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Ecur 325 - Lesson Plan 1

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Lesson Plan Title: Introduction to Keeper N Me by Richard

Date: April 2, 2017
Subject: ELA 30A Grade: 12

Topic: Novel Study

Essential Question: Are you comfortable with your own identity?

Materials: Novel Copy of Keeper and Me

Duo tangs (color of medicine wheel)
Smudge Protocol
Computers for research

Stage 1- Desired Results you may use student friendly language

What do they need to understand, know, and/or able to do?
Students should be able to know the basic concept of identity and what it
means. Who am I? Where do I come from?

Broad Areas of Learning:

Lifelong Learners Students who are engaged in constructing and
applying English language arts knowledge naturally build a positive
disposition towards learning. Throughout their study of English language
arts, students gain understandings, skills, and strategies to become more
competent and confident language users.

Sense of Self, Community, and Place To learn English language arts,

students need not only to use the English language but also to interact
with each other. Through the English language arts, students learn about
themselves, others, and the world. The students use language to define
who they are and to explore who they might become. They use language
to interact and to respond effectively with others and to build community.

Engaged Citizens In the English language arts, students learn how

language enables them to make a difference in their personal, family, and
community lives. Language gives them a sense of agency and an ability to
make a difference in their community and the world in which they live.

Cross-Curricular Competencies:

Developing Literacies (DL) - novel study, reading, comprehension, self-

Developing Identity and Interdependence (DII) - Awareness about others
and their identity and oneself.

Outcome: CR A 30.1
View, listen to, read, comprehend, and respond to a variety of grade-
appropriate First Nations, Mtis, Saskatchewan, and Canadian texts that
address: identity (e.g., Define the Individual, Negotiate the Community)

PGP Goals:

Goal 4: demonstrate curricular competencies including:

4. knowledge of Saskatchewan curriculum and policy documents and
1 applies this understanding to plan lessons, units of study and year
plans using curriculum outcomes as outlined by the Saskatchewan
Ministry of Education;

4. the ability to incorporate First Nations, Metis, and Inuit knowledge,

2 content and perspective into all teaching areas

4. the capacity to engage in program planning to shape lived curriculum

3 that brings learner needs, subject matter, and contextual variables
together in developmentally appropriate, culturally responsive and
meaningful ways

Stage 2- Assessment

Assessment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the

learning to help determine next steps.

When the students are doing, their autobiography ask any students if
they would like to share something about themselves as they are entering
it into their journals. To see if the students are talking about the right stuff
when it comes to identity and who I am.

Assessment OF Learning (summative) Assess the students after learning

to evaluate what they have learned.

Mark the students questions on if you met the author type of questions.
See if they got the concept and to see if they know that Wagamese is
talking about identity. See if they are understanding that this is about
identity. Do an exit slips type exercise for sixties scoop type of material,
to see if they have the basic concept of what it is.

Stage 3- Learning Plan

Motivational/Anticipatory Set (introducing topic while engaging the

In a circle. The smudge with the feather and smudge pot. Let the
students know that we are to study a much respected First Nations author.
Talk about my own identity and some of my growth and personal

Main Procedures/Strategies:

Students take part in smudging and prayer

1) Students will be assigned their own copy of Novel Keeper N Me
2) Students will be assigned their own (yellow/red/blue/white) (colors
of the medicine wheel) duo tangs labeled novel Study journal.
3) Hand out Glossary terms
4)As a class, we will read the acknowledgments in the novel, Read
the preface to the students from Keepern Me on back of novel, on
the smartboard as a class I will introduce Author (Richard
Wagamese). Important for students to know as he was an influential
First Nation author (Students will need to take notes as a way for
students to remember/honor his memory) 5-10 minutes
5) Students will take 15-20 minutes to write their own
Autobiography to write 2-3 paragraphs in their Novel Study Journal.
If you could meet the late Author what types of questions would you
5-8 questions that do relate to basic interest such what inspired him
to write, where he got his stories from etc.
For this assignment ask students to do a little research on Sixties
scoop and bring to next class and to start thinking and having
discussions on talks about what they think is identity.
Share a few questions as a group.

Adaptations/Differentiation: If the students want they can work in groups if

there are students who arent comfortable with the topic and whats going
to be learned, maybe they can team up with partners who may be more
familiar with the stories/content.
Students can work in groups to brainstorm ideas and questions to ask

Closing of lesson:

On classroom computers students will do research on the sixties scoop

and will be required to provide a 3, 2, 1 exit slip question on the topic of
the sixties scoop. Students will be able to use iPad or their own phones/
hand held devices to research this.

Personal Reflection:

First Nation literature was very scarce when I was growing up, if it was present it
was that First Nation people were always hunter and gathers. I promote and will
always incorporate First Nation authors in English.

M. Wilkinson 16 *Adapted from Understanding by Design (McTighe and Wiggins,

Assignment #2: Introduction First Lesson plan

The novel study focuses on many issues that First nation, Inuit and Metis

people have faced through colonialism. First Nation culture is nurtured and

identified. The main objective in this novel study is centered on finding

Identity, discovering Identity with regards to the ties to our First Nation

communities and heritage. I have knowledge First Nation culture by bringing

the smudge, prayer, culture, tradition, which is always a part of ceremony. I

brought delicate and acknowledged the history of the sixties scoop and

residential school era and is centered on the main idea when reading

Keepern me. I have supported my students with compassion, love and care

in that this will affect and touch the hearts of my First Nation students.

With having my First Nation grade 12s on reserve, take part in this novel

study is to help shed light on the hardships they face in todays society. The

Introduction lesson to the Novel study, will allow students to be introduced to

a well-known First Nation author Richard Wagamese. Mr. Wagamese, writes

his literature novels on First Nation content. He writes from personal

experiences, experiences from stories that have been told to him. He sheds

light on the struggles that many First Nation people face on a day to day

basis. Back when he wrote this book in 1994, the truth of what happened to

Canadas First Nation people was not as acknowledged as it is today.

Truth and Reconciliation is the main idea of what we are incorporating in

teaching to our students both Indigenous and non-Indigenous. It is important

to teach First Nation students content that represents who they are, if they

do not see it then how do they acknowledge or find their identity in society.

By teaching a novel study to my students about an era that uprooted many

First Nations children is allowing them to understand the root effects of

Intergenerational trauma. Teaching my students in a novel study will aid in

teaching the student to contribute in what they have learned and to benefit

it other First Nation people by giving their knowledge of our history onto


Many of the loss identity issues that will have all endured will help guide

them in understanding their and figuring out their own Identity. It is present

in today, when we see so many First Nation youth in trouble with the law,

crime, gang life style and young pregnancy. This issues that effect this

generation come from a root of a problem that was in placed long before

they were all born. Also to let my students know Indigenous education that

they learn is the key to reconciliation, they will plant positive growing seeds

in those around them.

Goal 4: demonstrate curricular competencies including:
4. knowledge of Saskatchewan curriculum and policy documents and applies
1 this understanding to plan lessons, units of study and year plans using
curriculum outcomes as outlined by the Saskatchewan Ministry of

4. the ability to incorporate First Nations, Metis, and Inuit knowledge,

2 content and perspective into all teaching areas

4. the capacity to engage in program planning to shape lived curriculum

3 that brings learner needs, subject matter, and contextual variables
together in developmentally appropriate, culturally responsive and
meaningful ways

Outcome 1 2 3 4 5
(Ready to
Lesson Planning & Assessment
1. I plan I plan I connect my Students My plans My plans for
lessons and activities for activities to would effectively instruction
assessment students to outcomes and demonstrate integrate and
based on do, or what I indicators outcomes and outcomes assessment
provincial will cover indicators and are designed
curriculum doing what I indicators to respond to
have planned with my formative
instructional assessment of
strategies students
2. I make I plan what I I plan I have a goal, My goal is My goal is
student will talk activities and but it is not clear and my clear and
learning about what I will written in a instruction is effective and
goals for cover related way that is focused on it my planned
each to a topic easy to instruction
lesson/task understand and activities
and achieve are likely to
achieve it
3. I know I can I plan lessons I choose the I choose I choose
which identify the that use a instructional instructional instructional
instructional types of variety of strategies best and learning and learning
strategies to instructional types of related to the strategies strategies that
pick at given strategies instructional outcomes and that are best are best
times and am strategies indicators related to the related to
comfortable outcomes both
with one and outcomes and
category indicators indicators
and my
4. My lessons My plan is It is clear My lesson In addition The lesson
are ready to most what the includes to the lesson, has
be used focused on lesson is instructional the materials everything
what I will attempting to strategies, (assessments you would
talk about achieve, but questions, and , handouts need to teach
some assessment in etc.) are it, and would
elements sequence ready to be encourage a
need more used sub to come
details back
5. I create I can Some of my I have lesson My My formative
formative identify the assessments plans that formative assessments
assessments difference could be used check what all assessments tell me how
between while I am students are focused to change the
types of teaching understand on the most plan as I go
assessments part way important
through the elements of
class my lessons
6. I create I have a plan Some of my My My My students
summative to generate a assessments assessments assessments help shape
assessment mark are focused check if are easy for the
on the students students to assessment
outcomes and achieved the understand and will
indicators outcome and check if understand
students the
achieved assessment
outcomes easily
Professional Learning and Growth
7. I set and I wrote I have goals I have I have I have a
use goals for down some in some areas evidence of evidence variety of
enhancing things I need where I need that I have sources of
my to fix to improve, made evidence
professional and am significant (self, peer,
development working progress instructor)
towards towards the that I am
specific goals teaching making
goals I set significant
towards a
variety of
Depth and Breadth of Planning Skills
11. I can My planning I recognize I plan I plan My planning
demonstrate is designed that culture instruction to instruction is designed to
a culturally for students affects address to address a allow me to
responsive like me relationships different range of learn from,
instructional and learning cultural needs cultural and respond
stance needs to, my
12. I can use I know the My lessons My lessons I have a I have a
all four types four types of have include the good variety variety of
of questions questions examples of different of questions clear,
some of the types, and my and they are powerful
types questions are phrased questions and
often phrased well. My my essential
well. I have essential question
tried an question is drives my
essential well worded unit
14. I My plans I understand My plans My plans My plans
understand teach the the difference allow students reflect make it likely
how to plan same things between to make preparation that students
for to all adaptation choices, and I to meet with different
differentiatio students and and have basic common needs would
n and measure all differentiatio adaptations learning experience
adaptation students n (like more needs success
learning in time) (disability,
the same EAL, gifted
way etc.)
15. I create My planned There are The planned My planned My entire
engaging activities portions of instruction instruction unit is
learning and tasks my planned and activities and composed to
activities and would be activities, relate the activities increase
tasks interesting like a learning to would create connection
for students motivational student interest and between
who love the set, that interests interaction students and
content would be between student
interesting students ownership of
for students learning
16. My Student I know key I know key I am My students
planned literacies literacies for literacies for describing will have the
activities could be my subject, my subject, key subject opportunity
would improved by but am not and have literacies to self-assess
improve the the planned sharing them shared them with my and improve
discipline activities explicitly explicitly with students and literacy
specific with students students the learning strategies
literacy skills activities
of my would help
students develop
those in
Unit Planning
17. I can All the The CCCs, I have I have tried Many
create a unit sections of knowledge, connected my to add a elements, like
that would my unit plan and/or skills instructional variety of assessment or
achieve the are filled in were unclear strategies to elements to differentiatio
outcomes and appropriatel or the knowledge make it more n etc. are
the indicators y unconnected and skills likely woven
from the students together to
indicators would make it more
demonstrate likely
the students
knowledge could
and skills demonstrate
18. The final My final My final My final My final My final
task in my assessment assessment assessment assessment assessment
unit elicits is related to checks how has all the will provide will make the
evidence of the content well students elements of clear application of
application in of the unit understand GRASPS but evidence of student
a new and needs refining my students learning
situation remember the to be clear and applying relevant and
main points focused on the their useful
of what I essential learning in a
taught understanding performance
s task
19. I can I have I have My varied I have many My unit
create a unit completed planned a assessments ways to assesses
that would all the parts variety of provide some determine if outcomes,
assess the of the assessments, information my and has
outcomes and template but their about student instruction is effective pre,
indicators related to purpose is success working formative,
assessment unclear including a and
good variety summative
of formative assessments
20. All the My unit plan My unit plan My unit plan My unit plan
Improvement sections of was had several had a had
s in my unit my unit plan successfully drafts and number of substantial
plan show my are filled in edited for additions additions revisions that
increased appropriatel errors in where I added designed to improve its
understandin y writing more content refine the overall
g to make things tasks, goals, quality and
clearer or fill or allow for
in gaps assessments differentiatio

Instructor comments:

Assignment grade:

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