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MDPN471 Omar Mohsen

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Credit Hours System Cairo University

MDE Faculty of Engineering


Home Experiment

Name: Omar Mohsen

ID: 1135126

Submission Date: 24/3/2017

In this report, we will discuss the home experiment (Vibration of a damped system) and its
parameters. The experiment was conducted using a Lenovo Tab that weighs 340 grams
including its cover. The system was constructed using the Tab as the mass and two rubber
bands providing the action of a spring and a damper.

Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 1
System Schematic and Mathematical Model ............................................................................. 4
Mathematical Model .............................................................................................................. 5
Experimental Procedure ............................................................................................................. 6
Static Stiffness ....................................................................................................................... 6
System Damper ...................................................................................................................... 7
Natural Frequency (n) .......................................................................................................... 7
Time Response ....................................................................................................................... 8
Table of Results: .................................................................................................................... 9
Discussion ................................................................................................................................ 10

Table of Figures
Figure 1: System Schematic....................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2: FBD ............................................................................................................................ 5
Figure 3: Real System Picture.................................................................................................... 6
Figure 4: Acceleration vs. Time Graph...................................................................................... 7
Figure 5: Experimental Time Response ..................................................................................... 8
Figure 6: Analytical Time Response.......................................................................................... 9

System Schematic and Mathematical Model
The system consists of a Lenovo Tab and two rubber bands acting as a spring and a damper.
The weight of the system is 340g.
The stiffness of the system will be calculated after measurements have been taken from the
experiment after it reached static equilibrium before introducing vibration to the system.

Figure 1: System Schematic

Mathematical Model
A free body diagram is drawn in order to plot the forces on the system and hence make it
easier to obtain a mathematical model for the system.
The equation of the system is . An observation was made
that the system is underdamped.

Figure 2: FBD

Experimental Procedure
The Lenovo Tab was connected with the rubber bands and then to the wall. The system mass
was released and left without any force until it stabilized and the system reached static
The rubber bands length before and after static equilibrium was noted. Then a force was
introduced to the system to produce free vibrations.

Figure 3: Real System

Static Stiffness
The mass of the system was 0.340 kg. The initial length of the rubber bands was 145mm and
the final length was 375mm. Hence, the change in length is 0.230m.
F=kand hence k=mg/stm

System Damper
The system's damping ratio and damping coefficient were calculated using the logarithmic
decrement method for an under damped system using the data in the graph below.

Figure 4: Acceleration vs. Time Graph

X1= 2.275688 X2= 1.247977

m=2 and hence
( ) . Therefore, =0.047752.

Natural Frequency (n)


=1.557438 s, d=2=4.034308 rad/s


Time Response
Experimental Time Response:
Since the application provides only acceleration data, the fact that the vibration graph shows
a damped harmonic response, the displacement vs. time response will be similar. Hence, we
can use the equation derived from differentiating the displacement equation twice
( ) to get the displacement response.

Displacement vs. Time

Displacement (m)

-0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (s)

Figure 5: Experimental Time Response

Analytical Time Response:

Given the initial conditions x0=0 and =86.4587 and the previous calculated and n, we
get: ( ) ( ). We substitute for a known value of x(t)=
0.03115652m and t=9.816283s to get X= 0.0.684199m.

Plotting on excel, we get the following graph:

Figure 6: Analytical Time Response

Table of Results:
Parameter Value Unit
Weight (w) 0.340 g
Stiffness (k) 14.50 N/m
Damping Ratio () 0.047752 -
Critical Damping (Cc) 4.440721 Ns/m
Damping Coefficient (C) 0.212053 Ns/m
Anal. Nat. Freq. (n anal.) 6.53047 Rad/s
Exp. Nat. Freq. (n exp.) 4.134224 Rad/s
Vibration Freq. (d) 4.034308 Rad/s
Phase Angle () 86.4587 Degree
Period 1.55743 S
Table 1: Summary of Data

- The system is under damped.
- There was vibration in three different directions.

Discussion and Comments:

- The system was assumed to be vibrating in one direction only. However, it was found
that the system made slight vibrations in the other two directions (y and z).
- The system's natural frequency is approximately equal to the oscillation frequency
which is natural due to the low damping in the system.
- The analytical time response graph shows higher amplitude in every peak since it
didn't account for other vibrations compared to the experimental plot.
- The error (36%) is due to the fact that the rubber bands exceeded the elastic limit
during the experiment as well as human errors in measurements.


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