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InteliDrive-IPC New Features

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Irrigation Pump Controller

SW version 1.2.1
1 General information 2
2 Changes in the version 1.2.1 3
3 Changes in the version 1.2.0 4
4 Changes in the version 1.0.0 5
5 Related information 22
6 Notes 23

Copyright 2016 ComAp a.s.

Written by Petr Weinfurt
Prague, Czech Republic
ComAp a.s., U Uranie 14a/1612,
170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 246 012 111
E-mail: info@comap.cz, www.comap.cz New Features List
1 General information
1.1 Version information
InteliDrive IPC is a new controller branch developed from ID-FLX-Lite fw v2.1.0 which is designed to meet the
requirements for control irrigation pumps using the power of diesel or gas engines. The controller provides
complete functionality for control, monitoring and protection for mechanical and electronic diesel/gas engines
and irrigation pumps. You can find description in Changes in the version 1.0.0 (page 5). InteliDrive IPCfw
can be installed on ID-FLX-Lite or ID-FLX-Lite-IPChardware only.
In FWversion 1.2.0 there are added new LBOs SpdUpButtEcho and SpdDwnButtEcho which copy level of
Speed Up/Down buttons. Several bugs were fixed, for more details see Changes in the version 1.2.0 (page
4). In FW version 1.2.1 there was fixed a potentioal isse with Speed Up and Speed Down buttons see Changes
in the version 1.2.1 (page 3)

1.2 Clarification of notation

Note: This type of paragraph calls readers attention to a notice or related theme.

IMPORTANT: This type of paragraph highlights a procedure, adjustment etc., which can cause a
damage or improper function of the equipment if not performed correctly and may not be clear at
first sight.

Example: This type of paragraph contains information that is used to illustrate how a specific function

InteliDrive IPC New Features List 2

2 Changes in the version 1.2.1
2.1 Repair
Fixed malfunction of keys Speed Up and Speed Down which remained in active state if pressed after
display back-light time out.

InteliDrive IPC New Features List 3

3 Changes in the version 1.2.0
3.1 New features
New LBOs SpdUpButtEcho and SpdDwnButtEcho
LBO SpdUpButtEcho copies level of button Speed Up
SpdDwnButtEcho copies level of button Speed Down
These LBOs are useful for manual speed settings of mechanical engines directly from controller.
Names of setpoints AIN1 function .. AIN6 function are now changed according to name of analog inputs:
"Name of AIN"_Prot

3.2 Repairs
FLS protection for Analog inputs configured as TriState is announced correctly now.
CoolDown protection for Analog inputs configured as Binary inputs is announced and working correctly now.
Unconfirmed alarm Emergency stop keeps controller in Not ready state even if Emergency stop is
deactivated now.
Repair of Regulator
Function of regulator with analog inputs 4 and 5 was repaired.
The regulator gives correct speed requests since start of engine if setpoints Idle speed and
MinSpeedLim have the same value.
Setpoint TimeStampPer which was missing is now available.
Repair of RunningTimer which was stopping engine while SDalarm occurred even though SDoverride
BI was activated.

InteliDrive IPC New Features List 4

4 Changes in the version 1.0.0
4.1 New features
4.1.1 New controller hardware
InteliDrive IPC hardware contains several significant improvements:
New Speed Up and Speed Down buttons
There are used just two LEDs - green Running and red Alarm
New button for Final Tier 4 control
New modernized controller design

Optimized number of inputs and outputs for IPC application:

5x binary inputs
5x binary outputs
6x analog inputs - 3x resistive 0 .. 2500 and 3x voltage 0 .. 10 V

4.1.2 New structure of controller screens

The basic structure of the controller screens remains unchanged. The displayed information is structured into
pages: Measurement, Setpoints and History. But there were modified the contents of screens, displayed are
only really necessary values and parameters.

InteliDrive IPC New Features List 5

Measurement screens:
Main values Analog and binary inputs and outputs values

Engine values Statistics

Remote communication values Aftertreatment

Note: Displayed only if is used remote comm. module Note: Displayed only if is connected Tier 4 engine

ECU alarm list Alarm list

Note: Displayed only if is configured ECU

InteliDrive IPC New Features List 6

Setpoints screens:
Setpoints groups

History log:

All values and parameters are available from PCtools LiteEdit and InteliMonitor.

4.1.3 Disabling protection the analog inputs

Created new setpoints AINx function (group: Engine Protect) for disable of configured protection. New
setpoints can be set:
ENABLED - configured protection is active.
DISABLED - configured protection is inactive. The setting DISABLEDis indicated in the alarm list by
warning Prot AINx dis. Each configuration change is recorded in histor, records: Prot AINx dis and Prot
AINx ena.

4.1.4 Sd Override
Created new setpoint Sd Override (group: Engine Protect) for disable all configured protections, except
Overspeed and Emergency Stop. New setpoint can be set:
ENABLED - all configured protections except Overspeed and Emergency Stop are inactive. They are just
displayed on alarm list and recorded to historry, but they have no influence to running engine. The setting
ENABLEDis indicated in tha alarm list by warning SdOverride Act. It is recorded in history too.
DISABLED - all configured protections are active.

4.1.5 AIN4-6 Window protection modification

Analog inputs AIN4-6 can have configured Window protection (parametr: Alarm properties - Direction). Setting
this protection makes visible 6 setpoints:
AINx L Wrn - 1st level of the lower limit.
AINx L Sd - 2nd of the lower limit.

InteliDrive IPC New Features List 7

AINx L Del - low limits protection delay.
AINx H Wrn - 1st level of the high limit.
AINx H Sd - 2nd level of the high limit.
AINx H Del - high limits protection delay.

4.1.6 Modification of setting BINon AIN

There was unified method for evaluating measured value of all binary inputs configured on physical binary inputs
(BIN1 .. BIN5) and on all physical analog inputs (resistive AIN1 .. AIN3, voltage AIN4 .. AIN6). Measured value
log. 0 always means open contact, log. 1 always means close contact. The setting NO (normally opened) and
NC(normally closed) has no influence for this evaluation. The setting NO/NC is used just for protection
NO: open contact => inactive protection, close contact => active protection.
NC: open contact => active protection, close contact => inactive protection.
BINconfigured on physical binary inputs and on resistive analog inputs (AIN1 .. AIN3) can be activated directly
by connection to groud. BINconfigured on voltage analog inputs (AIN4 .. AIN6) are activated by connection to
groud too, but there has to be connected pull-up resistor.

Open/close treshold level for resistive inputs remains 750 . Open/close treshold level for voltage inputs was
changed to 2 V.

4.1.7 Modification of setting controller buttons

For setting of new controller buttons Speed Up and Speed down function were created two new setpoints I/O-R-
Button and I/O-L-Button. There are just two possibilities:
None - the button has no function
SpeedDown/SpeedUp - the button is used for simple change of engine speed in MANmode.

4.1.8 Modification of engine running detection condition

Running engine is detected by fulfillment of min. one condion: actual RPM> Starting RPM or actual oil pressure
> Starting POil or D+ > 80% of battery voltage. There were implemneted modifications:
Created new setpoint Start POil Del - the condition oil pressure > Starting POil is considered fulfilled after
Start POil Del.
IMPORTANT: This new parameter can be used for complete disabling of oil pressure engine
running condition. Therefore, this adjustment must be done very carefully.

InteliDrive IPC New Features List 8

Setting of setpoint Starting POil for AIN1 configured as binary input means:
Starting POil = 0 - the engine is considered as running if pressure switch is open (AIN1 = log.0).
Starting POil = 1 - the engine is considered as running if pressure switch is closed (AIN1 = log.1).

4.1.9 LBO Glow plugs modification

Logical binary output Glow plugs is closed prior to every attempt the engine start for time set in setpoint

4.1.10 New timer ONCEATDATE

Setpoint Timer1 repeat/Timer2 repeat offers new possibility OnceAtDate. The timer is activated only once in
set date (new setpoint Timer1OnceDate/Timer2OnceDate), time (setpoint: Timer1 ONtime/Timer2
ONtime) and duration (setpoint: Timer1Duration/Timer2Duration).

4.1.11 New timer DAYTIMER

Setpoint Timer1 repeat offers new possibility DAYTIMER. The timer comprises several cycles with defined:
Start time of the first cycle - setpoint Timer1 ONtime.
Duration of one cycle - setpoint Time1Duration.
Pause between cycles - setpoint DayTimerPause.
The number of timer cycles - setpoint DayTimerCycles.

4.1.12 Running Timer modification

Running Timer only works in MANmode, was completely canceled in AUT mode. Increased range of setpoint
Running Timer to 0,0 .. 99,9 hours (original range was 0 .. 1000 min.). The value of the active Running Timer is
now displayed as value Running timer in hours.

InteliDrive IPC New Features List 9

4.1.13 New LBITimerInhibit
Created new LBITimerInhibit which is intended to preventing engine start by Timer 1 and Timer 2 or stop the
running engine during running Timer1 and Timer 2. The possibility of using:
The engine isn't started by Timer 1/2 if LBI TimerInhibit is active at a time of timer start.
The engine is stopped during running Timer 1/2 when LBITimerInhibit is activated for time set in setpoint
TimerInhibitDel (group: Date/Time).
The engine isn't stopped during running Timer 1/2 when LBITimerInhibit is activated for shorter time set in
setpoint TimerInhibitDel (group: Date/Time).

4.1.14 New LBIRemoteStart and RemoteStop

Created new LBIRemoteStart and RemoteStop intended for remote start and stop the engine in AUTmode.
The engine can be controlled in AUTmode by any combination of LBI:

InteliDrive IPC New Features List 10

RemoteStart - the engine is started by rising endge of the signal
RemoteStop - the engine is stopped by rising edge of the signal
Rem Start/Stop - the engine is started by rising edge and stopped by falling edge of the signal.

Functionality of all this LBIcan be disabled by new setpoints Rem Start/Stop, RemoteStart and RemoteStop
(group Basic Setting):
ENABLED - LBI is functional.
DISABLED - LBI is nonfunctional.

4.1.15 Functinality Total 1 moved to BIN5

For calculation of statistik value Total 1 is used BIN5 (in previous version BIN7). Otherwise complete
functionality remains unchange:

4.1.16 Added indication of Idle state

Added indication of Idle state during engine start sequence. Actual start sequence includes:
Prestart - starts by command start the engine (e.g. button Start or LBIRemoteStart), time is set by setpoint
Prestart time and Preglow time before start cranking.
Cranking - cranking time, LBOStarter is on, finished by reaching Starting RPM or after maximum period
set by setpoint MaxCrank time.
Starting - started by reaching Starting RPM, finish by reaching Idle RPM.
Idle - started by reaching Idle RPM, finish after Idle time.
Running - started after Idle time.

4.1.17 Unification of behaviour of input protection delay

There were unified functionality protection delay for all binary and analog inputs.
The protection type "All the time" means the alarm is evaluated all the time (engine is stopped or running), alarm
is activated after protection delay.
The protection type "Engine running only" means alarm is evaluated only if the engine is running. The setpoint
Eng prot del and concrete BIN/AIN delay is started to calculate when running engine is detected. The
protection delay starts counting down after expiration of EngProtDelay. E.g. EngProtDelay = 10s., AIN1 Delay
= 5s. -> Protection is activated 15s after start of the engine.

InteliDrive IPC New Features List 11

4.1.18 New setpoints
Rem Start/Stop
Setpoint group Basic Settings Related fw 1.2.1
Range [units] ENABLED / DISABLED
Default value DISABLED
The setting DISABLED deactivates function of LBI Rem Start/Stop

Setpoint group Basic Settings Related fw 1.2.1
Range [units] ENABLED / DISABLED
Default value DISABLED
The setting DISABLED deactivates function of LBI RemoteStart

Setpoint group Basic Settings Related fw 1.2.1
Range [units] ENABLED / DISABLED
Default value DISABLED
The setting DISABLED deactivates function of LBI RemoteStop

Setpoint group Basic Settings Related fw 1.2.1
Range [units] None/SpeedDown
Default value SpeedDown
Decrease of engine speed request - short press changes the speed of 1 RPM, long press change the speed
according to set Speed ramp (setpoint in group Engine Param2). This button has exactly same functionality
as existing LBI Speed Down.

Setpoint group Basic Settings Related fw 1.2.1
Range [units] None/SpeedUp
Default value SpeedUp

InteliDrive IPC New Features List 12

Increase of engine speed request - short press changes the speed of 1 RPM, long press change the speed
according to set Speed ramp (setpoint in group Engine Param2). This button has exactly same functionality
as existing LBI Speed Up.

AIN1 function .. AIN6 function

Setpoint group Engine Protect Related fw 1.2.1
Range [units] ENABLED / DISABLED
Default value ENABLED
The setting DISABLED disables all configured protections, except Overspeed and Emergency Stop.
configured protection. It is indicated in tha alarm list by warning Prot AINx dis. Each configuration change is
recorded in histor, records: Prot AINx dis and Prot AINx ena.

Sd Override
Setpoint group Engine Protect Related fw 1.2.1
Range [units] ENABLED / DISABLED
Default value DISABLED
The setting ENABLED disables all engine protections. They are just displayed on alarm list and recorded to
historry, but they have no influence to running engine. The setting ENABLEDis indicated in tha alarm list as
warning SdOverride Act and recorded to history as record SdOverride Act.

Start POil Del

Setpoint group Start POil Del Related fw 1.2.1
Range [units] 0 .. 60 [s]
Default value 0
Step 1
The condition oil pressure > Starting POil is considered fulfilled after Start POil Del. This new parameter
can be used for complete disabling of oil pressure engine running condition. Therefore, this adjustment
must be done very carefully.

Setpoint group Date/Time Related fw 1.2.1
Range [units] all dates
Default value actual date
Step one day
Setting of the date when is activated Timer 1 with set Timer1 repeat = ONCEATDATE.

InteliDrive IPC New Features List 13

Setpoint group Date/Time Related fw 1.2.1
Range [units] all dates
Default value actual date
Step one day
Setting of the date when is activated Timer 2 with set Timer2 repeat = ONCEATDATE.

Setpoint group Date/Time Related fw 1.2.1
Range [units] 1 .. 10
Default value 6
Step 1
Set the number of Timer 1 cycles for DAYTIMER.

Setpoint group Date/Time Related fw 1.2.1
Range [units] 1 .. 1440
Default value 120
Step 1
Set he length of the pause between cycles of Timer 1 for DAYTIMER.

Setpoint group Date/Time Related fw 1.2.1
Range [units] 1 .. 600
Default value 0
Step 1
The engine is stopped during running Timer 1/2 when LBITimerInhibit is activated for time set in setpoint
TimerInhibitDel (group: Date/Time).

4.1.19 New values

Running timer
Value group ID Info Related FW 1.2.1
Resolution [units] 0.1 hour
Actual value of Running Timer.

InteliDrive IPC New Features List 14

Day hrs
Value group Statistics Related FW 1.2.1
Resolution [units] 0.1 hour
Counts the number of engine running hours. It is reseted by LBIClear DayStat together with statistics value

4.2 Accessibility of setpoints and values

The controller is designed for easy use without too many parameters and values accessible from the controller
screen which would be affecting clarity. You can see all available setpoints and values with information if they
are accessible from Controller/LiteEdit/WebSupervisor in following tables.

4.2.1 Available setpoints

Available setpoints
Accessible from
Setpoints Group Setpoint Name Default Value Dimension
Controller LiteEdit, InteliMonitor

Basic Settings Engine name InteliDrive-IPC * *

Basic Settings Gear teeth 120 * *

Basic Settings RPMbyWterminal 1 * *

Basic Settings Nominal RPM 2000 RPM * *

Basic Settings Rem Start/Stop ENABLED * *

Basic Settings RemoteStart ENABLED * *

Basic Settings RemoteStop ENABLED * *

Basic Setting2 GearTeethBI3 0 *

Basic Setting2 RPM Source Pickup *

Basic Setting2 ControllerMode OFF *

Basic Setting2 FltResGoToMAN DISABLED *

Basic Setting2 DispBaklightTO 15 min *

Basic Setting2 I/O-R-Button SpeedUp *

Basic Setting2 I/O-L-Button SpeedDown *

Basic Setting2 Main Screen1 AIN2 *

Basic Setting2 Main Screen2 RunHrs *

Basic Setting2 RunHoursSource AUTO *

Comms Settings ControllerAddr 1 * *

Comms Settings COM1 Mode DIRECT * *

Comms Settings COM2 Mode DIRECT * *

Comms Settings ModemIniString * *

Comms Settings ModbusComSpeed 9600 bps * *

Comms Settings IBLite IP Addr * *

Comms Settings IBLite NetMask * *

Comms Settings IBLite GateIP * *

InteliDrive IPC New Features List 15

Available setpoints
Comms Settings IBLite DHCP ENABLED * *

Comms Settings ComAp Port 23 * *

Comms Settings APN Name * *

Comms Settings APN User Name * *

Comms Settings APN User Pass * *

Comms Settings AirGate ENABLED * *

Comms Settings AirGate IP airgate.comap.cz * *

Comms Settings SMTP User Name * *

Comms Settings SMTP User Pass * *

Comms Settings SMTP Server IP * *

Comms Settings Contr MailBox * *

Comms Settings Time Zone GMT+2:00 * *

Comms Settings DNS IP Address * *

Engine Params Prestart time 10 s * *

Engine Params Preglow time 0 s * *

Engine Params MaxCrank time 5 s * *

Engine Params CrnkFail pause 10 s * *

Engine Params Crank attempts 3 * *

Engine Params Start POil Del 0 s * *

Engine Params Idle time 30 s * *

Engine Params Idle speed 800 RPM * *

Engine Params Cooling speed IDLE * *

Engine Params Cooling time 30 s * *

Engine Params Stop time 10 s * *

Engine Params Running Timer 0 h * *

Engine Param2 Starting RPM 350 RPM *

Engine Param2 Starting POil 10 Bar *

Engine Param2 AfterCool time 0 s *

Engine Param2 Fuel solenoid DIESEL *

Engine Param2 FuelSol Offset 0,5 s *

Engine Param2 D+ function DISABLED *

Engine Param2 ECU FreqSelect DEFAULT *

Engine Param2 ECU Control ENABLED *

Engine Param2 ECU SpeedAdj 1000 RPM *

Engine Param2 RetToSpeedAdj DISABLED *

Engine Param2 MinSpeedLim 1000 RPM *

Engine Param2 MaxSpeedLim 2000 RPM *

Engine Param2 BI Speed Sel1 1250 RPM *

Engine Param2 BI Speed Sel2 1300 RPM *

Engine Param2 BI Speed Sel3 1450 RPM *

Engine Param2 Speed Ramp 50 1/s *

Engine Param2 0%ofSpeedReq 0 RPM *

Engine Param2 100%ofSpeedReq 2400 RPM *

Engine Param2 Conveyor horn 7 s *

Engine Param2 FuelTankVolume 0 L *

Engine Param2 MaxFuelDrop 0 %/h *

Regulator Reg Input CU: AI1 * *

InteliDrive IPC New Features List 16

Available setpoints
Regulator Reg Bias 0 * *
Regulator Request 1 0 * *

Regulator Request 2 0 * *
Regulator Reg CMP Input CU: AI1 * *

Regulator Reg CMP On 0 * *

Regulator Reg CMP Off 0 * *

Regulator 2 LAI SpdRequest OFF *

Regulator 2 Reg Gain 10 % *

Regulator 2 Reg Integral 10 % *

LoadLimit Load Input RPM *

LoadLimit Load Bias 1000 *

LoadLimit LoadRequest 1 90 *

LoadLimit LoadRequest 2 80 *
LoadLimit LoadReq Ramp 1000 1/s *

LoadLimit LoadUpLimit 10000 *

LoadLimit LoadDnLimit 0 *

LoadLimit Load Gain 10 % *

LoadLimit Load Integral 10 % *

LoadLimit Load CMP Input RPM *

LoadLimit Load CMP On 95 *

LoadLimit Load CMP Off 90 *

Engine Protect Overspeed 115 % * *

Engine Protect Underspeed 25 % * *

Engine Protect Flow SwitchDel 30 s * *

Engine Protect Sd Override DISABLED * *

Engine Protect Oil press prot ENABLED * *

Engine Protect Oil Press Wrn 2 Bar * *

Engine Protect Oil Press Sd 1 Bar * *

Engine Protect Oil Press Del 3 s * *

Engine Protect Eng. temp prot ENABLED * *

Engine Protect Eng. Temp Wrn 80 C * *

Engine Protect Eng. Temp Sd 90 C * *

Engine Protect Eng. Temp Del 5 s * *

Engine Protect Fuel leve prot ENABLED * *

Engine Protect Fuel level Wrn 20 % * *

Engine Protect Fuel level Sd 10 % * *

Engine Protect Fuel level Del 10 s * *

Engine Protect Batt overvolt 36 V * *

Engine Protect Batt undervolt 18 V * *

Engine Protect Batt volt del 5 s * *

Engine Protect AIN4 function ENABLED * *

Engine Protect PumpSuctio Wrn -30 kPa * *

Engine Protect PumpSuctio Sd -50 kPa * *

Engine Protect PumpSuctio Del 30 s * *

Engine Protect AIN4 LowWrn 20 U16 * *

Engine Protect AIN4 LowSd 10 U16 * *

Engine Protect AIN4 LowDel 10 s * *

InteliDrive IPC New Features List 17

Available setpoints
Engine Protect AIN4 HighWrn 20 U16 * *

Engine Protect AIN4 HighSd 10 U16 * *

Engine Protect AIN4 HighDel 10 s * *

Engine Protect AIN5 function ENABLED * *

Engine Protect PumpDischa Wrn 100 kPa * *

Engine Protect PumpDischa Sd 50 kPa * *

Engine Protect PumpDischa Del 30 s * *

Engine Protect AIN5 LowWrn 20 U17 * *

Engine Protect AIN5 LowSd 10 U17 * *

Engine Protect AIN5 LowDel 10 s * *

Engine Protect AIN5 HighWrn 20 U17 * *

Engine Protect AIN5 HighSd 10 U17 * *

Engine Protect AIN5 HighDel 10 s * *

Engine Protect AIN6 function ENABLED * *

Engine Protect AIN6 Level 1 20 U12 * *

Engine Protect AIN6 Level 2 10 U12 * *

Engine Protect AIN6 Del 10 s * *

Engine Protect AIN6 LowWrn 20 U12 * *

Engine Protect AIN6 LowSd 10 U12 * *

Engine Protect AIN6 LowDel 10 s * *

Engine Protect AIN6 HighWrn 20 U12 * *

Engine Protect AIN6 HighSd 10 U12 * *

Engine Protect AIN6 HighDel 10 s * *

Engine Protect NextServTime 65535 h * *

Engine Protec2 Eng prot del 5 s *

Engine Protec2 BIN1 delay 1 s *

Engine Protec2 BIN2 delay 1 s *

Engine Protec2 BIN3 delay 1 s *

Engine Protec2 BIN4 delay 1 s *

Engine Protec2 BIN5 delay 1 s *

Engine Protec2 Horn timeout 10 s *

Engine Protec2 StartOverspeed 120 % *

Engine Protec2 UnderspeedSd ENABLED *

Engine Protec2 GearBoxRatio 0 RPM *

Engine Protec2 RPMdiff Sd 1000 RPM *

Engine Protec2 RPMdiff Wrn 1000 RPM *

Engine Protec2 RPMdiff delay 5 s *

Engine Protec2 DEF Level Min 10 % *

Engine Protec2 DEF Level Max 90 % *

ATT Settings Regen Inhibit OFF % * *

ATT Settings Regen Force OFF % * *

Date/Time Time 0:00:00 * *

Date/Time Date 1.1.2006 * *

Date/Time Time stamp per 60 min * *

Date/Time TimerInhibDel 0 s * *

Date/Time SummerTimeMod DISABLED * *

Date/Time Timer1Function No Func * *

InteliDrive IPC New Features List 18

Available setpoints
Date/Time Timer1 repeat NONE * *
Date/Time Timer1 ON time 5:00:00 * *

Date/Time Timer1Duration 5 min * *

Date/Time DayTimerCycles 6 * *

Date/Time DayTimerPause 120 min * *

Date/Time Timer1OnceDate 1.1.2016 * *

Date/Time Timer2Function No Func * *

Date/Time Timer2 repeat NONE * *

Date/Time Timer2 ON time 5:00:00 * *

Date/Time Timer2Duration 5 min * *

Date/Time Timer2OnceDate 1.1.2016 * *

Sensors Spec Calibr AI 1 0 Bar *

Sensors Spec Calibr AI 2 0 C *

Sensors Spec Calibr AI 3 0 % *

Sensors Spec Calibr AIO1 0 U8 *

Sensors Spec Calibr AIO2 0 9 *

Sensors Spec Calibr AIO3 0 U10 *

Sensors Spec Calibr AIO4 0 U11 *

Sensors Spec Calibr AI 4 0 U16 *

Sensors Spec Calibr AI 5 0 U17 *

Sensors Spec Calibr AI 6 0 U12 *

Sensors Spec CounterConst 1 1 - *

Sensors Spec Counter mode 1 OFF *

AIO module AnlInAIO1 lev1 0 U8 *

AIO module AnlInAIO1 lev2 0 U8 *

AIO module AnlInAIO1 del 5 s *

AIO module AnlInAIO2 lev1 0 U9 *

AIO module AnlInAIO2 lev2 0 U9 *

AIO module AnlInAIO2 del 5 s *

AIO module AnlInAIO3 lev1 0 U10 *

AIO module AnlInAIO3 lev2 0 U10 *

AIO module AnlInAIO3 del 5 s *

AIO module AnlInAIO4 lev1 0 U11 *

AIO module AnlInAIO4 lev2 0 U11 *

AIO module AnlInAIO4 del 5 s *

SMS/E-Mail Yel Alarm Msg OFF *

SMS/E-Mail Red Alarm Msg OFF *

SMS/E-Mail TelNo/Addr Ch1 *

SMS/E-Mail TelNo/Addr Ch2 *

4.2.2 Available values

Available values
Accessible from
Values Group Value
Controller LiteEdit, InteliMonitor WebSupervisor

LoadLimit LoadLimitAout *
Engine Values RPM * * *

InteliDrive IPC New Features List 19

Available values
Engine Values RPM-BI3 *
Engine Values ECU State *

Engine Values SpeedReq Abs * *

Engine Values SpeedReq Rel *

Engine Values ECU-BIN-EXT 1 *

Statistics Day hrs * * *

Statistics Run hrs * * *

Statistics Num starts * * *

Statistics NextServTime * * *
Statistics E-Stop *

Statistics ShutDown *
Statistics DayCons * * *

Statistics TrpCons * * *
Statistics Total 1 * * *

Analog CU Ubat * * *
Analog CU D+ * * *

Analog CU Oil Press * * *

Analog CU Eng. Temp * * *

Analog CU Fuel level * * *

Analog CU PumpSuction * * *

Analog CU PumpDischarge * * *
Analog CU PumpFlow * * *

Binary I/O BIN * *

Binary I/O IL-NT-BIO8 *

Binary I/O BOUT * *

Binary I/O BOutRA15 *

Binary I/O RemoteControl *

Date/Time Time *

Date/Time Date *
ID Info Engine state * * *

ID Info Timer text * *

ID Info Timer val * *

ID Info SW version * * *
ID Info Application * *

ID Info SW branch * *
ID Info PasswordDecode * *

ID Info GSM SignalLvl * *

ID Info GSM ErrorRate * *

ID Info GSM Diag Code: * *

ID Info AirGate Diag: * *

ID Info AirGate ID: * *

ID Info Modem Status: * *

ID Info Running timer * *

Iveco Values DEF Level * * *

Iveco Values DEF TankLevel *

Iveco Values DEF Tank Temp *

Iveco Values DEF Quantity *

InteliDrive IPC New Features List 20

Available values
Iveco Values Catal UpTemp *

Iveco Values CatalDownTemp *

Iveco Values DEF Pressure *

Iveco Values Catalyst Level *

Aftertreatment DPF1 Soot Load * * *

Aftertreatment DPF1 Ash Load *

AIO module AnInAIO 1 * *

AIO module AnInAIO 2 * *

AIO module AnInAIO 3 * *

AIO module AnInAIO 4 * *

InteliDrive IPC New Features List 21

5 Related information
5.1 Available files

Firmware (*.mhx)
For InteliDrive IPC

Table 2.1 Available firmware

Archives (*.ail)
For InteliDrive IPC

5.2 Available related documentation

Documents Description

InteliDrive-IPC InteliDrive IPC Datasheet

Datasheet.pdf http://www.comap.cz/support/downloads/InteliDrive-IPC Datasheet.pdf
InteliDrive IPC Application Notes
http://www.comap.cz/support/downloads/InteliDrive-IPC Application Notes.pdf
ID-FLX-Lite-1.9 Reference guide
http://www.comap.cz/support/downloads/ID-FLX-Lite-1.9 Reference guide.pdf
LiteEdit 5.0.0 Global Guide of PC tool LiteEdit
Global Guide.pdf http://www.comap.cz/support/downloads/LiteEdit+5.0.0+Global+Guide.pdf/
Reference guide of PC tool InteliMonitor-3.0
InteliDrive Communication guide for the Inteli controllers
Communication http://www.comap.cz/support/downloads/InteliDrive+Communication+Guide+08-
Guide.pdf 2015.pdf

Table 2.2 Available documentation

InteliDrive IPC New Features List 22

6 Notes
6.1 Document history
Revision number Related sw. version Date Author
3 1.2.1 14.9.2016 Petr Weinfurt
2 1.2.0 17.5.2016 Petr Weinfurt
1 1.0.0 1.3.2016 Zdenek Rojka

InteliDrive IPC New Features List 23

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