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design concepts

Sona C.N. and Shailaja Nair

A look at why it is important to include a persons complete
body in the spatial experience, making it unique

rchitecture has the
ability to serve a
deeper function than
merely providing
shelter. It acknowl-
edges the feelings, desires and the
pleasurable capacities of the people.
Many buildings have become image
products that lack existential depth.
Multisensory architecture finds its
relevance in this context. As Finnish
architect Juhani Uolevi Pallasmaa
puts it, In memorable experiences of
architecture, space, matter and time
fuse into one singular dimension,
into the basic substance of being,
that penetrates our consciousness.
[.] Architecture is the art of rec-
onciliation between ourselves and
the world, and this mediation takes
place through the senses

Ocular centrism in
Since the built environment is
mostly designed keeping in mind Fig. 1: Interiors of Museu De FozCoa
Photographer: Nelson Garrido, Source: http://www.dezeen.
the visual appreciation or func- com/2011/05/16/museu-de-foz-coa-by-camilo-rebelo-and-
tion, there is always a tendency tiago-pimentel/: Accessed 01/05/14

30 ARCHITECTURE - Time Space & People August 2014

roams over the mouldings and the con-
tours, sensing the size of recesses and
projections[] I dwell in the city and
the city dwells in me. (Pallasmaa, 2005)
The role of eyes: Architecture is
regarded primarily as a visual phe-
nomenon. Thus, we have many build-
ings that are designed to please the
eye but fail to delight the body as a
whole. Eyes absorb the visual qualities
of a space. Vision is capable of stimu-
lating other senses in our body.
The auditory experience: Vision
is directional while sound is omnidi-
rectional. Thus, sight isolates while
sound integrates. The loss of senses in
contemporary architecture can be at-
tributed to the ignorance of acoustic
Fig. 2: The environment as life world (A) and as globe (B) Source: Ingold, T. The perception of
the environment, Routledge, London, p. 209, 2000. intimacy. Sound can lend characters
to a space: intimacy or monumental-
ity, invitation or rejection, hospitality
of visual bias in architecture. Projec- body in action. or hostility. For instance, an echo
tive and perspective drawings, and created in a narrow street or inside
later photography and photorealistic Architecture and the senses an empty cathedral not only yields
rendering technology were developed Perception is of prime importance the spaces their own identity but
to analyse existing places and design when it comes to studying architec- also connects you to them. But today,
new ones. ture in relation to the senses. Our the buildings are designed to absorb
During the design process, archi- perception of spaces is always medi- and censor the echo and wide open
tects hardly place themselves in the ated by the senses. Traditionally, there streets in cites have rejected echoes
spaces they design. They are satisfied are 5 main sensesthe sense of sight, completely. Our ears have been
using various visual tools. They end up hearing, touch, taste, and the sense blinded (Pallasmaa, 2005)
assuming the position of the creator of smell. Other senses can be added The form and the volumes of a
as well as the spectator, instead of the to the list, such as the sense of tem- building and the materials, with which
occupant. This phenomenon of adopt- perature, pain, and what is sometimes it has been built, contribute to the
ing the position of an outsider can be called the kinaesthetic sense, which sound generated in its interior and
explained by the concept of objecti- informs us about the movement and exterior spaces.
fication. Tim Ingold(2000) connects position of the various parts of our The olfactory imagery of spaces:
objectification of our surroundings bodies (Maclachlan 1989) The memory of a space that lingers
with what he calls the modern project. around in us is fostered by smell. Every
Also, the human body was merely Integration of ones body space has its own characteristic smell.
utilised as a tool for dimensioning with architecture The scent can either hang heavily in
during the design process. Scale and I confront the city with my body; my the air or pass by us in a gush of air.
proportion were developed using the legs measure the length of the arcade This can either be enhanced or
human body as the key. For archi- and the width of the square; my gaze subdued depending on the chosen
tects, it is not just the human body unconsciously projects my body onto finish; wax, varnish or polish. Likewise,
that has to be addressed but the the faade of the cathedral, where it every city has its own collection of

August 2014 ARCHITECTURE - Time Space & People 31

design concepts

scents and odours, which are powerful It is an accepted fact that vision designed from the perspective of the
tools of identity. reveals what touch already knows. sighted. Even though that is the case,
Induction of oral sensation: There The perception of light and colour they tend to filter out their acoustic,
is a delicate transference between tac- also relates to the tactile sensation olfactory and tactual qualities to
tile and taste experiences. Also, taste both light and colour radiate temper- understand such spaces. There exists
is generated by the combined action atures that can be felt on the surface a twofold potential of critique of built
of nose and tongue. Eyes collaborate of the skin. spaces by them:
with tongue as well. It has been found The loss of tactile experience is fos- i) In their day-to-day lives, they
that certain colours and delicate details tered by the weakening of materiality. confront several issues of being
generate oral sensations. Natural materials like stone and wood excluded from a major part of
The tactile experience: The skin allow us to perceive the integrity of the environment. This helps us
is capable of reading the texture, the built. Machine-made materials understand the problematic areas
weight, density and temperature of used today fail to convey their age or or building parts that fail them
an object. The tactile sense is the one properties since they are designed ii) They have an embodied knowl-
that actually establishes a connection to achieve ageless perfection for the edge of non-visual qualities in the
between our body and the world. It building. Reflective glass facades environment and how to rely on
is not just about physically touching bring about alienation. them in their activities.
an object but about accepting the
volume and temperature of space. The role of disability in Phenomenology in
Architects, such as Carlo Scarpa and understanding multisensory architecture
Alvar Aalto created designs that ap- architecture Phenomenology is the study of the
pealed to the eye and also invited one People with a visual impairment dur- phenomena or experiences of daily
to touch and explore. ing their daily life enter various spaces human life and is part of the develop-

Fig. 3: Circulation diagram of ThermeVals, Source:http://arch1101-2010kjb.blogspot.in/2010/04/engaging-with-landform.html; Accessed

21/07/2013/ Circulation added by author

32 ARCHITECTURE - Time Space & People August 2014

ment of Western philosophy. Phe-
nomenology in architecture embraces
the aim of transforming people from
uninvolved spectators to active
participants. It is essentially a qualita-
tive examination of the experiences
of people. Each of us experiences
world in a different way because we
develop a unique personalised model
of the world and exist in it. Phenom-
enological investigation focuses on
the sensory experiences developed
by a person in a particular environ-
ment. The unique understanding of
Fig. 4: The altar of Loyola Chapel (Source: Authors)
a phenomenon a person encounters
induces a response in him which is entrance is an interplay of textures, and render remarkable acoustical
also unique. This is deeply influenced brick walls with green leaves brush- features to the space.
by culture, age, gender and beliefs. ing against them, steel wire grid
The question now remains: how reinforced glass doors, their wooden Inferences
do we create an architectural tec- frames, stone plinth, and concrete The following are a few design guide-
tonic that can stimulate multisensory steps. Inside the chapel, the scale lines developed from the studies: An
phenomena? Here are a few studies of changes drastically from the humble unknown destination helps trigger
spaces based on the phenomenologi- entrance. Wooden truss work makes curiosity in the visitor. Constraints to
cal approach. the ceiling dynamic. The altar is the visual sense force people to use
Therme Vals: Peter Zumthor em- naturally lit by the lateral opening their auditory senses.
ploys several ideas to make this bath against the wall. With this, the chapel Constantly changing walls and
(Refer Figure 3) located on the thermal completely expels uniform lighting floor panels keeps the person alert,
springs of Switzerland multisensory. and elevates the ambience and focus and thus, his senses alert. This helps
The materials used, the integration of of the altar. Exposed surfaces and the distort the visitors perspective often
the building to the site, the internal lay- brick work control the reverberations incorporating various contrasting
out of spaces, the careful and restricted
use of visual elements, the temperature
and humidity differences help awaken
all the senses of ones body.
Also, the bath offers numerous
ways of moving around the space
and exploring certain predetermined
areas. The supplementary spaces are
scattered around the pools so that
they are independent from each other
and also ensure or restrict the view
from a point along the path.

Loyola Chapel
The chapel by Laurie Baker has mas-
sive walls pierced with jalies and the Fig. 5: An unknown destination (Source: Authors)

August 2014 ARCHITECTURE - Time Space & People 33

design concepts

brings about unreality and alienation

of spaces within.
Even the complete absence of one
of the sensory data can enhance the
rest of the sensory experiences. In fact,
any space capable of establishing the
presence of your body is multisensory.
The most important task of the archi-
tect is to make sure that the complete
body of the person is included in the
spatial experience and this experience
for a person is unique, not universal.

1. Pallasmaa, J. The Eyes of the Skin
Architecture and the Senses. United
Kingdom: Wiley-Academy, 2005.
2. Peter-WillemVermeesch. Less vision,
More Senses - Towards a Multisensory
Approach in Architecture.
Netherlands: Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven, 2012.
3. Maclachlan, D L C. Philosophy of
Fig. 6: Confined spaces (Source: Author) Perception. Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1989.
textures to the building elements. around, and experience the changes 4. NorberG-Schulz. C.Genius Loci.
Vision will compel the visitor to touch. in the haptic sensations generated Towards a Phenomenology of
Confined spaces awaken other senses, by the change in volume. Also, the Architecture (translated). United
namely auditory and haptic, as a result acoustical properties change drasti- Kingdom: Academy Editions, 1976.
of the urge to know what lies outside. cally. Playing with light and shadows 5. Dawkins, Rachel. Engaging
A sudden change in the scale of not only stimulates the sense of vision Sensibilities: An exploration into
the spaces can stimulate the senses at but also the haptic sense. Avoiding Architectural Techniques for
various levels. uniform lighting reduces monotony. Multisensory Environments,
For instance, a door leading to a Artificially regulated interior spaces New Zealand.
larger volume of space from a smaller have almost no multisensory qual- 5. Wikipedia.Phenomenology
volume of space is capable of making ity to them. Increased use of reflec- (architecture), http://en.wikipedia.org/
you raise your head and look up and tive glass should be deferred since it wiki/phenomenology_(architecture)
(accessed 12/1/2013).

Sona CN has completed her B.Arch from

College of Engineering, Trivandrum, Kerala.
Shailaja Nair is Associate Professor,
Department Of Architecture, College of
Engineering, Trivandrum, Kerala.
Photographs and illustrations: Courtesy
the Authors and Sources as mentioned.
Fig. 7: The drastic change in volume of spaces, (Source: Authors)

34 ARCHITECTURE - Time Space & People August 2014

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