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Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (Ipcrf) : Division of Antipolo City

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



Name of Employee: Name of Rater:

Position: Master Teacher Position:
Review Period: May 2015-April 2016 Date of Review:

To be filled in during planning To be filled in during evaluation

NE HT (Quality, Efficiency, Timeliness) RESULTS RATING SCORE
Basic 15%
Educatio 1.Instruc 1.Handled teaching loads June 5- Handled teaching loads of
n -tional 2015 absent teachers
Services Compe- to 4- Handled teaching loads of 6
tence March absent teachers
2016 3- Handled teaching loads of 5
absent teachers
40% 2-51-99% of required teaching
loads were handled for a year
1-50% and below of required
teaching loads were handled for
a year.

2.Attained at least 75% of

students performance at the 5- Attained 90-100% of students
end of the year March 15% performance at the end of the
2016 year in terms of MPS.
4-Attained 80-89% of students
performance at the end of the
year in terms of MPS.
3- Attained 75-79% of students
performance at the end of the
year in terms of MPS.
2-Attained 51-74% of students
performance at the end of the
year in terms of MPS.
1-Attained 50% and below of
students performance at the end
of the year in terms of MPS.
3. Increased NAT
performance of the school

April 10% 5- Increased by 8-10%

2016 4-Increased by 6-7%
3-Increased by 4-5%
2-Increased by 2-3%
1-Increased by 0-1%

1.Provided TAs to teachers

2.Instruc June 15% 5-Provided TAs to 50% of

-tional 2015 teachers
Super- to 4- Provided TAs to 40% of
vision March teachers
2016 3- Provided TAs to 30% of
40% teachers
2- Provided TAs to 20% of
2.Evaluated teacher-made teachers
tests and interpreted results 1- Provided TAs to 50% of

June 15% 5- Evaluated 100% of teacher-

2015 made tests with interpretations of
to results and made an Intervention
March Plan and executed.
2016 4-- Evaluated 91-99% of teacher-
made tests with interpretations of
results and made Intervention
3- - Evaluated 75-90% of
teacher-made tests with
interpretations of results
3.Evaluated teachers
midyear and yearend
2-- Evaluated 51-74% of teacher-
performances made tests with interpretations of
1-- Evaluated 50% and below of
teacher-made tests with no
interpretations of results

Octobe 10% 5-Evaluated 100% of teachers

r 2015 performance using RPMS and
and submitted to the Division Office
April 4-Evaluated 100% of teachers
performance using RPMS and
submitted all RPMS forms to the
1. Conducted an action District Office
research related to school or 3- Evaluated 100% of teachers
classroom problems performance using RPMS and
prepared all RPMS forms
2- Evaluated 100% of teachers
performance using RPMS
1- Evaluated less than 100%
of teachers performance
using RPMS

2. Served as
3.Profes trainer/resource
-sional speaker/facilitator/ Jun e 6% 5- Action research conducted
demonstration teacher in 3
Growth school trainings
2015 utilized, and submitted before the
and to due date without revision
Develop March 4-Action research conducted and
ment 2016 utilized before the due date
3- Action research conducted
15% 3. Attended seminars,
and utilized on due date
trainings (Division, Regional, 2-Action research conducted but
National) within the year not utilized
1-Submitted action research

May 6% 5- Served as trainer in 5 or more

2015 trainings
to April 4- Served as trainer in 4 trainings
2016 3- Served in 3 trainings
2- Served in 2 trainings
1 Served in 1 training
June 3% 5- Attended 5 trainings
2015 4-Attended 4 trainings
to 3-Attended 3 trainings
March 2-Attended 2 training
2016 1-Attended 1 training




_________________________ _______________________
Rater Ratee

Name of Teacher: Name of Rater:

Position: Position:
Review Period: Date of Review:

per KRA Efficiency, Timeliness) Results

Teaching-Learning 5 Prepared and executed more

Process than 180 daily logs of activities
(40%) including appropriate, adequate and
updated instructional materials
Prepared and executed daily logs/lesson June- 30% adopted in the school level
plans of activities including appropriate, March 4 Prepared and executed more
adequate and updated instructional than 180 daily logs of activities
materials including appropriate, adequate and
updated instructional materials
adopted in the department
3 Prepared and executed 171 -180
daily logs of activities including
appropriate, adequate and updated
instructional materials
2 Prepared and executed 161 170
daily logs of activities including
appropriate, adequate and updated
instructional materials
1 Prepared and executed 151 160
daily logs of activities including
appropriate, adequate and updated
instructional materials
5 Utilized submitted complete and
accurate report on learners
attendance in crafting an
intervention plan
4 Prepared an evaluative report on
Monitored learners attendance during the learners attendance
the class handled throughout the current 5% 3 Submitted prepared complete,
school year updated and accurate report on
learners attendance readily available
for reference use
2 Prepared documents reflecting
complete and accurate data on
learners attendance
1 - Gathered data on learners
attendance on a daily basis

5 Integrated 5 or more DepEd

policies in each quarter as reflected
on the school records such as
Integrated school/DepEd policies dll/lesson plan or classroom activities
instruction 5% 4 Integrated 4 DepEd policies in
Ex. each quarter period as reflected on
ECARP the school records such as dll/ lesson
Child Friendly School System plan or classroom activities
Readathon 3 Integrated 3 DepEd policies in
GAD/VAWC each quarter period as reflected on
Anti-bullying the school records such as dll/lesson
Project SHINE plan or classroom activities
Waste Segregation 2 Integrated 2 DepEd policies in
each quarter period as reflected on
the school records such as dll/lesson
plan or classroom activities
1 Integrated one DepEd policy in
one quarter period, reflected on the
school records such as dll/ lesson
plan or classroom activities

Pupil/Student 5 Implemented the intervention

Outcomes plan crafted based on the students
(30%) progress report
Monitored, evaluated and maintained June- 10% 4 Used report submitted to create
students progress March an intervention plan
3 Submitted accurate and complete
students progress report on time
2 Submitted complete and accurate
students progress report later than
the deadline set
1 Submitted complete and accurate
students progress report way behind
of the scheduled deadline

5 achieved 91-100% of the target

4 achieved 81-90% of the target
Attained the desired learning 10% 3 achieved 71-80% of the target
competencies 2 achieved 61-70% of the target
1 achieved 51-60 % of the target

5 used the remediation/

enrichment program as
Conducted remediation/enrichment 10% basis/benchmark for plan of action
programs to improve academic resulting to an increase of 10% to the
performance school targeted MPS
4 used the remediation/
enrichment program as
basis/benchmark for plan of action
resulting to an increase of 5% to the
subject/year level targeted MPS
3- conducted remediation/
enrichment program which
contributed to the students
academic performance in the class
2 prepared a proposal for
remediation/enrichment program
1 conceptualized a remediation/
enrichment program
Professional 5 utilized the action research in the
Growth and district/division level
Development 4 utilized the action research in the
(15%) Conducted action research June- 5% school level
March 3 conducted an action research
2 submitted an approved proposal
for action research
1 proposed a title for action

5 participated in more than 4

Enhanced skills through any of the professional development activities
following professional development 5% 4 participated in 4 professional
activities: development activities
Ex. 3 participated in 3 professional
attendance in post graduate studies development activities
participation to teacher related 2 participated in 2 professional
trainings/workshops/seminars development activities
completion of short term courses 1 participated in 1 professional
attendance to scholarship program/s development activities

5 produced at least 1
publication/creative professional
work adopted or used in the division
Produced publication/creative level
professional work 5% 4 produced at least 1
Ex: publication/creative professional
article/s on a publication work adopted or used in the school
instructional/learning material/s level
narrative/evaluation reports 3 produced at least one
documentation of school events publication/creative professional
work used within the classes handled
2 submitted an approved
publication/creative professional
1 conceptualized or proposed a
publication or creative professional

Involvement 5 conducted 6 or more periodic PTA
10% meetings/conferences
June- 4 conducted 5 PTA
Conducted regular/periodic PTA March 5% meetings/conferences
meetings/conferences 3 conducted 4 PTA
2 conducted 3 PTA
1 conducted 2 PTA

5 established a long term school

related project with external funding
4 spearheaded a school related
Undertaken projects with external 2% project with external funding
funding 3 undertaken school related
project/s with external funding
2 solicited external funding for
school related activity/project
1 submitted a proposal involving
external funding that would benefit
the school

5 established a partnership with

community as a long term learning
Used community as a learning resource 3% 4 used community as a learning
resource during instruction at least
thrice in each quarter
3 used community as a learning
resource during instruction at least
twice in each quarter
2 used community as a learning
resource during instruction at least
once in each quarter
1 used community as a learning
resource as reflected in school
documents like dll/lesson plan or
enrichment activities
Plus Factor 5%

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