Stad As A Strategy of Teaching Reading Comprehension in Junior High School
Stad As A Strategy of Teaching Reading Comprehension in Junior High School
Stad As A Strategy of Teaching Reading Comprehension in Junior High School
Fitri Ferina
Lambung Mangkurat University of Banjarmasin, Indonesia
Learning English as a foreign language in school context raises
reading become the skill that is critically important to students.
Reading is the necessity for students if they want to expand their
knowledge. Through reading, students grasp useful information. The
information that the students have read simply broaden their
knowledge. Thus, it is really helpful for the students to build their
Ferina, STAD as a Strategy of Teaching Reading Comprehension
JEELS, Volume 2, Number 1, May 2015
Ferina, STAD as a Strategy of Teaching Reading Comprehension
Teaching Reading in Indonesia Junior High School
In the academic year 2013/2014 SMPN 3 Banjarmasin still uses
KTSP (2006) as the curriculum in teaching the eighth grade students.
Thus, the teaching of reading in SMP level is following the syllabus of
KTSP (2006). According to the syllabus for the eighth grade at the
second semester, there are two kinds of texts offered for eight grade
students. They are recount and narrative texts. Both of the texts require
students to reach these following indicators:
JEELS, Volume 2, Number 1, May 2015
1. Reading aloud
2. Identifying main idea and specific information
3. Identifying the communicative purpose of the text
4. Identifying the generic structures of the text
In this study, the researcher limits the sub-skills on finding
main idea, finding specific information and guessing meaning from
the context.
Ferina, STAD as a Strategy of Teaching Reading Comprehension
JEELS, Volume 2, Number 1, May 2015
Research Design
Quantitative approach is used in this research. This research
used experimental research design. Whereas it is not possible for the
researcher to use the random assignment, researcher chooses to apply
quasi-experimental design. The researcher used the pre-test and post-
test group design. The pre-test and post-test group design involved
two groups as subjects, one group received the experimental
treatment while the other did not, with both groups being measured
or observed twice (Fraenkelet al., 2006).
Through this quasi-experimental research, the researcher
wanted to find out whether there is any significant difference
between students reading ability after taught by using STAD and
students reading ability after taught by lecture method.
Ferina, STAD as a Strategy of Teaching Reading Comprehension
In this research, the test used was reading comprehension test
as the instrument. The test consists of 6 passages; each passage
contains of 5 questions items. The items involved in the test are
reading for finding specific information, reading for main idea,
guessing meaning from the context. The test is given as their pre-test
and post-test.
In order to reach content validity, the test is made according to
the English syllabus for class VIII junior high school. After that the
researcher held a discussion with the English teacher in the school to
make sure that the test is suitable based on the syllabus.
To get a reliable instrument, try-out method by using split half
technique was employed. The researcher gives the try-out test to VIII
E class. Then researcher measured the reliability by using Spearman
Brown formula.
By using the formula, the reliability coefficient is calculated.
After researcher gets the reliability coefficient from the formula is
obtained, it is interpreted based on the following criteria (Arikunto:
Table 3 The Criteria of Reliability Test
No Raw Score Interpretation
1 0.000-0.2000 Very Low
2 0.201-0.400 Low
3 0.401-0.600 Moderate
4 0.601-0.800 High
5 0.801-1.000 Very High
JEELS, Volume 2, Number 1, May 2015
= 100
Ferina, STAD as a Strategy of Teaching Reading Comprehension
control group
1 = number of the samples from experimental group
2 = number of the samples from control group
4. After calculating the t-test, the researcher compared the t-test with
the t-table. The degree of freedom is df= (N1 + N2) 2, and the
level of significance is 0.05. After that, the researcher draws
conclusion of the hypotheses. If the t-test > t-table, the H0
(hypothesis null) is rejected, it means there is significant different
achievement between the students who are taught reading
comprehension by using STAD and the students who are taught
reading comprehension with lecture method. However, if the t-
test < t-table, the H0 is accepted. It means there is no significant
different achievement between the students who are taught
reading comprehension by using STAD and the students who are
taught reading comprehension with lecture method.
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Ferina, STAD as a Strategy of Teaching Reading Comprehension
quiz. The students were worked individually in doing this quiz. The
students average scores on quiz were important to their team
achievement. Those groups whose average score reached criteria were
gotten the reward. The post-test was given after the three-meeting
treatment. The result showed improvement in the students
achievements on three sub-skills. The improvements in reading for
main idea increased to 88.21%, reading for specific information
improved to 89.64%, and guessing meaning from the context raised to
77.50%. In rank, the highest achievement started from reading for
specific information (89.64%) to reading for main idea (88.21%) and
the lowest was guessing meaning from the context (77.50%).
Conversely, the highest improvement was shown by the result of
guessing meaning from the context from 57.85% to 77.50%. It is
followed by reading for main idea, the percentage moved from
65.35% to 88.21% and the last one is reading for specific information
from 83.92% to 89.64%. In conclusion, the students ability in the three
sub-skills had improved.
Furthermore, students ability in reading comprehension in
control and experimental class were similar in their pre-test results.
The highest and lowest achievements were the same i.e. in reading for
specific information (82.14%) and guessing meaning from the context
(54.28%). Discussing about students in control class after all
improvement in three sub-skills in post-test, the occurrence of
improvement was not as much as occurred in students post test
result in experimental class. Even though control class students post-
test result in reading for specific information increased to 89.28%
which was higher than the improvement in experimental class but the
improvement happened in the rest two sub-skills for control group
i.e. reading for main idea (72.50%) and guessing meaning from the
context (54.28%) were still lower than in experimental class.
In conclusion, control class students achievement was not as
improved as experimental class students achievement. The
achievement in experimental class was higher than in control class.
This result was proven that the students who taught with STAD
JEELS, Volume 2, Number 1, May 2015
Ferina, STAD as a Strategy of Teaching Reading Comprehension
JEELS, Volume 2, Number 1, May 2015