Comparisons of Central Force Optimization and Gravitational Search Algorithm
Comparisons of Central Force Optimization and Gravitational Search Algorithm
Comparisons of Central Force Optimization and Gravitational Search Algorithm
Li Junbing
College of Science
Xian University of Science and technology
Xian, China
Rij (t )
optimization problems. These optimization problems are
divided into 2 categories based on the number of global xid (t + 1) = xid (t ) + 0.5aid (t )
optimum: unimodal problems and multi-modal problems. where G is constant and Rij(t) is the distance between i and j
However, every evolutionary algorithm wants to provide the at tth generation, U is the unit step function.
solution on various issues in general. Actually there are In CFO, any probe that flew out of the decision space
different for different problems with their design, principle was returned to the midpoint between its past position and
and operation procedure. Quite naturally, one evolutionary the minimum or maximum value of the coordinate lying
method maybe shows high performance on some problems, outside the allowable range.
and shows poor on other problems.
Central Force Optimization (CFO) and Gravitational B. GSA
Search Algorithm (GSA) are for two pairs of new methods in We define the position of the ith probe by:
global optimization[1,2]. In recent years, CFO and GSA have
aroused extensive attention home and abroad, and have made
X i = ( xi1 ," , xid ," , xin ) for i = 1,2," , N , where
some desirable research results[3-5]. xid presents the position of ith probe in the dth dimension.
In this paper, calculation and analysis performed for
these methods with numerical experiments. Convergence M pi (t ) M aj (t ) d
accuracy and speed of two algorithms tested by unimodal Fijd (t ) = G (t ) ( x j (t ) xid (t ))
benchmarks, and exploration of two algorithms tested by Rij (t ) +
multi-modal benchmarks. where Maj is the fitness of ith probe, G(t) is constant , is a
small constant, and Rij(t) is the distance between two probes i
II. CFO AND GSA and j. To give a stochastic characteristic to GSA, it suppose
In this section we give a brief introduction about CFO that the total force that acts on agent i in a dimension d be a
and GSA. randomly weighted sum of dth components of the forces
exerted from other agents:
(2). Functions 3~6 are complexity multimodal functions. GSA
There are a lot of local minima in the search region. Search N CFO Average Median Average
methods are usually lost in local minima, and they cant find best-so-far best-so-far mean fitness
10 - - - -
global optimum for a limited time. This kind of test function 20 - 16.47 15.99 15.87
focuses on the exploration. As showed in table , results of 30 18.30 16.01 14.93 15.63
CFO or GSA are no different. They have excellent ability to 40 17.98 15.32 14.48 15.63
50 17.01 15.32 14.41 15.33
escape from local optimum, and find global optimum. The 16.79 15.32 14.42 15.32
reason is that every agent of CFO or GSA will make the best 70 16.71 15.32 14.41 15.32
of other agents information. This would insure all agents 80 16.24 15.32 14.40 15.32
will be more information sharing. Of course, this technique 90 15.95 15.32 14.40 15.32
also gets its drawbacks. All agents of CFO will trap in the 100 15.66 15.32 14.40 15.32
same basin in risky situations. Premature convergence of If circumstances agree, population size should probably
CFO cant avoid due to lack of random factors. On the define a larger number. The computational complexity of
contrary, GSA can jump out of the local minimus of random two algorithms increases dramatically when the number of
operators. Consequently, in order to complement conceptual population size increases. Many researchers draw
metaphor analysis, many research propose various measures conclusions that the global search ability is not getting a
to enhance exploration between CFO and GSA. substantial increase by an ever-increasing population size
(increases from 100 to 10000). The population size needs to
D. Robustness test between CFO and GSA be trade-off with the computational complexity.
In this section, population size of CFO or GSA is changed
to analyze the impact of algorithms. CFO or GSA have a IV. CONCLUSION
couple of parameters adjust. Population size plays a In recent years, many evolutionary algorithms have been
significant role in evolutionary methods. This section will proposed. Their common character is Swarm Intelligence.
discuss the influence of population size on the algorithms. In this paper, two novel heuristic methods that are CFO and
For simplicitys sake, we only choose test function 4 and 5 to GSA, are discussed. They are based on the same theory - law
testing. The results are shown in table . of universal gravitation. Their rate of convergence and
exploration is discussed by numerical experiments. Although
CFO is less than GSA in different indexes. CFO only run
one time it is a deterministic algorithm. GSA often runs
GSA many times to get a better result. We should choose a
N CFO Average Median Average suitable method in the actual problem.
best-so-far best-so-far mean fitness
Population size setting of heuristic methods is of great
10 - - - -
20 - -2.97h103 -3.70h103 -2.10h103
important. But the researchers have found no effective way
30 -2.67h103 -2.80h103 -2.75h103 -1.29h103 to set it. Experience plays a very important role in this
40 -2.69h103 -2.81h103 -2.57h103 -1.14h103 question.
50 -2.69h103 -2.80h103 -2.62h103 -1.11h103
60 -2.70h103 -2.80h103 -2.60h103 -1.10h103 ACKNOWLEDGMENT
70 -2.71h103 -2.80h103 -2.61h103 -1.10h103 This work was supported by Scientific Research Program
80 -2.71h103 -2.80h103 -2.50h103 -1.09h103
Funded by Shaanxi Provincial Education Department
90 -2.72h103 -2.80h103 -2.480h103 -1.04h103
100 -2.72h103 -2.80h103 -2.48h103 -1.08h103
(No.2013JK0583), and Natural Science Basic Research Plan
in Shaanxi Province of China (No.2014JQ1034).
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significant implications for CFO or GSA. Small population REFERENCES
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