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Proving Genocide - Forensic Anthropologists Role in Developing Ev

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Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School


Proving Genocide: Forensic Anthropologist's Role

In Developing Evidence To Convict Those
Responsible For Genocide
Jean Marie Morgan
The Florida State University

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Recommended Citation
Morgan, Jean Marie, "Proving Genocide: Forensic Anthropologist's Role In Developing Evidence To Convict Those Responsible For
Genocide" (2011). Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations. Paper 5053.

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Jean M. Morgan

A Thesis submitted to the

Department of Anthropology
in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Master of Science

Degree Awarded:
Fall Semester, 2011

Copyright 2011
Jean M. Morgan
All Rights Reserved
Jean M. Morgan defended this thesis on October 17, 2011.

The members of the supervisory committee were:

Glen H. Doran
Professor Directing the Thesis

Rochelle Marrinan
Committee Member

Lynne Schepartz
Committee Member

The Graduate School has verified and approved the above-named committee members, and
certifies that the thesis has been approved in accordance with university requirements.

I would like to dedicate this work to Bishop Juan Gerardi Conedera, of the
Archdiocese of Guatemala, who was murdered two days after issuing a report on
the Guatemalan genocide. Additionally, this work is dedicated to all of the
courageous forensic scientists and prosecutors who investigate atrocities and
prosecute cases of genocide at the risk of their own personal safety. Without their
dedication and hard work, justice would not be served for the victims of genocide
and their loved ones.


The thesis presented here would not have been possible without the support of
colleagues, family, friends, and medical professionals. First, I would like to thank the members
of my Committee. They were lead by Professor Glen Doran, and included Associate Professor
Lynne Schepartz and Associate Professor Rochelle Marrinan. I will be eternally grateful for
their patience, advice, and council. In particular, I owe a special debt of gratitude to Professor
Doran for his support when I became very ill while researching and writing this thesis. His kind
and thoughtful help will always be treasured. My brother Michael Morgan, his wife Madelyn,
and my sister Roberta Morgan were also very supportive and helped me on many occasions.
Michael showed considerable interest in this work and advised me when I needed to discuss
ideas. Roberta helped design the illustrations presented in this document and edit its contents.
Madelyn Morgan, the family editor and tax consultant, graciously offered to edit this thesis.
Madelyns edit was very comprehensive, professional, and insightful. The thesis is a far better
product because of Madelyns review. Any errors in this document are my responsibility alone.
My best friends, Nancy Watson and Irene Kress were particularly supportive and interested in
this project. Additionally, they, along with many of my Institute of Notre Dame friends, in
particular, Mary Lawson, helped me through a very difficult health crisis with their prayers,
phone calls, letters and cards. The medical professionals at the Mayo Clinic, in particular Dr.
Jeffery L. Garland, and my local doctors Robert Stein, Farideh Zadeh, and Linda Lukman saved
my life. None of the research, writing, and production of this document would have been
possible without the kindness, support, and assistance of each and every one of these wonderful


List of Tables vii

List of Figures viii
Abstract ix
1 Introduction 1
2 Existing Literature 3
2.1 Genocide Defined 3
2.2 The Role of Forensic Anthropology 7
2.3 Mass Graves Defined 9
2.4 Prosecution of the guilty 16
2.5 The Need for a Protocol 17
3 Methods 19
3.1 Identification of Research Subjects 19
3.2 Databases Constructed to Analyze Genocide Information 19
4. Findings 23
4.1 Cambodia 23
4.2 East Timor 28
4.3 Guatemala 31
4.4 Iraq 37
4.5 Rwanda 42
4.6 Yugoslavia 46
4.7 Prosecutions of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity 55
4.8 Impediments to Prosecution 63
5. Discussion 65
5.1 Mass Graves Evidence 65
5.2 Potential Resolution of Impediments to Prosecutions 67
5.3 Protocol for the Excavation, Exhumation and Examination of

Mass Graves and Their Contents 68
5.4 Identification of Individual Victims 87
6. Conclusion 88
Appendices 89
Appendix A Genocide Database Key 89
Appendix B Genocide Database 93
Appendix C Results of Mass Grave Excavations Database 96
Appendix D Protocol Analysis and Development 99
Appendix E Protocol for the Excavation, Exhumation and Examination of
Mass Graves and Their Contents 117
References 138
Biographical Sketch 148


Table 2.1 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide 5
Table 2.2 Mass Grave Excavations 13
Table 2.3 Courts Trying Genocide Cases 17
Table 3.1 Court Cases 22


Figure 2.1 Post World War II Genocides 11

Figure 5.1 Stage I Planning and Logistical Analysis 69
Figure 5.2 Stage II Exploratory Mission and Feasibility Study 71
Figure 5.3 Stage III Excavation and Exhumation of Grave 76
Figure 5.4 Stage IV Intake and Autopsy 79
Figure 5.5 Stage V Skeletal Analysis 80
Figure 5.6 Stage VI Conclusion, Review and Final Report 83
Figure 5.7 Protocol for the Excavation, Exhumation and Examination of Mass
Graves and Their Contents 86


At the beginning of the second half of the Twentieth century, the crime of genocide was
defined and the Genocide Convention was enacted by the United Nations to prosecute those
responsible for such atrocities. Since enactment, genocides in eight countries have been
investigated and prosecuted. One key player in these investigations has been the forensic
anthropologist. The role of the forensic anthropologist in excavating mass graves, and analyzing
the skeletal remains of the victims has been pivotal to successful prosecution of the guilty. As
mass graves have been excavated, forensic professionals have used protocols that were not
specifically designed for this work. The research conducted for this thesis included: the
identification of genocides committed during the second half of the 20th Century, examination of
indictments and judgments from international tribunals, evaluation of mass grave excavations
done to support prosecutions, and the compilation of a protocol from those used during these
excavations. The Protocol for the Excavation, Exhumation, and Examination of Mass Graves
and Their Contents is provided in this thesis. It is a comprehensive six-stage protocol designed
specifically for the excavation of graves resulting from genocide. Five of the six stages are
discussed. They include: I Planning and Logistical Analysis, II Exploratory Mission and
Feasibility Study, III Excavation and Exhumation of the Grave, V Skeletal Analysis, and VI
Conclusion, Review, and Final Report. Stage IV Intake and Autopsy is beyond the scope of this
thesis and is included but not fully described. The protocol was produced by supplementing the
UN Manual on the Effective Prevention and Investigation of Extra-Legal, Arbitrary and
Summary Execution with protocols and other authoritative materials produced by authors who
have successfully completed mass grave excavations. Also, the protocol was supplemented by
material from experts in related fields. This protocol is intended to organize and facilitate the
work of excavating mass graves, analyzing the remains, and preserving evidence in a manner
consistent with the best practices of forensic scientists, and in a manner that will withstand the
scrutiny of international tribunals and courts prosecuting these cases.


Genocide is the most egregious of crimes. It requires massive governmental and civilian
resources to be brought to bear against a group. It vilifies the members of a group to justify
gruesome crimes. It denies the individual basic human dignity by attacking a person not because
of who he is, but for what he is. It destroys not only the individuals of a group, but the groups
physical and mental well-being, their towns and homes, even their ability to have and raise their
children. Survivors are often left stateless, homeless, and penniless. They are often unable to
find refuge from exposure to harsh weather, gain comfort from observing religious practices, or
acquire sustenance other than from the kindness of others. They have often lost many family
members and friends, their way-of-life, and their ability to satisfy basic human needs. The
devastation from genocide is complete.
After World War II, the international community had become outraged by the Nazi
genocide. Consequently, they established an international law against genocide, hoping this law
would prevent future genocides. Sadly, this hope was dashed during the second half of the 20th
Century. When the former State of Yugoslavia collapsed into waves of ethnic cleansing, and the
Hutus of Rwanda began slashing at their fellow countrymen, the Tutsi, the world was riveted by
scenes in the media of internment camps and mass killings. It seemed that the 20th Century, one
of the most violent in human history, was ending in an orgy of state-sponsored atrocities.
Is it genocide? Answering this three-word question is often left to forensic
anthropologists who excavate mass graves, gather pertinent evidence, and analyze skeletal
remains and related information. While the contributions forensic anthropologists make
investigating common murders has been glamorized on popular television shows, these programs
often overlook the role forensic anthropologists play during the investigation and prosecution of
genocide. Additionally, textbooks and training manuals for forensic anthropologists often
understate the unique requirements for the field investigation of clandestine mass graves. While

these references provide excellent guidance for the excavation and analysis of murders, they do
not provide guidance on the specific evidence needed to convict those responsible for genocide.
By reviewing selected trials of those charged with the crime of genocide, this thesis will
determine the types of evidence used by judges when they convict the perpetrators of these
crimes. Genocides during the second half of the 20th Century will be reviewed to determine the
most effective forensic evidence used to successfully prosecute those guilty under the Genocide
Convention. Finally, this thesis will describe an investigative protocol that can be used by
forensic anthropologists, archaeologists, and others while investigating these crimes.
It is argued that there have been sufficient numbers of genocide cases and mass grave
exhumations to establish a protocol for use by forensic anthropologists and archaeologists for the
excavation and exhumation of mass graves and examination of skeletal remains. This thesis will
establish the needed protocol by reviewing indictments and court judgments, forensic
anthropology reports and articles on mass grave excavations, as well as other authoritative texts
and articles.
The prosecution of those accused of committing genocide includes the requirement to
prove that the attackers had the intent to destroy one of four protected groups included in the
Genocide Convention. The requirement to prove this type of discriminatory intent represents an
additional requirement beyond those for prosecuting crimes against humanity. Crimes against
humanity are crimes against civilians that do not include the intent to destroy one of the
protected groups specified in the Genocide Convention. Therefore, it is argued that by focusing
on genocide, the protocol produced will be sufficient, not only for genocide mass grave
excavations, but also excavations done to support the prosecution of those indicted for
committing crimes against humanity.


There is extensive literature available on various aspects of genocide. In this thesis, the
literature review focused on how and when genocide was defined and adopted as an international
law, what the forensic anthropologists role is during the investigation of genocide, how mass
graves are defined, what requirements need to be met to prosecute the guilty, and why a protocol
for the excavation, exhumation, and examination of mass graves is needed.

2.1 Genocide Defined

It was Raphael Lemkin who coined the word genocide. Lemkin was a Polish Jew and
international lawyer who studied linguistics at the University of Lvov, Ukraine (Power 2002;
Lvov 2010). Within days of the Wehrmachts invasion of Poland, Lemkin fled the capital to his
family home in eastern Poland. From there, he made his way to Vilnius, Lithuania, where he
petitioned his friend, the Minister of Justice in Sweden, for refuge. Once his petition was
granted, he traveled to Sweden in 1940. While a lecturer at the University of Stockholm, he
began collecting Nazis legal decrees issued in the countries that they occupied. His purpose was
to demonstrate the sinister ways that the law could be perverted to propagate hatred and
incitement to murder. He also recognized that the Nazis decrees and ordinances were the
irrefutable evidence needed to convince the world that atrocities were taking place. By 1941,
Lemkin had secured an appointment at Duke University to teach international law. In 1942, he
was hired by the Board of Economic Warfare and the Foreign Economic Administration in
Washington, D.C.; and later, in 1944, he transferred to the U.S. War Department. All the while,
he kept trying to convince people that the occupation of European countries by Germany began a
cycle of atrocities directed at minority groups, in particular the Jews, with the objective of killing
all of them (Power 2002).
In 1944, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace published Lemkins
compilation of Nazi decrees and ordinances. Within this publication, Lemkin also discussed his

new term, genocide. Genocide was derived from the Greek word genos, meaning race or tribe
and the Latin word cide or killing (Lemkin 1944). Genocide was intended to:

signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential

foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups
themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and
social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic
existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health,
dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups. Genocide is
directed against the national group as an entity, and the actions involved are directed
against individuals, not in their individual capacity, but as members of the national group
(Lemkin 1944:79).

The first official mention of genocide came in indictments issued in October 1945 by the
Nuremberg court which described the atrocities inflicted on civilian populations within occupied
territories as genocide. However, at that time there was no separate international law specifically
defining the crime of genocide. In this instance, genocide was used to describe the crime in
terms that were sufficiently horrifying to match their gruesome nature. When the Nuremburg
court pronounced judgment on twenty-four defendants, none was convicted of genocide. While
Lemkin was devastated, he believed that this decision pointed out the need for a separate
international law describing the offense of genocide. As a result, he began to lobby the new UN
General Assembly to establish an international law that did not link such atrocities to cross-
border aggression. On December 11, 1946, the General Assembly passed a resolution
condemning genocide and tasked a UN committee with drafting a UN treaty banning the crime.
Once this treaty passed the General Assembly and was ratified by two-thirds of the UN member
states, it became an international law (Power 2002).
On December 9, 1948, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution titled, The Convention on
the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, as stipulated in Table 2.1 (Power
2002:62-63). When the vote finally arrived, 55 delegates voted yes, with none voting no.
However, almost forty years passed before the United States would ratify the treaty and fifty
years before Jean-Paul Akayesu of Rwanda became the first to be convicted of the crime of
genocide by the International Criminal Tribunal of Rwanda on October 8, 1998 (Power 2002;
The Prosecutor versus Jean-Paul Akayesu 1998).

Table 2.1 Convention on the Prevention and
Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

Approved and proposed for signature and ratification or accession by

General Assembly resolution 260 A (III) of 9 December 1948
Entry into Force 12 January 1951, in Accordance with Article XIII

The Contracting Parties,

Having considered the declaration made by the General Assembly of the United Nations in its resolution 96 (I) dated 11 December 1946 that
genocide is a crime under international law, contrary to the spirit and aims of the United Nations and condemned by the civilized world,
Recognizing that at all periods of history genocide has inflicted great losses on humanity, and
Being convinced that, in order to liberate mankind from such an odious scourge, international co-operation is required,
Hereby agree as hereinafter provided:

Article 1
The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they
undertake to prevent and to punish.

Article 2
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or
religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Article 3
The following acts shall be punishable:
(a) Genocide;
(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;
(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;
(d) Attempt to commit genocide;
(e) Complicity in genocide.

Article 4
Persons committing genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in article III shall be punished, whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers,
public officials or private individuals.

Article 5
The Contracting Parties undertake to enact, in accordance with their perspective Constitutions, the necessary legislation to give effect to the provisions
of the present Convention, and, in particular, to provide effective penalties for persons guilty of genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in article

Article 6
Persons charged with genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in article III shall be tried by a competent tribunal of the State in the territory of
which the act was committed, or by such international penal tribunal as may have jurisdiction.

Article 7
Genocide and the other acts enumerated in article III shall not be considered as political crimes for the purpose of extradition.
The Contracting Parties pledge themselves in such cases to grant extradition in accordance with their laws and treaties in force.

Article 8
Any Contracting Party may call upon the competent organs of the United Nations to take such action under the Charter of the United Nations as they
consider appropriate for the prevention and suppression of acts of genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in article III.

Article 9
Disputes between the Contracting Parties relating to the interpretation, application or fulfillment of the present Convention, including
those relating to the responsibility of a State for genocide or for any of the other acts enumerated in article III, shall be submitted to the International
Court of Justice at the request of any of the parties to the dispute.

Table 2.1 is reproduced from Powers 2002:62-63.

When the Nuremberg prosecutions took place, the accused were charged with crimes
against humanity (Power 2002). This crime was initially recognized by the community of
nations in the 1899 and 1907 Hague Conventions, as well as in the 1919 report of the
Commission on the Responsibility of the Authors of War. Using these conventions and reports,
the drafters of the Nuremberg Charter formulated a definition of crimes against humanity that
intended to reflect the norms presented in these earlier documents. The International Criminal
Tribunals for both Yugoslavia and Rwanda initiated development of a body of international
jurisprudence on crimes against humanity. This facilitated the development of an internationally
accepted definition of crimes against humanity that was included in the Rome Statute of the
International Criminal Court, and adopted on July 17, 1998 (Robinson 1999). Crimes against
humanity were defined as:
Any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic
attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:
(a) Murder
(b) Extermination
(c) Enslavement
(d) Deportation or forcible transfer of population
(e) Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in
violation of fundamental rules of international law
(f) Torture
(g) Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy,
enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable
(h) Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political,
racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in paragraph 3,
or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under
international law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or
any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court
(i) Enforced disappearance of persons
(j) The crime of apartheid
(k) Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great
suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health (Rome
Statute 1998:3).

While the definition of crimes against humanity is similar to that of genocide, there is an
important difference. The crime of genocide includes a requirement that the crime be committed
with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, religious or racial group (Power 2002). Crimes
against humanity do not include a discriminatory motive for all such crimes. The discriminatory
motive that the crime be committed on national, political, ethnic, racial or religious grounds only

applies to the crime of persecution. Also, the discriminatory motive includes the intent to
destroy the group in whole or in part (Robinson 1999).

2.2 The Role of Forensic Anthropology

Anthropology is the study of the biological and cultural aspects of all people in all times,
thus anthropologists are particularly well suited for the investigation of genocide because of their
training in cultural anthropology, archaeology, taphonomy and biological anthropology. Their
training in cultural anthropology allows them to identify cultural markers that define ethnic,
religious or national groups. Their training in anthropology, archaeology and taphonomy gives
them the skills needed to excavate clandestine graves and crime scenes where genocides
occurred (Byers 2005). In particular, taphonomy, or the interpretation of all events affecting the
remains between death and discovery represents the most important contributions made by
anthropologists (Ubelaker 1997:80). Their training in biological anthropology gives them the
skills needed to analyze skeletal remains and the associated material needed to prove genocide
(Byers 2005).
On its website, the American Board of Forensic Anthropology provides the following
definition and additional clarifying information on forensic anthropology:
Forensic anthropology is the application of the science of physical or biological
anthropology to the legal process. Physical or biological anthropologists who specialize
in forensics primarily focus their studies on the human skeleton.
The analysis of skeletal, badly decomposed, or otherwise unidentified human remains
is important in both legal and humanitarian contexts.
Forensic anthropologists apply standard scientific techniques developed in physical
anthropology to analyze human remains, and to aid in the detection of crime.
In addition to assisting in locating and recovering human skeletal remains, forensic
anthropologists work to assess the age, sex, ancestry, stature, and unique features of a
decedent from the skeleton.
Forensic anthropologists frequently work in conjunction with forensic pathologists,
odontologists, and homicide investigators to identify a decedent, document trauma to the
skeleton, and/or estimate the postmortem interval (ABFA 2008:1).

From the above, one can see that forensic anthropology, a sub-discipline within physical
anthropology, is an applied science that combines aspects of both anthropology and forensic
sciences. Forensic anthropology is the scientific discipline that examines human skeletal
remains for medical-legal evidence. The goal of the analysis is to obtain as much information as
possible about the person and the circumstances surrounding the death (Burns 2007; Byers 2005;

Stewart 1979). When examining the clandestine graves and remains of murder victims, the
forensic anthropologist has five goals: First, determine various demographic attributes of the
victim such as ancestry or ethnic group, sex, age, and stature of the individual. Second, collect
evidence of traumatic injury to determine the nature and cause of the trauma to assist in the
determination of the manner of death. Third, based on knowledge of decomposition and
deterioration of human remains after death, estimate the time that passed since the individual
died, or the postmortem interval (PMI). Fourth, assist in the location of remains buried or left on
the surface of the ground in a way that allows the collection of all relevant evidence needed for
the forensic investigation. Fifth, using knowledge of skeletal features, forensic anthropologists
can provide information unique to each individual to obtain a positive identification (Byers 2005;
Cattaneo 2007). Additionally, the practice of forensic anthropology can be seen as a clinical
practice because it employs both clinical and actuarial judgment. Clinical judgment requires the
practitioner to process information learned from both academic training and hands-on or clinical
analysis of human remains. In contrast, actuarial judgment requires interpretations based on
calculations using empirically established formulas (Klepinger 2006).
The practice of forensic anthropology is confronted with different challenges and
obstacles when recovering human remains and related material from mass graves. (Klepinger
2006). In the case of mass graves resulting from genocides, the objectives of the forensic
anthropologist are: first, collect narrative and physical evidence needed to establish
accountability and prosecute the guilty; second, obtain the information necessary to identify the
individual and their associated group; third, create a record that can withstand the scrutiny of
courts and historical revisionists; fourth, expose atrocities to the world to prevent future
atrocities; and fifth, provide a semblance of basic human dignity to the victims (Haglund et al.
2001; Haglund 2002; Cattaneo 2007).
Forensic anthropology can be subdivided into two areas: development of demographic
information of the individual, and the forensic anthropologists role in the broader medical-legal
investigation (Klepinger 2006). At times, these two elements of anthropological work conflict
when conducting field investigations of mass graves resulting from genocide. While the basic
work on human rights cases like genocide appears the same, the scale of the work is greater, and
support infrastructure (e.g., local crime laboratories, and other technical help) is either far from
the location of the mass grave or is minimal at best (Burns 2007). This gives rise to a significant

issue for the forensic anthropologist. What should take precedence during the field investigation:
the identification of individuals or the identification of the group the individual belongs to?
Once genocide has been charged, the prosecution must prove that the perpetrators committed the
acts with the intent to destroy a group protected under the genocide convention. This requires
the forensic anthropologist to identify the national, ethnic, religious, or racial group of the
individuals in the mass grave. With limited time and funding, once the group identification has
been made, often the remains are turned over to local authorities for specific identification of the
individual. Unfortunately, local authorities may either lack the expertise or the logistical means
to identify such large numbers of individuals. This leaves families with uncertainty over the fate
of their loved ones. Many family members have gone through tremendous psychological
suffering because they have been unable to bury and mourn their dead, address burial customs,
or meet religious obligations. To alleviate such suffering forensic anthropologists in particular,
and all of the experts gathered to investigate a mass grave, need to provide as much identity
information as possible to allow families and friends to locate, rebury and honor the dead
(Florida 2010; Stover and Shigekane 2002).

2.3 Mass Graves Defined

Genocides have resulted in the killing of enormous numbers of people. There were over
34.4 million deaths in battle during the various conflicts that took place during the 20th Century.
While this number is shocking in its own right, it pales in comparison to the intentional killing of
civilians or military noncombatants by governments. That number is nearly five times greater
than deaths in battle, or nearly 170 million men, women and children (Falconer 2003; Rommel
1994; Rommel 1995; Rommel 1997). Many of these killings were genocides. For example, in
Rwanda it is estimated that from 500,000 to 1,000,000 people were killed in 100 days. In
Cambodia, a staggering number of 1.7 million perished out of a total population of 8 million,
many of whom were the victims of genocide. In the former Yugoslavia, there were 200,000 to
225,000 killed in Bosnia, 10,000 in Croatia, 10,000 to 20,000 in Kosovo and 10,000 in Serbia.
In East Timor it is estimated that 200, 000 were killed out of a population of 800,000, or one-
quarter of the total population. In Guatemala and Iraq, there were 60,000-200,000 and 180,000
killed, respectively. Killing on such a massive scale resulted in the clandestine burial of the
victims in huge mass graves or what Haglund called the extra-legal expedient to cover up both

human rights abuses and war crimes (Haglund 2002:244). Figure 1 below, provides a chart of
post World War II genocides, the number killed and their timeframes. This figure documents the
magnitude of genocides committed after World War II (The Prosecutor versus Jean-Paul
Akayesu 1998; Iliopoulos 2008; Blum et al. 2007; Kiernan 1999; Cook 2000; Des Forges 1999;
Harff 2003; Power 2002; Power 2008). Figure2.1 was developed with software from Concept
Draw using Mindmap Professional, edition 4.0.
Definitions for the term mass grave vary. The greatest difference has to do with the
minimum number of individuals contained in the grave that can vary from two, three, or six
individuals. Therefore, the term mass grave becomes a relative term requiring an estimate of the
minimum number of individuals. Some definitions require the bodies to be close enough in
proximity to be touching. Within the legal context of tribunals, the type or manner of death of
the individual is needed for a grave to be considered a mass grave. In this instance, the people
contained in the mass grave must have been the victims of extra-judicial, summary, or arbitrary
executions that have not resulted from participation in combat or armed confrontation. An
additional distinction for mass graves is the orientation of the bodies to one another. Graves can
be single graves, group graves where remains lie in parallel, and mass graves where the dead are
placed in a disorganized manner and in a way that represent the lack of dignity given these
victims. Finally, mass graves have been defined as a mass or aggregate of remains that were
deposited in the graves in either an organized or disorganized manner (Haglund et al. 2001;
Haglund 2002; Skinner et al. 2002).
While each mass grave is unique, there are common general structures. There are graves
that are simple trenches with the bodies placed in a way that allows only minimal contact with
each other. Some graves contain a dense, contiguous aggregate of bodies where individuals are
not only in contact with one another, but are extremely jumbled, contorted and entangled
forming a single body mass, often with satellite remains that are separated from the body mass.
Multiple body masses may be contained within a single grave, indicating that the grave was
opened more than once with a number of people buried each time. Graves with multiple body
masses may contain layers of remains with intervening fill (Haglund 2002).

Figure 2.1, Post World War II Genocides. The material presented in this figure documents the countries that experienced genocides after World War II.
For each country the length of time and number killed during each genocide is documented.
There are a few historical examples of mass grave investigations that predate the
Genocide Convention of 1951. One interesting case concerns a mass grave discovered by the
Nazis during the German invasion of Russia in 1941. The Germans had become aware of
rumors of the systematic imprisonment and execution of 11,000 Polish officers by Soviet forces
in the Katyn Forest near Smolensk. Fearing that the Nazis would be accused of culpability in the
deaths of the individuals in the mass grave, the Germans established an international medical
mission of forensic medical professors from nine occupied European nations, Italy, and neutral
Switzerland. As reported by Germany in April 1943, a minimum number of 4,143 individuals
were exhumed. Of those, 2,914 were identified based on personal artifacts and documentation
located within the grave. Most had been shot in the head, and 5% had rope ligatures that tied
their hands behind their backs. Based on this evidence, the investigation concluded that the
deceased were killed execution style. Documentation, such as correspondences, diaries and
newspapers, indicated that the deaths occurred in the spring of 1940 before, the German
invasion. Consequently, the investigation determined that the Soviets were responsible for the
deaths and clandestine burial of these Poles. Although the Soviets denied culpability,
investigations published since the end of World War II have documented the excavation of 6,400
additional bodies and clarified Soviet responsibility for the mass killing. Other cases of the
forensic exhumation of mass graves concerned the identification of missing allied personnel
after World War II in Europe, Asia, Saipan and in Ukraine (Haglund et al. 2001; Haglund 2002).
In the mid-1980s, mass grave investigations began to expand with excavations in Central
and South America in the countries of Guatemala, Argentina, Brazil and Chile. Additional sites
were investigated in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, and Iraq. In 1996 large-scale mass excavations were
organized by Physicians for Human Rights in Rwanda and countries that were formally part of
Yugoslavia. In Rwanda the investigation of the massacres of 1994 took place at the sites of the
Roman Catholic Church in Kibuye and in the capital Kigali. In the former Yugoslavia, at sites in
Bosnia at Cerka, Lazete, Nova Kasava, Pitica, and in Croatia at Ovcara were excavated (Haglund
et al. 2001; Haglund 2002). Table 2.2 provides a list of the mass grave excavations used for this

Table 2.2 Mass Grave Excavations
Country Location MNI Reference
Cambodia Crematories in Kompong Thkau Village unknown De Nike 2000
Chup Rubber Plantation, Chup sub-district, unknown De Nike 2000
Kompong Cham province
Choeung Ek near Phnom Penh, mass grave of 8,000 Ta'ala et al. 2008;
Tuol Sleng prisoners Berg 2008

East Timor Dili's Santa Cruz cemetery, Hera, 15 km east of Dili 16 Jolliffe 2009;
Murdich 2010

Guatemala The Ixil community, Nabaj, Guatemala 9 Chacn et al. 2008

Rio Negro, Achi village, north of Guatemala City 143 Stover and Ryan 2001
Pan de Sanchez, Guatemala 84 Schmitt 2002
Chichupac unknown Schmitt 2002

Iraq Emergency Police HQ, Sulaymaniyah, northern 39 Stover 1992

Iraq border region with Iran
Mahawi brick factory, Mahawil, Iraq 3,000 Tyler 2003
Edge of the Ash Sham Desert, Iraq 28 Burns 2006

Rwanda Kibuye Catholic Church and Home St. Jean 493 Haglund et al. 2001;
Complex, Kibuye, Rwanda Juhl 2005;
Kimmerle and Baraybar
Amgar Garrage in the capital, Kigali unknown Juhl 2005

Bosnia Karstic Cave in the Hrgar region in northwest Bosnia 70 Simmons 2002
Tasovcici 2 km east of Capljina on a hill called 30 Skinner et al 2002
Modric, Bosnia-Herzegovina

Croatia 13 wells near the Croatian-Serbian border and the 61 laus et al. 2007
Croatian-Bosnian border
Ovcara, six kilometers from Vukovar in the 200 Stover and Ryan 2001
Slavonia region of Croatia

Kosovo Near the Kosovo border with Macedonia 1 Delabarde 2008

Peja/Pec cemetary, Orahavac/Rahovec village, 28 Kimmerle and Baraybar
Kosovo 2008


When preparing for the excavation of a mass grave, the forensic anthropologist must plan
for the logistical measures that need to be taken to complete the excavation and provide for the
physical safety of the forensic scientists. When the mass casualty incident of September 11,
2001 occurred in the United States, the resources needed to examine the scene and disinter the
human remains were located within the country where the attack occurred. In Pennsylvania,
Virginia, and New York, local and national authorities had the resources needed to obtain all of
the evidence of the crime, examine the remains, and insure the preservation of the evidence and
of the human remain disinterred. However, in large-scale operations involving mass casualties
outside the United States, more personnel, teamwork, and infrastructure are needed. Often,
because of the massive scale of the crime of genocide, local governmental and humanitarian aid
organizations are overwhelmed. The scale of these investigations requires significant
organization, financial support and a wide assortment of competent professional and technical
participants. International human rights organizations often play a vital role in monitoring
human rights issues, compiling databases, and actualizing and facilitating human rights missions.
Often, private philanthropic and international agencies provide the funding for the investigation
of genocide. The logistical planning for the excavation of a mass grave must consider the sources
of funding, planning for travel and accommodation costs for a large number of people,
designing a comprehensive command structure, delineating roles and responsibilities, defining
operational, worksite safety procedures and quality of work standards, and examining
multicultural challenges inherent to an international effort. Most human rights investigations
must be completed far from crime laboratories and local technical assistance (Burns 2007).
Additionally, large numbers of bodies, as well as enormous amounts of evidence, must be
processed in just a matter of days, weeks, or at best, a few months.
As mentioned above, an additional issue for the anthropologist concerns the personal
safety of the field workers. Often the perpetrators remain in the area where the grave is located.
Because the scale of the crime requires the involvement of local, regional and national
governments, there may be those supportive of the government that facilitated the crime
remaining near the location of the grave, and the same government that committed the crime may
still be in power. Consequently, they may take aggressive actions to conceal the crime and
prevent field personnel from completing their mission. Such actions may include booby trapping
the grave or mining the area surrounding the grave. For example, consider the case of

excavations of wells in Croatia. In addition to human remains, the wells also contained large
amounts of garbage, including debris from destroyed houses, earth, bricks, broken appliances,
furniture, automobile and engine parts, and in one well, unexploded ordinance including hand
grenades, an 82mm mortar shell and a tromblone shell (laus et al. 2007). An additional
example is provided by Clea Koff in her autobiographical book, The Bone Woman. When
investigating mass graves in the former Yugoslavia, Koff and the other members of the team had
to undergo landmine awareness programs. Demining efforts needed to be completed before
forensic anthropologists and other team members could enter the area where the mass graves
were located (Koff 2004). When such dangerous artifacts and situations are present, the forensic
anthropologists should prepare documentation noting concealment of the crime by employing
extreme measures to prevent excavation of the mass grave and recovery of the evidence
contained within the grave. This evidence demonstrates not only efforts to conceal the crime,
but also consciousness of guilt by those who committed the crimes.
When excavating a mass grave containing the victims of genocide, the forensic
anthropologist must focus on the issue of the evidence needed to prove genocide. To do this, the
anthropologist must first determine if the individuals in the grave come from one of the protected
groups identified in the Genocide Convention (national, ethnic, religious or racial). The second
requirement is to prove that the killings are committed with the intent to destroy all or part of the
group targeted. The courts have generally used evidence of the scale of the crime and the
systematic nature of the crime to prove this aspect of genocide. Therefore, the anthropologist
must document the minimum number of individuals (MNI) contained in the grave, the location
of mass graves, the skeletal trauma inflicted on those interred, and the manner of disposal of the
human remains (Adelman 1999; Blum et al. 2007; The Prosecutor v. Blagovi and Joki 2005;
De Nike et al. 2000; Kimmerle and Baraybar 2008; The Prosecutor v. Akayesu 1998; The
Prosecutor v. Bagosora, et al. 2008; Power 2002). Such evidence includes the diagnosis of
skeletal wounds and mechanisms of injury that lead to a determination of the manner and cause
of death. The group attacked must be identified by determining the demographics of the victims,
such as their height, sex, age, and ancestral group and cultural artifacts (Kimmerle and Baraybar
2008). Finally, when considering the nature of the crime, the anthropologist must consider not
only the killing of the individual, but also determine if the individual was subject to: serious
bodily or mental harm such as torture or rape; an environment designed to cause the physical

destruction of the group such as forced marches or starvation diets; measures intended to prevent
births such as separation of men from women; or forcible transfer of children from the attacked
group to another group such as requiring children to be placed into work camps or adoption by
another group (Chigas 2000; De Nike et al. 2000; Des Forges 1999; The Prosecutor v.Akayesu
1998; Luftglass 2004; The Prosecutor v. Bagosora et al. 2008; Power 2002).

2.4 Prosecution of the guilty

The United Nations did not define a specific international court with jurisdiction over the
prosecution of genocide until after major genocidal events occurred in the former Yugoslavia,
Rwanda, Cambodia and Iraq. On May 25, 1993 the Security Council of the United Nations
invoked the Genocide Convention when it created the first international criminal tribunal since
Nuremberg to examine the atrocities being committed in the former Yugoslavia. The creation of
the International War Crimes Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia sparked the establishment of a
UN court in 1994 to try those complicit in committing the genocide in Rwanda. These two
actions fueled efforts to put in place similar mechanisms to try the aging leaders of the Khmer
Rouge in Cambodia, and to punish Saddam Hussein for his crimes against the Kurds of Iraq
(Power 2002).
What developed was a patchwork of different courts, some without an international
component, that would try cases of genocide and crimes against humanity as can be seen in
Table 2.3. Under the system used to establish the International Criminal Tribunals for
Yugoslavia and Rwanda, the Security Council of the United Nations had to pass a resolution for
each tribunal before they could be established (Power 2002; Stover and Shigekane 2002). While
these investigations and prosecutions were taking place, an ambitious campaign was underway to
establish the International Criminal Court (ICC). To accomplish this, the UN member states
negotiated the Rome Statute of the ICC, and adopted it on July 17, 1998 (Power 2002; Rome
Statute 2002). This court is an independent institution that is not part of the United Nations. It is
based in The Hague and composed of the Presidency, the Judicial Division, the Office of the
Prosecutor, and the Registry. The court has jurisdiction over genocide, crimes against humanity
and war crimes. The Prosecutor can open an investigation when he receives a referral from a
state or the UN Security Council, or by the Pre-Trial Chamber which authorizes an investigation
based on information from sources such as individuals or a non-government organization. He

Table 2.3 Courts Trying Genocide Cases
Country: Court: Reference
Cambodia People's Revolutionary Tribunal De Nike 2000
Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia P. v. Kaing 2010
East Timor Special Panels for Serious Crimes, Dili Distric Court P. v. Wiranto 2004
Guatemala Spanish National Court Sanford 2008
Spanish Supreme Court Spanish Supreme
Court 2003
Iraq Iraqi Special Tribunal Alvarez 2004
Rwanda International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda P. v. Akayesu 1998
former Yugoslavia International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons P. v. Blagovic and
Including Bosnia, Responsible for Serious Violations of International Jokic 2005 and
Croatia, Kosovo, Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Power 2002
and Serbia Former Yugoslavia since 1991

can also intervene when the relevant judicial authority is unable or unwilling to investigate and
prosecute the crimes (ICC 2010).
Since July 1, 2002, the date the Rome Statute came into force, the court has launched
investigations into the following five countries: Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the
Central African Republic, Sudan (Darfur), and the Republic of Kenya. As of November 2010,
18 people are or were under investigation. Two have died, one had charges dismissed, two
appeared voluntarily, seven are considered fugitives, and four are currently standing trial. In the
case of Kenya, no individuals have been identified yet because the investigation was just
authorized on March 31, 2010. Finally, the court is funded by voluntary contributions from
governments, international organizations, individuals, corporations and others (ICC 2010).

2.5 The Need for a Protocol

As more forensic anthropologists enter the field of mass grave exhumations, the need to
develop scientific standards and protocols related to excavations, exhumations and examinations
of the remains is becoming apparent (Stover and Shigekane 2002). Non-government
organizations have emphasized their need for a protocol to assure consistent results for their
missions to countries where extra-legal killings are alleged. Even though relevant experience
with mass grave exhumations is increasing, little has appeared in peer-reviewed literature. Much

of the literature on these exhumations is hidden away in the reports of their investigation
contained in the files of the entities prosecuting the crimes (Haglund 2002). In fact, there is no
court-accepted protocol or standard for the excavation of a mass grave (Haglund et al. 2001:8).
Given the variety of situations encountered and differences in cultural context for mass graves,
an international protocol must be adaptable to fit the context of each mission. Therefore, a
protocol for forensic anthropologists investigating a mass grave must be integrated in a way that
provides a functional, consistent, and reliable process that is flexible enough to adapt to a variety
of contexts. Additionally, the protocol must be consistent in the preservation, analysis, and
presentation of data, and built on scientific rigor and forensic standards to ensure the resulting
findings are not only reliable, but admissible in relevant courts (Kimmerle and Baraybar 2008).
There are three primary examples of guidelines referencing general standards of best
practices. One is the United Nations Manual on the Effective Prevention and Investigation of
Extra-Legal, Arbitrary and Summary Executions, formerly known as The Minnesota Protocol
(2010). Haglund, Connor and Scott (2001) provide another set of guidelines for mass grave
exhumations that meet or exceed the mass grave documentation procedures described by the UN.
Similarly, Kimmerle and Baraybar (2008) provide a protocol for the documentation of trauma
with references to mass grave excavations and that are scientifically verified and admissible in
most courts. Secondary examples of guidelines can be located in various articles and manuals.
What is lacking is a comprehensive protocol that specifically addresses genocide and
prosecutions using the Genocide Convention. Given the volume of cases already completed for
atrocities in Cambodia, the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, and other countries, there is sufficient
evidentiary information present to develop just such a protocol. Using the three existing
protocols cited above as a baseline, this thesis will present a protocol that is supplemented with
information from the excavation of mass graves, the prosecutions of genocide, and other
authoritative sources. Additionally, the only difference between genocide and crimes against
humanity as they relate to grave excavations is the requirement to prove that the attackers had the
intent to destroy one of the four protected groups included in the Genocide Convention. Because
this is the only significant difference, the protocol will focus on genocide. This should produce a
protocol that will be sufficient, not only for genocide mass grave excavations, but also those
from crimes against humanity.


When conducting the research for this thesis, the scope of the project was limited to
genocides that took place after World War II. To manage the volumes of data disclosed by this
research, a series of databases were designed to include the basic information on each country
selected for study and prosecutions that took place in those countries; information from mass
grave excavations; and procedures used by forensic anthropologists when investigating mass

3.1 Identification of Research Subjects

Since the end of World War II, the countries where suspected genocide occurred span the
globe. Consider the information contained in Figure 2.1. The timeline demonstrates that
genocides have occurred in Africa, Asia, Europe and Central America. Even the small island
nation of East Timor, northwest of Australia, was not spared. The following nations were
selected to be the subject of research for this paper: Bosnia, Croatia, Cambodia, East Timor,
Guatemala, Iraq, Kosovo, and Rwanda. These countries were selected because suspected
genocides occurred after the enactment of the Genocide Convention, courts were established to
prosecute cases of suspected genocide, final judgments were rendered in cases where genocides
or crimes against humanity were charged, and mass graves were located and excavated. While
other suspected genocides have occurred since World War II, they did not meet the above criteria
(ICC 2010).

3.2 Databases Constructed to Analyze Genocide Information

To analyze and manage the information obtained from this research, three databases were
constructed using Microsoft Office Excel 2003. The first database was designed to document
genocides during the second half of the 20th Century. The second database documents reported

findings from mass grave excavations. Finally, a third database compares partial protocols use
when excavating mass graves, and develops a comprehensive protocol specifically designed for
use when excavating mass graves where genocide is suspected.
For the first database Genocide Database, a structure was designed to document the
following: stages of genocide, conditions present in the environment, facts of the crime, targeted
groups, aggressor groups, manner of attack, and the status of the court cases. Appendix A,
Genocide Database Key, provides a listing of each variable with definitions of the contents of
each element and citations of source material for the definitions. Appendix B, Genocide
Database, was developed during the analytical process, and summarized in section 4 Findings.
Appendix B provides a sample of the first few pages of the database. When each country was
posted to the Genocide Database, columns were designated for each country and for reference
citations, except in the case of Bosnia where additional columns were included for the city of
Srebrenica. Information for this database was obtained from articles and books, internet
references established by scholars (such as The Cambodian Genocide Project sponsored by Yale
University, both government and non-governmental organizations (such as the International
Committee for the Red Cross), and court documents including indictments, testimony and
judgments. Additionally, news accounts in the form of press releases and articles were used.
As can be seen from the above discussion, court cases were a significant source of
information for this research. For each country, prosecutions of at lease three suspected
perpetrators were selected. Selected cases focused on the occupants of leadership positions
before and during genocidal events. Additionally, some cases of less-prominent people were
selected to document the culpability of those not instrumental in planning and directing the
genocide. Finally, cases were selected where testimony was given discussing mass graves and
their exhumations. Table 3.1 provides a listing of those cases that were selected for this
A second database was designed to document the information gathered by forensic
anthropologists and archaeologists from mass grave excavations. The data elements were
designed to demonstrate the potential information that can be obtained from an excavation.
Appendix C, Results of Mass Grave Excavations, contains the results from this phase of the
research, and is summarized in section 4 Findings. Appendix C provides a sample of the first
few pages of the database. The data were obtained from sources written by forensic

anthropologists and other researchers that completed excavations. Additionally, information was
obtained from court proceedings that were used to document information contained in the first
database discussed above, and from news accounts.
Finally, a third database was constructed to compare protocol information from the
authoritative literature. Appendix D, Protocol Analysis and Development, documents the
information obtained from various sources, its analysis, and the development of the genocide
mass grave investigative protocol. The protocols selected for use in this appendix were the
Model Protocol for Disinterment and Analysis of Skeletal Remains (UN 2010), the protocol
presented by William D. Haglund, Melissa Connor, and Douglas Scott in their article,
The Archaeology of Contemporary Mass Graves (Haglund et al. 2001) supplemented by
Haglund and Sorg (2002) in Advances in Forensic Taphonomy: Method, Theory, and
Archaeological Perspectives, and lastly a protocol from Erin H. Kimmerle and Jos Pablo
Baraybars (2008) in the text Skeletal Trauma: Identification of Injuries Resulting From Human
Rights Abuse and Armed Conflict. Additionally, protocol information from mass grave
excavation literature was included from various authors with practical experience excavating
mass graves, professional experience in analyzing skeletal remains, and experience in the
identification of remains from mass disasters. These references are provided in Appendix D. By
comparing the protocols from these sources, a consolidated protocol was developed. Finally,
Appendix E Protocol for the Excavation, Exhumation and Examination of Mass Graves and
Their Contents, presents the protocol as a standalone document with appropriate references.

Table 3.1 Court Cases
Country Name of the Case Case Number

Bosnia Prosecutor v. Vidoje Blagovi and Dragan Joki IT-02-60-T

Prosecutor v. Radislav Krsti IT-98-33-T
Prosecutor v. Biljana Plavi IT-00-39&40/1-S
Prosecutor v. Rodoslav Branin IT-99-36-T
Prosecutor v. Draen Erdemovi IT-96-22-Tbis

Cambodia Prosecutor v. Guek Eav Kaing alias Duch 001/18-07-2007

Pol Pot and Ieng Sary no number

Croatia Prosecutor v. Miodrag Joki IT-01-42/1-S

Prosecutor v. Pavle Strugar IT-01-42-T
Prosecutor v. Milan Marti IT-95-11-T

East Timor Prosecutor v. Joni Marques, Manuel da Costa, 09/2000

Joao da Costa, Paulo da Costa, Amelio da Costa
Hilario da Silva, Gonsalo dos Santos, Alarico
Fernandes, Mautersa Monis, Gilberto Fernandes

Guatemala Spanish Supreme Court: Guatemala Genocide 327/2003

Iraq Saddam Hussein, Ali Hassan Al-Majid, & others unknown

Kosovo Prosecutor v. Milan Milutinovi, Nikola IT-05-87-T

Sainovi, Dragoljub Ojdani, Nebojsa Pavkovi,
Vladimir Lazarevi, Steten Luki

Rwanda Prosecutor vs. Jean-Paul Akayesu ICTR-96-4-T

Prosecutor v. Theonste Bagosora, Gratien ICTR-98-41-T
Kabiligi, Aloys Ntabakuze, and Anatole

Yugoslavia Prosecutor v. Slobodan Miloevi IT-02-54-T



In this section, genocide within each country will be discussed by addressing the
historical context, attacks, mass graves, prosecutions and issues relevant to each country. The
eight countries selected for research will be discussed in alphabetical order, except for the
countries of the former Yugoslavia. Because the genocides in these countries were planned,
directed and initiated by central authorities in Serbia, Yugoslavia will be discussed as a whole
first, then issues specific to Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo will be discussed individually.
Additionally, this section will discuss issues concerning the prosecution of genocide and crimes
against humanity, as well as impediments to those prosecutions.

4.1 Cambodia

On April 17, 1975, when Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, seized Phnom Penh and exiled
its inhabitants to the countryside, a chain of events was ignited that would cause more
destruction to the country of Cambodia, its culture and its people than anything that had occurred
to a single country since the end of World War II. Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge initiated a plan
to return Cambodia to Year Zero or an idealized, communal, Stone Age state (Bedat 2010).
The Khmer Rouge wanted to reorganize society to a state of agrarian purity to combat
westernization by French colonizers (Murphy 2000; De Nike et al. 2000). The plan was to
evacuate cities, abolish markets and currency, defrock Buddhist monks, execute all leaders of the
army or the government under Lon Nol, expel the Vietnamese, and secure the Countrys borders.
The Khmer Rouge wanted to build a socially and ethnically homogeneous society by abolishing
all preexisting economic, social and cultural institutions, and transforming the Cambodian
population into a collective workforce (Bedat 2010; Luftglass 2004). From April 1975 to
January 1979 the Pol Pot regime put to death twenty percent of the population of 8 million, or
approximately 1.7 million people (Cook 2001; Human Rights Watch 2001; Kiernan 1999).
In 1954 Cambodia gained independence from France and was ruled by King Norodom
Sihanouk until 1970. At that time a supporter of the United States, General Lon Nol, took power

on March 18. Between 1970 and 1975, multiple rebel groups fought against each other and the
Nol government in an attempt to seize control (Luftglass 2004). During the Vietnam War,
starting as early as October 4, 1965 under the Johnson administration, the United States began a
bombing campaign that would last until August 15, 1973. The total payload dropped was
2,756,941 tons. To give this number some perspective, consider that during World War II the
Allies dropped just over two million tons of bombs including those dropped on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki. As a result, Cambodia, a country covering an area of approximately 70,000 square
miles, and that is comparable in size to the state of Oklahoma, gained the dubious distinction of
being the most bombed country on earth. This drove an enraged populace into the arms of the
Khmer Rouge insurgency that had little support prior to the beginning of the bombing campaign.
By 1975 this small Communist group was able to seize control of the newly-named Republic of
Democratic Kampuchea (Owen and Kiernan 2006; Gardner 1990).
On April 17, 1975 the Khmer Rouge occupied the capital Phnom Penh and forced all of
its inhabitants to leave the city, their homes, and their possessions. In one week alone, 2.4 to 2.8
million citizens from Pnom Penh were forced out of the city into the countryside. The
population was divided into categories such as the Phnom Penh people, or persons residing in
areas under the control of the Lon Nol administration that were called New People, who were
considered war prisoners or the vanquished. They were forbidden to think, express any
principles contrary to the Revolution, maintain interpersonal contacts, show emotion or feelings,
or move from one village to another. A second category included personnel of the Lon Nol
administration. The people in these first two categories were considered parasites or microbes to
be exterminated, smashed or swept aside. Finally, there was a category of persons called the
Old Inhabitants who resided in resistance base areas. In addition to categorizing people, there
was a systematic program of displacing populations from north to south, from east to west, and
vice versa. This enormous dislocation was initiated to create a society that had no attachments to
the environment in which people lived before April 17, 1975 (Bedat 2010; Chigas 2000; De Nike
et al. 2000).
While the genocidal aspects of the attack targeted minority, ethnic, and religious groups
such as the Vietnamese, the Chinese who settled in Cambodia prior to April 17, 1975, and the
Muslim Cham, the majority of the attack focused on Khmers killing Khmers (Murphy 2000).
Whole sectors of the society were eliminated. For example, the educational infrastructure was

destroyed by killing professors, teachers and students along with their families. One peculiar
aspect of the attack on intellectuals concerned the attacks on those who wore glasses.
Accusations were brought against anyone who wore glasses because it was believed that
intellectuals damaged their eyes by reading too much. The Kampuchean Communist Party
ordered foreign-educated elites to be transferred to centralize communal organizations of factory
workers and peasant farmers so that they would be free of external support. Ethnic minorities
were singled out, including the Vietnamese who had settled in Cambodia and who had long been
in conflict with Kampuchea. It was the Vietnamese invasion of 1979 that put an end to the
Khmer Rouge reign of terror. It is estimated that 150,000 Vietnamese residents were expelled
and 10,000 to 20,000 were killed. The Muslim minority was murdered and their villages were
destroyed. The Cham who survived had to change their names, speak only Khmer, and eat pork.
Their children were taken away to be raised by the collective to become Khmers. It is estimated
that from two-thirds to three-fourths of the Cham population was annihilated. The Chinese
minority that lived in Cambodia under Lon Nol were labeled Bourgeois Elements and killed in
1975 (De Nike et al. 2000; Cambodian Genocide Group 2010; Stanton 1993).
Not only were people killed, but other acts, such as the destruction of all cultural artifacts
and buildings, mass displacement of its citizens, and torture and interrogation of Khmers and
minorities were standard practices. Pagodas and articles of worship were burned. Statues of
Buddha were broken, and priests were stripped of their robes, tortured and killed. Mass
dislocations included the evacuation of the Eastern Zone, whose inhabitants were suspected of
being sympathetic to the Vietnamese. Each evacuee was given a blue and white checked scarf
by the Khmer Rouge and required to wear it. The Eastern Zone people considered the scarves as
the killing sign. People passing through Phnom Penh were given blue scarves that were
considered analogous to the Nazi yellow star. Most of these people were worked to death. At
Tuol Sleng Prison in Phnom Penh, regulations were posted in every cell forbidding speaking, and
requiring permission before doing anything. It is estimated that from 12,000 to 20,000 prisoners
died from torture, execution, or poor detention conditions. Executions took place at Choeng Ek
outside of Phnom Penh. Methods of interrogation included electric shocks, severe beatings,
suffocation, suspension, and the forced consumption of human waste. Only seven or eight
people are known to have survived imprisonment at Toul Sleng (De Nike et al. 2000; The
Prosecutor v. Guek Eav Kaing 2010b; Luftglass 2004; Stanton 1993).

It is not surprising that mass graves were located throughout the country given that an
estimated 1.7 million people were killed during the Pol Pot regime. Mr. Vang Pheap, warden of
Tuol Svay Prison in Phnom Penh, provided testimony in the Trial of Pol Pot and Ieng Sary
explaining the systematic nature in which people were murdered. The process included the
following steps: pits were dug, prisoners were taken up near the pits, they were struck on the
head with three meter long iron bars, and their throats and bellies were ripped open to pluck out
the liver. After removing the livers, the killers often cooked and ate them because the liver was
considered the source of power. By eating the liver, one asserted total power over the victim.
Finally, the bodies were thrown into the pits and covered over. Initially, five to six prisoners
were killed each day. However, by 1977 they were killing 130 to 150 prisoners a day. Often the
executioners were so young, from 15 to 18 years old, that they did not have enough strength to
kill the victim with the first blow. Some required two or three blows. At times, victims were
still alive when buried. Other methods of killing included pushing bound men and children into
crocodile pits, crushing people with bulldozers, blowing up large numbers of people, killing
children by impaling them on bayonets tearing them from limb to limb, and shattering their
heads against tree trunks; and poisoning people en masse. Execution-style killings targeted
military personnel of the Lon Nol regime, then clergy, the educated, and ethnic minorities such
as the Cham, Vietnamese, and Chinese (De Nike et al. 2000).
At Choeung Ek, about 50% of the human remains from mass graves located there were
exhumed and placed in a memorial shrine or stupa (charnel house). Professional forensic
scientists examined 85 crania from this collection and found that blunt force trauma had caused
extensive damage to the occipital. This is consistent with an execution method that employs the
application of massive force directed at the inferior squamous portion of the occipital. Blows to
this area of the skull can easily result in death because of the proximity to the cerebellum, the
brainstem, and the spinal cord. In four cases, multiple blows were apparent. The examiner
concluded that these individuals were executed by means of a systematic method of blows to the
back of the head (Taala et al. 2008). A limited number of mandibles were also examined. In
these cases, sharp force traumas from machetes or other heavy-bladed knives were noted.
Fractures to mandibles were visible that affected the ascending rami and mandibular bodies.
Most often, damage was to the right ramus. All fracture margins were sharp and clean indicating
that the bone was green or fresh when damaged and that the fractures occurred before burial.

The examiner concluded that based on the extensive damage and evidence of sharp force injury,
the likely weapon was a machete, commonly used in beheadings (Berg 2008).
Cambodia can claim the distinction of handing down the first two convictions for
genocide. In 1979, once Vietnam invaded Cambodia and placed the government of the country
back into the hands of the Cambodians, the Cambodians responded to the above atrocities by
placing the Prime Minister Pol Pot and his Deputy Prime Minister Ieng Sary on trial for genocide
and convicting them (Luftglass 2004). The Cambodians established the Peoples Revolutionary
Tribunal to discredit the Khmer Rouge and challenge the international community that
recognized the Khmer Rouge government as the lawful government of Cambodia. The new
government hoped that this trial would give them recognition as the lawful government among
the international community and in the United Nations (De Nike et al. 2000). Once judgment
was rendered, both defendants were given the death penalty. However, this sentence would
never to be carried out. Pol Pot died in April 1999, abandoned and alone in a thatch hut. In
that same year, the Cambodian government offered Ieng Sary amnesty (Kiernan 1999:1).
The trial of Pol Pot and Ieng Sary was not recognized as legitimate for several reasons.
The two defendants were tried in absentia, which is a violation of the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights. The Decree Law establishing the Peoples Revolutionary Tribunal
contained prejudicial language that assumed their guilt (Luftglass 2004). Additionally, the
definition used by the Tribunal was not from the Genocide Convention contained in Table 3.1.
The Cambodian definition included the following:
planned massacres of groups of innocent people; expulsion of inhabitants of cities and
villages in order to concentrate them and force them to do hard labor in conditions
leading to their physical and mental destruction; wiping out religion; [and] destroying
political, cultural and social structures and family and social relations (Luftglass

Finally, consider the reports provided to the Tribunal of mass graves, and presented in
part in Appendix C. From the crematories in Kompong Thkau village, human remains are
described as fragments of white bones(De Nike 2000:238). From the Chup Rubber Plantation,
human remains are described as nine skulls, six of which still have locks of hair and two
jawbones detached. One skull has a hole on top 1.5 centimeters by 3 centimeters in size ...
two leg bones 35 centimeters long which are tied with electric wire (De Nike et al. 2000:259).
Compare these descriptions to those from Choeung Ek that provided the correct names of the

bones and specific anatomical descriptions of the skeletal injuries. One cranium displayed a
pattern of BFT (blunt force trauma) distinguished by extensive damage to the occipital focused
between the external occipital protuberance and the foramen magnum, with radiating fractures
extending to the cranial base (Taala et al. 2008:196). A second description states that the
trauma was visible as fracturing of the mandible, principally affecting the ascending rami and the
lingual aspects of the mandibular bodies (Berg 2008:315). Although the forensic scientific
evidence of the Tribunal appears to have been prepared in a less professional way than those
from trained professional forensic scientists, the background information and witness testimony
appears to be well corroborated and credible. After the trial of Pol Pot and Ieng Sary, no
additional prosecutions were planned.
Over 25 years after the fall of Phnom Penh in 1975, and after years of negotiations with
the government of Cambodia, the United Nations signed off on a formula for prosecuting those
accused of committing crimes against humanity and genocide in Cambodian courts with
international assistance (Cook 2001). On June 6, 2003 the Royal Government of Cambodia and
the United Nations signed an agreement establishing the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts
of Cambodia (ECCC). That chamber was established to conduct the trial of senior leaders of
Democratic Kampuchea and those responsible for crimes committed by them between April 17,
1975 and January 6, 1979. On July 26, 2010, 35 years after the fall of Phnom Penh, Guek Eav
Kaing, the Deputy and then Chairman of S-21, a security center known as Toul Sleng Prison
including Choeung Ek, was found guilty of crimes against humanity and grave breaches of the
Geneva Conventions of 1949. He was sentenced to 40 years imprisonment (The Prosecutor v.
Kaing 2010b). Unlike Guek Eav Kaing, the following four defendants had an additional charge
of genocide added to charges of crimes against humanity: Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary, Ieng Thirith,
and Khieu Samphan (The Prosecution v. Nuon, et al. 2011). Once these trials have been
completed, the question of the extent and nature of genocides committed should be settled.

4.2 East Timor

The tiny nation of East Timor has the unfortunate distinction of having one of the longest
running genocides of the second half of the 20th century. The island of Timor was initially
colonized by Portugal in 1511. When Portugal withdrew from East Timor and dissolved its
colonial empire in 1975, Indonesia invaded East Timor within days of Portugals exit and began

a 25 year occupation that ended in 1999 (BBC 2010). During its occupation, Indonesian armed
forces killed an estimated 200,000 Timorese (Power 2008). The deaths were the result of
invasion, war, murders and arrests, destruction by Indonesian forces, and the incarceration of
East Timorese in concentration camps (Magro 2000).
The island of Timor is located 430 kilometers northwest of Australia, and its eastern half
covers an area of 5,641 square miles, slightly larger than the State of Connecticut. Prior to the
arrival of the Portuguese, the island was ruled by two kingdoms, Serviao in the west and Belu in
the east. Once the Portuguese colonized the island, a mixed race of Topasses was produced as a
product of unions between Portuguese colonizers and indigenous people. They were called
Black Portuguese by the Dutch. The Topasses eventually became the de facto rulers. The Dutch
invaded the island and eventually signed a border agreement in 1858, dividing it into two
components. Boundary disputes continued until 1913, when the boundary dividing East and
West Timor was ratified by The Hague Sentenca Arbitral. By 1949, West Timor was
incorporated into the independent state of Indonesia. The eastern side of the island remained
under the repressive rule of Portugal, whose officials called the island, the gateway to hell,
because it was plagued with malaria and other tropical diseases. When the Portuguese Empire
began to crumble in 1974 as a result of a coup, Portugal offered independence to its colonies
including East Timor. On September 11, 1974 the Associacacao Sosial Democratica Timorenses
or ASDT became known as the Frente Revolucionria de Timor Leste Independente Timor or
FRETILIN. This group defended the right of the East Timorese to be independent. When East
Timor was invaded by the Indonesians, the FRETILIN became rebels against the Indonesian
military. Subsequently, when the East Timorese established the Democratic Republic of East
Timor, the Indonesians launched an attack on Dili, the capital of East Timor on December 7,
1975. The Suharto military regime in Indonesia wanted to prevent the establishment of an
independent state in place of the colonial regime that had controlled the eastern half of Timor
(Margo 2000; Gardner 1990).
The Commission for Reception, Truth, and Reconciliation in East Timor found that an
overwhelming majority of all of the unlawful killings and enforced disappearances were
committed by Indonesian security forces. The Indonesian military and police were responsible
for 57% of the deaths. An additional 37% of deaths were committed by East Timorese

auxiliaries under the control of the Indonesian security forces. The East Timor Resistance was
responsible for the remainder of the killings (CAVR 2005).
Killings began within the first few days of the invasion by the Indonesian forces that
indiscriminately gunned down civilians. Hundreds of Timorese and Chinese were killed at
random. The Indonesians held public executions such as one incident where about 150 people
were killed. The incident began when about 20 women were selected at random, led out to the
edge of a jetty, and shot one at a time while horrified onlookers were forced at gunpoint to count
out loud as each woman was executed. Additional atrocities included the use of chemical
weapons, torture by beatings, electric shock, crushing, and immersion in water (Margo 2000).
After 1984, arbitrary detentions became more targeted and more frequently accompanied by
torture. East Timorese middle-aged males experienced the highest rate of detention, torture and
ill-treatment, while women were sexually violated (Silva and Ball 2006). During five months of
wanton destruction in 1999, troops and militias looted and burned tens of thousands of homes
and public buildings, smashed electric generators and destroyed 85% of the countys schools and
75% of the health infrastructure (Steele 2002). The Indonesians forced the evacuation of the
majority of people living in the mountain and forest areas controlled by the FRETILIN. The
Indonesian military made inadequate provisions for the evacuees needs and placed restrictions
on movement that prevented camp inmates to provide for themselves. This resulted in a famine
that killed thousands. During 1975-1979 displacements, killings, detentions, and torture reached
their highest levels. A second high level of this type of activity occurred during a relatively brief
time frame when the results of the referendum on independence were announced in 1999 (CAVR
07.3 2005). When the Indonesians left East Timor after the vote, they left graffiti on building
These unlawful killings came to the worlds attention on November 12, 1991 when the
infamous Dili Massacre occurred. At 6 a.m. a memorial mass started for a student killed by
Indonesian military during a raid on Motael Church. Once the mass was completed, the
mourners, including over one thousand students, marched to the Santa Cruz cemetery. At the
cemetery, the military started shooting into the crowd. After ten minutes, the shooting stopped;
and an estimated 270 people were killed and an additional 200 went missing (Margo 2000:8).
Nearly 18 years after the massacre at Dilis Santa Cruz cemetery, the victims were located by

Timorese investigators and experts from the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine in
Australia. They were discovered in unmarked graves at Hera when a local gravedigger testified
that the army had forced him to bury the remains. In August 2009 the remains were exhumed
(Jolliffe 2009; Murdoc 2010). However, the analysis and findings from these remains are not yet
part of the public record.
The Special Panel for Serious Crimes in East Timor was established within the Dili
District Court to take jurisdiction over serious criminal offenses of genocide, war crimes and
crimes against humanity, murder, sexual offences and torture during the time of invasion and
occupation of East Timor by Indonesian forces (The Prosecutor v. Wiranto et al. 2001). This
court has successfully prosecuted cases of crimes against humanity, such as the case of The
Prosecutor v. Joni Marques, Manuel Da Costa, Joo Da Costa, Paulo Da Costa, Amlio Da
Costa, Hilrio Da Silva, Gonsalo Dos Santos, Alarico Fernandes, Mautersa Monis and Gilberto
Fernandes. All were charged and convicted of crimes against humanity. Their average sentence
was 19.36 years with a range of 4 to 37 years. However, none was convicted of genocide (The
Prosecutor v. Marques et al. 2001b). Consistent with the cases of genocides in other countries
researched for this paper, those occupying leadership positions with decision-making and policy-
setting responsibilities were the ones usually charged with genocide, because they were the ones
who formed the discriminatory intent to attack specific groups. Although arrest warrants have
been issued for leaders such as General Wiranto, no convictions for genocide have been issued
by the Special Panel against these leaders. The most significant obstacle to successful
prosecution of these crimes has been Indonesian refusal to accept the jurisdiction of the East
Timor court. Consequently, the perpetrators of the heinous crime of genocide will probably go
unpunished (New York Times 2004; War Crimes Studies Center 2010).

4.3 Guatemala

The Guatemalan genocide was similar to the Cambodian experience in that the leadership
of the country sought to control the populous through intimidation, torture and murder. By using
the colonial era oligarchic social structure that relied on forced labor from indigenous people, the
Ladino elites of Guatemala fostered beliefs that indigenous Mayas were lazy, vicious,
conformist, distrustful, reluctant to be civilized and abusive (Aylward 2007:52), to justify
atrocities against the entire Mayan ethnic group. The Ladinos fanned the flames of fear that the

indigenous would rise up against Ladinos. This was combined with paranoia over the Cold War
and anxiety over the threat of Communism. From 1962 to 1996 over 200,000 people were
killed or disappeared, 626 village massacres occurred, 150,000 people fled to refuge in Mexico,
and 1.5 million people were displaced. All of this violence occurred in a country the size of
Kentucky (Aylward 2007; Oettler 2006; CEH 1999; Sanford 2008; Gardner 1990).
After independence from Spain in 1821, an authoritarian state evolved that served the
interest of the minority, powerful, and wealthy class. By the end of the nineteenth century,
Guatemala developed coercive mechanisms to integrate indigenous populations into a plantation
economy and used repressive measures to maintain social control. With encouragement from the
US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Catholic Church, an anticommunist
counterinsurgency overthrew the first democratic government in a coup dtat in 1954 (Ottler
2006). After the overthrow of the government, what emerged was rapid reduction of freedom for
political expression using new legislation outlawing extensive and diverse social movements,
and measures to consolidate the restrictive and exclusionary nature of the political system.
Facing injustice, exclusion, poverty and discrimination, the Guatemalan insurgency rebelled
(CEH 1999). Based on the tenets of liberation theology, young Catholic priests trained young
indigenous people as community leaders. Two trends emerged. A class-focused trend
concentrated on economic problems, and a cultural-focused trend focused on ethnic identity
(Aylward 2007). The armed confrontation in Guatemala that began in the 1960s between several
guerrilla groups and the State lasted for 35 years, or 10 years longer than the occupation of East
Timor. In response to the insurgency, the United States supported strong military regimes, such
as the one in Guatemala, by providing military assistance that included reinforcing the national
intelligence apparatus and training the officer corps in counterinsurgency techniques. What was
first expressed as anti-reformist and anti-democratic policies, culminated in a criminal
counterinsurgency military action (CEH 1999).
The Recovery of Historical Memory Project (REMHI) defined massacres as, Collective
murders of three or more people, and, collective murders associated with community
destruction (REMHI 1999:134). Often, massacres occurred during large-scale military
operations that were accompanied at times with bombing both before and after the massacres.
General Romeo Lucas Garcia, President from July 1978 to March 1982, initiated a policy of
annihilation. Succeeding him, General Efrain Ros Montt, President from June 1982 to August

1983, further systematized the carnage. His presidency is considered the bloodiest period of
systematic genocide, torture terror and cruelty directed at the indigenous Maya. Under Montts
regime, Mayans were targeted, killed, tortured, raped, and kidnapped. It is estimated that 93% of
these atrocities were carried out by government forces that included the army, civil patrol, and/or
people ordered to commit these heinous acts by government leaders. One example occurred on
Sunday, June 18, 1982. According to eyewitness testimonies, the military came to the small
town of Plan de Sanchez, where they blocked the road. People returning from the market in the
town of Rabinal, were detained in a house. The military opened fire on the house, and detonated
several grenades. The house was then set on fire. After obtaining permission to bury the dead,
the remains were buried in shallow graves. Several women who had been raped and shot were
placed in a separate grave. Surviving family members estimated the number of those killed that
day at 99. In 50% of massacres like this one, the mass killing of children was included.
Descriptions of the murders included incineration, machete wounds, drawing and quartering, and
frequently, severe head trauma. Children were also killed by indiscriminate machine-gun fire.
This aggression toward children included the raping of young girls (Oettler 2006; CEH 1999;
Scott 2009; Schmitt 2002; REMHI 1999).
One of the most insidious aspects of the genocide was the coercive conscription of young
men over the age of fifteen into the Civil Patrols (CEH 1999). The armys training of the Civil
Patrollers was based on forcible recruitment, obedience, strict control over groups, and
complicity in atrocities. This training was designed to instill an ideology that would serve as a
psychological frame of reference for justifying atrocities. The armys intent was to foster a sense
of unity and a preconditioned hostility toward anything related to the guerrilla movement. The
army was presented as victim, and poverty was blamed on guerrilla actions. To force complicity,
the army involved the Patrollers in the murder of drifters or alleged criminals. One aspect of the
armys counterinsurgency policy was to routinely conduct mass murders of alleged collaborators
to destroy the guerrillas and their infrastructure. Civil Patrollers and military commissioners
participated in many massacres, either under duress or as a result of their indoctrination. To
isolate the guerrillas, a series of large-scale indiscriminate massacres were launched by the army
against the civilian support base. The process included routing civilians out of hiding;
terrorizing them; starving them; burning their homes and crops; destroying their household

utensils; and stealing their belongings. Once people were forced out of their homes, they were
clustered into special camps (REMHI 1999).
In many cases, Civil Patrollers were forced at gunpoint to rape, torture, mutilate corpses,
and to kill. The extreme cruelty inflicted on the Maya by the Army and the Patrollers caused
social disintegration that was so profound that it deeply affected moral values and behavioral
patterns. Violence became the norm for confronting conflict situations and promoting contempt
for the lives of others. The impact on village life was devastating. Victims had to coexist with
perpetrators, creating a climate of fear and silence. Additionally, the systematic torture of Maya
resulted in the formation and presence of experts trained in the most efficient and deviant ways
of applying pain to crush victims physically and spiritually, and to tolerate the normalization of
torture. Maya were required to conceal their ethnic identity, language and dress. Aggression
was directed at the most symbolic elements of Maya culture by destroying corn and killing
elders. The presence of guerrillas also had a destructive effect on Maya customs by displacing
traditional authorities with those appointed by the guerillas (CEH 1999). While the Army was
implicated in 90.52% of the massacres, the smaller number of guerrillas massacres were
committed only when communities were highly militarized by the presence of Civil Patrols. The
techniques of using informers, congregating people into central locations, dividing people into
groups and conducting orgies were not attributed to guerrilla forces. No cases of coercive
participation, rapes, repeated massacres, or razing entire villages were found by the Recovery of
Historical Memory Project. The guerrillas often used lists to determine victims indicating a
more selective use of mass murder. This differentiates the cases of guerrilla killings from those
massacres designed to eliminate communities (REMHI 1999). While this does not excuse the
crimes committed by guerrillas, it does indicate that the guerrillas did not have the
discriminatory intent to destroy an ethnic group.
One unique aspect of the recovery operation in Guatemala is the presence of The
Guatemalan Forensic Anthropology Foundation (FAFG). FAFG is a non-governmental
autonomous, technical-scientific, not-for-profit organization. It investigates, documents,
disseminates, educates, and raises awareness of the historic violations of the right to life and
cases of non-clarified deaths. Their mission is oriented toward the

Location and identification of missing persons and victims of the abuse of their human
rights quickly, precisely and cost-efficiently for the historical clarification, the
dignification of the victims and for the search for justice (FAFG 2011:1-2).

All excavations selected for Guatemala in Appendix C were done under the direction of FAFG.
The Nebaj excavation of nine individuals documents the cruelest and most horrifying type of
torture. The cause of death was from hypovolemic shock resulting from sharp-blunt force
trauma. The skeletal remains were mutilated perimortem with most of the injuries located near
joint articulations. The victims were subjected to torture that involved immobilization of the
individuals using sharp-blunt force trauma to the upper and lower limbs, and ligatures. The
presence of cut marks associated with dismemberment is consistent with witness testimony that
indicated that it was common practice by the army to use cutting and amputation during
interrogations. The fourteen-year-old subadult who was located in the mass grave had 88 such
injuries, the most of all 9 individuals found (Chacn et al. 2008). A second mass grave in Plan
de Sanchez had a minimum number of individuals (MNI) of 84. Since the remains were heavily
comingled, charred and fragmented, MNI was determined by using long bones divided into three
equal units; cranial vaults, maxillae, and mandibles divided into left and right haves; and
innominates divided into the three component parts: left and right ilium, ischium and pubis. By
carefully inventorying all elements in this way, MNI was determined by the most frequently
encountered element, the proximal third of the right femur (Schmitt 2002).
A third mass grave from an agricultural field in Chichupac included clothing, jewelry and
identification cards that were used for the identification of individuals contained in the grave.
The exhumation team carefully packaged these associated artifacts with the remains so that their
documentation could be completed at a later point. In Guatemala, it was common for family
members to be present at the graveside when exhumations were conducted, as in this case.
Family members were able to identify individuals by recognizing the above artifacts associated
with the remains. However, this identification needed to be corroborated by a complete forensic
skeletal examination to determine if the information from that analysis was consistent with the
person in life. At best, the identification of an individual based on associated artifacts is only
circumstantial evidence. The remains were heavily damaged, and disarticulation of the remains
suggested that the remains were initially interred superficially or within 90 cm from the surface.
Remains in deeper layers were less damaged. Reburial had taken place after decomposition had

loosened the points of articulation. These findings corroborated witness testimony of shallow
burials at first, followed by reburial of partially decomposing remains 7 to 10 days later (Schmitt
In 2006, Judge Pedraz of the Spanish National Court issued international arrest warrants
charging three former heads of state and five military officials with genocide, terrorism, torture,
assassination, and illegal detention. Initially, the defendants were arrested and detained for over
a year before the Guatemalan Constitutional Court decided that it would not honor the Spanish
warrants and extradition requests. All of those charged argued that self-granted immunity gives
them immunity from prosecution under these warrants. Consequently, even though they were
freed, Guatemala has become their prison, because International Criminal Police Organization
(INTERPOL) agreements makes any visitor with an international arrest order on INTERPOLs
list subject to immediate extradition. Because the Guatemalan Constitutional Court declared that
the arrest warrants and extradition request were invalid, Judge Pedraz was barred from
interviewing witnesses in Guatemala. In response to the Constitutional Courts action, in 2008,
the Center for Justice & Accountability (CJA) brought over 40 indigenous Guatemalans to
Madrid to testify. This marked the first time that a national court heard evidence from Mayan
survivors. On December 1, 2009, Judge Padraz heard testimony from the Director of the FAFG,
Fredy Peccerelli. He presented the Judge with a 900-page report analyzing 363 excavations that
included 1,884 victims exhumed, with more than 25% of them found to be infants and children.
Gunshot wounds were present to the head of 78% of the victims (Roht-Arriaza 2009; Sanford
2008; CJA 2009).
There is one event in Guatemala that points to the insidious nature of allowing those who
commit genocide to remain free. It concerns the safety of those who work to investigate
genocide and crimes against humanity, and who attempt to speak truth to power. Two days after
the issuance the final report of the Recovery of Historic Memory Project (REMHI), titled, The
Official Report of the Human Rights Office, Archdiocese of Guatemala, Bishop Juan Gerardi, the
leader of the REMHI project, was brutally murdered by three high-ranking military officials and
the Bishops assistant (Justice 2007).

4.4 Iraq

In Iraq, during Saddam Husseins reign, two distinctive ethnic groups were attacked. The
first, and most notable, was the attack on the Kurds of northern Iraq. The Kurds were an ethno-
linguistic group that inhabited the mountainous area where the borders of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and
Syria converge. The Kurds were the fourth largest ethnic and linguistic group in the Middle
East after the Arabs, Turks, and Persians. They are a stateless people who occupy a swath of
territory that includes parts of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Armenia and Syria. They number over 25
million people, and are the largest ethnic group without their own state (Power 2002; OLeary;
Montgomery 2001). In Iraq, the Sunni Kurds made up more than 4 million of Iraqs 18 million
inhabitants. The Kurds in Iraq were subjected to poison gas and other types of attacks that killed
between 50,000 to 100,000, destroyed over 4,000 villages, and forcibly resettled 1.5 million.
Kurdish resistance fighters called themselves peshmerga, or those who face death (Power
2002:174). The second group, known as, Marsh Arabs, was an ethnically and culturally
unique group of Shia Muslims who lived where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers met and fed
what was once the largest marshland in the Middle East. They were dependant on the
marshlands for food and lived in huts on mounds of dried marsh reeds. They were attacked
indirectly when the marshes were drained, depriving them of their subsistence and their water-
borne way of life. Out of an estimated population of 200,000 Marsh Arabs, only 40,000 are left
(Power 2002; Kelly 2005).
The country of Iraq was artificially created by the British Foreign Office at the
conclusion of World War I. By creating a new state out of the oil-rich Kurdish Mosul province,
the administrative center of the Sunni Arab Baghdad province, and the oil-rich Shia Arab Basra
province, the British hoped to diminish French influence in the Middle East. The ethnic makeup
was 20% Sunni Arabs, 17% Sunni Kurds, and 60% Shia Arabs (Kelly 2005). Iraq occupies a
land mass of 169,235 square miles or about 5,500 square miles larger than California (Gardner
Saddam Husseins primary concern when taking power in 1979 was to hold the
multiethnic and multireligious country of Iraq together by imposing iron-fisted rule. Following
the style of Titos dictatorial rule of Yugoslavia, Hussein inflicted grievous harm on those who
opposed him. His second concern was to control the oil wealth in the Kurdish north and the
Shia south. A two-pronged approach was used. First, the inhabitants in oil-rich areas were

oppressed, displaced, and killed. Second, Husseins Arab kinsmen repopulated these areas, in
particular, around Kurdish Kirkuk. Hussein targeted the Kurds and Shia during or just after
warfare with foreign powers. Husseins intent was to punish disloyalty and place rich economic
resources under the control of the central government (Kelly 2005)
In September 1980, Iraqs army crossed into Iran, starting an eight-year-long war. In the
spring of 1987, Iran made significant gains with the assistance of Iraqi Kurds. Desperate to stem
the advance of the Iranian army, Saddam employed chemical weapons. This effectively offset
Irans advantage of larger troop numbers. To deal with the Kurdish Problem, Hussein
appointed his cousin Ali Hassan al-Majid, leader of the Baath Partys northern bureau, with the
task of eradicating all Kurdish resistance. Al-Majid initiated eight military campaigns from 1987
to 1989. Having seen the effectiveness of chemical weapons against the Iranian army, Hussein
and Al-Majid used them against his internal enemy, the Kurds, in May 1987. This earned Iraq
the dubious distinction of becoming the first country ever to use chemical weapons on its own
citizens. While Iraqs gas attacks received public attention, most of the Kurds who died in the
eight campaigns that became known as the Anfal Operation, or Al-Anfal (The Spoils), were
killed in mass executions. Kurdish men were rounded up outside of battle zones where they
posed no military threat, bussed to remote areas, and machine-gunned. The most notorious and
the deadliest gas attack took place in the city of Halabja. The loss of approximately 5,000
civilians and the accessibility of Halabja to outsiders made people outside of Iraq take notice of
the brutality of these attacks. Located 15 miles inside Iraq, Western reporters were able to reach
the site of the attack from Iran. Although Halabja was only one of at least 40 chemical attacks to
take place during the Anfal Operation, it became emblematic of the Kurdish genocide. Al-
Majid, who earned the sobriquet, Chemical Ali, employed a variety of chemical weapons
including mustard gas, a blistering agent, and Sarin, a nerve agent known as GB (Power 2008;
Kelly 2005).
Although the chemical weapons attacks were the most notable, the genocide included
mass executions, actions that caused serious bodily and mental harm, and the destruction of the
Kurds as a group. Captured al-Majid directives banned all human existence in prohibited areas.
This not only included chemical attacks, but a shoot-to-kill policy. One directive was an
incitement to mass murder, when the military was ordered to carry out random bombardments
with artillery, helicopters and air attacks. Anyone captured between the ages of 15 to 70 were to

be executed once useful information was obtained from them. The elderly were bused to a
concentration camp in the desert where an average of four or five succumbed from exposure and
infection each day (Kelly 2005). Kurdish women were taken to concentration camps, raped,
forced to witness the killing of family members, starved, and forced to walk on broken glass
(Trahan 2009). The Anfal Operations commonly featured looting and fire bombing of villages
by Iraqi soldiers, and rendered Kurdish life extinct in zones Hussein identified as outlawed.
Forced deportations often accompanied the destruction of villages. By the end of the Anfal
campaigns, 1.5 million Kurds had been forcibly resettled, and 60,000 Kurds had fled to
southeastern Turkey (Kelly 2005). Investigators from the United States reported that Kurdish
village upon Kurdish village had simply disappeared. The Iraqis had destroyed all traces of
some villages that had been in existence since the beginning of civilization. Even cemeteries and
orchards were utterly destroyed. Only Iraqi Arab villages were left untouched. In the wake of
the Halabja attacks, survivors were left with corneal scarring from mustard gas burns, birth
defects such as cleft palates and harelips, infant deaths, leukemia and lymphomas at rates four
times higher than in unexposed areas, and permanent genetic mutations (Power 2002).
In addition to the attacks on the Kurds in the north, Saddam Husseins regime carried out
a concerted and planned effort targeting the Marsh Arabs with the intent to destroy them as a
group. Military attacks killed and injured large numbers of civilians. Additionally, the draining
of the Marshlands created conditions that made it impossible to survive. Initially, the Marsh
Arabs were dehumanized by the Hussein regime by calling them, Inferior and un-Iraqi monkey-
faced people (Kelly 2005:997). When the military offensive began during the Iran-Iraq war,
Husseins regime began draining the Marshland. Large earthworks were constructed in the
drained areas. Massive relocations were undertaken that led to the physical destruction of the
Marsh Arabs. Marsh Arabs were also subjected to chemical weapons attacks. Napalm was used
to poison the water, kill the wildlife, and eliminate the Marsh Arabs food chain. Villages of
most tribes were razed. Saddam Hussein justified the attacks on the Marsh Arabs by citing the
economic objective of securing the oil wealth in the south, ferreting out Iranian sympathizers,
and establishing defensive positions in the marsh areas. A captured document titled Plan of
Action for the Marshes laid out the plan for draining an area that was considered a haven for
Iran-backed Shia rebels sowing the seeds of dissent. Marsh Arabs who were not killed during
the chemical attacks or the drainage and razing process, and who remained on the 15% of

marshland that survived, fled to Iran. Consequently 95,000 Marsh Arabs were exiled to refugee
camps along the Iranian border. Their homeland and way of life was decimated (Kelly 2008).
The information on mass graves that resulted from the above crimes was found to be
limited for two reasons. First, forensic investigators who exhumed mass graves were restricted
from providing details of locations, names of investigating bodies, and reasons for conducting
investigations when writing articles for publication because of ongoing trials and the
prosecutorial nature of an investigation intended to provide evidential information for
presentation in a war crime tribunal in Iraq (Anson and Trimble 2008). Second, starting in 1991,
Kurdish investigators began exhuming mass graves to locate and identify family members.
However, the investigators did not have the expertise to professionally excavate the graves and
collect pertinent evidence in a way that would allow presentation during prosecutions (Stover
In spite of the above difficulties, three sources were located that examined mass graves,
and they are instructive for this research. One report of a seven-day-fact-finding trip and two
news articles provided the information on Iraqi mass graves presented in Appendix C: Results of
Mass Grave Excavations Database. The results of excavations of graves from the Saywan
Cemetery in Northern Iraq disclosed that two of the four graves excavated contained victims of
executions. The first skeleton was that of a young man with a bullet wound in the dorsal aspect
of the skull and an exit wound in the base of the skull that proceeded through the upper neck.
The second skeleton was that of an adult man with and entrance wound on the left side of the
skull and an exit wound on the right side. The wound appeared to be a double-entry wound from
an automatic weapon. Additionally, there was one eroded projectile recovered from the interior
of the skull. These findings corroborated a grave diggers description of burying 75 to 80 bodies
with gunshot wounds to the head. A third skeleton was that of an adult female. While there was
no apparent trauma visible on the skeleton, an assistant pathologist, Anwar Ali Mohammad, who
was assisting the forensic team, recognized the remains. The womans morgue records were
located, and she was identified as Gula Karim Ahmed. Once she was identified, the grave digger
remembered burying her, and that she had bruises around her neck. She had been brought to the
morgue by Iraqi soldiers. The autopsy report disclosed that she had been hanged to death by a
rope. The forensic team concluded that there was enough evidence to warrant a U.N. supervised

investigation of the Hussein government who may have been responsible for the deportation and
killing of tens of thousands of Kurds (Stover 1992).
The New York Times reported that two additional mass graves had been located. One by
the Mahawil brick factory, 50 miles south of Bagdad, may contain human remains from as many
as 3,000 individuals. Many of the skulls are wrapped in blind-folds that are marked with
execution wounds. This information corroborates a victim statement from Mahmoud Shakr
Abdel-Hussein, who described his brush with death. He, along with 400 prisoners, was taken to
a warehouse in Basra, where Ali Hasan al-Majid took a Kalashnikov rifle and pointed it at the
group. After asking, Were you involved? he shot 13 men, one at a time. Finally, shaking with
rage, he released the weapon and left (Tyler 2003:1-2). A second Times article discussed a mass
grave located on the Edge of the Ash Sham Desert in West Central, Iraq. Human remains from
28 men between the ages of 20-35 were located. In addition to human remains, at least 80 spent
cartridges from Kalashnikov rifles were located. This evidence seems to confirm information
from Mr. Juhi, an Iraqi judge, indicating that young men of fighting age were seized at random
and executed without trial. These victims seemed to have died during Saddam Husseins
suppression of the Shite uprising in 1991. According to Michael Trimble, head of the excavation
team, The men who killed all these people came down this road, and they did what all mass
murderers do they dug deep, they killed their victims quickly, they covered them up and then
they left, as quickly as they came (Burns 2006:7).
Prosecution of the principals responsible for these atrocities fell to the Iraqi High
Tribunal that was established once the United States and its allies had completed its initial
invasion of Iraq during the Second Gulf War. Interestingly, Saddam Hussein was not prosecuted
for genocide, but for the actions he and his codefendants had taken in response to a failed
assassination attempt on Husseins life. In retribution for this attempt, Hussein, 3 senior
government officials, and 4 lower-level Baath party members detained and tortured 800 hundred
men, women, and children, sentenced 148 male detainees to death, and confiscated and
destroyed property and land. In the Tribunals first judgment, all eight defendants were found
guilty of crimes against humanity. Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death by hanging. On
December 30, 2006, he was executed (Kelly 2007). In April 2006 prior to Husseins execution,
the Iraqi High Tribunal charged seven defendants with crimes against humanity and war crimes
for their actions related the Anfal operation. Two of the defendants, Saddam Hussein and Ali

Hassan al-Majid, had additional charges for genocide. Once Hussein was executed, proceedings
against him were discontinued (Tabassi and van der Borght 2007). Finding that al-Majid
intended to eradicate the Kurds in Northern Iraq, the Tribunal convicted al-Majid of genocide,
crimes against humanity, and war crimes. He was subsequently executed (Trahan 2009).

4.5 Rwanda

The genocide in Rwanda lasted 100 days. On April 12, 1994, the presidents of both
Rwanda and Burundi were killed when a surface-to-air missile shot down their plane (Iliopoulos
2008). This event triggered the wanton massacre of three-quarters of the Tutsi population and
thousands of moderate Hutu and their families throughout Rwanda (Des Forges 1999). By the
time the orgy of violence ended on July 18, 1994, an estimated 500,000 to 1,000,000 or more
people were dead (The Prosecutor v. Akayesu 1998) in a country less than 400 square miles
larger than the State of Vermont (Gardner 1990).
Rwanda was ruled as a colony of Germany beginning in1897, then by Belgium after
1917. Rwanda was a complex advanced monarchy that ruled through representatives from Tutsi
nobility. In those days, the Hutu and Tutsi were distinguished by lineage rather than ethnicity.
Both colonial powers relied on elites to rule. This ruling class was composed of people who
identified themselves as Tutsi. Since the Tutsi looked more like Europeans, because of their
stature and skin color, the colonizers believed that the Tutsi were more intelligent and better able
to govern. Consequently the Belgians decreed that the Tutsi alone should be officials of the
government, and Hutus should be systematically removed from positions of power.
Additionally, the Hutu were excluded from higher education because such education was meant
for those wanting careers in the administration. Those Hutus aspiring to higher education could
study only in religious seminaries. This discriminatory policy gave the Tutsi a monopoly over
public life that lasted beyond the 1920s and 1930s. It was the Belgians who defined Rwandas
three ethnic groups. Hutus represented 84% of the population, the Tutsi about 15%, and the Twa
only 1%. The Belgians also required each Rwandan to carry a card that noted each persons
ethnic identity. This practice continued after Rwandan independence (The Prosecutor v.
Akayesu 1998; Des Forges 1999).
At the beginning of the decolonization process in the late 1940s, the Rwandan elites
attempted to free themselves from the domination of the Belgian colonizers and the Catholic

Church. This caused both the Belgians and the Church to shift their alliances from the Tutsi to
the Hutu by developing political awareness among the Hutu majority. Hutus were given more
opportunities for education and senior government office by the Belgians. In 1956, the Belgians
organized an election based on universal suffrage. The outcome of the election was decided
along ethnic lines, giving Hutus an overwhelming majority. This meant the end of Tutsi
supremacy and the beginning of confrontations with the Hutu. Bloody incidents first victimized
the Hutu, who in turn looted Tutsi homes. The cycle of violence ended on October 18, 1960,
when Belgian authorities established an autonomous provisional government headed by Grgorie
Kayibanda, head of the Hutu grassroots movement. On July 1, 1962, Belgium granted self-
government to Rwanda, and independence was declared. By July 5, 1973, disagreements with
the Kayibanda regime resulted in anarchy and a coup that brought General Juvnal Habyarimana
to power. With the political success of the Hutu parties, Tutsi began to flee to neighboring
countries where Tutsi paramilitary units made incursions into Rwanda (The Prosecutor v.
Akayesu 1998). In 1993, a four-year-long civil war was settled by the Arusha Accords one year
before the outbreak of genocide. The killing of Habyrimana with the surface-to-air missile, gave
Col. Thoneste Bagosora, the operational commander of the Rwandan military, the excuse he
needed to begin execution of the plan for genocide (Iliopoulos 2008).
The plan for the attack included an extensive propaganda campaign and a campaign of
killing by military and civilian militias. A sophisticated and virulent propaganda campaign was
launched to widen divisions between Hutu and Tutsi. The campaign included broadcasts over
Radio Tlvision Libre des Mille Collines (RTLM) in support of the Hutu power movement, and
embodied the ethnic solidarity that Habyarimana had championed for three years. The Tutsi
were vilified using the label Inyenzi meaning, cockroach, because Tutsi incursions took place at
night, and were only rarely seen in the morning. This activity was compared to that of
cockroaches that are rarely seen during the day, but often at night. Tutsi were also labeled
Ibyitso or collaborator. The term evolved and expanded to mean not just collaborators but all
Tutsi. Inyenzi was used by extremist media including RTLM, to describe Hutu who did not
accept the Arusha Peace Accords and those who wanted to exterminate the Tutsi (The Prosecutor
v. Akayesu 1998).
The well-established military, administrative and political system hierarchies were
appropriated by the leaders of the genocide to conduct the campaign of killing. Both civilian and

military authorities conducted training and provided weapons to militiamen. Political parties
created youth wings that were converted to civilian militias. These party militias, such as the
Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi, not only became incorporated within the civil defense
structure, but they participated in military operations against the RPF (the Tutsi, Rwandan
Patriotic Front) alongside of the army. The logistical preparation for the attack included using
communal police and former soldiers to direct the civilian defense force to attack the enemy
within their communities. The plan was to exterminate the Tutsi and eliminate members of the
political opposition. The plan included recourse to hatred and ethnic violence, training and
distribution of weapons, and preparation of lists of people to be eliminated (The Prosecution v.
Bagosora, et al. 2008; Des Forges 1999). The Hutu extremists who were opposed to the Arusha
Accords set out to terrorize the Tutsi. They armed themselves with planeloads of guns, grenades,
and machetes. By 1992, they had stockpiled and began distributing 85 tons of munitions and
581,000 machetes. There were enough machetes issued to arm every third Hutu male (Power
Clearly, the objective of the massacres of the Tutsi was to destroy the Tutsi. The
perpetrators wanted to cause the complete disappearance of the Tutsi to the point that children
would need to refer to history books to know what a Tutsi looked like (The Prosecutor v.
Akayesu 1998). Many of the killings were done with machetes, clubs and similar weapons. The
military and militia also used firearms to begin the massacres and to threaten those who opposed
the killings (Des Froges 1999). When the onslaught began, it was natural for the Tutsis and
Hutus to seek refuge in places like churches, hospitals and public buildings, where they
traditionally felt safe. In fact, on several occasions, local authorities directed those seeking
sanctuary to these gathering places. Unfortunately, once assembled in these locations, the very
authorities who directed people to gather in churches, hospitals and other public spaces
participated in systematic attacks and massacres by the militiamen and military (The Prosecution
v. Bagosora, et al. 1999). For example, an estimated 4,000 to 6,000 people gathered at the
Kibuye Catholic Church and the adjacent Home St. Jean in April 1994. Once assembled, they
were attacked by gendarmes, communal police, and armed civilians using grenades, guns,
cudgels, machetes, and other weapons. After the massacre, the dead were placed in four mass
graves. Excavations conducted by William D. Haglund, Melissa Connor, and Douglas D. Scott
located a minimum number of individuals with 39 on the surface and 454 in the graves. Forty-

four percent of the victims were children under 15 years of age. In the case of one 50 year-old
man, his fibula had been completely severed by a sharp object at the location of the Achilles
tendon, rendering him unable to flee. Sharp force trauma of the neck and back of the torso were
interpreted as injuries consistent with an individual trying to protect himself by presenting
different aspects of the body to an armed assailant. Unfortunately, forensic excavations and
examinations at additional locations were stopped after an agreement between Chief Prosecutor
Goldstone and the Rwandans to discontinue excavations and withdraw UN peacekeepers from
Rwanda. Additionally, Stover and Shigekane indicated that the number of dead made it
impossible to continue the large-scale forensic investigation (Haglund et al. 2001; Juhl 2005).
In addition to the killings discussed above, women and young girls were routinely
subjected to sexual attack. Near the capital of Kigali, these acts were committed in the open and
often associated with roadblocks. In coordinated attacks, soldiers and civilian militia would take
the young women that they stopped and repeatedly rape them (The Prosecution v. Bagosora et al.
1999; The Prosecution v. Bagosora et al. 2008). Additionally, attacks on children extended to
the unborn. In an attempt to wipe out the Tutsi as a group entirely, newborns were killed. Even
pregnant women, including Hutu women with Tutsi husbands, were killed on the grounds that
the child belonged to the fathers group in this patrilineal society. Public statements made by
Jean-Paul Akayesu, the bourgmestre of the Taba commune, relative to Hutu women impregnated
by Tutsi men, indicated that such women had to be found and their pregnancy aborted. He stated
that the fetus had to be destroyed so that the Tutsi child would not survive (The Prosecutor v.
Akayesu 1998).
In November 1994, the United Nations established the International Criminal Tribunal
for Rwanda. It was based in Arusha, Tanzania, and established to prosecute the crimes described
above as war crimes and genocide. To accomplish this objective, the tribunal set up forensic
units to gather the evidence needed to prosecute the guilty. These units drew upon the expertise
of forensic workers who had investigated the forced disappearances in Central and South
America (Stover and Shigekane 2002). In 1998, 50 years after the General Assembly passed the
resolution that lead to the Genocide Convention, the first genocide case was brought before an
international criminal tribunal. It was the case of The Prosecutor Versus Jean-Paul Akayesu, the
Taba commune bourgmestre discussed above. On September 2, 1998, Akayesu gained the
dubious distinction of being the first person convicted of genocide under the Genocide

Convention. In a precedent setting decision, the Tribunal found him guilty of the systematic rape
of women, an act that was interpreted to be a genocidal act of, Causing serious bodily or mental
harm to members of the group (The Prosecutor v. Akayesu 1998:177). The Chamber found that
most cases of the rape of Taba women were committed with the intent to kill those women,
because most rapes were committed near mass graves where the women were taken to be killed.
The Chamber found further that the acts of rape and sexual violence reflected the determination
to make Tutsi women suffer and to mutilate them before killing them. The intent of such acts
was, To destroy the Tutsi group while inflicting acute suffering on its members (The
Prosecutor v. Akayesu 1998:177).

4.6 Yugoslavia

By far, the most complex genocide took place in the former country of Yugoslavia.
When it was over, Yugoslavia no longer existed, and the three new states of Bosnia, Croatia and
Kosovo were left to pick up the pieces of what were once successful pluralistic societies. For
example in 1991, Bosnia was 43% Muslim, 35% Orthodox Serb, and 18% Roman Catholic
Croat. It represented the most ethnically heterogeneous of Yugoslavias six republics. After the
genocide, these three heterogeneous states were decidedly homogenous with each dominated by
one religious-ethnic enclave. It was in June that Slobodan Miloevi began his campaign to
increase Serb dominance, setting off a chain reaction that would ultimately pull Yugoslavia apart
and kill an estimated 230,000 to 240,000 people in an area about the size of Oregon.
Additionally, in Bosnia, 2 million were displaced; in Croatia, 700,000 were displaced; and in
Kosovo, 1.3 million were displaced (Gardner 1990; Blum et al. 2007; Power 2002). In the
discussion that follows, Yugoslavian history and actions taken by its leadership to instigate
genocide will be discussed first, and then the impact on Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo will be
examined in turn.
In 395 AD, the Roman Empire was split into eastern and western halves. This division
became a permanent feature of the European cultural landscape that separated Greek
Constantinople from Latin Rome and eventually the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic
churches. It also separated lands of the former Yugoslavia and exerted significant influence on
Serbs and Croats. For the next millennia, the region was beset by invasions of Huns, Ostrogoths
and Slavic tribesmen. In 1371, Yugoslavia was invaded by the Ottoman Turks who defeated the

Serbian army at the battle of Kosovo on June 28, 1389, called Vidovdan (St Vituss Day) by the
Serbs. As the discussion below will demonstrate, this day became a fundamental defining
moment in Yugoslavias history. The defeat of Serbian forces was seen as the best example of
true heroism and sacrifice by the army and a source of pride for Serbians. It also marked the
beginning of a time when no force was capable of standing up to the Turks (Serbian Orthodox
Diocese 2011).
Subsequently, the region was ruled by the Ottoman Empire for nearly five centuries until
the Balkan wars of 1912-1913 terminated Turkish domination. Shortly thereafter on June 28,
1914, the key day noted above in the Serbian calendar, Austrian Crown Prince Fanz Ferdinand
was assassinated by the Bosnian Serb student Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo. This was the
precipitating event for World War I. With the end of World War I and the downfall of the
Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empires, the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians was
proclaimed in December of 1918. Seven years after the beginning of World War I, the newly-
founded Yugoslav state received its earliest centralized constitution, again on June 28. Later,
Stalin chose this date in 1948 to expel Yugoslavia from the eastern bloc, leading to the
independent development of Yugoslav communism. Under Broz Tito, an economic system of
socialist self-management was devised that had a nonaligned foreign policy and a one-party
political system. After Titos death on May 4 1980, long-standing differences among
Yugoslavias republics began to boil over (Serbian Orthodox Diocese 2011; Bieber 2002).
Without the iron-fisted rule of Tito, the country of Yugoslavia began to tear itself apart.
In June of 1991, Serbian President, Slobdan Miloevi, cited Vidovdan when he began to invoke
nationalist ideals to increase Serb dominance over the republic of Slovenia that had seceded,
sparking a 10-day war. Also, Croatia declared independence at the same time. Because of
Croatias sizable Serb minority and lucrative picturesque coastline, the Serbs did not want to let
it go. The Yugoslav National Army (JNA) fought a seven-month war that killed 10,000 and
displaced 700,000. By late 1991, Bosnia realized that if it stayed within Yugoslavia, Serbs
would receive the best jobs and educational opportunities. The Muslims and Croats were facing
marginalization and physical abuse under Miloevis oppressive rule. Compounding matters for
Bosnias Muslims was the fact that the United Nations had imposed an arms embargo in 1991
that left the Serbs in charge of a fully-equipped modern military and left the Muslims relatively
defenseless. Later in 1995, Kosovos Albanians were hoping that the United States and its allies

would pressure Serbia into restoring its autonomy. Instead, Western negotiators at the Dayton
Peace Conference did not broach the subject of Kosovar independence. Embittered, the
Albanians formed a band of fighters known as the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). Before it
was over, the Serbs displaced over 1.3 million Kosovars from their homes, and killed an
estimated 10,000 to 20,000 (Power 2002; Blum et al. 2007).
By using pejorative terms like Balijas for Muslims, Ustaas for Croats and Terrorists for
Kosovars, the Serbs vilified all non-Serbs and polarized each republics citizenry between ethnic
Serbs and all other religious and ethnic groups (Prosecutor v. Branin 2004; Power 2002). They
classified their actions as ethnic cleansing to differentiate them from acts of genocide that the
Nazis employed during World War II. The term was used to describe any action employed to
eliminate an ethnic group from a territory or region controlled by another ethnic group. In fact
this euphemism described a murderous campaign of mass atrocities committed by Serb forces in
Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo. The attacks initiated under the guise of ethnic cleansing were well-
planned and organized. An attack would begin when Serb artillery unleashed a barrage on a
village. Next, paramilitaries and Serb forces launched an infantry assault that would include the
killing of armed men, rounding up of unarmed men, and sending women and children into flight.
When the majority of Serb forces moved out to their next objective, paramilitaries stayed behind
to loot valuables, shoot livestock, and destroy homes. All non-Serb life was banned. Clearly,
the Serbs intended to displace and/or destroy all non-Serbs from mixed areas, even those areas
where the Serbs were in the majority. Their objective was to create an ethnically homogeneous
state. The Serbs justified their actions by citing religious leaders of the eighteenth century who
declared Moslems as evil. Leaders such as Radovan Karadi believed that they were defending
Europe from Moslem domination and fundamentalism. He felt that all Moslems should convert
to Christianity, and that his policies were blessed by the Serbian Orthodox Church (Powers 2002;
Blum et al. 2002; Baron 1999). Although the Serbs may have felt justified in their actions, the
International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia disagreed. They found 80 key figures guilty of
crimes committed while executing the above activities, sentencing two individuals to life, and
the remaining individuals to an average sentence of 15 years (ICTY 2011).
As can be seen from the above statistics on convictions, the International Criminal
Tribunal has been very successful in trying cases of those guilty of committing atrocities during
the wars in Yugoslavia. However, Slobodan Miloevi, President of the Federal Republic of

Yugoslavia from July 15, 1997 to October 6, 2000, died on March 11, 2006 while on trial for
genocide, complicity in genocide, deportation, murder, and many other crimes. Because the trial
proceedings were terminated upon his death, the extent of his crimes may never be known fully
(The Prosecutor v. Miloevi 2006). Radovan Karadi was a founding member of the Serbian
Democratic Party and its President until his resignation. He became Chairman of the National
Security Council of the Serbian Republic of Bosnia when created in 1992, and Supreme
Commander of its armed forces. He was indicted on charges of genocide, extermination,
murder, persecution, and many other charges. He was arrested on July 21, 2008 and his trial
commenced on October 26, 2009. His trial is proceeding; therefore, no judgment has been made
as to his guilt or innocence (The Prosecutor v. Karadi 2010). The third individual who bore
responsibility for planning, initiating and leading the Serbian Army to commit genocide was
General Ratko Mladi. He has been indicted for genocide, complicity in genocide, persecution,
extermination and murder, as well as many other crimes related to the atrocities committed in the
former Yugoslavia. He was Commander of the Bosnian Serb Army. He was indicted by the
International Criminal Tribunal and remained at large until arrested May 25, 2011, and
transferred to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia on May 31, 2011
(The Prosecution v. Mladi 2010). These three men were the prime players in a sinister game of
genocide. With Mladis recent arrest, Karadi standing trial, and Miloevi dead before
judgment, those committing the most egregious crimes have not yet paid their debt for what they
4.6.1 Croatia. The war in Croatia started in 1991. Croatia nearly encircled Bosnia with a
common border on Bosnias northern, western and most of the southern border (Power
2002:248). Its landmass is only 2,358 miles smaller than West Virginia. As noted above, the
precipitating event was Croatias declaration of independence. Before this seven-month war was
over, 10,000 people were dead and 700,000 were displaced. Additionally, it was this war that
initially introduced the world to images of Serb artillery attacks on civilians in towns like
Dubrovnic and Vukovar (Harff 2003; Power 2002; Gardner 1990). During the spring of 1992, a
strip of land, The Posavina Corridor in the northeastern territory of Bosnia, was blocked by
Croatian forces in alliance with those from Bosnia. This was a critical pass, because it linked
Croatian and the Bosnian Krajina regions with Serbia. During the summer and late autumn, the
Serbian military operation known as Koridor 92, was carried out. While the Serbs claimed that

the offensive was initiated to clear the blockade and resolve a humanitarian crisis, Serbias
principal intent was to link Serb lands. During the operation, the Serbs devastated the entire
Posavina area. Many homes were torched, and civilians were killed (Prosecutor v. Marti 2007).
One of the most infamous acts during the Croatian war was the massacre of 200 lightly-
wounded soldiers and hospital workers on a farm called Ovcara. On November 20, 1991, Major
Veslin Ljivancanin, Commander of the Yugoslav National Army (JNA) and the soldiers under
his command entered the grounds of the Vukovar hospital in eastern Croatia. Yugoslav forces
removed the wounded and civilians from the hospital and bussed them to Ovcara. Once there,
they were forced to stand in a freshly-dug pit, where they were gunned down (Stover and
Shingkane 2002; Stover and Ryan 2001). Later, forensic specialists, including Clyde Snow and
Eric Stover, located the grave on Ovcara farm, nine miles south of Vukovar. They had to work
quickly, because they had only three days, and they were working under such harsh conditions
that one of the American archaeologists called it, Flack Jacket Archaeology (Stover and Ryan
2001:18). When exhuming the remains, they located a Roman Catholic cross below the skull of
one of the skeletons. This helped to identify the victim as a Roman Catholic Croat because the
cross was inscribed, BOG I HRVATI or, in English, God and Croats (Stover and Ryan
2001:20). On one corner of the grave, over 75 spent cartridges of a caliber consistent with a
standard Yugoslav National Army (JNA) weapon, the 7.62-millimeter Red Star, were found.
Additionally, bullet holes were present in acacia trees on the opposite side of the grave,
suggesting that a firing squad had formed on one side shooting directly into and across the grave.
By late 1998, over 120 of the 200 remains recovered from the grave had been identified. One
was of a guardsman with battle wounds who had been admitted to the hospital on November 17,
1991. His mother said that her son wore a silver necklace with the inscription, BOG I
HRVATI, just as describe above (Stover and Ryan 2001:23). This jewelry identified the
guardsman as the womans son.
Three JNA officers were charged with ordering the massacre. Colonel Mile Mrki was
found guilty of murder, torture and cruel treatment. He withdrew JNA officers and soldiers
guarding the prisoners at Ovcara, rendering them defenseless. This allowed paramilitary forces
to move in and murder all of the prisoners. Mrki was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment.
Captain Miroslave Radi was found not guilty. Army Major Veslin ljivananin was found
guilty of torture and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment. He was responsible for the security of

the prisoners. Additionally, he was present at the time the Ovcara prisoners were being
mistreated, but did nothing to stop their beatings (Stover and Ryan 2001; The Prosecutor v.
Mrksic et al. 2010).
Additional excavations took place in Croatias eastern border with Bosnia, and in the
southern region of Croatia, also along the border with Bosnia. The human remains of 61
individuals were recovered from 13 wells. The hazardous nature of this exhumation was
discussed above in section 2.3, Mass Graves Defined. Most of the individuals were between the
ages of 51 to 60 years old, with the oldest being approximately 76 to 80 years old. Two
subadults were located with estimated ages of 9 to 13 years and 14 to 18 years old. Their injuries
were from gunshots, shrapnel, and blunt force trauma, with most of the individuals suffering
from more than one trauma. However, there was one notable exception. One 79-year-old
woman was found with no trauma, in the Petrinja well wrapped in a blanket. Her remains were
saponified and she had deep marks around her waist. The marks were from a rope wound round
her waist, knotted tightly, and tied by the other end to a large stone causing her death by
drowning (laus et al. 2007).
4.6.2 Bosnia-Herzegovina. What happened in Bosnia-Herzegovina (Bosnia), a republic 4,500
square miles smaller than West Virginia (Gardner 1990), is best exemplified by what happened
to the Bosnian city of Srebrenica. Declared a safe area and defended by a lightly-armored force
of UN peacekeepers in 1993, Srebrenica became a refuge for thousands of Muslims (Power
2002). In 1991, this municipality had a population of 37,000 people; but by March of 1993, its
population had swelled to 50,000 to 60,000 people occupying an area of 150 square kilometers
(Prosecutor v. Blagoevi; Joki 2005). As the Serbs raked across Bosnia and moved on
Srebrenica, the population of the region around the city was concentrated within this limited
area. On July 10 and 11, 1995, the Serbs intended to kill all the Bosnian Muslim men of military
age, whether they were military or civilian. The killings and intimidation began with the shelling
of the city of Srebrenica. On July 12, General Ratko Mladi entered the city and addressed the
terrified Muslims by saying that, There is no need to be frightened Youll be taken to a safe
place (Power 2002:401). Mass executions started the next day (Prosecutor v. Kristi 2001).
More than 7,500 men including children and the elderly were killed. Men and women were
separated, women were bussed away; and luggage was burned. The Kravia warehouse was
used to detain and massacre the men. Serb Army soldiers stood in doorways and fired into the

crowd. Mortars were fired into the building, and grenades were thrown through the windows.
Unbelievably, two men survived by hiding under bodies and later escaping into the woods.
Disposal of the bodies included using bulldozers to dump the bodies into nearby mass graves.
Since the Serbs realized that US planes had photographed the events taking place, they opened
the mass graves later and moved the remains to secondary locations (Kimmerle and Baraybar
2008). Initially, the Serbs had intended to seize only the southern section of Srebrenica.
However, to the Serbs amazement, the UN forces offered no resistance. As a result, the Serbs
overwhelmed the entire city (Power 2002).
When reporters interviewed Muslim survivors fleeing Bosnia, they heard grisly stories of
men being held in camps, subjected to torture, and starved. Additionally, women were being
raped and all those held in camps were being denied access to relief officials and journalists.
Edicts were posted forbidding Non-Serbs to meet in public places; bathe or swim in rivers; hunt
or fish; move within the country without authorization; carry weapons; drive; gather in groups;
contact relatives outside of the region; use communication devices other than post office phones;
wear uniforms; sell real estate; or exchange homes without approval (Power 2002). Bosnian
Serb forces consistently committed a number of crimes under the guise of military operations
that included the wanton destruction of cities, towns and villages, and the destruction of religious
institutions, beyond what was justified militarily (Prosecutor v. Branin 2004).
The use of grenades and military-issued rifles to kill people was documented by the
excavation of a Karstic cave named Jama-Bezdan in the Hrgar region of northwestern Bosnia. In
1992, this cave was used to dispose of a minimum number of 70 individuals who were executed
on the ground near the vertical entrance to the cave, then thrown into the cave. Around the
opening to the shaft, grenade pins and .762 cartridge casings littered the area. All of the remains
appeared to be male, ranging in age from a subadult 3-5 years old, of indeterminate sex, to one
gentleman 65 years old. A variety of ligatures were also present in the grave. For 45 bodies, the
cause of death was attributed to single or multiple gunshot wounds. Five cases had a
combination of gunshot wounds and blunt-force trauma. There were only three cases where the
mechanism was simply blunt-force trauma. One case exhibited penetrating sharp force trauma
with an implement consistent with the size and shape of a screwdriver (Simmons 2002).
A second mass grave containing a minimum number of 30 individuals was located in
Tascovcici, 2 kilometers east of Capljina, Bosnia-Herzegovina on a hill called Modric. These

bodies were buried in unmarked graves and in rows with obvious gaps where bodies had been
removed. A minimum of 13 bodies may have been removed. The individuals exhumed were
identified as civilians with an average age of 66, and 2 children. It was determined that 20 of the
22 sets of fairly complete remains displayed hard-tissue trauma, with 9 having experienced 2 or
more wounds. Most of the trauma was confined to the head and trunk with unequivocal
evidence of gunshot wounds. The clandestine removal of remains and evidentiary material, as is
suspected in this case, indicated an additional breach of international humanitarian law. Mass
graves often function as political tools to intimidate survivors, because when they are
scientifically excavated, they are threats to the perpetrators (Skinner et al. 2002).
4.6.3 Kosovo. Funding the wars in Croatia and Bosnia left Serbia ravaged. Unemployment and
inflation were soaring, and the quality of life for Serbias citizenry was plummeting. In 1996 and
1997, Serbs staged massive demonstrations demanding an end to the corrupt rule of Miloevi.
However, he responded by tightening control to stifle dissent by ordering assassinations, shutting
down independent media, and stealing elections. Additionally, Miloevi began to brutalize
ethnic Albanians in the southern province of Kosovo (Power 2002). In 1998, the conflict in
Kosovo renewed and refocused Serbians nationalist interest on the province. The actions of the
Kosovo Liberation Army against Serbs mobilized popular opinion in Serbia against the Albanian
Muslims. Both the war in Kosovo and the bombardment of Serbia in 1999 marked a resurgence
of Serbian self-perception as victims. Two themes emerged in Serbian public discourse. The
Miloevi regime emphasized the victimization of Serbs by the international community; but the
opposition emphasized oppression at the hands of the regime (Bieber 2002).
One massacre, in particular, galvanized support for Kosovo against Serbia. In October
1998, US Ambassador, Richard Holbrooke, negotiated a deal with Miloevi for Serbia to avoid
NATO air strikes if Serbian troops pulled forces back from Kosovo, and allowed the deployment
of 2,000 unarmed, international troops who would verify Serb compliance with international
agreements. However, Serb forces ignored international officials and bombed the small town of
Racak with artillery fire for three days. One January 15, 1999, Serb paramilitary and police units
rounded up and executed 45 Albanian civilians, including 3 women, a 12-year-old boy, and
several elderly men. The executed bodies were left in an icy ravine, face down. Within 24
hours, Ambassador William Walker arrived at the scene, debriefed villagers, and examined some
of the bodies. When talking to a reporter about the incident, he roared into the camera that the

Serbs had committed a crime against humanity (Power 2002:447). Consequently, beginning
on March 24, 1999, NATO jets began bombing Serbia. Allied leaders demanded that either
Miloevi accept autonomy for Kosovo, or the bombing would continue. This was the first time
in history that the United States or its European allies acted to stop a potential genocide (Power
Serbian response to the bombing was the use of regular military units, police and militia
to expel the entire Albanian population from Kosovo at gunpoint. Two days after the NATO
bombing began, Miloevi ordered his Interior Minister, Vlajko Stojikovic, to conceal the
evidence of war crimes. Stojikovi removed corpses from execution sites for either reburial in
Serbia or incineration (Power 2002). Rather than reduce military personnel in Kosovo,
personnel were increased, in contravention of the October agreement; and heavy weaponry and
equipment were retained in the area. It was estimated that over 700 bodies originally buried in
Kosovo were exhumed and transported to Serbia during the NATO bombing campaign. The fact
that the Serbian leadership found it necessary to conceal these bodies in the first place indicated
that they knew that the great majority of the moved remains were victims of crimes, rather than
combatants (Prosecutor v. Milutinovi et al. 2009). On May 24, 1999, the International Criminal
Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia indicted Serbian President Slobodan Miloevi for crimes
against humanity and war crimes. This was the first time a head of state had been charged with
violations of international law, during an armed conflict. In March of 2001, Miloevi was
arrested and turned over to the tribunal in The Hague. At last, Serbias citizenry were able to
begin to deal with Serbian war crimes. (Power 2002). On February 17, 2008, Kosovo declared
its independence from Serbia, and became the Republic of Kosovo (State 2010).
Before it was over, the small province of Kosovo had to endure the loss of 10,000 to
20,000 killed and 1.3 million displaced from their homes in a country the size of Hawaii (Blum
et al. 2007; Power 2002; Gardner 1990; State 2010). In addition to the killing of Kosovars,
Serbian forces also indulged in torture. One case demonstrates the inhumanity of the Serbs
toward one lone elderly woman. She was 70 to 85 years old at the time of her death. Her body
was discovered by villagers who buried the remains in a shallow grave. When forensic scientists
exhumed her remains, they were able to determine that she was an Albanian Muslim by her
traditional clothes. When the skeletal analysis was done, it was obvious that the manner of death
was torture-induced killing. She had the following fractures: 29 rib fractures, 11 on the left and

18 on the right; a healed fracture of the proximal right humerus; and 2 perimortem fractures of
the sternal body. Twenty-five of the fractures were antemortem. Eventually, she was identified
using DNA testing. Her relatives told a heartbreaking story of her attempt to escape the Serb
onslaught of April 1999. When the Serbian Army began attacking her village, the family fled.
Because she was too old to keep up with them, they decided to put her on a bus to Mitrovica in
northern Kosovo. She was never seen again alive. When her remains were located, they were in
a forest near the border with Macedonia in the southern part of Kosovo. Between March and
May 1999, the area where she was found was controlled by the Serbs, and was an area where
many killings took place. Considering her injuries and the location of her remains, it appears
that she was abducted and tortured. When her rib fractures were examined, there was evidence
of reactive bone formation around or adjacent to the fractured edges, and their remodeling
indicated that she survived for several days after she was injured. Alone, injured, and left
unattended in the forest, she finally died what must have been a terrible death (Delabarde 2008).
To conclude the discussion of the former states of Yugoslavia, consider the size of
Yugoslavia before these wars. Above, it was noted that Yugoslavia was the size of Oregon or
98,766 square miles. When Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo became independent, the Serbs lost a
combined landmass of 52,546 square miles, or about 52% of the size of the former Yugoslavia
(Gardner 1990; State 2010). In addition, over a quarter of a million people were dead, and four
million people were displaced from their homes (Power 2002; Blum et al. 2007). Considering
the condemnation of the international community and the information coming out of the
proceedings of the International Criminal Tribunal of the former Yugoslavia describing the
atrocities committed in their name, one wonders if the Serbs of today think that the wars initiated
by Serbia against their neighboring republics were worth it.

4.7 Prosecutions of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity

The crime of crimes, genocide, is considered the most difficult crime to prove because
of the requirement to prove intent to destroy a protected group (Tabassi and van der Brought
2007). The victim of the crime of genocide is a human group. It is not a greater or smaller
number of individuals who are affected for a particular reason but a group as such (Prosecutor
v. Krsti 2001:193). Also, it includes the systematic actions of military, paramilitary and civilian
operatives across a large area. When intending to prove either genocide or crimes against

humanity, it is necessary to reconstruct the context of a functional criminal system within which
the crimes were committed. In these cases, the scale of criminal conduct is so massive that the
underlying acts of mass killings, forced displacements and mass arrests cannot be denied
(Tabassi and van der Brought 2007).
Proving the intent to commit a crime is difficult at best. In the case of genocide, proof of
intent is often obtained from seized documents that establish personal culpability in committing
specific acts, and the scale of the crime. In two of the cases reviewed, the systematic execution
of well-organized plans was evident in seized documentation, public announcements and
proclamations. The documents recovered from Tuol Sleng prison and Santebal in Cambodia
(Chigas 2000), and from the secret police buildings stormed by the Kurds in northern Iraq
(Power 2002), yielded huge volumes of government records that were used later to demonstrate
personal involvement in the planning, ordering, and organizing of the genocides that followed.
These documents often outlined the intent to attack a national, ethnic, religious or racial group
and were corroborated by findings from mass grave excavations. For example, in Rwandan mass
graves, the ethnic identification of the victims as Tutsi was often documented by identity cards
unearthed with the bodies and issued by the government specifically identifying their ethnic
group as Tutsi (Tyler 2003).
Often the intent was to kill all males of military fighting age from a protected group.
This was true in the Nebaj, Guatemala grave where the remains were all males between the ages
of 14-56 (Cacn et al. 2008); in Iraq on the edge of the Ash Sham Desert where all of the victims
were reported by the New York Times as being men between the ages of 20 to 35 (Burns
2006:6); and in a Karstic Cave named Jama-Bezdan, Bosnia-Herzegovina where all the victims
were males between the ages of 16-65, except for one child between the ages of 3 to 5 years old
(Simmons 2002).
Artifacts associated with the victims often identified the ethnic or religious group. This
was true in the graves of Ovcara, Croatia where one of the remains was accompanied by a
Roman Catholic cross engraved with an inscription professing allegiance to God and Croats
(Stover and Ryan 2001), and in Kosovo where a single grave of an elderly woman wearing
Albanian clothes was exhumed (Delabarde 2008).
Both the gravity and scale of the crime of genocide presumes that several protagonists
were involved in the preparation stage. Although the motive of each participant may be

different, the intent of the criminal enterprise remains the same. The prosecutor must establish
whether the accused shared the intent that genocide be committed (Prosecutor v. Radislav Krsti
2001). In this instance, the scale of the crime is important. The minimum number of individuals
exhumed from each mass grave can demonstrate the need to involve both local and national
government operatives. For example, the minimum number of individuals exhumed from the
Ovcara grave in Croatia was 200 (Stover and Ryan 2001); at the Kibuye Roman Catholic Church
in Rwanda, 39 individuals were located on the surface and 454 were buried (Juhl 2005;
Kimmerle and Baraybar 2008); and 3,000 were reported removed from the Mahawil brick
factory in Iraq by the New York Times (Tyler 2003). For an additional perspective on the
widespread nature of the genocide, consider the large number of mass graves present in these
countries. For example, Cambodia had over 300 mass graves (Cambodian Genocide Program
To prove personal responsibility to commit genocide, the prosecutors in the cases
reviewed were required to establish guilt by presenting documents signed by the accused,
statements made by the accused, their rank or position within the hierarchy of the military or the
government, or their presence during the commission of the crime and/or actions taken directly
by the accused to commit an element of the crime such as executing individuals. Also, a person
in a leadership position was found guilty of genocide if he was in charge of a unit that carried out
atrocities. The principle stated was that even though someone was not physically present when
an atrocity was being committed, he could be found guilty when one of the units that he
commanded committed atrocities. In these cases, judges held that the accused should have
known what those forces were doing, and should have taken actions to stop their crimes.
Findings from mass graves are useful in identifying the attacking group. Artifacts such as
unexploded ordinance, caliber of shell casings and bullets located with the remains, and type of
weapon used can identify those who perpetrated the crimes. For example, Haglund (2002)
provided an example of a Rwandan individual whose fibula had been severed, all of the soft
tissue on the right side of the neck was cut through, and a tibia and scapula exhibited sharp cut
marks. This type of injury can be associated with machetes or the weapons issued to the
Interahamwe, or the young peoples militia units, in Rwanda (Des Forges 1999). At graves
located on the edge of the Ash Sham Desert in Iraq and the Ovcara grave in Croatia, large
numbers of spent shell casings (80 in Iraq and 75 in Croatia) were located in and around the

graves. In the case of Iraq, the casings were traced to Kalashnikov rifles that were known as the
weapon of choice of Husseins secret police. In the case of Croatia, the casings were traced to
the 7.62-millimeter Red Star, the standard weapon used by the JNA, or the Yugoslav Peoples
Army (Burns 2006; Stover and Ryan 2001).
Genocide is characterized by not only the mens rea, or the intent to destroy, in whole or
in part, one of the protected groups, but also the actus reus, or the acts enumerated in the
Genocide Convention (Prosecutor v. Krsti 2001). The actus reus in the Convention include:
(a) killing members of the group; (b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members
of the group; (c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring
about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) imposing measures intended to
prevent births within the group; (e) forcibly transferring children of the group to another
group (Power 2002:62).

Prosecutors and commissions in all of the countries that were the subjects of this research were
able to obtain evidence in the form of testimonies by eyewitnesses, victims and, at times,
perpetrators of these crimes to prove these types of events. That evidence was corroborated by
evidence located in mass graves. By comparison, crimes against humanity are defined by the
International Criminal Court as:
Including any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic
attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:
Deportation or forcible transfer of population;
Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of
fundamental rules of international law;
Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization,
or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity;
Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national,
ethnic, cultural, religion , gender,() or other grounds that are universally recognized
as impermissible under international law ()
Enforced disappearance of persons;
The crime of apartheid;
Other inhumane acts of a similar characteristic intentionally causing great suffering,
or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health (Duhaime 2011:1).

Additionally, most of these acts are included under the language contained in the Genocide
Convention. The difference between the two is the inclusion of the language covering the intent

to destroy in whole or in part one of the protected groups as defined by the Genocide
Convention. Therefore, if sufficient evidence is gathered from mass graves to prove the actus
reus of genocide, but not the mens rea, there should be sufficient evidence to prove a crime
against humanity.
In the Genocide Convention, the first element of actus reus is killing members of a
group (Power 2002:62). The types of murder committed in the cases review included: random
killing of everyone found in a town with machetes; clubbing prisoners; shooting unarmed people
at random or those rounded up and brought to a killing field; bombardment from artillery pieces;
and asphyxiating people with chemical bombs. For example, from the grave in Kibuye in
Rwanda, forensic investigators found that Tutsi gathered at a church were killed by sharp-force
trauma. Forensic investigators found that the Choeung Ek grave in Cambodia contained
prisoners who were gathered by the side of a pit and clubbed to death (Haglund 2002; Des
Forges 1999; Taala et al 2008). In East Timor at the funeral of a student, mourners in the
cemetery were attacked by an Indonesian military unit that indiscriminately fired into the crowd.
Although the mass grave of 16 out of a reported 271 killed has not yet been described in the
public record, the people who exhumed the grave should have found evidence of gunfire injuries
to corroborate witness and victim statements (Magro 2000; Joliffe 2009). At the shaft cave
named Jama-Bexdan in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 70 people were brought to the opening of the cave,
shot, and then thrown down the shaft of the cave (Simmons 2002). More impersonal methods
for killing can be found in the indictment of Slobodan Miloevi that documents the shelling of
the City of Sarajevo in Bosnia-Herzegovina 26 different times (The Prosecutor v. Miloevi
2002). Chemical bombs were used to kill an estimated 5,000 in the city of Halabja, Iraq. The
Halabja attack was one of 40 chemical weapon attacks ordered by Ali Hassan al-Majid known
as, Chemical Ali (Power 2002).
The next element of actus reus enumerated by the Genocide Convention was that of
causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group (Power 2002:62). Three forms
of causing such harm are torture, rape, and the postmortem treatment of the remains.
There were two cases where torture was evident when the remains were examined by
forensic anthropologists. The remains from the mass grave in Nebaj, Guatemala indicated clear
evidence of torture using cutting amputations as the means of torture (Chacn 2008). A second
example of torture came from the individual grave located on the Macedonian border of Kosovo

where a single elderly female had 29 rib fractures in various stages of healing. The
reconstruction of the sequence of events and the characteristics of her trauma suggested that she
was abducted, tortured, and then left in the forest. In terms of cause of death, the investigators
noted that the elderly who sustain blunt-force trauma with rib fractures, have twice the mortality
and thoracic morbidity of the young. With each additional fracture, mortality increases 19% and
the risk of pneumonia by 27% (Delabarde 2008).
Widespread and systematic rapes were documented in all of the countries researched
except Croatia and Kosovo. In Cambodia, in a barn serving as a prison, pretty girls were
stripped, raped until they lost consciousness, and then killed (De Nike et al. 2000). In East
Timor, both the Indonesian security forces and their auxiliaries conducted widespread and
systematic campaigns of rape, sexual torture and sexual violence (CAVR 2005). In Guatemala,
Xococ patrollers raped women from their own communities until ordered to stop by local
commanders (Sanford 2003). In Iraq, Kurdish women in both the Tupzawa and Nugrat al-
Salman detention camps were raped, made to walk on broken glass, and endured other sexual
humiliations (Trahan 2009). In Rwanda, young women stopped at roadblocks were taken to
nearby homes, fields, and religious centers where they were raped in coordinated efforts between
military and civilian assailants (The Prosecutor v Bagosora et al. 2008). Finally, in Bosnia,
women were put in rape camps (Power 2002). In cases of rape, there is no physical evidence on
skeletal remains; therefore, skeletal examinations alone cannot corroborate evidence of sexual
One of the most sinister acts to cause mental anguish to the survivors of genocide and the
loved ones of those killed is the callous way the attackers handle the remains of people killed.
For example, in East Timor, some were beheaded with their decapitated heads displayed as
trophies; others displayed corpses in front of homes; and some of the dead or fatally wounded
were thrown in gorges and rivers (CAVR 2006). In another example, consider this excerpt from
the trial of Pol Pot and Ieng Sary from Mrs. Khem Narys witness statement:
In prison they tortured me savagely. They poured water into my nostrils, drove a stick
into my ears, and passed an electrical current through my body. After torture sessions,
they made me pick up corpses they had thrown into ditches, to make manure out of them.
I was so horrified that I frequently fainted. My colleagues and I dug up ditches and found
human skulls and bones. They made us burn the human bones to make manure. If we
found bodies that had not yet decomposed completely, we had to tear the flesh off and
mix it with manure to fertilize the ground. One day as I was getting manure in a ditch of

human bones, some women told me that the bodies of my husband and child had been
thrown there. I was so horrified that I fainted (De Nike et al. 2000:175-176).

The horrific disposal of nameless corpses into huge mass graves was yet another example
of causing mental suffering among the survivors. Compounding the horror and anguish was the
subsequent removal and reburial of mass graves to conceal the atrocities that had been
committed. For example, a UN team found only 146 bodies and miscellaneous unmatched limbs
at the site of Pilica, where an estimated 1200 Muslims were killed on July 6, 1995, according to a
professed Serb executioner testifying before the International Criminal tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia. Satellite photographs taken three months after the killing showed heavy equipment
removing remains from the site (Skinner et al. 2002). Additionally, at Tascovcici, Bosnia,
exhumations of a graveyard disclose that a minimum of 13 bodies were previously removed
without notification to their families. These actions not only served to conceal crimes, they also
complicated the attempt by survivors to locate their loved ones. These survivors only wanted to
understand what happened to their relatives and friends when thousands disappeared. When
there is clandestine removal of bodies and other evidence from mass graves, it should be
considered a breach of international humanitarian law, because it is an example of the inhuman
treatment of a protected person (Skinner et al. 2002).
One additional aspect of the treatment of the remains of individuals killed during
genocide included the identification of the remains after they have been exhumed by forensic
investigators. As mentioned above, the remains of those exhumed from mass graves are released
to local authorities after the forensic team determines the group identity and cause and manner of
death. The relatives of the missing suffer a sustained shock because of the absence of their loved
ones. Without bodies or funerals, relatives are unable to accept the reality of the death, and are
unable to fulfill religious and communal obligations to the dead. By exhuming the remains,
individual mourners and their communities have their losses acknowledged, allowing them to
move forward. If the remains are left unidentified by forensic scientists and local authorities,
family members are unable to recover their loved ones and complete burial rites allowing the
departed to rest peacefully. As a result, the mental trauma continues indefinitely. In response to
this issue, excavation teams need to contain experts dedicated to the identification of the remains,
and need to maintain documentation of remains from the point of discovery through
identification and reburial (Stover and Shigekane 2002).

The next actus reus is deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to
bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part (Power 2002:62). A systematic
campaign of displacing large populations is the common method used to bring about this type of
destruction. Often, displacement is a form of arbitrary collective punishment, and associated
with a range of human rights violations and deprivations including hunger, disease, and the loss
of adequate shelter (CAVR 2005). Although the Pol Pot regime executed hundreds of thousands,
many city dwellers died as a result of radical policies that emptied Cambodias cities and forced
evacuees to become slave farmers. These dislocations were done with extreme indifference to
human life. Basic, sound, modern medical care was nonexistent, resulting in many preventable
deaths. It is estimated that 2.5 million people were displaced from Pnom Penh alone, and
150,000 Vietnamese were expelled from the country (Bedat 2010; De Nike et al. 2000). In East
Timor, the mortality rate was far higher than the peacetime rate between 1975 and 1999 because
of the massive displacement of civilians. It is estimated that 84,500 deaths are attributable to
displacement related hunger and illness (CAVR 2005). In Guatemala, an estimated 500,000 to
one million people were displaced during the most intense period of the genocide. This massive
displacement of civilians embodied the rupture of the social fabric because families and
communities were fractured, and cohesive cultural ties were weakened (CEH 1999). In Iraq,
soldiers completely wiped out Kurdish life in Northern Iraq by plundering and destroying
everything. When gas attacks were rumored, terrified Kurds fled their villages. When villages
were razed, the inhabitants were forcibly deported. By the end of the Anfal campaign, 1.5
million Kurds had been forcibly resettled. Additionally, the Marsh Arabs of Iraq were displaced
when the marshes were drained and 160,000 of them were either killed or fled. An estimate of
those displaced is 95,000. As stated above, over four million people were displaced from their
homes in the former Yugoslavia (Power 2002; Kelly 2005). In addition, the Tribunal found that
there was wanton destruction of cities, towns, and villages not justified by military necessity in
Bosnia (Prosecutor v. Branin 2004). In Croatia, the Municipality of Dubrovnik, a World
Cultural Heritage site, was shelled. Five hundred shells struck the Old Town destroying six
buildings and damaging many others. Additionally, religious, charity, educational, and arts and
sciences institutions were damaged or destroyed (Prosecutor v. Joki 2004). In Kosovo, Serbian
forces expelled an estimated 1.3 million or nearly the entire Albanian population at gunpoint.
Massive artillery barrages were used to frighten local inhabitants into flight (Power 2002).

These numbers total at least 8.8 million to 9.3 million people displaced during the second half of
the twentieth century. However, similar to the discussion of rapes above, the examination of
mass graves and skeletal remains did not provide evidence of displacements.
The next actus reus is imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
(Power 2002:62). In East Timor, the occupying Indonesian authorities imposed a program of
population control that included the forced sterilizations of Timorese women. This action, in
addition to other atrocities, caused a steep drop in the islands population (Margo 2000). The
chemical gas attacks in Iraq caused significant increases in miscarriages and birth defects. Infant
deaths were four times greater than in areas not victimized by chemical gas attacks (Power
2002). Finally, in Rwanda, Hutu women impregnated by Tutsi husbands were killed to prevent
the birth of what would have been a Tutsi child in this paternal society (The Prosecutor v.
Akayesu 1998). In all of these cases, no forensic evidence was developed from mass graves
supporting these charges.
The next actus reus is forcibly transferring children of the group to another group
(Power 2002:62). Under the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia, small children from 5 to 15 years old
were separated from their parents and put into mobile work teams (De Nike et al. 2002). Also, in
Cambodia, the children of ethnic Cham were taken away from their parents to be raised
collectively as Khmers and not as Muslims (Stanton 1992). In Guatemala, children were
abducted and used as servants or fraudulently adopted by the perpetrators of violence against
their families (REMHI 1999). However, the mass grave excavations reviewed did not contain
any evidence to prove these allegations.

4.8 Impediments to Prosecution

Although the prosecutions discussed above were successful in convicting those

responsible for genocide, there were significant obstacles to prosecuting these cases. For
example, 35 years after the fall of Pnom Penh, the first conviction by an internationally
recognized court was handed down to Gurk Eav Kaing for crimes against humanity. The four
living individuals most responsible for the Cambodian genocide have been indicted. However,
their trials have been delayed for so long, they are very old. Also, other potential indictments
have not been issued because many criminals have died before justice was served (The
Prosecutor v. Kaing 2010; The Prosecutor v. Nuon 2010). In Iraq, Saddam Hussein was not

brought to trial for his crime of genocide because he was convicted and executed for another
crime (Kelly 2007). In the case of Slobodan Miloevi, he died during his trial (The Prosecutor
v. Miloevi 2006). In both of these cases, the full extent of their crimes may never be known
because their trials were not completed. In two cases in East Timor and Guatemala, arrest
warrants have not been honored by the government in power where those indicted reside (Times
2004; Roht-Arreaza 2009; Sanford 2008). This action also thwarts prosecution.
An additional impediment to prosecutions concerns the professional excavation of mass
graves. In Cambodia, the mass graves of prisoners from Tuol Sleng Prison were excavated, their
bones disarticulated, and their remains were placed in a stupa containing stacks of bones by type
of bone (Berg 2008). In Bosnia, the graves of those who were suspected to have been killed
during the genocide were removed from their graves without family notification (Skinner et al.
2002). The graves from the Srebrenica massacre were removed from their primary grave and
moved to a secondary grave for the purpose of concealing their remains (Kimmerle and Baraybar
2008). In the case of grave excavations in Rwanda, grave excavations were prematurely
terminated for safety reasons, once UN peacekeepers pulled out (Juhl 2005). In instances where
graves are disturbed, or where the excavation is incomplete, valuable forensic evidence is lost,
and the identification of victims is more difficult.
One final issue concerns the access to authoritative information of mass grave
excavations. As demonstrated by Appendix C, authoritative articles could not be located for
graves in East Timor because the one excavation completed in 2010 has not yet been published
(Jolliffe 2009; Murdoc 2010). In Iraq, an exploratory mission and feasibility study was located
(Stover 1992), but a report or authoritative article discussing the excavation of a mass grave
could not be published because of the ongoing prosecutorial nature of the cases involved (Anson
and Trimble 2008). The lack of access to information concerning the results of mass grave
excavations made it difficult to research the process for mass grave excavations and to analyze
the findings from the examination of skeletal material and evidence from those excavations.


During the research, analysis of data, and discussion of findings for this paper, four
prominent issues became evident: First, although mass grave excavations provide vital direct
forensic evidence to support the prosecution of genocide cases, that evidence is relevant for only
specific aspects of these crimes. It is important to consider the strength and limitation of that
evidence when designing a protocol for the excavation of mass graves and the analysis of
skeletal remains recovered during that process. Second, it has been found that the prosecution of
genocide cases is often impeded by several factors as noted above. Any protocol must insure
that the best practices of professional forensic examiners are brought to bear during the
excavation and exhumation of mass graves and the examination of human remains recovered.
Additionally, the protocol must contain procedures and practices that will document evidence in
a way that can withstand the scrutiny of international court proceedings. Third, no single
protocol is available for mass grave exhumations. While there are three primary sources
available for such a protocol, when combined into one comprehensive protocol, there are
significant gaps present in the resulting guidelines. As a result, the protocol presented here has
been supplemented with additional steps not available in the three primary sources. Finally,
during the process of gathering evidence to prove genocide, the forensic anthropologist develops
considerable evidence to identify individual victims. While individual identifications are not
generally part of the scope of the excavation, identity information needs to be preserved for those
responsible for making the final determination of the identity of each person exhumed.

5.1 Mass Graves Evidence

Two hypotheses were made at the beginning of this research. It was argued that a
sufficient number of genocide cases have been successfully prosecuted by international tribunals
and other courts, and that a sufficient number of mass grave exhumations have been completed
to establish a protocol for the exhumations of mass graves resulting from genocides.
Additionally, it was argued that such a protocol would address not only the medico-legal

requirements to prove genocide, but would also be sufficient to prove crimes against humanity.
In this section, the information requirements of prosecutors and judges trying cases of genocide,
information produced from mass grave exhumations, and the sufficiency of this information for
obtaining guilty verdicts against those who committed either genocide or crimes against
humanity will be discussed.
As can be seen from Table 2.3 over a half-dozen tribunals and courts presided over cases
where charges of genocide and crimes against humanity were prosecuted. The process of
establishing each tribunal and court has been very complex and has involved international
negotiations, UN Security Council resolutions, and self-appointed local courts. Even though the
process has been confusing at best, each court has built upon decisions preceding their own
deliberations back to the first cases prosecuted by the International Criminal Tribunals for
Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia. The resulting case law establishes the requirements needed
to find perpetrators guilty of genocide under the Genocide Convention and to prove them guilty
of the crimes against humanity. The evidentiary requirements of these two types of crimes are
similar. When reviewing both genocide cases and crimes against humanity cases, the process
and procedures for excavating mass graves and examining human remains were the same
regardless of which type of crime was being prosecuted. Therefore, it follows that a protocol
designed for genocide cases is also valid for cases involving crimes against humanity.
In concert with initiating these criminal proceedings, mass graves have been exhumed.
They have provided direct forensic evidence of the nature of the crime, its extent, and
corroborating evidence form documents and testimonies. The mens rea component of the crime
of genocide was documented by identifying the scale of the crime, the protected group attacked,
and the military or militia units responsible for the acts through the identification of the weapons
used. The actus reus component of the crime of genocide was also proven by findings that
included the widespread and systematic killing of members of a protected group. Additionally,
mass grave evidence proved that serious bodily and mental harm was inflicted on the victimized
groups by documenting tortures and the post-mortem treatment of human remains by the
attackers. However, there are several actus reus components of the crime of genocide where
mass grave evidence is not as helpful. They include inflicting conditions of life design to destroy
the group, preventing births, and the transfer of children. Also, mass graves are not good sources

of proof for population dislocations, rapes, and, in cases of fully skeletonized remains, forms of
death that do not leave any trace of trauma on skeletal elements.

5.2 Potential Resolutions of Impediments to Prosecution

Several factors were noted above that impeded the prosecution of those responsible for
genocide. Those include the complex system of various courts prosecuting these cases, delays in
prosecution and the exhumation of remains, and requirements for the professional excavation of
As the discussion above noted, several factors have hampered the timely prosecution of
those guilty of these gruesome crimes. In some cases, perpetrators have died years after the
crime, but before they were ever prosecuted. One of the most significant delays resulted from
the complex mix of court systems and jurisdictional issues that arose because these aspects of
prosecution were not considered by the United Nations when the Genocide Convention was
adopted. However, with the establishment of the International Criminal Court, the process for
opening an investigation, issuing an indictment, and prosecuting the guilty has been considerably
streamlined. Consider the events in Libya in 2011. Even while armed conflict was still taking
place, the International Criminal Court opened a case to preserve evidence of the crimes being
committed, and to insure that the guilty would be prosecuted swiftly. Less than three months
after the UN Security Council required the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal
Court to conduct an investigation into crimes committed in Libya, the Prosecutor asked that
arrest warrants be issued. Based on evidence collected, the Prosecution applied for issuance of
arrest warrants against Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi, Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi and
Abdullah Al-Sanousi on May 16, 2011 (ICC 2011). Only time will tell if the court will be able
to hold those accountable for these crimes on a timely basis.
A related matter concerns the timely excavation of mass graves by teams of forensic
professionals following clear guidelines that can withstand the scrutiny of the International
Criminal Court. As noted above, in some cases excavations were completed by non-
professionals, or were interrupted by the government of the country where the graves were
located. Delays in excavation can lead to loss of evidence or the destruction of evidence when
mass graves are moved and/or bodies are removed. The excavation of graves by non-
professionals can result in the destruction of evidence or overlooking evidence that is present.

To prevent these oversights, the protocol below provides clear guidelines for the professional
excavation of the grave, exhumation of remains, and examination of the remains and other
contents of the grave. It should facilitate the planning, operation, and conclusion and reporting
on the results of the excavation, exhumation, and examination in a way that is acceptable to the
International Criminal Court.

5.3 The Protocol for the Excavation, Exhumation, and Examination of Mass Graves and
Their Contents

Based on the research and analysis presented above, a six stage protocol was developed
for the excavation of mass graves and is presented in Appendices D and E. It is designed to
present the activities necessary to complete the excavation of large mass graves and the
examination of large numbers of skeletal elements from many human bodies in a way that is
consistent with scientific standards and legal requirements; and that is efficient and effective.
Although not all mass graves require the extensive staff and resources envisioned here, the
functions described in the protocol should be considered regardless of the size of the excavation.
It is anticipated that this protocol can be easily adjusted to the size of the project and the cultural
requirements of the community where the excavation takes place. Additionally, it is hoped that
the protocol will be seen as a living document that can be modified for specific excavations,
and/or supplemented with missing steps as required by field use of the protocol.
Significantly, the use of the protocol during the excavation, exhumation and examination
of mass graves and their contents will produce massive amounts of documentation. To manage
this aspect of the protocol, a document map is presented at the end of the discussion of the
protocol in Figure 5.7. This Figure combines Figures 5.1 through 5.6 to show a map of
documents produced during each stage of the process and their movement through the process to
the final report. By discussing each flowchart that pertains to each component of the protocol
separately, and then combining them in Figure 5.7, this should facilitate the understanding of the
flowchart and the process overall.
5.3.1 Stage I Planning and Logistical Analysis. During the first stage of the project, approvals
need to be obtained; NGO and other organizations need to be contacted; the staffing and
organization of the project needs to be identified; and preliminary logistical planning needs to be
completed. Exhumations in the United States always require approvals from local authorities.

When conducting massive international excavations on such a large scale, the approval process
becomes more complicated. Project leaders must act quickly to obtain all the required approvals
and visas for an international team to enter the country and conduct the excavation. Both the
national government of the country and local authorities need to be apprised of the objectives of
the project, as well as the anticipated results of this activity. Written approvals to proceed with
the project must be obtained from all appropriate authorities as indicated in Figure 5.1.
During many of the mass grave excavations researched for this thesis, NGOs were
actively engaged with staff members of the project team. They can provide critical help during
the excavation such as interviewing witnesses and relatives; obtaining antemortem information
about the victims in the grave; and at times, providing much-needed funding. The organizations
most likely to be in a position to help support the work of excavating mass graves need to be
identified, contacted, and the extent of their likely involvement in the project clearly delineated.
Funding sources must be identified and a realistic budget for the project must be established.
The project must be approved, funded and authorized by international, national and local
authorities before any subsequent stages can begin.
One of the most critical aspects of this initial stage is the identification of competent,
knowledgeable, and available experts that can staff the project. This part of the protocol includes

Figure 5.1 Stage I Planning and Logistical

Analysis. Two documents are produced in
Stage 1, approvals from local authorities
and an organization and staffing chart.

an organization structure and logistical considerations presented by Tim Anson and Michael
Trimble (2008). It is supplemented by Ian Hanson (2008) and Karen Ramey Burns (1998). The
example is intended to provide guidance for the initial planning needed for the massive effort of
excavating large mass graves utilizing international teams of experts. The structure and staff
requirements of the various teams need to consider the size of the project, and the need to
conduct exhumation operations, and autopsies and laboratory analysis of human remains
simultaneously. An organization chart needs to be produced as indicated in Figure 5.1.
In addition to the identification of staff and organizational issues, it is critical to the
success of the mission to effectively address logistical concerns and safety issues relative to staff,
security of the evidence, and protection of the excavation site. Often these excavations take
place in rural areas that are far away from laboratory facilities. Even if access to such facilities is
convenient, often the authorities within the area surrounding the grave are overwhelmed by the
size of the excavation and the number of exhumed remains that must be addressed. Therefore,
logistical planning needs to consider basic needs for the staff such as travel, housing, meals,
transportation and safety in addition to the requirements to bring in supplies, equipment and
laboratory facilities, and security of the grave site and evidence. During Stage I, the initial
planning for logistical management is started. In Stage II, logistical and safety plans are
documented and in Stage III they are reassessed once the size of the grave is known and the
scope of the excavation is finalized. Finally, arrangements need to be made for a small team to
visit the probable location of the grave and complete a feasibility assessment and logistical plan.
5.3.2 Stage II Exploratory Mission and Feasibility Study. Stage II of the protocol addresses
the exploratory mission to the potential site or sites of mass graves. During this stage, the future
development of the final report needs to be considered when designing all protocols, logs and
guidelines. This stage results in the writing of the feasibility study, logistical plan, security plan,
and protocols for tracking human remains, photographs and evidence. Various forms used during
the excavation, exhumation, autopsy, and examination of skeletal remains and other contents of
the grave need to be designed or identified if they already exist. Also, protocols will be needed
for field notes, and the inventory of human remains and related evidence. At this point, the need
for data processing support and hardware requirements should be assessed.

Figure 5.2 Stage II Exploratory Mission and
Feasibility Study. During Stage II, maps,
reports, protocols and guidelines used in
subsequent stages are produced.

Several sources were used for this stage. The references used to describe preliminary
field operations and site selection include the UN Manual on the Effective Prevention and
Investigation of Extra-Legal, Arbitrary and Summary Execution, later referred to in this thesis as
the UN Manual (2010), the Anson and Trimble work sited in Stage I (2008), works from William
D. Haglund, Melisa Connor, and Douglas D. Scott (2001; 2002), and two works by Karen
Ramey Burns (2007; 1998). This stage complements the first stage in that it completes some of
the steps started above. In this stage, field work begins, preliminary sketch maps are completed
and the mass grave is located. At the conclusion of this stage, a formal report of the exploratory
mission and logistical plan are completed; and protocols for handling human remains,
photographing the site, evidence control, and the requirement for maintaining the chain-of-
custody are documented. Also, guidelines for field notes are documented. Figure 5.2 identifies
the documentation produced in Stage II.
An exploratory mission is often needed in a large mass grave excavation to initially
contact the local community and determine the probability for success of the project. At this
time, the country is visited by a small team of experts; sites are selected for storage of remains,
artifacts and other evidence; and the sites to be excavated are identified. The identification of the
location of the mass graves requires the review of witness testimonies; survey of the potential
gravesite; and identification of the grave. Once the grave is located the surface of the gravesite is
examined; surface remains and artifacts are flagged and examined; and any remains or artifacts
are wrapped in plastic to protect them. Confirmation of the grave must be done by conducting a
limited excavation or test trench when using probes and other methods does not clearly
demonstrate that the grave has been located.
Preliminary logistical activities are completed at this time. Those activities include
planning for laboratory and other facilities; locating housing for the staff and transportation
capabilities; and arranging for security for staff, equipment and evidence. Additionally the sites
for laboratory, administrative and field operations are located. The security plan should include
requirements for assuring safety of the staff, and security of the evidence, human remains and all
field locations. Personal safety issues for the staff include dangers present at field locations such
as landmines, booby traps, and attacks by local residents that do not want the grave to be
excavated. Security measures are required to prevent tampering, destruction or theft of evidence
and remains. Field locations need to be guarded to insure that they are not altered when staff is

not onsite. Finally, a formal report is prepared that documents the exploratory mission, the
logistical requirement for the major excavation, and a security plan.
Once the project is deemed feasible, protocols are developed for human remains
handling, photography of the site, remains and evidence documentation, maintenance of chain-
of-custody, and completion of field notes. The protocol for recovery and tracking human
remains and the requirements of the Master Case Log was developed from the UN Manual
(2010), Haglund (2002), Schmitt (2002), and Burns (1998). This protocol defines the
requirements for using a Master Case Log to control each set of remains, and their movement
from the grave to their final resting place. That process includes documenting the human
remains and associated artifacts located in the grave. Remains must be tracked through the
process of moving the remains from the grave, through autopsy and skeletal analysis, to the final
disposition of the remains back to the family for burial. When there are unidentified remains two
skeletal elements are retained before the remains are released to local government facilities for a
final determination of identity; or burial of the remains without the identity of the individual
being known.
In addition to addressing security and tracking of remains the requirements for holding
remains in temporary locations are defined in the protocol. This section uses information from
the National Association of Medical Examiners: Mass Fatality Plan (NAME 2010), and the Pan
American Health Organizations guidelines, Management of Dead Bodies in Disaster Situations
(PAHO 2004). Also, the Fatality Management Response Plan of the Florida Medical Examiners
Commission (Florida 2010) was consulted. When remains are placed in a holding container at
the site or at laboratory facilities they must be refrigerated. Once the remains are moved from
the field location and moved to the laboratory facilities, a tracker is assigned to insure that the
remains are examined by the appropriate staff and that changes in custody of the remains are
documented in the Master Case Log. The tracker insures that all of the appropriate forms, tests
and photographs are taken. The tracker must also be sure that the cause and manner of death has
been determined and that the examination of the individual has been completed before the
remains are released to the family or local authorities.
The next section discusses the Photographic Log and Protocol that requires the tracking
of all photographs and visual media from the initial site visit by the team through to the
preparation of the final report. It contains requirements for photographs to be taken of the scene

where the grave is located, human remains in situ and during the skeletal examination, and
evidence examination in the field and in the laboratory setting. The information in this section is
more detailed because much of the information is not available from forensic anthropological
sources. Two forensic science textbooks were referenced, one from Charles R. Swanson, Neil C.
Chamelin, Leonard Territo and Robert W. Taylor (2006), and the second from Richard Saferstein
(2007). Additionally, this section is supplemented by INTERPOL (2007) and the US
Department of Justice (2005) who provide the steps needed for the collection of antemortem
information for later use when identifying individuals. Anthropological references from Erin H.
Kimmerle and Jos Pablo Baraybar (2008) and Haglund, Connor, and Scott (2001) were also
Next, the requirements for the Evidence Log and Chain-of-Custody Protocol and
guidelines for field notes are provided. This section explains the steps needed to insure that all
evidence is collected from the scene of the grave and managed in a way that will withstand the
scrutiny of the international courts trying these cases. Before any evidence is removed from the
surface of the grave, or from the grave itself, a person is designated as the evidence custodian.
This person is responsible for issuing evidence tracking numbers and monitoring the movement
of evidence from field locations through various examinations in the laboratories to release to an
evidence repository designated by the prosecutors. The evidence custodian must have copies of
all transfer forms and be able to document who had the evidence, when they hand it, and why
they had it. Additionally, guidelines for documenting field observation are produced. Field
notes are evidence and must follow appropriate requirements to insure that they are court-
admissible documents that contain no comments outside of those related to the excavation. Field
notes must not contain any implications beyond the team members expertise or references to
color. Color determinations must be made using standardized reference charts. The procedures
presented in this section are taken from Haglund, Connor and Scott (2001), Saferstein (2007),
Swanson, Chamelin, Territo, and Taylor (2006), and Burns (1998).
One final section addresses the level of data support that is needed during the excavation.
Much of the documentation, photographs, x-rays and forms completed are digitized. Therefore,
computer expertise is needed for systems management and maintenance, design and
development of databases and applications, data processing and hardware requirements and
security measures that prevent unauthorized access to or manipulation of the data. The data

management staff is required to insure that all IT systems are functioning properly and nightly
backups are completed for data, photographic and other files. This should include backups to
offsite locations preferably using secure internet sites that encode the data, prevent hacking or
manipulation of the data and that enforces strict access to and downloading of data.
An additional general concern is the use of standardized forms. There are many forms
that are referenced in this protocol. Many of the publications sited contain forms for collecting
antemortem and postmortem data, inventorying human remains and related artifacts in situ,
inventorying skeletal elements, and posting dental information to dental charts. During this
stage, the forms to be used need to be selected and a determination needs to be made as to which
forms should be completed as automated documents and which should be completed as hardcopy
documents. Each of the protocols must make these designations to insure that there are
consistent results obtained from the excavation and that the documentation can be properly
reconciled once the excavation and examination is completed. Additionally, all forms must be
reviewed by the IT staff to insure that the automated forms are compatible with the software and
hardware used by the team and that hardcopy forms meet data entry requirements.
5.3.3 Stage III Excavation and Exhumation of the Grave. During Stage III, the boundaries of
the grave are defined, the site is fully documented, the evidence and remains on the surface are
recovered, the grave is excavated, the remains and associated artifacts are exhumed, and the floor
of the grave is examined. Additional issues concerning the taphonomy of the grave, scattering
mechanisms impacting surface remains, and the development of antemortem information are
discussed. The primary sources for this stage are Haglund, Connor, and Scott, and Haglund
(2001; 2002). The work of these forensic scientists significantly enhances the UN Manual
(2010). Schmitt (2002) provides information for determining the minimum number of
individuals, and Burns (1998) provides supplementary information. The last section in this stage
addresses the antemortem information that needs to be gathered to identify the individuals
contained in the grave. References from the US Department of Justice (2005) and INTERPOL
(2009) are the primary sources for this material. The intent of this stage is to guide field
operations in a way that insures the professional excavation of the site, exhumation of remains,
collection of evidence and adherence to the requirements of maintaining the chain-of-custody
and collection of information to identify the individuals exhumed. The documentation produced
during this stage is presented in Figure 5.3.

Figure 5.3 Stage III Excavation and Exhumation of Grave. During this stage,
protocols are written and logs are established for the management of human
remains, photographs and evidence. Guidelines are written for field notes.
Topographical maps and drawings are completed.

The excavation and exhumation stage of the project takes place at the site of the grave in
a field location. Initially, it requires location of the grave if not completed above, and
delineation of the size of the grave. For large graves, earthmoving equipment is employed to
remove the overburden and excavate down to a level just above the body mass or the human

remains. For this effort to be successful, roles and responsibilities of staff and requirements for
notes, logs, and guidelines need to be established; the site needs to be documented before the
ground is disturbed; and the presence of human remains must be confirmed. Any remains
scattered on the surface of the site should be recovered and analyzed in a way that is consistent
with the protocols defined in Stage II. Additionally, once the grave has been located it must be
fully documented with maps, photographs and a description of the grave. The amount of
overburden should be established, removed and screened for small artifacts and skeletal
elements. A trench is excavated around the outside of the grave to a depth that is deeper than the
anticipated floor of the grave. The body mass should be circumscribed and the trench should be
dug in a way that presents the body mass on a pedestal. Once the body mass is exposed a profile
of the grave is completed. Once this documentation is completed the logistical plan should be
When body removal begins the removal unit must be determined. Normally this is one
individual including artifacts directly related to the individual. However, in some instances the
remains are so comingled that multiple bodies need to be removed at one time. The soil is
carefully removed from the top and around the body. All limbs are freed and removed with the
torso, neck and head of the body. The crania are located on the site map and the horizontal and
vertical position of the top of the crania is plotted. Also, the outline of the body is plotted. A
tracking number for the body is obtained from the person in charge of the Master Case Log. The
Log should document the person who was issued the number, the date it was issued and the time.
At that time the exterior label for the body bag and a human remains inventory form are issued.
Before removing the remains they must be photographed, mapped and documented in field
notes. Measurements of the remains are completed in situ before removal. The remains are
removed from the grave in a way that insures all skeletal elements, hair and related artifacts are
removed as a unit and placed in the body bag. A metal detector must be used to search for items
such a bullets or jewelry in the levels immediately above and below the remains. Finally, the
bottom of the grave must be examined to determine if there is any additional evidence present in
the site before the grave is closed.
Taphonomic issues such as dispersal of remains and classification of the grave should be
documented. The factors that contributed to the dispersal or scattering of human remains must
be identified. Those factors may include scattering by animals, agricultural activities, movement

by water and incomplete burial and reburial by local residents. Also, the burial should be
classified as to individual or comingled, isolated or adjacent, primary or secondary, and
undisturbed or disturbed.
One final issue is presented in this section. Although the identification of the individuals
in the grave is often not within the scope of mass grave excavations, project team staff should
insure that they do nothing that would hinder later identification by local authorities. Often,
human rights organizations staff the effort specifically designed to identify the remains. The
information presented in this section defines the antemortem information required for
identification of the individual. It provides the forensic anthropologist with the information
required of the team collecting the data. Additionally, the final stage of the protocol defines the
postmortem information required for identification of the individual. Much of this information is
collected at autopsy and during the skeletal examination. Therefore, it is important for the
anthropologist to know what antemortem and postmortem information needs to be collected.
5.3.4 Stage IV: Intake and Autopsy. Although this stage of the project is beyond the scope of
this thesis, there are two items that are documented either before or during this stage and
required for subsequent stages. For information on the protocol for autopsy, see the UN Manual
(2010). One of the documents produced in this stage is the Protocol for Handling Clothing.
During intake and autopsy, clothing is removed from the body and photographed. In the next
stage, Skeletal Analysis, the content of the clothing protocol is described because there are steps
taken during the examination of the skeletal remains that also require the handling of the
clothing. For example, clothing is often examined to determine if there are defects in the
clothing that line up with injuries on the body.
The second item requires the writing of a protocol for all medical imaging of the remains,
and establishment of a Medical Imaging Log. This protocol and log must be documented before
or during the early stages of autopsy to track all medical images produced during the autopsy of
the individual. Once the autopsy is completed, the remains are examined by the Forensic
Anthropology Team that takes additional x-rays in accordance with the Medical Imaging
Protocol. In the next stage, the portion of the protocol that involves medical imaging during the
skeletal examination is described. The documents produced by this stage of the protocol are
presented in Figure 5.4.

Figure 5.4 Stage IV Intake and Autopsy. During
this stage, two protocols for clothing and medical
imaging are produced for use in this stage and in
Stage V.

5.3.5 Stage V Skeletal Analysis. In Stage V the skeletal remains are examined by forensic
anthropologists. Usually, this stage takes place after the remains have been autopsied. As stated
above, the process needed to autopsy the remains is beyond the scope of this paper, and will not
be presented in this protocol. The steps described in the Stage V are taken primarily from
Kimmerle and Baraybar (2008). This reference adds considerable depth to the UN Manual
(2010). Kimmerle and Baraybar is a comprehensive reference that provides considerable first
hand information on the analysis of remains. These steps are supplemented by Bradley J. Adams
and John E. Byrd (2005), Douglas H. Ubelaker (2002), and Haglund, Connor, and Scott (2001)
who provide the steps needed to address the comingling of remains and the calculation of the
minimum number of individuals exhumed from the grave. Stage V addresses the inventorying of
the remains and related evidence, examination of the skeletal elements to determine the apparent
trauma, the resolution of comingled remains and the rearticulation of dismembered remains, as
well as an estimation of the minimum number of individuals, and the reconstruction of the events
that caused death. As in the other stages there are several documents produced during this stage.
Figure 5.5 presents those documents.

Figure 5.5 Stage V Skeletal Analysis. For
each set of human remains received from
the grave, an inventory of skeletal elements
and dental charts are prepared. Also, a
series of x-rays and photographs are taken.

When remains arrive for skeletal examination, the date, location, starting and finishing
times and the names of everyone present must be recorded before the examination begins. All
skeletal elements are radiographed before they are cleaned. This includes both dental and
skeletal x-rays. Two lumbar vertebrae are retained in their original state. Often there are
comingled remains exhumed from mass graves. In these cases, there are two sets of techniques
for separating commingled remains. The first set of techniques is most effective for separating
remains when comingling is on a small scale. The second set is effective for large scale

comingling. The objective of this process is to conjoin fragmentary and disarticulated remains,
maintain provenance information collected during recovery, and identify as many elements for
each individual as possible. Once skeletal elements are sorted by type, side and size they are
associated with individuals using various techniques. For small scale comingling skeletal
elements are identified by visual pair-matching, comparing elements at points of articulation,
comparing osteometric measurements and examining taphonomic factors. For large-scale
comingling a database may be needed to inventory bones by type and side, age at death, size, and
any other descriptive information. The general morphology of bone fragments must be
examined, and the remains must be assembled into likely individuals. The age, sex, and ancestry,
relative bone weight and taphonomic changes of each element must be compared for
consistency. Any joints, where all of the skeletal elements of the joint are present, must be
examined to determine if the size and morphology of the elements form a congruent joint. In all
cases of skeletal reconstruction, sorting and rearticulation procedures should not be used in
isolation. Systematic procedures must be used that are well documented. Once the separation of
comingled remains has been completed, and disarticulated remains are associated with an
individual then the minimum number of individuals can be determine. This is an essential
element for determining the scope of the crime.
Once all of the elements of an individual have been assembled the analysis of the skeletal
remains of the individual can begin. The skeleton is laid out on laboratory table in anatomical
position, fractured bones are reconstructed, and an anthroposcopic examination is completed.
All of the skeletal elements are placed on the table in a way that distinguishes left form right, and
that aligns bones that articulate with one another. All fractured bones are reconstructed and the
fracture patterns are examined to determine the mechanism of injury. An inventory is done of all
of the skeletal elements and any associated artifacts that have accompanied the remains from the
grave to the laboratory. This inventory should list all fractures or defects to the bones and
describe the number, type and severity of all fractures and defects. The timing of fractures must
be determined and clearly documented to indicate when the injury occurred. That documentation
should show if the injury was antemortem, perimortem or postmortem, and if there has been any
remodeling of the bone since the injury took place. Any pathology that is present must be
classified by disease category. The general condition of the remains, distinctions made between
injuries from therapeutic measures versus those not related to medical treatment, and the

identification of normal skeletal variations must be recorded. The remains must be radiographed
to located physical evidence of weaponry such as shrapnel or projectile fragments.
At this point, the clothing associated with the remains should be examined using the
Protocol for Handling Clothing that was developed during Stage IV. The clothing should be
radiographed separately from the body to determine if there are any dangerous artifacts
contained within the clothing. The clothing must be photographed before and after it is washed.
The type, amount and ownership of the clothing must be determined. Often there are multiple
layers of clothing that were owned by different people than the individual that was buried with
them. The contents of the pockets and the fold of the clothing must be examined. All defects in
the clothing must be documented; and it must be determined if the defects line up with injuries
on the skeleton. Evidence of burning and taphonomic changes should be noted. Textile patterns
and colors as compared to standard color charts must be referenced to facilitate the identification
of the individual. All artifacts associated with the remains must be examined using the Evidence
and Chain-of-Custody Protocol. The artifacts must be photographed, inventoried, and examined
for their probative value in proving the elements of the crime and for their value in identifying
the individual. Demographic information must be documented for age at the time of death, sex,
height, ancestry, medical pathologies, and other distinguishing characteristics that may aid in the
identification of the individual. A preliminary identification may be made at this time and
refined later.
The mechanism of injury and the death event scenario must be determined. That
determination must consider if the injuries sustained by the individual are from blasts, blunt
force trauma, sharp force trauma or gunfire. The forensic anthropologist must differentiate
between injuries attributed to taphonomic changes versus traumatic or therapeutic injuries. If the
injuries indicate that the person was tortured, that finding must be clearly documented. Once the
examination of the remains has been concluded, the events leading to the injury and death of the
individual must be reconstructed. Finally, if the remains are to be reburied without the
individual being identified, selected skeletal elements are retained for examination later.
5.3.6 Stage VI Conclusion, Review and Final Report. During the sixth and final stage of the
project, the identification of individuals is done, a reconciliation of the Master Case Log,
Photographic Log and Evidence Log is completed, and final steps are taken to complete and
report on the examination and analysis of the grave, recovered remains and other contents of the

Figure 5.6 Stage VI Conclusion, Review and
Final Report. During Stage V, individual
demographic and identification information is
documented; components of the final report are
reconciled; and the final report is written,
signed and submitted.

grave. The information from the UN Manual (2010) is considerably enhanced by several
forensic experts. The US Department of Justice (2005), INTERPOL (2009), and Haglund and
Sorg (2002) provide a comprehensive analysis for the identification of individual victims. The
steps in the protocol needed to close the operation and complete the final report are from
Haglund and Sorg (2002) and Burns (2007). Additionally, this author developed steps needed to
conduct a final review and reconciliation of all logs, documentation and evidence. The
documents produced by this stage are presented in Figure 5.6.
Once the excavation, exhumation and examination of the mass grave and its contents are
completed as many individuals as possible should be identified. All postmortem data must be
documented. The location of where the individual was killed and the location of the individual
in the grave must be established. All remains and their associated clothing and artifacts are
photographed. The general physical characteristics of the remains must be noted. Any
distinguishing marks, scars, tattoos and external prostheses must be photographed and described
in the postmortem information. Fingerprints, demographic information, and documentation on
distinctive antemortem pathology must be obtained. All perimortem and postmortem trauma
must be recorded along with the cause and manner of death. Trace evidence, valuables, clothing,
and DNA evidence must be collected. This postmortem information must be compared to
antemortem information discussed in Stage III to identify the individual. When the remains
cannot be identified they are released to local authorities for additional actions to identify the
individual, or for burial. Additionally, this information must be summarized and skeletal
population features must be reported. The minimum number of individuals, average age and
range of ages, ratio of males to females, shared inherited or acquired physical traits and
anomalies, shared pathologies or trauma, common means of death and postmortem treatment of
the remains must be documented. The national, ethnic, religious and racial group of the
individuals must be reported. The events that caused the deaths of the individuals from the grave
must be reconstructed.
The excavation of a mass grave produces a large amount of documentation as indicated
by Figures 5.1 through 5.6. Before this documentation is released to the prosecutor it must be
reviewed and reconciled to be sure that it is consistent and that any inconsistencies, gaps and
duplications are resolve. Using the Master Case Log, insure that all remains have been exhumed,
autopsied and the skeletal elements examined. Each case number should be examined to

determine if all forms, photographs, examinations, tests and reports have been completed and are
consistent with each other. All related artifacts, clothing and tissue sample must contain the case
number assigned to the individual. The documentation of the remain must trace the remains for
their location in the grave to their place of final disposition, and all related artifact and clothing
must be identified with the location of the items clearly indicated. The documentation for
maintaining the chain-of-custody must be examined to insure that all evidence was properly
collected, examined, photographed, tested and placed in an evidence repository for long term
storage. All transfer forms must be reconciled to the Evidence Log. The photographic log must
be reconciled by case number and evidence number to the Master Case Log and Evidence Log to
insure that all required photographs have been taken and recorded in appropriate logs. All case
photographic and evidence numbers must be accounted for, and any gaps or duplications in
numbers must be explained. All supporting documentation, such as field notes, must be
reconciled with the various logs to be sure that there are no inconsistencies. These steps are
needed to insure that there are no problems with this material when the prosecutor receives the
information and presents it at trial. Completion of this step insures that the project has been
well-managed and professionally completed from start to finish.
The final report should be written consistent with the requirements established in this
protocol and with any additional requirements from legal authorities. As a minimum, the report
should contain the identity of the author, significant dates, chain-of-custody documentation,
taphonomy report, skeletal population features, and reconstruction of the death event. Chain-of-
custody requirements and the procedures used to recover the remains and the evidence must be
clearly described. Skeletal population features and the description of the events that lead to the
deaths of these individual must be clearly presented in language that is not too technical. When
technical words or phrases are used they must be clearly defined. General conclusions and
recommendations should be documented, and the report should be signed and dated. As
required, all diagrams, drawings, maps and photographs referenced in the report must be
initialed. Appendices of logs for evidence, master case inventory, and photographs must be
The flowchart in Figure 5.7 combines all of the flowcharts from the protocol into one
flowchart. By combining the smaller flowcharts into this larger one and adding directional

Figure 5.7. Protocol. In the documentation map presented here, the component parts of the protocol, described above, are assembled in to a contiguous
whole. The resulting flowchart demonstrates the relationship between the different stages of the protocol and how the documents produced during
Stages I to VI migrate from the stage where they were created to the final report.
arrows a documentation map is produced that shows the documents produced during each stage
of the protocol and how those documents are related to subsequent stages of the protocol. This
document map shows how the documents flow from one stage to the next, and finally to the
Final Report. It provides a general overview of the protocol and a broad overview of the
process. It can also serve as a tool for organizing the various aspects of the process for
excavation of a mass grave.

5.4 Identification of Individual Victims

As noted above, there are significant moral, legal, and ethical issues relative to the
identification of individual remains found in mass graves. Often, the mission statement and
scope of the exhumation does not include the identification of individuals, but only requires the
identification of the group attacked and the group who attacked. Local authorities are often
overwhelmed by the number of remains to be identified and the requirement to obtain both
antemortem and postmortem information needed to make so many identifications. Because it is
beyond the scope of this thesis to resolve such complex issues, the approach taken in designing
this protocol includes those steps necessary to obtain antemortem and postmortem information as
well as demographic and physical evidence of the individuals exhumed.
To insure that the excavation process does not inhibit identification by local authorities or
the NGOs specifically tasked to assist those authorities, this protocol was supplemented with the
steps employed by INTERPOL (2009) and the US Department of Justice (2005) when
identifying the remains of individuals lost during a mass casualty event. These steps were
included because the excavation, exhumation and examination teams need to insure that no
information is lost while they are completing their work. Additionally, they are responsible for
obtaining any and all medical-legal evidence possible from the exhumation and analysis of the
graves and human remains. It would compound the tragedy further if the completion of this
work did not preserve all evidence including that needed to identify the victims of these crimes.


The protocol presented in this thesis is not intended to be the only reference for
completing mass grave excavations. In Appendix D, Protocol Analysis and Development,
several sources are identified that were used during this research. It is suggested that anyone
attempting to initiate an effort to excavate a mass grave should make themselves and their staff
familiar with the reference documents cited. Various charts and computer programs are
presented in these references that may be useful as tools for successfully completing this vital
There is one final concern for future researchers in the field of forensic anthropology in
particular and forensic science in general. While researching this paper, it was particularly
difficult to locate consistent information on the excavation of mass graves resulting from
genocides. Without access to the reports and exhibits produced during the investigation of these
crimes, it is difficult to advance scholarship in this area. It is hoped that the International
Criminal Court will provide access to such information when the prosecutions of these cases are
completed. Just as case law has been enriched by the release of court proceedings and judgments
rendered, forensic science can be advanced through the examination of the evidence obtained
from these graves and the processes used to acquire and analyze it.
The protocol presented in this paper is intended to organize and facilitate the work of
excavating mass graves, analyzing the remains, and preserving related evidence in a manner
consistent with the best practices of forensic scientists who have successfully worked in this
field, and in a way that can withstand the scrutiny of International Court Systems. Also, this
work is important for documenting the history of what happened in a way that will withstand
attempts by historical revisionists to obscure or deny what happened. The role of the forensic
anthropologists that do this work is one of the most noble of all. In their capacity as international
forensic scientists, they are helping people in desperate need of their assistance. The protocol
presented here should facilitate that mission.

Data Elements Definition Citation

I. Tracking Number Number assigned based on continent, country and year when attacks started, e.g., Rwanda
would be AF-RW-1994
II. Region Continent or region of the world where crime was committed.
III. Country Country or countries where crime was committed.
IV. Specific Location Specific city, state, region within the country where crime was committed.
V. Stages of Genocide Documented: These stages were developed by Gregory H. Stanton in 1996 at the Department of State. Stanton 1992
A. Classification "All cultures have categories to distinguish people into 'us and them' by ethnicity, race, religion, Stanton 1992:1
or nationality"
B. Symbolization To give names or symbols to the classifications, and apply them to members of groups. Stanton 1992
C. Dehumanization "One group denies the humanity of the other group. Members are equate with animals, vermin, Stanton 1992:1
insects or disease."
D. Organization "Genocide is always organized, usually by the state, though sometimes informallyor by Stanton 1992:1
terrorist groups. Special army units or militias are often trained and armed. Plans are made for
genocidal killings."
E. Polarization "Extremists drive the groups apart. Hate groups broadcast polarizing propaganda. Laws may Stanton 1992:1
forbid intermarriage or social interaction. Extremist terrorism targets moderate, intimidating
and silencing the center."
F. Preparation "Victims are identified and separated out because of their ethnic or religious identity. Death lists Stanton 1992:1
are drawn up. Members of victim groups are forced to wear identifying symbols. They are often
segregated into ghettoes, forced into concentration camps, or confined to a famine-struck
region and starved."
G. Extermination "Extermination begins, and quickly becomes the mass killing legally called 'genocide.' It is Stanton 1992:1
extermination' to the killers because they do not believe their victims to be fully human. When
it is sponsored by the state, the armed forces often work with militias to do the killing."
H. Denial Denial is among the surest indicators of genocidal massacres. " The perpetrators of genocide Stanton 1992:1
dig up the mass graves. Burn the bodies, try to cover up the evidence and intimidate the
witnesses. They deny that they committed any crimes, and often blame what happened on the
victims. They block investigations of the crimes, and continue to govern until driven from
power by force, when they flee into exile."
VI. Condition Present in the Environment:
A. Active conflict for example, civil war or occupation
B. Famine for example, as caused by governmental action
C. Natural disaster: for example, droughts or earthquakes

D. Other for example, concentrations of natural resources in ethnic regions
VII. Facts of the Case:
A. Presence of blindfolds, ligatures, & as located by forensic anthropologists while exhuming mass graves
ballistic artifacts
B. Intent to destroy a national, racial, ethnic as defined in the Genocide Convention Power 2002
or religious group
C. Concealment of a crime for example, removing remains from a primary grave and placing them in a secondary grave
D. Scale of the crime as measured by the size of the population attacked, killed, or displaced, or the number of villages
VIII. Targeted group: "The 'victim is chosen not because of his individual identity, but rather on account of his Cook 2001:2
membership' in the protected group." Therefore, "'a victim of genocide 'is the group itself and
not only the individual'"
A. National group "a national group constitutes "a collection of people who are perceived to share a legal bond Cook 2001:2
based on common citizenship, coupled with reciprocity of rights and duties'"
B. Race "a racial group' is based on the hereditary physical traits often identified with a geographical Cook 2001:2
region, irrespective'" of linguistic, cultural, national or religious factors.'"
C. Ethnicity "an ethnic group is one 'whose members share a common language or culture'" Cook 2001:2
D. Religious affiliation members who "'share the same religion, denomination or mode of worship'" Cook 2001:2
E. Socioeconomic status "An individual's or group's position within a hierarchical social structure. Socioeconomic status Dictionary.com
depends on a combination of variables, including occupation, education, income, wealth, and 2010:1
place of residence." age at death as determined by examination of formative and degenerative
changes to skeletal material and teeth
F. Age as determined by a forensic anthropologist considering rates of bone formation Burns 2007
G. Sex as determined by a forensic anthropologist considering variation and overlaps between the sexes Burns 2007
H. Physical condition before the attack Condition of an individual's health antemortem and before the attack
I. Other identifying characteristics Protection under the Geneva Convention "should extend to 'any stable and permanent group" Cook 2001:2
J. Group vulnerabilities to attack
1. Political Upheaval "the greater the magnitude of previous internal wars and regime crises,the more likely that a Harff 2003:66
new state failure will lead to geno-/politicide."
2. Prior Genocides "The risks of new episodes were more than three times greater when state failures occurred in Harff 2003:66
countries that had prior geno-/politicides."
3. Elite Ideology and Regime Type "Countries in which the ruling elite adhered to an exclusionary ideology were two and a half Harff 2003:66
times as likely to have state failures leading to geno-/politicide as those with no such ideology.
Failures in states with autocratic regimes were three and a half times more likely to lead to
geno-/politicides than failures in democratic regimes."
4. Ethnic and Religious Cleavages "The risks of geno-/politicide were two and a half times more likely in countries where the Harff 2003:

political elite was based mainly or entirely on an ethnic minority." 66-67
5. International Interdependences "Countries with low trade openness had two and a half times greater odds of having state failures Harff 2003:67
culminate in geno-/politicide."
IX. Aggressor Group Anyone who commits the acts enumerated in Article 2 of the Genocide Convention and who Power 2002:62
committed (a) Genocide; (b)Conspiracy to commit genocide; (c) Direct and public incitement
to commit genocide; (d) Attempt to commit genocide; (e) Complicity in genocide.
A. National Group See VII, A above
B. Race See VII, B above
C. Ethnicity See VII, C above
D. Religious affiliation See VII, D above
E. Socioeconomic status See VII, E above
F. Age See VII, F above
G. Sex See VII, G above
H. Other identifying characteristics
I. Leadership structure Placement in an organization that maintain order and governance over a population.
J. Affiliation with government, military or Rank in the military or government office held.
other power centers
K. Reasons for targeting a group for example, for the control of natural resources
L. Justification for the crime for example, revenge for a historical event or perceived injustice perpetrated by the targeted
M. Tipping point or event that acted to An event that started the attack
initiate the attack
X. Manner of Attack:
A. Killing members of the group:
1. Manner of death "is the circumstance that gave rise to the cause of deathfive categories: natural causes, Klepinger
accidental, homicide, suicide, and undetermined." For purposes of this research, this field is used 2006:4
to describe the type of homicide, e.g. execution, indiscriminant shooting, artillery or gas attack.
2. Cause of death "is any injury or disease that produces a physiological derangement in the body that results in Klepinger
the individual dying" 2006:4
3. Common means of death for example, gas attack or blunt force trauma to the back of the head
4. Evidentiary material "Anything that tends logically to prove or disprove a fact at issue in a judicial case or Swanson et al.
controversy." 2006:779
B. Causing serious bodily or mental harm:
1. Identification of bodily or mental harm for example, torture, rape or starvation
2. Evidentiary material See X, A, 4 above
C. Deliberately bringing about a group's

physical destruction:
1. Conditions of life imposed for example, failure to provide rations in sufficient quantity to sustain life, or forcibly
dislocating a population from their ancestral land
2. Physical destruction that resulted for example, destruction of home, town, or religious/cultural center
3. Evidentiary material See X, A, 4 above
D. Imposing measures intended to prevent
1. Methods used to prevent births for example, forced sterilizations or killing a mother to prevent her from giving birth
2. Evidentiary material See X, A, 4 above
E. Forcible transfer of children away for birth
group to another group:
1. Methods used to remove children for example, abduction from home or separation of children from adults
2. Groups that received the children for example, military families of those who participated in the crime of genocide
3. Information provided to recipients as for example, recipients told that the child is an orphan
to the child's origin
4. Evidentiary material See X, A, 4 above
XI. Status of the case:
A. People or entities charged name of the individual indicted and those suspected of crimes
B. Status of charges as documented by the courts that issued indictments
C. Factors leading to successful convictions for example, timely investigation, arrest and prosecution
D. Sentences as handed down by the courts who convicted the individual
E. Reasons for unsuccessful prosecutions for example, lack of access to graves and crime scenes, refusal to recognize arrest warrants, or
delayed prosecutions
X11. Other Definitions
A. Genocide The Genocide Convention defines genocides and politicides as the promotion, execution, Goldstone
and/or implied consent of sustained policies by governing elites or their agentor, in the case et al. 2000:41
of civil war,either of the contending authoritiesthat result in the death of a substantial portion
of a communal, political, or politicized ethnic group. In genocides, the victimized groups are
defined primarily in terms of their communal characteristics
B. Politicide In politicides, by contrast, groups are defined primarily in terms of their political opposition to Goldstone
the regime and dominant groups. et al. 2000


This database includes the information obtained from authoritative literature, legal documentation and other sources. The information is
organized by the country where genocides occurred. It forms the basis for much of the text and is summarized in section 4 Findings. Only
a sample of the first few pages of the database is provided.


Data Elements Information Citation

I. Tracking Number AS-CA-1975

II. Region Southeast Asia
III. Country Royal Kingdom of Cambodia or Kampuchea, population 11.6 million (95% Khmer, 5% Murphy 2000:1
Vietnamese, and 1% Chinese
"During the Cambodian genocide of 1975-1979, about 1.7 million people perished, in a Kiernan 1999:1
population of 8 million."
Human Rights
IV. Specific Location and Dates "war crimes committed between April 1975 and January 1979." Watch
"From 1975 to 1979, the regime of Democratic Kampuchea led by Pol Pot oversaw the Cook 2001:1
deaths of approximately 1.7 million people, or one fifth of the population of Cambodia."
see map of DK Provinces, Zones, Regions and Districts also the English version Genocide
Program 2007:1
V. Stages of Genocide Documented: "According to the 1998 (UN) study, the documents do not indicate the Khmer Rouge Chigas 2000:7-8
leadership's intention to destroy the Khmer population as a group. With this in mind, it
should be noted that the problem of the specific nature of the crimes, i.e., whether they
constitute crimes against humanity or specifically genocide, remains unresolved.
Genocide, as defined in the 1948 United Nations Genocide Convention, consists of
killing, serious assault, starvation, and measures aimed at children 'committed with intent
to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.
The UN convention does not include in its definition of genocide what has been called
'politicide,' which would describe many of the killings of the Khmer population. However,
the inclusion of politicide in a Cambodian genocide law would not be without precedent.
Politicide was included, for example, in the Ethiopian constitution to bring charges of
genocide against the leaders of the Dergue.

"The definition of crimes against humanity, on the other hand, involves mass or
systematic killing against a protected group, including political groups."
A. Classification "The population was divided into three categories. The Phnom Penh people belongs to De Nike et al.
the last one, i.e., 'citizens' deprived of all rights, 'war prisoners.' in other words, the 2000:287-304
vanquished. They were called 'new inhabitants' and were treated as parasites.
"The coercive system applied to the Phnom Penh population consisted of a kind of
automation of men, in that they were forbidden to think, to express anything contrary to
the principles of the 'Revolution,' to maintain interpersonal contacts, to criticize, to show
emotions and feelings, or to move from one village to another. From the beginning of
1977, eating and cooking form home (apart from boiling water) was also forbidden.
Failure to comply with these orders to the letter was deemed thinking, and this mental
activity was considered a culpable act. Any delay in implementing the order amounted
to an act of rebellion that might be intensively investigated.it was capital punishment
decided by the head of the cooperative.husbands and wives dared not talk." from the
Report on an Investigation into Crimes of the Pol Pot-Ieng Sary Clique Against the
Population of Phnom Penh, p 290
De Nike et al.
"They divided the population into three categories. The first category was called ' the old 2000:464
inhabitants',' consisting of persons residing before the liberation in resistance base areas.
The second category was called 'the new inhabitants, consisting of persons residing in
the areas under the former Lon Nol administration. The third category consisted of the
personnel of that administration.
"They envisaged eliminating the third category, and carrying out purges in the second.
The first category initially was favored but was also subjected to purges, beginning in
1977" from the indictment of Pol Pot-Ieng Sary
"Under the Pol Pot regime, citizens were put into three categories. The first category De Nike et al.
was mainly high officials of the regime and of the inhabitants of the former liberated zone. 2000:346-350
The second category included the other inhabitants of the zone liberated before April 17,
1975. The third category consisted of persons expelled from Phnom Penh and cities
liberated beginning in early April 1975, these people being called either parasites or
April 17, 1975' people.
"At the same time, there was a systematic mixing, from north to south, from east to
west and vice versa, of the inhabitants of border zones. Peasants in the east of the
country had to move to the west because they were suspected of being pro-Vietnamese.
an enormous social dislocation initiated by the leaders of the regime, who wanted to
build a societywith no deep attachments with the environment in which people lived

before April 17, 1975." from Report on Social Problems Under the Dictatorial, Fascist,
ant Genocidal Pol Pot-Ieng Sary Regime, pp 346-347
B. Symbolization "They deemed each and every third category person a slave, and not a citizen." from De Nike et al.
Report on Social Problems Under the Dictatorial, Fascist, and Genocidal Pol Pot-Ieng 2000:346-350
Sary Regime, p 347
C. Dehumanization The December 20, 1976 document " describes suspected traitors as microbes and Chigas 2000:4
calls for their extermination with terms such as 'smash' and 'sweep aside.' 'If we wait
any longer, the microbes can do real damage.' And: '[T]he string of traitors that
we smashed recently had been organized during the people's revolution and the
democratic revolution.' Finally: 'If we don't sweep aside treacherous elements and allow
them to expand, they will place obstacles in the path of the socialist revolution.'"
Luftglass 2004:899-
D. Organization Pol Pots plan for the Democratic Kampuchea18 targeted both 901
the structure of society and the status of individuals. Pol Pot outlined
an eight-point agenda for the Angkor to force on the population:
(1) evacuate the people from the cities; (2) abolish all markets;
(3) abolish currency; (4) defrock all monks; (5) execute
leaders of Lon Nols army and government; (6) establish cooperative
ties across Cambodia, with communal eating; (7) expel the entire
Vietnamese population; and (8) establish firm and guarded borders.
To further this effort toward homogeneity and allegiance to the
country, the Khmer Rouge engaged in population relocation and
the destruction of professional classes.20 According to Brian D. Tittemore,
staff attorney with the Inter-American Commission on
Human Rights, [during its rule over Cambodia, the Khmer
Rouge, under the political and ideological leadership of Pol Pot,
strove to build a socially and ethnically homogeneous society by
abolishing all preexisting economic, social, and cultural institutions,
and transforming the population of Cambodia into a collective


This database includes the information obtained from researching the mass graves that resulted from genocides in the eight countries that
were the subject of this research. Section 4 Findings summarizes the information contained in this database. Only a sample of the first
few pages of the database is provided.


Country Cambodia
Site of Attack Kra Lanh District, Siem Reap province Siem Reap Province Tuol Sleng or 'S-21' Prison and Choeng Ek
Site of Mass Grave Crematories in Kompong Thkau village Chup Rubber Plantation, Cham Bok Village Choeung Ek
Minimum Number of 4.3 cubic meters of human skeletal No MNI provided but witnesses estimated ~8,000, p 196
Individuals (MNI) remains, pp 238-239
Estimated Numb. ENI contained in listing found by No MNI provided but witnesses estimated
Individuals killed villagers of 600 people, p 240 20,000 killed, p 260
References De Nike et al. 2000:236-241 De Nike et al. 2000:258-261 Ta'ala et al. 2008:196-199
Information Elements Mass Grave Information
I. Measures taken to Burning remains - recovered partially burned
conceal the crime bones, p 238
A. Measure intended to
harm individuals that
investigate the grave
B. Locating grave in
remote areas
C. Common means of
disposal of the remains
II. Targeted group:
A. National group
C. Ethnicity
D. Religious affiliation
E. Age Excluded subadults for cranial examinations.
No individuals below 12 were present in the
assemblage use for mandibular examinations.
All mandibles came from adults between
20-40. p 196
F. Sex 74 of 85 male or 87%

estimated tentative sexing because crania
disarticulated from postcranial elements
p 196
G. Race
III. Killing members of the
group or causing
bodily or mental harm
1. Presence of two metal screens 30 by 40c, cloth from used cord, cloth, electrical wire, belt with buckle,
blindfolds, ligatures, clothing, p 238 shirts, clothing, rope, axe and pliers
& ballistic artifacts pp 259-260
2. Identification of
4. Manner of death execution murder 10 of 85 or 12% pattern of Blunt Force
Trauma (BFT), p 196
5. Cause of death blunt force trauma to the head, p 260
6. Common means or striking the head with different types of tools,
mechanism of injury p 260
7. Evidentiary material First ditch: walls partially blackened with First pit: round, 9m in diameter at top, 6m at "BFT distinguished by extensive damage to
and skeletal trauma smoke, edge of the ditch, scattered ashes, bottom, and2.3m deep before excavation the occipital focused between the external
partially burned bones, and piles of husks of paddy rice Dug square hole 1.5m on each side: occipital protuberance and the foramen
partially burned, p 238 Depth 0.1m few bones mixed with soil magnum, with radiating fractures extending to
Second ditch: bottom, large heap of ashes with Depth 0.2m skulls, disintegrating cloth, and the cranial base." p. 196
bone fragments foot bones See figures on pages 197-198, photos of base
Numerous clumps of black ash from burned Depth 0.4m nine skulls, six with locks of hair, of 3 skulls showing the trauma.
paddy rice husks two jawbones are detached. One has a "This execution method employed the
Under top layer, bone fragments, black burned whole on top 1.5c by 3c in size. Two leg application of massive force directed at the
skulls bones tied with electric wire. Among the inferior squamous portion of the occipital,
On a different side, fragments of white bones bones, cord tied to piece of white cloth often resulting in an extensive fractured
and gray fragments half burned and nine with blue stripes, cloth belt with rusty cranial base.sufficiently forceful blows to
skulls buckle, two black shirts stuck to bones, this area can easily result in death, because of
Pile of ash of husks and partially burned and other cloth. Pp 258-289 the proximity of the cerebellum, the brainstem,
bones-3m wide and 8.5m long, volume 3cm- Second pit: round, 9m in diameter at top, 7m at and the spinal cord. In the cases presented,
16 skull fragments bottom and 2.8m deep before excavation. all but one cranium exhibits radiating fractures,

E. Age Excluded subadults for cranial examinations.

No individuals below 12 were present in the

assemblage use for mandibular examinations.

All mandibles came from adults between

20-40. p 196

F. Sex 74 of 85 male or 87%

estimated tentative sexing because crania

disarticulated from postcranial elements p 196

G. Race

III. Killing members of the

group or causing

bodily or mental harm

1. Presence of two metal screens 30 by 40c, cloth from used cord, cloth, electrical wire, belt with buckle,

blindfolds, ligatures, clothing, p 238 shirts, clothing, rope, axe and pliers

& ballistic artifacts pp 259-260

2. Identification of


4. Manner of death execution murder 10 of 85 or 12% pattern of Blunt Force

Trauma (BFT), p 196

5. Cause of death blunt force trauma to the head, p 260


Stage I Planning and Logistical Analysis

A. Determine what approvals are needed, and obtain all required approvals from local
authorities for conducting the investigation.
B. Obtain funding and develop a budget for the project (Burns 1998:75).
C. Contact any NGOs and local authorities that may be actively involved during the project.
Determine the level of input to be expected from those groups, as well as the community
outreach activities that they can provide during the project, such as obtaining antemortem
information on the deceased (Burns 2007:287).
D. Determine the appropriate composition of the investigation team, and identify potential
team members including specialists. Those team members may include forensic
anthropologists, human osteologists, archaeologists, pathologists, odontologists,
criminalists, photographers, skilled interviewers, and other specialists needed for unique
situations (Hanson 2008:24; Burns 2007:287).
E. Identify specific staff that can participate in the project, and develop the organization
structure as suggested below:
1. Three-tiered structure:
a) Tier 1 Project Director
b) Tier 2 Field Director
c) Tier 3 Core Unit of subject matter experts
2. Field Operations Team:
a) Field archaeologists
b) Evidence managers
c) Unexploded ordinance and safety officers
d) Osteological technicians
e) Heavy equipment operators
f) Field photography specialists
g) GIS mapping and survey specialists
h) Geomorphology specialists
3. Laboratory Team:
a) Forensic anthropologists and forensic analysts
b) Osteological technicians
c) IT and database applications specialists
d) Intake and archives specialists
e) Cultural objects analysts
f) Digital and photographic imaging specialists
g) Radiologic technologists
h) Evidence management specialists
i) Administrative staff including logistical management staff and support staff to
assist the Project Director with day-to-day management activities (Anson and
Trimble 2008:55-59)
F. Arrange an Exploratory mission and feasibility study.

Stage II Exploratory Mission and Feasibility Study

A. Visit local people and the site to evaluate the probability for success.
B. Select the sites to be evaluated and locate space for processing and storing remains,
artifacts, and evidence (Burns 1998:76).
C. Complete preliminary logistical and planning activities such as:
1. Plans for establishing laboratory and other facilities including:
a) Cultural Object Laboratory
b) Digital Imaging (and Film Processing Facility)
c) Main Office
d) Document Stabilization Laboratory and Archives
e) Forensic Anthropology Laboratory
f) Pathology and Autopsy Laboratory
g) Medical Imaging and Radiology Facility
h) Archaeology and GIS Mapping (Facility)
i) Intake (Unit)
j) Administration and Evidence Control Facilities (Anson and Trimble 2008:59)
2. Locate housing and food for all staff on the team (Haglund et al. 2001:61).
3. Determine what transportation is available locally (Burns 1998:76).
4. Develop a needs assessment for the safety of the staff and security of the evidence.
a) Write a safety plan.
b) Arrange for 24-hour security for the site, evidence and staff (Haglund et al.
5. Carryout a limited excavation, or a restricted test trench when a preliminary
excavation is deemed necessary (Burns 1998:76).
6. At a large site, locate the grave.
a) Review witness testimony and news reports.
b) Request local witnesses to point out the location of the grave.
c) Determine differences in vegetation, soil, and microtopography that indicate a
ground disturbance, in those cases where only the general location of the grave is
d) Mark off the grave with flagging stakes (Haglund et al. 2001:64).
e) Conduct a preliminary analysis of the human remains found on the ground
surface around the area.
f) Document and wrap surface remains in plastic that are most vulnerable to
disturbance (Haglund et al. 2001:59).
g) Confirm the presence of remains.
(1) Use a probe, pick or screwdriver to examine soil compaction.
(2) Use, Side-scanning sonar, ground-penetrating radar, proton-magnetometer,
or electrical resistivity, when needed.
(3) Obtain aerial, laser scanning or satellite photographs (Haglund et al. 2001:64;
UN 2010:24).
7. Once the potential grave is located:
a) Search the surrounding area for additional evidence.
b) Map the site with a simple sketch with paced or tape-measured distances, A
north arrow, scale, grave location, features that can be relocated, notes on where
the probes or other relevant techniques were used, vegetation and topography.
c) Photograph the suspected site of the grave and surrounding area (Haglund et al.
8. Prepare a formal report of the exploratory mission, and the logistical requirements for
the primary excavation and analysis of skeletal remains (Burns 1998:76).
D. Begin planning for the final report: (Burns 1998:258)
1. Design the logs needed for the project that are cross-referenced, where appropriate,
by a common case number.
2. Design a Master Case Log that tracks case numbers, investigators using each number,
date assigned and brief description of the remains and level of comingling.
3. Write a protocol that defines the removal unit and the requirements for tracking
human remains.
a) Assign an unique and unambiguous case number to the burial and to each set of
remains, plot the remains on the site map, and photograph them.
b) Require remains to be posted to a human remains inventory form that documents
each set of remains or removal unit by
(1) Posting the case number;
(2) Inventorying artifacts found with the remains;
(3) Estimating age, sex, and race;
(4) Recording any trauma seen on the remains with suggested probable cause of
death to be confirmed during autopsy and the skeletal examination by the
pathologist and forensic anthropologist.
(5) Define the removal unit as the complete remains of one individual and related
artifact for the individual. When that is not possible, the recovery unit is
either the remains of one individual or a group of individuals that are so
comingled that they must be removed together with their related artifacts. In
this case, one number is assigned to the group.
(6) Assign one individual responsible for issuing case numbers and maintaining
the Master Case Log at the grave site (Haglund 2002:255-257, UN 2010: 25,
(7) Assign case numbers to each body from the master case log and include a
brief description of the remains, associated evidence, and possible comingling
noted in the log. Each item in the log should have a label that includes: a
short acronym for the site, a roman numeral for each mass grave at the site,
and an Arabic number for each anatomically articulated or associated set of
remains (Schmitt 2002:284).
(a) Number, Anatomically disassociated remains individually but in a
way that provides associative information, if it can be determined at the
grave site.
(b) Number the crania first and number skeletal assemblages and artifacts
according to the crania they are closest to, or according to the sector in
which they were found.
(c) Create an inventory form for each label given filling them out as remains
are extracted from the grave, and provide a preliminary summary of what
is present in the recovery unit.
(d) Individually bag each individual, or removal unit, mark the bag with
the appropriate label, and be sure there is a set of inventory forms for
each bag.
(e) Document each individual and associated artifact in situ by
photographing, sketching and mapping, each recovery unit (Schmitt
(f) Remove any material clearly associated with a single body by placing it in
the body bag with the individual, and log it under the case number for the
body. Any evidence associated with a particular set of remains, such as
eyeglasses, wallets or other personal items, should be retained with those
remains until the postmortem examinations are completed.
(g) Any material not associated with a single body should be
i) Located on the excavation map and assigned a number that
corresponds with the number placed on the map;
ii) Placed in a bag labeled with the site, date, number, and initials of the
person who collected it (Haglund et al. 2001:67).
c) Define the requirements for the transportation and storage of human remains as
they are transported and stored in holding, viewing and examination areas.
(1) Assign a tracker to each set of remains to monitor the custody and insure
that the remains are moved through all of the different examination areas to
their final destination.
(a) Establish a tracking system, or use an existing one, for tracking each
removal unit from the grave to release to family members for burial.
(b) Ensure that the system can cross-reference antemortem data with
postmortem information, and track items that are produced as the remains
are processed. For example, the system should track all photographs,
charts, transfer forms, x-rays and other medical imaging, and completed
inventory forms for the body, related artifacts, and skeletal elements.
(c) Program the system to produce completed forms that document the
individuals identity, such as the Victim Identification Program (VIP)
form that can be printed out to facilitate the tracking of the remains and
the search for potential matching indicators (Florida 2010:12-13).
(2) Establish a holding area that is refrigerated and secured to receive remains
after they are removed from the grave.
(3) Establish a viewing area for family members and loved ones to see the body
for identification purposes.
(a) Initially, photographs of jewelry, clothing, or other items found with the
remains are viewed.
(b) Next, photographs of the body, including the face and distinguishing
features are viewed.
(c) Finally, the remains themselves are viewed (PAHO 2004:41-43).
(4) Establish a triage area that includes photography and initial examination.
Determine the examinations that are required as the remains proceeds from
intake, through all of the examination areas, to finally releasing to the family
or local authorities. Complete the steps necessary for release of the body once
the individual has been identified.
(a) Certify the cause and manner of death.
(b) Complete a death certificate.
(c) After consultation with the family, release identified remains to the family.
(d) Make provisions with local authorities to receive unclaimed and
unidentified remains. Determine the appropriate notification to local legal
authorities when remains are unidentified, and determine the appropriate
action to take for final disposition of these remains (Florida 2010:19-21).
4. Design a Photographic Log and write a Photographic Protocol that specifies both
standard and special shots to be taken.

a) Maintain a Photographic Log documenting all photographs to be taken and other
visual media such as videos, laser scans, aerial and satellite images.
(1) Include the following in the log: case number, date, name of the
photographer, number of shots, description of what appears on the photo, and
comments on the distance of the camera to the article photographed and its
(directional) orientation (Kimmerle and Baraybar 2008:85).
(2) Assign one individual responsible for issuing tracking numbers and posting
descriptive information concerning all photographs and other visual media to
the Photographic Log.
(3) Where any missing or duplicate numbers are present, they must be
documented and clearly explained.
b) Define photographic and tracking procedures in a Photographic Protocol.
(1) All photographs should be full-frame and contain the case number.
(2) Take digital photographs when possible.
(3) Photograph the scene of the gravesite and surrounding area during the first
visit to the site, when returning to excavate the grave, and before the scene is
altered in any way.
(a) Photographs should be taken from eye-level.
(b) Take a progression of overall, medium, and close-up views of the grave
(c) Include photographs of landmarks in overall scene photographs to
establish the location of the grave site.
(d) Photograph all stages of the excavation and exhumation of the grave and
human remains. This includes photographs of the grave site before
investigators are on the scene each day and in the evening when all
investigators have left the scene. If possible, also videotape the grave site
at these times.
(e) Photograph human remains and evidence at two levels and while in situ:
i) Medium-distance that shows the remains and evidence within the
context of the grave;
ii) Close-up including a scale and directional reference. When using a
scale, take the close-up shot without the scale first then take the close-
up shot with the scale.
(f) Include photographs of all points of entry and exit to and from the grave
site (Swanson et al. 2006:84 and Saferstein 2007:40-41).
(4) Photograph and map the remains in situ showing the position of the body. All
photographs should include an identification number, date, scale, and an
indication of magnetic north:
(a) Photograph the entire burial and then focus on significant details so that
their relationship within the context of the grave can be easily visualized.
(b) Photograph the remains showing the position of the body and anything
that seems unusual or remarkable at close range. Give careful attention to
evidence of obvious trauma or pathological change that is either recent or
healed, as well as tattoos or unusual clothing.
(c) Photograph and map all associated materials (clothing, hair, coffin,
artifacts, bullets, casings, etc.). Include a rough sketch of the remains as
well as any associated materials (UN 2010:25; Haglund et al. 2001:66).
(5) Photograph bodies in the laboratory.
(a) Require cameras to be mounted on tripods and placed so that the plane of
the picture is parallel to body photographed in a laboratory.
(b) Take photographs of human remains with the case number appearing in
each photo. The following photographs should be taken of the body:
i) Clothed and unclothed,
ii) Full-length of each body
iii) Two overlapping photographs showing the upper and lower halves,
iv) Full-frame from front view of the head,
v) An elevated view taken with the surface of the image parallel with the
vi) Detailed photographs of unique characteristics such as tattoos, scars,
healed pathology, and bone fractures, all with a scale visible in the
(c) Photograph all markings, labels, and numbers on the body bag,
(d) Photograph all articles of clothing and personal effects in situ and in front
of a non-reflective surface in the laboratory including all identifying
features such as labels and identity cards.
(e) Take the following photographs of dentition:
i) Front view with teeth closed and lips retracted
ii) Upper jaw, and lower jaw
iii) Lateral right and left dentition
iv) Specific dental photographs required by the dentist such as close-up
photos of specific dental treatments or anomalies that are useful for
identification purposes
(f) Take photographs of specific pathologies and abnormalities as requested
by the forensic pathologist or dentist (INTERPOL 2009:33; Kimmerle and
Baraybar 2008:85).
(6) Take standard photographs of every skull and innominate aging surfaces
depicting each surface of the specimen in accordance with the photographic
(a) Take shots in anatomical position, and observe strict guidelines for
position and angles of skeletal material to the camera.
(b) Take shots of the skull that Include eight views: frontal, left lateral, right
lateral, posterior, superior, inferior, maxillary occlusal, and mandibular
(c) Take shots, of the Os coxa (that include) the auricular surface and
pubic symphyseal face for age estimation.
(d) Take special shots of all fractures, injuries, skeletal and dental
pathology, and cultural and medical modifications. (Shots should include)
special angles, close-up views, and multiple views from oblique angles.
(e) Show a label that contains the site, burial, and case number indicating
where the subject is from in at least one photograph for reference per case
(Kimmerle and Baraybar 2008:85).
5. Establish clear procedures or Evidence Protocol, and an Evidence Log that tracks all
physical evidence, rolls of film, memory cards or data files with photographic and
other evidence on them, and that maintains the chain-of-custody (Haglund et al.

a) Before the removal of any evidence, designate the custodians of evidence, and
maintain an Evidence Log for all evidence collected.
b) Determine who is, Responsible for the collection of specific types of evidence,
and evidence collection priority.
c) Document the location of the grave site, who and when someone entered and
exited the site, and their purpose for being on the site.
d) Document the locations where evidence not associated with human remains has
been found on the site map.
e) Account for every person who handles or examines the evidence (Swanson et al.
f) Document who had access, when they had access, and the purpose for having
access to the evidence.
g) Insure that skeletal remains and artifacts taken from the site are kept in a secured
h) Insure all evidence is placed in appropriate containers that are labeled with the
site, date, number, and initials of the person who collected it, and the date and
time of retrieval.
i) Enter the evidence into an Evidence Log and take it to a secured area for curation
(Haglund 2001:63-64; Saferstein 2007:50-51).
j) If possible, the evidence itself should be marked for identification. (The)
collectors initials and date of collection should be inscribed on the article
(Saferstein 2007:51).
k) Establish an evidence transfer form that documents the transfer of evidence to
anyone including the investigators. All transfers must be done formally and
documented with a receipt (Haglund et al. 2001:63; Saferstein 2007:50).
l) When evidence is turned over to another individual for care or analysis, delivered
to a laboratory, or to local authorities for final disposition, this transfer must be
recorded in notes, the Evidence Log, and other appropriate forms (Saferstein
m) Append receipts and or chain-of-custody forms to any resulting report to show
that the material was turned over to the proper authorities (Haglund 2001:64).
6. Define the requirements for documenting field notes.
a) Notes must be, Court-admissible documents (with) no comments outside those
directly related to the excavation.
b) Omit any language that contains implications beyond the (team members)
c) Omit references to such things as clothing color (Haglund et al. 2001:63).
7. Determine the level of data processing support needed for
a) Systems management and maintenance;
b) Design and development of databases and systems applications;
c) Data processing and IT hardware;
d) Nightly backup and recovery of data onsite and to secure internet locations;
e) Encryption of data to prevent unauthorized manipulation, theft or destruction;
f) Security measures that restricts access to data to only those authorized;
g) The review and approval of all standardized forms and charts to be used by the
team to insure that automated forms function properly and are compatible with the
software and hardware used by the team, and that hardcopy forms meet data entry
Stage III Excavation and Exhumation of the Grave
A. Delineate the grave, and conduct an initial assessment, if not already done during Stage 2.
1. In large graves with tens of hundreds of bodies, determine the amount of overburden
and the horizontal extent of the bodies before excavation begins to determine or
refine the following:
a) Excavation strategy
b) Logistical requirement
c) Scope of the project (Haglund 2001:64-65)
2. Establish roles and responsibilities prior to the start of excavation and confirm that all
of the personnel on the site are informed on their roles and responsibilities.
a) Discuss the collection of evidence and the use of photographs.
b) Determine who will be allowed onsite at the excavation, and when (Haglund et al.
c) Discuss the extensive amount of data collection and the various logs and forms to
be used to insure that all staff understands and follows the appropriate protocol
for each step of the process (Haglund et al. 2001:63; Burns 1998:76-77).
d) Define and discuss the requirements for field notes and documentation (Haglund
et al, 2001:63).
3. Before the soil is disturbed, thoroughly document the site.
a) Ensure that no mines or unexploded ordinance are on the site in accordance with
the Safety Plan.
b) Document the site by, Walking transects parallel to surface contours around the
entire area, placing flagging tape at all human remains and potential evidence
found on the surface (Haglund et al. 2001:60).
c) Establish a datum point, then block and map the burial site using an appropriate-
sized grid and standard archaeological techniques (UN 2010:25).
d) Create a small-scale topographic map of the site area and photographically
document the evidence in the area including any related buildings, bodies of
water, roads, exposed human remains, and the known and potential grave areas.
All maps should include a north arrow and scale. For known graves, include the
depth of the top layer of bodies, any trenches that were dug, and surface remains
and evidence that were located (Haglund et al. 2001:60).
e) Use a metal detector to locate, Cartridge cases, bullets, and metal fixtures on
f) Photo-document the entire process (Haglund et al. 2001:64).
4. Confirm the presence of human remains and their condition.
a) Hand-excavate two trenches at right angles to each other and about one meter
wide across any areas where a grave may be located.
b) Extend trenches, To the edges of the graves and to the depth of the top of the
c) Halt trenching when human remains are found.
d) Document the exposed remains as to location, cover with plastic, and refill the
e) Reassess the logistical needs of grave excavation, as well as the condition of the
bodies in the grave, the specialists needed to examine the remains and any related
evidence (Haglund et al. 2001:64).
B. Recovery and analysis of skeletal remains scattered on the surface.
1. Remove the vegetation from around each skeletal assemblage until the extent of the
scatter can be determined.
2. Post the remains to a human remains inventory and document each set of remains by
a) Inventorying artifacts found with the remains;
b) Estimating age, sex, and race;
c) Recording any trauma seen on the remains with suggested probable cause of the
death to be confirmed or refuted by autopsy and skeletal examination (Haglund et
al. 2001:60).
C. Grave excavations must be conducted using appropriate protocols for case management,
evidence collection, photography, and note documentation by individuals specifically
assigned to conduct exhumations.
1. Before excavation begins, ensure that all documentation is complete, and compare the
present condition of the site area to the condition as mapped, photographed, and
described when the site was located and/or tested.
2. If the site was tested, relocate and empty the test trenches.
3. If the site was not previously tested, then cross-trench, as described above.
4. Remove the grave fill, to a depth of about 30cm over the bodies.
5. Remove the overburden of earth, screening the dirt for associated materials. Record
the level (depth) and relative co-ordinates of any such findings.
6. Remove the overburden to the depth where the grave-outline appears in the soil and
screen the dirt for associated material.
7. Excavate trenches around the outside of the grave to a depth that is deeper than the
expected bottom of the grave.
8. Construct the trenches in a way that allows workers to stand in the trenches and work
from the edges of the grave without standing on the bodies, and in a way that allows
for proper drainage from the grave (Haglund et al. 2001:65).
9. Circumscribe the body mass, when the level of the burial is located, and, when
possible, open the burial to a minimum of 30cm on all sides of the body mass.
10. Pedestal the burial by digging on all sides to the lowest level of the bodies
(approximately 30cm). Also, pedestal any associated artifacts.
11. Once the body mass is exposed, document the profile of the grave by completing
drawings and by photographing it (UN 2010:25).
D. Body removal, exhumation, from the grave:
1. Determine the depth and the horizontal extent of the grave (Haglund et al. 2001:65).
2. Determine the removal unit.
a) Do not attempt to allocate partial remains to a single individual at the grave site.
This must be done under laboratory conditions.
b) When conditions require, leave numbered remains in the grave until additional
bodies or overburden can be removed to free trapped body parts.
c) Calculate the total number of individuals exhumed after postmortem examinations
are completed, commingling of remains has been resolved, and the rearticulation
of disarticulated remains has been accomplished (Haglund 2002:257).
3. Expose the remains with a soft brush or whisk broom. Do not use the brush on
fabric, as it may destroy fiber evidence. Examine the soil found around the skull for
hair. Place this soil in a bag for laboratory study (UN 2010:25).
4. Prepare the bodies for exhumation by removing the soil from the top and around the

a) If the bodies are clothed, gently pull the clothing tight and shake to dislodge the
b) When the remains are not clothed and/or where skin is exposed, take great care to
avoid damaging the skin, especially around the face and hands.
c) Package the head, facial hair, and pubic hair separately and include it with the
remains to avoid loss during removal or transport (Haglund 2001:65-66).
5. Separate and remove comingled remains one at a time.
a) Manipulate the bodies until they become exposed for removal.
b) Keep all of the parts of the body intact while manipulating them.
c) Ensure that all the digits at the end of the limbs are held in place. When the
hands and feet are exposed, place them inside a bag then tie the bag to the nearest
long bone to ensure that the digits or phalanges do not fall off as the body dries
(Haglund 2001:66).
d) Place a bag over the head and neck to protect the cervical vertebra from coming
loose and the head from becoming detached.
e) Free all body parts before removing the body.
f) Lift the body onto a stretcher and assign a case number.
g) Photograph, map and describe the body (Haglund et al. 2001:66).
6. Note the location of the crania on the site map.
a) Plot the horizontal and vertical position of the top of the cranium.
b) Plot the body outlines when needed (UN 2010:25).
7. Post a brief and accurate description of the body in field notes. Make field notes as
brief as possible to avoid conflicts with autopsy and skeletal examination notes.
8. Search for items such as bullets or jewelry using a metal detector, particularly in the
levels immediately above and below the remains.
9. Exhume the body once all photographs, map notations, and documentation are
a) Write the, Case number and date of removal on both ends of the body bag and on
a sheet of paper placed in an external envelope on the body bag (Haglund et al.
b) Measure the individual before displacing anything.
(1) Measure the total length of the remains and record the terminal points of the
measurement, e.g., apex to plantar surface of the calcaneous (note: This is not
a stature measurement).
(2) Measure as much as possible before removing the body from the ground when
the skeleton is so fragile that it may break when lifted (UN 2010:25-26).
c) Remove and place the body in a body bag. If lifting is required, one excavator is
placed at the head, one in the middle of the body, and one at the legs.
d) Examine the soil underneath the body to ensure that no body parts or associated
evidence are left behind once the body is placed in the bag (Haglund et al.
e) Remove all elements and place them in bags or boxes, taking care to avoid
damage. Number, date and initial every container (UN 2010:26).
f) Close the body bag and move it to a storage area (Haglund et al. 2001:66).
10. Use the following methods to ensure that the bottom of the grave has been reached
and all additional material has been located and removed once the grave is emptied of
human remains.

a) Scrape the bottom of the grave with trowels and bag any loose clothing or other
items located in this process (Haglund et al. 2001:66).
b) Excavate and screen the level of soil immediately under the burial. A level of
sterile (artifact-free) soil should be located before ceasing excavation and
beginning to backfill the grave (UN 2010:26).
c) Trench the bottom of the grave 40-80cm below the last remains with two
perpendicular trenches.
d) Use a metal detector along the bottom of the grave in an attempt to locate metal
fixtures on clothing that may be associated with additional human remains
(Haglund et al. 2001:66).
E. Determine the factors contributing to the dispersion of remains, such as
1. Consumption and scattering by scavenging animals;
2. Scattering and burial through agricultural activity;
3. Disturbance by local foot traffic;
4. Down-slope movement assisted by gravity and rain water;
5. Incomplete collection and reburial by local residents (Haglund et al. 2001:60-61).
F. Classify the burial as follows:
1. Individual or comingled
2. Isolated or adjacent
3. Primary or secondary
4. Undisturbed or disturbed (UN 2010:25)
G. Establish a forensic identification team.
1. Interview surviving family members and friends to obtain:
a) Any original medical and/or odontological records, charts, treatment records, x-
rays and mouth guards in the relatives or friends possession;
b) Names and addresses of any medical practitioners consulted by the missing
person/potential victim;
c) Names and addresses of dentists consulted by the missing person/potential victim;
d) Descriptions of jewelry and property worn by the mission person/potential
e) Recent descriptions of or photographs showing full face and/or teeth, tattoos,
other significant physical characteristics, etc. of the person/potential victim;
f) Buccal smear or blood sample taken from the biological parents or children of the
missing person;
g) Any object that may contain the sole-prints, fingerprints, and/or DNA of the
mission person/potential victim (INTERPOL 2009:21; DOJ 2005:20).
2. Obtain a list and description of possible victims to determine if and where
antemortem fingerprints can be obtained.
a) Obtain antemortem prints and document their source.
b) Establish a log of antemortem and postmortem print files.
3. Obtain and consolidate individual antemortem dental information into a single,
comprehensive, antemortem dental form using a standard charting format for each
individual (Justice 2005:38). That information should include the following:
a) A the victims dental records that are on file;
b) Conventional and digital radiographs of the teeth, jaws and skull;
c) Dental casts or models;
d) Dental prosthesis or other dental devices (INTERPOL 2009:22).
4. Obtain DNA reference samples.
a) Obtain samples of DNA from a direct biological relative such as any of the
following in order of preference:
(1) Monozygotic/identical twins
(2) Biological mother or biological father of the victim, and if possible, sibling
(3) Biological children and spouse of the victim
b) Obtain tissue and/or samples of blood withdrawn from the victim antemortem and
develop a DNA profile. Such samples can be obtained from medical
examinations, blood tests, and biopsies.
c) Obtain DNA samples from objects used by the deceased. Use reference samples
of DNA from all other individuals that may have used or touched the same objects
to eliminate their DNA from any samples obtained (INTERPOL 2009:28).

Stage IV Intake and Autopsy. This stage is beyond the scope of this thesis and is not defined.

Stage V Skeletal Analysis

A. Record the date, location, starting and finishing times of the skeletal analysis, and the
names of all staff present during the analysis.
B. Radiograph all skeletal elements before any further cleaning.
1. Obtain bite-wing, apical and panoramic dental x-rays, if possible (UN 2010:26).
2. Establish a medical imaging log and note all x-rays, CT scans, and MRIs taken of
human remains.
a) Record date and name of person who made the image.
b) Document the case number of the victim.
c) Document the anatomical part imaged and the views taken.
3. X-ray the entire skeleton. Give special attention to fractures, developmental
anomalies and evidence of surgical procedures.
4. Take x-rays of the frontal sinuses to aid in the identification of the individual (UN
C. Retain two lumbar vertebrae in their original state.
1. Rinse the rest of the bones clean but do not soak or scrub them.
2. Allow the bones to air-dry (UN 2010:26).
D. If there is small-scale comingling of remains, maintain provenience information collected
during recovery and during all of the following steps.
1. Conjoin fragmentary remains as much as possible.
2. Sort bones by element type, side, and size.
3. Group elements by age criteria.
4. Maintain articulated elements as a unit.
5. Pair-match visually by associating, Homologous (i.e., left-right) elements based on
similarities in morphology (Adams and Byrd 2005:64).
6. Examine points of articulation by comparing bone element to determine if the, Bone
forms a congruent joint or juncture with another element (Adams and Byrd
7. Eliminate skeletal elements by comparing duplicated elements to specific individuals
to eliminate those that clearly are not consistent with the morphology of the
8. Conduct osteometric comparisons using statistical models to, Compare size and
shape relationships between elements to determine consistency (Adams and Byrd
9. Examine the taphonomy of elements to determine consistency.
a) Use similarities and differences in preservation (e.g., color, staining, etc.).
b) Use trauma by locating perimortem fractures that could be used to associate
several bones (Adams and Byrd 2005:67-68).
10. General requirements:
a) Use sorting procedures in conjunction with each other, not in isolation.
b) Use systematic procedures and document them (Adams and Byrd 2005:68-69.
E. If there is large-scale comingling of remains with disarticulation of body elements
complete the following steps.
1. Create a detailed inventory listing bones by type and side.
2. Determine age at death, sex, general bone size, and other applicable information.
3. Note observations on general morphology of bone fragments (Ubelaker 2002:332).
4. Assemble the remains into likely individuals, (considering) bone type, side, and age
at death, (as well as) overall bone size and shape when there are a relatively few
5. Observe the morphological relationship of bones that articulate and determine if
multiple individuals are represented (positive articulation).
6. Compare morphology to determine if age at death, sex, and ancestry are consistent.
7. Complete specific analytical techniques when needed, such as:
a) Ultraviolet light analysis of florescence
b) Radiographic approaches
c) Blood-type analysis
d) Neutron activation analysis
8. Use, Sex, robusticity, age at death, bone color, surface preservation and bone
density, to determine consistency.
9. Articulate bones to determine if they are from the same individual (Ubelaker
10. Observe epiphyseal unions.
11. Determine bone weight relationships between bone weight and body weight
(Ubelaker 2002:334).
12. Consider taphonomic factors such as human behavior, mixed preservation of bone
type, animal chewing, excavation factors, and curation practices (Ubelaker
13. Determine the minimum number of individuals (MNI).
a) Use computer applications to log, track, and analyze bone assemblage.
b) Use, Sorting procedures that considers bone counts along with the size and age
of the individual.
c) Use the Lincoln/Peterson Index that involves estimating the total population size
by multiplying the number of bones of one side by the number of bones of the
opposite side and divide the product by the number of matched pairs of that bone
(Ubelaker 2002:332-346).
F. Lay out the entire skeleton in a systematic way, (such as, in anatomical order).
1. Distinguish left from right.
2. Inventory every bone and record on a skeletal chart.
3. Inventory the teeth and record on a dental chart. Note broken, carious, restored, and
missing teeth.

4. Number every element with indelible ink before any other work is done, when more
than one individual is to be analyzed, and especially if there is any chance that
comparisons will be made between individuals (UN 2010:26).
G. Reconstruct fractured bones so that the fracture type, pattern, and overall distribution of
wounds are evident (Kimmerle and Baraybar).
1. For cranial bones, reconstruct in two units, facial and vault, then unite the two
2. Examine fracture patterns to determine information concerning the type, mechanism
and number of injuries.
3. Reconstruct mandible and postcranial elements. Examine the outer cortex of the
remaining bone to determine wound characteristics that identify the mechanism of
4. Reconstruct the largest fragments first, followed by smaller fragments that have been
combined in units then fit the units together.
5. Recover fragments that may be embedded in clothing or that have become
disarticulated following decomposition of the soft tissue (Kimmerle and Baraybar
H. Conduct an anthroposcopic examination of the skeletal injuries.
1. Inventory all affected bones.
2. List the location of specific affected areas on bone, including the side, region, and
3. Provide a description of:
a) The number and types of fractures or defects,
b) The presence of any abnormal bone shape, growth, or loss.
c) The severity, state, and distribution of abnormal bone changes.
4. (Document) any radiographic evidence of fractures or weaponry.
5. (Analyze) clothing (defects, tears, burning, or weaponry).
6. (Estimate) the timing of fractures based on:
a) Presence of bone reaction (remodeling);
b) Color of fractured edges;
c) Shape of defect of cut mark;
d) Size of affected area, defect, or cut mark;
e) Appearance of tissue banding;
f) Location of affected area;
g) Number of fractures or cut marks.
7. (Classify) skeletal pathology by disease category (i.e., infections, nutritional) and the
specific mechanism (i.e., periostits versus osteomylitis or scurvy versus anemia).
8. (Ascertain) the mechanism of injury, class of weapon, distance of fire or blast, and
victims position relevant to the direction of the force in relation to the point of
impact (Kimmerle and Baraybar 2008:31).
9. Record the condition of the remains, e.g., fully intact and solid, eroding and friable,
charred or cremated (UN 2010:26).
10. Rule out normal skeletal variation and skeletal pathology (Kimmerle and Baraybar
11. Distinguish injuries resulting from therapeutic measures from those unrelated to
medical treatment. Photograph all injuries.
a) Examine the hyoid bone for cracks or breaks.
b) Examine the thyroid cartilage for damage.
c) (Examine each bone) for evidence of contact with metal. The superior or inferior
edges of the ribs require particular scrutiny (UN 2010:26-27).
I. Classify fractures and mechanisms of injury (i.e., general bone and fracture
1. Classify fractures of flat bones such as, Cranial vault, scapula, ilium, ribs as:
depressed, radiating, linear, comminuted, blowout, or basilar.
2. Classify fractures of long/short bones such as, Humerus, radius, ulna, femur, tibia,
fibula, metacarpals, metatarsals as:
a) Extra-articular linear, comminuted, segmental,
b) Intra-articular linear, comminuted, segmental.
3. Classify fractures of irregular bones such as, Sacrum, vertebrae, facial bones as
linear, comminuted, segmental, radiating, linear, depressed, or crushing (Kimmerle
and Baraybar 2008:51).
J. Estimate the time of trauma based on gross inspection.
1. For antemortem fractures, determine the level of healing such as remodeling or
presence of characteristics associated with infection.
2. For perimortem fractures determine:
a) If there are any signs of healing that has taken place;
b) If the bone was wet or still encased in muscle, periostium, skin, or other soft
c) Examine the edges of the fractures to see if they are uneven and/or irregular, hoop
fractures, radiating or concentric fracture lines, and angled or jagged fracture
3. Identify postmortem fractures that occur during or following the decomposition
a) Determine if fracture occurred before the bone became dry.
b) Determine if fractures have straight and sharp edges with no evidence of bending.
c) Determine if there is a difference in color between the fracture site and the rest of
the bone.
d) Determine if there is an absence of fractures such radiating fractures.
e) Determine if there are scavenger marks.
f) Determine if fractures are related to the use of heavy equipment such as
bulldozers of backhoes.
g) Rule out injury from the exhumation process.
4. Determine if and when the bone was burned (i.e., perimortem or postmortem)
(Kimmerle and Baraybar 2008:54-65).
K. Use radiography and/or three-dimensional imaging to locate physical evidence of
weaponry such as lead wipe from a projectile or shrapnel fragments (Kimmerle and
Baraybar 2008:71).
1. Locate any live munitions that may be found in cloths.
2. Delineate fracture patterns, number of injuries, and sequence of injuries.
3. Identify antemortem injuries and skeletal pathology.
4. Determine the amount of epiphyseal union.
5. Compare to antemortem radiographs to identify the individual.
6. Use three dimensional imaging from CT scans, MRI, or 3D scanners to illustrate the
trajectory of an injury or projectile (Kimmerle and Baraybar 2008:71-79).
L. Examine the clothing.

1. Document the strategy for handling clothing and guidelines to recover all associated
evidence, preserve the clothing artifacts, and curate the items for future reference in a
protocol for postmortem examinations as provided below.
2. Determine the type, amount, and ownership by the individual wearing the clothing at
the time of burial, and the contents within pockets or folds of the clothing.
3. X-ray clothing separately from the body.
4. Inspect and photograph clothing prior to and after washing.
5. Review and document all defects indicative of injuries, postmortem burning, and
taphonomic changes.
6. Document textile patterns and colors to facilitate the identification of individuals,
village of residency, and ethnic identity (Kimmerle and Baraybar 2008:80-85).
M. Determine if there was a blast injury and the type of blast injury.
1. Identify explosive injuries related to grenades by noting the pattern of injury.
2. Identify the differential patterns of explosive shrapnel from gunfire projectile trauma
by noting:
a) Size
b) Shape
c) Presence or absence of entrance and exit wounds
d) Tendency of the projectile to imbed in bone
e) Number of wounds
f) Distribution of wounds (Kimmerle and Baraybar 2008:11 and 231)
N. Determine if the injury was from blunt force trauma.
1. Record the following to document skeletal wounds:
a) Location
b) Length
c) Width
d) Shape
e) Fracture type
f) Fracture patterns of the wounds (Kimmerle and Baraybar 2008:152)
2. Take an impression of the suspected weapon and compare to skeletal defects to
determine if the characteristics of the weapon matches the injury on the bone.
3. Establish the number and sequence of injuries.
a) Determine the minimum number of injuries.
b) Determine the sequence of injuries by analyzing fracture lines and consider when
fracture lines are arrested by previous fractures.
c) Describe biomechanical properties of skeletal wounds such as in-bending at
the point of impact, and out-bending along the parameter of this area
(Kimmerle and Baraybar 2008:155-157).
O. Identify skeletal evidence of torture by region of the body.
1. Document the, Necessary evidence to support the claims of torture;
a) Timing of injuries;
b) Pathological findings consistent with detainment ;
c) Corroboration of physical findings with multiple forms of evidence (Kimmerle
and Baraybar 2008:203).
2. Attribute skeletal injuries to torture by documenting:
a) Mechanisms of injury;
b) Location, type, distribution/pattern, and recurrence of wounds;
c) Estimation of whether or not wounds present contributed to death;
d) Approximate timing of injuries;
e) Reconstruction of the circumstances surrounding injuries;
f) Ruling out accidents and estimating the manner of injuries as intentional,
interpersonal violence (Kimmerle and Baraybar 2008:204).
P. Identify sharp force trauma by documenting
1. General information such as:
a) The number of injuries per individual;
b) The cause and manner of death;
c) Number of people killed and proportion that sustained specific injuries;
d) Nature of injuries that are fatal;
e) Prevalence of body regions targeted in the attack;
f) Demographic patterns of victims;
g) Possible evidence of torture (Kimmerle and Baraybar 2008:264).
2. Specific information concerning the sharp force injuries:
a) Shape of cut marks, whether linear or irregular;
b) Cross section of cut mark V, semi-V. or U shape;
c) Characteristics of walls of the defect, smooth or serrated;
d) Characteristics of floors of the defects, smooth or serrated;
e) Depth of the feature, particularly whether consistent throughout the cut mark;
f) Presence of hilt (more common in knife wounds);
g) Presence and shape of defect;
h) Presence of associated fractures with defect;
i) Presence of crushing associated with cut mark of the defect (Kimmerle and
Baraybar 2008:268).
Q. Identify gunfire injuries.
1. Reconstruct fragmentary skeletal tissue.
2. Based on morphology of skeletal defects and fractures, interpret the injury as to:
a) Direction of fire
b) Bullet trajectory
c) Number of wounds
d) Shot sequence
e) Projectile characteristics
f) Class of weapon (Kimmerle and Baraybar 2008:325),
1. Medium velocity rounds handguns minimal damage;
2. High velocity rounds rifles - wounds and fractures are slightly larger
(Kimmerle and Baraybar 2008:327).
3. Differentiate entry from exit wounds by examining the direction of beveling.
4. Determine the classification of the entry wound:
a) Circular
b) Keyhole
c) Gutter
d) Tangential
e) Eccentric
f) Irregular
g) Sideways
h) Tandem
i) Double tap (Kimmerle and Baraybar 2008:329).

5. Determine if the wounds are antemortem, perimortem or postmortem (Kimmerle and
Baraybar 2008:53).
6. Estimate the range of fire
a) Contact or close range;
b) Intermediate range;
c) Distant range;
d) For shotgun blasts, distance estimates based on size and severity of defects and
spread or diameter of pellet injuries (Kimmerle and Baraybar 2008:372-377).
7. Estimate the number of shooters, order of shots, and pattern and shape of defects
(Kimmerle and Baraybar 2008:384).
R. If the remains are to be reburied before obtaining an identification, retain the following
samples for future analysis:
1. A mid-shaft cross-section from either femur, 2cm or more in height;
2. A mid-shaft cross-section from either fibula, 2cm or more in height;
3. A 4cm section from the sternal end of a rib, sixth, if possible;
4. A tooth, preferably a mandibular incisor, that was vital at the time of death;
5. Several molar teeth for possible later deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) fingerprinting for
6. A cast of the skull for possible facial reconstruction;
7. Record the samples saved that have been labeled with the identification number, and
date and name of the person who collected the sample (UN 2010:27).

Stage VI Conclusion, Review and Final Report

A. Once all analysis is completed and the exhumation is concluded, identify as many
individuals as possible, if not already done.
1. Document where remains were found and, (when possible), where death occurred.
2. Control and document how the remains were transported from the scene, where they
were buried, and how they were transported to the morgue (Justice 2005:16).
3. Ensure that all remains are photographed in a way consistent with the photographic
4. Document the presence or absence of clothing and any associated artifacts including a
description of their physical relationship to the remains in situ.
5. Document the general physical characteristics including:
a) Completeness
b) Level of fragmentation
c) Evidence of damage from burning
d) Level of decomposition
e) Commingling with other remains
6. Separate any commingled remains and determine the minimum number of individuals
present (Justice 2005:16 and 23).
7. Document the presence or absence of specific marks, scars, tattoos, and external
prostheses (Justice 2005:16).
8. Take fingerprints, handprints, toe-prints and footprints when possible.
9. Determine the age, sex, stature, race and other distinguishing characteristics of the
10. Determine the need for analysis by other specialists such as forensic odontologists or

11. Identify any antemortem pathological conditions such as healed fractures, implants,
or unique abnormalities.
12. Identify any perimortem and postmortem trauma.
13. Obtain DNA and dental evidence for evaluation by others (Justice 2005:16-18 and
14. Document findings.
15. Collect associated physical evidence such as
a) Trace evidence
b) Valuables including money and jewelry
c) Clothing
d) DNA evidence from these articles
16. Establish, The identity of the deceased using the following methods:
a) Presumptive
(1) Direct visual or photographic identification of the deceased if visually
(2) Personal effects (e.g., wallets, jewelry), circumstances, physical
characteristics, tattoos, and anthropological data.
b) Confirmatory
(1) Fingerprints (including handprints, toe prints, and footprints if indicated)
(2) Odontology
(3) Radiology
(4) DNA analysis (Justice 2005:17-18)
(5) Skeletal analysis
(6) Comparison with antemortem medical records and photographs of the
individual when living (Haglund and Sorg 2002:20).
17. In cases where the body cannot be identified, the exhumed remains or other evidence
should be preserved for a reasonable time. A repository should be established to hold
the bodies for 5-10 years in case they can be identified at a later time (UN 2010:27).
B. During Stage 1, begin planning the final report and insure the information needed for the
final report is well documented.
1. Provide, Background information such as:
a) Name and person responsible for the report (and contact information)
b) Name of the agency or party to receive the report
2. Document the following, Significant dates:
a) Date of initial contact
b) Dates of recovery
c) Dates of entry into official records for each piece of evidence
d) Dates of exhumations
e) Date of report (Burns 2007:58)
3. Chain-of-Custody requirements
a) Document who retrieved the evidence, and date and name of every person who
handled the evidence in an Evidence Log.
b) Include the Evidence Log in the Final Report as an appendix (Burns 2007:259).
4. Report on the taphonomy present in the grave.
a) Document the microenvironment at (the grave)
b) Document the remains in situ

c) Describe conditions, including an assessment of taphonomic modifications due to
transport, burial, decomposition, scavenging, weathering (Haglund and Sorg
2002:20). Also, estimate the postmortem interval (PMI).
5. Document the recovery process and include in the Final Report, as an appendix. Also
incorporate reports from other disciplines such as entomology, botany, and geology.
6. Inventory remains and include inventory sheets and charts as an appendix.
7. Develop skeletal population features as follows:
a) The minimum number of individuals (MNI) located at the grave site;
b) Average age and/or range of ages;
c) Sex ratio between men and women;
d) Shared inherited or acquired physical traits and anomalies;
e) Shared pathology or trauma;
f) Classification, if possible, by national, ethnic, religious, or racial group;
g) Common means or manner of death;
h) Common postmortem treatment and disposal of the remains (Haglund and Sorg
2002:20; Burns 2007:260).
8. Reconstruct the events that cause the deaths.
a) Document, Trauma type, location and patterning, trajectories, and sequences of
injuries, and potential weapons class used.
b) Document the process of differentiating perimortem trauma from (antemortem
and) postmortem changes.
c) Document the postmortem interval.
d) Obtain reports from additional specialized analyses from other sources, E.g., tool
marks, fracture biomechanics, trace evidence, histology, and radiography
(Haglund and Sorg 2002:20; Burns 2007:260-261).
9. Once the autopsy and skeletal examination stages have been completed, verify the
master list of case numbers and other logs. Using the Master Case Log, ensure that
all remains exhumed have been autopsied and examined by the forensic
a) Ensure that each case number has completed forms for the inventory of human
remains and associated artifacts, skeletal inventory, and dental chart.
b) Determine that all in situ and laboratory photographs have been taken of the
remains, evidence obtained from the remains associated artifacts, and all other
evidence in a manner consistent with the photographic protocol.
c) Insure that all disarticulated remains are re-associated with the body; any numbers
assigned to those disarticulated remains are cancelled; and explanatory notes are
placed in the Master Case Log and Photographic Log.
d) Ensure that the location of the remains in the grave or on the surface is completely
e) Ensure that the chain-of-custody for the remains, associated artifacts, and all other
evidence has been properly maintained (Burns 2007:260).
10. Ensure that the Photographic Log includes all photographs taken of the remains,
associated artifacts, other evidence, and overview and contextual views. All other
visual media must also be confirmed as being listed in the Log (Haglund and Sorg
a) Confirm that all visual media such as video tapes, site maps, aerial photographs,
and other visual imaging are included in the Photographic Log.

b) Ensure that all diagnostic images such as x-rays, CT scans, and MRIs are
inventoried in a Medical Imaging Log and properly curated.
11. Ensure that all inventories, logs, and evidence transfer forms are properly
documented in appropriate listings.
a) All tracking numbers must be reconciled to their respective logs and any duplicate
numbers or gaps in numbering must be fully explained.
b) Supporting documentation must be reconciled with various logs to be sure that
there are no inconsistencies.
C. Write the Final Report.
1. Since the forensic report is written for investigators, attorneys, judges, and other
nonscientific specialists, (the report should) use language that communicates
information clearly.
2. When technical vocabulary and jargon are necessary, explain the terms (Burns
3. Include the following sections in the Final Report:
a) Cover Page:
(1) Case number
(2) Name of the case
(3) Date
(4) Name, title and address of the recipient
(5) All contact information for the person who signed the Final Report
b) Case Background:
(1) Provide a brief history of the case.
(2) Differentiate between first-hand and second-hand information.
c) Document the overall pre-processing appearance and condition of the evidence
when received (Burns 2007:259-260).
d) Report of all procedures and results (UN 2010:27).
e) Document all conclusions. Provide a summary of the time of death, cause of
death and other significant findings for each individual.
f) Document any recommendations. If additional tests are needed, provide
recommendations for the needed tests that are clear and precise.
g) Document the disposition of the remains by stating to whom the remains were
released, their final location, and when they were released and placed in their final
4. Sign and Date the report, and initial each page if requested.
5. Number and initial all diagrams, drawings, maps, and photographs that are
referenced in the report (Burns 2007:2002261).
6. Include an appendix for each of the following:
a) Evidence Log
b) Master Case Log
c) Photographic Log


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Jean M. Morgan is a retired Federal Government manager and senior executive with over
26 years of extensive experience in managing accounting operations and major projects for the
US Department of Energy. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business and Management
from the University of Maryland. During her career, she was required to develop complex
operating protocols and user requirements documentation that often included narratives
addressing procedures and flowcharts to demonstrate the interconnectedness of operations. As a
result of streamlining the annual process of closing the financial records for the Department, Ms.
Morgan was recognized by Vice President Al Gore with a Hammer Award. This award was
given to federal employees that successfully designed, initiated, and completed projects that
streamlined major processes resulting in the more efficient operation of the Government and
significant reductions in cost. Also, she led a taskforce that successfully preparing the
Departments first audited financial statement. Key to Ms. Morgans success during this project
was the development of an extensive database that documented the processes that needed to be
completed and the timeline for the project. The database needed to relate objectives for over
seventy offices within the Department to the primary objective of producing the financial
statements on-time and with a clean opinion from the financial auditors.
When Ms. Morgan retired from Federal service, she returned to school to pursue her
interest in anthropology. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of South
Florida. She has applied her management experience and skills obtained from developing
complex procedure and databases to the development of the Protocol for the Excavation,
Exhumation, and Analysis of Mass Graves and Their Contents.


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