Case Analysis Chapter 3
Case Analysis Chapter 3
Case Analysis Chapter 3
Case Analysis
This case is analyzed in the point of view of LaSalle Chemicals Senior Vice President
of Human Resource, Henrietta Mercer.
The companys rising star, considered a golden boy who had helped in
forming sale strategies in pollution-control, more than doubling the sales in their
sector, will be undergoing a gender transition. Senior VP of HR, Henrietta Mercer
should consider every aspect that could affect the company especially with its
customers and employees.
A. Strengths
B. Weakness
C. Opportunities
1. There is an opportunity for the company to update its policy with regard to
discrimination particularly on the case of gender preference.
2. Create awareness on the employee equality in the organization
D. Threats
1. The company doesnt know what to expect from the reaction of their
customer, thereby affecting the companys sales.
2. Employees values and beliefs resulting to unacceptability of the gender
3. An issue pertaining to age discrimination as Alex thought he is a better
candidate than Steve with regard to his experience and record.
III. Alternative Courses of Action
A. Support Steve with his gender transition and let him stay as the sales director
of LaSalle
B. Let Steve take an internal role while transitioning and assign Alex as sales
director of LaSalle
With this course of action, the company might deal with the legal
implication of gender discrimination that would arise which could affect the
company. Alex on the other hand has a good reputation, high credibility
towards its customer relation and is very qualified for the sales director
IV. Recommendation
I would recommend that they should support Steve with his transition and at
the same time, retain him/her as Sales director despite the transition.
Question: how do you deal with the discrimination felt by Alex being not chosen as
sales director given his qualifications and good records in CatalCon?
Which do you think would weigh much, support steve with his transition and the
companys sale performance might be affected, given that Alexs high credibility
towards his customers, and the fact that he is against the gender transition of steve
and he is vying for the position of sales director or the legal implication they would
face if they would demote steve, which might also affect the companys