Apex 5E
Apex 5E
Apex 5E
Writer & Layout drew Cermak, Andrew Howes, Andrew Ohman, Jordi Franch, Jordi Martin Castany,
Chris Tavares Dias Impellezari, Andrew Young, Angela Berry, Jordi SalaIbars, Joseph Toral, Joshua Hamil-
Bill Yon, Brad Scoble, Brandon Allen, Brian ton, Justin Mathena, Khalea Allen, Kiara
Cover Design & Logo Designs Barngrover, Cameron Lauder, Charla An- Sandeen, Kyle Smith, Liz Strom-Deason,
Joshua Raynack derson, Charles Mitchell, Chris Baker, Chris Lynette Terrill, Marc Franch Ventura, Marc
Brown, Chris Brown, Chris Clouser, Chris Sonnenberger, Marcelo Dior, Marina Ursa,
Cover Illustration Dias, Chris Oveson, Chris Tyler, Chris Mark Whiting, Mathew Wilson, Melissa
Nick Greenwood Young, Christopher Baker, Christopher Oveson, Mica Fetz, Michael Andaluz, Mi-
Hunt, Christopher Stilson, Chuck McGinnis, chael Murphy, Mike Fitch, Mike McMullen,
Editor Clarence Sterling, Daryl Anderson, Dave Miles Orion Kelley, Miquel Creus Bassas,
Christopher Stilson Lee, Dave Painter, David Baker, David Guyll, Nichole Machi, Pamela Bennett, Paul Merrill,
David Henderson, David Hoyer, Denny Pere Rodriguez Franch, Phil Vecchione, R
Additional Contributions Glau, Derek Mitchem, Dirk Lancer, Douglas William Herschler, Raphael Cortz, Ray-
Merlin John Reynolds Warshowski, Edd McGinnis, Edward Martin, mond Brandes, Rebecca Mooney, Robby
Elizabeth Bonsell, Eric Bonsell, Eric Braun, Mann, Ryan Crichton, Sarah Liechti, Sarah
Interior Illustrations Fernando Barrocal, Gabriel Clouser, Gary M. Stilson, Sean Sandeen, Sean Thompson,
Nick Greenwood Bratzel, Geoffrey Lamb, Glen Gratton, Greg Shawn O'Leary, Sheena Henderson, Steve
Brown, Ian Hunt, Igor Diamantino, Jason Hoyer, Steve Marks, Taran Price, Terrence
Playtesters Brown, Jeff Berndt, Jennifer Hoyer, Jesse Rideau, Tiffany Lamb, Tim Rose, Todd Crap-
Aaron Hamilton, Aaron Hengst, Ahmed Fuhrman, Jessica Painter, Jewel Sandeen, Joe per, Tory Bussey, Trevor Bennett
Alex Nasla, Alex Hofer, Alex Tendy, An- Hinke, John Keyes, Johnny Riess, Jon
This printing of Apex is done under version 1.0 of the Open Gaming License, ments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish
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Content 5 Alter 28
Amethyst 5 Concentration 28
Compatibility 5 Flux Talents 29
Apex Check 5 Freak Talents 34
Apex Talents 5 Geiger Talents 38
Pushing 6 Kinetic Talents 42
Apex Attacks & Saving Throws 6 Morph Talents 45
Talents & Tiers 7 Phenom Talents 51
Being An Apex 7 Shaper Talents 54
Siphon Talents 59
CHAPTER TWO: Specter Talents 64
CREATION 8 String Talents 68
Race 8 Tinker Talents 74
Sacrifice 9
Lifepaths 10 CHAPTER FIVE:
Apex Backgrounds 10 ANTAGONISTS & ENEMIES 78
Life Events 11 Market 78
Oxious 80
GROWTH 16 Union 80
Ladders 16 Adversaries 81
Flux 16 Specific Opponents 83
Freak 17 Arc 84
Geiger 18 Archibald Bridge 85
Kinetic 19 Fossil Keaton 85
Morph 20 Grizzly 86
Phenom 20 Proteus 86
Shaper 21 Sebastian Fire Marshal 87
Siphon 22 Shadowtrancer 87
Specter 23 Vamp 88
String 24
Tinker 25
ClassesChrysalis 26
Evolved Archetype 27
TO THE GROUND ties subtle to extreme. However, despite their desire to
reveal themselves, forces continually prevent them from
n the real world, the path of hero or villain is ulti- doing so.
mately unrewarding and its choice irrelevant.
Is society still not ready to accept them? Unfortu-
It's often been suggested that the most powerful nately, men of science know of these individuals and
force in the universe is willpowerthat inner strength their unfortunate side effects. As one gifted (or cursed)
residing in all living things which, if unrestricted, could emerges and their abilities blossom, they generate fields
alter the surrounding world. Normally, such power is where the laws of the material universe break down.
based purely within the philosophical realm, with effects Even if these individuals go into hiding, or refrain from
measured in economics, only relating to the physical using their abilities, it doesn't prevent their influence
4 world when passed through the hands of those pos- upon the world. Despite the appeal to utilize these be-
sessing the machines necessary to build or destroy. ings for military or even benevolent applications, the
possible ramifications prove too great. The public isn't
This is the cosmic balance, that which keeps every- aware of these individuals, and it falls to several uncon-
thing in check. The human spirit is unbounded by nected government agencies and fanatics to ensure the
dreams but must abide by the physical laws of nature. If world keeps functioning under its natural laws.
this balance is broken, not only would people be able to
accomplish feats impossible to science, but the entire Many of these outcasts remain in hiding, off the ra-
universe could fall into chaos along with it. dar, ever vigilant against hunters both terrestrial and not.
To many of those who know them, they're of an inferior
History once spoke of individuals able to accomplish class, referred to as migrants, pilgrims, or even skids. To
such miracles, eventually eradicated or bred out by a others, including themselves, they are considered an
population too frightened of what they didn't under- improvement on the design of man, an upper echelon.
stand. As science filled in the void left by absent gods,
these gifted individuals decreased until they became all The apex.
but extinct. But they never completely vanished.
Each generation, such a rare being appears with abili-
CONTENT This book creates original material within the same
rules structure while also attempting to honor the original
Apex is a module for Dias Ex Machina's Ultramodern5, and games philosophy.
requires that book in addition to the 5th Edition core
rules. UM5 is a generic modern/future ruleset designed It is also possible to use these rules with Fifth Edition
to adapt Fifth Edition rules to scenarios outside of the games that do not use the Ultramodern5 framework, but
standard fantasy world. Apex comes with a basic setting we can't guarantee that doing so will result in equitable
for playing people who gain unnatural powers, but if you party balance. In these circumstances, we recommend not
wish, you can easily adapt these rules to any homebrew using the Lifepath system, and either integrating the lad-
setting. der system for all players (allowing them to pick up apex
talents regardless of their class) or limiting access to apex
By default, Apex is set in the modern day and utilizes talents strictly to the chrysalis class.
only TL 0 gear. Apex also employs ladders. Introduced in
Ultramodern5, ladders are chosen at character creation
and affect how you play your character.
Most apex talents can be boosted, or pushed, by mak-
ing an apex check as part of the same action, but doing so
comes at a risk: failing such a check can result in serious
injury, or worse.
Apex is the preferred name for anyone exhibiting these
kinds of supernatural abilities. There is no official title as
the organizations tasked with their capture, control, and/
or eradication are independent, with often vastly different
agendas. These abilities can manifest themselves in any-
one, but usually only with people possessing a desperate
need to change their life, often in an immediate, if not
split-second manner. Most often, nothing comes of it,
and life continues as normal (if it continues at all). But
once in a while, the universe blinks, and something which
shouldnt occur, does. When the universe shifts under the
will of a powerful mind, that mind becomes permanently
detached from the normal laws of nature. They gain an
apex ability and will forever be classed as an apex by
those seeking them out. Most often, there is no muta-
tion, no test to confirm. The only common peculiarity of
these events is that in nearly every case, the emergent
apex is either alone or left alone as a result of their first
o create an Apex character, follow the same This is neither bad design nor a bug. The conceit of
process as you would for a normal Ultra- apex talents is that they change the playing field in un-
modern5 character, but instead of the core U5 predictable ways, and the best way of depicting that in
options for background, life events, and ladders, mechanical terms is to subvert the standard of many
you can choose from the options that follow in this and fantasy games in making every character roughly equal in
subsequent chapters. All these options are cross- power. GMs are encouraged not to tailor scenarios ex-
compatible with other U5 options, so feel free to mix and clusively with their players talents in mind, and players
match. When building a character for a game that does are encouraged to find ways to be useful even if the situ-
not use the ladder or lifepath rules from U5, you can still ation does not directly relate to their abilities. That said,
gain apex talents through backgrounds, and through the the game still needs to be fun for everyone, so dont let
chrysalis character class (see Chapter Three). the prospects of unlimited power go to your heads: al-
8 ways bear in mind that this is a team-based hobby.
BALANCE OR If a lack of balance is causing player friction at the
LACK THEREOF table, we recommend boosting the underperforming
Apex makes no attempt whatsoever to adhere to princi- characters with 1-2 extra proficiencies (or in extreme
ples of game balance. Superheroes in popular media are cases, an extra feat) rather than attempting to reduce the
usually not created equal, and this book is no exception. overperforming ones, in order not to seem to be punish-
A common theme in superhero fiction is for characters ing effective use of the character's abilities.
with vastly differing abilities and power levels to ap-
proach a given obstacle and overcome it in completely
different (often totally opposite) ways. A particular su-
perpower may be game-breakingly useful in a particular All characters are assumed to be human (unless the GM
situation and completely useless in another: other times, permits otherwise), and using the variant human rules
a player may come up with an unusual way to use their presented in Ultramodern5 (including genetic diversity,
power in a way that was obviously not intended and end genetic benefit, and shortcomings)."
up sidestepping an entire encounter.
Apex characters can still gain genetic benefits as normal, Benefit: Uncommon foils grant you one apex talent;
but may forego the benefit to gain one additional apex common ones grant two; damaging ones grant an addi-
talent instead. tional one.
You're a wimp, to put it bluntly. You have half hit points
Instead of selecting a shortcoming and gaining one addi-
at 1st level and half hit points gained every additional lev-
tional apex talent, a player can elect a more severe sacri-
el. All your melee attacks inflict half damage.
Benefit: Gain two apex talents.
Select one of the following physical or mental handi-
caps in exchange for the listed benefit. The benefits do Metabolic Disease
not equal the sacrifice so said character must really want You suffer from one of many non-communicable physical
it. If, through the events of the game, the character over- diseases, such as diabetes or hemochromatosis. You may
comes their weakness, they lose the additional benefit: if look an act normal, but you better not get sneezed on.
this causes them to no longer meet the prerequisites of a You have disadvantage on ability checks with Strength,
talent, they lose access to that talent until the prerequi- Dexterity, or Constitution (pick two).
sites are restored by other means. Benefit: You gain two apex talents.
Blind Mute
Glasses are useless; you are totally blind. You are unable to speak to the satisfaction of all other
Benefit: You gain three apex talents. characters. While you are able to get by with basic sign
language among your allies, trying to get anyone else to
understand you is difficult (unless you and the other party
Deaf have selected a compatible signing form as a regular lan-
You're deaf, without the capacity of hearing via implants.
Benefit: You gain two apex talents.
Benefit: You gain two apex talents.
Deformity Object
Its not about being ugly; someone may find your appear-
Your talents may not be your own. They either channel
ance desirable in a sideshow carnival sort of way. You
through an artifact of some kind, which is itself can be
have a visible deformity which makes hiding from authori-
ordinary, or the artifact itself is the source of your power.
ties and bigots difficult. You must make skill checks and
It may require attunement (and thus not be immediately
possibly have appropriate clothing to conceal your de-
usable in the hands of another), or youre only the most
formity. You have disadvantage with all checks involving
recent lucky (or cursed) recipient. Regardless, without the
Charisma and you cannot apply your proficiency bonus to
object in your possession, you have no access to your tal-
any Charisma skills. If you still attempt any type of Charis-
ma check, any natural roll higher than a 15 is reduced to
Benefit: You gain one apex talent, two if your pow-
ers can be harnessed by someone stealing your object.
Benefit: You gain two apex talents.
You're old; elevator music sounds good and you lean for-
You are paralyzed from the waist down. You require a
chair to move, with a speed of 10 feet (anyone pushing
ward in cars going uphill. You suffer a -4 penalty to all
you in the chair can move it at their normal speed, but
physical stats (Str, Dex, Con).
only if they use both hands). Without a chair, your speed
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all mental stats (Int,
is 0: you must make a DC 10 Strength check to move 5
Wis, Cha) and you gain two apex talents.
feet. You also have disadvantage on Dexterity ability
checks and cannot add your Dexterity bonus to AC.
Foil Benefit: You gain three apex talents, four if you want
You have a natural antithesis, a common-to-rare element to lose the function of your arms as well (reducing your
or force which renders your abilities inoperative. It can Str and Dex scores to 3 and making you unable to move at
even inflict harm. It could be something as infrequently all under your own power).
encountered as a specific rare earth metal or as common
as water or sunlight. When near or in contact with your
Power Limitation
foil, you lose access to all apex talents and you have disad-
Your apex talents have a condition which limits their use.
vantage with apex checks. Additionally, you can also
If you are kinetic, perhaps you can only affect metal. If
suffer 2d4 damage at the beginning of every turn you re-
you are a string, perhaps you cannot hijack peoples
main in contact with your foil.
minds. If you are a siphon, perhaps you can only heal or
You don't suffer from a mental disorder which cripples a
potent intelligence; you is just plain dumb. Your starting
Intelligence must be at least 10, and is then reduced to 6
and cannot be increased above 8. You suffer a 4 penal-
ty to both Wisdom and Charisma (minimum 6).
Benefit: You gain two apex talents and a +2 bonus
to one physical attribute (Str, Dex, or Con).
An apex character can choose from the following options
in addition to those presented in Ultramodern5.
These backgrounds are suitable for a character whose
apex abilities emerged early in life and proved so signifi-
cant that they overwhelmed any other formative influ-
ences such as school or career. Apex backgrounds can
complement apex ladders, but are not required in order
to choose an apex ladder or class. For a more 'street level
heroes' approach, you can even choose an apex back-
ground with a normal ladder, thereby limiting your pow-
er level (as you will not have access to higher tiers or be
able to use your proficiency bonus with your chosen tal-
One night, you had a dream. Images flashed through your
only hurt, not both. Or possibly you can only activate head that you couldn't explain. You didn't tell your family
your talents when a particular person is holding your about it; then on the news, you saw the nightmare
hand, or after eating certain foods. These conditions and confirmed. Even then, you might have disregarded it as
their rewards cannot be fully explored in detail, and so coincidence. Then it occurred again, and then again.
must be left to GM discretion. When it finally struck you while you were awake, you
Benefit: You can gain one to two apex talents, de- knew something was wrong.
pending on the severity of the limitation. Benefit: You gain one specter apex talent.
Languages: One of your choice.
Simple Deficiency Equipment: $15 on hand.
Suffer a permanent 6 penalty to one ability score (after
scores are assigned: min 3). CLICHD HERO
10 Benefit: You gain two apex talents. Wait, can I make fire? Yes you can. Or perhaps cold. You
admitted it was awesome and considered making a
Surge costume. Then you came to your senses. One YouTube
The character's apex abilities are locked behind some sort video would be a death sentence.
of trigger, whether emotional, physical, or environmental. Benefit: You gain one shaper apex talent.
Said trigger could come in the form of an emotional out- Languages: One of your choice.
burst, a drug injection, or specific environment. As an Equipment: $15 on hand.
action or reaction (depending on the trigger), the player
surges, gaining access to all apex talents at once. The trig-
gered talents remain in effect for two rounds at first level
From that day, as a child, when you mended that bird
+1 round every additional two character levels, termi-
with a broken wing, you knew you possessed a gift.
nating at the end of the player's last turn.
Whether or not you wanted to use that gift depended on
Benefit: The character gains one additional apex tal-
your upbringing. Whether you became a doctor or a
ent at first level, a 2nd at 7th level, a 3rd at 14th level, and
drifter, it's an ability you simply cant escape from. People
a 4th at 20th level. After using the apex surge, it cannot
who know of you seek you out, making your ability the
be used again until the character finishes a long rest.
most dangerous to use openly.
Benefit: You gain one siphon apex talent. wrong. You built robots in kindergarten and particle
Languages: One of your choice. accelerators in high school. You realized there was
Equipment: $15 on hand. something odd about your talent when the machines
began building themselves.
MEGA Benefit: You gain one tinker apex talent.
You excel in one field, whether it be physical or mental. Tool Proficiencies: One of your choice.
Everything comes naturally you. If it's in the mind, be it Languages: One of your choice.
math, language, really hard math, anything is possible. If Equipment: $15 on hand.
physical, you could always hit that ball, run faster or
longer, and lift more than anyone else. They assumed you TELEKINETIC
spent your life dedicated to this path, but in truth, it was You were never that stupid kid that stared at a penny until
something that came to you easily. They accused you of his nose began to bleed. At first, you didnt even notice.
cheating or drug use, but you won every appeal, and the You were surfing the net and reached for something out
medals and trophies you earned remain on your mantel. of reach and it just slid into your hand. Then there was
Benefit: You gain one apex talent. that time when you dropped something fragile and
Tool Proficiencies: One of your choice. stopped it mid-air before it could break. You then let it
Languages: One of your choice. fall too scared to understand the implications. But you
Equipment: $15 on hand. couldn't help but do it again.
Benefit: You gain one kinetic apex talent.
MUTANT Languages: One of your choice.
Theres a distinct probability you couldnt hide your gift. Equipment: $15 on hand.
It didnt appear that way at the beginning. Perhaps
surgeons tried fixing you. Perhaps you ran from those TELEPATH
mocking you into the arms of a circus. Your gift may be It started with just good instincts. You could feel
subtle or it may be gross, but in many ways it's a strength, someone's pain, when they were happy, even when they
and one you have learned to exploit. were lying. After a time, the voices started. Then one
Benefit: You gain one freak apex talent. day, you realized those voices weren't yours.
Languages: One of your choice. Benefit: You gain one string apex talent.
Equipment: $15 on hand. Languages: One of your choice.
Equipment: $15 on hand.
Everyone thought it was weird when you touched that TELEPORTER
exposed wire and didnt get hurt. They thought it was The instant before certain death, you blinked and found
weirder when you lit a light bulb with your thumb and yourself somewhere else. It could have been just five feet
index finger. It stopped being a novelty act when to the left or an hour into the future, instilling doubt it
someone you cared about was hurt. Every time you was all in your head. But it wasnt, and eventually you
pushed your talent, the more it developed until you realized your life was unbounded by any of the wall
realized there truly was no limit of what you could do with thrown up by any agency or government.
it. Benefit: You gain one flux apex talent.
Benefit: You gain one geiger apex talent. Languages: One of your choice.
Languages: One of your choice. Equipment: $15 on hand. 11
Equipment: $15 on hand.
SHAPESHIFTER Apex characters should use the following tables in place of
Everyone thought you were a good mimic. You could their regular equivalents in Ultramodern5's lifepath sec-
imitate animal calls, later upgrading to celebrities. Then tion.
there was that time when you began imitating someone
and your eyes changed to their color. That was going a bit
Benefit: You gain one morph apex talent.
Languages: One of your choice.
Equipment: $15 on hand.
You have always had a way with machines. It was like
they had a personality and could whisper to you what was
C2TRAGEDY 11-12: Youre an alcoholic. If separated
Roll 1d20 from alcohol for more than a day, you are
poisoned until your addiction is satisfied. You
1-2 Injury: You suffer a crippling wound. This
also cant use your apex talents.
could be from (1-10) an accident, or (11-
13-14: You developed a stutter, and have
20) in a battle. Roll 1d20 to determine
issues with public speaking. You have dis-
the extent of the injury.
advantage with both Charisma (Persuasion)
1-10: Most of the damage is internal or
and Charisma (Intimidation) checks.
psychological; most people dont notice.
15-16: You suffer from nightmares. Even if
11-12: You have scars or burns across
no one notices, it affects you. After you
your body, but most can be covered by
wake from unconscious, you have disad-
clothes. If a critical hit is scored on you,
vantage to ability checks and attack rolls for
youre stunned until the end of your next
five minutes. While suffering a nightmare,
there is a 50% chance your apex talents
13-14: You suffered facial scars or burns.
You have disadvantage with Charisma
17-18: You suffer from migraines. You
(Persuasion) checks.
have disadvantage with Intelligence ability
15-16: You developed hearing problems.
You have disadvantage with any ability
19-20: You love gambling, but this is not
check that requires hearing. If you also
necessarily limited to games; you may
have the Bad Hearing shortcoming, you
place yourself at risk in order to achieve
are completely deaf instead.
the same stimulus.
17: You developed a limp. Its noticeable
7-8 Lover, friend, or relative killed: Which
and may require a cane. Your speed is
one dies can be up to you or the GM,
reduced by 5 feet.
but it should be a lover or friend estab-
18: You lost a hand. Unless cybernetics
lished through life events or a relative
have advanced far enough, your func-
from your immediate family.
tionality is severely reduced. You lose
(Go to A3-Casualty, unless your apex talent
the function of one hand.
accidentally killed them)
19: An internal injury never fully healed.
9-10 Pursued by Criminals or Hidden Soci-
Its not visible, but it affects you. Your
ety: You have crossed some very dan-
hit points are reduced by 2 at 1st level,
gerous people and are now being hunted.
and you gain 1 hit point less every addi-
Alternatively, your apex talents might
tional level gained.
have been discovered, and may be either
20: You lost an eye, replaced with a false
required by some very dangerous people,
eye or patch. Advances in cybernetics
or despised by some very dangerous peo-
may mitigate this penaltyotherwise,
ple. This may continue to the present, or
you cannot score a critical hit.
be resolved in the same event or a later
3-4 Addiction: You developed a substance
event. Roll 1d20 to determine who hunts
addiction. You can try to kick the habit in
game (you may kick it later in life habits),
1-6: You crossed a small gang, forcing you
but it shouldnt be easy. If separated from
to avoid certain areas.
your fix for more than a day, you are poi-
7-11: A small organization put a mark on
soned until your addiction is satisfied. You
12 also cant use any apex talents. Roll 1d20.
12-15: You crossed a prominent crime
1-6: Caffeine
family or small secret order.
7-11: Alcohol
16-18: You ticked off a major syndicate
12-14: Cannabis
with connections across the land.
15-16: Tobacco
19-20: Turns out, you cut the finger of a
17-18: Prescription drugs
massive unlawful body with shell corpora-
19: Amphetamines
tions and influence over governments.
20: Opioids
11-12 Illness: You either contract a major illness
5-6 Psychological Trauma: You suffered an
or a hereditary disease rears its ugly head.
ordeal which left permanent emotional
You spend a time suffering from it. Pick a
scars or even a behavioral addiction. Roll
specific condition. Roll 1d20 to deter-
1d20 to determine the trauma.
mine the affliction. Your affliction may be
1-10: You wake up every morning sudden-
related to your emerging apex talents.
ly. You are slightly moody. You sweat on
1-10: Stage 0You contract an infectious
occasion in stressful situations. These are
disease and for a while the prognosis
minor manifestations that dont affect you
looked grim. Thankfully, you pulled
greatly, but friends notice.
through with only minor aftereffects.
11-14: Stage 1You cannot fully recover 15-16 Debt: What you owe can be financial or
from your condition and must manage it personal. It could be to a government or
with medication. If properly dosed, no to one person. Roll 1d20 to determine
one notices your situation. If you are de- to what extent you owe.
nied your pill, injection, or treatment, you do 1-6: Someone, somewhere, did you favor,
not recover any Hit Dice after a long rest and something you needed at the time. This
cannot use any apex talents. is not entirely financial, but they can call
15-17: Stage 2Despite regular medica- on you anytime for help.
tion, everyone that knows you is aware 7-11: You were saddled with incredible
youll never be 100%. You suffer from the amounts of debt, which thankfully you
Level 1 impairment, and you also have disad- have resolved in your later life. However,
vantage with Constitution ability checks. the stigma of that liability lingers, prevent-
18-19: Stage 3Your condition is appar- ing you from taking chances financially or
ent to most everyone. Friends worry; even getting approval for credit.
strangers often keep their distance. You 12-16: Your debt derives from some very
suffer from the Level 1 and Level 2 impair- bad decisions, decisions that you are still
ments, and at the start of every morning, you paying for. Your debt is $1d6x100.
suffer hit point loss equal to 10% of your When paid by a later event or in game,
total hit points. This can be healed through your debt is fulfilled.
any available means. 17-18: There is not legal recourse; this is
20: Stage 4Its honestly a miracle youre bad. You owe some powerful people a
still alive. Theres no doubt that your lot of money. You better appease them
lifespan has been reduced from an afflic- or make installments; otherwise you
tion that you suffer from daily. You suffer might find a price on your head. Your
from the Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 impair- debt is $1d6x1,000. When paid by a later
ments, and your hit points are reduced by 2 event or in game, your debt is fulfilled.
at 1st level, and you gain 1 hit point less 19-20: In cash or blood, you must repay
every additional level gained. this obligation. In lieu of a very dangerous
13-14 Pursued by the Law: From tax evasion mission, your debt is massive. Your debt
to premeditated murder, an arrest was is $1d6x10,000. When paid by a later
issued with your face and name. You and/ event or in game, your debt is fulfilled.
or the GM can decide if the accusation 17-18 Imprisonment: Youve either been kid-
was legitimate or not. Perhaps you were napped or sent to prison. It is also very
framed. Depending on the setting, it likely your apex talents were discovered
could be apex related. That aspect is up and an organization wishing to control
to choice (and should be assumed for the you managed to finally catch up.
major crimes). The severity of the crime Whether or not you get out at the end is
and the lengths people will go to your up to you or the GM. Roll 1d20 to deter-
capture is not. Roll 1d20 to determine mine the number of months served. If
who pursues you. apex related, you never get out, and must
1-6: You honestly dont know the big deal, roll a later life event as an appropriate
but obviously someone does. Outside of windfall, or even by the tragedies
a few police officer that know you, most pursued by the law or pursued by
others wont even bother chasing you. criminals or hidden society. If so, you 13
7-11: Its a relatively minor offense (petty can either be released under monitoring,
theft, drug use) in a small town, though or most likely escape, resulting in a hunt.
still warranting jail time. There is also the possibility this imprison-
12-15: Its a major crime (grand theft, drug ment was imposed because of your apex
dealing), though you are relatively safe if potential, and it was here where your
you avoid the big cities. talents emerged. Either that, or some-
16-18: The state or local militia have post- thing occurred there that made your
ed rewards for information leading to more powerful. There is a 50% chance
your capture. This sort of crime you gain 1 apex talentthough only one
(individual murder, organized crime, serial can be achieved this way.
robbery, sex crimes) is considered se- 19-20 Failure: Your career has faltered. Some-
vere. thing you have been working on for a
19-20: A national police force is dedicated very long time has failed miserably. You
to your capture. Information regarding may need to reconsider your goals, per-
you has spread to every corner of the haps even your direction in life. Roll
globe. This crime is nothing less than 1d20 to determine how bad you screwed
terrorism, spree killings, or serial murder. up.
1-7: The failure cost you financially. You 16-17: The president of a corporation. In
lose $3d6x10 from starting money. medieval times, a duke or baron.
8-12: You lose your current status at your 18-19: Royalty or the president of a multi-
employment. If you had a rank, you are national corporation.
demoted. If it was a corporate job, you 20: This person runs a country.
were banished to a lower floor. 3-4 Informant: Differentiated from favor, this
13-17: You were fired outright or placed is a connection that supplies information
on leave. If in the military, you are busted or their skill when called upon. This is
down to private. probably someone you helped or a friend
18-20: You lose everything, your position, in a position of access. An informant has
your rank, and any hope of following that one dominant skill, rolled with a +8 bo-
career again. What did you do? It might nusthis check has advantage. You can
have been unethical. Was it warranted, call on an informant once a week. The
or were you framed? informant will never put oneself at risk
and wont have access to anything outside
of whats around.
C3WINDFALL Roll 1d20 for identity and skill.
Roll 1d20 1-2: Professor. Intelligence (History)
1-2 Earned Favor: Someone appreciates your 3-4: Scientist. Intelligence (Nature/
actions. You might have saved a life or Sciences)
offered critical advice at the right time. A 5-6: Doctor. Wisdom (Medicine)
debt is owed that you can call on. How 7-8: Hacker. Intelligence (Computer Use)
you can call on this favor and how often 9-10: Engineer. Intelligence (Engineering)
you can be determined below. A favor 11-12: Priest. Intelligence (Religion)
can supply equipment, transportation, 13-14: Entertainer. Charisma
access, money, or even military support. (Performance)
Roll 1d20 for frequency and influence. 15-16: Charlatan. Charisma (Deception)
Frequency 17-18: Private Investigator. Intelligence
1-7: The debtor is limited to what she can (Investigation)
accomplish by herself. 19-20: Survivalist. Wisdom (Survival)
8-13: You can call of them for a single fa- 5-6 Wealth: What a stroke of luck, youve
vor a level, or one big favor that will re- come into some money. Dont spend it
solve the obligation. all at once. Roll 1d20 for amount .
14-18: You can call on them, big or small, 1-7: It wasnt much, a tax refund probably.
but you are limited to six favors total. You gain $3d6x10.
19-20: You can call on them, big or small, 8-13: You received a bonus, a commission,
but are limited to two favors per level. or a bank error in your favor. You gain
Influence $6d6x10.
1-6: The debt is owed by a single person 14-18: Youve had a good night gambling,
who can or will only supply oneself. or finished a long-term project. Maybe
7-11: The debtor can bring in a small you won a contest. You gain $1d4x1000.
group, like a gang, retinue, or a few em- 19-20: This is nothing short of a lottery
ployees. win, inheritance, or a bank heist. Howev-
14 12-15: The debtor will bring in dozens of er, the money is put aside for a rainy day.
people if necessary, calling on the right You gain the following bonuses when
people for the right job. achieving the listed level: 1st level - $500;
16-18: The debtor has power and influ- 5th level 2,500; 10th level - $10,000;
ence across hundreds, and can call on 15th level $55,000.
favors as well. 7-8 Apex / Combat Training: You find a
19-20: The debtor will move heaven and martial-arts / weapons teacher or stumble
earth to appease you and may be able to across someone willing to train your apex
do so. You want an army? talents. Each time you gain this windfall,
Identity you learn an additional tier. Select Com-
1-5: A relative nobody but who obviously bat or Apex tiers.
has connections you dont know about. Combat Tier 1: You gain 1d4 weapon
6-9: The military or police commander. proficiencies.
10-12: A lord, small-town mayor, or the Combat Tier 1: You gain 1d4 weapon
president of small company. proficiencies.
13-15: The patriarch or matriarch of a Combat Tier 2: You gain a +2 bonus to
major crime family. initiative.
Combat Tier 3: Your speed increases by 17-18 Recovery: You recover from one effect
+5 feet. from the Tragedy table you are suffer-
Combat Tier 4: You gain 1 feat. ing from (chosen by you or the GM).
Apex Tier 1: When pushing apex, if you 19-20 Personal Treasure: You discovered,
fail your check, you reduce your final role were bequeathed, or were given some-
by 3 when calculating consequence. thing of value: something you treasure
Apex Tier 2: You gain 1 apex talent. more than most other things and would
Apex Tier 3: When pushing apex, if you never sell even if you were starving to
fail your check, you reduce your final role death (not that you would get anything,
by 3 (6 total) when calculating conse- as selling it would only net you 1/10 its
quence. original value). Select one item worth
Apex Tier 4: You gain 1 apex talent. $5,000 or less as your item.
9-10 Education Grant: People believe youre
smart and throw money your way in or-
der to develop your skills further. Each
time you gain an education grant, you gain
proficiency in one skill or tool of your
choice as well as one additional language.
11-12 Recognition: You have been bestowed a
well-deserved award, perhaps a gilded
trophy. Maybe a medal. This doesnt
assume a contest. If in the military, you
receive medals; you dont win them. If in
academia, you receive acknowledgement
for a peer-reviewed paper which has ad-
vanced your field. You have advantage on
Charisma (Persuasion) checks with other
people in in the same field that know of your
13-14 Apex Emergence: One of two possibili-
ties occur. Firstly, your talents mani-
fested early, and what occurred was an
unexpected surge in power, probably
dramatic, perhaps coinciding with the
revelation to others that you are spe-
cial. Secondly, your talents hadnt
emerged at all, and suddenly express
themselves in a extraordinary fashion.
This type of emergence is generally non
-destructive, or if it is, has minor collat-
eral effects. You gain 1 apex talent. Only
1 apex talent can be acquired this way.
15-16 Reputation / Rank: If in the military, you 15
achieve a promotion. If on contract,
you are able to raise your prices based
on reputation alone. You are given
more authority, influence over under-
lings or employees. This may have
reaching aftereffects in the game. You
have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation)
checks with other people under you com-
mand or influence.
based on what you are and how you live your life. These
include various mental and physical disciplines as well as
natural talents. Although some classes and ladders obvi-
Introduced in Ultramodern5, a ladder grants minimal ously complement each other, any ladder can be com-
features at character creation but develops at subse- bined with any class. Each ladder also includes a number
quent levels. Ladders grant access to special abilities, of ladder gains, which are additional benefits meant to
feats, enhancement bonuses, resources, and alternate compensate for the lack of magic items in standard Ultra-
power choices at the listed levels. modern5. If your game includes magical items, alien arti-
facts, or the like, disregard these gains.
At 1st level, you can select a ladder. You gain the
ladder's 1st-level feature, and can choose to gain its addi-
16 tional features instead of choosing an ability score in- FLUX
crease or a feat at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th levels. Key Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom
In essence, ladders are a collection of similarly themed When you look reality in the eye, it blinks. If there is a
feats with an additional benefit when selected at 1st lev- God or celestial will which shaped the universe, it did not
el. intend you to be a part of it. You break the cosmoss
most cherished laws at least that's what some people
You do not have to select the ladder's additional fea- think. Regardless of your views on creation or the lack
tures at their listed levels if you would rather gain the thereof, youre simply a human who believes that the
normal ability score increase or a different feat. Howev- universe should play fair. Everything works because the
er, all ladder features must be taken in order: you can't universe is built upon a foundation of infallible rules in-
skip a feature if you want a later one, and not choosing volving physics, biology, and chemistry. After mankind
all the features prevents you from being able to achieve realized the world was made up of more than just four
the apex of the ladder. Most ladder features include an elements, these laws were discovered. Then we looked
ability score increase, so there is little incentive not to closer and found these same rules disregarded, replaced
take them. with new ones to govern the very small. The universe
cheats; it sets rules and then goes about breaking them.
Unlike classes, which fill specific roles, ladders are You simply ignore that limitation which demands you
conform to the laws of space-time. You can move from
location to location without making the transition. You
can create rips in the universe, slow down time, or even
travel to a future or past event. The risk lies in ensuring
you don't end up somewhere where you're not supposed
As a flux, you gain all the following ladder features at
character generation.
You gain one flux apex talent.
Beginning when you choose this ladder at 1st level, you
can use Wisdom or Intelligence in place of Dexterity for
attack and damage rolls with ranged attacks. Select Intel-
ligence or Wisdom as your primary apex ability.
PERSONAL COSMOS Additionally, you also gain one flux apex talent.
You gain proficiency with apex checks and attacks.
LADDER FEATS At 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your
CLOCKSMITH choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your
At 4th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20
choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20 using this feature except for your primary flux ability,
using this feature except for your primary flux ability, which has a maximum value of 22.
which has a maximum value of 22.
Additionally, you also gain one flux apex talent.
Additionally, you also gain one flux apex talent.
TICK You gain one additional flux apex talent at 5th, 11 th, and
At 8th level, you can increase one ability score of your 17th level.
choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20
using this feature except for your primary flux ability,
which has a maximum value of 22.
Key Abilities: Dexterity / Strength
Additionally, you also gain one flux apex talent. Youre an abomination, something that probably should
have been stifled at birth. Granted, some of your abilities
are hidden, with some only emerging under stress, but
TOCK others are permanent, making you resemble something
At 12th level, you can increase one ability score of your suited in the back tent of a sideshow carnival. Youre able
choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20 to modify your body in ways not reflective of any animal.
using this feature except for your primary flux ability, This includes the manipulation of your bone structure,
which has a maximum value of 22. your muscles, even altering your size and the position of
your limbs. This has unfortunately placed you at the top
Additionally, you also gain one flux apex talent. of the list of the hunted by those aware of apex existence.
You stand out easily in a crowd and not in a good way. If
RELATIVE TIME SLIP you were a morph, there would at least be something
At 16th level, you can increase one ability score of your exotic about you. Alas, very little is appealing; the small-
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your est consolidation is that these deformities have their ad-
choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20 vantages, though many freaks live their lives without eve-
using this feature except for your primary flux ability, ry knowing or understanding it. To most its a curse they
which has a maximum value of 22. would kill to be rid of.
LADDER FEATURES choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20
using this feature except for your primary freak ability,
As a freak, you gain all the following ladder features at which has a maximum value of 22.
character generation.
Additionally, you also gain one freak apex talent.
You gain one apex freak talent. LADDER GAINS
You gain one additional freak apex talent at 5th, 11th, and
FLESH IS STRONG 17th level.
Beginning when you choose this ladder at 1st level, you
can use Strength in place of Dexterity for all attack and
damage rolls with ranged weapons. You cannot use this GEIGER
ability with thrown explosives. Select Strength or Dexteri- Key Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom
ty as your primary apex ability. As a geiger, youre not one that merely controls the abili-
ties of apex, you are made of it. You consider yourself the
IN THE HEART embodiment of the undefined, paranormal power which
You gain proficiency with apex checks and attacks. others tapunlimited human spirit and its capacity to
alter the universe around it. This manifests itself as direct
LADDER FEATS energy manipulation. Not only can you generate varying
levels of radiation, you can also focus it into directed en-
DAMNED MUTANT ergy bursts, effectively turning you into a walking nuclear
At 4th level, you can increase one ability score of your reactor. You could light a city if you wanted. Because
choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20 your capacity to control energy has no limit, it can also
using this feature except for your primary freak ability, expand to boosting others with apex abilities, making
which has a maximum value of 22. them more powerful. Alternately, you can also neuter
nearby apexes, suppressing their powers and evening the
Additionally, you also gain one freak apex talent. playing field. Unlike other apexes, your abilities have
made you wanted by all sides in the conflict. However,
WEIRDO they also know you to be the most dangerous, as some
consider you a walking atomic weapon.
At 8th level, you can increase one ability score of your
choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20
using this feature except for your primary freak ability, LADDER FEATURES
which has a maximum value of 22. As a geiger, you gain all the following ladder features at
character generation.
Additionally, you also gain one freak apex talent.
GROTESQUE You gain the apex capacitor talent.
At 12th level, you can increase one ability score of your
choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20
using this feature except for your primary freak ability,
which has a maximum value of 22. You gain proficiency with apex checks and attacks.
Additionally, you also gain one geiger apex talent. TRUE MAGICIAN
At 12th level, you can increase one ability score of your
LADDER GAINS choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20
You gain one additional geiger apex talent at 5th, 11th, using this feature except for your primary kinetic ability,
and 17th level. which has a maximum value of 22.
Additionally, you also gain one kinetic apex talent. Additionally, you also gain one morph apex talent.
Additionally, you also gain one phenom apex talent. NOVELTY ACTS
You gain the novelty acts talent.
LADDER FEATS ents to cause harm. There are those that take their gift
into the worst of hells to bring kindness to the needy.
ELEMENTAL FOCUS Many others are just greedy, bestowing their power onto
At 4th level, you can increase one ability score of your only those with deep pockets. Siphons can save lives or
choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20 take them, depending often on their mood. What's not
using this feature except for your primary shaper ability, widely shared is that their power is based on the ex-
which has a maximum value of 22. change of energy, and when healing, siphons must give of
their own. This can have long term effects, moderated by
Additionally, you also gain one shaper apex talent. feeding on victims. By siphoning energy from those will-
ing or not, youre able to bestow that on others or your-
ELEMENT STARTER self. Beyond just healing injuries, it can also make certain
At 8th level, you can increase one ability score of your individuals, including yourself, more powerful. No other
choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20 ability carries with it such risk of corruption. It only takes
using this feature except for your primary shaper ability, that one logical conclusion that in order to save life, you
which has a maximum value of 22. must also take itthat your own gift permits you to be
judge over who lives and dies. Some people have found
Additionally, you also gain one shaper apex talent. balance between these two extremes. Where do you
At 12th level, you can increase one ability score of your LADDER FEATURES
choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20 As a siphon, you gain all the following ladder features at
using this feature except for your primary shaper ability, character generation.
which has a maximum value of 22.
Additionally, you also gain one shaper apex talent.
Beginning when you choose this ladder at 1st level, you
can use Wisdom or Constitution for all attack and damage
BENDER rolls. Select either Wisdom or Constitution as your apex
At 16th level, you can increase one ability score of your ability.
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your
choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20 VAMPIRIC WILL
using this feature except for your primary shaper ability,
You gain proficiency with apex checks and attacks.
which has a maximum value of 22.
Additionally, you also gain one shaper apex talent. SPIRITUAL CAPACITOR
You gain the spiritual capacitor talent.
At 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your HEALTHY BODY /
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your HEALTHY MIND
choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20 At 4th level, you can increase one ability score of your
using this feature except for your primary shaper ability,
22 which has a maximum value of 22.
choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20
using this feature except for your primary siphon ability,
which has a maximum value of 22.
Additionally, you also gain one shaper apex talent. Additionally, you also gain one siphon apex talent.
At 16th level, you can increase one ability score of your
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your
choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20
using this feature except for your primary siphon ability,
which has a maximum value of 22.
At 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your
choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20
using this feature except for your primary siphon ability,
which has a maximum value of 22.
You gain one additional siphon apex talent at 5th, 11 th,
and 17th level.
Key Abilities: Wisdom, Intelligence
As a specter, you are able to predict the future with an
alarming degree of accuracy through an unconscious per-
ception of the bellwether and domino effects. You may
not understand why someone will do something, only that
they will do it. Whats important to understand, and
which you still might not, is that these visions are not set
in stone. You are not viewing the future, only one possi-
ble future based on existing actions, actions which may mune with the dead, or project your eyes to virtually any
instantly change upon your knowledge of them, meaning point on Earth or any point in history, assuming you have
future events are always in flux. You may not believe in a connection to that place or time. 23
determinism as you have personally seen your predictions
not come true after you attempted to change them. LADDER FEATURES
As a specter, you gain all the following ladder features at
character generation.
This talent began as simple dj vu; but yours began to
develop until being able to predict future events in perfect
clarity. Manifestations first came in the form of visions TALENTED SPECTER
you had to interpret until they eventually evolved into a You gain one apex specter talent.
constant anticipation of the future, occasionally
prompting you to change things simply to see events you DEFINING ABILITY
couldnt predict. You gain proficiency with apex checks and attacks.
At 16th level, you can increase one ability score of your LADDER FEATS
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your IRONCLAD MIND
choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20 At 4th level, you can increase one ability score of your
using this feature except for your primary specter ability, choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20
which has a maximum value of 22. using this feature except for your primary string ability,
which has a maximum value of 22.
Additionally, you also gain one specter apex talent.
Additionally, you also gain one string apex talent.
24 At 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your BRAINHACKER
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your At 8th level, you can increase one ability score of your
choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20 choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20
using this feature except for your primary specter ability, using this feature except for your primary string ability,
which has a maximum value of 22. which has a maximum value of 22.
Additionally, you also gain one string apex talent.
Additionally, you also gain one specter apex talent.
LADDER GAINS At 12th level, you can increase one ability score of your
You gain one additional specter apex talent at 5th, 11th, choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20
and 17th level. using this feature except for your primary string ability,
which has a maximum value of 22.
You gain one additional string apex talent at 5th, 11th, and Additionally, you also gain one tinker apex talent.
17th level.
TINKER At 12th level, you can increase one ability score of your
choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20
Key Abilities: Intelligence
More than any other apex, as a tinker, you understand using this feature except for your primary tinker ability,
your ability, its source, and what it can do. Part of your which has a maximum value of 22.
talent is in the comprehension of that which confounds
others. Most of the time, this ability is focused on under- Additionally, you also gain one tinker apex talent.
standing machines, offering you the means to build any-
thing from scratch from electronic circuits to robots, even PROPELLERHEAD
in a time when robots still reside in science fiction. How- At 16th level, you can increase one ability score of your
ever, this capability can also extend to organic machines choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your
as well, even to the extent of replicating other apex pow- choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20
ers. That would come later after years of tearing open using this feature except for your primary tinker ability,
electronic devices to the ire of your parents. Your com- which has a maximum value of 22.
puters were more powerful; your car drove faster. With
the slightest touch, you could perceive the placement of Additionally, you also gain one tinker apex talent.
circuits and processors, and through a subtle use of teleki-
nesis, alter them to your advantage. As a result, of all NERDGASM 25
apex abilities, yours is the most difficult to discover, as At 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your
youre the only one who doesnt generate electromag- choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your
netic interference when presenting the extremes of your choice by 1. You cant increase an ability score above 20
natural talent. using this feature except for your primary tinker ability,
which has a maximum value of 22.
As a tinker, you gain all the following ladder features at Additionally, you also gain one tinker apex talent.
character generation.
TALENTED TINKER You gain one additional tinker apex talent at 5th, 11th, and
You gain one apex tinker talent. 17th level.
You gain proficiency with apex checks and attacks.
one you would empathize with. Whether youre one of
the hunters or the hunted, you operate beyond the rules
of regular society. In every way, you are extraordinary,
There is only one new class and one new archetype, all both in your abilities and in the conditions that apply to
focusing on developing your natural apex talents. Like you. If you were to lose your edge, you would fall back to
ladders, they only offer you the ability to gain more apex being an ordinary person, another cog in a machine.
talents. Those whose apex talents are not their most de-
fining feature should choose a class from Ultramodern5 or
another Fifth Edition compatible class. The chrysalis class CLASS FEATURES
and evolved archetype are only for those apex characters As a chrysalis, you gain the following class features.
whose talents utterly define their life, with no room to
spare for anything else. HIT POINTS
Hit Dice: 1d8 per chrysalis level
CHRYSALIS Hit Points at 1st level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitu-
You were just a regular joe with a regular job. You dont
tion modifier chrysalis level after 1st
believe yourself upwardly mobile. It if wasnt for your
26 abilities, youd be just another drone plodding along in an
Special: You can reduce your Hit Dice to 1d6 to gain 1
apex talent. Consequently, your hit points gained at 1st
ordinary life. But you are special. You are a beautiful and
level are reduced to 6 + your Constitution modifier, and
unique snowflake. You're not the same decaying organic
your hit points at higher levers decrease to 1d6 (or 4).
matter as everything else. You are not what you buy. You
Regardless of multiclassing or feats taken, your Hit Dice
are not your job. You are the peak of human evolution,
cannot be higher than 1d6. Additionally, You can re-
the apex. You have stopped trying to deny your talents.
duce your Hit Dice to 1d4 to gain 1 additional apex tal-
In fact, youve embraced them, forsaking anything else,
ent (2 total). Your hit points gained at 1st level are re-
even if by choice. Perhaps youve been running since a
duced to 4 + your Constitution modifier, and your hit
child, or maybe you emerged late, blossoming from your
points at higher levers decrease to 1d4 (or 3). Regard-
office cubicle fully formed like Athena from Zeus. The god
less of multiclassing or feats taken, your Hit Dice cannot
comparison is probably apt. You may think yourself supe-
be higher than 1d4.
rior. You may think yourself above those defined by their
belongings or their pay grade. No matter how you define
a normal person, whether begging for change on the PROFICIENCIES
streets, or trading stocks in a financial market, they are all Armor: Light armor
slaves to a system they insist must function as is. It could Weapons: All simple weapons
be an economical or a social system but its unlikely to be Saving Throws: Select any two ability scores
Skills: Select any four skills. Proficiency Apex
Level Special
Special: You can reduce your skill profi- Bonus Talents
ciencies to only two and gain one apex 1 +2 2 Apex Talents, Naturally Proficient
talent. You can remove your profi- 2 +2 3
ciency bonus to both your saving 3 +2 3 Archetype feature
throws and receive one apex talent. 4 +2 3 Ability Score Improvement
5 +3 4
6 +3 5
EQUIPMENT 7 +3 5 Archetype feature
You start with the following equipment
8 +3 5 Ability Score Improvement
in addition to the equipment granted by
9 +4 6
your background:
10 +4 7
$300 in gear. 11 +4 7 Archetype feature
12 +4 7 Ability Score Improvement
Starting at 1st level, you begin develop- 14 +5 9
ing your apex talents. You receive two 15 +5 9 Archetype feature
apex talents. You gain one additional 16 +5 9 Ability Score Improvement
apex talent at 2nd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th 17 +6 10
13th, 14th, 17th, and 20th level. 18 +6 10 Archetype feature
19 +6 10 Ability Score Improvement
NATURALLY 20 +6 11
Geiger: Face, Gunslinger, Marshal, Techie
You gain proficiency with apex checks and attacks.
Kinetic: Gunslinger, Heavy, Infiltrator, Martial Artist
Morph: Heavy, Infiltrator, Martial Artist, Sniper
ARCHETYPE Phenom: Any, depending on talent choice
At 3rd level, you choose an archetype from the archetype Shaper: Gunslinger, Marshal, Medic, Techie
chapter. The archetype you choose grants you features at Siphon: Face, Marshal, Martial Artist, Medic
3rd level and again at 7th, 11th, 15th, and 18th level. Specter: Face, Infiltrator, Marshal, Sniper
String: Face, Infiltrator, Medic, Techie
Tinker: Face, Grounder, Infiltrator, Techie
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your You gain proficiency with apex checks and attacks.
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your
choice by 1. As normal, you cant increase an ability score EVOLVED APEX
above 20 using this feature. Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level
you gain one apex talent. You gain one additional apex
EVOLVED talent at 7th, 11th, 15th, and 18th level.
This is no longer a hobby. Theres no turning back.
Youve dedicated yourself to the path. Whether that
leads to hero or villain is up to you. You have come so far,
reached farther than you thought possible, unlocking abil-
ities you could only dream of. And now all that concerns
you is seeing how powerful you can truly become. The
question still remains, how much humanity will you sacri-
fice to find your upper limit?
This archetype works with any Ultramodern5 class, but
some apex talents fit certain classes better than others:
Flux: Grounder, Gunslinger, Infiltrator, Martial Artist
Freak: Grounder, Heavy, Martial Artist, Sniper
all them what you will -- superpowers, mira- ALTER
cles, giftsapex talents are abilities that are Talents with the alter keyword indicate a change of
not remotely possible in the real world. These shape or status. Most have a specific duration, indicated
talents are presented within a customizable in the talent's description. You can only have one alter
framework that allows all characters, regardless of cho- talent active at a time: using a second automatically ends
sen class, access to the full range of apex abilities. Within the first.
this framework, each player has broad leeway to develop
her abilities as she sees fit rather than being locked into a
predetermined path. CONCENTRATION
Some apex talents require you to maintain concentration
When acquire a talent for the first time, you start at in order to keep the talent active, just like you would
28 tier 1; selecting that talent again increases its tier. Sever- with spells in a magical setting. If you lose concentration,
al talents, and specific tiers of talents, have a minimum the talents effect ends. If a talent must be maintained
character level requirement, but otherwise tiers are not with concentration, that fact appears in its entry, and the
directly linked to character level: for instance, if you hap- talent specifies how long you can concentrate on it. You
pen to have four talent choices available to you as a 1st- can end concentration at any time (no action required).
level character, you could start play with the combat tel- Normal activity, such as moving and attacking, doesnt
eport talent at tier 4. Some talents list a starting tier interfere with concentration. The following factors can
higher than tier 1: if you wish to select this talent, you break concentration:
must have at least one other talent from the same the-
matic group at the tier immediately below the new tal- Attempting another talent requiring concentration.
ent's starting tier (for instance, to select the geiger talent (you cant concentrate on two talents at once)
nuclear accelerator, you would have to possess at least Whenever you take damage while you are concen-
one other geiger talent at tier 2 first). trating on a talent, you must make an apex ability
check to maintain your concentration. The DC equals
You can only select a specific tier (including the base) 10 or half the damage you take, whichever number is
once unless stated otherwise. higher. If you take damage from multiple sources, you
make a separate check for each source of damage.
Flux Talents Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Bullet-Time 1 1 1 1 6
Combat Teleport 1 1 1 1 7 13 19
Displacement Sever 1 1 5 10 15
Enlarge Jump Gate 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 15
Focus Time 1 2 3 4
Gate Rush 1 2 4 8
Gate Shield 1 1 2 6 12
Gate Vortex 1 2 4 8
Improved Reaction Time 1 3
Jumper 1 1 1 3 6 12
Long-Range Teleport 1 1 2 5 10 15
Mirror, Mirror 5 10 15 20
Nick Of Time 1 2 3 4 5 8
Orange / Blue 1 1 3 6 12
Partial Teleport 1 1 3
Spastic Teleport 1 2 4 8
Time Freeze 6 12 18
Time Lapse 1 1 1 2 3 6
Tier 6
You take a moment to appreciate the... well... moment.
6th Level (Tier 6): Either as a bonus action or a reac-
tion, you stop time for five (relative) seconds, allowing
you to take another full turn. Time moves only for you: all
other creatures are considered paralyzed. If you inflict
damage on any creature or attempt to move it or place it
in danger, the effect immediately ends. After you use this
talent, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
12th level (Tier 7): Instead of one turn (5 seconds),
you can freeze time for up to one minute.
18th level (Tier 8): Instead of one minute, you can
freeze time for up to one hour.
Push (DC 20): If time freeze is about to expire natu-
rally (as opposed to ending prematurely), you can make
an apex check as a free action to sustain it for an equal
amount of time.
Tier 1
You create a momentary and localized temporal shift to
outmaneuver your enemy.
1st Level (Tier 1): As a reaction to being hit with an
attack, your AC increases by +2 against the triggered
1st Level (Tier 2): As a reaction to being subjected to
Freak Talents Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Actual Wings 1 1 2 3 6 12
All Hands 1 1 1 5 10
Aquatic 1 1 1 1 3
Bone Blade 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 6 13
Bone Shield 1 1 1 1 5 10 15
Choppers 1 1 1 3 5 10 12
Clay 1 1 1 1 1 3 6 9 12 15
Digitigrade 1 1 3 6 9 12
Iron Nails 1 1 1 1 1 5 7 10 15
Juggernaut 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 8 12
Knuckle Spines 1 1 1 3 5 7 10 15 17
Metalform 1 1 2 3 5 8 10 15
Natural Nose 1 1 1 2 3
Rhinohide 1 3 5 7 10
Silvercaps 1 1 5 10
Tail 1 2 5 7
Wicked Tongue 1 1 2 3
GEIGER TALENTS number of damage points equal to your apex ability modi-
fier: excess damage is dealt normally. The damage points
Geiger talents are based around energy manipulation,
can be used to augment other geiger talents. Any damage
both spiritual energy and straight-up radiation. There are
remaining stored when you finish a short or long rest is
only a handful of tier 1 talents, each one implying a tone
for the rest of the characters growth. Anti-apex field is
1st Level (Tier 2): The base size of your capacitor is
about denying other apex talents, while collider is a
two times your apex ability modifier.
straight-up energy beam. Finally apex capacitor is based
1st Level (Tier 3): You can absorb damage from area
around energy absorption and redirection, and is a recom-
effects including explosives.
mendation regardless of any path.
1st Level (Tier 4): The base size of your capacitor is
three times your apex ability modifier.
ANTI-APEX FIELD 2nd Level (Tier 5): If struck by an area effect which
Tier 1, Concentration targets you and other creatures/objects, you can absorb
You emanate a massive harmonic wave to disrupt any the damage inflicted on other targets. If you absorb all
attempt by anyone to do anything extraordinary... except the damage suffered to all targets, all other effects of the
for the one you are doing right now. It levels the playing attack are nullified.
field, even to the extent of people reverting to their nor- 3rd Level (Tier 6): The base size of your capacitor is
mal selves. four times your apex ability modifier.
1st Level (Tier 1): As an action, you create a field in a 4th Level (Tier 7): You can absorb energy from falling
10-foot radius around you that lasts for one minute or damage and crashing vehicles. If you absorb all the dam-
until you stop concentrating. Any creatures within cannot age from a crash, the vehicle stops in front of you.
use apex talents (other than you sustaining this one) while 6th Level (Tier 8): The base size of your capacitor is
38 within the field. When the effect ends, you cannot use it
again until you finish a long rest.
five times your apex ability modifier.
12th Level (Tier 9): The base size of your capacitor is
1st Level (Tier 2): The radius of anti-apex field increas- six times your apex ability modifier.
es to 20 feet . Push (DC 15): Until the end of your next turn, the
4th Level (Tier 3): The radius of anti-apex field in- amount of damage you can store is doubled. If the stored
creases to 40 feet. damage exceeds your normal maximum at the end of
6th Level (Tier 4): The radius of anti-apex field in- your next turn, you immediately take the excess as
creases to 80 feet. damage (which cannot be avoided by any means). You
Push (DC 15): Increase your tier by 1 for this action. can continue to push each turn as a bonus action to
sustain the expanded value.
APEX CAPACITOR Special: If you have any damage resistance, you can
Tier 1 choose to store damage points before applying your
You absorb incoming energy meant to harm and convert it resistance.
into a force you control.
1st Level (Tier 1): As a reaction to getting hit with a
melee or ranged attack, the damage inflicted is stored in
an internal energy reservoir. You can store a maximum
CANCER MAN er to 1d10.
Tier 3 6th Level (Tier 6): If you have two free hands. you
Instead of focusing your energy inward, you use it to can make two attacks as part of one collider action. You
regenerate your own cells. must keep track of how long each hand is charging (as you
1st Level (Tier 3): As a bonus action, you can spend can now launch one while charging the other).
any amount of damage from your apex capacitor to recov- 10th Level (Tier 7): The range of collider increases to
er an equal number of hit points. After you use this tal- 200 feet.
ent, you cant use it again until you finish a long rest. 14th Level (Tier 8): If collider is charged to max,
3rd Level (Tier 4): You recover additional hit points when you launch an attack, all targets within 5-feet of the
equal to your apex ability modifier when using cancer impact point must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking
man. half the direct damage on a failed save, or one-quarter as
5th Level (Tier 5): You can use this talent twice before much on a successful one.
being required to finish long rest. 18th Level (Tier 9): You can charge collider for six
7th Level (Tier 6): You can use this talent three times turns. At max, the blast radius around the target increas-
being required to finish a long rest. es to 10 feet.
Push (DC 15): Charge collider one additional time, up
to the maximum. You can attempt this twice per sphere.
Tier 2
You augment your attack with a burst of blinding energy.
1st Level (Tier 2): As a part of a hit you make with Tier 2
another geiger talent, you channel additional damage You are basically a walking batteryyour hair may even
from apex capacitor up to twice your apex ability modifier stand on end.
and add it to the damage roll. The target is also blinded 1st level (Tier 2:) You are able to use the Help action
until the end of your next turn. After you use this talent, to help allies with their apex checks.
you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long 1st Level (Tier 3): The targeted ally gains a +5 bonus
rest. to apex checks from the Help action.
1st Level (Tier 3): You channel additional damage
equal to four times your apex ability modifier. ELECTROSTATIC BOLT
3rd Level (Tier 4): You can use this talent twice being Tier 3
required to finish a long rest. You generate a massive electric charge, not just from your
6th Level (Tier 5): You can channel all stored dam- hands, but from every limb and digit. Youd better not
age. being standing in water.
12th Level (Tier 6): You can use Cherenkov surge 3rd level (Tier 3): This talent requires two free hands.
three times being required to finish a short or long rest. As an action, you expel a 30-foot cone of lightning. Any
number of targets within that area must make a Dexterity
COLLIDER saving throw or take lightning damage depending on the
Tier 1 number of targets (half damage on a successful save): 4d6
You hold a growing sphere of high-energy particles, build- + apex ability modifier for one target, -1d6 per each addi-
ing its potency until finally released. tional target. For every 10 damage you channel from your
1st Level (Tier 1): This talent requires a free hand. As apex capacitor, you can increase the base damage by
an action, you can make a ranged apex attack with collider +1d6, to a maximum of +3d6. After you use this talent,
you cannot use it again until you finish a short or a long
against a single target up to 50 feet away. The attack in-
flicts 1d6 + your apex ability modifier force damage. You rest.
can instead choose to supercharge collider as an action, 6th Level (Tier 4): You can use this talent twice being
increasing the damage with your next collider attack by required to finish a short or long rest.
your apex ability modifier. You can charge collider twice 9th level (Tier 5): The base damage increases by 2d6.
before making the attack, but this must occur on consecu- 12th Level (Tier 6): You can use this talent three
tive turns. A charged sphere will not lose its charge until times being required to finish a short or long rest.
you attack with it, you dismiss it (as a free action), or you 15th Level (Tier 7): The base damage increases by
become unconscious. 2d6.
1st Level (Tier 2): The range of collider increases to 18th Level (Tier 8): You can use this talent four times
100 feet. being required to finish a short or long rest.
1st Level (Tier 3): Increase the damage die of collider
to 1d8.
1st Level (Tier 4): You can charge collider three times
before making the attack.
2nd Level (Tier 5): Increase the damage die of collid-
HUMAN REACTOR finish a short or long rest.
Tier 2 8th Level (Tier 5): Increase base damage to 5d6, and
What kills most is pleasant to you. range increases to 50 feet.
1st Level (Tier 2): You are immune to radiation dam- 12th Level (Tier 6): You can channel 5 damage from
age. If you suffer radiation damage, you can either be your apex capacitor to increase the damage by +1d6 (max
healed of the amount inflicted, or the damage can be +6d6).
used to fill your apex capacitor. 16th Level (Tier 7): You can target up to four crea-
2nd Level (Tier 3): You have resistance to force dam- tures and each target can be up to 10 feet from another.
age. You can ignore this resistance when filling your apex Push (DC 20): Target one additional creature within
capacitor. range.
3rd Level (Tier 4): You have resistance to radiant
damage. You can ignore this resistance when filling your NUCLEAR DISCHARGE
apex capacitor. Tier 2
You release a stream of photons to the target. From
MALIGNANT PULSE where is up to you.
Tier 2 1st Level (Tier 2): This talent requires a free hand.
You send out an electrical burst which does more than As an action, you make a ranged apex attack against a
just shock the target. single target within 50 feet. If you hit, the target suffers
1st Level (Tier 2): This talent requires a free hand. 1d6 + apex ability modifier force damage. You can chan-
As an action, you make a ranged apex attack against one nel additional damage from your apex capacitor up to
target within 50 feet of you. If you hit, the target takes your apex ability modifier.
3d6 + apex ability modifier force damage, and the target 1st Level (Tier 3): Increase the range of nuclear dis-
cannot use any apex talents until the end of your next charge to 100 feet.
turn. If the target is sustaining an apex talent (including 1st Level (Tier 4): Increase the damage die of nuclear
permanent talents), it takes an additional 3d6 + apex abil- discharge to 1d8.
ity damage at the beginning of its next turn. On your fol- 3rd Level (Tier 5): You can channel additional dam-
lowing turn, while malignant pulse is in effect, you can age from your apex capacitor up to twice your apex ability
repeat this talent on the same target. If you miss on this modifier.
second attack or you let the talent expire, you cannot use 6th Level (Tier 6): If you have two free hands, you
this talent again until you finish a short or long rest. can attempt a second attack as part of the same action.
5th Level (Tier 3): Increase damage to 6d6 for both 9th Level (Tier 7): Increase the damage die of nuclear
effects, and the target (if your size or smaller) is pushed discharge to 1d10.
10 feet. 12th Level (Tier 8): Instead of two attacks, you can
9th Level (Tier 4): Increase damage to 8d6 for both attempt a single attack with both hands against one tar-
effects, and the target (if your size or smaller) is pushed get. You have advantage with this attack. If you hit, you
20 feet. deal double damage, and you can channel additional dam-
13th Level (Tier 5): You can use this talent twice be- age from your apex capacitor up to four times your apex
fore being required to finish a short or long rest. ability modifier.
17th Level (Tier 6): Increase damage to 10d6 for both
effects, and the target (if your size or smaller) is pushed PARTICLE BEAM
40 30 feet and is stunned until the beginning of your next
Tier 3
You like being called an atom smasher. Its inaccurate,
but you dont care. You channel the cosmos and hope
NUCLEAR ACCELERATOR you dont create a black hole.
Tier 3 1st Level (Tier 3): This talent requires a free hand.
You attempt to control the flailing beam of ionized radia- As an action, you make a ranged apex attack against a
tion which you created. Just dont cross the streams. single target within 30 feet. If you hit, the target suffers
1st Level (Tier 3): You must have both hands free. As 3d6 + your apex ability modifier force damage, and if the
an action, you make one ranged apex attack each to two target is Medium sized or small, it is pushed to the end of
targets within 5 feet of each other that are both within 30 this attacks range. If the target hits an obstruction, it is
feet of you. If you hit, the target suffers 3d6 + apex ability knocked prone. After you hit with this talent, you cannot
modifier force damage. You can channel 5 damage from use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
your apex capacitor to increase the damage by +1d6 (max 1st Level (Tier 4): You can channel additional damage
+2d6). After you use this talent, you cannot use it again from your apex capacitor up to your level.
until you finish a short or long rest. 1st Level (Tier 5): The range of particle beam increas-
4th Level (Tier 4): Increase base damage to 4d6, and es to 50 feet.
you can use this talent twice before being required to 4th Level (Tier 6): Increase base damage to 4d6, and
you can use this talent twice before being required to 6th Level (Tier 3): Reactor is reduced to a bonus ac-
finish a short or long rest. tion.
8th Level (Tier 7): If you have both hands free, you 8th Level (Tier 4): You can use this talent three times
can create a larger beambase damage increases to 6d6 being required to finish a long rest.
and the target is pushed 75 feet.
12th Level (Tier 8): You can use this talent three TUNING FLUX
times before being required to finish a short or long rest, Tier 2
and any obstacle (not a creature) hit by the target takes You tweak an allys power, pushing her to accomplish
damage equal to the initial hit. If destroyed, the target something needed for the moment. Too bad its not per-
continues being pushed. manent. And you may not want tell them about any side
16th Level (Tier 9): You can use this talent four times effects.
before being required to finish a short or long rest. 1st Level (Tier 2): As an action, you touch an ally.
Push (DC 20): Increase the damage die to a d8. The target adds your proficiency bonus to her next apex
Push (DC 25): Increase the damage die to a d10. check. After you use this talent, you cannot use it again
until you finish a long rest.
PHOTODISINTEGRATION 2nd Level (Tier 3): You also add your apex ability
Tier 3 bonus to the targets next apex check.
High powered gamma radiation creates a controlled min- 4th Level (Tier 4): You can use this talent twice being
iature endothermic reaction in the target. Any more, and required to finish a long rest.
you could create a miniature star. 8th Level (Tier 5): The target gains double your apex
2nd Level (Tier 3): As an action, you emit a sphere of ability bonus.
energy in a 30 foot radius. Each creature caught inside 12th Level (Tier 6): This talent is reduced to a bonus
must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a action.
creature takes 1d6 + your apex ability modifier force dam- Push (DC 20): You do not expend a use of this talent.
age, and is blinded until the end of your next turn. On a Each time you attempt this check, the DC increases by 5
successful save, it takes half damage and isnt blinded. until you complete a long rest.
You can channel additional damage from your apex capac-
itor up to your level to each target that fails the save. WIRELESS RECHARGE
After you use this talent, you cannot use it again until you Tier 3
finish a short or long rest. Touching your skin is like licking a battery.
4th Level (Tier 4): Base damage increases to 2d6, and 1st Level (Tier 3): As an action, touch a single M or B
killed targets are disintegrated. cell (see Ultramodern5). If the cell has limited uses, it is
8th Level (Tier 5): Base damage increases to 4d6 and charged up by 50%. If its use is unlimited, it is fully re-
range increases to a 40-foot radius. charged. After you use this talent, you cannot use it again
16th Level (Tier 6): Base damage increases to 6d6 until you finish a long rest.
and range increases to a 50-foot radius. 6th Level (Tier 4): You can use this talent twice being
Push (DC 15): You can use photodisintegration again required to finish a long rest.
on your next turn. You can only do this once before being 11th Level (Tier 5): When you touch a cell, the cell is
required to finish a short or long rest. fully recharged.
Push (DC 25): You must have photodisintegration at Push (DC 20): Recharge an H cell or equivalent
tier 6 to attempt this check. If you succeed, you start
meltdown: on your next turn, the attack repeats, adding a
battery. If you fail, the talent is not expended, but you
cannot use it again until you finish a short rest.
cumulative +10 ft. to its radius (maximum 100 ft) and
+1d6 damage. This continues until you succeed on anoth-
er DC 25 apex check to end meltdown, until five minutes
have passed, or until you become unconscious. After us-
ing meltdown, you cannot use photodisintegration for one
Tier 2
You charge the nuclei of your own internal furnace.
2nd Level (Tier 2): As an action, you fill your apex
capacitor to maximum. After you use this talent, you can-
not use it again until you finish a long rest.
4th Level (Tier 3): You can use this talent twice being
required to finish a long rest.
Kinetic Talents Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Accelerator 1 2 3 6 12
Bullet Bending 1 1 1 1 2 4 8 16
Cube 1 2 4 8
Kinetic Assault 1 1 2 4 6 12 16
Kinetic Buffer 1 1 3 6 9 12 15 18
Kinetic Wing 1 1 2 4 6 10 14
Kinetic Resistance 1 1
Mover 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 10 15
Press 1 2 6 10
Pressure Cushion 1 1 2 3 5
Pusher 1 1 5 10 15 19
Ragdoll 2 4 6 12
KINETIC TALENTS attack following that path. If the change of direction cir-
cumvents a targets cover, ignore that cover. Once you
The kinetic is adept at psychokinesis--the power to move
bend a missile this way, and it hits, you cannot bend an-
objects with your mind, ranging from fine-tuning micro-
other until you finish a short or long rest. You can only
scopic particles to dropping boulders on people. As such,
bend one missile at a time, not a volley or a burst. You
there are only two tier 1 talents, bullet bending and the
still suffer from attack penalties if you cannot see the tar-
much more common mover, the latter being required for
the accelerator talent.
1st Level (Tier 2): You can use bullet bending twice
before being required to finish a short or long rest, and
ACCELERATOR the range increases to 200 feet. Each missile can only be
Tier 2 bent once.
You hurl a hopefully heavy and probably expensive object 1st Level (Tier 3): You can use bullet bending three
to your enemy. Let's hope it wasn't something you times before being required to finish a short or long rest,
owned. and the range increases to 500 feet.
1st Level (Tier 2): As an action, you throw an un- 1st Level (Tier 4): You can use bullet bending four
attended object within 30 feet or one that you are cur- times before being required to finish a short or long rest,
rently manipulating with mover at a target within 30 feet and the range increases to 1000 feet.
of you. Make a ranged apex attack against the target. 2nd Level (Tier 5): You can use bullet bending five
The bludgeoning damage is dependent on the weight of times before being required to finish a short or long rest.
the object thrown (less than 2 lbs = 1d4; 3-5 lbs = 1d6; 6- 4th Level (Tier 6): You can bend each missile twice
10 lbs = 1d8; 11-20 lbs = 1d10; 20-30 lbs = 1d12; 31-40 lbs each turn counts as one use of bullet bending.
= 2d6; 41-60 lbs = 2d8; 61+ lbs = 2d10). Add your apex 8th Level (Tier 7): As long as you know approximate-
ability modifier to damage. The GM will determine what ly where the target is within a 15 foot cube, you suffer no
kind of suitable objects are nearby: unless she specifies attack penalties for not knowing where the target is when
that there are no objects at all, assume an unlimited num- using this talent.
42 ber of <2 lb. objects. 16th Level (Tier 8): You gain unlimited uses of this
2nd Level (Tier 3): The range of accelerator increases talent.
to 50 feet and the damage die increases by one step 1d4
> 1d6 > 1d8 > 1d10 > 1d12 > 2d6 > 2d8 > 2d10. CUBE
3rd Level (Tier 4): The range of accelerator increases
Tier 3
to 100 feet and the damage die increases by one step.
You create a static field of force which entraps the target.
6th Level (Tier 5): You can accelerate two objects as
1st Level (Tier 3): As an action, make a ranged apex
part of the same action.
attack against a creature one size larger than you or small-
12th Level (Tier 6): You can accelerate three objects
er within 15 feet. If you hit, the target is grappled. Your
as part of the same action.
enemy can attempt to escape on its turn, contested by
your apex check. You can maintain the grapple as long as
BULLET BENDING you are within range and line of sight of the target. You
Tier 1 cannot move cube. After you successfully use this talent,
Witnesses swear that bullet just went around a corner. you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
1st Level (Tier 1): If you can attempt a line of effect 2nd Level (Tier 4): The range of cube increases to 30
from you to a target up to 100 feet away making one feet, and if the target is your size or smaller, it has disad-
change of direction, you can attempt a ranged missile vantage when attempting to escape. You can also use this
talent twice before being required to finish a long rest. 18th Level (Tier 9): Your bonus to AC with kinetic
4th Level (Tier 5): You can move the cube by using buffer increases to +4.
your movement, though you dont have to actually move Push (DC 20): As a bonus action, you sustain kinetic
yourself. You can also use this talent three times before buffer for one additional turn.
being required to finish a long rest.
8th Level (Tier 6): The range of cube increases to 50 KINETIC WING
feet. You can also use this talent four times before being Tier 3
required to finish a long rest. You focus all your energy beneath you. If you concentrate
hard enough, perhaps you can even fly.
KINETIC ASSAULT 1st Level (Tier 3): When you attempt a Strength
Tier 2 (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, you gain a bo-
Your melee attack is amplified by a pressure wave gener- nus to your check equal to your apex ability modifier.
ated by your mind. After this talent ends, you cannot use it again until you
1st Level (Tier 2): If you hit with a unarmed melee finish a long rest.
attack, you gain a +1 bonus to damage. The extra damage 1st Level (Tier 4): You also have advantage with any
is force, and only one hit per attack action can benefit. Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check bene-
1st Level (Tier 3): The bonus to damage increases to fitting from kinetic wing.
+2. 2nd Level (Tier 5): You can use this talent twice being
2nd Level (Tier 4): Kinetic assault can also push a required to finish a long rest.
target 5 feet. If the target hits an obstruction, it takes an 4th Level (Tier 6): In addition to the above benefits,
additional +2 points of damage. you gain a fly speed of 20. You need both hands free
4th Level (Tier 5): The bonus to damage increases to while using kinetic wing this way. After flying up to 60
+3. feet, you cannot use this talent again until you finish a
6th Level (Tier 6): Two melee attacks per attack ac- long rest.
tion can benefit from kinetic assault. 6th level (Tier 7): Your fly speed increases to 30, and
12th Level (Tier 7): The bonus to damage increases to you can fly up to 90 feet before being required to finish a
+4. long rest.
16th Level (Tier 8): The bonus to damage increases to 10th Level (Tier 8): Your fly speed increases to 40,
+4 or your apex ability modifier (whichever is higher). and you can fly up to 120 feet before being required to
finish a long rest.
KINETIC BUFFER 14th Level (Tier 9): You can use kinetic wing unlim-
Tier 2 ited times with no limits on flying distance.
You generate an invisible shield to deflect incoming fire.
1st Level (Tier 2): This talent requires a free hand. As KINETIC RESISTANCE
a reaction to being hit by a ranged attack, you erect a bar- Tier 2
rier that grants resistance to bludgeoning and slashing 1st Level (Tier 2): You can use your apex check to
damage from non-magical sources until the end of your escape from grapples instead of Dexterity (Acrobatics) or
next turn (including against the hit that triggered the reac- Strength (Athletics).
tion). If kinetic buffer is in effect at the start of your next 1st Level (Tier 3): If using your apex check to escape
turn, you can use a bonus action to sustain it for one addi- from a grapple, double your ability score modifier.
tional turn. After this talent ends, you cannot use it again
until you finish a short or long rest. MOVER
1st Level (Tier 3): You can sustain kinetic buffer for Tier 1
two additional turns. You also have resistance to piercing A flick of the wrist and you can affect something beyond
damage from non-magical weapons. your reach.
3rd Level (Tier 4): The barrier becomes a 5-foot- 1st Level (Tier 1): As an action, until the start of your
radius sphere centered on you. You can select which tar- next turn, you can manipulate an object within 10 feet of
gets in range benefit from the buffer. you as if you were physically touching it. You can lift up to
6th Level (Tier 5): You can sustain kinetic buffer for 10 lbs. If you are able to lift it, you can slide the object up
three additional turns. to 10 feet as part of this action, or as a bonus action. If
9th Level (Tier 6): You gain a +1 bonus to AC while the object is a weapon (a knife or gun), then you are
kinetic buffer is in effect. counted as wielding the weapon. Your Strength and Dex-
12th Level (Tier 7): If a Large or smaller vehicle with a terity scores for purposes of manipulating the item with
speed of 100 feet or slower collides into the shield, its mover are 10 or your apex ability score (whichever is low-
speed is reduced to zero and suffers crashing damage. er). If the target actively resists manipulation, this talent
15th level (Tier 8): Your bonus to AC with kinetic automatically fails, but if another person is attempting to
buffer increases to +2. manipulate the same target, make an opposed apex vs.
Strength (Athletics) (physical opponent) or apex vs. apex 6th Level (Tier 5): Increase damage die to 4d8, and
(rival kinetic) check. After using mover on an object, you you can use this talent three times before being required
only require a bonus action to sustain it on additional to finish a short or long rest.
turns, though it still cannot be moved out of range with- 10th Level (Tier 6): Increase damage die to 5d8, and
out it dropping. the range of press increases to 60 feet.
1st Level (Tier 2): Your Strength and Dexterity scores
with mover increase to 12 or your apex ability score PRESSURE CUSHION
(whichever is lower), and you can lift up to 30 lbs. The Tier 2
range of mover increases to 20 feet. You're falling towards certain death. You hold out your
1st Level (Tier 3): You can move up to two objects hands in some foolish hope it will help you. Oddly, it
simultaneously, but both must remain in range of you, does.
and their total weight cannot exceed your capacity. If the 1st Level (Tier 2): You must have both hands free to
objects are weapons, you can use them for two-weapon use this talent, but can drop what you are holding as a
fighting (you can designate either weapon as your 'off free action when you activate it. As a reaction (or as part
hand' when you make the attack). The range of mover of an action) if you are falling, reduce 50 feet from the fall.
increases to 30 feet. After you employ this talent, you cannot use it again until
1st Level (Tier 4): Your Strength and Dexterity scores you finish a long rest.
with mover increase to 14 or your apex ability score 1st Level (Tier 3): You can now reduce fall distance
(whichever is lower), and you can lift up to 40 lbs. The by 80 feet, and you can use this talent twice being re-
range of mover increases to 40 feet. quired to finish a long rest.
1st Level (Tier 5): Your Strength and Dexterity scores 2nd Level (Tier 4): You can now reduce fall distance
with mover increase to 16 or your apex ability score by 160 feet.
(whichever is lower), and you can lift up to 80 lbs. The 3rd Level (Tier 5): You expand your cushion out 10
range of mover increases to 60 feet. feet in every direction, slowing anyone nearby as well.
1st Level (Tier 6): You can move up to four objects 5th Level (Tier 6): You have no limited fall distance.
simultaneously, but they all must remain in range of you, You can slow yourself even if falling from orbit.
and their total weight cannot exceed your capacity.
1st Level (Tier 7): The initial use of mover now only
requires a bonus action. PUSHER
5th Level (Tier 8): Your Strength and Dexterity scores Tier 2
with mover increase to 18 or your apex ability score Nothing terribly elegant about it, you just propel your
(whichever is lower), and you can lift up to 160 lbs. enemy away from you.
10th Level (Tier 9): Your Strength and Dexterity 1st Level (Tier 2): As an action, you make a ranged
scores with mover increase to 20 or your apex ability apex attack against one target your size or smaller within
score (whichever is lower), and you can lift up to 320 lbs. 10 feet of youunlike other talents, you do not have dis-
15th Level (Tier 10): Your Strength and Dexterity advantage if you are within 5 feet of a hostile creature
scores with mover increase to 22 or your apex ability that can see you and that isnt incapacitated. If you hit,
score (whichever is lower), and you can lift up to 600 lbs. the target is pushed 10 feet. If the target hits an obstruc-
Push (DC 15): Increase your tier by 1 for this action. tion, it suffers 1d6 bludgeoning damage for each 5 feet of
Push (DC 20): Increase your tier by 2 for this action. movement it cannot take. Add your apex ability modifier
to damage. If the target would be pushed off a cliff or into
some similar hazard, the push stops at the edge.
1st Level (Tier 3): The target is pushed 15 feet.
Tier 3 5th Level (Tier 4): You can target one creature larger
Your target feels like it just got hit with a bus from orbit. than you, or two creatures your size or smaller (but not
1st Level (Tier 3): As an action, you make a ranged the same creature twice).
apex attack against one target your size or smaller within 10th level (Tier 5): Targets are pushed 20 feet.
30 feet. If you hit, the target is grappled until the start of 15th Level (Tier 6): You can target two creatures larg-
your next turn. As part of the same action, you can exert er than you, or three creatures your size or smaller (but
pressure on it, inflicting 2d8 + apex ability modifier dam- not the same creature twice) as part of the same action.
age. If a target is already grappled or restrained, you can 19th Level (Tier 7): Targets are pushed 20 feet.
use press with a bonus action. The target can attempt to Push (DC 15): Increase your tier by 1 for this action.
escape on its turn, but if it still is grappled at the start of Push (DC 20): Increase your tier by 2 for this action.
your next turn, you can repeat press. After the target
breaks free, you cannot use this talent again until you
finish a short or long rest.
2nd Level (Tier 4): Increase damage die to 3d8, and
you can use this talent twice before being required to
finish a short or long rest.
Morph Talent Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Active Camouflage 1 1 2 4 8
All Fours 1 2 3 4 6 12
Animus 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 15
Behemoth 1 1 1 3 6 10 14 16
Bloodhound 1 1 3
Daimon Shift 1 3 5 7 10
Furious Charge 1 2 3
Fylgja 1 1 1 2 3 4
Illogical Frenzy 1 1 2 3 4 5 12 18
Marked 1 1 2 3 4
Molecular Compression 1 1 1 3 5 7 9 11
Monster Mash 1 2 3
Natural Claws 1 1 1 1 3 5 8 10 15
Powered Lungs 1 3 5 12
Psychotic Leap 1 3 5
Rejuvenation Reactor 2 3 4 10
Regenesis 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 18
Righting Reflex 1 1 1 1
Stubborn Feet 1 1 2
Tapetum Lucidum 1 1
Theriophily 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5
Tier 1, Alter Tier 1, Alter
The line between human and beast begins to blur. You are able to change your basic biological makeup to
1st Level (Tier 1): As an action, you channel your in- make yourself extremely resistant to damage.
ner beast. Until the end of your next turn, you have dis- 1st Level (Tier 1): As an action, you gain a number of
advantage on Charisma ability checks (except for Intimida- temporary hit points equal to twice your Constitution
tion) as well as all Intelligence checks as your physical modifier + your level. Until you lose all these temporary
properties change. Your appearance is visibly bestial (the hit points, you gain the following benefits:
details are up to you, but these are consistent between Your weight is doubled.
uses). You gain additional abilities based on your domi- You have advantage with Constitution saving throws
nant attribute. At the end of each of your turns while this and when resisting forced movement.
talent is in effect, make a DC 15 saving throw using your When you finish a short or long rest, any remaining
apex ability score. If you succeed, the effect persists until temporary hit points are lost. After you use this talent,
the end of your next turn. You may not voluntarily fail the you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
save. After one minute, the effect ends regardless of the 1st Level (Tier 2): You gain the following effects while
save. Once this talent expires, you cannot use it again behemoth is in effect:
until you finish a long rest. You gain +10 temporary hit points.
You are also immune to being poisoned.
46 Dexterity: You gain a +5 bonus to speed, a +1 bonus to
AC, and you have advantage to Dexterity saving throws You reduce two levels from any exhaustion you
and ability checks. suffer from upon activation.
Strength: You gain a +2 bonus to all damage rolls, a +1 Your weight is x4 normal.
bonus to AC, and you have advantage with Strength sav- 1st Level (Tier 3): You gain the following effects while
ing throws and ability checks. behemoth is in effect:
2nd Level (Tier 2): You gain additional benefits when You gain +10 temporary hit points (+20 total).
using animus. You gain a +1 bonus to AC.
Dexterity: You can use the Disengage action for free, Your weight is x6 normal.
and you cannot fail Dexterity saving throws. Your speed is reduced by 5 feet.
Strength: You gain temporary hit points equal to your You reduce four levels from any exhaustion you
apex ability modifier + your level. You also regain 2d4 Hit suffer from upon activation.
Dice. 3rd Level (Tier 4): You gain the following effects
3rd Level (Tier 3): Gain one of the following benefits while behemoth is in effect:
when using animus. You gain +20 temporary hit points (+40 total).
Dexterity: Your speed increases by 5. Your weight is x10 normal.
Strength: Increase the damage dice of any natural or You cannot be moved by any forced effect, even if
struck by a vehicle.
6th level (Tier 5): You gain the following effects while
behemoth is in effect:
You gain +20 temporary hit points (+60 total).
Your weight is x20 normal.
10th Level (Tier 6): While behemoth is in effect, you
grow one size category larger.
14th Level (Tier 7): You gain +20 temporary hit points
(+80 total) when you use behemoth.
16th level (Tier 8): Use any number of Hit Dice; the
total value is added to temporary hit points.
Push (DC 20): Increase your tier by 1 for this action.
Tier 1
They don't call it a detective's nose for nothing.
1st Level (Tier 1): You can add your apex ability mod-
ifier to Wisdom (Survival) checks.
1st Level (Tier 2): You can add your apex ability mod-
ifier to Wisdom (Perception) checks.
3rd Level (Tier 3): You have advantage with Wisdom
(Survival) checks.
a second time.
Tier 1, Alter, Concentration
Its not a pleasant process to watch, and you may require FURIOUS CHARGE
a new set of clothes if you didnt think ahead. Tier 1
1st Level (Tier 1): As an action, you alter your physi- Like a wild animal, you charge towards your enemy.
cal form to take on the appearance of a generic natural 1st Level (Tier 1): When you use the Dash action, you
beast your size whose challenge rating is equal to or less can attempt a single melee attack at the end of your
than your level. Your statistics, including mental ability movement.
scores, are replaced by the statistics of the chosen beast. 2nd Level (Tier 2): When you use the Dash action,
You retain your alignment and personality. You assume your speed increases by +5 until the end of the action; if
the hit points of its new form. When you revert to your you hit with your attack, you deal +2 damage
normal form, you return to the number of hit points you 3rd Level (Tier 3): When you hit a target your size or
had before transforming. If you revert as a result of drop- smaller using the Dash action, you knock it prone.
ping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to
your normal form. As long as the excess damage doesnt FYLGJA
reduce your normal form to 0 hit points, you are not Tier 1
knocked unconscious. You are limited in the actions you You share a soul with another creature. Its part of you.
can perform by the nature of the new form, and you cant 1st level (Tier 1): You gain a beast companion that
speak, use other apex talents, cast spells, or take any oth-
er action that requires hands or speech. Your gear falls to
has been with you through life, living longer than such a
creature should. It is trained to fight alongside you.
the ground, and must be retrieved later. You cant acti- Choose a beast that is no larger than Medium and that
vate, use, wield, or otherwise benefit from any equip- has a challenge rating of 1/4 or lower. Add your proficien-
ment. Daimon shift persists until you stop concentrating cy bonus to the beasts AC, attack rolls, and damage rolls,
or five minutes pass. After this talent ends, you cannot as well as to any saving throws and skills it is proficient in.
use it again until you finish a long rest. Its hit point maximum equals its normal maximum or four
3rd Level (Tier 2): The challenge rating of the crea- times your level, whichever is higher. The beast obeys
ture can be your level +1. your commands as best as it can. It takes its turn on your
5th Level (Tier 3): You may increase or decrease the initiative, though it doesnt take an action unless you com-
size of the animal you change into by one category. mand it to. You are not required to verbally command the
7th Level (Tier 4): The challenge rating of the crea- beast vocallythe connection is telepathic and near in-
ture can be your level +1 (+2 total). stantaneous (no action required by you)this applies to
10th Level (Tier 5): Daimon shift can last up to one move and possible actions. If your companion dies, you
hour. are stunned for 1d4 turns and suffer 2 levels of exhaus-
Push (DC 25): Once between long rests, you can tion. The spirit of your companion travels to another
attempt an apex check as an action to initiate daimon shift creature of the same type which arrives 1d6 days later.
1st Level (Tier 2): The challenge rating of the beast target until the end of your next turn. Once you use this
can be 1/2 or lower. You can only select this tier at 1st talent, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or
level. long rest.
1st Level (Tier 3): The challenge rating of the beast 1st Level (Tier 2): The range of marked increases to
can be 1 or lower. You can only select this tier at 1st level. 40 feet.
2nd Level (Tier 4): You can see through your beasts 2nd Level (Tier 3): Any creature you hit with a melee
eyes and vice-versa by using an action to channel your attack is affected by marked until the end of your next
vision. turn. This is different than tier 3s talent and is always in
3rd Level (Tier 5): As an action, you can shunt any hit effect.
points from you to your companion in order to heal your 3rd Level (Tier 4): Marked is reduced to a bonus ac-
companion of lost hit points. tion.
4th Level (Tier 6): Shunting hit points takes a bonus 4th Level (Tier 5): When you roar, the range of
action and you can shunt hit points in either direction. marked is extended to 60 feet, and you can use marked
Push (DC 15): When you spend a Hit Die, your com- twice before being required to finish a short or long rest.
panion recovers the hit points instead of you. Push (DC 20): You recover the use of marked. You
can only do this once between rests.
You've stopped listening to reason. The best thing your Tier 1, Concentration
allies can do is give you a direction and step back. You change your atomic density, decreasing your size.
1st Level (Tier 2): When a creature scores a critical 1st Level (Tier 1): As an action, you become a Small
hit against you or an ally, or an ally is reduced to zero hit creature. The effect lasts until the end of your next turn.
points, you can enter a frenzy as a reaction. While in illog- You can sustain the effect with an action, but if the effect
ical frenzy, you gain the following benefits if you arent ends, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
wearing heavy armor: Clothes and gear shrink with you.
You have advantage on apex ability checks 1st Level (Tier 2): Although still requiring an action to
(including apex checks) and apex ability saving throws. use, you only need a bonus action to sustain this talent.
When you make a melee weapon attack, you gain a 1st Level (Tier 3): While small, you can move through
+2 bonus to the damage. the space of any creature that is of a size larger than
You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and yours.
slashing damage. 3rd level (Tier 4): You now can reduce your size to
Your frenzy lasts for 1 minute, ending early if you are Tiny.
knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you havent 5th Level (Tier 5): You can use molecular compres-
attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken sion twice before being required to finish a long rest. It
damage since then. You can also end your frenzy on your also only requires concentration to sustain.
turn as a bonus action. Once you used this talent, you 7th Level (Tier 6): You can attempt to hide even when
cannot use it again until you finish a long rest. you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one
1st Level (Tier 2): The damage bonus increases to +3. size larger than you.
2nd Level (Tier 3): You can use illogical frenzy twice 9th Level (Tier 7): You can use molecular compres-
before being required to finish a long rest. sion three times before being required to finish a long rest.
3rd Level (Tier 4): You can use illogical frenzy three 11th Level (Tier 8): You have advantage with Dexteri-
48 times before being required to finish a long rest. ty (Stealth) checks.
4th Level (Tier 5): The damage bonus increases to +4.
6th Level (Tier 6): You can use illogical frenzy four MONSTER MASH
times before being required to finish a long rest. Tier 2
12th Level (Tier 7): You can use illogical frenzy five You bob and weave through combat with the grace of a
times before being required to finish a long rest. cat.
18th Level (Tier 8): The damage bonus increases to 1st Level (Tier 2): When using the Disengage action,
+5. you can move 5 feet.
2nd Level (Tier 3): When using the Disengage action,
MARKED you can move to any space within 5 feet of a target that is
Tier 3 5 feet away.
Of all the opponents to target, you're the one that some- 3rd Level (Tier 3): When using the Disengage action,
what stands out. you can still move up to half your speed.
1st Level (Tier 3): As an action, you roar and get eve-
ryones attention. All enemies within 20 feet of you have
disadvantage on attack rolls that dont include you as a
NATURAL CLAWS expands out to a 30-foot cone.
Tier 1 Push (DC 20): Increase your tier by 1 for this action.
With a simple flex, you undergo a partial transformation,
and your claws emerge. PSYCHOTIC LEAP
1st Level (Tier 1): As a bonus action, you extend or Tier 1
retract your claws. While exposed, your unarmed strikes You would look like someone flying if your legs and arms
inflict 1d4 slashing damage: if they already inflict 1d4 or weren't all pointing forward.
more damage, the claws grant +1 to damage. Extending 1st Level (Tier 1): You have advantage with Strength
claws damages gloves if wearing them unless they are (Athletics) checks when performing a jump. You double
specially designed to accommodate it (at a cost increase the distance of any long jump and high jump.
of 10%). 3rd Level (Tier 2): Treat your Strength as being 4
1st Level (Tier 2): While your claws are exposed, your higher for purposes of determining jump distances.
unarmed strikes inflict 1d6 damage, or if they already in- 5th Level (Tier 3): As an action, make a long jump or
flict 1d6 damage, +2 damage. Your unarmed strikes also a high jump, doubling your effective Strength score when
have the finesse and light properties. calculating distance. This distance is not limited by your
1st Level (Tier 3): While your claws are exposed, you speed. If you are making a long jump and you have speed
can add your apex ability modifier to your grapple left over after doubling your Strength, you jump your
attempts. Climbing doesnt cost you extra movement, speed instead.
and you have advantage with Strength (Athletics) checks
1st Level (Tier 4): You can switch damage type from Tier 1
slashing to piercing when using claws. You have a climb Wounds knit in seconds, almost as if someone had cast a
speed of 30. spell on you.
3rd Level (Tier 5): You have advantage with grapple 2nd Level (Tier 1): As an action, you can spend up to
checks. 1/4 of your Hit Dice (min 1) to recover hit points. Once
5th Level (Tier 6): While your claws are exposed, you use this talent, you cannot use it again until you finish
your unarmed strikes inflict 1d8 damage, or if they al- a long rest.
ready inflict 1d8 damage, +3 damage. 3rd Level (Tier 2): When using rejuvenation reactor,
8th Level (Tier 6): If you have two free hands, you for each Hit Die spent, you recover additional hit points
can make two melee attacks with your natural claws with equal to your apex ability modifier.
a single action. 4th Level (Tier 3): You can spend up to 1/2 your Hit
10th Level (Tier 7): If you score a critical hit with your Dice, and you can use this talent twice before being re-
claws, the target must make a Constitution saving throw quired to finish a long rest.
or take an additional 1d10 poison damage and become 10th Level (Tier 4): When using rejuvenation reactor,
poisoned for 1 minute. Once you inflict poison damage, you can roll each Hit Die twice and take the higher value,
you cannot again until you finish a long rest. and you can use this talent three times being required to
15th Level (Tier 8): You can use your claws to make a finish a long rest.
single attack as a bonus action. Push (DC 20): As a bonus action, you can attempt to
recover a use of rejuvenation reactor. Each time you
POWERED LUNGS attempt this, whether or not you succeed, the DC increas-
Tier 1
Its almost like a dragons breath... Almost.
es by 5 (cumulative) until you complete a long rest.
1st Level (Tier 1): You can use your action to exhale REGENESIS
volcanic ash. Each creature in a 15 foot cone must make a Tier 1, Alter
saving throw. A creature takes 2d6 + your apex ability Your injuries knit in seconds to the shock of those around.
modifier damage on a failed save, and half as much dam- You assure them it still hurts like hell.
age on a successful one. After you use your powered 1st Level (Tier 1): As an action, you begin regenesis
lungs, you cant use it again until you complete a short or you regain 1 hit point at the start of your turn. You do not
long rest. regenerate if reduced to 0 hit points. Regenesis lasts 1
Note: When you select this talent, choose one of the minute. Once this talent expires, you cannot use it again
following energy typesacid, lightning, fire, poison, cold, until you finish a long rest.
thunder. 2nd Level (Tier 2): Your regeneration increases to 2
3rd Level (Tier 2): The damage increases to 3d6 and hit points.
expands out to a 20-foot cone. 4th Level (Tier 3): Regenesis lasts for five minutes
5th Level (Tier 3): The damage increases to 4d6 and instead of 1.
expands out to a 25-foot cone. 6th level (Tier 4): You can use this talent twice be-
12th Level (Tier 4): The damage increases to 5d6 and fore being required to finish a long rest.
8th Level (Tier 5): Your regeneration increases to 3 your next turn. You can seem 1 foot shorter or taller and
hit points. can appear thin, fat, or in between. You cant change
10th level (Tier 6): You still regenerate when reduced your body type, so you must adopt a form that has the
to 0 hit points; you only die if you start your turn with 0 same basic arrangement of limbs. To discern that you are
hit points and dont regenerate (if your regeneration is disguised, a creature can use its action to inspect your
suppressed by some means, such as the anti-apex field appearance and must succeed on an Intelligence
talent). (Investigation) check against your apex check. You can
12th level (Tier 6): Your regeneration increases to 4. use a bonus action to sustain theriophily until the end of
18th level (Tier 7): Regenesis is permanent your next turn (five minutes total). Once finished, you
cannot use this talent until you finish a long rest.
RIGHTING REFLEX 1st Level (Tier 2): You can use theriophily twice being
Tier 1 required to finish a long rest.
That's right, you land like a cat. 1st Level (Tier 3): You have proficiency with all Cha-
1st Level (Tier 1): Use a reaction (or as part of an risma skills.
action) if you are falling to reduce the fall distance by 20 1st Level (Tier 4): Each use of theriophily can last up
feet. to one hour, and only requires concentration to sustain.
1st Level (Tier 2): You can now reduce fall distance 2nd Level (Tier 5): You can add your apex ability
by 40 feet. modifier to Charisma skill checks.
1st Level (Tier 3): You can now reduce fall distance 3rd Level (Tier 6): You can use theriophily three
by 80 feet. times being required to finish a long rest.
1st Level (Tier 4): You can now reduce fall distance 4th Level (Tier 7): Theriophily lasts until you volun-
by 160 feet. tarily end the effect or are reduced to 0 hit points.
Push (DC 15): Increase your tier by 1 for this action. 5th Level (Tier 8): You can use theriophily at-will.
Tier 1
Its almost like you are anchored in a spot
1st Level (Tier 1): If your feet are touching the
ground, you cannot be knocked prone, and you reduce all
forced movement (like shoving) effects by 10 feet.
1st Level (Tier 2): If your feet are touching the
ground, you reduce all forced movement effects by 40
2nd Level (Tier 3): As long as you are not uncon-
scious, you cannot be moved against your will by any
Tier 1
You have superior night vision, though the image can
50 sometimes be blurred.
1st Level (Tier 1): You have superior vision in dark
and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet
of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it
were dim light. You cant discern color in darkness, only
shades of gray.
1st Level (Tier 2): The range of your darkvision in-
creases to 100 feet.
Tier 1, Alter, Concentration
You are no monster, and unlike others like you, fitting in
has never been a real issue, especially when you can look
like anyone.
1st Level (Tier 1): As an action, you make yourself
though not your clothing, armor, weapons, or other be-
longings on your personlook different until the end of
Phenom Talent Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
All Upstairs 1 1 1 1
Comic Book-Like Stamina 1 1 1
Dash Plus 1 1 1 1 2 3 6 9 12
Freight Train 1 1 2
Glossia 1 1 1
Implausible Aim 1 1 1 3 5 7 10 13
Interception 2 3 5 7 8 9 10
Limber & Lithe 1 5 7 9
Natural Skill 1 1 1 1
Impossible Improvisation 1 1 1 2 4 6
Skill Focus 1 2 3 4 5 6 10
Sportsman-Like Strength 1 1 1 6 12
Unnatural Instinct 1 1
Tier 1
You should not have been able to learn how to use that,
at least not that quickly.
1st Level (Tier 1): If you are in physical possession of
a tool, as an action you can gain proficiency with that tool
for five minutes. Once you use this talent, you cannot use
it again until you finish a long rest.
1st Level (Tier 2): Impossible improvisation lasts for
one hour when activated.
1st Level (Tier 3): Impossible improvisation lasts for
as long as you are possession of the tool, or one hour,
whichever is longer.
2nd Level (Tier 4): When you select a tool, you re-
main proficient with it until you finish a long rest.
4th Level (Tier 5): You are no longer just proficient
you can use your apex ability modifier with any ability
check with your selected tool.
6th Level (Tier 6): You can maintain two tool profi-
ciencies at a time with this talent.
Tier 1
You are goodyou are really good... at one thing.
1st Level (Tier 1): Select one skill you have proficien-
cy with. You double your proficiency bonus with the skill.
2nd Level (Tier 2): Your previously selected skill gains
a +2 bonus.
3rd Level (Tier 3): You can compress your focus, dou-
bling your total result on one ability check with your cho-
sen skill. Once you use this talent, you cannot benefit
from skill focus until you finish a long rest.
Shaper Talent Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Bottled Thermodynamic Transfer 1 6 9 12
Blood Tell 4 9 13 16
Entropic Burst 3 5 7 9
Dynamic Tempest 1 1 4 8 12 16
Element Restraint 1 1 5
Entropic Crucible 1 1 1 1 1
Expanding Phase Transition 1 5 7 10
Frozen Creation 1 1 1 2 4 8 10
Magic Touch 1 1 2 5 10 15
Halo Of Touch 1 3 5 10 15
Natural Resistance 1 1 3 5
Novelty Acts 1 1
Resonant Ray 1 3 5 10 15 18
Rocket Propulsion 4 6 10 14 17 19
Thermal Shield 1 2 5 10
Thermodynamic Bolt 1 1 3 6 9 10 15
Tier 2
Youve read books where wizards use rays of frost or
scorching bursts. To you, these werent works of fiction
these were options.
1st Level (Tier 2): Select cold, fire, or lightning. You
must have a hand free. As an action, make a melee apex
attack against one creature in reach. On a hit, the target
takes 1d8 + your apex ability modifier damage of the cho-
sen type.
1st Level (Tier 3): You can attempt to grapple with
magic touch. If grappling the target, it suffers damage
equal to another hit at the start of its turn.
2nd Level (Tier 4): You inflict additional effects based
on the damage type chosen.
Lightningtarget cant take reactions until the start of
its next turn.
Firetarget suffers 2 points of fire damage at the start
of its next turn.
Coldtarget suffers a 1 penalty on its next attack
5th Level (Tier 5): If you have two hands free, you
can make two magic touch attacks with the same action.
10th level (Tier 6): The damage die increases to 2d8.
15th Level (Tier 7): You inflict additional effects
based on the damage type chosen.
Lightningtarget has disadvantage with its next attack targets that fail the save are pulled 5 feet towards the
roll; center, starting with the nearest target. The last target
Firetarget suffers 4 points of fire damage at the start moved suffers an additional 2d6 + apex modifier damage
of its next turn (instead of 2); of your chosen type. You can now target the circle up to
Coldtargets speed is half until the end of its next 100 feet away.
turn. 10th level (Tier 5): You can use this talent three
Push (DC 15): Increase your tier by 1 for this action. times being required to finish a long rest. Damage dice
also increases to 8d6. The last target moved suffers an 57
additional 4d6 + apex ability modifier damage of your cho-
HALO OF NATURE sen damage type.
Tier 2 15th Level (Tier 6): You can use halo of nature four
You surround targets in a circle of flame or cold and then times being required to finish a long rest. The blast radius
close the hole around them. increases to 30 feet.
1st Level (Tier 2): Select cold or fire. As an action, Push (DC 20): As part of the action, you can attempt
select a point within 50 feet. Each creature in a 10-foot a DC 20 apex check to increase the radius by 10 feet and
radius sphere centered on that point must make a Dexter- the damage by 2d6.
ity saving throw. A target takes 2d6 + your apex ability
modifier damage of your chosen type on a failed save, or
half damage on a successful one. Once you use this tal-
ent, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest. Tier 1
3rd Level (Tier 3): The blast radius increases to 20 If you deal it, you should be able to take it.
feet, and you can use this talent twice before being re- 1st Level (Tier 1): Select cold, fire, or lightning. You
quired to finish a long rest. have resistance to that damage type.
5th Level (Tier 4): Increase damage dice to 4d6 and 1st Level (Tier 2): You are now immune to your se-
lected damage type.
3rd Level (Tier 3): As a reaction when you would nor- until you finish a short or long rest.
mally take damage from your selected type, you are 3rd Level (Tier 3): You can use this talent twice be-
healed by an equal amount. Once you recover hit points fore being required to finish a short and long rest.
this way, you cannot again until you finish a short or long 5th Level (Tier 4): The line extends to 30 feet and the
rest. damage dice increases to 4d8,
5th Level (Tier 4): You can use your tier 3 healing 10th Level (Tier 5): You can use this talent three
ability twice being required to finish a short or long rest. times before being required to finish a short or long rest.
Additionally, you can use up to half your available Hit Dice 15th Level (Tier 6): The line extends to 60 feet and
as part of the same reaction to recover additional hit the damage dice increases to 8d8. Alternatively, you can
points. send out two 30-foot, 4d8 lines as part of one action.
18th Level (Tier 7): The line extends to 90 feet and 10
NOVELTY ACTS -feet wide, and the damage dice increases to 16d8. Alter-
Tier 1 natively, you can send out four 30-foot, 4d8 lines as part
You are able to perform a variety of simple tasks be alter- of one action.
ing the levels of entropy in very minor ways. Most of the
time, you should make toast or chill your cola. ROCKET PROPULSION
1st Level (Tier 1): Select cold, fire, or lightning. Use Tier 4, Concentration
an action to accomplish one of the effects given below, or With enough influence over the transfer of energy, youre
an equivalent with the GMs approval. able create a sustainable thermal reaction you can use to
Light something easily flammable within 5 feet, such enable flight.
as gasoline, paper, or gunpowder (fire or lightning). Prerequisite: You must have selected at least three
Extinguish a flame no larger than 5 feet or cool up to previous shaper talents with the fire or lightning damage
5 feet square of a hot surface so that it can be safely types.
touched (cold). 4th Level (Tier 4): As an action, you gain a fly speed
Freeze or boil a gallon of water (other liquids may of 20 until the end of your next turn or until you break
be affected at different volumes, at the GMs discretion). concentration (up to 1 minute). Any creatures within 5
This effect can be maintained on successive turns to affect feet of you at any point during your movement suffers
larger bodies of water: it requires two turns to boil or 1d4 fire damage. When your concentration ends, you
freeze one full square, and each subsequent turn increas- cannot use this talent again until you finish a long rest.
es the size of the affected area by burst 1 (fire or cold). You must move at least 10 feet on your turn for rocket
Supply power to a light or a circuit (lightning). propulsion to remain in effect.
Create a flame in your hand. It can produce uncom- 6th Level (Tier 5): Your fly speed increases to 35, and
fortable and distracting burns if used in combat but does you can use this talent twice before being required to
not inflict any damage (fire). finish a long rest.
Cause a bulb to explode or a circuit/fuse to overload 10th Level (Tier 6): Your fly speed increases to 40,
(lightning). and any creatures within 5 feet of you at any point during
Create an ice cube in your hand (size dependent on your movement suffers 2d4 fire damage.
ambient moisture), or give an enemy an uncomfortable 14th Level (Tier 7): Rocket propulsion no longer re-
and distracting freezer burn if used in combat (cold). quires an action to activate.
Distract someone with a spark (lightning). 17th Level (Tier 8): Rocket propulsion can be used at-
Cook or chill food to a desired temperature (fire or will.
58 cold). 19th Level (Tier 9): You can disengage from targets at
1st Level (Tier 2): Novelty acts is reduced to a bonus will when moving via rocket propulsion, except from tar-
action. gets immune to fire.
Push (DC 15): Double your fly speed until the start of
RESONANT RAY your next turn.
Tier 2
You hold your hand to the ground and a line of fire, jag- THERMAL SHIELD
ged ice, or electricity spreads across the surface to strike Tier 2
your foes. You protect yourself and all those around you with your
1st Level (Tier 2): Select cold, fire, or lightning. This power.
talent requires a free hand. Use an action to extend your 1st Level (Tier 2): Select cold or fire. As an action,
damage type in a 20 foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each you erect either a dome 10 feet high with a 15-foot radius
creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw, centered on you, or a wall 10 feet high and 30 feet across
taking 2d8 + your apex ability modifier damage of the cho- in front of you. Once you erect a shield, you cannot again
sen type on a failed save, or half damage on a successful until you finish a long rest. You gain additional effects
one. Once you use this talent, you cannot use it again based on your elemental focus.
Cold: The dome is solid and can withstand 100 points
of damage before shattering. Creatures within cannot
Siphons are about removing the life energy from the tar-
leave until the dome is shattered or dismissed, but also
get and then offering it up to someone else. This can both
cannot be targeted from outside. The dome lasts until
inflict injuries and cure them. To maximize these talents,
destroyed or until you cancel the effect.
its suggested to start with spiritual capacitor first before
Fire: The dome of fire functions as total cover to those
selecting any others (unless your build avoids the acquisi-
within. Any creature passing through the dome takes 2d8
tion of temporary hit points or Hit Dice).
+ your apex ability modifier fire damage. The dome lasts
until the end of your next turn or until you break concen-
tration (up to 1 minute). ALTERED STATE
2nd Level (Tier 3): The dome can be up to 20 feet Tier 2
high and 30 feet in radiusthe wall can be 40 feet high You willingly accept their essence to make yourself more
and 60 feet long. You can also use this talent twice being powerful.
required to finish a long rest. 1st Level (Tier 2): You must have both hands free. As
5th Level (Tier 4): The dome can be up to 30 feet high an action, you link arms with up to either two allies or two
and 60 feet in radiusthe wall can be 60 feet high and incapacitated or unconscious creatures. Each creature
120 feet long. You can also use this talent three times suffers necrotic damage equal to the maximum value of
before being required to finish a long rest. your largest Hit Die. You gain 1 Hit Die from each crea-
10th Level (Tier 5): The cold shield can withstand 200 ture. Once you use this talent, you cannot use it again
points of damage; the fire shield inflicts 4d8 + your apex until you finish a long rest.
ability modifier fire damage. 2nd Level (Tier 3): You can select up to five allies /
creatures, and this talent is reduced to a bonus action.
With only the slightest catalyst, you catch a personifica- Tier 2
tion of a classical element and hurl it towards the enemy. The target clutches its chest and hopes it's just a panic
1st Level (Tier 2): Select cold, fire, or lightning. This attack.
talent requires a free hand. As an action, make a ranged 1st Level (Tier 2): This talent requires a free hand. As
apex attack against one target within 30 feet. If you hit, an action, make a melee apex attack against a creature in
you inflict 1d6 + apex ability modifier damage of your cho- reach. If you hit, the target takes 2d6 + your apex ability
sen type. modifier necrotic damage, and at the start of the target's
1st Level (Tier 3): The range of thermodynamic bolt next turn, it must make a Constitution saving throw or
extends to 50 feet, and the damage die increases to 1d8. suffer an additional 3 necrotic damage. This saving throw
3rd Level (Tier 4): The range of thermodynamic bolt repeats at the start of the target's turn until it saves.
extends to 100 feet. Once you hit with this talent, you cannot use it again until
6th Level (Tier 5): If you have two open hands, you you finish a short or long rest.
can attack twice as part of the same action. 3rd Level (Tier 3): The damage dice increases to 4d6
9th Level (Tier 6): The damage die increases to 1d10, and the ongoing damage increases to 5, and increases by
and the range of thermodynamic bolt extends to 200 feet. 5 each time the target fails the saving throw (max 20).
10th Level (Tier 7): If you focus both attacks onto one 6th Level (Tier 4): If you have two open hands, you
target, your attacks gains a +2 bonus to each attack. can attack twice as part of the same action. You only re-
15th Level (Tier 8): Your hands pulse repeated bolts. gain the use of this talent if both attacks miss. 59
Each hand can make two attacks, though you suffer a 2 9th Level (Tier 5): The damage dice increases to 8d6.
penalty to each attack roll. 12th Level (Tier 6): The ongoing damage increases to
10, and increases by 10 each time the target fails the sav-
ing throw (max 40).
15th Level (Tier 7): You can use this talent twice be-
fore being required to finish a long rest.
18th Level (Tier 8): You can spend 4 Hit Dice as reac-
tion to the target making a saving throw, and force the
target to fail the save (you can only do this once per use
of this talent).
Siphon Talent Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Altered State 1 2
Bad Kind Of Stroke 1 3 6 9 12 15 18
Conversion 1 1 6
Choleric Influence 1 1 5 10 15
Conduit 1 2 5
Critical Junction 1
Ego Blight 1 1 1 3 6 10 15
Energivore 1 5 9 13
Inflict Disability 1 4 8 12 16
Last Spark 1 1 4 7
Lifeforce Leech 1 5 10 15
Mending Touch 2 3 5 8 11
More The Healthy Body 1 2 3 4
Miracle Moment 5 8 11 13 15
Odic Vampire 1 2 4 6 9 13
Overload Essence 1 1 4 6 10 15
Paralytic Manner 1
Prana Boost 1 4 8 12 16
Soul Tap 1 1 3 6 10 13 16
Spiritual Capacitor 1 3
Stitch 1 2 3 6 10 13 17
Touch Of Headache 1 1 5 8 11 15
Unmatched Gift 3 4 6 8 10
Wave 3 5 8 11
Tier 2
Your opponents actions are telegraphed to such a de-
gree, its more of a chore to not tip your hat so obviously.
1st Level (Tier 2): If you are hit with a melee or
ranged physical attack, you can use a reaction to turn that
hit into a miss. Once you use this talent, you cannot use it
Specter Talent Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier Tier
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Aura Read 1 3 5 7 10
Claircognizance 3 5 7
Creepy Precognizance 1 1 3 7
Deja Vu 4 8
Detection Sphere 1 1 3 5 7 9 11 15
False Reading 3 5 7
Final Destination 7 11 15
Foresight 1 3 6 9
Inevitable Reaction 1 3 6 10 15
Near Death Reprieve 4 8
Precognition 1 3 6 10 15
Prediction Matrix 1 1 2 3 5
Prescient Pool 1 2 3 4 6 8 10
Probability Range 1 1 3 5 8 11
Reload 3 5 7 9 11
Shield Vision 1 1 2 6 10
Sniffer 1 1 1 1 2 3 5
Viewer 1 1 1 3 5 7
again until you finish a long rest. 3rd Level (Tier 3): The range of this talent expands to
1st Level (Tier 2): You can use this talent twice be- 20 feet.
fore being required to finish a long rest. You can also dis- 5th Level (Tier 4): The range of detection sphere in-
engage as part of the reaction. creases to 30 feet, and you have advantage with any Wis-
3rd Level (Tier 3): You can use this talent three times dom (Insight) checks in range.
before being required to finish a long rest. You can also 7th Level (Tier 5): The range of detection sphere in-
move 5 feet as part of the reaction. creases to 50 feet, and you have advantage with Wisdom
7th Level (Tier 4): You can use this talent four times (Perception) checks as well within range.
before being required to finish a long rest. You also gain 9th Level (Tier 6): The range of detection sphere in-
an action as part of the reaction. creases to 50 feet, and you can sustain this talent from up
Push (DC 20): Recover the use of this talent. If you to one hour.
fail, you cannot try again (even for a different use) until 11th Level (Tier 7): You can use this talent twice be-
you finish a long rest. fore being required to finish a long rest.
15th Level (Tier 8): This talent is always in effect.
It all looks a little familiar. Tier 3
4th Level (Tier 3): You can take two reactions be- In effect you program a set of false experiences onto an
tween your turns. object or location, fooling others like you.
8th Level (Tier 4): You can take three reactions be- 3rd Level (Tier 3): Take a minute to focus on one
tween your turns. creature or object you are touching. You imprint a false
history on the target that another specter will believe as 65
DETECTION SPHERE real. The experience you create, supplant, or delete can
Tier 1, Concentration have taken place any time during the last hour, and can
You don't just have a third eye. Nothing approaches you have lasted up to five minutes. Only specters can per-
that you don't know about. Through subtle auras few ceive the false impression. Make an apex check: this be-
people can perceive, you can even find the invisible. comes the DC of any checks another specter makes to
1st Level (Tier 1): As an action, and until you stop detect the illusion. This false reading lasts a day. Once
concentration, you are aware of all creatures within 10 you employ this talent, you cannot again until you finish a
feet of you, even if you cannot see them. You know their long rest.
alignment, and if they mean you harm, and even if anyone 5th Level (Tier 4): This talent can also be used as a
is an apex. You are aware of the presence of any specter reaction to mislead an active specter talent like sniffer,
talents within the area. You can concentrate on this tal- viewer, and claircognizance. The experience you create,
ent for five minutes. After you stop, you cannot use this supplant, or delete can have taken place any time during
talent again until you finish a long rest. the past day, and can have lasted up to an hour.
1st Level (Tier 2): You cannot be surprised by targets 7th Level (Tier 5): The imprint lasts until the truth is
in the area while detection sphere is in effect. revealed by beating the DC (potentially forever).
FINAL DESTINATION recover with 1 hit point. Once you recover this way, you
Tier 8 cannot again until you finish a long rest.
That was a nightmare; a complete and absolute disaster. 8th Level (Tier 5): If you use near death reprieve, as
Phewthank god it was only a hallucination. part of the reaction, you can also use up to half your Hit
7th Level (Tier 8): The last minute was not real, just Dice and recover hit points.
flash from the future. You use an action to tell allies that
can hear you of your vision. You are a harbinger, allowing PRECOGNITION
the group to proceed and attempt different results. Once Tier 2, Concentration
you use this talent, you cannot use it again for one week. It will be happened; it shall be going to be happening; it
11th level (Tier 9): Instead of the last minute, you will be was an event that could will have been taken place
reset the five minutes. in the future. Simple as that.
15th level (Tier 10): Once you use this talent, you 1st Level (Tier 2): After a full minute of concentrating
cannot use it again until you finish a long rest. on an object or creature, you can see a vision of the tar-
Special: If you use this power without the express gets immediate future, up to one hour. The exact nature
permission of the majority of the group, you are responsi- of the vision is up to the GM, although you can narrow it
ble for providing snacks for everyone for the next game by posing a general question (for example, will the target
session. be alive tomorrow morning?). Usually, only one useful
piece of information can be retrieved, sometimes an im-
age, a phrase, or even just a word. It can be cryptic, but it
FORESIGHT should be useful and reliable: unless you take specific ac-
Tier 1 tion to change the outcome, what you envision will come
You get a quick glimpse of the future. to pass (GMs are discouraged from making attempts to
1st Level (Tier 1): If you or an ally within 30 feet of avoid the prophecy fulfill it instead, to avoid the impres-
you is hit with a melee or ranged physical attack, as a re- sion of railroading). After you receive the vision, you are
action, you can increase the AC of the target hit by +1. stunned until you finish a short or long rest. After you use
The target also has advantage with Dexterity saving this talent, you cannot use it again until you finish a long
throws if the triggering attack is an area effect. rest.
3rd Level (Tier 2): The bonus to AC increases to +2. 3rd Level (Tier 3): You can now see as far as 12 hours
6th Level (Tier 3): If the target evades the attack with in the future, and you are only stunned afterward for five
this talent, the target can then move 5 feet. minutes.
9th Level (Tier 4): The bonus to AC increases to +3. 6th Level (Tier 4): You can now see as far as 24 hours
in the future, and you are only stunned for one minute.
INEVITABLE REACTION 10th Level (Tier 5): You can use this talent twice be-
Tier 3 fore being required to finish a long rest.
Technically, they didn't start the fight. You did. 15th Level (Tier 6): You can use this talent three
1st Level (Tier 3): You gain a +2 bonus to initiative, times before being required to finish a long rest, and you
and you can use your apex ability modifier instead of Dex- are no longer stunned after using it.
terity for initiative rolls. Push (DC 20): Your vision is less cryptic, or provides
3rd Level (Tier 4): Instead of the +2 bonus, you have more than one piece of information (GM discretion).
advantage with initiative. Special: The GM can activate this power at any time.
In this case, the power is not expended and you are not
6th Level (Tier 5): Instead of rolling for initiative, you
can set your initiative to the highest valueyou always go stunned, but the vision is not guaranteed to be useful.
first. Once you set your initiative this way, you cannot
again until you finish a long rest. PREDICTION MATRIX
10th Level (Tier 6): You cant be surprised while you Tier 2
are conscious. You finish a sentence, beat someone to the punch, or
15th Level (Tier 7): If your group is surprised, you can sneak by the second they werent looking
use a reaction to remove surprise from all allies within 30 1st Level (Tier 2): After you make a Charisma ability
feet of you. Once you use a reaction this way, you cannot check or saving throw, if you dont like the result, you can
again until you finish a long rest. re-roll. Once you use this talent, you cannot use it again
until you finish a long rest.
NEAR DEATH REPRIEVE 1st Level (Tier 3): You can use this talent with Dexter-
Tier 4 ity (Stealth) checks.
You see your body under you as you rise from it. No. This 2nd Level (Tier 4): If you re-roll and dont like the
is not your time to go. second result, you may immediately attempt a third roll
4th Level (Tier 4): As a reaction, if you are killed, fail by spending a Hit Die (without regaining hit points).
a death save or are reduced to below zero hit points, you 3rd Level (Tier 5): You can continue using Hit Dice
until you accept the result. 11th Level (Tier 7): You gain one additional use of
5th Level (Tier 6): When you use this talent, if any re probability range, and if one of your rolls results in a natu-
-rolls result in less than 15, set your final result to 15. ral 20, you regain that use of probability range.
friend), the target may make another save. If the save Push (DC 20): All affected targets automatically fail
fails, the target perceives you as a different creature until their saving throws. You can only do this once per use of
you stop concentrating (or until one minute passes). Once this talent.
a target fails its save, you cannot use this talent again until
you finish a long rest. CUT THE STRINGS
1st Level (Tier 3): You can sustain camouflage for up Tier 2
to one hour. You can also target two creatures in range The target's eyes roll back and he takes a nice long nap.
with the same action. You only regain this talent if all 1st Level (Tier 2): As an action, target one living crea-
targets fail their saves. ture you can touch. The target makes a Wisdom saving
1st Level (Tier 4): You can sustain camouflage for up throw. If it fails, roll 5d8 + your apex ability modifier; if
to a day, and you can target as many creatures as you the number is higher than the targets hit points, it falls
want within 60 feet of you. unconscious until 1 minute has passed, the sleeper takes
3rd Level (Tier 5): You can do more than just alter damage, or someone uses an action to shake or slap the
your appearanceyou can render yourself invisible for sleeper awake. Undead and creatures immune to being
the duration. This effect ends prematurely if you inflict charmed arent affected by this talent. Once a target fails
any damage on an affected target. its saving throw, you cannot use this talent again until you
6th Level (Tier 6): You can target as many creatures finish a long restand if the target makes its save, you
as you want within 100 feet of you. You can also extend cannot target it again until you finish a long rest.
your altered appearance or invisibility to up to two allies 3rd Level (Tier 3): Increase the dice to 8d8, and the
within 100 feet of you as well. target can be up to 30 feet away. The target falls asleep
9th Level (Tier 7): You can do more than just alter for five minutes.
the appearanceyou can alter the terrain 100-feet in 5th Level (Tier 4): As part of the same action, you can
every direction to you look, sound, and smell like some target two targets instead of one; subtract each creatures
other sort of terrain. This includes adding or removing hit points from the total before moving on to the next 69
structures. The tactile characteristics of the terrain are creature. You can target the creatures in whichever order
unchanged. If the difference isnt obvious by touch, a you wish.
creature carefully examining the illusion can attempt an 7th Level (Tier 5): The range increases to 50 feet, and
Intelligence (Investigation) check against your apex save you can use this talent twice before being required to
DC to disbelieve it. A creature who discerns the illusion finish a long rest.
for what it is, sees it as a vague image superimposed on 9th Level (Tier 6): You roll an additional +1d8 for
the terrain. each of your character levels, and +2d8 for each Hit Die
12th Level (Tier 8): You can use this talent twice be- you spend (without recovering hit points). Targets fall
fore being required to finish a long rest. asleep for one hour.
15th Level (Tier 9): Camouflage lasts until you stop Push (DC 20): Increase the dice by +2d8.
concentrating. You can also imprint a location, which will
affect all targets that walk into range. This effect lasts for
up to a day, but you cannot use camouflage while an im- DEEP SCAN
print is in effect. You attempt to scan the thoughts of someone.
1st Level (Tier 1): You can take a minute concen-
trating on a living creature you are touching. The target
makes a Wisdom saving throw if unwilling. If the creature 9th Level (Tier 10): The first saving throw a target
you choose has an Intelligence of 3 or lower or doesnt makes against deep scan has disadvantage. You can also
speak any language, the creature is unaffected. You are spend a Hit Die (regaining no hit points) to force a target
able to scan the surface thoughts, including its immediate to fail its saving throw. If touching a target, you can push
intentions and what is foremost in its mind at that mo- back further into the targets past, to any point in the tar-
ment. You can attempt to probe deeper with an addition- gets life.
al minute, requiring the target to make a Wisdom saving Push (DC 20): Increase the saving throw DC by 5.
throw. If it fails, you gain insight into its reasoning (if any),
its emotional state, and something that looms large in its DREAMTRANCER
mind (such as something it worries over, loves, or hates). Tier 1, Concentration
Either way, the target knows that you are probing into its You move through the netherscape of untapped
mind. Questions verbally directed at the target creature subconscious to communicate with someone else.
naturally shape the course of its thoughts, allowing a 1st Level (Tier 1): You can take a minute concen-
more successful interrogation. Once a target fails the trating on one unconscious but living creature you have
initial saving throw, you cannot use this talent again until met previously in the past day and is within 100 feet of
you finish a long rest. you. At the end, you enter the target's dream. For up to
1st Level (Tier 2): You no longer need to touch the one minute or until you stop concentrating (whichever
targetyou can now target living creatures up to 30 feet comes last), you can communicate with the target
away that you can see. If you still touch a target, increase through the dreamscape: by default the target believes
your apex DC by 2. If you have both hands free, you can you aren't real, although you can convince them other-
alternately touch two targets (or target one at range and wise. Once during the duration, you can make the target
touch one), but you do not get the DC bonus. make a Wisdom saving throw. If the target fails, you take
2nd Level (Tier 3): The range of deep scan increases control of the dream: otherwise, you can only control
to 120 feet, and is reduced from one minute to one action your dream body and anything you can directly affect with
(for both effects). If touching a target, you can push back it. If you inflict harm on the target or the target inflicts
further into the targets past, as much as 24 hours into the harm on itself, it wakes up: however, if you are in control
past, to retrieve a useful memory. of the dream, the target can only harm itself if you wish it.
3rd Level (Tier 4): You can use this talent twice be- While you are in the dream, you can take no actions
fore being required to finished to finish a long rest. If outside of it. If you suffer damage in reality, the effect
touching a target, you can push back further into the tar- ends. One you exit the dream state, you cannot enter it
gets past, as much as one week into the past, to retrieve again until you finish a long rest.
a useful memory. 1st Level (Tier 2): The target can be within 1 mile,
4th Level (Tier 5): The range of deep scan increases and you can remain in the dream for up to five minutes.
to 1 mile. You only know where the creature is. You can The target must make a Wisdom saving throw each mi-
also use this talent to detect the presence of thinking nute if you are attempting to wrest control of the dream.
creatures you cant see. When you use this talent, you 1st Level (Tier 3): You can bring one additional living
can search for thoughts within 30 feet of you. This effect creature into the dream with you. Creatures brought in
penetrates barriers, but 2 feet of rock, 2 inches of any this way can leave anytime and cannot take control of the
metal other than lead, or a thin sheet of lead blocks you. dream. Dreamtrancer can persist up to one hour, and the
5th Level (Tier 6): The range of deep scan increases target makes a saving throw every five minutes.
to 50 miles, and your range of thought detection increases 1st Level (Tier 4): You can use this talent twice be-
70 to 60 feet. When passive scanning for targets, you still fore being required to finish a long rest, and you can bring
pick surface thoughts, and the effect lasts up to five up to three additional creatures into the dream.
minutes. If touching a target, you can push back further 2nd Level (Tier 5): You can target anyone you have
into the targets past, as much as one month into the met in the past week and range is effectively unlimited.
past, to retrieve a useful memory. You can sustain the dream until the target naturally wakes
6th Level (Tier 7): Passive scanning within 30 feet no up.
longer requires an action or costs a use of the talent. You Push (DC 15): Make this check when attempting to
can still use an action to increase the range to 60 feet. take control of a dream: if you succeed, the target has
7th Level (Tier 8): You can use this talent three times disadvantage on their saving throw.
before being required to finish a long rest. Targets that
fail the saving throw do not know they are being scanned.
If touching a target, you can push back further into the FUGUE STATE
targets past, as much as one year into the past, to re- Tier 3
trieve a useful memory. You send out a cascade of psychic energy to affect those
8th Level (Tier 9): You can directly target up to five around.
targets in range with deep scan, though only the ones you 3rd Level (Tier 3): As an action, target one living crea-
touch suffer the increased DC . ture within 15 feet of you; it must make a Wisdom saving
throw or have disadvantage on all d20 rolls until the end INSTANT FRIENDS
of your next turn. Once a target is affected, you cannot Tier 2, Concentration
use this talent again until you finish a long rest. Don't you remember me? We're old pals! Could I get a
5th Level (Tier 4): Instead of one target, you affect all ride?"
living creatures you want within 15 feet of you. Affected 1st Level (Tier 2): As an action, target one living crea-
targets also have their speed halved. ture within 5 feet that can hear you and has suffered no
7th Level (Tier 5): You can instead target a location damage from you or your allies within the past hour. The
up to 60 feet away. All targets you wish in a 20-foot target makes a Wisdom saving throw: if it fails, it is
sphere at that location must make Wisdom saving throws. charmed by you for 1 minute, until you stop concen-
You can also use this talent twice before being required to trating, or until you or your allies do anything harmful to it
finish a long rest. (whichever comes first). The charmed creature regards
9th Level (Tier 6): If centered on you, any living crea- you as a friendly acquaintance. When the effect ends, the
tures within 30 feet of you are affected. If you create a creature knows it was charmed by you. Once a target
sphere in range, the sphere is 30-feet across and you can recovers from being charmed, you cannot use this talent
target a position up to 120 feet away. again until you finish a long rest.
12th Level (Tier 7): An affected target is paralyzed for 2nd Level (Tier 3): Your range of instant friends in-
one minute or until it suffers damage. creases to 20 feet. The charmed effect lasts for five
Push (DC 20): Double all range values. minutes.
4th Level (Tier 4): You can target two living creatures
IMPRINT instead of one, and the effect lasts for one hour, until you
Concentration, Tier 1 stop concentration, or until you or your allies do anything
You wave your hand and suddenly a piece of paper looks harmful to either one.
like a hundred dollar bill, a copper coin looks like a gold 6th Level (Tier 5): You can use this talent twice be-
coin, or a rock looks like a diamond. Surely there are fore being required to finish a long rest. You also are no
other applications, but you can't think of any. longer required to concentrate to sustain the charmed
1st Level (Tier 1): As an action, touch one object Tiny effect.
or smaller. You make the object look like something else 8th Level (Tier 6): You can target up to four living
of the same approximate size and shape. The illusion only creatures instead of one or two when using instant
affects the objects visual qualities. Observers can make a friends, and the effect lasts for one day, until you stop con-
Perception check opposed by your apex check to identify centration, or until you or your companions do anything
the illusion. The effect lasts until you stop concentrating. harmful to it.
1st Level (Tier 2): You can extend imprint in one of
the following ways: INSTILL CONFIDENCE
Increase the size of the object being imprinted to Tier 2, Concentration
Small. This increases with additional selection to Medium You make someone feel just awesome.
to Large to Gargantuan. 1st Level (Tier 2): As an action, select one living crea-
You can imprint one additional object (to a maxi- ture within 25 feet. Until you break concentration or one
mum of 4). minute passes (whichever comes first), the target has ad-
When you stop concentrating, the imprint lasts for vantage with all ability checks. Once you use this talent,
one additional minute. With additional selections, this you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
increases to 10 minutes to 1 hour to 6 hours to 1 day to 1
2nd Level (Tier 3): You can affect up to two living
creatures in range, and targets are also immune to fear.
1st Level (Tier 3): Select one additional Tier 2 benefit. 4th Level (Tier 4): The range increases to 60 feet, and
1st Level (Tier 4): Select one additional Tier 2 benefit. you can select up to three living creatures.
1st Level (Tier 5): Select one additional Tier 2 benefit. 8th Level (Tier 5): You can use this talent twice be-
2nd Level (Tier 6): Select one additional Tier 2 bene- fore being required to finish a long rest.
fit. 12th Level (Tier 6): Targets also have advantage with
3rd Level (Tier 7): Select one additional Tier 2 bene- saving throws.
4th Level (Tier 8): Select one additional Tier 2 bene-
5th Level (Tier 9): Select one additional Tier 2 bene- Tier 2
fit. The target mixes up his target and ends attacking his best
6th Level (Tier 10): Select one additional Tier 2 bene- friend. That won't go over well.
fit. 1st Level (Tier 2): If a living creature within 50 feet of
you targets you with an attack, you can target it as a reac-
tion. It makes a Wisdom saving throw. If it fails, the tar-
get attacks a different creature of your choice within its
attack range. Once you successfully divert an attack this age.
way, you cannot again until you finish a short or long rest. 9th Level (Tier 8): Increase the range of neural spear
3rd Level (Tier 3): The range of jumble increases to to 200 feet, and increase damage die to 1d10.
100 feet and you can use it when an attack targets an ally 13th Level (Tier 9): If the target fails its save, instead
within ten feet of you. of inflicting damage, until the beginning of your next turn,
6th Level (Tier 4): You can use jumble twice before the target is vulnerable to psychic damage.
being required to finish a short or long rest. 15th Level (Tier 10): You can attempt a third attack
9th Level (Tier 5): You can use jumble three before as part of the same action; only one attack can inflict dam-
being required to finish a short or long rest. age.
14th Level (Tier 6): You can use jumble at-will. Push (DC 20): Increase your tier by 1 for this action.
2nd Level (Tier 4): You can create Large-sized items ed from a previous tier.
or smaller (this includes armor and Large vehicles). You 1st Level (Tier 4): You can select one additional skill
can also use this talent twice before being required to or have advantage with checks with a skill already select-
finish a long rest. You can also pull widgets from up to 50 ed from a previous tier. Alternatively, you can select a
feet around you. previously selected skill you have advantage with via a
3rd Level (Tier 5): You can create Huge-sized items or previous tier. When you roll less than 15, set the die roll
smaller. The constructed item lasts ten minutes. to 15.
5th Level (Tier 6): You can create Gargantuan-sized 1st Level (Tier 5): You can select one additional skill
items or smaller. You can also pull widgets from up to 100 or have advantage with checks with a skill already select-
feet around you. ed from a previous tier. Alternatively, you can select a
7th Level (Tier 7): You can create any-sized item. You previously selected skill you have advantage with via a
can also use this talent three times before being required previous tier. When you roll less than 15, set the die roll
to finish a long rest. to 15.
Tier 2
Whats one persons garbage is another persons treasure.
1st Level (Tier 2): When gaining widgets from reverse
engineering technology, you acquire one-half the value of
the item in widgets instead of one-fifth.
Tier 1
Everything is just the sum of its parts.
1st Level (Tier 1): You have a widget bag. You can
use widgets to repair, modify, and create items. You keep
pieces handy for on-site repairs. You have enough parts
on hand for $100 worth of repairs, regardless of item
type. These parts cannot be sold or traded, and are use-
less to others. The bag weighs 5 lbs. You can increase the
size of this widget bag later by investing in more widgets.
Every $500 adds another 1 lb. When you reach 11th level,
the bags weight drops by half and every additional $1,000
adds another 1 lb. When you reach 21st level, the bags
weight drops by half again and every $100,000 adds an-
other 1 lb. Once invested, you do not get this value back.
When you scavenge technology, the GM may award a
certain value of additional widgets (see Engineer in Ultra-
modern5). Widgets count against the total treasure
awarded. If you select the techie class, your starting widg-
et bag increases to $400. The bag only functions while
you are carrying it: if released, it disgorges its contents
he world appears normal, but this is an considering that each Market cell operates under slightly
illusion supported by the complacency of the different rules.
masses dependant on the unflinching rules of
society. Organizations across the world fight Under scrutiny, a Market cell is actually a cabal of
to maintain this illusion, with only a few being aware of smaller groups brought together under a common
the reason. Some do it for the betterment of mankind motivation of kidnapping and controlling errant apex.
while others do it for themselves, either for economic These groups materialize from the corporate sector,
reasons or for self preservation. Only the following four civilian governments, and military agencies, with each
groups, however, are aware of the existence of apex cell having its own unique ratio. In China, for example,
abilities and the people who possess them. the Market cell is wholly governmental, while the
Japanese arm is entirely corporate. Each cell is aware of
MARKET the others and even though they claim similar
motivations, they dont always agree. The only accepted
The Market is not one organization but dozens, rule is that a Market cell claims jurisdiction over its
independent but linked, pursuing a common goal of territory. Most often this is honored, though internal
controlling the emerging apex power. Mimicking a Market clashes have occurred when one cells crosses the
terrorist group, Market cells hide scattered throughout border into anothers territory in pursuit of a target.
the globe, in every major city, each falling under the
umbrella term but having their own moniker. Though The Markets objective is to control all apex abilities,
not officially in competition with one another, Market to ensure all apex are firmly under the foot of a Market
cells rarely associate, and there remains doubt that a cell. It is believed that Market alliances are based purely
unified leader actually exists. Rumors whisper of an on the difficulty of locating and controlling apex across
individual known as OBrienassumed to be a nom de the world. Its assumed that if more powerful apex are
guerre in reference to the novel 1984who hands down located, or if one cell gains more power than the others,
directives to cells when intervention is required. This the Market may turn on itself and shatter from internal
leader has never appeared in the flesh and many within competition, and an apex cold war would surely follow.
Market cells assume him to be fictional, especially The unified goal of the Market is to not kill apex if
capture remains a viable option. When apprehended,
apex are convinced to join the cell in pursuit of the an odd safe haven for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean
common cause. Membership pays well and loyalty is apex. The leader of the PDA is unknown and its thought a
rewarded. Those who resist are held in colonies until singular leader does not exist.
they see the logic of accepting their fate.
The Markets key to success is not only their funding Conspiracy theorists have suggested that British interests
but in possessing apex in their membership. These in apex are represented by the same branches of military
powerful apex wielders often lead missions in the capture intelligence as the SIS, and oddly enough, this is correct.
of their brethren. The Markets only weakness is their However, many of these theories get the designation
preference in taking apex alive. wrong. The misdirection in referring to the British Market
cell as MI-13 may have even been started by the actually
OPPONENTS organization itself, MI-0.
Some Market opponents are apex, though many are
humans. They are also the most technologically advanced MI-0 operates a public office in the basement of the
enemies characters may face. When creating encounters Special Intelligence Service building at Vauxhall Cross in
with the Market, they should be equipped with military London, though their actual headquarters is rumored to
hardware, vehicles, and even attack aircraft. They are also be at Fort Monckton, a historical fort in Gosport,
the most numerous. Large groups may be lead by or Hampshire, sharing space with the MI-6 training center.
flanked with skilled apex. Monkcton also serves as the detention area for captured
apex and is considered to be one of the most heavily
It is also possible that the PCs may be members of one guarded facilities of its type in the world. Its current
of the cells themselves, either openly, as infiltrators, or as leader, Tomison Armitage, a non-apex, often sends MI-0
members of some sort of apex underground railroad. personnel alongside those from The Shop, and the two
Opposition in such cases can come from rogue apex, cells are considered to have the most successful working
defectors from the cell, one of the other organizations relationship of all Market cells. Its been suspected that
opposed to the Market, and even other antagonistic Armitage is a puppet of Peyton Doran. Regardless of that,
Market cells. MI-0 personnel, though fewer in number, are believed to
be most trained with many being apex-gifted graduates of
Here is a list of the most well known Market cells: the SIS program.
Matrise is a wholly government-funded group with Japans Market cell, under the name Masaru and led by
rumored ties with Oxious. Matrise has been accused of the enigmatic Fusago, was formed originally to protect
being infiltrated and manipulated by members of Oxious. apex which were being discovered in the chains of major
Despite their proximity, Matrise and The Shop seldom see corporations. Although funded by several major
eye-to-eye with the latter accusing Matrises leader, a companies, not one holds authority over Masaru, and its
figure known only as Felquiste, as being a puppet of thought Fusago is actually a powerful string who uses his/
Oxious. It isnt helped by the fact that most of Matrise her abilities to manipulate Japanese corporate interests.
are staffed by apex. Unlike other Market cells, Masaru is rarely seen outside of
Japan, but within their borders, they are more dangerous
than the yakuza, the latter of which have clashed with
Masaru on more than one occasion, often on the losing
The Peoples Defense Authority is by the far the largest side.
and most fanatical of Market cells, often resulting in
clashes with other nations. Despite appearances of
rivalry, the PDA and The Shop share a tolerable working
relationship. Although theyve worked together in Africa Its less likely that Russias Spaseniye is run by the
and Eastern Europe, theyve clashed in Hong Kong on government than the other way around. One of the most
more than one occasion. Its still better than North Korea, enigmatic groups, Spaseniye (salvation) is also believed
whose borders are simply ignored by the PDA, with to be the oldest Market cell and the origin of the
Chinas stance being that the DPRK cannot be allowed to legendary OBrien, despite Spaseniyes current leader
possess anyone with apex abilities. The PDA has only being identified as Nikolai Sukhoi. Spaseniye emerged
been caught once in North Korea, but this resulted in the shortly after the Second World War and remained
disastrous Mantapsan Geiger Incident of 2009. inscrutable until the mid 60's, when many of the other
Subsequently, the DPRK formed their own independent Market cells began to emerge. Spaseniye rarely taps its
group, MK-Ultra, whose membership were summarily considerable military muscle, preferring smaller interdic-
assassinated under mysterious circumstances. The lack of tion groups led by or wholly comprised of apex. Similar to
a DPRK Market cell has shockingly turned the region into Chinas PDA, Spaseniye has been known to cross borders
in pursuit of their target, ignoring jurisdiction with nearly identify the Timekeeper have all failed, leading to a theory
every neighboring nation, though oddly leaving the east- that the subject has created a parallel reality by existing in
ern region of their own country alone. Its never been this time period where the Timekeeper is in fact never
fully explained what forces exist in the northeast region of born. Unlike badly written time travel stories, a paradox
Primorsky Krai. The last expedition in 1988 ended in was avoided since the Timekeepers youth was preserved
heads being teleported into the offices of the Lubyanka in the original timeline unaltered by the intervention of
Building in Moscow. The rest of the bodies were later time travel. This current time period is new, whether it be
discovered five years later buried under 200 feet of pre- beneficial to the Timekeeper is anyones guess. He/she
historic ice during a mining operation in Greenland. did this for a reason, and this may lead to the
Timekeepers objective to save other apex from a fate tied
In 1995, the PDA launched their own investigation of to any of the other organizations.
Primorsky Krai by sending a team led by their most power-
ful string. The team was never heard from again but the Oxious believes in the liberation of apex and their
string's passport and watch were later discovered in the acknowledgement by the world. This cannot happen until
stomach of a basking shark which washed ashore in Flori- organizations like the Market, Temple, and the Union are
da six months later. Such a reputation has even made removed. It is rumored that the Timekeeper manipulated
other apex apprehensive of entering the region. Despite the stock market to be a multi-millionaire and now lives
this one caveat, Spaseniye is still considered the most on an island enclave in hope of turning it into a
feared of all Market cells. Those captured are rarely seen micronation where apex can live in peace away from
again, often taken to the extreme north to a former cold- those wishing the use or destroy them. The apex
war gulag. themselves would also be the defenders of this new
nation. As yet, no such nation exists, and its thought
UNITED STATES disciples of the Timekeeper, members of Oxious who
The Shop is a mixed government/corporate cabal heavily wander anonymously, pursue rival organizations, hoping
funded by military contractors and controlled by to intervene before the capture of innocent targets.
government personnel. It is the most heavily funded of
the Market cells, able to bring the full onslaught of the US OPPONENTS
military to bear, through often resorting to private Unlike other organizations, members of Oxious are less
military companies to ensure secrecy. Unlike many opponents and more interested parties involved in the
Market cells, the leader of The Shop is very well known, same encounter. They appear as plot points, and
the English-born string Peyton Doran, a full-time patriot eventually, the players may even find themselves
that would, given a choice, eliminate every apex in the members of the group. Oxious has no known
world not directly controlled by The Shop. Peyton has headquarters and, given the Timekeepers unmatched
personally led operations into rival nations, clashing with teleportation abilities, leadership has been impossible to
Matrise in Montreal and the PDA in Hong Kong. After track. The Timekeeper is the number one threat in the
nearly being killed by a geiger during the Cyprus eyes of the Market and Temple. In the case of Union,
Dhekelia power station crisis of 2012, Peyton has re- they want the Timekeeper on their side; unfortunately,
mained in the United States, delegating most of his au- Oxious has a strict aversion to terrorism and believes
thority to this right-hand man, the psychotic shaper Kross- violence should only be used in defense.
Krufix. Potential applicants have been known to land in
the Guantanamo Bay detention camp but recently, most
80 have been shuffled to a new subterranean facility in New TEMPLE
Mexico. The most hostile anti-apex group in the world, Temple
seeks the complete annihilation of all apex. Capture is not
OXIOUS an option and their tactics have been perfected to
accomplish their mission. Employing stealth and
The last hope for freedom for those gifted to be apex assassination, Temple rarely moves openly, preferring
come from the whispers of an organization lead by an ambush rather that frontal assault. Dating back more
extremely powerful flux nicknamed the Timekeeper. It is than 1300 years, it is believed Temple started in the
believed this flux has avoided capture because of his/her Vatican, but when funds dried up and support for the
capacity for unlimited time travel. It is even believed that clandestine unit waned, Temples leadership parted ways,
the Timekeeper was once, or rather will be a great simultaneously opening its doors to other religions and
scientist, who traveled from a future timeline that has cults which shared their interests.
since been altered. This scientist was able to travel
through time using flux powers by calculating exactly Temple may be officially non-secular, but it welcomes
where Earth would have been in the distant past in any religion that believes in their fanatical judgmental
respect to where it would become. The Timekeeper then opinion of apexthat it is abhorrent to nature and an
arrived to change subsequent events. Attempts to
affront to Gods will. Only divine beings can perform operandi, that which earned him the nickname the
miracles, and when the first apex were discovered Staplegunner.
centuries ago, it was Temple which had to intervene to
suppress their existence, perhaps explaining why miracles Schroeder considers himself reborn with a newfound
appeared aplenty until the last few centuries. Most apex quest to destroy any governmentcrush any army
at the time were either parading themselves in front an which attempts to control or eradicate the emerging apex,
impressionable public or were themselves being paraded which he constitutes as a new threatened minority. He
by a corrupt cult. has sworn to the destruction of both the Market and
Temple, with emphasis on the eradication of the Shop
Temple consider themselves enacting Gods wrath the Market cell operated by the United States. Although
while simultaneously ridding the world of corruption, Temple considers the Union a mortal enemy, the Market
believing since absolute power corrupts absolutely, no doesnt consider them more than a nuisance, believing
apex can avoid eventually acting superior to the rest of them a minuscule terrorist group amounting to less than a
mankind. The Market has not openly tried to collapse dozen members.
Temple despite Temples clear willingness to destroy
them. Temple has been responsible for various In truth, Union is believed to have more than thirty, all
assassinations of apex both being pursued by the Market hanging off the will of Schroeder, the singular head of the
as well as being employed by them. organization, which would likely collapse upon his death.
The moral disparity between the Staplegunner and the
Temple remains a mysterious group, working from Timekeeper have prevented their alliance and even
locations they have spent over a thousand years keeping resulted in numerous conflicts between the Union and
secret. They operate out of every country and have Oxious, with the latter even foiling several Union
developed unique weapons specifically designed to terrorists attacks. When an apex begins to feel pressure
cripple apex and prevent their escape, technology even from those that hunt him or her, they eventually must
the Market wishes they had. Temples leadership choose a side, to be defensive with Oxious or offensive
comprises of seven people, the Circle of Meliusculus, who with Union. Both apex affiliations do share one
move between locations but are suspected to be attributetheir need for discretion. Despite the
somewhere in Eastern Europe. Temple no longer has advantages of going public, as long as the military and
central support within major religions. media remain under control of the Market and as long as
Temple still exists to swear the death of all apex, both
OPPONENTS Oxious and the Temple keep to the shadows, only
exposing themselves when their hands are forced. There
Unlike other organizations, there are absolutely no apex have already been numerous terrorists attacked
within the ranks of Temple. Though Temple cant bring perpetuated by the Union which have been credited to
about the level of artillery accessible to the Markets other groups like al-Qaeda, Hamas, and the IRA.
forces, Temple compensates with techniques and devices
perfected over centuries for the sole purpose of elimi-
nating apex. This includes attacks meant to restrain or OPPONENTS
daze opponents, crippling apex and allowing for the kill. Union is entirely populated by apex unafraid to reveal
Temple assassins are also experts in stealth, able to their powers when called upon. They have clashed with
assassinate targets up close and from afar with equal every other apex-associated organization including
ease. Oxious. They are both a force which ambushes player
characters as well as being enemies intercepted by them.
UNION PCs are unlikely to be members themselves, due to the
groups antisocial ideology and willingness to inflict collat-
Not long after the end of the Vietnam War, the American eral damage, as well as the fact that Unions enemies in-
veteran and soon to be ex-patriot Theodore Schroeder, clude absolutely everyone.
after witnessing the acts of fellow serviceman under
orders from a distant and detached government, swore to
no longer allow any authority to force his hand in the
service of political corruption. Schroeder was also a
powerful kinetic and the top assassin for the The Shop.
His excommunication from his Market cell and
subsequent disappearance was covered under the guise
of a failed mission where Schroeder apparently lost his
life. The first indication that he faked his death occurred
five years later when three of the Shops top lieutenants
were killed in the same fashion of Schroeders modus
ADVERSARIES often combined with other offensive apex.
Ultramodern5 introduced adversaries, effectively universal Instant Shield: The defender has a kinetic shield. All
monsters which can be altered based on traits ranged attacks against the defender or against any crea-
templateswhich can be added later. Any creature can ture within 5-feet of the defender has disadvantage. The
technically be given an adversary ability. Unlike the ad- defender also gains a +1 bonus to AC against melee
versaries listed in Ultramodern5, adversaries in Apex may attacks.
be also listed by a challenge adjustment, which will not
affect any other entry in the creature, but will affect its Challenge Adjustment: +1/2
level in both building an encounter and in calculating ex-
Alternate Paths: Several adversaries are listed with A displacer is a flux apex who focused his or her talent in
different approaches, or paths in applying the template. teleportation. Whether specialized in melee or ranged
An opponent on the field can have one or even both combat, a displacer is an exceptionally difficult enemy to
paths; regardless, opponents with either are still counted target.
as having the same adversary template. Although under
normal circumstances applying more than one adversary Path One
template to an encounter is discouraged, these are not Jumper: Each time a displacer moves (except by
normal circumstances (but still, remember to take care forced movement), the movement is a teleport.
tracking which enemies belong to which template).
Challenge Adjustment: +1/2
APE [Freak/Morph]
The ape has a large trunk-like body and articulate digits on Path Two
his feet. He doesnt normally go into the chest pounding Quantum Shift (recharge 4, 5, 6): The displacer can
or the bellowing, but dont take the option off the table. use 30 feet of movement and teleport up to 150 feet.
Bulge in the Jacket: The falcon has wings which can- Path Two
not be concealed easily. He gains a fly speed of 35. He Gauss: The rapid cannot be disarmed, does not re-
has disadvantage to checks to hide the wings. quire a weapon for ranged weapon attacks, and gains a +1
bonus to ranged attack rolls against creatures within 5
Birdman: The falcon has advantage with Wisdom feet.
(Perception) checks and gains a +5 bonus to passive per-
ception. His weight is reduced by half.
RENEW [Freak]
The renew is a difficult character to kill, able to regenerate
injuries and even lost limbs. They stopped caring about
NAIL [Freak] pain a long time ago. Renews are also long lived and im-
A nail is a freak with a vicious melee attack, precluding the mune to most ailments.
need for actual melee weapons. He cannot be disarmed.
Immunities: The renew has immunity to poison and
Knuckle Sandwich: A nails melee basic attack, re- to all diseases.
gardless of the weapon listed, is a natural weapon. The
attack gains a +2 bonus to damage. Troll-Like: The renew regains hit points at the start
of it turn equal to the number of its Hit Dice. This trait
QUICKENER does not work if the renew is reduced to 0 hit points, but
after 30 minutes, the renew regains 1 hit point. Only
[Kinetic/Phenom] when reduced to ash is a renew truly killed.
Similar to the displacer, the quickener is usually a kinetic,
but his specialty differs in that he can compress time, re- Challenge Adjustment: +1
sulting in increased reflexes.
SCANNER [Specter]
Path One A scanner is equipped with sharper radar than a ballistic
Adrenaline Push (recharge 4-6): The quickener uses missile submarine. The scanner often has eyes slightly
one his actions as a bonus action. larger than a normal person.
Hard to Catch: The quickener gains a +1 bonus to AC Lose Nothing: The scanner has darkvision 120 ft. and
and Dexterity saving throws. truesight 20 ft.. He also has advantage with Wisdom
(Perception) and gains +5 bonus to passive perception.
Challenge Adjustment: +1/2 The scanner can pick up any apex power or apex individu-
al within a 100 feet.
Path Two 83
Capacitor Compression (recharges after a short or SHADOW
long rest): The quickener gains 3 actions. At any point
on his turn, he can use this action in addition to his own [Kinetic/Morph/Specter]
(max one per round). The shadow is a stealthy target, hard to locate, gifted with
abilities enabling him to vanish into surroundings. He
Challenge Adjustment: +1/2 accomplishes this either using light bending or traditional
color shifting camouflage.
RAPID [Kinetic]
Rapids are kinetics specialized in the acceleration of pro- Path One
jectiles. Like traditional apex, they are able to move Blend: The shadow has advantage with Dexterity
weapons around corners out of reach but they have also (Stealth) and Wisdom (Perception) checks.
developed the ability to accelerate the bullets without the
need of a firearm. Despite not technically requiring bul- Path Two
lets, many rapids still prefer having them nearby, even to Thermoptics: As an action, the shadow is invisible
the extent of floating thousands of rounds of ammunition until the start of its next turn. If the shadow moves, this is
reduced to three-quarters cover.
A temple disciple is specialized in eradication of discov-
ered apex. Their tools and weapons are designed specifi- ARC
cally to disable apex and prevent the use of their abilities, Arc, whose real name was Emily Calloway, claims to have
rendering them normal people. to no biological father. As the story goes, her mother,
later killed by Temple, was struck by lightning and Arc was
Stunners: Select one of the temple disciples non- born nine months later, an effective clone of her mother.
area-based attacks. If the temple disciple hits target with Although this is almost certainly untrue, Arc does bear
the selected attack, the target is stunned until the start of more than an uncanny resemblance to her mother. De-
the temple disciples next turn. spite attempts to bring her into Oxious, Arc continues to
operate independently. Oxious is hoping Arc will give up
THERIA [Morph] her obsessive crusade to kill every member of Temple, a
campaign which has already claimed ten victims. Arc no
A theria is as close to an animal a morph can become longer answers to her biological name, choosing Arc over
without growing fur. They are still difficult to locate if her second choice, AC in reference to her loyalty to her
attempting to hide but when revealed, their mutations are idol, Nikola Tesla.
Wag: The theria has a prehensile tail which counts as ARC (Kinetic / Shaper)
a hand. He has advantage with Dexterity (Acrobatics) Medium apex human, neutral
checks when able to use his tail. A check is required to Armor Class 17 (armor)
Hit Points 136 (16d8+64)
conceal the tail.
Speed 50ft.
WMD [Geiger/Shaper] Multiattack. Arc makes any two other attacks.
84 The WMD is capable of releasing inbuilt energy in the
form of devastating particle beams or flame bursts. This Spark. Melee Apex Attack: +8 to hit. Reach 5 ft., one crea-
weapon cannot be disarmed, so a WMD will most likely ture. Hit: 7 (1d6+1) bludgeoning damage + 10 (1d10+4)
lightning damage, and the target either suffers identical
need to be killed.
lightning damage at the start of Arcs next turn or is
pushed 10 feet.
Path One
Shock Jockey. Ranged Apex Attack: +8 to hit, range 50/100 ft.
Solar: All the WMDs ranged attacks become apex
Hit: 15 (2d10+5) lightning damage and the targets speed is
attacks. They also inflict fire damage. Double the range of reduced by half until the beginning of Arcs next turn.
these attacks.
Path Two Feedback Loop. As a reaction to being hit by a melee at-
Bounce (Recharge 6): As a reaction, the WMD can tack, Arc inflicts (10) 1d10+5 lightning damage on the tar-
absorb the damage of one hit and gains a bonus to dam- get.
age on his next hit equal to the same amount.
Level Adjustment: +1
Archibald Bridge was born into academia and became one Fossil is a borderline psychotic Market thug employed by
of the worlds most foremost quantum physicists. He Spaseniye. One of his more bizarre mutations is his ability
kept his abilities secret for decades until it became una- to fire his knuckle like a captive bolt gun, capable of killing
voidable. On the top of Temples hit list, Archibald fell in targets with a single touch, his preferred method of assas-
with MI-0, which promised him protection in exchange for sination. Fossil is rarely used in enlistment missions. His
his services. Since then, Archibald has become a true be- other noteworthy talent is his ability to alter his age, from
liever that those with apex abilities should be regulated child to senior. Because of this, coupled with an uncanny
and controlled. Archibald prides himself in his 100% suc- regenerative ability, no one is sure how old Fossil his.
cess rate in bringing potential recruits alive, and has Even though he prefers to move about between 25 and
gained a reputation for that and in being one of the most 40, he has been known to settle into other ages to satisfy
powerful fluxes on the planet, exhibiting powers few oth- numerous fetishes Spaseniye is aware of but chooses to
ers have been able to replicate. ignore.
Horizon Blast. Melee Apex Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Actions
target. Hit: 13 (2d8+5) force damage, and the target is Multiattack. Fossil makes three fist attacks.
teleported up to 20 feet.
Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., 8 (1d6+5)
Phase Transition. Melee Apex Attack (recharge 5, 6): +8 to bludgeoning damage.
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6+5) force damage,
and the target vanishes. On its turn, the target can at- Geriaction. Fossil can change his shape to resemble himself
tempt a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or remain in the
void. On a success, the target returns within 20 feet of its
at any age. His baseline is 35 years, and if he increases or
decreases his age by 20 years or more, he has advantage
original location (determined by Archibald) and is prone. with checks to convince people he is not Fossil and is of
the age he claims.
Tannhauser Gate. If Archibald is hit by an attack, he tele- Reactions
ports up to 15 feet away without suffering any damage. Persistent. If a creature in reach uses moves out of reach,
regardless of how, Fossil can move up to ten feet towards
that target.
Grizzly is an extreme morph with a thick layer of body hair Although no one has admitted seeing Proteuss true form,
covering leathery skin earned from years living in the Ca- one suggestion implies he (or she) resembles an elongat-
nadian north where he worked in the Albertan oil fields ed, androgynous fetus, lacking a nose and most other
until being discovered. Since then, he has kept ahead of physical characteristics, even to the extent of having
both Temple and Market forces attempting to kill or cap- translucent skin. Proteus is one of the only known
ture him. He has refused attempts to enlist him in both morphs able to maintain a form indefinitely with rumors
Oxious and Union. He continues to be a freelance apex that she (or he) has done so for decades at a time for
leasing his skills to whoever pays him. over a thousand years. The most fanciful claim alleges
Proteus is the legendary apex-zero and that his (or her)
genes surviving through her (or his) descendants have
GRIZZLY sowed the apex crisis in the first place. Currently, Proteus
Medium apex human, neutral claims allegiance to Union, but appears to be more of a
Armor Class 18 (armor)
consultant than a member, as he (or she) has frequently
Hit Points 110 (l2d8+50)
Speed 40 ft. taken actions outside or even contrary to the Staplegun-
ners directives.
VAMP (Siphon/String)
Medium apex human, chaotic good
Armor Class 16 (armor)
Hit Points 119 (14d8+60)
Speed 30ft.
Multiattack. Vamp makes two bloodplay attacks.,