Stress Analysis of Multilayer Pressure Vessel: Shildip D. Urade, Dr.D.V.Bhope, Prof. S.D.Khamankar
Stress Analysis of Multilayer Pressure Vessel: Shildip D. Urade, Dr.D.V.Bhope, Prof. S.D.Khamankar
Stress Analysis of Multilayer Pressure Vessel: Shildip D. Urade, Dr.D.V.Bhope, Prof. S.D.Khamankar
Stress Analysis of Multilayer Pressure Vessel
The Hoop stresses induced at outer and inner radius of layer 2 only due to contact pressure (ps12) at the junction is given
by equations (6) and (7),
The Hoop stresses induced due to internal pressure (Pi) at inner radius of layer 1 is given by equation (8),
The Hoop stresses induced due to internal pressure (Pi) at outer radius of layer 1 and inner radius of layer 2 is given by
equation (9),
The Hoop stresses induced due to internal pressure (Pi) at outer radius of layer 2 is given by equation (10),
The resultant hoop stresses at inner radius of layer 1 & 2 is given by the equation (11)& (12),
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-9, September 2014
Figure 1 shows the Radial and Hoop stress distribution in three separate layers of 3-layer pressure vessel.
Figure 2 and 3 shows the interference between layer 1 & 2 and 2 & 3. Interference is the difference between the outer radius
of inner layer and inner radius of outer layer.By using this interference the layers are bring in contact with each other.
Fig 2. Interference between layer 1 & 2 Fig 3. Interference between layer 2 & 3
Stress Analysis of Multilayer Pressure Vessel
Hoop stresses induced in outer and inner radius of layer 1 only due to contact pressure (P s12) is given by equations (17)
& (18),
Radial displacement Urlodue to contact pressure at outer radius of layer 1 is given by equation (19),
Hoop stresses induced in outer and inner radius of layer 2 only due to contact pressure (Ps12) is given by equations (20)
& (21),
Radial displacement Ur2idue to contact pressure at inner radius of layer 2 is given by equation (22),
Using equations (19) and (22), total interference 12 at the contact between layer 1 and 2 is given by equation (23),
Radial displacement Ur20 due to contact pressure at outer radius of layer 2 is given by equation (24),
Hoop stresses induced in outer and inner radius of layer 3 only due to contact pressure (Ps12) is given by equations (25) &
Radial displacement Ur3i due to contact pressure at inner radius of layer 3 is given by equation (27),
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-9, September 2014
Using equations (24) and (27), total interference at the contact betweenlayer 2 and 3 is given by equation (28),
Hoop stress at any radius r in pressure vessel due to internal pressure only is given by,
After finding hoop stresses at all the radii, the principle of superposition is applied, i.e. the variousstresses are then
combined algebraically to produce the resultant hoop stresses in the compoundpressure vessel subjected to both shrinkage
pressures and internal pressure Pi.
Using equations (29) and (18), maximum hoop stress at the inner surfaces of layer 1 at r1 is given by equation (30),
Using equations (29) and (21), maximum hoop stress at the inner surfaces of layer 2 at r2 is given by equation (31),
Using equations (29) and (26), maximum hoop stress at the inner surfaces of layer 3 at r3 is given by equation (32),
Where d1,d2,d3,d4 are diameters corresponding to radii r1, r2, r3, r4.
Stress Analysis of Multilayer Pressure Vessel
Equation (37) and (42) have been solved to get Ps12 and Ps23in terms of Pi as follows,
Putting the values of t1, t2and t3, the equation (23) and (28) can be written as,
Analytical results for 1-layer pressure vessel are shown in table no. 1.
Pi= 60 Mpa, d1= 100 mm
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-9, September 2014
Analytical results for 2-layer pressure vessel are shown in table no. 2.
Pi= 60 Mpa, d1= 100 mm,d2= 114 mm,d3= 128 mm.
Analytical results for 3-layer pressure vessel are shown in table no. 3.
Pi = 60 Mpa, d1= 100 mm,d2 = 109.33 mm,d3 = 118.66 mm,d4 = 128 mm.
Stress Analysis of Multilayer Pressure Vessel
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-9, September 2014
From the observations it is concluded that with increase in number of layers, hoop stress reduces. But in detailed study it is
observed that reduction in hoop stress is not uniform over each layer.
Thus, it is necessary to know the optimum value of number of layers (n) in designing of pressure vessel to minimize the work
in multi-layering the pressure vessel, So that the cost of manufacturing of pressure vessel can be reduced.
To calculate stresses of pressure vessel having more than 3-layers some different equation have to use. These equations are
derived by basic equation to calculate hoop stresses in less time and minimum efforts.
The equation to calculate hoop stresses in pressure vessel is given as-
Table 4. Comparison of analytical and FEA results of 1-layer 2 2-layers 230.21 7.16
pressure vessel 3 3-layers 224.00 2.69
4 4-layers 222.019 0.884
Parameters Hoop stress ( ) (Mpa)
5 5-layers 220.434 0.71
Analytical 247.97
6 6-layers 219.38 0.47
FEA 248.14
7 7-layers 219.00 0.036
Difference (%) 0.068 %
8 8-layers 218.08 0.57
Stress Analysis of Multilayer Pressure Vessel