Current Theory and Thickener Design PDF
Current Theory and Thickener Design PDF
Current Theory and Thickener Design PDF
and taking for D. the ratio of fluid to solids desired in state zone settling and the sudden appearance of a zone
the underflow (our notation substituted for theirs). of intermediate concentration C, when a continuous
If the thickener is fed at a greater solids rate, a zone thickener is overfed. However, Kynch (7) in 1952
of critical concentration corresponding to the smallest presented an elegant analysis which explains nearly all
value of Gs will form and build because solids cannot zone settling behavior and launched a modern era of
pass through it as fast as they are fed up to it (3). At a thickening research. What is being done today is
lower feed rate the zone will dwindle and disappear. largely elaboration of principles taught in his illuminating
Because K D = 1/C - l / p . and u = G/C, by simple paper.
Kynch Theory
G = Go- e ) C Kynchs theory was exciting because it established
quantitative relationships between flux plots and batch
Equation 2 defines an operating line in a plot of G us. C, settling curves. It showed how to construct a flux plot,
as shown in Figure 1. Such an operating line, drawn or at least the important part of one, from a single batch
through any p i n t (I on the flux curve and C. on the C- test. We hoped, therefore (73, that thickener unit
axis, will intersect the G-axis at a value GB. A line area could be determined directly from one such test,
drawn tangent to the flw plot as at 6 will show the rather than from a series of them as in the Coe and
smallest intercept Gemin, which is the one defining Clevenger procedure.
maximum possible thickener throughput. This Yoshioka Kynch deduced three relationships or theorems of
(27) construction, as well as a related one using reduced primary interest:
variables introduced by Wallis (79), is a useful and con- THEOREM I. If a concentration discontinuity is
venient graphical way of applying Coe and Clevenger propagating in the direction of settling with a velocity
zone settling theory. The Yoshioka and Wallis methods 6, then
do not, in themselves, constitute a new concept in
thickener design. 6 = -
Coe and Clevenger adequately explain both steady- AC
V O L 5 8 NO. 10 OCTOBER 1 9 6 6 19
where AG is the instantaneous settling flux difference through it. By material balance
across the discontinuity (equal to AS in zone settling
regime). AC is instantaneous concentration difference.
Derivation. The flux into one side of a discon- But
tinuity must equal that out the othet. If the dis-
continuity is propagating with a velocity 6, then at any -l @ t = Ha
Then, if settling rate u. is constant, it is equal to R.
- 8) - 8)
rim AG
rg) f
curve appears as a transform or mapping of the flux
plot onto a 1/C, l/Splane under Theorem 111 rules.
It is important to note that Kynch Theorems I and
THEOREM 111. Theorem 111 is best expressed graphi- 11, being derived from material balance or continuity,
cally. Figure 2 is a batch settling cqrve, reduced by are generally valid, whether the pulp is in zone settling.
dividing both scales by COHO(5, 27). The theorem Theorem 111, on the other hand, is highly restricted, and
askrts that if a tangent is drawn to a settling curve at applies specifically to batch settling. It holds only if
same point u, its intercept with the ordinate axis measures settling rate in the zone at all times remains constant,
l/C*, where C. is concentration existing just below and the zone propagates from the bottom of the column.
slurry-supernatant interface at point u. The first condition implies zone settling, the second will
Derivation. If a zone of constant concentration be investigated later in considering the effects of com-
starts propagating from the bottom of a column, hy the pression. Derivation OF the corollaries will be obvious
time it reaches the surface all solids must have passed from Figure 2.
Equations 1 and 2 can be deduced from Kynch coincide exactly with a postulated linear segment of a
theory, but this is an unnecessarily roundabout way of flux plot is infinitesimal. But when the u n d d o w
applying material balance. Coe and Clevenger and concentration is changed (profile 2), a new operating
Talmage and Fitch deduce Equation 1 dircctly from line is established and a pmfile of varying concentratbn
fluid flux balance. Yoshioka (27)deduced Equation 2 is stillobtained. This r e q h that the flux plot coincide
from solids flux. All are fimctionally interrelated and with the new operating line $80, over the concentration
equivalent; there is nothing fortuitous (6) in their range observed in profile 2. This is absolutely impossible
c o m p n d e n c e . Kynch theory, in itself, does not if S is a function of C only.
constitute a new concept in thickener dcaign, although Over at least the wide range of concentrations common
it did promise a simpli6ed way of collecting the requisite to both profiles, some other variable must enter to change
flux data. the flux plot. And by logical induction this must be
true for any concentration which can be observed in
Umitalionr of ZOM Theory any such profile.
If wne s d i n g obtained over the entire concentration While the effect of the new variable might conceivably
range between feed and underflow, thickener design be consided secondary (13),it is certainly not minor.
would offer no problems. Coe and Clevenger wne tests Even if the settling rates correspnding to profile 1
would give the answer, whether calculated by their could be considered roughly or approximately a function
equation or worked out graphically on a flux plot made of concentration, thm for profile 2 are far differtnt.
from the data (6, 17, 27). Zone settling does occur It is W e v a n t to note that a conical vessel OF perhap
over much of the concentration range in pulps made up rake action might give thick bed profiles of qualitatively
of uniformly sized, n o d o c d a t i n g particles. But in the shape observed here because the cited tests were
most flocculent industrial p u l p it does not. There carried out in a cylindrical thickener and the p d l e
many evidences of this (4, 5). O d y the most extended far above the zone of rake acdon. Settling
direct and cogent will be cited here. rate of solids is not even appmxitnately a singlavalued
Continuous thickeners operate with a thick bed or function of concentration. The profiles cannot in any
profile of settled solids in which concentration varies sense be explained on the assumption $hat it is.
with height. Two typical profiles from the work of Pmfile concentrations cannot be in zone settling, so
comings (2) are shown in Fire 3. In these two cases maybe they are in compression. That was the elassied
thmughput flux Ga was maintained constant. Under- view before attempts were made (6,9,10,73,78,19,27)
flow rates, and hence C,,, were different. The material to explain all or most s e t t f i behavior un the basis of
was calcium carbonate. wllc settling and Kynch.
Now each and every concentration which exists in the
profile at steaay state must transmit exactly the same COMPRESSION
thickener flux Gl. Its settling flux must then be aa Coa and CIewn#r
sppcified by Equation 2. I n other words, the settling Cue and Clevengers concept of compremion haa been
flux provided by the slurry and that demanded by the widely h n s t n x d . They p-t data h r m n
operating or material balance line must coincide over M e r e n t pulps, six characmized as metallurgicaz and
the entire rangc of concentrations observed in the profile. one chemical. I n their context, metalluqicd p u l p
Therefore, the flux plet for prufile 1 would have to ase those resulting from grinding of ore; the chemical
Id something like Figure 4. This is unlikely enough. one was a precipitate. They observed that after what
The chance that a flux plot would have a linear range they conceived to be compression waa r e d d , then
gcm8 remote. The probability that GIand C. would further elimination of water becomes approximately a
be chasen in such a way as to make the operating line function of time, insofar aa tests for m d u g i e a l prac-
V O L 5 8 NO. 10 OCTOBER 1 9 6 6 21
tice are concerned. Their detention time basis for By force balance around this plug they deduce that
compression thickening is based on this empirical interface subsidence rate R will be :
With regard to chemical pulps they say: It would
seem that in this type of pulp the law of compression
being a function of time would not hold. By now
that must be one of the most thoroughly reconfirmed And for a batch test
conclusions in sedimentation literature. They give a
different design procedure for such pulps.
Unfortunately, some subsequent literature gives the
impression that their metallurgical procedure is univer-
sally valid. But it wasnt Coe and Clevengers idea, Note that initial changes in floc structure observed in
and in the demiworld of industrial know-how it has some pulps is not taken into account here.
long been recognized as not universally true ( 3 , 5 ) . The Michaels and Bolger approach will now be ex-
The hypothesis Coe and Clevenger advanced to tended to the region below the control plug. Because
explain detention time behavior is as follows: It seems it will be applied to industrial thickeners, d is large and
probable that the relationship of pulp consistency to effects of wall shear may be neglected. Then at all
time of thickening is an indirect one, depending upon +
points the compression stress will be equal to u, and
the effect of compression caused by the depth of pulp will be a function of C.
being counteracted by the resistance in the pulp to the By force balance around a lamina at x at some fixed
escaping water, and to the admixture of the pulp in the time it follows that
upper portions of the thickening layer with the ascending
water from lower regions. This, which has been
accepted as the gospel of Coe and Clevenger theory, is
somewhat ambiguous, and as often interpreted can be
shown to be logically inconsistent.
If the resistance to flow of escaping water exists in the Derivation
overlying layers, then by force reaction or balance the
flow provides hydrodynamic support to the overlying The unbuoyed weight of solids per unit area at time t
layers. Unless there is some other sort of resistance in a lamina of thickness dz equals
arising locally in the floc structure itself, all the resistance
results in hydrodynamic support of overlying layers, and
no compression exists. The pulp remains in zone
Also in a continuous thickener there is no ascending I n free settling, the entire unbuoyed weight of solids is
water-the water flux is at all points downward below borne by the pressure gradient necessary to push fluid
the feed point. And, in batch settling, the total flow through solids at a superficial velocity or space rate
past any level is zero, so the ascending flux of water relative to solids equal to u. At low Reynolds number
equals in volume the descending flux of solids at that flow, Darcys law should hold so that the fraction of
level. I t is not otherwise related to any trades in posi- solids weight supported by fluid drag at a subsidence
tion between solids and water at any other level. There- rate, u, will be equal to v/u. Because v / u = G/S, the
fore, the idea of admixture requires much further support given by fluid flow through the lamina equals
explanation to be meaningful.
Coe and Clevenger, then observed, but did not
adequately explain, compression behavior.
c g
(y) dz
If we substitute back into Equation 8,
If we rearrange,
dz = ( L(e)*
dC S- G dC
Equation 10 gives a relationship between C and I, in
terms of G, S, and the value o f (dx/dC)* observed in a
batch test after subsidence is complete. The latter
group are functions of C and can be evaluated. Thus,
flux G is determined at any concentration by thickener
material balance. S can be dmrmined fmm deep
' P* c batch tests to be desvibed later. The expression, (dx/
dC) *, is by definition an experimentally determined b
F i p e 5. Porrulorsdpur plot showing Mmprassion ragimr tion.
V O L 5 8 NO. 10 OCTOBER 1 9 6 6 21
We have shown that such thick beds in which C varies showed the following concentrations: 7-inch column,
with height cannot be in zone settling. But if they are 256 grams per liter solids; 14-inch column, 313 grams
to be explained by compression, substantial squeeze per liter solids; 25-inch column, 324 grams per liter
should have been detectable in lower profiles at least. solids. These are all lower than the 510 grams per
One should not jump to the conclusion that com- liter initial concentration and correspond at least roughly
pression is never a factor. Tory and Shannon (78) to the subsidence rate observed. Lower concentrations
give convincing evidence that it determines final concen- are propagating downward faster than the settling rate
tration in batch settling. But as far as Talmages of the pulp. For this to happen, settling rate must
CaCOn slurries are concerned, it seems necessary to increase with concentration because by Kynch The-
conclude that over the thick bed profile solids arent orem I1
in zone settling and they arent explained by compression
either. We escape from a dilemma but fall into con-
fusion. Something previously uncounted must happen.
Figure 7 illustrates a type of settling behavior generally du
observed in metallurgical pulps. It shows initial sub-
sidence rate Ro plotted against initial concentration CQ
in batch tests made at three different initial heights Ho. Thus, the true R us. C plot might run as indicated by the
The solids are gold ore ball-milled to 15% minus 200 dotted line (Figure 7). Such behavior almost has to
mesh. arise from channeling or short-circuiting of fluid through
Initial subsidence rate seems to be more or less in- the higher concentrations. It cannot reasonably be
dependent of initial depth up to the final set at 580 attributed to segregation of pulp because it does not
grams of solids per liter. The final set behaves as happen at lower concentrations, where separation of
might be expected in compression, with deeper columns slower settling solids is most favored (5). It presumably
showing higher initial settling rates. might be attributed to cracking of solids structure
Note, however, that from somewhere around 350 through interparticle forces, except that equivalent
grams of solids per liter through the set of 510 grams per behavior was observed in the flux plot for water-fluidized
liter, subsidence rate RQremains almost constant. There beds of nonflocculent sea sand (4).
is a range of initial concentrations over which initial
settling rate does not vary. Such behavior is de-
scribed by Coe and Clevenger and is shown in three PHASE S m L l N G
of the four pulps for which settling rate data are given by A possible answer is phase settling (4). Kynch
Tahnage and Fitch. arguments show that if a reverse concentration gradient
Samples pipetted from inch below the interface in exists (higher concentration above) it will propagate to a
the 510 grams per liter set after 75 minutes of settling discontinuity if dS/dC is negative and d?S/dcP is positive.
That is, because dS/dC is negative, loci of constant
concentration will propagate upward (Theorem 11).
If @S/dP is positive, lower concentration loci will
propagate upward more rapidly than higher ones.
This gives the usual Kynch behavior with normal
concentration gradients. With a reverse gradient,
lower concentration loci from below overtake higher
ones above. The lower concentration loci do not pass
through higher ones. As shown by Kynch, such a
situation gives rise to a discontinuity.
Now reverse concentration gradients on a large scale
are alien to our thinking, but they must arise locally
due to small random fluctuations in solids concentration.
When they form, they tend to propagate locally to dis-
continuities, with more concentrated pulp above. If
the discontinuity does develop, the faster settling pulp
0.I below may settle away from that above, leaving either a
water-filled parvoid (6) if there is no particle transfer
across the boundary, or a lean phase bubble if there is
limited transfer. Whether or not the bubble will per-
0 100 xx) 300 400 500
sist and grow depends upon the stability of its roof dis-
continuity, but studies (72) made of voids in fluid beds
Figure 7. Butch seffling fcsfrem/*. on mctnllurgicd+u/p show mechanisms by which bubbles are stabilized.
It is concluded, therefore, that in regions of positive As solids transfer to mechanical support at the bottom
flux plot curvature, a lean phase may segregate and of a column, they build up a compression region. The
short-circuit upward through settling pulp. I n ex- upper boundary of this 'region at H, builds up at some
treme cases this is noticeable as intermittent flow of clear rate LI. Any Kynch zones propagating upward at a
liquid through channels. In the case of limited phase lesser rate will be overrun and eliminated ( 1 1, 16, 19).
behavior it will appear as a local swirling or turbulence. If the solids are incompressible, they collapse onto the
The evidences supporting the possibility of phase bottom of the column with some concentration C,, and
settling are many (4). Among the most direct are: have zero flux. The supeqacent Kynch zone feeding
the compression region has some concentration Cd and a
-As discussed above, it can happen. The necessary
flux 8,. By Theorem I, the discontinuity between zone
mechanism exists.
settling and nonsettling pulp will propagate with a
--It is universally observed in gas fluidization. There
velocity a such that
is also evidence of it in water fluidization (4).
-Channeling is observed in batch settling tests.
a=- -S6
? -Something l i e it must happen to explain the CG- cd
anomaliesin settling behavior discussed above.
To be the superjacent zone, C, must propagate with
Phase settling would not occur until past the point of an equal velocity. That is
inflection on a flux plot. In most cases it seems to have
an upper limit, in that there is a maximum amount of
lean phase which can pass through a zone (4). It
probably doesn't extend far into the true compression or
regime because, before a void could form, discontinuity
forces would have to be great enough to overcome
squeeze. Therefore, a flux plot with both phase settling
and compression might look l i e Figure 8, although some 1
Now C, is a constant, dS/dC and Sd are functions of Cd.
qualificationswill appear later. Therefore, from Equation 13, Cd is constant and thus so
is a. The top of the compression zone will build linearly,
as shown in Figure 9. A Kynch zone of concentration
EFFECTS IN BATCH Cdwill propagate upward just above it. Those of lower
concentration will propagate from the origin to the
Limitations of Kynch Theorem 111 Constructions pulpsupernatant interface in zone settling all the way.
It is recognized that the Kynch analysis of a single Theorem I11 conditions are fulfilled, and it is valid up to
batch test cannot safkly be used to determine thickener emergence of the compression region at 6.
area (5,13). If the solids are compressible, particles at the top of
T o determine flux as a function of concentration from the compression zone will be subsiding, and S . will not,
a single batch test, Kynch Theorem 111, which is quite re- in general, be zero. It will be so at t = 0, and Equation
stricted, must be used. We now consider the effects of 13 thus holds as t -c 0. However, the top of the com-
these restrictions on batch settling curves. pression region will not build linearly, but will have a
H h c l s in Compression Regime
All hypotheses agree that the initial subsidence rate
in batch tests with large column diameter d and initial
depth HO will be essentially free settling rate u. We
Figwc 73. Plot of p d p daprh os. commotion jromfinol dilution lest don't know aprimi just how large the settling tube should
VOL 5 8 NO. 10 O C T O B E R 1 9 6 6 27
Note that if point a lies at a concentration whue
(dx/dC)* is not equal to zero, thickeper depth will be
infinite. Even when this is not so, calculated depth
may be greater than acceptable. I n such a case,chwae
a lower value of Ge, draw a new operating line, and
repeat the calculation. By trial and error an acceptable
combination of Ge and depth will be discovered.
Remember, however, that the depth thus calculated
is to be taken only as indicative. There is yet no experi-
mental proof that the compaction depth actually ob-
served in a thickener will equal that calculated by thii or
any other batch procedure.
dilution, mnrwater/maralid.
n -
rulingnur sio.oncrttliog
thickener thrmyhput f lu
Figure 14. crnphicol infrgrntion for depth of cmpe&m
t h i C k
region in
Hw - height fmm bornm of wivmn
yidd height; height ofmnstmt wncmtrstion plug which cam bc mppmtad
s - -
R ."b.dcnccrateofpvlpnuhecinbatchfat
To make an individual zone test, pour about 3 feet m e *tang flux G i n zone *ttlins
of slurry at some concentration C, into the tube, mix t -dmc
Y free rrtling rate Of particle. with rupccl w pulp
thoroughly, and then observe subsidence rate of the
sludge-supernatant interface. It will often happen that
x -- pchlpl rtuiug *ate O f particla with rcqcet w pulp
diruncc m - 4 in direction of rfflcmcnt in batch lest
in dlstiobn of rtUemenf in mntinvolv th*hna (r -
rate increases for a time, presumably because floc struc- 8 +nu) w k I L downward mwrmcnt ofpulp Y a whok
ture is changing. It will finally reach a maximum value, a pmpsgadonvslodtyiiodLsrionofrrtlcmcntofmpofmmwrqlion
and this should be used in subsequent calculations. p - in htsb tats; always haJ a rqati"e valve
p-ah Vclodly of loem of constant wncmmtion in dlstion o f r t b
Make zone tests at a series of concentrations ranging 6 pm-donvclodtyofcoaccntradondirondnvityindlshdrttlement
from that of thickener feed to that of expected under- p, dcnityofnuid
pa dcodty of -lid parti&
flow. Calculate flux RC for each zone, and plot against w yield valve O f & .rmc- f a wmpraion
Cas shown in Figure 12.
Thickener underflow concentration C . must next be
r -yidd"alucof.o~eNcM.fmlhcnr
(1) Coc,H.S.,Clevmgcr,G.H., T m . M M E 5 5 , 3 5 6 (1916).
COMPACTION DEPTH BASED ON MICHAELS (2) coming,E. W., Im. ENO.Cnau. 32,663 (1940).
AND BOLGER MODEL (3) Fit& B., "Biolo#cal W t m m t of S m w d Industrial Wutq':' Vd. 1.
p. 159, Rdnhold, ov York, 1958.
(4) pitch, B., Im. Jho. Caay. Rnm-*r*u 5, 129 (1966).
Mow pulp to settle in a large deep tube for several (5) Pitch, B., T m . M M E ZS, 192 (1962).
days, or until subsidence is essentiallycomplete. Sample (6) H-tt, N. J., I d , c*nirr 82, 116, 169, 489 (1958); 57. 25 (1961); as%
at different depths to determine concentration profile. (7) Kpch, 0.J., T m .ForadqSr. 48,166 (1952).
Plot C os. depth x (Figure 13). From thii test choose (8) A. S.,Bolgcr, J. C., Iw. Em. Caay. p U m * m r r u 8 1.24 (1962).
(9) M o d , A.G., &U. I-,. Mini= Md. 75,729 (1964).
an attainable and acceptable value for C, to use in zone (lo) Ports, J. L.,Suodrrt,H.F.,"E~tr~ti"eMnnUvrsloll\luminum,~"P.95,
tart calculations. Inwrirnee,New Yo*, 1963.
(11) Robmu, E. I., pdvatc wmmuniution (1955).
At a selected value of C determine (dx/dC)* from (12) Rowe, P. N.,H m d , G. A,, T m . Iwl. Clnn. E n p . I r k r J . 4 3 1 (1961).
Figure 13, and the ratio S/(S - G) from Figure 12. (13) Sharam, P. T.,Tory, E. M.,ko. -0. CUaY. 57,18 (1965).
(14) Tal=-, W. P , , p r i v a t ~ c o ~ u n i ~ t i oPm-Oli~cr
n nport) (1959).
The product of these will equal dz/dC for thickener (15) Tal- W. P.,Fiteh, E.B.. Im. Jho. C m r . 47.38 (1955).
operation at the selected value of C. Repeat for the (16) Tory, E. M., Iw. Jho. C a a y . h ~ - 4 , 1 0 6 (1965).
(17) Tory,E.M.,Ph.D.tbd.,RvdveUniwdty,l%l.
full range of concentrations observed in Figure 13. (18) T q , E. M., Shannon, P.T.,Iw. ENS.Cnau. PYIIDUIL*=*LI 4,194 (1965).
Plot dz/dC us. C (Figure 14). Depth of thick bed can be (19) Wall" 0. B. Sympoium on InLpaetion bel- Fluid* .nd P a hSt.
a m . &.,&dm, Junc%ZZ,l962..
determined by graphical integration under the curve (20)Y e , N.,Hofu, Y.,T a d * S., &E& & 'OK IS, 616 (1955).
(21) Y d o k a , N.. Hofu, V., T d a , S., Naito, S.. Twami, S., W.. 21. 66
h m C = OtoC.. (1957).