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The Role of Glutathione S-transferase P in signaling pathways and S-glutathionylation in Cancer 6/20/15, 1:59

Free Radic Biol Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 Jul 15. PMCID: PMC3125017
Published in final edited form as: NIHMSID: NIHMS301261
Free Radic Biol Med. 2011 Jul 15; 51(2): 299313.
Published online 2011 Apr 22. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2011.04.013

The Role of Glutathione S-transferase P in signaling pathways and S-

glutathionylation in Cancer
Kenneth D. Tew,1 Yefim Manevich,1 Christina Grek,1 Ying Xiong,1 Joachim Uys,1 and Danyelle M. Townsend2
1Department of Cell and Molecular Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics and Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC 29425
2Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC 29425

Corresponding author: Kenneth D. Tew, Medical University of South Carolina, 173 Ashley Ave., Charleston, SC 29425-5050; Email: tewk@musc.edu

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Abstract Go to:

Glutathione S-transferase P is abundantly expressed in some mammalian tissues, particularly those associated
with malignancies. While the enzyme can catalyze thioether bond formation between some electrophilic
chemicals and GSH, novel non-detoxification functions are now ascribed to it. This review summarizes recent
material that implicates GSTP in mediating S-glutathionylation of specific clusters of target proteins and in
reactions that define a negative regulatory role in some kinase pathways through ligand or protein:protein
interactions. It is becoming apparent that GSTP participates in the maintenance of cellular redox homeostasis
through a number of convergent and divergent mechanisms. Moreover, drug platforms that have GSTP as a target
have produced some interesting preclinical and clinical candidates.

1. Introduction Go to:

Since the 1970s much attention has focused around those properties of glutathione S-tranferases (GST) that
facilitate the catalysis of thioether bonds between glutathione (GSH) and electrophilic centers on small
molecules. Human GSTs can be divided into two distinct super families, membrane bound microsomal and
cytosolic. Microsomal GST contain three isoforms designated mGST 1, 2, and 3 encoded by a single gene
located on chromosome 12 (MGST1) and are involved in the endogenous metabolism of leukotrienes and
prostaglandins [1]. All cytosolic GST have genetic polymorphisms in human populations. They are divided into
6 classes that in humans are found on six different chromosomes but share ~30% sequence identity: Alpha
(chromosome 6), Mu (chromosome 1), Omega (chromosome 10), Pi (chromosome 11), Theta (chromosome 22),
and Zeta (chromosome 14) [2]. There are indications of both structural as well as functional redundancies
between isozyme family members. Multiple alleles sharing >50% sequence identity exist within each class [3].
Promoter regions vary between classes and can contain one or more of the following response elements:-
antioxidant-response element; xenobiotic response element; GSTP enhancer 1; glucocorticoid-response element;
Barbie box element [4]. Promoters may also contain putative binding sites for transcription factors such as, AP-1,
MAF, Nrf1, Jun, Fos, and NF-kappa B, the occurrence of which is species specific. Cytosolic GSTs have

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catalytic activity as homo- or hetero-dimeric proteins, allowing the formation of greater numbers of enzymes
from a limited number of genes [4]; however, dimerization is usually limited to subunits within the same class.
The subunits range in size from 24 to 29 kDa [3]. Each subunit contains an active site with two sub-sites: a
highly conserved G site for GSH binding and an H site for hydrophobic substrates. Although <10% of the protein
is strictly conserved, all GST isozymes have two domains and similar topologies.

Because GSTP is a predominant protein in many tumors the majority of this review focuses upon its increasingly
pleiotropic role in the cancer phenotype. Some structural properties of GSTP are quite critical in facilitating and
promoting GSH dependent reactions. Its N-terminal domain 1 (essentially residues 180, as in all other GSTs)
adopts a topology similar to that of the thioredoxin fold [5], consisting of four -sheets with three flanking -
helices (Figure 1 panel A). This is a structure common to several proteins from a thioredoxin fold super-family,
all of which bind cysteine or GSH with high affinity. Examples of these include, DsbA (the bacterial enzyme
equivalent to protein disulfide isomerase; [6]), glutaredoxin [7], glutathione peroxidases [8], and peroxiredoxins
[9]. This fold consists of distinct N- and C-terminal motifs which have a and arrangement respectively
and which are linked by an -helix (-2). Domain 1 is highly conserved in all GST isozymes and provides a
binding domain primarily involved in binding GSH. Glutathione occupies a site on domain 1 (referred to as the
G-site [10]) which is situated in a cleft formed between the intra-subunit domains. The cleft extends from a
segment (residues 810) connecting strand 1 to helix 1, to about Ser63 at the N-terminal end of helix 3. One
end of the cleft opens out to bulk solvent, while the other, near Ser63, is adjacent to the cavity at the center of the
dimer interface. Side chains lining the G-site for GSTP include: Tyr7, Gly12, Arg13, Trp38, Lys42, Gln49,
Pro51, Gln62, Ser63 and Glu95 [11]. Domain 1 is connected to domain 2 by a short linker sequence (Figure 1
panels B and C). C-terminal domain 2 (essentially residues 87210) begins at the C-terminus of the linker
sequence and in the case of the GSTP and GSTM family members consists of five -helices [11, 12] and in the
case of the GSTA members, six -helices. The C- terminal domain together with a loop from the N-terminal
domain forms the substrate-binding site (H-site). The H-site is proposed to be hydrophobic and must be adjacent
to the G-site, and should also permit proper orientation of the bound reactants. Several possible locations for this
site were suggested [11]. One was a hydrophobic region in the cleft adjacent to the G-site that could
accommodate small molecules. This region is coated by the side chains of: Phe8, Pro9, Val1O, Met35, Tyr1O6,
Pro200 and Gly203 (Figure 1 panel C). Different amino acids in the H site of isozymes can account for substrate
specificities. Within the C-terminus an additional helix is present in the Alpha and Theta classes while the Mu
class has an extra loop [13], differences that are proximal to the H site and create a more constricted active site.
While GSTs are ubiquitously expressed, their tissue (and even cellular within the same tissue) distribution in
mammals is variable and complex [14, 15].

Figure 1
Panel A: schematic diagram representing the thioredoxin fold is shown
above a RasMol depiction of the thioredoxin dimer [134]. In the diagram,
-helices are shown as cylinders, while -sheets are shown as orange
arrows. The four -sheets ...

The homodimeric structure is common for proteins containing thioredoxin folds and structural interactions at the
inter-subunit interface are crucial for complex assembly and stability. The domains at the inter-subunit surface of
the GSTP homodimer are dominated by hydrophobic interactions between residues from domain 1 of one subunit
and domain 2 of the other. Aromatic residues play major roles in these interactions. Tyr-49 in GSTP can act as a
`key' extending from the loop preceding -3 that fits into a hydrophobic `lock' provided by helices -4 and -5 of
the other subunit. The interface is approximately 25 to 35 and at a height of ~ 25 , diverges to create a V-
shaped crevice that is solvent-accessible [16]. In addition, the active site cleft in GSTP is shallow, while in other
GST isozymes it is larger and more open [17]. Thus, based on structural similarities of C-terminal domains of

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GSTM and GSTP, similar homodimerization/ monomerization properties can be predicted for these enzymes.
Using similar logic, these should be different from the GSTA isozymes.

An early name for one of the GST family was ligandin [18] premised upon their capacity to bind to a number of
hydrophobic compounds without their catalytic processing [19] - for example heme and bilirubin. Ironically,
there is now a renewed reconsideration of the ligand binding properties of GSTP with particular emphasis on
protein interactions. In oncology, interest in the GST family of proteins has been fueled by the fact that high
levels of GSTP (the most ubiquitous and prevalent GST in non-hepatic tissues) are found in many tumors (in
particular ovarian, non-small cell lung, breast, colon, pancreas and lymphomas) and in a wide range of drug
resistant cell lines and tumors [20]. When compared to normal tissues or wild type cell lines, these enhanced
expression ratios have not always been readily explained. In two of the earliest reports of increased GST
expression in drug resistance, one was in response to chlorambucil [21], where evidence of catalytic formation of
the thioether conjugate of this alkylating agent was subsequently documented [22] and could provide a
cause:effect relationship for selection of GST over-expression. However, an MCF7 human breast carcinoma cell
line resistant to adriamycin was found to have approximately 50-fold more GSTP than the albeit low expressing
wild-type line [23]. This correlation was not explicable by GST catalysis, since GSH conjugates of adriamycin
do not occur under physiological conditions. Since these reports, tacit (and sometimes unjustified) assumptions
have linked GST-mediated detoxification processes with many acquired drug resistant phenotypes. The
importance of GST in kinase regulation and a role for GSTP in the forward reaction of S-glutathionylation has
provided a maturing approach in understanding alterations in GSTP expression patterns. In this regard, some
tumors or drug resistant cells may depend upon this protein. Because of the proliferative nature of tumor cells,
kinase pathways are frequently aberrantly regulated, and consequently, there could be a homeostatic attempt to
compensate by enhancing expression of GSTP to counterbalance increased kinase activity. Addiction to over-
expressed proteins has been identified as a characteristic of the transformed phenotype. In addition, there is a
literature of growing abundance delineating the importance of S-glutathionylation in regulating protein structure
and function. As one example, phosphatases such as PTP1B [24] and cdc25 [25] are regulated by S-
glutathionylation of specific cysteine residues. Because the kinase/phosphatase cycle effects multiple pathways
critical to uncontrolled cell growth it would not be unreasonable to speculate that a relative abundance of GSTP
may reflect roles unrelated to its capacity to enact catalytic detoxification. In context, the absence of external
electrophilic stress implies that GSTP can be such a prevalent protein only as a consequence of the influence of
specific tumor related endogenous factors. Over a protracted time period, selective pressures could produce
convergent evolution and the emergence of properties of GSTP unrelated to small molecule detoxification.

While it appears that cells are quite capable of adapting to high expression levels of GSTP, how cells might adapt
to the absence of GSTP would also provide an insight into the importance of this protein. Mice null for GSTP1-1
and GSTP2-2 are viable, fertile, with essentially normal development and life expectancy [26]. The animals are
more susceptible to carcinogen induced skin papillomas [27]. Mouse embryo fibroblast (MEF) cells isolated
from wild type differed from GSTP null animals in a number of characteristics relevant to signaling and growth
pathways [28]. The doubling time for wild type cells was 33.6 h versus 26.2 h for GSTP null. Both early passage
and immortalized MEF cells from GSTP null animals had elevated activities of extracellular regulated kinases
(ERK1/ERK2). Knockout animals had constitutively elevated c-jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) activities
compared to wild type correlating with altered regulation of genes downstream of JNK control [29]. In general,
ablation of GSTP influences the capacity of stress kinases to regulate gene expression impacting on cell
proliferation pathways. The lack of lethality of the deletion suggests functional redundancy and implies that other
GST, or other redox proteins, may compensate for the absence of GSTP. This is supported by the data suggesting
general redundancy of function among and within the GST protein cluster.

Although high levels of GSTP frequently accompany the malignant phenotype, exceptions do exist.
Hypermethylation of the GSTP regulatory region is a common somatic alteration identified in human prostate

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cancer [30]. This alteration results in the loss of GSTP expression and is proposed to occur during pathogenesis
of the disease. A methyl-CpG binding domain (MBD) protein has been identified that mediates hyper-
methylation of the GSTP regulatory region [30]. GST expression (and/or activity) of specific isoforms is lost in
some individuals with allelic variation and it has been speculated that reduced GSTP may alter the capacity to
detoxify possible carcinogens causing malignant transformation and disease progression in the prostate. While
this could be true, absence of GSTP would also alter the regulation of kinase dependent proliferation pathways
and/or protein S-glutathionylation patterns. As discussed in the pertinent sections, pharmacological suppression
of GSTP, while not as efficient as genetic ablation, also causes changes in these same pathways and can influence
cell proliferation (particularly in the bone marrow) in a therapeutic setting.

GSTP and cell redox homeostasis Go to:

Since most cancer drugs are not good substrates for GSTP, the question of why acquired drug resistant cells have
such high levels of this isozyme seems perplexing. Moreover, even without drug selection GSTP can be one of
the more prevalent cytosolic proteins in cancer cells. These observations would seem to indicate that GSTP has a
diversity of functions in cancer cells, some of which are likely unrelated to the detoxification of chemicals or
drugs. General considerations of cellular redox homeostasis begin to shed light on the apparent conundrum.

The balance between oxidation and reduction reactions determines cellular redox homeostasis and plays an
essential role in numerous signaling cascades including those associated with proliferation, inflammatory
responses, apoptosis and senescence. Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS; RNS) are invariable
components of aerobic metabolism and are key contributors to cellular redox. The sensing of redox changes is
most actively mediated through cysteine residues in various proteins. While there is some debate as to the precise
definition of what constitutes redox sensing versus redox signaling [31] there is little doubt that cysteine
residues at various oxidation states are at the center of the process. There appears to be a correlation between
organism cysteine content and degree of biological complexity, i.e. evolutionary development [32]. Analysis by
Jones and colleagues suggested that there are slightly more than 200,000 cysteines encoded by the human
genome [33] a number suggestive of sparing usage, but evolutionary importance. An estimate of current
literature suggests that more than 150 proteins have cysteine residues that are susceptible to the post-translational
modification of S-glutathionylation (i.e. the addition of GSH), but in context, since susceptible protein targets for
S-glutathionylation are still appearing, this number will likely increase. Selective modification can alter the
structure and/or function of a number of proteins including, enzymes, receptors, structural proteins, transcription
factors and transport proteins and may also alter a variety of protein-protein interactions. This process is
discussed in more detail in the next section. However, within the cancer field, it is generally accepted that
phosphorylation is perhaps the most critical protein modification that influences cell signaling pathways. As a
consequence, it is worth reflecting that there are some parallels between S-glutathionylation and phosphorylation.
Of note, some microorganisms deprived of a source of phosphorus will substitute sulfur, creating thiolipid
instead of phospholipid membranes [34]. A coalescence of sulfur and phosphorus biochemistry may also be
represented by S-glutathionylation of phosphatases [24] critical in maintaining the cyclical nature of kinome
regulation (phosphorylation/ dephosphorylation). Many proteins that are S-glutathionylated are also involved in
growth regulatory pathways, including many kinases [35]. Thus, the S-glutathionylation cycle may provide an
extra level of control of the phosphorylation cascades controlled by kinases or phosphatases.

GSTP and S-glutathionylation Go to:

S-glutathionylation Cycle: General Considerations

S-glutathionylation generally occurs when a cysteine in an essentially basic environment within the protein (e.g.
three dimensionally surrounded by Arg, His or Lys residues) forms a disulfide bond with GS (Figure 2). S-
glutathionylation can occur either in response to endogenous (physiological) oxidative (ROS) or nitrosative stress

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(RNS) mediated signaling events, or from exposure to external environmental drug treatments. A wide range of
chemicals can induce S-glutathionylation, but literature examples tend to be dominated by hydrogen peroxide,
glutathione disulfide, diamide and various nitric oxide donors [35, 36]. In particular, our group has utilized a
GST activated diazeniumdiolate prodrug PABA/NO (O2- [2,4-dinitro-5- (N methyl-N-4-carboxyphenylamino)
phenyl] 1-N, N-dimethylamino) diazen-1-ium-1, 2-diolate) [37] that releases NO and has been shown to cause
limited amounts of nitrosylation, but impressive levels of S-glutathionylation [38]. In this instance, and probably
for the many NO donors, nitrosylated cysteines can have short half-lives and can be quite rapidly converted to
their S-glutathionylated derivative. Spectroscopic studies indicate that at physiological pH GST effectively lower
the pKa of the cysteine thiol of glutathione, resulting in formation of the nucleophilic thiolate anion (GS) at the
active site [39]. The ability of GST to bind and activate GSH is important in numerous reactions where activated
GSH can act as a thiol donor [40]. The immediate use or delivery of an activated GSH may determine a
particular catalytic or carrier GST function. Cysteines on the surfaces of globular proteins are exposed to GSH
and GSSG and are prone to spontaneous S-glutathionylation [41]. They are also influenced by
reducing/deglutathionylating enzymes such as thioredoxin (Trx), [42] glutaredoxin (Grx) [43], and sulfiredoxin
(Srx) [44]. Although an appreciation of the importance S-glutathionylation has been evident since the 1990s, the
identification of specific protein substrates has been made easier by the more recent advances in proteomic
technologies. Relative to the proteome the actual number of S-glutathionylated proteins is not proportionally
large. By analyzing those clusters of proteins sensitive to the modification some general patterns do emerge. For
example, Table 1 summarizes those categories of proteins so far described as being susceptible to S-
glutathionylation and the impact that the post-translational modification has upon their functions. These proteins
include, enzymes with catalytically important cysteines (in particular those involved with protein folding and
stability, nitric oxide regulation, redox homeostasis); cytoskeletal proteins; signaling proteinsparticularly
kinases and phosphatases; transcription factors; ras proteins; heat shock proteins; ion channels, calcium pumps
and binding proteins (involved in calcium homeostasis); energy metabolism and glycolysis.

Figure 2
Schematic representation of the S-glutathionylation cycle.

Table 1
Impact of S-glutathionylation on those proteins (categorized in clusters)
reported sensitive to the post-translational modification.

Partly because of the sensitivity of detection issues, there is still debate over whether S-glutathionylation is
primarily a response to external stress or whether it has an important role in physiological processes in
"unstressed" cells. Although this cannot yet be answered definitively, it is clear that cytoskeletal restructuring
during cell growth is impacted by S-glutathionylation, particularly of actin. However, mitochondria produce
significant ROS as byproducts of metabolism, and a number of mitochondrial proteins are quite susceptible to S-
glutathionylation. It seems probable that maintenance or stabilization of proteins in a glutathionylated state may
be a process that could have important structural/functional consequences. Since a number of proteins have GSH
recognition motifs (e.g. sulfiredoxin, glutaredoxin, thioredoxin), perhaps they may be candidates for such a
process. The importance of S-glutathionylation as a post-translational modification may best be exemplified by
discussion of specific examples where the structure and function of the protein is influenced by the change.


The most readily detected S-glutathionylated protein is actin and growth factor stimulation of cells can produce
extensive actin S-glutathionylation and alter the ratios of the soluble:polymerized protein. This may influence

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cellular architecture and membrane ruffling with consequential changes in a number of cytoskeletal functions,
including intracellular trafficking. S-glutathionylation of actin influences cell adhesion and proteinprotein
interactions as well as cellcell interactions [45] and the modified protein has a weaker affinity for tropomyosin
[46]. S-glutathionylation of actin provides a primary example where the post-translational modification results
from a physiological response consequential to cell growth - rather than a stress response to an exogenous insult.


The role of GSTP in regulating the forward reaction of protein S-glutathionylation under oxidative and/or
nitrosative stress has recently been described [47]. This function is based on the catalytic activity of enzyme and
is influenced by auto-S-glutathionylation of GSTP itself on two critical residues, Cys47 and Cys101 (Figure 3),
each of which can affect catalytic activity and binding to target proteins. Specific S-glutathionylation also causes
GSTP oligomerization, a process with probable consequences to other components of cellular stress response.
Within the GSTP monomer, S-glutathionylation causes a change in secondary structure by decreasing -helical
content (Figure 3) with resultant impact on tertiary and quaternary structure. GSTP has two tryptophan residues
(Trp28 and Trp38). Trp38 is ~3.2 from the sulfhydryl of Cys47, where S-glutathionylation causes a quenching
of tryptophan fluorescence [48] (Figure 3). In addition, the tryptophan fluorescence of S-glutathionylated GSTP
has a shift of emission maximum (~4nm) to a shorter wavelength, suggesting a less polar environment around
this residue. Thus, there are changes in GSTP tertiary and quaternary structure that imply that self- S-
glutathionylation will alter its capacity to interact with any ligand binding partner proteins. One such example is
the GSTP:JNK regulation of kinase signaling (4, 5). By immunoprecipitating JNK1/2 (in HEK293 cells) it was
demonstrated that Cys47 and Cys101 in GSTP are critical for these protein-protein interactions [47]. S-
glutathionylation of Cys47 and/or Cys101 interferes with complex formation with other proteins and with respect
to the JNK:GSTP interaction, the result may be an attenuation of cellular signaling events mediated by JNK.

Figure 3
Auto-regulation of GSTP occurs through S-glutathionylation of the Cys47
and Cys101 residues. HEK293-WT cells were treated with 50 uM
PABA/NO for 1h (A). The proteins were separated by non-reducing SDS-
PAGE and S-glutathionylation (PSSG, red: commercially ...

Peroxiredoxin VI

There are further indications that GSTP can store and deliver reducing equivalents (GS) to regions of target
proteins that may not be readily accessible (i.e. buried hydrophobic regions of, for example, a globular protein).
Delivery may occur through heterodimerization of a GSH-loaded GSTP with the target protein, resulting in S-
glutathionylation of specific hidden cysteine residues in the latter [49]. Considerations for this to occur will
include the affinity of the binding interface of the GSTP monomer for that of the target protein, as well as the
proximity of GS (bound to the G-site of GSTP) to target the cysteine of the partner protein [50]. Thus, GSTP
serves to overcome an accessibility barrier for delivery of the hydrophilic GSH (GS) into a hydrophobic domain
of the protein. This S-glutathionylation would result in a redox-mediated modification of the structure/function of
the target protein.

The capacity for homodimeric GSTP (or in some cases GSTM) to dissociate into monomers and to form
heterodimers with other monomeric proteins is crucial for their capacity to deliver reducing equivalents [51]. The
cytosolic GSTs are catalytically active as dimers, with the dimer interface providing a non-catalytic site for
ligand binding. Some studies indicate that mammalian GSTP and GSTM exist as monomers when they interact
with ASK1, JNK, or peroxiredoxin VI (PrdxVI) [5255]. It has been reported that heterodimers can be formed
between GSTM and GSTP proteins in vitro without the need for denaturants, an observation that might reflect

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some promiscuity in the subunit dimerization of these two enzymes [51]. In addition, the monomers of cytosolic
GST isozymes have also been demonstrated in non-mammalian species [56]. The majority of the published
structural data provides convincing evidence that specificity of its C-terminus structure can facilitate dissociation
of GSTP homodimers into monomers. On the other hand, the thioredoxin fold in the N-terminus domain of GSTP
can facilitate heterodimerization of its monomers with other (especially thioredoxin fold containing) proteins.

There is a specific example where GSTP-mediated delivery of reducing equivalents (GS) occurs in the globular
domain of PrdxVI. GSH-loaded GSTP activates PrdxVI through heterodimerization, subsequent to S-
glutathionylation of its catalytic Cys47 residue ([57]; Figure 4). Chromatographic purification and N-terminal
sequencing showed the presence of equimolar amounts of the two proteins in this complex [57] and a schematic
representation of the heterodimer is shown in Figure 4. Proof that GSH loading in GSTP is critical for the
formation of this complex was provided by using mutants of the catalytically active tyrosine residue in GSTP
(Y7F), which compromises GSH binding [47]. The Y7F mutant does not form a complex with PrdxVI. The
peroxidase activity (towards both H2O2 and phospholipid hydroperoxide) of PrdxVI in the PrdxVI-GSTP
complex was high indicating the importance of both delivery of the reducing equivalent (GS) and the
subsequent S-glutathionylating reduction/activation step for PrdxVI. Rapid (minutes) S-glutathionylation of
PrdxVI is detectable by immunostaining [50]. Two regions of GSTP: 4185 and 115124 are critical for the
protein:protein (GSTP-PrdxVI) interactions [49] and perhaps unsurprisingly these domains are found in the N-
terminus, which includes the catalytic Cys47. Those component domains responsible for the surface interactions
are shown in Figure 5. As this field advances, it will be interesting to understand how commonly GSTP provides
reducing equivalents to acceptor cysteines in biologically inaccessible sites. As outlined in Table 1, families or
clusters of proteins that are potential targets of the GSTP-mediated delivery of reducing equivalents may be quite
limited. As a consequence, the general relevance of this process in human disease pathologies may be significant.

Figure 4
A role for GSTP in the catalytic cycle of PrdxVI. The catalytic Cys47 of
PrdxVI (grey hemisphere) becomes oxidized to a sulfenic acid (SOH) by
peroxide and forms head-to-tail homodimers. Under normal
physiological conditions PrdxVI exists ...

Figure 5
Model of the heterodimer of GSTP and 1-Cys Prdx (PrdxVI) showing
relative locations of the four GSTP peptide fragments that bind 1-Cys Prdx
(PrdxVI) and that inhibit complex formation. Ribbon representation of 1-
Cys Prdx (PrdxVI PDB 1PRDX) complexed with ...

Nitric Oxide Synthase

Two recent reports implicate S-glutathionylation involvement in the control of nitric oxide mediated signaling
events. The active form of eNOS is a homodimer with tetrahedral zinc ions coordinated to two pairs of
symmetrical cysteines (Cys94 and Cys99 in each monomer [58]). These cysteine residues are in a basic
environment and have a low pK and may be subject to S-glutathionylation and indeed, nitrosylation of some of
these cysteines results in dissociation of homodimers into inactive monomers [59]. eNOS is palmitoylated and
therefore attached to an inner leaf of the plasma membrane. Thus, its activation results in an NO burst close to
the plasma membrane. As well as an NADPH oxidase, there is a chloride ion channel-3 (CIC-3) [60] in the
plasma membrane. Ca2+ fluxes could activate NADPH oxidase [61] and superoxideradical generated outside the
cells could influx through CIC-3 channels [62]. When spatially close, the eNOS and CIC-3 channels may
generate peroxynitrite (ONOO) that together with high levels of GSH can induce eNOS S-glutathionylation.

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Treatment with the NO releasing prodrug, PABA/NO causes changes in Ca2+/NO homeostasis that start as an
extracellular NO-mediated surface protein-thiol modification [63]. Intracellularly the drug generates NO and a
stable nitro-aromatic GSH-conjugate (PABA-SG), the latter of which inhibits SERCA initiating an intracellular
Ca2+ increase, activating calmodulin and consequently eNOS with the resultant NO burst [64]. It seems likely
that PABA/NO causes intracellular NO levels to rise above a certain threshold through eNOS activation with a
subsequent conversion of S-nitrosylated to S-glutathionylated cysteine(s). There is evidence to suggest that two
distinct pools of S-nitrosylated proteins can exist, one GSH stable and another GSH labile and subject to rapid
conversion to a S-glutathionylated product [65, 66]. Two mechanisms of NO-mediated protein S-
glutathionylation have been considered. The first through GSNO (activated glutathione thiol) formation and
subsequent reaction with protein-thiol [67]; the second through an intermediate protein-thiol nitrosylation
(activated protein-thiol: analogue of sulfenic acid) and its subsequent reaction with the most abundant
intracellular redox buffer, GSH [68]. Although the exact mechanism of eNOS modification is unknown, in vivo
experiments have shown that eNOS activation in aortas and iNOS transgenic expression in mouse heart both
result in NO-induced protein S-glutathionylation [69]. Overall, indications are that PABA/NO-mediated eNOS
activation results in its S-glutathionylation in HL60 and HDMVE cells [64]. This dynamic modification may
serve to physiologically down regulate eNOS by NO under normal conditions [70]. Conversely, eNOS
deglutathionylation may cause its up-regulation, maintaining physiological NO levels. Under normal
physiological conditions the NO increase might be controlled by S-nitrosylation/glutathionylation of eNOS as an
immediate response or by similar modification/activation of SERCA in steady-state regulation. Alternatively, in
tumor cells with high levels of GSTP expression, the rate of PABA/NO-mediated NO increase could be
substantially faster [38], outcompeting eNOS down-regulation through S-nitrosylation/glutathionylation and this
could contribute to the cytotoxicity of the drug. Recently, Chen et al [71] showed that S-glutathionylation of
eNOS reversibly decreases NOS activity with an increase in superoxide generation primarily from its reductase
domain, in which two highly conserved cysteine residues (689 and 908) are identified as sites of S-
glutathionylation and found to be critical for redox-regulation of eNOS function. eNOS S-glutathionylation in
endothelial cells caused loss of NO and gain of superoxide generation and was associated with impaired
endothelium-dependent vasodilation. In hypertensive vessels, eNOS S-glutathionylation was enhanced with
impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilation rescued by thiol-specific reducing agents, which reversed the S-
glutathionylation. They concluded that S-glutathionylation of eNOS provides redox regulation of cellular
signaling, endothelial function and vascular tone.

Protein Disulfide Isomerase

Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) is one of the most abundant ER proteins and maintains a sentinel function in
organizing accurate protein folding. Release of NO from PABA/NO caused S-glutathionylation of PDI in tumor
cells [72]. Drug treatment leads to translational attenuation as measured by the phosphorylation and activation of
the ER trans-membrane kinase, PERK, and its downstream effector eIF2. Cleavage of the transcription factor,
XBP-1 and transcriptional activation of the ER resident proteins, BiP, PDI, GRP94 and ERO1 (510 fold
induction) occur concomitantly with PDI S-glutathionylation following drug treatment. Mass spectrometry
identified a single cysteine residue within each of the catalytic sites of PDI with a mass increase [+305.3 Da]
consistent with S-glutathionylation. Circular dichroism confirmed that S-glutathionylation of PDI alters the
alpha-helix content of PDI, a process concurrent with inhibition of its isomerase activity. These results would
seem to be consistent with the conclusion that S-glutathionylation of PDI is an upstream signaling event in the
unfolded protein response (UPR), a process linked with the cytotoxicity of PABA/NO and presumably other
drugs like it. As a corollary to the PDI data, general accumulation of S-glutathionylated proteins appears to be
emerging as a key factor in human disease pathologies. There are now associations between protein S-
glutathionylation and ER stress in human diseases such as ischemia/cardiovascular disease and Friedreichs
ataxia, Alzheimers disease, type 2 diabetes, cystic fibrosis, cataracts and sickle cell anemia (for discussion see

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[35]). Since the ER has a GSSG:GSH ratio that is ten-fold more oxidized than the cytosol (10:1 vs100:1), the
more oxidized environment of this localized organelle may be relevant to this observation.

GSTP, Ligand binding and signaling Go to:

Stress kinases and GSTP

Jun-terminal kinases (JNKs) comprise a family of stress kinases transiently activated in response to oxidative or
nitrosative stress, heat or osmotic shock or inflammatory cytokines [73]. In concert with DNA damage, JNK
activation may be mediated by a number of potential upstream signaling components, including cdc42, p21PAK,
ASK1, MLK, MEKK1, SEK1/MKK4, MKK7 [74]. Different forms of stress mediate JNK activation via various
cellular pathways with resultant JNK mediated phosphorylation of the transcription factors c-Jun, ATF2, p53 and
ELK-1 and stimulation of downstream events that directly contribute to the stress response through changes in
the cell cycle, DNA repair or apoptosis [73, 75]. In cells under normal growth conditions, basal activity of JNK is
necessarily maintained at a low level. However activity can be enhanced in response to growth factors [76] and
hence should also be observed in cells proliferating under normal growth conditions. Mouse embryo fibroblast
(MEF) cells null for GSTP contain higher levels of JNK activity than their wild type counterparts [28].
Regulation of JNK activity in response to stress is independent of transcript and protein levels of the kinase, but
several studies implicated the existence of endogenous JNK inhibitors in normal growing cells. Earlier studies
attempting to understand those factors/mechanisms responsible for the regulation of JNK before and immediately
after stress identified GSTP as an endogenous negative regulatory switch [54].

Figure 6 illustrates in cartoon form how in non-stressed cells, low JNK activity is maintained as a consequence of
sequestration of the kinase in a multi-protein complex which includes GSTP1-JNK [54]. In cells exposed to
oxidative stress (or drug treatment), GSTP1 dissociates from the complex, accumulating as GSTP oligomers [54],
with resultant activation of released JNK impacting subsequent downstream events, which contingent upon cell
or tissue type can include such divergent events as proliferation or apoptosis [77]. It seems reasonable to assume
that JNK-dependent stress-induced apoptosis might be suppressed during tumor development. In this sense, high
levels of expression of GSTP1 may serve such a purpose by enhancing sequestration of JNK in an inactive form.
Such a mechanism could explain why increased GSTP levels occur in resistant tumor cells even when the
selecting drug is not a substrate for GSH conjugation. They could reflect the increased functional role of GSTP in
attempting to maintain JNK activity at more basal levels. Within the GST super family, ligand binding can be
promiscuous and functional redundancies are not uncommon. The homology between GST A and P family
members helps to explain why GSTA1 is also capable of suppressing JNK signaling caused by inflammatory
cytokines or oxidative stress [78] - by a mechanism similar to that shown for the GSTP.

Figure 6
Cartoon model of JNK-GSTP-Prdx1 interactions initially maintaining JNK
in an inactive state and activation of downstream signaling cascades
through exposure to ROS/RNS or the GSTP inhibitor Telintra. GSTP either
as a monomer or homodimer can become loaded ...


Peroxiredoxin1 (Prdx1) is also a binding partner for GSTP and associates with the GSTP/JNK complex (Figure 6
). The GSTP JNK heterodimer forms either because of, or as a consequence of the presence of GSH bound to the
G-site of GSTP [79]. However, subsequent S-glutathionylation of JNK could occur as an outcome of formation
of this complex [35]. As part of a larger multi-protein complex, Prdx1 binding to the JNK-GSTP heterodimer
occurs through GSTP and is mediated, at least in part, by Prdx1 catalytic Cys52, independently from the redox
status of this protein [79]. Thus, in forming this complex the affinity of GSTP for the thioredoxin-fold of Prdx1 is

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independent of its catalytic reduction and/or reactivation. There will be significant merit in interpreting further
studies that are designed to interrogate the stability and functional implications of this protein complex,
particularly as on and off rates may be important in determining the overall rates of response to stress conditions
or drug treatment. In this regard, increased expression of Prdx1 (and PrdxII or PrdxIV) has been associated with
resistance to irradiation and a suppression of ionizing radiation induced JNK activation and subsequent apoptosis
[80, 81]. Mutating the Cys52 residue attenuated the peroxidase activity of Prdx1 and reduced the JNK activation;
nevertheless, both proteins still co-immunoprecipitated with the GSTP/JNK complex, implying that Prdx1 may
have a role in suppressing apoptosis through inhibition of JNK activation.

Other Signaling Events

GSTP has also been implicated in regulating tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) signaling primarily
through a physical association with tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF2) [82]. High GSTP
levels inhibit: (i) TRAF2-induced activation of both JNK and p38, but not NFkB, (ii) attenuated TRAF2-
enhanced apoptosis signal regulating kinase 1 (ASK1) auto-phosphorylation and (iii) inhibited TRAF2-ASK1-
induced apoptosis by suppressing the interaction of these two proteins. Low levels of GSTP increased TNF-
alpha-dependent TRAF2-ASK1 association, activating both ASK1 and JNK. Compared to wild type, GSTP
engineered without the TRAF binding motif had a reduced binding to TRAF2 with subsequent lower impact on
TRAF2-ASK1 signaling. The basic catalytic activity of GSTP is unaffected by protein binding suggesting that
the kinase effects are mediated at sites distant to those regions of GSTP that are involved in GSH or substrate

An example of plausible functional redundancy within the GST family is provided by the observations that
GSTM1 binds to, and inhibits the activity of Apoptosis Signaling Kinase1 (ASK1) [52]. Further evidence of
redundancy of this activity is the fact that thioredoxin can mediate the same suppression [83]. Mechanistically
similar to GSTP:JNK, the interaction of the GSTM1:ASK1 complex is dissociated under oxidative stress or heat
shock, oligomerizing GSTM and leading to activation of ASK1 [53]. Since ASK1 is a MAP kinase kinase kinase
that activates the JNK and p38 pathways, this disassociation can lead to cytokine- and stress-induced apoptosis
[84]. Altered expression of GSTM1 has been linked with impaired clinical response to some tumor types.
Although not as prevalent as s with GSTP, there are some reports of increased GSTM1 expression in drug
resistance and once again, these may not be linked to detoxification, but may be supplanted and/or augmented by
its role in kinase regulation [85].

A recent study has extended those regulatory role(s) ascribable to GSTP through protein:protein interactions. In
this instance, physical interactions between the HPV-16 E7 viral factor and GSTP1 can enact survival capabilities
of host cells. The authors [86] propose a mechanism by which GSTP1 is activated via physical interaction with
HPV-16 E7. HPV-16 E7 decreases the levels of oxidized GSTP1, thereby increasing levels of the reduced form,
interfering with JNK signaling. Concomitant increases in GSH in HPV-16 E7-infected cells can then also
increase the concentration of reduced GSTP1. The model also predicts that HPV-16 E7 will occupy the space
between Cys47 and Cys101 of GSTP1 and prevent intra- and inter-molecular disulfide formation. As a
consequence, HPV-16 E7 binding might protect GSTP1 against inactivation via oxidative attacks at Cys47 and
Cys101. Furthermore, because these two different complexes use essentially overlapping regions of the enzyme
surface the binding of HPV-16 E7 to GSTP1 and GSTP1 homodimerization should be mutually exclusive events.
The conformation of this complex has characteristics that resemble the pattern of intermolecular contacts in the
GSTP1 homodimer with the prediction that HPV-16 E7 functions to establish a subset of GSTP1 molecules
inaccessible to oxidative attack, thereby creating a reservoir of reduced monomeric GSTP1.

GSTP polymorphisms Go to:

GSTP and Cancer Drug response

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Apart from aberrant protein expression level, mounting evidence has directed attention towards to the association
of GSTP1 polymorphisms with a variety of clinical outcomes in cancer. The genetic polymorphisms in the
GSTP1 gene arise from nucleotide transitions that change codon 105 from Ile to Val and codon 114 from Ala to
Val, thus generate four GSTP1 alleles: wild-type GSTP1*A (Ile105/Ala114), GSTP1*B (Val105/Ala114),
GSTP1*C (Val105/Val114) and GSTP1*D (Ile105/Val114) [87, 88]. Structural analyses of variant GSTP1
proteins reveal that Ile 105Val105 and Ala114Val114 substitutions, without affecting the glutathione-binding
affinity, cause a steric change at the substrate-binding site of the enzyme [87, 89]. As a consequence of this, the
enzymatic activities of GSTP1B and GSTP1C are significantly affected, depending on the various substrates used
in the assay. For 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB), chlorambucil and thiotepa, GSTP1B and GSTP1C exhibit
significantly lower activity than GSTP1A, with GSTP1C being the least effective [87, 88, 90, 91]. However, in
glutathione conjugation of cis-platin, carboplatin, 4-hydroxyifosfamide and diol epoxides of polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons, the opposite is true with GSTP1C being the most protective against these compounds [9295].
The altered conformation of the substrate-binding site(s) may contribute to final substrate specificities. The
hydrophobicity and size of residue 114 could serve as an important determinant of the substrate specificity of
each of the GSTP1 isozymes [95]. On the other hand, since GSTP1D, bearing Ile105 and Val114, has enzyme
activity toward CDNB comparable to GSTP1A, Val105 may circumvent the influence of Val114 [88]. Because
different GSTP1 proteins differ in their ability to catalyze specific detoxification reactions, the polymorphisms in
GSTP1 will likely impact response to therapy. Examples of clinical drugs include, cis-platin, carboplatin,
chlorambucil, ethacrynic acid, melphalan, nitrogen mustard, phosphoramide mustard. Thioether conjugates of
these drugs with GSH can be catalyzed by GSTs, however the catalytic constants for these reactions are
generally not impressive. At least one exception exists, GSTP1*A has a role in the acquisition of cis-platin
resistance reportedly through enhancing the formation of platinumglutathione conjugates [92]. Individuals with
the GSTP1*B allele (a single nucleotide (A:G) substitution at position 313 produces an isoleucine to valine
conversion) substantially reduced catalytic activity [92, 93] correlates with a diminished potential to detoxify the
drug. Additionally, homozygocity for GSTP1*B is linked with a diminished capacity to detoxify a number of
platinum based anticancer drugs [93]. GSTP1*C is an allelic variant predominant in malignant glioma cells and
differs from other GSTP1 variants by two transitions resulting in Ile105Val and Ala114Val [96, 97].

GSTP and Disease etiology

The allele frequencies for GSTP1*A, *B and *C in Caucasian populations are 0.685, 0.262 and 0.0687,
respectively [98]. The wild-type genotype GSTP1*A has been correlated with the development and progression
of Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkins lymphoma [99101]. Moreover, the GSTP1 Val105 polymorphism is generally
associated with higher susceptibility to a variety of malignancies (see Table 2). However, multiple factors such as
ethnicity, gender, age and general statistical significance of population size serve to complicate the analyses. For
example, a meta-analysis of 30 published case-control studies including 15,901 cases and 18,757 controls
showed that GSTP1 Val105 polymorphism was not associated with breast cancer susceptibility. However, in a
sub-group analysis by ethnicity, a significant association within Asian populations was found [102]. From the
limited reports on GSTP1 Val114 polymorphism in cancer risk, it is Val114, not Val105 that apparently
contributes to esophageal cancer susceptibility [103]. This may reflect a geographic susceptibility difference to
environmental carcinogen exposure as a consequence of different detoxification profiles for GSTP1 isozymes.
Without a clear understanding of why, GSTP1*C has been correlated with lower incidence of breast cancer [102].

Table 2
GSTP1 polymorphisms in cancer susceptibility and therapy

In most, but not all, the cases listed in Table 2, the GSTP1 Val105 polymorphism is associated with longer

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overall survival in patients with different malignancies who are treated with alkylating agents and/or platinum
compounds [104]. However, the correlations for colorectal cancer chemotherapy remain imperfect. One group
reported that the GSTP1 Val105 polymorphism was associated in a dose-dependent fashion with increased
survival of patients with advanced colorectal cancer receiving 5-FU/oxaliplatin chemotherapy [105], whereas
another showed the opposite [106]. These conflicting results were considered by the authors to be related to the
differences in ethnicity and age of the patients, treatment, and follow-up periods included in the two studies.
Another controversy is from primary malignant glioma, with GSTP1*A and GSTP1*C conferring the survival
advantage in separate studies [96, 107]. Since GSTP1A and GSTP1C show the most difference in substrate
specificity among GSTP1 isozymes, it was speculated that they react with different components of the
chemotherapy regimens, which might contribute to the improved survival of patients with brain tumors.

These limited examples under represent an extensive literature of correlative associations between GST
expression patterns and cancer epidemiology. In more recent times, there have been more focused efforts to
correlate polymorphic expression patterns of GSTP with disease occurrence. While such clinical and
epidemiological correlations require considerably more proof, further information on what is presently known
can be found in Table 2 and Ref. [104]. The complexity of multivariant analyses of the large number of factors
that contribute to accurate prognosis and clinical outcome will probably continue to confound epidemiological
analyses and complicate our understanding of the large number of existing literature references in this area.

GSTP activated prodrugs

Over the last two decades, GSTP has been a targeted platform for drug discovery and development efforts,
particularly in designing prodrugs. TLK286 or Telcyta [-glutamyl--amino--(2-ethyl-N,N,N0 ,N0 tetrakis (2-
chloroethyl)phosphorodiamidate)-sulfonyl-propionyl-(R)- () phenylglycine] is the most advanced lead clinical
candidate from a group of rationally designed glutathione analogues designed to exploit high GSTP levels in
solid tumors and drug-resistant cells [108]. Selective targeting of susceptible tumor phenotypes is a strategy that
results in release of more active drug in malignant cells compared with normal tissue, thereby enhancing
therapeutic index. Published preclinical studies have confirmed the mechanism of action of this drug [109]. In a
series of Phase II clinical trials, TLK-286 was initially shown to have clinical activity and a favorable toxicity
profile as a single agent in the salvage setting in ovarian, non-small cell lung, breast and colorectal cancers. More
recently, Phase III trials in NSCLC have not provided definitive increased response rates and as a consequence,
further clinical testing is in progress. Although no pharmacogenetic biomarkers were included in the trial design,
unveiling any correlations between GSTP1 polymorphisms and response rates could help to establish a GST
platform for targeted drug design and individualized therapy. There are a number of candidate GST targeted
drugs at various stages of preclinical development (including PABA/NO) and these are reviewed more
comprehensively elsewhere [85, 110]. Consideration of genetic polymorphisms of GSTP could provide a more
rational basis for their clinical testing and protocol design might benefit from inclusion of such correlative

Redox, GSTP and bone marrow Go to:

While the aberrant redox potential of tumor cells is well established, it is also apparent that many normal tissues
are sensitive to changes in physiological redox homeostasis. In particular, the maintenance of normal
hematopoiesis is quite dependent upon thiol regulation. Although the importance of thiols and redox in the
regulation of bone marrow cell proliferation has been appreciated for some 50 years [111], it is only recently that
some mechanistic explanations for the linkage have been forthcoming. Long-term, self-renewing hematopoietic
stem cells (HSC) have low levels of intracellular ROS and mice deficient in ROS regulating genes have HSC that
retain neither quiescence nor self-renewal capacities [112]. It appears that two distinct populations of HSC can be
identified based upon their baseline ROS. While both populations have similar cell surface markers, ROSlow

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HSC retain self-renewal capabilities in serial transplantations, whereas this is diminished in ROShigh HSC. N-
acetyl cysteine (NAC) mediated thiol antioxidant treatment can rescue HSC self-renewal [113] indicating that
redox manipulation of sub-populations may influence migration and differentiation potentials. Moreover, AIDS
patients have decreased GSH levels in their blood cells [114] and NAC has also been shown to be effective in the
management of patients with HIV, influencing Th1 versus Th2 cytokine response patterns [115].


The peptidomimetic inhibitor of GSTP, TLK 199 [-glutamyl-S-(benzyl)-cysteinyl-R-() phenyl glycine diethyl
ester], now named Telintra exemplifies the principles of serendipity in drug discovery. While early preclinical
testing focused on overcoming GSTP-associated drug resistance, further rodent studies revealed the drug also
caused an increase in circulating blood cells of all lineages [28]. Telintra increased peripheral white blood cell
number in wild type mice when compared to GSTP-deficient mice. Genetic ablation (i.e. GSTP-null animals)
produced a phenotype characterized by an increase in myeloid cell differentiation and proliferation, evidenced by
elevated numbers of circulating leukocytes. This could be interpreted as a consequence of increased numbers of
bone marrow progenitor cells that (re)populate circulating mature blood cells [116]. The concordance of genetic
and pharmacological ablation of GSTP can be understood in a mechanistic manner. For example, these
observations are consistent with the capacity of Telintra to dissociate GSTP from JNK, allowing kinase
phosphorylation, activation and downstream myeloproliferative effects (Figures 6 and 7). Further downstream,
the drugs myeloproliferative properties have been associated with activation of STAT proteins in GSTP-deficient
mice [116]. Isozymes of the GSTA family are generally expressed at low levels in marrow, but their potential to
suppress stress-induced activation of JNK signaling serves to emphasize GST promiscuity [78]. Moreover, GSTP
may also directly influence the S-glutathionylation of a number of proteins involved in myeloproliferative events
(such as JNK and SHP-1 and SHP-2).

Figure 7
Representative model of the effects of Telintra, a peptidomimetic inhibitor
of GSTP on hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow
microenvironment. Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are located either at
the osteoblastic (with the osteoblasts (OBT)) or ...

Inhibition of GSTP with Telintra causes changes in the bone marrow compartment that are consistent with altered
redox status and like NAC, Telintra is in clinical testing. There are presently ongoing Phase 2 clinical trials for
myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) (online company reference:
http://www.telik.com/pr/2010/pr_2010_0608.html), a stem cell disorder characterized by ineffective blood cell
production and an increased risk for transformation to acute leukemia. Telintra treated patients with low to
intermediate-1 risk MDS demonstrated multilineage hematologic improvement including decreased requirements
for red blood cell, platelet, and growth factor support. Additional clinical trials are focusing on the use of Telintra
in the treatment of chronic idiopathic neutropenia and additional blood disorders. The potential for FDA approval
and registration of this drug awaits further clinical examination, but does serve to emphasize the impact of GSTP
and redox in regulating myeloproliferative pathways.

Redox as Part of the Marrow Environment

All differentiated hematopoietic cells traverse to the peripheral blood from distinct microenvironments where
HSC, hematopoetic progenitor cells (HPC) and mature plasma cells occupy their own niches (Figure 7). A
variety of local factors can maintain and influence HSC number and destiny. Committed progenitors tend to
localize to the bone marrow center [117]. Approximately 75% of HSC are not actively cycling at any given time
[118] and these quiescent cells may reside at the osteoblastic niche. Conversely, HSC in the vascular niche favors

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proliferation and differentiation [117, 119122] (Figure 7). Each population can be defined by the expression of
adhesive molecules, cytokines and chemokines (such as CXCR4 or CXCL12; [123, 124]). Osteoclast and
osteoblast-mediated bone remodeling results in a Ca2+ gradient in the endosteum, enabling calcium-sensitive
HSCs to sense and migrate appropriately [125]. Although oxygen levels are higher closer to the vascular niche,
the bone marrow is relatively hypoxic (1% to 2% O2) [126]. The hypoxic osteoblastic environment encourages
HSC quiescence and movement along the oxygen gradient to the vascular niche promotes HSC differentiation
[121]. While both oxygen and calcium gradients are involved in this process, it seems probable that a redox
gradient may also influence HSC migration and differentiation. Older mice accumulate HSC more distantly in
the endosteum and have increased levels of endogenous DNA damage in their HSC [127, 128]. This correlates
with increasing numbers, but decreasing function of aged HSC [129] and perhaps may be explained by
accumulation of oxidative stress associated with the aging process.

There are other links between redox homeostasis and bone marrow function. For example, Nrf2 is a redox
activated transcription factor that regulates antioxidant Phase I and Phase II enzymes [130, 131] and HSC from
Nrf2null mice have increased sensitivity to oxidative stress. In addition, the forkhead O (FoxO) family of
transcription factors can protect quiescent HSC from oxidative stress through regulation of ROS detoxifying
genes. FoxOs are expressed commensurate with the transition of HSC to myeloid progenitors and conditional
silencing of FoxO increases ROS and decreases repopulating capacities of HSC. Therapeutically, treatment with
NAC restores the FoxO transcriptional program [132]. These observations are consistent with the fact that altered
redox conditions regulate HSC differentiation. A more detailed review of redox in HSC function exists elsewhere

Conclusion Go to:

The association of high levels of GSTP with malignant diseases and drug resistant cancers may not be a
straightforward reflection of the proteins ability to participate in detoxification reactions. Recent reports have
detailed unexpected protein interactions either through catalysis of S-glutathionylation of cysteines in target
proteins or through ligand binding to regulate kinase pathways. Such functions serve to emphasize the functional
promiscuity and flexibility of usage that can be ascribed to the GST isozyme family and to GSTP in particular.

Footnotes Go to:

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