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Chemistry Student Worksheet With Sets (Science Technology Environment Society) Oriented To Colloid Topic For Rsmabi

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Unesa Journal of Chemical Education

Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.62-69 Mei 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454



Dewi Rahmawati and Kusumawati Dwiningsih

Department of Chemistry, State University of Surabaya
Hp: 087866174648, e-mail: dewi_rahmawati210309@yahoo.co.id

Abstrak. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kelayakan Chemistry Student

Worksheet Berorientasi SETS Pada Materi Pokok Koloid untuk RSMABI berdasarkan
penilaian oleh dosen kimia, guru kimia, ahli bahasa, dan ahli media terhadap kriteria isi
penyajian, kebahasaan, graphity dan kesesuain dengan komponen SETS. Rancangan
penelitian ini menggunakan modifikasi yang mengacu pada model 4-D (four D models)
oleh Thiagarajan, tetapi hanya terbatas pada tahap develop. Instrumen yang digunakan
adalah lembar telaah dan lembar validasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Chemistry
Student Worksheet Berorientasi SETS yang dikembangkan telah layak digunakan dalam
proses pembelajaran untuk RSMABI karena telah memenuhi kriteria isi, penyajian,
kebahasaan, kegrafikaan, dan kesesuain dengan komponen SETS masing-masing dengan
persentase berturut-turut sebesar 82,52%, 83,44%, 87,50%, 94,64 % and 85,94%.

Kata Kunci: Chemistry student worksheet, SETS, Koloid, kelayakan.

Abstract. This research has been done to know the feasibility of Chemistry Student
Worksheet with SETS Orientation to colloid Topic For RSMABI, based on assessment
by Chemistry lecturer, Chemistry teacher, specialist of language, and media specialist
about feasibility criteria for contents, presentation, language, graph and suitability of
SETS components. Device of Research relate at modification of four D (4-D) models by
Thiagarajan but it is limited in develop step. Instruments That are used sheet review sheet
and validity. The results showed That of Chemistry Student Orientation Worksheet with
SETS have been developed competent used in the learning process for RSMABI has
since met feasibility criteria for contents, presentation, language, and suitability of SETS
graph components, each with a row percentage of 82.52 %, 83.44%, 87.50%, 94.64% and

Key words: Chemistry Student Worksheet, SETS, colloids, feasibility.

INTRODUCTION least one unit of education at all levels

Globalization era is characterized of education to be developed into an
by very strong competition in the international educational unit". Imple-
technology sector and human resources. mentation of the Act is the program's
Related to this, the Government of international school stubs (RSBI) [1].
Indonesia has the responsibility to In the implementation of the
develop the management system and use Pioneer High School International
its authority to prepare human resources Standard (RSMABI) there are three
to excel through the national education stages, the stages of development and
system reform. Law of the Republic of empowerment of schools to develop
Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 on curriculum in Indonesian and English.
National Education System is a legal At the stage of independent schools are
basis and implementation of the national expected to develop bilingual teaching
education system reform. Article 50, into learning English entirely. Lessons
paragraph 3 states that "the Government are conducted using English for the
and / or local governments conduct at group Science (Chemistry, Physics,

Unesa Journal of Chemical Education
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.62-69 Mei 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454

Biology) and Mathematics in the a senior high school chemistry teacher

Department of Science [1]. Pamekasan states have not fully connect
Based on the Ministry of with the science of chemistry lessons,
Education in the implementation of the evironment, technology and society
program there RSMABI components (SETS) is implicit in the principles of
that must be considered one of them is the curriculum. Based on the results of a
the development of curricula (SBC), questionnaire distributed on March 19,
which also mentions that the teaching 2011 to 25 student questionnaire results
materials that can be used one of them is 94% of students expressed the need to
a student activity sheet (student work- link the chemical to the environment of
sheet). According to the Ministry of learning, technology, and society.
Education there are a number of reasons As 60% of students stated that the
why it is necessary to menembangkan subject matter of colloids can be
materials such as: availability of attributed to the environment, techno-
materials as demanded by the curri- logy, and society. This is also confirmed
culum, characteristics of the target, and by high school chemistry teacher class
learn problem-solving demands [2]. XI 1 Pamekasan Affairs stating that the
It is known that the school has subject matter is a colloidal form of
used in teaching chemistry student reading material and concepts. Sub
worksheet, but in some schools mission of this material at the end of the
RSMABI student worksheet that is used second half of the semester exams
in teaching chemistry class XI was approaching, so usually the students
speaking particularly Indonesia, as in were told to read on their own and do
SMAN 1 Manyar Gresik, 2 Kediri the questions in the student worksheet.
SMAN, SMAN 1 Cerme Gresik, SMAN Chemistry teacher is expected that the
1 Situbondo, SMAN 1 Probolinggo, problems in the student worksheet can
SMA Muhammadiyah 2, SMAN 1 be attributed to real people's lives, and
Sidoarjo. It is also evident from the can be associated with the learning
results of interviews with high school environment so that the colloids can be
chemistry teacher at School 1 meaningful to students. According to the
Pamekasan which is dated March 19, contents BSNP Competency Standards
2011 RSBI known that the chemical in Colloid material is explained and the
study of learning resources is one of properties of colloidal systems and their
the student worksheet that is used is still application in daily life. Basic
using the Indonesian language. Though competence in subject matter that is
this year is the 4th year SMA Negeri 1 making various colloid colloidal systems
Pamekasan be RSBI which meant a with the materials around them and
longer school year to the independent classify the properties of colloids and
stage. their application in daily life [4]. Basic
The curriculum used in the competence is adjusted with the IGCSE
curriculum RSMABI enriched curri- curriculum Cambridge A-Level.
culum with international standards such SETS approach is a form of
as the Cambridge curriculum. Curri- learning activities that are reciprocal
culum related to the exercise of SBC linking elements of science, environ-
stated that the formulation based on ment, technology and society. SETS
these principles: 1) centered on the approach not only emphasizes the
potential, development, needs, and knowledge of science concepts, but also
interests of learners and the environment connect the concepts of science to the
(environment), 2) responsiveness to environment around the student,
knowledge (science), technology emerging technologies and state of
(technology), and 3) relevant to the society around students [5].
needs of life (society) [3]. According to

Unesa Journal of Chemical Education
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.62-69 Mei 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454

Colloidal material in relation to

the environment, technology and society Preliminary Analysis

is perfect as seen from the standard of

competence and the competence of the
Analysis of Student
colloidal material is essentially involve
concepts of science in everyday life can

be assessed either with the environment,
in technology and in people's lives. With Analysis of the concept Analysis of the task
SETS approach is expected that students
can understand the importance of Formulation of
studying colloid because colloids do learning objective
exist around them.
Based on the description, the
researchers took the title "Chemistry
Student Worksheet Oriented SETS Initial design of Chemisry Student Worksheet
(Environment Science Technology and (Draft I)
Society) at the principal material for

RSMABI Colloids"
Based on the above background, Review
the problems may be brought "How the
feasibility Chemistry Student Worksheet
SETS oriented to the subject matter
colloids RSMABI criteria in terms of Chemistr Chemistr English Media
y y teacher Lecturer Lecturer
content, presentation, language, Lecturer
graphity and compatibility with the
components of SETS? "
The purpose of this study was to Revision (Draf II)

determine the feasibility of Chemistry
Student Worksheet SETS oriented to the
subject matter of colloidal RSMABI Validation
criteria developed in terms of content,
presentation, language, graphity, and
compatibility with the components of Chemistr Chemistr English Media
SETS. y y teacher Lecturer Lecturer
The design of the development
of Chemistry Student Worksheet Data Analysis
research on the subject matter of this
colloid refers to a software development
model of learning 4-D (four-D model) is Report
suggested by Thiagarajan which consists
of four phases, namely Define phase, Figure 1 Modification Design Development Tools Learning Model 4-D
according to Thiagarajan, Semmel and Semmel [6].
design phase, development phase , and
Disseminate phase.
The study is limited to the level of
development, because the study only to
determine eligibility. The design of this
study can be presented as the following
flow chart:

Unesa Journal of Chemical Education
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.62-69 Mei 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454

Sources of data in this study is a lecturers of Chemistry, State University

professor of chemistry, an English of Surabaya and a teacher of SMAN 1
lecturer, media lecturer 2, and 3 Pamekasan), a linguist (English lecturer
chemistry teachers SMA Negeri 1 of Chemistry, State University of
Pamekasan. Methods of data collection Surabaya) and a media expert (learning
in this research using the questionnaire media lecturer of Chemistry, State
method. The analysis was conducted on University of Surabaya). From the study
each of the criteria related to Chemistry conducted, obtained input and advice
Student Worksheet component is the from experts to draft a criteria that
content, presentation, language, and includes components of the Chemistry
compatibility with the components Student Worksheet criteria of content,
kegrafiakaan SETS. The percentage of presentation, language, graphity, and
the data obtained by questionnaire is a compatibility with the components of
modification of the Likert Scale as SETS. Study carried out by using the
follows: instrument review sheet content,
1. much less given a score of 1. presentation and kesesuain with SETS
2. less were scored 2. components, instrument pieces of
3. Both were given a score of 3. language study, and study sheets
4. Very good given the score of 4 [7]. graphity instrument. Based on the
Formula used to calculate the reviewers input to the draft 1 revision
percentage of Rating Scale as follows: and produce a draft 2. Analysis of Data
Validation Results of Chemistry Student
Worksheet with SETS oriented.
Analysis of the data validation
results of Chemistry Student Worksheet
with SETS oriented on the subject
Criteria score = the highest score matter be descriptive quantitative
number of aspects of Colloids. Validation of the draft
number of Chemistry Student Worksheet 2 SETS
respondents [8]. oriented pieces performed by instrument
validation using content, presentation
The percentages obtained are and kesesuain with SETS components,
interpreted in the following criteria: instrument pieces linguistic validation,
and instrument validation graphity
Table 1 Modified Likert Scale sheet. Sheet used to collect data
Interpretation Criteria Score. validation assessment of the eligibility
Percentage Criteria criteria of content, presentation,
(%) language, graphity, and compatibility
0-25 Very weak with the components of the Chemistry
26-50 weak Student Worksheet SETS developed.
51-75 strong Validation is performed by experts
76-100 Very strong (validators) to assign a value to every
Ridwan [7] aspect of the content criteria, penyajain,
linguistic, and kekesuaian graphity
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION SETS with components based on the
Analysis Results of Review modification of the Likert Scale:
of Chemistry Student Worksheet SETS- a. much less given a score of 1.
Oriented b. less were scored 2.
Review of Chemistry Student c. Both were given a score of 3.
Worksheet oriented SETS (environment d. Very good given the score of 4 [7].
science technology and society) According Riduwan [7], if these
performed by 3 expert material (2 criteria get the appraisal with the

Unesa Journal of Chemical Education
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.62-69 Mei 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454

percentage of 51% according to is said to deserve. Validation results of

modified Likert scale in Table 1, then Chemistry Student Worksheet with
Chemistry Student Worksheet developed SETS oriented as below:

Table 2 Validation results-oriented SETS Chemistry Student Worksheet

Criteria Aspects Presentation of Assessment Average (%) Criteria

Contents 82.14 84.38 81.25 82.29 82.52 Very Strong
Presentation 82.50 83.75 83.75 83.75 83.44 Very Strong

Linguistic 87.50 87.50 85.00 90.00 87.50 Very Strong

Graphity 92.85 92.85 92.85 100 94.64 Very Good
Kesuaian 81.25 87.50 85.42 89.58 85.94 Very Strong
component SETS

Description: CSW = Chemistry Student Worksheet

Table 2 is described based on Based on the validation results are

assessment of Student Worksheet presented in Table 2 Student Worksheet
Chemistry with SETS oriented as Chemistry has met the eligibility SETS
follows: oriented content by percentage of
Contents Criteria worksheet 1, 2, 3, and 4 of each row of
The content is one important 82.14%, 84.38%, 81.25% , and 82.29%.
component that must be considered in Based on the interpretation of scores on
the preparation of C hemistry Student the Likert scale modification of Table 1
Worksheet. According BSNP that one of it can be said that the eligibility criteria
the Student Worksheet eligibility criteria for the content of C hemistry Student
are criteria in terms of content. Criteria Worksheet SETS are oriented in the
for the contents of C hemistry Student interval 76% -100%, which means a
Worksheet consists of several aspects of very strong or very decent to say.
the suitability of the material with SBC Presentation Criteria
and Cambridge curriculum, the suita- According BSNP eligibility
bility of the material with the Standard criteria relating to the presentation
of Competence and the Basic consists of several aspects of the
Competence to be achieved, the material present cover the contents of the
relevant to the indicators of learning manuscript Chemistry Student Work-
outcomes, materials relevant to the sheet, the suitability of the table of
purpose of the study, contains a contents with chapter headings, sub-
summary of material facts, laws, chapters, page numbers, clarity standard
concepts and principles is important, the of competence, basic competence, and
evaluation questions in Chemistry indicators of learning objectives,
Student Worksheet easy to understand suitability of the concept map contains
and comply with indicators of learning concepts core concepts to be presented,
outcomes, and activity experiments or kesesuain question / problem training in
experiments in the Chemistry Student each chapter [9].
Worksheet in accordance with the Based on the validation results are
materials and basic competence, which presented in Table 2 Student Worksheet
developed [9]. Chemistry has met the eligibility SETS

Unesa Journal of Chemical Education
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.62-69 Mei 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454

oriented presentation of the percentage displayed communicative and harmo-

of C hemistry Student Worksheet 1, 2, 3, nious, proportionate and consistent,
and 4 of each row of 82.50%, 83.75%, suitability letters in the select on of the
83 , 75%, and 83.75%. Based on the types and large letters, illustrations or
interpretation of the score modified images can help the understanding of
Likert scale in Table 1, it can be said concepts, clarity of content is helping
that the eligibility criteria for the presen- mold the students in learning,
tation of the Student Worksheet understand, and manage the information
Chemistry with SETS oriented in the submitted, selected paper A4 100 grams
interval 76% -100%, which means a with a function as printed informa ion
very strong or very decent to say. delivery media and survive for at least 5
Language Criteria years, softcover binding system that has
Based on the validity of the a strength of at least 5 years [9].
language contained in Table 2 show that Based on the validation results are
C hemistry Student Worksheet 1, 2, 3, presented in Table 2, Chemistry Student
and 4 obtained the percentage of each, Worksheet with SETS oriented graph
amounting to 87.50%, 87.50%, 85.00% meets the eligibility percentage
and 90.00% . Student Worksheet Chemistry Student Worksheet 1, 2, 3,
Chemistry has met the eligibility SETS and 4 of each row of 92.85%, 92.85%,
oriented language with an average 92, 85%, and 100%. Based on the
percentage of 87.50% so it can be said to interpretation of scores on the Likert
include the category of very strong scale modification of Table 1 it can be
because it is in the interval 76% -100% said that the eligibility criteria for the
in the interpretation of scores modified presentation of the Student Worksheet
Likert scale in Table 1. Fulfilling the Chemistry SETS oriented in the interval
criteria of language C hemistry Student 76% -100%, which means a very strong
Worksheet has been in accordance with or very decent to say.
the criteria of language according Suitability Component of SETS
BSNP abaout Chemistry Student Criteria
Writing Worksheet using appropriate According Binadja eligibility
language to the level of student progress, criteria relating to suitability SETS
Chemistry Student Worksheet Writing component consists of several aspects:
in English is good and right, Keruntutan linking science with state of the
ketertautan language or inter-chapters, environment (science and environment),
sub chapters, paragraphs, and sentences. linking science with technology (science
Chemistry Student Writing Worksheet and technology), connecting science to
using terms that are easily understood the circumstances surrounding commu-
and Chemistry Student Writing Work- nities (science and society) [11 ].
sheet using the term or symbol or Based on the validation results are
emblem steadily [10]. presented in Table 2, Chemistry Student
Graph Criteria Worksheet SETS oriented components
According BSNP eligibility has met the eligibility conformity with
criteria related to graph consists of the percentage SETS Chemistry Student
several aspects of the suitability Worksheet 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively in
of Chemistry Student Worksheet skin a row at 81.2%, 87.50%, 85.42% and
leather the front, back and displayed in 89.58%. Based on the interpretation of
contrast, clear, interesting and appro- scores on the Likert scale modification
priate to the magnitude and type of font of Table 1 it can be said that the criteria
and color and layout is appropriate, the for the suitability of components for
suitability of the content of Chemistry Chemistry Student Worksheet with
Student worksheet is presented in the SETS oriented at intervals of 76% -
form of text and illustrations (images)

Unesa Journal of Chemical Education
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.62-69 Mei 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454

100%, which means a very strong or Jakarta: Depdiknas Direktorat

very decent to say. PembinaanSekolah Menengah
Overall results of the validation is Atas.
based on Table 2 Student Worksheet 2. Depdiknas. 2008. Panduan
Chemistry oriented SETS have been Pengembangan Bahan Ajar.
developed to meet the criteria of content, Jakarta: Depdiknas Direktorat
presentation, language, and suitability PembinaanSekolah Menengah
graphity SETS components respectively Atas.
by 82.52%, 83.44%, 87.50%, 94, 64%, 3. BSNP. 2006. Panduan Penyusunan
and 85.94%. Based on the interpretation Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan
of scores on the Likert scale modifi- Pendidikan Jenjang
cation of Table 1 it can be said that Pendidikan Dasar Dan
the Student Worksheet Chemistry with Menengah. Jakarta: Badan
SETS oriented is fit for use in schools, Standar Nasional Pendidikan.
especially high school stubs 4. BSNP. 2006. Standar Isi untuk
International Level. Satuan Pendidikan Dasar Dan
Menengah Standar
CONCLUSION AND ADVISE Kompetensi Dan Kompetensi
Based on the analysis of research Dasar SMA/MA. Jakarta:
data can be concluded that Badan Standar Nasional
the Chemistry Student Worksheet with Pendidikan.
SETS Oriented (Science, Environment, 5. Febri ,Ika N. A. 2010.
Technology and Society) to Colloid for Pengembangan Buku Siswa
RSMABI been fit for use as a learning Berorientasi Sets Pada Materi
device because it has reached the Pokok Perubahan Materi Dan
percentage of 51% in the inter- Reaksi Kimia Kelas Vii Untuk
pretation of the score scale modification Sekolah Bertaraf
criteria Likert. Chemistry Student Internasional. Skripsi. Tidak
Worksheet with SETS Oriented has met Dipublikasikan. Surabaya:
the eligibility criteria of content, Universitas Negeri Surabaya.
presentation, language, and graph, and 6. Ibrahim, Muslimin. 2002. Pelatihan
compliance components of SETS Terintegrasi Berbasis
(Science, Environment, Technology and Kompetensi Guru Mata
Society) respectively by 82.52%, Pelajaran Biologi
83.44%, 87.50 %, 94.64%, 85.94% with Pengembangan Perangkat
a very strong category. Pembelajaran. Surabaya:
The study only examined the Depdiknas Direktorat Jendral
feasibility of Chemistry Student Work- Pendidikan Dasar dan
sheet with SETS Oriented (Science, Menengah.
Environment, Technology and Society) 7. Riduwan. 2010. Skala Pengukuran
so that from the findings is unknown Variabel- variabel Penelitian.
effect of Chemistry Student Worksheet Bandung: Alfabeta.
on student learning outcomes. It is 8. Sugiyono. 2008. Metode Penelitian
therefore necessary to study more about Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan
the effect of Chemistry Student Work- R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta.
sheet on student learning outcomes 9. BSNP. 2006. Instrument Penilaian
Tahap II Buku Teks Pelajaran
1. Depdiknas. 2009. Panduan Badan Standar Nasional
Penyelenggaraan Program Pendidikan.
Rintisan SMA Bertaraf 10. BSNP. 2006. Instrument Penilaian
Internasional (R-SMABI). Tahap II Buku Teks Pelajaran

Unesa Journal of Chemical Education
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.62-69 Mei 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454

Kimia SMA/MA. Jakarta:

Badan Standar Nasional
11. Binadja, Achmad. 2007. Pedoman
Pengembangan Bahan
Pembelajaran Bervisi Dan
Berpendekatan SETS (Science,
Environment, Technology, and
Society). Semarang:
Laboratorium SETS UNNES.


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