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Vocabulary Moby Dick

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harpooner arponer

old/fashioned anticuat

manager director

whaling ship barco per a caar ballenas

equipment equipatge

quiet silencios

extinguished extinguit

ucomfortable incomode

hatchet destral de ma

savage salvaje

scream cridar

proprietors propietari/a

voyage periple/viatge

whaling equipment r ballenas

equipatge per a caa

blanket flassada, aixopluga

pipe tuberia

officer oficial de lexercit

rows files

sunlight llum solar

sail navegaci/navegar

thirties anys treinta

miss fallar

kinder amable/atent

superstitious supersticios

fear tmer

east coast costa est/est naixent

joined acompanyat

route ruta

along al llarg

tambourine pandereta

warmer mes calid

accustomed acustombrat

candle espelma

hold agafar

sold vendre

tattoos tatuajes

toward cap a

pointed punxegut

onto en/sobre

friendly simpatic

crew tripulacio

entire enter

preoccupied preocupat

suddently de repen

excited emocionat

boat bot/barca

suffer sofrir

orders ordres

southern del sud/sureny

cabin cabina

tooth dent

come out sortir de

wide ampli
harpoon arpo

side costat

row remar

tie lligar

contain contenir

valuable valios

obey obeir

valiantly valentament

either o/qualsevol dels dos

although encara que

keeper guardia

responsible responsable

certain incuestionable

desperate desesperat

rescued rescatat

bell campaneta/campana

gently cuidadosament/suaument

comfortably comode

hook ganxo

pull up aturarse

equator ecuador

surface superficie

rope corda

turn girar/torar

surgeon cirurgi

fever febre

favour guanyarse el favor

carpenter carpinter

repair reparar

soft tou

lay extendre

coward cobard

dishonoured deshonrat

certainly definitivament/verdaderament

coffiin taut

announce anunciar

dangerously perillosament

reach arribar

silently silenciosament

pardon perdo

remain romandre

above sobre/ a sobre de

peacefully pacificament

notice avis

nearer mes proper

anybody qualsevol

rapidly rapidament

approach acostarse/aproximarse

triumph triomf

sense sentit

violently violentament/brutalemnt

ferocious ferotge

intact intacte
sank enfonsar en passat

strength fora

circled cercle

mystery misteri

search cercar

instead en lloc de


against contra

amazing sorprenent

anger enuig, ira

bit of oil taca doli

bottom part inferior/fons

breathe respirar

buried enterrada

cabin cabina

came up on vaig pujar a

coffin taut

comfort consola

crew tripulacio

dawn albada

deck coberta

deep inside profundament endins

dont be afraid no tinguis por

each other lun a laltre

either tampoc

even if encara que

even though malgrat que

fall asleep adormir-se

far away lluny

fear tenir por de

fixing reparant

freed va alliberar

get on and off pujar i baixar

go away ves-ten

God bless you Deu us beneeixi

huge enorme

hunt whales r ballenas


Ill look for buscare

Ill take care tindre cura

looked like semblava

measure mesurar

missing perdut

raised va aixecar

rested va fer repos


rowed vam remar

sailor mariner

sensed va pressentir/va endevinar

sharp esmolades

skills habilitats

somehow dalguna manera

speed velocitat

stared va mirar fixament

straight into directe a

tail fora

take off treures/arrancar

top part superior

trick truc

turned over es va tombar

under pressure sota pressio

upside down de cap per avall

voyage viatjar (per mar)

was determined to estava decidit a

waste perdre

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