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Q400 Propeller PDF

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Dash8 - Q400 - Propeller

1. General
The propeller control system consists of the following components:
Propeller Electronic Control (PEC) Unit
Propeller Pitch Control Unit (PCU)
High Pressure PCU Oil Pump and Propeller O/S Governor Units (referred to as overspeed
Propeller Feathering Pump
Propeller System Sensors
The function of the propeller system is to modulate the propeller blade pitch to control the propel-
ler speed in flight constant speed modes and in reverse, and to provide smooth thrust transients
in response to PLA movement. This system also limits the minimum blade angle obtainable in
flight. In addition, the system provides the ability to feather the propeller on demand, minimize
cabin noise in synchrophase mode and automatically feather the propeller in the event of an
engine failure, when the autofeather system is selected.
2. Propeller Electronic Control (PEC) Unit
The Propeller Electronic Control (PEC) (Figure 12.22-4) is a dual channel microprocessor-based
controller which uses inputs from the aeroplane, propeller control system sensors, and the
engine control system to control propeller pitch and speed. The PECs for both propeller systems
are mounted in their respective engine nacelles.
Each unit performs a number of safety functions including Autofeather and Automatic Under-
speed Propeller Control (AUPC) which causes the propeller to operate on the overspeed
governor in the event if a drive coarse failure. It also provides an UPTRIM command to the
FADEC of the working engine. All of these functions are isolated from the basic control functions
of the PEC.
3. Propeller Pitch Control Unit (PCU)
The propeller Pitch Control Unit (PCU) is a hydromechanical device that interfaces with the pro-
peller. Commanded electrically by the PEC, the PCU meters high pressure engine oil to a two
stage servo valve mounted on the PCU. The PCU controls the flow of high pressure oil into the
fine or coarse pitch chambers of the propeller pitch change cylinder as directed by the PEC so
that the blades move in the desired direction to achieve the required system functions. In the
event of electronic control malfunction, the PCU controls the minimum blade pitch that can be
obtained in flight.
4. High Pressure PCU Pump and O/S Governor
The High Pressure PCU Pump/Propeller Overspeed Governor Unit provides the PCU with high
pressure oil from the engine gearbox. The High Pressure pump is driven from the reduction gear-
box. The Propeller Overspeed Governor Unit is an independent mechanical system used to limit
the propeller overspeed in the event of a malfunction. The O/S Governor is a flyweight design,
driven directly from the driver gear of the pump.

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5. Propeller Feather Pump

The Auxiliary Propeller Feathering Pump Unit provides an independent means of feathering the
propeller in the event of a failure of the primary means of feather. The auxiliary pump consists of
a 28VDC electrical motor driving an external gear pump which supplies a secondary source of
pressurized oil for feathering the propeller. The feather pump is also used for feathering and
unfeathers the propeller as required for maintenance purposes.
6. Propeller System Sensors
The propeller system is fitted with a Magnetic Pickup Unit (MPU) to provide a signal to the PEC
Unit. The PEC will use this signal for propeller speed governing as well as synchrophasing and to
send to the ANVS for propeller balance monitoring.

12.22.3 Propeller Control

Pitch is controlled by modulating oil pressure on either side of the pitch change piston. The natu-
ral twisting moment applied to the blades is dominated in the inflight pitch range by the centrifu-
gal twisting moment. This arises because the centre of mass of the blade does not coincide with
the axis of pitch rotation. Each blade is fitted with a counterweight, phased around the blade root
outer sleeve so that the blade's natural twisting moment in flight is towards high pitch. In the
event of loss of hydraulic pitch change pressure during flight, the propeller will therefore assume
a safe, high pitch, which is associated with minimal windmilling drag.
Around flat pitch, the natural twisting moment of the counterweighted blade is insignificant, and,
at negative blade angles, acts towards negative pitch. Thus, final pitch following hydraulic failure
in reverse will be towards the maximum reverse blade angle.

12.22.4 Propeller Modes

The PCU provides for governed constant speed operation through a propeller governor con-
trolled by the condition levers at higher power. The power levers control the minimum blade
angle to provide a smooth thrust response to PLA movement in the beta range. The manual
feather mode is controlled by the condition levers or by the autofeather/alternate feather system.
a) Constant Speed Mode
During in-flight constant speeding operation, the PEC controls the servo valve to meter sufficient
HP oil into propeller fine pitch to balance the net coarse-seeking moment applied to the blades
by the blade forces and achieve the selected propeller RPM. These blade forces are dominated
in flight by the blade counterweight effort, which is coarse-seeking at in-flight blade angles.
Should the HP supply be lost, the blades will 'autocoarsen' to a safe, high-pitch, underspeeding
condition, associated with low windmilling drag. Should the propeller underspeed for reasons
other than loss of oil supply or servo valve failure, the servo valve will direct more HP oil into fine
pitch to restore propeller speed. Should the propeller exceed the demanded speed, the servo
valve will direct HP oil into coarse pitch to reduce propeller speed. This is somewhat simplified,
since the PEC responds to acceleration as well as rpm error.

Constant speeding mode is entered when the propeller speed reaches 850, 900 or 1020 rpm,
according to which speed is selected by the Condition Lever. HP oil for constant speeding
passes through the OSG before it reaches the servo valve. Should the servo valve stick at a fine
pitch selection, propeller rpm will increase until approximately 105% (1071 RPM), when the OSG
will start to isolate the propeller control system from HP oil. Rpm will then drop due to propeller
counterweight action, the OSG will reconnect HP supply and a stable governing condition at

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105% (1071 RPM) will be quickly achieved. Safe overspeed governing is therefore provided,
regardless of failures in the servo valve, PEC or electrical supply.
The OSG can be tested on the ground by operating the PROP OSPEED GOVERNOR test
switch on the Pilots Side Panel on the flight deck.
b) Beta Mode
The Beta range is from a power lever position above FLIGHT IDLE (called flight beta) to below
DISC position. When the propeller is in the Beta mode, blade angle is set by the power lever
c) Beta Range
During on-ground 'beta control' (Power Lever below Flight Idle), the PEC directs the servo valve
to meter oil into fine or coarse pitch to achieve the desired blade angle. The PEC receives PLA
signals via the FADEC. In effect the system operates in closed loop blade angle control. Provi-
sion is made to limit the rate of change of blade pitch to prevent overtorques and over and under-
speeding during transients.
It should be noted that during approach, when airspeed is relatively low and at low power set-
tings, the propeller will enter beta control (flight beta), although entry into the ground beta range
is prevented. As soon as propeller speed increases, the PEC automatically re-enters constant
speeding mode.
The fine pitch in the in-flight, constant speeding mode is limited to 16. This hydraulic cut-off of
pressure oil constitutes the flight fine 'stop' interlock. The function of the Flight Fine Stop is to
maintain a minimum pitch consistent with a positive counterweight effort towards coarse pitch,
thus ensuring the effectiveness of the OSG throughout the in-flight pitch range. In addition to this
'hard' protection is a 'soft' flight fine 'stop' of 16.5 that is programmed into the PEC and is opera-
tive while the Power Lever is at or above Flight Idle, i e., in normal in-flight operation, pitch does
not fall below 16.5. To enable lower blade angles than 16, with weight on wheels the Power
Lever must be brought back below Flight Idle.
Bringing the Power Levers below Flight Idle and enabling blade angles lower than 16 causes
the PROPELLER GROUND RANGE lights to turn on. A detent on the Power Lever quadrant pre-
vents unintentional movement of the lever below Flight Idle during flight.
Movement into ground beta also causes the OSG to be locked out by a ground beta enable valve
(GBE). This is so that transient overspeeds as the propeller moves through flat pitch (0) in
ground operation do not interfere with pitch control by isolating the HP supply and thereby caus-
ing pitch hang-ups dorment. Failure of the GBE spool to move to its inflight position (causing loss
of overspeed protection) is isolated by a scheduled OSG test.
When the Power Lever is in the beta range, propeller speed is generally governed by the FADEC
and engine fuel system at 660 rpm (NP underspeed governing). It should be noted that propeller
speed protection on the ground is by the engine, since speed here is engine driven rather than
airspeed driven. FADEC overspeed protection may operate inflight, but would naturally be effec-
tive only in limiting overspeed due to runaway of the normal engine fuel governor. Since the
FADEC controls fuel flow to the engine according to a power schedule with torque and engine
speed limits according to Power Lever position, it is able to protect the engine and propeller from
the high torque that would result from an inadvertent propeller feather.

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d) Inadvertent Ground Beta Selection in Flight

The PLA should never be moved below the FLIGHT IDLE gate in flight. Ground beta lockout sys-
tem prevents blade angles below flt fine event in the event of inadvertent selection below
FLIGHT IDLE. If the PLA is inadvertently moved below the FLIGHT IDLE gate in flight it should
be immediately moved back above the gate.
WARNING Never move the power levers below FLIGHT IDLE in flight.
NOTE: A Beta warning horn will sound if the gate is raised in flight.
e) Reverse Speed Control
In this mode the system operates in closed loop propeller RPM control, maintaining the propeller
speed between 660 and 950 RPM. The engine schedules fuel based on a power schedule ver-
sus PLA, with a maximum limit of 1500 SHP. At low airspeeds it is possible that the propeller
could reach the maximum reverse stop, the propeller rotational speed is then controlled by the
engine overspeed governor, and can increase up to 1020 RPM.
This mode is similar to forward speed control, except that it operates in reverse, i.e. driving more
negative to absorb more power and reduce propeller RPM.

12.22.5 Propeller Overspeed Governing

The propeller overspeed governor incorporates a hydraulic section and an electronic section.
The hydraulic section (OSG) controls blade angles hydraulically by dropping the high pressure
oil supply when prop rpm exceeds approximately 1071 RPM. During an overspeed condition pro-
peller rpm is reduced by increasing blade angles. When propeller rpm decreases below the over-
speed point, the overspeed governor restores normal propeller control. If the propeller goes back
to an overspeed condition, the cycle is repeated, resulting in a continuous fluctuation in prop rpm
in and out of overspeed until the cause is removed.
The electronic section uses FADEC NP overspeed circuitry to signal the Fuel Metering Unit
(FMU) to reduce the amount of fuel being supplied to the engine, when an overspeed of approxi-
mately 1122 RPM is reached. Reducing fuel to the engine causes power to drop, in turn lowering
the propeller rpm. When NP drops below the overspeed point, the governor allows the FMU to
restore normal fuel flow.
The hydraulic section of the overspeed governor is locked out in reverse and the FADEC elec-
tronic section is the primary means of protection from overspeed in reverse.

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12.22.6 Propeller Synchrophasing System

When the speeds of both propellers are within a predetermined difference of each either in flight,
the PEC enters a synchrophasing mode to reduce propeller noise. Synchrophasing acts to
reduce cabin noise by ensuring that the relative position, or phase difference, between the slave
propeller and master propeller is controlled to a demanded angle. This system does not operate
at take-off. The phase angle is calculated by timing the differences between the master and
slave propeller Magnetic Pickup Unit (MPU) signals over a complete propeller revolution. The
phase demand is determined by the CLA position.

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T 1020

1 2 R
9R9 0
L R R 0 0
0 0
G 5
(>50% TORQUE
ND R G E G 850
T A ON R ON 10 A
1 2 35




DECREASES BELOW 25% OR - - -% TRQ 100 %
Np 816

10.0 PROP 99.9

FF 0 1020 FF
8.0 300 850 95
OUT 50 0 1020 LBS 1020 75 50
+22 C +22
SAT +22C

Figure 12.22-5 Autofeather Schematic

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12.22.7 Propeller Feathering Systems

Propeller feathering systems provide:
Alternate feathering and unfeathering
Manual feathering
a) Autofeather
The autofeather system provides automatically initiated propeller feathering following an engine
failure during take-off, and power uptrim of the operating engine (Figure 12.22-5). Autofeather is
selected on for take off only, using the AUTOFEATHER switchlight on the engine instrument
panel. This causes the SELECT light to turn on, and displays A/F SELECT on the ED. The ARM
light will turn on when both engine torques exceeds a minimum value of 50% and both power
levers are advanced beyond 60 PLA.
NOTE: If autofeather ARM advisory does not appear on ED, take-off must be rejected.
Uptrim is triggered (regardless of autofeather selection) when
the torque of the failed engine falls below 25%, or
when NP (as indicated by the torque sensor) falls below 80%, and
the PLA is in the detent rating, and
MTOP is not set.
Either of the first two condition must be confirmed by both torque sensor signals. The low speed
condition accommodates the failure case of a propeller autocoarsening or inadvertently feather-
ing, causing loss of thrust but not low torque. Uptrim is also directly signalled when an
autofeather occurs. Dual uptrim signals are sent to the FADEC of the working engine to increase
its power by approximately 10%. The effect of this is to replace normal take-off power (NTOP)
rating with maximum take-off power (MTOP) rating.
If Uptrim occurs independent of autofeather, it may only be disarmed by moving both power
levers below the rating detent position.
Autofeather is triggered from the armed state when the torque of the failed engine as indicated
by both torque signals falls below 25% for at least three seconds. Following a 3-second delay,
the propeller of the failed engine will feather. When one propeller is autofeathered, the
autofeather function of the other propeller is automatically disarmed. The AUX feathering pump
is also activated for approximately an 30 second period. This makes sure adequate oil pressure
is available for propeller feathering. The AUX (feather and unfeather) pump provides a backup
source of oil pressure to the propeller pitch-change mechanism. The pump is supplied oil from an
auxiliary oil reservoir built into the propeller Reduction Gear Box (RGB) to permit autofeather in
the event of loss of engine oil pressure. The respective feathering pump advisory light in the
FTHR switchlight turns on when the auxiliary feathering pump electrical contractor is closed.
The autofeather system can be disarmed by:
Pushing OFF the autofeather switchlight
Retarding one or both power levers to flight idle
Remote propeller autofeathered.
CAUTION Propeller may unfeather if AUTOFEATHER switch is selected off before condition
lever is selected to FUELOFF.
The NP underspeed cancel signal prevents the FADEC from raising NH in an attempt to maintain
propeller rpm as the feathered propeller speed decreases below 660 rpm.

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b) Alternate Feather
Operational back-up/alternate feathering is accomplished by operating the #1 or #2 ALT FTHR
switchlight on the PROPELLER control panel. Provided that the Condition Lever is at START/
FEATHER or FUEL OFF, the alternate Feathering Pump is energized with opposite secondary
28V DC bus power through a 30-second time relay.
Pressure oil from the Feathering Pump operates a back-up feather valve in the PCU. This
ensures the propeller can be feathered regardless of failures in the normal control system. The
Feathering Pump is mounted on the Propeller Reduction Gearbox, which has internally a dedi-
cated oil volume available for backup feathering.
The aux feather pump is provided for the following reasons:
To give a back-up feather function when the primary feathering system is inoperative.
To enable the propeller to be feathered when the gearbox rpm. is too low to maintain oil sup-
ply to and from the HP pump.
To enable the propeller to be unfeathered on the ground for maintenance reason.
c) Manual Feathering
Propeller manual feathering is used during engine shutdown by selecting the appropriate condi-
tion lever to the START & FEATHER and/or FUEL OFF.
c) Propeller Behavior with NO AUTO FEATHER
The propeller behavior when an engine flame with NO AUTO FEATHER is that the propeller
RPM goes down to 770-850 with PL in detente.
When performing the correct engine shutdown procedure by pulling PL back to flight idle the pro-
peller RPM increases to 1020 giving a secondary yaw. When pulling CL to start and feather and
fuel off the propeller goes to 0 RPM.
The explanation of why the propeller can maintain governing operation or drive the blade angle
in response to PLA movements after the engine has flamed-out, is that the High Pressure (HP)
pump in the Overspeed Governor Unit (OSG) continues to provide normal motive oil pressure as
long as the propeller is wind-milling.
It does not take large volumes of oil to hold the blades in position, therefore, most of the output
from the HP pump just cycles around the pump through the Pressure Regulating Valve.
As the engine core is also wind milling in a "flame-out" scenario, there is sufficient NH to pump
some oil to the propeller to make up any deficit.
When you command the blades to feather, this is a different story. A combination of a large oil
volume demand and the propeller RPM dropping off as the blades coarsen causes the HP pump
output to fall rapidly and the blades only drive into a semi-feathered condition. The Aux Feather
pump is then required to complete the feathering process.
1-When the flameout occurs, the propeller speed decreases very fast. Since the Condition lever
stays at MAX the propeller speed request stays at 100%, so the PEC reduces the beta angle in
order to reaches 100% propeller speed.
2-When the beta angle reaches 26 Deg, the beta angle is lower than the beta request so the
PEC control mode goes from "FORWARD SPEED" mode to "BETA" mode.
3-The beta request stays at 26 deg until the pilot retard the PLA to FLT IDLE. When the PLA is at
FLT IDLE, the beta request falls to 16.5 so the propeller speed accelerates to 100% creating a
small yaw.
4-When 100% prop speed is reached the PEC goes back to "FORWARD SPEED" mode.

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12.22.8 Fault Classification

The PEC continuously monitors itself and connected equipment for failures. Fault codes are sent
to the FADEC. Detected faults can be advisory or cautionary, or critical.
a) Advisory Faults
Advisory faults are faults, which are automatically accommodated by the PEC and have no asso-
ciated operational impact: these faults will normally be annunciated on request to maintenance
crew only.
b) Cautionary Faults
Cautionary faults are faults requiring special pilot instructions; the PEC caution light will be
turned on by a PEC discrete. Faults which have implications for subsequent aeroplane dispatch
cause a Powerplant No Dispatch message to appear on the Engine Display (ED) message
area (visible to the flight crew).
All cautionary faults mean that beta control below FLIGHT IDLE is unavailable.
c) Critical Faults
Critical failures involve either hydraulic, electrical, software or hardware malfunctions in which
results in a total or partial loss of control of the propeller.
In the absence of electrical power, loss of output from both PEC control lanes or failure of both
servo valves, the servo valve is designed to give a coarse pitch selection. The propeller will then
move towards feather. The reason for propeller feathering is to achieve minimum drag on the
aeroplane from the propeller.

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12.22.9 Automatic Underspeed Protection Circuit (AUPC)

AUPC circuit is independent of the control software and protects against failures which drive the
propeller in the coarse direction.
AUPC is armed with PLA at or above Flight idle, CLA above START & feather, and torque above
50%, providing both Autofeather and Alternate Feather are inactive. It is triggered if NP drops
below 816 rpm while torque remains above 50% for 1 second. AUPC activation is annunciated
by #1 or #2 PEC caution light.
When AUPC triggers, an unmodulated drive fine signal is sent to the PCU servo valve causing
the pitch change mechanism to be driven on to the hydraulic fine pitch stop in the PCU. At higher
airspeeds, this will result in speed governing on the OSG. A trigger latch prevents loss of AUPC
at low torque once it has triggered, providing arming conditions are maintained.
AUPC will not trigger below 50% torque. Should a software problem cause a drive coarse signal
to the PCU servo valve at low power the propeller will feather. Under this condition, an increase
in PLA to above the 50% Tq level will activate AUPC which will then latch, and the propeller will
operate on the OSG or hydraulic flight fine stop and the OSG will prevent overspeed of the pro-
During autofeather, the autofeather drive coarse input has higher priority than AUPC drive fine
input, therefore the AUPC can not override the autofeather function.
The AUPC incorporates test logic to simulate the appropriate inputs and confirm the correct out-
puts. Testing is automatically accomplished during autofeather test, and is confirmed (or other-
wise) via the appropriate autofeather test message on the ED.

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