Umit Aurav: Scored Top Percentile in All Taxation Law Papers
Umit Aurav: Scored Top Percentile in All Taxation Law Papers
Umit Aurav: Scored Top Percentile in All Taxation Law Papers
Ganga Babu Ki Theki | Kalisthan, Patna City 800 009 | Bihar, India
M No: (+91) 7042 039 746 | | Email:
PUBLICATION Is Woman a Choice of Weapon in Crime of Humanity against Humanity? a chapter in the book entitled Advance
(BOOK CHAPTERS) Issues in International Criminal Law: Volume II published by the Centre for Legal Research & Professional
Development, School of Law, Wollega University, Ethiopia, Africa; White Falcon Self Publishing Platform; 1
edition (2016). ISBN NO. 978-1-943851-76-8, Pg. 88 98.
Judicial Review an Inherent Right, a chapter in the book entitled Judicial Review of Legislative, Executive &
Administrative Action: Need For Equilibrium, Scholars Press (2014), Germany (Europe), ISBN NO. 978-3-
639-70726-7, Pg. 43 56.
(JOURNAL) Rethinking the Otiose Identity of Agricultural Market in India, has been accepted for publication at Jindal Law
Quarterly Journal, Published by Jindal Global Law School, Sonipat, Haryana (India). [forthcoming].
OTHER Enrolled Lawyer at Bihar State Bar Council and awaiting for result of All India Bar Examination X held on
ACHIEVEMENTS 26th March, 2017
Successfully completed the E-Accountant and Taxation Management training course conducted by Ministry of
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises of India (MSME), Government of India from 08th December, 2013 to 23rd
March, 2014 at IMPS, Bhubaneswar (Odisha).
Will Right to Food be Panacea for Hunger in South Asia, South Asian Regional Conference on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights Justiciability and Accessibility Issues in South Asia Towards ICESCR and
domestic legal framework effectiveness for State accountability, organized by International Law Association
(Nepal) and Brussels University at Kathmandu, Nepal, 5-7 September 2014. [Received 180 as appreciation and
complete reimbursement]
Impact of Globalization on Labour Rights, 54th Annual Conference of Labour Economics, organized by the
Indian Society of Labour Economics, Department of Economics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 20th 22nd
December, 2012.
Judicial Review and Fundamental Right, National Seminar on Judicial Review of Legislature Powers &
Privileges A Constitutional Quandary towards the judicial review and its perspective, organized by National
University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi, 8th 9th September, 2011.
EXTRA Participant at 1st KCIA International Arbitration Workshop, 2013 towards basic understanding of the
CURRICULAR Arbitration and Mediation, the keynote speaker was Mr. Paul Bowden, Partner, Freshfields Bruckhaus Derimger
ACTIVITIES organized by KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, 9th 14th November, 2013.
Participant at 5th Intra KSOL Moot Court Competition, 2013 on the Service Law organized by School of Law,
KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, 3rd 4th August, 2013.
Participant at National Level Essay Competition on Right to Development vis-a.vis Environmental Concern
organized by the Alexis Centre for Public Policy and International Relations at Lucknow in March, 2012.
REFERENCE Dr. Puranjoy Ghosh (Professor of Law),KIIT University, Bhubaneswar (Odisha) India
I hereby declare that the information furnished herein above is true to the best of my knowledge.