Adirondack Life
Adirondack Life
Adirondack Life
Small Farm
Fresh food, festivals &
JUNE 2017
US $4.95
0 74470 66443 7
page 36
page 44
BOX 410
Letters to the Editor 7
Packaging the Park
Reading Between the Blue Line 12
Raquette Lake Navigation Co.
Death of Jon Cody
Links to the Past
Best of the Adirondacks 30 BY MICHAEL DEDIVITIS 68
Winners of our readers choice awards
Star Struck
Seeds of Revival 36 BY JIM HUTT 72
How a wave of new farmers is transforming
Essex County towns INSIDE & OUT
Calendar of Events 79
The River Jordan 44 Name that Bloom 88
Exploring the storied wilderness waterway
of the northern Adirondacks
Wildcrafting Cocktails 50
Forage your way to delicious drinks
EDITOR Annie Stoltie
ART DIRECTOR Kelly Hofschneider
SENIOR EDITORS Lisa Bramen, Niki Kourofsky
CONTRIBUTORS Nancie Battaglia, Mark
Bowie, Joe Connelly, Luke Cyphers,
Johnathan Esper, Lisa J. Godfrey, Daesha
Harris, Carl Heilman II, Jamie West
McGiver, Curt Stager, Mark Wilson
MANAGER Linda Bedard
SALES Joel Kramer, Chelsea Cook
COORDINATOR Juanita Johnson
Janine Sorrell
Linda Bedard
OFFICE MANAGER Cynthia Douglas
FAX 518-946-7461
ADVERTISING 518-946-2191 or adsales@
A D I R O N D A C K LI FE (ISSN 0001-8252) produces six
bi-monthly issues, the Annual Guide and At Home
in the Adirondacks each year and is published by
Adirondack Life, Inc., 12961 Route 9N, Jay, NY
12941. Periodical postage paid at Jay, New York, and
additional mailing offices. Copyright 2017 by Adi-
rondack Life, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this
publication may be reprinted or otherwise reproduced
without written permission from the publisher.
The 2017 Photography Issue arrived
today and the photos are AMAZING!
Favorite magazine.
Andrea Corona
via Facebook
Im a new subscriber to Adirondack Life, FAST TIMES AT STONY CREEK
and when I received my very first issue Wow, what a terrific article (Stony
I was so pleased to read about the leg- Creek Inn, December 2016)! I remem-
acy of Benson Mines (February 2017). ber Gramma Arehart running the
My dad, Francis Rivette, and his twin square dances and Stony Creek lifer
sister, Kathryn, were born in the ham- Nelson Bennett kicking out his legs
let of Benson Mines and moved to Har- with his hands on the barroom floor
risville shortly after. My aunt Kate and to the cheers of the crowd.
her husband, Hubert Scanlon, worked The summer of 1949 I was 17 and
at the mines for many years. Kate was had a girlfriend who was 19 and life
the plant nurse. was good. We would go to Areharts in
Growing up in Corinth, we always my 1930 Model A Roadster from my
made annual trips to Star Lake to visit family camp up past Roaring Branch
family and friends. One of my memo- Road, where I helped Henry Gavit
ries from that time was the slag that build his stone house on property
was piled high across the road from now named Greenhaven Club. We
the plant. I am pleased to learn that would drink beer, dance and smoke
the slag has turned from ugly to lovely. cigarettes like there was no tomorrow,
Thank you for your wonderful mag- and craft a lifetime of memories.
azine. I look forward to many more I still have the camp and go by the
years of Adirondack Life. Inn all the time. Now when I go in,
Mary Rivette Maloney even with both hearing aids off, the
Greenfield, NY & Englewood, FL music is loud enough!
Many thanks for bringing it all back.
As someone raised in the southern- Fayetteville, NY
most tip of the Adirondack Park it is
rewarding to see Adirondack Life fea-
ture articles about our area. Growing
up with the legends of the adventures
of Nick Stoner, it was interesting to
read Phil Terries article about him
(February 2017). One tale that wasnt
included tells of Stoner being chased
by Indians to Canada Lake, where he
escaped by swimming underwater to
Nick Stoner Island. As youngsters, this
feat always left us amazed. We never Adirondack Life welcomes the
questioned it or wondered what hap- views of readers and will publish as
pened next! many letters as space allows. All architecture | interior design
construction management
Thank you for remembering those letters are subject to editing, must
of us who treasure our time at the bot- be signed and should be addressed
tom of the Blue Line. to Box 410, Jay, NY 12941. 518.587.7120 |
Carolyn Bishop Email: 142 Grand Ave | Saratoga Springs
Caroga Lake, NY & Belmont, MA
Marcy Miller, of
Pure Placid, and her
extend beyond these peaks and
ponds, or that shed have such pow-
erful people on her side who also
care about this landscape. I want
to use this platform to promote the
Adirondacks and do good things for
the place that I love.
(Hyla versicolor)
Description: This miniature amphibian is one-and-a-
half to two inches long. The scientic name refers to
its color, which can change to match its surroundings.
Habitat: Moist deciduous woodlands, often six or
more feet above the ground.
Behavior: When tadpoles metamorphose into frogs,
the sticky suction cups on their toes allow them to
climb branches to hunt insects.
Fact: The distinctive trill mating call is surprisingly
powerful given the frogs size. On late May and June
nights their voices accompany spring peepers chirps
for the classic Adirondack chorus.
ON MAY 20, 1892, the New York State Legislature established the Adirondack
Park to be forever preserved, maintained and cared for as ground open for
the free use of all the people. One hundred and twenty-ve years later, these
lands are still the peoples park, open 24/7, 365 days a year.
Adirondack Life is marking the occasion with a series of blogs listing 125
things to do and places to go in our six-million-acre playground, beginning on
May 25 at
to Prosperity
COWBOYS, INDIANS, dancehall girls, banjo pickers and a Wild
Rocky the cat slinks by. that plied Raquette Lake in the late 19th century.
Donna Pohl, matriarch and ofcial majordo- The Pohls four children grew up working in
mo of the operation, breezes through, armed the family business. The eldest and the youngest
with a clipboard, pages of checklists for tonights found their calling in other careers, but the mid-
voyage. Every single cruise we ever do has to dle two, Rachel and Jim, were 13 and 10, respec-
The Pohl family be the best one weve ever done, Donna says, tively, when they startedRachel waiting tables,
and crew have been noting Raquette Lake is close to pretty much Jim washing pots and pans. For 16 years Jim
wining and dining nowhere. We have to make the experience so has been the ships Culinary Institute of Amer-
guests aboard the
W. W. Durant for wonderful you cant wait to go home and tell icatrained executive chef. For the last decade
26 years. your friends and sign up again. Rachel has been the head bartender, beverage
3:39 P.M.
Jim Pohl is in the kitchen roasting
prime rib crusted with oregano and
black pepper, pan-searing airline
chicken breast with a Dijon mustard
glaze, and flour-dusting sea bass
thatll be nished with a citrus cream
sauce. It all happens simultaneously,
set to a precise timeline that ends
with serving dinner just after passen-
gers have enjoyed cocktails and the
sunset overlooking the Adirondacks
largest natural lake. Were a cater-
ing operation, Jim says. We start
everything on land, and then nish it
on board.
You can tell it has its stressful
5:35 P.M.
The shadows off the islands are just
starting to lengthen as a golden sun-
set bathes Raquette Lake. In the pilot
house, Dean Pohl blasts the horn and
eases the 57-ton boat from the dock.
Hes the embodiment of a captain
crisp white uniform, epaulets, cap-
tains hat. On the upper deck, a few
dozen people clink glasses. Classic
jazz oats from the sound system.
People duck their heads in occasion-
ally to greet the captain.
Dean grabs a microphone and wel-
comes passengers. We will begin our
cruise heading in an easterly course
heading down South Bay. This bay is
four miles long, with Golden Beach
lying at the far end of the bay.
Deans monologues are perhaps
the best-known feature of these
cruises. Theyre loaded with historical
JUNE 25JULY 1 and Leave the driving to Country Travel DISCOVERIES in two
seven-day adventures highlighting the best of the Adirondacks,
SEPTEMBER 23 29, 2017 including sweeping vistas, lake cruises, birding and y-shing
outings, and a Great Camp tour.
Highlights Include:
Visit Pine Knot, rst of the Adirondack Great Camps
Breathtaking coastal drive along Lake Champlain
Relive the Miracle on Ice at the Lake Placid Olympic Center
Cruise Lake George on the steamboat Minne-ha-ha
Meet the editors and regional experts at Adirondack Life
Visit Crown Point
Meet Wayne Ignatuk, rustic craftsman
Guided walk with birding expert Joan Collins
Tour and cheese-tasting at Asgaard Farm, Au Sable Forks
For a full itinerary go to
or (855) 744-TRIP (8747). Mention code ADL17A.
Stony Creek the day before. He was 75. Noah didnt ing with associations and confused memories. Inside
know much more. we opened the doors and the blinds made from wool
Cody had been sick off and on over the years, blankets, went through all the automatic motions of
most recently from throat cancer in 2010. For much opening up, occupied the chairs on the porch and
of that time he was in a VA rehab center, alternately cast our eyes over the meadow and the valley with
charming and exasperating nurses. But in the after- the past welling up in plumes. I sensed our prepa-
math he could no longer maintain his old-time curio ration for the inevitable, not as long in coming as it
shop, Traditional Outtters, in Lake George village, appeared then.
Saranac Lake
Adirondack wedding
Saratoga, appearing at somebodys
house in Stony Creek with a crisp
hundred to ll the oil tank or get a
hernia repaired. Our friendship took
place mostly out of sight, during my
visits to camp over four decades, the
months in the 1970s when I worked
for him in the leather shop, and later
in the 80s designing and selling pack
baskets all over the Adirondacks. At
its center was our shared affection
from entirely opposite points of
viewfor what William James would
have termed the strenuous life,
meaning in this case living rough but
cozily without electricity and only
gravity-fed spring water, in all sea-
sons. And of not coming out some-
times for weeks at a time, a prac-
tice that, shall we say, permanently
changes your view.
Winner: Daikers
161 Daikers Circle, Old Forge
(315) 369-6954,
Runner-Up: R. F. McDougalls at Hungry
Trout Resort, Wilmington
Winner: Big Tupper Brewing
12 Cliff Avenue, Tupper Lake
(518) 359-6350
Runner-Up: The Lean-To at Great Pines,
Old Forge
Treats from Adirondack
Chocolates, in Lake Placid,
Best Candy winner. FINE DINING
Winner: Five Corners Cafe
Winner: Liquids & Solids at
the Handlebar
6115 Sentinel Road, Lake Placid
(518) 837-5012,
Runner-Up: Wakelys Speakeasy at
Van Aukens Inne, Thendara
Winner: Fulton Chain Craft Brewery
127 North Street, Old Forge
(315) 369-1181
3067 Route 28, Old Forge 1556 Route 86, Saranac Lake
(315) 369-2255, On Facebook Runner-Up: Big Tupper Brewing,
Runner-Up: Hungry Trout, Wilmington Runner-Up: Northern Lights Tupper Lake
Creamery, Inlet
TREATS CANDY Winner: Daikers
Summer isnt summer without a velvety Winner: Adirondack Chocolates 161 Daikers Circle, Old Forge
twist cone from Donnellys, in Saranac 5680 Route 86, Wilmington, and (315) 369-6954
Lake, or a luscious homemade gelato 61 Main Street, Lake Placid
from Northern Lights Creamery (an Inlet (800) 232-4626 Runner-Up: Wakelys Speakeasy at
institution that lost the ice-cream cate- Van Aukens Inne, Thendara
gory by only a whisker). And many trips Runner-Up: Candy Cottage, Old Forge
to the High Peaks region include a visit
to the Candy Man, in Wilmington, now DONUTS RECREATION
known as Adirondack Chocolates with Winner: The Donut Shop Whether its thrills on the lake or the
a second location in Lake Placid. But 5474 Route 28, Eagle Bay trail, the slope or the links, this six-mil-
it would also be a mistake to miss out (315) 357-6421, lion-acre playground has something
on the Donut Shop, in Eagle Bay (serv- Runner-Up: Marys White Pine Bakery, for everyone. To score a great game of
ing up our readers favorite fry cakes), Inlet golf, our readers suggest the Donald
or Marys White Pine Bakery, in Inlet, Rossdesigned Thendara Golf Club. You
where fans line up early to get the best BAKERY can gear up for a day on the water at
baked goodies fresh from the oven. Winner: Marys White Pine Bakery Wilmingtons Hungry Trout Fly Shop, a
152 Route 28, Inlet favorite outtter stationed on the bite-
ICE CREAM (315) 357-5170 rich Ausable River. And we hear Placid
Winner: Donnellys Runner-Up: Cake Placid, Lake Placid Boatworks, two-time winner of Best
Winner: Thendara Golf Club
151 Fifth Street, Thendara
(315) 369-3136
Runner-Up: Inlet Golf Club, Inlet
Winner: Hungry Trout Fly Shop
5239 Route 86, Wilmington
(518) 946-2117
Runner-Up: Mountainman Outdoor
Supply Company, Old Forge, and The
Mountaineer, Keene Valley
Winner: Placid Boatworks
263 Station Street, Lake Placid
(518) 524-2949 But in large part, Adirondack culture EVENT is the culture of fun: checking out a Winner: Saranac Lake Winter Carnival
Runner-Up: Hornbeck Boats, band at a rehabbed speakeasy, climb- Every February, Saranac Lake
Olmstedville ing onto a frozen sculpture in the shad-
ow of Saranac Lakes iconic ice palace, Runner-Up: Oktupperfest, Tupper Lake
SKI CENTER or taking on the 280-foot Killermanjaro
Winner: Whiteface Mountain at Old Forges Water Safari. TOURIST ATTRACTION
5021 Route 86, Wilmington Winner: Enchanted Forest Water Safari
(518) 946-2223 ARTS ORGANIZATION/GALLERY 3183 Route 28, Old Forge Winner: View (315) 369-6145,
Runner-Up: McCauley Mountain 3273 Route 28, Old Forge Runner-Up: The Wild Center,
Ski Area, Old Forge (315) 601-9728, Tupper Lake
Runner-Up: Lake Placid Center
CULTURE Winner: Dartbrook Rustic Goods
Adirondack culture is hard to dene. MUSEUM 10923 Route 9N, Keene
Maybe its a mouthful of campre cof- Winner: Adirondack Museum (518) 576-4360
fee set to the soundtrack of crackling Routes 28N and 30,
logs. Or a shanty full of anglers swap- Blue Mountain Lake Runner-Up: Old Forge Hardware
ping sh stories. It can also be the top- (518) 352-7311
shelf works at the annual Adirondacks
National Exhibition of American Water- Runner-Up: The Wild Center, LODGING
colors at Old Forges View, or a rustic Tupper Lake Some folks like the Adirondack expe-
furniture installation at the Adirondack rience to be up close and personal
Museum, in Blue Mountain Lake. Rustic MUSIC VENUE morning mist blanketing the breakfast
style is a beloved part of our regions Winner: Wakelys Speakeasy table, a bear brushing past the tent
past as well as its present, with favor- at Van Aukens Inne after midnightothers would rath-
ite shops like Keenes Dartbrook Rus- 108 Forge Street, Thendara er enjoy the view from an elegantly
tic Goods stuffed to the rafters with (315) 369-3033, appointed room. Whether you prefer
Adirondackana. Runner-Up: Daikers, Old Forge the pampering of the Mirror Lake Inn,
Winner: Mirror Lake Inn Resort & Spa
77 Mirror Lake Drive, Lake Placid
(518) 523-2544,
Runner-Up: The Woods Inn, Inlet
Winner: Silver Bay YMCA
87 Silver Bay Road, Silver Bay
(518) 543-8833,
Runner-Up: Great Pines, Old Forge
Winner: The Tumble Inn
875 Route 9, Schroon Lake
(518) 532-7605,
Runner-Up: Moose River
House, Thendara
Winner: Dartbrook Lodge
2835 Route 73, Keene
(518) 576-9080,
Runner-Up: Sunset Beach Lakeside
Cottages, Inlet
Winner: Old Forge Camping Resort
3347 Route 28, Old Forge
(315) 369-6011
Dartbrook Lodge, in Keene,
voted Best Cottages. Runner-Up: Lake Placid/Whiteface
Mountain KOA, Wilmington
FOR 169 YEARS THE ESSEX COUNTY FAIR has cel- Rather than milking a herd of cows or planting a eld of
ebrated the regions agricultural heritage. But lately atten- corn and selling it to a major producer from awaythe con-
dance for the ve-day extravaganza of fried food, livestock ventional modelthese new farmers are part of the small-
exhibitions, carnival rides and demolition derbies in West- farm or local-food movement, focused on creating a food
port has wobbled. One explanationFarming is just dying system that feeds the community they live in and keeps the
in Essex Countywas related to Schroon Lake business money circulating locally. They espouse a commitment to
owner Lisa Marks about a year ago. healthy food and a healthy environment, with a general ten-
I was astounded that anyone could make that state- dency toward organic practices. Racey Henderson, of Reber
ment, says Marks. After all, the countys thriving local Rock Farm, calls this ethos the triple bottom line, balancing
food scene was one of the things that had lured her and the nancial, social and ecological aspects of their business.
her husband, Edward, to open Pine Cone Mercantile and In the process, these farmers are changing not just the
North Woods Bread Company here in 2015. I think [local local agriculture scene, but the countys economy, culture,
farming] is more vibrant than ever, she says. tourism andcruciallyits demographics.
Which impression is more accurate depends on your
frame of reference. Historically speaking, the pessimists ON A SATURDAY EVENING in April 2016, Dogwood
have a point: Once a mainstay of the Adirondack economy, Bread Company, in Wadhams, was packed. The crowd, pri-
agriculture slid steadily from its peak around the turn of marily farmers, skewed well below the median age46of
the 20th century, when the Champlain Valley had more the Essex County population at large. They mingled over
sheep than people, until the dawn of the 21st. wood-red pizza topped with local ingredients before set-
But there are hopeful signs that the tide is beginning tling down to the evenings business: the inaugural meet-
to turn. In 2007, for the rst time in more than a century, ing of the Adirondack Farmers Coalition, a local chapter of
the United States Department of Agriculture census noted the National Young Farmers Coalition.
an uptick in both the number of farms and Sophie Ackoff, eld director for the Hud-
amount of acreage used for farming in Essex Clockwise from top left: son Valleyheadquartered group, explained
County. By 2012, the last time the census Juniper Hill Farm vegetables its mission as organizing to make it easier to
was conducted, the amount of farmland had at the Adirondack Harvest start and stay in farming. She said the Adiron-
Festival. North Country
grown by almost 5,000 acres over the last Creamerys Clover Mead dack launch represented the organizations
dozen years. Caf, Ausable Brewing Com- biggest number of new members theyd ever
Since then, even more farmers have moved pany and Mace Chasm had at one time.
Farm have turned their rural
in. But in many cases they are doing things dif- Keeseville road into a In a place like the Adirondacks, where
ferently from their predecessors. locavore destination. hand-wringing over the aging population is
A BUTTERFLY KISS a coupe and top with seltzer, spar- THE MERRY WOODSMAN
For years, common milkweed has kling water or club soda. No garnish Back when transatlantic travel
been dismissed as a weed rather required. involved months at sea (rather
than appreciated for its many vir- than a TSA pat down), sailors often
tues. Few people know that during Milkweed Flower Syrup got scurvy due to a lack of vitamin
World War II, the waterproof bers The nectar of common milkweed C in their diet. I hesitate to outline
inside milkweed seedpods were owers is thick and sweet, with scurvys symptoms here since this
used to ll life vests when the a unique avor. Its difcult to is supposed to be appetizing. Lets
United States no longer had access describe a new avor in terms of just say it ends with death.
to the traditional kapok lling familiar avors, so I suggest you Native Americans used local
imported from the South Pacic. taste the nectar straight off the evergreen foliage, which contains
Today those same bers are used plant to see if you like it. When the vitamin C, to prevent scurvy
as an effective material to absorb owers are ripe, each individual during winter months without
oil spills. bloom exudes a large, glossy drop fresh food. They shared this
Lepidopterists appreciate milk- of nectar. Dab that with your n- knowledge with European sailors,
weed as the essential food source ger and have a taste. Its oral (of who added spruce tips to their beer
for the caterpillar stage of the course), rich, and a little spicy, but for medicinal value.
monarch buttery, and foragers not in a hot-spicy way. I appreciate the evergreen
eat the young stems, unopened needles more for their bright,
ower buds, and immature seed- MAKES 22 CUPS citrusy avor than their preven-
pods as delicious green vegetables. 2 cups milkweed owers tative properties. In this cocktail,
The fully ripe blossoms of com- 1 cups sugar their tartness is balanced by the
mon milkweed make a naturally 1 cups water sweetness of elderowers and
pink simple syrup that can be the spiciness of ginger. The Merry
used in sorbets, ice creams, jellies Combine the milkweed owers and the Woodsman captures the essence
and cocktails. sugar in a glass or plastic container of a woodland spring, when a walk
with a tight lid, stir well, and let sit, through the woods reveals all
2 ounces vodka covered, for 24 hours. three plants at their avorful best.
1 ounces milkweed ower syrup Transfer the milkweed owers
(recipe follows) and sugar to a saucepan and add the 3 ounces spruce tip vodka
ounce seltzer, sparkling water water. Whisk over medium heat until (recipe follows)
or club soda the sugar is fully dissolved and the 1 ounces spruce tip syrup
liquid just begins to simmer. Remove (recipe follows)
TO MAKE ONE DRINK from the heat and cover. Let the syrup ounce elderower liqueur,
Combine the vodka and milkweed sit overnight. such as St-Germain
ower syrup in a shaker full of ice Strain the syrup and pour it into a 1 teaspoons ginger syrup
and shake for 30 seconds. Strain into pretty glass bottle or a canning jar. 1 ounces seltzer
1 cup roughly chopped spruce tips
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
2 cups dried sumac berries
1 quart room-temperature water
Picking Sumac
All sumac shrubs with red berries
(Rhus spp.) are safe to eat. Poison
sumac (Toxicodendron vernix) is a rare
plant; it grows in swamps, bogs
and wetlands in the eastern United
States and has loose, hanging clus-
ters of white fruit. Stick with red-ber-
ried sumac and youll be just ne.
Sumac berries are at their most
tart and delicious immediately
after ripening. The sour avor
comes from a combination of acids
that coat the fruit. These acids are
washed away by rain, so gather
your sumac as soon as possible
after the berries ripen. The acid
The Sumac Spritzer reaccumulates a few days after each
features soda made from rain, but the berries become pro-
tart sumac berries.
gressively less tart (and less tasty)
with each successive downpour.
Lake Mountain. Simi- cedar log. It was found in the south- Dugouts can last for centuries in the cool, oxygen-poor
lar vessels have been
found at other Adiron- ern end of Lake Placid in 1960. A pair muck of a lake bed. Originally, they were hollowed out of
dack upland sites. of divers spotted it in about 15 feet of soft cedar or pine logs by burning and chipping with stone
water while looking for sunken logs tools, but the arrival of sharp steel hatchets and gouges
to salvage, John explains. They told us that the singer Kate later sped the process. Euro-Americans also used them, as
Smith waved to them from her camp while they were haul- Winslow Homers painting The Trapper attests, and only a
ing it to shore. They sold it to my father for $125. I ask how pre-Columbian age rmly identies a local dugout as native
old it is. We dont know, John replies. We havent had the in origin.
resources to date it. My father turns to me and says, You The Lake Placid boat turns out to be younger than we
have a research grant. Why dont you get a date for them? expected, no more than three centuries old. I should not
I do have a grant from the National Science Founda- have been surprised. None of the other Adirondack craft
tion for radiocarbon dating of samples from Adirondack are particularly old, either, perhaps because rising lake lev-
lakes. My students and I have already collected lake sedi- els and deeper burial over the centuries have made older
sunken craft more difcult to nd. The most ancient one enous peoples, Tim tells me on a subsequent visit. Their
discovered thus far is the Twin Ponds monster. A sample ancestors migrated here from Siberia and theyve lived all
I collected from it is roughly four centuries old, and the over Canada and Alaska since the last ice age in climates
charring and lack of sharp cut-marks suggest indigenous colder than the Adirondacks.
makers. The dark, lumpy beast seems too large and heavy Mean winter temperatures in Lake Placid and Wanakena
to carryespecially when waterloggedor to navigate the are only two to three degrees Fahrenheit colder than in the
shallow outlet stream to or from the St. Lawrence River. It Champlain and St. Lawrence Valleys, and some days are
is therefore almost certainly not a war canoe as some have actually warmer in the uplands than in the lowlands. Then
imagined, but was more likely made at Twin Ponds to serve as now, rugged forested terrain blocked erce winter winds
as a platform for shing, hunting or trapping by several and created microclimates that could have been more hos-
adults or perhaps a family. pitable than at terrain at lower elevations. People back
Four centuries may sound like a long time, but for a sci- then were tough and resourceful, Tim continues, and they
entist who is used to thinking in terms of ice ages, these knew how to handle harsh conditions. To doubt that they
dugouts only hint at greater depths of history. I want more. could tolerate Adirondack climates says more about our
I soon learn that a new professor of archaeology at the own limitations than theirs.
State University of New York at Potsdam has begun an Direct accounts conrm that at least some indigenous
excavation on Long Lake. Tim Messner is the only archae- people wintered in the uplands centuries ago. The Jesuit
ologist from a local university working on the deep history missionary Isaac Jogues was held captive by Mohawks in a
of the uplands, and I am eager to meet him. Woodss arti- hunting encampment during the winter of 16421643, most
cle describes pottery fragments and stone implements that likely in the Saranac Lake region. In Adirondack: Of Indians
were picked up along the shore of Long Lake during the last and Mountains, author Stephen Sulavik quoted a 17th-cen-
century, but Messner is the rst to conduct a formal dig tury biographer who described Joguess ordeal. Always,
there. My wife, Kary, and I join him and his students on a they were climbing to higher altitudes, into the towering
chilly autumn day to watch them open a shallow pit beside mountains white with snow. His captors, who included
a lakeshore cabin as the owner looks on. elderly men and mothers with children, weathered the cold
This is really exciting, Tim says as he points to a cluster in conical shelters covered with bark and hides.
of st-sized cobbles on the sandy oor of the pit. Kary and Another mistaken assumption is that maize, beans
I glance at each other skeptically. Whats so thrilling about and squashthe three sisters crops of the Iroquois and
a bunch of rocks? Algonquianscant survive in the uplands either. In her
I think its a hearth, he explains. See how rusty-look- doctoral thesis, University of Toronto historian Melissa Otis
ing and cracked they are? Thats what we call FCR, or documented reports of maize and other vegetables culti-
re-cracked rock. Before the age of pots and pans, people vated by indigenous residents at Piseco Lake, Indian Lake
boiled stews by dropping hot rocks such as these into con- and the Indian Carry on Upper Saranac Lake. There seems
tainers of bark, basketry, hides or animal stomachs. This to be a disconnect, however, in accounts of the relative abil-
dark material mingled with the FCR is charcoal, Tim says, ities of natives and immigrants to grow native crops. In
which would be perfect for radiocarbon dating. I take the Contested Terrain, historian Phil Terrie cites poor soils and
hint and send a pinch of it to the dating lab with my next short growing seasons as reasons why indigenous peoples
batch of sediment core samples. The charcoal is a thousand are said to have avoided the uplands while also describing
years old. the gardens of early settlers. The Adirondack Corn Maze
Native people were cooking on the shores of Long Lake at Tucker Farms, in Gabriels, and backyard vegetable plots
when the Vikings settled Greenland, and yet many of us throughout the region today conrm that suitable soils and
imagine that they couldnt have lived here because it was microclimates exist in the high country. It is possible that
too cold. We shouldnt underestimate the abilities of indig- cold-hardy strains of crops were grown in the past, as well.
ical construct bounded by the Blue Line. They have more years ago. The lake is a bit lower and smaller because it has
than doubled the known length of human presence in the not yet been dammed. The adjacent mountain lacks a ski
uplands. When repairs to the Pierceeld dam lowered the resort, and there is no town or forest. Tundra and scrubby
level of Tupper Lake in 2007, a projectile point of red-brown spruce thickets cover the barren landscape. Your Paleo-In-
chert was found on the shore. A long ute or groove at the dian hosts wear clothing of soft caribou hide that emits
base links it to paleolithic hunters who roamed the North- the sweet scent of woodsmoke, and they live a semi-no-
east shortly after the last ice age. Dozens of other artifacts madic lifestyle much like that of people in northern Europe
found nearby show that indigenous people lived at Tup- and Asia at the time. They offer you a wooden ladle of musk
per Lake throughout the intervening millennia to modern ox stew boiled in a leathery pouch into which hot cobbles
times. Sediment cores from local lakes that date the transi- have been dropped. You leave a cluster of conical, hide-cov-
tion from ice to open tundra in the uplands set a plausible ered shelters to sit beside the shore after brushing aside the
starting point for local history at roughly 13,000 years ago. sharp chips that a tool-aker left there earlier. Dont wan-
The implications for park management are mind-boggling. der far from camp, though. Huge brown bears live here too,
Because people have lived here longer than forests, vast as might some of the regions last remaining mastodons.
tracts of uninhabited Adirondack wildernessthough If you linger through many generations on this lakeshore
beautifulare as articial as the ski jumps at Lake Placid. you will see more pines, oaks and birches arrive as the
It is difcult to grasp such large numbers on a meaning- climate gradually warms. By about 9,000 years ago your
ful intuitive level, even for experts, and splitting Adirondack neighbors still live in tepee-shaped shelters, but the walls
history into simple pre-contact and post-contact catego- are often covered with bark as well as hides. People tend
ries risks making false equivalency between them. Try this to stay put longer now because they pursue deer, moose,
instead: If a century were as long as an inch- turkeys and passenger pigeons in the forest
long nger joint, then the American Revolution Rivers and lakes were instead of following migrant caribou herds.
is less than a ngers length away and the time resources as well as These so-called Archaic hunters still use
since Columbus is roughly the span between travel routes to, from and spears and atlatls, but their more diverse pro-
through the uplands. Many
the tips of your pinky nger and thumb. To of todays popular waterside jectile points lack the uting their ancestors
touch the rst inhabitants of the Adirondack campsites were also used favored. Visiting artisans bring creamy pink
uplands 13,000 years ago, a temporal gap more by original inhabitants, as Flint Ridge chert from Ohio and greenish Cox-
proven by this 3,000-year-
than six times wider than the one between old soapstone cooking sackie chert from the lower Hudson Valley
us and the time of Christ, you would need to bowl found near the to use or to trade. Local residents net white
reach across a distance of more than 10 feet. Jessup River. suckers that spawn in streams in spring and
The seemingly empty historical hook lake trout through the ice
space between you and them is not in winter. In summer they hunt
vacant at all, but simply unrecord- deer, gather blueberries and rasp-
ed by most modern writers. berries in the woods, and harvest
We will never know all the mussels, turtles and muskrats
details of life in that great gulf from lakes and marshes. Their
of time, but we can now infer stews, now full of venison or sh,
the basics from sediment cores, are still stone-boiled in skin bags,
upland artifacts and related cul- baskets or bark containers.
tures elsewhere in the Northeast. As 6,000 years of Archaic cul-
Imagine, for example, that you ture pass, hemlock, beech and
are visiting residents of Tupper maple become more common
Lake on a summer day 13,000 in the woods. People still come
Renew, Refresh, and Nurture Your Spirit, Mind, and Body Some use soapstone vessels instead.
Archaeologists will later describe
this Woodland period as a time
when signs of squash and maize
cultivation appear rst, followed in
more recent centuries by beans and
tobacco. They will debate whether
small triangular points represent
the rst arrival of arrows and bows
in the hunters arsenal and spec-
ulate about possible connections
between early residents and the
later Iroquoians and Algonquians
VOTED BEST VENUE FOR who met the first Anglo visitors
A REUNION BY UNIQUE VENUES during the 16th century.
2016 - 2015 -2014 To summarize the entire Euro-
American chapter of this long story
SILVER BAY YMCA in more proper proportion to its
87 Silver Bay Road, Silver Bay, NY 12874 duration would require only a single
silverbayymca sentence. A recent ood of immi- 1.888.758.7229
grants cleared forests, killed wild-
6LOYHU%D\<0&$LVDFDXVHGULYHQQRQSURWRUJDQL]DWLRQ life and built permanent structures,
obviously expecting to remain on
the ancestral territory of local resi-
dents who, in spite of it all, still live
here. Native Americans now com-
prise six percent of the population
of Franklin County, which includes
the reservation at Akwesasne, but
less than one percent of upland
With so much information avail-
able, why do so many of us still cling
to short versions of Adirondack
history? Part of the problem was
the Euro-American invasion itself.
Indigenous peoples were decimat-
ed during the 1600s by plagues of
smallpox and measles. Genocidal
wars triggered by white encroach-
ment also destroyed and scattered
native settlements. So great was the
carnage that relatively few people
were left to inhabit the mountains
by the time the rst detailed writ-
ten records were made, and early
accounts of the Adirondacks might
have described an articially depop-
ulated landscape. When combined
with a disregard for indigenous ways
of living on the land, the assumption
of absence can lead to a self-serving
95626X 2017
Leo worked all through the hey- existing material, saving you from purchasing
day of the resort and beyond. He left new gravel or stone.
once when he was a young man to EASY TO USEtows behind your ATV or
riding mower, lling in potholes and ruts.
work on a railroad crew in Canada,
PRECISE CONTROL of grading depth is
but returned after an accident killed adjustable from your drivers seat.
everyone on his crew but him. He AMAZINGLY DURABLE carbide teeth last 10X
continued to work at the course and longer than steel on ordinary box scrapers.
as a caretaker for many Loon Lake
camps until he was almost 90. FREE SHIPPING Call for FREE DVD and Catalog!
He watched the old hotel and golf
course change ownership a num-
FREE 877-202-1432
Call or go online for details.
ber of times and maintained the
grounds when the course was closed
during World War II. He witnessed a
steady decline in the quality of the
food and accommodationsLeo
told me of one owner who served a
dinner of plain spaghetti to guests at
the hotel. When a diner complained
about the lack of sauce, the owner
shenanigans in THE TIP TOP TOWN of
the Adirondacks, Tupper Lake
Tupper Lake in the 1950s could have served
as a backdrop for a Hollywood
BY JIM HUTT movie about hometown Amer-
ica. Busy, friendly, it was a great
place for my friend Dave and
me to grow up. With the Tupper Lake National Bank, Ginsburgs and LaRoques
department stores, a Newberry ve and dime, numerous hotels and restau-
rants, and a record-setting number of taverns, it served as a shopping center
for neighboring communities as well as a destination for Canadian tourists
the epitome of small-town America. Every neighborhood had a small grocery
store, most often owned by Syrian or Lebanese descendants of peddlers from
the peak of the logging era. At the center of all the action, with its prominent
big city marquee, sat Schines State Theater. The 16-cent Saturday matinee
bought us a feature movie, most often an oater (Western) or a mystery starring
Charlie Chan and his numbered sons, a newsreel and a serial. We loved the
movies, but we really loved the serials.
Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers were among our heroes and, with the begin-
nings of the Space Age, my friend Dave and I became space addicts. We would
emerge from Saturday matinees feeling like we had been part of the crew
with Flash and his beautiful assistant, Dale Arden, when they did battle with
the evil emperor, Ming the Merciless on the planet Mongo. With raw mate-
rials scavenged from Sherman Joness junkyard and objects recycled from
department store and hotel rubbish bins, we built space helmets, model rock-
et ships and space weapons. We even created a puppet show called Rocket
to the Moon, complete with a rocket ship that made strange buzzing noises
made impressive popping noises, but
the rockets barely moved. More gun-
powder was probably an answer, but
we couldnt get our hands on gun-
powder or the ingredients for mak-
ing it without getting in trouble. As
we were playing with a small steam
engine I had received as a birthday
present, we realized how powerful
steam could be, especially when
we heard my grandfathers stories
of Stanley Steamer automobiles
exploding or mowing down garage
walls. We began to envision a rocket
Enjoy miles of paddling on pristine waterways
as a piston, pushed by steam, like a or reel in a trophy fish on
cannonball shot out of a cannon. We the famous Salmon River.
needed to know more.
Come watch as over 40,000 raptors and hawks
Steam? Stanley Steamers? Now migrate north along Lake Ontario this Spring.
Explore Oswego
why would these two boys be in my
library studying steam when they
in September the Essex County Fair-
grounds hosted a new event called
the Adirondack Harvest Festival that
brought all of the strands of local agri-
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
INSIDE 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30
Spring Fling
Dust off your canoe or kayak on
May 13 for the Round the Mountain
Collage Credit
Artist Anastasia Osolin draws inspiration for her collages
and assemblages from the history of science and astronomy,
mysticism, Victorian ephemera and industrial decay. My pri-
mary creative impulse, she says, involves seeking the fan-
tastic within the mundane. See Osolins work at View, in Old
Forge, from April 1May 28. For more information call (315)
601-9728 or visit
Just Look Up...
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chimney linings & restoration, caps & metal chimneys, " &
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Custom Draperies For a week ... or a lifetime ... youll
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Outdoor Cushions
minutes from Saratoga Springs/NY Thruway. Dog
Saranac Lake, NY RAINBOW LAKE Vacation home rental. WATERFRONT! friendly. email: ldcabins@
518-891-1390 (888) 870-5495.
Cronins Golf Resort, Warrensburg.
1 p.m. (518) 668-2616. www.lake
June 17: Bass and Pike Fishing Derby Issue: Deadline Release Date
on Long Lake. Registration begins July-August May 1 Mid-June
at the town beach at 6 a.m.; shing Sept.-Oct. June 12 Mid-August
starts at 6:30 a.m. (518) 624-2145. Home Issue July 17 Mid-Sept.
May 6June 9: Linear Landscapes.
Mixed-media paintings by Rachel
Kohn. Opening reception May 6 at
4 p.m. Lake George Arts Projects
Courthouse Gallery. (518) 668-2616.
The Echo Pond Lodge is located on the 15 acre Echo Pond in Lake Placid as the sole private owner of the pond with
contiguous Forever Wild NY State land. This 70 acre retreat provides a rare unique and private setting that is
conveniently located within walking distance of Mirror Lake, Lake Placid, Main Street shops, restaurants and the
arenas. The historic original 1930s log cabin has been renovated and expanded to its current and stunning compound
with a gorgeous main house & guest cottage by an Adirondack builder/designer in 2010 with custom rustic high end
finishes throughout. There are 6 bedrooms, 6.5 bathrooms, 4 fireplaces, a gourmet chefs kitchen, game room, deck,
enclosed porch and an attached 2 car garage. This property sitting amidst the beauty of nature offers 4 seasons of
activities just outside your front door with a private dock, swimming deck, fishing, kayaking & ice skating on your
own pond or venture out to hike, cross country ski or snowshoe throughout the vast acreage that will surround you.
The main lodge & guest cottage are year round residences that offer a rare lifestyle opportunity with an abundance of
privacy and present the homeowner with potential for an excellent vacation rental income! Dont miss out on your
chance to own this special property! $4,850,000
LaV Real
315-268-0800 St. Lawrence Valley
518-483-4163 Northern Foothills
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
List Price: $1,895,000 Lake Frontage: Views: Lake and Mountain
Bedrooms: 4 Year Built: 1983 Approx SQFT: 3,240
Baths: 2.5 Sauna Location:,QGLDQ&DUU\5G
Acreage: 5.15 2 Car Garage