Proof of Lord Chaitnya As Krishna Supreme Personality of Godhead
Proof of Lord Chaitnya As Krishna Supreme Personality of Godhead
Proof of Lord Chaitnya As Krishna Supreme Personality of Godhead
** In the Adi-Puran and in the Narada Puran, the Supreme Person says:
I shall advent in the form of a Brahmana devotee [aham eva dvija-srestho] and I
shall hide my factual identity [prachanna vigrahah]. I shall deliver all the
worlds [lokam raksami sarvada].
kalina dahyamanam
uddhararaya tanu-bhrtam
janma prathama sandhyayam
bhavisyati dvijalaye
The Supreme Person will appear in the first part of the age of Kali [janma
prathama sandhyayam]. He will appear in the home of a Brahmana [bhavisyati
dvijalaye], to save the embodied conditioned souls [uddharaya tanu-bhrtam]
burning in the troubles of Kali-Yuga.
Description of the purpose of Sri Chaitanya's incarnation.
kalina dakyamananam
paritranaya tanu-bhrtam
janma prathama sandhyayam
karisyami dvijatisu
In the first part [prathama sandhya] of the age of Kali, I will come among the
brahmanas [karisyami dvijatisu] to save the fallen souls, [paritranaya tanu-
bhrtam] who are being burned by the troubles of the age of Kali [kalina
Prediction of the name of His mother and the actual name of His future
I will take birth as the son of Sachi [bhavisyami sachi sutah], in Navadvip-
Mayapur [mayapure navadvipe]. I will come in my complete spiritual form in
the first part of Kali-Yuga.
Prediction of the name of His future first wife and His future assumption of the
sannyasa order.
In the first part of Kali-Yuga, the Supreme Personality of Godhead will come in
a gold-like form. First He will become the husband of Lakshmi [Srimati
Lakshmi Devi, Lord Chaitanya's first wife]. Then He will become a sannyasi,
near Lord Jagannatha who will appear in a divine wooden form.
Prediction of the bodily color of Sri Chaitanya and the nature of His future
satye daitya-kuladhi-nasa-samaye
tretayam das-kandharam
paribhavan rameti namakrtih
yatrayogesvarah saksad
yogi-cintyo janardanah
chaitanya vapur aste vai
The Supreme Personality, Janardana, who is the object of the yogis' meditation
[yogi-chintyo- janardanah], who saves the devotees from various sufferings,
and who is the master of all yogic practices [yogesvarah], who is always full of
divine transcendental ecstasy and bliss [sandra-ananda-atmakah], will advent
in His own divine form of Sri Chaitanya [Chaitanya-vapah].
Description of the time and place Sri Chaitanya's future advent.
kaleh prathama-sandhyayam
gaurangotham mahi-tale
bhagirathi-tate ramye
bhavisyami sachi-sutah
I shall appear on this earth [mahi-tale] in the first part of Kali-Yuga [kaleh
prathama sandhyayam] in a beautiful place on the bank of the Bhagirathi
[bhagirathi-tate ramye]. I shall have a golden form [gaurangah], and I shall
take birth as the son of Sachi [bhavisyami sachi-sutah].
O Vipra, in the age of Kali, I will come disguised [nityam prachanna vigraha]
as a devotee [bhagavad-bhakta-rupena] and I will save all the worlds [lokan
raksami sarvada].
Prediction of His mother's name and the nature of His specific preaching
method [sankirtana].
O Divija (demigods), please come and advent as devotees on this earth [bhuvi
jayadhvam jayadhvam] in the age of Kali-Yuga. I will incarnate as the son of
Sachi [bhavisyami sachi-sutah] to inaugurate the congregational chanting of the
name of Krishna [kalau sankirtana arambhe].
Prediction of the revelation of Sri Chaitanya's form.
I will reveal my eternal golden form [gaurangotham mahi-tale] in the first part
of Kali- Yuga [kaleh prathama sandhyayam]. I will advent on the earth on the
bank of the Bhagirathi [bhagirathi-tate bhumni] as son of Mother Sachi
[bhavisyami sachi-sutah].
harsa-purnam tapo-dhana
sarve mama eva draksyanti
kalau sannyasa-rupinam
O austere sage, you should know that in the age of Kali, everyone will see my
transcendental form as a sannyasi [kalau sannyasa rupinam]. I will be
exhibiting symptoms of ecstasy like shedding tears of bliss and hairs standing in
ecstasy [anandasru-kala-roma-harsa-purnam].
Prediction of the color of Sri Chaitanya and the nature of His future associates.
In the age of Kali, I shall advent [bhavisyami kalau yuge] where the three rivers
meet [tri-srotas-tira-sambhavah]. I shall have a shaven head [mundah]. I shall
have a golden complexion [gaurah]. I will be very kind and always chant the
holy name of Krishna [dayaloh kirtana-grahi].
Prediction of the name of the river where Sri Chaitanya will take his birth and
other characteristics.
suddho gaurah-su-dirghango
bhavisyami kalau yuge
In the age of Kali-Yuga, I shall come [bhavisyami kalau yuge] in a place on the
bank of the Ganges [ganga-tira-samudbhavah]. I will be very pure [suddhah],
have a golden complexion [gaurah], and be very tall [su-dirghangah] and chant
the holy names of Krishna. [Vyau Puran next quote]
Prediction that the Supreme Lord will leave Goloka and corne in a golden
golokam ca parityajya
lokanam trana-karanat
kalau gauranga-rupena
"In the Kali-Yuga, I will leave Goloka and, to save the people of the world, I
will become the handsome and playful Lord Gauranga."
Prediction of one of the purpose of Sri Chaitanya's appearance.
I shall come as the best of the brahmanas [aham eva dvija-srestha]. I will
exhibit many pastimes [lila-pracurya-vigrahah] in the form of a devotee
[bhagavad-bhakta-rupena]. I shall deliver the people of the world [lokan
raksami sarvada].
Prediction of the name of the mother of Sri Chaitanya and His future role as the
deliverer of the darkness of Kali-Yuga.
sarvan acara varjitan
sachigarbhe ca sambhuya
tarayisyami narada
Prediction of the future advent of Sri Chaitanya, His birth time, His mother, His
birth city, His name and His mission.
I shall advent in the month of Phalguna, when the star Phalguni is conjoined
with the full moon. I shall incarnate in a golden complexion in the womb of
Sachi and Purandara Misra. I will be born in the city of Navadvipa,on the
Ganges's shore, in a Brahmana's family. I shall take the renounced order of life
[sannyasa] and show kindness to the people in general and engage them in
Bhakti. I will be known as Sri Krishna Chaitanya. All of you should follow My
order and deliver the people of the world. I shall appear as a Brahmana. I shall
make this earth fearless. [Vayu Puran previous quote]
Prediction of Sri Chaitanya's birth city, the name of the river close to His birth
site, the name of His mother, His close associates and their divine roles in His
lila, His divine reason for incarnating as well as different names by which Sri
Chaitanya will be known.
"To show mercy to the people and give them devotional service, the Supreme
Personality of Godhead will appear in a Brahmana's home in Navadvip by the
Ganges' shore. The Supreme Person, Sri Krishna Himself, who is the life of
Srimati Radharani, and is the Lord of the universe in creation, rnaintenance, and
annihilation, appears as Gaura, O Mahesvari.
They who are bewildered by My illusory potency will not understand the great
secret of the appearance in this world of Me in My personal form,
This secret is not to be revealed to them. Only the saintly, pure, renounced
devotees, diligently engaged in My devotional service, will be able to
understand Me in these five forms.
My dear male and female associates, headed by Sridama and Subala, who came
to this world at the time of My advent as Lord Krishna, will come again during
the Kali-Yuga.
The Gopas will become the sixtyfour mahantas and the twelve gopalas. To
establish the truth of religion, I will enjoy many pastimes with them.
In this way I will again reveal the path of devotional service, which has been
destroyed in the course of time. My sons should also descend to the earth,
assume the forms of devotees, and, by My order, also work to re-establish the
principles of true religion.
What other major vedic literatures also describe characteristics of the advent of
Sri Chaitanya?
The Supreme Lord Chaitanya accepts the renounced order of life [sannyasa-
krt]. He is fully sense-controlled or equipoised [sama], and is completely
peaceful [santa]. He is completely fixed in the chanting of the holy name of
Lord Krishna, [nistha]. He is the highest abode of devotion and transcendental
peace. He silences the mayavadi impersonalists [nistha santi parayanah].
The sanskrit words suvarna-varna indicate one who has gold-like complexion.
The Vedic text to support this point is:
The words rukma-varnam kartaram isam refer to the Supreme Person [Sri
Chaitanya] who has a complexion like molten gold.
I worship Lord Krishna, the spiritual master of the universe, who appears in the
age of Kali with a luster like molten gold. His body is beautiful and tall. He is
like molten gold, and He is the delight and the son of Sachidevi.
"His lovely curling locks are interwoven with creepers of glistening pearls..."
simha skandham...
Srila Krishna das Kaviraj Goswami also points out the nature of Sri Chaitanya's
shoulders and voice.
"He has the shoulders of a lion, the powers of a lion, and the loud voice of a
Their arms (of Lord Chaitanya and Lord Nityananda) reach all the way to their
"....His two arms, glittering with bracelets and bangles, extend down to His
h la-prasuna-susnigdha
His beautiful eyes are just like reddish lotus flowers. They are most beautiful,
just like lakes of Krishna Prema. His nose is arched and is resplendent just like
the sesame flower.
His cheeks are round and they shine brilliantly. He wears jeweled earrings. He
has a peacock feather placed near His left ear.
His lips are tender and very lustrous. They resemble reddish blossoming
flowers. He reveals his pearl-like teeth out His kindness.
"His face is flawless like a blooming lotus and His lips are red as ripe
as bimba fruits. His nose is as beautiful as the sesame flower and his neck is like
a three-ringed conch. He is very tall and His rod-like arms make artistic
movements while He dances. His navel is very deep. May my Lord Gaura
Chandra, the king of dancers, reveal Himself in the core of My heart."
According to the authoritative statements of the great purva-acharyas [previous
authorized bona fide spiritual masters] such as Srila Rupa Goswami, Srila
Sanatana Goswami, Srila Jiva Goswami, Srila Krishna das Kaviraj Goswami,
Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur, and His
Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the foremost
representative of all the Acharyas in the Gaudiya Sampradaya, and many other
great Acharyas and pure devotees, Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is the
Yuga-Avatar, and the incarnation of Sri Sri Radha and Krishna combined who
has appeared to taste the transcendental mellow bliss experienced by Srimati
Radharani. He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This transcendental
conclusion is supported by the statements of the Vedas, the Srimad-
Bhagavatam, various puranas, upa-puranas, the Mahabharata, various Samhitas,
Tantras and Pancaratric texts.
Scriptures quoted:
Is there any specific reference in the Vedas as to when in this yuga, the Supreme
Lords Avatar- Sri Krishna Chaitanya was scheduled to appear?
"In the seventh manvantara, in the beginning of the Kali-Yuga, the Supreme
Personality of Godhead will, accompanied by His own associates, descend in a
golden form to the earth. He will teach the chanting of His own names."
When exactly does He come in the kali-yuga, and where does He specifically
appear and what will He do?
I will descend on the earth after the passage of four thousand years in the Kali-
Age, [kalau chatuh sahasrabdhopari] and before the passage of five thousand
years [pancha sahasra abhyantare].
I will come on the earth on the bank of the Ganges, [tira-sthah alakanandayah].
I will be a tall and saintly Brahmana devotee. I will have all the auspicious
symptoms of an exalted person [dirghangah sarva-laksana-yuktah].
I will exhibit renunciation. I will have all auspicious signs. I will be a devotee,
practicing bhakti yoga. I will taste the rasa of My own devotional service.
What is the name of the place where the Supreme Lord appears?
The spiritual city in the shape of a lotus has the abode of Sri Mayapur as its
heart. Sridham Mayapur is the divine abode of Lord Chaitanya, the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. In the middle of Mayapur is the place called
(ACBSPN Note: One needs to catch a local train to Krishna Nagar from
Sealdah Station in Calcutta. After the 3 hour train journey, you got to catch a
bus for Mayapur, which will take another hour or so. Alternatively, you could
catch a local train from Howrah for Navadvip. These trains are very rare - about
4 or 5 a day, so its better to go thru Sealdah. From Navadvip station you got to
take a cycle-rickshaw to the Ghat [Bank of Ganges]. Then you cross the
Ganges and reach Mayapur. The half an hour motorized boat ride may cost you
about 1 to 2 Rupees!)
Are there any other relevant scriptural references in the vedas describing the
appearance or qualities of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu?
"O Supreme Lord, you are the Supreme Mahesvara, the worshipable Deity of all
the demigods and the Supreme Lord of all Lords. You are the controller of all
controllers, the Personality of Godhead, the Lord of everything worshipable."
In what color will the Lord appear in the Kali-yuga, and what will He do?
What is the nature of the form of Lord Chaitanya and how is He understood?
"Knowing Him who is the object of knowledge in the Upanisads, the oldest
person, the embodiment of consciousness, the source of the universe and the
greatest of all, one crosses over death. There is no other path for going there."
The Supreme powerful [vibhuh] Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya appears in His
golden form, and He will fill the universe with bliss [hladayati] by the chanting
of His own holy names [sva-nama-mula-mantrena].
Sri Krishna Chaitanya will chant the maha-mantra comprised of the divine
names of Hari, Krishna and Rama. i.e.,
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
Does Lord Chaitanya appear in every day of lord brahma? Just like the original
Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna does appear once in every day of
Lord Brahma.
Devotee: How long do you say it is before Krishna comes to this planet again in
His physical form?
Srila Prabhupada: Now, calculate, I have already given the duration of one
day, twelve hours, of Brahma means 4,300,000 years multiplied by one
thousand....the eight billion.
Srila Prabhupada: So Krishna comes after this period in one day, after one day
of Brahma, He appears.
Devotee: Srila Prabhupada, does Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu also appear every
day of Brahma?
Are there any more direct references in the Simad Bhagavatam, than the above
(Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.8.13)
Srila Krishna das Kaviraj Goswami, the celebrated author of the Sri Chaitanya-
charitamrta, explains that the three colors of white, red and yellow are the three
bodily colors which the Supreme Lord assumes in the ages of Satya, Treta and
Kali respectively.
The great sage continues his instruction to King Nimi by saying that people in
general in the age of Dvapar-Yuga worshiped the Lord of the Universe [iti
dvapara urvisam stuvanti jagad isvaram]. In the age of Kali, they worshipped
the Supreme Person by the regulation of the scriptures [tantra vidhana].
(Srimad-Bhagavatam 11.5.32)
How does this verse refer to the advent of Lord Chaitanya, since his name is not
directly mentioned there?
Srila Krishna das Kaviraj Goswami has elucidated the two meanings of the
words Krishna varnam by stating:
His bodily complexion is not black [tvisa akrishnam]. Lord Chaitanya appeared
in a very light, golden like complexion. His complexion was yellow [akrma-
varane kahe pita-varana]. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is very beautiful.
Thus it is clearly established from the various Vedic Literatures and also by the
various writings of the great Acaryas, that Sri Krishna Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, whose
appearance and birthplace were predicted and whose activities were also