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Astrology Myst Revealed Richmond

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Astrology: The Mysteries Revealed

By M. Temple Richmond

According to the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul, there exists a currently unknown body of
teaching on the subject of astrology, knowledge from a remote past treating of relationships
between the distant suns that make up the constellations and the central star of our solar system
(Esoteric Astrology, 3-4). A similar disclosure was penned by famed Russian esotericist H.P.
Blavatsky, who claimed the existence of a version of astrology far in advance of that known by the
public, an astrology shielded from common view and shrouded in the mysteries of true spiritual
initiation (The Secret Doctrine, Third Edition, Volume 2: 525; Volume 3: 337, 341). Twentieth
century metaphysical teacher Helena Roerich revealed that she too was aware of an exalted level of
astrological indications that differed greatly from the mainstream techniques of her time (The
Letters of Helena Roerich, Volume 2: 251, 365).

Like a chorus in a Greek play highlighting the main dramatic themes, the oracular voices of
these three sources combine to form one coherent message. All speak of an astrology beyond that
which has spawned contemporary mainstream astrology in the latter twentieth century. Fortunately,
some hints about the nature of this unknown teaching on astrology have been offered in esoteric
sources, together with the strong suggestion that a restoration of this knowledge is due in the not too
distant future, if not in the present time.

For example, the Tibetan Master has informed us that Hierarchy intends at some point to make
known to humanity a whole corpus of hitherto secret initiatory teaching (The Rays and the
Initiations, 330-332), parts of which have been embedded in the Masonic tradition (R&I, 330-331).
The Tibetan has also stated that the further revelation of the previously secret initiatory tradition is
to emerge in part through the Masonic tradition (R&I, pp. 330-331).

Given the emphasis in Masonic symbolism upon the solar declination cycle, zodiacal signs,
planets, and particular stars, it seems certain that some form of astrological instruction (however
veiled) has been carried forward by Masonry. Hence, because Masonic and astrological symbolism
are so intimately intertwined and Masonry is definitely slated to function as a vehicle for the next
revelation (see www.grandlodgeaum.org), it is reasonable to conclude that astrology itself also
forms a significant component of these mysteries yet to be revealed. Further, the Tibetan
specifically stated that a superlative astrological system of great antiquity would in fact be
reinstated to Humanity, for only in this way could Humanity gain a greater glimpse of Deitys intent
(Esoteric Astrology, 4, 5).

The content of this exalted form of astrology is likely to be far removed from the normal
concerns of todays heavily personalized and commercialized version of astrology. While
mainstream astrology takes as its focus the delineation of individual personality traits and the
prediction of events, astrology as one of the mysteries to be revealed is likely to center instead upon
issues of another order altogether. These issues are well represented in Esoteric Astrology by Alice
Bailey, which uses astrological symbols to describe the progressive integration of the individual
into the ranks of the Planetary Hierarchy.

Beyond this, the revealed astrology will likely draw from cosmic themes, concerning itself with
matters such as the comparative polarities of the bodies in our solar system (A Treatise on Cosmic
Fire, p. 714), the period of physical incarnation for the Great Being who ensouls not only our planet
but the entire Earth Scheme (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, 381), the position held by our scheme in
the solar system (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, 358), and the nature of the Sirian Festival to be held in
August of each year as a pivotal celebration in the what the Tibetan Master refers to as the New
World Religion (Esoteric Astrology, 299).

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