Ccss - Ela-Literacy - Sl.5.4: Ence
Ccss - Ela-Literacy - Sl.5.4: Ence
Ccss - Ela-Literacy - Sl.5.4: Ence
Backward Design Approach: Where are you going with your students?
Identify Desired Results/Learning Outcome/Essential Question:
Essential Question: How can bullying affect someones life? What can be done to prevent bullying?
Learning Outcomes:
Students can define bullying and the different types of bullying.
Students can identify steps to stop bullying.
Students can express verbally and in writing how bullying affects them and their peers.
Students can identify the power of kindness in their classroom.
Pose and respond to specific questions by making comments that contribute to the discussion and
elaborate on the remarks of others.
Review the key ideas expressed and draw conclusions in light of information and knowledge gained from
the discussions.
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task,
purpose, and audience.
Assessment Plan:
Students will discuss that bullying is never appropriate, and what to do if they encounter or witness
bullying. Students will explore how bullying makes them and others feel, and better relate to their peers.
Students will demonstrate the power of kindness, through the compliment sheets. Students will describe
steps to stop bullying and what bullying is in their letters.
Lesson Introduction/Hook:
We will use the What I wish my teacher knew and What I wish my classmates knew prompts to
engage the students in the lesson and to have them think about the battles and worries that other students
may have. Teachers will share examples of their sentences to the class. Students will be asked if they
would like to share any of their responses as well.
Lesson Development:
Students will be prompted at the beginning of the lesson that we will be discussing and interacting with a
sensitive topic. Students must be aware of this, and be respectful of their classmates. Students need to
know that they are not being pressured to share anything that they do not feel comfortable sharing. After
discussing this, we will start with the hook/engagement.
1. 5 minutes. I wish my teacher knew I wish my classmates knew Teachers share out
their responses and have a discussion with students about how they never know what the person
next to them is going through, and that it is important to be kind. With this in mind students will
next do the crumpled paper activity.
2. 17 minutes. To resemble the feelings of someone getting bullied, we will do the crumbled
paper activity. Each student will receive a piece of construction paper and writing/drawing
a. 5 minutes. First students will draw themselves on a piece of paper. As
they are drawing, we will be telling the students scenarios or things to think about when
portraying themselves in their picture. Things we can say: Think about how you feel
when you are happy, think about what your favorite song is, think about your favorite
place, your favorite food, your friends, your family, someone who means alot to you,
something that you love to do, something that you love to learn about or talk about. Think
about your culture or where you are from, and what your values are. Have students draw
a picture of themselves and write what they love about themselves around it/in the
b. 2 minutes. After students draw themselves, have students pass their paper
to the right. This person will crumple up their paper and throw it on the floor. They will
stomp, mess up the paper, but not tear it. Have this student then pick up the paper and try
to get it back to normal, students will even apologize to the paper, and return to the
original owner.
c. 10 minutes. . Once students have their original paper returned, explain to
students that this is what happens when bullying occurs. Bullying someone, verbally or
physically, is like crumpling that person up. Once this happens, even if you say sorry,
your words or actions can never be taken back.
d. Engage students in a discussion about the implications of bullying, and
how it affects their classmates, classroom environment, and themselves. Prompt students
to think of ways that we could put an end to bullying. We want to get into a discussion
about how bullying wont stop overnight but little by little we can end it. Discuss types of
bullying and steps to stop bullying.
i. Stand up for people who are bullied. Bullies often want
an audience and approval. Let bullies know that you do not think being mean is cool.
ii. Take an anti-bullying pledge. Print out our pledge to
stand up against bullying. Share it with your friends, and let people know what you
Specific Questioning:
Would anyone like to share their thoughts on bullying?
How does bullying make you feel?
How does bullying someone make you feel?
How does being bullied make you feel?
What does kindness look like to you?
How can we be more kind to our classmates?
Is bullying only physical or verbal?
Are there different types of bullying?
New Vocabulary:
Bullying: unwanted aggressive behavior; observed or perceived power imbalance; and repetition of
behaviors or high likelihood of repetition. There are many different modes and types of bullying. The
current definition acknowledges two modes and four types by which youth can be bullied or can bully
others. The two modes of bullying include direct (e.g., bullying that occurs in the presence of a targeted
youth) and indirect (e.g., bullying not directly communicated to a targeted youth such as spreading
rumors). In addition to these two modes, the four types of bullying include broad categories of physical,
verbal, relational (e.g., efforts to harm the reputation or relationships of the targeted youth), and damage
to property.
Cyberbullying: bullying that happens on the internet via social media outlets
2 sheets of paper
Pencils, colored pencils, markers, crayons
Lined paper