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This video is about 10 minutes long but worth the viewing.
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Astro Moon
aktuelles Mondzeichen:
Mondpause beginnt:
heute um 14:51 Uhr
morgen um 2:23 Uhr
Heute ist Vollmond
(14:51 Uhr)
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Gadgets The Tarot has entertained card lovers for centuries. Yet while its symbolic content
has been traced to a variety of influencessuch as social hierarchy, the Virtues,
Biblical and classical allusions, astrology and perhaps even alchemythese do not
explain why the Tarots designers settled upon these specific images, or why they
arranged these images in a particular sequence. Could the trumps also have been
Spirituality Blogs - Blog Catalog influenced by the Hebrew alphabet, as esotericists have long claimed?
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4 of 26 11/13/16, 11:55 PM
~~~~~ The Esoteric Blog: Ursi's Eso Garden ~~~~~
The Tarot Art Nouveau was painted by the Italian artist Antonella Castelli. It was
published in 1998 by Lo Scarabeo, and is now distributed by U.S.Games Systems
with a booklet translated into english. There is a separate deck called the Art
Nouveau Tarot by Matt Myers, but it is less representative of art nouveau and shows
the additional influence of stained glass design. In contrast, this deck by Castelli is
deeply art nouveau, reminiscent of the work by Alphonse Mucha and Aubrey
Beardsley. This style became immensely popular at the turn of the last century. In
Italy it is known as Liberty, and in Germany as Jugendstil (young style).
Reviews of decks
5 of 26 11/13/16, 11:55 PM
~~~~~ The Esoteric Blog: Ursi's Eso Garden ~~~~~
"If there were nothing else in the world but the twelve well-tempered tones, we
would still have to believe in a wise creator who had built the world on a great plan.
And if there is something that lets us at least suspect this plan, it is the melody of
these twelve tones." -- J.M. Hauer
The term "harmony of the spheres" comes from Plato, who as we know was
influenced by the Pythagoreans, and who applies it in the great final narrative of his
Republic. There he describes, in a mythological manner, the heavenly order of the
planets (including the sun and moon) and adds that on each of the planetary circles,
a siren sits, each one singing a tone, and "the eight together form one harmony."
We have no details on this, since this section is an encrypted secret text that has so
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~~~~~ The Esoteric Blog: Ursi's Eso Garden ~~~~~
"With the discovery of the relation between pitch and string length, which could be
established numerically, western science was born. Qualities (tones) were derived
from quantities (string or wave lengths) in an exact way."
Kayser believed that this knowledge of harmonics had become lost and had created
a major schism between science and the spirit. He hoped that a true understanding
of this relationship would create a bridge between the matter and soul.
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~~~~~ The Esoteric Blog: Ursi's Eso Garden ~~~~~
See also:
Hans Kayser Translation Project - Textbook of Harmonics by Hans Kayser.
The Power of Harmonics by Thomas Vczy Hightower.
8 of 26 11/13/16, 11:55 PM
~~~~~ The Esoteric Blog: Ursi's Eso Garden ~~~~~
9 of 26 11/13/16, 11:55 PM
~~~~~ The Esoteric Blog: Ursi's Eso Garden ~~~~~
Labyrinthe - Labyrinths
Labyrinthe - die Gebilde aus magischen Linien - haben eine lange Geschichte.
In einem Labyrinth kann man sich nicht verlaufen, wie im Irrgarten, weil der Weg
keine Abzweigungen und Kreuzungen hat, sondern auf gewundene Weise zum
Mittelpunkt fhrt. Der Weg ist verschlungen und lang, wechselt stndig die Richtung,
fhrt oft am Ziel vorbei, ist aber eindeutig, fhrt sicher in die Mitte und wieder
10 of 26 11/13/16, 11:55 PM
~~~~~ The Esoteric Blog: Ursi's Eso Garden ~~~~~
heraus ... Der Weg im Labyrinth kann Zeichen des Lebens sein.
Hier erfahren Sie, was ein Labyrinth ist, knnen virtuelle Labyrinthe gehen und
wirkliche Labyrinthe sehen: mymaze = Geheimnis Labyrinth von Erwin
Reissmann (German version)
Unten auf der Seite mit "Home" oder dem Zurck-Button kommen Sie
wieder auf diese bersicht
Und hier sind sie in Oesterreich: Labyrinthe in sterreich von Ilse M. Seifried
Schade. Die Seite fr die Labyrinthe in der Schweiz finde ich dermassen
schlecht, dass sie hier nicht aufgefhrt wird.
Labyrinths are a potent symbol in many cultures, and have been for thousands of
years. When Theseus killed the Minotaur he defeated the beast at the heart of
darkness - and created a myth that is still vibrant and evolving. Roman mosaics
often depicted labyrinths as fortified cities, while in medieval Europe they symbolised
the one true path to Christian salvation. They have been used as ceremonial
pathways, protective sigils, traps for unwelcome spirits and for games and dancing.
Puzzle mazes have been exercising our feet and entertaining our minds for hundreds
of years - and have become a symbol of confusion.
The Labyrinth Society is a gigantic website with very much content and pictures -
also how to built one. (English)
Don't miss it.
Well the sad news is that the Labyrinth at Labyrinth Springs no longer exists as a
physical creation. It does however still exist as an energy form and continues to
enhance the area to this day.
11 of 26 11/13/16, 11:55 PM
~~~~~ The Esoteric Blog: Ursi's Eso Garden ~~~~~
One of the most famous labyrinths, for example, consisted chiefly of a vast and
complicated series of rooms and columns. In fact, we shall find it convenient to leave
the question of the definition of the words, and also that of their origin, until we
have examined the various examples that exist or are known to have existed.
Rose Window
These circular windows, often found in medieval churches and Gothic architecture,
are generally ornamented with stained glass and stone tracery laid out in round,
radiating, shaft patterns. Since the pattern often resembles a rose with radiating
petals, the term 'rose window' is often misattributed to the flower; in fact, the 17th
century name likely stems from the Old French word rou, meaning wheel. What role
did the crusaders play in the spread of this decorative window style?
12 of 26 11/13/16, 11:55 PM
~~~~~ The Esoteric Blog: Ursi's Eso Garden ~~~~~
What is the meaning behind a rose window? Many contemporary authors wax on
about Jungian psychology and the rose window as a mandala, which represents the
"expression of human aspiration towards wholeness and coherence." [2, p.10]
Mandalas have existed in Eastern religion and philosophy for centuries, and in
modern thinking, the medieval rose window serves much the same purpose. The
rose window operates on many levels: spiritual, meditative, and emotional. Abbot
Suger's observations underscore how deep an emotional and spiritual chord is struck
by the play of light that passes through the glass. The instructional aspect of rose
windows is plainly visible by the subjects chosen for display in each petal--the
medieval calendar year, the virtues and vices, the saints, etc.
In much the same way the center of Eastern mandalas depict the "godhead" or
divine aspect of the world, so do rose windows. Typically Christ or the Virgin and
Christ are found in the central rosette of most windows. In eastern philosophy, there
are many paths to reach the divine, and these are represented by "gates" at the
cardinal points of the mandala. By the same token, saints depicted in the petals of a
rose window can be seen as intermediaries (or paths) to Christ.
Simply following the tracery with the eye and taking in the patterns found in a rose
window can put one into a very calm or meditative mood. Meditation is very much
like and is be very conducive to prayer. Although placing one into a meditative or
prayerful state may not have been a direct intent of the rose window, it is certainly a
-- The Rose Window by THL Eldred lfwald
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~~~~~ The Esoteric Blog: Ursi's Eso Garden ~~~~~
15 of 26 11/13/16, 11:55 PM
~~~~~ The Esoteric Blog: Ursi's Eso Garden ~~~~~
A historical and graphical basis of the sigils can be found in various archetypal
alphabets, notably those related to ancient Hebrew scripts and the extant "secret"
alphabets that are derived from them.
It falls into two main parts, first the Lexicon proper with its 1500 subject-entries and
pictographs in alphabetical order, and second an index of sigils for their identification
by counting strokes (1-5) and recognizing curvings and additional circles. (from the
review by Walter Pagel)
This 75-minute film is a rich tapestry of sacred sex symbolism from around the
world, including the Kabbala, Western Europeans alchemy symbols, Tantra, Mayan
carvings, Tibetan Buddhism, and various Christian gospels. It is inspiring to see the
parallels between these traditions, even if they have been interpreted radically
differently over the years.
The film is very hard to describe or summarize. A few technical qualms aside, I
found that this documentary was very well done. The topic was treated with the
utmost respect, the narration was accessible and tantalizing, and the logical use of
so many excerpts, citations, and beautiful works of art from across the globe made
every moment a pleasurable and highly informative learning experience.
One symbol traced throughout the film is the theme of the serpent, or double
serpent. We learn that the double serpent represents the sexual energy or kundalini
of male and female rising in synergistic exchange. The serpent, or sexual energy,
can either be raised to reconnect us with the Divine, or used to pursue physical
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~~~~~ The Esoteric Blog: Ursi's Eso Garden ~~~~~
The film also distinguishes between three types of tantra: black, gray and white. It
explains that black tantra emphasizes orgasmic release, thus leading to cravings and
suffering. Gray tantra teaches that some orgasms are appropriate, which puts one
on a slippery slope toward black tantra. White tantra, on the other hand, teaches the
value of consistently channeling the sexual energy upward where it facilitates union
with the Divine. White tantra is the "secret gate to Eden".
'Sex, The Secret Gate to Eden - Alchemy, Tantra, and Kabbalah' was produced by
Glorian Publishing (formerly known as Thelema Press) in 2006.
For those of you not familiar with Thelema Press, it is an organization devoted to
sharing the teachings of Samael Aun Weor (see below).
There are numerous websites in many languages devoted to Samael Aun Weors
teachings. One is Gnostic Teachings by Glorian features lectures, online courses,
discussion forums and more. Glorian has also Gnostic Radio, free audio lectures
and podcasts.
17 of 26 11/13/16, 11:55 PM
~~~~~ The Esoteric Blog: Ursi's Eso Garden ~~~~~
This book is for anyone looking for a new view of the tarot. It deals with a very
occultist point of view, and while there are literally an infinite number of ways to look
at the tarot, this book shows you a whole new way. The book states it in a way that
I never could, so I'll quote you a passage to let it speak for itself:
"As soon as I perceived the Sun, I understood that It, Itself, is the expression of the
Fiery Word and the sign of the Emperor.
P.D. Ouspensky was born in Russia in 1878, and was an enormously influential figure
in early 20th Century Mysticism and Occultism. He was a student of Gurdjieff,and his
experiments in Higher Consciousness influence his highly esoteric writings. This book
on Tarot illuminates the symbolism of the tarot in the Light of a Mystic Journey.
Ouspensky's book on the Tarot has remained practically unknown since its initial
publication in Russia in 1913.
22 cards from the Waite set, described by Ouspensky, have been reproduced in full
See also:
Gurdjieff Studies: Ouspensky on Gurdjieff
The Ouspensky Foundation
18 of 26 11/13/16, 11:55 PM
~~~~~ The Esoteric Blog: Ursi's Eso Garden ~~~~~
His face stares down at us from the roofs , pillars and doorways of our great
cathedrals and churches, he appears on second century Roman columns in Turkey
and in Jain temples in Rajasthan.
19 of 26 11/13/16, 11:55 PM
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However, the mighty questions of who, what and why - the search for a meaning
behind the symbol - have no answer yet.
20 of 26 11/13/16, 11:55 PM
~~~~~ The Esoteric Blog: Ursi's Eso Garden ~~~~~
A sequence of medieval
Heads-with-Leaves (aka
Green Men, Foliate
Heads etc.) from
Chester Cathedral, UK;
filmed by Sabrina Eden
with music by Sedayne.
Many pictures
and 6 clips at
the bottom of
the page.
21 of 26 11/13/16, 11:55 PM
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22 of 26 11/13/16, 11:55 PM
~~~~~ The Esoteric Blog: Ursi's Eso Garden ~~~~~
The four square-like spaces contain the glyphs for a) Nahui Ocelot (4 Tiger); b)
Nahui Ehecatl (4 Wind); c) Nahui Quiahuitl (4 Rain); and d) Nahui Atl or Atonatiuh (4
Water). Above Tonatiuh is a double lunar-solar ray (e).
There is much debate about the significance of the elements in the pointer of the
Aztec Calendar, as there is regarding almost all of the elements of the calendar
itself. This brief essay is not concerned, however, with the specific interpretation of
the elements within the pointer of the calendar; a subject which will be discussed in
subsequent essays. Rather, we shall examine the design of the pointer and its
possible relationship to the concentric ring that contains the day glyphs.
23 of 26 11/13/16, 11:55 PM
~~~~~ The Esoteric Blog: Ursi's Eso Garden ~~~~~
Very interesting!
See also this animation, just simply fascinating. I had read of the conjecture on this
theory but the animation brings it up to a new level: Paleoanimation of the Pakal
Ancient Astronaut Sculpture of the Maya at Palenque.
More animations at Paleoanimation.
Mayan Mystery
This video presents theories about the meaning of a symbol on a Mayan temple at
Tulum near Cancun. I believe this symbol and temple relate to Mayan observations
of the stars, others have suggested the temple is an ancient lighthouse, or a
sacrificial center, even that the symbol is related to Dan Brown's story the DaVinci
Runtime 11 minutes.
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