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REEEREEEE OPERATIONS MANUAL ated: 05-28-10, Revision: 03-04 UU2962P PRESSURE TRIP SYSTEM “UIIVERSAL DATA ACQUISITION & cOWTROL RRR a Mail to: ‘Central Standard ‘ine Pio. Box 121715, Fe. Worth, 7% 36121 Ship ro. 9832 ty 80 Fe, Worth, ‘7K 76116 countsy code: 1 country code: 2 err 24k = 2762 reg Back cosy eisoson eraduen¢earthLink.net expan SPECIFICATIONS SUBIECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE, oo Specifications Installed options Keypad functions Revision Changes. ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS oe os. Supplement, Supplement, Supplenent, SPECIFICATIONS: This systen is software driven, therefore it is pos- sible to configure the instrument for any function, you desire within the confines of the following InpUr/oUTPUT capability. (ea Inputs programeble Current, Voltage, Frequency ‘ea Outputs programable Current, Voltage, Frequency. SF opelonai ougpue desvers : ‘25 Output excitation supply capability. ‘2 Logic output drivers (co ground! ‘22 15232 bidirectional serial ports 2 system isolation supply capable Operation: -t0e to +80e Storage: —55¢ Eo 12006. ‘wae to 28vae, typical 13.2vde EXAMPLES: Densionater (Clesn/Dirty) Rave nosule Depth monitor Engine monitor Pressure nodule Data acquisition Signal converter Signal simulator ‘Totalizer module Weighting system Blender controller Coiled tubing drilling eperature controller Ghenical ead contzolier Sealing unie (input/output) Gas flow (nitrogen calculations) Above coxbinations, ETC. Greg Back cody: simpson P.O, Box 121715, Fe. worth, TX 76121 (ay e17!266-1761 2.0 oprron ‘This system can be configured with the ability to program all tities/inpute/outputs. Includes the following: Progranmable signal type, Current Voltage/Prequency: Programmable signal stability. Prograneable totalizer. Programmable decimal points (1,2,3) Prograreable mask select (x1, x10,x100,%1000) . Presettable toralizer. Renettable cotalizer Programmes tor Analog (Current/Voitage) s+ Programmable cal type, Short/Volt/Off (Inputs 1 & 2) ‘+ zero and span capability, all analog inputs Programmed for Frequency, 1 Programmable signal level detection ++ Progeanmable decimal point (1,2,0r 3) rip point 2. Includes the following: Programmable trip point for input 1 Signal Logie out trip for input 1. (active high rip out! (Open collector short to ground) ouepue 12,3 Programaable signal out source. Prograneable signal out type, Curr/Volt/Freq. Prograneable signal out ZERO. Prograneable signal out FULL/SCALE. systan select functions. Sneludes the following: Save Configuration, saves power up configuration, Beck Lighting select, to turn on/off back Lighting Spike select tor over trip function, Hydraulic horsepower ratio. S/P configuration selecta automatic start of serial port ‘tle Select whether or not §/P will download titles. Link Data selects which data itens you vish co download. Link Configuration selects format/tine the S/P downloads data, NOTE: If more than one keypad must be pressed to activate a function the EXACT sequence will be Listed as follows. Make sure to hola down the fret pad while Aepresting the second and/or third pads Must be pressed firet | ENT | and gust be held down. must be pressed second | #/5 | and held, release all, NOTE: If a keypad is accidentally pressed, the function can be terminated by pressing the *SEL" pad. NOTE: Tf a you attempt to load a value too small or to large for the function selected the display will be Lintted to the sllowabie valve NOTE: Always use the arrow pede to select throughs ups /-poms 12 menu or the ‘arrow pads to adjust a value. = sueT/ "Dome (“LEFT /*RIGHTY ~~ ‘Turns power on and off system. hen multiple locations are unlocked, pressing this this pad will cause che Eop display to cycle through che unlocked Used to inexenent any given value that mie function {2 used to set the 22R0 value of the selected input signal. Using the up/down arrow pads select which input you dasire to zero and then press °ENT". NOTE, upon entering this function there will be a's tecond delay before the Keypsd Initiating thie function wilt cause the URE to ask the operator for the DISPLAYED VALUE that is equivalent to the signal level being oueput fron the sensor. Typically this DISPLAYED VALOE 1. ‘Adjust the bottom Gisplay to the desired value and press "ENT" (See WOTE below). The system permanently hecessary to do this but one time to Calibrate the system. However, if By perforning this function each time, all offsets fvom physical strains or cenper~ ature extrenea vill be zeroed out by che Instrument. It is recomended that’ any tine you "ZERO" che instrument that you NOTE, chat the sensor MUST BE con~ actos to the systen at this time ‘and the sensor should be transmieting pecte to eee a difference between the SzeRO" eal point and the *P/S" cal point. “If tt does oT the aysten will automatically enter the: INTERNAL calibration node displaying: calibrate steelf. The (4x.X4x) value Gisplayed is the calculated current oF voltage level, based on which mode Chat’ the system contained Value prior to the at~ sbrate.” By changing thie Value to the proper signal level for “geno” the syatem can be calibrated based on the value that the sensor 12 signal | F/5 | + + + thie function is used to set the FULL/SCALE value of the selected input signal. tsing the up/down arrow pads select which irpur you desire co #/S and then press “ENT NOTE, that chiz will not function internal calibration circuitry, NOTE, Upon entering thie fonction there will bela’ Second delay betore the Reypaa Initiating this function will cause the unit to ask the operator for the DISPLAYED VALUE that is equivalent to che signal level being output from the sensor. Typically this DISH PUAYED VALUE is the calibration value found on the side of the sensor. Adjust the bottom Sieplay to the desired value and touch SEW" (See NOTE below). The eyaten permanently stores this value, therefore ie ie not necessary to do this but one tine co calibrate the systen. However, Le by performing this function each tine, all offsets from physical strains or tenper~ ature extrenes will be calibrated out by the instrument. it is recomended that you "ZERO" the instrument before you "F/3" Full Seale it NOTE, that the sensors MUST BE Eine and there should be NO high fence between the "ZERO" eal po.nt and Che s/s" eal point. If it does NOP the system will automatically enter the INTEWAL calibration mode da- playing: ‘SIGN indicating 2 failure to properly calibrate itself. the (Xf.00 value Gisplayed is the calculated current for voltege level, based on which mode you are in, that’ the system contained for a "#/S" value pricr to the at Hempt to calibrate. By changing thie value te the proper eignal level for “p/s" the system can be calibrated based or the value that the sensor is ‘“supPOsrD" to generate for a 7/5" signal. “If you use a sensor that Goer NO? contain internal calibration Should get thie error pressing this this pad will cause the bottom display to cycle throsgh the un- Jocked screens. Moves the cursor left one position. ENTER’ Completes function. Moves the cursor right one position ‘est signal outs and over trip functions (oreo) (END) (oreo (ose Used to decrenent any given value that vequives change or select another func- on. Rests pressure trip 1 ‘this pad has several functions. 3f you have entered a function by acci- dent, this pad vill terminate the func- tion without any further action Ef tha eyeten does not exit a function autonatically this pad will exit che Function. If you are in the standard operating mode this pad will sllow you to select any of the following functions (HAIN MENU) by touching the UP or DOM arrows. LEFT", "RIGHT" arrow pads to adjust 2 value or the "UP", “DOH arrow pads to elect through @ nent, STONL TH: (WAIN MENU 105M) Chat s, Current, Voltage, (both Considered to be analog type inputs) fr Frequency, you will have the Following selections available: (@) analog input type. () Frequency’ input eye By touching "ENT" the following selections nay be nade sawp 1 (input 1 title): curr/Volt only, St INP 2 (input 2 title): SF Ine & (input @ ehete) : #7 “ ow ay touching *zivt" the folloring selections may be made. + stow wee: ‘This function will allow you to select the Signal input type, thar is current "CURR" (eaximun of 20-5 ma), frequency "FREQ" (maximum of 6.25 KHz), oF voltage *VOLt* (aximin of 5.0 vée).” When the proper selection has been made pressing "ENT" na use the configurstion. Press “SEL fo terminate any further action ++ stow Leven: ‘Te systen wilt dieplay in the top dieplay the actual engineering unite it is devect~ ing, and in the bottom display the current threshold value being used for detection If the top display is blank or unstable then the threshold value in bottom display should be adjusted up or down as necessary to facilitate proper signal detection: When the proper value is selected press SENT" to complete the function. Press *SEL* to terminate any further action ‘Te system will display in the top display the actual engineering units it te calculating from tha current calibration factor and in the bottom display the current calibration factor. If you desire to change the calibration value ‘the screen will show you the results. Note that the calibration factor MOST be iosded in fand you are displaying in "BPH then you must Toad thie value. However if the display fa ia SWS" cubie neters then you would enter 1084.36 NOTE thatthe decinal point may be moved by using the left/right arrow pads. When the proper value ie selected prese "ENT" £9 complete the function: Press "SEL" to terminate any further action. ‘This function will allow you to select how the calibration cirewe wil function {if wired) ane) ovr) ane) cal pins ave always tri-stated + siorn hen in the "P/S* mode cal pine tre shorted together. ‘hen in the */S* mode seal pin is at “10.0 vac, -eal pin is at ground) linen the proper selection has been made press “EMT to complete the function Press *SE.* to eerminate any further action ‘Te percent of change required to dump the current average and jump to the new value an be loaded. For example, if 40 is entered then the current sample must be 40 percent greater than or less than the current average (which includes the current sample) for the the display will integrate to the new value, linen the proper value is selected press °=Ni* terminate any further action. bec seucr: ‘Tals function will allow you te select how many decimal points the input data contains, NOTE: This has no effect on any totalizer functions which are auto ranging. + nano: Wihen the proper selection has been made Press "SEL" to terminate any further action ‘This function will allow you to select how n any Least Significant Digits (10) are active Actual value Displayed value wa aes 126s sto, 12665 12630 300: 1264s 12600 “+ too: 12645 13000 hen the proper selection has been made press "ENE" to complete the function, Presa "SEL" to terminate any further action. STGNL OUT: (MAIN MENU 17EH) By touching *BYT* the following selections may be made, ++ our 1 (output 2 title) "+ out 2 (output 2 title) ** oom 3 (output 3 eitlel By touching ‘ENT the following selections say be made. + Sram, see: Using the up/down arrow pade the user can select, where the selected output gets its data from for lise ia generating ies signal out. For example, Levinput iiwas titled "PSI" for a pressure input and input 2 wae titied "Bow" fora rate input, if You solect *Pst" for output 1 "s8CE" then the’ Signal out value of output 1 would be based on. the current value of input 1 (251). However, if “Spo' waa selected for output 1 "SRce” then the signal out value of output 2 would be based on the current valve of input 2 (80, When the Proper iten is selected press "ENT" to complete the function, Press "SEL" to terminate any further action ‘mis function will allow you to select whether the elonsl input Se current "CURR™ (maximum of 20.1 mal, frequency FREQ" (naximm of 6.25 KHZ], for voltage "VOLT" (naximin of 5.0 vie). when the proper selection has been nade pressing "EN" Will! cause the systen to permanently store and Nee the configuration. Press “SEL* co terminate + eR stom: inter the signal out value you desire when the n Gisplay indicates the “ZERO DISPL* value (See ZERO DISPL below .. For example, if you wish your output to be é ~ 20ma fore aisplay of 0-25.00 FPA you would enter 4.000 for "ZERO SxGwie ‘ana 0-00 for “ZERO DISPL (See Below! ‘This would cause your output to be at 4ma when the display is at 0.00. When the proper value hnas been leaded press "EN" to complete the Function. Prose "Sel eo terminate any further action, mer the display value you desire to cause the Signal out co be at its minimum (See ZERO SION above). For eximple, if you wish your ouepue: to be é~ 20 ma for a display of 0-25.00 PPA you would enter 0.00 for "ZERO DISPL* and ¢.000 for “ZERO SIGML* (See above). This would cause your output to be at dima when the display is at 0-00.” when the proper value has been loaded presa ENT" to complete the function. Presi *SEL* to terminate any further action Fvs sranue Rater the signal out value you deaire when the Aieplay indicates the “7/5 Drsel" value (see F/S DISPL below). For exanple, if you wish your output to be 0 2.500 KHz for a display ef 0 - 25.00 PPA you would enter 2.500 for "5/8 SrGMo* and 25,00 for *#/S DISPL" (See Below). This would cause your output to be ‘at 2,900 KK when the display ie at 25.00. Wien’ the proper value fas been loaded preas to terminate any further action. Enter the display value you desire to cause the signal out to be at its maximm (See 7/5 SGN above) Por example, sf you wish your output to be 0 - 2.500 KHZ for @ dlaplay of 0'~"25.00 PPA you would enter 25.00 for *F/S DrSLe and 2.500 for *P/S SIGHL" (See above) ‘This would cause your output to be at 2.300 52 hen the display ie at 25-00. When the proper Value has been loaded press “Ev7" to complete the function. The system will advance to SSigw vps" function. Press °SEL" to terminate any further action S¥StM SELON: (MATH MENU TTEM) By souching "MH the following selections may be made Sy touching "ENT" the system will save any changes Pade that are not autonatically saved. ‘Therefore when power is turned off and back on the system Sowers up in the new configuration Ry touching "ENT" the back Lighting may be turned ‘Our or *OFF* using the "UP" or "DOW" arrow pads, and preseing ‘ENT ++ RED sete”: By pressing “ENTER you can change the value us Uneerference, To use this function make sure ‘the KLUZ9IX is turned OFF. Turn on your radio, adjust it to the proper frequency and set the squelch. Now turn ON the KUU29XX and select this fuetion. "Adjust the value ahown in the dlsplay "OP" or DOA" until the interference in the xailo and exit the function. By pressing "ENTER" you can change the value used by the system in an attempt to negate random high intensity spikes that might cause an overtrip cosdition fo be initiated even though che actual Coustant value never excesded the trip point. Presa "EWI" to store the new value and exit the vaiue of 200 would make for @ 10 ms spike mask ++ HYD-H RATIO: By preseing ‘ENTER’ you can change the value used by the ayaten to caleulate the hydraulic hoveepower ‘The calculated value will be displayed in the sereeh typically identified ae IWD*H. ‘There Le algo an option to daisy chain these frac punp modules for rate and show sumed punp rete 20 the Last nodule would have the Cotel of all the frac pumps and could then calculate the fysteulie horsepower for the complete dove hole vate (tydraulic horsepower for an individual pump} HYDYH = ((Pressure x Individual rate) / Ratio) (ADDITIONAL screen available as an option) HYD'S = ((Presoure x Summed Rate) / Ratio! ++ s/e ca, By touching “ENT? you may select ‘ON* or ‘OFF* using the “UP* of “Dow” arrow pads and. pressing "ENT". This selects Whether or “not the serial “port will automatically start Exansmiteing upon power up. 4s ore seer: By touching ‘ENT you nay select “ON* or *OPF* using the “OP* or “DOM arrow pads and pressing "ENT" Tals selects whether or net the serial port (a) will Govnload the tities as part of the initial date stream, ‘this gelecte which data items you wish ¢o dowmload ches the terial port(s). Press "EN" to enter the node and luse the ‘UP and ‘D0W" arrow pads to select the desired Sten. Press ‘HWI" and gelect “10C* or “UULOC* using the sup" or "DOuN* arrow pads. Pressing "EWI" agsin will save mo ent the tunction press "SEL" ‘This selects the format and tine the serial port(s) will Gomload data, Press "ENT" to enter the mode and use che "UP" and "DoW arrow pads to select the value ‘Te number shown in the bottom display indicates the cenfiguration and the downloading tine of the serial daca Per exarpie {¢ a (.00) is Loaded the ports are in & R A D(s) standard remote control mode for use against ER A.D(s) ReOO) APs Remote Control Software or Sc006 AP-xxx Strip Chart Software. Ta (-.25) is loaded then the port will be in the data acquisition rede where only the selected itens are down leaded with yo control characters (for feeding third party acquisition Software) and the module is a SLAVE module (NOT ene closes redule £0 the PC) paser] {eae | | see | (me | | se2 | If @ (.25 oF greater) Le loaded then the port will be in the daca acquisition ode where only the selected itens are down loaded with no Control characters (for feeding third party acquisition Software) and the module 1s the MASTER nodule (CLOSES nodule fo the FC). The data from all modules will be dom loaded at the rate loaded into thie module. For example 1.00 means That the data will be dom loaded once every second totalizer. The totalizers will be cleared and the unit will return to the operating mode. Used to decrement any given value that requires change or select another function ‘these pad enters the preset mode for the totalizers ‘The totalizers can be loaded with either a positive or negative value. if loaded with a proper negative value the totalizer will show the venaining total Until completion of staye/jou. Frese “aHa" Co load a'value and return to the operating mode Tale pad FORCES an nmediate jump to the trip point Glepigy an the bottom screen and shows ene active trip input in the top screen. DAYTIME it is depressed SE will CLEAR/RESET the over trip function. While being held down you can use the U/D/Li8 arrow keys to adjust che exip point value in the bottom screen. Pressing the “TEST” key at ehis tine vill test the over trip function of inpl/trip 2 ‘This pad FORCES on immediate activation of the trip Pressing thie combination of pade will cause the aysten to enter the UPPER SCREEN Lock/Unlock mode. hile in this node the operater can lock or unlock any displayable item. Once uslocked the "SF2" pad Wil cycle through all unlocked itens. Once you have entered the node, use the "UP" or *DOW" arrow aeser] [Lae js teerat| unlock, ean “RE nd select “LOC* ve “UNtoC* Using the “UP or “DOMm arrow pads. Pressing SEW gain will gave the selected change and return you to the next selection. Te exit the function press "SEL" Note; ‘There several special cases (2) Yeu cannot *Loc* any aaved configuration Sten (2) Yeu cannot "Loc any currently displayed Seen (3) Yeu cannot "Loc any item which has an ‘ottput pointed at it Pressing this combination of pads will cause the systen to enter the LOVER SCREEN Leck/Unlock mode. While in this mode the operator can lock or unlock any displayable ite. Once unlocked the "SPI" pad ill cycle through ail unlocked itens. Once you Ihave entered the node, ure the "UP" or "DoW" errow pads to select the function you wish to lock oz liting the "UP or "Dom" arrow pads, Presaing "BNI" again will save the selected change and return you to the next selection. To exit the function press "SEL" Note: There several special cases: (2) You cannot *L0c* any saved configuration (2) You cannot “Loc any currently ateplayed Teens: (3) You cannot *1oc* any item which has an output pointed at it Pressing thie combination of pads will cause the systen to enter the EDIT TITLE node. while in this hhede the you may select which title you desires to to edit by using the *UP/DOWN" arrow pads. After selecting the title pressing the "ENT" pad vill allow you to change the actual characters using the *UP/ Bow arrow pada, Press °ENI" and the avstem will ove to the Rext title. Note that the Cop screen Gleplays the function of the title that you have selected. To exit the function press "SEL" ” ‘AOU INSTALLATION: CCOMVECTOR CONFIGURATION vMs3102B1081-4P ware: NS3106E1081~-48 Power (sat) + pm: s3112F10-65 ware: s3116P10-6P Hl < Bxettation (Bat) ‘= Ground. (-Bat ‘< #8ig_(4-20na | ‘< “ig (Ground i ‘S seal i ‘= “cal * pis NB3LOIBLOSL-3P ware: Mg3i06Rl08i-38 903 Rate 2 input 2 connector 305 BPW 3 input 3 connector 306 Rate 4 input ¢ connector + Signa ” Shield ~ Signal NOTE: + AlL connectors can be custom. ++ Rqual ta power supply grevnd (-Rat) * + pats mszi02E10si~3P ware; MS310681081-35 Programmable output 1 connector Programmable output 2 connector + Signal Shield vws310281050-4P ware; Ms3ia6eiosL-és Logic out (Over trip) connector Kil (Active tow) Ground wssii2P20-68 ware: anticeto-ce Serial Port 2 connector Serial Port 2 connector Power (+Bat) Power (48at) Ground (-Bat) Ground (-Bat) + ALL connectors can be custom + qual to power supply ground (-Bat) . » 18,0 CONNECTOR POSTTIONS: ENCLOSURE COMECTOR CONFIOURATION NOTE: VIEW TS PROM BACK (OUTSIDE) OF ENCLOSURE Hl i | 1 | i i Na i | a out so | | s2 owe a syPa | | | | i | | | i 1 Prog} Prog? | 1 ns 308 a7 | | topic out 3 ue 2 | 1 i | ims mp3 wea | | ae ‘30s se | | reevnace ren | t 1 | mace Pressure I | (on 302 gor | [m2 inp Power | t t I 1 rr: view 1S PREM BACK (QQESTDE) OF ENCLOSURE, AWA Yor Available Js Feb 18, 2007 1% 01-00" Kew instrament. i. 42 duly 30, 2007 7% 01-01 Added auto run mode for §/P using the *S/P CFG" function set to 7 *oW" for data acquisition mode 7+ 01-02 ‘added the ability to edit tities with remote control software 7+ Fix lock up of 8/P when saving to BB. 7 way 30, 2008, 1 01-03. Added modute type code (03) %% 03-00 “Added (AG) code to ‘Enable and Disable ALL totalizers fron che (+ #0 software. Added codes (AB) thru (AF) for powers on Ver RCOOG-D02, J+ sope 17, 2008 7+ 03-02 Pix bug of multiple power lights for Ver: RCO06-003 PC software J Added 3 second time delay for power DOW. J+ Feb 05, 2008 U2 G3-02" Added auto clear of $/P, Added ability to update evetem code /* and or HE via S/P 1 using PG0Di-2« software. Added ability to pass 1 Clean eate through 8/2. Mar 20, 2009 03-02" wirele rot implenented J+ may 28, 2010 J* 03-04 corrected Totalizer disable function to absolute on/off request. a ” " ” ” ” ” uv ” ” uv ” ” u u ” ” ” ” ”

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