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Faculty of Law Admission Bursary Application 2017 - 2018: Early Deadline: Final Deadline

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Faculty of Law

Admission Bursary Application 2017 - 2018

Early Deadline: December 1, 2016
Final Deadline: February 15, 2017
A bursary is a non-repayable amount of money you receive to assist you in financing your
education that you do not have to pay back. The amount of bursary you receive is based on an
assessment of your financial need.

- Applicants must currently have accumulated government student financial debt.
- Applicants must be entering full-time studies in their first year of an undergraduate Law degree
program at Queen's University in September 2017.
- Students entering a combined program (ie. MA/JD), where they will not be registered
as a full-time student in the Faculty of Law until year two, should submit their bursary application
prior to entering year two.
- Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada.
- Financial need is based on student, and parent/partner income (if applicable), the number of
dependants in the family (if applicable), and the applicants assets, including savings.

- Completed applications must be received by the Student Awards Office by the deadlines
referenced above.
- Only successful applicants will be notified. We will make every effort to ensure that those
applicants who submit their Law Admission Bursary Application by December 1, 2016 receive
their bursary offer at the time they are offered admission to the Faculty of Law.

Confirmation of Receipt of Application

Confirmation of receipt of your Law Admission Bursary Application can be viewed via your
SOLUS Student Centre (see 'View Award Application Status').

The values of bursaries vary according to the demonstrated financial need of the applicant.

Office of the University Registrar

Student Awards Web Site: queensu.ca/studentawards
Gordon Hall Email: entrance@queensu.ca
74 Union Street
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario
K7L 3N6

Telephone: (613)533-6000 ext.71660

Fax: (613)533-6409
Faculty of Law
Admission Bursary Application 2017 - 2018
Early Deadline: December 1, 2016
Final Deadline: February 15, 2017
The personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Royal Charter of 1841, as amended. The information collected will be used by the
Office of the University Registrar to assess your eligibility for need-based student financial assistance. Information regarding the results of the need assessment
may be reported to the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. In addition to external reporting requirements, the information will also be used for internal
planning and statistical analysis. Information about award recipients may be provided to donors who sponsor specific awards or from University departments who
have contact with these donors. For more information, please contact the Office of the University Registrar, Student Awards, Queen's University, Gordon Hall.
Telephone: (613) 533-2216.

Section 1: Applicant Information

This application must be completed in full. Please print or type.
OLSAS Number: Student ID:

Last Name: Given Name(s):

Permanent Mailing Address:

City: Province: Postal Code:

Telephone: Email Address:

2015 Income Value ($)

Gross 2015 Income: Total income as indicated on line 150 of 2015 income tax return.

Other Income: If no Canadian income tax return was filed and/or if there was foreign
income not reported on the 2015 income tax return, please indicate gross income in CAD.

Income Received - Pre-Study Period Value ($)

Enter the estimate of the total gross income from all sources that you expect to
receive during your pre-study period. (Please do not include GST rebates, Child
Tax Benefits, or funding from student financial assistance through your province or
the federal government).
Note: The pre-study period is the 16 week period immediately prior to September 2017.

Resources for 2017-2018 Academic Year Value ($)

Parent/Partner contribution
Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) - Amount available for 2017-2018
Contribution from relatives or friends
Scholarships, awards, bursaries (if known)
Trust funds/Investments - include only the values that will be used for 2017-2018
Accumulated savings prior to summer 2017
Expected summer 2017 savings
Other resources (please specify)
Note: Please identify Government Student Loans/ Student Line of Credit on page 3 under section titled "Your Debt".

Total resources
Faculty of Law
Admission Bursary Application 2017 - 2018
Early Deadline: December 1, 2016
Final Deadline: February 15, 2017
Section 3: Your Current Status (Complete one option only)
Option 1: If you are single
When did you last attend high school? (month/year)
If you graduated from high school after June 2013, you must fill out the Parental Information below. This
information is not required if you graduated from high school prior to / during June 2013.
Parental Information
What is the current marital status of your parent(s)?
1. Married, remarried, or in a common-law relationship.
If so, both parents (including step-parents) must fill out the 2014 Parental Income section below.
2. Divorced* 3. Separated* 4. Widowed* 5. Single*
* If you checked number 2, 3, 4, or 5 only one parent must fill out 2015 Parental Income section. This
must be the parent with whom the applicant currently lives or last lived with or who last supported the
applicant. In the instance of joint custody, only the parent who claims the applicant as a dependent for
income tax purposes is required to provide income information.
Child Support/Alimony
If you checked 2, 3, 4, or 5 under Marital Status of Parents, any child support or alimony should be
included in income of parent submitting income information. If child support/alimony from the other parent
is directed exclusively to educational costs of applicant, include amount in line 3 under Resources for
2017-2018 Academic Year on page 1.
Parental Income Information - 2015
(Please note the year in which we are asking for income information. Given the deadline requirements for
this application, we understand that 2016 income information may not be available).
Parent 1/ Step-Parent Parent 2/ Step-Parent
2015 Income Information
1/ Legal Guardian 1 2/ Legal Guardian 2


Total income as indicated on line 150 of 2015 income tax return

Other income: if no Canadian income tax return was filed and/or if
there was foreign income not reported on the 2015 income tax return,
please indicate gross income in Canadian Currency
Canada Pension Plan contribution as indicated on lines 308 and 310
of 2015 income tax return
Employment Insurance premiums as indicated on line 312 of 2015
income tax return

Total tax payable as indicated on line 435 of 2015 income tax return
Number of Dependants in Family
For Law Admission Bursary consideration, dependant children are pre-school children and children attending
elementary or high school who are less than 16 years of age. Children 16 years of age or older either must be full time
students in high school or post-secondary students, or must have a disability to be considered dependant children.
Children who have been out of high school for four or more years are not considered dependant.

Number of dependants of parents (including applicant)

Number of dependants of parents studying in a post-secondary institution (including applicant)
Faculty of Law
Admission Bursary Application 2017 - 2018
Early Deadline: December 1, 2016
Final Deadline: February 15, 2017
Option 2: If you are married or in a common law relationship*
*A common law relationship is defined as living together for at least three years or raising an adoptive
child or child from the union.
Spouse's Income Information - 2015
(Please note the year in which we are asking for income information. Given the deadline requirements for
this application, we understand that 2016 income information may not be available).
2015 Income Information

Spouse's name and Queen's student ID *(if applicable)

Spouse's occupation

Total income as indicated on line 150 of 2015 income tax return

Canada Pension Plan contribution as indicated on lines 308 and 310 of 2015 income tax return

Employment Insurance premiums as indicated on line 312 of 2015 income tax return

Total tax payable as indicated on line 435 of 2015 income tax return
Number of dependants living with applicant on a full-time basis (see definition of dependants on
page 2).
Age of dependants

Option 3: If you are Divorced/Separated

Number of dependants living with you on a full-time basis (see definition of dependants on page 2)

Age of dependants
Section 4: Your Debt
In order to assess your bursary application it is important that you provide a clear picture of your debt
load. Please tell us about your debt load to date including the loan debt you will be incurring in the
2017-2018 academic year.

Amount of existing debt

incurred as of Expected debt for
Form of Debt
Aug 31, 2017 2017-2018 academic year
(prior to study periods)

Government student loans

Student Line of Credit (Note: Line of Credit statement may

be requested for audit purposes)

Other loans (please specify)

Other loans (please specify)

Faculty of Law
Admission Bursary Application 2017 - 2018
Early Deadline: December 1, 2016
Final Deadline: February 15, 2017
Section 5: Your Assets
Do not include value of assets already listed as available resources for the 2017-2018 academic year on page 1.
Assets Value ($)
Vehicle Model / Year
Please enter Gross Market Value
Combined total value of trust funds / investments
Select all applicable: Stocks Bonds Trusts

Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs)

Note: Include the full value of RRSP's in this section. Do not include RRSP's under available resources on page 1 of this application.

Other Assests (Please specify):

Section 6: Other Eligibility

There are specific financial need based Law admission bursaries/awards for students who demonstrate
community involvement. If you would like to be considered for one of these awards, please provide us
with a summary of your involvement, indicating your record of community service and the time frame with
which you were involved. Please provide on a separate sheet of paper and limit to the last 3 years of
community service. Please visit Student Awards web site for further details. Award names:
Waterloo Law Association Entrance Award Miller Thompson LLP National Entrance Scholarship
Are you an Aboriginal Student? Yes No
Section 7: Work Study Consideration
The objective of the Queen's Work Study Program is to provide an opportunity for students in financial
need to receive priority for certain part-time jobs, generally on-campus, during the academic year. The
maximum you may earn for the 2017-2018 fall/winter academic session is $2,000.00.
Would you like to be considered for the Work Study Program? Yes No
Section 8: Extenuating Circumstances
If there are extenuating circumstances regarding your financial situation that require documentation,
please elaborate on a separate sheet of paper. Please identify the financial impact of these circumstances
using figures or provide supporting financial documentation so that we may fully assess your eligibility for
bursary assistance. Special circumstances warranting review should be considered non-recurring and
Release of Information
We sometimes receive requests for information about award recipients from donors who generously
support specific awards or from University departments who have contact with these donors. Although it is
normal practice to release the recipient's name, we could be asked for the program of study, year,
Hometown, or Queens email address.
For further details refer to queensu.ca/studentawards/faq/release-information-donors

Do you agree to have this information released? Yes No

Applicant's Signature
I understand that if I receive an admission bursary or award the information may be subject to verification.
I may be asked to provide a copy of my and/or my parent's/partner's 2015 Notice of Assessment prior to
the disbursal of the bursary or award. I certify that this application presents an accurate outline of my
financial position and personal history. I am aware that should any inconsistencies come to light, I may be
required to repay all or part of any award received.

Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

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