DNA To DNA Transcription Might Exist in Eukaryotic Cells: Open Access Library Journal
DNA To DNA Transcription Might Exist in Eukaryotic Cells: Open Access Library Journal
DNA To DNA Transcription Might Exist in Eukaryotic Cells: Open Access Library Journal
Till now, in biological sciences, the term, transcription, mainly refers to DNA to RNA transcription.
But our recently published experimental findings obtained from Plasmodium falciparum strongly
suggest the existence of DNA to DNA transcription in the genome of eukaryotic cells, which could
shed some light on the functions of certain noncoding DNA in the human and other eukaryotic ge-
Plasmodium falciparum, Chloroquine, Genome, CAGFs, Noncoding DNA, Junk DNA, DNA to DNA
Transcription, Single-Stranded DNA (ssDNA), ssDNA Transcript
1. Introduction
Till now, in biological sciences, the term, transcription, mainly refers to DNA to RNA transcription, in which
certain segment of DNA sequence in the genome is copied into either protein-coding RNA (mRNA), or func-
tional non-protein-coding RNA (tRNA, rRNA, microRNA, and catalytic RNA). The DNA to RNA transcription
mainly solves the problem of how a small fraction of protein-coding DNA in the genome works, but cannot
solve the problem of why the large amounts of non-protein-coding DNA in the genome are non-functional.
For many decades, it has been believed that 98% of the human genome is composed of noncoding DNA
which is not functional and thus named as junk DNA [1]. In 2012, a publication from the Encyclopedia of
DNA Elements (ENCODE) project claimed that 80% of the human genome was biochemically functional [2],
which was immediately followed by criticisms because the criteria used by the claim were extremely loose [3].
Recently published research results suggest that 8% - 10% of the human genome is likely functional [3] [4],
which means that the large fraction of the human genome is still thought to be useless. The divergence of opin-
ions about the functions of noncoding DNA in the human genome arises probably due to the fact that the main
How to cite this paper: Li, G.-D. (2016) DNA to DNA Transcription Might Exist in Eukaryotic Cells. Open Access Library Jour-
nal, 3: e2665. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1102665
G.-D. Li
mechanism by which non-coding DNA exerts its functions has not yet been discovered.
Recently published our new research findings showed that Plasmodium falciparum could produce cell-cycle-
associated amplified genomic-DNA fragments (CAGFs) during its intraerythrocytic cycle. The CAGFs are
thought to be single-stranded DNA molecules which might be synthesized through the process of DNA to DNA
transcription [5]. If the mechanism of DNA to DNA transcription exists in the eukaryotic cells, the problem re-
lated to the functions of noncoding DNA in the human and other eukaryotic genomes could be at least partially
Since only few words about DNA to DNA transcription were mentioned in our previous publication [5],
which were not enough to address this important issue, therefore, more thoughts about DNA to DNA transcrip-
tion are given in this paper.
6. Conclusion
DNA to DNA transcription might exist in eukaryotic cells, which is a promising hypothesis proposed based on
the discovery of cell-cycle-associated amplified genomic-DNA fragments (CAGFs) in P. falciparum. There are
many reasons to think that CAGFs are ssDNA molecules which might be produced exclusively though DNA to
DNA transcription. Once the existence of DNA to DNA transcription in eukaryotic cells is confirmed, the func-
tions of large amounts of noncoding DNA in the human and other eukaryotic genomes could be at least partially
resolved. Therefore, further experimental validation of this mechanism is urgently needed.
Conflict of Interest
The author declares that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this paper.
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