the *EXECUTE
| programs to be analyzed
| Job description *USE *EXECUTE
| ANZPFRDTA (Q) Performance data *ADD, *READ
| ANZPFRDT2 (Q) Performance data *ADD, *READ

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 393

Performance Commands
| Authority Needed
| Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
| ″To″ library (if QAPTAPGP *FILE does not *EXECUTE, *ADD
| exist)
| QAPTAPGP *FILE in ″To″ library (if adding *CHANGE *EXECUTE
| a new functional area or replacing an
| existing one)
| CRTFCNARA command (Q) (if replacing an *USE *EXECUTE
| existing functional area)
| DLTFCNARA command (Q) (if replacing an *USE *EXECUTE
| existing functional area)
| QPFR/QPTAGRP *PGM (if replacing an *USE *EXECUTE
| existing functional area)
| QPFR/QPTAGRPD *PGM (if replacing an *USE *EXECUTE
| existing functional area)
| ″To″ library (if QAPGGPHF *FILE does not *EXECUTE, *ADD
| exist)
| QAPGGPHF *FILE in ″To″ library (if adding *CHANGE *EXECUTE
| a new graph format or replacing an existing
| one)
| ″To″ library (if QAPGPKGF *FILE does not *EXECUTE, *ADD
| exist)
| QAPGPKGF *FILE in ″To″ library (if adding *CHANGE *EXECUTE
| a new graph package or replacing an
| existing one)
| QAPGGPHF *FILE in ″To″ library (if adding *USE *EXECUTE
| a new graph package or replacing an
| existing one)

394 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Performance Commands
| Authority Needed
| Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
| CPYPFRDTA (Q) From library *EXECUTE
| To library *EXECUTE, *ADD
| Job description *USE *EXECUTE
| CRTBESTMDL (Q) Performance data (all QAPM* files) *USE *EXECUTE
| Model library *EXECUTE, *ADD
| Job description *USE *EXECUTE
| CRTFCNARA (Q) Library where the Functional Area is created *EXECUTE, *ADD
| QAPTAPGP *FILE in target library (if *CHANGE *EXECUTE
| adding a new functional area)
| CRTGPHFMT (Q) Library where the Graph Format is created *EXECUTE, *ADD
| QAPGGPHF *FILE in target library (if *CHANGE *EXECUTE
| adding a new graph format)
| CRTGPHPKG (Q) Library where the Graph Package is created *EXECUTE, *ADD
| QAPGPKGF *FILE in target library (if *CHANGE *EXECUTE
| adding a new graph package)
| CRTHSTDTA (Q) Library where the historical data is created *ADD, *READ
| Job description *USE *EXECUTE
| CRTPFRDTA (Q) To Library *ADD, *READ
| From Library *EXECUTE
| CVTPFRDTA (Q) To library *USE, *ADD
| From library *USE
| Job description *USE *EXECUTE
| CVTPFRTHD (Q) Performance data *ADD, *READ
| DLTBESTMDL (Q) Model library *EXECUTE, *ADD
| DLTFCNARA (Q) QAPTAPGP *FILE in the functional area *CHANGE *EXECUTE
| library

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 395

Performance Commands
| Authority Needed
| Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
| library
| library
| DLTHSTDTA (Q) QAPGHSTD *FILE in the historical data *CHANGE *EXECUTE
| library
| QAPGHSTI *FILE in the historical data *CHANGE *EXECUTE
| library
| QAPGSUMD *FILE in the historical data *CHANGE *EXECUTE
| library
1 2
| DLTPFRDTA (Q) Performance data (all QAPM* files) *CHANGE *EXECUTE
| Job description *USE *EXECUTE
| DMPTRC (Q) Library where the trace data will be stored *EXECUTE, *ADD
| DSPHSTGPH (Q) Format or package library *EXECUTE
| Historical data library *EXECUTE
| Output file library *EXECUTE, *ADD
| Output queue *USE *EXECUTE
| Job description *USE *EXECUTE
| DSPPFRDTA (Q) Performance data *ADD, *READ
| DSPPFRGPH (Q) Format or package library *EXECUTE
| Performance data *EXECUTE
| Output file library *EXECUTE, *ADD
| Output queue *USE *EXECUTE
| Job description *USE *EXECUTE
| ENDJOBTRC (Q) Output file library *EXECUTE
| Job description *USE *EXECUTE
1 2
| PRTACTRPT (Q) Activity file (QAITMON) library *EXECUTE
| Job description *USE *EXECUTE

396 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Performance Commands
| Authority Needed
| Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
| PRTCPTRPT (Q) Performance data *ADD, *READ
| Job description *USE *EXECUTE
| PRTJOBRPT (Q) Performance data *ADD, *READ
| Job description *USE *EXECUTE
| PRTJOBTRC (Q) Job trace file (QAPTTRCJ) library *EXECUTE
| Job description *USE *EXECUTE
| Job description *USE *EXECUTE
| PRTPOLRPT (Q) Performance data2 *ADD, *READ
| Job description *USE *EXECUTE
| PRTRSCRPT (Q) Performance data *ADD, *READ
| Job description *USE *EXECUTE
| PRTSYSRPT (Q) Performance data *ADD, *READ
| Job description *USE *EXECUTE
| Job description *USE *EXECUTE
| PRTTRCRPT (Q) Trace file (QTRJOBT) library *EXECUTE
| Job description *USE *EXECUTE

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 397

Performance Commands
| Authority Needed
| Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
| WRKFCNARA (Q) QAPTAPGP *FILE in the functional areas *CHANGE *EXECUTE
| library
| These commands do not require any object authorities:

| If the default library (QPEXDATA) is specified, authority to that library is not checked.
| Authority is needed to the library that contains the set of database files. Authority to the individual set of
| database files is not checked.
| To use this command, you must have *JOBCTL special authority.
| To use this command, you must have *SERVICE special authority.

Print Descriptor Group Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
| CHGPDGPRF User profile *OBJMGT
CRTPDG Print descriptor group *READ, *ADD
DLTPDG Print descriptor group *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
| DSPPDGPRF User profile *OBJMGT
| RTVPDGPRF User profile *READ

Print Services Facility™ Configuration Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
1, 2
1, 2

398 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Print Services Facility Configuration Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

The PSF/400 feature is required to use this command.
*IOSYSCFG special authroity is required to use this command.

Problem Commands
Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
DSPPRB Output file See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
VFYCMN (Q) Line description *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description *USE *EXECUTE
VFYOPT (Q) Device description *USE *EXECUTE
VFYTAP (Q) Device description *USE *EXECUTE
VFYPRT (Q) Device description *USE *EXECUTE
WRKPRB (Q) Line, controller, NWID (Netword ID), and *USE *EXECUTE
device based on problem analysis action

You need *USE authority to the communications object you are verifying.
You must have *USE authority to the SNDSRVRQS command to be able to report a problem.
You must have authority to DLTAPARDTA if you want the APAR data associated with the problem to be
deleted also. See DLTAPARDTA in the Service Commands-Authorities Needed table to determine
additional authorities that are needed.

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 399

Program Commands
Program Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
The object authorities required for the CRTxxxPGM commands are listed in the Languages table in “Language
Commands” on page 365
ADDBKP Breakpoint handling program *USE *EXECUTE
ADDTRC Trace handling program *USE *EXECUTE
Service program *EXECUTE *EXECUTE
CHGDBG Debug operation *USE, *ADD, *DLT *EXECUTE
Program, if recreate option specified, *OBJMGT, *USE *USE, *ADD, *DLT
optimization level changed, or performance
data collection changed
Program, if USRPRF or USEADPAUT Owner *USE, *ADD, *DLT
parameter is being changed
CHGSRVPGM Service program *OBJMGT, *USE *USE
Service program, if recreate option specified, *OBJMGT, *USE *USE, *ADD, *DLT
optimization level changed, or performance
data collection changed
Service program, if USRPRF or Owner 7, *USE, *USE, *ADD, *DLT
USEADPAUT parameter is being changed. *OBJMGT
CRTPGM Program, Replace(*NO) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Program, Replace(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Service program specified in the *USE *EXECUTE
BNDSRVPGM parameter.
Binding directory *USE *EXECUTE
CRTSRVPGM Service program, Replace(*NO) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Service program, Replace(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Service program specified in BNDSRVPGM *USE *EXECUTE
Export source file *OBJOPR *READ *EXECUTE
Binding directory *USE *EXECUTE

400 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Program Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
DSPMODSRC2, 4 Source file *USE *USE
Any include files *USE *USE
Program, if DETAIL(*MODULE) specified *USE *EXECUTE
Output file See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
Service program, if DETAIL(*MODULE) *USE *EXECUTE
(COBOL/400 licensed
program or S/38
ENDDBG Source debug program *USE *USE
EXTPGMINF Source file and database files *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
Program information *READ, *ADD

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 401

Program Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Database source file *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
SETATNPGM Attention-key-handling program *OBJOPR or one or *EXECUTE
more data authorities
Source file *USE *EXECUTE
Root program *CHANGE *READ, *ADD
Sub-program *USE *EXECUTE
Source file *USE *EXECUTE
Any include files *USE *EXECUTE
Source debug program *USE *EXECUTE
Unmonitored message program *USE *EXECUTE
TFRCTL Program *USE or a data *EXECUTE
authority other than
Some language functions when using *READ *EXECUTE
high-level languages
Service program specified in the *USE *EXECUTE
BNDSRVPGM parameter.
Binding directory *USE *EXECUTE
Service program specified in BNDSRVPGM *USE *EXECUTE
Binding directory *USE *EXECUTE
Export source file *OBJOPR *READ *EXECUTE
WRKPGM Program Any authority *USE
WRKSRVPGM Service program Any authority *USE

402 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Program Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

When a program is in a debug operation, no further authority is needed for debug commands.
If you have *SERVICE special authority, you need only *USE authority to the program.
The DMPCLPGM command is requested from within a CL program that is already running. Because
authority to the library containing the program is checked at the time the program is called, authority to
the library is not checked again when the DMPCLPGM command is run.
Applies only to ILE programs.
The DB2 Universal Database for iSeries topic in the Information Center contains more information about
security requirements for SQL statements. See “Prerequisite and related information” on page xvi for

To use individual operations, you need the authority required by the individual operation.
You must own the program or have *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special authorities.

Query Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
ANZQRY Query definition *USE *EXECUTE
CRTQMFORM Query management form: REPLACE(*NO) *READ, *ADD,
Query management form: REPLACE(*YES) *ALL *READ, *ADD,
Source file *USE *EXECUTE
CRTQMQRY Query management query: REPLACE(*NO) *READ, *ADD,
Query management query: REPLACE(*YES) *ALL *READ, *ADD,
Source file *USE *EXECUTE
DLTQMQRY Query management query *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
Target source file *ALL *READ, *ADD,
OVRDBF, RMVM commands

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 403

Query Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
RTVQMQRY Query manager query *USE *EXECUTE
Target source file *ALL *READ, *ADD
OVRDBF, RMVM commands
RUNQRY Query definition *USE *USE
Input files *USE *EXECUTE
Output files See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
STRQMQRY Query management query *USE *EXECUTE
Query management form, if specified *USE *EXECUTE
Query definition, if specified *USE *EXECUTE
Output file See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
RMVM commands (if OUTPUT(*OUTFILE)
is specified)
STRQMPRC Source file containing query manager *USE *EXECUTE
Source file containing command source file, *USE *EXECUTE
if specified
OVRPRTF command, if statements result in *USE *EXECUTE
printed report or query object.
WRKQMFORM Query management form Any authority *USE
WRKQMQRY Query management query Any authority *USE

To run STRQM, you must have the authority required by the statements in the query. For example, to
insert a row in a table requires *OBJOPR, *ADD, and *EXECUTE authority to the table.
Ownership or some authority to the object is required.
To use individual operations, you must have the authority required by the individual operation.
To use individual command, you must have *JOBCTL special authority.

QSH Shell Interpreter Commands

These commands do not require any authorities to objects:

QSH is an alias for the STRQSH CL command.

404 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Question and Answer Commands
Question and Answer Commands
Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
ASKQST Database file QAQAxxBBPY or *READ *READ
CRTQSTDB (Q) Database files *READ, *ADD,
2 1,3
4 1
STRQST Database file QAQAxxBBPY or *READ *READ

The “xx” portion of the file name is the index of the Question and Answer database being operated on by
the command. The index is a two-digit number in the range 00 to 99. To obtain the index for a particular
Question and Answer database, use the WRKCNTINF command.
The user profile running the command becomes the owner of newly created files, unless the OWNER
parameter of the user’s profile is *GRPPRF. Public authority for new files, except QAQAxxBBPY, is set to
*EXCLUDE. Public authority for QAQAxxBBPY is set to *READ.
Authority to the file is required only if loading a previously existing Question and Answer database.
The command displays the Question and Answer menu. To use individual options, you must have the
authority required by those options.

Reader Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Database file *OBJOPR, *USE *EXECUTE
Job queue *READ *EXECUTE
Job queue *READ *EXECUTE
Device description *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
These commands to not require any authority to objects:

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 405

Reader Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
1 1 1

You must be the user who started the reader, or you must have all object (*ALLOBJ) or job control
(*JOBCTL) special authority.

Registration Facility Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

Relational Database Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
ADDRDBDIRE Output file, if specified *EXECUTE *EXECUTE
CHGRDBDIRE Output file, if specified *EXECUTE *EXECUTE
Remote location devide description *CHANGE
DSPRDBDIRE Output file, if specified See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
These commands do not require any authority to objects:

Authority verified when the RDB directory entry is used.

Resource Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
DSPSFWRSC Output file, if specified See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299

If you use the option to create a configuration object, you must have authority to use the appropriate CRT

406 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

RJE (Remote Job Entry) Commands
RJE (Remote Job Entry) Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
ADDFCTE Forms control table *DELETE, *USE, *READ, *EXECUTE
Device file *USE *READ, *EXECUTE
Physical file (RJE generates members) *OBJMGT, *USE, *READ, *EXECUTE,
Physical file (member specified) *USE, *ADD *READ, *EXECUTE
Message queue *USE, *ADD *READ, *EXECUTE
QUSER user profile *USE *READ, *EXECUTE
ADDRJECMNE Session description *USE, *ADD, *DLT *READ, *EXECUTE
Device description *USE *READ, *EXECUTE
QUSER user profile *USE *READ, *EXECUTE
ADDRJERDRE Session description *READ, *ADD, *DLT *READ, *EXECUTE
Message queue *READ, *ADD *READ, *EXECUTE
ADDRJEWTRE Session description *READ, *ADD, *DLT *READ, *EXECUTE
Device file *USE *READ, *EXECUTE
Physical file (RJE generates members) *OBJMGT, *USE, *READ, *EXECUTE,
Physical file (member specified) *OBJOPR, *ADD *READ, *EXECUTE
Message queue *USE, *ADD *READ, *EXECUTE
QUSER user profile *USE *READ, *EXECUTE
CHGFCTE Forms control table *USE *READ, *EXECUTE
Device file *USE *READ, *EXECUTE
Physical file (RJE generates members) *OBJMGT, *USE, *READ, *EXECUTE,
Physical file (member specified) *USE, *ADD *READ, *EXECUTE
Message queue *USE, *ADD *READ, *EXECUTE
QUSER user profile *USE *READ, *EXECUTE
CHGRJECMNE Session description *USE *READ, *EXECUTE
Device description *USE *READ, *EXECUTE
QUSER user profile *USE *READ, *EXECUTE

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 407

RJE (Remote Job Entry) Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CHGRJERDRE Session description *USE, *ADD, *DLT *READ, *EXECUTE
Job queue *USE *READ, *EXECUTE
Message queue *USE, *ADD *READ, *EXECUTE
CHGRJEWTRE Session description *USE *READ, *EXECUTE
Device File *USE *READ, *EXECUTE
Physical file (RJE generates members) *OBJMGT, *USE, *READ, *EXECUTE,
Physical file (member specified) *OBJOPR, *ADD *READ, *EXECUTE
Message queue *USE, *ADD *READ, *EXECUTE
QUSER user profile *USE *READ, *EXECUTE
CHGSSND Session description *OBJMGT, *READ, *EXECUTE, *READ
Job queue *USE *EXECUTE
Message queue *USE, *ADD *EXECUTE
Forms control table *USE *EXECUTE
QUSER user profile *USE *EXECUTE
CNLRJERDR Session description *USE *EXECUTE
Message queue *USE, *ADD *EXECUTE
CNLRJEWTR Session description *USE *EXECUTE
Message queue *USE, *ADD *EXECUTE
CRTFCT Forms control table *READ, *ADD
Source physical file (DDS) *READ *EXECUTE
Device description *READ *EXECUTE
CRTRJECFG Session description *READ, *ADD, *UPD,
Job queue *READ, *ADD
Job description *READ, *OBJOPR,
Subsystem description *READ, *OBJOPR,
Message queue *READ, *ADD
Printer file *USE, *ADD

408 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

RJE (Remote Job Entry) Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
(continued) 3
User profile QUSER *USE *EXECUTE
Output queue *READ *EXECUTE
Forms control table *READ *READ
Device description *EXECUTE
Controller description *EXECUTE
Line description *EXECUTE
CRTRJECMNF Communication file *READ, *EXECUTE,
Source physical file (DDS) *READ *EXECUTE
Device description *READ *EXECUTE
CRTSSND Session description *READ, *ADD, *UPD,
Job queue *USE *EXECUTE
Message queue *USE, *ADD *EXECUTE
Forms control table *USE *EXECUTE
QUSER user profile *USE *EXECUTE
CVTRJEDTA Forms control table *USE *EXECUTE
Input file *USE, *UPD *EXECUTE
Output file (RJE generates member) *OBJMGT, *USE, *READ, *EXECUTE,
Output file (member specified) *USE, *ADD *EXECUTE
DLTFCT Forms control table *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
Message queue *OBJEXIST, *USE, *EXECUTE
Job description *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
Subsystem description *OBJEXIST, *USE *EXECUTE
Device description *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
Controller description *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
Line description *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
DLTSSND Session description *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
DSPRJECFG Session description *READ *EXECUTE
ENDRJESSN Session description *USE *EXECUTE
RMVFCTE Forms control table *OBJOPR, *READ, *EXECUTE

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 409

RJE (Remote Job Entry) Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
SNDRJECMD Session description *USE *EXECUTE
SBMRJEJOB Session description *USE *EXECUTE
Input file *USE *EXECUTE
Message queue *USE, *ADD *EXECUTE
Job-related objects
SNDRJECMD Session description *USE *EXECUTE
STRRJECSL Session description *USE *EXECUTE
Message queue *USE *EXECUTE
STRRJERDR Session description *USE *USE
STRRJESSN Session description *USE *USE, *ADD
User profile QUSER *USE *EXECUTE
Job-related objects *EXECUTE
STRRJEWTR Session description *USE *USE
Device file *USE, *ADD *READ, *EXECUTE
Physical file (RJE generates members) *OBJMGT, *USE, *OBJOPR, *ADD
Physical file (member specified) *READ, *ADD *READ, *EXECUTE
Message queue *USE, *ADD *READ, *EXECUTE
QUSER user profile *USE *READ, *EXECUTE
WRKFCT Forms control table *USE *EXECUTE
WRKRJESSN Session description *USE *EXECUTE
WRKSSND Session description *CHANGE *EXECUTE

User profile QUSER requires authority to this object.
If the object is not found or the required authority is not held, an information message is sent and the
function of the command is still performed.
This authority is required to create job description QRJESSN.
This authority is only required when DLTCMN(*YES) is specified.
You must have *JOBCTL special authority.

Input files include those imbedded using the .. READFILE control statement.
Refer to authority required for the SBMJOB command 358.
To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation.

410 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

RJE (Remote Job Entry) Commands

Security Attributes Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

You must have *SECADM special authority to use this command.
You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to use this command.
You must have *AUDIT special authority to use this command.

Server Authentication Entry Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

If the user profile for this operation is not *CURRENT or the current user for the job, you must have
*SECADM special authority and *OBJMGT and *USE authority to the profile.

Service Commands
Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
APYPTF (Q) Product library *OBJMGT
CHKPRDOPT (Q) All objects in product option
CMPPTFLVL (Q) Output file See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
Device description *USE *EXECUTE
QAPZ CMPL, if outfile does not exist *OBJOPR, *READ

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 411

Service Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CPYPTF (Q) From file *USE *USE
To-file (physical file) Same requirements as Same requirements as
the SAVOBJ command the SAVOBJ command
Device description *USE *EXECUTE
Licensed program *USE
DLTCMNTRC (Q) NWID (network ID) or line description *USE *EXECUTE
DLTPTF (Q) Cover letter file *EXECUTE
PTF save file *EXECUTE
| DLTTRC (Q) RMVM command *USE
| Database Files *OBJEXIST, *OBJOPR
DSPPTF (Q) Output file See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
ENDCMNTRC (Q) NWID or line description *USE *EXECUTE
ENDCPYSCN (Q) Device description *USE *EXECUTE
| Database files *OBJOPR,
| *DLT
LODPTF (Q) Device Description *USE *EXECUTE
PRTCMNTRC (Q) NWID (network ID) or line description *USE *EXECUTE
Output file See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
PRTERRLOG (Q) Output file See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
| Database Files *USE
| DLTTRC command *USE

412 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Service Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
RMVPTF (Q) Product library *OBJMGT
RUNLPDA (Q) Line description *READ *EXECUTE
Existing problem *CHANGE *EXECUTE
STRCMNTRC (Q) NWID (network ID) or line description *USE *EXECUTE
Device description *USE *EXECUTE
Output file, if specified See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
STRSRVJOB (Q) User profile of job *USE *EXECUTE
TRCJOB (Q) Output file, if specified See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
Exit program, if specified *USE *EXECUTE
VFYCMN (Q) Line description *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description *USE *EXECUTE
VFYLNKLPDA (Q) Line description *READ *EXECUTE
VFYPRT (Q) Device description *USE *EXECUTE
VFYOPT (Q) Device description *USE *EXECUTE
VFYTAP (Q) Device description *USE *EXECUTE
1, 10
WRKPRB (Q) Line, controller, NWID (Network ID), and *USE, *ADD *EXECUTE
device based on problem analysis action

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 413

Service Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

You need authority to the PRTERRLOG command for some analysis procedures or if the error log records
are being saved.
All restrictions for the RSTOBJ command also apply.
Service (*SERVICE) special authority is required to run this command.
The objects listed are used by the command, but authority to the objects is not checked. Authority to use
the command is sufficient to use the objects.
You need *USE authority to the communications object that you are verifying.

You must have *SPLCTL special authority to save a spooled file.
When SAVAPARDTA is run for a new problem, a unique APAR library is created for that problem. If you
run SAVAPARDTA again for the same problem to collect more information, you must have Use authority
to the APAR library for the problem.
The option to add a new member to an existing output file is not valid for this command.
This command has the same authorities and restrictions as the APYPTF command and the LODPTF
| 10
To access options 1 and 3 on the ″Select Reporting Option″ display, you must have *USE authority to the
| SNDSRVRQS command.
To use this command, you must have *SERVICE special authority, or be authorized to the Service Trace
function of OS/400 through Operations Navigator’s Application Administration support. The Change
Function Usage Information (QSYCHFUI) API, with a function ID of QIBM_SERVICE_TRACE, can also be
used to change the list of users that are allowed to perform trace operations.

To use this command, you must have *SERVICE special authority, or be authorized to the Service Trace
function of OS/400 through Operations Navigator’s Application Administration support. The Change
Function Usage Information (QSYCHFUI) API, with a function ID of QIBM_SERVICE_TRACE, can also be
used to change the list of users that are allowed to perform trace operations.

Spelling Aid Dictionary Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CRTSPADCT Spelling aid dictionary *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
Dictionary - REPLACE(*NO) *READ, *ADD
Dictionary - REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
DLTSPADCT Spelling aid dictionary *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
WRKSPADCT Spelling aid dictionary Any authority *USE

To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation .

414 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Sphere of Control Commands
Sphere of Control Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
ADDSOCE Sphere of control *USE, *ADD *EXECUTE
RMVSOCE Sphere of control *USE, *DLT *EXECUTE
WRKSOC Sphere of control *USE *EXECUTE

The sphere of control is physical file QUSRSYS/QAALSOC.

Spooled File Commands

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Authority Needed Output Queue Parameters

Referenced Special
Command Object For Object For Library DSPDTA AUTCHK OPRCTL Authority
queue 3 *DLT, *ADD
if moving output *ADD, DLT
spooled file queue 3 4
Spooled file Owner *OWNER
Target *USE
| CPYSPLF Database See General See General
| file Rules on Rules on
| page 299 page 299
| Spooled file Owner *OWNER
| queue 3
| *ADD, *DLT
queue 3 *ADD, *DLT

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 415

Spooled File Commands
Authority Needed Output Queue Parameters
Referenced Special
Command Object For Object For Library DSPDTA AUTCHK OPRCTL Authority
queue 3
Spooled file Owner *OWNER
queue 3 *ADD, *DLT
queue 3 *ADD, *DLT
queue 3
Spooled file Owner *OWNER

Users are always authorized to control their own spooled files.
To move a spooled file to the front of an output queue (PRTSEQ(*NEXT)) or change its priority to a value
greater than the limit specified in your user profile, you must have one of the authorities shown for the
output queue or have *SPLCTL special authority.
If you have *SPLCTL special authority, you do not need any authority to the output queue.
You must be the owner of the output queue.
You must have *USE authority to the recipient’s output queue and output queue library when sending a
file to a user on the same system.

If you have job control (*JOBCTL) special authority and the output queue is set to OPRCTL(*YES), you do
not need *EXECUTE authority to the library of the output queue.
If you have *SPLCTL special authority, you must have *EXECUTE authority to the target output queue

Subsystem Description Commands

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

416 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Subsystem Description Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
ADDAJE Subsystem description *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
Job description *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
| ADDCMNE Subsystem description *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
| Job description *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
| User profile *OBJOPR, *READ
ADDJOBQE Subsystem description *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
| ADDPJE Subsystem description *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
| User profile for the program start request to *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
| specify *PGMSTRRQS
| User profile *OBJOPR, *READ
| Job description *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
ADDRTGE Subsystem description *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
ADDWSE Subsystem description *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
Job description *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
CHGAJE Subsystem description *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
Job description *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
| CHGCMNE Subsystem description *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
| Job description *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
| User profile *OBJOPR, *READ
CHGJOBQE Subsystem description *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
| CHGPJE Subsystem description *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
| User profile for the program start request to *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
| specify *PGMSTRRQS
| User profile *OBJOPR, *READ
| Job description *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
CHGRTGE Subsystem description *OJBOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
| CHGSBSD Subsystem description *OJBOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
| Sign-on display file4 *YES *EXECUTE
CHGWSE Subsystem description *OJBOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
Job description *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 417

Subsystem Description Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CRTSBSD (Q) Subsystem description *READ, *ADD
Sign-on display file *USE *EXECUTE
DLTSBSD Subsystem description *OBJEXIST, *USE *EXECUTE
DSPSBSD Subsystem description *OBJOPR, *READ *EXECUTE
RMVAJE Subsystem description *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
RMVCMNE Subsystem description *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
RMVJOBQE Subsystem description *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
RMVPJE Subsystem description *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
RMVRTGE Subsystem description *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
RMVWSE Subsystem description *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
STRSBS Subsystem description *USE *READ, *EXECUTE
2, 3
WRKSBS Subsystem description Any authority *USE
WRKSBSD Subsystem description Any authority *USE

You must have job control (*JOBCTL) special authority to use this command.
Requires some authority (anything but *EXCLUDE)
To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation.
| The authority is needed to complete format checks of the display file. This helps predict that the display
| will work correctly when the subsystem is started. When you are not authorized to the display file or its
| library, those format checks will not be performed.
You must have *SECADMIN or *ALLBOJ special authority to specify a specific library for the subsystem

You must have *ALLBOJ special authority to use this command.

System Commands
These commands do not require any object authorities:

1 You must have job control (*JOBCTL) special authority to use this command.

418 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

System Reply List Commands
System Reply List Commands
Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

These commands do not require object authorities:


System Value Commands

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

These commands to not require any authority to objects:


To change some system values, you must have *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special authority.
To change some system values, you must have *AUDIT special authority.

System/36 Environment Commands

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CHGS36 S/36 configuration object QS36ENV *UPD *EXECUTE
CHGS36A S/36 configuration object QS36ENV *UPD *EXECUTE
Menu: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD
page 299
Display file if it exists *ALL *EXECUTE
Message file *USE *CHANGE
Source file QS36SRC *ALL *EXECUTE
Display file: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD,
page 299 *CHANGE
To-file source file when TOMBR is not *ALL *CHANGE
Source file QS36SRC *USE *EXECUTE
Create Display File (CRTDSPF) command *OBJOPR *EXECUTE

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 419

System/36 Environment Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Menu: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD,
page 299 *CHANGE
To-file source file when TOMBR is not *ALL *CHANGE
Source file QS36SRC *USE *EXECUTE
Display file when REPLACE(*YES) is *ALL *EXECUTE
Message files named in source *ALL *EXECUTE
Display file *CHANGE
CRTS36MSGF Message file: REPLACE(*NO) *READ, *ADD,
Message file: REPLACE(*YES) See General Rules on *READ, *ADD,
page 299 *CHANGE
To-file source file when TOMBR is not *ALL *CHANGE
Source file QS36SRC *USE *EXECUTE
Display file when REPLACE(*YES) is *ALL *EXECUTE
Message file named in source *ALL *EXECUTE
Message file named in source when *CHANGE *EXECUTE
Message files named in source when *ALL *EXECUTE
OPTION(*CREATE) is specified
OPTION(*CHANGE) is specified
DSPS36 S/36 configuration object QS36ENV *READ *EXECUTE
EDTS36PGMA Program, to modify attributes *OBJMGT, *USE *EXECUTE
Program, to view attributes *USE *EXECUTE
EDTS36PRCA File QS36PRC, to modify attributes *OBJMGT, *USE *EXECUTE
File QS36PRC, to view attributes *USE *EXECUTE
EDTS36SRCA Source file QS36SRC, to modify attributes *OBJMGT, *USE *EXECUTE
Source file QS36SRC, to view attributes *USE *EXECUTE

420 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

System/36 Environment Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
RSTS36F (Q) From-file *USE *EXECUTE
To-file *ALL See General Rules on
page 299
Based-on physical file, if file being restored *CHANGE *EXECUTE
is a logical (alternative) file
Device file or device description *USE *EXECUTE
RSTS36FLR (Q) S/36 folder *USE *EXECUTE
Device file or device description *USE *EXECUTE
To-file *ALL See General Rules on
page 299
Device file or device description *USE *EXECUTE
RTVS36A S/36 configuration object QS36ENV *UPD *EXECUTE
To-file, when it is a physical file *ALL See General Rules on
page 299
Device file or device description *USE *EXECUTE
To-file, when it is a physical file *ALL See General Rules on
page 299
Device file or device description *USE *EXECUTE
WRKS36 S/36 configuration object QS36ENV *READ *EXECUTE
WRKS36PGMA Program, to modify attributes *OBJMGT, *USE *EXECUTE
Program, to view attributes *USE *EXECUTE
WRKS36PRCA File QS36PRC, to modify attributes *OBJMGT, *USE *EXECUTE
File QS36PRC, to view attributes *USE *EXECUTE
WRKS36SRCA Source file QS36SRC, to modify attributes *OBJMGT, *USE *EXECUTE
Source file QS36SRC, to view attributes *USE *EXECUTE

You need *ALL authority to the document if replacing it. You need operational and all the data authorities
to the folder if restoring new information into the folders, or you need *ALLOBJ special authority.
If used for a data dictionary, only the authority to the command is required.
You must be enrolled in the system distribution directory if the source folder is a document folder.

Table Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Source file *USE *EXECUTE

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 421

Table Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
WRKTBL Table Any authority *USE

To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation .

TCP/IP Commands
Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
ENDTCP (Q) Line description *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description *USE *EXECUTE
Device description *USE *EXECUTE
File Objects *USE *EXECUTE
Line description *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description *USE *EXECUTE
Device description *USE *EXECUTE
ENDTCPPTP Line description *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description *USE *EXECUTE
Device description *USE *EXECUTE
File Objects *USE *EXECUTE
FTP File objects *USE *EXECUTE
Table objects *USE *EXECUTE
LPR Workstation customizing object *USE *EXECUTE
SNDTCPSPLF Workstation customizing object *USE *EXECUTE
STRTCP (Q) File objects *USE *EXECUTE
Line description *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description *USE *EXECUTE
Device description *USE *EXECUTE
File objects *USE *EXECUTE

422 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Line description *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description *USE *EXECUTE
Device description *USE *EXECUTE
STRTCPPTP Line description *USE *EXECUTE
Controller description *USE *EXECUTE
Device description *USE *EXECUTE
File Objects *USE *EXECUTE
File objects *USE *EXECUTE
File objects *USE *EXECUTE
Virtual workstation device *USE *EXECUTE
TELNET Table objects *USE *EXECUTE
File objects *USE *EXECUTE
Virtual workstation device *USE *EXECUTE
These commands do not require any object authorities:



You must have *IOSYSCFG special authority to use this command.
The SNDTCPSPLF command and the LPR command use the same combinations of referenced object
authorities as the SNDNETSPLF command. See page 416.
You must have *SECADM special authority to change the system alias table or another user profile’s alias
If you have *JOBCTL special authority, you do not need the specified authority to the object.
If you have *JOBCTL special authority, you do not need the specified authority to the object on the remote

Upgrade Order Information Data Commands

These commands are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE. Appendix C
shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the command. The
security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 423

Upgrade Order Information Data Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library

User Index, User Queue, User Space Commands

Table 138.
Command Referenced Object Authority Needed
For Object For Library

User Profile Commands

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE.
Appendix C shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the
command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
3, 14,




| CHGPRF User profile *OBJMGT, *USE

Initial program *USE *EXECUTE
Initial menu *USE *EXECUTE
Job description *USE *EXECUTE
Message queue *USE *EXECUTE
Output queue *USE *EXECUTE
Attention-key- handling program *USE *EXECUTE
Current library *USE *EXECUTE

424 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

User Profile Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Initial program *USE *EXECUTE
Initial menu *USE *EXECUTE
Job description *USE *EXECUTE
Message queue *USE *EXECUTE
Output queue *USE *EXECUTE
Attention-key-handling program *USE *EXECUTE
Current library *USE *EXECUTE
Initial menu *USE *EXECUTE
Job description *USE *EXECUTE
Message queue *USE *EXECUTE
Output queue *USE *EXECUTE
Attention-key- handling program *USE *EXECUTE
Current library *USE *EXECUTE
Message queue *OBJEXIST, *USE, *EXECUTE
| DSPAUTUSR User profile *READ
| DSPPGMADP User profile *OBJMGT
Output file See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
Output file See General Rules on See General Rules on
page 299 page 299
| DSPUSRPRTI User profile *USE
| GRTUSRAUT Referenced user profile *READ
Objects you are granting authority to *OBJMGT *EXECUTE

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 425

User Profile Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
| RTVUSRPRF User profile *READ
| RTVUSRPRTI User profile *USE
SAVSECDTA Save file, if empty *USE, *ADD *EXECUTE
Save file, if records exist *OBJMGT, *USE, *EXECUTE
| WRKUSRPRF User profile Any authority

This command can be run only if you are signed on as QSECOFR.
You need authority only to the objects for fields you are changing in the user profile.
*SECADM special authority is required.
*OBJMGT authority to the group profile cannot come from adopted authority.
The message queue associated with the user profile is deleted if it is owned by that user profile. To delete
the message queue, the user running the DLTUSRPRF command must have the authorities specified.

The display includes only user profiles to which the user running the command has the specified authority.
See the authorities required for the GRTOBJAUT command on page “Commands Common for Most
Objects” on page 301.
*SAVSYS special authority is required.
If you select the option to delete objects owned by the user profile, you must have the necessary authority
for the delete operations. If you select the option to transfer ownership to another user profile, you must
have the necessary authority to the objects and to the target user profile. See information for the
CHGOBJOWN command on page “Commands Common for Most Objects” on page 301.
You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to specify ALWOBJDIF(*ALL).

You must have *AUDIT special authority.
The user whose profile is created is given these authorities to it: *OBJMGT, *OBJOPR, *READ, *ADD, *DLT,
To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation.
You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to use this command.
You must have *JOBCTL special authority to use this command.

User-Defined File System

Needed for
Command Referenced Object Object Type File System Object
ADDMFS /dev/QASPxx *DIR "root" *W, *RX
/dev/QASPxx/yyy *BLKSF "root" *R
dir_to_be_ mounted_over *DIR "root" *W
CRTUDFS (Q) /dev/QASPxx *DIR "root" *RWX

426 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

User-Defined File System
Needed for
Command Referenced Object Object Type File System Object
DLTUDFS (Q) /dev/QASPxx *DIR "root" *RWX
any_epfs_object "root" *RWX,
DSPUDFS some_dirsxx *DIR "root" *RX
MOUNT /dev/QASPxx *DIR "root" *RWX
/dev/QASPxx/yyy *BLKSF "root" *R
dir_to_be_ mounted_over *DIR "root" *W
RMVMFS some_dirs *DIR "root" n/a
UNMOUNT some_dirs *DIR "root" n/a

To use this command, you must have *IOSYSCFG special authority.
QASPxx is either 01 (system asp) or 02-16 based on which user asp is needed. This is the directory that
contains the *BLKSF that is being mounted.
The directory that is mounted over (dir_to_be_mounted_over) is any IFS directory that can be mounted
You must provide a path to some object. You must have *X authority for all directories in that path.
You must have *RX authority to the /etc/exports stream file and the directories in the /etc/exports path.

A UDFS can contain an entire subtree of EPFS objects, so when you delete a UDFS, you delete objects of all
types that can be stored in an EPFS file system.
When using the DLTUDFS commands, you must have *OBJEXIST authority on every object in the UDFS or
no objects are deleted.

Validation List Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
CRTVLDL Validation list *ADD, *READ

Workstation Customizing Commands

Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
Workstation customizing object, if *READ, *ADD
Workstation customizing object, if *OBJMGT, *OBJEXIST *READ, *ADD
DLTWSCST Workstation customizing object *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 427

Workstation Customizing Commands
Authority Needed
Command Referenced Object For Object For Library
RTVWSCST To-file, if it exists and a new member is *OBJOPR, *OBJMGT, *EXECUTE
added *ADD
To-file, if file and member exist *OBJOPR, *ADD, *EXECUTE
To-file, if the file does not exist *READ, *ADD

Writer Commands
Authority Needed Output Queue Parameters
Referenced Special
Command Object For Object For Library AUTCHK OPRCTL Authority
CHGWTR 2, 4 Current output *READ, *ADD, *EXECUTE *DTAAUT
queue1 *DLT
Message queue *OBJOPR, *EXECUTE
Device *OBJOPR,
description *READ

428 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Writer Commands
Authority Needed Output Queue Parameters
Referenced Special
Command Object For Object For Library AUTCHK OPRCTL Authority
Message queue *OBJOPR, *EXECUTE
User-defined *READ *EXECUTE
driver program
Data transform *READ *EXECUTE
Separator *READ *EXECUTE
Device *OBJOPR,
description *READ
Message queue *OBJOPR, *EXECUTE
User driver *READ *EXECUTE
User data *READ *EXECUTE

If you have *SPLCTL special authority, you do not need any authority to the output queue.
To change the output queue for the writer, you need one of the specified authorities for the new output
You must be the owner of the output queue.
You must have *EXECUTE authority to the new output queue’s library even if the user has *SPLCTL
special authority.

Appendix D. Authority Required for Objects Used by Commands 429

Writer Commands

430 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing
This appendix lists operations that can be performed against objects on the system,
and whether those operations are audited. The lists are organized by object type.
The operations are grouped by whether they are audited when *ALL or *CHANGE
is specified for the OBJAUD value of the CHGOBJAUD or CHGDLOAUD

Whether an audit record is written for an action depends on a combination of

system values, a value in the user profile of the user performing the action, and a
value defined for the object. “Planning the Auditing of Object Access” on page 252
describes how to set up auditing for objects.

Operations shown in the tables in uppercase, such as CPYF, refer to CL commands,

unless they are labeled as an application programming interface (API).

Operations Common to All Object Types:

v Read operation
Create Duplicate Object (if *ALL is specified for ″from-object″).
Dump Object
Dump System Object
SAV Save Object in Directory
Save Changed Object
Save Library
Save Object
Save Save File Data
Save DLO Object
Save Licensed Program
Save Bookshelf

Note: The audit record for the save operation will identify if the save
was done with the STG(*FREE).
v Change operation
| Apply Journaled Changes

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 431

Object Auditing
Change Object Description
Change Object Owner
Create object
1. If *ALL or *CHANGE is specified for the target library, a ZC entry is
written when an object is created.
2. If *CREATE is active for action auditing, a CO entry is written when
an object is created.
Delete object
1. If *ALL or *CHANGE is specified for the library containing the
object, a ZC entry is written when an object is deleted.
2. If *ALL or *CHANGE is specified for the object, a ZC entry is written
when it is deleted.
3. If *DELETE is active for action auditing, a DO entry is written when
an object is deleted.
| End Journaling
Grant Object Authority

Note: If authority is granted based on a referenced object, an audit

record is not written for the referenced object.
Move Object
| QjoEndJournal
| End Journaling
| QjoStartJournal
| Start Journaling
Reclaim Storage:
– If an object is secured by a damaged *AUTL, an audit record is
written when the object is secured by the QRCLAUTL authorization
– An audit record is written if an object is moved into the QRCL
| Remove Journaled Changes
Rename Object
RST Restore Object in Directory
Restore Configuration Objects

432 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
Restore Library
Restore Licensed Program
Restore Object
Revoke Object Authority
| Start Journaling
v Operations that are not audited
Prompt override program for a change command (if one exists)
Check Object
Allocate Object
Compress Object
Decompress Object
Deallocate Object
Display Object Description
Display Object Authority
Edit Object Authority

Note: If object authority is changed and action auditing includes

*SECURITY, or the object is being audited, an audit record is
Check User’s Authority to an Object API
List Users Authorized to an Object API. An audit record is not written
for the object whose authority is being listed. An audit record is written
for the user space used to contain information.
Retrieve User’s Authority to Object API
Reclaim Temporary Storage

3. A prompt override program displays the current values when prompting is requested for a command. For example, if you type
CHGURSPRF USERA and press F4 (prompt), the Change User Profile display shows the current values for the USERA user

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 433

Object Auditing
Retrieve Object Description
Save Storage (audit of SAVSTG command only)
Work with Object Lock
Work with Objects by Owner
Work with object commands

Operations for Access Path Recovery Times:

Note: Changes to access path recovery times are audited if the action auditing
(QAUDLVL) system value or the action auditing (AUDLVL) parameter in
the user profile includes *SYSMGT.
v Operations that are audited
Change Recovery for Access Paths
Edit Recovery for Access Paths
v Operations that are not audited
Display Recovery for Access Paths

Operations for Alert Table (*ALRTBL):

v Read operation
v Change operation
Add Alert Description
Change Alert Description
Change Alert Table
Remove Alert Description
v Operations that are not audited
Print Print alert description
Work with Alert Description
Work with Alert Table

Operations for Authorization List (*AUTL):

v Read operation

434 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
v Change operation
Add Authorization List Entry
Change Authorization List Entry
Edit Authorization List
Remove Authorization List Entry
v Operations that are not audited
Display Authorization List
Display Authorization List Objects
Display Authorization List DLO
Retrieve Authorization List Entry
List Objects Secured by *AUTL API
Work with authorization list

Operations for Authority Holder (*AUTHLR):

v Read operation
v Change operation
When used to secure an object.
v Operations that are not audited
Display Authority Holder

Operations for Binding Directory (*BNDDIR):

v Read operation
Create Program
Create Service Program
Update Program
Update Service Program
v Change operation

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 435

Object Auditing
Add Binding Directory Entries
Remove Binding Directory Entries
v Operations that are not audited
Display the contents of a binding directory
Work with Binding Directory
Work with Binding Directory Entry

Operations for Configuration List (*CFGL):

v Read operation
Copy Configuration List. An entry is written for the from-configuration-list
v Change operation
Add Configuration List Entries
Change Configuration List
Change Configuration List Entry
Remove Configuration List Entry
v Operations that are not audited
Display Configuration List
Work with Configuration List

Operations for Chart Format (*CHTFMT):

v Read operation
DSPCHT command or option F10 from the BGU menu
DSPCHT command or option F15 from the BGU menu
Save or create graphics data file (GDF) using CRTGDF command or
option F13 from the BGU menu
v Change operation
v Operations that are not audited

Operations for Change Request Description (*CRQD):

436 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
v Read operation
List Change Request Description Activities API
Retrieve Change Request Description API
Submit Change Request
v Change operation
Add Command Change Request Activity
Add Object Change Request Activity
Add Product Change Request Activity
Add PTF Change Request Activity
Add Resource Change Request Activity
Change Command Change Request Activity
Change Change Request Description
Change Object Change Request Activity
Change Product Change Request Activity
Change PTF Change Request Activity
Change Resource Change Request Activity
Add Change Request Description Activity API
Remove Change Request Description Activity API
Remove Change Request Dscription Activity
v Operations that are not audited
Work with Change Request Descriptions

Operations for C Locale Description (*CLD):

v Read operation
Retrieve C Locale Source

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 437

Object Auditing
Use the C locale object during C program run time using the Set locale
v Change operation
v Operations that are not audited

Operations for Class (*CLS):

v Read operation
v Change operation
Change Class
v Operations that are not audited
Job start
When used by work management to start a job
Display Class
Work with Class

Operations for Command (*CMD):

v Read operation
Run When command is run
v Change operation
Change Command
Change Command Default
v Operations that are not audited
Display Command
Print Command Usage
Retrieve Command Information API
Work with Command

The following commands are used within CL programs to control processing

and to manipulate data within the program. Their use is not audited.

438 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
CALL is audited if it is run interactively. It is not audited if it is run within a CL

Operations for Connection List (*CNNL):

v Read operation
v Change operation
Add Connection List Entry
Change Connection List
Change Connection List Entry
Remove Connection List Entry
Rename Connection List Entry
v Operations that are not audited
Copy Option 3 of WRKCNNL
Display Connection List
Retrieve source of connection list
Work with Connection List
Work with Connection List Entry

Operations for Class-of-Service Description (*COSD):

v Read operation
v Change operation
Change Class-of-Service Description
v Operations that are not audited
Display Class-of-Service Description

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 439

Object Auditing
Retrieve source of class-of-service description
Copy class-of-service description
Work with Class-of-Service Description

Operations for Communications Side Information (*CSI):

v Read operation
Display Communications Side Information
Initialize conversation
v Change operation
Change Communications Side Information
v Operations that are not audited
Work with Communications Side Information

Operations for Cross System Product Map (*CSPMAP):

v Read operation
When referred to in a CSP application
v Change operation
v Operations that are not audited
Display CSP Object
Work with Objects for CSP

Operations for Cross System Product Table (*CSPTBL):

v Read operation
When referred to in a CSP application
v Change operation
v Operations that are not audited
Display CSP Object
Work with Objects for CSP

Operations for Controller Description (*CTLD):

v Read operation

440 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
Save Configuration
Link test
v Change operation
Change controller description
Vary controller description on or off
v Operations that are not audited
Display Controller Description
End Controller Recovery
Print Device Address
Resume Controller Recovery
Retrieve source of controller description
Retrieve controller description status
Copy controller description
Work with Controller Description

Operations for Device Description (*DEVD):

v Read operation
First acquire of the device during open operation or explicit acquire
Allocate conversation
Save Configuration
Start pass-through session
Start of the second session for intermediate pass-through
Link test
v Change operation
Change device description

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 441

Object Auditing
Hold device description
Release device description
Change type-ahead setting for a device
Vary device description on or off
v Operations that are not audited
Display Device Description
Display Mode Status
End Device Recovery
Hold Communications Device
Release Communications Device
Resume Device Recovery
Retrieve source of device description
Retrieve device description status
Work with device status
Copy device description
Work with Device Description

Operations for Directory (*DIR):

v Read operation
| CPY Copy Object
Display Current Directory
Display Links
| getcwd, qlgGetcwd
| Get Path Name of Current Directory API
Give File Access API

442 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
Get Path From File API
open Open File API
| opendir, QlgOpendir
| Open Directory API
| Qp0lProcessSubtree
| Process a Path Name API
Retrieve Current Directory
SAV Save
| Qp0lSetAttr
| Set Attributes API
Work with Links
v Change operation
Change Auditing
Change Authority
Change Owner
Change Primary Group
| chmod, QlgChmod
| Change File Authorizations API
| chown, QlgChown
| Change Owner and Group API
CPY Copy
Create Directory
Change File Authorizations by Descriptor API
Change Owner and Group of File by Descriptor API
Give File Access API
| mkdir, QlgMkdir
| Make Directory API
MOV Move
Rename File or Directory, Keep New API
Rename File or Directory, Unlink New API

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 443

Object Auditing
| rmdir, QlgRmdir
| Remove Directory API
Remove Directory
RNM Rename
RST Restore
| Qp0lSetAttr
| Set Attribute API
| utime, QlgUtime
| Set File Access and Modifcation Times API
Work with Authority
Work with Links
v Operations that are not audited
| chdir, QlgChdir
| Change Directory API
Change Current Directory
close Close File Descriptor API
Close Directory API
Display Authority
dup Duplicate Open File Descriptor API
dup2 Duplicate Open File Descriptor to Another Descriptor API
fcntl Perform File Control Command API
Get Configurable Path Name Variables by Descriptor API
fstat Get File Information by Descriptor API
Give File Access API
ioctl Perform I/O Control Request API
lseek Set File Read/Write Offset API
lstat Get File or Link Information API
| pathconf, QlgPathconf
| Get Configurable Path Name Variables API
Read Directory Entry API
Reset Directory Stream API
select Check I/O Status of Multiple File Descriptors API

444 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
| stat, QlgStat
| Get File Information API
Take File Access API

Operations for Directory Services:

Note: Directory services actions are audited if the action auditing (QAUDLVL)
system value or the action auditing (AUDLVL) parameter in the user profile
includes *OFCSRV.
v Operations that are audited
Add Adding new directory entries
Changing directory entry details
Delete Deleting directory entries
Renaming directory entries
Print Displaying or printing directory entry details
Displaying or printing department details
Displaying or printing directory entries as the result of a search
Retrieve Directory Entry
Collecting directory entry data using directory shadowing
Supplying directory entry data using directory shadowing
v Operations that are not audited
CL commands
CL commands that work on the directory may be audited separately
using the object auditing function.

Note: Some CL directory commands cause an audit record because they

perform a function that is audited by *OFCSRV action auditing,
such as adding a directory entry.
Change System Directory Attributes
Adding, changing, deleting, or displaying directory department data
Assigning a description to a different directory entry using option 8
from the WRKDIR panel.
Adding, changing, or deleting directory entry descriptions
Distribution lists
Adding, changing, renaming, or deleting distribution lists
End Directory Shadowing

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 445

Object Auditing
List Displaying or printing a list of directory entries that does not include
directory entry details, such as using the WRKDIRE command or using
F4 to select entries for sending a note.
Adding, changing, deleting, or displaying directory location data
Adding, changing, renaming or deleting nicknames
Searching for directory entries
Start Directory Shadowing

Operations for Document Library Object (*DOC or *FLR):

v Read operation
Check document spelling
Copy Document
Dump DLO
Display DLO Auditing

Note: If auditing information is displayed for all documents in a folder,

and object auditing is specified for the folder, an audit record is
written. Displaying object auditing for individual documents does
not result in an audit record.
Display DLO Authority
Display Document
Display Help Document
Edit DLO Authority
Merge Document
Print Document
Copy Stream File API
Get Stream File Size API
Read Directory Entry API
Read Stream File API

446 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
Retrieve Document
Save DLO
Save bookshelf
Send Document
Send Distribution
Work with Document

Note: A read entry is written for the folder containing the documents.
v Change operation
Add DLO Authority
Add Office Enrollment
Change DLO Auditing
Change DLO Authority
Change DLO Ownership
Change DLO Primary Group
Change Document Description
Change Distribution Description
Copy Document

Note: A change entry is written if the target document already exists.

Create Folder
Convert to Folder
Delete DLO
Delete Bookshelf

4. A change entry is written for both the document and the folder if the target of the operation is in a folder.

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 447

Object Auditing
Delete Document List
Delete Distribution
Edit DLO Authority
Edit Document
File Document
Grant Access Code Authority
Grant User Permission
Move Document
Merge Document
Paginate Document
Change Directory Entry Attributes API
Set Stream File Size API
Write Stream File API
Query Document Library

Note: A change entry is written if an existing document resulting from a

search is replaced.
Receive Distribution
Reorganize DLO
Remove access code, for any DLO to which the access code is attached
Remove DLO authority
Rename DLO
Replace Document
Restore DLO

448 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
Restore Bookshelf
Retrieve Document (check out)
Revoke Access Code Authority
Revoke User Permission
Save DLO
v Operations that are not audited
Add Access Code
Display Access Code
Display User Permission
Change File Pointer API
Close Directory API
Close Stream File API
Force Buffered Data API
Lock/Unlock Stream File Range API
Retrieve Directory Entry Attributes API
Reclaim DLO (*ALL or *INT)
Work with Document Library
Work with Document Print Queue

Operations for Data Area (*DTAARA):

v Read operation
Display Data Area
Receive Data Area (S/38 command)
Retrieve Data Area

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 449

Object Auditing
Retrieve Data Area API
v Change operation
Change Data Area
Send Data Area
v Operations that are not audited
Data Areas
Local Data Area, Group Data Area, PIP (Program Initialization
Parameter) Data Area
Work with Data Area

Operations for Interactive Data Definition Utility (*DTADCT):

v Read operation
v Change operation
Create Data dictionary and data definitions
Data dictionary and data definitions
Copy Data definitions (recorded as create)
Delete Data dictionary and data definitions
Data definitions
v Operations that are not audited
Data dictionary and data definitions
Linking and unlinking file definitions
Print Data dictionary, data definitions, and where-used information for data

Operations for Data Queue (*DTAQ):

v Read operation
Retrieve Data Queue Message API
v Change operation
Receive Data Queue API
Send Data Queue API
Clear Data Queue API
v Operations that are not audited

450 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
Work with Data Queue
Retrieve Data Queue Description API

Operations for Edit Description (*EDTD):

v Read operation
Display Edit Description
Edit code expansion API (via routine QECEDITU)
v Change operation
v Operations that are not audited
Work with Edit Descriptions
Edit API
API for translating Edit Work into Edit Mask

Operations for Exit Registration (*EXITRG):

v Read operation
Retrieve Exit Information API
Retrieve Exit Information API
v Change operation
Add Exit Program
Add Exit Program API
Add Exit Program API
Deregister Exit Point API
Deregister Exit Point API
Register Exit Point API
Register Exit Point API
Remove Exit Program API
Remove Exit Program API

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 451

Object Auditing
Remove Exit Program
Work with Registration Information
v Operations that are not audited

Operations for Forms Control Table (*FCT):

v No Read or Change operations are audited for the *FCT object type.

Operations for File (*FILE):

v Read operation
CPYF Copy File (uses open operation)
Open Open of a file for read
Display Physical File Member (uses open operation)
Open Open of MRTs after the initial open
Create BSC File (uses open operation)
Create Communications File (uses open operation)
Create Display File (uses open operation)
Create ICF File (uses open operation)
Create MXD File (uses open operation)
Create Printer File (uses open operation)
Create Physical File (uses open operation)
Create Logical File (uses open operation)
Display Module Source (uses open operation)
Start Debug (uses open operation)
Retrieve View Text API
v Change operation
Open Open a file for modification
(S/38E) Add Bisync Device Entry to a mixed device file
(S/38E) Add Communications Device Entry to a mixed device file

452 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
(S/38E) Add Display Device Entry to a mixed device file
(S/38E) Add ICF Device Entry to a mixed device file
Add Logical File Member
Add Physical File Constraint
Add Physical File Member
Add Physical File Trigger
Add Physical File Variable Length Member
Change Bisync function
(S/38E) Change Communications File
Change DDM File
Change Diskette File
Change Display File
Change ICF Device File Entry
Change ICF File
(S/38E) Change Mixed Device File
Change Logical File
Change Logical File Member
Change Physical File
Change Physical File Constraint
Change Physical File Member
Change Printer Device GQle
Change Save File

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 453

Object Auditing
Change S/36 Procedure Attributes
Change S/36 Source Attributes
Change Tape Device File
Clear Physical File Member
CPYF Copy File (open file for modification, such as adding records, clearing a
member, or saving a member
Edit S/36 Procedure Attributes
Edit S/36 Source Attributes
Initialize Physical File Member
(S/38E) Start Journal Access Path (entry per file)
(S/38E) Start Journal Physical File (entry per file)
Reorganize Physical File Member
(S/38E) Remove BSC Device Entry from a mixed dev file
(S/38E) Remove CMN Device Entry from a mixed dev file
(S/38E) Remove DSP Device Entry from a mixed dev file
(S/38E) Remove ICF Device Entry from an ICM dev file
Remove Member
Remove Physical File Constraint
Remove Physical File Trigger
Rename Member
Work with S/36 Procedure Attributes
Work with S/36 Source Attributes
v Operations that are not audited
Display Check Pending Constraints

454 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
Display File Description
Display File Field Description
Display Database Relations
Display Program File References
Edit Check Pending Constraints
Override file
Retrieve Member Description
Work with Physical File Constraints
Work with File

Operations for Folder (*FLR):

v See operations for Document Library Object (*DOC or *FLR)

Operations for Font Resource (*FNTRSC):

v Read operation
Print Printing a spooled file that refers to the font resource
v Change operation
v Operations that are not audited
Work with Font Resource
Print Referring to the font resource when creating a spooled file

Operations for Form Definition (*FORMDF):

v Read operation
Print Printing a spooled file that refers to the form definition
v Change operation
v Operations that are not audited
Work with Form Definition
Print Referring to the form definition when creating a spooled file

Operations for Filter Object (*FTR):

v Read operation

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 455

Object Auditing
v Change operation
Add Alert Action Entry
Add Alert Selection Entry
Add Problem Action Entry
Add Problem Selection Entry
Change Alert Action Entry
Change Alert Selection Entry
Change Problem Action Entry
Change Problem Selection Entry
Change Filter
Remove Alert Action Entry
Remove Alert Selection Entry
Work with Alert Action Entry
Work with Alert Selection Entry
v Operations that are not audited
Work with Filter
Work with Filter Action Entries
Work with Filter Selection Entries

Operations for Graphics Symbols Set (*GSS):

v Read operation
When it is loaded
Font When it is used as a font in an externally described printer file
v Change operation
v Operations that are not audited
Work with Graphic Symbol Set

456 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
Operations for Double-Byte Character Set Dictionary (*IGCDCT):
v Read operation
Display IGC Dictionary
v Change operation
Edit IGC Dictionary

Operations for Double-Byte Character Set Sort (*IGCSRT):

v Read operation
Copy IGC Sort (from-*ICGSRT-object)
Conversion to V3R1 format, if necessary
Print Print character to register in sort table (option 1 from CGU menu)
Print before deleting character from sort table (option 2 from CGU
v Change operation
Copy IGC Sort (to-*ICGSRT-object)
Conversion to V3R1 format, if necessary
Create Create a user-defined character (option 1 from CGU menu)
Delete Delete a user-defined character (option 2 from CGU menu)
Update the active sort table (option 5 from CGU menu)
v Operations that are not audited
Sort records or fields in a file

Operations for Double-Byte Character Set Table (*IGCTBL):

v Read operation
Copy IGC Table
Start Font Management Aid
v Change operation
Start Font Management Aid
v Operations that are not audited
Check IGC Table

Operations for Job Description (*JOBD):

v Read operation

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 457

Object Auditing
v Change operation
Change Job Description
v Operations that are not audited
Display Job Description
Work with Job Description
Retrieve Job Description API
Batch job
When used to establish a job

Operations for Job Queue (*JOBQ):

v Read operation
v Change operation
Entry When an entry is placed on or removed from the queue
Clear Job Queue
Hold Job Queue
Release Job Queue
v Operations that are not audited
ADDJOBQE “Subsystem Descriptions” on page 181
Add Job Queue Entry
Change Job from one JOBQ to another JOBQ
CHGJOBQE “Subsystem Descriptions” on page 181
Change Job Queue Entry
Retrieve job queue information
RMVJOBQE “Subsystem Descriptions” on page 181
Remove Job Queue Entry
Transfer Job
Transfer Batch Job
Work with Job Queue for a specific job queue

5. An audit record is written if object auditing is specified for the subsystem description (*SBSD).

458 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
Work with Job Queue for all job queues

Operations for Job Scheduler Object (*JOBSCD):

v Read operation
v Change operation
Add Job Schedule Entry
Change Job Schedule Entry
Remove Job Schedule Entry
Hold Job Schedule Entry
Release Job Schedule Entry
v Operations that are not audited
Display details of scheduled job entry
Work with Job Schedule Entries
Work with ...
Work with previously submitted jobs from job schedule entry
List job schedule entry API

Operations for Journal (*JRN):

v Read operation
Compare Journal Images
| Display Journal Entry for user journals
Retrieve Journal Identifier (JID) Information
Retrieve Journal Entries
Receive Journal Entry
Retrieve Journal Entry
v Change operation
| Add Remote Journal
Apply Journaled Changes

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 459

Object Auditing
Change Journal
| Change Remote Journal
| End Journaling
(S/38E) Start Journal Access Path
(S/38E) Start Journal Physical File
Add Remote Journal API
| QjoChangeJournalState
| Change Journal State API
| QjoEndJournal
| End Journaling API
Remove Remote Journal API
Send Journal Entry API (user entries only via QJOSJRNE API)
| QjoStartJournal
| Start Journaling API
Remove Journaled Changes
Remove Remote Journal
Send Journal Entry (user entries only via SNDJRNE command)
| Start Journaling
v Operations that are not audited
Display Journal Entry for internal system journals, JRN(*INTSYSJRN)
(S/38E) Work with Journal Attributes
(S/38E) Work with Journal
Retrieve Journal Information API
Work with Journal (DSPJRNMNU in S/38 environment)
Work with Journal Attributes (DSPJRNA in S/38 environment)

Operations for Journal Receiver (*JRNRCV):

460 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
v Read operation
v Change operation
Change Journal (when attaching new receivers)
v Operations that are not audited
Display Journal Receiver Attributes
Retrieve Journal Receiver Information API
Work with Journal Receiver

Operations for Library (*LIB):

v Read operation
Display Library (when not empty. If library is empty, no audit is
Locate When a library is accessed to find an object
1. Several audit entries may be written for a library for a single
command. For example, when you open a file, a ZR audit journal
entry for the library is written when the system locates the file and
each member in the file.
2. No audit entry is written if the locate function is not successful. For
example, you run a command using a generic parameter, such as:

If a library whose name begins with “AR” does not have any file
names beginning with “WRK”, no audit record is written for that
v Change operation
Library list
Adding library to a library list
Change Library
Clear Library
Move Object
Rename Object
Add Add object to library
Delete Delete object from library
v Operations that are not audited

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 461

Object Auditing

Operations for Line Description (*LIND):

v Read operation
Save Configuration
Run LPDA-2 operational commands
Link test
LPDA-2 link test
v Change operation
Change Line Description
Vary on/off line description
v Operations that are not audited
Answer Line
Copy Option 3 from WRKLIND
Display Line Description
End Line Recovery
Release Communications Device
Resume Line Recovery
Retrieve Source of line description
Retrieve line description status
Work with Line Description
Work with line description status

Operations for Mail Services:

Note: Mail services actions are audited if the action auditing (QAUDLVL) system
value or the action auditing (AUDLVL) parameter in the user profile
includes *OFCSRV.
v Operations that are audited
Changes to the system distribution directory

462 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
On behalf
Working on behalf of another user

Note: Working on behalf of another user is audited if the AUDLVL in

the user profile or the QAUDLVL system value includes
Open An audit record is written when the mail log is opened
v Operations that are not audited
Change details of a mail item
Delete Delete a mail item
File File a mail item into a document or folder

Note: When a mail item is filed, it becomes a document library object

(DLO). Object auditing can be specified for a DLO.
Forward a mail item
Print Print a mail item

Note: Printing of mail items can be audited using the *SPLFDTA or

*PRTDTA audit level.
Receive a mail item
Reply Reply to a mail item
Send Send a mail item
View View a mail item

Operations for Menu (*MENU):

v Read operation
Displaying a menu through the GO MENU command or UIM dialog
v Change operation
Change Menu
v Operations that are not audited
Returning to a menu in the menu stack that has already been displayed
Display Menu Attributes
Work with Menu

Operations for Mode Description (*MODD):

v Read operation

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 463

Object Auditing
v Change operation
Change Mode Description
v Operations that are not audited
Change session maximum
Display Mode Description
End Mode
Start Mode
Work with Mode Descriptions

Operations for Module Object (*MODULE):

v Read operation
An audit entry for each module object used during a CRTPGM.
An audit entry for each module object used during a CRTSRVPGM
An audit entry for each module object used during an UPDPGM
An audit entry for each module object used during an UPDSRVPGM
v Change operation
Change Module
v Operations that are not audited
Display Module
Retrieve Binder Source
Work with Module

Operations for Message File (*MSGF):

v Read operation
Display Message Description
Merge Message File from-file
Print Print message description
Retrieve information from a message file

464 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
Retrieve Message API
Work with Message Description
v Change operation
Add Message Description
Change Message Description
Change Message File
Merge Message File (to-file and replace MSGF)
Remove Message Description
v Operations that are not audited
Override Message File
Work with Message File
Retrieve Message File Attributes API

Operations for Message Queue (*MSGQ):

v Read operation
List Nonprogram Messages API
Retrieve Nonprogram Message Queue Attributes API
Display Log
Display Message
Print Print Messages
Receive Message RMV(*NO)
Receive Nonprogram Messages API when message action is not
v Change operation
Change Message Queue
Clear Message Queue

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 465

Object Auditing
Receive Message RMV(*YES)
Receive Nonprogram Messages API when message action is *REMOVE.
Remove Message
Remove Nonprogram Messages API
Send a Message to a message queue
Send Break Message API
Send Nonprogram Message API
Send Reply Message API
Send Reply
Work with Message
v Operations that are not audited
Work with Message Queue
Program message queue operations

Operations for Node Group (*NODGRP):

v Read operation
Display Node Group
v Change operation
Change Node Group

Operations for Node List (*NODL):

v Read operation
List node list entries
v Change operation
Add Node List Entry
Remove Node List Entry
v Operations that are not audited
Work with Node List

466 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
Work with Node List Entries

Operations for NetBIOS Description (*NTBD):

v Read operation
Save Configuration
v Change operation
Change NetBIOS Description
v Operations that are not audited
Copy Option 3 of WRKNTBD
Display NetBIOS Description
Retrieve Configuration Source of NetBIOS description
Work with NetBIOS Description

Operations for Network Interface (*NWID):

v Read operation
Save Configuration
v Change operation
Change Network Interface Description
Vary network interface description on or off
v Operations that are not audited
Copy Option 3 of WRKNWID
Display Network Interface Description
End Network Interface Recovery
Resume Network Interface Recovery
Retrieve Source of Network Interface Description
Retrieve Status of Network Interface Description
Work with Network Interface Description
Work with network interface description status

Operations for Network Server Description (*NWSD):

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 467

Object Auditing
v Read operation
Save Configuration
v Change operation
Change Network Server Description
Vary Configuration
v Operations that are not audited
Copy Option 3 of WRKNWSD
Display Network Server Description
Retrieve Configuration Source for *NWSD
Retrieve Configuration Status for *NWSD
Work with Network Server Description

Operations for Output Queue (*OUTQ):

v Read operation
Start a Printer Writer to an OUTQ
Start a Remote Writer to an OUTQ
v Change operation
When an entry is placed on or removed from the queue
Change Output Queue
Change Spooled File Attributes, if moved to a different output queue
and either output queue is audited
Clear Output Queue
Delete Spooled File
Hold Output Queue
Release Output Queue
v Operations that are not audited

6. This is also audited if action auditing (QAUDLVL system value or AUDLVL user profile value) includes *SPLFDTA.

468 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
Change Spooled File Attributes
Copy Spooled File
Create a spooled file
Display Spooled File
Hold Spooled File
Retrieve output queue information
Release Spooled File
Send Network Spooled File
Work with Output Queue
Work with Output Queue Description
Work with Spooled File
Work with Spooled File Attributes

Operations for Overlay (*OVL):

v Read operation
Print Printing a spooled file that refers to the overlay
v Change operation
v Operations that are not audited
Work with overlay
Print Referring to the overlay when creating a spooled file

Operations for Page Definition (*PAGDFN):

v Read operation
Print Printing a spooled file that refers to the page definition
v Change operation
v Operations that are not audited
Work with Page Definition
Print Referring to the form definition when creating a spooled file

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 469

Object Auditing
Operations for Page Segment (*PAGSEG):
v Read operation
Print Printing a spooled file that refers to the page segment
v Change operation
v Operations that are not audited
Work with Page Segment
Print Referring to the page segment when creating a spooled file

Operations for Print Descriptor Group (*PDG):

v Read operation
Open When the page descriptor group is opened for read access by a
PrintManager™ API or CPI verb.
v Change operation
Open When the page descriptor group is opened for change access by a
PrintManager* API or CPI verb.
v Operations that are not audited
Change Print Descriptor Group Profile
Work with Print Descriptor Group

Operations for Program (*PGM):

v Read operation
Program activation
Call Call program that is not already activated
Add program to debug
Qte Register Debug View API
Qte Retrieve Module Views API
// RUN
Run program in S/36 environment
Retrieve CL Source
Start Debug
v Create operation
Create Program
Update Program

470 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
v Change operation
Change CSP/AE Program
Change Program
Change S/36 Program Attributes
Edit S/36 Program Attributes
Work with S/36 Program Attributes
v Operations that are not audited
Analyze Program
Dump CL Program
Display CSP Object
Display Program
Print Command Usage
Print CSP Application
Print SQL Information
List ILE Program Information API
Retrieve Program Information API
Start CSP Utilities
Trace CSP Application
Work with Objects for CSP
Work with Program

Operations for Panel Group (*PNLGRP):

v Read operation
Add Search Index Entry
Open Panel Group for Display API

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 471

Object Auditing
Open Panel Group for Print API
Display Help API
v Change operation
v Operations that are not audited
Work with Panel Group

Operations for Product Availability (*PRDAVL):

v Change operation
Work with Supported Products, when support is added or removed
v Operations that are not audited
Read No read operations are audited

Operations for Product Definition (*PRDDFN):

v Change operation
Add Product License Information
Work with Supported Products, when support is added or removed
v Operations that are not audited
Read No read operations are audited

Operations for Product Load (*PRDLOD):

v Change operation
Product load state, product load library list, product load folder list,
primary language
v Operations that are not audited
Read No read operations are audited

Operations for Query Manager Form (*QMFORM):

v Read operation
Start Query Management Query
Retrieve Query Management Form
Run Run a query
Export Export a Query Management form
Print Print a Query Management form
Print a Query Management report using the form

472 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
Use Access the form using option 2, 5, 6, or 9 or function F13 from the
SQL/400® Query Manager menu.
v Change operation
Create Query Management Form
Import Query Management form
Save Save the form using a menu option or a command
Copy Option 3 from the Work with Query Manager Forms function
v Operations that are not audited
Work with
When *QMFORMs are listed in a Work with display
Active Any form operation that is done against the ’active’ form.

Operations for Query Manager Query (*QMQRY):

v Read operation
Retrieve Query Manager Query
Run Run Query Manager Query
Start Query Manager Query
Export Export Query Manager query
Print Print Query Manager query
Use Access the query using function F13 or option 2, 5, 6, or 9 from the
Work with Query Manager queries function
v Change operation
Create Query Management Query
Option 10 (Convert to SQL) from the Work with Query Manager Queries
Copy Option 3 from the Work with Query Manager Queries function
Save Save the query using a menu or command
v Operations that are not audited
Work with
When *QMQRYs are listed in a Work with display
Active Any query operation that is done against the ’active’ query.

Operations for Query Definition (*QRYDFN):

v Read operation
Analyze Query
| Change a query using a prompt display presented by WRKQRY or QRY.

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 473

Object Auditing
Display a query using WRKQRY prompt display
Export Export form using Query Manager
Export Export query using Query Manager
Print Print query definition using WRKQRY prompt display
Print Query Management form
Print Query Management query
Print Query Management report
Run Query
Retrieve Query Management Form
Retrieve Query Management Query
Run Run query using WRKQRY prompt display
Run (Query Management command)
Run Query
Start Query Management Query
Submit a query (run request) to batch using WRKQRY prompt display
or Exit This Query prompt display
v Change operation
Save a changed query using the Query/400 licensed program
v Operations that are not audited
Copy Copy a query using option 3 on the “Work with Queries” display
Create Create a query using option 1 on the “Work with Queries” display
Delete Delete a query using option 4 on the “Work with Queries” display
Run Run a query using option 1 on the “Exit this Query” display when
creating or changing a query using the Query/400 licensed program;
Run a query interactively using PF5 while creating, displaying, or
changing a query using the Query/400 licensed program
Delete a query

Operations for Reference Code Translate Table (*RCT):

v Read operation
v Change operation
v Operations that are not audited

474 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing

Operations for Reply List:

Note: Reply list actions are audited if the action auditing (QAUDLVL) system
value or the action auditing (AUDLVL) parameter in the user profile
includes *SYSMGT.
v Operations that are audited
Add Reply List Entry
Change Reply List Entry
Remove Reply List Entry
Work with Reply List Entry
v Operations that are not audited

Operations for Subsystem Description (*SBSD):

v Read operation
End Subsystem
Start Subsystem
v Change operation
Add Autostart Job Entry
Add Communications Entry
Add Job Queue Entry
Add Prestart Job Entry
Add Routing Entry
Add Workstation Entry
Change Autostart Job Entry
Change Communications Entry
Change Job Queue Entry
Change Prestart Job Entry

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 475

Object Auditing
Change Routing Entry
Change Subsystem Description
Change Workstation Entry
Remove Autostart Job Entry
Remove Communications Entry
Remove Job Queue Entry
Remove Prestart Job Entry
Remove Routing Entry
Remove Workstation Entry
v Operations that are not audited
Display Subsystem Description
List Active Subsystem API
List Subsystem Job Queue API
Retrieve Subsystem Description API
Work with Subsystem Description
Work with Subsystem
Work with Subsystem Job

Operations for Information Search Index (*SCHIDX):

v Read operation
Start Index Search
Work with Search Index Entry
v Change operation (audited if OBJAUD is *CHANGE or *ALL)
Add Search Index Entry
Change Search Index

476 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
Remove Search Index Entry
v Operations that are not audited
Work with Search Index

Operations for Local Socket (*SOCKET):

v Read operation
Bind a permanent destination to a socket and establish a connection.
Display Links
Give File Access API
Get Path Name of Object from File ID API
Rename File or Directory, Keep New API
Rename File or Directory, Unlink New API
Send a datagram in connectionless mode. Can use multiple buffers.
Send a datagram in connectionless mode.
Work with Links
v Change operation
Add Link
bind Establish a local address for a socket.
Change Auditing
Change Authority
Change Owner
Change Primary Group
Check In
Check Out
Change File Authorizations API

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 477

Object Auditing
Change Owner and Group API
Give File Access API
link Create Link to File API
Rename File or Directory, Keep New API
Rename File or Directory, Unlink New API
Remove Link
RNM Rename
RST Restore
Remove Link to File API
utime Set File Access and Modifcation Times API
Work with Authority
Work with Links
v Operations that are not audited:
close Close File API
Display Authority
dup Duplicate Open File Descriptor API
dup2 Duplicate Open File Descriptor to Another Descriptor API
fcntl Perform File Control Command API
fstat Get File Information by Descriptor API
fsync Synchronize Changes to File API
ioctl Perform I/O Control Request API
lstat Get File or Link Information API
Get Configurable Path Name Variables API
read Read from File API
readv Read from File (Vector) API
select Check I/O Status of Multiple File Descriptors API
stat Get File Information API
Take File Access API
write Write to File API
writev Write to File (Vector) API

478 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
Operations for Spelling Aid Dictionary (*SPADCT):
v Read operation
Verify Spell verify function
Aid Spell aid function
Hyphenation function
Dehyphenation function
Synonym function
Base Using dictionary as base when creating another dictionary
Verify Using as verify dictionary when creating another dictionary
Retrieve Stop Word List Source
Print Print Stop Word List Source
v Change operation
Create Spelling Aid Dictionary with REPLACE(*YES)
v Operations that are not audited

Operations for Spooled Files:

Note: Spooled file actions are audited if the action auditing (QAUDLVL) system
value or the action auditing (AUDLVL) parameter in the user profile
includes *SPLFDTA.
v Operations that are audited
Each access by any user that is not the owner of the spooled file,
Changing any of the following spooled file attributes:
Create Creating a spooled file using print operations
Creating a spooled file using the QSPCRTSP API

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 479

Object Auditing
Delete Deleting a spooled file using any of the following:
– Printing a spooled file by a printer or diskette writer
– Clearing the output queue (CLROUTQ)
– Deleting the spooled file using the DLTSPLF command or the delete
option from a spooled files display
– Deleting spooled files when a job ends (ENDJOB SPLFILE(*YES))
– Deleting spooled files when a print job ends (ENDPJ SPLFILE(*YES))
– Sending a spooled file to a remote system by a remote writer
Hold Holding a spooled file by any of the following:
– Using the HLDSPLF command
– Using the hold option from a spooled files display
– Printing a spooled file that specifies SAVE(*YES)
– Sending a spooled file to a remote system by a remote writer when
the spooled file specifies SAVE(*YES)
– Having a writer hold a spooled file after an error occurs when
processing the spooled file
Read Reading a spooled file by a printer or diskette writer
Releasing a spooled file

Operations for SQL Package (*SQLPKG):

v Read operation
Run When *SQLPKG object is run
v Change operation
v Operations that are not audited
Print SQL Information

Operations for Service Program (*SRVPGM):

v Read operation
An audit entry for each service program used during a CRTPGM
An audit entry for each service program used during a CRTSRVPGM
Register Debug View API
Retrieve Module Views API
An audit entry for each service program used during a UPDPGM

480 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
An audit entry for each service program used during a UPDSRVPGM
v Create operation
Create Service Program
Update Service Program
v Change operation
Change Service Program
v Operations that are not audited
Display Service Program
Print SQL Information
List Service Program Information API
Retrieve Service Program Information API
Work with Service Program

Operations for Session Description (*SSND):

v No Read or Change operations are audited for the *SSND object type.

Operations for Server Storage Space (*SVRSTG):

v No Read or Change operations are audited for the *SVRSTG object type.

Operations for Stream File (*STMF):

v Read operation
CPY Copy
Display Links
Give File Access API
MOV Move
open Open File API
SAV Save
Work with Links
v Change operation
Add Link
Change Auditing

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 481

Object Auditing
Change Authority
Change Owner
Change Primary Group
Check In
Check Out
Change File Authorizations API
Change Owner and Group API
CPY Copy
creat Create New File or Rewrite Existing File API
Change File Authorizations by Descriptor API
Change Owner and Group of File by Descriptor API
Give File Access API
link Create Link to File API
MOV Move
open When opened for write
Get Path Name of Object from File ID API
Rename File or Directory, Keep New API
Rename File or Directory, Unlink New API
Remove Link
RNM Rename
RST Restore
Remove Link to File API
utime Set File Access and Modifcation Times API
Work with Authority
Work with Links
v Operations that are not audited

482 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
close Close File API
Display Authority
dup Duplicate Open File Descriptor API
dup2 Duplicate Open File Descriptor to Another Descriptor API
fcntl Perform File Control Command API
Get Configurable Path Name Variables by Descriptor API
fstat Get File Information by Descriptor API
fsync Synchronize Changes to File API
Truncate File API
ioctl Perform I/O Control Request API
lseek Set File Read/Write Offset API
lstat Get File or Link Information API
Get Configurable Path Name Variables API
read Read from File API
readv Read from File (Vector) API
select Check I/O Status of Multiple File Descriptors API
stat Get File Information API
Take File Access API
write Write to File API
writev Write to File (Vector) API

Operations for Symbolic Link (*SYMLNK):

v Read operation
CPY Copy
Display Links
MOV Move
Read Value of Symbolic Link API
SAV Save
Work with Links
v Change operation
Change Owner
Change Primary Group

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 483

Object Auditing
CPY Copy
MOV Move
Rename File or Directory, Keep New API
Rename File or Directory, Unlink New API
Remove Link
RNM Rename
RST Restore
Make Symbolic Link API
Remove Link to File API
Work with Links
v Operations that are not audited
lstat Link Status API

Operations for S/36 Machine Description (*S36):

v Read operation
v Change operation
Change S/36 configuration
Change S/36 configuration attributes
SET™ SET procedure
When a device is added to the configuration table
When a device is deleted from the configuration table
Rename device description
v Operations that are not audited
Display S/36 configuration
Retrieve S/36 Configuration Attributes
Start S/36
End S/36

484 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
Operations for Table (*TBL):
v Read operation
Translate character string
Translate character string
Retrieve sort sequence table
Translation Table during CRTLF command
Read Use of Sort Sequence Table when running any command that can specify
a sort sequence
v Change operation
v Operations that are not audited
Work with table

Operations for User Index (*USRIDX):

v Read operation
Retrieve user index entries API
v Change operation
Add User Index Entries API
Remove User Index Entries API
v Operations that are not audited
Direct access to a user index using MI instructions (only allowed for a
user domain user index in a library specified in the QALWUSRDMN
system value.
Retrieve User Index Attributes API

Operations for User Profile (*USRPRF):

v Read operation
v Change operation
Change Profile
Change Password
Change User Profile

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 485

Object Auditing
| Check Password
Delete User Profile
Grant User Authority (to-user-profile)
Change Password API
Restore User Profile
v Operations that are not audited
Display Programs that Adopt
Display User Profile
Grant User Authority (from-user-profile)
| Print Profile Internals
| Print User Profile
Check User Special Authorities API
List Authorized Objects API
List Objects That Adopt API
Retrieve User Information API
Retrieve User Profile
Work with Owned Objects
Work with User Profiles

Operations for User Queue (*USRQ):

v No Read or Change operations are audited for the *USRQ object type.
v Operations that are not audited
Direct access to user queues using MI instructions (only allowed for a
user domain user queue in a library specified in the QALWUSRDMN
system value.

Operations for User Space (*USRSPC):

v Read operation

486 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Object Auditing
Retrieve User Space API
v Change operation
Change User Space API
Change User Space Attributes API
v Operations that are not audited
Direct access to user space using MI instructions (only allowed for user
domain user spaces in libraries specified in the QALWUSRDMN system
Retrieve User Space Attributes API

Operations for Validation List (*VLDL):

v Read operation
Find Validation List Entry API
v Change operation
Add Validation List Entry API
Change Validation List Entry API
Remove Validation List Entry API
v Operations that are not audited
Direct access to user space using MI instructions (only allowed for user
domain user spaces in libraries specified in the QALWUSRDMN system
Retrieve User Space Attributes API

Operations for Workstation Customizing Object (*WSCST):

v Read operation
Vary When a customized device is varied on
Retrieve Workstation Customizing Object Source (only when
*TRANSFORM is specified for the device type)
Send TCP/IP Spooled File (only when TRANSFORM(*YES) is specified)
Start Printer Writer (only for spooled files that are printed to a
customized printer using the host print transform function)

Appendix E. Object Operations and Auditing 487

Object Auditing
Start Remote Writer (only when output queue is configured with
Print When output is printed directly (not spooled) to a customized printer
using the host print transform function
v Change operation
v Operations that are not audited

488 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries
This appendix contains layout information for all entry types with journal code T
in the audit (QAUDJRN) journal. These entries are controlled by the action and
object auditing you define. The system writes additional entries to the audit
journal for such events as a system IPL or saving the journal receiver. The layouts
for these entry types can be found in the Backup and Recovery book.

Table 140 contains the layout for fields that are common to all entry types when
OUTFILFMT(*TYPE2) is specified on the DSPJRN command. This layout, which is
called QJORDJE2, is defined in the QADSPJR2 file in the QSYS library.

Note: *TYPE2 output formats are no longer updated; therefore, IBM recommends
that you stop using *TYPE2 formats and use only *TYPE4 formats.

Table 139 contains the layout for fields that are common to all entry types when
OUTFILFMT(*TYPE4) is specified on the DSPJRN command. This layout, which is
called QJORDJE4, is defined in the QADSPJR4 file in the QSYS library. The *TYPE4
output includes all of the *TYPE2 information, plus information about journal
identifiers, triggers, and referential constraints.

Tables 142 through 213 contain layouts for the model database outfiles provided to
define entry-specific data. You can use the CRTDUPOBJ command to create any
empty output file with the same layout as one of the model database outfiles. You
can use the DSPJRN command to copy selected entries from the audit journal to
the output file for analysis. “Analyzing Audit Journal Entries with Query or a
Program” on page 262 provides examples of using the model database outfiles. See
also the Journal Entry Information Appendix in the SC41-5304-05 book for detailed
descriptions for these fields.
Table 139. Standard Heading Fields for Audit Journal Entries. QJORDJE4 Record Format (*TYPE4)
Offset Field Format Description

1 Length of Entry Zoned(5,0) Total length of the journal entry including the entry length field.
6 Sequence Zoned(10,0) Applied to each journal entry. Initially set to 1 for each new or restored
Number journal. Optionally, reset to 1 when a new receiver is attached.
16 Journal Code Char(1) Always T.
17 Entry Type Char(2) See Table 141 on page 491 for a list of entry types and descriptions.
19 Timestamp of Char(26) Date and time that the entry was made in SAA® timestamp format.
45 Name of Job Char(10) The name of the job that caused the entry to be generated.
55 User Name Char(10) The user profile name associated with the job1.
65 Job Number Zoned(6,0) The job number.
71 Program Name Char(10) The name of the program that made the journal entry. This can also be
the name of a service program or the partial name of a class file used in
a compiled Java program. If an application program or CL program did
not cause the entry, the field contains the name of a system-supplied
program such as QCMD. The field has the value *NONE if one of the
following is true:
v The program name does not apply to this entry type.
v The program name was not available.
81 Object Name Char(10) Used for journaled objects. Not used for audit journal entries.
91 Library Name Char(10) Used for journaled objects. Not used for audit journal entries.
101 Member Name Char(10) Used for journaled objects. Not used for audit journal entries.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 489

Audit Journal Entries
Table 139. Standard Heading Fields for Audit Journal Entries (continued). QJORDJE4 Record Format (*TYPE4)
Offset Field Format Description

111 Count/RRN Zoned(10) Used for journaled objects. Not used for audit journal entries.
121 Flag Char(1) Used for journaled objects. Not used for audit journal entries.
122 Commit Cycle ID Zoned(10) Used for journaled objects. Not used for audit journal entries.
132 User Profile Char(10) The name of the current user profile1.
142 System Name Char(8) The name of the system.
150 Reserved Char(10) Used for file journaling. Not used for audit journal entries.
160 Referential Char(1) Used for file journaling. Not used for audit journal entries.
161 Trigger Char(1) Used for file journaling. Not used for audit journal entries.
162 (Reserved Area) Char(8)
170 Null Value Char(50) Used for file journaling. Not used for audit journal entries.
220 Entry Specific Binary (4) Length of the entry specific data.
Data Length
Note: The three fields beginning at offset 31 make up the system job name. In most cases, the User name
field at offset 41 and the User profile name field at offset 132 have the same value. For prestarted jobs, the
User profile name field contains the name of the user starting the transaction. For some jobs, both these
fields contain QSYS as the user name. The User profile name field in the entry-specific data contains the
actual user who caused the entry. If an API is used to swap user profiles, the User profile name field
contains the name of the new (swapped) user profile.

Table 140. Standard Heading Fields for Audit Journal Entries. QJORDJE2 Record Format (*TYPE2)
Offset Field Format Description

1 Length of Entry Zoned(5,0) Total length of the journal entry including the entry length field.
6 Sequence Zoned(10,0) Applied to each journal entry. Initially set to 1 for each new or restored
Number journal. Optionally, reset to 1 when a new receiver is attached.
16 Journal Code Char(1) Always T.
17 Entry Type Char(2) See Table 141 on page 491 for a list of entry types and descriptions.
19 Timestamp Char(6) The system date that the entry was made.
25 Time of entry Zoned(6,0) The system time that the entry was made.
31 Name of Job Char(10) The name of the job that caused the entry to be generated.
41 User Name Char(10) The user profile name associated with the job1.
51 Job Number Zoned(6,0) The job number.
57 Program Name Char(10) The name of the program that made the journal entry. This can also be
the name of a service program or the partial name of a class file used in
a compiled Java program. If an application program or CL program did
not cause the entry, the field contains the name of a system-supplied
program such as QCMD. The field has the value *NONE if one of the
following is true:
v The program name does not apply to this entry type.
v The program name was not available.
67 Object Name Char(10) Used for journaled objects. Not used for audit journal entries.
77 Library Name Char(10) Used for journaled objects. Not used for audit journal entries.
87 Member Name Char(10) Used for journaled objects. Not used for audit journal entries.
97 Count/RRN Zoned(10) Used for journaled objects. Not used for audit journal entries.
107 Flag Char(1) Used for journaled objects. Not used for audit journal entries.
108 Commit Cycle ID Zoned(10) Used for journaled objects. Not used for audit journal entries.
118 User Profile Char(10) The name of the current user profile1.
128 System Name Char(8) The name of the system.
136 (Reserved Area) Char(20)

490 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 140. Standard Heading Fields for Audit Journal Entries (continued). QJORDJE2 Record Format (*TYPE2)
Offset Field Format Description

The three fields beginning at offset 31 make up the system job name. In most cases, the User name field at
offset 41 and the User profile name field at offset 118 have the same value. For prestarted jobs, the User profile
name field contains the name of the user starting the transaction. For some jobs, both these fields contain
QSYS as the user name. The User profile name field in the entry-specific data contains the actual user who
caused the entry. If an API is used to swap user profiles, the User profile name field contains the name of the
new (swapped) user profile.

Table 141. Audit Journal (QAUDJRN) Entry Types.

Type Description

AD Auditing changes
AF Authority failure
AP Obtaining adopted authority
CA Authority changes
CD Command string audit
CO Create object
CP User profile changed, created, or restored
CQ Change of *CRQD object
CU Cluster Operations
CV Connection verification
| CY Cryptographic Configuration
| DI Directory Services
DO Delete object
DS DST security password reset
EV System environment variables
GR Generic record
GS Socket description was given to another job
IP Interprocess Communication
IR IP Rules Actions
IS Internet security management
JD Change to user parameter of a job description
JS Actions that affect jobs
KF Key ring file
LD Link, unlink, or look up directory entry
ML Office services mail actions
NA Network attribute changed
ND APPN directory search filter violation
NE APPN end point filter violation
OM Object move or rename
OR Object restore
OW Object ownership changed
O1 (Optical Access) Single File or Directory
O2 (Optical Access) Dual File or Directory
O3 (Optical Access) Volume
PA Program changed to adopt authority
PG Change of an object’s primary group
PO Printed output
PS Profile swap
PW Invalid password
RA Authority change during restore
RJ Restoring job description with user profile specified

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 491

Audit Journal Entries
Table 141. Audit Journal (QAUDJRN) Entry Types. (continued)
Type Description

RO Change of object owner during restore

RP Restoring adopted authority program
RQ Restoring a *CRQD object
RU Restoring user profile authority
RZ Changing a primary group during restore
SD Changes to system distribution directory
SE Subsystem routing entry changed
SF Actions to spooled files
SG Asynchronous Signals
SK Secure sockets connections
SM System management changes
SO Server security user information actions
ST Use of service tools
SV System value changed
VA Changing an access control list
VC Starting or ending a connection
VF Closing server files
VL Account limit exceeded
VN Logging on and off the network
VO Validation list actions
VP Network password error
VR Network resource access
VS Starting or ending a server session
VU Changing a network profile
VV Changing service status
| X0 Network Authentication
YC DLO object accessed (change)
YR DLO object accessed (read)
ZC Object accessed (change)
ZM SOM method access
ZR Object accessed (read)

Table 142. AD (Auditing Change) Journal Entries. QASYADJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1)

157 225 Object Name Char(10) Name of the object for which auditing was changed.
167 235 Library Name Char(10) Name of the library for the object.
177 245 Object Type Char(8) The type of object.
185 253 Object Audit Char(10) The new value specified on the CHGOBJAUD
Value command.
195 263 CHGUSRAUD Char(1) Y = Audit commands for this user.
196 264 CHGUSRAUD Char(1) Y = Write an audit record when this user creates an
*CREATE object.

492 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 142. AD (Auditing Change) Journal Entries (continued). QASYADJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

197 265 CHGUSRAUD Char(1) Y = Write an audit record when this user deletes an
*DELETE object.
198 266 CHGUSRAUD Char(1) Y = Write an audit record when this user changes a job.
199 267 CHGUSRAUD Char(1) Y = Write an audit record when this user moves or
*OBJMGT renames an object.
200 268 CHGUSRAUD Char(1) Y = Write an audit record when this user performs
*OFCSRV office functions.
201 269 CHGUSRAUD Char(1) Y = Write an audit record when this user obtains
*PGMADP authority through adopted authority.
202 270 CHGUSRAUD Char(1) Y = Write an audit record when this user saves or
*SAVRST restores objects.
203 271 CHGUSRAUD Char(1) Y = Write an audit record when this user performs
*SECURITY security-relevant actions.
204 272 CHGUSRAUD Char(1) Y = Write an audit record when this user performs
*SERVICE service functions.
205 273 CHGUSRAUD Char(1) Y = Write an audit record when this user manipulates
*SPLFDTA spooled files.
206 274 CHGUSRAUD Char(1) Y = Write an audit record when this user makes system
*SYSMGT management changes.
207 275 CHGUSRAUD Char (1) Y = Write an audit record when this user accesses
*OPTICAL optical devices.
208 276 (Reserved Area) Char(19)
227 295 DLO Name Char(12) Name of the DLO object for which auditing was
239 307 (Reserved Area) Char(8)
247 315 Folder Path Char(63) Path of the folder.
310 (Reserved Area) Char(20)
378 (Reserved Area) Char(18)
396 Object Name Binary(4) The length of the object name.
Length 1
330 398 Object Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the object name.
334 402 Object Name Char(2) The country ID for the object name.
Country ID1
| 336 404 Object Name Char(3) The language ID for the object name.
| Language ID1
339 407 (Reserved area) Char(3)
342 410 Parent File ID1,2 Char(16) The file ID of the parent directory.
358 426 Object File ID1,2 Char(16) The file ID of the object.
374 442 Object Name1 Char(512) The name of the object.
954 Object File ID Char(16) The file ID of the object.
970 ASP Name Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
980 ASP Number Char(5) The number of the ASP device.
985 Path Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the absolute path
CCSID name.
989 Path Name Char(2) The country ID for the absolute path name.
Country ID
991 Path Name Char(3) The language ID for the absolute path name.
Language ID
994 Path Name Binary(4) The length of the absolute path name.

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 493

Audit Journal Entries
Table 142. AD (Auditing Change) Journal Entries (continued). QASYADJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

996 Path Name Char(1) The absolute path name indicator:

Y The Absolute Path Name field contains an
absolute path name for the object.
N The Absolute Path Name field does not
contain an absolute path name for the object.

| 997 Relative File ID3 Char(16) The relative file ID of the absolute path name.
| 1013 Absolute Path Char(5002) The absolute path name of the object.
These fields are used only for objects in the QOpenSys, "root" file systems, and user-defined file systems.
| An ID that has the left-most bit set and the rest of the bits zero indicates that the ID is NOT set.
| 3
When the absolute path name indicator (offset 996) is ″N″, this field will contain the relative field ID of the
| path name. When the absolute path name indicator is ″Y″, this field will contain 16 bytes of hex zeroes.
This is a variable length field. The first two bytes contain the length of the path name.

Table 143. AF (Authority Failure) Journal Entries. QASYAFJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.

494 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 143. AF (Authority Failure) Journal Entries (continued). QASYAFJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

156 224 Violation Type1 Char(1)

A Not authorized to object
B Restricted instruction
C Validation failure (see offset 185)
D Use of unsupported interface, object domain
E Hardware storage protection error, program
constant space violation
F ICAPI authorization error
| G ICAPI authentication error
I System Java inheritance not allowed
J Submit job profile error
| N Profile token not a regenerable token
O Optical Object Authority Failure
P Profile swap error
R Hardware protection error
S Default sign-on attempt
T Not authorized to TCP/IP port
U User permission request not valid
V Profile token not valid for generating new
profile token
| W Profile token not valid for swap
X System violation — see offset 337 for violation
Y Not authorized to the current JUID field
during a clear JUID operation.
Z Not authorized to the current JUID field
during a set JUID operation.

157 225 Object Name 1, 5

Char(10) The name of the object.
167 235 Library Name Char(10) The name of the library the object is in.
177 245 Object Type Char(8) The type of object.

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 495

Audit Journal Entries
Table 143. AF (Authority Failure) Journal Entries (continued). QASYAFJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

| 185 253 Validation Error Char(1) Action taken after validation error detected, set only if
| Action the violation type (offset 156) is C.
| A The translation of the object was not
| attempted or it failed. The QALWOBJRST
| system value setting allowed the object to be
| restored. The user doing the restore did not
| have *ALLOBJ special authority and the
| system security level is set to 10, 20, or 30.
| Therefore, all authorities to the object were
| retained.
| B The translation of the object was not
| attempted or it failed. The QALWOBJRST
| system value setting allowed the object to be
| restored. The user doing the restore did not
| have *ALLOBJ special authority and the
| system security level is set to 40 or above.
| Therefore, all authorities to the object were
| revoked.
| C The translation of the object was successful.
| The translated copy was restored on the
| system.
| D The translation of the object was not
| attempted or it failed. The QALWOBJRST
| system value setting allowed the object to be
| restored. The user doing the restore had
| *ALLOBJ special authority. Therefore, all
| authorities to the object were retained.
| E System install time error detected.
| F The object was not restored because the
| signature is not OS/400 format.
186 254 Job Name Char(10) The name of the job.
196 264 User Name Char(10) The job user name.
206 274 Job Number Zoned(6,0) The job number.
212 280 Program Name Char(10) The name of the program.
222 290 Program Library Char(10) The name of the library where the program is found.
232 300 User Profile 2 Char(10) The name of the user that caused the authority failure.
242 310 Work Station Char(10) The name of the work station or work station type.
252 320 Program Zoned(7,0) The instruction number of the program.
259 327 Field name Char(10 The name of the field.
| 269 337 Operation Char(3) The type of operation violation that occurred, set only
| Violation Code if the violation type (offset 224) is X.
| HCA Service tool user profile not authorized to
| perform hardware configuration operation
272 340 Office User Char(10) The name of the office user.
282 350 DLO Name Char(12) The name of the document library object.
294 362 (Reserved Area) Char(8)
302 370 Folder Path Char(63) The path of the folder.

496 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 143. AF (Authority Failure) Journal Entries (continued). QASYAFJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

365 433 Office on Behalf Char(10) User working on behalf of another user.
of User
375 (Reserved Area) Char(20)
443 (Reserved Area) Char(18)
461 Object Name Binary(4) The length of the object name.
395 463 Object Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the object name.
399 467 Object Name Char(2) The country ID for the object name.
Country ID3
401 469 Object Name Char(3) The language ID for the object name.
Language ID3
404 472 (Reserved area) Char(3)
407 475 Parent File ID3,4 Char(16) The file ID of the parent directory.
423 491 Object File ID3,4 Char(16) The file ID of the object.
439 507 Object Name3,6 Char(512) The name of the object.
1019 Object File ID Char(16) The file ID of the object.
1035 ASP Name Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
1045 ASP Number Char(5) The number of the ASP device.
1050 Path Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the absolute path
CCSID name.
1054 Path Name Char(2) The country ID for the absolute path name.
Country ID
1056 Path Name Char(3) The language ID for the the absolute path name.
Language ID
1059 Path Name Binary(4) The length of the absolute path name.
1061 Path Name Char(1) The absolute path name indicator:
Y The Absolute Path Name field contains an
absolute path name for the object.
N The Absolute Path Name field does not
contain an absolute path name for the object.

1062 Relative File ID8 Char(16) The relative file ID of the absolute path name.
| 1078 Absolute Path Char(5002) The absolute path name of the object.
| Name9

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 497

Audit Journal Entries
Table 143. AF (Authority Failure) Journal Entries (continued). QASYAFJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

When the violation type is for description ″G″, the object name contains the name of the *SRVPGM that
contained the exit that detected the error. For more information about the violation types, see Table 115 on
page 244.
This field contains the name of the user that caused the entry. QSYS may be the user for the following:
v offsets 41 and 118 for *TYPE2 records
v offsets 55 and 132 for *TYPE4 records
These fields are used only for objects in the QOpenSys file system, the "root" file system, user-defined file
systems, and QFileSvr.400.
An ID that has the left-most bit set and the rest of the bits zero indicates that the ID is NOT set.
| 5
When the violation type is ″T″, the object name contains the TCP/IP port the user is not authorized to use.
| The value is left justified and blank filled. The object library and object type fields will be blank.
| When the violation type is O, the optical object name is contained in the IFS object name field. The country
| ID, language ID, parent file ID, and object file ID fields will all contain blanks.
| The Java class object being created may not extend its base class because the base class has system Java
| attributes.
| 8
When the absolute path name indicator (offset 1061) is ″N″, this field will contain the relative file ID of the
| path name. When the absolute path name indicator is ″Y″, this field will contain 16 bytes of hex zeroes.
This is a variable length field. The first 2 bytes contain the length of the path name.

Table 144. AP (Adopted Authority) Journal Entries. QASYAPJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1)
S Start
E End
A Adopted authority used during program

157 225 Object Name Char(10) The name of the program, service program, or SQL
167 235 Library name Char(10) The name of the library.
177 245 Object Type Char(8) The type of object.
185 253 Owning User Char(10) The name of the user profile whose authority is
Profile adopted.
195 263 Object File ID Char(16) The file ID of the object.
279 ASP Name Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
| 289 ASP Number Char(5) The number of the ASP device.

Table 145. CA (Authority Changes) Journal Entries. QASYCAJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
A Changes to authority

498 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 145. CA (Authority Changes) Journal Entries (continued). QASYCAJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

157 225 Object Name Char(10) The name of the object.

167 235 Library Name Char(10) The name of the library the object is in.
177 245 Object Type Char(8) The type of object.
185 253 User Name Char(10) The name of the user profile whose authority is being
granted or revoked.
195 263 Authorization Char(10) The name of the authorization list.
List Name
Authorities granted or removed:
205 273 Object Existence Char(1)

206 274 Object Char(1)


207 275 Object Char(1)


208 276 Authorization Char(1)

List Management

209 277 Authorization Char(1)

Y *AUTL public authority

210 278 Read Authority Char(1)


211 279 Add Authority Char(1)


212 280 Update Authority Char(1)


213 281 Delete Authority Char(1)


214 282 Exclude Char(1)


215 283 Execute Char(1)


216 284 Object Alter Char(1)


217 285 Object Reference Char(1)


218 286 (Reserved Area) Char(4)

222 290 Command Type Char(3) The type of command used.
GRT Grant
RPL Grant with replace
RVK Revoke

225 293 Field name Char(10) The name of the field.

235 303 (Reserved Area) Char(10)
245 313 Office User Char(10) The name of the office user.
255 323 DLO Name Char(12) The name of the DLO.
267 335 (Reserved Area) Char(8)

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 499

Audit Journal Entries
Table 145. CA (Authority Changes) Journal Entries (continued). QASYCAJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

275 343 Folder Path Char(63) The path of the folder.

338 406 Office on Behalf Char(10) User working on behalf of another user.
of User
348 416 Personal Status Char(1)
Y Personal status changed

349 417 Access Code Char(1)

A Access code added
R Access code removed

350 418 Access Code Char(4) Access code.

354 (Reserved Area) Char(20)
422 (Reserved Area) Char(18)
440 Object Name Binary(4) The length of the object name.
Length 1
374 442 Object Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the object name.
378 446 Object Name Char(2) The country ID for the object name.
Country ID1
380 448 Object Name Char(3) The language ID for the object name.
Language ID1
383 451 (Reserved area) Char(3)
386 454 Parent File ID1,2 Char(16) The file ID of the parent directory.
402 470 Object File ID1,2 Char(16) The file ID of the object.
418 486 Object Name1 Char(512) The name of the object.
| 998 Object File ID Char(16) The file ID of the object.
1014 ASP Name Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
1024 ASP Number Char(5) The number of the ASP device.
1029 Path Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the absolute path
CCSID name.
1033 Path Name Char(2) The country ID for the absolute path name.
Country ID
1035 Path Name Char(3) The language ID for the absolute path name.
Language ID
1038 Path Name Binary(4) The length of the absolute path name.
1040 Path Name Char(1) The absolute path name indicator:
Y The Absolute Path Name field contains an
absolute path name for the object.
N The Absolute Path Name field does not
contain an absolute path name for the object.

1041 Relative File ID3 Char(16) The relative file ID of the absolute path name.
1057 Absolute Path Char(5002) The absolute path name of the object.
These fields are used only for objects in the QOpenSys file system, the "root" file system, user-defined file
systems, and QFileSvr.400.
| An ID that has the left-most bit set and the rest of the bits zero indicates that the ID is NOT set.
| 3
When the path name indicator (offset 1040) is ″N″, this field will contain the relative file ID of the path
| name. When the path name indicator is ″Y″, this field will contain 16 bytes of hex zeroes.
This is a variable length field. The first 2 bytes contain the length of the path name.

500 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 146. CD (Command String) Journal Entries. QASYCDJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
C Command run
L OCL statement
O Operator control command
P S/36 procedure
S Command run after command substitution
took place
U Utility control statement

157 225 Object Name Char(10) The name of the object.

167 235 Library Name Char(10) The name of the library the object is in.
177 245 Object Type Char(8) The type of object.
185 253 Run from a CL Char(1)
Y Yes
N No

186 254 Command string Char(6000) The command that was run, with parameters.

Table 147. CO (Create Object) Journal Entries. QASYCOJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
N Create of new object
R Replacement of existing object

157 225 Object Name Char(10) The name of the object.

167 235 Library Name Char(10) The name of the library the object is in.
177 245 Object Type Char(8) The type of object.
185 253 (Reserved Area) Char(20)
205 273 Office User Char(10) The name of the office user.
215 283 DLO Name Char(12) The name of the document library object created.
227 295 (Reserved Area) Char(8)
235 303 Folder Path Char(63) The path of the folder.
298 366 Office on Behalf Char(10) User working on behalf of another user.
of User
308 (Reserved Area) Char(20)
376 (Reserved Area) Char(18)
394 Object Name Binary(4) The length of the object name.
328 396 Object Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the object name.
332 400 Object Name Char(2) The country ID for the object name.
Country ID1
334 402 Object Name Char(3) The language ID for the object name.
Language ID1
337 405 (Reserved area) Char(3)
340 408 Parent File ID1,2 Char(16) The file ID of the parent directory.

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 501

Audit Journal Entries
Table 147. CO (Create Object) Journal Entries (continued). QASYCOJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

356 424 Object File ID1,2 Char(16) The file ID of the object.
372 440 Object Name1 Char(512) The name of the object.
952 Object File ID Char(16) The file ID of the object.
968 ASP Name Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
978 ASP Number Char(5) The number of the ASP device.
983 Path Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the absolute path
CCSID name.
987 Path Name Char(2) The country ID for the absolute path name.
Country ID
989 Path Name Char(3) The language ID for the absolute path name.
Language ID
992 Path Name Binary(4) The length of the absolute path name.
994 Path Name Char(1) The absolute path name indicator:
Y The Absolute Path Name field contains an
absolute path name for the object.
N The Absolute Path Name field does not
contain an absolute path name for the object.

995 Relative File ID3 Char(16) The relative file ID of the absolute path name.
| 1011 Absolute Path Char(5002) The absolute path name of the object.
These fields are used only for objects in the QOpenSys, "root" file systems, and user-defined file systems.
| An ID that has the left-most bit set and the rest of the bits zero indicates that the ID is NOT set.
| 3
When the path name indicator (offset 994) is ″N″, this field will contain the relative file ID of the path name.
| When the path name indicator is ″Y″, this field will contain 16 bytes of hex zeroes..
This is a variable length field. The first 2 bytes contain the length of the path name.

Table 148. CP (User Profile Changes) Journal Entries. QASYCPJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
A Change to a user profile

157 225 User Profile Char(10) The name of the user profile that was changed.
167 235 Library Name Char(10) The name of the library.
177 245 Object Type Char(8) The type of object.
185 256 Command Name Char(3) The type of command used.
DST QSECOFR password reset using DST

188 256 Password Char(1)

Y Password changed

502 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 148. CP (User Profile Changes) Journal Entries (continued). QASYCPJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

189 257 Password *NONE Char(1)

Y Password is *NONE.

190 258 Password Char(1)

Y Password expired is *YES
N Password expired is *NO

191 259 All Object Special Char(1)

Y *ALLOBJ special authority

192 260 Job Control Char(1)

Y *JOBCTL special authority
Special Authority

193 261 Save System Char(1)

Y *SAVSYS special authority
Special Authority

194 262 Security Char(1)

Y *SECADM special authority
Special Authority
195 263 Spool Control Char(1)
Y *SPLCTL special authority
Special Authority

196 264 Service Special Char(1)

Y *SERVICE special authority

197 265 Audit Special Char(1)

Y *AUDIT special authority

198 266 System Char(1)

Y *IOSYSCFG special authority
Special Authority
199 267 (Reserved Area) Char(13)
212 280 Group Profile Char(10) The name of a group profile.
222 290 Owner Char(10) Owner of objects created as a member of a group
232 300 Group Authority Char(10) Group profile authority.
242 310 Initial Program Char(10) The name of the user’s initial program.
252 320 Initial Program Char(10) The name of the library where the initial program is
Library found.
262 330 Initial Menu Char(10) The name of the user’s initial menu.
272 340 Initial Menu Char(10) The name of the library where the initial menu is
Library found.
282 350 Current Library Char(10) The name of the user’s current library.
292 360 Limited Char(10) The value of limited capabilities parameter.
302 370 User Class Char(10) The user class of the user.
312 380 Priority Limit Char(1) The value of the priority limit parameter.
313 381 Profile Status Char(10) User profile status.
323 391 Group Authority Char(10) The value of the GRPAUTTYP parameter.
333 401 Supplemental Char(150) The names of up to 15 supplemental group profiles for
Group Profiles the user.
483 551 User Char(10) The uid for the user.
493 561 Group Char(10) The gid for the user.

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 503

Audit Journal Entries
Table 149. CQ (*CRQD Changes) Journal Entries. QASYCQJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
A Change to a *CRQD object

157 225 Object Name Char(10) The name of the object that was changed.
167 235 Library Name Char(10) The name of the object library.
177 245 Object Type Char(8) The type of object.

Table 150. CU (Cluster Operations) Journal Entries. QASYCUJ4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

N/A 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 139
on page 489 for field listing.
N/A 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
M Cluster control operation
R Cluster Resource Group (*GRP) management

N/A 225 Entry Action Char(3) The type of action.

Add Add
CRT Create
DLT Delete
DST Distribute
FLO Fail over
LST List information
RMV Remove
STR Start
SWT Switch
UPC Update attributes

N/A 228 Status Char(3) The status of the request.

ABN The request ended abnormally
AUT Authority Failure, *IOSYSCFG is required
END The request ended successfully
STR The request was started

N/A 231 CRG Object Char(10) The Cluster Resource Group object name.
Note: This value is filled in when the entry type is

504 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 150. CU (Cluster Operations) Journal Entries (continued). QASYCUJ4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

N/A 241 CRG Library Char(10) The Cluster Resource Group object library.
Note: This value is filled in when the entry type is

N/A 251 Cluster Name Char(10) The name of the cluster.

N/A 261 Node ID Char(8) The node ID.
N/A 269 Source Node ID Char(8) The source node ID.
N/A 277 Source User Char(10) Name of the source system user that initiated the
Name request.
N/A 287 User Queue Char(10) Name of the user queue where responses are sent.
N/A 297 User Queue Char(10) The user queue library.

Table 151. CV (Connection Verification) Journal Entries. QASYCVJ4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

N/A 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 139
on page 489 for field listing.
N/A 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
C Connection established
E Connection ended
R Connection rejected

N/A 225 Action Char(1) Action taken for the connection type.
″″ Connection established or ended normally.
Used for Entry Type C or E.
| A Peer was not authenticated. Used for Entry
| Type E or R.
C No response from the authentication server.
Used for Entry Type R.
L LCP configuration error. Used for Entry Type
N NCP configuration error. Used for Entry Type
P Password is not valid. Used for Entry Type E
or R.
| R Authentication was rejected by peer. Used for
| Entry Type R.
T L2TP configuration error. Used for Entry Type
E or R.
U User is not valid. Used for Entry Type E or R.

N/A 226 Point to Point Char(10) The point to point profile name.
Profile Name

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 505

Audit Journal Entries
Table 151. CV (Connection Verification) Journal Entries (continued). QASYCVJ4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

N/A 236 Protocol Char(10) The type of entry.

| L2TP Layer 2 Tunneling protocol
| PPP Point to Point protocol.
| SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol.

N/A 246 Local Char(10) The type of entry.

CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol.
PAP Password Authentication Protocol.
Script method.

N/A 256 Remote Char(10) The type of entry.

CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol.
| PAP Password Authentication Protocol.
Radius method.
Script method.

N/A 266 Object Name Char(10) The *VLDL object name.

N/A 276 Library Name Char(10) The *VLDL object library name.
N/A 286 *VLDL User Char(100) The *VLDL user name.
N/A 386 Local IP Address Char(40) The local IP address.
N/A 426 Remote IP Char(40) The remote IP address.
N/A 466 IP forwarding Char(1) The type of entry.
Y IP forwarding is on.
N IP forwarding is off.

506 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 151. CV (Connection Verification) Journal Entries (continued). QASYCVJ4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

N/A 467 Proxy ARP Char(1) The type of entry.

Y Proxy ARP is enabled.
N Proxy ARP is not enabled.

468 Radius Name Char(10) The AAA profile name.

478 Authenticating IP Char(40) The authenticating IP address.
518 Account Sesion Char(14) The account session ID.
532 Account Char(14) The account multi-session ID.
Multi-Session ID
546 Account Link Binary(4) The account link count.
548 Tunnel Type Char(1) The tunnel type:
0 Not tunneled
3 L2TP
6 AH

549 Tunnel Client Char(40) Tunnel client endpoint.

589 Tunnel Server Char(40) Tunnel server endpoint.
629 Account Session Char(8) The account session time. Used for Entry Type E or R.
637 Account Binary(4) The account terminate cause. Used for Entry Type E or
Terminate Cause R.

| Table 152. CY (Cryptographic Configuration) Journal Entries. QASYCYJ4 Field Description File
| JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

| N/A 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140
| on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
| N/A 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
| A Access Control function
| F Facility Control function
| M Master Key function

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 507

Audit Journal Entries
| Table 152. CY (Cryptographic Configuration) Journal Entries (continued). QASYCYJ4 Field Description File
| JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

| N/A 225 Action Char(3) The cryptographic configuration function performed:

| CCP Define a card profile.
| CCR Define a card role.
| CLK Set clock.
| CLR Clear master keys.
| CRT Create master keys.
| DCP Delete a card profile.
| DCR Delete a card role.
| DST Distribute master keys.
| EID Set environment ID.
| FCV Load/clear FCV.
| INI Reinitialize card..
| QRY Query role or profile information.
| RCP Replace a card profile.
| RCR Replace a card role.
| RCV Receive master keys.
| SET Set master keys.
| SHR Cloning shares.
| N/A 228 Card profile Char(8) The name of the card profile..
| N/A 236 Card Role Char(8) The role of the card profile.
| N/A 244 Device Name Char(10) The name of the cryptographic device.
| Table 153. DI (Directory Services) Journal Entries. QASYDIJ4 Field Description File
| JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

| N/A 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140
| on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
| N/A 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
| L LDAP Operation

508 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
| Table 153. DI (Directory Services) Journal Entries (continued). QASYDIJ4 Field Description File
| JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

| N/A 225 Operation Type Char(2) The type of LDAP operation:

| AD Audit attribute change.
| AF Authority failure.
| BN Successful bind.
| CA Object authority change.
| CF Configuration change.
| CO Object create.
| CP Password change.
| DO Object delete.
| EX LDAP directory export.
| IM LDAP directory import.
| OM Object management (rename).
| OW Ownership change.
| PW Password fail.
| UB Successful unbind.
| ZC Object change.
| ZR Object read.
| N/A 227 Authority Failure Char(1) Code for authority failures. This field is used only if
| Code the operation type (offset 225) is AF.
| A Unauthorized attempt to change audit value.
| B Unauthorized bind attempt.
| C Unauthorized object create attempt.
| D Unauthorized object delete attempt.
| E Unauthorized export attempt.
| F Unauthorized configuration change
| (administrator, change log, backend library,
| replicas replicas, publishing)
| I Unauthorized import attempt.
| M Unauthorized modify attempt.
| R Unauthorized read (search) attempt.
| N/A 228 Configuration Char(1) Configuration changes. This field is only used if the
| Change operation type (offset 225) is CF.
| A Administrator ND change
| C Change log on/off
| L Backend library name change
| P Publishing agent change
| R Replica server change

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 509

Audit Journal Entries
| Table 153. DI (Directory Services) Journal Entries (continued). QASYDIJ4 Field Description File
| JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

| N/A 229 Configuration Char(1) Code for configuration changes. This field is used only
| Change Code if the operation type (offset 225) is CF.
| A Item added to configuration
| D Item deleted from configuration
| M Item modified
| N/A 230 Propagate Flag Char(1) Indicates the new setting of the owner or ACL
| propagate value. This field is used only if the operation
| type (offset 225) is CA or OW.
| T True
| F False
| N/A 231 Bind Char(20) The bind authentication choice. This field is used only
| Authentication if the operation type (offset 225) is BN.
| Choice
| N/A 251 LDAP Version Char(4) Version of client making request. This field is used only
| if the operation was done through the LDAP server.
| 2 LDAP Version 2
| 3 LDAP Version 3
| N/A 255 SSL Indicator Char(1) Indicates if SSL was used on the request. This field is
| used ony if the operation was done through the LDAP
| server.
| 0 No
| 1 Yes
| N/A 256 Request Type Char(1) The type of request. This field is used only if the
| operation was done through the LDAP server.
| A Authenticated
| N Anonymous
| U Unauthenticated
| N/A 257 Connection ID Char(20) Connection ID of the request. This field is used only if
| the operation was done through the LDAP server.
| N/A 277 Client IP Address Char(50) IP address and port number of the client request. This
| field is used only if the operation was done through
| the LDAP server.
| N/A 327 User Name Bin(5) The coded character set identifier of the user name.
| N/A 331 User Name Bin(4) The length of the user name.
| Length
| N/A 333 User Name1 Char(2002) The name of the LDAP user.
| N/A 2335 Object Name Bin(5) The coded character set identifier of the object name.
| N/A 2339 Object Name Bin(4) The length of the object name.
| Length
| N/A 2341 Object Name1 Char(2002) The name of the LDAP object.
| N/A 4343 Owner Name Bin(5) The coded character set identifier of the owner name.
| CCSID This field is used only if the operation type (offset 225)
| is OW.

510 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
| Table 153. DI (Directory Services) Journal Entries (continued). QASYDIJ4 Field Description File
| JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

| N/A 4347 Owner Name Bin(4) The length of the owner name. This field is used only if
| Length the operation type is OW.
| N/A 4349 Owner Name1 Char(2002) The name of the owner. This field is used only if the
| operation type (offset 225) is OW.
| N/A 6351 New Name Bin(5) The coded character set identifier of the new name.
| CCSID This field is used only if the operation type (offset 225)
| is OM, OW, ZC, or AF+M.
| v For operation type OM, this field will contain the
| CCSID of the new object name.
| v For operation type OW, this field will contain the
| CCSID of the new owner name.
| v For operation types ZC or AF+M, this field will
| contain the CCSID of the list of changed attribute
| types in the New Name field.
| N/A 6355 New Name Bin(4) The length of the new name. This field is used only if
| Length the operation type (offset 225) is OM, OW, ZC, or
| AF+M.
| v For operation type OM, this field will contain the
| length of the new object name.
| v For operation type OW, this field will contain the
| length of the new owner name.
| v For operation types ZC or AF+M, this field will
| contain the length of the list of changed attribute
| types in the New Name field.
| N/A 6357 New Name1 Char(2002) The new name. This field is used only if the operation
| type (offset 225) is OM, OW, ZC, or AF+M.
| v For operation type OM, this field will contain the
| new object name.
| v For operation type OW, this field will contain the
| new owner name.
| v For operation types ZC or AF+M, this field will
| contain a list of changed attribute types.
| N/A 8359 Object File ID2 Char(16) The file ID of the object for export.
| N/A 8375 ASP Name2 Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
| N/A 8385 ASP Number2 Char(5) The number of the ASP device.
| N/A 8390 Path Name Bin(5) The coded character set identifier of the absolute path
| CCSID2 name.
| N/A 8394 Path Name Char(2) The country ID of the absolute path name.
| Country ID2
| N/A 8396 Path Name Char(3) The language ID of the absolute path name.
| Language ID2
| N/A 8399 Path Name Bin(4) The length of the absolute path name.
| Length2
| N/A 8401 Path Name Char(1) The absolute path name indicator.
| Indicator2
| Y The Absolute Path Name field contains an
| absolute path name for the object.
| N The Absolute Path Name field does not
| contain an absolute path name for the object.
| N/A 8402 Relative File ID2,3 Char(16) The relative file ID of the absolute path name.
| N/A 8418 Absolute Path Char(5002) The absolute path name of the object.
| Name1,2

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 511

Audit Journal Entries
| Table 153. DI (Directory Services) Journal Entries (continued). QASYDIJ4 Field Description File
| JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

| This is a variable length field. The first 2 bytes contain the length of the value in the field.
| These fields are used only if the operation type (offset 225) is EX or IM.
| 3
When the path name indicator (offset 8401) is ″N″, this field will contain the relative file ID of the path
| name. When the path name indicator is ″Y″, this field will contain 16 bytes of hex zeroes.
Table 154. DO (Delete Operation) Journal Entries. QASYDOJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
| 156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
| A Object was deleted not under commitment
| control)
| C A pending object delete was committed
| D A pending object create was rolled back
| P The object delete is pending (the delete was
| performed under commitment control)
| R A pending object delete was rolled back
157 225 Object Name Char(10) The name of the object.
167 235 Library Name Char(10) The name of the library the object is in.
177 245 Object Type Char(8) The type of object.
185 253 (Reserved Area) Char(20)
205 273 Office User Char(10) The name of the office user.
215 283 DLO Name Char(12) The name of the document library object.
227 295 (Reserved Area) Char(8)
235 303 Folder Path Char(63) The path of the folder.
298 366 Office on Behalf Char(10) User working on behalf of another user.
of User
308 (Reserved Area) Char(20)
376 (Reserved Area) Char(18)
394 Object Name Binary(4) The length of the object name.
Length 1
328 396 Object Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the object name.
332 400 Object Name Char(2) The country ID for the object name.
Country ID1
334 402 Object Name Char(3) The language ID for the object name.
Language ID1
337 405 (Reserved area) Char(3)
340 408 Parent File ID1,2 Char(16) The file ID of the parent directory.
356 424 Object File ID1,2 Char(16) The file ID of the object.
372 440 Object Name1 Char(512) The name of the object.
952 Object File ID Char(16) The file ID of the object.
968 ASP Name Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
978 ASP Number Char(5) The number of the ASP device.
983 Path Name Binary5) The coded character set identifier for the absolute path
CCSID name.
987 Path Name Char(2) The country ID for the absolute path name.
Country ID

512 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 154. DO (Delete Operation) Journal Entries (continued). QASYDOJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

989 Path Name Char(3) The language ID for the absolute path name.
Language ID
992 Path Name Binary(4) The length of the absolute path name.
994 Path Name Char(1) The absolute path name indicator:
Y The Absolute Path Name field contains an
absolute path name for the object.
N The Absolute Path Name field does not
contain an absolute path name for the object.

995 Relative File ID3 Char(16) The relative file ID of the absolute path name.
| 1011 Absolute Path Char(5002) The absolute path name of the object.
| Name4
These fields are used only for objects in the QOpenSys, "root" file systems, and user-defined file systems.
| An ID that has the left-most bit set and the rest of the bits zero indicates that the ID is NOT set.
| 3
When the path name indicator (offset 994) is ″N″, this field will contain the relative file ID of the path name.
| When the path name indicator is ″Y″, this field will contain 16 bytes of hex zeroes.
This is a variable length field. The first 2 bytes contain the length of the path name.

Table 155. DS (DST Password Reset) Journal Entries. QASYDSJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
A Reset of DST password
C Change to DST profile

157 225 DST Password Char(1)

Y Request to reset DST password.

158 226 DST Profile Type Char(10) The type of DST profile.

168 236 DST New Profile Char(8) The name of the DST profile.
176 244 DST Pasword Char(1) Request to change the DST password.
Y Request to change DST password.

N/A 245 DST New Profile Char(10) The name of the DST profile.
| N/A 255 DST Requesting Char(10) The name of the DST profile that requested the change.
| Profile

Table 156. EV (Environment Variable) Journal Entries. QASYEVJ4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

N/A 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 139
on page 489 for field listing.

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 513

Audit Journal Entries
Table 156. EV (Environment Variable) Journal Entries (continued). QASYEVJ4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

N/A 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.

A Add
C Change
D Delete

| N/A 225 Name Truncated Char(1) Indicates whether the environment variable name
| (offset 232), is truncated.
| Y Environment variable name truncated.
| N Environment variable name not truncated.
N/A 226 CCSID Binary(5) The CCSID of the environment variable name.
N/A 230 Length Binary(4) The length of the environment variable name.
| N/A 232 Environment Char(1002) The name of the environment variable.
| Variable Name2
| N/A 1234 New Name Char(1) Indicates whether the new environment variable name
| Truncated1 (offset 1241), is truncated.
| Y Environment variable value truncated.
| N Environment variable value not truncated.
| N/A 1235 New Name Binary(5) The CCSID of the new environment variable name.
| N/A 1239 New Name Binary(4) The length of the new environment variable name.
| Length1
| N/A 1241 New Char (1002) The new environment variable name.
| Environment
| Variable Name1,2
| These fields are used when the entry type is C.
| This is a variable length field. The first two bytes contain the length of the environment variable name.

Table 157. GR (Generic Record) Journal Entries. QASYGRJ4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

N/A 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 139
on page 489 for field listing.
| N/A 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
| A Exit program added
| D Exit program removed
| F Function registration operations
| R Exit program replaced
N/A 225 Action Char(2) The action performed.
ZC Change
ZR Read

514 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 157. GR (Generic Record) Journal Entries (continued). QASYGRJ4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

N/A 227 User Name Char(10) User profile name

For entry type F, this field contains the name of the

user the function registration operation was performed
N/A 237 Field 1 CCSID Binary (5) The CCSID value for field 1.
N/A 241 Field 1 Length Binary (4) The length of the data in field 1.
N/A 243 Field 1 Char(100) Field 1 data

For entry type F, this field contains the description of

the function registration operation that was performed.
The possible values are:
| Function has been registered
| Function has been updated
| Function has been de-registered
| Function usage information has changed
| Function usage was checked for a user and the
| check passed
| Function usage was checked for a user and the
| check failed
For entry types A, D, and R, this field will contain the
exit program information for the specific function that
was performed.
N/A 345 Field 2 CCSID Binary (5) The CCSID value for field 2.
N/A 349 Field 2 Length Binary (4) The length of the data in field 2.
N/A 351 Field 2 Char (100) Field 2 data

For entry type F, this field contains the name of the

function that was operated on.
N/A 453 Field 3 CCSID Binary (5) The CCSID value for field 3.
N/A 457 Field 3 Length Binary (4) The length of the data in field 3.

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 515

Audit Journal Entries
Table 157. GR (Generic Record) Journal Entries (continued). QASYGRJ4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

N/A 459 Field 3 Char(100) Field 3 data.

For entry type F, this field contains the usage setting

for a user. There is a value for this field only if the
function registration operation is one of the following:
When the operation is *REGISTER, this field
contains the default usage value. The user
name will be *DEFAULT.
When the operation is *REREGISTER, this
field contains the default usage value. The
user name will be *DEFAULT.
When the operation is *CHGUSAGE, this field
contains the usage value for the user specified
in the user name field.

N/A 561 Field 4 CCSID Binary (5) The CCSID value for field 4.
N/A 565 Field 4 Length Binary (4) The length of the data in field 4.
N/A 567 Field 4 Char(100) Field 4 data.

For entry type F, this field contains the allow *ALLOBJ

setting for the function. There is a value for this field
only if the function registration operation is one of the

Table 158. GS (Give Descriptor) Journal Entries. QASYGSJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
G Give descriptor
R Received descriptor
U Unable to use descriptor

157 225 Job Name Char(10) The name of the job.

167 235 User Name Char(10) The name of the user.
177 245 Job Number Zoned (6,0) The number of the job.
183 251 User Profile Char (10) The name of the user profile.
261 JUID Char (10) The Job User IDentity of the target job. (This value
applies only to subtype G audit records.)

516 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 159. IP (Interprocess Communication) Journal Entries. QASYIPJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
A Ownership and/or authority changes
C create
D Delete
F Authority failure
G Get
M Shared memory attach
Z Normal semaphore close or shared memory

157 225 IPC Type Char(1) IPC Type

M Shared memory
N Normal semaphore
Q Message queue
S Semaphore

158 226 IPC Handle Binary(5) IPC handle ID

162 230 New Owner Char(10) New owner of IPC entity
172 240 Old Owner Char(10) Old owner of IPC entity
182 250 Owner Authority Char(3) Owner’s authority to IPC entity
*R read
*W write
*RW read and write

185 253 New Group Char(10) Group associated with IPC entity
195 263 Old Group Char(10) Previous group associated with IPC entity
205 273 Group Authority Char(3) Group’s authority to IPC entity
*R read
*W write
*RW read and write

208 276 Public Authority Char(3) Public’s authority to IPC entity

*R read
*W write
*RW read and write

211 279 CCSID Binary(5) The CCSID of the semaphore name.

Semaphore Name
216 283 Length Binary(4) The length of the semaphore name.
Semaphore Name

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 517

Audit Journal Entries
Table 159. IP (Interprocess Communication) Journal Entries (continued). QASYIPJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

218 285 Semaphore Name Char(2050) The semaphore name.

Note: This is a variable length field. The first 2
characters contain the length of the semaphore

Table 160. IR (IP Rules Actions) Journal Entries. QASYIRJ4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

N/A 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 139
on page 489 for field listing.
N/A 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
L IP rules have been loaded from a file.
N IP rules have been unloaded for an IP Security
P IP rules have been loaded for an IP Security
R IP rules have been read and copied to a file.
U IP rules have been unloaded (removed).

N/A 225 File Name Char(10) The name of the QSYS file used to load or receive the
IP rules.
This value is blank if the file used was not in
the QSYS file system.

N/A 235 File Library Char(10) The name of the QSYS file library.
N/A 245 Reserved Char(18)
N/A 263 File Name Binary (4) The length of the file name.
N/A 265 File Name Binary (5) The coded character set identifier for the file name.
N/A 269 File Country ID1 Char(2) The country ID for the file name.
N/A 271 File Language Char(3) The language ID for the file name.
N/A 274 Reserved Char(3)
N/A 277 Parent File ID1, 2 Char(16) The file ID of the parent directory.
N/A 293 Object File ID1, 2 Char(16) The file ID of the file.
N/A 309 File Name1 Char(512) The name of the file.
N/A 821 Connection Char(40) The connection name.
| N/A 861 Object File ID Char(16) The file ID of the object.
| N/A 877 ASP Name Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
| N/A 887 ASP Number Char(5) The number of the ASP device.
| N/A 892 Path Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the absolute path
| CCSID name.
| N/A 896 Path Name Char(2) The country ID for the absolute path name.
| Country ID
| N/A 898 Path Name Char(3) The language ID for the absolute path name.
| Language ID
| N/A 901 Path Name Binary(4) The length of the absolute path name.
| Length

518 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 160. IR (IP Rules Actions) Journal Entries (continued). QASYIRJ4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

| N/A 903 Path Name Char(1) The absolute path name indicator:
| Y The Absolute Path Name field contains an
| absolute path name for the object.
| N The Absolute Path Name field does not
| contain an absolute path name for the object.
| N/A 904 Relative File ID3 Char(16) The relative file ID of the absolute path name.
| N/A 920 Absolute Path Char(5002) The absolute path name of the object.
| Name4
These fields are used only for objects in the QOpenSys file system and the ’root’ file system.
If the ID has the left-most bit set and the rest of the bits zero, the ID is not set.
| 3
When the path name indicator (offset 903) is ″N″ this field will contain the relative file ID of the path name.
| When the path name indicator is ″Y″, this field will contain 16 bytes of hex zeroes..
| This is a variable length field. The first two bytes contain the length of the field.

Table 161. IS (Internet Security Management) Journal Entries. QASYISJ4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 139

on page 489 for field listing.
| 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
| A Fail (this type no longer used)
| C Normal (this type no longer used)
| U Mobile User (this type no longer used)
| 1 IKE Phase 1 SA Negotiation
| 2 IKE Phase 2 SA Negotiation
225 Local IP Address Char(15) Local IP Address.
| 240 Local Client ID Char(5) Local Client ID port.
| Port
245 Remote IP Char (15) Remote IP address.
| 260 Remote Client ID Char (5) Remote Client ID Port (valid for phase 2).
| Port
265 Mobile ID Char (256) Mobile ID. This field no longer used.
| 521 Result Code Char(4) Negotiation Result:
| 0 Successful
| 1–30 Protocol specific errors (documented in
| ISAKMP RFC2408, found at:
| http://www.ietf.org)
| 82xx AS/400 VPN Key Manager specific errors

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 519

Audit Journal Entries
Table 161. IS (Internet Security Management) Journal Entries (continued). QASYISJ4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

| 525 CCSID Bin(5) The coded character set identifier for the following
| fields:
| v Local ID
| v Local Client ID Value
| v Remote ID
| v Remote Client ID Value
| 529 Local ID Char(256) Local IKE identifier
| 785 Local Client ID Char(2) Type of client ID (valid for phase 2):
| 1 IP version 4 address
| 2 Fully qualified domain name
| 3 User fully qualified domain name
| 4 IP version 4 subnet
| 7 IP version 4 address range
| 9 Distinguished name
| 11 Key identifier
| 787 Local Client ID Char(256) Local client ID (valid for phase 2)
| Value
| 1043 Local Client ID Char(4) Local client ID protocol (valid for phase 2)
| Protocol
| 1047 Remote ID Char(256) Remote IKE identifier
| 1303 Remote Client ID Char(2) Type of client ID (valid for phase 2)
| 1 IP version 4 address
| 2 Fully qualified domain name
| 3 User fully qualified domain name
| 4 IP version 4 subnet
| 7 IP version 4 address range
| 9 Distinguished name
| 11 Key identifier
| 1305 Remote Client ID Char(256) Remote client ID (valid for phase 2)
| Value
| 1561 Remote Client ID Char(4) Remote client ID protocol (valid for phase 2)
| Protocol

Table 162. JD (Job Description Change) Journal Entries. QASYJDJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
A User profile specified for the USER parameter
of a job description

157 225 Job Description Char(10) The name of the job description that had the USER
parameter changed.
167 235 Library Name Char(10) The name of the library the object is in.

520 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 162. JD (Job Description Change) Journal Entries (continued). QASYJDJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

177 245 Object Type Char(8) The type of object.

185 253 Command Type Char(3) The type of command used.
CHG Change Job Description (CHGJOBD)
CRT Create Job Description (CRTJOBD) command.

188 256 Old User Char(10) The name of the user profile specified for the USER
parameter before the job description was changed.
198 266 New User Char(10) The name of the user profile specified for the user
parameter when the job description was changed.

Table 163. JS (Job Change) Journal Entries. QASYJSJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
B Submit
C Change
E End
H Hold
I Disconnect
M Modify profile or group profile
N ENDJOB command
| P Attach prestart or batch immediate job
Q Change query attributes
R Release
S Start
T Modify profile or group profile using a profile
| V Virtual device changed by QWSACCDS API.

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 521

Audit Journal Entries
Table 163. JS (Job Change) Journal Entries (continued). QASYJSJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

157 225 Job Type Char(1) The type of job.

A Autostart
B Batch
I Interactive
M Subsystem monitor
R Reader
S System
W Writer

158 226 Job Subtype Char(1) The subtype of the job.

' ' No subtype
D Batch immediate
E Procedure start request
J Prestart
P Print driver
Q Query
U Alternate spool user

159 227 Job Name Char(10) The first part of the qualified job name being operated
169 237 Job User Name Char(10) The second part of the qualified job name being
operated on
179 247 Job Number Char(6) The third part of the qualified job name being operated
185 253 Device Name Char(10) The name of the device
| 195 263 Effective User Char(10) The name of the effective user profile for the thread
| Profile2
205 273 Job Description Char(10) The name of the job description for the job
215 283 Job Description Char(10) The name of the library for the job description
225 293 Job Queue Name Char(10) The name of the job queue for the job
235 303 Job Queue Char(10) The name of the library for the job queue
245 313 Output Queue Char(10) The name of the output queue for the job
255 323 Output Queue Char(10) The name of the library for the output queue
265 333 Printer Device Char(10) The name of the printer device for the job
275 343 Library List2 Char(430) The library list for the job
| 705 773 Effective Group Char(10) The name of the effective group profile for the thread
| Profile Name2
715 783 Supplemental Char(150) The names of the supplemental group profiles for the
Group Profiles2 thread.

522 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 163. JS (Job Change) Journal Entries (continued). QASYJSJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

933 JUID Description Char(1) Describes the meaning of the JUID field:
' ' The JUID field contains the value for the JOB.
C The clear JUID API was called. The JUID field
contains the new value.
S The set JUID API was called. The JUID field
contains the new value.

934 JUID Field Char(10) Contains the JUID value

944 Real User Profile Char(10) The name of the real user profile for the thread.
954 Saved User Char(10) The name of the saved user profile for the thread.
964 Real Group Char(10) The name of the real group profile profile for the
Profile thread.
974 Saved Group Char(10) The name of the saved group profile profile for the
Profile thread.
984 Real User Char(1) The real user profile was changed.
Y Yes
N No

985 Effective User Char(1) The effective user profile was changed.
Y Yes
N No

986 Saved User Char(1) The saved user profile was changed
Y Yes
N No

987 Real Group Char(1) The real group profile was changed.
Y Yes
N No

988 Effective Group Char(1) The effective group profile was changed
Y Yes
N No

989 Saved Group Char(1) The saved group profile was changed.
Y Yes
N No

990 Supplemental Char(1) The supplemental group profiles were changed.

Groups Changed3
Y Yes
N No

991 Library list Bin(4) The number of libraries in the library list extension
Number4 field (offset 993).
993 Library List Char(2252) The extension to the library list for the job.

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 523

Audit Journal Entries
Table 163. JS (Job Change) Journal Entries (continued). QASYJSJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

This field is blank if the job is on the job queue and has not run.
When the JS audit record is generated because one job performs an operation on another job then this field
will contain data from the initial thread of the job that is being operated on. In all other cases, the field will
contain data from the thread that performed the operation.
This field is used only when entry type (offset 224) is M or T.
This field is used only if the number of libraries in the library list exceeds the size of the field at offset 343.
This is a variable length field. The first two bytes contain the length of the data in the field.

Table 164. KF (Key Ring File) Journal Entries. QASYKFJ4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

N/A 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 139
on page 489 for field listing.
N/A 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
C Certificate operation
K Key ring file operation
P Password incorrect
T Trusted root operation

N/A 225 Certificate Char(3) Type of action4.

ADK Certificate with private key added
ADD Certificate added
REQ Certificate requested
SGN Certificate signed

N/A 228 Key Ring Char(3) Type of action5.

ADD Key ring pair added
DFT Key ring pair designated as default.
EXP Key ring pair exported
IMP Key ring pair imported
LST List the key ring pair labels in a file
PWD Change key ring file password
RMV Key ring pair removed
| INF Key ring pair information retrieval
| 2DB Key ring file converted to key database file
| format
2YR Key database file converted to key ring file

524 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 164. KF (Key Ring File) Journal Entries (continued). QASYKFJ4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

| N/A 231 Trusted Root Char(3) Type of action6.

| TRS Key ring pair designated as trusted root
| RMV Trusted root designation removed
| LST List trusted roots
N/A 234 Reserved Char(18)
N/A 252 Object Name Binary(4) Key ring file name length.
N/A 254 Object Name Binary(5) Key ring file name CCSID.
N/A 258 Object Name Char(2) Key ring file name country ID.
Country ID
N/A 260 Object Name Char(3) Key ring file name language ID.
Language ID
N/A 263 Reserved Char(3)
N/A 266 Parent File ID Char(16) Key ring parent directory file ID.
N/A 282 Object File ID Char(16) Key ring directory file name.
N/A 298 Object Name Char(512) Key ring file name.
N/A 810 Reserved Char(18)
N/A 828 Object Name Binary(4) Source or target file name length.
N/A 830 Object Name Binary(5) Source or target file name CCSID.
N/A 834 Object Name Char(2) Source or target file name country ID.
Country ID
N/A 836 Object Name Char(3) Source or target file name language ID.
Language ID
N/A 839 Reserved Char(3)
N/A 842 Parent File ID Char(16) Source or target parent directory file ID.
N/A 858 Object File ID Char(16) Source or target directory file ID.
N/A 874 Object Name Char(512) Source or target file name.
1386 Certificate Label Binary(4) The length of the certificate label.
1388 Certificate Label1 Char(1026) The certificate label.
2414 Object File ID Char(16) The file ID of the key ring file.
| 2430 ASP Name Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
| 2440 ASP Number Char(5) The number of the ASP device.
| 2445 Path Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the absolute path
| CCSID name.
| 2449 Path Name Char(2) The country ID for the absolute path name.
Country ID
| 2451 Path Name Char(3) The language ID for the absolute path name.
| Language ID
| 2454 Path Name Binary(4) The length of the absolute path name.
| Length
| 2456 Path Name Char(1) The absolute path name indicator:
| Y The Absolute Path Name field contains an
| absolute path name for the key ring file.
| N The Absolute Path Name field does not
| contain an absolute path name for the key ring
| file.

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 525

Audit Journal Entries
Table 164. KF (Key Ring File) Journal Entries (continued). QASYKFJ4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

| 2457 Relative File ID2 Char(16) The relative file ID of the absolute path name.
| 2473 Absolute Path Char(5002) The absolute path name of the key ring file.
| Name1
| 7475 Object File ID Char(16) The file ID of the source or target file.
| 7491 ASP Name Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
| 7501 ASP Number Char(5) The number of the ASP device.
| 7506 Path Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the absolute path
| CCSID name.
| 7510 Path name Char(2) The country ID for the absolute path name
| Country ID
| 7512 Path Name Char(3) The language ID for the absolute path name.
| Language ID
| 7515 Path Name Binary(4) The length of the absolute path name.
| Length
| 7517 Path Name Char(1) The absolute path name indicator:
| Y The Absolute Path Name field contains an
| absolute path name for the source or target
| file.
| N The Absolute Path Name field does not
| contain an absolute path name for the source
| or target file.
| 7518 Relative File ID3 Char(16) The relative file ID of the absolute path name.
| 7534 Absolute Path Char(5002) The absolute path name of the source or target file.
| Name1
| This is a variable length field. The first 2 bytes contain the length of the path name.
| 2
When the path name indicator (offset 2456) is ″N″, this field will contain the relative file ID of the absolute
| path name at offset 2473. When the path name indicator is ″Y″, this field will contain 16 bytes of hex zeroes.
| 3
When the path name indicator (offset 7517) is ″N″, this field will contain the relative file ID of the absolute
| path name at offset 7534. When the path name indicator is ″Y″, this field will contain 16 bytes of hex zeroes.
| The field will be blanks when it is not a certificate operation.
| The field will be blanks when it is not a key ring file operation.
| The field will be blanks when it is not a trusted root operation.

Table 165. LD (Link, Unlink, Search Directory) Journal Entries. QASYLDJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
L Link directory
U Unlink directory
K Search directory

157 (Reserved area) Char(20)

225 (Reserved area) Char(18)
243 Object Name Binary (4) The length of the object name.
Length 1

526 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 165. LD (Link, Unlink, Search Directory) Journal Entries (continued). QASYLDJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

177 245 Object Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the object name.
181 249 Object Name Char(2) The country ID for the object name.
Country ID1
183 251 Object Name Char(3) The language ID for the object name.
Language ID1
186 254 (Reserved area) Char(3)
189 257 Parent File ID1,2 Char(16) The file ID of the parent directory.
205 273 Object File ID1,2 Char(16) The file ID of the object.
221 289 Object Name1 Char(512) The name of the object.
| 801 Object File ID Char(16) The file ID of the object.
| 817 ASP Name Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
| 827 ASP Number Char(5) The number of the ASP device.
| 832 Path Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the absolute path
| CCSID name.
| 836 Path Name Char(2) The country ID for the absolute path name
| Country ID
| 838 Path Name Char(3) The language ID for the absolute path name.
| Language ID
| 841 Path Name Binary(4) The length of the absolute path name.
| Length
| 843 Path Name Char(1) The absolute path name indicator:
| Y The Absolute Path Name field contains an
| absolute path name for the object.
| N The Absolute Path Name field does not
| contain an absolute path name for the object.
| 844 Relative File ID1 Char(16) The relative file ID of the absolute path name.
| 860 Absolute Path Char(5002) The absolute path name of the object.
| Name2
When the path name indicator (offset 843) is ″N″, this field will contain the relative file ID of the absolute
path name. When the path name indicator is ″Y″, this field will contain 16 bytes of hex zeroes.
This is a variable length field. The first 2 bytes contain the length of the path name.

Table 166. ML (Mail Actions) Journal Entries. QASYMLJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
O Mail log opened

157 225 User Profile Char(10) User profile name.

167 235 User ID Char(8) User identifier
175 243 Address Char(8) User address

Table 167. NA (Network Attribute Change) Journal Entries. QASYNAJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 527

Audit Journal Entries
Table 167. NA (Network Attribute Change) Journal Entries (continued). QASYNAJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.

A Change to network attribute.

157 225 Network Char(10) The name of the network attribute.

167 235 New Network Char(250) The value of the network attribute after it was changed.
Attribute Value
417 485 Old Network Char(250) The value of the network attribute before it was
Attribute Value changed.

Table 168. ND (APPN Directory Search Filter) Journal Entries. QASYNDJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
A Directory search filter violation

157 225 Filtered control Char(8) Filtered control point name

point name
165 233 Filtered control Char(8) Filtered control point NETID.
point NETID.
173 241 Filtered CP Char(8) Filtered CP location name.
location name
181 249 Filtered CP Char(8) Filtered CP location NETID.
location NETID
189 257 Partner location Char(8) Partner location name.
197 265 Partner location Char(8) Partner location NETID.
205 273 Inbound session Char(1) Inbound session.
Y This is an inbound session
N This is not an inbound session

206 274 Outbound Char(1) Outbound session.

Y This is an outbound session
N This is not an outbound session

| For more information about APPN Directory Search Filter and APPN End point,
| see the Information Center (see “Prerequisite and related information” on page xvi
| for details).
Table 169. NE (APPN End Point Filter) Journal Entries. QASYNEJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
A End point filter violation

528 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 169. NE (APPN End Point Filter) Journal Entries (continued). QASYNEJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

157 225 Local location Char(8) Local location name.

165 233 Remote location Char(8) Remote location name.
173 241 Remote NETID Char(8) Remote NETID.
181 249 Inbound session Char(1) Inbound session.
Y This is an inbound session
N This is not an inbound session

182 250 Outbound Char(1) Outbound session.

Y This is an outbound session
N This is not an outbound session

| For more information about APPN Directory Search Filter and APPN End point,
| see the Information Center (see “Prerequisite and related information” on page xvi
| for details).
Table 170. OM (Object Management Change) Journal Entries. QASYOMJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
M Object moved to a different library.
R Object renamed.

157 225 Old Object Name Char(10) The old name of the object.
167 235 Old Library Char(10) The name of the library the old object is in.
177 245 Object Type Char(8) The type of object.
185 253 New Object Char(10) The new name of the object.
195 263 New Library Char(10) The name of the library the object was moved to.
205 273 (Reserved Area) Char(20)
225 293 Office User Char(10) The name of the office user.
235 303 Old Folder or Char(12) The old name of the folder or document.
Document Name
247 315 (Reserved Area) Char(8)
255 323 Old Folder Path Char(63) The old path of the folder.
318 386 New Folder or Char(12) The new name of the folder or document.
Document Name
330 398 (Reserved Area) Char(8)
338 406 New Folder Path Char(63) The new path of the folder.
401 469 Office on Behalf Char(10) User working on behalf of another user.
of User
411 (Reserved Area) Char(20)
479 (Reserved Area) Char (18)
497 Object Name Binary (4) The length of the new object name.

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 529

Audit Journal Entries
Table 170. OM (Object Management Change) Journal Entries (continued). QASYOMJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

431 499 Object Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the object name.
435 503 Object Name Char(2) The country ID for the object name.
Country ID1
437 505 Object Name Char(3) The language ID for the object name.
Language ID1
440 508 (Reserved area) Char(3)
443 511 Old Parent File Char(16) The file ID of the old parent directory.
459 527 Old Object File Char(16) The file ID of the old object.
475 543 Old Object Char(512) The name of the old object.
987 1055 New Parent File Char(16) The file ID of the new parent directory.
1003 1071 New Object Char(512) The new name of the object.
1583 Object File ID1,2 Char(16) The file ID of the object.
| 1599 ASP Name Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
| 1609 ASP Number Char(5) The number of the ASP device.
| 1614 Path Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the absolute path
| CCSID name.
| 1618 Path Name Char(2) The country ID for the absolute path name
| Country ID
| 1620 Path Name Char(3) The language ID for the absolute path name.
| Language ID
| 1623 Path Name Binary(4) The length of the absolute path name.
| Length
| 1625 Path Name Char(1) The absolute path name indicator:
| Y The Absolute Path Name field contains an
| absolute path name for the object.
| N The Absolute Path Name field does not
| contain an absolute path name for the object.
| 1626 Relative File ID3 Char(16) The relative file ID of the absolute path name.
| 1642 Absolute Path Char(5002) The old absolute path name of the object.
| Name5
| 6644 Object File ID Char(16) The file ID of the object.
| 6660 ASP Name Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
| 6670 ASP Number Char(5) The number of the ASP device.
| 6675 Path Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the absolute path
| CCSID name.
| 6679 Path Name Char(2) The country ID for the absolute path name
| Country ID
| 6681 Path Name Char(3) The language ID for the absolute path name.
| Language ID
| 6684 Path Name Binary(4) The length of the absolute path name.

530 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 170. OM (Object Management Change) Journal Entries (continued). QASYOMJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

| 6686 Path Name Char(1) The absolute path name indicator:

| Y The Absolute Path Name field contains an
| absolute path name for the object.
| N The Absolute Path Name field does not
| contain an absolute path name for the object.
| 6687 Relative File ID4 Char(16) The relative file ID of the absolute path name.
| 6703 Absolute Path Char(5002) The new absolute path name of the object.
These fields are used only for objects in the QOpenSys, "root" file systems, and user-defined file systems.
An ID that has the left-most bit set and the rest of the bits zero indicates that the ID is NOT set.
When the path name indicator (offset 1625) is ″N″, this field will contain the relative file ID of the absolute
path name at offset 1642. When the path name indicator is ″Y″, this field will contain 16 bytes of hex zeroes.
When the path name indicator (offset 6686) is ″N″, this field will contain the relative file ID of the absolute
path name at offset 6703. When the path name indicator is ″Y″, this field will contain 16 bytes of hex zeroes.
This is a variable length field. The first 2 bytes contain the length of the path name.

Table 171. OR (Object Restore) Journal Entries. QASYORJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
N A new object was restored to the system.
E An existing object was restored to the system.

157 225 Restored Object Char(10) The name of the restored object.
167 235 Restored Library Char(10) The name of the library of the restored object.
177 245 Object Type. Char(8) The type of object.
185 253 Save Object Char(10) The name of the save object.
195 263 Save Library Char(10) The name of the library from which the object was
Name saved.
205 273 Program State1 Char(1)
I An inherit state program was restored.
Y A system state program was restored.
N A user state program was restored.

206 274 System Char(1)

2 Y A system command was restored.
N A user state command was restored.

207 (Reserved Area) Char(18)

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 531

Audit Journal Entries
Table 171. OR (Object Restore) Journal Entries (continued). QASYORJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

275 SETUID Mode Char(1) The SETUID mode indicator.

Y The SETUID mode bit for the restored object is
N The SETUID mode bit for the restored object is
not on.

276 SETGID Mode Char(1) The SETGID mode indicator.

Y The SETGID mode bit for the restored object is
N The SETGID mode bit for the restored object is
not on.

277 Signature Status Char(1) The signature status of the restored object.
| B Signature was not in OS/400 format
E Signature exists but is not verified
F Signature does not match object content
I Signature ignored
N Unsignable object
U Object unsigned
S Signature is valid

278 Reserved Char(15)

225 293 Office User Char(10) The name of the office user.
235 303 Restore DLO Char(12) The document library object name of the restored
Name object.
247 315 (Reserved Area) Char(8)
255 323 Restore Folder Char(63) The folder into which the DLO was restored.
318 386 Save DLO Name Char(12) The DLO name of the saved object.
330 398 (Reserved Area) Char(8)
338 406 Save Folder Path Char(63) The folder from which the DLO was saved.
401 469 Office on Behalf Char(10) User working on behalf of another user.
of User
411 (Reserved Area) Char(20)
479 (Reserved Area) Char(18)
497 Object Name Binary (4) The length of the new object name.
431 499 Object Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the object name.
435 503 Object Name Char(2) The country ID for the object name.
Country ID3
437 505 Object Name Char(3) The language ID for the object name.
Language ID3
440 508 (Reserved area) Char(3)
443 511 Parent File ID3,4 Char(16) The file ID of the parent directory.
459 527 Object File ID3,4 Char(16) The file ID of the object.
475 543 Object Name3 Char(512) The name of the object.
1055 Old File ID Char(16) The file ID for the old object.

532 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 171. OR (Object Restore) Journal Entries (continued). QASYORJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1071 Media File ID Char(16) The file ID (FID) that was stored on the media file.
Note: The FID stored on the media is the FID the
object had on the source system.

1087 Object File ID Char(16) The file ID of the object.

| 1103 ASP Name Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
| 1113 ASP Number Char(5) The number of the ASP device.
| 1118 Path Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the absolute path
| CCSID name.
| 1122 Path Name Char(2) The country ID for the absolute path name
| Country ID
| 1124 Path Name Char(3) The language ID for the absolute path name.
| Language ID
| 1127 Path Name Binary(4) The length of the absolute path name.
| Length
| 1129 Path Name Char(1) The absolute path name indicator:
| Y The Absolute Path Name field contains an
| absolute path name for the object.
| N The Absolute Path Name field does not
| contain an absolute path name for the object.
| 1130 Relative File ID5 Char(16) The relative file ID of the absolute path name.
| 1146 Absolute Path Char(5002) The absolute path name of the object.
This field has an entry only if the object being restored is a program.
This field has an entry only if the object being restored is a command.
These fields are used only for objects in the QOpenSys file system and the "root" file system.
An ID that has the left-most bit set and the rest of the bits zero indicates that the ID is NOT set.
When the path name indicator (offset 1129) is ″N″, this field will contain the relative file ID of the absolute
path name. When the path name indicator is ″Y″, this field will contain 16 bytes of hex zeroes.
This is a variable length field. The first 2 bytes contain the length of the path name.

Table 172. OW (Ownership Change) Journal Entries. QASYOWJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
A Change of object owner

157 225 Object Name Char(10) The name of the object.

167 235 Library Name Char(10) The name of the library the object is in.
177 245 Object Type Char(8) The type of object.
185 253 Old Owner Char(10) Old owner of the object.
195 263 New Owner Char(10) New owner of the object.
205 273 (Reserved Area) Char(20)
225 293 Office User Char(10) The name of the office user.
235 303 DLO Name Char(12) The name of the document library object.
247 315 (Reserved Area) Char(8)

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 533

Audit Journal Entries
Table 172. OW (Ownership Change) Journal Entries (continued). QASYOWJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

255 323 Folder Path Char(63) The path of the folder.

318 386 Office on Behalf Char(10) User working on behalf of another user.
of User
328 (Reserved Area) Char(20)
396 (Reserved Area) Char(18)
414 Object Name Binary (4) The length of the new object name.
348 416 Object Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the object name.
352 420 Object Name Char(2) The country ID for the object name.
Country ID1
354 422 Object Name Char(3) The language ID for the object name.
Language ID1
357 425 (Reserved area) Char(3)
360 428 Parent File ID1,2 Char(16) The file ID of the parent directory.
376 444 Object File ID1,2 Char(16) The file ID of the object.
392 460 Object Name1 Char(512) The name of the object.
972 Object File ID Char(16) The file ID of the object.
| 988 ASP Name Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
| 998 ASP Number Char(5) The number of the ASP device.
| 1003 Path Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the absolute path
| CCSID name.
| 1007 Path Name Char(2) The country ID for the absolute path name
| Country ID
| 1009 Path Name Char(3) The language ID for the absolute path name.
| Language ID
| 1012 Path Name Binary(4) The length of the absolute path name.
| Length
| 1014 Path Name Char(1) The absolute path name indicator:
| Y The Absolute Path Name field contains an
| absolute path name for the object.
| N The Absolute Path Name field does not
| contain an absolute path name for the object.
| 1015 Relative File ID3 Char(16) The relative file ID of the absolute path name.
| 1031 Absolute Path Char(5002) The absolute path name of the object.
These fields are used only for objects in the QOpenSys file system and the "root" file system.
An ID that has the left-most bit set and the rest of the bits zero indicates that the ID is NOT set.
When the path name indicator (offset 1014) is ″N″, this field will contain the relative file ID of the absolute
path name. When the path name indicator is ″Y″, this field will contain 16 bytes of hex zeroes.
This is a variable length field. The first 2 bytes contain the length of the path name.

Table 173. O1 (Optical Access) Journal Entries. QASY01JE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.

534 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 173. O1 (Optical Access) Journal Entries (continued). QASY01JE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

156 224 Entry Type Char(1)

C-Create Dir
X-Release Held File

157 225 Object Type Char(1)

D-Directory End

158 226 Access Type Char(1)

D-File Data
| A-File Directory Attributes

159 227 Device Name Char(10) Library LUD name

169 237 CSI Name Char(8) Side Object Name
177 245 CSI Library Char(10) Side Object Library
187 255 Volume Name Char(32) Optical volume name
219 287 Object Name Char(256) Optical directory/file name
Note: This entry is used to audit the following optical functions:
Open File or Directory
Create Directory
Delete File Directory
Change or Retrieve Attributes
Release Held Optical File

Table 174. O2 (Optical Access) Journal Entries. QASY02JE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1)
B-Backup Dir or File
S-Save Held File
M-Move File

157 225 Object Type Char(1)


158 226 Src Device Name Char(10) Source library LUD name
168 236 Src CSI Name Char(8) Source Side Object Name
176 244 Src CSI Library Char(10) Source Side Object Library
186 254 Src Volume Char(32) Source Optical volume name
218 286 Src Obj Name Char(256) Source Optical directory/file name
474 542 Tgt Device Name Char(10) Target library LUD name
484 552 Tgt CSI Name Char(8) Target Side Object Name

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 535

Audit Journal Entries
Table 174. O2 (Optical Access) Journal Entries (continued). QASY02JE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

492 560 Tgt CSI Library Char(10) Target Side Object Library
502 570 Tgt Volume Char(32) Target Optical volume name
534 602 Tgt Obj Name Char(256) Target Optical directory/file name

Table 175. O3 (Optical Access) Journal Entries. QASY03JE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1)
B-Backup Volume
C-Convert Backup Volume to Primary
L-Change Auth. List
A-Change Volume Attributes
R-Absolute Read

157 225 Device Name Char(10) Library LUD name

167 235 CSI Name Char(8) Side Object Name
175 243 CSI Library Char(10) Side Object Library
185 253 Old Volume Char(32) Old Optical voulume name
217 285 New Volume Char(32) New Optical volume name
Name 1
249 317 Auth List 2 Char(10) Authorization List
259 327 New Auth List Char(10) New Authorization List
269 337 Address 4 Binary(5) Starting Block
273 341 Length 4 Binary(5) Length read
This field contains the new volume name for Initialize, Rename, and Convert functions; it contains the
backup bolume name for Backup functions. It contains volume name for Import, Export, Change
Authorization List, Change Volume Attributes, and Sector Read.
Used for Import, Export, and Change Authorization List only.
Used for Change Authorization List only.
Used for Sector Read only.

Table 176. PA (Program Adopt) Journal Entries. QASYPAJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.

536 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 176. PA (Program Adopt) Journal Entries (continued). QASYPAJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.

A Change program to adopt owner’s authority.
J Java program adopts owner’s authority.

157 225 Program Name3 Char(10) The name of the program.

167 235 Program Library3 Char(10) The name of the library where the program is found.
177 245 Object Type Char(8) The type of object.
185 253 Owner Char(10) The name of the owner.
263 Reserved Char(18)
281 Object Name Binary (4) The length of the object name.
283 Object Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the object name.
287 Object Name Char(2) The country ID for the object name.
Country ID
289 Object Name Char(3) The language ID for the object name.
Language ID1
292 Reserved Char(3)
295 Parent ID1, 2, 3 Char(16) Parent File ID.
311 Object File ID 3 Char(16) File ID for the object
327 Object Name1 Char(512) Object name for the object.
839 SETUID Mode Char(1) The SETUID mode indicator.
Y The SETUID mode bit is on for the subject.
N The SETUID mode bit is not on for the object.

840 SETGID Mode Char(1) The SETGID mode indicator.

Y The SETGID mode bit is on for the subject.
N The SETGID mode bit is not on for the object.

841 Primary Group Char(10) The name of the primary group owner.
851 Object File ID Char(16) The file ID of the object.
| 867 ASP Name Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
| 877 ASP Number Char(5) The number of the ASP device.
| 882 Path Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the absolute path
| CCSID name.
| 886 Path Name Char(2) The country ID for the absolute path name
| Country ID
| 888 Path Name Char(3) The language ID for the absolute path name.
Language ID
| 891 Path Name Binary(4) The length of the absolute path name.
| Length
| 893 Path Name Char(1) The absolute path name indicator:
Y The Absolute Path Name field contains an
absolute path name for the object.
N The Absolute Path Name field does not
contain an absolute path name for the object.

| 894 Relative File ID4 Char(16) The relative file ID of the absolute path name.
| 910 Absolute Path Char(5002) The absolute path name of the object.
| Name5

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 537

Audit Journal Entries
Table 176. PA (Program Adopt) Journal Entries (continued). QASYPAJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

These fields are used only for objects in the QOpenSys and "root" file systems.
An ID that has the left-most bit set and the rest of the bits zero indicates that the ID is NOT set.
When the entry type is ″J″, the program name and the library name fields will contain ″*N″. In addition, the
parent file ID and the object file ID fields will contain binary zeroes.
When the path name indicator (offset 893) is ″N″, this field will contain the relative file ID of the absolute
path name. When the path name indicator is ″Y″, this field will contain 16 bytes of hex zeroes.
This is a variable length field. The first 2 bytes contain the length of the path name.

Table 177. PG (Primary Group Change) Journal Entries. QASYPGJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
A Change primary group.

157 225 Object Name Char(10) The name of the object.

167 235 Object Library Char(10) The name of the library where the object is found.
177 245 Object Type Char(8) The type of object.
| 185 253 Old Primary Char(10) The previous primary group for the object.5
| Group
195 263 New Primary Char(10) The new primary group for the object.
Authorities for new primary group:
205 273 Object Existence Char(1)

206 274 Object Char(1)


207 275 Object Char(1)


208 276 Object Alter Char(1)


209 277 Object Reference Char(1)


210 278 (Reserved Area) Char(10)

220 288 Authorization Char(1)
List Management

221 289 Read Authority Char(1)


222 290 Add Authority Char(1)


223 291 Update Authority Char(1)


224 292 Delete Authority Char(1)


538 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 177. PG (Primary Group Change) Journal Entries (continued). QASYPGJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

225 293 Execute Char(1)


226 294 (Reserved Area) Char(10)

236 304 Exclude Char(1)

237 305 Revoke Old Char(1)

Y Revoke authority for previous primary group.
Primary Group
’’ Do not revoke authority for previous primary

238 306 (Reserved Area) Char (20)

258 326 Office User Char(10) The name of the office user.
268 336 DLO Name Char(12) The name of the document library object or folder.
280 348 (Reserved Area) Char(8)
288 356 Folder Path Char(63) The path of the folder.
351 419 Office on Behalf Char(10) User working on behalf of another user.
of User
361 (Reserved Area) Char(20)
429 (Reserved Area) Char(18)
447 Object Name Binary (4) The length of the object name.
381 449 Object Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the object name.
385 453 Object Name Char(2) The country ID for the object name.
Country ID1
387 455 Object Name Char(3) The language ID for the object name.
Language ID1
390 458 (Reserved area) Char(3)
393 461 Parent File ID1,2 Char(16) The file ID of the parent directory.
409 477 Object File ID1,2 Char(16) The file ID of the object.
425 493 Object Name1 Char(512) The name of the object.
1005 Object File ID Char(16) The file ID of the object.
| 1021 ASP Name Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
| 1031 ASP Number Char(5) The number of the ASP device.
| 1036 Path Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the absolute path
| CCSID name.
| 1040 Path Name Char(2) The country ID for the absolute path name
| Country ID
| 1042 Path Name Char(3) The language ID for the absolute path name.
| Language ID
| 1045 Path Name Binary(4) The length of the absolute path name.
| Length
| 1047 Path Name Char(1) The absolute path name indicator:
| Y The Absolute Path Name field contains an
| absolute path name for the object.
| N The Absolute Path Name field does not
| contain an absolute path name for the object.
| 1048 Relative File ID3 Char(16) The relative file ID of the absolute path name.
| 1064 Absolute Path Char(5002) The absolute path name of the object.
| Name4

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 539

Audit Journal Entries
Table 177. PG (Primary Group Change) Journal Entries (continued). QASYPGJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

These fields are used only for objects in the QOpenSys and "root" file systems.
An ID that has the left-most bit set and the rest of the bits zero indicates that the ID is NOT set.
When the path name indicator (offset 1047) is ″N″, this field will contain the relative file ID of the absolute
path name. When the path name indicator is ″Y″, this field will contain 16 bytes of hex zeroes.
This is a variable length field. The first 2 bytes contain the length of the path name.
A value of *N implies the value of the Old Primary Group was not available.

Table 178. PO (Printer Output) Journal Entries. QASYPOJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Output Type Char(1) The type of output.
D Direct print
R Sent to remote system for printing
S Spooled file printed

157 225 Status After Char(1)

D Deleted after printed
H Held after printed
S Saved after printed
' ' Direct print

158 226 Job Name Char(10) The first part of the qualified job name.
168 236 Job User Name Char(10) The second part of the qualified job name.
178 246 Job Number Zoned(6,0) The third part of the qualified job name.
184 252 User Profile Char(10) The user profile that created the output.
194 262 Output Queue Char(10) The output queue containing the spooled file.1
204 272 Output Queue Char(10) The name of the library containing the output queue.1
Library Name
214 282 Device Name Char(10) The device where the output was printed2.
224 292 Device Type Char(4) The type of printer device2.
228 296 Device Model Char(4) The model of the printer device2.
232 300 Device File Name Char(10) The name of the device file used to access the printer.
242 310 Device File Char(10) The name of the library for the device file.
252 320 Spooled File Char(10) The name of the spooled file
262 330 Short Spooled Char(4) The number of the spooled file 1. If the spooled file
File Number number is larger than 4 bytes, this field will be blank
and the Spooled File Number field (offset 354) will be
266 334 Form Type Char(10) The form type of the spooled file.
276 344 User Data Char(10) The user data associated with the spooled file 1.
286 (Reserved area) Char(20)
354 Spooled File Char(6) The number of the spooled file.
360 Reserved Area Char(14)
306 374 Remote System Char(255) Name of the remote system to which printing was sent.

540 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 178. PO (Printer Output) Journal Entries (continued). QASYPOJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

561 629 Remote System Char(128) The name of the output queue on the remote system.
Print Queue
This field is blank if the type of output is direct print.
This field is blank if the type of output is remote print.

Table 179. PS (Profile Swap) Journal Entries. QASYPSJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
A Profile swap during pass-through.
E End work on behalf of relationship.
H Profile handle generated by the QSYGETPH
I All profile tokens were invalidated
M Maximum number of profile tokens have been
P Profile token generated for user.
R All profile tokens for a user have been
S Start work on behalf of relationship
V User profile authenticated

157 225 User Profile Char(10) User profile name.

167 235 Source Location Char(8) Pass-through source location.
175 243 Original Target Char(10) Original pass-through target user profile.
User Profile
185 253 New Target User Char(10) New pass-through target user profile.
195 263 Office User Char(10) Office user starting or ending on behalf of relationship.
205 273 On Behalf of Char(10) User on behalf of whom the office user is working.
215 283 Profile Token Char(1) The type of the profile token that was generated.
M Multiple-use profile token
R Multiple-use regenerated profile token
S Single-use profile token

216 284 Profile Token Binary(4) The number of seconds the profile token is valid.

Table 180. PW (Password) Journal Entries. QASYPWJE/J4 Field Description File

JE Offset J4 Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 541

Audit Journal Entries
Table 180. PW (Password) Journal Entries (continued). QASYPWJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Field Format Description

| 156 224 Violation Entry Char(1) The type of violation

| A APPC bind failure
| D DST user name not valid
| E DST password not valid
| P Password not valid
| U User name not valid
| X Service tools user is disabled
| Y Service tools user not valid
| Z Service tools password not valid
157 225 User Name Char(10) The job user name or the service tools user name.
167 235 Device name Char(40) The name of the device or communications device on
which the password or user ID was entered. If the
entry type is X, Y, or Z, this field will contain the name
of the service tool being accessed.
207 275 Remote Location Char(8) Name of the remote location for the APPC bind.
215 283 Local Location Char(8) Name of the local location for the APPC bind.
223 291 Network ID Char(8) Network ID for the APPC bind.

Table 181. RA (Authority Change for Restored Object) Journal Entries. QASYRAJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
A Changes to authority for object restored

157 225 Object Name Char(10) The name of the object.

167 235 Library Name Char(10) The name of the library the object is in.
177 245 Object Type Char(8) The type of object.
185 253 Authorization Char(10) The name of the authorization list.
List Name
195 263 Public Authority Char(1)
Y Public authority set to *EXCLUDE.

196 264 Private Authority Char(1)

Y Private authority removed.

197 265 AUTL Removed Char(1)

Y Authorization list removed from object.

198 266 (Reserved Area) Char(20)

218 286 DLO Name Char(12) The name of the document library object.
230 298 (Reserved Area) Char(8)
238 306 Folder Path Char(63) The folder containing the document library object.
301 (Reserved Area) Char(20)
369 (Reserved Area) Char(18)
387 Object Name Binary(4) The length of the object name.

542 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 181. RA (Authority Change for Restored Object) Journal Entries (continued). QASYRAJE/J4 Field Description
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

321 389 Object Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the object name.
325 393 Object Name Char(2) The country ID for the object name.
Country ID1
327 395 Object Name Char(3) The language ID for the object name.
Language ID1
330 398 (Reserved area) Char(3)
333 401 Parent File ID1,2 Char(16) The file ID of the parent directory.
349 417 Object File ID1,2 Char(16) The file ID of the object.
365 433 Object Name1 Char(512) The name of the object.
945 Object File ID Char(16) The file ID of the object.
| 961 ASP Name Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
| 971 ASP Number Char(5) The number of the ASP device.
| 976 Path Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the absolute path
| CCSID name.
| 980 Path Name Char(2) The country ID for the absolute path name
| Country ID
| 982 Path Name Char(3) The language ID for the absolute path name.
| Language ID
| 985 Path Name Binary(4) The length of the absolute path name.
| Length
| 987 Path Name Char(1) The absolute path name indicator:
| Y The Absolute Path Name field contains an
| absolute path name for the object.
| N The Absolute Path Name field does not
| contain an absolute path name for the object.
| 988 Relative File ID3 Char(16) The relative file ID of the absolute path name.
| 1004 Absolute Path Char(5002) The absolute path name of the object.
These fields are used only for objects in the QOpenSys and "root" file systems.
An ID that has the left-most bit set and the rest of the bits zero indicates that the ID is NOT set.
When the path name indicator (offset 987) is ″N″, this field will contain the relative file ID of the absolute
path name. When the path name indicator is ″Y″, this field will contain 16 bytes of hex zeroes.
This is a variable length field. The first 2 bytes contain the length of the path name.

Table 182. RJ (Restoring Job Description) Journal Entries. QASYRJJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
A Restoring a job description that had a user
profile specified in the USER parameter.

157 225 Job Description Char(10) The name of the job description restored.
167 235 Library Name Char(10) The name of the library the job description was
restored to.

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 543

Audit Journal Entries
Table 182. RJ (Restoring Job Description) Journal Entries (continued). QASYRJJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

177 245 Object Type Char(8) The type of object.

185 253 User Name Char(10) The name of the user profile specified in the job

Table 183. RO (Ownership Change for Restored Object) Journal Entries. QASYROJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
A Restoring objects that had ownership changed
when restored

157 225 Object Name Char(10) The name of the object.

167 235 Library Name Char(10) The name of the library the object is in.
177 245 Object Type Char(8) The type of object.
185 253 Old Owner Char(10) The name of the owner before ownership was changed.
195 263 New Owner Char(10) The name of the owner after ownership was changed.
205 273 (Reserved Area) Char(20)
225 293 DLO Name Char(12) The name of the document library object.
237 305 (Reserved Area) Char(8)
245 313 Folder Path Char(63) The folder into which the object was restored.
308 (Reserved Area) Char(20)
376 (Reserved Area) Char(18)
394 Object Name Binary(4) The length of the object name.
328 396 Object Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the object name.
332 400 Object Name Char(2) The country ID for the object name.
Country ID1
334 402 Object Name Char(3) The language ID for the object name.
Language ID1
337 405 (Reserved area) Char(3)
340 408 Parent File ID1,2 Char(16) The file ID of the parent directory.
356 424 Object File ID1,2 Char(16) The file ID of the object.
372 440 Object Name1 Char(512) The name of the object.
952 Object File ID Char(16) The file ID of the object.
| 968 ASP Name Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
| 978 ASP Number Char(5) The number of the ASP device.
| 983 Path Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the absolute path
| CCSID name.
| 987 Path Name Char(2) The country ID for the absolute path name
| Country ID
| 989 Path Name Char(3) The language ID for the absolute path name.
| Language ID
| 992 Path Name Binary(4) The length of the absolute path name.
| 994 Path Name Char(1) The absolute path name indicator:
| Y The Absolute Path Name field contains an
| absolute path name for the object.
| N The Absolute Path Name field does not
| contain an absolute path name for the object.

544 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 183. RO (Ownership Change for Restored Object) Journal Entries (continued). QASYROJE/J4 Field Description
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

| 995 Relative File ID3 Char(16) The relative file ID of the absolute path name.
| 1011 Absolute Path Char(5002) The absolute path name of the object.
| Name4
These fields are used only for objects in the QOpenSys and "root" file systems.
An ID that has the left-most bit set and the rest of the bits zero indicates that the ID is NOT set.
When the path name indicator (offset 994) is ″N″, this field will contain the relative file ID of the absolute
path name. When the path name indicator is ″Y″, this field will contain 16 bytes of hex zeroes.
This is a variable length field. The first 2 bytes contain the length of the path name.

Table 184. RP (Restoring Programs that Adopt Authority) Journal Entries. QASYRPJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description
1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140
on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
A Restoring programs that adopt the owner’s

157 225 Program Name Char(10) The name of the program

167 235 Program Library Char(10) The name of the library in which the program is
177 245 Object Type Char(8) The type of object
185 253 Owner Name Char(10) Name of the owner
263 (Reserved Area) Char(18)
281 Object Name Binary (4) The length of the object name.
283 Object Name Binary (5) The coded character set identifier for the object name.
287 Object Name Char (2) The country ID for the object name.
Country ID1
289 Object name Char (3) The language ID for the object name.
Language ID1
292 (Reserved Area) Char (3)
295 Parent File ID1,2 Char (16) The file ID of the parent directory.
311 Object File ID1,2 Char (16) The file ID of the object.
327 Object Name1 Char (512) The name of the object.
839 Object File ID Char(16) The file ID of the object.
| 855 ASP Name Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
| 865 ASP Number Char(5) The number of the ASP device.
| 870 Path Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the absolute path
| CCSID name.
| 874 Path Name Char(2) The country ID for the absolute path name
| Country ID
| 876 Path Name Char(3) The language ID for the absolute path name.
| Language ID
| 879 Path Name Binary(4) The length of the absolute path name.
| Length

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 545

Audit Journal Entries
Table 184. RP (Restoring Programs that Adopt Authority) Journal Entries (continued). QASYRPJE/J4 Field
Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description
| 881 Path Name Char(1) The absolute path name indicator:
| Y The Absolute Path Name field contains an
| absolute path name for the object.
| N The Absolute Path Name field does not
| contain an absolute path name for the object.
| 882 Relative File ID3 Char(16) The relative file ID of the absolute path name.
| 898 Absolute Path Char(5002) The absolute path name of the object.
| Name4
These fields are used only for objects in the QOpenSys and the ’root’ file system.
If an ID that has the left-most bit set and the rest of the bits are zero, the ID is not set.
When the path name indicator (offset 994) is ″N″, this field will contain the relative file ID of the absolute
path name. When the path name indicator is ″Y″, this field will contain 16 bytes of hex zeroes.
This is a variable length field. The first 2 bytes contain the length of the path name.

Table 185. RQ (Restoring Change Request Descriptor Object) Journal Entries. QASYRQJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
A Restore *CRQD object that adopts authority.

157 225 Object Name Char(10) The name of the change request descriptor.
167 235 Object Library Char(10) The name of the library where the change request
descriptor is found.
177 245 Object Type Char(8) The type of object.

Table 186. RU (Restore Authority for User Profile) Journal Entries. QASYRUJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
A Restoring authority to user profiles

157 225 User Name Char(10) The name of the user profile whose authority was
167 235 Library Name Char(10) The name of the library.
177 245 Object Type Char(8) The type of object.
| 253 Authority Char(1) Indicates whether all authorities were restored for the
| Restored user.
| A All authorities were restored
| S Some authorities not restored

546 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 187. RZ (Primary Group Change for Restored Object) Journal Entries. QASYRZJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
A Primary group changed.

157 225 Object Name Char(10) The name of the object.

167 235 Object Library Char(10) The name of the library where the object is found.
177 245 Object Type Char(8) The type of object.
185 253 Old Primary Char(10) The previous primary group for the object.
195 263 New Primary Char(10) The new primary group for the object.
205 273 (Reserved Area) Char(20)
225 293 DLO Name Char(12) The name of the document library object.
237 305 (Reserved Area) Char(8)
245 313 Folder Path Char(63) The folder into which the object was restored.
308 (Reserved Area) Char(20)
376 (Reserved Area) Char(18)
394 Object Name Binary(4) The length of the object name.
328 396 Object Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the object name.
332 400 Object Name Char(2) The country ID for the object name.
Country ID1
334 402 Object Name Char(3) The language ID for the object name.
Language ID1
337 405 (Reserved area) Char(3)
340 408 Parent File ID1,2 Char(16) The file ID of the parent directory.
356 424 Object File ID1,2 Char(16) The file ID of the object.
372 440 Object Name1 Char(512) The name of the object.
952 Object File ID Char(16) The file ID of the object.
| 968 ASP Name Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
| 978 ASP Number Char(5) The number of the ASP device.
| 983 Path Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the absolute path
| CCSID name.
| 987 Path Name Char(2) The country ID for the absolute path name
| Country ID
| 989 Path Name Char(3) The language ID for the absolute path name.
| Language ID
| 992 Path Name Binary(4) The length of the absolute path name.
| Length
| 994 Path Name Char(1) The absolute path name indicator:
| Y The Absolute Path Name field contains an
| absolute path name for the object.
| N The Absolute Path Name field does not
| contain an absolute path name for the object.
| 995 Relative File ID3 Char(16) The relative file ID of the absolute path name.
| 1011 Absolute Path Char(5002) The absolute path name of the object.

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 547

Audit Journal Entries
Table 187. RZ (Primary Group Change for Restored Object) Journal Entries (continued). QASYRZJE/J4 Field
Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

These fields are used only for objects in the QOpenSys and "root" file systems.
An ID that has the left-most bit set and the rest of the bits zero indicates that the ID is NOT set.
When the path name indicator (offset 1014) is ″N″, this field will contain the relative file ID of the absolute
path name. When the path name indicator is ″Y″, this field will contain 16 bytes of hex zeroes.
This is a variable length field. The first 2 bytes contain the length of the path name.

Table 188. SD (Change System Distribution Directory) Journal Entries. QASYSDJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
S System directory change

157 225 Type of Change Char(3)

ADD Add directory entry
CHG Change directory entry
COL Collector entry
DSP Display directory entry
OUT Output file request
PRT Print directory entry
RMV Remove directory entry
RNM Rename directory entry
RTV Retrieve details
SUP Supplier entry

160 228 Type of record Char(4)

DIRE Directory
DPTD Department details
SHDW Directory shadow
SRCH Directory search

164 232 Originating Char(8) The system originating the change

172 240 User Profile Char(10) The user profile making the change
182 250 Requesting Char(8) The system requesting the change

548 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 188. SD (Change System Distribution Directory) Journal Entries (continued). QASYSDJE/J4 Field Description
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

190 258 Function Char(6)

INIT Initialization
Offline initialization
Normal shadowing
Stop shadowing

196 264 User ID Char(8) The user ID being changed

204 272 Address Char(8) The address being changed
212 280 Network User ID Char(47) The network user ID being changed

Table 189. SE (Change of Subsystem Routing Entry) Journal Entries. QASYSEJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
A Subsystem routing entry changed

157 225 Subsystem Name Char(10) The name of the object

167 235 Library Name Char(10) The name of the library the object is in
177 245 Object Type Char(8) The type of object.
185 253 Program Name Char(10) The name of the program that changed the routing
195 263 Library Name Char(10) The name of the library for the program
205 273 Sequence Char(4) The sequence number
209 277 Command Name Char(3) The type of command used

Table 190. SF (Action to Spooled File) Journal Entries. QASYSFJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 549

Audit Journal Entries
Table 190. SF (Action to Spooled File) Journal Entries (continued). QASYSFJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

156 224 Access Type Char(1) The type of entry

A Spooled file read
C Spooled file created
D Spooled file deleted
H Spooled file held
I Create of inline file
R Spooled file released
U Spooled file changed

157 225 Database File Char(10) The name of the database file containing the spooled
Name file
167 235 Library Name Char(10) The name of the library for the database file
177 245 Object Type Char(8) The object type of the database file
185 253 Reserved area Char(10)
195 263 Member Name Char(10) The name of the file member.
205 273 Spooled File Char(10) The name of the spooled file 1.
215 283 Short Spooled Char(4) The number of the spooled file 1. If the spooled file
File Number number is larger than 4 bytes, this field will be blank
and the Spooled File Number field (offset 307) will be
219 287 Output Queue Char(10) The name of the output queue containing the spooled
Name file.
229 297 Output Queue Char(10) The name of the library for the output queue.
| 239 Reserved area Char(20)
| 307 Spooled File Char(6) The number of the spooled file.
| Number
| 313 Reserved Area Char(14)
259 327 Old Copies Char(3) Number of old copies of the spooled file
262 330 New Copies Char(3) Number of new copies of the spooled file
265 333 Old Printer Char(10) Old printer for the spooled file
275 343 New Printer Char(10) New printer for the spooled file
285 353 New Output Char(10) New output queue for the spooled file
295 363 New Output Char(10) Library for the new output queue
Queue Library
305 373 Old Form Type Char(10) Old form type of the spooled file
315 383 New Form Type Char(10) New form type of the spooled file
325 393 Old Restart Page Char(8) Old restart page for the spooled file
333 401 New Restart Page Char(8) New restart page for the spooled file
341 409 Old Page Range Char(8) Old page range start of the spooled file
349 417 New Page Range Char(8) New page range start of the spooled file
357 425 Old Page Range Char(8) Old page range end of the spooled file
365 433 New Page Range Char(8) New page range end of the spooled file
441 Spooled File Job Char(10) The name of the spooled file job.

550 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 190. SF (Action to Spooled File) Journal Entries (continued). QASYSFJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

451 Spooled File Job Char(10) The user for the spooled file job.
461 Spooled File Job Char(6) The number for the spooled file job.
This field is blank when the type of entry is I (inline print).

Table 191. SG (Asychronous Signals) Journal Entries. QASYSGJ4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 139

on page 489 for field listing.
224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
A Asynchronous AS/400 signal processed
P Asynchronous Private Address Space
Environment (PASE) signal processed

225 Signal Number Char(4) The signal number that was processed.
229 Handle action Char(1) The action taken on this signal.
C Continue the process
E Signal exception
H Handle by invoking the signal catching
S Stop the process
T Terminate the process
U Terminate the request

230 Signal Source Char(1) The source of the signal.

M Machine source
P Process source
Note: When the signal source value is machine, the
source job values are blank.
231 Source Job Name Char(10) The first part of the source job’s qualified name.
241 Source Job User Char(10) The second part of the source job’s qualified name.
251 Source Job Char(6) The third part of the source jobs’s qualified name.
257 Source Job Char(10) The current user profile for the source job.
Current User
267 Generation Char(8) The *DTS format of the time that the signal was
Timestamp generated.
Note: The QWCCVTDT API can be used to convert a
*DTS time stamp to other formats.

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 551

Audit Journal Entries
Table 192. SK (Secure Sockets Connections) Journal Entries. QASYSKJ4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

| 224 Entry type Char(1)

| A Accept
| C Connect
| F Filtered mail
| R Reject mail
| 225 Local IP Address Char(15) The local IP address.
| 240 Local port Char(5) The local port.
| 245 Remote IP Char(15) The remote IP address.
| 260 Remote port Char(5) The remote port.
| 265 Socket Descriptor Bin(5) The socket descriptor.
| 269 Filter Description Char(10) The mail filter specified.
279 Filter Data Bin(4) The length of the filter data.
281 Filter Data1 Char(514) The filter data.
This is a variable length field. The first two bytes contain the length of the field.

Table 193. SM (System Management Change) Journal Entries. QASYSMJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) Function accessed
B Backup list changed
C Automatic cleanup options
F HFS file system
N Network file operation
O Backup options changed
P Power on/off schedule
S System reply list
T Access path recovery times changed

157 225 Access Type Char(1)

A Add
C Change
D Delete
R Remove
S Display
T Retrieve or receive

158 226 Sequence Char(4) Sequence number of the action

162 230 Message ID Char(7) Message ID associated with the action

552 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 193. SM (System Management Change) Journal Entries (continued). QASYSMJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

169 237 Relational Char(18) Name of the relational database

Database Name
187 255 File System Char(10) Name of the file system
197 265 Backup Option Char(10) The backup option that was changed
207 275 Backup List Char(10) The name of the backup list that was changed
217 285 Network File Char(10) The name of the network file that was used
227 295 Network File Char(10) The name of the member of the network file
237 305 Network File Zoned(6,0) The number of the network file
243 311 Network File Char(10) The name of the user profile that owns the network file
253 321 Network File Char(8) The name of the user profile that originated the
Originating User network file
261 329 Network File Char(8) The address that originated the network file

Table 194. SO (Server Security User Information Actions) Journal Entries. QASYSOJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 andTable 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry
A Add entry
C Change entry
R Remove entry

157 225 User Profile Char(10) The name of the user profile.
235 Server Char(1) Y = Entry is a server authentication entry.
236 Password Stored Char(1)
N Password not stored
S No change
Y Password is stored.

237 Server Name Char(200) The name of the server.

437 (Reserved Area) Char(3)
440 User ID Length Binary (4) The length of the user ID.
442 (Reserved Area) Char(20)
462 User ID Char(1000) The ID for the user.

Table 195. ST (Service Tools Action) Journal Entries. QASYSTJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 andTable 139 on page 489 for field listing.

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 553

Audit Journal Entries
Table 195. ST (Service Tools Action) Journal Entries (continued). QASYSTJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry

A Service record

| 157 225 Service Tool Char(2) The type of entry.

| TC TRCCNN (*FORMAT specified)
| specified)
159 227 Object Name Char(10) Name of the object accessed
169 237 Library Name Char(10) Name of the library for the object
179 247 Object Type Char(8) Type of object
| 187 255 Job Name Char(10) The first part of the qualified job name
197 265 Job User Name Char(10) The second part of the qualified job name
207 275 Job Number Zoned(6,0) The third part of the qualified job name
213 281 Object Name Char(30) Name of the object for DMPSYSOBJ
243 311 Library Name Char(30) Name of the library for the object for DMPSYSOBJ
273 341 Object Type Char(8) Type of the object
281 349 DLO Name Char(12) Name of the document library object
293 361 (Reserved Area) Char(8)
301 369 Folder Path Char(63) The folder containing the document library object
432 JUID Field Char(10) The JUID of the target job.

554 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 195. ST (Service Tools Action) Journal Entries (continued). QASYSTJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

| 442 Early Trace Char(10) The action requested for early job tracing
| *ON Early tracing turned on
| *OFF Early tracing turned off
| Early tracing turned off and trace information
| deleted.
| 452 Application Trace Char(1) The trace option specified on TRCTCPAPP.
| Y Collection of trace information started
| N Collection of trace information stopped and
| trace information written to spooled file
| E Collection of trace information ended and all
| trace information purged (no output created)
| 453 Application Char(10) The name of the application being traced.
| Traced2
| 463 Service Tools Char(10) The name of the service tools profile used for STRSST.
| Profile3
| This field is used only when the entry type (offset 225) is CE.
| This field is used only when the entry type (offset 225) is TA.
| This field is used only when the entry type (offset 225) is ST.

Table 196. SV (Action to System Value) Journal Entries. QASYSVJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
A Change to system values
B Change to service attributes
C Change to system clock

157 225 System Value or Char(10) The name of the system value or service attribute
Service Attribute
167 235 New Value Char(250) The value to which the system value or service
attribute was changed
417 485 Old Value Char(250) The value of the system value or service attribute
before it was changed
667 735 New Value Char(250) Continuation of the value to which the system value or
Continued service attribute was changed.
917 985 Old Value Char(250) Continuation of the value of the system value or
Continued service attribute was changed.

Table 197. VA (Change of Access Control List) Journal Entries. QASYVAJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 555

Audit Journal Entries
Table 197. VA (Change of Access Control List) Journal Entries (continued). QASYVAJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

156 224 Status Char(1) Status of request.

S Successful
F Failed

157 225 Server Name Char(10) The name of the network server description that
registered the event.
167 235 Server Date Char(6) The date the event was logged on the network server.
173 241 Server Time Zoned(6,0) The time the event was logged on the network server.
179 247 Computer Name Char(8) The name of the computer issuing the request to
change the access control list.
187 255 Requester Name Char(10) The name of the user issuing the request.
197 265 Action Performed Char(1) The action performed on the access control profile:
A Addition
C Modification
D Deletion

198 266 Resource Name Char(260) The name of the resource to be changed.

Table 198. VC (Connection Start and End) Journal Entries. QASYVCJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Connect Action. Char(1) The connection action that occurred.
S Start
E End
R Reject

157 225 Server Name Char(10) The name of the network server description that
registered the event.
167 235 Server Date Char(6) The date the event was logged on the network server.
173 241 Server Time Zoned(6,0) The time the event was logged on the network server.
179 247 Computer Name Char(8) The name of the computer associated with the
connection request.
187 255 Connection User Char(10) The name of the user associated with the connection
197 265 Connect ID Char(5) The start or stop connection ID.
202 270 Rejection Reason Char(1) The reason the connection was rejected:
A Automatic disconnect (timeout), share
removed, or administrative permissions
E Error, session disconnect, or incorrect
N Normal disconnection or user name limit
P No access permission to shared resource

203 271 Network Name Char(12) The network name associated with the connection.

556 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 199. VF (Close of Server Files) Journal Entries. QASYVFJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Close Reason Char(1) The reason the file was closed.
A Administrative disconnection
N Normal client disconnection
S Session disconnection

157 225 Server Name Char(10) The name of the network server description that
registered the event.
167 235 Server Date Char(6) The date the event was logged on the network server.
173 241 Server Time Zoned(6,0) The time the event was logged on the network server.
179 247 Computer Name Char(8) The name of the computer requesting the close.
187 255 Connection User Char(10) The name of the user requesting the close.
197 265 File ID Char(5) The ID of the file being closed.
202 270 Duration Char(6) The number of seconds the file was open.
208 276 Resource Name Char(260) The name of the resource owning the accessed file.

Table 200. VL (Account Limit Exceeded) Journal Entries. QASYVLJE /J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 for field listing.
156 224 Reason Char(1) The reason the limit was exceeded.
A Account expired
D Account disabled
L Logon hours exceeded
U Unknown or unavailable
W Workstation not valid

157 225 Server Name Char(10) The name of the network server description that
registered the event.
167 235 Server Date Char(6) The date the event was logged on the network server.
173 241 Server Time Zoned(6,0) The time the event was logged on the network server.
179 247 Computer Name Char(8) The name of the computer with the account limit
187 255 User Char(10) The name of the user with the account limit violation.
197 265 Resource Name Char(260) The name of the resource being used.

Table 201. VN (Network Log On and Off) Journal Entries. QASYVNJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Log Type Char(1) The type of event that occurred:
F Logoff requested
O Logon requested
R Logon rejected

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 557

Audit Journal Entries
Table 201. VN (Network Log On and Off) Journal Entries (continued). QASYVNJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

157 225 Server Name Char(10) The name of the network server description that
registered the event.
167 235 Server Date Char(6) The date the event was logged on the network server.
173 241 Server Time Zoned(6,0) The time the event was logged on the network server.
179 247 Computer Name Char(8) The name of the computer for the event.
187 255 User Char(10) The user who logged on or off.
197 265 User Privilege Char(1) Privilege of user logging on:
A Administrator
G Guest
U User

198 266 Reject Reason Char(1) The reason the log on attempt was rejected:
A Access denied
F Forced off due to logon limit
P Incorrect password

199 267 Additional Char(1) Details of why access was denied:

A Account expired
D Account disabled
L Logon hours not valid
R Requester ID not valid
U Unknown or unavailable

Table 202. VO (Validation List) Journal Entries. QASYVOJ4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 139

on page 489 for field listing.
224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry.
A Add validation list entry
C Change validation list entry
F Find validation list entry
R Remove validation list entry
U Unsuccessful verify of a validation list entry
V Successful verify of a validation list entry

225 Unsuccessful Char(1) Type of unsuccessful verify.

E Encrypted data is incorrect
I Entry ID was not found
V Validation list was not found

226 Validation List Char(10) The name of the validation list.

236 Library Name Char(10) The name of the library the validation list is in.

558 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 202. VO (Validation List) Journal Entries (continued). QASYVOJ4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

246 Encrypted Data Char(1) Data value to be encrypted.

Y Data to be encrypted was specified on the
N Data to be encrypted was not specified on the

247 Entry Data Char(1) Entry data value.

Y Entry data was specified on the request.
N Entry data was not specified on the request.

248 Entry ID Length Binary(4) The length of the entry ID.

250 Data length Binary(4) The length of the entry data.
252 Encrypted Data Char (1) Encrypted data.
’’ An encrypted data attribute was not specified.
0 The data to be encrypted can only be used to
verify an entry. This is the default.
1 The data to be encrypted can be used to verify
an entry and the data can be returned on a
find operation.

253 X.509 Certificate Char (1) X.509 Certificate.

254 (Reserved Area) Char (28)
282 Entry ID Byte(100) The entry ID.
382 Entry Data Byte(1000) The entry data.

Table 203. VP (Network Password Error) Journal Entries. QASYVPJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Error Type Char(1) The type of error that occurred.
P Password error

157 225 Server Name Char(10) The name of the network server description that
registered the event.
167 235 Server Date Char(6) The date the event was logged on the network server.
173 241 Server Time Zoned(6,0) The time the event was logged on the network server.
179 247 Computer Name Char(8) The name of the computer initiating the request.
187 255 User Char(10) The name of the user who attempted to log on.

Table 204. VR (Network Resource Access) Journal Entries. QASYVRJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Status Char(1) The status of the access.
F Resource access failed
S Resource access succeeded

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 559

Audit Journal Entries
Table 204. VR (Network Resource Access) Journal Entries (continued). QASYVRJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

157 225 Server Name Char(10) The name of the network server description that
registered the event.
167 235 Server Date Char(6) The date the event was logged on the network server.
173 241 Server Time Zoned(6,0) The time the event was logged on the network server.
179 247 Computer Name Char(8) The name of the computer requesting the resource.
187 255 User Char(10) The name of the user requesting the resource.
197 265 Operation Type Char(1) The type of operation being performed:
A Resource attributes modified
C Instance of the resource created
D Resource deleted
P Resource permissions modified
R Data read or run from a resource
W Data written to resource
X Resource was run

198 266 Return Code Char(4) The return code received if resource access is granted.
202 270 Server Message Char(4) The message code sent when access is granted.
206 274 File ID Char(5) The ID of the file being accessed.
211 279 Resource Name Char(260) Name of the resource being used.

Table 205. VS (Server Session) Journal Entries. QASYVSJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Session Action Char(1) The session action that occurred.
E End session
S Start session

157 225 Server Name Char(10) The name of the network server description that
registered the event.
167 235 Server Date Char(6) The date the event was logged on the network server.
173 241 Server Time Zoned(6,0) The time the event was logged on the network server.
179 247 Computer Name Char(8) The name of the computer requesting the session.
187 255 User Char(10) The name of the user requesting the session.
197 265 User Privilege Char(1) The privilege level of the user for session start:
A Administrator
G Guest
U User

560 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 205. VS (Server Session) Journal Entries (continued). QASYVSJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

198 266 Reason Code Char(1) The reason code for ending the session.
A Administrator disconnect
D Automatic disconnect (timeout), share
removed, or administrative permissions
E Error, session disconnect, or incorrect
N Normal disconnection or user name limit
R Account restriction

Table 206. VU (Network Profile Change) Journal Entries. QASYVUJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Type Char(1) The type of record that was changed.
G Group record
U User record
M User profile global information

157 225 Server Name Char(10) The name of the network server description that
registered the event.
167 235 Server Date Char(6) The date the event was logged on the network server.
173 241 Server Time Zoned(6,0) The time the event was logged on the network server.
179 247 Computer Name Char(8) The name of the computer requesting the user profile
187 255 User Char(10) The name of the user requesting the user profile
197 265 Action Char(1) Action requested:
A Addition
C Change
D Deletion
P Incorrect password

198 266 Resource Name Char(260) Name of the resource.

Table 207. VV (Service Status Change) Journal Entries. QASYVVJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 561

Audit Journal Entries
Table 207. VV (Service Status Change) Journal Entries (continued). QASYVVJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry:

C Service status changed
E Server stopped
P Server paused
R Server restarted
S Server started

157 225 Server Name Char(10) The name of the network server description that
registered the event.
167 235 Server Date Char(6) The date the event was logged on the network server.
173 241 Server Time Zoned(6,0) The time the event was logged on the network server.
179 247 Computer Name Char(8) The name of the computer requesting the change.
187 255 User Char(10) The name of the user requesting the change.
197 265 Status Char(1) Status of the service request:
A Service active
B Start service pending
C Continue paused service
E Stop pending for service
H Service pausing
I Service paused
S Service stopped

198 266 Service Code Char(8) The code of the service requested.
206 274 Text Set Char(80) The text being set by the service request.
286 354 Return Value Char(4) The return value from the change operation.
290 358 Service Char(20) The service that was changed.

| Table 208. X0 (Network Authentication) Journal Entries. QASYX0JE/J4 Field Description File
| JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

| 1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

| on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.

562 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
| Table 208. X0 (Network Authentication) Journal Entries (continued). QASYX0JE/J4 Field Description File
| JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

| 156 224 Entry Type Char(1) The type of entry:

| 1 Service ticket valid
| 2 Service principals do not match
| 3 Client principals do not match
| 4 Ticket IP address mismatch
| 5 Decryption of the ticket failed
| 6 Decryption of authenticator failed
| 7 Realm is not within client local realms
| 8 Ticket is a replay attempt
| 9 Ticket not yet valid
| A Decrypt of KRB_AP_PRIV or KRB_AP_SAFE
| checksum error
| B Remote IP address mismatch
| C Local IP address mismatch
| D KRB_AP_PRIV or KRB_AP_SAFE timestamp
| error
| E KRB_AP_PRIV or KRB_AP_SAFE replay error
| F KRB_AP_PRIV or KRB_AP_SAFE sequence
| order error
| K GSS accept — expired credential
| L GSS accept — checksum error
| M GSS accept — channel bindingst
| N GSS unwrap or GSS verify expired context
| O GSS unwrap or GSS verify decrypt/decode
| P GSS unwrap or GSS verify checksum error
| Q GSS unwrap or GSS verify sequence error
| 225 Status Code Char(8) The status of the request
| 233 GSS Status Value Char(8) GSS status value
| 241 Remote IP Char(21) Remote IP address
| Address
| 262 Local IP Address Char(21) Local IP address
| 283 Encrypted Char(256) Encrypted IP addresses
| Addresses
| 539 Encrypted Char(1) Encrypted IP addresses indicator
| Addresses
|| Indicator
Y all addresses included
| N not all addresses included
| X not provided
| 540 Ticket flags Char(8) Ticket flags
| 548 Ticket Char(8) Ticket authentication time
| Authentication
| Time

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 563

Audit Journal Entries
| Table 208. X0 (Network Authentication) Journal Entries (continued). QASYX0JE/J4 Field Description File
| JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

| 556 Ticket Start Time Char(8) Ticket start time

| 564 Ticket End Time Char(8) Ticket end time
| 572 Ticket Renew Char(8) Ticket renew until time
| Time
| 580 Message Time Char(8) X0E time stamp
| Stamp
| 588 GSS Expiration Char(8) GSS credential expiration time stamp or context
| Time Stamp expiration time stamp
| 596 Server Principal Binary(5) Server principal (from ticket) CCSID
| 600 Server Principal Binary(4) Server principal (from ticket) length
| Length
| 602 Server Principal Char(1) Server principal (from ticket) indicator
| Indicator
| Y server principal complete
| N server principal not complete
| X not provided
| 603 Server Principal Char(512) Server principal (from ticket)
| 1115 Server Principal Binary(5) Server principal (from ticket) parameter CCSID
| Parameter CCSID
| 1119 Server Principal Binary(4) Server principal (from ticket) parameter length
| Parameter Length
| 1121 Server Principal Char(1) Server principal (from ticket) parameter indicator
| Parameter
|| Indicator
Y server principal complete
| N server principal not complete
| X not provided
| 1122 Server Principal Char(512) Server principal parameter that ticket must match
| Parameter
| 1634 Client Principal Binary(4) Client principal (from authenticator) CCSID
| 1638 Client Principal Binary(4) Client principal (from authenticator) length
| Length
| 1640 Client Principal Char(1) Client principal (from authenticator) indicator
| Indicator
| Y client principal complete
| N client principal not complete
| X not provided
| 1641 Client Principal Char(512) Client principal from authenticator
| 2153 Client Principal Binary(5) Client principal (from ticket) CCSID
| 2157 Client Principal Binary(4) Client principal (from ticket) length
| Length
| 2159 Client Principal Char(1) Client principal (from ticket) indicator
| Indicator
| Y client principal complete
| N client principal not complete
| X not provided
| 2160 Client Principal Char(512) Client principal from ticket

564 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
| Table 208. X0 (Network Authentication) Journal Entries (continued). QASYX0JE/J4 Field Description File
| JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

| 2672 GSS Server Binary(5) Server principal (from GSS credential) CCSID
| Principal CCSID
| 2676 GSS Server Binary(4) Server principal (from GSS credential) length
| Principal Length
| 2678 GSS Server Char(1) Server principal (from GSS credential) indicator
| Principal
|| Indicator
Y server principal complete
| N server principal not complete
| X not provided
| 2679 GSS Server Char(512) Server principal from GSS credential
| Principal
| 3191 GSS Local Binary(5) GSS local principal name CCSID
| Principal CCSID
| 3195 GSS Local Binary(4) GSS local principal name length
| Principal Length
| 3197 GSS Local Char(1) GSS local principal name indicator
| Principal
|| Indicator
Y local principal complete
| N local principal not complete
| X not provided
| 3198 GSS Local Char(512) GSS local principal
| Principal
| 3710 GSS Remote Binary(5) GSS remote principal name CCSID
| Principal CCSID
| 3714 GSS Remote Binary(4) GSS remote principal name length
| Principal Length
| 3716 GSS Remote Char(1) GSS remote principal name indicator
| Principal
|| Indicator
Y remote principal complete
| N remote principal not complete
| X not provided
| 3717 GSS Remote Char(512) GSS remote principal
| Principal
Table 209. YC (Change to DLO Object) Journal Entries. QASYYCJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) Object access
C Change of a DLO object

157 225 Object Name Char(10) Name of the object

167 235 Library Name Char(10) Name of the library
177 245 Object Type Char(8) Type of object
185 253 Office User Char(10) User profile of the office user
195 263 Folder or Char(12) Name of the document or folder
Document Name
207 275 (Reserved Area) Char(8)
215 283 Folder Path Char(63) The folder containing the document library object

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 565

Audit Journal Entries
Table 209. YC (Change to DLO Object) Journal Entries (continued). QASYYCJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

278 346 On Behalf of Char(10) User working on behalf of another user

288 356 Access Type Packed(5,0) Type of access
See Table 214 on page 569 for a list of the codes for access types.

Table 210. YR (Read of DLO Object) Journal Entries. QASYYRJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) Object access
R Read of a DLO object

157 225 Object Name Char(10) Name of the object

167 235 Library Name Char(10) Name of the library
177 245 Object Type Char(8) Type of object
185 253 Office User Char(10) User profile of the office user
195 263 Folder or Char(12) Name of the document library object
Document Name
207 275 (Reserved Area) Char(8)
215 283 Folder Path Char(63) The folder containing the document library object
278 346 On Behalf of Char(10) User working on behalf of another user
288 356 Access Type Packed(5,0) Type of access
See Table 214 on page 569 for a list of the codes for access types.

Table 211. ZC (Change to Object) Journal Entries. QASYZCJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) Object access
C Change of an object

157 225 Object Name Char(10) Name of the object

167 235 Library Name Char(10) Name of the library in which the object is located
177 245 Object Type Char(8) Type of object
185 253 Access Type Packed(5,0) Type of access 1
188 256 Access Specific Char(50) Specific data about the access
238 (Reserved Area) Char(20)
306 (Reserved Area) Char(18)
324 Object Name Binary (4) The length of the object name.
Length 2
258 326 Object Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the object name.
262 330 Object Name Char(2) The country ID for the object name.
Country ID2
264 332 Object Name Char(3) The language ID for the object name.
Language ID2

566 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 211. ZC (Change to Object) Journal Entries (continued). QASYZCJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

267 335 (Reserved area) Char(3)

270 338 Parent File ID2, 3 Char(16) The file ID of the parent directory.
286 354 Object File ID2, 3 Char(16) The file ID of the object.
302 370 Object Name2 Char(512) The name of the object.
882 Object File ID Char(16) The file ID of the object.
| 898 ASP Name Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
| 908 ASP Number Char(5) The number of the ASP device.
| 913 Path Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the absolute path
| CCSID name.
| 917 Path Name Char(2) The country ID for the absolute path name
| Country ID
| 919 Path Name Char(3) The language ID for the absolute path name.
| Language ID
| 922 Path Name Binary(4) The length of the absolute path name.
| Length
| 924 Path Name Char(1) The absolute path name indicator:
| Y The Absolute Path Name field contains an
| absolute path name for the object.
| N The Absolute Path Name field does not
| contain an absolute path name for the object.
| 925 Relative File ID4 Char(16) The relative file ID of the absolute path name.
| 941 Absolute Path Char(5002) The absolute path name of the object.
See Table 214 on page 569 for a list of the codes for access types.
These fields are used only for objects in the QOpenSys, "root" file systems, and user-defined file systems.
An ID that has the left-most bit set and the rest of the bits zero indicates that the ID is NOT set.
When the path name indicator (offset 924) is ″N″, this field will contain the relative file ID of the absolute
path name. When the path name indicator is ″Y″, this field will contain 16 bytes of hex zeroes.
This is a variable length field. The first 2 bytes contain the length of the path name.

Table 212. ZM (SOM Method Access) Journal Entries. QASYZMJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Access Type Char(1) Type of access
157 225 Object Existence Char(1) Y Object existence
158 226 Object Char(1) Y Object management
159 227 Object Char(1) Y Object operational
160 228 Object Alter Char(1) Y Object alter
161 229 Object Reference Char(1) Y Object refernce
162 230 Reserved Char(10) Reserved field
172 240 List Management Char(1) Y Authorization list management
173 241 Read Char(1) Y Read
174 242 Add Char(1) Y Add
175 243 Update Char(1) Y Update
176 244 Delete Char(1) Y Delete

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 567

Audit Journal Entries
Table 212. ZM (SOM Method Access) Journal Entries (continued). QASYZMJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

177 245 Execute Char(1) Y Execute

178 246 Reserved Char(10) Reserved field
188 256 Class File ID Char(16) File ID of class
204 272 Object FIle ID Char(16) File ID of object
220 288 Method Name Char(4096) Name of Method

Table 213. ZR (Read of Object) Journal Entries. QASYZRJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

1 1 Heading fields common to all entry types. See Table 140

on page 490 and Table 139 on page 489 for field listing.
156 224 Entry Type Char(1) Object access
R Read of an object

157 225 Object Name Char(10) Name of the object

167 235 Library Name Char(10) Name of the library in which the object is located
177 245 Object Type Char(8) Type of object
185 253 Access Type Packed(5,0) Type of access 1
188 256 Access Specific Char(50) Specific data about the access
238 (Reserved Area) Char(20)
306 (Reserved Area) Char(18)
324 Object Name Binary(4) The length of the object name.
Length 2
258 326 Object Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the object name.
262 330 Object Name Char(2) The country ID for the object name.
Country ID2
264 332 Object Name Char(3) The language ID for the object name.
Language ID2
267 335 (Reserved area) Char(3)
270 338 Parent File ID2,3 Char(16) The file ID of the parent directory.
286 354 Object File ID2,3 Char(16) The file ID of the object.
302 370 Object Name2 Char(512) The name of the object.
882 Object File ID Char(16) The file ID of the object.
| 898 ASP Name Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
| 908 ASP Number Char(5) The number of the ASP device.
| 913 Path Name Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the absolute path
| CCSID name.
| 917 Path Name Char(2) The country ID for the absolute path name
| Country ID
| 919 Path Name Char(3) The language ID for the absolute path name.
| Language ID
| 922 Path Name Binary(4) The length of the absolute path name.
| Length
| 924 Path Name Char(1) The absolute path name indicator:
| Y The Absolute Path Name field contains an
| absolute path name for the object.
| N The Absolute Path Name field does not
| contain an absolute path name for the object.
| 925 Relative File ID4 Char(16) The relative file ID of the absolute path name.

568 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Audit Journal Entries
Table 213. ZR (Read of Object) Journal Entries (continued). QASYZRJE/J4 Field Description File
JE Offset J4 Offset Field Format Description

| 941 Absolute Path Char(5002) The absolute path name of the object.
| Name5
See Table 214 for a list of the codes for access types.
These fields are used only for objects in the QOpenSys, "root" file systems, and user-defined file systems.
An ID that has the left-most bit set and the rest of the bits zero indicates that the ID is NOT set.
When the path name indicator (offset 924) is ″N″, this field will contain the relative file ID of the absolute
path name. When the path name indicator is ″Y″, this field will contain 16 bytes of hex zeroes.
This is a variable length field. The first 2 bytes contain the length of the path name.

Table 214 lists the access codes used for object auditing journal entries in files
Table 214. Numeric Codes for Access Types
Code Access Type Code Access Type Code Access Type

1 Add 24 Hold 47 Save with Storage

2 Activate Program 25 Initialize 48 Save and Delete
3 Analyze 26 Load 49 Submit
4 Apply 27 List 50 Set
5 Call or TFRCTL 28 Move 51 Send
6 Configure 29 Merge 52 Start
7 Change 30 Open 53 Transfer
8 Check 31 Print 54 Trace
9 Close 32 Query 55 Verify
10 Clear 33 Reclaim 56 Vary
11 Compare 34 Receive 57 Work
12 Cancel 35 Read 58 Read/Change
DLO Attribute
13 Copy 36 Reorganize 59 Read/Change
DLO Security
14 Create 37 Release 60 Read/Change
DLO Content
15 Convert 38 Remove 61 Read/Change
DLO all parts
16 Debug 39 Rename 62 Add Constraint
17 Delete 40 Replace 63 Change
18 Dump 41 Resume 64 Remove
19 Display 42 Restore 65 Start Procedure
| 20 Edit 43 Retrieve 66 Get Access on
| 21 End 44 Run 67 Sign object
| 22 File 45 Revoke 68 Remove all
| signatures
| 23 Grant 46 Save 69 Clear a signed
| object

Appendix F. Layout of Audit Journal Entries 569

Audit Journal Entries

570 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Appendix G. Commands and Menus for Security Commands
This appendix describes the commands and menus for security tools. Examples of
how to use the commands are included throughout this manual.

Two menus are available for security tools:

v The SECTOOLS (Security Tools) menu to run commands interactively.
v The SECBATCH (Submit or Schedule Security Reports to Batch) menu to run the
report commands in batch. The SECBATCH menu has two parts. The first part
of the menu uses the Submit Job (SBMJOB) command to submit reports for
immediate processing in batch.
The second part of the menu uses the Add Job Schedule Entry (ADDJOBSCDE)
command. You use it to schedule security reports to be run regularly at a
specified day and time.

Options on the Security Tools Menu

Following is the part of the SECTOOLS menu that relates to user profiles. To access
this menu, type GO SECTOOLS
SECTOOLS Security Tools

Select one of the following:

Work with profiles

1. Analyze default passwords

2. Display active profile list

3. Change active profile list
4. Analyze profile activity

5. Display activation schedule

6. Change activation schedule entry

7. Display expiration schedule

8. Change expiration schedule entry

Table 215 describes these menu options and the associated commands:
Table 215. Tool Commands for User Profiles
Menu1 Option Command Name Description Database File Used
1 ANZDFTPWD Use the Analyze Default Passwords command QASECPWD2
to report on and take action on user profiles
that have a password equal to the user profile
2 DSPACTPRFL Use the Display Active Profile List command QASECIDL2
to display or print the list of user profiles that
are exempt from ANZPRFACT processing.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 571

Table 215. Tool Commands for User Profiles (continued)
Menu1 Option Command Name Description Database File Used
3 CHGACTPRFL Use the Change Active Profile List command QASECIDL2
to add and remove user profiles from the
exemption list for the ANZPRFACT command.
A user profile that is on the active profile list
is permanently active (until you remove the
profile from the list). The ANZPRFACT
command does not disable a profile that is on
the active profile list, no matter how long the
profile has been inactive.
4 ANZPRFACT Use the Analyze Profile Activity command to QASECIDL2
disable user profiles that have not been used
for a specified number of days. After you use
the ANZPRFACT command to specify the
number of days, the system runs the
ANZPRFACT job nightly.

You can use the CHGACTPRFL command to

exempt user profiles from being disabled.
5 DSPACTSCD Use the Display Profile Activation Schedule QASECACT2
command to display or print information
about the schedule for enabling and disabling
specific user profiles. You create the schedule
with the CHGACTSCDE command.
6 CHGACTSCDE Use the Change Activation Schedule Entry QASECACT2
command to make a user profile available for
sign on only at certain times of the day or
week. For each user profile that you schedule,
the system creates job schedule entries for the
enable and disable times.
7 DSPEXPSCDE Use the Display Expiration Schedule command QASECEXP2
to display or print the list of user profiles that
are scheduled to be disabled or removed from
the system in the future. You use the
CHGEXPSCDE command to set up user
profiles to expire.
8 CHGEXPSCDE Use the Change Expiration Schedule Entry QASECEXP2
command to schedule a user profile for
removal. You can remove it temporarily (by
disabling it) or you can delete it from the
system. This command uses a job schedule
entry that runs every day at 00:01 (1 minute
after midnight). The job looks at the
QASECEXP file to determine whether any user
profiles are set up to expire on that day.

Use the DSPEXPSCD command to display the

user profiles that are scheduled to expire.
| 9 PRTPRFINT Use the Print Profile Internals command to
| print a report of internal information on the
| number of entries in a user profile (*USRPRF)
| object.

1. Options are from the SECTOOLS menu.
2. This file is in the QUSRSYS library.

572 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

You can page down on the menu to see additional options. Table 216 describes the
menu options and associated commands for security auditing:
Table 216. Tool Commands for Security Auditing
Menu1 Option Command Name Description Database File Used
10 CHGSECAUD Use the Change Security Auditing command
to set up security auditing and to change the
system values that control security auditing.
When you run the CHGSECAUD command,
the system creates the security audit
(QAUDJRN) journal if it does not exist.

The CHGSECAUD command provides options

that make it simpler to set the QAUDLVL
(audit level) system value. You can specify
*ALL to activate all of the possible audit level
settings. Or, you can specify *DFTSET to
activate the most commonly used settings
and *SAVRST).
Note: If you use the security tools to set up
auditing, be sure to plan for management of
your audit journal receivers. Otherwise, you
might quickly encounter problems with disk
11 DSPSECAUD Use the Display Security Auditing command
to display information about the security audit
journal and the system values that control
security auditing.

1. Options are from the SECTOOLS menu.

How to Use the Security Batch Menu

Following is the first part of the SECBATCH menu:
SECBATCH Submit or Schedule Security Reports To Batch
Select one of the following:

Submit Reports to Batch

1. Adopting objects
2. Audit journal entries
3. Authorization list authorities
4. Command authority
5. Command private authorities
6. Communications security
7. Directory authority
8. Directory private authority
9. Document authority
10. Document private authority
11. File authority
12. File private authority
13. Folder authority

Appendix G. Commands and Menus for Security Commands 573

When you select an option from this menu, you see the Submit Job (SBMJOB)
display, such as the following:
Submit Job (SBMJOB)
Type choices, press Enter.

Command to run . . . . . . . . . > PRTADPOBJ USRPRF(*ALL

Job name . . . . . . . . . . . . *JOBD Name, *JOBD
Job description . . . . . . . . *USRPRF Name, *USRPRF
Library . . . . . . . . . . . Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
Job queue . . . . . . . . . . . *JOBD Name, *JOBD
Library . . . . . . . . . . . Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
Job priority (on JOBQ) . . . . . *JOBD 1-9, *JOBD
Output priority (on OUTQ) . . . *JOBD 1-9, *JOBD
Print device . . . . . . . . . . *CURRENT Name, *CURRENT, *USRPRF...

If you want to change the default options for the command, you can press F4
(Prompt) on the Command to run line.

To see the Schedule Batch Reports, page down on the SECBATCH menu. By using
the options on this part of the menu, you can, for example, set up your system to
run changed versions of reports regularly.
SECBATCH Submit or Schedule Security Reports To Batch
Select one of the following:

28. User objects

29. User profile information
30. User profile internals
31. Check object integrity

Schedule Batch Reports

40. Adopting objects
41. Audit journal entries
42. Authorization list authorities
43. Command authority
44. Command private authority
45. Communications security
46. Directory authority

You can page down for additional menu options. When you select an option from
this part of the menu, you see the Add Job Schedule Entry (ADDJOBSCDE)
Add Job Schedule Entry (ADDJOBSCDE)

Type choices, press Enter.

Job name . . . . . . . . . . . . Name, *JOBD

Command to run . . . . . . . . . > PRTADPOBJ USRPRF(*ALL)

Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . *ONCE, *WEEKLY, *MONTHLY
Schedule date, or . . . . . . . *CURRENT Date, *CURRENT, *MONTHST
Schedule day . . . . . . . . . . *NONE *NONE, *ALL, *MON, *TUE.
+ for more values
Schedule time . . . . . . . . . *CURRENT Time, *CURRENT

574 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

You can position your cursor on the Command to run line and press F4 (Prompt) to
choose different settings for the report. You should assign a meaningful job name
so that you can recognize the entry when you display the job schedule entries.

Options on the Security Batch Menu

Table 217 describes the menu options and associated commands for security

When you run security reports, the system prints only information that meets both
the selection criteria that you specify and the selection criteria for the tool. For
example, job descriptions that specify a user profile name are security-relevant.
Therefore, the job description (PRTJOBDAUT) report prints job descriptions in the
specified library only if the public authority for the job description is not
*EXCLUDE and if the job description specifies a user profile name in the USER

Similarly, when you print subsystem information (PRTSBSDAUT command), the

system prints information about a subsystem only when the subsystem description
has a communications entry that specifies a user profile.

If a particular report prints less information than you expect, consult the online
help information to find out the selection criteria for the report.
Table 217. Commands for Security Reports
Option Command Name Description Database File Used
1, 40 PRTADPOBJ Use the Print Adopting Objects command to QSECADPOLD2
print a list of objects that adopt the authority of
the specified user profile. You can specify a single
profile, a generic profile name (such as all
profiles that begin with Q), or all user profiles on
the system.

This report has two versions. The full report lists

all adopted objects that meet the selection
criteria. The changed report lists differences
between adopted objects that are currently on the
system and adopted objects that were on the
system the last time that you ran the report.
2, 41 DSPAUDJRNE Use the Display Audit Journal Entries command QASYxxJE3
to display or print information about entries in
the security audit journal. You can select specific
entry types, specific users, and a time period.

Appendix G. Commands and Menus for Security Commands 575

Table 217. Commands for Security Reports (continued)
Option Command Name Description Database File Used
3, 42 PRTPVTAUT *AUTL When you use the Print Private Authorities QSECATLOLD2
command for *AUTL objects, you receive a list of
all the authorization lists on the system. The
report includes the users who are authorized to
each list and what authority the users have to the
list. Use this information to help you analyze
sources of object authority on your system.

This report has three versions. The full report

lists all authorization lists on the system. The
changed report lists additions and changes to
authorization since you last ran the report. The
deleted report lists users whose authority to the
authorization list has been deleted since you last
ran the report.

When you print the full report, you have the

option to print a list of objects that each
authorization list secures. The system will create
a separate report for each authorization list.
6, 45 PRTCMNSEC Use the Print Communications Security QSECCMNOLD2
command to print the security-relevant settings
for objects that affect communications on your
system. These settings affect how users and jobs
can enter your system.

This command produces two reports: a report

that displays the settings for configuration lists
on the system and a report that lists
security-relevant parameters for line descriptions,
controllers, and device descriptions. Each of these
reports has a full version and a changed version.
15, 54 PRTJOBDAUT Use the Print Job Description Authority QSECJBDOLD2
command to print a list of job descriptions that
specify a user profile and have public authority
that is not *EXCLUDE. The report shows the
special authorities for the user profile that is
specified in the job description.

This report has two versions. The full report lists

all job description objects that meet the selection
criteria. The changed report lists differences
between job description objects that are currently
on the system and job description objects that
were on the system the last time that you ran the

576 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 217. Commands for Security Reports (continued)
Option Command Name Description Database File Used
See note 4 PRTPUBAUT Use the Print Publicly Authorized Objects QPBxxxxxx5
command to print a list of objects whose public
authority is not *EXCLUDE. When you run the
command, you specify the type of object and the
library or libraries for the report. Use the
PRTPUBAUT command to print information
about objects that every user on the system can

This report has two versions. The full report lists

all objects that meet the selection criteria. The
changed report lists differences between the
specified objects that are currently on the system
and objects (of the same type in the same library)
that were on the system the last time that you
ran the report.
See note 4. PRTPVTAUT Use the Print Private Authorities command to QPVxxxxxx5
print a list of the private authorities to objects of
the specified type in the specified library. Use
this report to help you determine the sources of
authority to objects.

This report has three versions. The full report

lists all objects that meet the selection criteria.
The changed report lists differences between the
specified objects that are currently on the system
and objects (of the same type in the same library)
that were on the system the last time that you
ran the report. The deleted report lists users
whose authority to an object has been deleted
since you last printed the report.
24, 63 PRTQAUT Use the Print Queue Report to print the security QSECQOLD2
settings for output queues and job queues on
your system. These settings control who can view
and change entries in the output queue or job

This report has two versions. The full report lists

all output queue and job queue objects that meet
the selection criteria. The changed report lists
differences between output queue and job queue
objects that are currently on the system and
output queue and job queue objects that were on
the system the last time that you ran the report.

Appendix G. Commands and Menus for Security Commands 577

Table 217. Commands for Security Reports (continued)
Option Command Name Description Database File Used
25, 64 PRTSBSDAUT Use the Print Subsystem Description command to QSECSBDOLD2
print the security-relevant communications
entries for subsystem descriptions on your
system. These settings control how work can
enter your system and how jobs run. The report
prints a subsystem description only if it has
communications entries that specify a user profile

This report has two versions. The full report lists

all subsystem description objects that meet the
selection criteria. The changed report lists
differences between subsystem description objects
that are currently on the system and subsystem
description objects that were on the system the
last time that you ran the report.
26, 65 PRTSYSSECA Use the Print System Security Attributes
command to print a list of security-relevant
system values and network attributes. The report
shows the current value and the recommended
27, 66 PRTTRGPGM Use the Print Trigger Programs command to QSECTRGOLD2
print a list of trigger programs that are associated
with database files on your system.

This report has two versions. The full report lists

every trigger program that is assigned and meets
your selection criteria. The changed report lists
trigger programs that have been assigned since
the last time that you ran the report.
28, 67 PRTUSROBJ Use the Print User Objects command to print a QSECPUOLD2
list of the user objects (objects not supplied by
IBM) that are in a library. You might use this
report to print a list of user objects that are in a
library (such as QSYS) that is in the system
portion of the library list.

This report has two versions. The full report lists

all user objects that meet the selection criteria.
The changed report lists differences between user
objects that are currently on the system and user
objects that were on the system the last time that
you ran the report.
29, 68 PRTUSRPRF Use the Print User Profile command to analyze
user profiles that meet specified criteria. You can
select user profiles based on special authorities,
user class, or a mismatch between special
authorities and user class. You can print
authority information, environment information,
or password information.
30, 69 PRTPRFINT Use the Print Profile Internals command to print
a report of internal information on the number of
entries contained in a user profile (*USRPRF)

578 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Table 217. Commands for Security Reports (continued)
Option Command Name Description Database File Used
| 31, 70 CHKOBJITG Use the Check Object Integrity command to
| determine whether operable objects (such as
| programs) have been changed without using a
| compiler. This command can help you to detect
| attempts to introduce a virus program on your
| system or to change a program to perform
| unauthorized instructions.

1. Options are from the SECBATCH menu.
2. This file is in the QUSRSYS library.
| 3. xx is the two-character journal entry type. For example, the model output file for AE journal entries is
| QSYS/QASYAEJE. The model output files are described in Appendix F of this book.
4. The SECTOOLS menu contains options for the object types that are typically of concern to security
administrators. For example, use options 11 or 50 to run the PRTPUBAUT command against *FILE objects. Use
the general options (18 and 57) to specify the object type. Use options 12 and 51 to run the PRTPVTAUT
command against *FILE objects. Use the general options (19 and 58) to specify the object type.
5. The xxxxxx in the name of the file is the object type. For example, the file for program objects is called QPBPGM
for public authorities and QPVPGM for private authorities. The files are in the QUSRSYS library.
The file contains a member for each library for which you have printed the report. The member name is the
same as the library name.

Commands for Customizing Security

Table 218 describes the commands that you can use to customize the security on
your system. These commands are on the SECTOOLS menu:
Table 218. Commands for Customizing Your System
Option Command Name Description Database File Used
60 CFGSYSSEC Use the Configure System Security command to set
security-relevant system values to their recommended
settings. The command also sets up security auditing
on your system. “Values That Are Set by the
Configure System Security Command” describes what
the command does.
61 RVKPUBAUT Use the Revoke Public Authority command to set the
public authority to *EXCLUDE for a set of
security-sensitive commands on your system. “What
the Revoke Public Authority Command Does” on
page 581 lists the actions that the RVKPUBAUT
command performs.

1. Options are from the SECTOOLS menu.

Values That Are Set by the Configure System Security Command

Table 219 on page 580 lists the system values that are set when you run the
CFGSYSSEC command. The CFGSYSSEC command runs a program that is called

Appendix G. Commands and Menus for Security Commands 579

Table 219. Values Set by the CFGSYSSEC Command
System Value Name Setting System Value Description
QAUTOCFG 0 (No) Automatic configuration of new devices
QAUTOVRT 0 The number of virtual device descriptions that the system will
automatically create if no device is available for use.
QALWOBJRST *NONE Whether system state programs and programs that adopt
authority can be restored
QDEVRCYACN *DSCMSG (Disconnect System action when communications is re-established
with message)
QDSCJOBITV 120 Time period before the system takes action on a disconnected job
QDSPSGNINF 1 (Yes) Whether users see the sign-on information display
QINACTITV 60 Time period before the system takes action on an inactive
interactive job
QINACTMSGQ *ENDJOB Action that the system takes for an inactive job
QLMTDEVSSN 1 (Yes) Whether users are limited to signing on at one device at a time
QLMTSECOFR 1 (Yes) Whether *ALLOBJ and *SERVICE users are limited to specific
QMAXSIGN 3 How many consecutive, unsuccessful sign-on attempts are allowed
QMAXSGNACN 3 (Both) Whether the system disables the workstation or the user profile
when the QMAXSIGN limit is reached.
QRMTSIGN *FRCSIGNON How the system handles a remote (pass-through or TELNET)
sign-on attempt.
QRMTSVRATR 0 (Off) Allows the system to be analyzed remotely.
QSECURITY 50 The level of security that is enforced
QPWDEXPITV 60 How often users must change their passwords
QPWDMINLEN 6 Minimum length for passwords
QPWDMAXLEN 8 Maximum length for passwords
QPWDPOSDIF 1 (Yes) Whether every position in a new password must differ from the
same position in the last password
QPWDLMTCHR See note 2 Characters that are not allowed in passwords
QPWDLMTAJC 1 (Yes) Whether adjacent numbers are prohibited in passwords
QPWDLMTREP 2 (Cannot be repeated Whether repeating characters in are prohibited in passwords
QPWDRQDDGT 1 (Yes) Whether passwords must have at least one number
QPWDRQDDIF 1 (32 unique passwords) How many unique passwords are required before a password can
be repeated
QPWDVLDPGM *NONE The user exit program that the system calls to validate passwords

| 1. If you are currently running with a QSECURITY value of 30 or lower, be sure to review the information in
| Chapter 2 of this book before you change to a higher security level.
2. The restricted characters are stored in message ID CPXB302 in the message file QSYS/QCPFMSG. They are
shipped as AEIOU@$#. You can use the Change Message Description (CHGMSGD) command to change the
restricted characters.

The CFGSYSSEC command also sets the password to *NONE for the following
IBM-supplied user profiles:

580 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1


Finally, the CFGSYSSEC command sets up security auditing according to the

values that you have specified by using the Change Security Auditing
(CHGSECAUD) command.

Changing the Program

If some of these settings are not appropriate for your installation, you can create
your own version of the program that processes the command. Do the following:
__ Step 1. Use the Retrieve CL Source (RTVCLSRC) command to copy the source
for the program that runs when you use the CFGSYSSEC command.
The program to retrieve is QSYS/QSECCFGS. When you retrieve it,
give it a different name.
__ Step 2. Edit the program to make your changes. Then compile it. When you
compile it, make sure that you do not replace the IBM-supplied
QSYS/QSECCFGS program. Your program should have a different
__ Step 3. Use the Change Command (CHGCMD) command to change the
program to process command (PGM) parameter for the CFGSYSSEC
command. Set the PGM value to the name of your program. For
example, if you create a program in the QGPL library that is called
MYSECCFG, you would type the following:

Note: If you change the QSYS/QSECCFGS program, IBM cannot

guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, performance or
function of the program. The implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are expressly

What the Revoke Public Authority Command Does

You can use the Revoke Public Authority (RVKPUBAUT) command to set the
public authority to *EXCLUDE for a set of commands and programs. The
RVKPUBAUT command runs a program that is called QSYS/QSECRVKP. As it is
shipped, the QSECRVKP revokes public authority (by setting public authority to
*EXCLUDE) for the commands that are listed in Table 220 on page 582 and the
application programming interfaces (APIs) that are listed in Table 221 on page 582.
When your system arrives, these commands and APIs have their public authority
set to *USE.

The commands that are listed in Table 220 on page 582 and the APIs that are listed
in Table 221 on page 582 all perform functions on your system that may provide an
opportunity for mischief. As security administrator, you should explicitly authorize
users to run these commands and programs rather than make them available to all
system users.

When you run the RVKPUBAUT command, you specify the library that contains
the commands. The default is the QSYS library. If you have more than one national

Appendix G. Commands and Menus for Security Commands 581

language on your system, you need to run the command for each QSYSxxx library.
Table 220. Commands Whose Public Authority Is Set by the RVKPUBAUT Command

The APIs in Table 221 are all in the QSYS library:

Table 221. Programs Whose Public Authority Is Set by the RVKPUBAUT Command

On V3R7, when you run the RVKPUBAUT command, the system sets the public
authority for the root directory to *USE (unless it is already *USE or less).

Changing the Program

If some of these settings are not appropriate for your installation, you can create
your own version of the program that processes the command. Do the following:
__ Step 1. Use the Retrieve CL Source (RTVCLSRC) command to copy the source
for the program that runs when you use the RVKPUBAUT command.
The program to retrieve is QSYS/QSECRVKP. When you retrieve it,
give it a different name.
__ Step 2. Edit the program to make your changes. Then compile it. When you
compile it, make sure that you do not replace the IBM-supplied
QSYS/QSECRVKP program. Your program should have a different
__ Step 3. Use the Change Command (CHGCMD) command to change the
program to process command (PGM) parameter for the RVKPUBAUT
command. Set the PGM value to the name of your program. For
example, if you create a program in the QGPL library that is called
MYRVKPGM, you would type the following:

Note: If you change the QSYS/QSECRVKP program, IBM cannot

guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, performance or
function of the program. The implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are expressly

582 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Appendix H. Notices
This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A.
IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in
other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the
products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM
product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM
product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product,
program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may
be used instead. However, it is the user’s responsibility to evaluate and verify the
operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.

IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter
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IBM Director of Licensing
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For license inquiries regarding double-byte (DBCS) information, contact the IBM
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The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other
country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law:
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or
implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply
to you.

This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.

Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be
incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements
and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this
publication at any time without notice.

Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for
convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web
sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM
product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk.

Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose
of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 583

programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the
information which has been exchanged, should contact:
IBM Corporation
Software Interoperability Coordinator
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Rochester, MN 55901-7829

Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions,

including in some cases, payment of a fee.

The licensed program described in this information and all licensed material
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Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled

environment. Therefore, the results obtained in other operating environments may
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systems and there is no guarantee that these measurements will be the same on
generally available systems. Furthermore, some measurement may have been
estimated through extrapolation. Actual results may vary. Users of this document
should verify the applicable data for their specific environment.

Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of

those products, their published announcements or other publicly available sources.
IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy of
performance, compatibility or any other claims related to non-IBM products.
Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the
suppliers of those products.

All statements regarding IBM’s future direction or intent are subject to change or
withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only.

This information contains examples of data and reports used in daily business
operations. To illustrate them as completely as possible, the examples include the
names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of these names are
fictitious and any similarity to the names and addresses used by an actual business
enterprise is entirely coincidental.


This information contains sample application programs in source language, which

illustrates programming techniques on various operating platforms. You may copy,
modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to
IBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing application
programs conforming to the application programming interface for the operating
platform for which the sample programs are written. These examples have not
been thoroughly tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee or
imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs. You may copy,
modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to
IBM for the purposes of developing, using, marketing, or distributing application
programs conforming to IBM’s application programming interfaces.

If you are viewing this information softcopy, the photographs and color
illustrations may not appear.

584 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines
Corporation in the United States, or other countries, or both:

Advanced Function Printing

Application System/400
DB2 for OS/400
e (Stylized)
Integrated Language Environment
iSeries 400
Lotus Domino
Operating System/400
Operational Assistant
Print Service Facility

C-bus is a trademark of Corollary, Inc.

Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows 95 logo are registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

Java and HotJava are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed
exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.

PC Direct is a trademark of Ziff Communications Company and is used by IBM

Corporation under license.

Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks
of others.

Appendix H. Notices 585

586 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1
You may need to refer to other IBM books for
more specific information about a particular topic.
Client Access Licensed Program
The following IBM iSeries books contain | v The Client Access topic in the Information
information that you may need. | Center provides technical information about the
| Client Access programs for all versions of
| Client Access. See “Prerequisite and related
Advanced Security | information” on page xvi for details.
v Tips and Tools for Securing Your iSeries,
SC41-5300-07, provides a set of practical
suggestions for using the security features of
Communications and Networking
iSeries and for establishing operating v SNA Distribution Services, SC41-5410-01,
procedures that are security–conscious. This provides information about configuring a
book also describes how to set up and use network for Systems Network Architecture
security and use security tools that are part of distribution services (SNADS) and the Virtual
OS/400. Machine/Multiple Virtual Storage (VM/MVS)
v Implementing iSeries 400 Security, 3rd Edition by bridge. In addition, object distribution
Wayne Madden and Carol Woodbury. functions, document library services, and
Loveland, Colorado: 29th Street Press, a system distribution directory services are
division of Duke Communication International, discussed.
1998. Provides guidance and practical v Remote Work Station Support, SC41-5402-00,
suggestions for planning, setting up, and provides information on how to set up and use
managing your iSeries security. remote work station support, such as display
station pass-through, distributed host command
ISBN Order Number facility, and 3270 remote attachment.
| v The Information Center provides information
| about remote file processing. It describes how
Backup and Recovery | to define a remote file to OS/400 distributed
v Backup and Recovery, SC41-5304-05, provides | data management (DDM), how to create a
information about planning a backup and | DDM file, what file utilities are supported
recovery strategy, saving information from your | through DDM, and the requirements of OS/400
system, and recovering your system, how to | DDM as related to other systems. See
use journaling, commitment control, auxiliary | “Prerequisite and related information” on
storage pools, and disk protection options. | page xvi for details.
| v Additional backup and recovery information v TCP/IP Configuration and Reference,
| can be found in the iSeries Information Center. SC41-5420-03, provides information about how
| See “Prerequisite and related information” on the iSeries system carries out TCP/IP. This
| page xvi for more information. guide describes how to use and configure
TCP/IP and the TCP/IP applications of FTP,
Basic Security Information and
Physical Security Cryptography
| v The Basic System Security and Planning topic v Cryptographic Support/400, SC41-3342-00,
| in the Information Center explains why security describes the data security capabilities of the
| is necessary, defines major concepts, and Cryptographic Facility licensed program
| provides information on planning, product. It explains how to use the facility and
| implementing, and monitoring basic security on provides reference information for
| the AS/400 system. See “Prerequisite and programmers.
| related information” on page xvi for details.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 587

C2 Security Integrated File System
v Security - Enabling for C2, SC41-5303-00, | v The File Systems and Management topic in the
describes how to customize your system to | Information Center provides an overview of the
meet the requirements for C2 Security, as | integrated file system, including what it is, how
described in the Department of Defense Trusted | it might be used, and what interfaces are
Computer Evaluation Criteria | available. See “Prerequisite and related
v Trusted Computer Systems Evaluation Criteria | information” on page xvi for details.
DoD 5200.28.STD, describes the criteria for
levels of trust for computer systems. The The Internet
TCSEC is a publication of the United States
government. Copies may be obtained from: v AS/400 Internet Security: Protecting Your AS/400
from HARM on the Internet SG24–4929 discusses
Office of Standards and Products the security issues and the risk associated with
National Computer Security Center connecting your AS/400 to the Internet. It
Fort Meade, Maryland 20755-6000 USA provides examples, recommendations, tips, and
Attention: Chief, Computer Security Standards techniques for applications.
v iSeries and the Internet, G325–6321, helps you
Short title: TCSEC address potential security concerns you may
have when connecting your iSeries to the
Internet. For more information, visit the
General System Operations following IBM I/T (Information Technology)
| v ″Getting Started with iSeries″ in the Security home page:
| Information Center provides information about http://www.ibm.com/security
| how to start and stop the system and work v Cool Title About the AS/400 and Internet,
| with system problems. It also provides SG24–4815, can help you understand and then
| information about how to perform system tasks use the Internet (or your own intranet) from
| such as working with jobs, printing, backup your AS/400. It helps you to understand how
| and recovery, messages, tapes and diskettes, to use the functions and features. This book
| online education, and fixes. Also included are helps you to get started quickly using e-mail,
| sections on setting up the iSeries system and file transfer, terminal emulation, gopher, HTTP,
| keeping it running smoothly. See “Prerequisite and 5250 to HTML Gateway.
| and related information” on page xvi for more
| details. v For information about firewall products, visit
the following home page:
IBM-Supplied Program
Installation and System Lotus Domino
Configuration v The URL, http://notes.net/notesua.nsf,
v Local Device Configuration, SC41-5121-00, provides information on Lotus Notes, Domino,
provides information about how to do an initial and Domino for AS/400. From this web site,
configuration and how to change that you can download information in Domino
configuration. It also contains conceptual database (.NSF) and Adobe Acrobat (.PDF)
information about device configuration. format, search databases, and find out how to
v Software Installation, SC41-5120-05, provides obtain printed manuals.
step-by-step procedures for initial install,
installing licensed programs, program Migration and System/36
temporary fixes (PTFs), and secondary
languages from IBM. Environment
| v System/38 Migration Planning, SC41-4153-00,
| provides information to help migrate products
| and applications using the AS/400 System/38
| Migration Aid (program 5714-MG1). It includes
| information for planning the details of

588 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

| migration and an overview of the functions on | – Information related to CL commands, such
| the System/38 to AS/400 Migration Aid. | as the error messages that can be monitored
| by each command, and the IBM-supplied
| files that are used by some commands.
Optical Support
| – IBM-supplied objects, including libraries.
v Optical Support, SC41-5310-02, provides
| – IBM-supplied system values.
information on functions that are unique for
Optical Support. It also contains helpful | – DDS keywords for physical, logical, display,
information for the use and understanding of; | printer, and ICF files.
CD-Devices, Directly attached Optical Media | – REXX instructions and built-in functions.
Library Devices, and LAN attached Optical | – Other languages (like RPG) and utilities (like
Media Library Devices. | SEU and SDA).
v Work Management, SC41-5306-03, provides
Printing information about how to create and change a
v CL Programming, SC41-5721-04, provides work management environment. Other topics
information on printing elements and concepts include a description of tuning the system,
of the iSeries system, printer file and print collecting performance data including
spooling support for printing operation, and information on record formats and contents of
printer connectivity. the data being collected, working with system
values to control or change the overall
operation of the system, and a description of
Programming how to gather data to determine who is using
v CL Programming, SC41-5721-04, provides a the system and what resources are being used.
wide-ranging discussion of iSeries | v The API topic in the Information Center (see
programming topics, including a general | “Prerequisite and related information” on
discussion of objects and libraries, CL | page xvi for details) provides information on
programming, controlling flow and | how to create, use, and delete objects that help
communicating between programs, working | manage system performance, use spooling
with objects in CL programs, and creating CL | efficiently, and maintain database files
programs. Other topics include predefined and | efficiently. This book also includes information
impromptu messages and message handling, | on creating and maintaining the programs for
defining and creating user-defined commands | system objects and retrieving OS/400
and menus, application testing, including | information by working with objects, database
debug mode, breakpoints, traces, and display | files, jobs, and spooling.
| v The CL topic in the Information Center (see Utilities
| “Prerequisite and related information” on
| page xvi for details) provides a description of v ADTS/400: Application Development Manager
| all the iSeries control language (CL) and its User’s Guide, SC09-2133-02, provides
| OS/400 commands. The OS/400 commands are information about using the Application
| used to request functions of the Operating Development Tools programming development
| System/400 (5738-SS1) licensed program. All manager (PDM) to work with lists of libraries,
| the non-OS/400 CL commands—those objects, members, and user-defined options to
| associated with the other iSeries licensed easily do such operations as copy, delete, and
| programs, including all the various languages rename.
| and utilities—are described in other books that This book contains activities and reference
| support those licensed programs. material to help the user learn PDM. The most
| v The Programming topic in the Information commonly used operations and function keys
| Center provides information about many of the are explained in detail using examples.
| languages and utilities available on the iSeries v ADTS for AS/400: Source Entry Utility,
| system. It contains summaries of: SC09-2605-00, provides information about using
| – All iSeries CL commands (in OS/400 the Application Development Tools source
| program and in all other licensed programs), entry utility (SEU) to create and edit source
| in various forms. members. The book explains how to start and
end an SEU session and how to use the many

Bibliography 589
features of this full-screen text editor. The book
contains examples to help both new and
experienced users accomplish various editing
tasks, from the simplest line commands to
using pre-defined prompts for high-level
languages and data formats.
| v The DB2 Universal Database for iSeries topic in
| the Information Center provides an overview of
| how to design, write, run, and test SQL/400*
| statements. It also describes interactive
| Structured Query Language (SQL), and
| provides examples of how to write SQL
| statements in COBOL, RPG, C, FORTRAN, and
| PL/I programs. See “Prerequisite and related
| information” on page xvi for details.
| v The DB2 Universal Database for iSeries topic in
| the Information Center provides information on
| how to:
| – Build, maintain, and run SQL queries
| – Create reports ranging from simple to
| complex
| – Build, update, manage, query, and report on
| database tables using a forms-based interface
| – Define and prototype SQL queries and
| reports for inclusion in application programs
| See “Prerequisite and related information” on
| page xvi for details.

590 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Special Characters *CRQD (change request description)
object auditing 436
*INTERMED (intermediate) assistance
level 61
(*Mgt) Management authority 112 *CRQD change (CQ) file layout 504 *IOSYSCFG (system configuration)
(*Ref) Reference authority 112 *CSI (communications side information) special authority
*ADD (add) authority 112, 297 object auditing 440 functions allowed 69
*ADOPTED (adopted) authority 135 *CSPMAP (cross system product map) risks 69
*ADVANCED (advanced) assistance object auditing 440 *JOBCTL (job control) special authority
level 61 *CSPTBL (cross system product table) functions allowed 67
*ALL (all) authority 114, 298 object auditing 440 output queue parameters 188
*ALLOBJ 70 *CTLD (controller description) object priority limit (PTYLMT) 75
user class authority 8 auditing 440 risks 67
*ALLOBJ (all object) special authority *DELETE (delete) audit level 244 *JOBD (job description) object
added by system *DEVD (device description) object auditing 457
changing security levels 10 auditing 441 *JOBDTA (job change) audit level 244
auditing 238 *DFT (default) delivery mode *JOBQ (job queue) object auditing 458
failed sign-on 177 user profile 82 *JOBSCD (job scheduler) object
functions allowed 66 *DIR (directory) object auditing 442 auditing 459
removed by system *DISABLED (disabled) user profile status *JRN (journal) object auditing 459
changing security levels 10 description 59 *JRNRCV (journal receiver) object
restoring profile 226 QSECOFR (security officer) user auditing 460
risks 66 profile 59 *LIB (library) object auditing 461
*ALRTBL (alert table) object (Display Link) command *LIND (line description) object
auditing 434 object authority required 339 auditing 462
*ASSIST Attention-key-handling *DLT (delete) authority 112, 297 *MENU (menu) object auditing 463
program 84 *DOC (document) object auditing 446 *Mgt (Management) authority 112
*AUDIT (audit) special authority *DTAARA (data area) object *MODD (mode description) object
functions allowed 69 auditing 449 auditing 463
risks 69 *DTADCT (data dictionary) object *MODULE (module) object auditing 464
*AUTFAIL (authority failure) audit auditing 450 (Move) command
level 244 *DTAQ (data queue) object auditing 450 object authority required 339
*AUTHLR (authority holder) object *EDTD (edit description) object *MSGF (message file) object
auditing 435 auditing 451 auditing 464
*AUTL (authorization list) object *ENABLED (enabled) user profile *MSGQ (message queue) object
auditing 434 status 59 auditing 465
*AUTLMGT (authorization list *EXCLUDE (exclude) authority 113 *NODGRP (node group) object
management) authority 112, 297 *EXECUTE (execute) authority 112, 297 auditing 466
*BASIC (basic) assistance level 61 *EXITRG (exit registration) object *NODL (node list) object auditing 466
*BNDDIR (binding directory) object auditing 451 *NOSTSMSG (no status message) user
auditing 435
*EXPERT (expert) user option 87, 88, option 88
*BREAK (break) delivery mode
140 *NOTIFY (notify) delivery mode
user profile 82
*FCT (forms control table) object user profile 82
*CFGL (configuration list) object
auditing 452 *NTBD (NetBIOS description) object
auditing 436
*FILE (file) object auditing 452 auditing 467
*CHANGE (change) authority 114, 298
*FNTRSC (font resource) object *NWID (network interface) object
*CHTFMT (chart format) object
auditing 436 auditing 455 auditing 467
*CLD (C locale description) object *FORMDF (form definition) object *NWSD (network server description)
auditing 437 auditing 455 object auditing 467
*CLKWD (CL keyword) user option 87, *FTR (filter) object auditing 455 *OBJALTER (object alter) authority 112,
88 *GROUP (group) authority 135 297
*CLS (Class) object auditing 438 *GSS (graphic symbols set) object *OBJEXIST (object existence)
*CMD (Command) object auditing 438 auditing 456 authority 112, 297
*CMD (command string) audit level 244 *HLPFULL (full-screen help) user *OBJMGT (object management) audit
*CNNL (connection list) object option 88 level 244
auditing 439 *HOLD (hold) delivery mode *OBJMGT (object management)
*COSD (class-of-service description) user profile 82 authority 112, 297
object auditing 439 *IGCDCT (double-byte character set *OBJOPR (object operational)
*CREATE (create) audit level 244 dictionary) object auditing 457 authority 112, 297
*CRQD *IGCSRT (double-byte character set sort) *OBJREF (object reference)
restoring object auditing 457 authority 112, 297
audit journal (QAUDJRN) *IGCTBL (double-byte character set table) *OFCSRV (office services) audit
entry 244 object auditing 457 level 244, 445, 462

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2001 591

*OUTQ (output queue) object *SERVICE (service tools) audit level 244 access code
auditing 468 *SIGNOFF initial menu 63 object authority required for
*OVL (overlay) object auditing 469 *SOCKET (local socket) object commands 388
*PAGDFN (page definition) object auditing 477 access control list
auditing 469 *SPADCT (spelling aid dictionary) object changing
*PAGSEG (page segment) object auditing 479 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
auditing 470 *SPLCTL (spool control) special authority entry 244
*PARTIAL (partial) limit capabilities 65 functions allowed 67 access control list change (VA) journal
*PDG (print descriptor group) object output queue parameters 188 entry type 244
auditing 470 risks 67 access path recovery
*PGM (program) object 470 *SPLFDTA (spooled file changes) audit action auditing 434
*PGMADP (adopted authority) audit level 244, 479 object authority required for
level 244 *SQLPKG (SQL package) object commands 306
*PGMFAIL (program failure) audit auditing 480 account limit
level 244 *SRVPGM (service program) object exceeded
*PNLGRP (panel group) object auditing 480 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
auditing 471 *SSND (session description) object entry 244
*PRDAVL (product availability) object auditing 481 account limit exceeded (VL) file
auditing 472 *STMF (stream file) object auditing 481 layout 557
*PRDDFN (product definition) object *STSMSG (status message) user account limit exceeded (VL) journal entry
auditing 472 option 88 type 244
*PRDLOD (product load) object *SVRSTG (server storage space) accounting code (ACGCDE) parameter
auditing 472 object 481 changing 80
*PRTDTA (printer output) audit *SYNLNK (symbolic link) object user profile 80
level 244 auditing 483 Accumulating Special Authorities 217
*PRTMSG (printing message) user *SYSMGT (system management) audit ACGCDE (accounting code) parameter
option 88 level 244 changing 80
*QMFORM (query manager form) object *SYSTEM (system) domain 13 user profile 80
auditing 472 *SYSTEM (system) state 13 action auditing
*QMQRY (query manager query) object *TBL (table) object auditing 485 access path recovery 434
auditing 473 *TYPEAHEAD (type-ahead) keyboard definition 241
*QRYDFN (query definition) object buffering 74 directory services 445
auditing 473 *UPD (update) authority 112, 297 mail services 462
*R (read) 114, 298 *USE (use) authority 114, 298 office services 462
*RCT (reference code table) object *USER (user) domain 13 planning 241
auditing 474 *USER (user) state 13 reply list 475
*READ (read) authority 112, 297 (user identification number) parameter spooled files 479
*Ref (Reference) authority 112 user profile 89 action auditing (AUDLVL) parameter
*ROLLKEY (roll key) user option 88 *USRIDX (user index) object 19 user profile 91
*RW (read, write) 114, 298 *USRIDX (user index) object action to spooled file (SF) file layout 549
*RWX (read, write, execute) 114, 298 auditing 485 action to system value (SV) file
*RX (read, execute) 114, 298 *USRPRF (user profile) object layout 555
*S36 (S/36 machine description) object auditing 485 action when sign-on attempts reached
auditing 484 *USRQ (user queue) object 19 (QMAXSGNACN) system value
*S36 (System/36) special *USRQ (user queue) object auditing 486 description 30
environment 70 *USRSPC (user space) object 19 value set by CFGSYSSEC
*SAVRST (save/restore) audit level 244 *USRSPC (user space) object command 579
*SAVSYS 70 auditing 486 activating
*SAVSYS (save system) special authority *VLDL (validation list) object security auditing function 256
*OBJEXIST authority 112, 297 auditing 487 user profile 571
description 233 *W (write) 114, 298 active profile list
functions allowed 68 *WSCST (workstation customizing object) changing 571
removed by system object auditing 487 AD (auditing change) file layout 492
changing security levels 10 *WX (write, execute) 114, 298 AD (auditing change) journal entry
risks 68 *X (execute) 114, 298 type 244
*SBSD (subsystem description) object add (*ADD) authority 112, 297
auditing 475 Add Authorization List Entry
*SCHIDX (search index) object A (ADDAUTLE) command 147, 271
auditing 476 access Add Directory Entry (ADDDIRE)
*SECADM (security administrator) preventing command 275
special authority 66 unauthorized 239 Add Document Library Object Authority
functions allowed 66 unsupported interface 13 (ADDDLOAUT) command 274
*SECURITY (security) audit level 244 restricting Add Job Schedule Entry (ADDJOBSCDE)
*SERVICE (service) special authority console 236 command
failed sign-on 177 workstations 236 SECBATCH menu 574
functions allowed 68 unauthorized Add Library List Entry (ADDLIBLE)
risks 68 audit journal entry 244 command 183, 186

592 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Add User display ADDCRSDMNK (Add Cross Domain ADDFCTE (Add Forms Control Table
sample 95 Key) command Entry) command
ADDACC (Add Access Code) command authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 407
authorized IBM-supplied user profiles 287 ADDFNTTBLE (Add Font Table Entry)
profiles 287 object authority required 318 object authority required for
object auditing 449 ADDDIRE (Add Directory Entry) commands 307
object authority required 388 command ADDICFDEVE (Add Intersystem
ADDAJE (Add Autostart Job Entry) description 275 Communications Function Program
command object authority required 323 Device Entry) command
object auditing 475 ADDDIRSHD (Add Directory Shadow object auditing 453
object authority required 416 System) command object authority required 330
ADDALRACNE (Add Alert Action Entry) object authority required 323 adding
command ADDDLOAUT (Add Document Library authorization list
object auditing 456 Object Authority) command entries 147, 271
object authority required 337 description 274 objects 147
ADDALRD (Add Alert Description) object auditing 447 users 147, 271
command object authority required 325 directory entry 275
object auditing 434 ADDDSPDEVE (Add Display Device document library object (DLO)
object authority required 308 Entry) command authority 274
ADDALRSLTE (Add Alert Selection object auditing 453 library list entry 183, 186
Entry) command ADDDSTLE (Add Distribution List Entry) server authentication entry 275
object auditing 456 command user authority 141
object authority required 337 object authority required 325 user profiles 95
ADDAUTLE (Add Authorization List ADDDSTQ (Add Distribution Queue) ADDIPIADR 355
Entry) command command ADDIPIIFC 355
description 271 authorized IBM-supplied user ADDIPIRTE 355
object auditing 435 profiles 287 ADDIPSIFC (Add IP over SNA Interface)
object authority required 310 object authority required 324 command
using 147 ADDDSTRTE (Add Distribution Route) object authority required 308
ADDBESTMDL () command command ADDIPSLOC (Add IP over SNA Location
authorized IBM-supplied user authorized IBM-supplied user Entry) command
profiles 287 profiles 287 object authority required 308
ADDBKP (Add Breakpoint) command object authority required 324 ADDIPSRTE (Add IP over SNA Route)
object authority required 400 ADDDSTSYSN (Add Distribution command
ADDBNDDIRE (Add Binding Directory Secondary System Name) command object authority required 308
Entry) command authorized IBM-supplied user ADDIPXCCT 355
object auditing 436 profiles 287 ADDJOBQE (Add Job Queue Entry)
object authority required 311 object authority required 324 command
ADDBSCDEVE (Add BSC Device Entry) ADDDTADFN (Add Data Definition) object auditing 458, 475
command command object authority required 416
object auditing 452 object authority required 354 ADDJOBSCDE (Add Job Schedule Entry)
ADDCCTSRV 355 ADDEMLCFGE (Add Emulation command
ADDCFGLE (Add Configuration List Configuration Entry) command object auditing 459
Entries) command object authority required 322 object authority required 361
object auditing 436 SECBATCH menu 574
ADDENVVAR (Add Environment
object authority required 316 ADDLANADPI (Add LAN Adapter
Variable) command
ADDCMDCRQA (Add Command Information) command
object authority required 329
Change Request Activity) command object authority required 378
ADDEWCBCDE (Add Extended Wireless
authorized IBM-supplied user ADDLFM (Add Logical File Member)
Controller Bar Code Entry) command
profiles 287 command
object auditing 437 object authority required 329 object auditing 453
object authority required 312 ADDEWCM (Add Extended Wireless object authority required 330
ADDCMNDEVE (Add Communications Controller Member) command ADDLIBLE (Add Library List Entry)
Device Entry) command object authority required 329 command 183, 186
object auditing 452 ADDEWCPTCE (Add Extended Wireless object authority required 371
ADDCMNE (Add Communications Controller PTC Entry) command ADDLICKEY (Add License Key)
Entry) command object authority required 329 command
object auditing 475 ADDEWLM (Add Extended Wireless object authority required 375
object authority required 416 Line Member) command ADDLNK (Add Link) command
ADDCNNLE (Add Connection List object authority required 329 object auditing 477, 481
Entry) command ADDEXITPGM (Add Exit Program) object authority required 339
object auditing 439 command ADDMFS (Add Mounted File System)
object authority required 316 authorized IBM-supplied user command
ADDCOMSNMP (Add Community for profiles 287 authorized IBM-supplied user
SNMP) command object auditing 451 profiles 287
object authority required 422 object authority required 406 object authority required 426

Index 593
ADDMFS (Add Mounted File System) ADDPGM (Add Program) command ADDSNILOC 355
command) command object authority required 400 ADDSOCE (Add Sphere of Control
object authority required 385 ADDPJE (Add Prestart Job Entry) Entry) command
ADDMSGD (Add Message Description) command object authority required 415
command object auditing 475 ADDSRVTBLE (Add Service Table Entry)
object auditing 465 object authority required 416 command
object authority required 381 ADDPRBACNE (Add Problem Action object authority required 422
ADDNETJOBE (Add Network Job Entry) Entry) command ADDSVRAUTE (Add Server
command object auditing 456 Authentication Entry) command
authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 337, 399 object authority required 411
profiles 287 ADDPRBSLTE (Add Problem Selection ADDTAPCTG (Add Tape Cartridge)
object authority required 384 Entry) command command
ADDNETTBLE (Add Network Table object auditing 456 object authority required 379
Entry) command object authority required 337, 399 ADDTCPHTE (Add TCP/IP Host Table
object authority required 422 ADDPRDCRQA (Add Product Change Entry) command
ADDNODLE (Add Node List Entry) Request Activity) command object authority required 422
command authorized IBM-supplied user ADDTCPIFC (Add TCP/IP Interface)
object auditing 466 profiles 287 command
object authority required 388 object auditing 437 object authority required 422
object authority required 312 ADDTCPPORT (Add TCP/IP Port Entry)
ADDNWSSTGL (Add Network Server
ADDPRDLICI (Add Product License command
Storage Link) command
Information) command object authority required 422
object authority required 387
object auditing 472 ADDTCPRSI (Add TCP/IP Remote
ADDOBJCRQA (Add Object Change
ADDPTFCRQA (Add PTF Change System Information) command
Request Activity) command
Request Activity) command object authority required 422
authorized IBM-supplied user
authorized IBM-supplied user ADDTCPRTE (Add TCP/IP Route)
profiles 287
profiles 287 command 355
object auditing 437
object auditing 437 object authority required 422
object authority required 312
object authority required 312 ADDTRC (Add Trace) command
ADDOFCENR (Add Office Enrollment) ADDRDBDIRE (Add Relational Database
command object authority required 400
Directory Entry) command ADDWSE (Add Work Station Entry)
object auditing 447 object authority required 406
ADDOPTCTG (Add Optical Cartridge) command
ADDRJECMNE (Add RJE object auditing 475
command Communications Entry) command
authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 416
object authority required 407
profiles 287 adopted
ADDRJERDRE (Add RJE Reader Entry)
object authority required 390 authority
ADDOPTSVR (Add Optical Server) displaying 135
object authority required 407
command adopted (*ADOPTED) authority 135
ADDRJEWTRE (Add RJE Writer Entry)
authorized IBM-supplied user command adopted authority
profiles 287 object authority required 407 *PGMADP (program adopt) audit
object authority required 390 level 244
ADDRMTJRN (Add Remote Journal)
ADDPCST (Add Physical File Constraint) AP (adopted authority) file
command layout 498
object auditing 459
object authority required 330 AP (adopted authority) journal entry
ADDRMTSVR (Add Remote Server)
ADDPEXDFN () command type 244
application design 205, 208, 209
authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 387
profiles 287 Attention (ATTN) key 130
ADDRPYLE (Add Reply List Entry) audit journal (QAUDJRN) entry 244,
ADDPEXDFN (Add Performance command 498
Explorer Definition) command authorized IBM-supplied user auditing 239
object authority required 393 profiles 287 authority checking example 164, 167
ADDPFCST (Add Physical File object auditing 475 bound programs 131
Constraint) command object authority required 419 break-message-handling
object auditing 453 ADDRSCCRQA (Add Resource Change program 130
ADDPFM (Add Physical File Member) Request Activity) command changing
command authorized IBM-supplied user audit journal (QAUDJRN)
object auditing 453 profiles 287 entry 244
object authority required 330 object auditing 437 authority required 130
ADDPFTFG (Add Physical File Trigger) object authority required 312 job 130
command ADDRTGE (Add Routing Entry) creating program 130
object authority required 330 command debug functions 130
ADDPFTRG (Add Physical File Trigger) object auditing 475 definition 128
command object authority required 416 displaying
object auditing 453 ADDSCHIDXE (Add Search Index Entry) command description 274
ADDPFVLM (Add Physical File command critical files 211
Variable-Length Member) command object auditing 471, 476 programs that adopt a profile 131
object auditing 453 object authority required 356 USRPRF parameter 131

594 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

adopted authority (continued) all object (*ALLOBJ) special authority ANZACCGRP (Analyze Access Group)
example 205, 208, 209 (continued) command
flowchart 159 failed sign-on 177 object authority required 393
group authority 129 functions allowed 66 ANZBESTMDL (Analyze BEST/1 Model)
ignoring 132, 208 removed by system command
job initiation 177 changing security levels 10 object authority required 393
library security 116 restoring profile 226 ANZDBF (Analyze Database File)
object ownership 130 risks 66 command
printing list of objects 575 allow limited user (ALWLMTUSR) object authority required 393
purpose 128 parameter ANZDBFKEY (Analyze Database File
recommendations 131 Change Command (CHGCMD) Keys) command
restoring programs command 65 object authority required 393
changes to ownership and Create Command (CRTCMD) ANZDFTPWD (Analyze Default
authority 230 command 65 Password) command
risks 131 limit capabilities 64 object authority required 424
service programs 131 allow object difference (ALWOBJDIF) ANZDFTPWD (Analyze Default
special authority 129 parameter 15, 227 Passwords) command
system request function 130 allow object restore (QALWOBJRST) authorized IBM-supplied user
transferring to group job 130 system value profiles 287
adopting owner’s authority 239 value set by CFGSYSSEC description 571
ADSM (QADSM) user profile 280 command 579 ANZPFRDT2 (Analyze Performance
advanced (*ADVANCED) assistance allow object restore option Data) command
level 55, 61 (QALWOBJRST) system value 24 object authority required 393
advanced function printing (AFP) allow remote sign-on (QRMTSIGN) ANZPFRDTA (Analyze Performance
object authority required for system value Data) command
commands 307 value set by CFGSYSSEC object authority required 393
advantages command 579 ANZPGM (Analyze Program) command
authorization list 215 object auditing 471
allow user objects (QALWUSRDMN)
AF (authority failure) file layout 494 object authority required 393
system value 19, 25
AF (authority failure) journal entry type ANZPRB (Analyze Problem) command
allowed function
default sign-on violation 14 authorized IBM-supplied user
limit capabilities (LMTCPB) 65
description 244 profiles 287
hardware protection violation 14 allowing object authority required 399
job description violation 14 users to change passwords 237 ANZPRFACT (Analyze Profile Activity)
program validation 15, 18 alter service function command
restricted instruction 18 *SERVICE (service) special authorized IBM-supplied user
unsupported interface 13, 18 authority 68 profiles 287
AF_INET sockets over SNA ALWLMTUSR (allow limited user) creating exempt users 571
object authority required for parameter description 571
commands 308 Change Command (CHGCMD) object authority required 424
AFDFTUSR (QAFDFTUSR) user command 65 ANZQRY (Analyze Query) command
profile 280 Create Command (CRTCMD) object auditing 473
AFOWN (QAFOWN) user profile 280 command 65 object authority required 403
AFP (Advanced Function Printing) limit capabilities 64 ANZS34OCL (Analyze System/34 OCL)
object authority required for ALWOBJDIF (allow object difference) command
commands 307 parameter 15, 227 authorized IBM-supplied user
AFUSR (QAFUSR) user profile 280 Analyze Default Passwords profiles 287
ALCOBJ (Allocate Object) command (ANZDFTPWD) command object authority required 382
object auditing 433 description 571 ANZS34OCL (Analyze System/36 OCL)
object authority required 301 Analyze Profile Activity (ANZPRFACT) command
alert command object authority required 382
object authority required for creating exempt users 571 ANZS36OCL (Analyze System/36 OCL)
commands 308 description 571 command
alert description analyzing authorized IBM-supplied user
object authority required for audit journal entries, methods 261 profiles 287
commands 308 object authority 267 AP (adopted authority) file layout 498
alert table program failure 268 AP (adopted authority) journal entry
object authority required for user profile type 244
commands 308 by special authorities 575 API (application program interface)
alert table (*ALRTBL) object by user class 575 QSYGETPH (Get Profile Handle) 244
auditing 434 user profiles 266 QWTSETP (Set Profile) 244
all (*ALL) authority 114, 298 ANSLIN (Answer Line) command API (application programming interface)
all-numeric password 57 object auditing 462 security level 40 13
all object (*ALLOBJ) special authority ANSQST (Answer Questions) command application design
added by system authorized IBM-supplied user adopted authority 205, 209
changing security levels 10 profiles 287 general security
auditing 238 object authority required 405 recommendations 196

Index 595
application design (continued) audit (QAUDJRN) journal 431 audit (QAUDJRN) journal 431
ignoring adopted authority 208 (continued) (continued)
libraries 201 AF (authority failure) entry type 244 IP (interprocess communications)
library lists 202 (continued) entry type 244
menus 204 hardware protection violation 14 IR(IP rules actions) file layout 518
profiles 202 job description violation 14 IS (Internet security management) file
application program interface (API) program validation 18 layout 519
QSYGETPH (Get Profile Handle) 244 restricted instruction violation 18 JD (job description change) entry
QWTSETP (Set Profile) 244 unsupported interface 13 type 244
application programming interface (API) unsupported interface JD (job description change) file
security level 40 13 violation 18 layout 520
APPN directory (ND) file layout 528 AF (authority failure) file layout 494 JS (job change) entry type 244
APPN end point (NE) file layout 528 analyzing JS (job change) file layout 521
approval program, password 45, 46 with query 262 KF (key ring file) file layout 524
approving password 44 AP (adopted authority) entry LD (link, unlink, search directory) file
APYJRNCHG (Apply Journaled Changes) type 244 layout 526
command AP (adopted authority) file managing 258
authorized IBM-supplied user layout 498 methods for analyzing 261
profiles 287 auditing level (QAUDLVL) system ML (mail actions) entry type 244
object auditing 431, 459 value 51 ML (mail actions) file layout 527
object authority required 361 automatic cleanup 259 NA (network attribute change) entry
APYPTF (Apply Program Temporary Fix) CA (authority change) entry type 244 type 244
command CA (authority change) file layout 498 NA (network attribute change) file
authorized IBM-supplied user CD (command string) entry type 244 layout 527
profiles 287 CD (command string) file layout 501 ND (APPN directory) file layout 528
object authority required 411 changing receiver 260 NE (APPN end point) file layout 528
APYRMTPTF (Apply Remote Program CO (create object) entry type 123, O1 (optical access) file layout 534,
Temporary Fix) command 244 535
authorized IBM-supplied user CO (create object) file layout 501 O3 (optical access) file layout 536
profiles 287 CP (user profile change) entry OM (object management) entry
ASKQST (Ask Question) command type 244 type 244
object authority required 405 CP (user profile change) file OM (object management) file
assistance level layout 502 layout 529
advanced 55, 61 CQ (*CRQD change) file layout 504 OR (object restore) entry type 244
basic 55, 61 CQ (change *CRQD object) entry OR (object restore) file layout 531
definition 55 type 244 OW (ownership change) entry
example of changing 61 creating 257 type 244
intermediate 55, 61 CU(Cluster Operations file OW (ownership change) file
stored with user profile 61 layout 504 layout 533
user profile 61 CV(connection verification) file PA (program adopt) entry type 244
ASTLVL (assistance level) parameter layout 505 PA (program adopt) file layout 536
user profile 61 CY(cryptographic configuration) file PG (primary group change) entry
ATNPGM (Attention-key-handling layout 507 type 244
program) parameter damaged 258 PG (primary group change) file
user profile 84 detaching receiver 258, 260 layout 538
Attention (ATTN) key DI(directory services) file layout 508 PO (printed output) entry type 244
adopted authority 130 displaying entries 240, 261 PO (printer output) file layout 540
Attention (ATTN) key buffering 73 DO (delete operation) entry type 244 PS (profile swap) entry type 244
DO (delete operation) file layout 512 PS (profile swap) file layout 541
Attention-key-handling program
DS (DST password reset) entry PW (password) entry type 244
type 244 PW (password) file layout 541
changing 84
DS (DST password reset) file RA (authority change for restored
initial program 84
layout 513 object) entry type 244
job initiation 176
error conditions 50 RA (authority change for restored
QATNPGM system value 84
EV (Environment variable) file object) file layout 542
QCMD command processor 84
layout 513 receiver storage threshold 258
QEZMAIN program 84
file layouts 489 RJ (restoring job description) entry
setting 84
force level 51 type 244
user profile 84
GR(generic record) file layout 514 RJ (restoring job description) file
audit (*AUDIT) special authority
GS (give descriptor) entry type 244 layout 543
functions allowed 69
GS (give descriptor) file layout 516 RO (ownership change for restored
risks 69
introduction 240 object) entry type 244
audit (QAUDJRN) journal 431 IP (change ownership) entry RO (ownership change for restored
AD (auditing change) entry type 244 type 244 object) file layout 544
AD (auditing change) file layout 492 IP (interprocess communication RP (restoring programs that adopt
AF (authority failure) entry type 244 actions) file layout 517 authority) entry type 244
default sign-on violation 14
description 244

596 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

audit (QAUDJRN) journal 431 audit (QAUDJRN) journal 431 audit level (QAUDLVL) system value
(continued) (continued) (continued)
RP (restoring programs that adopt VP (network password error) file *DELETE (delete) value 244
authority) file layout 545 layout 559 *JOBDTA (job change) value 244
RQ (restoring *CRQD object) entry VR (network resource access) file *OBJMGT (object management)
type 244 layout 559 value 244
RQ (restoring *CRQD object that VS (server session) entry type 244 *OFCSRV (office services) value 244
adopts authority) file layout 546 VS (server session) file layout 560 *PGMADP (adopted authority)
RU (restore authority for user profile) VU (network profile change) entry value 244
entry type 244 type 244 *PGMFAIL (program failure)
RU (restore authority for user profile) VU (network profile change) file value 244
file layout 546 layout 561 *PRTDTA (printer output) value 244
RZ (primary group change for VV (service status change) entry *SAVRST (save/restore) value 244
restored object) entry type 244 type 244 *SECURITY (security) value 244
RZ (primary group change for VV (service status change) file *SERVICE (service tools) value 244
restored object) file layout 547 layout 561 *SPLFDTA (spooled file changes)
SD (change system distribution X0 (kerberos authentication) file value 244
directory) entry type 244 layout 562 *SYSMGT (system management)
SD (change system distribution YC (change to DLO object) file value 244
directory) file layout 548 layout 565 changing 257, 276, 573
SE (change of subsystem routing YR (read of DLO object) file displaying 276, 573
entry) entry type 244 layout 566 purpose 241
SE (change of subsystem routing ZC (change to object) file layout 566 user profile 91
entry) file layout 549 ZM (change to object) file layout 567 auditing 255, 256, 431
SF (action to spooled file) file ZR (read of object) file layout 568
*ALLOBJ (all object) special
layout 549 audit control (QAUDCTL) system value
SF (change to spooled file) entry authority 238
changing 276, 573
type 244 *AUDIT (audit) special authority 69
displaying 276, 573
SG file layout 551, 552 abnormal end 50
audit function
SM (system management change) access path recovery 434
activating 256 actions 241
entry type 244 starting 256
SM (system management change) file activating 256
stopping 260 adopted authority 239
layout 552 audit journal
SO (server security user information authority
displaying entries 276 user profiles 238
actions) file layout 553 printing entries 575
ST (service tools action) entry authorization 238
working with 260 changing
type 244 audit journal receiver command description 272, 274
ST (service tools action) file creating 256
layout 553 checklist for 235
deleting 260 communications 240
standard heading fields 489 naming 256
stopping 260 controlling 50
saving 260 directory services 445
SV (action to system value) entry
audit level (AUDLVL) parameter encryption of sensitive data 240
type 244
*AUTFAIL (authority failure) ending 50
SV (action to system value) file
value 244 error conditions 50
layout 555
*CMD (command string) value 244 group profile
system entries 258
*CREATE (create) value 244 *ALLOBJ (all object) special
VA (access control list change) entry
*DELETE (delete) value 244 authority 238
type 244
*JOBDTA (job change) value 244 membership 238
VA (changing access control list) file
*OBJMGT (object management) password 237
layout 555
value 244 IBM-supplied user profiles 236
VC (connection start and end) file
*OFCSRV (office services) value 244 inactive users 238
layout 556
*PGMADP (adopted authority) job descriptions 239
VC (connection start or end) entry
value 244 library lists 239
type 244
*PGMFAIL (program failure) limit capabilities 238
VF (close of server files) file
value 244 mail services 462
layout 557
*SAVRST (save/restore) value 244 methods 264
VL (account limit exceeded) entry
*SECURITY (security) value 244 network attributes 240
type 244
*SERVICE (service tools) value 244 object
VL (account limit exceeded) file
*SPLFDTA (spooled file changes) default 254
layout 557
value 244 planning 252
VN (network log on and off) file
*SYSMGT (system management) object authority 267
layout 557
value 244 object integrity 268
VN (network log on or off) entry
changing 104 office services 462
type 244
audit level (QAUDLVL) system value overview 235
VO (validation list) file layout 558
*AUTFAIL (authority failure) password controls 237
VP (network password error) entry
type 244 value 244 physical security 236
*CREATE (create) value 244

Index 597
auditing 255, 256, 431 (continued) authority 148 (continued) authority 148 (continued)
planning *ALLOBJ (all object) special checking
overview 241 authority 66 batch job initiation 176
system values 254 *AUDIT (audit) special authority 69 flowcharts 148, 162
program failure 268 *AUTLMGT (authorization list interactive job initiation 175
programmer authorities 238 management) 112, 120, 297 sign-on process 175
QTEMP objects 255 *CHANGE (change) 114, 298 commonly used subsets 113
remote sign-on 240 *DLT (delete) 112, 297 copying
reply list 475 *EXCLUDE (exclude) 113 command description 273
save operations 233 *EXECUTE (execute) 112, 297 example 99
security officer 269 *IOSYSCFG (system configuration) recommendations 145
sensitive data special authority 69 renaming profile 104
authority 238 *JOBCTL (job control) special data
encrypting 240 authority 67 definition 112
setting up 256 *Mgt 112 definition 112
sign-on without user ID and *OBJALTER (object alter) 112, 297 deleting user 141
password 239 *OBJEXIST (object existence) 112, 297 detail, displaying (*EXPERT user
spooled files 479 *OBJMGT (object management) 112, option) 87, 88
starting 256 297 directory 5
steps to start 256 *OBJOPR (object operational) 112, displaying
stopping 50, 260 297 command description 272
system values 49, 236, 254 *OBJREF (object reference) 112, 297 displaying detail (*EXPERT user
unauthorized access 239 *R (read) 114, 298 option) 87, 88
unauthorized programs 240 *READ (read) 112, 297 displays 134
unsupported interfaces 240 *Ref (Reference) 112 field
user profile *RW (read, write) 114, 298 definition 112
*ALLOBJ (all object) special *RWX (read, write, execute) 114, 298 group
authority 238 *RX (read, execute) 114, 298 displaying 135
administration 238 *SAVSYS (save system) special example 162, 165
using authority 68 holding when deleting file 132
journals 265 *SECADM (security administrator) ignoring adopted 132
QHST (history) log 265 special authority 66 introduction 4, 220
QSYSMSG message queue 240 *SERVICE (service) special library 5
working on behalf 463 authority 68 Management authority
working with user 104 *SPLCTL (spool control) special *Mgt(*) 112
auditing change (AD) file layout 492 authority 67 multiple objects 142
auditing change (AD) journal entry *UPD (update) 112, 297 new object
type 244 *USE (use) 114, 298 CRTAUT (create authority)
auditing control (QAUDCTL) system *W (write) 114, 298 parameter 120, 137
value *WX (write, execute) 114, 298 example 124
overview 50 *X (execute) 114, 298 GRPAUT (group authority)
auditing end action (QAUDENDACN) adding users 141 parameter 78, 122
system value 50, 254 adopted GRPAUTTYP (group authority
auditing force level (QAUDFRCLVL) application design 205, 208, 209 type) parameter 78
system value 51, 254 audit journal (QAUDJRN) QCRTAUT (create authority)
entry 244, 498 system value 26
auditing level (QAUDLVL) system
auditing 268 QUSEADPAUT (use adopted
value 51
authority checking example 164, authority) system value 32
AUDLVL (audit level) parameter
167 object
*CMD (command string) value 244 displaying 135, 211 *ADD (add) 112, 297
user profile 91 ignoring 208 *DLT (delete) 112, 297
AUT (authority) parameter purpose 128 *EXECUTE (execute) 112, 297
creating libraries 137 assigning to new object 124 *OBJEXIST (object existence) 112,
creating objects 138 authorization for changing 139 297
specifying authorization list authorization list *OBJMGT (object
(*AUTL) 146 format on save media 225 management) 112, 297
user profile 90 management (*AUTLMGT) 112, *OBJOPR (object operational) 112,
AUTCHK (authority to check) 297 297
parameter 188 stored on save media 225 *READ (read) 112, 297
authentication storing 224 *Ref (Reference) 112
digital ID 93 changing *UPD (update) 112, 297
Authorities, Accumulating Special 217 audit journal (QAUDJRN) definition 112
authorities, field 116 entry 244 exclude (*EXCLUDE) 113
audit journal (QAUDJRN) file format on save media 225
Authorities, Special 217
layout 498 required by commands 297
authority 148
command description 272 stored on save media 225
*ADD (add) 112, 297 procedures 139 storing 224
*ALL (all) 114, 298

598 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

authority 148 (continued) authority checking (continued) authorization list (continued)
object alter (*OBJALTER) 112, 297 primary group displaying
object reference (*OBJREF) 112, 297 example 163 document library objects
primary group 111, 123 private authority (DLO) 274
example 163 flowchart 153 objects 148, 271
working with 101 public authority users 271
private example 164, 166 document library object (DLO)
definition 111 flowchart 159 displaying 274
restoring 223, 228 sequence 149 editing 146, 271
saving 223 authority failure entry
public audit journal (QAUDJRN) entry 244 adding 147
definition 111 default sign-on violation 14 group profile
example 164, 166 device description 177 comparison 218
restoring 223, 227 hardware protection violation 14 introduction 4
saving 223 job description violation 14 management (*AUTLMGT)
referenced object job initiation 175 authority 112, 120, 297
using 145 program validation 15, 18 object auditing 434
removing user 141 restricted instruction 18 object authority required for
restoring sign-on process 175 commands 310
audit journal (QAUDJRN) unsupported interface 13, 18 printing authority information 575
entry 244 authority failure (*AUTFAIL) audit QRCLAUTL (reclaim storage) 232
command description 274 level 244 reclaim storage (QRCLAUTL) 232
description of process 229 authority failure (AF) file layout 494 recovering damaged 231
overview of commands 223 authority failure (AF) journal entry removing
procedure 228 type 244 entries 271
special (SPCAUT) authority description 244 objects 148
parameter 65 authority holder users 147, 271
storing automatically created 133 restoring
authorization list 224 commands for working with 271, association with object 227
with object 224 275 description of process 231
with user profile 224 creating 132, 271, 275 overview of commands 223
system-defined subsets 113 deleting 133, 271 retrieving entries 271
user-defined 140 description 132 saving 223
user profile displaying 132, 271 securing IBM-supplied objects 120
format on save media 225 maximum storage limit exceeded 123 securing objects 147
stored on save media 225 object auditing 435 storing
storing 224 object authority required for authority 224, 225
using generic to grant 142 commands 310 user
working with printing 276 adding 147
command description 272 restoring 223 working with 271
authority (AUT) parameter risks 133 Authorization lists
creating libraries 137 saving 223 advantages 215
creating objects 138 System/36 migration 133 planning 215
specifying authorization list authority profile (QAUTPROF) user authorization methods
(*AUTL) 146 profile 280 combining
user profile 90 authority table 225 example 170
authority, object 267 authorization authorized user
authority cache auditing 238
private authorities 173 displaying 273
authorization list
authority change (CA) file layout 498 AUTOCFG (automatic device
authority change (CA) journal entry configuration) value 34
entries 147, 271
type 244 automatic configuration (QAUTOCFG)
objects 147
authority change for restored object (RA) system value
users 147
file layout 542 advantages 215 value set by CFGSYSSEC
authority change for restored object (RA) authority command 579
journal entry type 244 changing 147 automatic configuration of virtual devices
authority checking storing 225 (QAUTOVRT) system value 34
adopted authority authority checking automatic creation
example 164, 167 example 168 user profile 53
flowchart 159 changing automatic device configuration
authorization list entry 271 (AUTOCFG) value 34
example 168 comparison
automatic device configuration
flowcharts 148, 162 group profile 218
(QAUTOCFG) system value
group authority creating 146, 271
overview 34
example 162, 165 damaged 231
owner authority deleting 148, 271 automatic install (QLPAUTO) user profile
flowchart 154 description 118 default values 280

Index 599
automatic virtual-device configuration calling Change Authorization List Entry
(QAUTOVRT) system value program (CHGAUTLE) command (continued)
value set by CFGSYSSEC transferring adopted using 147
command 579 authority 129 Change Command (CHGCMD) command
availability 1 canceling ALWLMTUSR (allow limited user)
audit function 260 parameter 65
cartridge PRDLIB (product library)
B object authority required for
commands 379
parameter 185
security risks 185
backing up
CCSID (coded character set identifier) Change Command Default
security information 223
parameter (CHGCMDDFT) command 211
user profile 86 Change Current Library (CHGCURLIB)
object authority required for
CD (command string) file layout 501 command
commands 389
CD (command string) journal entry restricting 186
backup media
type 244 Change Dedicated Service Tools
protecting 236
CFGDSTSRV (Configure Distribution Password (CHGDSTPWD)
basic (*BASIC) assistance level 55, 61
Services) command command 109, 272
basic service (QSRVBAS) user profile
authorized IBM-supplied user Change Directory Entry (CHGDIRE)
authority to console 179 profiles 287 command 275
default values 280 object authority required 324 Change Document Library Object
batch CFGIPS (Configure IP over SNA Auditing (CHGDLOAUD) command
restricting jobs 194 Interface) command *AUDIT (audit) special authority 69
batch job object authority required 308 description 274
*SPLCTL (spool control) special CFGRPDS (Configure VM/MVS Bridge) QAUDCTL (Auditing Control) system
authority 67 command value 50
priority 75 authorized IBM-supplied user Change Document Library Object
security when starting 175, 176 profiles 287 Authority (CHGDLOAUT)
BCHJOB (Batch Job) command object authority required 324 command 274
object authority required 357 CFGSYSSEC (Configure System Security) Change Document Library Object Owner
binding directory command (CHGDLOOWN) command 274
object authority required for authorized IBM-supplied user Change Document Library Object
commands 311 profiles 287 Primary (CHGDLOPGP) command
binding directory object auditing 435 description 277, 579 description 274
bound program object authority required 411 Change Expiration Schedule Entry
adopted authority 131 CFGTCP (Configure TCP/IP) command (CHGEXPSCDE) command
definition 131 object authority required 422 description 571
break (*BREAK) delivery mode CFGTCPAPP (Configure TCP/IP Change Job (CHGJOB) command
user profile 82 Applications) command adopted authority 130
break-message-handling program object authority required 422 Change Journal (CHGJRN)
adopted authority 130 CFGTCPLPD (Configure TCP/IP LPD) command 258, 260
command Change Library List (CHGLIBL)
BRM (QBRMS) user profile 280
object authority required 422 command 183
CFGTCPSMTP (Configure TCP/IP SMTP) Change Library Owner (CHGLIBOWN)
Attention key 73
command tool 219
keyboard 73
object authority required 422 Change Menu (CHGMNU) command
CFGTCPTELN (Change TCP/IP PRDLIB (product library)
TELNET) command parameter 185
C object authority required 422 security risks 185
C locale description (*CLD) auditing 437 change (*CHANGE) authority 114, 298 Change Network Attributes (CHGNETA)
C2 security change *CRQD object (CQ) journal entry command 190
description 5 type 244 Change Node Group Attributes (Change
CA (authority change) file layout 498 Change Accounting Code Node Group Attributes) command
CA (authority change) journal entry (CHGACGCDE) command 80 object auditing 466
type 244 Change Activation Schedule Entry Change Object Auditing (CHGOBJAUD)
calculating (CHGACTSCDE) command command
validation value description 571 *AUDIT (audit) special authority 69
Change Program (CHGPGM) Change Active Profile List description 272, 274
command 15 (CHGACTPRFL) command QAUDCTL (Auditing Control) system
CALL (Call Program) command description 571 value 50
object authority required 400 Change Auditing (CHGAUD) command Change Object Owner (CHGOBJOWN)
transferring adopted authority 129 description 272, 274 command 144, 272
call-level interface using 104 Change Object Primary Group
QSYGETPH (Get Profile Handle) 244 Change Authority (CHGAUT) (CHGOBJPGP) command 123, 145, 272
QWTSETP (Set Profile) 244 command 140, 272 change of subsystem routing entry (SE)
security level 40 13 Change Authorization List Entry file layout 549
Call Program (CALL) command (CHGAUTLE) command change of subsystem routing entry (SE)
transferring adopted authority 129 description 271 journal entry type 244

600 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

change of system value (SV) journal entry Change User Profile (CHGUSRPRF) changing (continued)
type 244 command 273 (continued) network profile
Change Output Queue (CHGOUTQ) setting password equal to profile audit journal (QAUDJRN)
command 187 name 57 entry 244
Change Owner (CHGOWN) using 99 object auditing 69, 272, 274
command 144, 272 changing command description 274
change ownership (IP) journal entry object owner 144, 272
access control list
type 244 object ownership
audit journal (QAUDJRN) moving application to
Change Password (CHGPWD) command entry 244
auditing 237 production 219
accounting code 80 output queue 187
description 272 active profile list 571
enforcing password system values 38 ownership
adopted authority
setting password equal to profile device description 179
authority required 130 password
name 57 audit journal receiver 259, 260
Change Primary Group (CHGPGP) dedicated service tools (DST) 109
command 145, 272 description 272
command description 272, 274
Change Profile (CHGPRF) command 99, DST (dedicated service tools) 107,
authority 272
273 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
Change Program (CHGPGM) command enforcing password system
entry 244
values 38
specifying USEADPAUT command description 272 IBM-supplied user profiles 106
parameter 132 procedures 139
setting password equal to profile
change request description authorization list name 57
object authority required for entry 271
primary group 123, 272
commands 312 user authority 147 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
change request description (*CRQD) changing
entry 244
object auditing 436 audit journal (QAUDJRN) primary group during restore
Change Security Attributes (CHGSECA) entry 244 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
command 276 command entry 244
Change Security Auditing ALWLMTUSR (allow limited user) profile 273
(CHGSECAUD) parameter 65
auditing defaults 211 specifying USEADPAUT
one-step 255 current library 183, 186 parameter 132
Change Security Auditing device description program adopt
(CHGSECAUD) command owner 179 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
description 276, 573 directory entry 275 entry 244
Change Service Program (CHGSRVPGM) document library object (DLO) QAUDCTL (audit control) system
command authority 274
value 276
specifying USEADPAUT owner 274 QAUDLVL (audit level) system
parameter 132 primary group 274 value 276
Change Spooled File Attributes document library object auditing routing entry
(CHGSPLFA) command 187 command description 274 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
DST (dedicated service tools) entry 244
change system distribution directory (SD)
password 107
file layout 548 security attributes 276
DST (dedicated service tools) user security auditing 276, 573
change system distribution directory (SD)
ID 107 security level (QSECURITY) system
journal entry type 244
IBM-supplied user profile
Change System Library List value
passwords 106
(CHGSYSLIBL) command 183, 204 level 10 to level 20 10
IPC object level 20 to level 30 11
change to DLO object (YC) file
audit journal (QAUDJRN) level 20 to level 40 17
layout 565 entry 244
change to object (ZC) file layout 566 level 20 to level 50 20
job level 30 to level 20 10
change to object (ZM) file layout 567 adopted authority 130
change to spooled file (SF) journal entry level 30 to level 40 17
audit journal (QAUDJRN)
type 244 level 30 to level 50 20
entry 244
level 40 to level 20 10
Change User Audit (CHGUSRAUD) job description level 40 to level 30 18
command 273 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
level 50 to level 30 or 40 21
*AUDIT (audit) special authority 69 entry 244 server authentication entry 275
description 274 library list 183
spooled file
QAUDCTL (Auditing Control) system menu audit journal (QAUDJRN)
value 50 PRDLIB (product library)
entry 244
using 104 parameter 185
system directory
Change User Audit display 104 security risks 185 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
Change User Profile (CHGUSRPRF) network attribute
entry 244
command 273 audit journal (QAUDJRN) system library list 183, 204
description 272 entry 244
password composition system security-related 190
values 38

Index 601
changing (continued) CHGALRD (Change Alert Description) CHGCMDDFT (Change Command
system management command Default) command
audit journal (QAUDJRN) object auditing 434 object auditing 438
entry 244 object authority required 308 object authority required 313
system value CHGALRSLTE (Change Alert Selection using 211
audit journal (QAUDJRN) Entry) command CHGCMNE (Change Communications
entry 244 object auditing 456 Entry) command
user auditing 69, 273, 274 object authority required 337 object auditing 475
user authority CHGALRTBL (Change Alert Table) object authority required 416
authorization list 147 command CHGCNNL (Change Connection List)
user ID object auditing 434 command
DST (dedicated service tools) 107 object authority required 308 object auditing 439
user profile CHGATR (Change Attribute) command object authority required 316
audit journal (QAUDJRN) object auditing 442 CHGCNNLE (Change Connection List
entry 244 CHGAUD (Change Audit) command Entry) command
command descriptions 272, 273 object auditing 439
using 104
methods 99 object authority required 316
CHGAUD (Change Auditing) command
password composition system
description 272, 274 CHGCOMSNMP (Change Community
values 38 for SNMP) command
object auditing 443, 477, 481
setting password equal to profile
object authority required 339 object authority required 422
name 57
CHGAUT (Change Authority) CHGCOSD (Change Class-of-Service
changing access control list (VA) file
command 140 Description) command
layout 555
description 272 object auditing 439
chart format object authority required 313
object auditing 443, 477, 482
object authority required for object authority required 339 CHGCRQD (Change Change Request
commands 312 CHGAUTLE (Change Authorization List Description) command
chart format (*CHTFMT) auditing 436 Entry) command object auditing 437
Check Object Integrity (CHKOBJITG) description 271 object authority required 312
command object auditing 435 CHGCRSDMNK (Change Cross Domain
auditing use 240 object authority required 310 Key) command
description 268, 273, 575 using 147 authorized IBM-supplied user
Check Password (CHKPWD) CHGBCKUP (Change Backup Options) profiles 287
command 105, 272 command object authority required 318
checking 148 object authority required 389 CHGCSI (Change Communications Side
altered objects 268 CHGCCTSRV 355 Information) command
default passwords 571 CHGCDEFNT (Change Coded Font) object auditing 440
object integrity 575 object authority required for object authority required 314
auditing use 240 commands 307 CHGCSPPGM (Change CSP/AE
description 268, 273 CHGCFGL (Change Configuration List) Program) command
password 105, 272 command object auditing 471
checklist object auditing 436 CHGCTLAPPC (Change Controller
auditing security 235 object authority required 316 Description (APPC)) command
planning security 235 CHGCFGLE (Change Configuration List object authority required 316
CHGACGCDE (Change Accounting Entry) command CHGCTLASC (Change Controller
Code) command object auditing 436 Description (Async)) command
object authority required 357 object authority required 316 object authority required 316
relationship to user profile 80 CHGCLNUP (Change Cleanup) CHGCTLBSC (Change Controller
CHGACTPRFL (Change Active Profile command Description (BSC)) command
List) command object authority required 389 object authority required 316
description 571 CHGCLS (Change Class) command
CHGCTLFNC (Change Controller
object authority required 424 object auditing 438 Description (Finance)) command
CHGACTSCDE (Change Activation object authority required 313
object authority required 316
Schedule Entry) command CHGCMD (Change Command) command
CHGCTLHOST (Change Controller
description 571 ALWLMTUSR (allow limited user)
Description (SNA Host)) command
parameter 65
CHGACTSCDE (Change Activity object authority required 316
Schedule Entry) command object auditing 438
object authority required 313 CHGCTLLWS (Change Controller
object authority required 424 Description (Local Work Station))
PRDLIB (product library)
CHGAJE (Change Autostart Job Entry) parameter 185 command
command security risks 185 object authority required 316
object auditing 475 CHGCMDCRQA (Change Command CHGCTLNET (Change Controller
object authority required 416 Change Request Activity) command Description (Network)) command
CHGALRACNE (Change Alert Action authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 316
Entry) command profiles 287 CHGCTLRTL (Change Controller
object auditing 456 object auditing 437 Description (Retail)) command
object authority required 337 object authority required 312 object authority required 316

602 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

CHGCTLRWS (Change Controller CHGDEVTAP (Change Device CHGDSTPWD (Change Dedicated
Description (Remote Work Station)) Description (Tape)) command Service Tools Password) command 109
command object authority required 320 (continued)
object authority required 316 CHGDIR (Change Directory) command authorized IBM-supplied user
CHGCTLTAP (Change Controller object authority required 339 profiles 287
Description (TAPE)) command CHGDIRE (Change Directory Entry) description 272
object authority required 316 command object authority required 424
CHGCTLVWS (Change Controller description 275 CHGDSTQ (Change Distribution Queue)
Description (Virtual Work Station)) object authority required 323 command
command CHGDIRSHD (Change Directory Shadow authorized IBM-supplied user
object authority required 316 System) command profiles 287
CHGCURDIR (Change Current Directory) object authority required 323 object authority required 324
command CHGDKTF (Change Diskette File) CHGDSTRTE (Change Distribution
object auditing 444 command Route) command
CHGCURLIB (Change Current Library) object auditing 453 authorized IBM-supplied user
command object authority required 330 profiles 287
object authority required 371
CHGDLOAUD (Change Document object authority required 324
restricting 186
Library Object Auditing) command CHGDTA (Change Data) command
CHGDBG (Change Debug) command
description 274 object authority required 330
object authority required 400
object auditing 447 CHGDTAARA (Change Data Area)
CHGDDMF (Change Distributed Data
QAUDCTL (Auditing Control) system command
Management File) command
value 50 object auditing 450
object auditing 453
CHGDLOAUD (Change Document object authority required 319
object authority required 330
Library Object Auditing command CHGEMLCFGE (Change Emulation
CHGDEVAPPC (Change Device
*AUDIT (audit) special authority 69 Configuration Entry) command
Description (APPC)) command
object authority required 320 CHGDLOAUT (Change Document object authority required 322
CHGDEVASC (Change Device Library Object Auditing) command
CHGENVVAR (Change Environment
Description (Async)) command object authority required 325 Variable) command
object authority required 320 CHGDLOAUT (Change Document
object authority required 329
CHGDEVASP (Change Device Library Object Authority) command
CHGEWCBCDE (Change Extended
Description for Auxiliary Storage Pool) description 274
Wireless Controller Bar Code Entry)
command object auditing 447
object authority required 320 object authority required 325
object authority required 329
CHGDEVBSC (Change Device CHGDLOOWN (Change Document
Library Object Owner) command CHGEWCM (Change Extended Wireless
Description (BSC)) command
description 274 Controller Member) command
object authority required 320
object auditing 447 object authority required 329
CHGDEVDKT (Change Device
Description (Diskette)) command object authority required 325 CHGEWCPTCE (Change Extended
object authority required 320 CHGDLOPGP (Change Document Wireless Controller PTC Entry)
CHGDEVDSP (Change Device Library Object Primary) command 274 command
Description (Display)) command description 274 object authority required 329
object authority required 320 CHGDLOPGP (Change Document CHGEWLM (Change Extended Wireless
CHGDEVFNC (Change Device Library Object Primary Group) Line Member) command
Description (Finance)) command command object authority required 329
object authority required 320 object auditing 447 CHGEXPSCDE (Change Expiration
CHGDEVHOST (Change Device object authority required 325 Schedule Entry) command
Description (SNA Host)) command CHGDLOUAD (Change Document authorized IBM-supplied user
object authority required 320 Library Object Auditing) command profiles 287
CHGDEVINTR (Change Device description 274 description 571
Description (Intrasystem)) command CHGDOCD (Change Document object authority required 424
object authority required 320 Description) command CHGFCT (Change Forms Control Table)
CHGDEVNET (Change Device object auditing 447 command
Description (Network)) command object authority required 325 object authority required 407
object authority required 320 CHGDSPF (Change Display File) CHGFCTE (Change Forms Control Table
CHGDEVPRT (Change Device command Entry) command
Description (Printer)) command object auditing 453 object authority required 407
object authority required 320 object authority required 330
CHGFNTTBLE (Change Font Table Entry)
CHGDEVRTL (Change Device CHGDSTD (Change Distribution
Description (Retail)) command Description) command object authority required for
commands 307
object authority required 320 object auditing 447
CHGDEVSNPT (Change Device object authority required 324 CHGFTR (Change Filter) command
Description (SNPT)) command CHGDSTL (Change Distribution List) object auditing 456
object authority required 320 command object authority required 337
CHGDEVSNUF (Change Device object authority required 325 CHGGPHFMT (Change Graph Format)
Description (SNUF)) command CHGDSTPWD (Change Dedicated command
object authority required 320 Service Tools Password) command 109 object authority required 393

Index 603
CHGGPHPKG (Change Graph Package) CHGLFM (Change Logical File Member) CHGMGRSRVA (Change Manager
command command Service Attributes) command
authorized IBM-supplied user object auditing 453 authorized IBM-supplied user
profiles 287 object authority required 330 profiles 287
object authority required 393 CHGLIB (Change Library) command CHGMNU (Change Menu) command
CHGGRPA (Change Group Attributes) object auditing 461 object auditing 463
command object authority required 371 object authority required 380
object authority required 357 CHGLIBL (Change Library List) PRDLIB (product library)
CHGHLLPTR (Change High-Level command parameter 185
Language Pointer) command object authority required 371 security risks 185
object authority required 400 using 183 CHGMOD (Change Module) command
CHGICFDEVE (Change Intersystem CHGLIBOWN (Change Library Owner) object auditing 464
Communications Function Program tool 219 object authority required 383
Device Entry) command
CHGLICINF (Change License CHGMODD (Change Mode Description)
object authority required 330 Information) command command
CHGICFF (Change Intersystem
authorized IBM-supplied user object auditing 464
Communications Function File) profiles 287 object authority required 383
object authority required 375 CHGMSGD (Change Message
object authority required 330
CHGLINASC (Change Line Description Description) command
(Async)) command object auditing 465
object authority required 376 object authority required 381
CHGLINBSC (Change Line Description CHGMSGF (Change Message File)
(BSC)) command command
Interface) command
object authority required 376 object auditing 465
object authority required 308
CHGLINETH (Change Line Description object authority required 382
(Ethernet)) command CHGMSGQ (Change Message Queue)
Location Entry) command
object authority required 376 command
object authority required 308
CHGIPSTOS (Change IP over SNA Type CHGLINFAX (Change Line Description object auditing 465
of Service) command (FAX)) command object authority required 382
object authority required 308 object authority required 376 CHGMSTK (Change Master Key)
CHGIPXCCT 355 CHGLINFR (Change Line Description command
CHGIPXD 355 (Frame Relay Network)) command authorized IBM-supplied user
CHGJOB (Change Job) command object authority required 376 profiles 287
adopted authority 130 CHGLINIDD (Change Line Description object authority required 318
object auditing 458 (DDI Network)) command CHGMWSD (Change Network Server
object authority required 357 object authority required 376 Description) command
CHGJOBD (Change Job Description) CHGLINIDLC (Change Line Description object auditing 468
command (IDLC)) command CHGNETA (Change Network Attributes)
object auditing 458 object authority required 376 command
object authority required 359 CHGLINNET (Change Line Description authorized IBM-supplied user
CHGJOBQE (Change Job Queue Entry) (Network)) command profiles 287
command object authority required 376 object authority required 384
object auditing 458, 475 CHGLINSDLC (Change Line Description using 190
object authority required 416 (SDLC)) command CHGNETJOBE (Change Network Job
CHGJOBSCDE (Change Job Schedule object authority required 376 Entry) command
Entry) command CHGLINTDLC (Change Line Description authorized IBM-supplied user
object auditing 459 (TDLC)) command profiles 287
object authority required 361 object authority required 376 object authority required 384
CHGJOBTYP (Change Job Type) CHGNFSEXP (Change Network File
CHGLINTRN (Change Line Description
command System Export) command
(Token-Ring Network)) command
authorized IBM-supplied user
object authority required 376 authorized IBM-supplied user
profiles 287 profiles 287
CHGLINWLS (Change Line Description
object authority required 393
(Wireless)) command object authority required 385
CHGJRN (Change Journal) command
object authority required 376 CHGNTBD (Change NetBIOS
authorized IBM-supplied user
CHGLINX25 (Change Line Description Description) command
profiles 287
(X.25)) command object auditing 467
detaching receiver 258, 260
object auditing 460, 461 object authority required 376 object authority required 384
object authority required 361 CHGLPDA (Change LPD Attributes) CHGNWIFR (Change Network Interface
CHGLANADPI (Change LAN Adapter command Description (Frame Relay Network))
Information) command object authority required 422 command
object authority required 378 CHGMGDSYSA (Change Managed object authority required 386
CHGLF (Change Logical File) command System Attributes) command CHGNWIISDN (Change Network
object auditing 453 authorized IBM-supplied user Interface Description (ISDN)) command
object authority required 330 profiles 287 object authority required 386

604 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

CHGNWIISDN (Change Network CHGOUTQ (Change Output Queue) CHGPRBSLTE (Change Problem Selection
Interface Description for ISDN) command (continued) Entry) command
command object authority required 392 object auditing 456
object auditing 467 using 187 object authority required 337, 399
CHGNWSA (Change Network Server CHGOWN (Change Owner) CHGPRDCRQA (Change Product Change
Attribute) command command 144 Request Activity) command
object authority required 387 description 272 authorized IBM-supplied user
CHGNWSA (Change Network Server object auditing 443, 477, 482, 483 profiles 287
Attributes) command object authority required 339 object auditing 437
authorized IBM-supplied user CHGPCST (Change Physical File object authority required 312
profiles 287 Constraint) command CHGPRF (Change Profile) command
CHGNWSALS (Change Network Server object authority required 330 description 273
Alias) command CHGPDGPRF (Change Print Descriptor object auditing 485
object authority required 387 Group Profile) command object authority required 424
CHGNWSD (Change Network Server object auditing 470 using 99
Description) command object authority required 398 CHGPRTF (Change Printer File)
object authority required 388 CHGPEXDFN (Change Performance command
CHGNWSVRA (Create Network Server Explorer Definition) command object auditing 453
Attribute) command authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 330
object authority required 387 CHGPSFCFG (Change Print Services
profiles 287
CHGOBJAUD (Change Object Audit) Facility Configuration) command
object authority required 393
command object authority required 398
CHGPF (Change Physical File) command
object authority required 301 CHGPTFCRQA (Change PTF Change
object auditing 453
CHGOBJAUD (Change Object Auditing) Request Activity) command
object authority required 330
command authorized IBM-supplied user
CHGPFCNARA Change Functional Area)
description 272 profiles 287
QAUDCTL (Auditing Control) system object auditing 437
value 50 object authority required 393 object authority required 312
CHGOBJAUD (Change Object Auditing CHGPFCST (Change Physical File CHGPTR (Change Pointer) command
command Constraint) command authorized IBM-supplied user
*AUDIT (audit) special authority 69 object auditing 453 profiles 287
CHGOBJCRQA (Change Object Change CHGPFM (Change Physical File Member) object authority required 400
Request Activity) command command CHGPWD (Change Password) command
authorized IBM-supplied user object auditing 453 auditing 237
profiles 287 object authority required 330 description 272
object auditing 437 CHGPFTRG (Change Physical File enforcing password system values 38
object authority required 312 Trigger) command object auditing 485
CHGOBJD (Change Object Description) object authority required 330 object authority required 424
command CHGPGM (Change Program) command setting password equal to profile
object auditing 432 name 57
FRCCRT parameter 15
object authority required 301 CHGPWRSCD (Change Power On/Off
object auditing 471
CHGOBJOWN (Change Object Owner) Schedule) command
object authority required 400
command object authority required 389
specifying USEADPAUT
description 272 parameter 132 CHGPWRSCDE (Change Power On/Off
object auditing 432 Schedule Entry) command
CHGPGMVAR (Change Program
object authority required 301 object authority required 389
Variable) command
using 144 CHGQRYA (Change Query Attribute)
object authority required 400
CHGOBJPGP (Change Object Primary) command
command CHGPGP (Change Primary Group)
object authority required 403
object authority required 301 command 145
CHGOBJPGP (Change Object Primary description 272
Question-and-Answer Database)
Group) command 123, 145 object auditing 443, 477, 482, 483
object authority required 339
description 272 authorized IBM-supplied user
CHGOBJUAD (Change Object Auditing) CHGPJ (Change Prestart Job) command
profiles 287
command object authority required 357 object authority required 405
description 274 CHGPJE (Change Prestart Job Entry) CHGRCYAP (Change Recovery for
CHGOPTA (Change Optical Attributes) command Access Paths) command
command object auditing 475 authorized IBM-supplied user
authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 416 profiles 287
profiles 287 CHGPRB (Change Problem) command object auditing 434
object authority required 390 authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 306
CHGOPTVOL (Change Optical Volume) profiles 287 CHGRDBDIRE (Change Relational
command object authority required 399 Database Directory Entry) command
object authority required 390 CHGPRBACNE (Change Problem Action object authority required 406
CHGOUTQ (Change Output Queue) Entry) command CHGRJECMNE (Change RJE
command object auditing 456 Communications Entry) command
object auditing 468 object authority required 337, 399 object authority required 407

Index 605
CHGRJERDRE (Change RJE Reader CHGSECAUD (Change Security CHGTCPA (Change TCP/IP Attributes)
Entry) command Auditing) command
object authority required 407 security auditing function 255 object authority required 422
CHGRJEWTRE (Change RJE Writer CHGSECAUD (Change Security CHGTCPHTE (Change TCP/IP Host
Entry) command Auditing) command Table Entry) command
object authority required 407 description 276, 573 object authority required 422
CHGRMTJRN (Change Remote Journal) CHGSHRPOOL (Change Shared Storage CHGTCPIFC (Change TCP/IP Interface)
command Pool) command command
object auditing 460 object authority required 418 object authority required 422
CHGRPYLE (Change Reply List Entry) CHGSNILOC 355 CHGTCPRTE (Change TCP/IP Route
command CHGSNMPA (Change SNMP Attributes) Entry) command 355
authorized IBM-supplied user command object authority required 422
profiles 287 object authority required 422 CHGTELNA (Change TELNET
object auditing 475 CHGSPLFA (Change Spooled File Attributes) command
object authority required 419 Attributes) command object authority required 422
CHGRSCCRQA (Change Resource action auditing 479 CHGUSRAUD (Change User Audit)
DSPDTA parameter of output command
Change Request Activity) command
queue 187 *AUDIT (audit) special authority 69
authorized IBM-supplied user
object auditing 468, 469 description 273, 274
profiles 287
object authority required 415 object authority required 424
object auditing 437
CHGSRCPF (Change Source Physical QAUDCTL (Auditing Control) system
object authority required 312
File) command value 50
CHGRTGE (Change Routing Entry)
object authority required 330 using 104
CHGSRVA (Change Service Attributes) CHGUSRPRF (Change User Profile)
object auditing 476
command command
object authority required 416
object authority required 411 description 272, 273
CHGS34LIBM (Change System/34 CHGSRVPGM (Change Service Program) object auditing 485
Library Members) command command object authority required 424
authorized IBM-supplied user object auditing 481 password composition system
profiles 287 object authority required 400 values 38
object authority required 382 specifying USEADPAUT setting password equal to profile
CHGS36 (Change System/36) command parameter 132 name 57
object auditing 484 CHGSSND (Change Session Description) using 99
object authority required 419 command CHGUSRTRC (Change User Trace)
CHGS36A (Change System/36 Attributes) object authority required 407 command
command CHGSSNMAX (Change Session object authority required 357
object auditing 484 Maximum) command CHGVTMAP (Change VT100 Keyboard
object authority required 419 object auditing 464 Map) command
CHGS36PGMA (Change System/36 object authority required 383 object authority required 422
Program Attributes) command CHGSVRAUTE (Change Server CHGWSE (Change Work Station Entry)
object auditing 471 Authentication Entry) command command
object authority required 419 object authority required 411 object auditing 476
CHGS36PRCA (Change System/36 CHGSYSDIRA (Change System Directory object authority required 416
Procedure Attributes) command Attributes) command CHGWTR (Change Writer) command
object auditing 454 object auditing 445 object authority required 428
object authority required 419 object authority required 323 CHKCMNTRC (Check Communications
CHGS36SRCA (Change System/36 Source CHGSYSJOB (Change System Job) Trace) command
Attributes) command command authorized IBM-supplied user
object authority required 419 object authority required 357 profiles 287
CHGSAVF (Change Save File) command CHGSYSLIBL (Change System Library object authority required 411
object auditing 453 List) command CHKDKT (Check Diskette) command
object authority required 330 authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 379
CHGSBSD (Change Subsystem profiles 287 CHKDLO (Check Document Library
Description) command object authority required 371 Object) command
object auditing 476 programming example 204 object authority required 325
object authority required 416 using 183 CHKDOC (Check Document) command
CHGSCHIDX (Change Search Index) CHGSYSVAL (Change System Value) object auditing 446
command command object authority required 325
object auditing 476 authorized IBM-supplied user CHKIGCTBL (Check DBCS Font Table)
object authority required 356 profiles 287 command
CHGSECA (Change Security Attributes) object authority required 419 object auditing 457
command CHGTAPCTG (Change Tape Cartridge) CHKIN (Check In) command
description 276 command object auditing 477, 482
object authority required 411 object authority required 379 object authority required 339
CHGSECAUD (Change Security Audit) CHGTAPF (Change Tape File) command CHKOBJ (Check Object) command
command object auditing 454 object auditing 433
object authority required 411 object authority required 330 object authority required 301

606 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

CHKOBJITG (Check Object Integrity) CLRPFM (Clear Physical File Member) command, CL (continued)
command 3 command Add Document Library Object
auditing use 240 object auditing 454 Authority (ADDDLOAUT) 274
description 268, 273, 575 object authority required 330 Add Library List Entry
object authority required 424 CLRSAVF (Clear Save File) command (ADDLIBLE) 183, 186
CHKOUT (Check Out) command object authority required 330 Add Server Authentication Entry
object auditing 477, 482 CLRTRCDTA (Clear Trace Data) (ADDSVRAUTE) 275
object authority required 339 command ADDAUTLE (Add Authorization List
CHKPRDOPT (Check Product Option) object authority required 400 Entry) 147, 271
command Cluster Operations(CU) file layout 504 ADDDIRE (Add Directory
authorized IBM-supplied user CMPJRNIMG (Compare Journal Images) Entry) 275
profiles 287 command ADDDLOAUT (Add Document
object authority required 411 Library Object Authority) 274
object auditing 459
CHKPWD (Check Password) command ADDJOBSCDE (Add Job Schedule
object authority required 361
description 272 Entry)
CMPPTFLVL (Compare PTF Level)
object auditing 486 SECBATCH menu 574
object authority required 424 ADDLIBLE (Add Library List
object authority required 411
using 105 Entry) 183, 186
CNLRJERDR (Cancel RJE Reader)
CHKTAP (Check Tape) command ADDSVRAUTE (Add Server
Authentication Entry) 275
object authority required 379 object authority required 407 allowed for limit capabilities user 64
CHRIDCTL (user options) parameter CNLRJEWTR (Cancel RJE Writer) ALWLMTUSR (allow limited user)
user profile 86 command parameter 64
CL keyword (*CLKWD) user option 87, object authority required 407 ANZDFTPWD (Analyze Default
88 CNTRYID (country identifier) parameter Passwords)
class user profile 86 description 571
object authority required for CO (create object) file layout 501 ANZPRFACT (Analyze Profile
commands 313 CO (create object) journal entry Activity)
relationship to security 194 type 123, 244 creating exempt users 571
Class (*CLS) auditing 438 coded character set identifier description 571
class, user 60 CCSID user profile parameter 86 authority holders, table 271, 275
class-of-service description QCCSID system value 86 authorization lists 271
object authority required for combining authorization methods CALL (Call Program)
commands 313 example 170 transferring adopted
class-of-service description (*COSD) command authority 129
auditing 439 auditing Call Program (CALL)
cleanup audit journal (QAUDJRN) transferring adopted
object authority required for entry 244 authority 129
commands 389 changing CFGSYSSEC (Configure System
Client Access ALWLMTUSR (allow limited user) Security)
controlling sign-on 31 parameter 65 description 277, 579
file transfer security 191 defaults 211 Change Accounting Code
message function security 192 PRDLIB (product library) (CHGACGCDE) 80
shared folder security 192 parameter 185 Change Authorization List Entry
virtual printer security 192 security risks 185 (CHGAUTLE)
creating description 271
client request access (PCSACC) network
ALWLMTUSR (allow limited user) using 147
attribute 191
parameter 65 Change Command (CHGCMD)
close of server files (VF) file layout 557
PRDLIB (product library) ALWLMTUSR (allow limited user)
CLP38 programs 118 parameter 65
parameter 185
CLRDKT (Clear Diskette) command PRDLIB (product library)
security risks 185
object authority required 379 NLV (national language version) parameter 185
CLRJOBQ (Clear Job Queue) command security 211 security risks 185
object auditing 458 planning security 211 Change Command Default
object authority required 360 revoking public authority 277, 579 (CHGCMDDFT) 211
CLRLIB (Clear Library) command System/38 Change Current Library
object auditing 461 security 211 (CHGCURLIB)
object authority required 371 Command (*CMD) auditing 438 restricting 186
CLRMSGQ (Clear Message Queue) command (*CMD object type) Change Dedicated Service Tools
command Password (CHGDSTPWD) 109, 272
object authority required for
Change Directory Entry
object auditing 465 commands 313
object authority required 382 command, CL
Change Document Library Object
CLROUTQ (Clear Output Queue) activation schedule 571 Auditing (CHGDLOAUD) 274
command Add Authorization List Entry *AUDIT (audit) special
action auditing 480 (ADDAUTLE) 147, 271 authority 69
object auditing 468 Add Directory Entry description 274
object authority required 392 (ADDDIRE) 275

Index 607
command, CL (continued) command, CL (continued) command, CL (continued)
QAUDCTL (Auditing Control) Change User Profile CHGNETA (Change Network
system value 50 (CHGUSRPRF) 273 Attributes) 190
Change Document Library Object description 272 CHGOBJAUD (Change Object
Authority (CHGDLOAUT) 274 password composition system Auditing) 272
Change Document Library Object values 38 *AUDIT (audit) special
Owner (CHGDLOOWN) 274 setting password equal to profile authority 69
Change Document Library Object name 57 description 274
Primary (CHGDLOPGP) 274 using 99 QAUDCTL (Auditing Control)
Change Job (CHGJOB) Check Object Integrity (CHKOBJITG) system value 50
adopted authority 130 auditing use 240 CHGOBJOWN (Change Object
Change Journal (CHGJRN) 258, 260 description 268, 273 Owner) 144, 272
Change Library List (CHGLIBL) 183 Check Password (CHKPWD) 105, CHGOBJPGP (Change Object Primary
Change Menu (CHGMNU) 272 Group) 123, 145, 272
PRDLIB (product library) CHGACGCDE (Change Accounting CHGOUTQ (Change Output
parameter 185 Code) 80 Queue) 187
security risks 185 CHGACTPRFL (Change Active Profile CHGPGM (Change Program)
Change Network Attributes List) FRCCRT parameter 15
(CHGNETA) 190 description 571 specifying USEADPAUT
Change Object Auditing CHGACTSCDE (Change Activation parameter 132
(CHGOBJAUD) 272 Schedule Entry) CHGPRF (Change Profile) 99, 273
*AUDIT (audit) special description 571 CHGPWD (Change Password)
authority 69 CHGAUTLE (Change Authorization auditing 237
description 274 List Entry) description 272
QAUDCTL (Auditing Control) description 271 enforcing password system
system value 50 using 147 values 38
Change Object Owner CHGCMD (Change Command) setting password equal to profile
(CHGOBJOWN) 144, 272 ALWLMTUSR (allow limited user) name 57
Change Object Primary Group parameter 65 CHGSECA (Change Security
(CHGOBJPGP) 123, 145, 272 PRDLIB (product library) Attributes) 276
Change Output Queue parameter 185 CHGSECAUD (Change Security
(CHGOUTQ) 187 security risks 185 Auditing)
Change Password (CHGPWD) CHGCMDDFT (Change Command description 276, 573
auditing 237 Default) 211 CHGSPLFA (Change Spooled File
description 272 CHGCURLIB (Change Current Attributes) 187
enforcing password system Library) CHGSRVPGM (Change Service
values 38 restricting 186 Program)
setting password equal to profile CHGDIRE (Change Directory specifying USEADPAUT
name 57 Entry) 275 parameter 132
Change Profile (CHGPRF) 99, 273 CHGDLOAUD (Change Document CHGSVRAUTE (Change Server
Change Program (CHGPGM) Library Object Auditing) 274 Authentication Entry) 275
FRCCRT parameter 15 *AUDIT (audit) special CHGSYSLIBL (Change System Library
specifying USEADPAUT authority 69 List) 183, 204
parameter 132 QAUDCTL (Auditing Control) CHGUSRAUD (Change User
Change Security Attributes system value 50 Audit) 273
(CHGSECA) 276 CHGDLOAUT (Change Document *AUDIT (audit) special
Change Security Auditing Library Object Authority) 274 authority 69
(CHGSECAUD) CHGDLOOWN (Change Document description 274
description 276 Library Object Owner) 274 QAUDCTL (Auditing Control)
Change Server Authentication Entry CHGDLOPGP (Change Document system value 50
(CHGSVRAUTE) 275 Library Object Primary) 274 using 104
Change Service Program CHGDLOUAD (Change Document CHGUSRPRF (Change User
(CHGSRVPGM) Library Object Auditing) Profile) 273
specifying USEADPAUT description 274 description 272
parameter 132 CHGDSTPWD (Change Dedicated password composition system
Change Spooled File Attributes Service Tools Password) 109, 272 values 38
(CHGSPLFA) 187 CHGEXPSCDE (Change Expiration setting password equal to profile
Change System Library List Schedule Entry) name 57
(CHGSYSLIBL) 183, 204 description 571 using 99
Change User Audit CHGJOB (Change Job) CHKOBJITG (Check Object Integrity)
(CHGUSRAUD) 273 adopted authority 130 auditing use 240
*AUDIT (audit) special CHGJRN (Change Journal) 258, 260 description 268, 273, 575
authority 69 CHGLIBL (Change Library List) 183 CHKPWD (Check Password) 105,
description 274 CHGMNU (Change Menu) 272
QAUDCTL (Auditing Control) PRDLIB (product library) Configure System Security
system value 50 parameter 185 (CFGSYSSEC)
using 104 security risks 185 description 277

608 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

command, CL (continued) command, CL (continued) command, CL (continued)
Copy Spooled File (CPYSPLF) 187 Display Authorization List Objects document library object (DLO)
CPYSPLF (Copy Spooled File) 187 (DSPAUTLOBJ) 148, 271 table 274
Create Authority Holder Display Authorized Users DSPACTPRFL (Display Active Profile
(CRTAUTHLR) 132, 271, 275 (DSPAUTUSR) List)
Create Authorization List auditing 266 description 571
(CRTAUTL) 146, 271 description 273 DSPACTSCD (Display Activation
Create Command (CRTCMD) example 102 Schedule)
ALWLMTUSR (allow limited user) Display Document Library Object description 571
parameter 65 Auditing (DSPDLOAUD) 254, 274 DSPAUDJRNE (Display Audit Journal
PRDLIB (product library) Display Document Library Object Entries)
parameter 185 Authority (DSPDLOAUT) 274 description 276, 575
security risks 185 Display Job Description DSPAUTHLR (Display Authority
Create Journal (CRTJRN) 257 (DSPJOBD) 239 Holder) 132, 271
Create Journal Receiver Display Journal (DSPJRN) DSPAUTL (Display Authorization
(CRTJRNRCV) 256 audit (QAUDJRN) journal List) 271
Create Library (CRTLIB) 137 example 261 DSPAUTLDLO (Display Authorization
Create Menu (CRTMNU) auditing file activity 212, 265 List Document Library Objects) 274
PRDLIB (product library) creating output file 262 DSPAUTLOBJ (Display Authorization
parameter 185 displaying QAUDJRN (audit) List Objects) 148, 271
security risks 185 journal 240 DSPAUTUSR (Display Authorized
Create Output Queue Display Library (DSPLIB) 267 Users)
(CRTOUTQ) 187, 189 Display Library Description auditing 266
Create User Profile (CRTUSRPRF) (DSPLIBD) description 273
description 95, 272, 273 CRTAUT parameter 138 example 102
CRTAUTHLR (Create Authority Display Object Authority DSPDLOAUD (Display Document
Holder) 132, 271, 275 (DSPOBJAUT) 267, 272 Library Object Auditing) 254, 274
CRTAUTL (Create Authorization Display Object Description DSPDLOAUT (Display Document
List) 146, 271 (DSPOBJD) 254, 272 Library Object Authority) 274
CRTCMD (Create Command) created by 123 DSPEXPSCD (Display Expiration
ALWLMTUSR (allow limited user) object domain 13 Schedule)
parameter 65 program state 13 description 571
PRDLIB (product library) using output file 267 DSPJOBD (Display Job
parameter 185 Display Program (DSPPGM) Description) 239
security risks 185 adopted authority 131 DSPJRN (Display Journal)
CRTJRN (Create Journal) 257 program state 13 audit (QAUDJRN) journal
CRTJRNRCV (Create Journal Display Programs That Adopt example 261
Receiver) 256 (DSPPGMADP) auditing file activity 212, 265
CRTLIB (Create Library) 137 auditing 268 creating output file 262
CRTMNU (Create Menu) description 274 displaying QAUDJRN (audit)
PRDLIB (product library) using 131, 211 journal 240
parameter 185 Display Security Attributes DSPLIB (Display Library) 267
security risks 185 (DSPSECA) 276 DSPLIBD (Display Library
CRTOUTQ (Create Output Display Security Auditing Description)
Queue) 187, 189 (DSPSECAUD Values) CRTAUT parameter 138
CRTUSRPRF (Create User Profile) description 276 DSPOBJAUT (Display Object
description 95, 272, 273 Display Service Program Authority) 267, 272
Delete Authority Holder (DSPSRVPGM) DSPOBJD (Display Object
(DLTAUTHLR) 133, 271 adopted authority 131 Description) 254, 272
Delete Authorization List Display Spooled File (DSPSPLF) 187 created by 123
(DLTAUTL) 148, 271 Display User Profile (DSPUSRPRF) object domain 13
Delete Journal Receiver description 273 program state 13
(DLTJRNRCV) 260 using 102 using output file 267
Delete User Profile (DLTUSRPRF) using output file 266 DSPPGM (Display Program)
description 273 displaying keywords (*CLKWD user adopted authority 131
example 99 option) 87, 88 program state 13
object ownership 122 DLTAUTHLR (Delete Authority DSPPGMADP (Display Programs That
Display Audit Journal Entries Holder) 133, 271 Adopt)
(DSPAUDJRNE) DLTAUTL (Delete Authorization auditing 268
description 276 List) 148, 271 description 274
Display Authority Holder DLTJRNRCV (Delete Journal using 131, 211
(DSPAUTHLR) 132, 271 Receiver) 260 DSPSECA (Display Security
Display Authorization List DLTUSRPRF (Delete User Profile) Attributes) 276
(DSPAUTL) 271 description 273 DSPSECAUD (Display Security
Display Authorization List Document example 99 Auditing)
Library Objects object ownership 122 description 573

Index 609
command, CL (continued) command, CL (continued) command, CL (continued)
DSPSECAUD (Display Security Print Queue Authority (PRTQAUT) Restore Authority (RSTAUT)
Auditing Values) description 276 (continued)
description 276 Print Subsystem Description Authority using 228
DSPSPLF (Display Spooled File) 187 (PRTSBSDAUT) Restore Document Library Object
DSPSRVPGM (Display Service description 276 (RSTDLO) 223
Program) Print System Security Attributes Restore Library (RSTLIB) 223
adopted authority 131 (PRTSYSSECA) Restore Licensed Program
DSPUSRPRF (Display User Profile) description 277 (RSTLICPGM)
description 273 Print Trigger Programs recommendations 230
using 102 (PRTTRGPGM) security risks 230
using output file 266 description 276 Restore Object (RSTOBJ)
Edit Authorization List Print User Objects (PRTUSROBJ) ALWOBJDIF parameter 15
(EDTAUTL) 146, 271 description 276 using 223
Edit Document Library Object PRTADPOBJ (Print Adopting Objects) Restore User Profiles
Authority (EDTDLOAUT) 274 description 575 (RSTUSRPRF) 223, 274
Edit Library List (EDTLIBL) 183 PRTCMNSEC (Print Communications restricted to IBM-supplied user
Edit Object Authority Security) profiles 287
(EDTOBJAUT) 139, 272 description 277, 575 Retrieve Authorization List Entry
EDTAUTL (Edit Authorization PRTJOBDAUT (Print Job Description (RTVAUTLE) 271
List) 146, 271 Authority) 276 Retrieve User Profile
EDTDLOAUT (Edit Document Library description 575 (RTVUSRPRF) 105, 273
Object Authority) 274 PRTPUBAUT (Print Publicly Revoke Object Authority
EDTLIBL (Edit Library List) 183 Authorized Objects) 276 (RVKOBJAUT) 148, 272
EDTOBJAUT (Edit Object description 575 Revoke Public Authority
Authority) 139, 272 PRTPVTAUT (Print Private (RVKPUBAUT)
End Job (ENDJOB) Authorities) 276 description 277
QINACTMSGQ system value 28 authorization list 575 Revoke User Permission
ENDJOB (End Job) description 577 (RVKUSRPMN) 274
QINACTMSGQ system value 28 PRTQAUT (Print Queue Authority) RMVAUTLE (Remove Authorization
Grant Object Authority description 276, 577 List Entry) 147, 271
(GRTOBJAUT) 272 PRTSBSDAUT (Print Subsystem RMVDIRE (Remove Directory
affect on previous authority 142 Description) Entry) 275
multiple objects 142 description 575 RMVDLOAUT (Remove Document
Grant User Authority (GRTUSRAUT) PRTSBSDAUT (Print Subsystem Library Object Authority) 274
copying authority 99 Description Authority) RMVLIBLE (Remove Library List
description 273 description 276 Entry) 183
recommendations 145 PRTSYSSECA (Print System Security RMVSVRAUTE (Remove Server
renaming profile 104 Attributes) Authentication Entry) 275
Grant User Permission description 277, 575 RSTAUT (Restore Authority)
(GRTUSRPMN) 274 PRTTRGPGM (Print Trigger audit journal (QAUDJRN)
GRTOBJAUT (Grant Object Programs) entry 244
Authority) 272 description 276, 575 description 274
affect on previous authority 142 PRTUSROBJ (Print User Objects) procedure 229
multiple objects 142 description 276, 575 role in restoring security 223
GRTUSRAUT (Grant User Authority) PRTUSRPRF (Print User Profile) using 228
copying authority 99 description 575 RSTDLO (Restore Document Library
description 273 RCLSTG (Reclaim Storage) 19, 25, Object) 223
recommendations 145 123, 232 RSTLIB (Restore Library) 223
renaming profile 104 Reclaim Storage (RCLSTG) 19, 25, RSTLICPGM (Restore Licensed
GRTUSRPMN (Grant User 123, 232 Program)
Permission) 274 Remove Authorization List Entry recommendations 230
keywords, displaying (*CLKWD user (RMVAUTLE) 147, 271 security risks 230
option) 87, 88 Remove Directory Entry RSTOBJ (Restore Object)
object authority, table 272 (RMVDIRE) 275 ALWOBJDIF parameter 15
parameter names, displaying Remove Document Library Object using 223
(*CLKWD user option) 87, 88 Authority (RMVDLOAUT) 274 RSTUSRPRF (Restore User
passwords, table 272 Remove Library List Entry Profiles) 223, 274
Print Communications Security (RMVLIBLE) 183 RTVAUTLE (Retrieve Authorization
Attributes (PRTCMNSEC) Remove Server Authentication Entry List Entry) 271
description 277 (RMVSVRAUTE) 275 RTVUSRPRF (Retrieve User
Print Job Description Authority Restore Authority (RSTAUT) Profile) 105, 273
(PRTJOBDAUT) 276 audit journal (QAUDJRN) RVKOBJAUT (Revoke Object
Print Private Authorities entry 244 Authority) 148, 272
(PRTPVTAUT) 276 description 274 RVKPUBAUT (Revoke Public
Print Publicly Authorized Objects procedure 229 Authority)
(PRTPUBAUT) 276 role in restoring security 223 description 277, 579

610 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

command, CL (continued) command, CL (continued) command, generic (continued)
details 581 Work with Objects (WRKOBJ) 272 WRKAUT (Work with
RVKUSRPMN (Revoke User Work with Objects by Owner Authority) 140
Permission) 274 (WRKOBJOWN) command, generic object
SAVDLO (Save Document Library auditing 238 Change Auditing (CHGAUD) 272
Object) 223 description 272 description 274
Save Document Library Object using 144 Change Authority (CHGAUT) 272
(SAVDLO) 223 Work with Objects by Primary Group Change Owner (CHGOWN) 272
Save Library (SAVLIB) 223 (WRKOBJPGP) 123, 145 Change Primary Group
Save Object (SAVOBJ) 223, 260 description 272 (CHGPGP) 272
Save Security Data Work with Output Queue Description CHGAUD (Change Auditing) 272
(SAVSECDTA) 223, 274 (WRKOUTQD) 187 description 274
Save System (SAVSYS) 223, 274 Work with Spooled Files CHGAUT (Change Authority) 272
SAVLIB (Save Library) 223 (WRKSPLF) 187 CHGOWN (Change Owner) 272
SAVOBJ (Save Object) 223, 260 Work with System Status CHGPGP (Change Primary
SAVSECDTA (Save Security (WRKSYSSTS) 194 Group) 272
Data) 223, 274 Work with System Values Display Authority (DSPAUT) 272
SAVSYS (Save System) 223, 274 (WRKSYSVAL) 236 DSPAUT (Display Authority) 272
SBMJOB (Submit Job) 176 Work with User Profiles Work with Authority
SECBATCH menu 574 (WRKUSRPRF) 94, 273 (WRKAUT) 272
security, list 271 WRKAUTL (Work with Authorization WRKAUT (Work with
security attributes, table 276 Lists) 271 Authority) 272
security tools 276, 571 WRKDIRE (Work with command, integrated file system
Send Journal Entry (SNDJRNE) 258 Directory) 275 Change Auditing (CHGAUD)
Send Network Spooled File WRKJRN (Work with Journal) 260, using 104
(SNDNETSPLF) 187 266 CHGAUD (Change Auditing)
Set Attention Program WRKJRNA (Work with Journal using 104
(SETATNPGM) 84 Attributes) 260, 266 command capability
SETATNPGM (Set Attention WRKOBJ (Work with Objects) 272 listing users 267
Program) 84 WRKOBJOWN (Work with Objects by command string
setting QALWUSRDMN (allow user Owner) audit journal (QAUDJRN) file
objects) system value 25 auditing 238
layout 501
shipped with public authority description 272
command string (*CMD) audit level 244
*EXCLUDE 287 using 144
command string (CD) file layout 501
SNDJRNE (Send Journal Entry) 258 WRKOBJPGP (Work with Objects by
command string (CD) journal entry
SNDNETSPLF (Send Network Primary Group) 123, 145
type 244
Spooled File) 187 description 272
COMMIT (Commit) command
Start System/36 (STRS36) WRKOUTQD (Work with Output
user profile, special Queue Description) 187 object authority required 314
environment 71 WRKSPLF (Work with Spooled commitment control
STRS36 (Start System/36) Files) 187 object authority required for
user profile, special WRKSYSSTS (Work with System commands 314
environment 71 Status) 194 communications
Submit Job (SBMJOB) 176 WRKSYSVAL (Work with System monitoring 240
system distribution directory, Values) 236 communications entry
table 275 WRKUSRPRF (Work with User job description 181
TFRCTL (Transfer Control) Profiles) 94, 273 communications side information
transferring adopted command, generic object authority required for
authority 129 commands 314
TFRGRPJOB (Transfer to Group Job) Change Authority (CHGAUT) 140
communications side information (*CSI)
Change Owner (CHGOWN) 144
adopted authority 130 auditing 440
Transfer Control (TFRCTL) Change Primary Group
transferring adopted (CHGPGP) 145
group profile and authorization
CHGAUT (Change Authority) 140
authority 129 list 218
CHGOWN (Change Owner) 144
Transfer to Group Job (TFRGRPJOB) complete change of password 44
adopted authority 130 CHGPGP (Change Primary
Group) 145 complex
user profiles (related), table 274 authority
user profiles (working with), Grant Object Authority
(GRTOBJAUT) 140 example 170
table 273 confidential data
Work with Authorization Lists GRTOBJAUT (Grant Object
Authority) 140 protecting 238
Revoke Object Authority confidentiality 1
Work with Directory
(RVKOBJAUT) 140 configuration
RVKOBJAUT (Revoke Object automatic
Work with Journal (WRKJRN) 260,
266 Authority) 140 virtual devices (QAUTOVRT
Work with Authority system value) 34
Work with Journal Attributes
(WRKJRNA) 260, 266 (WRKAUT) 140 object authority required for
commands 315

Index 611
configuration list copying (continued) CPYLIB (Copy Library) command
object authority required for user authority (continued) object authority required 371
commands 316 renaming profile 104 CPYOPT (Copy Optical) command
configuration list object auditing 436 user profile 97 object authority required 390
Configure System Security (CFGSYSSEC) country identifier CPYPFRDTA (Copy Performance Data)
command CNTRYID user profile parameter 86 command
description 277, 579 QCNTRYID system value 86 object authority required 393
connection CP (user profile change) file layout 502 CPYPTF (Copy Program Temporary Fix)
ending CP (user profile change) journal entry command
audit journal (QAUDJRN) type 244 authorized IBM-supplied user
entry 244 CPHDTA (Cipher Data) command profiles 287
starting authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 411
audit journal (QAUDJRN) profiles 287 CPYSPLF (Copy Spooled File) command
entry 244 object authority required 318 action auditing 479
connection list CPROBJ (Compress Object) command DSPDTA parameter of output
object authority required for object auditing 433 queue 187
commands 316 object authority required 301 object auditing 469
connection list (*CNNL) auditing 439 CPY (Copy) command object authority required 415
connection start and end (VC) file object auditing 443, 481, 482, 483, CPYSRCF (Copy Source File) command
layout 556 484 object authority required 330
connection start or end (VC) journal entry object authority required 339 CPYTODIR (Copy to Directory)
type 244 CPY (Copy Object) command command
connection verification (CV) file object auditing 442 object authority required 323
layout 505 CPYCFGL (Copy Configuration List) CPYTODKT (Copy to Diskette) command
console command
object authority required 330
authority needed to sign on 179 object auditing 436
CPYTOIMPF (Copy to Import File)
QCONSOLE system value 179 object authority required 316
QSECOFR (security officer) user CPYCNARA (Copy Functional Area)
object authority required 330
profile 179 command
QSRV (service) user profile 179 object authority required 393 CPYTOSTMF (Copy to Stream File)
QSRVBAS (basic service) user CPYDOC (Copy Document) command
profile 179 object auditing 446, 447 object authority required 330
restricting access 236 object authority required 325 CPYTOTAP (Copy to Tape) command
contents CPYF (Copy File) command object authority required 330
security tools 276, 571 object auditing 452, 454 CQ (*CRQD change) file layout 504
controller description object authority required 330 CQ (change *CRQD object) journal entry
object authority required for CPYFRMDIR (Copy from Directory) type 244
commands 316 command CRC (cyclical redundancy check) 15
printing security-relevant object authority required 323 create (*CREATE) audit level 244
parameters 575 CPYFRMDKT (Copy from Diskette) create authority (CRTAUT) parameter
controller description (*CTLD) command description 120
auditing 440 object authority required 330 displaying 138
controlling CPYFRMIMPF (Copy from Import File) risks 121
access command create authority (QCRTAUT) system
Client Access 191 object authority required 330 value
DDM request (DDM) 192 CPYFRMQRYF (Copy from Query File) description 26
objects 13 command risk of changing 26
system programs 13 object authority required 330 using 121
auditing 50 CPYFRMSTMF (Copy from Stream File) Create Authority Holder (CRTAUTHLR)
remote command command 132, 271, 275
job submission 190 object authority required 330 Create Authorization List (CRTAUTL)
sign-on (QRMTSIGN system CPYFRMTAP (Copy from Tape) command 146, 271
value) 31 command Create Command (CRTCMD) command
restore operations 193 object authority required 330 ALWLMTUSR (allow limited user)
save operations 193 CPYGPHFMT (Copy Graph Format) parameter 65
user library list 203 command PRDLIB (product library)
Copy Spooled File (CPYSPLF) object authority required 393 parameter 185
command 187 CPYGPHPKG (Copy Graph Package) security risks 185
copy to database file command Create Journal (CRTJRN) command 257
general authority rules 299 object authority required 393 Create Journal Receiver (CRTJRNRCV)
Copy User display 98 CPYIGCSRT (Copy DBCS Sort Table) command 256
copying command Create Library (CRTLIB) command 137
spooled file 187 object auditing 457 Create Menu (CRTMNU) command
user authority CPYIGCTBL (Copy DBCS Font Table) PRDLIB (product library)
command description 273 command parameter 185
example 99 object auditing 457 security risks 185
recommendations 145 object authority required 328 create object (CO) file layout 501

612 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

create object (CO) journal entry CRTAUTL (Create Authorization List) CRTCOSD (Create Class-of-Service
type 123, 244 command (continued) Description) command
create object auditing (CRTOBJAUD) using 146 object authority required 313
value 52 CRTBESTMDL (Create Best/1-400 Model) CRTCPPMOD (Create Bound CPP
create object auditing (QCRTOBJAUD) command Module) command
system value object authority required 393 object authority required 365
overview 52 CRTBESTMDL (Create BEST/1 Model) CRTCRQD (Create Change Request
Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ) command Description) command
command 187, 189 authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 312
Create User Profile (CRTUSRPRF) profiles 287 CRTCSI (Create Communications Side
command CRTBNDC (Create Bound C Program) Information) command
description 272, 273 command object authority required 314
using 95 object authority required 365 CRTCTLAPPC (Create Controller
Create User Profile display 94 CRTBNDCBL (Create Bound COBOL Description (APPC)) command
Create Validation Lists (CRTVLDL) 220 Program) command object authority required 316
creating object authority required 365 CRTCTLASC (Create Controller
audit journal 257 Description (Async)) command
audit journal receiver 256 object authority required 316
object authority required 365
authority holder 132, 271, 275 CRTCTLBSC (Create Controller
authorization list 146, 271 Description (BSC)) command
Program) command
command object authority required 316
object authority required 365
ALWLMTUSR (allow limited user) CRTCTLFNC (Create Controller
CRTBNDDIR (Create Binding Directory)
parameter 65 Description (Finance)) command
PRDLIB (product library) command
object authority required 311 object authority required 316
parameter 185 CRTCTLHOST (Create Controller
security risks 185 CRTBNDRPG (Create Bound RPG
Program) command Description (SNA Host)) command
library 137 object authority required 316
menu object authority required 365
CRTBSCF (Create Bisync File) command CRTCTLLWS (Create Controller
PRDLIB (product library)
object auditing 452 Description (Local Work Station))
parameter 185
security risks 185 CRTCBLMOD (Create COBOL Module)
command object authority required 316
object authority required 365 CRTCTLNET (Create Controller
audit journal (QAUDJRN)
Description (Network)) command
entry 123, 244 CRTCBLPGM (Create COBOL Program)
output queue 187, 189 command object authority required 316
program object authority required 365 CRTCTLRTL (Create Controller
adopted authority 130 Description (Retail)) command
CRTCFGL (Create Configuration List)
user profile command object authority required 316
audit journal (QAUDJRN) object authority required 316 CRTCTLRWS (Create Controller
entry 244 Description (Remote Work Station))
CRTCLD (Create C Locale Description)
command descriptions 272, 273 command
example 95 object authority required 316
object authority required 365
methods 93 CRTCTLTAP (Create Controller
creating object Description (Tape)) command
object authority required 365
object auditing 432 object authority required 316
CRTCLPGM (Create Control Language
cross system product map (*CSPMAP) CRTCTLVWS (Create Controller
Program) command
auditing 440 Description (Virtual Work Station))
object authority required 365 command
cross system product table (*CSPTBL)
CRTCLS (Create Class) command object authority required 316
auditing 440
authorized IBM-supplied user CRTDDMF (Create Distributed Data
CRTALRTBL (Create Alert Table)
profiles 287 Management File) command
object authority required 313 object authority required 330
object authority required 308
CRTCMD (Create Command) command CRTDEVAPPC (Create Device
CRTAUT (create authority) parameter
ALWLMTUSR (allow limited user) Description (APPC)) command
description 120
displaying 138 parameter 65 object authority required 320
object authority required 313 CRTDEVASC (Create Device Description
risks 121
PRDLIB (product library) (Async)) command
CRTAUTHLR (Create Authority Holder)
parameter 185 object authority required 320
security risks 185 CRTDEVASP (Create Device Description
authorized IBM-supplied user
profiles 287 CRTCMNF (Create Communications File) for Auxiliary Storage Pool) command
command object authority required 320
considerations 132
description 271, 275 object auditing 452 CRTDEVBSC (Create Device Description
object authority required 310 CRTCMOD (Create C Module) command (BSC)) command
CRTAUTL (Create Authorization List) object authority required 365 object authority required 320
command CRTCNNL (Create Connection List) CRTDEVDKT (Create Device Description
description 271 command (Diskette)) command
object authority required 310 object authority required 316 object authority required 320

Index 613
CRTDEVDSP (Create Device Description CRTFLR (Create Folder) command CRTLINDDI (Create Line Description
(Display)) command (continued) (DDI Network)) command
object authority required 320 object authority required 325 object authority required 376
CRTDEVFNC (Create Device Description CRTFNTRSC (Create Font Resources) CRTLINETH (Create Line Description
(Finance)) command command (Ethernet)) command
object authority required 320 object authority required 307 object authority required 376
CRTDEVHOST (Create Device CRTFNTTBL (Create Font Table) CRTLINFAX (Create Line Description
Description (SNA Host)) command object authority required for (FAX)) command
object authority required 320 commands 307 object authority required 376
CRTDEVINTR (Create Device Description CRTFORMDF (Create Form Definition) CRTLINFR (Create Line Description
(Intrasystem)) command command (Frame Relay Network)) command
object authority required 320 object authority required 307 object authority required 376
CRTDEVNET (Create Device Description CRTFTR (Create Filter) command CRTLINIDLC (Create Line Description
(Network)) command object authority required 337 for IDLC) command
object authority required 320 CRTGDF (Create Graphics Data File) object authority required 376
CRTDEVPRT (Create Device Description command CRTLINNET (Create Line Description
(Printer)) command object auditing 436 (Network)) command
object authority required 320 CRTGPHPKG (Create Graph Package) object authority required 376
CRTDEVRTL (Create Device Description command CRTLINSDLC (Create Line Description
(Retail)) command object authority required 393 (SDLC)) command
object authority required 320 CRTGSS (Create Graphics Symbol Set) object authority required 376
CRTDEVSNPT (Create Device command CRTLINTDLC (Create Line Description
Description (SNPT)) command object authority required 339 (TDLC)) command
object authority required 320 CRTHSTDTA (Create Historical Data) object authority required 376
CRTDEVSNUF (Create Device command CRTLINTRN (Create Line Description
Description (SNUF)) command object authority required 393 (Token-Ring Network)) command
object authority required 320 CRTICFF (Create ICF File) command object authority required 376
CRTDEVTAP (Create Device Description object auditing 452 CRTLINWLS (Create Line Description
(Tape)) command CRTICFF (Create Intersystem (Wireless)) command
object authority required 320 Communications Function File) object authority required 376
CRTDIR (Create Directory) command command CRTLINX25 (Create Line Description
object auditing 443 object authority required 330 (X.25)) command
CRTDKTF (Create Diskette File) CRTIGCDCT (Create DBCS Conversion object authority required 376
command Dictionary) command CRTLOCALE (Create Locale) command
object authority required 330 object authority required 328 object authority required 378
CRTDOC (Create Document) command CRTIPXD 355 CRTMNU (Create Menu) command
object authority required 325 CRTJOBD (Create Job Description) object authority required 380
CRTDSPF (Create Display File) command command PRDLIB (product library)
object auditing 452 authorized IBM-supplied user parameter 185
object authority required 330 profiles 287 security risks 185
CRTDSTL (Create Distribution List) object authority required 359 CRTMODD (Create Mode Description)
command CRTJOBQ (Create Job Queue) command command
object authority required 325 object authority required 360 object authority required 383
CRTDTAARA (Create Data Area) CRTJRN (Create Journal) command CRTMSDF (Create Mixed Device File)
command creating audit (QAUDJRN) command
object authority required 319 journal 257 object auditing 452
CRTDTADCT (Create a Data Dictionary) object authority required 361 CRTMSGF (Create Message File)
command CRTJRNRCV (Create Journal Receiver) command
object authority required 354 command object authority required 382
CRTDTAQ (Create Data Queue) creating audit (QAUDJRN) journal CRTMSGFMNU (Create Message File
command receiver 256 Menu) command
object authority required 320 object authority required 364 object authority required 419
CRTDUPOBJ (Create Duplicate Object) CRTLASREP (Create Local Abstract CRTMSGQ (Create Message Queue)
command Syntax) command command
object auditing 431 authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 382
object authority required 301 profiles 287 CRTNODL (Create Node List) command
CRTEDTD (Create Edit Description) CRTLF (Create Logical File) command object authority required 388
command object auditing 452, 485 CRTNTBD (Create NetBIOS Description)
object authority required 329 object authority required 330 command
CRTFCNARA (Create Functional Area) CRTLIB (Create Library) command 137 object authority required 384
command object authority required 371 CRTNWIFR (Create Network Interface
object authority required 393 CRTLINASC (Create Line Description Description (Frame Relay Network))
CRTFCT (Create Forms Control Table) (Async)) command command
command object authority required 376 object authority required 386
object authority required 407 CRTLINBSC (Create Line Description CRTNWIISDN (Create Network Interface
CRTFLR (Create Folder) command (BSC)) command for ISDN) command
object auditing 447 object authority required 376 object authority required 386

614 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

CRTNWSALS (Create Network Server CRTRJECFG (Create RJE Configuration) CRTSQLFTN (Create Structured Query
Alias) command command Language FORTRAN) command
object authority required 387 object authority required 407 object authority required 365
CRTNWSD (Create Network Server CRTRJECMNF (Create RJE CRTSQLPKG (Create Structured Query
Description) command Communications File) command Language Package) command
object authority required 388 object authority required 407 object authority required 393
CRTNWSSTG (Create Network Server CRTRPGMOD (Create RPG Module) CRTSQLPLI (Create Structured Query
Storage Space) command command Language PL/I) command
object authority required 387 object authority required 365 object authority required 365
CRTOBJAUD (create object auditing) CRTRPGPGM (Create RPG/400 Program) CRTSQLRPG (Create Structured Query
value 52, 254 command Language RPG) command
CRTOUTQ (Create Output Queue) object authority required 365 object authority required 365
command CRTRPTPGM (Create Auto Report CRTSQLRPGI (Create Structured Query
examples 189 Program) command Language ILE RPG Object) command
object authority required 392 object authority required 365 object authority required 365
using 187 CRTS36CBL (Create System/36 COBOL) CRTSRCPF (Create Source Physical File)
CRTOVL (Create Overlay) command command command
object authority required 307 object authority required 365 object authority required 330
CRTPAGDFN (Create Page Definition) CRTS36DSPF (Create System/36 Display CRTSRVPGM (Create Service Program)
command File) command command
object authority required 307 object authority required 330, 419 object auditing 435, 464, 480
CRTPAGSEG (Create Page Segment) CRTS36MNU (Create System/36 Menu) object authority required 400
command CRTSSND (Create Session Description)
object authority required 380, 419 command
object authority required 307
object authority required 407
CRTPDG (Create Print Descriptor Group) CRTS36MSGF (Create System/36
Message File) command CRTTAPF (Create Tape File) command
object authority required 330
object authority required 398 object authority required 419
CRTTBL (Create Table) command
CRTPF (Create Physical File) command CRTS36RPG (Create System/36 RPG)
object authority required 421
object auditing 452 command
CRTUDFS (Create User-Defined File
object authority required 330 object authority required 365
System) command
CRTPFRDTA (Create Performance Data) CRTS36RPGR (Create System/36 RPGR) authorized IBM-supplied user
command command profiles 287
authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 365 object authority required 426
profiles 287 CRTS36RPT (Create System/36 Auto CRTUSRPRF (Create User Profile)
object authority required 393 Report) command command
CRTPGM (Create Program) command object authority required 365 description 272, 273
object auditing 435, 464, 470, 480 CRTSAVF (Create Save File) command object authority required 424
CRTPNLGRP (Create Panel Group) object authority required 330 using 95
command CRTSBSD (Create Subsystem Description) CRTVLDL (Create Validation List)
object authority required 380 command command
CRTPRTF (Create Printer File) command authorized IBM-supplied user authorized IBM-supplied user
object auditing 452 profiles 287 profiles 287
object authority required 330 object authority required 416 object authority required 427
CRTPSFCFG (Create Print Services CRTSCHIDX (Create Search Index) CRTWSCST (Create Work Station
Facility Configuration) command command Customizing Object) command
object authority required 398 object authority required 356 object authority required 427
CRTQMFORM (Create Query CRTSPADCT (Create Spelling Aid cryptographic configuration (CY) file
Management Form) command Dictionary) command layout 507
object auditing 473 object auditing 479 cryptography
object authority required 403 object authority required 414 object authority required for
CRTQMQRY (Create Query Management CRTSQLC (Create Structured Query commands 318
Query) command Language C) command CU (Cluster Operations) file layout 504
object auditing 473 object authority required 365 CURLIB (current library) parameter
CRTQSTDB (Create Question and Answer CRTSQLCBL (Create Structured Query user profile 62
Database) command Language COBOL) command current library
authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 365 changing
profiles 287 CRTSQLCBLI (Create Structured Query limit capabilities 62
object authority required 405 Language ILE COBOL Object) methods 183
CRTQSTLOD (Create command recommendations 186
Question-and-Answer Load) command object authority required 365 definition 62
authorized IBM-supplied user CRTSQLCI (Create Structured Query library list 183, 185
profiles 287 Language ILE C Object) command limit capabilities 62
object authority required 405 object authority required 365 recommendations 185
CRTRJEBSCF (Create RJE BSC File) CRTSQLCPPI (Create SQL ILE C++ user profile 62
command Object) command current library (CURLIB) parameter
object authority required 407 object authority required 365 user profile 62

Index 615
customizing CVTS38JOB (Convert System/38 Job) default 280 (continued)
security values 579 command owner (QDFTOWN) user profile
CV (connection verification) file authorized IBM-supplied user audit journal (QAUDJRN)
layout 505 profiles 287 entry 244
CVTBASSTR (Convert BASIC Stream object authority required 382 default values 280
Files) command CVTSQLCPP (Converte SQL C++ Source) description 123
authorized IBM-supplied user command restoring programs 230
profiles 287 object authority required 365 sign-on
object authority required 382 CVTTCPCL (Convert TCP/IP CL) audit journal (QAUDJRN)
CVTBASUNF (Convert BASIC command entry 244
Unformatted Files) command object authority required 422 security level 40 14
authorized IBM-supplied user CVTTCPCL (Convert TCP/IP Control subsystem description 181
profiles 287 Language) command value
object authority required 382 authorized IBM-supplied user IBM-supplied user profile 279
CVTBGUDTA (Convert BGU Data) profiles 287 user profile 279
command CVTTOFLR (Convert to Folder) delete (*DELETE) audit level 244
command delete (*DLT) authority 112, 297
authorized IBM-supplied user
object auditing 447 Delete Authority Holder (DLTAUTHLR)
profiles 287
object authority required 382 CY(cryptographic configuration) file command 133, 271, 275
layout 507 Delete Authorization List (DLTAUTL)
CVTCLSRC (Convert CL Source)
cyclical redundancy check (CRC) 15 command 148, 271
Delete Journal Receiver (DLTJRNRCV)
object authority required 400
CVTEDU (Convert Education) command D command 260
delete operation (DO) file layout 512
object authority required 389 damaged audit journal 258 delete operation (DO) journal entry
CVTIPSIFC (Convert IP over SNA damaged authorization list type 244
Interface) command recovering 231 Delete User Profile (DLTUSRPRF)
object authority required 308 data area command
CVTIPSLOC (Convert IP over SNA object authority required for description 273
Location Entry) command commands 319 example 99
object authority required 308 data authority object ownership 122
CVTOPTBKU (Convert Optical Backup) definition 112 Delete User Profile display 99
command data queue Delete Validation Lists (DLTVLDL) 220
object authority required 390 object authority required for deleting
commands 320 audit journal receiver 260
CVTPFRDTA (Convert Performance Data)
database share (QDBSHR) user authority for user 141
profile 280 authority holder 133, 271
object authority required 393
DCEADM (QDCEADM) user profile 280 authorization list 148, 271
CVTPFRTHD (Convert Performance DCPOBJ (Decompress Object) command
Thread Data) command object
object auditing 433 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
object authority required 393 object authority required 301 entry 244
CVTRJEDTA (Convert RJE Data) DDM (distributed data management) object owner profile 122
command security 192 user profile
object authority required 407 DDM request access (DDMACC) network command description 273
CVTRPGSRC (Convert RPG Source) attribute 192 directory entry 99
command DDMACC (DDM request access) network distribution lists 99
object authority required 365 attribute 192 message queue 99
CVTS36CFG (Convert System/36 DDMACC (distributed data management owned objects 99
Configuration) command access) network attribute 240 primary group 99
authorized IBM-supplied user debug functions spooled files 101
profiles 287 adopted authority 130 user’s authority 141
object authority required 382 dedicated service tools (DST)
deleting object
auditing passwords 237
CVTS36FCT (Convert System/36 Forms object auditing 432
changing password 109
Control Table) command delivery (DLVRY) parameter
changing passwords 107
authorized IBM-supplied user user profile 82
changing user ID 107
profiles 287 describing
resetting password
object authority required 382 library security requirements 204
audit journal (QAUDJRN)
CVTS36JOB (Convert System/36 Job) entry 244 menu security 209
command command description 272 description (TEXT) parameter
authorized IBM-supplied user Dedicated Service Tools (DST) user profile 65
profiles 287 users 106 descriptor
object authority required 382 default 280 giving
CVTS36QRY (Convert System/36 Query) *DFT delivery mode audit journal (QAUDJRN)
command user profile 82 entry 244
authorized IBM-supplied user job description (QDFTJOBD) 76 designing
profiles 287 object libraries 201
object authority required 382 auditing 254 security 195

616 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

detaching disabled (*DISABLED) user profile Display Journal (DSPJRN) command
audit journal receiver 259, 260 status (continued) (continued)
journal receiver 258 QSECOFR (security officer) user creating output file 262
DEV (print device) parameter profile 59 displaying QAUDJRN (audit)
user profile 83 disabling journal 240
device audit function 260 Display Library (DSPLIB) command 267
authority to sign-on 177 security level 40 18 Display Library Description (DSPLIBD)
securing 177 security level 50 21 command
virtual user profile 59 CRTAUT parameter 138
automatic configuration automatically 571 Display Object Authority (DSPOBJAUT)
(QAUTOVRT system value) 34 disconnected job time-out interval command 267, 272
definition 34 (QDSCJOBITV) system value 36 Display Object Authority display
device description value set by CFGSYSSEC displaying detail (*EXPERT user
authority to use 177 command 579 option) 87, 88
creating disk example 137, 139
public authority 121 limiting use (MAXSTG) Display Object Description (DSPOBJD)
QCRTAUT (create authority) parameter 74 command 272
system value 121 diskette created by 123
definition 177 object authority required for object domain 13
object authority required for commands 379 program state 13
commands 320 display using 254
ownership security attributes 276 using output file 267
changing 179 Display Activation Schedule Display Program (DSPPGM) command
default owner 179 (DSPACTSCD) command adopted authority 131
owned by QPGMR (programmer) description 571 program state 13
profile 179 Display Audit Journal Entries Display Programs That Adopt
owned by QSECOFR (security (DSPAUDJRNE) command (DSPPGMADP) command
officer) user profile 179 description 276, 575 auditing 268
printing security-relevant Display Audit Log (DSPAUDLOG) tool description 274
parameters 575 messages used 244 using 131, 211
securing 177 Display Authority (DSPAUT) Display Security Attributes (DSPSECA)
command 272 command 276
device description (*DEVD)
auditing 441 Display Authority Holder (DSPAUTHLR) Display Security Auditing (DSPSECAUD)
command 132, 271 command
device recovery action (QDEVRCYACN)
Display Authorization List (DSPAUTL) description 573
system value 35
command 271 Display Security Auditing
value set by CFGSYSSEC
Display Authorization List display Values(DSPSECAUD) command
command 579
displaying detail (*EXPERT user description 276
device session
option) 87, 88 display service function
Display Authorization List Document *SERVICE (service) special
LMTDEVSSN user profile
Library Objects (DSPAUTLDLO) authority 68
parameter 73
command 274 Display Service Program (DSPSRVPGM)
QLMTDEVSSN system value 28
Display Authorization List Objects command
DI(directory services) file layout 508
(DSPAUTLOBJ) command 148, 271 adopted authority 131
digital ID
Display Authorized Users (DSPAUTUSR) display sign-on information
if private authorization is not
command (QDSPSGNINF) system value
found. 93
auditing 266 value set by CFGSYSSEC
description 273 command 579
authority 5 example 102 Display Spooled File (DSPSPLF)
new objects 121
Display Authorized Users (DSPAUTUSR) command 187
object authority required for
display 102, 266 display station pass-through
commands 323, 339
Display Document Library Object object authority required for
security 118
Auditing (DSPDLOAUD) commands 323
working with 275
command 274 target profile change
directory (*DIR) auditing 442
using 254 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
directory, system distribution
Display Document Library Object entry 244
commands for working with 275 Authority (DSPDLOAUT) Display User Profile (DSPUSRPRF)
directory entry command 274 command
adding 275 Display Expiration Schedule description 273
changing 275 (DSPEXPSCD) command using 102
deleting user profile 99 description 571 using output file 266
removing 275 Display Job Description (DSPJOBD) displaying
directory services command 239 adopted authority
auditing 445 Display Journal (DSPJRN) command command description 274
directory services (DI) file layout 508 audit (QAUDJRN) journal critical files 211
disabled (*DISABLED) user profile status example 261 programs that adopt a profile 131
description 59 auditing file activity 212, 265 USRPRF parameter 131

Index 617
displaying (continued) distribution list (continued) DLTCSI (Delete Communications Side
all user profiles 102 object authority required for Information) command
audit (QAUDJRN) journal commands 325 object authority required 314
entries 240, 261 DLCOBJ (Deallocate Object) command DLTCTLD (Delete Controller Description)
audit journal entries 276 object auditing 433 command
authority 134, 272 object authority required 301 object authority required 316
authority holders 132 DLO (document library object) DLTDEVD (Delete Device Description)
command description 271 authority command
authorization list command descriptions 274 object auditing 484
document library objects DLTALR (Delete Alert) command object authority required 320
(DLO) 274 object authority required 308 DLTDFUPGM (Delete DFU Program)
users 271 DLTALRTBL (Delete Alert Table) command
authorization list objects 148, 271 command object authority required 400
authorized users 266, 273 object authority required 308 DLTDKTLBL (Delete Diskette Label)
CRTAUT (create authority) DLTAPARDTA (Delete APAR Data) command
parameter 138 command object authority required 379
document library object authorized IBM-supplied user DLTDLO (Delete Document Library
authority 274 profiles 287 Object) command
job description 239 object authority required 411 object auditing 447
journal DLTAUTHLR (Delete Authority Holder) object authority required 325
auditing file activity 212, 265 command DLTDOCL (Delete Document List)
object description 271, 275
originator 123 command
object authority required 310 object auditing 448
object auditing 254 using 133
object authority 267, 272 object authority required 325
DLTAUTL (Delete Authorization List) DLTDST (Delete Distribution) command
object description 272 command
object domain 13 object auditing 448
description 271 object authority required 324
path name 144
object authority required 310 DLTDSTL (Delete Distribution List)
program adopt 131
using 148 command
program state 13
DLTBESTMDL (Delete Best/1-400 Model) object authority required 325
Display Program (DSPPGM)
command DLTDTAARA (Delete Data Area)
command 13
object authority required 393 command
programs that adopt 131, 268
QAUDCTL (audit control) system DLTBESTMDL (Delete BEST/1 Model) object authority required 319
value 276, 573 command DLTDTADCT (Delete Data Dictionary)
QAUDLVL (audit level) system authorized IBM-supplied user command
value 276, 573 profiles 287 object authority required 354
security auditing 276, 573 DLTBNDDIR (Delete Binding Directory) DLTDTAQ (Delete Data Queue)
sign-on information command command
DSPSGNINF user profile object authority required 311
object authority required 320
parameter 71 DLTCFGL (Delete Configuration List)
DLTEDTD (Delete Edit Description)
QDSPSGNINF system value 26 command command
recommendations 72 object authority required 316 object authority required 329
spooled file 187 DLTCHTFMT (Delete Chart Format) DLTEXDTA (Delete Performance Explorer
user profile command Data) command
activation schedule 571 object authority required 312
authorized IBM-supplied user
active profile list 571 DLTCLD (Delete C Locale Description) profiles 287
command description 273 command
DLTF (Delete File) command
expiration schedule 571 object authority required 365 object authority required 330
individual 102 DLTCLS (Delete Class) command
DLTFCNARA (Delete Functional Area)
summary list 102 object authority required 313 command
distributed data management access DLTCMD (Delete Command) command
object authority required 393
(DDMACC) network attribute 240 object authority required 313
DLTFCT (Delete Forms Control Table)
distributed systems node executive DLTCMNTRC (Delete Communications
(QDSNX) user profile 280 Trace) command
object authority required 407
distribution authorized IBM-supplied user
DLTFNTRSC (Delete Font Resources)
object authority required for profiles 287
object authority required 411 command
commands 324
DLTCNNL (Delete Connection List) object authority required 307
distribution directory
command DLTFNTTBL (Delete Font Table)
changing object authority required for
object authority required 316
audit journal (QAUDJRN) commands 307
entry 244 DLTCOSD (Delete Class-of Service
Description) command DLTFORMDF (Delete Form Definition)
distribution directory, system command
object authority required 313
commands for working with 275 DLTCRQD (Delete Change Request object authority required 307
distribution list Description) command DLTFTR (Delete Filter) command
deleting user profile 99 object authority required 312 object authority required 337

618 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

DLTGPHFMT (Delete Graph Format) DLTNWID (Delete Network Interface DLTRJECFG (Delete RJE Configuration)
command Description) command command
object authority required 393 object authority required 386 object authority required 407
DLTGPHPKG (Delete Graph Package) DLTNWSALS (Delete Network Server DLTRMTPTF (Delete Remote PTF)
command Alias) command command
object authority required 393 object authority required 387 authorized IBM-supplied user
DLTGSS (Delete Graphics Symbol Set) DLTNWSD (Delete Network Server profiles 287
command Description) command DLTSBSD (Delete Subsystem Description)
object authority required 339 object authority required 388 command
DLTHSTDTA (Delete Historical Data) DLTNWSSTG (Delete Network Server object authority required 416
command Storage Space) command DLTSCHIDX (Delete Search Index)
object authority required 393 object authority required 387 command
DLTOUTQ (Delete Output Queue) object authority required 356
DLTIGCDCT (Delete DBCS Conversion
command DLTSHF (Delete Bookshelf) command
Dictionary) command
object authority required 392 object auditing 447
object authority required 328
DLTOVL (Delete Overlay) command DLTSMGOBJ (Delete System
DLTIGCSRT (Delete IGC Sort) command
object authority required 307 Management Object) command
object authority required 328
DLTPAGDFN (Delete Page Definition) authorized IBM-supplied user
DLTIGCTBL (Delete DBCS Font Table)
command profiles 287
object authority required 307 DLTSPADCT (Delete Spelling Aid
object authority required 328 Dictionary) command
DLTIPXD 355 DLTPAGSEG (Delete Page Segment)
command object authority required 414
DLTJOBD (Delete Job Description) DLTSPLF (Delete Spooled File) command
object authority required 307
command action auditing 480
DLTPDG (Delete Print Descriptor Group)
object authority required 359 object auditing 468
DLTJOBQ (Delete Job Queue) command object authority required 415
object authority required 398
object authority required 360 DLTSQLPKG (Delete Structured Query
DLTPEXDTA (Delete Performance
DLTJRN (Delete Journal) command Language Package) command
Explorer Data) command
object authority required 361 object authority required 393
object authority required 393
DLTJRNRCV (Delete Journal Receiver) DLTSRVPGM (Delete Service Program)
DLTPFRDTA (Delete Performance Data)
command command
command object authority required 400
object authority required 364
object authority required 393 DLTSSND (Delete Session Description)
stopping auditing function 260
DLTPGM (Delete Program) command command
DLTLIB (Delete Library) command
object authority required 400 object authority required 407
object authority required 371
DLTPNLGRP (Delete Panel Group) DLTTBL (Delete Table) command
DLTLICPGM (Delete Licensed Program)
command object authority required 421
object authority required 380 DLTTRC (Delete Trace) command
authorized IBM-supplied user
profiles 287 DLTPRB (Delete Problem) command object authority required 411
object authority required 375 authorized IBM-supplied user DLTUDFS (Delete User-Defined File
DLTLIND (Delete Line Description) profiles 287 System) command
command object authority required 399 authorized IBM-supplied user
object authority required 376 DLTPSFCFG (Delete Print Services profiles 287
Facility Configuration) command object authority required 426
DLTLOCALE (Create Locale) command
object authority required 398 DLTUSRIDX (Delete User Index)
object authority required 378
DLTPTF (Delete PTF) command command
DLTMNU (Delete Menu) command
authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 424
object authority required 380
profiles 287 DLTUSRPRF (Delete User Profile)
DLTMOD (Delete Module) command
object authority required 411 command
object authority required 383
DLTQMFORM (Delete Query description 273
DLTMODD (Delete Mode Description)
Management Form) command example 99
object authority required 403 object auditing 486
object authority required 383
DLTQMQRY (Delete Query Management object authority required 424
DLTMSGF (Delete Message File) object ownership 122
Query) command
object authority required 403 DLTUSRQ (Delete User Queue) command
object authority required 382
DLTQRY (Delete Query) command object authority required 424
DLTMSGQ (Delete Message Queue)
object auditing 474 DLTUSRSPC (Delete User Space)
object authority required 403 command
object authority required 382
DLTQST (Delete Question) command object authority required 424
DLTNETF (Delete Network File) authorized IBM-supplied user DLTUSRTRC (Delete User Trace)
command command
profiles 287
object authority required 384 object authority required 405 object authority required 357
DLTNODL (Delete Node List) command DLTQSTDB (Delete Question-and-Answer DLTVLDL (Delete Validation List)
object authority required 388 Database) command command
DLTNTBD (Delete NetBIOS Description) authorized IBM-supplied user authorized IBM-supplied user
command profiles 287 profiles 287
object authority required 384 object authority required 405 object authority required 427

Index 619
DLTWSCST (Delete Work Station document library object (DLO) DSPAUT (Display Authority) command
Customizing Object) command adding authority 274 (continued)
object authority required 427 changing authority 274 object authority required 339
DLVRY (message queue delivery) changing owner 274 DSPAUTHLR (Display Authority Holder)
parameter changing primary group 274 command
user profile 82 commands 274 description 271
DLYJOB (Delay Job) command displaying authority 274 object auditing 435
object authority required 357 displaying authorization list 274 object authority required 310
DMPCLPGM (Dump CL Program) editing authority 274 using 132
command object authority required for DSPAUTL (Display Authorization List)
object auditing 471 commands 325 command
object authority required 400 removing authority 274 description 271
DMPDLO (Dump Document Library document library object auditing object auditing 435
Object) command changing object authority required 310
authorized IBM-supplied user command description 274 DSPAUTLDLO (Display Authorization
profiles 287 domain attribute, object List Document Library Objects)
object auditing 446 description 13 command
object authority required 325 displaying 13 description 274
DMPJOB (Dump Job) command double-byte character set (DBCS) object auditing 435
authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required for object authority required 310, 325
profiles 287 commands 328 DSPAUTLOBJ (Display Authorization List
object authority required 411 double byte-character set dictionary Objects) command
DMPJOBINT (Dump Job Internal) (*IGCDCT) object auditing 457
description 271
command double byte-character set sort (*IGCSRT) object auditing 435
authorized IBM-supplied user object auditing 457
object authority required 310
profiles 287 double byte-character set table (*IGCTBL) using 148
object authority required 411 object auditing 457
DSPAUTUSR (Display Authorized Users)
DMPOBJ (Dump Object) command DS (DST password reset) file layout 513
authorized IBM-supplied user DS (DST password reset) journal entry
auditing 266
profiles 287 type 244
description 273
object auditing 431 DSCJOB (Disconnect Job) command
example 102
object authority required 301 object authority required 357
object authority required 424
DMPSYSOBJ (Dump System Object) DSPACC (Display Access Code)
DSPBCKSTS (Display Backup Status)
command command
authorized IBM-supplied user object auditing 449
profiles 287 object authority required 388 object authority required 389
object auditing 431 DSPACCAUT (Display Access Code DSPBCKUP (Display Backup Options)
object authority required 301 Authority) command command
DMPTAP (Dump Tape) command object authority required 388 object authority required 389
object authority required 379 DSPACCGRP (Display Access Group) DSPBCKUPL (Display Backup List)
DMPTRC (Dump Trace) command command command
authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 393 object authority required 389
profiles 287 DSPACTPJ (Display Active Prestart Jobs) DSPBKP (Display Breakpoints) command
object authority required 393 command object authority required 400
DMPUSRTRC (Dump User Trace) object authority required 357 DSPBNDDIR (Display Binding Directory)
command DSPACTPRFL (Display Active Profile command
object authority required 357 List) command object authority required 311
DO (delete operation) file layout 512 description 571 DSPBNDDIRE (Display Binding
DO (delete operation) journal entry object authority required 424 Directory) command
type 244 DSPACTSCD (Display Activation object auditing 436
DOCPWD (document password) Schedule) command DSPCCTSRV 355
parameter description 571 DSPCDEFNT (Display Coded Font)
user profile 80 object authority required 424 object authority required for
document DSPAPPNINF (Display APPN* commands 307
library object (DLO) 223 Information) command DSPCFGL (Display Configuration List)
object authority required for object authority required 384 command
commands 325 DSPAUDJRNE (Display Audit Journal object auditing 436
password Entries) command object authority required 316
changes when restoring authorized IBM-supplied user DSPCHT (Display Chart) command
profile 225 profiles 287 object auditing 436
password (DOCPWD user profile description 276, 575 object authority required 312
parameter) 80 object authority required 411 DSPCLS (Display Class) command
QDOC profile 280 DSPAUDLOG (Display Audit Log) tool object auditing 438
restoring 223 messages used 244 object authority required 313
saving 223 DSPAUT (Display Authority) command DSPCMD (Display Command) command
document library object description 272 object auditing 438
object auditing 446 object auditing 444, 478, 483 object authority required 313

620 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

DSPCNNL (Display Connection List) DSPDOC (Display Document) command DSPHDWRSC (Display Hardware
command object auditing 446 Resources) command
object auditing 439 object authority required 325 object authority required 406
object authority required 316 DSPDSTL (Display Distribution List) DSPHLPDOC (Display Help Document)
DSPCNNSTS (Display Connection Status) command command
command object authority required 325 object auditing 446
object authority required 320 DSPDSTLOG (Display Distribution Log) DSPHSTGPH (Display Historical Graph)
DSPCOSD (Display Class-of-Service command command
Description) command authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 393
object auditing 439 profiles 287 DSPIDXSTS (Display Text Index Status)
object authority required 313 object authority required 324 command
DSPCPCST (Display Check Pending DSPDSTSRV (Display Distribution object authority required 388
Constraint) command Services) command DSPIGCDCT (Display DBCS Conversion
object authority required 330 object authority required 324 Dictionary) command
DSPCPCST (Display Check Pending DSPDTA (Display Data) command object auditing 457
Constraints) command object authority required 330 object authority required 328
object auditing 454 DSPDTA (display data) parameter 187 DSPIPXCCT 355
DSPCSI (Display Communications Side DSPDTAARA (Display Data Area) DSPIPXD 355
Information) command command DSPJOB (Display Job) command
object auditing 440 object auditing 449
object authority required 357
object authority required 314 object authority required 319
DSPJOBD (Display Job Description)
DSPCSPOBJ (Display CSP/AE Object) DSPDTADCT (Display Data Dictionary)
command command
object auditing 458
object auditing 440, 471 object authority required 354
object authority required 359
DSPCTLD (Display Controller DSPEDTD (Display Edit Description)
using 239
Description) command command
object auditing 441 object auditing 451 DSPJOBLOG (Display Job Log) command
object authority required 316 object authority required 329 object authority required 357
DSPCURDIR (Display Current Directory) DSPEWCBCDE (Display Extended DSPJRN (Display Journal) command
command Wireless Controller Bar Code Entry) audit (QAUDJRN) journal
object auditing 442 command example 261
object authority required 339 object authority required 329 auditing file activity 212, 265
DSPDBG (Display Debug) command DSPEWCM (Display Extended Wireless creating output file 262
object authority required 400 Controller Member) command displaying QAUDJRN (audit)
DSPDBGWCH (Display Debug Watches) object authority required 329 journal 240
command DSPEWCPTCE (Display Extended object auditing 459, 460
object authority required 400 Wireless Controller PTC Entry) object authority required 361
DSPDBR (Display Database Relations) command DSPJRNA (S/38E) Work with Journal
command object authority required 329 Attributes
object auditing 455 DSPEWLM (Display Extended Wireless object auditing 460
object authority required 330 Line Member) command DSPJRNMNU (S/38E) Work with Journal
DSPDDMF (Display Distributed Data object authority required 329 object auditing 460
Management File) command DSPEXPSCD (Display Expiration DSPJRNRCVA (Display Journal Receiver
object authority required 330 Schedule) command Attributes) command
DSPDEVD (Display Device Description) description 571 object auditing 461
command DSPEXPSCD (Display Expriation object authority required 364
object auditing 442 Schedule) command DSPLANADPP (Display LAN Adapter
object authority required 320 object authority required 424 Profile) command
DSPDIRE (Display Directory Entry) DSPFD (Display File Description) object authority required 378
command command DSPLANSTS (Display LAN Status)
object authority required 323 object auditing 455 command
DSPDKT (Display Diskette) command object authority required 330 object authority required 378
object authority required 379 DSPFFD (Display File Field Description) DSPLIB (Display Library) command
DSPDLOAUD (Display Document command object auditing 461
Library Object Auditing) command object auditing 455 object authority required 371
description 274 object authority required 330 using 267
object auditing 446 DSPFLR (Display Folder) command DSPLIBD (Display Library Description)
object authority required 325 object authority required 325 command
using 254 DSPFNTRSCA (Display Font Resource CRTAUT parameter 138
DSPDLOAUT (Display Document Library Attributes) command object authority required 371
Object Authority) command object authority required 307 DSPLICKEY (Display License Key)
description 274 DSPFNTTBL (Display Font Table) command
object auditing 446 object authority required for object authority required 375
object authority required 325 commands 307 DSPLIND (Display Line Description)
DSPDLONAM (Display Document DSPGDF (Display Graphics Data File) command
Library Object Name) command command object auditing 462
object authority required 325 object authority required 312 object authority required 376

Index 621
DSPLNK DSPNWSSTC (Display Network Server DSPPGMVAR (Display Program Variable)
object authority required 339 Statistics) command command
DSPLNK (Display Links) command object authority required 387 object authority required 400
object auditing 442, 477, 481, 483 DSPNWSSTG (Display Network Server DSPPRB (Display Problem) command
DSPLOG (Display Log) command Storage Space) command object authority required 399
object auditing 465 object authority required 387 DSPPTF (Display Program Temporary
object authority required 382 DSPNWSUSR (Display Network Server Fix) command
DSPMFSINF (Display Mounted File User) command authorized IBM-supplied user
System Information) command object authority required 387 profiles 287
authorized IBM-supplied user DSPNWSUSRA (Display Network Server object authority required 411
profiles 287 User Attribute) command DSPPWRSCD (Display Power On/Off
object authority required 385 object authority required 387 Schedule) command
DSPMGDSYSA (Display Managed System DSPOBJAUT (Display Object Authority) object authority required 389
Attributes) command command DSPRCYAP (Dipslay Recovery for Access
authorized IBM-supplied user description 272 Paths) command
profiles 287 object auditing 433 object authority required 306
DSPMNUA (Display Menu Attributes) object authority required 301 DSPRCYAP (Display Recovery for Access
command using 267 Paths) command
object auditing 463 DSPOBJD (Display Object Description) object auditing 434
object authority required 380 command DSPRDBDIRE (Display Relational
created by 123 Database Directory Entry) command
DSPMOD (Display Module) command
description 272 object authority required 406
object auditing 464
object auditing 433 DSPRJECFG (Display RJE Configuration)
object authority required 383
object authority required 301 command
DSPMODD (Display Mode Description)
using 254 object authority required 407
using output file 267 DSPS36 (Display System/36) command
object auditing 464
DSPOPT (Display Optical) command object auditing 484
object authority required 383
object authority required 390 object authority required 419
DSPMODSRC (Display Module Source) DSPOPTLCK (Display Optical Lock) DSPSAVF (Display Save File) command
command command object authority required 330
object auditing 452 object authority required 390 DSPSBSD (Display Subsystem
object authority required 400 DSPOPTSVR (Display Optical Server) Description) command
DSPMODSTS (Display Mode Status) command object auditing 476
command object authority required 390 object authority required 416
object auditing 442 DSPPDGPRF (Display Print Descriptor DSPSECA (Display Security Attributes)
object authority required 383 Group Profile) command command
DSPMSG (Display Messages) command object authority required 398 description 276
object auditing 465 DSPPFM (Display Physical File Member) object authority required 411
object authority required 381 command DSPSECAUD (Display Security Auditing)
DSPMSGD (Display Message object auditing 452 command
Descriptions) command object authority required 330 description 573
object auditing 464 DSPPFRDTA (Display Performance Data) DSPSECAUD (Display Security Auditing
object authority required 381 command Values) command
DSPNETA (Display Network Attributes) object authority required 393 description 276
command DSPPFRGPH (Display Performance object authority required 411
object authority required 384 Graph) command DSPSFWRSC (Display Software
DSPNTBD (Display NetBIOS Description) object authority required 393 Resources) command
command DSPPGM (Display Program) command object authority required 406
object auditing 467 adopted authority 131 DSPSGNINF (display sign-on
object authority required 384 object auditing 471 information) parameter
DSPNWID (Display Network Interface object authority required 400 user profile 71
Description) command program state 13 DSPSOCSTS (Display Sphere of Control
object auditing 467 DSPPGMADP (Display Program Adopt) Status) command
object authority required 386 command object authority required 415
DSPNWSA (Display Network Server object authority required 424 DSPSPLF (Display Spooled File)
Attribute) command DSPPGMADP (Display Programs that command
object authority required 387 Adopt) command action auditing 479
DSPNWSALS (Display Network Server object auditing 486 DSPDTA parameter of output
Alias) command DSPPGMADP (Display Programs That queue 187
object authority required 387 Adopt) command object auditing 469
DSPNWSD (Display Network Server auditing 268 object authority required 415
Description) command description 274 DSPSRVA (Display Service Attributes)
object auditing 468 using 131, 211 command
object authority required 388 DSPPGMREF (Display Program object authority required 411
DSPNWSSSN (Display Network Server References) command DSPSRVPGM (Display Service Program)
Session) command object auditing 455 command
object authority required 387 object authority required 400 adopted authority 131

622 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

DSPSRVPGM (Display Service Program)
command (continued)
E EDTQST (Edit Questions and Answers)
command (continued)
object auditing 481 Edit Authorization List (EDTAUTL) object authority required 405
object authority required 400 command 146, 271 EDTRBDAP (Edit Rebuild Of Access
DSPSRVSTS (Display Service Status) Edit Authorization List display Paths) command
command displaying detail (*EXPERT user authorized IBM-supplied user
authorized IBM-supplied user option) 87, 88 profiles 287
profiles 287 edit description EDTRCYAP (Edit Recovery for Access
object authority required 411 object authority required for Paths) command
DSPSYSSTS (Display System Status) commands 329 authorized IBM-supplied user
command Edit Document Library Object Authority profiles 287
object authority required 418 (EDTDLOAUT) command 274 object auditing 434
DSPSYSVAL (Display System Value) Edit Library List (EDTLIBL) object authority required 306
command command 183 EDTS36PGMA (Edit System/36 Program
object authority required 419 Edit Object Authority (EDTOBJAUT) Attributes) command
DSPTAP (Display Tape) command command 139, 272 object auditing 471
object authority required 379 Edit Object Authority display object authority required 419
DSPTAPCTG (Display Tape Cartridge) displaying detail (*EXPERT user EDTS36PRCA (Edit System/36 Procedure
command option) 87, 88 Attributes) command
object authority required 379 editing object auditing 454
DSPTRC (Display Trace) command authorization list 146, 271 object authority required 419
object authority required 400 document library object (DLO) EDTS36SRCA (Edit System/36 Source
DSPTRCDTA (Display Trace Data) authority 274 Attributes) command
command library list 183 object auditing 454
object authority required 400 object authority 139, 272 object authority required 419
DSPUDFS (Display User-Defined File EDTAUTL (Edit Authorization List) EDTWSOAUT (Edit Workstation Object
System) command command Authoriy) command
authorized IBM-supplied user description 271 object authority required 338
profiles 287 object auditing 435 EJTEMLOUT (Eject Emulation Output)
object authority required 426 object authority required 310 command
DSPUSRPMN (Display User Permission) using 146 object authority required 322
command EDTBCKUPL (Edit Backup List) EML3270 (Emulate 3270 Display)
object auditing 449 command command
object authority required 388 object authority required 389 object authority required 322
DSPUSRPRF (Display User Profile) EDTCPCST (Edit Check Pending EMLPRTKEY (Emulate Printer Key)
command Constraints) command command
description 273 authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 322
object auditing 486 profiles 287 emulation
object authority required 424 object auditing 455 object authority required for
using 102 object authority required 330 commands 322
using output file 266 EDTDEVRSC (Edit Device Resources) enabled (*ENABLED) user profile
DSPVTMAP (Display VT100 Keyboard command status 59
Map) command object authority required 406
object authority required 422 EDTDLOAUT (Edit Document Library
QSECOFR (security officer) user
DST (dedicated service tools) Object Authority) command
profile 59
description 274
auditing passwords 237 user profile
object auditing 446, 448
changing password 109 automatically 571
object authority required 325
changing passwords 107 sample program 101
EDTDOC (Edit Document) command
changing user ID 107 ENCCPHK (Encipher Cipher Key)
object auditing 448
resetting password command
object authority required 325
audit journal (QAUDJRN) authorized IBM-supplied user
EDTIGCDCT (Edit DBCS Conversion
entry 244 profiles 287
Dictionary) command
command description 272 object authority required 318
object auditing 457
DST password reset (DS) file layout 513 ENCFRMMSTK (Encipher from Master
object authority required 328
DST password reset (DS) journal entry Key) command
EDTLIBL (Edit Library List) command
type 244 authorized IBM-supplied user
object authority required 371
dump function profiles 287
using 183
*SERVICE (service) special EDTOBJAUT (Edit Object Authority) object authority required 318
authority 68 command encrypting
DUPDKT (Duplicate Diskette) command description 272 password 57
object authority required 379 object auditing 433 ENCTOMSTK (Encipher to Master Key)
duplicate password (QPWDRQDDIF) object authority required 301 command
system value 42 using 139 authorized IBM-supplied user
DUPOPT (Duplicate Optical) command EDTQST (Edit Questions and Answers) profiles 287
object authority required 390 command object authority required 318
DUPTAP (Duplicate Tape) command authorized IBM-supplied user End Job (ENDJOB) command
object authority required 379 profiles 287 QINACTMSGQ system value 28

Index 623
command object authority required 355 command
object authority required 365, 400 ENDJOB (End Job) command authorized IBM-supplied user
ENDCLNUP (End Cleanup) command action auditing 480 profiles 287
object authority required 389 object authority required 357 ENDPJ (End Prestart Jobs) command
ENDCMNTRC (End Communications QINACTMSGQ system value 28 action auditing 480
Trace) command ENDJOBABN (End Job Abnormal) object authority required 357
object authority required 411 command ENDPRTEML (End Printer Emulation)
ENDCMTCTL (End Commitment command
authorized IBM-supplied user
Control) command object authority required 322
profiles 287
object authority required 314 ENDRDR (End Reader) command
object authority required 357
ENDCPYSCN (End Copy Screen) object authority required 405
ENDJOBTRC (End Job Trace) command
command ENDRJESSN (End RJE Session) command
object authority required 411 object authority required 393 object authority required 407
ENDCTLRCY (End Controller Recovery) ENDJRN (End Journal) command ENDRQS (End Request) command
command object authority required 339, 361 object authority required 400
object auditing 441 ENDJRN (End Journaling) command ENDS36 (End System/36) command
object authority required 316 object auditing 432 object auditing 484
ENDDBG (End Debug) command ENDJRNAP (End Journal Access Path) ENDSBS (End Subsystem) command
object authority required 400 command object auditing 475
ENDDBGSVR (End Debug Server) object authority required 361 object authority required 416
command ENDJRNPF (End Journal Physical File ENDSRVJOB (End Service Job) command
authorized IBM-supplied user Changes) command authorized IBM-supplied user
profiles 287 profiles 287
object authority required 361
ENDDBMON (End Database Monitor) object authority required 411
ENDJRNxxx (End Journaling) command
command ENDSYS (End System) command
object authority required 393 object auditing 460 object authority required 418
ENDDEVRCY (End Device Recovery) ENDLINRCY (End Line Recovery) ENDSYSMGR (End System Manager)
command command command
object auditing 442 object auditing 462 authorized IBM-supplied user
object authority required 320 object authority required 376 profiles 287
ENDDIRSHD (End Directory Shadow ENDMGDSYS (End Managed System) ENDTCP (End TCP/IP) command
System) command command authorized IBM-supplied user
object authority required 323 authorized IBM-supplied user profiles 287
ENDDIRSHD (End Directory Shadowing) profiles 287 object authority required 422
command ENDMGRSRV (End Manager Services) ENDTCPCNN (End TCP/IP Connection)
object auditing 445 command command
ENDDSKRGZ (End Disk Reorganization) authorized IBM-supplied user authorized IBM-supplied user
command profiles 287 profiles 287
object authority required 323 ENDMOD (End Mode) command object authority required 422
ENDGRPJOB (End Group Job) command ENDTCPIFC (End TCP/IP Interface)
object auditing 464
object authority required 357 command
object authority required 383
ENDHOSTSVR (End Host Server) object authority required 422
ENDMSF (End Mail Server Framework)
command ENDTCPPTP (End Point-to-Point
object authority required 339 TCP/IP) command
authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 422
ENDIDXMON (End Index Monitor)
profiles 287 ENDTCPSRV (End TCP/IP Service)
object authority required 378 command
authorized IBM-supplied user
ENDNFSSVR (End Network File System object authority required 422
profiles 287
Server) command ENDTCPSVR (End TCP/IP Server)
object authority required 388
authorized IBM-supplied user command
profiles 287 authorized IBM-supplied user
audit function 260
object authority required 385 profiles 287
auditing 50
ENDNWIRCY (End Network Interface ENDTRC (End Trace) command
Recovery) command object authority required 411
audit journal (QAUDJRN)
entry 244 object auditing 467 ENDWTR (End Writer) command
disconnected job 36 ENDPASTHR (End Pass-Through) object authority required 428
inactive job 27 command enhanced hardware storage protection
ENDIPIIFC object authority required 323 audit journal (QAUDJRN) entry 244
object authority required 355 ENDPEX (End Performance Explorer) security level 40 14
ENDIPSIFC (End IP over SNA Interface) command enrolling
command authorized IBM-supplied user users 95
authorized IBM-supplied user profiles 287 ENTCBLDBG (Enter COBOL Debug)
profiles 287 object authority required 393 command
object authority required 308 ENDPFRMON (End Performance object authority required 365, 400
ENDIPX Monitor) command EV (Environment variable) file
object authority required 355 object authority required 393 layout 513

624 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

example EXTPGMINF (Extract Program file layout (continued)
adopted authority Information) command audit journal (QAUDJRN) entry
application design 205, 209 object authority required 400 (continued)
authority checking process 164, change to object
167 (QASYZMJE) 567
assistance level
changing 61
F changing access control list
authority checking close of server files
authority failure
adopted authority 164, 167 (QASYVFJE) 557
audit journal (QAUDJRN)
authorization list 168 cluster
entry 244
group authority 162 operations(QASYCUJ4) 504
ignoring group authority 165 command string
*ALLOBJ (all object) special
primary group 163 (QASYCDJE) 501
authority 177
public authority 164, 166 connection start and end
*SERVICE (service) special
changing (QASYVCJE) 556
authority 177
assistance levels 61 connection verification
QSECOFR (security officer) user
system portion of library list 203 (QASYCVJ4) 505
profile 177
controlling connection verification
field authorities 116
user library list 203 (QASYCYJ4) 507, 508
field authority
describing create object (QASYCOJE) 501
definition 112
library security 204 delete operation
field-level security 212
menu security 209 (QASYDOJE) 512
FILDOC (File Document) command
enabling user profile 101 DST password reset
object auditing 448
ignoring adopted authority 208 (QASYDSJE) 513
object authority required 325
JKL Toy Company applications 195 EV (QASYEVJE) 513
library list give descriptor (QASYGSJE) 516
changing system portion 203 Internet security management
security tool 212
controlling user portion 203 (QASYGSJE) 519
object authority required for
program 203 IP rules actions (QASYIRJ4) 518
commands 330
security risk 184 job change (QASYJSJE) 521
planning security 211
library security job description change
describing 204 (QASYJDJE) 520
holding authority when
planning 201 kerberos
deleted 132
menu security authentication(QASYX0JE) 562
describing 209 key ring file (QASYKFJ4) 524
critical 211
password validation exit program 46 link, unlink search directory
fields 212
password validation program 46 (QASYLDJE) 526
records 212
public authority mail actions (QASYMLJE) 527
creating new objects 120 network attribute change
securing 219
restricting save and restore (QASYNAJE) 527
file (*FILE) object auditing 452
commands 193 network log on and off
file layout
RSTLICPGM (Restore Licensed (QASYVNJE) 557
Program) command 230 audit journal (QAUDJRN) entry network password error
securing output queues 189 *CRQD change (QASYCQJE) 504 (QASYVPJE) 559
exceeding account limit exceeded network profile change
account limit (QASYVLJE) 557 (QASYVUJE) 561
audit journal (QAUDJRN) action to spooled file network resource access
entry 244 (QASYSFJE) 549 (QASYVPJE) 559
action to system value object management
exclude (*EXCLUDE) authority 113
execute (*EXECUTE) authority 112, 297
adopted authority object restore (QASYORJE) 531
existence (*OBJEXIST) authority 112, 297
(QASYAPJE) 498 optical access (QASYO1JE) 534,
exit 46
APPN directory (QASYNDJE) 528 535
exit points APPN end point
user profile 105 optical access (QASYO3JE) 536
(QASYNEJE) 528 ownership change
expert (*EXPERT) user option 87, 88, auditing change (QASYADJE) 492
140 (QASYOWJE) 533
authority change ownership change for restored
expiration (QASYCAJE) 498 program (QASYROJE) 544
password (QPWDEXPITV system authority change for restored password (QASYPWJE) 541
value) 39 object (QASYRAJE) 542 primary group change
user profile authority failure (QASYAFJE) 494 (QASYPGJE) 538
displaying schedule 571 change of subsystem routing entry primary group change for restored
setting schedule 571 (QASYSEJE) 549 object (QASYRZJE) 547
EXPPART (Export Part) command change system distribution printer output (QASYPOJE) 540
object authority required 309 directory (QASYSDJE) 548 profile swap (QASYPSJE) 541
extended wireless LAN configuration change to DLO object program adopt (QASYPAJE) 536
object authority required for (QASYYCJE) 565
commands 329 change to object (QASYZCJE) 566

Index 625
file layout (continued)
read of DLO object
G granting (continued)
object authority 272
(QASYYRJE) 566 GENCAT (Merge Message Catalogue) affect on previous authority 142
read of object (QASYZRJE) 568 command multiple objects 142
restore authority for user profile object authority required 330 user authority
(QASYRUJE) 546 GENCPHK (Generate Cipher Key) command description 273
restoring *CRQD object that adopts command user permission 274
authority (QASYRQJE) 546 authorized IBM-supplied user graphic symbols set (*GSS) object
restoring job description profiles 287 auditing 456
(QASYRJJE) 543 object authority required 318 graphical operations
restoring programs that adopt GENCRSDMNK (Generate Cross Domain object authority required for
authority (QASYRPJE) 545 Key) command commands 338
server security user information authorized IBM-supplied user graphics symbol set
actions (QASYSOJ4) 553 profiles 287 object authority required for
server session (QASYVSJE) 560 object authority required 318 commands 339
service status change general rules for object authority 299 group
(QASYVVJE) 561 generic name
service tools action example 143
displaying 135
(QASYSTJE) 553 generic record(CV) file layout 514
SG (QASYSGJ4) 551, 552 GENMAC (Generate Message
introduction 4
system management change Authentication Code) command
group (*GROUP) authority 135
(QASYSMJE) 552 authorized IBM-supplied user
group authority
user profile change profiles 287
adopted authority 129
(QASYCPJE) 502 object authority required 318
authority checking example 162, 165
validation list (QASYVOJ4) 558 GENPIN (Generate Personal
description 111
file security Identification Number) command
GRPAUT user profile parameter 78,
authorized IBM-supplied user
SQL 214 122, 124
profiles 287
file transfer GRPAUTTYP user profile
object authority required 318
securing 191 parameter 78, 124
GENS36RPT (Generate System/36
filter group authority type
Report) command
object authority required for authorized IBM-supplied user GRPAUTTYP user profile
commands 337 profiles 287 parameter 78
filter (*FTR) object auditing 455 object authority required 382 group identification number (gid))
finance GENS38RPT (Generate System/38 restoring 226
object authority required for Report) command group job
commands 338 authorized IBM-supplied user adopted authority 130
finance (QFNC) user profile 280 profiles 287 group profile
flowchart object authority required 382 auditing
authority checking 149, 162 gid (group identification number) *ALLOBJ special authority 238
determining special environment 71 restoring 226 membership 238
device description authority 177 give descriptor (GS) file layout 516 password 237
give descriptor (GS) journal entry authorization list
FNDSTRPDM (Find String Using PDM)
type 244 comparison 218
giving comparison
object authority required 309
descriptor authorization list 218
folder GRPPRF user profile parameter
audit journal (QAUDJRN)
security shared 192 entry 244 changes when restoring
font resource (*FNTRSC) object socket profile 225
auditing 455 audit journal (QAUDJRN) description 76
force level entry 244 introduction 4, 53
audit records 51 GO (Go to Menu) command multiple
form definition (*FORMDF) object object authority required 380 planning 217
auditing 455 GR (generic record) file layout 514 naming 56
forms control table Grant Object Authority (GRTOBJAUT) object ownership 122
object authority required for command 140, 272 password 57
commands 407 affect on previous authority 142 planning 216
multiple objects 142 primary 123
FRCCRT parameter
Grant User Authority (GRTUSRAUT) planning 216
Change Program (CHGPGM)
command resource security 4, 111
command 15
copying authority 99 supplemental
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) command SUPGRPPRF (supplemental
description 273
object authority required 422 recommendations 145 groups) parameter 79
full renaming profile 104 user profile
audit (QAUDJRN) journal Grant User Permission (GRTUSRPMN) description 76
receiver 258 command 274 user profile parameter
full-screen help (*HLPFULL) user granting changes when restoring
option 88 authority using referenced object 145 profile 225

626 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

GRPAUT (group authority) parameter HLDJOBQ (Hold Job Queue) command IBM-supplied user profile (continued)
user profile 78, 122, 124 object auditing 458 QAUTPROF (database share) 280
GRPAUTTYP (group authority type) object authority required 360 QAUTPROF (IBM authority
parameter HLDJOBSCDE (Hold Job Schedule Entry) profile) 280
user profile 78, 124 command QBRMS (BRM) 280
GRPPRF (group profile) parameter object auditing 459 QBRMS (BRM user profile) 280
user profile object authority required 361 QDBSHR (database share) 280
description 76 HLDOUTQ (Hold Output Queue) QDCEADM (DCEADM) 280
example 124 command QDFTOWN (default owner)
GRTACCAUT (Grant Access Code object auditing 468 default values 280
Authority) command object authority required 392 description 123
authorized IBM-supplied user HLDRDR (Hold Reader) command QDOC (document) 280
profiles 287 object authority required 405 QDSNX (distributed systems node
object auditing 448 HLDSPLF (Hold Spooled File) command executive) 280
object authority required 388 action auditing 480 QFNC (finance) 280
GRTOBJAUT (Grant Object Authority) object auditing 469 QGATE (VM/MVS bridge) 280
command 140 object authority required 415 QLPAUTO (licensed program
affect on previous authority 142 HLDWTR (Hold Writer) command automatic install) 280
description 272 object authority required 428 QLPINSTALL (licensed program
multiple objects 142 hold (*HOLD) delivery mode install) 280
object auditing 432 user profile 82 QMSF (mail server framework) 280
object authority required 301 home directory (HOMEDIR) parameter QNFSANON (NFS user profile) 280
GRTUSRAUT (Grant User Authority) user profile 90 QPGMR (programmer) 280
command HOMEDIR (home directory) parameter QRJE (remote job entry) 280
copying authority 99 user profile 90 QSECOFR (security officer) 280
description 273 host server QSNADS (Systems Network
object auditing 486 object authority required for Architecture distribution
object authority required 424 commands 339 services) 280
recommendations 145 QSPL (spool) 280
renaming profile 104 QSPLJOB (spool job) 280
GRTUSRPMN (Grant User Permission)
I QSRV (service) 280
QSRVBAS (service basic) 280
IBM-supplied objects
description 274 QSYS (system) 280
securing with authorization list 120
object auditing 448 QSYSOPR (system operator) 280
IBM-supplied user profile
object authority required 388 QTCP (TCP/IP) 280
GRTWSOAUT (Grant Workstation Object ADSM (QADSM) 280 QTMPLPD (TCP/IP printing
Authoriy) command AFDFTUSR (QAFDFTUSR) 280 support) 280
object authority required 338 AFOWN (QAFOWN) 280 QTSTRQS (test request) 280
GS (give descriptor) file layout 516 AFUSR (QAFUSR) 280 QUSER (workstation user) 280
GS (give descriptor) journal entry auditing 236 remote job entry (QRJE) 280
type 244 authority profile (QAUTPROF) 280 restoring 226
automatic install (QLPAUTO) 280 restricted commands 287
basic service (QSRVBAS) 280
security officer (QSECOFR) 280
service (QSRV) 280
hardware BRM user profile (QBRMS) 280 service basic (QSRVBAS) 280
enhanced storage protection 14 changing password 106 SNA distribution services
object authority required for database share (QDBSHR) 280 (QSNADS) 280
commands 406 DCEADM (QDCEADM) 280 spool (QSPL) 280
help full screen (*HLPFULL) user default owner (QDFTOWN) spool job (QSPLJOB) 280
option 88 default values 280 system (QSYS) 280
help information description 123 system operator (QSYSOPR) 280
displaying full screen (*HLPFULL default values table 279 TCP/IP (QTCP) 280
user option) 88 distributed systems node executive TCP/IP printing support
history (QHST) log (QDSNX) 280 (QTMPLPD) 280
using to monitor security 265 document (QDOC) 280 test request (QTSTRQS) 280
HLDCMNDEV (Hold Communications finance (QFNC) 280 VM/MVS bridge (QGATE) 280
Device) command IBM authority profile workstation user (QUSER) 280
authorized IBM-supplied user (QAUTPROF) 280
profiles 287 install licensed programs
adopted authority 132
object auditing 442 (QLPINSTALL) 280
object authority required 320 mail server framework (QMSF) 280 IMPPART (Import Part) command
HLDDSTQ (Hold Distribution Queue) NFS user profile (QNFSANON) 280 object authority required 309
command programmer (QPGMR) 280 inactive
authorized IBM-supplied user purpose 106 job
profiles 287 QADSM (ADSM) 280 message queue (QINACTMSGQ)
object authority required 324 QAFDFTUSR (AFDFTUSR) 280 system value 28
HLDJOB (Hold Job) command QAFOWN (AFOWN) 280 time-out interval (QINACTITV)
object authority required 357 QAFUSR (AFUSR) 280 system value 27

Index 627
inactive (continued)
integrity 1 (continued)
listing 267 auditing use 240 JD (job description change) file
inactive job description 268, 273 layout 520
message (CPI1126) 28 interactive data definition JD (job description change) journal entry
inactive job message queue object authority required for type 244
(QINACTMSGQ) system value commands 354 JKL Toy Company
value set by CFGSYSSEC interactive data definition utility (IDDU) diagram of applications 195
command 579 object auditing 450 job
inactive job time-out interval interactive job *JOBCTL (job control) special
(QINACTITV) system value routing authority 67
value set by CFGSYSSEC SPCENV (special environment) automatic cancelation 36
command 579 parameter 71 changing
incorrect password security when starting 175 adopted authority 130
audit journal (QAUDJRN) entry 244 intermediate assistance level 55, 61 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
incorrect user ID internal control block entry 244
audit journal (QAUDJRN) entry 244 disconnected job interval
preventing modification 20
information search index (QDSCJOBITV) system value 36
Internet security management (GS) file
object authority required 356 inactive
layout 519
initial library list time-out interval (QINACTITV)
Internet user
current library 62 system value 27
validation lists 220
job description (JOBD) object authority required for
user profile 76 interprocess communication actions (IP) commands 357
file layout 517
recommendations 186 restricting to batch 194
relationship to library list for job 183 interprocess communications scheduling 194
risks 186 incorrect security when starting 175
initial menu audit journal (QAUDJRN) verify object on restore
*SIGNOFF 63 entry 244 (QVFYOBJRST) system value 36
changing 63 interprocess communications (IP) journal job accounting
preventing display 63 entry type 244 user profile 80
recommendation 65 INZDKT (Initialize Diskette) command job action (JOBACN) network
user profile 63 object authority required 379 attribute 190, 240
initial menu (INLMNU) parameter INZDSTQ (Initialize Distribution Queue) job change (*JOBDTA) audit level 244
user profile 63 command job change (JS) file layout 521
initial program (INLPGM) parameter authorized IBM-supplied user job change (JS) journal entry type 244
changing 62 profiles 287 job control (*JOBCTL) special authority
user profile 62 object authority required 324
functions allowed 67
initial program load (IPL) INZOPT (Initialize Optical) command output queue parameters 188
*JOBCTL (job control) special object authority required 390 priority limit (PTYLMT) 75
authority 67 INZPFM (Initialize Physical File Member) risks 67
INLMNU (initial menu) parameter command job description
user profile 63 object auditing 454 audit journal (QAUDJRN) entry 244
INLPGM (initial program) parameter object authority required 330 changing
changing 62 INZSYS (Initialize System) command audit journal (QAUDJRN)
user profile 62
authorized IBM-supplied user entry 244
INSPTF (Install Program Temporary Fix) profiles 287 communications entry 181
object authority required 375 default (QDFTJOBD) 76
authorized IBM-supplied user
INZTAP (Initialize Tape) command displaying 239
profiles 287
object authority required 379 monitoring 239
object authority required 411
IP (change ownership) journal entry object authority required for
INSRMTPRD (Install Remote Product) commands 359
type 244
command printing security-relevant
authorized IBM-supplied user IP (interprocess communication actions)
file layout 517 parameters 575
profiles 287 protecting 13
install licensed program (QLPINSTALL) IP (interprocess communications) journal
protecting system resources 194
user profile entry type 244
QDFTJOBD (default) 76
default values 280 IP rules actions (IR) file layout 518
recommendations 76
restoring 226 IPC object restoring
install licensed program automatic changing audit journal (QAUDJRN)
(QLPAUTO) user profile audit journal (QAUDJRN) entry 244
restoring 226 entry 244 security issues 182
installing IPL (initial program load) security level 40 13
operating system 232 *JOBCTL (job control) special USER parameter 181
integrated file system authority 67 user profile 76
object authority required for IR (IP rules actions) file layout 518 workstation entry 181
commands 339 IS (Internet security management) file job description (*JOBD) object
integrity 1 layout 519 auditing 457

628 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

job description (JOBD) parameter JRNAP (Journal Access Path) command level 50 (continued)
user profile 76 object authority required 361 validating parameters 20
job description change (JD) file JRNAP (Start Journal Access Path) level of security (QSECURITY) system
layout 520 command value
job description change (JD) journal entry object auditing 460
comparison of levels 7
type 244 JRNOBJ (Journal Object) command
level 20 10
job description violation object authority required 361
level 30 11
audit journal (QAUDJRN) entry 14 JRNPF (Journal Physical File) command
level 40 11
job initiation object authority required 361
level 50 19
adopted authority 177 JRNPF (Start Journal Physical File)
overview 7
Attention-key-handling program 176 command
recommendations 9
job queue object auditing 460
special authority 9
*JOBCTL (job control) special JS (job change) file layout 521
user class 9
authority 67 JS (job change) journal entry type 244
*OPRCTL (operator control) library
parameter 67 authority
*SPLCTL (spool control) special K definition 5
authority 67 kerberos authentication (X0) file description 116
object authority required for layout 562 new objects 120
commands 360 keyboard buffering AUTOCFG (automatic device
printing security-relevant KBDBUF user profile parameter 73 configuration) value 34
parameters 276, 577 QKBDBUF system value 74 automatic device configuration
job queue (*JOBQ) auditing 458 keylock security 2 (AUTOCFG) value 34
job schedule keylock switch create authority (CRTAUT) parameter
object authority required for auditing 236 description 120
commands 361 KF (key ring file) file layout 524 example 124
job scheduler (*JOBSCD) auditing 459 risks 121
JOBACN (job action) network specifying 137
attribute 190, 240
JOBD (job description) parameter
L create object auditing (CRTOBJAUD)
value 52
user profile 76 LAN Server
creating 137
journal special authorities 70
CRTAUT (create authority) parameter
audit (QAUDJRN) LAN Server/400 70
description 120
introduction 240 LANGID (language identifier) parameter
example 124
displaying SRTSEQ user profile parameter 85
risks 121
auditing file activity 212, 265 user profile 85
specifying 137
managing 259 language, programming
CRTOBJAUD (create object auditing)
object authority required for object authority required for
value 52
commands 361 commands 365
current 62
using to monitor security 265 language identifier
designing 201
working with 266 LANGID user profile parameter 85
journal (*JRN) auditing 459 QLANGID system value 86
all libraries 267
journal, audit 257 SRTSEQ user profile parameter 85
contents 267
working with 260 large profiles
object authority required for
journal attributes planning applications 202
commands 371
large user profile 267
working with 266 object ownership 219
LD (link, unlink, search directory) file
journal entry planning 201
layout 526
sending 258 printing list of subsystem
length of password 41
journal entry type descriptions 276
level 10
QAUDJRN (audit) journal 244 public authority
QSECURITY (security level) system
journal receiver specifying 137
value 9
changing 260 QRETSVRSEC (retain server security)
level 20
deleting 260 value 30
QSECURITY (security level) system
detaching 258, 260 QTEMP (temporary)
value 10
managing 259 security level 50 19
level 30
maximum storage (MAXSTG) 74 restoring 223
QSECURITY (security level) system
object authority required for retain server security (QRETSVRSEC)
value 11
commands 364 value 30
level 40
storage needed 74 saving 223
internal control blocks 20
journal receiver (*JRNRCV) auditing 460 security
QSECURITY (security level) system
journal receiver, audit adopted authority 116
value 11
creating 256 description 116
level 50
naming 256 designing 201
internal control blocks 20
saving 260 example 201
message handling 20
storage threshold 258 guidelines 202
QSECURITY (security level) system
risks 115
journaling value 19
security tool 212 QTEMP (temporary) library 19 library (*LIB) auditing 461

Index 629
library list limiting (continued) LODQSTDB (Load Question-and-Answer
adding entries 183, 186 device sessions Database) command
adopted authority 116 auditing 238 authorized IBM-supplied user
changing 183 LMTDEVSSN user profile profiles 287
current library parameter 73 object authority required 405
description 183 recommendations 73 logging off
recommendations 185 device sessions (QLMTDEVSSN) network
user profile 62 system value audit journal (QAUDJRN)
definition 183 description 28 entry 244
editing 183 disk usage (MAXSTG) 74 logging on
job description (JOBD) security officer (QLMTSECOFR) network
user profile 76 changing security levels 11 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
monitoring 239 security officer (QLMTSECOFR) entry 244
product library system value logical file
description 183 auditing 236 securing
recommendations 185 authority to device fields 212
recommendations 185 descriptions 177 records 212
removing entries 183 description 29 lost password
security risks 183 sign-on process 179 DST (dedicated service tools) 109
system portion sign-on QSECOFR (security officer) 109
changing 203 attempts (QMAXSGNACN) system LPR (Line Printer Requester) command
description 183 value 30 object authority required 422
recommendations 185 attempts (QMAXSIGN) system
user portion value 29
controlling 203
description 183
multiple devices 28
sign-on attempts
recommendations 186 auditing 236, 240
licensed program use of system resources
audit journal (QAUDJRN)
automatic install (QLPAUTO) user priority limit (PTYLMT)
entry 244
profile parameter 75
mail actions (ML) file layout 527
description 280 line description
mail actions (ML) journal entry type 244
install (QLPINSTALL) user profile object authority required for mail server framework
default values 280 commands 376 object authority required for
object authority required for line description (*LIND) auditing 462 commands 378
commands 375 link mail server framework (QMSF) user
restoring object authority required for profile 280
recommendations 230 commands 339 mail services
security risks 230 listing action auditing 462
licensed program automatic install all libraries 267 management (*OBJMGT) authority
(QLPAUTO) user profile authority holders 132 object 112, 297
restoring 226 library contents 267 managing
licensed program install (QLPINSTALL) selected user profiles 266 audit journal 258
user profile system values 236 maximum
restoring 226 user profile auditing 236
limit capabilities (LMTCPB) parameter individual 102 length of password (QPWDMAXLEN
user profile 64 summary list 102 system value) 41
limit characters (QPWDLMTCHR) system Lists, Create Validation 220 sign-on attempts (QMAXSIGN)
value 42 Lists, Delete Validation 220 system value 236
limit repeated characters LMTDEVSSN (limit device sessions) description 29
(QPWDLMTREP) system value 43 parameter size
limit security officer (QLMTSECOFR) user profile 73 audit (QAUDJRN) journal
system value LNKDTADFN (Link Data Definition) receiver 258
value set by CFGSYSSEC command storage (MAXSTG) parameter
command 579 authority holder 123
object auditing 450
limiting group ownership of objects 122
object authority required 354
capabilities 64 journal receiver 74
local socket (*SOCKET) auditing 477
changing Attention-key-handling restore operation 74
locale user profile 74
program 84
changing current library 62, 186 object authority required for maximum sign-on attempts
commands 378 (QMAXSIGN) system value
changing initial menu 63
changing initial program 62 LOCALE (user options) parameter value set by CFGSYSSEC
commands allowed 64 user profile 88 command 579
functions allowed 65 LODPTF (Load Program Temporary Fix) maximum storage (MAXSTG) parameter
listing users 267 command authority holder
LMTCPB user profile authorized IBM-supplied user transferred to QDFTOWN (default
parameter 64 profiles 287 owner) 123
command line use 64 object authority required 411 group ownership of objects 122

630 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

maximum storage (MAXSTG) parameter message queue mode description (*MODD)
(continued) *BREAK (break) delivery mode 82 auditing 463
journal receiver 74 *DFT (default) delivery mode 82 mode of access
restore operation 74 *HOLD (hold) delivery mode 82 definition 112
user profile 74 *NOTIFY (notify) delivery mode 82 module
MAXSTG (maximum storage) parameter automatic creation 81 binding directory 383
authority holder default responses 82 object authority required for
transferred to QDFTOWN (default inactive job (QINACTMSGQ) system commands 383
owner) 123 value 28
module (*MODULE) auditing 464
group ownership of objects 122 object authority required for
journal receiver 74 monitoring
commands 382
restore operation 74 QSYSMSG 264 *ALLOBJ (all object) special
user profile 74 QMAXSGNACN (action when authority 238
media attempts reached) system adopted authority 239
object authority required for value 30 authority
commands 379 QMAXSIGN (maximum sign-on user profiles 238
memory attempts) system value 29 authorization 238
sharing control recommendation checklist for 235
QSHRMEMCTL (share memory MSGQ user profile parameter 81 communications 240
control) system value 32 restricting 183 encryption of sensitive data 240
menu severity (SEV) parameter 82 group profile
changing user profile membership 238
PRDLIB (product library) deleting 99 password 237
parameter 185 delivery (DLVRY) parameter 82 IBM-supplied user profiles 236
security risks 185 recommendations 81 inactive users 238
creating severity (SEV) parameter 82 job descriptions 239
PRDLIB (product library) message queue (*MSGQ) auditing 465 library lists 239
parameter 185 limit capabilities 238
message queue (MSGQ) parameter
security risks 185 message
user profile 81
designing for security 204 security 264
MGRS36 (Migrate System/36) command
initial 63 methods 264
authorized IBM-supplied user
object authority required for network attributes 240
profiles 287 object authority 267
commands 380 MGRS36ITM (Migrate System/36 Item)
security tools 571 object integrity 268
command overview 235
user profile 63 authorized IBM-supplied user
menu (*MENU) auditing 463 password controls 237
profiles 287 physical security 236
Merge Source (Merge Source) command object authority required 382 program failure 268
object authority required 330 MGRS38OBJ (Migrate System/38 Objects) programmer authorities 238
message command remote sign-on 240
associated with QAUDJRN authorized IBM-supplied user security officer 269
entries 244 profiles 287 sensitive data
inactive timer (CPI1126) 28 object authority required 382 authority 238
object authority required for MGRTCPHT (Merge TCP/IP Host Table) encrypting 240
commands 381 command sign-on without user ID and
print notification (*PRTMSG user password 239
object authority required 422
option) 88 system values 236
printing completion (*PRTMSG user
security level (QSECURITY) system unauthorized access 239
option) 88
value unauthorized programs 240
restricting content 20 unsupported interfaces 240
security level 10 to level 20 10
level 20 to level 30 11 user profile
monitoring 264
level 20 to level 40 17 administration 238
security violations 244
level 20 to level 50 20 using
status journals 265
displaying (*STSMSG user level 30 to level 20 10
level 30 to level 40 17 QHST (history) log 265
option) 88
level 30 to level 50 20 QSYSMSG message queue 240
not displaying (*NOSTSMSG user
level 40 to level 20 10 MOUNT (Add Mounted File System)
option) 88
migration command
used by DSPAUDLOG command 244
object authority required for object authority required 426
message description
commands 382 MOUNT (Add Mounted File System)
object authority required for
commands 381 minimum length of password command) command
message file (QPWDMINLEN) system value 41 object authority required 385
object authority required for ML (mail actions) file layout 527 MOV
commands 382 ML (mail actions) journal entry type 244 object authority required 339
message file (*MSGF) auditing 464 mode description MOV (Move) command
message function (Client Access) object authority required for object auditing 443, 481, 482, 483,
securing 192 commands 383 484

Index 631
MOVDOC (Move Document) command network attribute (continued) new object (continued)
object auditing 448 DDM request access (DDMACC) 192 authority example 124
object authority required 325 DDMACC (DDM request access) 192 ownership example 124
moving DDMACC (distributed data NLV (national language version)
object management access) 240 command security 211
audit journal (QAUDJRN) distributed data management access node group (*NODGRP) auditing 466
entry 244 (DDMACC) 240 node list
spooled file 187 job action (JOBACN) 190, 240 object authority required for
MOVOBJ (Move Object) command JOBACN (job action) 190, 240 commands 388
object auditing 432, 461 object authority required for node list (*NODL) auditing 466
object authority required 301 commands 384 Notices 583
MRGDOC (Merge Document) command PC Support (PCSACC) 240 notification, message
object auditing 446, 448 PCSACC (client request access) 191 DLVRY (message queue delivery)
object authority required 325 PCSACC (PC Support access) 240 parameter
MRGFORMD (Merge Form Description) printing security-relevant 575 user profile 82
command network attribute change (NA) file no status message (*NOSTSMSG) user
object authority required 309 layout 527 option 88
MRGMSGF (Merge Message File) network attribute change (NA) journal notify (*NOTIFY) delivery mode
command entry type 244 user profile 82
object auditing 464, 465 network attributes number required in password 44
object authority required 382 printing security- numeric character required in
MSGQ (message queue) parameter communications 277 password 44
user profile 81 printing security-relevant 277 numeric password 57
multiple group network interface (*NWID) auditing 467 numeric user ID 56
example 169
planning 217
network interface description
object authority required for
commands 386 OBJAUD (object auditing) parameter
network log on and off (VN) file user profile 91
N layout 557
network log on or off (VN) journal entry (*Mgt) authority 112
NA (network attribute change) file (*Ref) authority 112
type 244
layout 527 add (*ADD) authority 112, 297
network password error (VP) file
NA (network attribute change) journal altered
layout 559
entry type 244 checking 268
network password error (VP) journal
naming assigning authority and
entry type 244
audit journal receiver 256 ownership 124
network profile
group profile 56 auditing
user profile 56 changing 69
audit journal (QAUDJRN)
national language version (NLV) default 254
entry 244
command security 211 authority
ND (APPN directory) file layout 528 network profile change (VU) file
layout 561 *ALL (all) 114, 298
NE (APPN end point) file layout 528 *CHANGE (change) 114, 298
netBIOS description network profile change (VU) journal
*USE (use) 114, 298
object authority required for entry type 244
changing 139
commands 384 network resource access (VR) file
commonly used subsets 113
NetBIOS description (*NTBD) layout 559
new 121
auditing 467 Network Server
new object 120
NETSTAT (Network Status) command object authority required for
storing 225
object authority required 422 commands 387
system-defined subsets 113
network network server description using referenced 145
logging off object authority required for authority required for
audit journal (QAUDJRN) commands 388 commands 301
entry 244 network server description (*NWSD) controlling access 13
logging on auditing 467 default owner (QDFTOWN) user
audit journal (QAUDJRN) network spooled file profile 123
entry 244 sending 187 delete (*DLT) authority 112, 297
password new object displaying
audit journal (QAUDJRN) authority originator 123
entry 244 CRTAUT (create authority) domain attribute 13
network attribute parameter 120, 137 execute (*EXECUTE) authority 112,
*SECADM (security administrator) GRPAUT (group authority) 297
special authority 66 parameter 78, 122 existence (*OBJEXIST) authority 112,
changing GRPAUTTYP (group authority 297
audit journal (QAUDJRN) type) parameter 78 failure of unsupported interface 13
entry 244 authority (QCRTAUT system management (*OBJMGT)
command 190 value) 26 authority 112, 297
client request access (PCSACC) 191 authority (QUSEADPAUT system non-IBM
command for setting 277, 579 value) 32 printing list 276

632 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

object (continued) object auditing (continued) object auditing (continued)
operational (*OBJOPR) authority 112, *GSS (graphic symbols set) *SVRSTG (server storage space)
297 object 456 object 481
ownership *IGCDCT (double-byte character set *SYMLNK (symbolic link) object 483
introduction 4 dictionary) object 457 *TBL (table) object 485
primary group 99, 123 *IGCSRT (double-byte character set *USRIDX (user index) object 485
printing sort) object 457 *USRPRF (user profile) object 485
adopted authority 575 *IGCTBL (double-byte character set *USRQ (user queue) object 486
authority source 575 table) object 457 *USRSPC (user space) object 486
non-IBM 575 *JOBD (job description) object 457 *VLDL (validation list) object 487
read (*READ) authority 112, 297 *JOBQ (job queue) object 458 *WSCST (workstation customizing
restoring 223, 226 *JOBSCD (job scheduler) object 459 object) object 487
saving 223 *JRN (journal) object 459 alert table (*ALRTBL) object 434
securing with authorization list 147 *JRNRCV (journal receiver) authority holder (*AUTHLR)
state attribute 13 object 460 object 435
storing *LIB (library) object 461 authorization list (*AUTL) object 434
authority 224, 225 *LIND (line description) object 462 binding directory (*BDNDIR)
update (*UPD) authority 112, 297 *MENU (menu) object 463 object 435
user domain *MODD (mode description) C locale description (*CLD)
restricting 19 object 463 object 437
security exposure 19 *MODULE (module) object 464 change request description (*CRQD)
working with 272 *MSGF (message file) object 464 object 436
object alter (*OBJALTER) authority 112, *MSGQ (message queue) object 465 changing
297 *NODGRP (node group) object 466 command description 272, 274
*NODL (node list) object 466 chart format (*CHTFMT) object 436
object auditing
*NTBD (NetBIOS description) Class (*CLS) object 438
*ALRTBL (alert table) object 434 object 467 class-of-service description (*COSD)
*AUTHLR (authority holder) *NWID (network interface) object 439
object 435 object 467 Command (*CMD) object 438
*AUTL (authorization list) object 434 *NWSD (network server description) common operations 431
*BNDDIR (binding directory) object 467 communications side information
object 435 *OUTQ (output queue) object 468 (*CSI) object 440
*CFGL (configuration list) object 436 *OVL (overlay) object 469 configuration list (*CFGL) object 436
*CHTFMT (chart format) object 436 *PAGDFN (page definition) connection list (*CNNL) object 439
*CLD (C locale description) object 469 controller description (*CTLD)
object 437 *PAGSEG (page segment) object 470 object 440
*CLS (Class) object 438 *PDG (print descriptor group) cross system product map (*CSPMAP)
*CMD (Command) object 438 object 470 object 440
*CNNL (connection list) object 439 *PGM (program) object 470 cross system product table (*CSPTBL)
*COSD (class-of-service description) *PNLGRP (panel group) object 471 object 440
object 439 *PRDAVL (product availability) data area (*DTAARA) object 449
*CRQD (change request description) object 472 data dictionary (*DTADCT)
object 436 *PRDDFN (product definition) object 450
*CSI (communications side object 472 data queue (*DTAQ) object 450
information) object 440 *PRDLOD (product load) object 472 definition 252
*CSPMAP (cross system product map) *QMFORM (query manager form) device description (*DEVD)
object 440 object 472 object 441
*CSPTBL (cross system product table) *QMQRY (query manager query) directory (*DIR) object 442
object 440 object 473 displaying 254
*CTLD (controller description) *QRYDFN (query definition) document (*DOC) object 446
object 440 object 473 double byte-character set dictionary
*DEVD (device description) *RCT (reference code table) (*IGCDCT) object 457
object 441 object 474 double byte-character set sort
*DIR (directory) object 442 *S36 (S/36 machine description) (*IGCSRT) object 457
*DOC (document) object 446 object 484 double byte-character set table
*DTAARA (data area) object 449 *SBSD (subsystem description) (*IGCTBL) object 457
*DTADCT (data dictionary) object 475 edit description (*EDTD) object 451
object 450 *SCHIDX (search index) object 476 exit registration (*EXITRG) object 451
*DTAQ (data queue) object 450 *SOCKET (local socket) object 477 file (*FILE) object 452
*EDTD (edit description) object 451 *SPADCT (spelling aid dictionary) filter (*FTR) object 455
*EXITRG (exit registration) object 451 object 479 folder (*FLR) object 446
*FCT (forms control table) object 452 *SQLPKG (SQL package) object 480 font resource (*FNTRSC) object 455
*FILE (file) object 452 *SRVPGM (service program) form definition (*FORMDF)
*FLR (folder) object 446 object 480 object 455
*FNTRSC (font resource) object 455 *SSND (session description) forms control table (*FCT) object 452
*FORMDF (form definition) object 481 graphic symbols set (*GSS)
object 455 *STMF (stream file) object 481 object 456
*FTR (filter) object 455

Index 633
object auditing (continued) object auditing (continued) object authority (continued)
job description (*JOBD) object 457 user space (*USRSPC) object 486 emulation commands 322
job queue (*JOBQ) object 458 validation list (*VLDL) object 487 extended wireless LAN configuration
job scheduler (*JOBSCD) object 459 workstation customizing object commands 329
journal (*JRN) object 459 (*WSCST) object 487 file commands 330
journal receiver (*JRNRCV) object auditing (OBJAUD) parameter filter commands 337
object 460 user profile 91 finance commands 338
library (*LIB) object 461 format on save media 225
object authority
line description (*LIND) object 462 forms control table commands 407
local socket (*SOCKET) object 477 *ALLOBJ (all object) special general rules for commands 299
menu (*MENU) object 463 authority 66 granting 272
message file (*MSGF) object 464 *SAVSYS (save system) special affect on previous authority 142
message queue (*MSGQ) object 465 authority 68 multiple objects 142
mode description (*MODD) access code commands 388 graphical operations 338
object 463 access path recovery 306 graphics symbol set commands 339
module (*MODULE) object 464 Advanced Function Printing hardware commands 406
NetBIOS description (*NTBD) commands 307 host server 339
object 467 AF_INET sockets over SNA 308 information search index
network interface (*NWID) alert commands 308 commands 356
object 467 alert description commands 308 interactive data definition 354
network server description (*NWSD) alert table commands 308 job commands 357
object 467 analyzing 267 job description commands 359
node group (*NODGRP) object 466 authority holder commands 310 job queue commands 360
node list (*NODL) object 466 authorization list commands 310 job schedule commands 361
output queue (*OUTQ) object 468 backup commands 389 journal commands 361
overlay (*OVL) object 469 binding directory 311 journal receiver commands 364
page definition (*PAGDFN) change request description language commands 365
object 469 commands 312 library commands 371
page segment (*PAGSEG) object 470 changing licensed program commands 375
panel group (*PNLGRP) object 471 audit journal (QAUDJRN) line description commands 376
planning 252 entry 244 locale commands 378
print descriptor group (*PDG) procedures 139 mail server framework
object 470 chart format commands 312 commands 378
product availability (*PRDAVL) class commands 313 media commands 379
object 472 class-of-service description menu commands 380
product definition (*PRDDFN) commands 313 message commands 381
object 472 cleanup commands 389 message description commands 381
product load (*PRDLOD) object 472 commands 272 message file commands 382
program (*PGM) object 470 commitment control commands 314 message queue commands 382
query definition (*QRYDFN) common object commands 301 migration commands 382
object 473 communications side information mode description commands 383
query manager form (*QMFORM) commands 314 netBIOS description commands 384
object 472 configuration commands 315 network attribute commands 384
query manager query (*QMQRY) configuration list commands 316 network interface description
object 473 connection list commands 316 commands 386
reference code table (*RCT) controller description commands 316 Network Server commands 387
object 474 cryptography commands 318 network server description
S/36 machine description (*S36) data area commands 319 commands 388
object 484 data queue commands 320 node list commands 388
search index (*SCHIDX) object 476 definition 112 online education commands 389
server storage space (*SVRSTG) detail, displaying (*EXPERT user Operational Assistant commands 389
object 481 option) 87, 88 optical commands 390
service program (*SRVPGM) device description commands 320 output file
object 480 directory commands 323 (OUTPUT(*OUTFILE)) 299
session description (*SSND) display station pass-through output queue commands 392
object 481 commands 323 package commands 393
spelling aid dictionary (*SPADCT) displaying 267, 272 panel group commands 380
object 479 displaying detail (*EXPERT user performance commands 393
SQL package (*SQLPCK) object 480 option) 87, 88 printer output commands 415
stream file (*STMF) object 481 distribution commands 324 printer writer commands 428
subsystem description (*SBSD) distribution list commands 325 problem commands 399
object 475 document commands 325 program commands 400
symbolic link (*SYMLNK) object 483 document library object (DLO) program temporary fix (PTF)
table (*TBL) object 485 commands 325 commands 411
user index (*USRIDX) object 485 double-byte character set programming development manager
user profile (*USRPRF) object 485 commands 328 (PDM) commands 309
user queue (*USRQ) object 486 edit description commands 329
editing 139, 272

634 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

object authority (continued) object ownership (continued) output
programming language changing object authority required for
commands 365 audit journal (QAUDJRN) commands 415
PTF (program temporary fix) entry 244 output file (OUTPUT(*OUTFILE))
commands 411 authority required 122 object authority required 299
Query Management/400 command description 272 output priority 194
commands 403 methods 144 output queue
question and answer commands 405 moving application to *JOBCTL (job control) special
reader commands 405 production 219 authority 67
relational database directory deleting *OPRCTL (operator control)
commands 406 owner profile 99, 122 parameter 67
reply list commands 419 description 121 *SPLCTL (spool control) special
required for *CMD commands 313 flowchart 154 authority 67
resource commands 406 group profile 122 AUTCHK (authority to check)
revoking 272 managing parameter 188
RJE (remote job entry) owner profile size 122 authority to check (AUTCHK)
commands 407 private authority 111 parameter 188
search index commands 356 responsibilities 238 changing 187
security attributes commands 411 restoring 223, 227 creating 187, 189
security audit commands 411 saving 223 display data (DSPDTA)
server authentication 411 working with 144, 272 parameter 187
service commands 411 object reference (*OBJREF) DSPDTA (display data)
session commands 407 authority 112, 297 parameter 187
spelling aid dictionary object restore (OR) journal entry object authority required for
commands 414 type 244 commands 392
sphere of control commands 415 object signing 3 operator control (OPRCTL)
spooled file commands 415 objective parameter 188
storing 224, 225 availability 1 OPRCTL (operator control)
subsystem commands 416 confidentiality 1 parameter 188
System/36 environment integrity 1 printing security-relevant
commands 419 objects by primary group parameters 276, 577
system commands 418 working with 123 securing 186, 189
system reply list commands 419 office services user profile 83
system value commands 419 working with description 187
action auditing 462
table commands 421 output queue (*OUTQ) auditing 468
office services (*OFCSRV) audit
TCP/IP (Transmission Control output queue (OUTQ) parameter
level 244, 445, 462
Protocol/Internet Protocol) user profile 83
OM (object management) journal entry
commands 422 OUTQ (output queue) parameter
type 244
text index commands 388 user profile 83
token-ring commands 378 on behalf overlay (*OVL) auditing 469
upgrade order information auditing 463 Override commands 214
commands 423 online education OVRMSGF (Override with Message File)
user permission commands 388 object authority required for command
user profile commands 424 commands 389 object auditing 465
utilities commands 309 online help information OW (ownership change) file layout 533
validation list 427 displaying full screen (*HLPFULL OW (ownership change) journal entry
workstation customizing object user option) 88
type 244
commands 427 operating system owner 123
writer commands 428 security installation 232
OWNER user profile parameter
object description operational (*OBJOPR) authority 112, description 122
297 OWNER (owner) parameter
displaying 272
Operational Assistant Attention Program
object domain user profile 124
Attention-key-handling program 84
owner authority
definition 13 Operational Assistant commands
flowchart 154
displaying 13 object authority required for
object integrity commands 389
adopted authority 130
auditing 268 OPNDBF (Open Database File) command ALWOBJDIF (allow object differences)
object authority required 330 parameter 227
object management (*OBJMGT) audit
level 244 OPNQRYF (Open Query File) command assigning to new object 124
object authority required 330 change when restoring
object management (OM) journal entry
OPRCTL (operator control) audit journal (QAUDJRN)
type 244 parameter 188 entry 244
object ownership optical changes when restoring 227
adopted authority 130 object authority required for changing
ALWOBJDIF (allow object differences) commands 390 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
parameter 227 OR (object restore) journal entry entry 244
changes when restoring 227 type 244 authority required 122

Index 635
ownership (continued) password (continued) password (continued)
methods 144 approval program minimum length (QPWDMINLEN
default (QDFTOWN) user profile 123 example 46 system value) 41
deleting QPWDVLDPGM system value 44 network
owner profile 99, 122 requirements 45 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
description 121 security risk 46 entry 244
device description 179 auditing position characters (QPWDPOSDIF)
flowchart 154 DST (dedicated service tools) 237 system value 44
group profile 122 user 237 possible values 58
introduction 4 changes when restoring profile 225 preventing
managing changing adjacent digits (QPWDLMTAJC
owner profile size 122 description 272 system value) 43
new object 124 DST (dedicated service tools) 272 repeated characters 43
object enforcing password system trivial 38, 237
managing 219 values 38 use of words 42
private authority 111 setting password equal to profile PWDEXP (set password to
OWNER user profile parameter name 57 expired) 58
description 77 checking 105, 272 QPGMR (programmer) user
printer output 187 checking for default 571 profile 581
restoring 223, 227 commands for working with 272 QSECOFR (security officer)
saving 223 communications 41 recovering 109
spooled file 187 document QSRV (service) user profile 581
working with 144 DOCPWD user profile QSRVBAS (basic service) user
workstation 179 parameter 80 profile 581
ownership, object DST (dedicated service tools) QSYSOPR (system operator) user
responsibilities 238 auditing 237 profile 581
ownership change (OW) file layout 533 changing 107 QUSER (user) user profile 581
ownership change (OW) journal entry recovering 109 recommendations 58, 59
type 244 encrypting 57 recovering
ownership change for restored object equal to user profile name 38, 57 DST (dedicated service tools) 109
(RO) file layout 544 expiration interval QSECOFR (security officer) 109
ownership change for restored object auditing 237 require numeric character
(RO) journal entry type 244 PWDEXPITV user profile (QPWDRQDDGT) system value
parameter 72 value set by CFGSYSSEC
P QPWDEXPITV system value 39
expiration interval (QPWDEXPITV)
command 579
require position difference
PA (program adopt) file layout 536 system value (QPWDPOSDIF) system value
PA (program adopt) journal entry value set by CFGSYSSEC value set by CFGSYSSEC
type 244 command 579 command 579
package expired (PWDEXP) parameter 58 required difference (QPWDRQDDIF)
object authority required for IBM-supplied user profile system value
commands 393 auditing 236 value set by CFGSYSSEC
PAGDOC (Paginate Document) command changing 106 command 579
object auditing 448 immediate expiration 39 requiring
object authority required 325 incorrect change (PWDEXPITV
page definition (*PAGDFN) auditing 469 audit journal (QAUDJRN) parameter) 72
page down key entry 244 change (QPWDEXPITV system
reversing (*ROLLKEY user length value) 39
option) 88 maximum (QPWDMAXLEN) complete change 44
page segment (*PAGSEG) auditing 470 system value 41 different (QPWDRQDDIF system
page up key minimum (QPWDMINLEN) value) 42
reversing (*ROLLKEY user system value 41 numeric character 44
option) 88 limit repeated characters resetting
panel group (QPWDLMTREP) system value DST (dedicated service tools) 109,
object authority required for value set by CFGSYSSEC 244
commands 380 command 579 QSECOFR (security officer) 109
panel group (*PNLGRP) auditing 471 lost 57 user 57
parameter maximum length (QPWDMAXLEN) restrict adjacent characters
validating 20 system value (QPWDLMTAJC) system value
partial (*PARTIAL) limit capabilities 65 value set by CFGSYSSEC value set by CFGSYSSEC
pass-through command 579 command 579
controlling sign-on 31 maximum length (QPWDMAXLEN restrict characters (QPWDLMTCHR)
target profile change system value) 41 system value
audit journal (QAUDJRN) minimum length (QPWDMINLEN) value set by CFGSYSSEC
entry 244 system value command 579
password value set by CFGSYSSEC
all-numeric 57 command 579
allowing users to change 237

636 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

password (continued) performance planning password level changes
restricting class 194 (continued)
adjacent digits (QPWDLMTAJC job description 194 changing password level from 3 to
system value) 43 job scheduling 194 1 200
characters 42 object authority required for changing password level from 3 to
repeated characters 43 commands 393 2 200
rules 57 output priority 194 changing password levels
setting to expired (PWDEXP) 58 pool 194 planning level changes 197, 198
system 110 priority limit 194 decreasing password levels 199, 200,
system values restricting jobs to batch 194 201
overview 37 routing entry 194 increasing password level 197, 198
trivial run priority 194 QPWDLVL changes 197, 198
preventing 38, 237 storage PO (printer output) file layout 540
user profile 57 pool 194 PO (printer output) journal entry
validation exit program subsystem description 194 type 244
example 46 time slice 194 pool 194
validation program performance tuning position characters (QPWDPOSDIF)
example 46 security 194 system value 44
QPWDVLDPGM system value 44 permission preventing
requirements 45 definition 114 access
security risk 46 PG (primary group change) file Client Access 191
validation program (QPWDVLDPGM) layout 538 DDM request (DDM) 192
system value PG (primary group change) journal entry modification of internal control
value set by CFGSYSSEC type 244 blocks 20
command 579 physical security 2 performance abuses 194
password (PW) journal entry type 244 auditing 236 remote job submission 190
password expiration interval planning 236 sign-on without user ID and
(PWDEXPITV) PING (Verify TCP/IP Connection) password 239
recommendations 72 command trivial passwords 38, 237
password expiration interval object authority required 422 unauthorized access 239
(QPWDEXPITV) system value PKGPRDDST (Package Product unauthorized programs 240
auditing 237 Distribution) command preventing large profiles
Password Level (QPWDLVL) authorized IBM-supplied user planning applications 202
description 39 profiles 287 primary group
Password Level (QPWDLVL) system planning changes when restoring 227
value application programmer security 218 changing 123
description 39 audit audit journal (QAUDJRN)
password required difference system values 254 entry 244
(QPWDRQDDIF) system value auditing command description 272
value set by CFGSYSSEC actions 241 changing during restore
command 579 objects 252 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
password validation program overview 241 entry 244
(QPWDVLDPGM) system value 44 checklist for 235 definition 111
passwords command security 211 deleting
password levels 267 file security 211 profile 99
Passwords 39 group profiles 216 description 123
path name library design 201 introduction 4
displaying 144 menu security 204 new object 124
PC (personal computer) multiple groups 217 planning 216
password controls 237 restoring 223, 227
preventing access 191
physical security 236 saving 223
PC Organizer
primary group 216 working with 101, 145
allowing for limit capabilities user 64
security 1 working with objects 272
disconnecting (QINACTMSGQ system
system programmer security 219 primary group authority
value) 28
planning password level changes
PC Support access (PCSACC) network authority checking example 163
changing assword levels (0 to 1) 197
attribute 240 primary group change (PG) file
changing assword levels (0 to 2) 198
PC text-assist function (PCTA) layout 538
changing assword levels (1 to 2) 198
disconnecting (QINACTMSGQ system changing assword levels (2 to 3) 199 primary group change (PG) journal entry
value) 28 type 244
changing password level from 1to
PCSACC (client request access) network 0 201 primary group change for restored object
attribute 191 changing password level from 2 to (RZ) file layout 547
PCSACC (PC Support access) network 1 200 primary group change for restored object
attribute 240 changing password level from 2to (RZ) journal entry type 244
PDM (programming development 0 201 Print Adopting Objects (PRTADPOBJ)
manager) changing password level from 3 to command
object authority for commands 309 0 200 description 575

Index 637
Print Communications Security printing 88 (continued) profile (continued)
(PRTCMNSEC) command list of subsystem descriptions 276 group 237, 238 (continued)
description 277, 575 network attributes 277, 575 naming 56
print descriptor group (*PDG) notification (*PRTMSG user object ownership 122
auditing 470 option) 88 password 57
print device (DEV) parameter publicly authorized objects 577 planning 216
user profile 83 security 186 resource security 4
Print Job Description Authority security-relevant communications handle
(PRTJOBDAUT) command 276 settings 575 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
description 575 security-relevant job queue entry 244
Print Private Authorities (PRTPVTAUT) parameters 276, 577 IBM-supplied
command 276 security-relevant output queue auditing 236
authorization list 575 parameters 276, 577 authority profile
description 577 security-relevant subsystem (QAUTPROF) 280
Print Publicly Authorized Objects description values 575 automatic install (QLPAUTO) 280
(PRTPUBAUT) command 276 sending message (*PRTMSG user basic service (QSRVBAS) 280
description 577 option) 88 BRM user profile (QBRMS) 280
Print Queue Authority (PRTQAUT) system values 236, 277, 575 database share (QDBSHR) 280
command trigger programs 276, 575 default owner (QDFTOWN) 280
description 276, 577 printing message (*PRTMSG) user distributed systems node executive
Print Subsystem Description option 88 (QDSNX) 280
(PRTSBSDAUT) command priority 194 document (QDOC) 280
description 575 priority limit (PTYLMT) parameter finance (QFNC) 280
Print Subsystem Description Authority recommendations 75 IBM authority profile
(PRTSBSDAUT) command user profile 75 (QAUTPROF) 280
description 276 private authorities install licensed programs
Print System Security Attributes authority cache 173 (QLPINSTALL) 280
(PRTSYSSECA) command private authority mail server framework
description 277, 575 definition 111 (QMSF) 280
Print Trigger Programs (PRTTRGPGM) flowchart 153 network file system (QNFS) 280
command object ownership 111 programmer (QPGMR) 280
description 276, 575 planning applications 202 QAUTPROF (IBM authority
Print User Objects (PRTUSROBJ) restoring 223, 228 profile) 280
command saving 223 QBRMS (BRM user profile) 280
description 276, 575 privilege QDBSHR (database share) 280
Print User Profile (PRTUSRPRF) definition 111 QDFTOWN (default owner) 280
command problem QDOC (document) 280
description 575 object authority required for QDSNX (distributed systems node
printed output (*PRTDTA) audit commands 399 executive) 280
level 244 problem analysis QFNC (finance) 280
printer remote service attribute QGATE (VM/MVS bridge) 280
user profile 83 (QRMTSRVATR) system value 36 QLPAUTO (licensed program
virtual processor keylock 236 automatic install) 280
securing 192 processor password 110 QLPINSTALL (licensed program
printer output product availability (*PRDAVL) install) 280
*JOBCTL (job control) special auditing 472 QMSF (mail server
authority 67 product definition (*PRDDFN) framework) 280
*SPLCTL (spool control) special QNFSANON (network file
auditing 472
authority 67 system) 280
product library
object authority required for QPGMR (programmer) 280
library list 185
commands 415 QRJE (remote job entry) 280
description 183
owner 187 QSECOFR (security officer) 280
recommendations 185
securing 186, 187 QSNADS (Systems Network
product load (*PRDLOD) auditing 472
printer output (PO) file layout 540 Architecture distribution
services) 280
printer output (PO) journal entry action auditing (AUDLVL) 91 QSPL (spool) 280
type 244 analyzing with query 266 QSPLJOB (spool job) 280
printer writer auditing QSRV (service) 280
object authority required for *ALLOBJ special authority 238 QSRVBAS (service basic) 280
commands 428 authority to use 238 QSYS (system) 280
printing 88 auditing membership 238 QSYSOPR (system operator) 280
adopted object information 575 auditing password 237 QTCP (TCP/IP) 280
audit journal (QAUDJRN) entry 244 AUDLVL (action auditing) 91 QTMPLPD (TCP/IP printing
audit journal entries 575 changing 273 support) 280
authority holder 276 default values table 279 QTSTRQS (test request) 280
authorization list information 575 group 237, 238 QUSER (workstation user) 280
communications 277 auditing 238 remote job entry (QRJE) 280
list of non-IBM objects 276, 575 introduction 4, 53

638 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

profile (continued) profile (continued) profile (continued)
restricted commands 287 user 91, 266 (continued) user 91, 266 (continued)
security officer (QSECOFR) 280 GRPAUT (group authority) 78, SPCAUT (special authority) 65
service (QSRV) 280 122 SPCENV (special
service basic (QSRVBAS) 280 GRPAUTTYP (group authority environment) 70
SNA distribution services type) 78 special authority (SPCAUT) 65
(QSNADS) 280 GRPPRF (group) 76 special environment
spool (QSPL) 280 home directory (HOMEDIR) 90 (SPCENV) 70
spool job (QSPLJOB) 280 IBM-supplied 106 SRTSEQ (sort sequence) 85
system (QSYS) 280 initial menu (INLMNU) 63 status (STATUS) 59
system operator (QSYSOPR) 280 initial program (INLPGM) 62 SUPGRPPRF (supplemental
TCP/IP (QTCP) 280 INLMNU (initial menu) 63 groups) 79
TCP/IP printing support INLPGM (initial program) 62 supplemental groups
(QTMPLPD) 280 introduction 3 (SUPGRPPRF) 79
test request (QTSTRQS) 280 job description (JOBD) 76 System/36 environment 70
VM/MVS bridge (QGATE) 280 JOBD (job description) 76 text (TEXT) 65
workstation user (QUSER) 280 KBDBUF (keyboard buffering) 73 user class (USRCLS) 60
OBJAUD (object auditing) 91 keyboard buffering (KBDBUF) 73 user identification number( ) 89
object auditing (OBJAUD) 91 LANGID (language identifier) 85 user options (CHRIDCTL) 86
QDFTOWN (default owner) language identifier (LANGID) 85 user options (LOCALE) 88
restoring programs 230 large, examining 267 user options (SETJOBATR) 87
swap limit capabilities 64, 238 user options (USROPT) 86, 87, 88
audit journal (QAUDJRN) limit device sessions USRCLS (user class) 60
entry 244 (LMTDEVSSN) 73 USROPT (user options) 86, 87, 88
user 91, 266 listing inactive 267 USRPRF (name) 56
accounting code (ACGCDE) 80 listing selected 266 profile swap (PS) file layout 541
ACGCDE (accounting code) 80 listing users with command profile swap (PS) journal entry type 244
assistance level (ASTLVL) 61 capability 267
ASTLVL (assistance level) 61 listing users with special
ATNPGM (Attention-key-handling authorities 267 adopt authority function
program) 84 LMTCPB (limit capabilities) 64 auditing 268
Attention-key-handling program LMTDEVSSN (limit device adopted authority
(ATNPGM) 84 sessions) 73 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
auditing 238 LOCALE (user options) 88 entry 244
authority (AUT) 90 maximum storage (MAXSTG) 74 auditing 239
automatic creation 53 MAXSTG (maximum storage) 74 creating 130
CCSID (coded character set message queue (MSGQ) 81 displaying 131
identifier) 86 message queue delivery ignoring 132
changing 99 (DLVRY) 82 purpose 128
CHRIDCTL (user options) 86 message queue severity (SEV) 82 restoring 230
CNTRYID (country identifier) 86 MSGQ (message queue) 81 transferring 129
coded character set identifier name (USRPRF) 56 bound
(CCSID) 86 naming 56 adopted authority 131
country identifier (CNTRYID) 86 output queue (OUTQ) 83 changing
CURLIB (current library) 62 OUTQ (output queue) 83 specifying USEADPAUT
current library (CURLIB) 62 owner of objects created parameter 132
delivery (DLVRY) 82 (OWNER) 77, 122 creating
description (TEXT) 65 password 57 adopted authority 130
DEV (print device) 83 password expiration interval displaying
display sign-on information (PWDEXPITV) 72 adopted authority 131
(DSPSGNINF) 71 print device (DEV) 83 ignoring
DLVRY (message queue priority limit (PTYLMT) 75 adopted authority 132
delivery) 82 PTYLMT (priority limit) 75 object authority required for
DOCPWD (document public authority (AUT) 90 commands 400
password) 80 PWDEXP (set password to password validation
document password expired) 58 example 46
(DOCPWD) 80 PWDEXPITV (password expiration QPWDVLDPGM system value 44
DSPSGNINF (display sign-on interval) 72 requirements 45
information) 71 renaming 103 password validation exit
group (GRPPRF) 76 retrieving 105 example 46
group authority (GRPAUT) 78, roles 53 preventing
122 set password to expired unauthorized 240
group authority type (PWDEXP) 58 program failure
(GRPAUTTYP) 78 SETJOBATR (user options) 87 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
group identification number(gid SEV (message queue severity) 82 entry 244
) 89 severity (SEV) 82 restoring
sort sequence (SRTSEQ) 85 adopted authority 230
risks 229

Index 639
program (continued) PRTADPOBJ (Print Adopting Objects) PRTPEXRPT (Print Performance Explorer
validation value 15 command Report) command
service description 575 object authority required 393
adopted authority 131 PRTCMDUSG (Print Command Usage) PRTPOLRPT (Print Pool Report)
transferring command command
adopted authority 129 object auditing 438, 471 object authority required 393
translation 15 object authority required 400 PRTPRFINT (Print Profile Internals)
trigger PRTCMNSEC (Print Communication command
listing all 276 Security) command authorized IBM-supplied user
unauthorized 240 object authority required 316 profiles 287
working with user profiles 105 PRTCMNSEC (Print Communications PRTPUBAUT (Print Public Authorities)
program (*PGM) auditing 470 Security) command command
program adopt (PA) file layout 536 description 277, 575 object authority required 301
program adopt (PA) journal entry object authority required 320, 376 PRTPUBAUT (Print Publicly Authorized
type 244 PRTCMNSEC (Print Communications Objects) command
program adopt function 239 Security Report) command authorized IBM-supplied user
program-described file profiles 287
authorized IBM-supplied user
holding authority when deleted 132 description 276, 575
profiles 287
program failure PRTPVTAUT (Print Private Authorities)
PRTCMNTRC (Print Communications
auditing 268 Trace) command
authorization list 575
restoring programs authorized IBM-supplied user
audit journal (QAUDJRN) authorized IBM-supplied user
profiles 287
profiles 287
entry 244 object authority required 411
description 276, 577
program failure (*PGMFAIL) audit PRTCPTRPT (Print Component Report) object authority required 301
level 244 command
PRTQAUT (Print Queue Authorities)
program state object authority required 393 command
definition 13 PRTCSPAPP (Print CSP/AE Application) object authority required 360, 392
displaying 13 command PRTQAUT (Print Queue Authority)
program temporary fix (PTF) object auditing 471 command
object authority required for PRTDEVADR (Print Device Addresses) authorized IBM-supplied user
commands 411 command profiles 287
program validation object auditing 441 description 276, 577
definition 15 object authority required 315 PRTRSCRPT (Print Resource Report)
programmer PRTDOC (Print Document) command command
application object auditing 446 object authority required 393
planning security 218 PRTDSKINF (Print Disk Activity PRTSBSDAUT (Print Subsystem
auditing access to production Information) command Description) command
libraries 238 authorized IBM-supplied user description 575
system profiles 287 PRTSBSDAUT (Print Subsystem
planning security 219 object authority required 389 Description Authority) command
programmer (QPGMR) user profile PRTERRLOG (Print Error Log) command authorized IBM-supplied user
default values 280 profiles 287
authorized IBM-supplied user
device description owner 179 description 276
profiles 287
programming development manager object authority required 416
object authority required 411
(PDM) PRTSQLINF (Print SQL Information)
PRTINTDTA (Print Internal Data)
object authority for commands 309 command
programming language object auditing 471, 480, 481
authorized IBM-supplied user
object authority required for PRTSQLINF (Print Structured Query
profiles 287
commands 365 Language Information) command
object authority required 411
programs that adopt object authority required 393
PRTSYSRPT (Print System Report)
displaying 268 Configuration) command
protecting object authority required 308 object authority required 393
backup media 236 PRTJOBDAUT (Print Job Description PRTSYSSECA (Print System Security
protection Authority) command Attribute) command
enhanced hardware storage 14 authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 411
PRTACTRPT (Print Activity Report) profiles 287 PRTSYSSECA (Print System Security
command description 276, 575 Attribute Report) command
object authority required 393 object authority required 359 authorized IBM-supplied user
PRTADPOBJ (Print Adopted Object) PRTJOBRPT (Print Job Report) command profiles 287
command object authority required 393 PRTSYSSECA (Print System Security
object authority required 424 PRTJOBTRC (Print Job Trace) command Attributes) command
PRTADPOBJ (Print Adopting Object) object authority required 393 description 277, 575
command PRTLCKRPT (Print Lock Report) PRTTNSRPT (Print Transaction Report)
authorized IBM-supplied user command command
profiles 287 object authority required 393 object authority required 393

640 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

PRTTRC (Print Trace) command QALWOBJRST (allow object restore) QASYORJE (object restore) file
object authority required 411 system value layout 531
PRTTRGPGM (Print Trigger Program) value set by CFGSYSSEC QASYOWJE (ownership change) file
command command 579 layout 533
object authority required 330 QALWOBJRST (allow object restore QASYPAJE (program adopt) file
PRTTRGPGM (Print Trigger Programs) option) system value 24 layout 536
command QALWUSRDMN (allow user objects) QASYPGJE (primary group change) file
authorized IBM-supplied user system value 19, 25 layout 538
profiles 287 QASYADJE (auditing change) file QASYPOJE (printer output) file
description 276, 575 layout 492 layout 540
PRTUSROBJ (Print User Object) QASYAFJE (authority failure) file QASYPSJE (profile swap) file layout 541
command layout 494 QASYPWJE (password) file layout 541
authorized IBM-supplied user QASYAPJE (adopted authority) file QASYRAJE (authority change for restored
profiles 287 layout 498 object) file layout 542
object authority required 301 QASYCAJE (authority change) file QASYRJJE (restoring job description) file
PRTUSROBJ (Print User Objects) layout 498 layout 543
command QASYCDJE (command string) file QASYROJE (ownership change for object
description 276, 575 layout 501 program) file layout 544
PRTUSRPRF (Print User Profile) QASYCOJE (create object) file QASYRPJE (restoring programs that
command layout 501 adopt authority) file layout 545
authorized IBM-supplied user QASYCPJE (user profile change) file QASYRQJE (restoring *CRQD that adopts
profiles 287 layout 502 authority) file layout 546
description 575 QASYCQJE (*CRQD change) file QASYRUJE (restore authority for user
object authority required 424 layout 504 profile) file layout 546
PS (profile swap) file layout 541 QASYCUJ4 (Cluster Operations) file QASYRZJE (primary group change for
layout 504 restored object) file layout 547
PS (profile swap) journal entry type 244
QASYCVJ4 (connection verification) file QASYSDJE (change system distribution
PTF (program temporary fix)
layout 505 directory) file layout 548
object authority required for
QASYCYJ4 (cryptographic configuration) QASYSEJE (change of subsystem routing
commands 411
file layout 507 entry) file layout 549
PTYLMT (priority limit) parameter
QASYCYJ4 (directory services) file QASYSFJE (action to spooled file) file
recommendations 75 layout 508 layout 549
user profile 75 QASYDOJE (delete operation) file QASYSGJ4() file layout 551, 552
public authority layout 512 QASYSMJE (system management change)
authority checking example 164, 166 QASYDSJE (DST password reset) file file layout 552
definition 111 layout 513 QASYSOJ4 (server security user
flowchart 159 QASYEVJE (EV) file layout 513 information actions) file layout 553
library 137 QASYGRJ4 (generic record) file QASYSTJE (service tools action) file
new objects layout 514 layout 553
description 120 QASYGSJE (give descriptor) file QASYSVJE (action to system value) file
specifying 137 layout 516 layout 555
printing 577 QASYGSJE (Internet security QASYVAJE (changing access control list)
restoring 223, 227 management) file layout 519 file layout 555
revoking 277, 579 QASYGSJE (interprocess communication QASYVCJE (connection start and end)
revoking with RVKPUBAUT actions) file layout 517 file layout 556
command 581 QASYIRJ4 (IP rules actions) file QASYVFJE (close of server files) file
saving 223 layout 518 layout 557
user profile
QASYJDJE (job description change) file QASYVLJE (account limit exceeded) file
recommendation 90
layout 520 layout 557
PW (password) journal entry type 244
QASYJSJE (job change) file layout 521 QASYVNJE (network log on and off) file
PWDEXP (set password to expired)
QASYKFJ4 (key ring file) file layout 524 layout 557
parameter 58
QASYLDJE (link, unlink, search QASYVOJ4 (validation list) file
PWDEXPITV (password expiration
directory) file layout 526 layout 558
interval) parameter 72
QASYMLJE (mail actions) file QASYVPJE (network password error) file
PWRDWNSYS (Power Down System)
layout 527 layout 559
QASYNAJE (network attribute change) QASYVRJE (network resource access) file
authorized IBM-supplied user
file layout 527 layout 559
profiles 287
QASYNDJE (APPN directory) file QASYVSJE (server session) file
object authority required 418
layout 528 layout 560
QASYNEJE (APPN end point) file QASYVUJE (network profile change) file
layout 528 layout 561
Q QASYO1JE (optical access) file QASYVVJE (service status change) file
QADSM (ADSM) user profile 280 layout 534, 535 layout 561
QAFDFTUSR (AFDFTUSR) user QASYO3JE (optical access) file QASYX0JE (kerberos authentication) file
profile 280 layout 536 layout 562
QAFOWN (AFOWN) user profile 280 QASYOMJE (object management) file QASYYCJE (change to DLO object) file
QAFUSR (AFUSR) user profile 280 layout 529 layout 565

Index 641
QASYYRJE (read of DLO object) file QAUDJRN (audit) journal 244, 431 QAUDJRN (audit) journal 244, 431
layout 566 (continued) (continued)
QASYZCJE (change to object) file DO (delete operation) entry type 244 RA (authority change for restored
layout 566 DO (delete operation) file layout 512 object) entry type 244
QASYZMJE (change to object) file DS (DST password reset) entry RA (authority change for restored
layout 567 type 244 object) file layout 542
QASYZRJE (read of object) file DS (DST password reset) file receiver storage threshold 258
layout 568 layout 513 RJ (restoring job description) entry
QATNPGM (Attention-key-handling error conditions 50 type 244
program) system value 84 EV (Environment variable) file RJ (restoring job description) file
QAUDCTL (audit control) system value layout 513 layout 543
changing 276, 573 file layouts 489, 569 RO (ownership change for restored
displaying 276, 573 force level 51 object) entry type 244
QAUDCTL (auditing control) system GR(generic record) file layout 514 RO (ownership change for restored
value GS (give descriptor) file layout 516 object) file layout 544
overview 50 introduction 240 RP (restoring programs that adopt
IP (Interprocess Communication authority) entry type 244
QAUDENDACN (auditing end action)
actions) file layout 517 RP (restoring programs that adopt
system value 50, 254
IP (interprocess communications) authority) file layout 545
QAUDFRCLVL (auditing force level)
entry type 244 RQ (restoring *CRQD object) entry
system value 51, 254
IR(IP rules actions) file layout 518 type 244
QAUDJRN (audit) journal 244, 431
IS (Internet security management) file RQ (restoring *CRQD object that
AD (auditing change) entry type 244 layout 519 adopts authority) file layout 546
AD (auditing change) file layout 492 JD (job description change) entry RU (restore authority for user profile)
AF (authority failure) entry type 244 type 244 entry type 244
default sign-on violation 14 JD (job description change) file RU (restore authority for user profile)
description 244 layout 520 file layout 546
hardware protection violation 14 JS (job change) entry type 244 RZ (primary group change for
job description violation 14 JS (job change) file layout 521 restored object) entry type 244
program validation 18 KF (key ring file) file layout 524 RZ (primary group change for
restricted instruction 18 LD (link, unlink, search directory) file restored object) file layout 547
unsupported interface 13, 18 layout 526 SD (change system distribution
AF (authority failure) file layout 494 managing 258 directory) entry type 244
analyzing methods for analyzing 261 SD (change system distribution
with query 262 ML (mail actions) entry type 244 directory) file layout 548
AP (adopted authority) entry ML (mail actions) file layout 527 SE (change of subsystem routing
type 244 NA (network attribute change) entry entry) entry type 244
AP (adopted authority) file type 244 SE (change of subsystem routing
layout 498 NA (network attribute change) file entry) file layout 549
auditing level (QAUDLVL) system layout 527 SF (action to spooled file) file
value 51 ND (APPN directory) file layout 528 layout 549
automatic cleanup 259 NE (APPN end point) file layout 528 SF (change to spooled file) entry
CA (authority change) entry type 244 O1 (optical access) file layout 534, type 244
CA (authority change) file layout 498 535 SG file layout 551, 552
CD (command string) entry type 244 O3 (optical access) file layout 536 SM (system management change)
CD (command string) file layout 501 OM (object management) entry entry type 244
changing receiver 260 type 244 SM (system management change) file
CO (create object) entry type 123, OM (object management) file layout 552
244 layout 529 SO (server security user information
CO (create object) file layout 501 OR (object restore) entry type 244 actions) file layout 553
CP (user profile change) entry OR (object restore) file layout 531 ST (service tools action) entry
type 244 OW (ownership change) entry type 244
CP (user profile change) file type 244 ST (service tools action) file
layout 502 OW (ownership change) file layout 553
CQ (*CRQD change) file layout 504 layout 533 standard heading fields 489
CQ (change *CRQD object) entry PA (program adopt) entry type 244 stopping 260
type 244 PA (program adopt) file layout 536 SV (action to system value) entry
creating 257 PG (primary group change) entry type 244
CU(Cluster Operations) file type 244 SV (action to system value) file
layout 504 PG (primary group change) file layout 555
CV(connection verification) file layout 538 system entries 258
layout 505 PO (printer output) entry type 244 VA (access control list change) entry
CY(cryptographic configuration) file PO (printer output) file layout 540 type 244
layout 507 PS (profile swap) entry type 244 VA (changing access control list) file
damaged 258 PS (profile swap) file layout 541 layout 555
detaching receiver 258, 260 PW (password) entry type 244 VC (connection start and end) file
DI(directory services) file layout 508 PW (password) file layout 541 layout 556
displaying entries 240, 261

642 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

QAUDJRN (audit) journal 244, 431 QAUTOCFG (automatic configuration) QINACTMSGQ (inactive job message
(continued) system value queue) system value 28 (continued)
VC (connection start or end) entry value set by CFGSYSSEC value set by CFGSYSSEC
type 244 command 579 command 579
VF (close of server files) file QAUTOCFG (automatic device QjoAddRemoteJournal (Add Remote
layout 557 configuration) system value 34 Journal) API
VL (account limit exceeded) file QAUTOVRT (automatic configuration of object auditing 460
layout 557 virtual devices) system value 34 QjoChangeJournal State(Change Journal
VN (network log on and off) file QAUTOVRT (automatic virtual-device State) API
layout 557 configuration) system value object auditing 460
VN (network log on or off) entry value set by CFGSYSSEC QjoEndJournal (End journaling) API
type 244 command 579 object auditing 432
VO (validation list) file layout 558 QAUTPROF (authority profile) user QjoEndJournal (End Journaling) API
VP (network password error) entry profile 280 object auditing 460
type 244 QBRMS (BRM) user profile 280 QJORDJE2 record format 489
VP (network password error) file QCCSID (coded character set identifier) QjoRemoveRemoteJournal (Remove
layout 559 system value 86 Remote Journal) API
VR (network resource access) file QCL program 118 object auditing 460
layout 559 QCMD command processor QjoRetrieveJournalEntries (Retrieve
VS (server session) entry type 244 Attention-key-handling program 84 Journal Entries) API
VS (server session) file layout 560 special environment (SPCENV) 70 object auditing 459
VU (network profile change) entry QCNTRYID (country identifier) system QjoRetrieveJournalInformation (Retrieve
type 244 value 86 Journal Information) API
VU (network profile change) file QCONSOLE (console) system value 179 object auditing 460
layout 561 QCRTAUT (create authority) system QJORJIDI (Retrieve Journal Identifier
VV (service status change) entry value (JID) Information) API
type 244 description 26 object auditing 459
VV (service status change) file risk of changing 26 QjoSJRNE (Send Journal Entry) API
layout 561 using 121 object auditing 460
X0 (kerberos authentication) file QCRTOBJAUD (create object auditing) QjoStartJournal (Start Journaling) API
layout 562 system value 52 object auditing 432, 460
YC (change to DLO object) file QDBSHRDO (database share) user QKBDBUF (keyboard buffering) system
layout 565 profile 280 value 74
YR (read of DLO object) file QDCEADM (DCEADM) user profile 280 QLANGID (language identifier) system
layout 566 QDEVRCYACN (device recovery action) value 86
ZC (change to object) file layout 566 system value 35 QLMTDEVSSN (limit device sessions)
ZM (change to object) file layout 567 value set by CFGSYSSEC system value
ZR (read of object) file layout 568 command 579 auditing 238
QAUDLVL (audit level) system value QDFTJOBD (default) job description 76 description 28
QDFTOWN (default owner) user profile LMTDEVSSN user profile
*AUTFAIL value 244 audit journal (QAUDJRN) entry 244 parameter 73
*CREATE (create) value 244 default values 280 QLMTSECOFR (limit security officer)
*DELETE (delete) value 244 description 123
*JOBDTA (job change) value 244 system value
restoring programs 230 auditing 236
*OBJMGT (object management) QDOC (document) user profile 280
value 244 authority to device descriptions 177
QDSCJOBITV (disconnected job time-out changing security levels 11
*OFCSRV (office services) value 244
interval) system value 36 description 29
*PGMADP (adopted authority)
value set by CFGSYSSEC sign-on process 179
value 244
command 579 value set by CFGSYSSEC
*PGMFAIL (program failure)
QDSNX (distributed systems node command 579
value 244
executive) user profile 280 QLPAUTO (licensed program automatic
*PRTDTA (printer output) value 244
QDSPSGNINF (display sign-on install) user profile
*SAVRST (save/restore) value 244
information) system value 26, 72 default values 280
*SECURITY (security) value 244
*SERVICE (service tools) value 244 value set by CFGSYSSEC restoring 226
*SPLFDTA (spooled file changes) command 579 QLPINSTALL (licensed program install)
value 244 QEZMAIN program 84 user profile
*SYSMGT (system management) QFNC (finance) user profile 280 default values 280
value 244 QGATE (VM/MVS bridge) user restoring 226
changing 257, 276, 573 profile 280 QMAXSGNACN (action when sign-on
displaying 276, 573 QHST (history) log attempts reached) system value
purpose 241 using to monitor security 265 description 30
user profile 91 QINACTITV (inactive job time-out user profile status 59
QAUDLVL (auditing level) system value interval) system value 27 value set by CFGSYSSEC
value set by CFGSYSSEC command 579
overview 51 command 579 QMAXSIGN (maximum sign-on
QINACTMSGQ (inactive job message attempts) system value
queue) system value 28 auditing 236, 240

Index 643
QMAXSIGN (maximum sign-on QPWDRQDDGT (password require QSECURITY (security level) system
attempts) system value (continued) numeric character) system value value (continued)
description 29 value set by CFGSYSSEC level 30 11
user profile status 59 command 579 level 40 11
value set by CFGSYSSEC QPWDRQDDGT (required password level 50 19
command 579 digits) system value 44 message handling 20
QMSF (mail server framework) user QPWDRQDDIF (duplicate password) validating parameters 20
profile 280 system value 42 overview 7
QPGMR (programmer) user profile QPWDRQDDIF (password required recommendations 9
default values 280 difference) system value special authority 9
device description owner 179 value set by CFGSYSSEC user class 9
password set by CFGSYSSEC command 579 value set by CFGSYSSEC
command 581 QPWDVLDPGM (password validation command 579
program) system value 44 QSH (Start QSH) command
QPRTDEV (print device) system
value 83 value set by CFGSYSSEC alias for STRQSH 404
command 579 QSHRMEMCTL (share memory control)
QPWDEXPITV (password expiration
QRCL (reclaim storage) library system value
interval) system value
setting QALWUSRDMN (allow user description 32
auditing 237
objects) system value 25 possible values 32
description 39
QRCLAUTL (reclaim storage) QSNADS (Systems Network Architecture
PWDEXPITV user profile authorization list 232
parameter 72 distribution services) user profile 280
QRETSVRSEC (retain server security) QSPCENV (special environment) system
value set by CFGSYSSEC system value 30
command 579 value 70
QRETSVRSEC (retain server security) QSPL (spool) user profile 280
QPWDLMTAJC (password limit adjacent) value 30
system value 43 QSPLJOB (spool job) user profile 280
QRJE (remote job entry) user profile 280
QPWDLMTAJC (password restrict QSPRJOBQ (Retrieve job queue
QRMTSIGN (allow remote sign-on)
adjacent characters) system value information) API
system value
object auditing 458
value set by CFGSYSSEC value set by CFGSYSSEC
command 579 QSRTSEQ (sort sequence) system
command 579
value 85
QPWDLMTCHR (limit characters) system QRMTSIGN (remote sign-on) system
value 42 QSRV (service) user profile
value 31, 240
authority to console 179
QPWDLMTCHR (password restrict QRMTSRVATR (remote service attribute)
default values 280
characters) system value system value 2, 36
password set by CFGSYSSEC
value set by CFGSYSSEC QRYDOCLIB (Query Document Library)
command 581
command 579 command
QSRVBAS (basic service) user profile
QPWDLMTCHR command 58 object auditing 448
authority to console 179
QPWDLMTREP (limit repeated object authority required 325
default values 280
characters) system value 43 QRYDST (Query Distribution) command
password set by CFGSYSSEC
QPWDLVL object authority required 324 command 581
case sensitive passwords 44, 57 QRYPRBSTS (Query Problem Status) QSYS (system) library
Password levels (maximum command
authorization lists 120
length) 41 object authority required 399
QSYS (system) user profile
Password levels (minimum QSECOFR (security officer) user profile
default values 280
length) 41 authority to console 179 restoring 226
Password levels (QPWDLVL) 41, 42 default values 280
QSYSLIBL (system library list) system
QPWDLVL (case sensitive) device description owner 179
value 183
case sensitive passwords disabled status 59
QSYSMSG message queue
QPWDLVL case sensitive 43 enabling 59
auditing 240, 264
Password levels (case sensitive) 43 restoring 226
QMAXSGNACN (action when
QPWDLVL (current or pending value) QSECURITY (security level) system value
attempts reached) system value 30
and program name 44 auditing 236
QMAXSIGN (maximum sign-on
QPWDMAXLEN (password maximum automatic user profile creation 53
attempts) system value 29
length) system value 41 changing, 20 from higher level 10
QSYSOPR (system operator) message
changing, level 10 to level 20 10
value set by CFGSYSSEC queue
changing, level 20 to 30 11
command 579 restricting 183
changing, to level 40 17
QPWDMINLEN (password minimum QSYSOPR (system operator) user
changing, to level 50 20
length) system value 41 profile 280
comparison of levels 7
value set by CFGSYSSEC disabling level 40 18 password set by CFGSYSSEC
command 579 disabling level 50 21 command 581
QPWDPOSDIF (password require enforcing QLMTSECOFR system QTCP (TCP/IP) user profile 280
position difference) system value value 179 QTEMP (temporary) library
value set by CFGSYSSEC internal control blocks 20 security level 50 19
command 579 introduction 2 QTMPLPD (TCP/IP printing support)
QPWDPOSDIF (position characters) level 10 9 user profile 280
system value 44 level 20 10 QTSTRQS (test request) user profile 280

644 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

query RCLSTG (Reclaim Storage) command recommendation (continued)
analyzing audit journal entries 262 (continued) library list (continued)
query definition (*QRYDFN) QDFTOWN (default owner) user portion 186
auditing 473 profile 123 limit capabilities (LMTCPB) 65
Query Management/400 security level 50 19 limiting
object authority required for setting QALWUSRDMN (allow user device sessions 73
commands 403 objects) system value 25 message queue 81
query manager form (*QMFORM) RCLTMPSTG (Reclaim Temporary naming
auditing 472 Storage) command group profile 56
query manager query (*QMQRY) authorized IBM-supplied user user profiles 56
auditing 473 profiles 287 password expiration interval
question and answer object auditing 433 (PWDEXPITV) 72
object authority required for object authority required 301 passwords 58
commands 405 RCVDST (Receive Distribution) command priority limit (PTYLMT)
QUSEADPAUT (use adopted authority) object auditing 448 parameter 75
system value object authority required 324 public authority
description 32 RCVJRNE (Receive Journal Entry) user profiles 90
risk of changing 33 command QUSRLIBL system value 76
QUSER (user) user profile object auditing 459 RSTLICPGM (Restore Licensed
password set by CFGSYSSEC object authority required 361 Program) command 230
command 581 RCVMGRDTA (Receive Migration Data) security design 196
QUSER (workstation user) user command security level (QSECURITY) system
profile 280 object authority required 382 value 9
QUSER38 library 118 RCVMSG (Receive Message) command set password to expired
QUSRLIBL (user library list) system object auditing 465, 466 (PWDEXP) 59
value 76 object authority required 381 special authority (SPCAUT) 69
QUSRTOOL library RCVNETF (Receive Network File) special environment (SPCENV) 70
Display Audit Log (DSPAUDLOG) command summary 196
messages used 244 object authority required 384 user class (USRCLS) 60
DSPAUDLOG (Display Audit Log) read (*READ) authority 112, 297 record-level security 212
messages used 244 read of DLO object (YR) file layout 566 recovering
QVFYOBJRST (verify object on restore) read of object (ZR) file layout 568 authority holder 223
system value 36 reader authorization list 223
QVFYOBJRST (Verify Object Restore) object authority required for damaged audit journal 258
system value 3 commands 405 damaged authorization list 231
QWCLSCDE (List job schedule entry) API receiver lost DST (dedicated service tools)
object auditing 459 changing 260 password 109
deleting 260 lost QSECOFR (security officer)
detaching 258, 260 password 109
saving 260 object ownership 223
R reclaim storage (QRCL) library private authority 223
RA (authority change for restored object) setting QALWUSRDMN (allow user public authority 223
journal entry type 244 objects) system value 25 security information 223
RCLACTGRP (Reclaim Activation Group) reclaim storage (QRCLAUTL) user profiles 223
command authorization list 232 reference code table (*RCT) auditing 474
object authority required 418 Reclaim Storage (RCLSTG) referenced object 145
RCLDLO (Reclaim Document Library command 19, 123, 232 rejecting
Object) command setting QALWUSRDMN (allow user access
object auditing 449 objects) system value 25 DDM request (DDM) 192
object authority required 325 reclaiming Client Access access 191
RCLOPT (Reclaim Optical) command storage 19, 123, 232 remote job submission 190
authorized IBM-supplied user setting QALWUSRDMN (allow relational database directory
profiles 287 user objects) system value 25 object authority required for
object authority required 390 recommendation commands 406
RCLRSC (Reclaim Resources) command adopted authority 131 remote job entry (QRJE) user profile 280
object authority required 418 application design 202 remote job entry (RJE)
RCLSPLSTG (Reclaim Spool Storage) display sign-on information
object authority required for
command (DSPSGNINF) 72 commands 407
authorized IBM-supplied user initial library list 76
profiles 287 remote job submission
initial menu (INLMNU) 65
object authority required 415 securing 190
initial program (INLPGM) 65
RCLSTG (Reclaim Storage) command job descriptions 76 remote service attribute (QRMTSRVATR)
authorized IBM-supplied user library design 201 system value 36
profiles 287 library list remote sign-on
damaged authorization list 232 current library 185 QRMTSIGN system value 31
object auditing 432 product library portion 185 remote sign-on (QRMTSIGN) system
object authority required 301 system portion 185 value 31, 240

Index 645
Remove Authorization List Entry resource security (continued) restoring (continued)
(RMVAUTLE) command 147, 271 introduction 4 job description
Remove Directory Entry (RMVDIRE) limit access audit journal (QAUDJRN)
command 275 introduction 220 entry 244
Remove Document Library Object restore library 223
Authority (RMVDLOAUT) security risks 192 licensed program
command 274 recommendations 230
Restore Authority (RSTAUT) command
Remove Library List Entry (RMVLIBLE) security risks 230
command 183 audit journal (QAUDJRN) entry 244 maximum storage (MAXSTG) 74
description 274
Remove User display 100 object
removing procedure 229 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
role in restoring security 223
authority for user 141 entry 244
using 228
authorization list commands 223
object 148 restore authority for user profile (RU) file ownership 223, 227
user authority 147, 271 layout 546 security issues 226
directory entry 275 restore authority for user profile (RU) operating system 232
document library object journal entry type 244 ownership change
authority 274 Restore Document Library Object audit journal (QAUDJRN)
employees who no longer need (RSTDLO) command 223 entry 244
access 238 Restore Library (RSTLIB) command 223 primary group 223, 227
library list entry 183 Restore Licensed Program (RSTLICPGM) private authority 223, 228
security level 40 18 command program failure
security level 50 21 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
recommendations 230
server authentication entry 275 entry 244
security risks 230
user authority program validation 15
authorization list 147 Restore Object (RSTOBJ) command programs 229
object 141 ALWOBJDIF parameter 15 public authority 223, 227
user profile using 223 QDFTOWN (default) owner
automatically 571 restore operation audit journal (QAUDJRN)
directory entry 99 maximum storage (MAXSTG) 74 entry 244
distribution lists 99 storage needed 74 restricting 193
message queue 99 Restore User Profiles (RSTUSRPRF) security information 223
owned objects 99 command 223, 274 storage needed 74
primary group 99 uid (user identification number) 226
renaming user profile
object *ALLOBJ (all object) special authority audit journal (QAUDJRN)
audit journal (QAUDJRN) all object (*ALLOBJ) special entry 244
entry 244 authority 226 command description 274
user profile 103 *CRQD object procedures 223, 225
repeated characters (QPWDLMTREP) audit journal (QAUDJRN) restoring *CRQD (RQ) file layout 547
system value 43 entry 244
restoring *CRQD object (RQ) journal
*CRQD object that adopts authority
repeating passwords 42 entry type 244
(RQ) file layout 546
reply list restoring job description (RJ) file
adopted authority
action auditing 475 layout 543
changes to ownership and
object authority required for restoring job description (RJ) journal
authority 230
commands 419 entry type 244
allow object differences (ALWOBJDIF)
required password digits parameter 227 restoring programs that adopt authority
(QPWDRQDDGT) system value 44 (RP) file layout 545
ALWOBJDIF (allow object differences)
resetting parameter 227 restoring programs that adopt authority
DST (dedicated service tools) authority (RP) journal entry type 244
password audit journal (QAUDJRN) restricted instruction
audit journal (QAUDJRN) entry 244 audit journal (QAUDJRN) entry 244
entry 244 command description 274 restricting
procedure 109 description of process 229 access
QSECOFR (security officer) overview of commands 223 console 236
password 109 procedure 228 workstations 236
RESMGRNAM (Resolve Duplicate and authority changed by system adjacent digits in passwords
Incorrect Office Object Names) audit journal (QAUDJRN) (QPWDLMTAJC system value) 43
command entry 244 capabilities 64
authorized IBM-supplied user authority holder 223 characters in passwords 42
profiles 287 authorization list command line use 64
object authority required 382 association with object 227 commands (ALWLMTUSR) 64
resource description of process 231 consecutive digits in passwords
object authority required for overview of commands 223 (QPWDLMTAJC system value) 43
commands 406 document library object (DLO) 223 messages 20
resource security gid (group identification QSYSOPR (system operator) message
definition 111 number) 226 queue 183

646 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

restricting (continued) risk (continued) RMVAJE (Remove Autostart Job Entry)
repeated characters in passwords 43 restore commands 192 command
restore operations 193 restoring programs that adopt object auditing 476
save operations 193 authority 230 object authority required 416
security officer (QLMTSECOFR restoring programs with restricted RMVALRD (Remove Alert Description)
system value) 236 instructions 229 command
retain server security (QRETSVRSEC) RSTLICPGM (Restore Licensed object auditing 434
system value Program) command 230 object authority required 308
overview 30 save commands 192 RMVAUTLE (Remove Authorization List
retain server security (QRETSVRSEC) special authorities 66 Entry) command
value 30 RJ (restoring job description) file description 271
Retrieve Authorization List Entry layout 543 object auditing 435
(RTVAUTLE) command 271 RJ (restoring job description) journal object authority required 310
Retrieve Journal Receiver Information entry type 244 using 147
API RJE (remote job entry) RMVBKP (Remove Breakpoint) command
object auditing 461 object authority required for object authority required 400
Retrieve User Profile (RTVUSRPRF) commands 407 RMVBNDDIRE (Remove Binding
command 105, 273 RLSCMNDEV (Release Communications Directory Entry) command
retrieving Device) command object auditing 436
authorization list entry 271 authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 311
user profile 105, 273 profiles 287 RMVCCTRTE 355
RETURN (Return) command object auditing 442, 462 RMVCCTSRV 355
object authority required 418 object authority required 320 RMVCFGLE (Remove Configuration List
reversing RLSDSTQ (Release Distribution Queue) Entries) command
page down (*ROLLKEY user command
option) 88 object authority required 316
authorized IBM-supplied user RMVCFGLE (Remove Configuration List
page up (*ROLLKEY user option) 88 profiles 287
Revoke Object Authority (RVKOBJAUT) Entry) command
object authority required 324 object auditing 436
command 140, 148, 272
RLSIFSLCK (Release IFS Lock) command RMVCMNE (Remove Communications
Revoke Public Authority (RVKPUBAUT)
authorized IBM-supplied user Entry) command
profiles 287 object auditing 476
description 277, 579
RLSIFSLCK (Release IFS Lock) command) object authority required 416
details 581
command RMVCNNLE (Remove Connection List
Revoke User Permission (RVKUSRPMN)
command 274 object authority required 385 Entry) command
revoking RLSJOB (Release Job) command object auditing 439
object authority 272 object authority required 357 object authority required 316
public authority 277, 579 RLSJOBQ (Release Job Queue) command RMVCOMSNMP (Remove Community
user permission 274 object auditing 458 for SNMP) command
RGZDLO (Reorganize Document Library object authority required 360 object authority required 422
Object) command RLSJOBSCDE (Release Job Schedule RMVCRQD (Remove Change Request
object auditing 448 Entry) command Description Activity) command
object authority required 325 object auditing 459 object auditing 437
RGZPFM (Reorganize Physical File object authority required 361 RMVCRQDA (Remove Change Request
Member) command RLSOUTQ (Release Output Queue) Description Activity) command
object auditing 454 command object authority required 312
object authority required 330 object auditing 468 RMVCRSDMNK (Remove Cross Domain
risk object authority required 392 Key) command
*ALLOBJ (all object) special RLSRDR (Release Reader) command authorized IBM-supplied user
authority 66 object authority required 405 profiles 287
*AUDIT (audit) special authority 69 RLSRMTPHS (Release Remote Phase) object authority required 318
*IOSYSCFG (system configuration) command RMVDIR (Remove Directory) command
special authority 69 authorized IBM-supplied user object auditing 444
*JOBCTL (job control) special
profiles 287 object authority required 339
authority 67
RLSSPLF (Release Spooled File) RMVDIRE (Remove Directory Entry)
*SAVSYS (save system) special
command command
authority 68
object auditing 469 description 275
*SERVICE (service) special
authority 68 object authority required 415 object authority required 323
*SPLCTL (spool control) special RLSWTR (Release Writer) command RMVDIRSHD (Remove Directory Shadow
authority 67 object authority required 428 System) command
adopted authority 131 RMVACC (Remove Access Code) object authority required 323
authority holder 133 command RMVDLOAUT (Remove Document
create authority (CRTAUT) authorized IBM-supplied user Library Object Authority) command
parameter 121 profiles 287 description 274
library list 183 object auditing 448 object auditing 448
password validation program 46 object authority required 388 object authority required 325

Index 647
RMVDSTLE (Remove Distribution List RMVIPSLOC (Remove IP over SNA RMVNODLE (Remove Node List Entry)
Entry) command Location Entry) command command
object authority required 325 object authority required 308 object auditing 466
RMVDSTQ (Remove Distribution Queue) RMVIPSRTE (Remove IP over SNA object authority required 388
command Route) command RMVNWSSTGL (Remove Network Server
authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 308 Storage Link) command
profiles 287 RMVIPXCCT 355 object authority required 387
object authority required 324 RMVJOBQE (Remove Job Queue Entry) RMVOPTCTG (Remove Optical
RMVDSTRTE (Remove Distribution command Cartridge) command
Route) command object auditing 458, 476 authorized IBM-supplied user
authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 416 profiles 287
profiles 287 RMVJOBSCDE (Remove Job Schedule object authority required 390
object authority required 324 Entry) command RMVOPTSVR (Remove Optical Server)
RMVDSTSYSN (Remove Distribution command
object auditing 459
Secondary System Name) command object authority required 361 authorized IBM-supplied user
authorized IBM-supplied user profiles 287
RMVJRNCHG (Remove Journaled
profiles 287 object authority required 390
Changes) command
object authority required 324 RMVPEXDFN (Remove Performance
authorized IBM-supplied user
RMVEMLCFGE (Remove Emulation Explorer Definition) command
profiles 287
authorized IBM-supplied user
Configuration Entry) command object auditing 432, 460
profiles 287
object authority required 322 object authority required 361
object authority required 393
RMVENVVAR (Remove Environment RMVLANADP (Remove LAN Adapter)
RMVPFCST (Remove Physical File
Variable) command command
Constraint) command
object authority required 329 authorized IBM-supplied user object auditing 454
RMVEWCBCDE (Remove Extended profiles 287
object authority required 330
Wireless Controller Bar Code Entry) RMVLANADPI (Remove LAN Adapter RMVPFTGR (Remove Physical File
command Information) command Trigger) command
object authority required 329 object authority required 378 object auditing 454
RMVEWCPTCE (Remove Extended RMVLANADPT (Remove LAN Adapter) RMVPFTRG (Remove Physical File
Wireless Controller PTC Entry) command Trigger) command
command object authority required 378 object authority required 330
object authority required 329 RMVLIBLE (Remove Library List Entry) RMVPGM (Remove Program) command
RMVEXITPGM (Add Exit Program) command object authority required 400
command using 183 RMVPJE (Remove Prestart Job Entry)
object auditing 452 RMVLICKEY (Remove License Key) command
RMVEXITPGM (Remove Exit Program) command object auditing 476
command object authority required 375 object authority required 416
authorized IBM-supplied user RMVLNK (Remove Link) command RMVPTF (Remove Program Temporary
profiles 287 object auditing 478, 482, 484 Fix) command
object authority required 406 object authority required 339 authorized IBM-supplied user
RMVFCTE (Remove Forms Control Table RMVM (Remove Member) command profiles 287
Entry) command object authority required 411
object auditing 454
object authority required 407 RMVRDBDIRE (Remove Relational
object authority required 330
Database Directory Entry) command
RMVFNTTBLE (Remove Font Table RMVMFS (Remove Mounted File System)
Entry) object authority required 406
object authority required 426
object authority required for RMVMFS (Remove Mounted File System) Communications Entry) command
commands 307 command
object authority required 407
RMVFTRACNE (Remove Filter Action authorized IBM-supplied user RMVRJERDRE (Remove RJE Reader
Entry) command profiles 287 Entry) command
object auditing 456 object authority required 385 object authority required 407
object authority required 337 RMVMSG (Remove Message) command RMVRJEWTRE (Remove RJE Writer
RMVFTRSLTE (Remove Filter Selection object auditing 466 Entry) command
Entry) command object authority required 381 object authority required 407
object auditing 456 RMVMSGD (Remove Message RMVRMTJRN (Remove Remote Journal)
object authority required 337 Description) command command
RMVICFDEVE (Remove Intersystem object auditing 465 object auditing 460
Communications Function Program object authority required 381 RMVRMTPTF (Remove Remote Program
Device Entry) command RMVNETJOBE (Remove Network Job Temporary Fix) command
object authority required 330 Entry) command authorized IBM-supplied user
RMVIPIADR 355 authorized IBM-supplied user profiles 287
RMVIPIIFC 355 profiles 287 RMVRPYLE (Remove Reply List Entry)
RMVIPIRTE 355 object authority required 384 command
RMVIPSIFC (Remove IP over SNA RMVNETTBLE (Remove Network Table authorized IBM-supplied user
Interface) command Entry) command profiles 287
object authority required 308 object authority required 422 object auditing 475

648 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

RMVRPYLE (Remove Reply List Entry) RNMTCPHTE (Rename TCP/IP Host RSTCFG (Restore Configuration)
command (continued) Table Entry) command command
object authority required 419 object authority required 422 authorized IBM-supplied user
RMVRTGE (Remove Routing Entry) RO (ownership change for restored profiles 287
command object) file layout 544 object auditing 432
object auditing 476 RO (ownership change for restored object authority required 315
object authority required 416 object) journal entry type 244 RSTDLO (Restore Document Library
RMVSCHIDXE (Remove Search Index roll key (*ROLLKEY) user option 88 Object) command 223
Entry) command authorized IBM-supplied user
ROLLBACK (Rollback) command
object auditing 477 profiles 287
object authority required 356 object authority required 314
routing entry object auditing 448
RMVSNILOC 355 object authority required 325
RMVSOCE (Remove Sphere of Control authority to program 176
changing RSTLIB (Restore Library) command 223
Entry) command
audit journal (QAUDJRN) authorized IBM-supplied user
object authority required 415
entry 244 profiles 287
RMVSVRAUTE (Remove Server
performance 194 object auditing 433
Authentication Entry) command
object authority required 371
object authority required 411 RP (restoring programs that adopt
authority) file layout 545 RSTLICPGM (Restore Licensed Program)
RMVTAPCTG (Remove Tape Cartridge)
command RP (restoring programs that adopt
object authority required 379 authority) journal entry type 244 authorized IBM-supplied user
RMVTCPHTE (Remove TCP/IP Host profiles 287
RPLDOC (Replace Document) command
Table Entry) command object auditing 433
object auditing 448
object authority required 422 object authority required 375
object authority required 325
RMVTCPIFC (Remove TCP/IP Interface) recommendations 230
RQ (restoring *CRQD object) journal security risks 230
command entry type 244
object authority required 422 RSTOBJ (Restore Object) command
RQ (restoring *CRQD object that adopts
RMVTCPPORT (Remove TCP/IP Port ALWOBJDIF parameter 15
authority) file layout 546
Entry) command authorized IBM-supplied user
RRTJOB (Reroute Job) command profiles 287
object authority required 422
object authority required 357 object auditing 433
System Information) command RSMBKP (Resume Breakpoint) command object authority required 301
object authority required 422 object authority required 400 using 223
RMVTCPRTE (Remove TCP/IP Route) RSMCTLRCY (Resume Controller RSTS36F (Restore System/36 File)
command Recovery) command command
object authority required 422 object auditing 441 authorized IBM-supplied user
RMVTRC (Remove Trace) command object authority required 316 profiles 287
object authority required 400 RSMDEVRCY (Resume Device Recovery) object authority required 330, 419
RMVWSE (Remove Work Station Entry) command RSTS36FLR (Restore System/36 Folder)
command object auditing 442 command
object auditing 476 object authority required 320 authorized IBM-supplied user
object authority required 416 RSMLINRCY (Resume Line Recovery) profiles 287
RNM (Rename) command command object authority required 325, 419
object auditing 444, 478, 482, 484 RSTS36LIBM (Restore System/36 Library
object auditing 462
object authority required 339
object authority required 376 Members) command
RNMCNNLE (Rename Connection List
RSMNWIRCY (Resume Network authorized IBM-supplied user
Entry) command
Interface Recovery) command profiles 287
object auditing 439
object auditing 467 object authority required 371, 419
object authority required 316
RST (Restore) command RSTS38AUT (Restore System/38
RNMDIRE (Rename Directory Entry)
Authority) command
command authorized IBM-supplied user
profiles 287 authorized IBM-supplied user
object authority required 323
object auditing 432, 444, 478, 482, profiles 287
RNMDKT (Rename Diskette) command
484 object authority required 382
object authority required 379
RNMDLO (Rename Document Library object authority required 339 RSTSHF (Restore Bookshelf) command
Object) command RSTAUT (Restore Authority) command object auditing 449
object auditing 448 audit journal (QAUDJRN) entry 244 RSTUSFCNR (Restore USF Container)
object authority required 325 authorized IBM-supplied user command
RNMDSTL (Rename Distribution List) profiles 287 authorized IBM-supplied user
command description 274 profiles 287
object authority required 325 object authority required 424 RSTUSRPRF (Restore User Profiles)
RNMM (Rename Member) command procedure 229 command
object auditing 454 role in restoring security 223 authorized IBM-supplied user
object authority required 330 using 228 profiles 287
RNMOBJ (Rename Object) command RSTCAL (Restore Calendar) command description 223, 274
object auditing 432, 461, 484 authorized IBM-supplied user object auditing 486
object authority required 301 profiles 287 object authority required 424

Index 649
RTVAUTLE (Retrieve Authorization List RTVMBRD (Retrieve Member RUNQRY (Run Query) command
Entry) command Description) command (continued) (continued)
description 271 object authority required 330 object authority required 403
object auditing 435 RTVMSG (Retrieve Message) command RUNSMGCMD (Run System
object authority required 310 object auditing 464 Management Command) command
RTVBCKUP (Retrieve Backup Options) RTVNETA (Retrieve Network Attributes) authorized IBM-supplied user
command command profiles 287
object authority required 389 object authority required 384 RUNSMGOBJ (Run System Management
RTVBNDSRC (Retrieve Binder Source) RTVOBJD (Retrieve Object Description) Object) command
command command authorized IBM-supplied user
object auditing 464 object auditing 434 profiles 287
object authority required 383 object authority required 301 RUNSQLSTM (Run Structured Query
RTVCFGSRC (Retrieve Configuration RTVPDGPRF (Retrieve Print Descriptor Language Statement) command
Source) command Group Profile) command object authority required 365
object auditing 439, 440, 441, 442, object authority required 398 RVKACCAUT (Revoke Access Code
462, 467, 468 RTVPRD (Retrieve Product) command Authority) command
object authority required 315 authorized IBM-supplied user object auditing 449
RTVCFGSTS (Retrieve Configuration profiles 287 object authority required 388
Status) command RTVPTF (Retrieve PTF) command RVKOBJAUT (Revoke Object Authority)
object auditing 441, 442, 462, 467, authorized IBM-supplied user command 140
468 profiles 287 description 272
object authority required 315 RTVPWRSCDE (Retrieve Power On/Off object auditing 433
RTVCLDSRC (Retrieve C Locale Source) Schedule Entry) command object authority required 301
command object authority required 389 using 148
object auditing 437 RTVQMFORM (Retrieve Query RVKPUBAUT (Revoke Public Authority)
RTVCLNUP (Retrieve Cleanup) Management Form) command command
command object auditing 474 authorized IBM-supplied user
object authority required 389 object authority required 403 profiles 287
RTVCLSRC (Retrieve CL Source) RTVQMQRY (Retrieve Query description 277, 579
command Management Query) command details 581
object auditing 470 object auditing 473, 474 object authority required 301
object authority required 400 object authority required 403 RVKUSRPMN (Revoke User Permission)
RTVCURDIR (Retrieve Current Directory) RTVS36A (Retrieve System/36 Attributes) command
command command description 274
object auditing 443 object auditing 484 object auditing 449
object authority required 339 object authority required 419 object authority required 388
RTVDLONAM (Retrieve Document RTVSMGOBJ (Retrieve System RVKWSOAUT (Revoke Workstation
Library Object Name) command Management Object) command Object Authoriy) command
object authority required 325 authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 338
RTVDOC (Retrieve Document) command profiles 287 RZ (primary group change for restored
object auditing 447, 449 RTVSYSVAL (Retrieve System Value) object) file layout 547
object authority required 325 command RZ (primary group change for restored
RTVDSKINF (Retrieve Disk Activity object authority required 419 object) journal entry type 244
Information) command RTVUSRPRF (Retrieve User Profile)
authorized IBM-supplied user
profiles 287
description 273
object authority required 389 S/36 machine description (*S36)
object auditing 486
auditing 484
RTVDTAARA (Retrieve Data Area) object authority required 424
SAV (Save) command
command using 105
object auditing 431, 443, 481, 483
object auditing 449 RTVWSCST (Retrieve Work Station
object authority required 339
object authority required 319 Customizing Object) command
RTVGRPA (Retrieve Group Attributes) object auditing 487
command object authority required 427
authorized IBM-supplied user
object authority required 418 RU (restore authority for user profile) file
profiles 287
RTVJOBA (Retrieve Job Attributes) layout 546
object authority required 411
command RU (restore authority for user profile) SAVCFG (Save Configuration) command
object authority required 357 journal entry type 244 object auditing 441, 462, 467, 468
RTVJRNE (Retrieve Journal Entry) run priority 194 object authority required 315
command RUNBCKUP (Run Backup) command SAVCHGOBJ (Save Changed Object)
object auditing 459 object authority required 389 command
object authority required 361 RUNLPDA (Run LPDA-2) command object auditing 431
RTVLIBD (Retrieve Library Description) authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 301
command profiles 287 SAVDLO (Save Document Library Object)
object authority required 371 object auditing 462 command
RTVMBRD (Retrieve Member object authority required 411 object auditing 431, 447
Description) command RUNQRY (Run Query) command object authority required 325
object auditing 455 object auditing 474 using 223

650 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

Save Document Library Object (SAVDLO) SAVS36F (Save System/36 File) command SD (change system distribution directory)
command 223 object authority required 330, 419 file layout 548
Save Library (SAVLIB) command 223 SAVS36LIBM (Save System/36 Library SD (change system distribution directory)
Save Object (SAVOBJ) command 223, Members) command journal entry type 244
260 object authority required 330, 371 SE (change of subsystem routing entry)
save/restore (*SAVRST) audit level 244 SAVSAVFDTA (Save Save File Data) file layout 549
Save Security Data (SAVSECDTA) command SE (change of subsystem routing entry)
command 223, 274 object auditing 431 journal entry type 244
save system (*SAVSYS) special authority object authority required 330 search index
*OBJEXIST authority 112, 297 SAVSECDTA (Save Security Data) object authority required 356
description 233 command search index (*SCHIDX) auditing 476
functions allowed 68 description 274 SECBATCH (Submit Batch Reports) menu
removed by system object authority required 424 scheduling reports 574
changing security levels 10 using 223 submitting reports 573
risks 68 SAVSHF (Save Bookshelf) command secruity attributes, system
Save System (SAVSYS) command 223, object auditing 431, 447 commands for working with 276
274 SAVSTG (Save Storage) command SECTOOLS (Security Tools) menu 571
object auditing 434 security
object authority required 301 C2
audit journal receiver 260
SAVSYS (Save System) command description 5
auditing 233
description 274 critical files 211
authority holder 223
object authority required 301 designing 195
authorization list 223
using 223 job description 182
document library object (DLO) 223
SBMCRQ (Submit Change Request) keylock 2
library 223
library lists 183
object 223 command
object ownership 223 object auditing 437
availability 1
primary group 223 SBMDBJOB (Submit Database Jobs)
confidentiality 1
private authority 223 command
integrity 1
public authority 223 object authority required 357
output queue 186
restricting 193 SBMDKTJOB (Submit Diskette Jobs)
overall recommendations 196
security data 223, 274 command physical 2
security information 223 object authority required 357 planning 1
security risks 192 SBMFNCJOB (Submit Finance Job) printer output 186, 187
system 223, 274 command source files 219
user profile authorized IBM-supplied user spooled file 187
commands 223 profiles 287 starting
SAVLIB (Save Library) command object authority required 338 batch job 176
object auditing 431 SBMJOB (Submit Job) command interactive job 175
object authority required 371 authority checking 176 jobs 175
using 223 object authority required 357 subsystem description 181
SAVLICPGM (Save Licensed Program) SECBATCH menu 574 system values 3
command SBMNETJOB (Submit Network Job) tools 276
authorized IBM-supplied user command why needed 1
profiles 287 object authority required 357 security (*SECURITY) audit level 244
object auditing 431 SBMNWSCMD (Submit Network Server security administrator (*SECADM)
object authority required 375 Command) command special authority
SAVOBJ (Save Object) command authorized IBM-supplied user functions allowed 66
object auditing 431 profiles 287 security attribute
object authority required 301 object authority required 387 object authority required for
saving audit journal receiver 260 SBMRJEJOB (Submit RJE Job) command commands 411
using 223 security attributes
object authority required 407
SAVRSOBJ (Save Restore Object) SBMRMTCMD (Submit Remote changing 276
command commands for working with 276
Command) command
object authority required 301 display 276
object authority required 313
SAVRSTCFG (Save Restore scan security attributes, system
Configuration) command commands for working with 276
object alterations 240, 268, 273
object authority required 315 scheduling security attributes, system distribution
SAVRSTCHG (Save Restore Change) security reports 574 commands for working with 276
command user profile security audit
object authority required 301 activation 571 object authority required for
SAVRSTDLO (Save Resorte Document expiration 571 commands 411
Library Object) command scheduling priority security audit journal
object authority required 325 limiting 75 displaying entries 276
SAVRSTLIB (Save Restore Library) scrolling printing entries 575
command reversing (*ROLLKEY user security auditing
object authority required 301 option) 88 displaying 276, 573

Index 651
security auditing (continued) security tools SETATNPGM (Set Attention Program)
setting up 276, 573 commands 276, 571 command
security auditing function contents 276, 571 job initiation 84
activating 256 menus 571 object authority required 400
CHGSECAUD 255 Security Tools (SECTOOLS) menu 571 SETCSTDTA (Set Customization Data)
stopping 260 security value command
security command setting 579 object authority required 338
list 271 Send Journal Entry (SNDJRNE) SETJOBATR (user options) parameter
security data command 258 user profile 87
saving 223, 274 Send Network Spooled File SETMSTK (Set Master Key) command
security information (SNDNETSPLF) command 187 authorized IBM-supplied user
backup 223 sending profiles 287
format on save media 225 journal entry 258 object authority required 318
format on system 224 network spooled file 187 SETOBJACC (Set Object Access)
recovery 223 sensitive data command
restoring 223 encrypting 240 object authority required 301
saving 223 protecting 238 SETPGMINF (Set Program Information)
stored on save media 225 server authentication command
stored on system 224 object authority required for object authority required 400
commands 411 SETTAPCGY (Set Tape Category)
security level (QSECURITY) system value
server authentication entry command
auditing 236
adding 275 object authority required 379
automatic user profile creation 53
changing 275 setting
removing 275 Attention-key-handling program
level 10 to level 20 10
level 20 to level 30 11 server security user information actions
(SO) file layout 553 network attributes 277, 579
level 20 to level 40 17
security values 579
level 20 to level 50 20 server session
system values 277, 579
level 30 to 20 10 audit journal (QAUDJRN) entry 244
setting up
level 30 to level 40 17 server session (VS) file layout 560
auditing function 256
level 30 to level 50 20 server session VS) journal entry
security auditing 276, 573
level 40 to 20 10 type 244 SETVTMAP (Set VT100 Keyboard Map)
level 40 to level 30 18 server storage space (*SVRSTG) command
level 50 to level 30 or 40 21 object 481 object authority required 422
comparison of levels 7 service SETVTTBL (Set VT Translation Tables)
disabling level 40 18 object authority required for command
disabling level 50 21 commands 411
enforcing QLMTSECOFR system object authority required 422
service (*SERVICE) special authority SEV (message queue severity) parameter
value 179 failed sign-on 177
internal control blocks 20 user profile 82
functions allowed 68 severity (SEV) parameter
introduction 2
risks 68 user profile 82
level 10 9
service (QSRV) user profile SF (action to spooled file) file layout 549
level 20 10
authority to console 179 SF (change to spooled file) journal entry
level 30 11
default values 280
level 40 11 type 244
service basic (QSRVBAS) user
level 50 share memory control (QSHRMEMCTL)
profile 280 system value
message handling 20
service program
overview 19 description 32
QTEMP (temporary) library 19 adopted authority 131 possible values 32
validating parameters 20 service program (*SRVPGM) shared folder
overview 7 auditing 480
securing 192
recommendations 9 service status change (VV) file sign-on
special authority 9 layout 561
action when attempts reached
user class 9 service status change (VV) journal entry
(QMAXSGNACN system value) 30
value set by CFGSYSSEC type 244
authorities required 175
command 579 service tools (*SPLFDTA) audit level 244 authority failures 175
security officer service tools action (ST) file layout 553 console 179
limiting workstation access 29 service tools action (ST) journal entry default
monitoring actions 269 type 244 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
restricting to certain session entry 244
workstations 236 object authority required for incorrect password
security officer (QSECOFR) user profile commands 407 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
authority to console 179 session description (*SSND) entry 244
default values 280 auditing 481 incorrect user ID
device description owner 179 Set Attention Program (SETATNPGM) audit journal (QAUDJRN)
disabled status 59 command 84 entry 244
enabling 59 set password to expired (PWDEXP) limiting attempts 29
restoring 226 parameter 58 preventing default 239

652 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

sign-on (continued) SNDJRNE (Send Journal Entry) socket
remote (QRMTSIGN system command 258 giving
value) 31 object auditing 460 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
restricting security officer 177 object authority required 361 entry 244
security checking 175 SNDMGRDTA (Send Migration Data) sockets
security officer fails 177 command object authority required for
service user fails 177 object authority required 382 commands 308
user with *ALLOBJ special authority SNDMSG (Send Message) command sort sequence
fails 177 QSRTSEQ system value 85
object authority required 381
user with *SERVICE special authority shared weight 85
fails 177 SNDNETF (Send Network File) command
unique weight 85
without user ID 181 object authority required 384
user profile 85
without user ID and password 14 SNDNETMSG (Send Network Message) source file
workstation authority needed 177 command
securing 219
sign-on information object authority required 384 SPCAUT (special authority) parameter
displaying SNDNETSPLF (Send Network Spooled recommendations 69
DSPSGNINF user profile File) command user profile 65
parameter 71 action auditing 479 SPCENV (special environment) parameter
QDSPSGNINF system value 26 object auditing 469 recommendations 70
Sign-on Information display object authority required 415 routing interactive job 71
DSPSGNINF user profile output queue parameters 187 user profile 70
parameter 72 SNDNWSMSG (Send Network Server Special Authorities
example 26 Message) command authorities, special 217
expired password message 39, 59 object authority required 387 Special Authorities, Accumulating 217
SNDPGMMSG (Send Program Message) special authority
integrity 3 command
object 3 *ALLOBJ (all object)
object authority required 381 auditing 238
SIGNOFF (Sign Off) command
object authority required 418 SNDPRD (Send Product) command automatically added 10
Signon screen authorized IBM-supplied user automatically removed 10
changing 179 profiles 287 failed sign-on 177
displaying source for 179 SNDPTF (Send PTF) command functions allowed 66
Signon screen display file 179 authorized IBM-supplied user risks 66
size of password 41 profiles 287 *AUDIT (audit)
SLTCMD (Select Command) command SNDPTFORD (Send Program Temporary functions allowed 69
object authority required 313 Fix Order) command risks 69
SM (system management change) file *IOSYSCFG (system configuration)
authorized IBM-supplied user
layout 552 functions allowed 69
profiles 287
SM (system management change) journal risks 69
object authority required 411
entry type 244 *JOBCTL (job control)
SNDRJECMD (Send RJE) command
SNA distribution services (QSNADS) user functions allowed 67
object authority required 407 output queue parameters 188
profile 280 SNDRJECMD (Send RJE Command)
SNADS (Systems Network Architecture priority limit (PTYLMT)
command parameter 75
distribution services)
object authority required 407 risks 67
QSNADS user profile 280
SNDBRKMSG (Send Break Message) SNDRPY (Send Reply) command *SAVSYS (save system)
command object auditing 466 *OBJEXIST authority 112, 297
object authority required 381 object authority required 381 automatically removed 10
SNDSMGOBJ (Send System Management description 233
SNDDOC (Send Document) command
Object) command functions allowed 68
object auditing 447
authorized IBM-supplied user risks 68
SNDDST (Send Distribution) command
profiles 287 *SECADM (security administrator)
object auditing 447
SNDSRVRQS (Send Service Request) functions allowed 66
object authority required 324
command *SERVICE (service)
SNDDSTQ (Send Distribution Queue) failed sign-on 177
command authorized IBM-supplied user
functions allowed 68
authorized IBM-supplied user profiles 287
risks 68
profiles 287 object authority required 411
*SPLCTL (spool control)
object authority required 324 SNDTCPSPLF (Send TCP/IP Spooled
functions allowed 67
SNDDTAARA (Send Data Area) File) command
output queue parameters 188
command action auditing 479 risks 67
object auditing 450 object auditing 487 added by system
SNDEMLIGC (Send DBCS 3270PC object authority required 422 changing security level 10
Emulation Code) command SNDUSRMSG (Send User Message) adopted authority 129
object authority required 322 command analyzing assignment 575
SNDFNCIMG (Send Finance Diskette object authority required 381 changing security level 10
Image) command SO (server security user information definition 66
object authority required 338 actions) file layout 553 LAN Server 70

Index 653
special authority (continued) starting STRDBG (Start Debug) command
listing users 267 auditing function 256 authorized IBM-supplied user
recommendations 69 connection profiles 287
removed by system audit journal (QAUDJRN) object auditing 452, 470
automatically removed 226 entry 244 object authority required 400
changing security level 10 state STRDBGSVR (Start Debug Server)
user profile 65 program 13 command
special authority (SPCAUT) parameter state attribute authorized IBM-supplied user
recommendations 69 object 13 profiles 287
user profile 65 state attribute, program STRDBMON (Start Database Monitor)
special environment (QSPCENV) system displaying 13 command
value 70 STATFS (Display Mounted File System object authority required 393
special environment (SPCENV) parameter Information) command STRDBRDR (Start Database Reader)
recommendations 70 object authority required 385 command
routing interactive job 71 status (STATUS) parameter object authority required 405
user profile 70 user profile 59 STRDFU (Start DFU) command
spelling aid dictionary status message object authority required 309, 330
object authority required for displaying (*STSMSG user option) 88 STRDIRSHD (Start Directory Shadow
commands 414 not displaying (*NOSTSMSG user System) command
spelling aid dictionary (*SPADCT) option) 88 object authority required 323
auditing 479 stopping STRDIRSHD (Start Directory Shadowing)
sphere of control audit function 260 command
object authority required for auditing 50 object auditing 446
commands 415 storage STRDKTRDR (Start Diskette Reader)
spool (QSPL) user profile 280 enhanced hardware protection 14 command
spool control (*SPLCTL) special authority maximum (MAXSTG) parameter 74 object authority required 405
functions allowed 67 reclaiming 19, 123, 232 STRDKTWTR (Start Diskette Writer)
output queue parameters 188 setting QALWUSRDMN (allow command
risks 67 user objects) system value 25 object authority required 428
spool job (QSPLJOB) user profile 280 threshold STRDSKRGZ (Start Disk Reorganization)
spooled file audit (QAUDJRN) journal command
*JOBCTL (job control) special receiver 258 object authority required 323
authority 67 user profile 74 stream file (*STMF) auditing 481
*SPLCTL (spool control) special storage pool 194 STREDU (Start Education) command
authority 67 STRAPF (Start Advanced Printer object authority required 389
action auditing 479 Function) command STREML3270 (Start 3270 Display
changing object authority required 309, 330 Emulation) command
audit journal (QAUDJRN) STRBEST (Start BEST/1) command object authority required 322
entry 244 authorized IBM-supplied user STRFMA (Start Font Management Aid)
copying 187 profiles 287 command
deleting user profile 101 STRBEST (Start Best/1-400 Capacity object auditing 457
displaying 187 Planner) command object authority required 328
moving 187 object authority required 393 STRHOSTSVR (Start Host Server)
object authority required for STRBGU (Start Business Graphics Utility) command
commands 415 command object authority required 339
owner 187 object authority required 309 STRIDD (Start Interactive Data Definition
securing 187 STRCBLDBG (Start COBOL Debug) Utility) command
working with 187 command object authority required 354
spooled file changes (*SPLFDTA) audit object authority required 365, 400 STRIDXMON (Start Index Monitor)
level 244, 479 STRCGU (Start CGU) command command
SQL object authority required 328 authorized IBM-supplied user
file security 214 STRCLNUP (Start Cleanup) command profiles 287
SQL catalog 214 object authority required 389 object authority required 388
SQL package (*SQLPKG) auditing 480 STRCMNTRC (Start Communications STRIPIIFC
SRC (system reference code) Trace) command object authority required 355
B900 3D10 (auditing error) 50 authorized IBM-supplied user STRIPSIFC (Start IP over SNA Interface)
SRTSEQ (sort sequence) parameter profiles 287 command
user profile 85 object authority required 411 authorized IBM-supplied user
ST (service tools action) file layout 553 STRCMTCTL (Start Commitment Control) profiles 287
ST (service tools action) journal entry command object authority required 308
type 244 object authority required 314 STRIPX (Start IPX) command
Start QSH (STRQSH) command STRCPYSCN (Start Copy Screen) object authority required 355
object authority required command STRIPXCCT
alias, QSH 404 object authority required 411 object authority required 355
Start System/36 (STRS36) command STRCSP (Start CSP/AE Utilities) STRJOBTRC (Start Job Trace) command
user profile command authorized IBM-supplied user
special environment 71 object auditing 471 profiles 287

654 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

STRJOBTRC (Start Job Trace) command STRPRTEML (Start Printer Emulation) STRSEU (Start SEU) command
(continued) command object authority required 309
object authority required 393 object authority required 322 STRSQL (Start Structured Query
STRJRN (Start Journal) command STRPRTWTR (Start Printer Writer) Language) command
object authority required 339, 361 command object authority required 365, 393
STRJRN (Start Journaling) command object auditing 468, 487 STRSRVJOB (Start Service Job) command
object auditing 433 object authority required 428 authorized IBM-supplied user
STRJRNAP (Start Journal Access Path) STRQMQRY (Start Query Management profiles 287
command Query) command object authority required 411
object authority required 361 object auditing 472, 473, 474 STRSST (Start System Service Tools)
STRJRNOBJ (Start Journal Object) object authority required 403 command
command STRQRY (Start Query) command authorized IBM-supplied user
object authority required 361 object authority required 403 profiles 287
STRJRNPF (Start Journal Physical File) STRQSH (Start QSH) command object authority required 411
command object authority required STRSSYSMGR (Start System Manager)
object authority required 361 alias, QSH 404 command
STRJRNxxx (Start Journaling) command STRQST (Start Question and Answer) authorized IBM-supplied user
object auditing 460 command profiles 287
STRMGDSYS (Start Managed System) object authority required 405 STRTCP (Start TCP/IP) command
STRREXPRC (Start REXX Procedure) authorized IBM-supplied user
command profiles 287
authorized IBM-supplied user
object authority required 365 object authority required 422
profiles 287
STRTCPFTP (Start TCP/IP File Transfer
STRMGRSRV (Start Manager Services) STRRGZIDX (Start Reorganization of
Index) command Protocol) command
object authority required 422
authorized IBM-supplied user authorized IBM-supplied user
STRTCPIFC (Start TCP/IP Interface)
profiles 287 profiles 287
STRMOD (Start Mode) command object authority required 388
authorized IBM-supplied user
object auditing 464 STRRJECSL (Start RJE Console) command
profiles 287
object authority required 383 object authority required 407
object authority required 422
STRMSF (Start Mail Server Framework) STRRJERDR (Start RJE Reader) command
STRTCPPTP (Start Point-to-Point TCP/IP)
command object authority required 407 command
authorized IBM-supplied user STRRJESSN (Start RJE Session) command object authority required 422
profiles 287 object authority required 407 STRTCPSVR (Start TCP/IP Server)
object authority required 378 STRRJEWTR (Start RJE Writer) command command
STRNFSSVR (Start Network File System object authority required 407 authorized IBM-supplied user
Server) command STRRLU (Start Report Layout Utility) profiles 287
authorized IBM-supplied user command object authority required 422
profiles 287 object authority required 309 STRTCPTELN (Start TCP/IP TELNET)
STRNFSSVR (Start Network File System STRRMTWTR (Start Remote Writer) command
Server) command) command command object authority required 422
object authority required 385 action auditing 479, 488 STRTRC (Start Trace) command
STRPASTHR (Start Pass-Through) object auditing 468 object authority required 411
command object authority required 428 STRUPDIDX (Start Update of Index)
object auditing 441 STRS36 (Start System/36) command command
object authority required 323 object auditing 484 authorized IBM-supplied user
STRPDM (Start Programming user profile profiles 287
Development Manager) command special environment 71 object authority required 388
object authority required 309 STRS36MGR (Start System/36 Migration) Submit Job (SBMJOB) command 176
STRPEX (Start Performance Explorer) command SECBATCH menu 574
command authorized IBM-supplied user submitting
authorized IBM-supplied user profiles 287 security reports 573
profiles 287 object authority required 382 subset
object authority required 393 STRS38MGR (Start System/38 Migration) authority 113
STRPFRG (Start Performance Graphics) command subsystem
command authorized IBM-supplied user *JOBCTL (job control) special
object authority required 393 profiles 287 authority 67
STRPFRT (Start Performance Tools) object authority required 382 object authority required for
command STRSBS (Start Subsystem) command commands 416
object authority required 393 object auditing 475 sign on without user ID and
STRPFRTRC (Start Performance Trace) object authority required 416 password 14
command STRSCHIDX (Start Search Index) subsystem description
authorized IBM-supplied user command authority 276
profiles 287 object auditing 476 communications entry 181
object authority required 393 object authority required 356 default user 276
STRPJ (Start Prestart Jobs) command STRSDA (Start SDA) command entry 276
object authority required 357 object authority required 309 performance 194

Index 655
subsystem description (continued) system distribution directory (continued) system value (continued)
printing list of descriptions 276 deleting user profile 99 audit level (QAUDLVL)
printing security-relevant system library list *AUTFAIL (authority failure)
parameters 575 changing 183, 204 description 244
routing entry change QSYSLIBL system value 183 *CREATE (create) value 244
audit journal (QAUDJRN) system management *DELETE (delete) value 244
entry 244 changing *JOBDTA (job change) value 244
security 181 audit journal (QAUDJRN) *OBJMGT (object management)
workstation entry 181 entry 244 value 244
subsystem description (*SBSD) system management (*SYSMGT) audit *OFCSRV (office services)
auditing 475 level 244 value 244
SUPGRPPRF (supplemental groups) system management change (SM) file *PGMADP (adopted authority)
parameter layout 552 value 244
user profile 79 system management change (SM) journal *PGMFAIL (program failure)
supplemental group entry type 244 value 244
planning 217 system operations *PRTDTA (printer output)
supplemental groups value 244
special authority (SPCAUT)
SUPGRPPRF user profile *SAVRST (save/restore) value 244
parameter 65
parameter 79 *SECURITY (security) value 244
system operator (QSYSOPR) user
SV (action to system value) file *SERVICE (service tools)
profile 280
layout 555 value 244
system password 110
SV (action to system value) journal entry *SPLFDTA (spooled file changes)
type 244 system portion value 244
symbolic link (*SYMLNK) auditing 483 library list *SYSMGT (system management)
system changing 203 value 244
object authority required for description 183 changing 257, 276
commands 418 recommendations 185 displaying 276
saving 223, 274 system program purpose 241
system (*SYSTEM) domain 13 calling directly 13 user profile 91
system (*SYSTEM) state 13 system reference code (SRC) auditing 236
system (QSYS) library B900 3D10 (auditing error) 50 overview 49
authorization lists 120 system reply list auditing control (QAUDCTL)
system (QSYS) user profile object authority required for overview 50
default values 280 commands 419 auditing end action
restoring 226 (QAUDENDACN) 50, 254
system request function
System/36 auditing force level
adopted authority 130
authority for deleted files 132 (QAUDFRCLVL) 51, 254
migration System request menu auditing level (QAUDLVL)
authority holders 133 options and commands 209 overview 51
System/36 environment using 209 automatic configuration of virtual
object authority required for System Request menu devices (QAUTOVRT) 34
commands 419 limit device sessions automatic device configuration
user profile 70 (LMTDEVSSN) 73 (QAUTOCFG) 34
System/38 system resources changing
command security 211 limiting use *SECADM (security administrator)
System/38 environment 70 priority limit (PTYLMT) special authority 66
System/38 Environment 118 parameter 75 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
system change-journal management preventing abuse 194 entry 244
support 258 system signing 3 coded character set identifier
system configuration system status (QCCSID) 86
*IOSYSCFG (system configuration) command for setting 277, 579
working with 194
special authority 69 console (QCONSOLE) 179
system value
system configuration (*IOSYSCFG) country identifier (QCNTRYID) 86
action when sign-on attempts reached create authority (QCRTAUT)
special authority
(QMAXSGNACN) description 26
functions allowed 69 description 30
risks 69 risk of changing 26
user profile status 59 using 121
system console 179 allow object restore option create object auditing
QCONSOLE system value 179 (QALWOBJRST) 24 (QCRTOBJAUD) 52
system-defined authority 113 allow user objects disconnected job time-out interval
system directory (QALWUSRDMN) 19, 25 (QDSCJOBITV) 36
changing Attention-key-handling program display sign-on information
audit journal (QAUDJRN) (QATNPGM) 84 (QDSPSGNINF) 26, 72
entry 244 audit inactive job
system distribution directory planning 254 message queue
*SECADM (security administrator) audit control (QAUDCTL) (QINACTMSGQ) 28
special authority 66 changing 276
commands for working with 275 displaying 276

656 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

system value (continued) system value (continued) system value (continued)
time-out interval QATNPGM (Attention-key-handling QDSCJOBITV (disconnected job
(QINACTITV) 27 program) 84 time-out interval) 36
keyboard buffering (QKBDBUF) 74 QAUDCTL (audit control) value set by CFGSYSSEC
language identifier (QLANGID) 86 changing 276, 573 command 579
limit device sessions (QLMTDEVSSN) displaying 276, 573 QDSPSGNINF (display sign-on
auditing 238 QAUDCTL (auditing control) information) 26, 72
description 28 overview 50 value set by CFGSYSSEC
LMTDEVSSN user profile QAUDENDACN (auditing end command 579
parameter 73 action) 50, 254 QINACTITV (inactive job time-out
limit security officer (QLMTSECOFR) QAUDFRCLVL (auditing force interval) 27
authority to device level) 51, 254 value set by CFGSYSSEC
descriptions 177 QAUDLVL (audit level) command 579
changing security levels 11 *AUTFAIL (authority failure) QINACTMSGQ (inactive job message
description 29 description 244 queue) 28
sign-on process 179 *CREATE (create) value 244 value set by CFGSYSSEC
listing 236 *DELETE (delete) value 244 command 579
maximum sign-on attempts *JOBDTA (job change) value 244 QKBDBUF (keyboard buffering) 74
(QMAXSIGN) *OBJMGT (object management) QLANGID (language identifier) 86
auditing 236, 240 value 244 QLMTDEVSSN (limit device sessions)
description 29 *OFCSRV (office services) auditing 238
user profile status 59 value 244 description 28
object authority required for *PGMADP (adopted authority) LMTDEVSSN user profile
commands 419 value 244 parameter 73
password *PGMFAIL (program failure) QLMTSECOFR (limit security officer)
approval program value 244 auditing 236
(QPWDVLDPGM) 44 *PRTDTA (printed output) authority to device
auditing expiration 237 value 244 descriptions 177
duplicate (QPWDRQDDIF) 42 *SAVRST (save/restore) value 244 changing security levels 11
expiration interval *SECURITY (security) value 244 description 29
(QPWDEXPITV) 39, 72 *SERVICE (service tools) sign-on process 179
limit adjacent value 244 value set by CFGSYSSEC
(QPWDLMTAJC) 43 *SPLFDTA (spooled file changes) command 579
limit characters value 244 QMAXSGNACN (action when sign-on
(QPWDLMTCHR) 42 *SYSMGT (system management) attempts reached)
limit repeated characters value 244 description 30
(QPWDLMTREP) 43 changing 257, 276, 573 user profile status 59
maximum length displaying 276, 573 value set by CFGSYSSEC
(QPWDMAXLEN) 41 purpose 241 command 579
minimum length user profile 91 QMAXSIGN (maximum sign-on
(QPWDMINLEN) 41 QAUDLVL (auditing level) attempts)
overview 37 overview 51 auditing 236, 240
position characters QAUTOCFG (automatic configuration) description 29
(QPWDPOSDIF) 44 value set by CFGSYSSEC user profile status 59
preventing trivial 237 command 579 value set by CFGSYSSEC
required password digits QAUTOCFG (automatic device command 579
(QPWDRQDDGT) 44 configuration) 34 QPRTDEV (print device) 83
restriction of consecutive digits QAUTOVRT (automatic configuration QPWDEXPITV (password expiration
(QPWDLMTAJC) 43 of virtual devices) 34 interval)
validation program QAUTOVRT (automatic virtual-device auditing 237
(QPWDVLDPGM) 44 configuration) description 39
password expiration interval value set by CFGSYSSEC PWDEXPITV user profile
(QPWDEXPITV) command 579 parameter 72
PWDEXPITV user profile QCCSID (coded character set value set by CFGSYSSEC
parameter 72 identifier) 86 command 579
print device (QPRTDEV) 83 QCNTRYID (country identifier) 86 QPWDLMTAJC (password limit
printing 236 QCONSOLE (console) 179 adjacent) 43
printing security- QCRTAUT (create authority) QPWDLMTAJC (password restrict
communications 277 description 26 adjacent characters)
printing security-relevant 277, 575 risk of changing 26 value set by CFGSYSSEC
QALWOBJRST (allow object restore) using 121 command 579
value set by CFGSYSSEC QCRTOBJAUD (create object QPWDLMTCHR (limit characters) 42
command 579 auditing) 52 QPWDLMTCHR (password restrict
QALWOBJRST (allow object restore QDEVRCYACN (device recovery characters)
option) 24 action) value set by CFGSYSSEC
QALWUSRDMN (allow user value set by CFGSYSSEC command 579
objects) 19, 25 command 579

Index 657
system value (continued) system value (continued) system value (continued)
QPWDLMTREP (limit repeated QSECURITY (security level) sort sequence (QSRTSEQ) 85
characters) 43 (continued) special environment (QSPCENV) 70
QPWDLMTREP (password limit recommendations 9 system library list (QSYSLIBL) 183
repeated characters) special authority 9 use adopted authority
value set by CFGSYSSEC user class 9 (QUSEADPAUT)
command 579 validating parameters 20 description 32
QPWDLMTREP (password require value set by CFGSYSSEC risk of changing 33
position difference) command 579 user library list (QUSRLIBL) 76
value set by CFGSYSSEC QSHRMEMCTL (share memory verify object on restore
command 579 control) (QVFYOBJRST) 36
QPWDMAXLEN (password maximum description 32 working with 236
length) 41 possible values 32 Systems Network Architecture (SNA)
value set by CFGSYSSEC QSPCENV (special environment) 70 distribution services (QSNADS) user
command 579 QSRTSEQ (sort sequence) 85 profile 280
QPWDMINLEN (password minimum QSYSLIBL (system library list) 183 Systems Network Architecture
length) 41 QUSEADPAUT (use adopted distribution services (SNADS)
value set by CFGSYSSEC authority) QSNADS user profile 280
command 579 description 32
QPWDPOSDIF (position risk of changing 33
characters) 44
QPWDRQDDGT (password require
QUSRLIBL (user library list) 76
QVFYOBJRST (verify object on
TAA (tips and techniques) tool
numeric character) restore) 36
Display Audit Log (DSPAUDLOG)
value set by CFGSYSSEC remote service attribute
messages used 244
command 579 (QRMTSRVATR) 36
DSPAUDLOG (Display Audit Log)
QPWDRQDDGT (required password remote sign-on (QRMTSIGN) 31, 240
messages used 244
digits) 44 retain server security
object authority required for
password) 42 security
commands 421
QPWDRQDDIF (password required introduction 3
table (*TBL) auditing 485
difference) overview 23
value set by CFGSYSSEC setting 579
object authority required for
command 579 security level (QSECURITY)
commands 379
QPWDVLDPGM (password validation auditing 236
protecting 236
program) 44 automatic user profile creation 53
value set by CFGSYSSEC changing, 20 from higher level 10 tape cartridge
command 579 changing, level 10 to level 20 10 object authority required for
QRETSVRSEC (retain server changing, level 20 to 30 11 commands 379
security) 30 changing, to level 40 17 TCP/IP (QTCP) user profile 280
QRMTSIGN (allow remote sign-on) changing, to level 50 20 TCP/IP (Transmission Control
value set by CFGSYSSEC comparison of levels 7 Protocol/Internet Protocol)
command 579 disabling level 40 18 object authority required for
QRMTSIGN (remote sign-on) 31, 240 disabling level 50 21 commands 422
QRMTSRVATR (remote service enforcing QLMTSECOFR system TCP/IP printing support (QTMPLPD)
attribute) 36 value 179 user profile 280
QSECURITY (security level) introduction 2 TELNET (Start TCP/IP TELNET)
auditing 236 level 10 9 command
automatic user profile creation 53 level 20 10 object authority required 422
changing, 20 from higher level 10 level 30 11 temporary (QTEMP) library
changing, level 10 to level 20 10 level 40 11 security level 50 19
changing, level 20 to 30 11 level 50 19 test request (QTSTRQS) user profile 280
changing, to level 40 17 overview 7 text (TEXT) parameter
changing, to level 50 20 recommendations 9 user profile 65
comparison of levels 7 special authority 9 text index
disabling level 40 18 user class 9 object authority required for
disabling level 50 21 security-related commands 388
enforcing QLMTSECOFR system overview 33 TFRBCHJOB (Transfer Batch Job)
value 179 share memory control command
internal control blocks 20 (QSHRMEMCTL)
object auditing 458
introduction 2 description 32
object authority required 357
level 10 9 possible values 32
TFRCTL (Transfer Control) command
level 20 10 sign-on 39
object authority required 400
level 30 11 action when attempts reached
transferring adopted authority 129
level 40 11 (QMAXSGNACN) 30, 59
TFRGRPJOB (Transfer to Group Job)
level 50 19 maximum attempts
message handling 20 (QMAXSIGN) 29, 59, 236, 240
overview 7 remote (QRMTSIGN) 31, 240 adopted authority 130
object authority required 357

658 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

TFRJOB (Transfer Job) command TRNPIN (Translate Personal Identification user authority (continued)
object auditing 458 Number) command copying (continued)
object authority required 357 authorized IBM-supplied user recommendations 145
TFRPASTHR (Transfer Pass-Through) profiles 287 renaming profile 104
command object authority required 318 user class
object authority required 323 type-ahead (*TYPEAHEAD) keyboard analyzing assignment 575
TFRSECJOB (Transfer Secondary Job) buffering 74 user class (USRCLS) parameter
command description 60
object authority required 357
time-out interval
U recommendations 60
USER DEF (user-defined) authority 140
inactive jobs (QINACTITV) system uid (user identification number) user-defined (USER DEF) authority 140
value 27 restoring 226 user domain object
message queue (QINACTMSGQ) unauthorized restricting 19
system value 28 access security exposure 19
time slice 194 audit journal (QAUDJRN) user ID
token-ring entry 244 DST (dedicated service tools)
object authority required for programs 240 changing 107
commands 378 UNMOUNT (Remove Mounted File incorrect
total change of password 44 System) audit journal (QAUDJRN)
Transfer Control (TFRCTL) command object authority required 426 entry 244
transferring adopted authority 129 UNMOUNT (Remove Mounted File user identification number( ) parameter
Transfer to Group Job (TFRGRPJOB) System) command user profile 89
command object authority required 385 user identification number (uid)
adopted authority 130 unsupported interface restoring 226
transferring audit journal (QAUDJRN) entry 13, user index (*USRIDX) auditing 485
adopted authority 129, 130 244 user index (*USRIDX) object 19
to group job 130 update (*UPD) authority 112, 297 user option (CHRIDCTL) parameter
translation UPDDTA (Update Data) command user profile 86
validation value 15 object authority required 330 user option (LOCALE) parameter
translation of programs 15 UPDPGM (Update Program) command
user profile 88
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet object auditing 435, 464, 470
user option (SETJOBATR) parameter
Protocol (TCP/IP) object authority required 400
user profile 87
object authority required for UPDSRVPGM (Create Service Program)
user option (USROPT) parameter
commands 422 command
object auditing 464 *CLKWD (CL keyword) 87, 88
TRCCNN (Trace Connection) command *EXPERT (expert) 87, 88, 140
object authority required 411 UPDSRVPGM (Update Service Program)
command *HLPFULL (help full screen) 88
TRCCPIC (Trace CPI Communications) *NOSTSMSG (no status message) 88
command object auditing 435, 481
object authority required 400 *PRTMSG (printing message) 88
authorized IBM-supplied user *ROLLKEY (roll key) 88
profiles 287 upgrade order information
object authority required for *STSMSG (status message) 88
object authority required 411 user profile 86, 87, 88
TRCCSP (Trace CSP/AE Application) commands 423
use (*USE) authority 114, 298 USER parameter on job description 181
command user permission
object auditing 471 use adopted authority (QUSEADPAUT)
system value granting 274
TRCICF (Trace ICF) command
description 32 object authority required for
authorized IBM-supplied user commands 388
profiles 287 risk of changing 33
use adopted authority (USEADPAUT) revoking 274
object authority required 411
parameter 132 user portion
TRCINT (Trace Internal) command
USEADPAUT (use adopted authority) library list
authorized IBM-supplied user controlling 203
parameter 132
profiles 287 description 183
object authority required 411 recommendations 186
adding 95
TRCJOB (Trace Job) command user profile
authorized IBM-supplied user *ALLOBJ (all object) special
changing 69
profiles 287 authority 66
working with 104
object authority required 411 *AUDIT (audit) special authority 69
enrolling 95
TRCS (Trace Cryptographic Services) user (*USER) domain 13 (gid) group identification number 89
command user (*USER) state 13 *IOSYSCFG (system configuration)
authorized IBM-supplied user user auditing special authority 69
profiles 287 changing *JOBCTL (job control) special
trigger program command description 274 authority 67
listing all 276, 575 command descriptions 273 *SAVSYS (save system) special
trivial password user authority authority 68
preventing 38, 237 adding 141 *SECADM (security administrator)
TRMPRTEML (Terminate Printer copying special authority 66
Emulation) command command description 273 *SERVICE (service) special
object authority required 322 example 99 authority 68

Index 659
user profile (continued) user profile (continued) user profile (continued)
*SPLCTL (spool control) special deleting limit device sessions
authority 67 command description 273 (LMTDEVSSN) 73
(user identification number) 89 directory entry 99 list of permanently active
accounting code (ACGCDE) 80 distribution lists 99 changing 571
ACGCDE (accounting code) 80 message queue 99 listing
action auditing (AUDLVL) 91 spooled files 101 all users 102
all numeric user ID 56 delivery (DLVRY) 82 inactive 267
all object (*ALLOBJ) special description (TEXT) 65 selected 266
authority 66 DEV (print device) 83 users with command
analyzing displaying capability 267
by special authorities 575 command description 273 users with special authorities 267
by user class 575 individual 102 listing all 102
analyzing with query 266 programs that adopt 131 LMTCPB (limit capabilities) 64, 186
assistance level (ASTLVL) 61 sign-on information LMTDEVSSN (limit device
ASTLVL (assistance level) 61 (DSPSGNINF) 71 sessions) 73
ATNPGM (Attention-key-handling DLVRY (message queue delivery) 82 LOCALE (locale) 88
program) 84 DOCPWD (document password) 80 LOCALE (user options) 88
Attention-key-handling program document password (DOCPWD) 80 maximum storage (MAXSTG)
(ATNPGM) 84 DSPSGNINF (display sign-on description 74
audit (*AUDIT) special authority 69 information) 71 group ownership of objects 122
audit level (AUDLVL) enabling MAXSTG (maximum storage)
*CMD (command string) sample program 101 description 74
value 244 exit points 105 group ownership of objects 122
auditing group authority (GRPAUT) 78, 122, message queue (MSGQ) 81
*ALLOBJ special authority 238 124 message queue delivery (DLVRY) 82
authority to use 238 group authority type message queue severity (SEV) 82
authorized users 266 (GRPAUTTYP) 78, 124 MSGQ (message queue) 81
AUDLVL (action auditing) 91 group identification number (gid name (USRPRF) 56
AUDLVL (audit level) ) 89 naming 56
*CMD (command string) group profile (GRPPRF) 124 OBJAUD (object auditing) 91
value 244 changes when restoring object auditing (OBJAUD) 91
AUT (authority) 90 profile 225 object authority required for
authority description 76 commands 424
storing 225 GRPAUT (group authority) 78, 122, object owner
authority (AUT) 90 124 deleting 122
automatic creation 53 GRPAUTTYP (group authority output queue (OUTQ) 83
CCSID (coded character set type) 78, 124 OUTQ (output queue) 83
identifier) 86 GRPPRF (group profile) 124 owned object information 92
changes when restoring 225 changes when restoring owner (OWNER) 124
changing profile 225 OWNER (owner) 124
audit journal (QAUDJRN) description 76 OWNER (owner of objects
entry 244 home directory (HOMEDIR) 90 created) 77, 122
command descriptions 273 HOMEDIR (home directory) 90 owner of objects created
methods 99 IBM-supplied (OWNER) 77, 122
password 272 auditing 236 password 57
password composition system default values table 279 password expiration interval
values 38 purpose 106 (PWDEXPITV) 72
setting password equal to profile initial menu (INLMNU) 63 performance
name 57 initial program (INLPGM) 62 save and restore 92
checking for default password 571 INLMNU (initial menu) 63 primary group 101
CNTRYID (country identifier) 86 INLPGM (initial program) 62 print device (DEV) 83
coded character set identifier introduction 3 printing 266
(CCSID) 86 job control (*JOBCTL) special priority limit (PTYLMT) 75
commands for working with 273 authority 67 private authorities 92
copying 97 job description (JOBD) 76 PTYLMT (priority limit) 75
country identifier (CNTRYID) 86 JOBD (job description) 76 public authority (AUT) 90
creating KBDBUF (keyboard buffering) 73 PWDEXP (set password to
audit journal (QAUDJRN) keyboard buffering (KBDBUF) 73 expired) 58
entry 244 LANGID (language identifier) 85 PWDEXPITV (password expiration
command descriptions 272, 273 language identifier (LANGID) 85 interval) 72
example description 95 large, examining 267 related commands for working
methods 93 limit capabilities with 274
CURLIB (current library) 62 auditing 238 renaming 103
current library (CURLIB) 62 description 64 restoring
default values table 279 library list 186 audit journal (QAUDJRN)
entry 244

660 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

user profile (continued) USROPT (user option) parameter VFYPIN (Verify Personal Identification
command description 274 *CLKWD (CL keyword) 87, 88 Number) command
commands 223 *EXPERT (expert) 87, 88, 140 authorized IBM-supplied user
procedures 225 *HLPFULL (help full screen) 88 profiles 287
restoring authority *NOSTSMSG (no status message) 88 object authority required 318
audit journal (QAUDJRN) *PRTMSG (printing message) 88 VFYPRT (Verify Printer) command
entry 244 *ROLLKEY (roll key) 88 authorized IBM-supplied user
retrieving 105, 273 *STSMSG (status message) 88 profiles 287
roles 53 USROPT (user options) parameter object authority required 399, 411
save system (*SAVSYS) special user profile 86, 87, 88 VFYTAP (Verify Tape) command
authority 68 USRPRF (name) parameter 56 authorized IBM-supplied user
saving 223 utility profiles 287
security administrator (*SECADM) object authority for commands 309 object authority required 399, 411
special authority 66 VFYTCPCNN (Verify TCP/IP
service (*SERVICE) special Connection) command
authority 68 object authority required 422
set job attribute (user options) 86, 87 V viewing
set password to expired VA (access control list change) journal audit journal entries 261
(PWDEXP) 58 entry type 244 virtual device
SEV (message queue severity) 82 VA (changing access control list) file automatic configuration (QAUTOVRT
severity (SEV) 82 layout 555 system value) 34
sort sequence (SRTSEQ) 85 validating definition 34
SPCAUT (special authority) 65 restored programs 15 virtual printer
SPCENV (special environment) 70 validating parameters 20 securing 192
special authority (SPCAUT) 65 validating password 44 virus
special environment (SPCENV) 70 detecting 240, 268, 273
validation list
spool control (*SPLCTL) special scanning 268
object authority required for
authority 67 VL (account limit exceeded) file
commands 427
SRTSEQ (sort sequence) 85 layout 557
status (STATUS) 59 validation list (*VLDL) auditing 487 VL (account limit exceeded) journal entry
storing validation list (VO) file layout 558 type 244
authority 224, 225 validation lists VM/MVS bridge (QGATE) user
SUPGRPPRF (supplemental Internet user 220 profile 280
groups) 79 Validation Lists, Create 220 VN (network log on and off) file
supplemental groups Validation Lists, Delete 220 layout 557
(SUPGRPPRF) 79 validation program, password 45, 46 VN (network log on or off) journal entry
System/36 environment 70 validation value type 244
system configuration (*IOSYSCFG) VO (validation list) file layout 558
audit journal (QAUDJRN) entry 244
special authority 69 VP (network password error) file
definition 15
text (TEXT) 65 layout 559
forcing calculation 15
types of displays 103 VP (network password error) journal
program translation 15
types of reports 103 entry type 244
VC (connection start and end) file
used in job description 13 VR (network resource access) file
layout 556
user class (USRCLS) 60 layout 559
user identification number( ) 89 VC (connection start or end) journal entry VRYCFG (Vary Configuration) command
user options (CHRIDCTL) 86 type 244 object auditing 441, 442, 462, 467,
user options (LOCALE) 88 verify object on restore (QVFYOBJRST) 468
user options (SETJOBATR) 87 system value 36 object authority required 315
user options (USROPT) 86, 87, 88 VF (close of server files) file layout 557 VS (server session) file layout 560
USRCLS (user class) 60 VFYCMN (Verify Communications) VS (server session) journal entry
USROPT (user options) 86, 87, 88 command type 244
USRPRF (name) 56 authorized IBM-supplied user VU (network profile change) file
working with 94, 273 profiles 287 layout 561
user profile (*USRPRF) auditing 485 object auditing 441, 462 VU (network profile change) journal
user profile change (CP) file layout 502 object authority required 399, 411 entry type 244
VFYLNKLPDA (Verify Link supporting VV (service status change) file
user profile change (CP) journal entry
LPDA-2) command layout 561
type 244
authorized IBM-supplied user VV (service status change) journal entry
user profile parameter type 244
profiles 287
group identification number(gid) 89
object authority required 411
user queue (*USRQ) auditing 486
user queue (*USRQ) object 19
VFYLNKLPDA (Verify Link Supporting W
LPDA-2) command wireless LAN configuration
user space (*USRSPC) auditing 486 object auditing 462 object authority required for
user space (*USRSPC) object 19 VFYMSTK (Verify Master Key) command commands 329
USRCLS (user class) parameter authorized IBM-supplied user WKRNWSALS (Work with Network
description 60 profiles 287 Server Alias) command
recommendations 60 object authority required 318 object authority required 387

Index 661
WKRNWSENR (Work with Network working with (continued) WRKCFGL (Work with Configuration
Server User Enrollment) command system status 194 List) command
object authority required 387 user auditing 104 object auditing 436
WKRNWSSSN (Work with Network user profiles 94, 273, 274 WRKCFGL (Work with Configuration
Server Session) command workstation Lists) command
object authority required 387 authority to sign-on 177 object authority required 316
WKRNWSSTS (Work with Network limiting user to one at a time 28 WRKCFGSTS (Work with Configuration
Server Status) command restricting access 236 Status) command
object authority required 387 securing 177 object auditing 442, 462, 467
Work with Authority (WRKAUT) security officer access 29 object authority required 315
command 140, 272 workstation customizing object WRKCHTFMT (Work with Chart
Work with Authorization Lists object authority required for Formats) command
(WRKAUTL) command 271 commands 427 object authority required 312
Work with Database Files Using IDDU workstation customizing object (*WSCST) WRKCLS (Work with Class) command
(WRKDBFIDD) command auditing 487 object auditing 438
object authority required 354 workstation entry WRKCLS (Work with Classes) command
Work with Directory (WRKDIRE) job description 181 object authority required 313
command 275 sign on without user ID and WRKCMD (Work with Command)
Work with Journal (WRKJRN) password 14 command
command 260, 266 workstation user (QUSER) user object auditing 438
Work with Journal Attributes profile 280 WRKCMD (Work with Commands)
(WRKJRNA) command 260, 266 writer command
Work with Objects (WRKOBJ) *JOBCTL (job control) special object authority required 313
command 272 authority 67 WRKCMTDFN (Work with Commitment
Work with Objects by Owner object authority required for Definition) command
(WRKOBJOWN) command commands 428 object authority required 314
auditing 238 WRKACTJOB (Work with Active Jobs) WRKCNNL (Work with Connection Lists)
description 272 command command
using 144 object authority required 357 object auditing 439
Work with Objects by Owner WRKALR (Work with Alerts) command object authority required 316
display 100, 144 object authority required 308 WRKCNNLE (Work with Connection List
Work with Objects by Primary Group WRKALRD (Work with Alert Entries) command
(WRKOBJPGP) command 123, 145 Description) command object auditing 439
description 272 object auditing 434 object authority required 316
Work with Output Queue Description WRKALRD (Work with Alert WRKCNTINF (Work with Contact
(WRKOUTQD) command 187 Descriptions) command Information) command
Work with Spooled Files (WRKSPLF) object authority required 308 authorized IBM-supplied user
command 187 WRKALRTBL (Work with Alert Table) profiles 287
Work with System Status (WRKSYSSTS) command object authority required 405, 411
command 194 object auditing 434 WRKCOSD (Work with Class-of-Service
Work with System Values (WRKSYSVAL) WRKALRTBL (Work with Alert Tables) Descriptions) command
command 236 command object auditing 440
Work with User Enrollment display 95 object authority required 308 object authority required 313
Work with User Profiles (WRKUSRPRF) WRKAUT (Work with Authority) WRKCRQD (Work with Change Request
command 140 Description) command
command 94, 273
Work with User Profiles display 94 description 272 object authority required 312
object auditing 444, 478, 482 WRKCRQD (Work with Change Request
working on behalf
WRKAUT (Work with Authority Descriptions) command
auditing 463
Directory) command object auditing 437
working with
object authority required 339 WRKCSI (Work with Communications
authority 272
WRKAUTL (Work with Authorization Side Information) command
authority holders 271, 275
List) command object auditing 440
authorization lists 271
object auditing 435 object authority required 314
directory 275
document library objects (DLO) 274 WRKAUTL (Work with Authorization WRKCTLD (Work with Controller
journal 266 Lists) command Descriptions) command
journal attributes 260, 266 description 271 object auditing 441
object authority 272 object authority required 310 object authority required 316
object ownership 144 WRKBNDDIR (Work with Binding WRKDBFIDD (Work with Database Files
objects 272 Directory) command Using IDDU) command
objects by owner 272 object auditing 436 object authority required 354
objects by primary group 123, 272 object authority required 311 WRKDDMF (Work with Distributed Data
output queue description 187 WRKBNDDIRE (Work with Binding Management Files) command
password 272 Directory Entry) command object authority required 330
primary group 145 object auditing 436 WRKDEVD (Work with Device
security attributes 276 object authority required 311 Descriptions) command
spooled files 187 WRKCCTRTE 355 object auditing 442
system directory 275 WRKCCTSRV 355 object authority required 320

662 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

WRKDEVTBL (Work with Device Tables) WRKF (Work with Files) command WRKJRN (Work with Journal) command
command object auditing 455 authorized IBM-supplied user
authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 330 profiles 287
profiles 287 WRKFCNARA (Work with Functional object auditing 460
object authority required 338 Areas) command object authority required 361
WRKDIRE (Work with Directory) object authority required 393 using 260, 266
command WRKFCT (Work with Forms Control WRKJRNA (Work with Journal
description 275 Table) command Attributes) command
WRKDIRE (Work with Directory Entry) object authority required 407 object auditing 460
command WRKFLR (Work with Folders) command object authority required 361
object authority required 323 object authority required 325 using 260, 266
WRKDIRLOC (Work with Directory WRKFNTRSC (Work with Font WRKJRNRCV (Work with Journal
Locations) command Resources) command Receivers) command
object authority required 323 object auditing 455 object auditing 461
WRKDIRSHD (Work with Directory object authority required 307 object authority required 364
Shadow Systems) command WRKFORMDF (Work with Form WRKLANADPT (Work with LAN
object authority required 323 Definitions) command Adapters) command
object auditing 455 object authority required 378
WRKDOC (Work with Documents)
command object authority required 307 WRKLIB (Work with Libraries) command
WRKFSTAF (Work with FFST Alert object authority required 371
object auditing 447
Feature) command WRKLIBPDM (Work with Libraries Using
object authority required 325
object authority required 411 PDM) command
WRKDOCLIB (Work with Document
WRKFSTPCT (Work with FFST Probe object authority required 309
Libraries) command
Control Table) command WRKLICINF (Work with License
object auditing 449
Information) command
object authority required 388 object authority required 411
authorized IBM-supplied user
WRKDOCPRTQ (Work with Document WRKFTR (Work with Filters) command
profiles 287
Print Queue) command object auditing 456
WRKLIND (Work with Line Descriptions)
object auditing 449 object authority required 337
object authority required 388 WRKFTRACNE (Work with Filter Action
object auditing 462
WRKDPCQ (Work with DSNX/PC Entries) command
object authority required 376
Distribution Queues) command object auditing 456 WRKLNK (Work with Links) command
authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 337 object auditing 443, 444, 477, 478,
profiles 287 WRKFTRSLTE (Work with Filter Selection 481, 482, 483, 484
object authority required 324 Entries) command object authority required 339
WRKDSKSTS (Work with Disk Status) object auditing 456 WRKMBRPDM (Work with Members
command object authority required 337 Using PDM) command
object authority required 323 WRKGRPPDM (Work with Group Using object authority required 309
WRKDSTL (Work with Distribution Lists) PDM) command WRKMNU (Work with Menus) command
command object authority required 309 object auditing 463
object authority required 325 WRKGSS (Work with Graphics Symbol object authority required 380
WRKDSTQ (Work with Distribution Sets) command WRKMOD (Work with Module)
Queue) command object auditing 456 command
authorized IBM-supplied user object authority required 339 object authority required 383
profiles 287 WRKHDWRSC (Work with Hardware WRKMOD (Work with Modules)
object authority required 324 Resources) command command
WRKDTAARA (Work with Data Areas) object authority required 406 object auditing 464
command WRKHLDOPTF (Work with Help Optical WRKMODD (Work with Mode
object auditing 450 Files) command Descriptions) command
object authority required 319 object authority required 390 object auditing 464
WRKDTADCT (Work with Data WRKIPXCCT 355 object authority required 383
Dictionaries) command WRKIPXD 355 WRKMSG (Work with Messages)
object authority required 354 WRKIPXSTS 355 command
WRKDTADFN (Work with Data WRKJOB (Work with Job) command object auditing 466
Definitions) command object authority required 357 object authority required 381
object authority required 354 WRKJOBD (Work with Job Descriptions) WRKMSGD (Work with Message
WRKDTAQ (Work with Data Queues) command Descriptions) command
command object auditing 458 object auditing 465
object auditing 451 object authority required 359 object authority required 381
object authority required 320 WRKJOBQ (Work with Job Queue) WRKMSGF (Work with Message Files)
WRKEDTD (Work with Edit command command
Descriptions) command object auditing 458 object auditing 465
object auditing 451 object authority required 360 object authority required 382
object authority required 329 WRKJOBSCDE (Work with Job Schedule WRKMSGQ (Work with Message
WRKENVVAR (Work with Environment Entries) command Queues) command
Variable) command object auditing 459 object auditing 466
object authority required 329 object authority required 361 object authority required 382

Index 663
WRKNAMSMTP (Work with Names for WRKOPTDIR (Work with Optical WRKPRB (Work with Problem)
SMTP) command Directories) command command (continued)
object authority required 422 object authority required 390 object authority required 399, 411
WRKNETF (Work with Network Files) WRKOPTF (Work with Optical Files) WRKPRJPDM (Work with Project Using
command command PDM) command
object authority required 384 object authority required 390 object authority required 309
WRKNETJOBE (Work with Network Job WRKOPTVOL (Work with Optical WRKQMFORM (Work with Query
Entries) command Volumes) command Management Form) command
object authority required 384 object authority required 390 object auditing 473
WRKNETTBLE (Work with Network WRKORDINF (Work with Order object authority required 403
Table Entries) command Information) command WRKQMQRY (Work with Query
object authority required 422 authorized IBM-supplied user Management Query) command
WRKNODL (Work with Node List) profiles 287 object authority required 403
command object authority required 423 WRKQRY (Work with Query) command
object auditing 466 WRKOUTQ (Work with Output Queue) object authority required 403
object authority required 388 command
WRKQST (Work with Questions)
WRKNODLE (Work with Node List object auditing 469
Entries) command object authority required 392
object authority required 405
object auditing 467 WRKOUTQD (Work with Output Queue
WRKRDBDIRE (Work with Relational
object authority required 388 Description) command
Database Directory Entries) command
object auditing 469
WRKNTBD (Work with NetBIOS object authority required 406
Description) command object authority required 392
security parameters 187 WRKREGINF (Work with Registration)
object auditing 467 command
WRKOVL (Work with Overlays)
object authority required 384 object authority required 406
WRKNWID (Work with Network WRKREGINF (Work with Registration
object auditing 469
Interface Description) command Information) command
object authority required 307
object auditing 467 object auditing 452
WRKPAGDFN (Work with Page
WRKNWID (Work with Network Definitions) command WRKRJESSN (Work with RJE Session)
Interface Description Command) object auditing 469 command
command object authority required 407
object authority required 307
object authority required 386 WRKPAGSEG (Work with Page WRKRPYLE (Work with System Reply
WRKNWSD (Work with Network Server Segments) command List Entries) command
Description) command object auditing 470 object auditing 475
object auditing 468 object authority required 307 object authority required 419
object authority required 388 WRKPARTPDM (Work with Parts Using WRKS36PGMA (Work with System/36
WRKNWSSTG (Work with Network PDM) command Program Attributes) command
Server Storage Space) command object authority required 309 object auditing 471
object authority required 387 WRKPCLTBLE (Work with Protocol Table object authority required 419
WRKOBJ (Work with Objects) command Entries) command WRKS36PRCA (Work with System/36
description 272 object authority required 422 Procedure Attributes) command
object authority required 301 WRKPDG (Work with Print Descriptor
object auditing 454
WRKOBJCSP (Work with Objects for Group) command
object authority required 419
CSP/AE) command object auditing 470
WRKS36SRCA (Work with System/36
object auditing 440, 471 WRKPDGPRF (Work with Print
Source Attributes) command
WRKOBJLCK (Work with Object Lock) Descriptor Group Profile) command
object auditing 454
command object authority required 398
object authority required 419
object auditing 434 WRKPFCST (Work with Physical File
WRKSBMJOB (Work with Submitted
WRKOBJLCK (Work with Object Locks) Constraints) command
Jobs) command
command object auditing 455
object authority required 357
object authority required 301 object authority required 330
WRKOBJOWN (Work with Objects by WRKPGM (Work with Programs) WRKSBS (Work with Subsystems)
Owner) command command command
auditing 238 object auditing 471 object auditing 476
description 272 object authority required 400 object authority required 416
object auditing 434, 486 WRKPGMTBL (Work with Program WRKSBSD (Work with Subsystem
object authority required 301 Tables) command Descriptions) command
using 144 authorized IBM-supplied user object auditing 476
WRKOBJPDM (Work with Objects Using profiles 287 object authority required 416
PDM) command object authority required 338 WRKSBSJOB (Work with Subsystem Jobs)
object authority required 309 WRKPNLGRP (Work with Panel Groups) command
WRKOBJPGP (Work with Objects by command object auditing 476
Primary) command object auditing 472 object authority required 357
description 272 object authority required 380 WRKSCHIDX (Work with Search
WRKOBJPGP (Work with Objects by WRKPRB (Work with Problem) command Indexes) command
Primary Group) command 123, 145 authorized IBM-supplied user object auditing 477
object authority required 301 profiles 287 object authority required 356

664 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1

WRKSCHIDXE (Work with Search Index WRKUSRPRF (Work with User Profiles)
Entries) command command
object auditing 476 description 273
object authority required 356 object auditing 486
WRKSHRPOOL (Work with Shared object authority required 424
Storage Pools) command using 94
object authority required 418
WRKUSRTBL (Work with User Tables)
WRKSOC (Work with Sphere of Control)
object authority required 415 authorized IBM-supplied user
profiles 287
WRKSPADCT (Work with Spelling Aid
object authority required 338
Dictionaries) command
object authority required 414 WRKWTR (Work with Writers) command
WRKSPLF (Work with Spooled Files) object authority required 428
command 187
object auditing 469
object authority required 415
WRKSPLFA (Work with Spooled File
Attributes) command X0 (kerberos authentication) file
object auditing 469 layout 562
WRKSPTPRD (Work with Supported
Products) command
object auditing 472
WRKSRVPGM (Work with Service
Programs) command YC (change to DLO object) file
object auditing 481 layout 565
object authority required 400 YR (read of DLO object) file layout 566
WRKSRVPVD (Work with Service
Providers) command
authorized IBM-supplied user
profiles 287
object authority required 411 ZC (change to object) file layout 566
WRKSRVTBLE (Work with Service Table ZM (change to object) file layout 567
Entries) command
ZR (read of object) file layout 568
object authority required 422
WRKSSND (Work with Session
Description) command
object authority required 407
WRKSYSACT (Work with System
Activity) command
object authority required 393
WRKSYSSTS (Work with System Status)
command 194
object authority required 418
WRKSYSVAL (Work with System Values)
object authority required 419
using 236
WRKTAPCTG (Work with Tape
Cartridge) command
object authority required 379
WRKTBL (Work with Tables) command
object auditing 485
object authority required 421
Network Status) command
object authority required 422
WRKTXTIDX (Work with Text Index)
authorized IBM-supplied user
profiles 287
object authority required 388
WRKUSRJOB (Work with User Jobs)
object authority required 357

Index 665
666 OS/400 Security Reference V5R1
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_ _ _and
_ _ Tape





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