Lesson Plan: Stage 1: Desired Results
Lesson Plan: Stage 1: Desired Results
Lesson Plan: Stage 1: Desired Results
Lesson Plan
9:40- Body:
10:10 Standard of Excellence
#80 Mexican Hat Dance
o Half the band can clap while the other half
#78 Minute Man March *This is your test piece*
o Dynamic contrast
mm. 1-10
o Mysteriously!
o Play 3-10: trombone, baritone, tuba, bass
guitar(?), and bells/timpani(?)
o Play 3-10: everyone else besides percussion
(flutes, clarinets, saxophones, and trumpets)
o Play 1-10: all percussion parts (what do we
have? Who is on what?)
o Add everyone together
mm. 13-28
o Everyone but flutes, clarinets, and trumpets.
Focus on rhythm, pitches will come.
o Other parts should have fingered along, and
now we can play it all together.
10:10- Closure:
10:15 Practice #78 (playing test next class) and Nighthawk
Ask students to put their instruments away carefully
Stage 4: Reflection
What went well? What could be done differently?