Aussie Child Abuse - Mornington1 PDF
Aussie Child Abuse - Mornington1 PDF
Aussie Child Abuse - Mornington1 PDF
They spent their whole childhood hoping someone would set them free.
And yet even now they are still living with a past that can only be
described as hell on earth
By Matt Doran
A PSYCHOLOGIST is demanding a
Royal Commission over the police
investigation of a child sex abuse
scandal that rocked Mornington in the
early 1990s.
Dr Reina Michaelson also wants the
Royal Commission to examine possible
police involvement in an organised
pedophile ring.
She said the lack of justice was
placing victims at risk.
It was highly likely an organised
pedophile network was still operating in
Mornington, she said.
Dr Michaelson, who is representing
several victims, said the children
passionately want justice.
They spent their whole childhood
hoping someone would set them free,
Dr Michaelson said.
And yet even now they are still living
with a past that can only be described
DATE: 4/5/04
as hell on earth.
Dr Michaelson helped trigger a State
Ombudsmans investigation in June,
2002, into the police inquiry of
widespread sex abuse allegations at
the Mornington Child Care Centre and
Nursery School.
Police Chief Commissioner Christine
Nixon said last week the
Ombudsmans office would release its
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